[cig-commits] r3839 - in long: . 2D 2D/plasti 2D/plasti/trunk 2D/plasti/trunk/SRC

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 21 12:53:58 PDT 2006

Author: walter
Date: 2006-06-21 12:53:58 -0700 (Wed, 21 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 3839

Initial import of cleaned up plasti

Added: long/2D/plasti/trunk/Makefile
--- long/2D/plasti/trunk/Makefile	2006-06-21 19:14:00 UTC (rev 3838)
+++ long/2D/plasti/trunk/Makefile	2006-06-21 19:53:58 UTC (rev 3839)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## compilers
+FORT  = gfortran
+CC = gcc
+## libraries
+LIBS2 = -llapack -lblas
+F90FLAGS = -O3
+#####  PLASTI
+## object files to link (includes any header and module files)
+PLAS_OBJS = SRC/plasti_oly.o SRC/thermal_oly.o
+## Link all files into main program
+plasti_oly: $(PLAS_OBJS)
+	$(FORT) $(PLAS_OBJS) -o plasti_oly -llapack -lblas
+## compile object files
+SRC/plasti_oly.o: SRC/plasti_oly.f 
+	$(FORT) $(F90FLAGS) -c SRC/plasti_oly.f -o SRC/plasti_oly.o
+SRC/thermal_oly.o: SRC/thermal_oly.f
+	$(FORT) $(F90FLAGS) -c SRC/thermal_oly.f -o SRC/thermal_oly.o
+## clean
+	rm -f $(PLAS_OBJS) *.mod $(MESH_OBJS) $(PLAS2DX_OBJS)
+##### MESHG
+## object files to link
+MESH_OBJS = SRC/meshg_oly.o SRC/erfc.o
+## Link files into main program
+meshg_oly: $(MESH_OBJS)
+	$(FORT) $(MESH_OBJS) -o meshg_oly
+## compile object files
+SRC/meshg_oly.o: SRC/meshg_oly.f
+	$(FORT) $(F90FLAGS) -c -o SRC/meshg_oly.o SRC/meshg_oly.f
+SRC/erfc.o: SRC/erfc.f
+	$(FORT) $(F90FLAGS) -c -o SRC/erfc.o SRC/erfc.f

Added: long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/erfc.f
--- long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/erfc.f	2006-06-21 19:14:00 UTC (rev 3838)
+++ long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/erfc.f	2006-06-21 19:53:58 UTC (rev 3839)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+      FUNCTION erfc(x)
+      REAL erfc,x
+CU    USES gammp,gammq
+      REAL gammp,gammq
+      if(x.lt.0.)then
+        erfc=1.+gammp(.5,x**2)
+      else
+        erfc=gammq(.5,x**2)
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      FUNCTION gammp(a,x)
+      REAL a,gammp,x
+CU    USES gcf,gser
+      REAL gammcf,gamser,gln
+      if(x.lt.0..or.a.le.0.)pause 'bad arguments in gammp'
+      if(x.lt.a+1.)then
+        call gser(gamser,a,x,gln)
+        gammp=gamser
+      else
+        call gcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
+        gammp=1.-gammcf
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      FUNCTION gammq(a,x)
+      REAL a,gammq,x
+CU    USES gcf,gser
+      REAL gammcf,gamser,gln
+      if(x.lt.0..or.a.le.0.)pause 'bad arguments in gammq'
+      if(x.lt.a+1.)then
+        call gser(gamser,a,x,gln)
+        gammq=1.-gamser
+      else
+        call gcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
+        gammq=gammcf
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE gcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
+      REAL a,gammcf,gln,x,EPS,FPMIN
+      PARAMETER (ITMAX=100,EPS=3.e-7,FPMIN=1.e-30)
+CU    USES gammln
+      INTEGER i
+      REAL an,b,c,d,del,h,gammln
+      gln=gammln(a)
+      b=x+1.-a
+      c=1./FPMIN
+      d=1./b
+      h=d
+      do 11 i=1,ITMAX
+        an=-i*(i-a)
+        b=b+2.
+        d=an*d+b
+        if(abs(d).lt.FPMIN)d=FPMIN
+        c=b+an/c
+        if(abs(c).lt.FPMIN)c=FPMIN
+        d=1./d
+        del=d*c
+        h=h*del
+        if(abs(del-1.).lt.EPS)goto 1
+11    continue
+      pause 'a too large, ITMAX too small in gcf'
+1     gammcf=exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)*h
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE gser(gamser,a,x,gln)
+      REAL a,gamser,gln,x,EPS
+      PARAMETER (ITMAX=100,EPS=3.e-7)
+CU    USES gammln
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL ap,del,sum,gammln
+      gln=gammln(a)
+      if(x.le.0.)then
+        if(x.lt.0.)pause 'x < 0 in gser'
+        gamser=0.
+        return
+      endif
+      ap=a
+      sum=1./a
+      del=sum
+      do 11 n=1,ITMAX
+        ap=ap+1.
+        del=del*x/ap
+        sum=sum+del
+        if(abs(del).lt.abs(sum)*EPS)goto 1
+11    continue
+      pause 'a too large, ITMAX too small in gser'
+1     gamser=sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)
+      return
+      END
+      FUNCTION gammln(xx)
+      REAL gammln,xx
+      INTEGER j
+      DOUBLE PRECISION ser,stp,tmp,x,y,cof(6)
+      SAVE cof,stp
+      DATA cof,stp/76.18009172947146d0,-86.50532032941677d0,
+     *24.01409824083091d0,-1.231739572450155d0,.1208650973866179d-2,
+     *-.5395239384953d-5,2.5066282746310005d0/
+      x=xx
+      y=x
+      tmp=x+5.5d0
+      tmp=(x+0.5d0)*log(tmp)-tmp
+      ser=1.000000000190015d0
+      do 11 j=1,6
+        y=y+1.d0
+        ser=ser+cof(j)/y
+11    continue
+      gammln=tmp+log(stp*ser/x)
+      return
+      END

Added: long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/meshg_oly.f
--- long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/meshg_oly.f	2006-06-21 19:14:00 UTC (rev 3838)
+++ long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/meshg_oly.f	2006-06-21 19:53:58 UTC (rev 3839)
@@ -0,0 +1,2915 @@
+c   mesh generator and parameter  input for thermal and mechanical mesh
+c		used in plasti
+c define arrays that will be dynamically allocated in subroutines
+      module dyn_arrays
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::ypltop(:),xpl(:),yplbase(:),yrlbase(:),
+     *xrlbase(:),xltemp(:),ranode(:,:),ymtop(:),yltemp(:),xmbase(:),
+     *coh(:),slen1(:),slen2(:),fnode1(:),dyinit1(:),dyinit2(:),
+     *fnode2(:),bc(:,:),dyinit(:),xp1(:),xp2(:),yp1(:),phi(:),
+     *panode(:,:),rhoc(:),yp2(:),ymbase(:),rlnode(:,:),xbase(:),
+     *cmnode(:,:),plnode(:,:),pos(:,:),therm_prop(:,:),thermbcs(:,:),
+     *tm_prop(:,:),therm_cond(:,:),therm_rho(:),heat_prod(:),
+     *spec_heat(:),dencol(:),therm_bc(:,:),vmin(:),q(:),prex(:),
+     *expn(:)
+      integer,allocatable::domain(:),ndomain(:),mecht_nodes(:),
+     *plithb_nodes(:),plitht_nodes(:),mechb_nodes(:),rlithb_nodes(:),
+     *output_flags(:)
+      end module dyn_arrays
+c end of definitions
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c read in input file
+      call input(ncol,nerowm,nstype,sing,
+     *pmthick,plthick,athick,rlthick,ypmbase,yrmbase,wdepth,
+     *wtoler,npad,xpad,prigp,rrigp,prigi,rrigi,sload,smomen,xadd,ctoler,
+     *plvel,upvel,iunflag,iunbeg,xunbeg,vrig,
+     *beta,epsinv,rhof,rhom,numvebn,numpbn,numsid,numvtbn,
+     *ntst,intout,intoutl,delt,minint,maxint,npass,toler,erosl,
+     *erosr,peros,rpow,ntt2,deltt2,iso,ntmchg,plscale,rlscale,blscale,
+     *dfact,slpmax,tmax,numvetbn,ioutflag,inflag,dyc,linflag,sdip,
+     *ipflag,itrench,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,isedr,iexflg,
+     *ibasflg,nbastary,nbastind,intmrkb,ipkfill,ibasfill,sedmax,iflgcl,
+     *agecl,iflgblt,iflgbl,tblayt,tblay,noutput)
+c find the spoint (used spoint is defined by position instead of node
