[CIG-ALL] request for CIG "one-pagers"

mspieg mspieg at ldeo.columbia.edu
Wed Nov 19 08:30:12 PST 2008

Dear CIG Community,

In preparation for the next phase of CIG, we are beginning a self- 
evaluation to understand the range of activities and impact of CIG.   
As a useful mechanism (and a very nice way to highlight your own  
science), we are seeking "one-pagers" in the style of IRIS or  
Margins, that describe an exciting piece of your science that has  
been enabled by CIG or is contributing to the overall CIG effort.

An example one-pager can be found at http://geodynamics.org/cig/ 
proposalsndocs/related-papers, along with a form for uploading your  
own contributions, and any journal references relevant to CIG.  If  
you have any questions, or would like assistance with your one pager  
please contact the CIG technical writer Sue Kientz   
(sue at geodynamics.org).

This information will be critical for understanding both the current  
state of CIG and determining its future. These two topics will be the
primary focus of discussion at the CIG Business meeting at AGU on  
Tuesday, Dec 16th (http://geodynamics.org/cig/upcoming/business- 
mtg-08) to which you are all warmly invited.  We realize that you are  
all extremely busy, but if we could please receive your one-pager by  
the business meeting, it will help focus and propel the discussion.  
Many thanks.

Marc Spiegelman
Chair CIG Executive Committee

Marc Spiegelman
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Dept. of Applied Physics/Applied Math
Columbia University
tel: 845 704 2323 (SkypeIn)

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