The following instructions assume that you have installed SPECFEM3D and familiarized yourself with how you will run the package based on your computer configuration, as detailed in the “ SPECFEM3D User manual ” (Chapter 2 provides installation help). Additionally, we will make use of an external, hexahedral mesher [ CUBIT]. Please make sure you have these packages installed on your system. The example is distributed with the package under the examples/ directory. However, you might need to edit these example scripts slightly to launch them on your system. === Mount St. Helens === This is a step-by-step tutorial how to create a mesh for a region around Mount St. Helens, export it into a SPECFEM3D file format and run the mesh partitioning and database generation. Change to the example directory {{{ []$ cd SPECFEM3D/examples/Mount_StHelens }}} Please also see the README file in this example directory. An example topography file “ptopo.mean.utm” is provided as well, in the following we explain in detail how to construct such a file. === Downloading topography data === You can get [ SRTM] 90m Digital Elevation Data for a region of interest at: For this example, we choose Mount St.Helens as region of interest. Mount St. Helens is located at: 46.197 N 122.186 W This region is contained in a downloadable file {{{}}}, which you will have to download from using the region of interest: {{{ Latitude min: 45 N max: 50 N Longitude min: 125 W max: 120 W }}} unzipping the file {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ unzip }}} leads to: {{{ .. srtm_12_03.tif .. }}} === Converting Geotif topography data === To convert the Geotif-file into an {{{longitude/latitude/elevation}}} format, you can use the package [ FWTools] at: Install the package and use their {{{gdal2xyz}}} executable to extract the tif file into xyz format: {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ FWTools-2.0.6/bin_safe/ srtm_12_03.tif > }}} the newly created file {{{}}} has now the format: {{{ #longitude #latitude #elevation (m) }}} the file size is ~ 963 MB. === Extracting the region of interest === To further extract and manipulate the topography data, you can use the package [ GMT] at: For our purpose, the region of interest will be: {{{ \ -R-122.3/-122.1/46.1/46.3// }}} that is a region of ~23 km x 23 km extent. [[Image(mount-sthelens.jpeg, 500px )]] Using the {{{blockmean}}} executable from the GMT package, we extract and interpolate the topography data for the detailed region, using an interpolated grid spacing of 0.006 degrees (~ 700 m): {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ blockmean -R-122.3/-122.1/46.1/46.3 -I0.006/0.006 > }}} This will create a new file {{{}}} with a {{{longitude/latitude/elevation}}} format of the region of interest === Converting to Cartesian coordinates === Since the CUBIT mesh will need Cartesian coordinates, we convert the topography file from {{{longitude/latitude/elevation}}} to X/Y/Z coordinates using a UTM projection. Mount St.Helens lies in the UTM zone: 10 (T). Use the script “” provided in this example folder: {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ ./ 10 > ptopo.mean.utm }}} to create a new file ptopo.mean.utm which will have a file format: {{{ #UTM_X (m) #UTM_Y (m) #Z (m) }}} [[Image(mount-sthelens-views.jpeg, 500px)]] === Meshing === In the following, we will run a python script within CUBIT to create the needed mesh files for the partitioner. # if not done so yet, change your working directory to the example folder: {{{ []$ cd SPECFEM3D/examples/Mount_StHelens }}} # start the graphical user interface (GUI) of CUBIT: {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ claro }}} [[Image(cubit12.jpeg)]] # run the python file “ ”: {{{ use the (Play Journal File) button and open the file '' }}} The script creates a topography surface {{{topo.stl}}} in STL file format as well as {{{topo.cub}}} based on file {{{ptopo.mean.utm}}}. # run the python file “”: {{{ use the (Play Journal File) button and open the file '' }}} In case the script executed successfully, it should create you a single volume with a refined mesh for the top layer, a triplication layer and a coarser mesh at the bottom. [[Image(cubit_mountsthelens.jpeg), 600px]] check that the script created a new folder “ MESH/ ” containing the files: {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ ls -1 MESH/ absorbing_surface_file_bottom absorbing_surface_file_xmax absorbing_surface_file_xmin absorbing_surface_file_ymax absorbing_surface_file_ymin free_surface_file materials_file mesh_file nodes_coords_file nummaterial_velocity_file }}} you can also check if the export was successful by examining the output in the Command line window of CUBIT. === Setting up example folder for simulations === We will set up the example folder for simulation runs: All the steps and following decomposition, database generation and solver run are put in a {{{}}} bash script file in the example folder. 1. In case you can run parallel programs on your desktop (needs an MPI installation), you can simply run the script: {{{ [Mount_StHelens]$ ./ }}} to do the setup and following steps for you. The simulation will run on 4 CPU cores by default. Please modify and adapt the script to your needs. [[Image(mountsthelens_partitions.jpeg, 600px)]] Note, this example should take about 15 minutes to finish the simulation. 2. check the output file output_solver.txt in the output directory in_out_files/OUTPUT_FILES/ to see if the forward simulation was successfully finishing. the seismograms will look like this, using gnuplot: {{{ gnuplot> plot "X10.DB.HXZ.semd" w l,"X20.DB.HXZ.semd" w l,"X30.DB.HXZ.semd" w l,"X40.DB.HXZ.semd" w l }}} [[Image(mountsthelens_seismograms.jpeg, 600px)]]