[cig-commits] r5478 - in mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display: . plugins

luis at geodynamics.org luis at geodynamics.org
Wed Dec 6 00:16:38 PST 2006

Author: luis
Date: 2006-12-06 00:16:37 -0800 (Wed, 06 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 5478

Reorganized structure of the Mayavi2 plugin modules

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/HDF5FileReader.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/HDF5FileReader.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/HDF5FileReader.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+"""This source manages a CitcomS Hdf file given to it.  
+# Author: Martin Weier
+# Copyright (c) 2006, California Institute of Technology
+# License: GPL Style
+# Enthought library imports.
+from enthought.traits import Trait, TraitPrefixList, Instance, Int, Str, Button
+from enthought.traits.ui import View, Group, Item
+from enthought.traits.ui.menu import OKButton
+from enthought.persistence.state_pickler \
+     import gzip_string, gunzip_string, set_state
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+from enthought.mayavi.plugins.CitcomSHDFUgrid import CitcomSHDFUgrid
+from CitcomHDFThread import *
+# Local imports.
+from enthought.mayavi.core.source import Source
+from enthought.mayavi.core.common import handle_children_state
+from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_xml_file_reader import get_all_attributes
+from CitcomHDFThread import *
+import tables
+import re
+# `CitcomSVTKDataSource` class
+class CitcomSHDFFileReader(Source):
+    """This source manages a CitcomS Hdf file given to it. """
+    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
+    __version__ = 0
+    # The VTK dataset to manage.
+    data = Instance(tvtk.DataSet)
+    # Class to convert Hdf to Vtk Unstructured Grid Objects
+    citcomshdftougrid = CitcomSHDFUgrid()
+    current_timestep = Int(0)
+    #To support changing the Scalar values in Mayavi2
+    temperature = Instance(tvtk.FloatArray())
+    viscosity = Instance(tvtk.FloatArray())
+    #Resolution comming from Hdf file
+    nx = Int()
+    ny = Int()
+    nz = Int()
+    #Current reduced resolution. User defined
+    nx_redu = Int()
+    ny_redu = Int()
+    nz_redu = Int()
+    #Number of timesteps in Hdf
+    timesteps = Int()
+    #Button to trigger the process of reading a timestep
+    read_timestep = Button('Read timestep')
+    filename = Str()
+    ########################################
+    # Dynamic traits: These traits are dummies and are dynamically
+    # updated depending on the contents of the file.
+    # The active point scalar name.
+    point_scalars_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active point vector name.
+    point_vectors_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active point tensor name.
+    point_tensors_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active cell scalar name.
+    cell_scalars_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active cell vector name.
+    cell_vectors_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active cell tensor name.
+    cell_tensors_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    ########################################
+    # Our view.
+    view = View(Group(Item(name='current_timestep'),
+                      Item(name='nx_redu'),
+                      Item(name='ny_redu'),
+                      Item(name='nz_redu'),
+                      Item(name='read_timestep', style='simple', label='Simple'),
+                      Item(name='point_scalars_name'),
+                      Item(name='point_vectors_name'),
+                      Item(name='point_tensors_name'),
+                      Item(name='cell_scalars_name'),
+                      Item(name='cell_vectors_name'),
+                      Item(name='cell_tensors_name'),
+                      ),
+                     )
+    ######################################################################
+    # `object` interface
+    ######################################################################
+    #Invoked during process of saving the visualization to a file
+    def __get_pure_state__(self):
+        d = super(CitcomSHDFFileReader, self).__get_pure_state__()
+        output = "Filename: " +self.filename+ "NX:%d NY:%d NZ:%d" %(self.nx_redu,self.ny_redu,self.nz_redu)
+        z = gzip_string(output)
+        d['data'] = z
+        return d
+    #When the Visualisation is opened again this Method is called
+    def __set_pure_state__(self, state):
+        z = state.data
+        if z:
+            d = gunzip_string(z)
+            m = re.search('(?<=Filename:)\w+', header)
+            file_name = m.group(0)
+            m = re.search('(?<=NX:)\w+', d)
+            self.nx_redu = int(m.group(0))
+            m = re.search('(?<=NX:)\w+', d)
+            self.ny_redu = int(m.group(0))
+            m = re.search('(?<=NX:)\w+', d)
+            self.nz_redu = int(m.group(0))
+            if not isfile(file_name):
+                msg = 'Could not find file at %s\n'%file_name
+                msg += 'Please move the file there and try again.'
+                raise IOError, msg
+            self.filename = file_name
+            #self.data = self.citcomshdftougrid.initialize(self.filename,0,0,0,0,False,False)
+            f = tables.openFile(file_name,'r')
+            self.nx = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodex)
+            self.ny = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodey)
+            self.nz = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodez)
+            self.timesteps = int(f.root.time.nrows)
+            f.close()
+            self.data = self.citcomshdftougrid.initialize(self.filename,self.current_timestep,self.nx_redu,self.ny_redu,self.nz_redu)
+            self.data_changed = True
+            self._update_data()
+            # Now set the remaining state without touching the children.
+            set_state(self, state, ignore=['children', '_file_path'])
+            # Setup the children.
+            handle_children_state(self.children, state.children)
+            # Setup the children's state.
+            set_state(self, state, first=['children'], ignore=['*'])
+    ######################################################################
+    # `Base` interface
+    ######################################################################
+    def start(self):
+        """This is invoked when this object is added to the mayavi
+        pipeline.
+        """
+        # Do nothing if we are already running.
+        if self.running:
+            return
+        # Update the data just in case.
+        self._update_data()
+        # Call the parent method to do its thing.  This will typically
+        # start all our children.
+        super(CitcomSHDFFileReader, self).start()
+    def update(self):
+        """Invoke this to flush data changes downstream."""
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def initialize(self,file_name):
+        """This Methods initializes the reader and reads the meta-information from the Hdf file """
+        self.filename = file_name
+        #self.data = self.citcomshdftougrid.initialize(self.filename,0,0,0,0,False,False)
+        f = tables.openFile(file_name,'r')
+        self.nx = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodex)
+        self.ny = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodey)
+        self.nz = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodez)
+        self.nx_redu = self.nx
+        self.ny_redu = self.ny
+        self.nz_redu = self.nz
+        self.timesteps = int(f.root.time.nrows)
+        f.close()
+    ######################################################################
+    # `TreeNodeObject` interface
+    ######################################################################
+    def tno_get_label(self, node):
+        """ Gets the label to display for a specified object.
