[cig-commits] r4448 - in cs: . benchmark benchmark/trunk benchmark/trunk/examples

luis at geodynamics.org luis at geodynamics.org
Tue Aug 29 12:09:57 PDT 2006

Author: luis
Date: 2006-08-29 12:09:57 -0700 (Tue, 29 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 4448

New import

Added: cs/benchmark/trunk/bm.py
--- cs/benchmark/trunk/bm.py	2006-08-29 16:37:40 UTC (rev 4447)
+++ cs/benchmark/trunk/bm.py	2006-08-29 19:09:57 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import numpy
+import tables
+from numpy import array, zeros
+class TetrahedralMesh(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self.nno = kwargs.get('nodes')          # number of nodes
+        self.nel = kwargs.get('elements')       # number of elements
+        self.deg = kwargs.get('degree', 1)      # degree of element
+        self.qd  = kwargs.get('quadrature', 1)  # degree of quadrature rule
+        self.nqd = self.qd ** 3                 # number of quadrature pts
+    def open(self, filename, mode='r'):
+        self.filename = filename
+        if mode in ('r', 'a'):
+            self.h5 = tables.openFile(filename, mode)
+            self.nno = self.h5.root._v_attrs.nno
+            self.nel = self.h5.root._v_attrs.nel
+            self.qd  = self.h5.root._v_attrs.qd
+            self.nqd = self.qd ** 3
+        elif mode == 'w':
+            self.h5 = tables.openFile(filename, 'w')
+            self.h5.createGroup("/", "solution")
+            self.h5.createGroup("/", "geometry")
+            self.h5.createGroup("/", "topology")
+            self.h5.createGroup("/", "tmp")
+            self.h5.createGroup("/geometry", "map")
+            self.h5.createGroup("/geometry", "quadrature")
+            self.h5.root._v_attrs.nno = self.nno
+            self.h5.root._v_attrs.nel = self.nel
+            self.h5.root._v_attrs.qd  = self.qd
+        return
+    def load_connect(self, file, skip=0):
+        """
+        Load node connectivity from file.
+        """
+        for n in xrange(skip):
+            line = file.readline()
+        print "Loading /topology/connect"
+        connect = zeros((self.nel, 4), dtype=int)
+        for e in xrange(self.nel):
+            line = file.readline()
+            e,etp,mat,inf,n1,n2,n3,n4 = map(int, line.split())
+            connect[e-1] = (n1, n2, n3, n4)
+        self.h5.createArray("/topology", "connect", connect)
+        file.close()
+    def load_coord(self, file, skip=0):
+        """
+        Load node coordinates from file.
+        """
+        for n in xrange(skip):
+            line = file.readline()
+        print "Loading /geometry/coord"
+        coord = zeros((self.nno, 3), dtype=float)
+        for n in xrange(self.nno):
+            line = file.readline()
+            cols = line.split()
+            x,y,z = map(float, (cols[1], cols[2], cols[3]))
+            coord[n] = (1000*x,1000*y,1000*z)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry", "coord", coord)
+        file.close()
+    def load_solution(self, file, skip=0, **kw):
+        """
+        Load solution from file.
+        """
+        for n in xrange(skip):
+            line = file.readline()
+        print "Loading /solution/{displacement,velocity}"
+        nc = kw.get('ncol', 0)
+        xc = kw.get('xcol', 1)
+        vxc = kw.get('vxcol', 4)
+        yc,zc = xc+1, xc+2
+        vyc, vzc = vxc+1, vxc+2
+        displacement = zeros((self.nno, 3), dtype=float)
+        velocity = zeros((self.nno, 3), dtype=float)
+        for n in xrange(self.nno):
+            line = file.readline()
+            cols = line.split()
+            n = int(cols[nc]) - 1
+            x,y,z = map(float, (cols[xc], cols[yc], cols[zc]))
+            vx,vy,vz = map(float, (cols[vxc], cols[vyc], cols[vzc]))
+            displacement[n] = (x,y,z)
+            velocity[n] = (vx,vy,vz)
+        self.h5.createArray("/solution", "displacement", displacement)
+        self.h5.createArray("/solution", "velocity", velocity)
+    def load_map(self):
+        print "Loading /geometry/map/{jacobian,to_ref,from_ref,origin}"
+        from numpy.linalg import inv, det
+        coord = self.h5.root.geometry.coord[:]
+        connect = self.h5.root.topology.connect[:]
+        jacobian = zeros((self.nel,), dtype=float)
+        map_to_ref = zeros((self.nel, 3, 3), dtype=float)