+      call find_node(nsing,nstype,sing,ncol,npad,xsing)
+      print*,'s-point (desired, node, location): ',sing,nsing,xsing
+C Make model outlines/boundaries 
+      if(iso.ne.2) then
+      	print*,'#########  STOP!!!   ############'
+      	print*,'## Only have two plate case    ##'
+      	print*,'## implemented, cannot do only ##'
+      	print*,'## one plate.                  ##'
+      	print*,'#################################'
+      	stop
+      endif
+      if(iso.eq.2) then
+c make x,y array for each plate
+      	call mk_plates(ncol,npad,xsing,xadd,np1,nsing,nsing1,np2)
+      	if(ipflag.eq.0) then
+c  		calculate flexural profile 
+      		call calc_flex(nerowm,ncol,np1,np2,prigi,rrigi,rhom,
+     *		npad,nsing,nsing1,ctoler,sload,smomen,wdepth,wtoler,rhof,
+     *		ypmbase,yrmbase,wheight,inflag,dyc)
+    	elseif(ipflag.eq.1) then
+			call arc_prof(nerowm,ncol,np1,np2,prigp,rrigp,rhom,
+     *			npad,nsing,nsing1,wdepth,ypmbase,yrmbase,wheight,
+     *			inflag,dyc,itrench,sdip)
+    	endif
+c output flexural profiles of just the two plates
+      	call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+c make arrays of flexure profile for model (mech and sub lithos)
+      	call mech_bndry(ncol,nsing1,nsing,np1,npad,np2,plthick,
+     *	athick,yshift)
+      endif
+c make lithosphere domain boundaries
+      call lith_bndry(nsing1,nsing,plthick,athick,ncol,npltop,plvel,
+     *nplbase,rlthick,irlbeg,nrlbase)
+c output the domain boundaries for plotting     
+      call bndry_output(wheight,ncol,npad,wdepth,np1,np2,yshift
+     *,nsing,nsing1,npltop,nrlbase,nplbase)
+c only make and output mesh if desired     
+      if(ioutflag.eq.1) then
+c 		make nodes in mech model
+      	call mk_cmnodes(ncol,nerowm,iblay,iblayt,iflgblt,iflgbl,
+     *		tblayt,tblay)
+c 		make nodes in pro lithosphere
+      	call mk_plnodes(npltop,nplbase,nplrow,base)
+c 		make nodes in retro lithos      
+      	call mk_rlnodes(nsing,nrlrow,irlbeg,ncol)
+c 		make nodes in retro asthenosphere      
+      	call mk_ranodes(nrlrow,nsing,npltop,nrarow,ncol,base,
+     *	irlbeg,irabeg)
+c 		make nodes in pro-asthenosphere
+      	call mk_panodes(nplbase,nsing,nparow,base)
+c 		make array of all nodes
+      	call mk_node_array(nerowm,nrowl,nrowa,nplrow,nalrow,
+     *	ncol,ntrow,nplbase,nsing,nparow,irabeg,npltop)
+c 		make arrays of thermal properties and BCs
+      	call mk_therm_para(ntrow,ncol,ntmchg,nrowl,nrowa,ntbcs,
+     *	iflgcl,agecl,nplbase,npltop)
+c 		output parameters and mesh
+      	call output(ncol,nerowm,ntrow,nsing,plvel,upvel,
+     *	iunflag,iunbeg,vrig,beta,epsinv,rhof,
+     *	rhom,iso,prigi,rrigi,sload,smomen,xadd,ctoler,wdepth,wtoler,
+     *	numvebn,numpbn,numsid,numvtbn,ntst,delt,intout,intoutl,minint,
+     *	maxint,npass,toler,erosl,erosr,peros,rpow,ntt2,deltt2,np1,np2,
+     *	nsing1,npad,nplbase,npltop,plscale,rlscale,blscale,dfact,slpmax,
+     *	tmax,nrowl,plthick,numvetbn,linflag,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,
+     *	isedr,iexflg,ibasflg,nbastary,nbastind,intmrkb,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *	sedmax,ntbcs,noutput)
+      	deallocate(panode,xmbase,xbase,coh,phi,rhoc,bc,xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2,
+     *	dyinit,yrlbase,xrlbase,xpl,ypltop,yplbase,ymtop,ymbase,xltemp,
+     *	yltemp,rlnode,plnode,cmnode,ranode,pos,dyinit1,dyinit2,domain,
+     *	ndomain,thermbcs,tm_prop,therm_cond,therm_rho,spec_heat,
+     *	heat_prod,vmin,q,prex,expn)
+      endif
+      end
+c############### END OF MAIN PROGRAM ####################
+c make array of all nodes in mesh
+      subroutine mk_node_array(nerowm,nrowl,nrowa,nplrow,
+     *nalrow,ncol,ntrow,nplbase,nsing,nparow,irabeg,npltop)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      integer plitht(200)
+c allocate space for the storage of node numbers of domain boundaries
+c	used in output and used in plasti2dx to make boundaries 
+c		for dx plotting
+      allocate(mecht_nodes(ncol),plithb_nodes(nplbase),
+     *plitht_nodes(npltop),mechb_nodes(ncol),
+     *rlithb_nodes(ncol-nsing))
+c initialize indicies for the above arrays
+c     top of mech model
+      imtnodes=0
+c     base of pro lith      
+      iplbnode=0
+c     top of pro lith
+      ipltnode=0
+c     base of retro lith
+      irlbnode=0
+c     top of retro lith
+      imbnode=0
+c define number of rows/nodes in mesh
+c     number of rows on pro lith side (-1 since top node is in mech)      
+      nrowl=nplrow-1
+c     number of rows in pro asthen (-1 since top node is in lith)
+      nrowa=nparow-1
+c     total number of rows
+      ntrow=nerowm+nrowl+nrowa
+      allocate(pos(ntrow*ncol,2))
+c array for element domain defs      
+      allocate(domain((ntrow)*(ncol)))
+      allocate(ndomain((ntrow-1)*(ncol-1)*2))
+c indicies for domains
+      idomain=0
+      index=0
+      indexap=0
+      indexlp=0
+      indexm=0
+c     these start at 1 since corner node is not counted in the domain      
+      indexlr=1
+      indexar=1
+c Determine which sub geometry this is
+c	icase 1: pro-asthen ends at spoint
+c	icase 2: pro-asthen ends before the spoint
+c	icase  : pro-asthen ends after the spoint
+c		  3: pro-asthen ends after retro-asthen begins
+c		  4: pro-asthen ends when retro-asthen begins
+c		  5: pro-asthen ends after retro-lith begins
+c		  6: pro-asthen ends 1 colm before retro-asthen begins
+      icase=0
+      if(nplbase.eq.nsing) then
+      	icase=1
+      else if(nsing.gt.nplbase) then
+      	icase=2
+      else if(nsing.lt.nplbase) then
+      	if(irabeg.eq.nplbase) then
+      		icase=4
+      	else if(irabeg.eq.nplbase-1) then
+      		icase=6
+      	else if(irabeg.lt.nplbase-1) then
+      		icase=3
+      	else if(irabeg.gt.nplbase) then
+      		icase=5
+      	endif
+      endif
+      if(icase.eq.0) then
+      	print*,'##################################'
+      	print*,'## ERROR: Case not determined   ##'
+      	print*,'##################################'
+      endif	
+c always begin with meshing to spoint (except case=1)
+c	loop to/including the spoint
+c     allow for a change in the number of rows (1=yes, 0=no)
+      itog_ap=0; itog_lp=0; itog_lr=0; itog_ar=0;
+c     starting value
+      nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0; nshiftlr=0;
+c     include these domains (yes=1, no=0)
+      iapon=1; ilpon=1; iaron=0; ilron=0;
+      call mk_array(1,nrowa,iapon,1,nrowl,ilpon,1,nerowm,0,0,
+     *iaron,1,0,ilron,1,nsing,nshiftap,nshiftlp,nshiftar,nshiftlr,
+     *index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *imbnode)
+      if(icase.eq.5) then
+c Case 5
+c loop from spoint+1 to final node of pro-astheno
+      	nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0; nshiftlr=0;
+      	itog_ap=1; itog_lp=0; itog_ar=0; itog_lr=1;
+      	iapon=1; ilpon=1; iaron=0; ilron=1;
+      	index2=index
+      	call mk_array(1,nrowa,iapon,1,nrowl,ilpon,1,nerowm,0,0,
+     *  iaron,1,0,ilron,nsing+1,nplbase-1,nshiftap,nshiftlp,nshiftar,
+     *  nshiftlr,
