[pylithapp] #scheduler = pbs #[pylithapp.pbs] #shell = /bin/bash #qsub-options = -V -m n -q four-twelve #[pylithapp.launcher] #command = mpirun -np ${nodes} -machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE} # journal # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Turn on some journals to show progress. [pylithapp.journal.info] timedependent = 1 explicit = 1 implicit = 1 petsc = 1 solverlinear = 1 meshioascii = 1 homogeneous = 1 implicitelasticity = 1 quadrature3d = 1 fiatsimplex = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mesh_generator # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pylithapp.mesh_generator] # uncomment to get very verbose mesh information #debug = 1 # Change the default mesh reader to the CUBIT reader. reader = pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit [pylithapp.mesh_generator.reader] # Set filename of mesh to read and dimension for coordinate system. filename = grid.exo coordsys.space_dim = 3 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # problem # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pylithapp.timedependent] materials = [ENTIRE_DOMAIN] dimension = 3 normalizer.length_scale = 1.0*m # Set gravity field (default is None) gravity_field = spatialdata.spatialdb.GravityField [pylithapp.problem.formulation.time_step] total_time = 365*day dt = 90*day [pylithapp.timedependent.materials.ENTIRE_DOMAIN] label = ENTIRE_DOMAIN id = 1 db_properties.label = Elastic properties db_properties = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB db_properties.values = [vp,vs,density] db_properties.data = [3.991140631426436e+03*m/s, 2.304286117927706e+03*m/s, 2260.0*kg/m**3 quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange quadrature.cell.dimension = 3 db_initial_stress = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB db_initial_stress.label = Initial stress db_initial_stress.iohandler.filename = initialstress.spatialdb db_initial_stress.query_type = linear [pylithapp.petsc] # Preconditioner settings. pc_type = asm sub_pc_factor_shift_type = nonzero #pc_factor_mat_solver_package = mumps # Convergence parameters. ksp_rtol = 1.0e-10 ksp_atol = 1.0e-12 ksp_max_it = 1000 ksp_gmres_restart = 100 # Linear solver monitoring options. ksp_monitor = true ksp_view = true ksp_converged_reason = true # Nonlinear solver monitoring options. snes_rtol = 1.0e-10 snes_atol = 1.0e-9 snes_max_it = 40 snes_monitor = true linesearch_monitor = true snes_view = true snes_converged_reason = true # PETSc summary -- useful for performance information. log_summary = true