[CIG-ALL] Today - CIG Webinar Thursday, March 14 @2p PT - Thermodynamic calculations and model generation using ENKI, Mark Ghiorso, OFM Research

Lorraine Hwang ljhwang at ucdavis.edu
Thu Mar 14 10:57:17 PDT 2019

Thermodynamic calculations and model generation using ENKI

Mark Ghiorso, OFM Research

ENKI is a collaborative, web-based model-configuration and testing portal that provides tools in computational thermodynamics and fluid dynamics.  The ENKI platform utilizes a Jupyter Lab/Hub interface to access underlying modeling tools using Python. ENKI provides a standard interface to commonly used thermodynamic databases and to computational thermodynamic modeling tools.  It may also be used to generate and calibrate new thermodynamic models.  A brief overview of the ENKI platform will be given and several examples illustrating ENKI modeling capabilities will be illustrated.

Connect: https://zoom.us/j/818491291 <https://zoom.us/j/818491291>
Additional Information: https://geodynamics.org/cig/events/webinars/ <https://geodynamics.org/cig/events/webinars/>

Happy Pi day!

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