[cig-commits] r5611 - in long/3D/Gale/trunk: . tools

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Thu Dec 21 00:26:31 PST 2006

Author: walter
Date: 2006-12-21 00:26:31 -0800 (Thu, 21 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 5611

 r1257 at earth:  boo | 2006-12-21 00:24:14 -0800
 Add matlab vis files

Property changes on: long/3D/Gale/trunk
Name: svk:merge
   - 3a629746-de10-0410-b17b-fd6ecaaa963e:/cig:1256
   + 3a629746-de10-0410-b17b-fd6ecaaa963e:/cig:1257

Added: long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/PlotGaleOutput.m
--- long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/PlotGaleOutput.m	2006-12-21 08:26:27 UTC (rev 5610)
+++ long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/PlotGaleOutput.m	2006-12-21 08:26:31 UTC (rev 5611)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+% Reads in Gale data and creates plots  
+clear, close all
+fname   =   'extension';        % directory-name
+step    =   1  ;               % timestep
+% Read data
+% Color definitions etc.
+MeshColor           = 'k';
+VelocityArrowColor  = 'k';
+if (Octave)
+  toggle_octplot
+% Plot data
+if (dim==2)
+    if (Octave)
+      figure, clf
+    else
+      figure(111), clf
+      quiver(Velocity.x,Velocity.y,Velocity.Vx,Velocity.Vy,VelocityArrowColor);       %   Velocity arrows
+    end
+    hold on
+    %pcolor(Velocity.x,Velocity.y,Velocity.Vx);                                      %   Background color: Vx velocity
+    pcolor(StrainRateInvariant.x,StrainRateInvariant.y,StrainRateInvariant.data);                                      %   Background color: Vx velocity
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if (Octave==0)
+      axis('equal')
+      axis('tight')
+    end
+    title(['\epsilon_{II};  time=',num2str(time),'  dt=',num2str(dt),' step=',num2str(step)])
+    if(Octave)
+      figure
+    else
+      figure(112)
+    end
+    subplot(331)
+    pcolor(StrainRateInvariant.x,StrainRateInvariant.y,StrainRateInvariant.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('StrainRateInvariant');
+    subplot(332)
+    pcolor(StrainRate.x,StrainRate.y,StrainRate.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('StrainRate');
+    subplot(333)
+    pcolor(Vorticity.x,Vorticity.y,Vorticity.xy);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('Vorticity_{xy}');
+    subplot(334)
+    pcolor(Pressure.x,Pressure.y,Pressure.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('Pressure');
+    subplot(335)
+    pcolor(StrainRateXX.x,StrainRateXX.y,StrainRateXX.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('StrainRateXX');
+    subplot(336)
+    pcolor(StrainRateYY.x,StrainRateYY.y,StrainRateYY.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('StrainRateYY');
+    subplot(337)
+    pcolor(VelocityGradientsField.x,VelocityGradientsField.y,VelocityGradientsField.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('VelocityGradientsField');
+    subplot(338)
+    pcolor(VelocityMagnitudeField.x,VelocityMagnitudeField.y,VelocityMagnitudeField.data);  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end
+    title('VelocityMagnitudeField');
+    if(Octave)
+      figure
+    else
+      subplot(339)
+    end
+    plot(Yielding.x,Yielding.y,'.');  
+    hold on
+    plot(mesh_x,mesh_y,MeshColor,mesh_x.',mesh_y.',MeshColor); %   FEM mesh
+    title('Particles');
+    if(Octave==0)
+      axis('tight')
+    end
+elseif (dim==3)
+    figure(1), clf
+    slice(StrainRateInvariant.x,StrainRateInvariant.z,StrainRateInvariant.y,StrainRateInvariant.data,[0 1],[1],[.1 ]), hold on
+    quiver3(Velocity.x(:),Velocity.z(:),Velocity.y(:),Velocity.Vx(:),Velocity.Vz(:),Velocity.Vy(:),VelocityArrowColor);       %   Velocity arrows
+    axis('equal')
+    if(Octave==0)
+      box('on')
+    end
+    title('\epsilon_{II} and velocity (arrows)');
+    if(Octave==0)
+      colorbar
+    end

