[CIG-ALL] Melt in the Mantle: a program at the Isaac Newton Institute

Richard Katz richard.katz at earth.ox.ac.uk
Tue Feb 23 02:48:42 PST 2016

An exciting four-month programme of research has recently begun at the Isaac
Newton Institute, Cambridge on the theme of "Melt in the Mantle". This
programme supports a wide variety of scientists and mathematicians to come to
Cambridge to work and collaborate. As part of the programme there are three
workshops, the first of which was held last week. Talks were given by Dan
McKenzie, Paul Asimow, John Maclennan, Neil Ribe, John Rudge, Marc Spiegelman,
Saswata Hier-Majumder, Ian Hewitt, Majid Hassanizadeh, David Bercovici,
Viktoriya Yarushina, Peter Driscoll, Anne Davaille, Andrea Tommasi, Chris
MacMinn, Christian Huber, Joe Dufek, Marc Hesse, Richard Katz, Dave May, and
Matt Knepley. These talks are being made available online. To access them,
just click the green film icon next to each talk on the following page:


Talks up to Wednesday of last week are currently available; the rest will be
added very soon.

I'd like to draw your attention to the next two workshops that will be
happening as part of the programme:

The second workshop will be held 11th-15th April and is entitled "From the
Grain to the Continuum: Two Phase Dynamics of a Partially Molten,
Polycrystalline Aggregate", of which a provisional timetable and more
information can be found here:


Registration for this workshop closes soon (4th March): to sign up click the
"Apply Now" button on https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/mimw02 . We have funds
available to help with housing and travel to Cambridge -- please get in touch
with me if you have any concerns at all about financing your visit.

The third workshop will be held 6th-10th June and is entitled "From the
Continuum to the Tectonic: the Magma/Mantle Dynamics of Planet Earth" of which
more details can be found here:


Again, registration closes soon, so please do sign up asap.

As well as the workshops, we are welcoming visitors to the Institute to spend
time in Cambridge on collaborative research. A current list of visitors can be
found here:


We still have office space and funds for further visitors to the programme
outside the times of the workshops (particularly between now and the end of
March and from mid-April until the end of May). If you are interested in
visiting Cambridge to join us, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Best wishes,

Richard Katz.

Richard Foa Katz
Professor of Geodynamics
Dept Earth Sciences, Univ Oxford

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