[aspect-devel] muparser and Floating point exception from divide by zero.

Magali Billen mibillen at ucdavis.edu
Fri Jun 29 01:43:03 PDT 2018

Hello all,
I have small mystery I could use some help with. 

I’m using a function to define the initial temperature field which is only defined for x (horizontal position)
greater than zero because x shows up in the denominator.  At x=0 the temperature equals a constant value, TM

If I add a variable EPS=1e-12, and use (x+EPS), this fixes the problem. 
However, if I instead use an if statement:  if (x>0,..., TM), then I get a floating point exception, as I did in the case with no (x+EPS).

Any ideas why the if statement doesn’t work? This suggest to me that the equation is actually evaluated everywhere and then the if
condition is used, rather than the if condition being checked first (as it would be if written in a c program). Perhaps this is how
the muparser works,  but this seems quite strange?

I’d like to use the if statement, because for my actual runs, I have a complicate temperature function, and it would be cleaner (easier to debug), 
not to have a bunch of (x+EPS) in the equations. 

I’ve pasted in the two different functions calls below. The errors are pasted in below that.
And, I’ve attached the  prm-file (with the if statement).

Here are the actual function calls:

==> Option 1 - with eps = 1e-12  (this works, no floating point exception)

subsection Initial temperature model
   set Model name = function

   subsection Function
      set Variable names = x,y
      set Function constants = EPS=1e-12, YMAX=1e6, TS=0.000e+00, TM=1.400e+03, \
                               K=1.000e-06, VSUB=1.585e-09 
      set Function expression = TS+(TM-TS)*(1-erfc((YMAX-y)/(2*sqrt(K*(x+EPS)/VSUB))))

==> Option 2 with if statement. (this does not work, I get a floating point exception)

subsection Initial temperature model
   set Model name = function

   subsection Function
      set Variable names = x,y
      set Function constants = YMAX=1e6, TS=0.000e+00, TM=1.400e+03, \
                               K=1.000e-06, VSUB=1.585e-09 
      set Function expression = if(x>0, TS+(TM-TS)*(1-erfc((YMAX-y)/(2*sqrt(K*x/VSUB)))),TM)

> more *.output
-- This is ASPECT, the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's ConvecTion.
--     . version 2.1.0-pre (master, f5e6a41d5)
--     . using deal.II 9.0.0
--     . using Trilinos 12.10.1
--     . using p4est 2.0.0
--     . running in DEBUG mode
--     . running with 8 MPI processes
-- How to cite ASPECT: https://aspect.geodynamics.org/cite.html

Number of active cells: 1,280 (on 5 levels)
Number of degrees of freedom: 17,316 (10,626+1,377+5,313)

[c12-7:17151] *** Process received signal ***
SIGFPE received
[c12-7:17151] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[c12-7:17151] Signal code: Floating point divide-by-zero (3)
[c12-7:17151] Failing at address: 0x7f37f5fc163a
[c12-7:17151] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x12890)[0x7f37fac91890]
[c12-7:17151] [ 1] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmuparser.so.2(_ZNK2mu10ParserBase16ParseCmdCodeBulkEii+0x24a)[0x7f37f5fc163a]
[c12-7:17151] [ 2] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmuparser.so.2(_ZNK2mu10ParserBase11ParseStringEv+0x29)[0x7f37f5fc8999]
[c12-7:17151] [ 3] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(_ZNK6dealii14FunctionParserILi2EE5valueERKNS_5PointILi2EdEEj+0x2c
[c12-7:17151] [ 4] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(_ZNK6dealii9Functions14ParsedFunctionILi2EE5valueERKNS_5PointILi2
[c12-7:17151] [ 5] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_ZNK6aspect18InitialTemperature8FunctionILi2EE19initial_temperatureERKN6dealii5PointILi2EdEE+0x6d)[0x5
[c12-7:17151] [ 6] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_ZNK6aspect18InitialTemperature7ManagerILi2EE19initial_temperatureERKN6dealii5PointILi2EdEE+0x47)[0x55
[c12-7:17151] [ 7] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFdRKN6dealii5PointILi2EdEEESt5_BindIFMN6aspect18InitialTemperature7ManagerILi
[c12-7:17151] [ 8] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(_ZNKSt8functionIFdRKN6dealii5PointILi2EdEEEEclES4_+0xe)[0x7f3803e
[c12-7:17151] [ 9] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(_ZNK6dealii38VectorFunctionFromScalarFunctionObjectILi2EdE12vecto
[c12-7:17151] [10] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(_ZNK6dealii8FunctionILi2EdE17vector_value_listERKSt6vectorINS_5Po
[c12-7:17151] [11] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(+0x449bf22)[0x7f3800de3f22]
[c12-7:17151] [12] /share/apps/cig/dealii/dealii-9.0.0/install/deal.II-v9.0.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.0(_ZN6dealii11VectorTools11interpolateILi2ELi2ENS_16TrilinosWrapper
[c12-7:17151] [13] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_ZN6aspect9SimulatorILi2EE48set_initial_temperature_and_compositional_fieldsEv+0x544)[0x55b228457f18]
[c12-7:17151] [14] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_ZN6aspect9SimulatorILi2EE3runEv+0xf3d)[0x55b2284028f7]
[c12-7:17151] [15] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_Z13run_simulatorILi2EEvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEbb+0x117)[0x55b227fda709
[c12-7:17151] [16] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(main+0x4df)[0x55b227fb9b21]
[c12-7:17151] [17] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe7)[0x7f37f9f6bb97]
[c12-7:17151] [18] /home/billen/AspectProjects/aspect/build/aspect(_start+0x2a)[0x55b227e256ea]
[c12-7:17151] *** End of error message ***
srun: error: c12-7: task 0: Floating point exception
srun: error: c12-7: task 1: Exited with exit code 1
slurmstepd: error: c12-7 [0] pmixp_client_v2.c:203 [_errhandler] mpi/pmix: ERROR: Error handler invoked: status = -25: Interrupted system call (4)
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 160.0 ON c12-7 CANCELLED AT 2018-06-29T01:20:19 ***
srun: error: c12-7: tasks 2-7: Killed

Professor of Geophysics 
Earth & Planetary Sciences Dept., UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616
2129 Earth & Physical Sciences Bldg.
Office Phone: (530) 752-4169

Currently on Sabbatical at Munich University (LMU)
Department of Geophysics (PST + 9 hr)

Avoid implicit bias - check before you submit: 

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