[CIG-ALL] AGU Session DI 003 - Constraints on Heterogeneities in Earth's Mantle

Chris Harig chris.harig at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 14:48:36 PDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to our multidisciplinary session *DI
003: Constraints on Heterogeneities in Earth's Mantle, *held at the
upcoming AGU Fall Meeting in December.  The session description is included
below.  https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/preliminaryview.cgi/Session8657.html

As a reminder the abstract deadline is *5 August* 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.

Session ID#: 8657
Session Description:
Convection processes in the Earth's mantle drive plate tectonics and
control the heat flux from the Earth’s core to the surface. Processes such
as mixing, melting, and differentiation will lead to heterogeneities in the
mantle ranging in size from thousands of kilometres to the crystal scale.
Using a variety of techniques we are able to sample and image these
heterogeneities, but a multi-disciplinary approach integrating the
individual results is necessary to understand how Earth evolved and how
they influence convection in the Earth.

This multi-disciplinary session will bring together researchers interested
in the structure and dynamics of heterogeneities in the Earth’s mantle from
crust to core. We invite contributions from all interested disciplines
including (but not limited to) seismology, geology, petrology geochemistry,
geodynamics, mineral physics, geodesy, electromagnetism, and geophysics.
Contributions studying all scales of heterogeneities are welcome.

Best Wishes,

Sebastian Rost, University of Leeds,
Christopher Harig, Princeton University,
Lowell M Miyagi, University of Utah

Dr. Christopher Harig
Associate Research Scholar
Department of Geosciences
Princeton University

Email: chris.harig at gmail.com
          charig at princeton.edu
Office: Guyot 317
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