+        """
+        ret = "CitcomS HDF Data (uninitialized)"
+        if self.data:
+            typ = self.data.__class__.__name__
+            ret = "CitcomS HDF Data (%d)"%self.current_timestep
+        return ret
+    ######################################################################
+    # Non-public interface
+    ######################################################################
+    def _data_changed(self, data):
+        """Invoked when the upsteam data sends an data_changed event"""
+        self._update_data()
+        self.outputs = [data]
+        self.data_changed = True
+        # Fire an event so that our label on the tree is updated.
+        self.trait_property_changed('name', '',
+                                    self.tno_get_label(None))
+    ##Callbacks for our traits    
+    def _current_timestep_changed(self,new_value):
+        """Callback for the current timestep input box"""
+        if new_value < 0:
+            self.current_timestep = 0
+        if new_value > self.timesteps:
+            self.current_timestep = self.timesteps-1
+    def _read_timestep_fired(self):
+        """Callback for the Button to read one timestep"""
+        self.data = self.citcomshdftougrid.initialize(self.filename,self.current_timestep,self.nx_redu,self.ny_redu,self.nz_redu)
+        self.temperature = self.citcomshdftougrid.get_vtk_temperature()
+        self.viscosity = self.citcomshdftougrid.get_vtk_viscosity()
+        ##New Thread Code
+        #thread1 = CitcomSHdf2UGridThread()
+        #thread2 = CitcomSProgressBar()
+        #thread1.set_citcomsreader(self.filename,self.current_timestep,self.nx_redu,self.ny_redu,self.nz_redu,self.thread_callback)
+        #progress = thread1.get_ref()
+        #thread1.start()
+        #thread2.set_ref(progress)
+        #thread2.start()
+        self.data_changed = True
+        self._update_data()
+    def _nx_redu_changed(self, new_value):
+        """callback for the nx_redu input box"""
+        if new_value < 1:
+            self.nx_redu = 1
+        if new_value > self.nx:
+            self.nx_redu = self.nx
+    def _ny_redu_changed(self, new_value):
+        """callback for the ny_redu input box"""
+        if new_value < 1:
+            self.ny_redu = 1
+        if new_value > self.ny:
+            self.ny_redu = self.ny
+    def _nz_redu_changed(self, new_value):
+        """callback for the nz_redu input box"""
+        if new_value < 1:
+            self.nz_redu = 1
+        if new_value > self.nz:
+            self.nz_redu = self.nz
+    def _point_scalars_name_changed(self, value):
+        if value == "Temperature":
+            self.data.point_data.scalars = self.temperature
+        if value == "Viscosity":
+            self.data.point_data.scalars = self.viscosity
+        self.data_changed = True
+        self._set_data_name('scalars', 'point', value)
+    def _point_vectors_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('vectors', 'point', value)
+    def _point_tensors_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('tensors', 'point', value)
+    ########################Non Public##############################
+    def _set_data_name(self, data_type, attr_type, value):
+        if not value:
+            return
+        dataset = self.data
+        data = None
+        if attr_type == 'point':
+            data = dataset.point_data
+        elif attr_type == 'cell':
+            data = dataset.cell_data
+        meth = getattr(data, 'set_active_%s'%data_type)
+        meth(value)
+        self.update()
+        # Fire an event, so the changes propagate.
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _update_data(self):
+        if not self.data:
+            return
+        else:
+            trait = Trait('Temperature', TraitPrefixList('Temperature','Viscosity'))
+            self.add_trait('point_scalars_name', trait)
+            trait = Trait('Velocity', TraitPrefixList('Velocity'))
+            self.add_trait('point_vectors_name', trait)
+    def thread_callback(self,hexagrid,vtk_viscosity,vtk_temperature):
+        hexagrid.print_traits()
+        self.data = hexagrid
+        self.temperature = vtk_temperature
+        self.viscosity = vtk_temperature

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/HDF5UGrid.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/HDF5UGrid.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/HDF5UGrid.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#    Script to generate VTKUnstructuredGrid objects from CitcomS hdf files
+#    author: Martin Weier
+#    Copyright (C) 2006 California Institue of Technology 
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+import tables        #For HDF support
+import numpy
+from math import *
+from datetime import datetime
+class CitcomSHDFUgrid:
+    """This Class converts CitcomS hdf files to tvtk UnstructuredGrid Dataset Objects """
+    data = None
+    _nx = None
+    _ny = None
+    _nz = None
+    _nx_redu = None
+    _ny_redu = None
+    _nz_redu = None
+    _radius_inner = None
+    _radius_outer = None
+    timesteps = None
+    frequency = None
+    progress = 0
+    #Global because a Unstructured Grid can only hold one scalar value at a time
+    #but our hdf file reader plugin wants to be able to read both
+    __vtkordered_visc = tvtk.FloatArray()
+    __vtkordered_temp = tvtk.FloatArray()  
+    def vtk_iter(self,nx,ny,nz):
+        """Iterator for CitcomDataRepresentation(yxz) to VTK(xyz)"""
+        for i in xrange(nx):
+            for j in xrange(ny):
+                for k in xrange(nz):
+                    yield k + nz * i + nz * nx * j
+    def reduce_iter(self,n,nredu):
+        """Iterator to reduce the CitcomS grid"""
+        i=0
+        n_f=float(n)
+        nredu_f=float(nredu)
+        fl=(n_f-1)/nredu_f
+        redu = 0
+        for i in xrange(nredu+1):
+            yield int(round(redu))
+            redu = redu + fl
+    def velocity2cart(self,vel_colat,vel_long,r, x, y, z):
+        """Converts vectors in spherical to cartesian coordiantes"""
+        x1 = r*sin(x)*cos(y)+vel_colat*cos(x)*cos(y)-vel_long*sin(y)
+        y1 = r*sin(x)*sin(y)+vel_colat*cos(x)*sin(y)+vel_long*cos(y)
+        z1 = r*cos(x)-vel_colat*sin(x)
+        return x1, y1, z1
+    #Converts Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates
+    def RTF2XYZ(self,thet, phi, r):
+        """Converts points from spherical to cartesian coordinates"""
+        x = r * sin(thet) * cos(phi)
+        y = r * sin(thet) * sin(phi)
+        z = r * cos(thet)
+        return x, y, z
+    def __citcom2vtk(self,t,f,nproc_surf,nx_redu,ny_redu,nz_redu):
+        """Method to convert one timestep from a hdf file to a Vtk file. This Method is used
+        by the method initialize. Initialize reads the necessary meta information from the hdf file"""
+        hexagrid = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
+        hexagrid.allocate(1,1)
