[CIG-ALL] Gale 1.4.0

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Mon Mar 30 05:13:28 PDT 2009


I am pleased to announce the release of Gale 1.4.0, an implicit finite
element code for the long term tectonics community.  This latest
release features linear pressure elements, making the code much, much
faster and more robust.  You will have to make some changes to your
old input files.  See the UPGRADE file for details.

You can download binaries or the source code from


I have also attached a copy of the cover picture.  Installation
instructions are in the bundled README and INSTALL files.

Walter Landry
walter at geodynamics.org


* Gale now uses linear pressure elements.  This solves a number of
  problems with stability and robustness, and makes the code much
  faster to boot.  Constant pressure elements are no longer supported,
  and the accompanying NodalPressure variables will no longer work.
  This will require modifying your input files.  See the file UPGRADE
  for step-by-step instructions.

* The Mohr-Coulomb rheology has been removed.  Please use
  Drucker-Prager instead.  Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager are the
  same in 2D, and Mohr-Coulomb never really worked in 3D.

* VTK Output now occurs after a Stokes solve, but before any advection
  or strain integration.

* Drucker-Prager can optionally implement a frictional boundary layer.

* The output of the current time and timestep has been clarified.

* The Paraview examples have been updated to version 3.4.0.

* The documentation details how to modify Standard Condition

* Results for the Geomod 2008 benchmarks are in the manual.

* Divergent flow has been added, along with one example and a
  benchmark test case.

* The yielding fraction in the particle vtk output has been replaced
  by the post failure strain.  The yielding fraction can be derived
  from the post failure strain, but not vice-versa.

* There is a new field in the particle vtk output,
  "Currently_Yielding", which is 0 or 1 depending on whether the
  material is yielding on that time step.

* Erf and Erfc have been added as Standard Condition Functions, and
  AnalyticalTemperatureIC now works with Windows 32 bit.

* A bug in how rotation is applied to shapes has been fixed.

* The StepFunction Standard Condition Function now works in time or

* The TemperatureProfile Standard Condition Function is now documented.

* EulerDeform is now more flexible in specifying how the boundary

* The DumpSwarm output method has been removed.  It was a maintenance
  burden, and all of the information is available through the VTK
  files.  This also means that it is no longer possible to visualize
  the results with a spreadsheet like Excel.

* The documentation has been updated to use Paraview 3.4.0.

The current goals are:

  * Merge Gale back with the VPAC code.  This should give Gale multigrid
    solvers, restart capability, and improved PETSc compatibility.
  * Deformed lower boundaries
  * Interface with custom surface process models in parallel
  * User-specified non-uniform mesh spacing.
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