[CIG-ALL] AGU Geodesy/Tectonophysics Session: Geodetic imaging and interpretation of the seismic cycle

Chris Rollins john.c.rollins at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 14:28:35 PDT 2017

Hi all,
We would like to invite those interested to attend and submit abstracts to
a session we are running in the Geodesy and Tectonophysics sessions at this
year's AGU Fall Meeting, "Geodetic imaging and interpretation of the
seismic cycle," session G006 (ID# 25150).

Session Description:
Geodesy’s ability to image earth processes has vastly improved both
spatially and temporally in recent decades, making it an essential tool to
study the seismic cycle and the ways the earth accommodates tectonic
strain. To use geodesy to image these processes in a complex earth, it is
essential to 1) correctly separate the contributions made by seismic,
aseismic and nontectonic deformation in the data, and then 2) link these
observations to fault and bulk processes with a full view of their
spatiotemporal complexities. We welcome studies on all aspects of geodetic
imaging of the seismic cycle: from improved techniques to detect tectonic
signals (e.g. probabilistic, sparsity-promoting, etc.) and separate them
from other deformation sources (e.g. hydrological, thermoelastic,
anthropogenic), to the modeling and interpretation of the deformation
mechanisms that produce them (e.g. coseismic slip, afterslip, viscoelastic
relaxation, poroelastic rebound, slow slip events, long-term creep,
gravity-driven postseismic deformation).
Conveners:Christopher Rollins, Caltech
Adriano Gualandi, CaltechMong-Han Huang, NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryJessica
R. Murray, USGS Menlo Park
Feel free to send any questions or comments to me at jcrollin at caltech.edu or
to any of the co-conveners, and we hope to see you there! As a reminder,
the abstract submission deadline is 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on
August 2.


Chris Rollins
Ph.D Candidate, Caltech Seismo Lab
1200 E California Blvd, MS 252-21
Pasadena, CA, 91125
(650) 520-1196
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