+        vtkordered_velo = tvtk.FloatArray()
+        nx = self._nx
+        ny = self._ny
+        nz = self._nz
+        counter = 0
+        el_nx_redu = nx_redu + 1
+        el_ny_redu = ny_redu + 1
+        el_nz_redu = nz_redu + 1
+        ordered_points = [] #reset Sequences for points   
+        ordered_temperature = []
+        ordered_velocity = []
+        ordered_viscosity = []
+        for capnr in xrange(nproc_surf):
+            cap = f.root._f_getChild("cap%02d" % capnr)
+            temp_coords =  [] # reset Coordinates, Velocity, Temperature Sequence
+            temp_vel = []     
+            temp_temp = []
+            temp_visc = []
+            #Information from hdf
+            hdf_coords = cap.coord[:]
+            hdf_velocity = cap.velocity[t]
+            hdf_temperature = cap.temperature[t]
+            hdf_viscosity = cap.viscosity[t]
+            #Create Iterator to change data representation
+            nx_redu_iter = self.reduce_iter(nx,nx_redu)
+            ny_redu_iter = self.reduce_iter(ny,ny_redu)
+            nz_redu_iter = self.reduce_iter(nz,nz_redu)
+            #vtk_i = self.vtk_iter(el_nx_redu,el_ny_redu,el_nz_redu)
+            # read citcom data - zxy (z fastest)
+            for j in xrange(el_ny_redu):
+                j_redu = ny_redu_iter.next()
+                nx_redu_iter = self.reduce_iter(nx,nx_redu)
+                for i in xrange(el_nx_redu):
+                    i_redu = nx_redu_iter.next()
+                    nz_redu_iter = self.reduce_iter(nz,nz_redu)
+                    for k in xrange(el_nz_redu):
+                        k_redu = nz_redu_iter.next()
+                        colat, lon, r = map(float,hdf_coords[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu])
+                        x_coord, y_coord, z_coord = self.RTF2XYZ(colat,lon,r)
+                        ordered_points.append((x_coord,y_coord,z_coord))
+                        ordered_temperature.append(float(hdf_temperature[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu]))
+                        ordered_viscosity.append(float(hdf_viscosity[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu]))
+                        vel_colat, vel_lon , vel_r = map(float,hdf_velocity[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu])
+                        x_velo, y_velo, z_velo = self.velocity2cart(vel_colat,vel_lon,vel_r, colat,lon , r)
+                        ordered_velocity.append((x_velo,y_velo,z_velo))                        
+            ##Delete Objects for GC
+            del hdf_coords
+            del hdf_velocity
+            del hdf_temperature
+            del hdf_viscosity
+            #Create Connectivity info    
+            if counter==0:
+                 i=1    #Counts X Direction
+                 j=1    #Counts Y Direction
+                 k=1    #Counts Z Direction
+                 for n in xrange((el_nx_redu*el_ny_redu*el_nz_redu)-(el_nz_redu*el_nx_redu)):
+                     if (i%el_nz_redu)==0:            #X-Values!!!
+                         j+=1                 #Count Y-Values
+                     if (j%el_nx_redu)==0:
+                         k+=1                #Count Z-Values
+                     if i%el_nz_redu!=0 and j%el_nx_redu!=0:            #Check if Box can be created
+                         #Get Vertnumbers
+                         n0 = n+(capnr*(el_nx_redu*el_ny_redu*el_nz_redu))
+                         n1 = n0+el_nz_redu
+                         n2 = n1+el_nz_redu*el_nx_redu
+                         n3 = n0+el_nz_redu*el_nx_redu
+                         n4 = n0+1
+                         n5 = n4+el_nz_redu
+                         n6 = n5+el_nz_redu*el_nx_redu
+                         n7 = n4+el_nz_redu*el_nx_redu
+                         #Created Polygon Box
+                         hexagrid.insert_next_cell(12,[n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7])
+                     i+=1
+        #Store Arrays in Vtk conform Datastructures
+        self.__vtkordered_temp.from_array(ordered_temperature)
+        self.__vtkordered_visc.from_array(ordered_viscosity)                                    
+        vtkordered_velo.from_array(ordered_velocity)
+        self.__vtkordered_temp.name = 'Temperature'
+        self.__vtkordered_visc.name = 'Viscosity'
+        hexagrid.point_data.scalars = self.__vtkordered_temp
+        vtkordered_velo.name = 'Velocity'
+        hexagrid.point_data.vectors = vtkordered_velo
+        hexagrid.points = ordered_points
+        self.progress += 1
+        return hexagrid
+    def initialize(self,filename,timestep,nx_redu,ny_redu,nz_redu):
+        """Call this method to convert a Citcoms Hdf file to a Vtk file"""
+        #Read meta-inforamtion
+        hdf=tables.openFile(filename,'r')
+        self._nx = int(hdf.root.input._v_attrs.nodex)
+        self._ny = int(hdf.root.input._v_attrs.nodey)
+        self._nz = int(hdf.root.input._v_attrs.nodez)
+        #Clip against boundaries
+        if nx_redu>=0 or nx_redu>=self._nx:
+            nx_redu = self._nx-1
+        if ny_redu==0 or ny_redu>=self._ny:
+            ny_redu = self._ny-1
+        if nz_redu==0 or nz_redu>=self._nz:
+            nz_redu = self._nz-1
+        #Make reduction factors global
+        self._nx_redu = nx_redu
+        self._ny_redu = ny_redu
+        self._nz_redu = nz_redu
+        #Number of Timesteps in scene   
+        self.timesteps = int(hdf.root.time.nrows)
+        #Number of caps
+        nproc_surf = int(hdf.root.input._v_attrs.nproc_surf)
+        #Store the Inner Radius. Import if we want to create a core
+        self._radius_inner = self._radius_inner = float(hdf.root.input._v_attrs.radius_inner)
+        #start computation
+        hexgrid = self.__citcom2vtk(timestep,hdf,nproc_surf,nx_redu,ny_redu,nz_redu)
+        hdf.close()
+        self.progress = -1
+        return hexgrid 
+    def get_vtk_viscosity(self):
+        return self.__vtkordered_visc
+    def get_vtk_temperature(self):
+        return self.__vtkordered_temp

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ReduceFilter.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ReduceFilter.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ReduceFilter.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+"""A filter that reduces CitcomS vtk input data.
+#Author: Martin Weier 
+#Copyright (C) 2006  California Institute of Technology
+#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# Enthought library imports.
+from enthought.traits import Instance, Range, Int, Float, Enum, Trait, Button
+from enthought.traits.ui import View, Group, Item
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+# Local imports
+from enthought.mayavi.core.filter import Filter
+from CitcomSSphere import *
+# `Threshold` class.
+class CitcomSreduce(Filter):
+    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
+    __version__ = 0
+    # The threshold filter.
