[aspect-devel] Assemble temperature system time

Wolfgang Bangerth bangerth at math.tamu.edu
Fri Nov 8 11:10:40 PST 2013

On 11/08/2013 12:11 PM, Eric Heien wrote:
> I think that was likely the problem.  I recompiled with release and the numbers are more reasonable.  For 16 cores with your example I get:
> +---------------------------------------------+------------+------------+
> | Total wallclock time elapsed since start    |       289s |            |
> |                                             |            |            |
> | Section                         | no. calls |  wall time | % of total |
> +---------------------------------+-----------+------------+------------+
> | Assemble Stokes system          |      3694 |      19.4s |       6.7% |
> | Assemble temperature system     |      3694 |      55.4s |        19% |
> | Build Stokes preconditioner     |       322 |      8.23s |       2.9% |
> | Build temperature preconditioner|      3694 |      3.16s |       1.1% |
> | Solve Stokes system             |      3694 |      77.8s |        27% |
> | Solve temperature system        |      3694 |      40.7s |        14% |
> | Create snapshot                 |        73 |      7.87s |       2.7% |
> | Initialization                  |         5 |     0.138s |     0.048% |
> | Postprocessing                  |      3691 |      42.4s |        15% |
> | Refine mesh structure, part 1   |       249 |      3.04s |       1.1% |
> | Refine mesh structure, part 2   |       249 |     0.506s |      0.18% |
> | Setup dof systems               |       250 |        13s |       4.5% |
> +---------------------------------+-----------+------------+——————+

Yes, that looks better. Is this 2d or 3d, by the way?


Wolfgang Bangerth               email:            bangerth at math.tamu.edu
                                 www: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~bangerth/

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