+        map_from_ref = zeros((self.nel, 3, 3), dtype=float)
+        map_origin = zeros((self.nel, 3), dtype=float)
+        for e in xrange(self.nel):
+            # print "processing element", e
+            a,b,c,d  = connect[e]
+            x0,y0,z0 = coord[a-1]      # a = (x0,y0,z0)
+            x1,y1,z1 = coord[b-1]      # b = (x1,y1,z1)
+            x2,y2,z2 = coord[c-1]      # c = (x2,y2,z2)
+            x3,y3,z3 = coord[d-1]      # d = (x3,y3,z3)
+            j = array([[(x1 - x0)/2, (x2 - x0)/2, (x3 - x0)/2],
+                       [(y1 - y0)/2, (y2 - y0)/2, (y3 - y0)/2],
+                       [(z1 - z0)/2, (z2 - z0)/2, (z3 - z0)/2]], dtype=float)
+            jacobian[e] = det(j)
+            map_from_ref[e] = j
+            map_to_ref[e] = inv(j)
+            map_origin[e] = ((x1+x2+x3-x0)/2, (y1+y2+y3-y0)/2, (z1+z2+z3-z0)/2)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/map", "jacobian", jacobian)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/map", "to_ref", map_to_ref)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/map", "from_ref", map_from_ref)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/map", "origin", map_origin)
+    def load_normals(self):
+        print "Loading /geometry/normals"
+        from numpy import cross
+        connect = self.h5.root.topology.connect[:]
+        coord   = self.h5.root.geometry.coord[:]
+        normals = zeros((self.nel, 4, 3), dtype=float)
+        for e in xrange(self.nel):
+            a,b,c,d = connect[e]
+            ra = coord[a-1]
+            rb = coord[b-1]
+            rc = coord[c-1]
+            rd = coord[d-1]
+            normals[e,0] = cross(rc-ra, rb-ra)
+            normals[e,1] = cross(ra-rd, rb-rd)
+            normals[e,2] = cross(rb-rd, rc-rd)
+            normals[e,3] = cross(rc-rd, ra-rd)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry", "normals", normals)
+    def load_quadrature(self):
+        print "Loading /geometry/quadrature/{points,weights}"
+        from numpy import dot
+        from FIAT.shapes import TETRAHEDRON
+        from FIAT.quadrature import make_quadrature
+        Q = make_quadrature(TETRAHEDRON, self.qd)
+        x = array(Q.x)
+        w = array(Q.w)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/quadrature", "points", x)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/quadrature", "weights", w)
+    def load_quadrature2(self, file, skip=0):
+        """
+        Instead of using FIAT, load quadrature points and weights
+        from an external file.
+        """
+        for n in xrange(skip):
+            line = file.readline()
+        print "Loading /geometry/quadrature/{points,weights}"
+        nel, nqd = self.nel, self.nqd
+        x = zeros((nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        w = zeros((nqd,), dtype=float)
+        for q in xrange(nqd):
+            line = file.readline()
+            wq,xq,yq,zq = map(float, line.split())
+            x[q] = (xq,yq,zq)
+            w[q] = wq
+        file.close()
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/quadrature", "points", x)
+        self.h5.createArray("/geometry/quadrature", "weights", w)
+    def load_qpoints(self):
+        print "Loading /tmp/qpoints"
+        from numpy import dot
+        nel, nqd = self.nel, self.nqd
+        map_origin = self.h5.root.geometry.map.origin[:]
+        map_from_ref = self.h5.root.geometry.map.from_ref[:]
+        qpoints = zeros((nel, nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        x = self.h5.root.geometry.quadrature.points[:]
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            j = map_from_ref[e]
+            origin = map_origin[e]
+            for q in xrange(nqd):   # TODO: vectorize this loop
+                qpoints[e,q] = origin + dot(j,x[q])
+        self.h5.createArray("/tmp", "qpoints", qpoints)
+    def write_qpoints(self, file):
+        qpoints = self.h5.root.tmp.qpoints[:]
+        nel = qpoints.shape[0]
+        nqd = qpoints.shape[1]
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            for q in xrange(nqd):
+                point = qpoints[e,q]
+                print >> file, point[0], point[1], point[2]
+        file.close()
+    def load_projection(self):
+        """
