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Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth
Brown University
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of California, Berkeley
Penn State University
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Northwestern University
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
University of South Carolina
Anand international
Universidad Central del Ecuador
University of Alberta
University of Kansas
ETH Zurich
I am Senior Researcher in Computational Earthquake Physics at the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zürich. I was previously a postdoctoral researcher...
University of Florida
Univesidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Chinese University of Hong Kong
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Carnegie Institution for Science
National Centre for Earth Science Studies
My research activity is mainly focused on high-resolution joint modeling and inversion of potential field constrained with other data sets at...
UCDavis, GNS Science
China university of Geoscience
Geology & Sustainable Mining, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco
California State University, Northridge