+     *  index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *	itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *	imbnode)
+c loop till/including beg of retro-astheno
+      	nshiftlr=nshiftlr; nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0;
+      	itog_ap=0; itog_lp=1; itog_lr=1; itog_ar=0;
+      	iapon=0; ilpon=1; iaron=0; ilron=1;
+      	call mk_array(0,0,iapon,1,nrowl+1,ilpon,1,nerowm,0,0,
+     *	iaron,1,0,ilron,nplbase,irabeg,nshiftap,nshiftlp,nshiftar,
+     *  nshiftlr,
+     *	index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *	itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *	imbnode)
+c loop till/including end of pro-lith
+      	nrowlr=nshiftlr; 
+      	nshiftlr=0; nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=nshiftlp; nshiftar=0;
+      	itog_ap=0; itog_lp=1; itog_lr=0; itog_ar=1;
+      	iapon=0; ilpon=1; iaron=1; ilron=1;
+      	call mk_array(0,0,iapon,1,nrowl+1,ilpon,1,nerowm,1,0,
+     *	iaron,1,nrowlr,ilron,irabeg+1,npltop-1,nshiftap,nshiftlp,
+     *  nshiftar,nshiftlr,
+     *	index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *	itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *	imbnode);
+      	nrowar=nshiftar+1;
+      else if(icase.eq.3) then	
+c Case 3
+c loop till the beg of retro-asthen      
+      	nshiftlr=0; nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0;
+      	itog_ap=1; itog_lp=0; itog_lr=1; itog_ar=0;
+      	iapon=1; ilpon=1; iaron=0; ilron=1;
+      	call mk_array(1,nrowa,iapon,1,nrowl,ilpon,1,nerowm,0,0,
+     *	iaron,1,0,ilron,nsing+1,irabeg,nshiftap,nshiftlp,nshiftar,
+     *  nshiftlr,
+     *	index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *	itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *	imbnode);
+c loop till end of pro-asthen
+      	nrowlr=nshiftap;
+      	nshiftlr=0; nshiftap=nshiftap; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0;
+      	itog_ap=1; itog_lp=0; itog_lr=0; itog_ar=1;
+      	iapon=1; ilpon=1; iaron=1; ilron=1;
+      	call mk_array(1,nrowa,iapon,1,nrowl,ilpon,1,nerowm,1,0,
+     *	iaron,1,nrowlr,ilron,irabeg+1,nplbase-1,nshiftap,nshiftlp,
+     *  nshiftar,nshiftlr,
+     *	index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *	itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *	imbnode);
+c loop till end of pro-lith
+c     	temp # rows in retro-astthen
+      	nartemp=nshiftar;
+      	nshiftlr=0; nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0;
+      	itog_ap=0; itog_lp=1; itog_lr=0; itog_ar=1;
+      	iapon=0; ilpon=1; iaron=1; ilron=1;
+      	call mk_array(0,0,iapon,1,nrowl+1,ilpon,1,nerowm,1,nartemp,
+     *	iaron,1,nrowlr,ilron,nplbase,npltop-1,nshiftap,nshiftlp,
+     *  nshiftar,nshiftlr,
+     *	index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *	itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *	imbnode);
+      	nrowar=nartemp+1+nshiftar;
+      else if(icase.eq.1) then
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'CASE 1: this is not implemented. the pro-asthen     '
+      	print*,'	ends where the retro-lith ends.  change the     '
+      	print*,'	lith thickness or increase the mesh density     '
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      else if(icase.eq.2) then
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'CASE 2: this is not implemented. the pro-asthen     '
+      	print*,'	ends before the spoint. are you sure the        '
+      	print*,'	orogen dimensions are reasonable                '
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      else if(icase.eq.6) then
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'CASE 6: this is not implemented. see notes for     '
+      	print*,'	details. change lith thickness or node density '
+      	print*,'	to avoid this                                  '
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      else if(icase.eq.4) then
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      	print*,'CASE 4: this is not implemented. see notes for     '
+      	print*,'	details. change lith thickness or node density '
+      	print*,'	to avoid this                                  '
+      	print*,'####################################################'
+      endif	
+c always end meshing from the end of the top 
+c 	of the pro-lith to the model edge
+      nshiftlr=0; nshiftap=0; nshiftlp=0; nshiftar=0;
+      itog_ap=0; itog_lp=0; itog_lr=0; itog_ar=0;
+      iapon=0; ilpon=0; iaron=1; ilron=1;
+      call mk_array(0,0,iapon,0,0,ilpon,1,nerowm,1,nrowar,
+     *iaron,1,nrowlr,ilron,npltop,ncol,nshiftap,nshiftlp,nshiftar,
+     *nshiftlr,
+     *index,indexap,indexlp,indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,
+     *itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,
+     *imbnode);
+      index=0
+      do j=1,ncol-1
+      	do i=1,ntrow-1
+      		index=index+1
+      		ndomain(index)=domain(i+(j-1)*(ntrow-1))
+      		index=index+1
+      		ndomain(index)=domain(i+(j)*(ntrow-1))
+      	end do
+      end do	
+c set final node in array of lith base boundary
+      plitht_nodes(npltop)=plitht_nodes(npltop-1)+ntrow-1
+      plithb_nodes(nplbase)=plithb_nodes(nplbase-1)+ntrow-1
+      end
+c combine nodes from differnt domains into one array
+      subroutine mk_array(iapstart,iapstop,iapon,ilpstart,
+     *ilpstop,ilpon,imstart,imstop,iarstart,iarstop,
+     *iaron,ilrstart,ilrstop,ilron,icolstart,icolstop,
+     *nshiftap,nshiftlp,nshiftar,nshiftlr,index,indexap,indexlp,
+     *indexm,indexar,indexlr,itog_ap,itog_lp,itog_ar,itog_lr,idomain,
+     *imtnode,iplbnode,ipltnode,irlbnode,imbnode)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c loop over colms
+      do icol=icolstart,icolstop
+      	if(itog_ap.eq.1) then
+      		nshiftap=nshiftap+1;
+      	endif
+      	if(itog_lp.eq.1) then
+      		nshiftlp=nshiftlp+1;
+      	endif
+      	if(itog_ar.eq.1) then
+      		nshiftar=nshiftar+1;
+      	endif
+      	if(itog_lr.eq.1) then
+      		nshiftlr=nshiftlr+1;
+      	endif
+c pro-asthenosphere
+      	if(iapon.eq.1) then
+      		do irow=iapstart,iapstop-nshiftap
+      			index=index+1;
+      			indexap=indexap+1;
+      			pos(index,1)=panode(indexap,1);
+      			pos(index,2)=panode(indexap,2);
+      			idomain=idomain+1
+      			domain(idomain)=4
+      		end do
+      		indexap=indexap+1;
+      		iplbnode=iplbnode+1
+      		plithb_nodes(iplbnode)=index+1
+      	endif	
+c pro-lithosphere
+      	if(ilpon.eq.1) then
+      		do irow=ilpstart,ilpstop-nshiftlp
+      			index=index+1;
+      			indexlp=indexlp+1;
+      			pos(index,1)=plnode(indexlp,1);
+      			pos(index,2)=plnode(indexlp,2);
+      			idomain=idomain+1
+      			domain(idomain)=2
+      		end do
+      		indexlp=indexlp+1;
+      		ipltnode=ipltnode+1
+      		plitht_nodes(ipltnode)=index+1
+      	endif
+c retro-asthenosphere	
+      	if(iaron.eq.1) then
+      		do irow=iarstart,iarstop+nshiftar
+      			index=index+1;
+      			indexar=indexar+1;
+      			pos(index,1)=ranode(indexar,1);
