CIG Software Releases

Software Bug Fixes

CIG Software Now Preinstalled on the TeraGrid

Meetings During AGU

Petascale Computing Report and Computing Needs Survey Results

Computational Science Roundtable Discussion Summarized

Substantial Computational Resource Available

Committees, Staff, Etc.

CIG Administration, contracts, travel, etc.: Ariel Shoresh, (626) 395-1699, 

Equation solvers (PETSc) and PyLith development: Matt Knepley, 

SVN software repository and GALE development: Walter Landry, (626) 395-4621, 

Benchmark problems, visualization, and CitCom: Luis Armendariz, (626) 395-1695, 

Build procedure and computational seismology: Leif Strand, (626) 395-1697, 

Mantle convection codes and benchmarks: Eh Tan, (626) 395-1693, 

Website and user manuals: Sue Kientz, (626) 395-1694, 

Geodynamo and systems administration: Wei Mi, (626) 395-1692, 

Software architecture and Pyre framework: Michael Aivazis, (626) 395-1696, 

Administration: Mike Gurnis, (626) 395-1698, 

Science Steering Committee: contact Chairman Peter Olson (Johns Hopkins), 

Executive Committee: contact Chairman Mark Richards (Berkeley),