[CIG-ALL] EarthCube workshop: Numerical Model Metadata for solid Earth sciences - final dates

Anna Kelbert anya at ceoas.oregonstate.edu
Wed Sep 17 12:13:04 PDT 2014

Dear CIG Community,

Many thanks to those of you who have expressed interest in this metadata 
effort to describe numerical models of deep Earth processes using an 
interdisciplinary standard. It's an unusual and challenging effort, and 
your replies have been encouraging. Any further input through our 
questionnaire (see the link below), or otherwise, would be appreciated 
at any time.

Based on the feedback we have received, the workshop will be held in on 
near Portland, Oregon on April 30th - May 1st, 2015. Please mark your 
calendars now. More information will be distributed later in the Fall, 
once the meeting details are finalized.


Anna Kelbert
Oregon State University

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	EarthCube workshop: Numerical Model Metadata for solid Earth 
Date: 	Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:30:20 -0700
From: 	Anna Kelbert <anya at ceoas.oregonstate.edu>
To: 	cig-all at geodynamics.org
CC: 	Scott D Peckham <Scott.Peckham at colorado.edu>, "Eunseo Choi 
(echoi2)" <echoi2 at memphis.edu>

Dear CIG Modelers,

We are planning a small workshop in conjunction with the NSF's EarthCube
"Earth System Bridge" project. Specifically, we have teamed up with
several other modeling communities across geosciences to work on
interoperability. Based on the climate community benchmarking
experience, we are now creating new metadata standards to fully and
unambiguously describe numerical modeling codes, including the physics
and the assumptions involved, grids, and the input and output variables.
One of the uses of such metadata would be to enable multidisciplinary
model coupling.

The goal of the workshop is to gather feedback of solid Earth modeling
professionals on these efforts. Our primary task in the scope of this
project is to help develop the geodynamic, seismic, magnetotelluric and
petrologic controlled vocabularies, but we are also directly involved in
the development of the interdisciplinary model metadata standard itself,
the Model Coupling Metadata (MCM), so this is a great chance for the
community to influence and shape the basic concepts of the
interdisciplinary format.

This workshop will be held in Oregon in Spring 2015. The form below is
intended to inform us of your preferences on the place and the date, and
of any other pertinent considerations, to ensure that most interested
scientists are able to attend.

Of course we can only fund a limited number of attendees, so at this
stage I would mostly like to get an idea of how many people might be
interested, and to finalize the date. Your reply to this one-page
questionnaire would be much appreciated.


Anna Kelbert
Oregon State University

Anna Kelbert <anya at coas.oregonstate.edu>
Assistant Professor (Sr. Res.)
College of Earth, Ocean & Atmos. Sci.
Oregon State University
104 CEOAS Admin. Bldg.
Corvallis, OR 97331
ph: 541-737-0942 fx: 541-737-2064

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