[CIG-ALL] Seismology Science Gateway

Mike Gurnis gurnis at gps.caltech.edu
Tue Oct 28 12:33:44 PDT 2008

Dear Colleagues,

I'm writing to alert you to a new facility that CIG has recently  
released that may have escaped your notice. The new facility is  
called the 'Seismology Science Gateway' that you may find of  
significant utility for you and your team. The Gateway allows you to  
set up and run simulations of start-of-the-art seismic wave  
propagation simulations on NSF supercomputers. It's simple to use,  
but produces synthetic seismograms for fully three-dimensional earth  
models in the standard SAC format. If you request a simulation that  
has already been computed, you're given the results immediately.

The beauty of the systems is that you can produce fully realistic  
simulation results that you can immediately use for your research  
without having to worry about installing the SPECFEM3D software or  
applying for computer time through the National Centers.

You should give it a go, or ask your students to explore:


If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to write or  
call me directly.

(626) 395-6979

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