+        Project solutions to own /tmp/qpoints, using FIAT to evaluate
+        the shape functions at the specified locations.
+        """
+        from numpy import dot
+        from FIAT.Lagrange import Lagrange
+        from FIAT.shapes import TETRAHEDRON
+        nel, nqd = self.nel, self.nqd
+        U = Lagrange(TETRAHEDRON, self.deg)
+        Ufs = U.function_space()
+        points = self.h5.root.geometry.quadrature.points[:]
+        qx = [map(float, tuple(points[q])) for q in xrange(nqd)]
+        N  = array(Ufs.tabulate(qx)).transpose()
+        connect = self.h5.root.topology.connect[:]
+        x  = self.h5.root.solution.displacement[:]
+        vx = self.h5.root.solution.velocity[:]
+        displacement = zeros((nel, nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        velocity = zeros((nel, nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        vert = zeros((4,3), dtype=float)
+        print "Loading /tmp/displacement"
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            a,b,c,d = connect[e]
+            vert[:] = (x[a-1], x[b-1], x[c-1], x[d-1])
+            displacement[e] = dot(N, vert)
+        self.h5.createArray("/tmp", "displacement", displacement)
+        print "Loading /tmp/velocity"
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            a,b,c,d = connect[e]
+            vert[:] = (vx[a-1], vx[b-1], vx[c-1], vx[d-1])
+            velocity[e] = dot(N, vert)
+        self.h5.createArray("/tmp", "velocity", velocity)
+    def load_projection2(self, file):
+        """
+        Load an external projection (from a file).
+        """
+        print "Loading /tmp/{displacement2,velocity2}"
+        nel, nqd = self.nel, self.nqd
+        displacement = zeros((nel, nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        velocity = zeros((nel, nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            for q in xrange(nqd):
+                line = file.readline()
+                x,y,z,vx,vy,vz = map(float, line.split())
+                displacement[e,q] = (x,y,z)
+                velocity[e,q] = (vx,vy,vz)
+        file.close()
+        self.h5.createArray("/tmp", "displacement2", displacement)
+        self.h5.createArray("/tmp", "velocity2", velocity)
+    def load_displacement2(self, file):
+        """
+        Load an external projection (from a file).
+        """
+        print "Loading /tmp/displacement2"
+        nel, nqd = self.nel, self.nqd
+        displacement2 = zeros((nel, nqd, 3), dtype=float)
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            for q in xrange(nqd):
+                line = file.readline()
+                x,y,z,dx,dy,dz = map(float, line.split())
+                displacement2[e,q] = (dx,dy,dz)
+        file.close()
+        self.h5.createArray("/tmp", "displacement2", displacement2)
+    def project(A, B, field=None):
+        """
+        Project own mesh A into destination mesh B. That is, evaluate
+        the specified field in A by using B's quadrature points. Assumes
+        B has been opened in append mode. The result is stored on B
+        as /tmp/field2.
+        """
+        from numpy import dot
+        from FIAT.Lagrange import Lagrange
+        from FIAT.shapes import TETRAHEDRON
+        U = Lagrange(TETRAHEDRON, A.deg)
+        Ufs = U.function_space()
+        connect = A.h5.root.topology.connect[:]
+        coord = A.h5.root.geometry.coord[:]
+        normals = A.h5.root.geometry.normals[:]
+        map_to_ref = A.h5.root.geometry.map.to_ref[:]
+        origin = A.h5.root.geometry.map.origin[:]
+        qpoints = B.h5.root.tmp.qpoints[:]
+        f  = getattr(A.h5.root.solution, field)[:]
+        f2 = zeros(qpoints.shape, dtype=float)
+        vert = zeros((4,3), dtype=float)
+        def contained(e,x):
+            a = connect[e,0]
+            d = connect[e,3]
+            xa = x - coord[a-1]
+            xd = x - coord[d-1]
+            if dot(normals[e,0], xa) > 0:
+                return False
+            if dot(normals[e,1], xd) > 0:
+                return False
+            if dot(normals[e,2], xd) > 0:
+                return False
+            if dot(normals[e,3], xd) > 0:
+                return False
+            return True
+        def brute_force_find(x):
+            for e in xrange(A.nel):