+    probe_filter = Instance(tvtk.ProbeFilter, ())
+    citcomsgrid = CitcomSSphere()
+    sphere = Instance(tvtk.SphereSource,())
+    # Upper threshold (this is a dynamic trait that is changed when
+    # input data changes).
+    Radius = Range(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, desc='adjust radius')
+    theta = Range(3, 40, 3, desc='the theta resolution')
+    phi = Range(3, 40, 3, desc='the upper threshold of the filter')
+    Selected_Source = Enum(  'Sphere','CitcomSGrid',)
+    radius_max = Float(1.0)
+    set_radius_max = Button('Set Radius Max')
+    # Our view.
+    view = View(Item(name="Selected_Source"),
+                Group(Item(name='Radius'),
+                      Item(name='theta'),
+                      Item(name='phi'),
+                      Item(name='radius_max'),
+                      Item(name='set_radius_max', style='simple', label='Simple'),
+                      show_border = True
+                      ),
+                )
+    grid_source = True
+    ######################################################################
+    # `Filter` interface.
+    ######################################################################
+    def setup_pipeline(self):
+        """Override this method so that it *creates* its tvtk
+        pipeline.
+        This method is invoked when the object is initialized via
+        `__init__`.  Note that at the time this method is called, the
+        tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup.  So upstream data
+        will not be available.  The idea is that you simply create the
+        basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not
+        dependent on upstream sources and filters.
+        """
+        # Just setup the default output of this filter.
+        s = self.sphere
+        s.set(radius=0.0,theta_resolution=20,phi_resolution=20)
+        self.probe_filter.input = s.output
+        self.outputs = [self.probe_filter.output]
+    def update_pipeline(self):
+        """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline
+        when data upstream is known to have changed.
+        This method is invoked (automatically) when the input fires a
+        `pipeline_changed` event.
+        """
+        # By default we set the input to the first output of the first
+        # input.
+        fil = self.probe_filter
+        fil.source = self.inputs[0].outputs[0]
+        self._calc_grid(0,self.theta,self.phi)
+        fil.update()
+        self.outputs[0] = fil.output
+        self.pipeline_changed = True
+    def update_data(self):
+        """Override this method to do what is necessary when upstream
+        data changes.
+        This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs
+        sends a `data_changed` event.
+        """
+        self.probe_filter.source = self.inputs[0].outputs[0]
+        self.probe_filter.update()
+        # Propagate the data_changed event.
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _calc_grid(self,radius,resolution_x,resolution_y):
+        fil = self.probe_filter
+        coords = []
+        if self.Selected_Source == 'CitcomSGrid':
+            for i in xrange(12):
+                coords += self.citcomsgrid.coords_of_cap(radius,self.theta,self.phi,i)
+            grid = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
+            #Connectivity for 2d-Data
+            #There is no need to interpolate with the CitcomS grid surface. If this is however
+            #wanted uncomment this code to create the CitcomS surface information
+            #for capnr in xrange(12):
+            #    i=1
+            #    for n in xrange((resolution_x+1)*(resolution_y+1) - (resolution_x+1)):
+            #        if i%(resolution_x+1)!=0 :
+            #            n0 = n+(capnr*((resolution_x+1)*(resolution_y+1)))
+            #            n1 = n0+1
+            #            n2 = n0+resolution_y+1
+            #            n3 = n2+1          
+            #            grid.insert_next_cell(8,[n0,n1,n2,n3])
+            #        i+=1
+            ##        
+            grid.points = coords
+            fil.input = grid
+        if self.Selected_Source == 'Sphere':
+             sphere = tvtk.SphereSource()
+             sphere.radius = radius
+             sphere.theta_resolution = resolution_x
+             sphere.phi_resolution = resolution_y
+             #Rotate the Sphere so that the poles are at the right location
+             transL = tvtk.Transform()
+             trans1 = tvtk.TransformPolyDataFilter()
+             trans2 = tvtk.TransformPolyDataFilter()
+             trans1.input = sphere.output
+             transL.rotate_y(90)
+             transL.update()
+             trans1.transform = transL
+             trans1.update()
+             trans2.input = trans1.output
+             transL.rotate_z(90)
+             transL.update()
+             trans2.transform = transL
+             trans2.update()
+             fil.input = trans2.output
+        fil.update()
+    ######################################################################
+    # Non-public interface
+    ######################################################################
+    def _Radius_changed(self, new_value):
+        fil = self.probe_filter
+        #self.sphere.radius = new_value
+        self._calc_grid(new_value,self.theta,self.phi)
+        fil.update()
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _theta_changed(self, new_value):
+        fil = self.probe_filter
+        self._calc_grid(self.Radius,new_value,self.phi)
+        fil.update()
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _phi_changed(self, new_value):
+        fil = self.probe_filter
+        self._calc_grid(self.Radius,self.theta,new_value)
+        fil.update()
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _Selected_Source_changed(self,new_value):
+        self._calc_grid(self.Radius, self.theta, self.phi)
+        self.outputs[0] = self.probe_filter.output
+        self.data_changed = True
+        self.pipeline_changed = True
+    def _radius_max_changed(self,new_value):
+        if self.Radius > new_value:
+            self.Radius = new_value
+        if new_value <= 0.0:
+            self.radius_max = 0.0
+    def _set_radius_max_fired(self):
+        trait = Range(0.0, self.radius_max, self.Radius,
+                          desc='adjust radius')
+        self.add_trait('Radius', trait)

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ShowCapsFilter.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ShowCapsFilter.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ShowCapsFilter.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+"""A simple filter that thresholds CitcomS Caps from input data."""
+# Author: Martin Weier
+#Copyright (C) 2006  California Institute of Technology
+#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# Enthought library imports.
+from enthought.traits import Instance, Range, Int
+from enthought.traits.ui import View, Group, Item
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+# Local imports
+from enthought.mayavi.core.filter import Filter
+# `Threshold` class.
+class CitcomSshowCaps(Filter):
+    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
+    __version__ = 0
+    # The threshold filter.
+    ugrid_filter = Instance(tvtk.ExtractUnstructuredGrid, ())
+    # Lower threshold (this is a dynamic trait that is changed when
+    # input data changes).
+    lower_threshold = Range(0, 12, 0,
+                            desc='the lower threshold of the filter')
+    # Upper threshold (this is a dynamic trait that is changed when
+    # input data changes).
+    upper_threshold = Range(0, 12, 12,
+                            desc='the upper threshold of the filter')
+    # Our view.
+    view = View(Group(Item(name='lower_threshold'),
+                      Item(name='upper_threshold'))
+                )
+    n = Int()
+    caps = Int()
+    ######################################################################
+    # `Filter` interface.