+      			pos(index,2)=ranode(indexar,2);
+      			idomain=idomain+1
+      			domain(idomain)=5
+      		end do
+      		indexar=indexar+1;
+      	endif
+c retro-lith
+      	if(ilron.eq.1) then
+      		irlbnode=irlbnode+1
+      		rlithb_nodes(irlbnode)=index+1
+      		do irow=ilrstart,ilrstop+nshiftlr
+      			index=index+1;
+      			indexlr=indexlr+1;
+      			pos(index,1)=rlnode(indexlr,1);
+      			pos(index,2)=rlnode(indexlr,2);
+      			idomain=idomain+1
+      			domain(idomain)=3
+      		end do
+      		indexlr=indexlr+1;
+      	endif
+c mech
+      	imbnode=imbnode+1
+      	mechb_nodes(imbnode)=index+1
+      	do irow=imstart,imstop
+      		index=index+1;
+      		indexm=indexm+1;
+      		pos(index,1)=cmnode(indexm,1);
+      		pos(index,2)=cmnode(indexm,2);
+      			idomain=idomain+1
+      			domain(idomain)=1
+      	end do
+      	idomain=idomain-1
+      	imtnode=imtnode+1
+      	mecht_nodes(imtnode)=index
+      end do
+      end
+c make nodes in pro-asthenosphere
+      subroutine mk_panodes(nplbase,nsing,nparow,base)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c det number of nodes in the domain      
+      nparow=nplbase-nsing+1
+      index=0
+      npa=nsing*nparow
+      do i=1,nparow-1
+      	npa=npa+i
+      end do
+      allocate(panode(npa,2))
+      do i=1,nsing
+      	dy=(yplbase(i)-base)/dble(nparow-1)
+      	do j=1,nparow
+      		index=index+1
+      		panode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      		panode(index,2)=base+dble(j-1)*dy
+      	end do
+      end do	
+      icount=0
+      do i=nsing+1,nplbase-1
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	dy=(yplbase(i)-base)/dble(nparow-icount-1)
+      	do j=1,nparow-icount
+      		index=index+1
+      		panode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      		panode(index,2)=base+dble(j-1)*dy
+      	end do
+      end do
+      index=index+1
+      panode(index,1)=xmbase(nplbase)
+      panode(index,2)=yplbase(nplbase)
+c      do i=1,npa
+c      	print*,panode(i,1),panode(i,2)
+c      end do	
+      end
+c make nodes in retro asthenosphere
+      subroutine mk_ranodes(nrlrow,nsing,npltop,nrarow,ncol,
+     *base,irlbeg,irabeg)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c det number of rows and number of nodes in region      
+      irabeg=nrlrow+nsing-1
+      nrarow=npltop-irlbeg+1
+      nra=(ncol-npltop+1)*nrarow
+      do i=nrarow-1,1,-1
+      	nra=nra+i
+      end do	
+      allocate(ranode(nra,2))
+      ranode(1,1)=xmbase(irabeg)
+      ranode(1,2)=ypltop(irabeg)
+      ranode(2,1)=xmbase(irabeg+1)
+      ranode(2,2)=ypltop(irabeg+1)
+      ranode(3,1)=xmbase(irabeg+1)
+      ranode(3,2)=yrlbase(2)
+      index=3
+      do i=2,npltop-irabeg
+      	icount=i+1
+      	dy=(yrlbase(i+1)-ypltop(irabeg+i))/dble(icount-1)
+      	do j=1,icount
+      		index=index+1
+            ranode(index,1)=0.0
+      		ranode(index,1)=xmbase(i+irabeg)
+      		ranode(index,2)=ypltop(i+irabeg)+dy*dble(j-1)
+      	end do
+      end do	
+      do i=2,ncol-npltop+1
+      	dy=(yrlbase(npltop-irabeg+i)-base)/dble(nrarow-1)
+      	do j=1,nrarow
+      		index=index+1
+      		ranode(index,1)=xrlbase(i+npltop-irabeg)
+      		ranode(index,2)=base+dy*dble(j-1)
+      	end do
+      end do	
+c      do i=1,nra
+c      	print*,ranode(i,1),ranode(i,2)
+c      end do	
+      end
+c make node in the retro lithosphere
+      subroutine mk_rlnodes(nsing,nrlrow,irlbeg,ncol)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c det number of rows and number of nodes in region      
+      nrlrow=irlbeg-nsing+1
+      nrl=(ncol-irlbeg+1)*nrlrow
+      do i=nrlrow-1,1,-1
+      	nrl=nrl+i
+      end do	
+      allocate(rlnode(nrl,2))
+      rlnode(1,1)=xmbase(nsing)
+      rlnode(1,2)=ypltop(nsing)
+      rlnode(2,1)=xmbase(nsing+1)
+      rlnode(2,2)=ypltop(nsing+1)
+      rlnode(3,1)=xmbase(nsing+1)
+      rlnode(3,2)=ymbase(nsing+1)
+      index=3
+      do i=2,irlbeg-nsing
+      	icount=i+1
+      	dy=(ymbase(nsing+i)-ypltop(nsing+i))/dble(icount-1)
+      	do j=1,icount
+      		index=index+1
+      		rlnode(index,1)=xmbase(i+nsing)
+      		rlnode(index,2)=ypltop(i+nsing)+dble(j-1)*dy
+      	end do
+      end do
+      do i=1,ncol-irlbeg
+      	dy=(ymbase(irlbeg+i)-yrlbase(i+1))/dble(nrlrow-1)
+      		do j=1,nrlrow
+      			index=index+1
+      			rlnode(index,1)=xmbase(i+irlbeg)
+      			rlnode(index,2)=yrlbase(i+1)+dy*dble(j-1)
+      		end do
+      	end do 	
+c      	do i=1,nrl
+c      		print*,rlnode(i,1),rlnode(i,2)
+c      	end do	
+      end
+c make nodes in pro-lithosphere
+      subroutine mk_plnodes(npltop,nplbase,nplrow,base)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      base=ypltop(npltop)
+c det # no rows in pro-lithosphere
+      do i=1,npltop
+      	if(xpl(i).ge.xpl(nplbase)) then
+      		istart=i
+      		exit
+      	endif
+      end do
+      nplrow=npltop-istart+1
+c det size of node array
+      npl=nplrow*nplbase
+      do i=nplrow-1,1,-1
+      	npl=npl+i
+      end do
+      allocate(plnode(npl,2))
+c det node locations
+      index=0
+      do i=1,nplbase
+      	dy=(ypltop(i)-yplbase(i))/dble(nplrow-1)
+      		do j=1,nplrow
+      			index=index+1
+      			plnode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      			plnode(index,2)=yplbase(i)+dble(j-1)*dy
+      		end do
+      	end do	
+      	icount=0
+      	do i=nplbase+1,npltop-1
+      		icount=icount+1
+      		dy=(ypltop(i)-base)/dble(nplrow-1-icount)
+      		do j=1,nplrow-icount
+      			index=index+1
+      			plnode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      			plnode(index,2)=base+dble(j-1)*dy
+      		end do
+      	end do
+      	index=index+1
+      	plnode(index,1)=xmbase(npltop)
+      	plnode(index,2)=base
+c      	do i=1,npl
+c      		print*,plnode(i,1),plnode(i,2)
+c      	end do	
+      end
+c make nodes in the mech model 
+      subroutine mk_cmnodes(ncol,nerowm,iblay,iblayt,iflgblt,iflgbl,
+     *tblayt,tblay)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      allocate(cmnode(ncol*nerowm,2))
+      index=0
+c check that defined thicknesses of boundary layers do not exceed
+c	the pro side crustal thickness
+      if(tblayt+tblay.ge.ymtop(1)-ymbase(1)) then
+      	print*,'######################################'
+      	print*,'## ERROR: prescribed thickness of   ##'
+      	print*,'##	boundary layers is greater than ##'
+      	print*,'##	the crustal thickness.          ##'
+      	print*,'##  tblay+tblayt=',tblay+tblayt
+      	print*,'##  crustal thickness=',ymtop(1)-ymbase(1)
+      	print*,'######################################'
+      endif	
+c define thickness for boundary layers so that their thickness remains 
+c	constant
+c     user defined thickness of bounadry layers
+c     top layer      
+      if(iflgblt.eq.1) then
+      	dyblayt=tblayt/dble(iblayt)
+      endif
+c     bottom layer      
+      if(iflgbl.eq.1) then
+		dyblay=tblay/dble(iblay)
+      endif	
