== Instructions == === !ObsPy and !InstaSeis Tutorial === Instructions for this tutorial are on [https://github.com/krischer/cig_llnl_computational_seismology_workshop_obspy_instaseis github]. === SPECFEM Tutorial === Instructions for this tutorial are on [https://uvaaland.github.io/cig_llnl_workshop/prepare_data.html github]. === SW4 Tutorial === === IRIS Data Brick === Using the IRIS Data Brick at the workshop. Many of the common FDSN web service clients allow setting the specific service locations. For this workshop the service is at: (IP likely changing each day, updates will be posted) or [[br]] http://iris-dbserver.local:8080/fdsnws/dataselect/1 (.local not consistently working) __What is on the data brick__? Use the ‘summary’ endpoint: __Using with !ObsPy__ {{{ from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client client = Client("IRIS", service_mappings={ 'dataselect': ''}) }}} __Using with !FetchData__ {{{ $ FetchData -timeseriesws }}} === LVOC === Orientation pdf ==== Wifi ==== Network: LVOC Guest. Logins are assigned. ==== Login ==== {{{ ssh -X -l class22 quartz.llnl.gov ssh -Y -l class22 quartz.llnl.gov }}} password is enter your 8 character static PIN plus the six digits on the RSA token with no spaces. ==== Directories ==== Home directory: {{{/g/g13/{username}}}} for example: {{{/g/g13/class22}}} Scratch space directory: {{{/p/lscratchh/{username} }}} Global read only directories: {{{ /usr/apps/cigdata /usr/apps/specfem /usr/apps/sw4 }}} ==== Useful Commands ==== Change directory to scratch space directory: {{{ cd /p/lscratchh/{username} }}} We will run on the pReserved partion. Use the flag: {{{ -p pReserved }}} {{{ srun -N4 -p pReserved myjob sbatch -p pReserved jobscript }}} List all jobs: {{{ squeue }}} List jobs for username: {{{ squeue -u username }}} Show all details for a selected job: {{{ checkjob jobid }}} Show job partitions: {{{ sinfo -s }}} Cancel selected job(s): {{{ scancel jobid(s) }}} ==== Modules ==== To see what is available: {{{ module avail }}} To load a package: {{{ module load packagename }}} ==== Text editors ==== * vi/vim * emacs * nedit * gedit * nano