[cig-commits] r4412 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Thu Aug 24 08:10:18 PDT 2006

Author: willic3
Date: 2006-08-24 08:10:17 -0700 (Thu, 24 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 4412

Added new blockrot.f code to compute split node displacements
corresponding to given block rotations, using the UCD output from
LaGriT, and updated the makefile to include the new code.
Increased the dimensions on makeucd.f to handle some of the bigger

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot.f	2006-08-24 03:29:20 UTC (rev 4411)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot.f	2006-08-24 15:10:17 UTC (rev 4412)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+      program blockrot
+c...  quick and dirty program to compute fault boundary conditions,
+c     given a set of points and a rotation pole that specifies the
+c     movement of the 'positive' side of the fault with respect to
+c     the 'negative' side.  Positive and negative sides are determined
+c     by the side number (1=positive) in the split node coordinate file.
+c     The user must specify the names of the initial split node file
+c     as well as a file containing split node coordinates and possibly
+c     fault normal vectors (as produced by readucd2, for example).
+c     The user must also specify values for x-position, y-position,
+c     and rotation (degrees CCW) for the rotation pole, and may
+c     optionally specify a coordinate scaling value and a dip-slip
+c     cutoff value (degrees from vertical).
+c     This program is suitable for specifying split node BC for the
+c     LithoMop or PyLith codes.
+c     This version of the code assumes that output has already been
+c     produced by a code such as readnetgen, readucd, or readucd2,
+c     such that fault information files (*.fcoord, *.fbc) have already
+c     been produced.
+      implicit none
+c...  parameters
+c...  global arrays
+      double precision dval,scale,pole1(3),pole2(3)
+      logical dflag,hasnorm
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic acos,sin,abs
+c...  filenames and unit numbers
+      integer kti,kto,ksi,ksic,kso
+      common/units/kti,kto,ksi,ksic,kso
+      character sifile*200,sicfile*200,sofile*200
+c...  local variables
+      integer j,nodes,elems,hists,nodec,elemc,isidec
+      double precision ux,uy,uz,pi,d2r
+      double precision x(3),fnorm(3)
+      pi=acos(-1.0d0)
+      d2r=pi/180.0d0
+c...  get filenames and other runtime info
+      call files(sifile,sicfile,sofile,dflag,dval,scale,pole1,pole2)
+c...  compute cutoff info in terms of projection onto z-axis
+      if(dflag) dval=abs(sin(d2r*dval))
+c...  determine whether fault normals are included
+      open(ksi,file=sifile,status="old")
+      open(ksic,file=sicfile,status="old")
+      open(kso,file=sofile,status="new")
+      hasnorm=.false.
+      read(ksic,*,err=10) elemc,nodec,isidec,(x(j),j=1,3),
+     & (fnorm(j),j=1,3)
+      hasnorm=.true.
+ 10   continue
+      backspace(ksic)
+c...  loop over fault entries
+      if(hasnorm) then
+ 20     continue
+          read(ksi,*,end=30) elems,nodes,hists,ux,uy,uz
+          read(ksic,*,end=30) elemc,nodec,isidec,(x(j),j=1,3),
+     &     (fnorm(j),j=1,3)
+          call getvals(x,fnorm,isidec,scale,dval,dflag,pole1,pole2,
+     &     ux,uy,uz)
+          write(kso,"(3i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") elems,nodes,hists,ux,uy,uz
+          go to 20
+ 30     continue
+      else if(.not.dflag) then
+ 40     continue
+          read(ksi,*,end=50) elems,nodes,hists,ux,uy,uz
+          read(ksic,*,end=50) elemc,nodec,isidec,(x(j),j=1,3)
+          call getvals(x,fnorm,isidec,scale,dval,dflag,pole1,pole2,
+     &     ux,uy,uz)
+          write(kso,"(3i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") elems,nodes,hists,ux,uy,uz
+          go to 40
+ 50     continue
+      else
+        write(kto,800)
+        stop
+      end if
+      close(ksi)
+      close(ksic)
+      close(kso)
+ 800  format("ERROR!",/,
+     &       "Fault normals must be present to use dip-slip cutoff!")
