[cig-commits] r4004 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Tue Jul 11 12:02:03 PDT 2006

Author: willic3
Date: 2006-07-11 12:02:03 -0700 (Tue, 11 Jul 2006)
New Revision: 4004

Added new version of faultcalc that uses essentially no memory.
This code should be at least as efficient as the previous version, and
relies only on the presence of the .fbc and .fcoord files created by
readucd or readnetgen, as well as a parameter file.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/faultcalc2.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/faultcalc2.f	2006-07-11 17:50:49 UTC (rev 4003)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/faultcalc2.f	2006-07-11 19:02:03 UTC (rev 4004)
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+      program faultcalc2
+c...  quick and dirty program to compute fault boundary conditions,
+c     given a set of points.  The user specifies coordinate ranges
+c     for a number of regions, along with a set of coefficients
+c     for a general equation of second degree in x, y, and z.
+c     This program is suitable for specifying split node BC for the
+c     program LithoMop.
+c     This version of the code assumes that output has already been
+c     produced by a code such as readnetgen or readucd, such that
+c     fault information files (*.fcoord, *.fbc) have already been
+c     produced.
+      implicit none
+c...  parameters
+      integer maxsurf
+      parameter(maxsurf=200)
+c...  global arrays
+      double precision scoef(10,3,maxsurf)
+      double precision smin(3,maxsurf),smax(3,maxsurf)
+c...  dimensions
+      integer nsurf,nfnodes
+c...  filenames and unit numbers
+      integer kti,kto,kp,kn,ksi,kso
+      common/units/kti,kto,kp,kn,ksi,kso
+      character pfile*200,fnfile*200,sifile*200,sofile*200
+c...  local variables
+      integer i,j,k,nodes,elems,hists,nodec,elemc,isidec
+      double precision eps,ux,uy,uz
+      double precision x(3)
+      character string*80
+      logical insurf,usedc
+c...  get filenames
+      call files(pfile,fnfile,sifile,sofile)
+c...  read parameters
+      open(kp,file=pfile,status="old")
+      call pskip(kp)
+      read(kp,*) nsurf,eps
+      do i=1,nsurf
+        do j=1,3
+          call pskip(kp)
+          read(kp,*) smin(j,i),smax(j,i)
+        end do
+        do k=1,10
+          call pskip(kp)
+          read(kp,*) (scoef(k,j,i),j=1,3)
+        end do
+      end do
+      close(kp)
+c...  loop over fault entries
+      open(kn,file=fnfile,status="old")
+      open(ksi,file=sifile,status="old")
+      open(kso,file=sofile,status="new")
+ 30   continue
+        read(ksi,*,end=40) elems,nodes,hists,ux,uy,uz
+        read(kn,*,end=40) elemc,nodec,isidec,(x(j),j=1,3)
+        call getvals(x,ux,uy,uz,scoef,smin,smax,eps,nsurf,insurf)
+        if(insurf) write(kso,"(3i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") elems,nodes,hists,
+     &   ux,uy,uz
+        go to 30
+ 40   continue
+      close(ksi)
+      close(kso)
+      close(kn)
+      stop
+      end
+      function compd2(x,scoef)
+c...  function to compute the value of an equation of second degree
+      implicit none
+      double precision compd2
+      double precision x(3),scoef(10)
+c...  compute value for given point and set of coefficients
+      compd2=      scoef(1)*x(1)*x(1)+2.0d0*scoef(2)*x(1)*x(2)+
+     &             scoef(3)*x(2)*x(2)+2.0d0*scoef(4)*x(1)*x(3)+
+     &       2.0d0*scoef(5)*x(2)*x(3)+      scoef(6)*x(3)*x(3)+
+     &       2.0d0*scoef(7)*x(1)     +2.0d0*scoef(8)*x(2)     +
+     &       2.0e0*scoef(9)*x(3)     +      scoef(10)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine files(pfile,fnfile,sifile,sofile)
+c...  subroutine to get filenames from command-line
+      implicit none
+      character pfile*(*),fnfile*(*),sifile*(*),sofile*(*)
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic iargc,index
+c...  external functions
+      integer nchar
+      external nchar
+c...  unit numbers
+      integer kti,kto,kp,kn,ksi,kso
+      common/units/kti,kto,kp,kn,ksi,kso
+c...  local variables
+      integer nargs,i,j
+      character string*2000
+      logical fflag(4)
+      kti=5
+      kto=6
+      kp=10
+      kn=11
+      ksi=12
