# -*- Python -*- [pylithapp] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # journal # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Turn on some journals to show progress. [pylithapp.journal.info] timedependent = 1 implicit = 1 petsc = 1 solverlinear = 1 meshiolagrit = 1 implicitelasticity = 1 faultcohesivekin = 1 #quadrature3d = 1 #fiatsimplex = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mesh_generator # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pylithapp.mesh_generator] #debug = 1 ; uncomment to get very verbose mesh information # Change the default mesh importer to the LaGriT importer. importer = pylith.meshio.MeshIOLagrit [pylithapp.mesh_generator.importer] # Set filenames of mesh and pset files to import. filename_gmv = ventura1_3faults_no4.gmv filename_pset = ventura1_no4_bc_ascii.pset # If using provided mesh or importing the mesh on a machine with a # different endian type than the one which created the mesh uncomment # the following line #flip_endian = True # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # materials # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the material information for the problem. # The material type is 3D isotropic elastic. [pylithapp.timedependent.materials] material = pylith.materials.ElasticIsotropic3D [pylithapp.timedependent.materials.material] # We give a label of 'Elastic material' to this material. label = Elastic material # The cells associated with this material are given a material ID of 1 # in the mesh file. id = 1 # The properties for this material are given in the spatial database file # 'matprops.spatialdb'. db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb # We are doing 3D quadrature for a tetrahedron. quadrature = pylith.feassemble.quadrature.Quadrature3D quadrature.cell.shape = tetrahedron ############# [pylithapp.timedependent.materials.material] # We give a label of 'Elastic material' to this material. label = Elastic material # The cells associated with this material are given a material ID of 1 # in the mesh file. id = 2 # The properties for this material are given in the spatial database file # 'matprops.spatialdb'. db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb # We are doing 3D quadrature for a tetrahedron. quadrature = pylith.feassemble.quadrature.Quadrature3D quadrature.cell.shape = tetrahedron # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PETSc # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the solver options. [pylithapp.petsc] pc_type = bjacobi ksp_monitor = true ksp_view = true #log_summary = true ksp_max_it = 500 ksp_gmres_restart = 5000