+      stop
+      end
+      subroutine files(sifile,sicfile,sofile,dflag,dval,scale,pole1,
+     & pole2)
+c...  subroutine to get filenames and other runtime info from
+c     command-line
+c...  routine arguments
+      implicit none
+      double precision dval,scale,pole1(3),pole2(3)
+      character sifile*(*),sicfile*(*),sofile*(*)
+      logical dflag
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic iargc,index,acos
+c...  external functions
+      integer nchar
+      external nchar
+c...  unit numbers
+      integer kti,kto,ksi,ksic,kso
+      common/units/kti,kto,ksi,ksic,kso
+c...  local variables
+      integer nargs,i,j
+      double precision pi,d2r
+      character string*2000
+      logical fflag(9)
+      kti=5
+      kto=6
+      ksi=10
+      ksic=11
+      kso=12
+      pi=acos(-1.0d0)
+      d2r=pi/180.0d0
+      dflag=.false.
+      dval=0.0d0
+      scale=1.0d0
+      do i=1,9
+        fflag(i)=.false.
+      end do
+      nargs=iargc()
+      do i=1,nargs
+        call getarg(i,string)
+        if(index(string,'i=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          sifile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(1)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'c=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          sicfile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(2)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'o=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          sofile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(3)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'x1=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) pole1(1)
+          fflag(4)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'y1=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) pole1(2)
+          fflag(5)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'r1=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) pole1(3)
+          fflag(6)=.true.
+          pole1(3)=d2r*pole1(3)
+        else if(index(string,'x2=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) pole2(1)
+          fflag(7)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'y2=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) pole2(2)
+          fflag(8)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'r2=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(4:j),*) pole2(3)
+          fflag(9)=.true.
+          pole2(3)=d2r*pole2(3)
+        else if(index(string,'d=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(3:j),*) dval
+          dflag=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'s=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          read(string(3:j),*) scale
+        end if
+      end do
+      do i=1,9
+        if(.not.fflag(i)) then
+          write(kto,800)
+          stop
+        end if
+      end do
+ 800  format("Usage:",/,
+     & "    blockrot i=<split_node_input_file>",/,
+     & "    c=<split_node_coord_file> o=<split_node_output_file>",/,
+     & "    x1=<rotation_pole1_xcoord> y1=<rotation_pole1_ycoord>",/,
+     & "    r1=<rotation1_amount> x2=<rotation_pole2_xcoord>",/,
+     & "    y2=<rotation_pole2_ycoord> r2=<rotation2_amount>",/,
+     & "    [d=<dip_slip_cutoff> s=<scale_factor>]",//,
+     & "    Block 1 is the reference block, and rotations are in",/,
+     & "    degrees.")
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getvals(x,fnorm,isidec,scale,dval,dflag,pole1,pole2,
+     & ux,uy,uz)
+c...  subroutine to get x, y, and z dislocation values and return them
+c     in ux, uy, and uz.  The isidec value is used to determine the sign
+c     of the returned values.
+      implicit none
+c...  parameters
+      double precision eps
+      parameter(eps=1.0d-3)
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer isidec
+      double precision x(3),fnorm(3),pole1(3),pole2(3),scale,dval
+      double precision ux,uy,uz
+      logical dflag
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic sqrt,abs,sin,acos
+c...  local variables
