== Software Packages == See Projects for supporting material for software packages.[[br]][[br]] ||= =||= '''STATUS''' =||= '''WIKI''' =|| ||ASPECT||D_CIG ||[/projects/aspect wiki]|| ||!CitcomCU||D_CONTRIB||[/projects/citcoms wiki]|| ||!CitcomS||D_CONTRIB||=. - || ||!ConMan||S_CONTRIB||=. - || ||Ellipsis3d||=. A||=. - || ||HC ||=. A||=. - || ''Status:'' [[br]] ''D_CIG = Developed by CIG.'' [[br]] ''D_CONTRIB = Developed by community contributors.''[[br]] ''S_CIG = Supported by CIG.''[[br]] ''S_CONTRIB = Supported by community contributors.''[[br]] ''A = Archived. No development activity, not supported.''[[br]] For descriptions of software support status levels see [/aboutus/policies/code-support Code Support Policies]. == Resources == * [/groups/deep_earth/wiki/MainPage/PastWorkshops Past Workshops] * [/groups/deep_earth/wiki/MainPage/WorkPlan Work Plans] ==Projects == Table of contents: <>