[cig-commits] r4219 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Thu Aug 3 12:39:06 PDT 2006

Author: willic3
Date: 2006-08-03 12:39:06 -0700 (Thu, 03 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 4219

Initial (unfinished) version of code to create complete UCD files out of
pieces created by LithoMop and PyLith.  Includes options to interpolate
stresses to nodes and average stresses to Gauss points.
Current limitations:
Only works for linear hexes and tets.
Only works for ASCII UCD format.
Somewhat primitive stress interpolation algorithm.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makeucd.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makeucd.f	2006-08-03 14:14:54 UTC (rev 4218)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makeucd.f	2006-08-03 19:39:06 UTC (rev 4219)
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+      program makeucd
+c...  Simple code to take UCD pieces created by LithoMop/PyLith and
+c     create a UCD file for a single timestep.  Command-line options
+c     allow a user to:
+c       1.  Interpolate Gauss point values to nodes.
+c       2.  Average Gauss point values to element centroids.
+c       3.  Include nodal values in the output file.
+c       4.  Include centroid values in the output file.
+c     The code is presently set up to deal with either linear tets or
+c     linear hexes, and it is assumed that full integration order is
+c     used for both (1-point for tets, 2x2x2 for hexes).
+c     Present version only reads ASCII files.  This should be updated.
+      implicit none
+c...  parameters
+      integer nsd,maxnodes,maxelmts,maxnen,maxgauss,maxattr,maxeattr
+      integer maxoattr
+      parameter(nsd=3,maxnodes=500000,maxelmts=500000,maxnen=8,
+     & maxgauss=8,maxattr=6,maxeattr=24,maxoattr=30)
+c...  input/output and logical flag parameters
+      integer kti,kto,km,kp,kg,ko
+      common/kti,kto,km,kp,kg,ko/
+      logical passigned,gassigned,ninterp,gavg,nout,cout
+c...  parameters and variables read/deduced from mesh UCD file
+      integer numnp,numel,nen,ngauss,ngpts
+      integer ien(maxnen*maxelmts),mat(maxelmts)
+      double precision x(nsd,maxnodes)
+c...  parameters and variables read/deduced from nodal values file
+      integer nnattr,isnattr(maxattr),ntnattr
+      double precision vnodes(maxattr*naxnodes)
+      character nvnames(maxattr)*30
+c...  parameters and variables read/deduced from element values file
+      integer neattr,iseattr(maxeattr),nteattr
+      double precision velemt(maxeattr*maxelmts*maxgauss)
+      character evnames(maxeattr)*30
+c...  output values
+      integer nnattrout,neattrout,ntnattrout,nteattrout
+      integer isnattrout(maxoattr),iseattrout(maxoattr)
+      double precision vnout(maxoattr*maxnodes),veout(maxoattr*maxelmts)
+c...  external routines
+      integer nnblnk,nchar
+      external nnblnk,nchar
+c...  local constants
+      integer indu(maxnen,2)
+      data indu/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+     &          4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0/
+      integer indp(maxnen,2)
+      data indp/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+     &          2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0/
+c...  local variables
+      integer idum,i,nen,ngauss,ind
+      integer ientmp(maxnen)
+      character tstring*500,etype*3
+      double precision sh((nsd+1)*maxnen*maxgauss)
+      double precision gauss((nsd+1)*maxgauss)
+c...  get command-line arguments, open files, and assign logical
+c     variables
+      call files(passigned,gassigned,ninterp,gavg,nout,cout)
+c...  read mesh UCD file
+      read(km,*) numnp,numel,idum,idum,idum
+      do i=1,numnp
+        read(km,*) n,(x(j,n),j=1,nsd)
+      end do
+      read(km,*) tstring
+      if(index(tstring,"hex").ne.0) then
+        nen=8
+        ngauss=8
+      else if(index(tstring,"tet").ne.0) then
+        nen=4
+        ngauss=1
+      else
+        write(kto,*) "Unknown element type!"