+                if contained(e,x): return e
+            return None
+        find_element = brute_force_find
+        print "Loading /tmp/%s2 on %s" % (field, B.filename)
+        for eb in xrange(B.nel):
+            for qb in xrange(B.nqd):    # iterate over B's quadrature pts
+                # coordinates of quadrature point
+                qx = qpoints[eb,qb]
+                # find corresponding element in A
+                ea = find_element(qx)
+                # map point to reference domain
+                xi = dot(map_to_ref[ea], qx - origin[ea])
+                # evaluate A's shape functions at xi
+                N = Ufs.tabulate([tuple(xi)]).transpose()
+                a,b,c,d = connect[ea]
+                vert[:] = (f[a-1], f[b-1], f[c-1], f[d-1])
+                f2[eb,qb] = dot(N,vert)
+        B.h5.createArray("/tmp", field+'2', f2)
+    def project_displacement(A, B):
+        A.project(B, field='displacement')
+    def project_velocity(A,B):
+        A.project(B, field='velocity')
+    def error(self, field=None):
+        """
+        Calculates L2 error between /tmp/field and /tmp/field2
+        """
+        from numpy import dot, sqrt
+        nno, nel, nqd = self.nno, self.nel, self.nqd
+        x1 = getattr(self.h5.root.tmp, field)[:]
+        x2 = getattr(self.h5.root.tmp, field+'2')[:]
+        w = self.h5.root.geometry.quadrature.weights[:].reshape(1, nqd)
+        jacobian = self.h5.root.geometry.map.jacobian[:]
+        global_err = 0.0
+        for e in xrange(nel):
+            dx = x2[e] - x1[e]
+            global_err += jacobian[e] * sum(sum(dot(w,dx**2)))
+        return sqrt(global_err)
+    def error_displacement(self):
+        """
+        Calculates L2 error between /tmp/displacement and /tmp/displacement2
+        """
+        return self.error(field='displacement')
+    def error_velocity(self):
+        """
+        Calculates L2 error between /tmp/velocity and /tmp/velocity
+        """
+        return self.error(field='velocity')
+    def close(self):
+        self.h5.close()
+def main():
+    pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Added: cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/eric-import.py
--- cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/eric-import.py	2006-08-29 16:37:40 UTC (rev 4447)
+++ cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/eric-import.py	2006-08-29 19:09:57 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from bm import TetrahedralMesh
+mesh = TetrahedralMesh(nodes=14874, elements=75653, quadrature=2)
+# Open h5 file
+mesh.open('eric-hetland.h5', 'w')
+# Load coord file
+fn = 'Old_BCs/bmrsnog_1000m_1.0.coord'
+f  = open(fn, 'r')
+mesh.load_coord(f, skip=6)
+# Load connect file
+fn = 'Old_BCs/bmrsnog_1000m_1.0.connect'
+f  = open(fn, 'r')
+mesh.load_connect(f, skip=3)
+# Load displacement and velocities file
+fn = 'Old_BCs/bmrsnog_1000m_1.0.mesh.time.00000.inp'
+f  = open(fn, 'r')
+mesh.load_solution(f, skip=7)
+# Calculate some things (order is important)
+# Write down list of quadrature points
+f = open('eric-qpoints.in', 'w')
+# done

Property changes on: cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/eric-import.py
Name: svn:executable

Added: cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/greg-import.py
--- cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/greg-import.py	2006-08-29 16:37:40 UTC (rev 4447)
+++ cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/greg-import.py	2006-08-29 19:09:57 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import bm
+from bm import TetrahedralMesh
+mesh = TetrahedralMesh(nodes=14874, elements=75653, quadrature=2)
+# Open h5 file
+mesh.open('greg-lyzenga.h5', 'w')
+# Load coord file
+fn = 'bmrsnog_1000m.coord'
+f  = open(fn, 'r')
+mesh.load_coord(f, skip=1)
+# Load connect file
+fn = 'bmrsnog_1000m.connect'
+f  = open(fn, 'r')
+mesh.load_connect(f, skip=0)
+# Load displacement and velocities file
+fn = 'bmrsnog_1kmA.out'
+f  = open(fn, 'r')
+mesh.load_solution(f, skip=9, ncol=1, xcol=5, vxcol=8)
+# Calculate some things
+# Write down list of quadrature points
+f  = open('greg-qpoints.in', 'w')
+# done

Property changes on: cs/benchmark/trunk/examples/greg-import.py
Name: svn:executable

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