+    ######################################################################
+    def setup_pipeline(self):
+        """Override this method so that it *creates* its tvtk
+        pipeline.
+        This method is invoked when the object is initialized via
+        `__init__`.  Note that at the time this method is called, the
+        tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup.  So upstream data
+        will not be available.  The idea is that you simply create the
+        basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not
+        dependent on upstream sources and filters.
+        """
+        # Just setup the default output of this filter.
+        self.ugrid_filter.point_clipping = 1
+        self.ugrid_filter.merging = 0
+        self.outputs = [self.ugrid_filter.output]
+    def update_pipeline(self):
+        """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline
+        when data upstream is known to have changed.
+        This method is invoked (automatically) when the input fires a
+        `pipeline_changed` event.
+        """
+        # By default we set the input to the first output of the first
+        # input.
+        fil = self.ugrid_filter
+        fil.input = self.inputs[0].outputs[0]
+        #Than we calculate how many points belong to one cap
+        self.caps = 12
+        self.n = self.inputs[0].outputs[0].number_of_points/12
+        #Than we set the output of the filter
+        self.outputs[0] = fil.output
+        self.outputs.append(self.inputs[0].outputs[0])
+        self.pipeline_changed = True
+    def update_data(self):
+        """Override this method to do what is necessary when upstream
+        data changes.
+        This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs
+        sends a `data_changed` event.
+        """
+	fil = self.ugrid_filter
+        fil.update()
+        # Propagate the data_changed event.
+        self.data_changed = True
+    ######################################################################
+    # Non-public interface
+    ######################################################################
+    def _lower_threshold_changed(self,old_value, new_value):
+        """Callback interface for the lower threshold slider"""
+        fil = self.ugrid_filter
+        fil.point_minimum = (self.lower_threshold)*(self.n)
+        fil.update()
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _upper_threshold_changed(self, old_value, new_value):
+        """Callback interface for the upper threshold slider"""
+        fil = self.ugrid_filter
+        fil.point_maximum = self.upper_threshold*(self.n)
+        fil.update()
+        self.data_changed = True

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ShowSurfaceFilter.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ShowSurfaceFilter.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/ShowSurfaceFilter.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+"""A that shows a slice at a specified radius
+# Author: Martin Weier
+#Copyright (C) 2006  California Institute of Technology
+#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# Enthought library imports.
+from enthought.traits import Instance, Range, Int, Float
+from enthought.traits.ui import View, Group, Item
+from enthought.tvtk import tvtk
+# Local imports
+from enthought.mayavi.core.filter import Filter
+# `ShowSurface` class.
+class ShowSurface(Filter):
+    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
+    __version__ = 0
+    # The threshold filter.
+    prog_filter = Instance(tvtk.ProgrammableFilter, ())
+    # Upper threshold (this is a dynamic trait that is changed when
+    # input data changes).
+    surfacelevel = Range(1, 17, 1,
+                            desc='the surface filter')
+    # Our view.
+    view = View(Group(Item(name='surfacelevel')
+                ))
+    current_level=Int()
+    nx = Int()
+    ny = Int()
+    nz = Int()
+    def setvalues(self,nx,ny,nz,level):
+        """This Method needs to be set before the execution of the filter
+        it accepts nx,ny,nz,level"""
+        self.nx = nx
+        self.ny = ny
+        self.nz = nz
+        self.current_level = level
+    ######################################################################
+    # `Filter` interface.
+    ######################################################################
+    def setup_pipeline(self):
+        """Override this method so that it *creates* its tvtk
+        pipeline.
+        This method is invoked when the object is initialized via
+        `__init__`.  Note that at the time this method is called, the
+        tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup.  So upstream data
+        will not be available.  The idea is that you simply create the
+        basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not
+        dependent on upstream sources and filters.
+        """
+        # Just setup the default output of this filter.
+        self.prog_filter.set_execute_method(self._showsurface) 
+        self.outputs = [self.prog_filter.output]
+    def update_pipeline(self):
+        """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline
+        when data upstream is known to have changed.
+        This method is invoked (automatically) when the input fires a
+        `pipeline_changed` event.
+        """
+        # By default we set the input to the first output of the first
+        # input.
+        fil = self.prog_filter
+        fil.input = self.inputs[0].outputs[0]
+        # We force the ranges to be reset to the limits of the data.
+        # This is because if the data has changed upstream, then the
+        # limits of the data must be changed.
+        #self._update_ranges(reset=True)
+        #fil.threshold_between(self.lower_threshold, self.upper_threshold)
+        #fil.update()
+        self.outputs[0] = fil.output
+        self.pipeline_changed = True
+    def update_data(self):
+        """Override this method to do what is necessary when upstream
+        data changes.
+        This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs
+        sends a `data_changed` event.
+        """
+        #self._update_ranges(reset=True)
+        # Propagate the data_changed event.
+        self.prog_filter.set_execute_method(self._showsurface) 
+        self.outputs = [self.prog_filter.output]
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _showsurface(self):
+        print "showsurface update"
+        print self.current_level
+        input = self.prog_filter.unstructured_grid_input
+        numCells = input.number_of_cells
+        quadgrid = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
+        quadgrid.allocate(1,1)
+        reduced_points = []
+        reduced_scalars = []
+        reduced_vectors = []
+        j = 1
+        cell_count=0
+        for i in xrange(numCells):
+            if j==self.current_level:
+                cell = input.get_cell(i)
+                scalars = input.point_data.scalars
+                vectors = input.point_data.vectors
+                point_ids = cell.point_ids
+                points = cell.points
+                reduced_points.append(points[2])
+                reduced_points.append(points[1])
+                reduced_points.append(points[5])
+                reduced_points.append(points[6])
+                reduced_scalars.append(scalars[point_ids[2]])
+                reduced_scalars.append(scalars[point_ids[1]])
+                reduced_scalars.append(scalars[point_ids[5]])
+                reduced_scalars.append(scalars[point_ids[6]])
+                reduced_vectors.append(vectors[point_ids[2]]) 
+                reduced_vectors.append(vectors[point_ids[1]])
+                reduced_vectors.append(vectors[point_ids[5]])
+                reduced_vectors.append(vectors[point_ids[6]])
+                quadgrid.insert_next_cell(9,[cell_count,cell_count+1,cell_count+2,cell_count+3])
+                cell_count+=4
+            if j == self.nx:
+                j=1
+            j+=1
+        vtkReduced_vectors = tvtk.FloatArray()
+        vtkReduced_scalars = tvtk.FloatArray()
+        vtkReduced_vectors.from_array(reduced_vectors)
+        vtkReduced_scalars.from_array(reduced_scalars)
+        vtkReduced_scalars.name = 'Scalars'
+        vtkReduced_vectors.name = 'Vectors'
+        #showsurfF.unstructured_grid_output = quadgrid
+        self.prog_filter.unstructured_grid_output.set_cells(9,quadgrid.get_cells())
+        self.prog_filter.unstructured_grid_output.point_data.scalars = vtkReduced_scalars
+        self.prog_filter.unstructured_grid_output.point_data.vectors = vtkReduced_vectors
+        self.prog_filter.unstructured_grid_output.points = reduced_points  
+    ######################################################################
+    # Non-public interface
+    ######################################################################
+    def _surfacelevel_changed(self, new_value):
+        fil = self.prog_filter
+        print self.current_level
+        self.current_level = new_value-1
+        self._showsurface()
+        fil.update()
+        self.data_changed = True

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/Sphere.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/Sphere.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/Sphere.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+"""Creates points os a specified cap with a specified resolution.