+        stop
+      end if
+      ngpts=ngauss*numel
+      backspace(km)
+      ind=0
+      do i=1,numel
+        read(km,*) n,mat(n),etype,(ientmp(j),j=1,nen)
+        do j=1,nen
+          ien(j+ind)=ientmp(indp(j))
+        end do
+        ind=ind+nen
+      end do
+      close(km)
+c...  read nodal values file
+      nnattr=0
+      ntnattr=0
+      if(passigned) then
+        read(kp,*) nnattr,(isnattr(i),i=1,nnattr)
+        do i=1,nnattr
+          read(kp,"(a30)") nvnames(i)
+          ntnattr=ntnattr+isnattr(i)
+        end do
+        ind=1
+        do i=1,numnp
+          read(kp,*) n,(vnodes(j),j=ind,ind+ntnattr-1)
+          ind=ind+ntnattr
+        end do
+        close(kp)
+      end if
+c...  read Gauss point values file
+      neattr=0
+      nteattr=0
+      if(gassigned) then
+        read(kg,*) neattr,(iseattr(i),i=1,neattr)
+        do i=1,neattr
+          read(kg,"(a30)") evnames(i)
+          nteattr=nteattr+iseattr(i)
+        end do
+        ind=1
+        do i=1,ngpts
+          read(kg,*) n,(velemt(j),j=ind,ind+nteattr-1)
+          ind=ind+nteattr
+        end do
+        close(kg)
+      end if
+c... determine number of nodal and element values to be output and write
+c    to file
+      nnattrout=0
+      neattrout=0
+      ntnattrout=0
+      nteattrout=0
+      if(nout) then
+        nnattrout=nnattr
+        if(ninterp) nnattrout=nnattrout+neattr
+      end if
+      if(gavg) neattrout=neattr
+      idum=0
+      write(ko,"(5i9)") numnp,numel,nnattrout,neattrout,idum
+c...  output coordinates and connectivities
+      do i=1,numnp
+        write(ko,"(i8,3(2x,1pe15.8))") i,(x(j,i),j=1,nsd)
+      end do
+      ind=0
+      do i=1,numel
+        do j=1,nen
+          ientmp(j)=ien(ind+j)
+        end do
+        write(ko,"(2i8,2x,a3,10i9)") i,mat(i),etype,
+     &   (ientmp(indu(j)),j=1,nen)
+        ind=ind+nen
+      end do
+      nenl=nen
+      nsdl=nsd
+      write(kto,*) "Enter root name for all files.  Both input and"
+      write(kto,*) "output files will all have this prefix:"
+      read(kti,"(a200)") fileroot
+      i1=nnblnk(fileroot)
+      i2=nchar(fileroot)
+c...  read parameter file
+      pfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".par"
+      open(file=pfile,unit=kr,status="old")
+c...  coordinate scaling factor
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) cscale,(idir(i),i=1,nsd)
+      if(cscale.eq.0.0d0) cscale=1.0d0
+c...  box dimensions and bc
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) ((xlim(j,i),j=1,2),i=1,nsd)
+      do i=1,nsides
+        call pskip(kr)
+        read(kr,*) (ibc(j,i),bc(j,i),j=1,nsd)
+      end do
+c...  connectivity order option
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) iconopt
+c...  fault definitions
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) numflt,ifattrn,ifattrv
+      do i=1,numflt
+        call pskip(kr)
+        read(kr,*) iftype(i),ifhist(i),nmatf(1,i),nmatf(2,i)
+        call pskip(kr)
+        read(kr,*) (fsplit(j,1,i),j=1,nsd),(ifmat(1,i,j),j=1,nmatf(1,i))
+        call pskip(kr)
+        read(kr,*) (fsplit(j,2,i),j=1,nsd),(ifmat(2,i,j),j=1,nmatf(2,i))
+      end do
+      close(kr)
+c...  read and output nodal coordinates and bc info
+      ifile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".inp"
+      open(file=ifile,unit=kr,status="old")
+      nfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".coord"
+      open(file=nfile,unit=kw,status="new")
+      do i=1,nsides
+        j1=nnblnk(cside(i))
+        j2=nchar(cside(i))
+        bcfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//"."//cside(i)(j1:j2)//".bc"
+        bccfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//"."//cside(i)(j1:j2)//".coord"
+        open(file=bcfile,unit=kwb(i),status="new")
+        open(file=bccfile,unit=kwc(i),status="new")
+      end do
