[CIG-ALL] [WSSSPE] Save the data for WSSSPE4 in Manchester in September

Lorraine Hwang ljhwang at ucdavis.edu
Thu May 19 11:21:38 PDT 2016

Save the Date: WSSSPE4!

4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences
(http://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk/wssspe4/ <http://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk/wssspe4/>)

Location: School of Computer Science, Kilburn and IT Buildings, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK <http://www.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about-us/find-us/> (Buildings 39 and 40 on the campus map <http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=6507>)

Dates: 2 ½ days from Sept. 12th noon – Sept. 14th 5 pm, 2016

Immediately preceding and co-located in Manchester with First Conference of Research Software Engineers (RSE Conference) <http://www.rse.ac.uk/conf2016.html> (Sept 15-16 at Museum of Science and Industry <http://msimanchester.org.uk/>, Manchester, UK)

A nominal registration fee may be charged.


Progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of research software at all levels. It is now critical to address many new challenges related to the development, deployment, maintenance, and sustainability of open-use research software: the software upon which specific research results rely.  Open-use software means that the software is widely accessible (whether open source, shareware, or commercial).  Research software means that the choice of software is essential to specific research results; using different software could produce different results.

In addition, it is essential that scientists, researchers, and students are able to learn and adopt a new set of software-related skills and methodologies. Established researchers are already acquiring some of these skills, and in particular, a specialized class of software developers is emerging in academic environments who are an integral and embedded part of successful research teams. WSSSPE provides a forum for discussion of these challenges, including both positions and experiences, and a forum for the community to assemble and act.

WSSSPE4 will consist of two separate tracks with some joint sessions:

Track 1 – Building a sustainable future for open-use research software has the goal of defining a vision of the future of open-use research software, and a plan of activities that are needed to get there.  The idea of this track is to first think about where we want to be 5 to 10 years from now, without being too concerned with where we are today, and then to determine how we can move to this future.

Track 2 – Practices & experiences in sustainable scientific software has the goal of improving the quality of today’s research software and the experiences of its developers by sharing practices and experiences.  This track is focused on the current state of scientific software and what we can do to improve it in the short term, starting with where we are today.

Deadlines & Timelines:

Lightning talk submission due: July 1
Submission of Track 2 papers/etc.: TBD
Travel support request submission: July 1
Lightning talk acceptances: Aug 1
Travel support notification: Aug 2

Preliminary Agenda:

Sept 12 pm – Joint session of both tracks

Lightning talks
Updates on actions and activities from WSSSPE3 <http://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk/wssspe3/> working groups
 <https://github.com/WSSSPE/meetings/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22WSSSPE3+activity%22>Discussion and planning for the remainder of WSSSPE4 <http://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk/wssspe4/>
Sept 13 (all day) and 14 (until 3 pm) – Parallel tracks

Track 1: This will be a set of working sessions with a facilitated discussion, breakout sessions, report backs, and active writing towards the track goal of defining a vision of the future of open-use research software, and a plan of activities that are needed to get there.

Track 2: Events to be determined, but likely to include some of: experience talks, short research papers, position papers on a theme(s), breakout sessions or unconference sessions, demos, posters, and panels, including one on best practices.

Sept 14 (3 pm – 5 pm) – Joint session of both tracks

Summary and discussion of each tracks’ progress
Planning for future events

Organizing Committee:

Gabrielle Allen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Sou-Cheng T. Choi, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Tom Crick, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Michael R. Crusoe <https://impactstory.org/u/0000-0002-2961-9670>, Common Workflow Language <http://www.commonwl.org/> project
Sandra Gesing, University of Notre Dame, USA
Lorraine J. Hwang, University of California, Davis, USA
Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Kyle E. Niemeyer, Oregon State University, USA 
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Colin C. Venters, University of Huddersfield, UK
Daniel S. Katz
Assistant Director for Scientific Software and Applications, NCSA
Research Associate Professor, ECE
Research Associate Professor, GSLIS
University of Illinois
(217) 244-8000
d.katz at ieee.org <mailto:d.katz at ieee.org> or dskatz at illinois.edu <mailto:dskatz at illinois.edu>
http://danielskatz.org <http://danielskatz.org/>

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