+# Author: Martin Weier
+#Copyright (C) 2006  California Institute of Technology
+#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+from math import sqrt,acos,pi,atan, atan2, sin, cos
+class Sphere(object):
+    #Cointains corner points for each cap.
+    lookup_table = [( (0.013497673906385899, 0.0, 0.54983437061309814) ,
+                      (0.0077419690787792206, 0.4505336582660675, 0.31537202000617981) ,
+                      (0.45813989639282227, 0.0, 0.30431538820266724) ,
+                      (0.38879159092903137, 0.3889087438583374, -0.0095440549775958061) ),
+                    ( (0.0077419690787792206, 0.4505336582660675, 0.31537202000617981) ,
+                      (-0.38879168033599854, 0.38890865445137024, 0.0095444004982709885) ,
+                      (0.38879159092903137, 0.3889087438583374, -0.0095440549775958061) ,
+                      (-0.007742113433778286, 0.45053350925445557, -0.31537219882011414) ),
+                    ( (-0.38879168033599854, 0.38890865445137024, 0.0095444004982709885) ,
+                      (-0.45813983678817749, -1.4928090763532964e-07, -0.3043154776096344) ,
+                      (-0.007742113433778286, 0.45053350925445557, -0.31537219882011414) ,
+                      (-0.013497666455805302, -4.3980978858826347e-09, -0.54983437061309814) ),
+                    ( (0.013497673906385899, 0.0, 0.54983437061309814) ,
+                      (-0.44265598058700562, -1.4423562788579147e-07, 0.32642868161201477) ,
+                      (0.0077419690787792206, 0.4505336582660675, 0.31537202000617981) ,
+                      (-0.38879168033599854, 0.38890865445137024, 0.0095444004982709885) ),
+                    ( (-0.44265598058700562, -1.4423562788579147e-07, 0.32642868161201477) ,
+                      (-0.38879179954528809, -0.38890856504440308, 0.0095444004982709885) ,
+                      (-0.38879168033599854, 0.38890865445137024, 0.0095444004982709885) ,
+                      (-0.45813983678817749, -1.4928090763532964e-07, -0.3043154776096344) ),
+                    ( (-0.38879179954528809, -0.38890856504440308, 0.0095444004982709885) ,
+                      (-0.0077417660504579544, -0.45053350925445557, -0.31537219882011414) ,
+                      (-0.45813983678817749, -1.4928090763532964e-07, -0.3043154776096344) ,
+                      (-0.013497666455805302, -4.3980978858826347e-09, -0.54983437061309814) ),
+                    ( (0.013497673906385899, 0.0, 0.54983437061309814) ,
+                      (0.0077417795546352863, -0.4505336582660675, 0.31537202000617981) ,
+                      (-0.44265598058700562, -1.4423562788579147e-07, 0.32642868161201477) ,
+                      (-0.38879179954528809, -0.38890856504440308, 0.0095444004982709885) ),
+                    ( (0.0077417795546352863, -0.4505336582660675, 0.31537202000617981) ,
+                      (0.38879171013832092, -0.38890862464904785, -0.0095440549775958061) ,
+                      (-0.38879179954528809, -0.38890856504440308, 0.0095444004982709885) ,
+                      (-0.0077417660504579544, -0.45053350925445557, -0.31537219882011414) ),
+                    ( (0.38879171013832092, -0.38890862464904785, -0.0095440549775958061) ,
+                      (0.44265609979629517, -1.3367842655043205e-07, -0.32642853260040283) ,
+                      (-0.0077417660504579544, -0.45053350925445557, -0.31537219882011414) ,
+                      (-0.013497666455805302, -4.3980978858826347e-09, -0.54983437061309814) ),
+                    ( (0.013497673906385899, 0.0, 0.54983437061309814) ,
+                      (0.45813989639282227, -1.3835439460763155e-07, 0.30431538820266724) ,
+                      (0.0077417795546352863, -0.4505336582660675, 0.31537202000617981) ,
+                      (0.38879171013832092, -0.38890862464904785, -0.0095440549775958061) ),
+                    ( (0.45813989639282227, -1.3835439460763155e-07, 0.30431538820266724) ,
+                      (0.38879159092903137, 0.3889087438583374, -0.0095440549775958061) ,
+                      (0.38879171013832092, -0.38890862464904785, -0.0095440549775958061) ,
+                      (0.44265609979629517, -1.3367842655043205e-07, -0.32642853260040283) ),
+                    ( (0.38879159092903137, 0.3889087438583374, -0.0095440549775958061) ,
+                      (-0.007742113433778286, 0.45053350925445557, -0.31537219882011414) ,
+                      (0.44265609979629517, 0.0, -0.32642853260040283) ,
+                      (-0.013497666455805302, -4.3980978858826347e-09, -0.54983437061309814) )]
+    def cart2spherical(self,x,y,z):
+        xypow = x**x+y**y
+        r = sqrt(xypow+z**z)
+        if y >= 0:
+            phi = acos(x/sqrt(x/xypow))
+        else:
+            phi = 2*pi-acos(x/sqrt(xypow))
+        theta = pi/2-atan(z/sqrt(xypow))
+        return r,phi,theta
+    def coords_of_cap(self,radius,resolution_x,resolution_y,cap):
+        coords = []
+        #radius = sqrt(c1x**2+c1y**2+c1z**2)
+        c1x = self.lookup_table[cap][0][0]
+        c1y = self.lookup_table[cap][0][1]
+        c1z = self.lookup_table[cap][0][2]
+        c2x = self.lookup_table[cap][1][0]
+        c2y = self.lookup_table[cap][1][1]
+        c2z = self.lookup_table[cap][1][2]
+        c3x = self.lookup_table[cap][2][0]
+        c3y = self.lookup_table[cap][2][1]
+        c3z = self.lookup_table[cap][2][2]
+        c4x = self.lookup_table[cap][3][0]
+        c4y = self.lookup_table[cap][3][1]
+        c4z = self.lookup_table[cap][3][2]
+        coords1,theta,phi = self.evenly_divide_arc(resolution_x, c1x, c1y, c1z, c2x, c2y, c2z)
+        coords2,theta,phi = self.evenly_divide_arc(resolution_x, c3x, c3y, c3z, c4x, c4y, c4z)
+        for i in xrange(len(coords1)):
+            temp,theta,phi = self.evenly_divide_arc(resolution_y, coords1[i][0],coords1[i][1],coords1[i][2], coords2[i][0],coords2[i][1],coords2[i][2])
+            for j in xrange(len(theta)):
+                x,y,z = self.RTF2XYZ(theta[j],phi[j],radius)
+                coords.append((x,y,z))
+        return coords
