# -*- Python -*- [pylithapp] # This is not a self-contained simulation configuration file. This # file only specifies parameters specific to the boundary and # interface conditions. The general parameters are specificed in the # pylithapp.cfg file which is read by default. # # To run the simulation: # pylith dislocation.cfg # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # problem # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pylithapp.timedependent] total_time = 0.0*s ; total time of simulation default_dt = 1.0*s ; time step # Set the containers for the boundary conditions and faults. # Use the predefined 6 item BC container bc = pylith.bc.BCSixSides # Use the prefined 1 item faults container interfaces = pylith.faults.SingleFault # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # boundary conditions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the parameters for the desired boundary conditions. Note that we # only use a subset of the boundary conditions provided in the 6 BC # container. # # Note: A more natural set of boundary conditions involves pinning the # z-DOF on the bottom (-z) face. Howver, the current release of PyLith # does not permit overlapping fault interfaces and Dirichlet boundary # conditions with the block Jacobi preconditioner. # The label corresponds to the nodeset ID in CUBIT. [pylithapp.timedependent.bc.x_pos] fixed_dof = [0, 1, 2] label = pleft_w db.label = Dirichlet BC on +x db.iohandler.filename = fixeddisp_zero.spatialdb [pylithapp.timedependent.bc.x_neg] fixed_dof = [0, 1, 2] label = pright_e db.label = Dirichlet BC on -x db.iohandler.filename = fixeddisp_zero.spatialdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # faults # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pylithapp.timedependent.interfaces] # Set the type of fault interface condition. fault = pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveKin # Set the parameters for the fault interface condition. [pylithapp.timedependent.interfaces.fault] label = ppatch_1_no4 quadrature = pylith.feassemble.quadrature.Quadrature2Din3D quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATSimplex quadrature.cell.shape = triangle mat_db.iohandler.filename = mat_elastic.spatialdb [pylithapp.timedependent.interfaces.fault.eq_src.slip_function] slip.iohandler.filename = finalslip2.spatialdb slip_rate.iohandler.filename = sliprate.spatialdb slip_time.iohandler.filename = sliptime.spatialdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # output # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the root name for output. [pylithapp.problem.formulation.output.output] filename = dislocation.vtk