[aspect-devel] Question about spherical shell subset

Wolfgang Bangerth bangerth at colostate.edu
Tue Mar 20 08:53:10 PDT 2018


>       I am trying to implement a model in spherical coordinates, but I 
> would like to model only a sector of a spherical shell, say, a solid 
> angle. I can't find references for this.
>       I have seen this stuff in 2D, using a variable named Opening angle.
>       Can a sector be implemented in 3D?
>        it would require 2 plane opening angles..

It is of course possible, but it's not implemented right now either in 
ASPECT or in deal.II. You'd have to think about how you want to 
subdivide the sector into hexahedra and then write the code for it. You 
could look at how this is done for the current hyper-shell in 3d here:


or in line 3389 for the half hyper shell. You'd have to implement 
something similar for the sector. The ASPECT part of it would actually 
be quite simple then -- basically just this:



Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bangerth at colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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