+    def evenly_divide_arc(self,elx,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2):
+        nox=elx+1
+        dx = (x2-x1)/elx
+        dy = (y2-y1)/elx
+        dz = (z2-z1)/elx
+        theta = []
+        phi = []
+        coords = []
+        for j in xrange(1,nox+1):
+            x_temp = x1 + dx * (j-1) + 5.0e-32
+            y_temp = y1 + dy * (j-1)
+            z_temp = z1 + dz * (j-1)
+            coords.append((x_temp,y_temp,z_temp))
+            theta.append(acos(z_temp/sqrt(x_temp**2+y_temp**2+z_temp**2)))
+            phi.append(self.myatan(y_temp,x_temp))
+        return coords,theta,phi
+    def RTF2XYZ(self,thet, phi, r):
+        x = r * sin(thet) * cos(phi)
+        y = r * sin(thet) * sin(phi)
+        z = r * cos(thet)
+        return x, y, z
+    def myatan(self,y,x):
+        fi = atan2(y,x)
+        if fi<0.0:
+            fi += 2*pi
+        return fi

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/UGridThread.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/UGridThread.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/UGridThread.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import os
+import time
+import sys
+from threading import Thread
+import weakref
+import wx
+from CitcomSHDFUgrid import CitcomSHDFUgrid
+class CitcomSHdf2UGridThread(Thread):
+   hdf2ugrid = None
+   filename = ''
+   current_timestep=0
+   nx_redu = 0
+   ny_redu = 0
+   nz_redu = 0
+   callback_function = None
+   def __init__ (self):
+       Thread.__init__(self)
+       self.hdf2ugrid = CitcomSHDFUgrid()
+   def set_citcomsreader(self,filename,current_timestep,nx_redu,ny_redu,nz_redu,callback_function):
+       self.filename = filename
+       self.current_timestep = current_timestep
+       self.nx_redu = nx_redu
+       self.ny_redu = ny_redu
+       self.nz_redu = nz_redu
+       self.callback_function = callback_function
+   def get_ref(self):
+       return weakref.ref(self.hdf2ugrid)
+   def run(self):
+       hexagrid = self.hdf2ugrid.initialize(self.filename,self.current_timestep,self.nx_redu,self.ny_redu,self.nz_redu)
+       vtk_viscosity = self.hdf2ugrid.get_vtk_viscosity()
+       vtk_temperature = self.hdf2ugrid.get_vtk_temperature()
+       self.callback_function(hexagrid,vtk_viscosity,vtk_temperature)
+class CitcomSProgressBar(Thread):
+    hdf2ugrid = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+    def set_ref(self,progress_ref):
+        #ref=citmain.get_ref_progress()
+        self.hdf2ugrid = progress_ref()
+    def run(self):
+        progress_old = 0
+        progress = 0
+        pd = wx.ProgressDialog("Opening file...","Cap %d from %d" % (0,11),11,parent=None,style=wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE|wx.PD_APP_MODAL)
+        while progress != -1:
+            progress = self.hdf2ugrid.progress
+            if progress > progress_old:
+                print progress
+                pd.Update(progress,"Cap %d of %d" % (progress,11))
+                progress_old = progress
+            time.sleep(0.5)

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/VTKFileReader.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/VTKFileReader.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/VTKFileReader.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+"""A VTK file reader object.
+# Author: Martin Weier
+# Copyright (c) 2006, California Institute of Technology
+# License: GPL Style
+# Standard library imports
+import re
+from os.path import split, join, isfile
+from glob import glob
+from os.path import basename
+# Enthought library imports
+from enthought.traits import Trait, TraitPrefixList, List, Str, Range, Instance, Int, Float
+from enthought.traits.ui import View, Group, Item, Include
+from enthought.persistence.state_pickler import set_state
+from enthought.persistence.file_path import FilePath
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+# Mayavi imports
+from enthought.mayavi.core.source import Source
+from enthought.mayavi.core.common import handle_children_state
+from enthought.mayavi.core.file_data_source import get_file_list
+class VTKFileReader(Source):
+    """CitcomS VTK file reader.
+    """
+    # The version of this class. Used for persistence.
+    __version__ = 0
+    # The list of file names for the timeseries.
+    file_list = List(Str, desc='a list of files belonging to a time series')
+    # The current timestep (starts with 0). This trait is a dummy
+    # and is dynamically changed when the `file_list` trait changes.
+    # This is done so the timestep bounds are linked to the number of
+    # the files in the file list.
+    timestep = Range(0, 0, desc='the current time step')
+    # A timestep view group that may be included by subclasses.
+    time_step_group = Group(Item(name='_file_path', style='readonly'),
+                            Item(name='timestep', defined_when='len(object.file_list) > 1'))
+    # CitcomS mesh parameters
+    nx = Int()
+    ny = Int()
+    nz = Int()
+    radius_inner = Float()
+    #####################
+    # Private traits.
+    #####################
+    # The current file name. This is not meant to be touched by the user.
+    _file_path = Instance(FilePath, (), desc='the current file name')
+    ##################################################
+    # Dynamic traits: These traits are dummies and are dynamically
+    # update depending on the contents of the file.
+    # The active scalar name.
+    scalars_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active vector name.
+    vectors_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active tensor name.
+    tensors_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active normals name.
+    normals_name = Traits('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active tcoord name.
+    t_coords_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    # The active field_data name.
+    field_data_name = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+    ##################################################
+    # The VTK data file reader.
+    reader = Instance(tvtk.DataSetReader, ())
+    # Our view.
