[CIG-ALL] 2013 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on the Interior of the Earth

Louise Kellogg kellogg at ucdavis.edu
Wed Jan 9 15:44:16 PST 2013

Dear Colleagues:

This upcoming Gordon Research Conference (GRC) will take place 2-7 June, 2013 at Mt Holyoke College (Mass, USA). It is focused on deep earth and planetary topics.

It is preceded by a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on the same topic, for early career scientists and graduate students. Same location, 1-2 June, 2013.

Application is now open. Deadline: May 5th, 2013.
Early application is recommended, as these unique cutting-edge, inter-disciplinary meetings (GRC and GRS) fill up quickly.

For information, visit the following webpages:


We are looking forward to seeing you at the GRC/GRS,

Barbara Romanowicz (chair, GRC); Marc Hirschmann (vice-chair, GRC); Maxim Ballmer (Chair, GRS)

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