+c     mixed: user defined and automatic even spacing
+c     top layer
+      if(iflgbl.eq.1.and.iflgblt.eq.0) then
+      	dyblayt=(ymtop(1)-ymbase(1)-tblay)/dble(nerowm-1-iblay)
+      	tblayt=dble(iblayt)*dyblayt
+      endif
+c     bottom layer
+      if(iflgblt.eq.1.and.iflgbl.eq.0) then
+      	dyblay=(ymtop(1)-ymbase(1)-tblayt)/dble(nerowm-1-iblayt)
+      	tblay=dble(iblay)*dyblay
+      endif	
+c     automatic even spacing of both layers      
+      if(iflgbl.eq.0.and.iflgblt.eq.0) then
+      	dyblay=(ymtop(1)-ymbase(1))/dble(nerowm-1)
+      	dyblayt=dyblay
+      	tblayt=dble(iblayt)*dyblayt
+      	tblay=dble(iblay)*dyblay
+      endif	
+c make sure that no boundary layers -> boundary layer thickness = 0
+      if(iblayt.eq.0) then
+      	tblayt=0.0
+      endif	
+      if(iblay.eq.0) then
+      	tblay=0.0
+      endif	
+c loop over all colms      
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	dy=(ymtop(i)-ymbase(i)-tblayt-tblay)
+     *	/dble(nerowm-1-iblay-iblayt)
+c	const thickness for lower boundary layers
+      	do j=1,iblay
+      		index=index+1
+      		cmnode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      		cmnode(index,2)=ymbase(i)+dble(j-1)*dyblay
+      	end do	
+c	fanning thickness for all other layers
+      	do j=1,nerowm-iblayt-iblay
+      		index=index+1
+      		cmnode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      		cmnode(index,2)=ymbase(i)+tblay+dble(j-1)*dy
+      	end do
+c	constant thickness for top boundary layers
+      	base=cmnode(index,2)
+      	do j=1,iblayt
+      		index=index+1
+      		cmnode(index,1)=xmbase(i)
+      		cmnode(index,2)=base+dble(j)*dyblayt
+      	end do	
+      end do	
+      end
+c make the boundaris of the lithosphere/mesh/asthenosphere
+c 	on the pro side and lithosphere/asthenosphere on the
+c	retro side
+      subroutine lith_bndry(nsing1,nsing,plthick,athick,ncol,npltop,
+     *plvel,nplbase,rlthick,irlbeg,nrlbase)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::ylbtemp(:)
+c determine slope at the end of the loaded sub. lithosphere
+c	used in continuing sub plate down to model boundary
+      slp=(yltemp(nsing1)-yltemp(nsing1-1))/(xltemp(nsing1)
+     *-xltemp(nsing1-1))
+      print*,' Angle at end of plate (deg): ',atan(slp)*180.0/3.1416
+c det number of nodes in top of sub lithos      
+      base=ymbase(1)-plthick-athick
+c if sub entension ends above model base      
+      if(yltemp(nsing1).ge.base) then
+      	icount=0
+      	do i=nsing+nsing1-1,ncol
+      		icount=icount+1
+      		dx=abs(xmbase(nsing+nsing1-1)-xmbase(i))
+      		ytest=yltemp(nsing1)+dx*slp
+      		if(ytest.lt.base) then
+				dif1=abs(ytest-base)
+				dif2=abs(yltemp(nsing1)+(abs(xmbase(nsing+nsing1-1)
+     *			-xmbase(i-1)))*slp-base)
+     			if(dif1.ge.dif2) then
+     				npltop=nsing1+icount-1
+     				exit
+     			else
+     				npltop=nsing1+icount-2
+     				exit
+     			endif
+     		end if	
+      	end do	
+c	make array for sub lithos top
+      	allocate(ypltop(nsing+npltop-1))
+      	allocate(xpl(nsing+npltop-1))
+      	do i=1,nsing1
+      		ypltop(i-1+nsing)=yltemp(i)
+      		xpl(i-1+nsing)=xltemp(i)
+      	end do
+      	index=0
+      	do i=nsing1+1,npltop-1
+      		xpl(i-1+nsing)=xmbase(nsing+i-1)
+      		dx=abs(xpl(i-1+nsing)-xmbase(nsing-1+nsing1))
+      		ypltop(i-1+nsing)=yltemp(nsing1)+slp*dx
+      	end do
+      	ypltop(npltop+nsing-1)=base
+      	xpl(npltop+nsing-1)=xmbase(npltop+nsing-1)
+      	do i=1,nsing-1
+      		xpl(i)=xmbase(i)
+      		ypltop(i)=ymbase(i)
+      	end do	
+      	npltop=npltop+nsing-1
+c if sub extension ends below model base
+      else if (yltemp(nsing1).lt.base) then
+     	icount=0
+     	do i=1,nsing1
+     		if(yltemp(i).lt.base) then
+     			dif1=abs(base-yltemp(i-1))
+     			dif2=abs(base-yltemp(i))
+     			if(dif1.lt.dif2) then
+     				npltop=i-1
+     			else
+     				npltop=i
+     			endif	
+     			exit
+     		endif
+     	end do
+c	make arrays for sub lithos top     	
+     	allocate(ypltop(nsing+npltop-1))
+     	allocate(xpl(nsing+npltop-1))
+     	do i=1,nsing-1
+     		xpl(i)=xmbase(i)
+     		ypltop(i)=ymbase(i)
+     	end do
+     	do i=1,npltop-2
+     		xpl(i-1+nsing)=xltemp(i)
+     		ypltop(i-1+nsing)=yltemp(i)
+     	end do	
+     	xpl(nsing+npltop-1)=xmbase(nsing+npltop-1)
+     	ypltop(nsing+npltop-1)=base
+     	npltop=npltop+nsing-1
+      endif 	
+c make array for lithos/asthenos boundary on pro side      
+c allocate temp storage for the array that is as long as the array 
+c	for the top.  when final length is determined, store in perm.
+c	array
+      allocate(ylbtemp(npltop))
+c ref flux value for conserving mass in sub. plate
+      qx=plvel*plthick
+c thickness at lhs
+      dx=xpl(2)-xpl(1)
+      dy=ypltop(2)-ypltop(1)
+      hyplen=(dx**2+dy**2)**0.5
+      ylbtemp(1)=-qx/plvel*hyplen/dx+ypltop(1)
+      do i=2,npltop-1
+      	dx=xpl(i+1)-xpl(i-1)
+      	dy=ypltop(i+1)-ypltop(i-1)
+      	hyplen=(dx**2+dy**2)**0.5
+      	test=-qx/plvel*hyplen/dx+ypltop(i)
+      	if(test.lt.base) then
+      		dif1=abs(test-base)
+      		dif2=abs(ylbtemp(i-1)-base)
+      		if(dif1.lt.dif2) then
+      			ylbtemp(i)=base
+      			nplbase=i
+      		else
+      			ylbtemp(i-1)=base
+      			nplbase=i-1
+      		endif
+      		exit
+      	endif
+      	ylbtemp(i)=test
+      end do	
+      allocate(yplbase(nplbase))
+      do i=1,nplbase
+      	yplbase(i)=ylbtemp(i)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ylbtemp)
+c make array for lithos/asthenos boundary on retro side
+c determine hit point of boundary of sub lithos slab
+      difmin=10.0e5
+      imin=0
+      do i=nsing+1,npltop
+      	dif=abs(ymbase(i)-rlthick-ypltop(i))
+      	if(dif.lt.difmin) then
+      		difmin=dif
+      		imin=i
+      	endif
+      end do	
+c x node where base of retro lith touches sub lith
+      irlbeg=imin
+      nrlbase=ncol-irlbeg+1
+      index=1
+      allocate(yrlbase(nrlbase))
+      allocate(xrlbase(nrlbase))
+      yrlbase(1)=ypltop(irlbeg)
+      xrlbase(1)=xmbase(irlbeg)
+      do i=irlbeg+1,ncol
+      	index=index+1
+      	yrlbase(index)=ymbase(i)-rlthick
+      	xrlbase(index)=xmbase(i)
+      end do	
+      end
+C calclate the additional deflection of the coupled plates
+c	from the overlying load of water
+      subroutine deflectw(wdepth,xp1,xp2,slen1,slen2,wtoler,fnode1
+     *,fnode2,plam1,plam2,fk,rhof,np1,np2,npad,g,nsing1,ctoler,
+     *dyinit1,dyinit2,yp2,yp1,wheight)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp1(*),xp2(*),yp1(*),yp2(*),fnode1(*),fnode2(*),slen1(*),
+     *slen2(*),dyinit1(*),dyinit2(*)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::dloc1(:),dloc2(:),yp1pre(:),yp2pre(:)
+      ychange=100.0*wtoler
+      icount=0
+      allocate(dloc1(np1))
+      allocate(dloc2(np2))
+      allocate(yp1pre(np1))
+      allocate(yp2pre(np2))
+      do i=1,np1
+      	dloc1(i)=0.0
+      	yp1pre(i)=yp1(i)
+      	fnode1(i)=0.0
+      end do
+      do i=1,np2
+      	dloc2(i)=0.0