+      double precision uxl,uyl,uzl,uxt,uyt,uzt,uxn,uyn,uzn
+      double precision sgn,dx1,dy1,dx2,dy2,dr,dfault,ssp,dsp,fac
+      double precision ss(3),ds(3)
+      sgn=1.0d0
+      if(isidec.eq.2) sgn=-1.0d0
+c...  Compute rotation.
+      dx1=x(1)-pole1(1)
+      dy1=x(2)-pole1(2)
+      dx2=x(1)-pole2(1)
+      dy2=x(2)-pole2(2)
+      uxl=-pole1(3)*dy1+pole2(3)*dy2
+      uyl=pole1(3)*dx1-pole2(3)*dx2
+      uzl=0.0d0
+c...  if cutoff values are being used, compute strike-slip and dip-slip
+c     components.
+      if(dflag) then
+c...  make sure normal is normalized
+        dr=sqrt(fnorm(1)*fnorm(1)+fnorm(2)*fnorm(2)+fnorm(3)*fnorm(3))
+        fnorm(1)=fnorm(1)/dr
+        fnorm(2)=fnorm(2)/dr
+        fnorm(3)=fnorm(3)/dr
+        dfault=sqrt(1.0d0-fnorm(3)*fnorm(3))
+        if(dfault.lt.dval) then
+c...  strike-slip unit vector is along-strike (khat X fnorm) unless the
+c     fault is horizontal, in which case it is E-W (along x-direction).
+c     Dipslip is cross product of normal with strike-slip, which should
+c     be updip.
+          if(abs(fnorm(3)).lt.(1.0d0-eps)) then
+            dr=sqrt(fnorm(1)*fnorm(1)+fnorm(2)*fnorm(2))
+            ss(1)=-fnorm(2)/dr
+            ss(2)=fnorm(1)/dr
+            ss(3)=0.0d0
+          else
+            ss(1)=1.0d0
+            ss(2)=0.0d0
+            ss(3)=0.0d0
+          end if
+          ds(1)=fnorm(2)*ss(3)-fnorm(3)*ss(2)
+          ds(2)=fnorm(3)*ss(1)-fnorm(1)*ss(3)
+          ds(3)=fnorm(1)*ss(2)-fnorm(2)*ss(1)
+c...  project slip onto strike-slip direction and add contribution to total slip.
+          ssp=uxl*ss(1)+uyl*ss(2)+uzl*ss(3)
+          uxt=ssp*ss(1)
+          uyt=ssp*ss(2)
+          uzt=ssp*ss(3)
+c...  compute normal components of slip, and compute dot product with
+c     dipslip.  Scale vector so that horizontal components are equal
+c     to block-normal motion.
+          uxn=uxl-uxt
+          uyn=uyl-uyt
+          uzn=uzl-uzt
+          dr=sqrt(uxn*uxn+uyn*uyn)
+          dsp=uxn*ds(1)+uyn*ds(2)+uzn*ds(3)
+          uxn=dsp*ds(1)
+          uyn=dsp*ds(2)
+          uzn=dsp*ds(3)
+          fac=dr/sqrt(uxn*uxn+uyn*uyn)
+          uxl=uxt+uxn*fac
+          uyl=uyt+uyn*fac
+          uzl=uzt+uzn*fac
+        end if
+      end if
+c...  final slip is multiplied by sign corresponding to fault side, and
+c     divided by 2 since half will be applied to each side.
+      ux=sgn*uxl*0.5d0
+      uy=sgn*uyl*0.5d0
+      uz=sgn*uzl*0.5d0
+      return
+      end
+      function nchar(string)
+c...  determines the minimum nonblank length of a string
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nchar
+      character*(*) string
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i,itest
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nchar=0
+      do i=1,nmax
+        itest=nmax-i+1
+        if(string(itest:itest).ne.blank) then
+          nchar=itest
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makefile
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makefile	2006-08-24 03:29:20 UTC (rev 4411)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makefile	2006-08-24 15:10:17 UTC (rev 4412)
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
 fixqt: fixqt.o
 	$(FCOMPL) $(opt) -o fixqt fixqt.o
+blockrot: blockrot.o
+	$(FCOMPL) $(opt) -o blockrot blockrot.o
 makeucd: makeucd.o
 	$(FCOMPL) $(opt) -o makeucd makeucd.o ${LINALG}

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makeucd.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makeucd.f	2006-08-24 03:29:20 UTC (rev 4411)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/makeucd.f	2006-08-24 15:10:17 UTC (rev 4412)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
       integer nsd,maxnodes,maxelmts,maxnen,maxgauss,maxattr,maxeattr
       integer maxoattr
-      parameter(nsd=3,maxnodes=500000,maxelmts=500000,maxnen=8,
+      parameter(nsd=3,maxnodes=1000000,maxelmts=1000000,maxnen=8,
      & maxgauss=8,maxattr=6,maxeattr=24,maxoattr=30)
 c...  input/output and logical flag parameters

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