Research Highlight
Broadband Ground Motions for a Hayward Fault Earthquake
A team of researchers led by Arthur Rodgers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), performed fully deterministic broadband (0-4 Hz) high-performance computing ground motion simulations of a mag-nitude 7.0 scenario earthquake on the Hayward Fault (HF) in the San Francisco Bay Area of northern California using the HPC systems Cori and Quartz at LLNL. Simulations consider average one-dimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) anelastic structure with flat and topographic free-surfaces. The 3DTOPO case models the domain utilizing the 3D USGS Bay Area geologic/seismic model, a realistic fault geometry, and a topographic free surface. The simulation included mesh refinement and required 15 billion grid points and ran on 2400 nodes (86,400 cores) for about 18 hours total for a total of 1.5 million core hours. Ground motion intensity ... [more]
Rayleigh: New Geodynamo Code Launched
The CIG Dynamo Working Group has focused much of its recent energies on the development of a highly scalable, pseudo-spectral code for simulating dynamo action in rotating spherical geometries. The resulting code, Rayleigh, is the product of CIG-supported researcher Nick Featherstone’s (CUB) efforts. It has been shown to scale well to one-quarter million cores (IBM BG/Q) for problems of order 2048^3 in size. Rayleigh is now open for business and is publicly available at on the CIG website [here]
Jupyter notebooks using CIG codes or part of CIG tutorials are now accessible through our website: Software > Jupyter. Explore ASPECT, Burnman, and ObsPy without downloading or installing software. Notebooks can also be downloaded from their home repositories for use on your desktop. Are you a Jupyter Notebook developer? Contact us to donate your notebooks so the geodynamics community can explore more usages of community codes.
Congratulations to our new governing committee members: Carl Tape (EC), David Ham (SSC), Jessica Irving (SSC), and Gabriele Morra (SSC). New members will server 3 year terms ending in 2020. Many thanks to EC member Omar Ghattas and SSC members Jed Brown, David May, and Carl Tape for their contributions to the community and to the Nominations Committee - Clint Conrad, Wolfgang Bangerth, Ved Lekic, and Sabine Stanley for presenting an excellent slate of candidates.