+      	yp2pre(i)=yp2(i)
+      	fnode2(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+      do while(ychange.gt.wtoler)
+      	icount=icount+1
+c define water height
+      	wheight=-yp1(np1-npad)+dyinit1(np1-npad)+wdepth
+c calculate loading due to water
+      	if(icount.eq.1) then
+c	first step      	
+c	plate 1      		
+c			local water depth and resulting force
+      		do i=nsing1,np1
+      			dloc1(i)=wheight-(-yp1(i)+dyinit1(i))
+      			if(dloc1(i).gt.0.0) then
+      				fnode1(i)=slen1(i)*g*rhof*dloc1(i)
+      			else
+      				fnode1(i)=0.0
+      				dloc1(i)=0.0
+      			endif
+      		end do
+c	plate 2
+c			local water depth and resulting force
+      		do i=1,np2
+      			dloc2(i)=wheight-(-yp2(i)+dyinit2(i))
+      			if(dloc2(i).gt.0.0) then
+      				fnode2(i)=slen2(i)*g*rhof*dloc2(i)
+      			else
+      				fnode2(i)=0.0
+      				dloc2(i)=0.0
+      			endif
+      		end do	
+      	else
+c all other steps
+c	plate 1      		
+      		do i=nsing1,np1
+      			dtemp=wheight-(-yp1(i)+dyinit1(i))
+c				change in water depth
+      			deltad=dtemp-dloc1(i)
+      			if(dtemp.le.0.0) then
+      				dtemp=0.0
+      				if(dloc1(i).le.0.0) then
+      					fnode1(i)=0.0
+      				else
+      					fnode1(i)=slen1(i)*g*rhof*(-dloc1(i))
+      				endif
+      			else
+      				fnode1(i)=slen1(i)*g*rhof*deltad
+      			endif
+      			dloc1(i)=dtemp
+      		end	do
+c	plate 2      		
+      		do i=1,np2
+      			dtemp=wheight-(-yp2(i)+dyinit2(i))
+c				change in water depth
+      			deltad=dtemp-dloc2(i)
+      			if(dtemp.le.0.0) then
+      				dtemp=0.0
+      				if(dloc2(i).le.0.0) then
+      					fnode2(i)=0.0
+      				else
+      					fnode2(i)=slen2(i)*g*rhof*(-dloc2(i))
+      				endif
+      			else
+      				fnode2(i)=slen2(i)*g*rhof*deltad
+      			endif
+      			dloc2(i)=dtemp
+      		end	do
+      	endif	
+c calculate plate deflection
+c calculate deflection,moment,shear force at the desired break point for 
+c two infinite plates
+c     	plate 1
+      	amom1=0.0
+      	ashear1=0.0
+      	call calc_dms(xp1,amom1,ashear1,np1,fnode1,plam1,yp1,fk)
+c     	plate 2
+      	amom2=0.0
+      	ashear2=0.0
+      	call calc_dms(xp2,amom2,ashear2,np2,fnode2,plam2,yp2,fk)
+c calculate deflection of semi-infinite plates using 
+c	the end cond forces and subduction load/moment
+c     	plate 1
+      	call deflect2(np1,plam1,fk,xp1,0.0,0.0,amom1,ashear1,yp1)
+c     	plate 2
+      	call deflect2(np2,plam2,fk,xp2,0.0,0.0,amom2,ashear2,yp2)
+c calculate the coupling load
+      	ido_again=1
+      	jcount=0
+      	do while(ido_again==1) 
+      		jcount=jcount+1
+			call couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,np1,np2,
+     *		nsing1)
+      		if(abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)).le.ctoler) then
+      			ido_again=0
+      			print*,'diff. at s-point: ',abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1))
+      		else if(jcount.gt.1000) then
+      			ido_again=0
+      			print*,'########################################'
+      			print*,'## coupling iteration exceeded 1000   ##'
+      			print*,'##      inside water loop             ##'
+      			print*,'########################################'
+      			call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      			stop
+      		endif	
+      	end do
+      	dif=0.0
+      	do j=1,np1
+      		dif=dif+abs(yp1(j)-yp1pre(j))
+      		yp1pre(j)=yp1(j)
+      	end do
+      	do j=1,np2
+      		dif=dif+abs(yp2(j)-yp2pre(j))
+      		yp2pre(j)=yp2(j)
+      	end do	
+      	print*,'change in base due to water loading: ',dif
+      	ychange=dif
+      	if(icount.gt.1000) then
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		print*,'## water depth iteration exceeded 1000##'
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      		stop
+      	endif	
+      end do
+      deallocate(dloc1)
+      deallocate(dloc2)
+      deallocate(yp1pre)
+      deallocate(yp2pre)
+      end
+C calculate the deflection of two semi-infinite plates 
+c	coupled together at the s-point from a distributed
+c	load as stored in fnode
+      subroutine deflect(np1,np2,xp1,xp2,yp1,yp2,fnode1,fnode2
+     *,plam1,plam2,fk,ctoler,nsing1,sload,smomen,xbase,nsing,npad,
+     *dyc)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp1(*),xp2(*),yp1(*),yp2(*),fnode1(*),fnode2(*),xbase(*)
+c calculate deflection everywhere and moment,shear force at the 
+c desired break point for two infinite plates
+c     plate 1
+      amom1=0.0
+      ashear1=0.0
+      call calc_dms(xp1,amom1,ashear1,np1,fnode1,plam1,yp1,fk)
+c     plate 2
+      amom2=0.0
+      ashear2=0.0
+      call calc_dms(xp2,amom2,ashear2,np2,fnode2,plam2,yp2,fk)
+c calculate deflection of semi-infinite plates using 
+c	the end cond forces and subduction load/moment
+c     plate 1
+      call deflect2(np1,plam1,fk,xp1,sload,smomen,amom1,ashear1,yp1)
+c     plate 2
+      call deflect2(np2,plam2,fk,xp2,0.0,0.0,amom2,ashear2,yp2)
+c      call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+c      stop
+c calculate the coupling load and coupled position of plates
+      ido_again=1
+      icount=0
+      do while(ido_again==1) 
+      	icount=icount+1
+		call couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,np1,
+     *	np2,nsing1)
+      	if(abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)).le.ctoler) then
+      		ido_again=0
+      		print*,'diff. at s-point: ',abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1))
+      	else if(icount.gt.1000) then
+      		ido_again=0
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		print*,'## coupling iteration exceeded 1000   ##'
+      		print*,'##    in first calc                   ##'
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      		stop
+      	endif	
+      end do
+c allow for shifting of the coupling point
+      if(abs(dyc).gt.0.0) then
+      	ido_again=1
+      	icount=0
+      	ycfinal=yp2(1)-dyc
+		do while(ido_again==1) 
+      		icount=icount+1
+			call shift_couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,np1,
+     *		np2,nsing1,ycfinal)
+      		if(abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)).le.ctoler) then
+      			ido_again=0
+      		else if(icount.gt.1000) then
+      			ido_again=0
+      			print*,'########################################'
+      			print*,'## coupling iteration exceeded 1000   ##'
+      			print*,'##    in couple point shift           ##'
+      			print*,'########################################'
+      			call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      			stop
+      		endif	
+      	end do
+      endif
+      end
+c calculate the new position of the plates after the 
+c	coupling point has been shifted
+      subroutine shift_couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,
+     *np1,np2,nsing1,ycfinal)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 yp1(*),yp2(*),xp1(*),xp2(*)
+c distances to shift both plates at the coupling point.