+      kso=14
+      do i=1,4
+        fflag(i)=.false.
+      end do
+      nargs=iargc()
+      do i=1,nargs
+        call getarg(i,string)
+        if(index(string,'p=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          pfile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(1)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'n=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          fnfile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(2)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'i=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          sifile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(3)=.true.
+        else if(index(string,'o=').ne.0) then
+          j=nchar(string)
+          sofile=string(3:j)
+          fflag(4)=.true.
+        end if
+      end do
+      do i=1,4
+        if(.not.fflag(i)) then
+          write(kto,800)
+          stop
+        end if
+      end do
+ 800  format("Usage:",/,
+     & "    faultcalc2 p=<parameter_file> n=<split_node_coord_file>",/,
+     & "    i=<split_node_input_file> o=<split_node_output_file>")
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getvals(x,ux,uy,uz,scoef,smin,smax,eps,nsurf,insurf)
+c...  subroutine to get x, y, and z dislocation values and return them
+c     in ux, uy, and uz.  The initial signs of ux, uy, and uz are used
+c     to determine the sign of the returned values.
+      implicit none
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer nsurf
+      double precision x(3),ux,uy,uz,scoef(10,3,nsurf)
+      double precision smin(3,nsurf),smax(3,nsurf),eps
+      logical insurf
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic sign,sqrt
+c...  external functions
+      double precision compd2
+      external compd2
+c...  local variables
+      integer i,j
+      double precision xsign,ysign,zsign,u
+c...  loop over surfaces to see if point falls in any of them
+      insurf=.false.
+      do i=1,nsurf
+        do j=1,3
+          if(x(j).lt.smin(j,i).or.x(j).gt.smax(j,i)) go to 10
+        end do
+        insurf=.true.
+        xsign=sign(1.0d0,ux)
+        ysign=sign(1.0d0,uy)
+        zsign=sign(1.0d0,uz)
+        ux=xsign*compd2(x,scoef(1,1,i))
+        uy=ysign*compd2(x,scoef(1,2,i))
+        uz=zsign*compd2(x,scoef(1,3,i))
+        u=sqrt(ux*ux+uy*uy+uz*uz)
+        if(u.lt.eps) insurf=.false.
+        return
+ 10     continue
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function nchar(string)
+c...  determines the minimum nonblank length of a string
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nchar
+      character*(*) string
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i,itest
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nchar=0
+      do i=1,nmax
+        itest=nmax-i+1
+        if(string(itest:itest).ne.blank) then
+          nchar=itest
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function nnblnk(string)
+c       determines the position of the first nonblank entry
+c       of a string (returns 1 if the first character is
+c       not blank)
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nnblnk
+      character*(*) string
+c... intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nnblnk=nmax
+      do i=1,nmax
+        if(string(i:i).ne.blank) then
+          nnblnk=i
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pskip(iunit)
+c      routine to skip lines beginning with the string # and blank
+c      lines.
+c      this routine ignores leading blanks before the key string.
+      implicit none
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer iunit
+c...  local constants
+      character leader*1
+      data leader/'#'/
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic index
+c...  external functions
+      integer nchar,nnblnk
+      external nchar,nnblnk
+c...  local variables
+      integer inblnk
+      character string*80
+ 10   continue
+        read(iunit,"(a80)",end=20) string
+        if(nchar(string).eq.0) goto 10
+        inblnk=nnblnk(string)
+        if(index(string,leader).eq.inblnk) goto 10
+      backspace(iunit)
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      end

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