Events: Details

2023 Part I. Crafting Quality Research Software and Navigating Publication in Software Journals

Workshop Schedule - Part I (all times in Pacific time):

9:00 - 10:30 AM: Session 1 - Fundamentals of Research Software Development This session will delve into the essentials of building robust research software. Topics will cover software design principles, effective coding practices, testing methodologies, and version control systems. Participants will have the opportunity to understand these concepts via interactive demos and guided exercises. [YouTube]

10:30 - 11:00 AM: Break

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Session 2 - Documentation and Reproducibility During this session, we will emphasize the importance of well-written documentation and strategies to ensure the reproducibility of your software. Attendees will be taught how to create user-friendly documentation and ways to document their software environment and dependencies to ensure their models can be reliably reproduced and used by other researchers. [YouTube]

12:30 - 1:00 PM: Break

1:00 - 2:30 PM: Session 3 - Navigating Publication in Software Journals The final session is dedicated to understanding the publication process in software journals, particularly focusing on the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). The session will discuss how to prepare a software paper, adhere to submission guidelines, and manage the peer-review process. The last 30 minutes of this session will be reserved for a comprehensive Q&A, where attendees can raise any questions or concerns regarding the workshop's topics. [YouTube]

2:30 PM: Workshop Ends

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