+      G0p1=yp1(nsing1)-ycfinal
+      G0p2=-yp2(1)+ycfinal
+c calculations for plate 1	  
+c deflection of infinite beam with the coupling load at s-point
+      G1=plam1/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+     *+sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c moment at the plate end from coupling load
+      G2=1.0/(4.0*plam1)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+     *-sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c shear force at the plate end from coupling load
+      G3=0.5*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+c end conditioning load
+      G4=4.0*plam1*G2+4.0*G3
+c end conditioning moment
+      G5=-4.0*G2-2.0*G3/plam1
+c deflection from end conditioning load
+      G6=G4*plam1/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*
+     *(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))+sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c deflection from end conditioning moment
+      G7=G5*plam1**2/fk*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+      fcouplep1=G0p1/(G1+G6+G7)
+      fcouplep2=G0p2*fk/(2.0*plam2)
+c calculate deflection from coupling load and shift in couple point
+      do i=1,np1
+      	yp1(i)=yp1(i)
+     *	-(2.0*fcouplep1*plam1/fk*exp(-plam1*xp1(i))*cos(plam1*xp1(i)))
+      end do
+      do i=1,np2
+      	yp2(i)=yp2(i)
+     *	+(2.0*fcouplep2*plam2/fk*exp(-plam2*xp2(i))*cos(plam2*xp2(i)))
+      end do
+      end
+c calculate the plate coupling load and couple the plates
+c---Couples the plates so that both plates experience
+c	equal and opposite forces to couple them
+      subroutine couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,
+     *np1,np2,nsing1)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 yp1(*),yp2(*),xp1(*),xp2(*)
+c difference in deflection between the two plates at s-point
+	  G0=yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)
+c calculations for plate 1	  
+c deflection of infinite beam with the coupling load at s-point
+      G1=plam1/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+     *+sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c moment at the plate end from coupling load
+      G2=1.0/(4.0*plam1)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+     *-sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c shear force at the plate end from coupling load
+      G3=0.5*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+c end conditioning load
+      G4=4.0*plam1*G2+4.0*G3
+c end conditioning moment
+      G5=-4.0*G2-2.0*G3/plam1
+c deflection from end conditioning load
+      G6=G4*plam1/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*
+     *(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))+sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c deflection from end conditioning moment
+      G7=G5*plam1**2/fk*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+      fcouple=G0/((2.0*plam2)/fk+G1+G6+G7)
+c calculate deflection from coupling load
+      do i=1,np1
+      	yp1(i)=yp1(i)
+     *	-(2.0*fcouple*plam1/fk*exp(-plam1*xp1(i))*cos(plam1*xp1(i)))
+      end do
+      do i=1,np2
+      	yp2(i)=yp2(i)
+     *	+(2.0*fcouple*plam2/fk*exp(-plam2*xp2(i))*cos(plam2*xp2(i)))
+      end do
+      end
+c output the flexural profiles when then code dumps
+      subroutine profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      implicit real (a-h,o-z)
+      real(kind=8) xbase(*),yp1(*),yp2(*)
+      open(21,file='profiles/pro_plate_dump')
+      open(22,file='profiles/retro_plate_dump')
+      do k=1,np1
+      	ip=np1-k+1
+	  	write(21,198)xbase(k)/1000.0,-yp1(ip)/1000.0
+	  end do
+	  do k=1,np2
+      	write(22,198)xbase(nsing-1+k+npad)/1000.0,-yp2(k)/1000.0
+      end do
+  198 format(2e17.8)
+	  close(21)
+	  close(22)
+      end 
+c calculate deflection of semi-infinite plates using 
+c	the end cond forces and subduction load/moment
+      subroutine deflect2(np,plam,fk,xp,sload,smomen,amom,ashear,yp)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp(*),yp(*)
+c calculate end conditioning forces
+      fmo=-4.0*amom-2.0*ashear/plam
+      fpo=4.0*(plam*amom+ashear)
+c calculate deflection      
+      do i=1,np
+      	ypo=fpo*plam/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam*xp(i))*(cos(plam*xp(i))
+     *  +sin(plam*xp(i)))
+      	ymo=(fmo*plam**2)/fk*exp(-plam*xp(i))*sin(plam*xp(i))
+      	ysload=2.0*sload*plam/fk*exp(-plam*xp(i))*cos(plam*xp(i))
+      	ysmom=-2.0*smomen*plam**2/fk*exp(-plam*xp(i))*(cos(plam*xp(i))
+     *	-sin(plam*xp(i)))
+        yp(i)=ypo+ymo+ysload+ysmom+yp(i)
+      end do  
+      end
+c  calculate the moment and shear in an infinite plate 
+      subroutine calc_dms(xp,amom,ashear,np,fnode,plam,yp,fk)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp(*),fnode(*),yp(*)
+      do i=1,np
+      	do j=1,np
+      		dist=abs(xp(i)-xp(j))
+      		yp(j)=yp(j)+fnode(i)*plam/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam*dist)*
+     *		(cos(plam*dist)
+     *		+sin(plam*dist))
+     	end do
+      	dist=xp(i)
+      	amom=amom+fnode(i)/(4.0*plam)*exp(-plam*dist)*(cos(plam*dist)
+     *	-sin(plam*dist))
+        ashear=ashear+fnode(i)/2.0*exp(-plam*dist)*cos(plam*dist)
+      end do  
+      end
+c calculate the force from the thickness of the mech model
+c	for calculating the flexure
+      subroutine calc_force_p2(slen,xp,nerowm,rhoc,np,fnode,dyinit,
+     *npad,iplate,rhoavt,nsing,g,ncol,inflag,dencol)      
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 slen(*),xp(*),rhoc(*),fnode(*),dyinit(*),dencol(*)
+      ifstrow=(nerowm-1)*(nsing-1)
+      ilstrow=(ncol-2)*(nerowm-2)
+c first node
+      slen(1)=(xp(2)-xp(1))/2.0
+c	average density of overlying colm, need for variable density models
+c		ALSO: the thickness of the plate 1 extension past nsing must be zero
+c       prob. want to check this before implementing varying densities
+      rhosum=0.0
+      do i=1,nerowm-1
+      	rhosum=rhosum+rhoc(i+ifstrow)
+      end do
+      rhoav=rhosum/dble(nerowm-1)
+      if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(nsing)
+      fnode(1)=slen(1)*g*rhoav*dyinit(1)
+c last node
+      slen(np)=(xp(np)-xp(np-1))/2.0
+      rhosum=0.0
+      if(npad.eq.0) then
+      	do i=1,nerowm-1
+      		rhosum=rhosum+rhoc(i+ilstrow)
+      	end do
+      	rhoav=rhosum/dble(nerowm-1)
+      else
+      	rhoav=rhoavt
+      endif	
+      if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(ncol)
+      fnode(np)=slen(np)*g*rhoav*dyinit(np)
+c all other nodes
+      do icol=2,np-1
+      	slen(icol)=(xp(icol+1)-xp(icol-1))/2.0
+      	rhosum=0.0
+c       add catch for padded edges of model where density is not defined
+      	if(icol.ge.np-npad) then
+     		rhoav=rhoavt
+     		if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(ncol)
+      	else	
+     		icol2=icol+nsing-1
+     		dxr=xp(icol+1)-xp(icol)
+      		dxl=xp(icol)-xp(icol-1)
+      		sl=dxl/(dxl+dxr)
+      		sr=dxr/(dxl+dxr)
+      		do j=1,nerowm-1
+      			rhosum=rhosum+sl*rhoc(j+(icol2-2)*(nerowm-1))
+     *				+sr*rhoc(j+(icol2-1)*(nerowm-1))
+      		end do
+      		rhoav=rhosum/dble((nerowm-1)*1)
+      		if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(icol2)
+      	end	if
+      	fnode(icol)=slen(icol)*g*rhoav*dyinit(icol)
+      end do	
+      end
+c calculate the force from the thickness of the mech model
+c	for calculating the flexure
+      subroutine calc_force_p1(slen,xp,nerowm,rhoc,np,fnode,dyinit,
+     *npad,iplate,rhoavt,nsing,g,nsing1,inflag,dencol)      
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 slen(*),xp(*),rhoc(*),fnode(*),dyinit(*),dencol(*)
+      ifstrow=(nerowm-1)*(np-1)
+      ilstrow=0
+c	average density of overlying colm, need for variable density models
+c		ALSO: the thickness of the plate 1 extension past nsing must be zero
+c       prob. want to check this before implementing varying densities
+c first node
+c	if there is an extended plate (sub plate), set forces to zero