+    view = View(Group(Include('time_step_group'),
+                      Item(name='scalars_name'),
+                      Item(name='vectors_name'),
+                      Item(name='tensors_name'),
+                      Item(name='normals_name'),
+                      Item(name='t_coords_name'),
+                      Item(name='field_data_name'),
+                      Item(name='reader')))
+    ####################################################
+    # `object` interface
+    ####################################################
+    def __get_pure_state__(self):
+        d = super(VTKFileReader, self).__get_pure_state__()
+        # These are obtained dynamically, so don't pickle them.
+        for x in ['file_list', 'timestep']:
+            d.pop(x, None)
+        return d
+    def __set_pure_state__(self):
+        # The reader has its own file_name which needs to be fixed.
+        state.reader.file_name = state._file_path.abs_path
+        # Now call the parent class to setup everything.
+        # Use the saved path to initialize the file_list and timestep.
+        fname = state._file_path.abs_pth
+        if not isfile(fname):
+            msg = 'Could not find file at %s\n' % fname
+            msg += 'Please move the file there and try again.'
+            raise IOError, msg
+        self.initialize(fname)
+        # Now set the remaining state without touching the children.
+        set_state(self, state, ignore=['children', '_file_path'])
+        # Setup the children
+        handle_children_state(self.children, state.children)
+        # Setup the children's state.
+        set_state(self, state, first=['children'], ignore=['*'])
+    ##############################
+    # `Base` interface
+    ##############################
+    def start(self):
+        """This is invoked when this object is added to the mayavi
+        pipeline.
+        """
+        # Do nothing if we are already running.
+        if self.running:
+            return
+        # Update the data just in case
+        self.update_data()
+        self.update()
+        # Call the parent method to do its thing. This will typically
+        # start all our children.
+        super(VTKFileReader, self).start()
+    def stop(self):
+        """Invoked when this object is removed from the mayavi
+        pipeline.
+        """
+        if not self.running:
+            return
+        # Call the parent method to do its thing.
+        super(VTKFileReader, self).start()
+    #############################
+    # `FileDataSource` interface
+    #############################
+    def update(self):
+        if not self._file_path.get():
+            return
+        reader = self.reader
+        reader.update()
+        self.render()
+    def update_data(self):
+        if not self._file_path.get():
+            return
+        attrs = ['scalars', 'vectors', 'tensors', 'normals',
+                 't_coords', 'field_data']
+        reader = self.reader
+        for attr in attrs:
+            n = getattr(reader, 'number_of_%s_in_file' % attr)
+            method = getattr(reader, 'get_%s_name_in_file' % attr)
+            values = [method(x) for x in xrange(n)]
+            if values:
+                trait = Trait(values[0], TraitPrefixList(values))
+            else:
+                trait = Trait('', TraitPrefixList(['']))
+            self.add_trait('%s_name' % attr, trait)
+    #############################
+    # `TreeNodeObject` interface
+    #############################
+    def tno_get_label(self, node):
+        """Gets the label to display for a specified object."""
+        fname = basename(self._file_path.get())
+        ret = "CitcomS VTK file (%s)" % fname
+        if len(self.file_list) > 1:
+            return ret + " (timeseries)"
+        else:
+            return ret
+    #############################
+    # `FileDataSource` interface
+    #############################
+    def initialize(self, base_file_name):
+        """Given a single filename which may or may not be part of a
+        time series, this initializes the list of files. This method
+        need not be called to initialize the data.
+        """
+        self.file_list = get_file_list(base_file_name)
+        # Read meta-information
+        meta = ""
+        try:
+            vtk = open(base_file_name, "r")
+            vtk.readline()
+            meta = vtk.readline()
+        except IOError:
+            print 'cannot open file'
+        else:
+            vtk.close()
+        try:
+            m = re.search('(?<=NX:)\d+', meta)
+            self.nx = int(m.group(0))
+            m = re.search('(?<=NY:)\d+', meta)
+            self.ny = int(m.group(0))
+            m = re.search('(?<=NZ:)\d+', meta)
+            self.nz = int(m.group(0))
+            m = re.search('(?<=Radius_Inner:)(\d+|.)+', meta)
+            self.radius_inner = float(m.group(0))
+        except ValueError:
+            print "Invalid meta information in file..."
+        if len(self.file_list) == 0:
+            self.file_list = [base_file_name]
+        try:
+            self.timestep = self.file_list.index(base_file_name)
+        except ValueError:
+            self.timestep = 0
+    ###########################################################################
+    # Non-public interface
+    ###########################################################################
+    def _file_list_changed(self, value):
+        # Change the range of the timestep suitably to reflect new list.
+        n_files = len(self.file_list)
+        timestep = min(self.timestep, n_files)
+        trait = Range(0, n_files-1, timestep)
+        self.add_trait('timestep', trait)
+        if self.timestep == timestep:
+            self._timestep_changed(timestep)
+        else:
+            self.timestep = timestep
+    def _file_list_items_changed(self, list_event):
+        self._file_list_changed(self.file_list)
+    def _timestep_changed(self, value):
+        file_list = self.file_list
+        if len(file_list):
+            self._file_path = FilePath(file_list[value])
+        else:
+            self._file_path = FilePath('')
+    def __file_path_changed(self, fpath):
+        value = fpath.get()
+        if not value
+            return
+        else:
+            self.reader.file_name = value
+            self.update_data()
+            self.update()
+            # Setup the outputs by resetting self.outputs. Changing
+            # the outputs automatically fires a pipeline_changed
+            # event.
+            try:
+                n = self.reader.number_of_outputs
+            except AttributeError: # for VTK >= 4.5
+                n = self.reader.number_of_output_ports
+            outputs = []
+            for i in range(n):
+                outputs.append(self.reader.get_output(i))
+            self.outputs = outputs
+            # Fire data_changed just in case the outputs are not
+            # really changed. This can happen if the dataset is of
+            # the same type as before.
+            self.data_changed = True
+            # Fire an event so that our label on the tree is updated.
+            self.trait_property_changed('name', '', self.tno_get_label(None))
+        return
+    def _set_data_name(self, data_type, value):
+        if not value or not data_type:
+            return
+        reader = self.reader
+        setattr(reader, data_type, value)
+        self.update()
+        # Fire an event, so the changes propagate.
+        self.data_changed = True
+    def _scalars_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('scalars_name', value)
+    def _vectors_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('vectors_name', value)
+    def _tensors_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('tensors_name', value)
+    def _normals_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('normals_name', value)
+    def _t_coords_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('t_coords_name', value)
+    def _field_data_name_changed(self, value):
+        self._set_data_name('field_data_name', value)

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/__init__.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/__init__.py	2006-12-06 08:13:00 UTC (rev 5477)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_display/plugins/__init__.py	2006-12-06 08:16:37 UTC (rev 5478)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Collection of CitcomS plugins for Mayavi2

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