[CIG-ALL] AMR Workshop/Tutorial

Ariel Shoresh ariel at geodynamics.org
Fri Jun 8 11:37:09 PDT 2007

Good afternoon:

Predating the inception of CIG, members of the geodynamics community have
talked about the importance of incorporating adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)
technology into geodynamic codes. For several reasons, this hasn't happened.
Primarily, it is difficult to retrofit existing codes for AMR, and there are
still technical issues to be solved to allow AMR codes scale to 100s of
processors and beyond.

In order to jump-start development on a new generation of AMR-enabled
geodynamics codes, CIG's Science Steering Committee has proposed that a
tutorial workshop, tentatively scheduled from Wednesday October 24th, and
ending around noon on Saturday 10/27, be held in Boulder, CO. The workshop
will be devoted to the technical aspects of AMR method. Dr. Wolfgang
Bangerth, the lead author of the deal.II library, will discuss the basics of
AMR methods and conduct extensive tutorials with the deal.II library [1] for
implementation to AMR-enabled models.

The rest of the session will be spent in hands-on coding sessions, building
codes that can solve simple models of interest to the geodynamics community,
which can then serve as starting points for later extension to more complete
models. Dr. Bangerth will be available to help with implementation questions
during the entire workshop.

At this time, we are trying to gauge the level of interest in such a
workshop. If you are interested in participating or have
comments/suggestions on the format, please send an email to Ariel Shoresh at
ariel at geodynamics.org.

CIG may help cover part of participants' travel expenses, depending on
availability of funds.

[1] deal.II is a very large and widely used Open Source library that
supports adaptive finite element calculations in 1d, 2d, and 3d. Extensive
documentation can be found at
In addition, a set of some 25 tutorial programs explaining in great detail
how to use this library in a series of application programs of increasing
complexity is here:
Finally, some examples of existing applications are here:

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