+      write(kw,"(a15)") cstring
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) numnp,numel,nnattr,neattr,nmattr
+      do i=1,numnp
+        read(kr,*) n,(xtmp(j),j=1,nsd)
+        do j=1,nsd
+          x(j,i)=cscale*xtmp(idir(j))
+        end do
+        write(kw,"(i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") i,(x(j,i),j=1,nsd)
+        jj=0
+        do j=1,nsd
+          do k=1,2
+            jj=jj+1
+            dr=abs(x(j,i)-xlim(k,j))
+            if(dr.lt.eps) then
+              write(kwb(jj),"(i7,3i4,3(2x,1pe15.8))") i,
+     &         (ibc(l,jj),l=1,nsd),(bc(l,jj),l=1,nsd)
+              write(kwc(jj),"(i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") i,
+     &         (x(l,i),l=1,nsd)
+            end if
+          end do
+        end do
+      end do
+      close(kw)
+      do i=1,nsides
+        close(kwb(i))
+        close(kwc(i))
+      end do
+c...  read and output connectivity info
+      cfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".connect"
+      open(file=cfile,unit=kw,status="new")
+      nflip=0
+      if(iconopt.eq.1) then
+        do i=1,numel
+          read(kr,*) n,mat(i),etype,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+          write(kw,"(i7,3i4,4i7)") i,ietyp,mat(i),inf,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+        end do
+      else if(iconopt.eq.2) then
+        do i=1,numel
+          read(kr,*) n,mat(i),etype,(ientmp(j),j=1,nen)
+          do j=1,nen
+            ien(j,i)=ientmp(icflip(j))
+          end do
+          write(kw,"(i7,3i4,4i7)") i,ietyp,mat(i),inf,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+        end do
+      else if(iconopt.eq.3) then
+        do i=1,numel
+          read(kr,*) n,mat(i),etype,(ientmp(j),j=1,nen)
+          call lcoord(ientmp,x,xl,nsdl,nenl,numnp)
+          det=tetcmp(xl)
+cdebug          write(kto,*) "i,det:",i,det
+          if(det.lt.0.0d0) then
+            nflip=nflip+1
+            do j=1,nen
+              ien(j,i)=ientmp(icflip(j))
+            end do
+          else
+            do j=1,nen
+              ien(j,i)=ientmp(j)
+            end do
+          end if
+          write(kw,"(i7,3i4,4i7)") i,ietyp,mat(i),inf,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+        end do
+      end if
+      close(kw)
+c...  read nodal attributes to determine which nodes are associated
+c     with each fault
+      read(kr,*) nf,(itmp(i),i=1,nf)
+      do i=1,nf
+        read(kr,*) descr
+      end do
+      nfltnodes=0
+      do i=1,numnp
+        read(kr,*) n,(fattr(j),j=1,nnattr)
+        iattr=nint(fattr(ifattrn))
+        if(iattr.eq.ifattrv) then
+          nfltnodes=nfltnodes+1
+          inodef(nfltnodes)=i
+          nelsf(nfltnodes)=0
+        end if
+      end do
+c...  determine which elements contain each node on the faults
+      do i=1,numel
+        do j=1,nfltnodes
+          do k=1,nen
+            if(ien(k,i).eq.inodef(j)) then
+              nelsf(j)=nelsf(j)+1
+              iadjf(j,nelsf(j))=i
+            end if
+          end do
+        end do
+      end do
+c...  output fault info after determining which fault each node lies on
+      do i=1,numflt
+        write(cfnum,"(i2)") i
+        j1=nnblnk(cfnum)
+        j2=nchar(cfnum)
+        fbcfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//"."//cfnum(j1:j2)//".fbc"
+        fbccfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//"."//cfnum(j1:j2)//".fcoord"
+        open(file=fbcfile,unit=kwfb(i),status="new")
+        open(file=fbccfile,unit=kwfc(i),status="new")
+      end do
+c...  First find all elements on one side of the fault, then the other
+      do kk=1,2
+        do i=1,numflt
+          do j=1,nsd
+            sgn=sign(1.0d0,fsplit(j,kk,i))
+            isn(j)=nint(sgn)
+          end do
+          do j=1,nfltnodes
+            do k=1,nelsf(j)
