[CIG-ALL] Fwd: NetherMod 2017

Lorraine Hwang ljhwang at ucdavis.edu
Mon Jun 12 09:16:54 PDT 2017

Dear colleague, 

the XVth international workshop on modelling of mantle and lithosphere dynamics will take place in less than three months ( http://nethermod.sites.uu.nl/ <http://nethermod.sites.uu.nl/> ).

Registration is still possible ( http://nethermod.sites.uu.nl/registration/ <http://nethermod.sites.uu.nl/registration/> ) and participants are invited to register as soon as possible (we have a limited number of rooms). 

Also, abstract templates are now online ( http://nethermod.sites.uu.nl/registration/ <http://nethermod.sites.uu.nl/registration/> ) and should be sent before Aug. 1st, 2017.

Finally, please spread the word around you, and help us draw a wide audience and make NetherMod a success!


The NetherMod team.
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