Added: long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/ReadGaleOutput.m
--- long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/ReadGaleOutput.m	2006-12-21 08:26:27 UTC (rev 5610)
+++ long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/ReadGaleOutput.m	2006-12-21 08:26:31 UTC (rev 5611)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+% Reads a timestep with Gale output data
+% To be done before release:
+%       -   check 3D case, and generation of 3D matrixes
+%fname   =   'extension';
+%step    =   2;
+addpath(pwd);       %adds current directory to path
+% Change to output directory
+dirname = ['../output.',fname];
+% Read the input xml-file, to get the number of nodes in each direction----
+fid = fopen('input.xml');
+while ~feof(fid)
+    line = fgetl(fid);
+    if(ischar(line)==0)
+      break
+    end
+    in = strfind(line,'"elementResI"');
+    if ~isempty(in);
+        indstart    =   strfind(line,'>');
+        indend      =   strfind(line,'<');
+        nelI        =   str2num( line(indstart(1)+1:indend(end)-1 ) );
+    end
+    in = strfind(line,'"elementResJ"');
+    if ~isempty(in);
+        indstart    =   strfind(line,'>');
+        indend      =   strfind(line,'<');
+        nelJ        =   str2num( line(indstart(1)+1:indend(end)-1 ) );
+    end
+    in = strfind(line,'"elementResK"');
+    if ~isempty(in);
+        indstart = strfind(line,'>');
+        indend   = strfind(line,'<');
+        nelK    =   str2num( line(indstart(1)+1:indend(end)-1 ) );
+    end
+    in = strfind(line,'"dim"');
+    if ~isempty(in);
+        indstart    = strfind(line,'>');
+        indend      = strfind(line,'<');
+        dim         =   str2num( line(indstart(1)+1:indend(end)-1 ) );
+    end
+if      dim==2
+    NumberElements = [nelI      nelJ    ];
+    NumberNodes    = [nelI+1    nelJ+1  ];
+elseif  dim==3
+    NumberElements = [nelI      nelJ    nelK    ];
+    NumberNodes    = [nelI+1    nelJ+1  nelK+1  ];
+% Read all properties -----------------------------------------------------
+% Load the data
+number=num2str(step+100000,'%5.0f'); number(1)=[];
+% Check that file-number exists
+if exist(['VelocityField','.',number,'.dat'])
+    % Pressure (constant per element)
+    data            =   load(['PressureField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    Pressure.x      =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberElements,data(:,2) );
+    Pressure.y      =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberElements,data(:,3) );
+    Pressure.data   =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberElements,data(:,5) );
+    if dim==3
+        Pressure.z      =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberElements,data(:,4) );
+    end
+    % Velocity
+    data            =   load(['VelocityField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    Velocity.x      =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    Velocity.y      =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    Velocity.z      =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    Velocity.Vx     =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    Velocity.Vy     =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,6) );
+    if dim==3
+        Velocity.Vz              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,7) );
+    end
+    % StrainRateInvariantField
+    data                         =   load(['StrainRateInvariantField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    StrainRateInvariant.x        =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    StrainRateInvariant.y        =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    StrainRateInvariant.z        =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    StrainRateInvariant.data     =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    % VorticityField
+    data                        =   load(['VorticityField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    Vorticity.x                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    Vorticity.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    Vorticity.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    Vorticity.xx                =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    Vorticity.xy                =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,6) );
+    Vorticity.yx                =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,7) );
+    Vorticity.yy                =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,8) );
+    % StrainRateField
+    data                        =   load(['StrainRateField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    StrainRate.x                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    StrainRate.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    StrainRate.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    StrainRate.data              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    % StrainRateXXField
+    data                        =   load(['StrainRateXXField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    StrainRateXX.x                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    StrainRateXX.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    StrainRateXX.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    StrainRateXX.data              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    % StrainRateYYField
+    data                        =   load(['StrainRateYYField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    StrainRateYY.x                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    StrainRateYY.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    StrainRateYY.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    StrainRateYY.data              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    % StrainRateYYField
+    data                        =   load(['StrainRateYYField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    StrainRateYY.x                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    StrainRateYY.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    StrainRateYY.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    StrainRateYY.data              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+   % VelocityGradientsField
+    data                            =   load(['VelocityGradientsField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    VelocityGradientsField.x        =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    VelocityGradientsField.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    VelocityGradientsField.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    VelocityGradientsField.data              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+     % VelocityMagnitudeField
+    data                            =   load(['VelocityMagnitudeField','.',number,'.dat']);
+    VelocityMagnitudeField.x        =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,2) );
+    VelocityMagnitudeField.y                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,3) );
+    VelocityMagnitudeField.z                 =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,4) );
+    VelocityMagnitudeField.data              =   ReshapeGaleData(dim,NumberNodes,data(:,5) );
+    % Yielding
+    data                        =   load(['yielding','.',number,'.txt']);
+    Yielding.x                 =   data(:,2);
+    Yielding.y                 =   data(:,3);
+    Yielding.z                 =   data(:,4);
+    Yielding.data              =   data(:,5);
+    % Time_info
+    data                        =   load(['timeInfo','.',number,'.dat']);
+    time                        =   data(1);
+    dt                          =   data(2);
+    % Mesh info
+    mesh_x                      =   Velocity.x;
+    mesh_y                      =   Velocity.y;
+    cd ..
+    error(['FileNumber ',number,' does not exist!']) 
+% Change back to previous directory
+cd ..

Added: long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/ReshapeGaleData.m
--- long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/ReshapeGaleData.m	2006-12-21 08:26:27 UTC (rev 5610)
+++ long/3D/Gale/trunk/tools/ReshapeGaleData.m	2006-12-21 08:26:31 UTC (rev 5611)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+function [data] = ReshapeGaleData(dim, NumberProps, data_vector);
+% Reshapes Gale data into 2D or 3D arrays
+if (dim==2)
+    data     =   reshape(data_vector, NumberProps);
+elseif (dim==3)
+    data     =   reshape(data_vector, NumberProps);
+    data     =   shiftdim(data,2);

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