+              do l=1,nmatf(kk,i)
+                iel=iadjf(j,k)
+                if(mat(iel).eq.ifmat(kk,i,l)) then
+                  if(iftype(i).eq.1) then
+                    write(kwfb(i),"(2i7,i4,3(2x,1pe15.8))") iel,
+     &               inodef(j),ifhist(i),(fsplit(jj,kk,i),jj=1,nsd)
+                  else
+                    write(kwfb(i),"(2i7,3i4)") iel,inodef(j),
+     &               (isn(jj),jj=1,nsd)
+                  end if
+                  write(kwfc(i),"(3i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") 
+     &             iel,inodef(j),kk,(x(jj,inodef(j)),jj=1,nsd)
+                end if
+              end do
+            end do
+          end do
+        end do
+      end do
+      do i=1,nsides
+        close(kwfb(i))
+        close(kwfc(i))
+      end do
+      write(kto,700) nflip
+700   format("Number of connectivities flipped:  ",i7)
+      stop
+      end
+      subroutine files(passigned,gassigned,ninterp,gavg,nout,cout)
+c...  subroutine to set up i/o and run options
+      implicit none
+      logical ninterp,gavg,nout,cout
+      integer kti,kto,km,kp,kg,ko
+      common/kti,kto,km,kp,kg,ko/
+      intrinsic index,iargc
+      integer nnblnk,nchar
+      external nnblnk,nchar
+      character mfile*500,pfile*500,gfile*500,ofile*500,string*500
+      logical massigned,passigned,gassigned,oassigned
+      integer nargs,i,j,ival
+c...  unit numbers
+      kti=5
+      kto=6
+      km=10
+      kp=11
+      kg=12
+      ko=13
+c...  logical flags
+      ninterp=.true.
+      gavg=.false.
+      nout=.true.
+      cout=.false.
+      massigned=.false.
+      passigned=.false.
+      gassigned=.false.
+      oassigned=.false.
+c... loop over command-line arguments
+      nargs=iargc()
+      do i=1,nargs
+        call getarg(i,string)
+        if(index(string,'m=').ne.0) then
+          massigned=.true.
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          mfile=string(3:j)
+        else if(index(string,'p=').ne.0) then
+          passigned=.true.
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          pfile=string(3:j)
+        else if(index(string,'g=').ne.0) then
+          gassigned=.true.
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          gfile=string(3:j)
+        else if(index(string,'o=').ne.0) then
+          oassigned=.true.
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          ofile=string(3:j)
+        else if(index(string,'n=').ne.0) then
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          read(string(3:j),*) ival
+          if(ival.eq.0) then
+            ninterp=.false.
+          else if(ival.eq.1) then
+            ninterp=.true.
+          else
+            write(kto,800)
+            end
+          end if
+        else if(index(string,'a=').ne.0) then
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          read(string(3:j),*) ival
+          if(ival.eq.0) then
+            gavg=.false.
+          else if(ival.eq.1) then
+            gavg=.true.
+          else
+            write(kto,800)
+            end
+          end if
+        else if(index(string,'no=').ne.0) then
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) ival
+          if(ival.eq.0) then
+            nout=.false.
+          else if(ival.eq.1) then
+            nout=.true.
+          else
+            write(kto,800)
+            end
+          end if
+        else if(index(string,'co=').ne.0) then
+          j=lnblnk(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) ival
+          if(ival.eq.0) then
+            cout=.false.
+          else if(ival.eq.1) then
+            cout=.true.
+          else
+            write(kto,800)
+            end
+          end if
+        end if
+      end do
+c...  adjust flags for inconsistencies
+      if(.not.nout) ninterp=.false.
+      if(.not.cout) gavg=.false.
+c...  open files
+      if(massigned) then
+        open(km,file=mfile,status="old")
+      else
+        write(kto,800)
+        stop
+      end if
+      if(passigned) open(kp,file=pfile,status="old")
+      if(gassigned) open(kg,file=gfile,status="old")
+      if(oassigned) then
+        open(ko,file=ofile,status="new")
+      else
+        write(kto,800)
+        stop
+      end if
+ 800  format("Usage:",/,
+     & "makeucd m=<mesh_file> o=<output_file> [p=<nodal_value_file>]",/,
+     & "[g=<gauss_value_file>] [n=<gauss_interpolation_option]",/,
+     & "[a=<gauss_averaging_option>] [no=<nodal_output_option>]",/,
+     & "[co=<element_output_option>]",//,
+     & "All options have values of 0 (no) or 1 (yes).",/,
+     & "Default option values are:",/,
+     & "n = 1 (interpolate Gauss values to nodes)",/,
+     & "a = 0 (do not average Gauss values to element centroids)",/,
+     & "no = 1 (output values at nodes)",/,
+     & "co = 0 (do not output values at element centroids)"
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine lcoord(ien,x,xl,nsd,nen,numnp)
+c...  subroutine to localize element coordinates
+      implicit none
+      integer nsd,nen,numnp
+      integer ien(nen)
+      double precision x(nsd,numnp),xl(nsd,nen)
+      integer i,j,ii
+      do i=1,nen
+        ii=ien(i)
+        do j=1,nsd
+          xl(j,i)=x(j,ii)
+        end do
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function nchar(string)
+c...  determines the minimum nonblank length of a string
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nchar
+      character*(*) string
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i,itest
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nchar=0
+      do i=1,nmax
+        itest=nmax-i+1
+        if(string(itest:itest).ne.blank) then
+          nchar=itest
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function nnblnk(string)
+c       determines the position of the first nonblank entry
+c       of a string (returns 1 if the first character is
+c       not blank)
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nnblnk
+      character*(*) string
+c... intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nnblnk=nmax
+      do i=1,nmax
+        if(string(i:i).ne.blank) then
+          nnblnk=i
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pskip(iunit)
+c      routine to skip lines beginning with the string # and blank
+c      lines.
+c      this routine ignores leading blanks before the key string.
+      implicit none
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer iunit
+c...  local constants
+      character leader*1
+      data leader/'#'/
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic index
+c...  external functions
+      integer nchar,nnblnk
+      external nchar,nnblnk
+c...  local variables
+      integer inblnk
+      character string*80
+ 10   continue
+        read(iunit,"(a80)",end=20) string
+        if(nchar(string).eq.0) goto 10
+        inblnk=nnblnk(string)
+        if(index(string,leader).eq.inblnk) goto 10
+      backspace(iunit)
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      end
+      function tetcmp(xl)
+c...  program to compute determinant and equivalent tetrahedral volume
+c     for a given 4x4 matrix.
+      implicit none
+      double precision tetcmp,xl(3,4)
+      double precision a(4,4),cof(3,3)
+      data a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),a(1,4)/1.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0/
+      integer i,j,ii
+      double precision det3,onem,sgn
+      external det3
+      integer ind(3,4)
+      data ind/2,3,4,1,3,4,1,2,4,1,2,3/
+      do i=2,4
+        do j=1,4
+          a(i,j)=xl(i-1,j)
+        end do
+      end do
+      onem=-1.0d0
+      sgn=onem
+      tetcmp=0.0d0
+      do i=1,4
+        sgn=sgn*onem
+        do ii=1,3
+          do j=2,4
+            cof(j-1,ii)=a(j,ind(ii,i))
+          end do
+        end do
+        tetcmp=tetcmp+sgn*a(1,i)*det3(cof)
+cdebug        write(6,*) "i,a,tetcmp:",i,(a(j,i),j=1,4)
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function det3(x)
+c...  function to compute determinant of a 3x3 matrix
+      implicit none
+      double precision det3
+      double precision x(3,3)
+      det3=x(1,1)*x(2,2)*x(3,3)-x(1,1)*x(2,3)*x(3,2)+
+     &     x(1,2)*x(2,3)*x(3,1)-x(1,2)*x(2,1)*x(3,3)+
+     &     x(1,3)*x(2,1)*x(3,2)-x(1,3)*x(2,2)*x(3,1)
+      return
+      end

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