+      slen(1)=(xp(2)-xp(1))/2.0
+      fnode(1)=0.0
+      do i=2,nsing1-1
+      	slen(i)=(xp(i+1)-xp(i-1))/2.0
+      	fnode(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+c calculate force at spoint as if it was the first colm      
+      slen(nsing1)=(xp(nsing1+1)-xp(nsing1))/2.0
+      rhosum=0.0
+      do i=1,nerowm-1
+      	rhosum=rhosum+rhoc((nsing-2)*(nerowm-1)+i)
+      end do
+      rhoav=rhosum/dble(nerowm-1)
+c     catch for reading in colms of ave density     
+      if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(nsing)
+      fnode(nsing1)=slen(nsing1)*g*rhoav*dyinit(nsing1)
+c last node
+      slen(np)=(xp(np)-xp(np-1))/2.0
+      rhosum=0.0
+      if(npad.eq.0) then
+      	do i=1,nerowm-1
+      		rhosum=rhosum+rhoc(i)
+      	end do
+      	rhoav=rhosum/dble(nerowm-1)
+      else
+      	rhoav=rhoavt
+      endif	
+      if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(1)
+      fnode(np)=slen(np)*g*rhoav*dyinit(np)
+c all other nodes
+      index=0
+      do icol=nsing1+1,np-1
+      	slen(icol)=(xp(icol+1)-xp(icol-1))/2.0
+      	rhosum=0.0
+c       add catch for padded edges of model where density is not defined
+      	if(icol.ge.np-npad) then
+     		rhoav=rhoavt
+     		if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(1)
+      	else	
+      		index=index+1
+      		icol2=nsing-index
+      		dxl=xp(icol+1)-xp(icol)
+      		dxr=xp(icol)-xp(icol-1)
+      		sl=dxl/(dxl+dxr)
+      		sr=dxr/(dxl+dxr)
+      		do j=1,nerowm-1
+      			rhosum=rhosum+sl*rhoc((icol2-2)*(nerowm-1)+j)
+     *				+sr*rhoc((icol2-1)*(nerowm-1)+j)
+      		end do
+      		rhoav=rhosum/dble((nerowm-1)*1)
+      		if(inflag.eq.1) rhoav=dencol(icol2)
+      	end	if
+      	fnode(icol)=slen(icol)*g*rhoav*dyinit(icol)
+      end do	
+      end
+c read in input file
+      subroutine input(ncol,nerowm,nstype,sing,
+     *pmthick,plthick,athick,rlthick,ypmbase,yrmbase,wdepth,wtoler,
+     *npad,xpad,prigp,rrigp,prigi,rrigi,sload,smomen,xadd,ctoler,
+     *plvel,upvel,iunflag,iunbeg,xunbeg,vrig,beta,epsinv,
+     *rhof,rhom,numvebn,numpbn,numsid,numvtbn,ntst,intout,intoutl,
+     *delt,minint,maxint,npass,toler,erosl,erosr,peros,rpow,ntt2,
+     *deltt2,iso,ntmchg,plscale,rlscale,blscale,dfact,slpmax,tmax,
+     *numvetbn,ioutflag,inflag,dyc,linflag,sdip,ipflag,itrench,
+     *iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,isedr,iexflg,ibasflg,nbastary,
+     *nbastind,intmrkb,ipkfill,ibasfill,sedmax,iflgcl,agecl,iflgblt,
+     *iflgbl,tblayt,tblay,noutput)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      open(2,file='meshin_oly',position='rewind')
+c style of output (1=all, 0= just flexural profiles       
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ioutflag
+c allow input files for xpositions, thickness and densities of mech model
+c	(1=read input files, 0= just use meshin)
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)inflag
+      if(inflag.eq.1) open(9,file='../data/flex_data',position='rewind')
+c number of colms in model and lagrangian mesh style
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ncol
+c number of rows in mech      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)nerowm
+c lagrangian mesh parameters      
+c 	(extent past pro side, extent past retro side, extent past base, 
+c 	node density compred to eulerian mesh)
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)plscale,rlscale,blscale,dfact
+c s-point location
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,104)nstype,sing
+c model thicknesses on the pro and retro side
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)pmthick,plthick,athick
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)rlthick
+c relative dif in initial mech. base height for pro and reto
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)ypmbase,yrmbase
+c water depth and tolerance for change in water depth
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)wdepth,wtoler
+c x padding for aprox. an infinite plate
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,104)npad,xpad
+c horizontal spacing
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ninc
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      allocate(xbase(ncol+npad*2))
+      allocate(dyinit(ncol+npad*2))
+      allocate(dencol(ncol))
+c     make model array      
+      index=0
+      do i=1,ninc
+		read(2,104)nnodes,xstrt,xstp
+		do j=1,nnodes
+			index=index+1
+			xbase(index+npad)=xstrt+(xstp-xstrt)/float(nnodes-1)*(j-1)
+		end do	
+      end do
+      if(index.ne.ncol) then
+      	print*,'###########################################'
+      	print*,'ERROR:'
+      	print*,'Number of colms != num of nodes in x array'
+      	print*,'###########################################'
+      	stop
+      endif
+c     add on padding beyond model edges
+      do i=1,npad
+      	dx=abs(xbase(1+npad)-xpad)/dble(npad)*dble(i)
+      	xbase(npad+1-i)=xbase(npad+1)-dx
+      	xbase(npad+ncol+i)=xbase(ncol+npad)+dx
+      end do	
+c dimensions used when making model arrays from obs data
+c	ie, when the profiles will be read in
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)t1,t2
+      if(inflag.eq.1) then
+      	if(t2-t1.ne.xbase(npad+ncol))then
+      		print*,'##############################################'
+      		print*,'ERROR: the width of model array',xbase(npad+ncol)
+      		print*,'       does not equal the width'
+      		print*,'       defined by coastline ref',t2-t1
+      		print*,'##############################################'
+      	endif
+      endif	
+c deviation in mechanical thickness from ref thickness defined above      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ninc
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      do i=1,ncol+npad*2
+      	dyinit(i)=pmthick
+      end do	
+      do j=1,ninc
+      	read(2,104)ntyp,beg,slp
+      	if(ntyp.eq.0) then
+			ibeg=int(beg)
+		else if(ntyp.eq.1) then
+			do i=1+npad,ncol+npad
+      			if(xbase(i).gt.beg) then
+      				if(abs(beg-xbase(i)).ge.abs(beg-xbase(i-1))) then
+      					ibeg=i-1-npad
+      					exit
+      				else
+      					ibeg=i-npad
+	    	  			exit
+	    	  		endif	
+      			else if(xbase(i).eq.beg) then
+      				ibeg=i-npad
+      				exit
+      			endif
+      		end do	
+		else
+			print*,'###########################################'
+			print*,'ERROR: change in thickness must be defined '
+			print*,'	on either a node or x position with the'
+			print*,' 	flag set as 0 (node) or 1 (pos)        '
+			print*,'###########################################'
+			stop
+		endif	
+		do i=ibeg+1+npad,ncol+npad*2
+			dyinit(i)=(xbase(i)-xbase(i-1))*slp+dyinit(i-1)
+		end do
+      end do
+c if reading in x array and thickness from file, redo the above
+      if(inflag.eq.1.) then
+      	read(9,101)ncol2,nsing2
+      	if(ncol2.ne.ncol.or.nsing2.ne.int(sing)) then
+      		print*,'###############################################'
+      		print*,'ERROR:'
+      		print*,'ncol or nsing from flex_data dont match meshin'
+      		print*,'###############################################'
+      	endif
+c		read in data      	
+      	do icol=1,ncol
+      		read(9,239)xbase(npad+icol),dyinit(npad+icol),dencol(icol)
+      		xbase(icol+npad)=xbase(icol+npad)*1000.0
+      		dyinit(icol+npad)=dyinit(icol+npad)*1000.0
+      	end do	
+c       shift x coords so they start at zero
+        xshift=xbase(npad+1)
+        do icol=1,ncol
+        	xbase(npad+icol)=xbase(npad+icol)-xshift
+        end do	
+c 		set thickness in padded region to the thickness at the model edge
+     	do i=1,npad
+     		dyinit(i)=dyinit(npad+1)
+     		dyinit(npad+ncol+i)=dyinit(npad+ncol)
+     	end do	
+      endif	
+c type of isostatic comp.
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)iso
+c initial geometry flag
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ipflag
+c slab dip for prescribed profile
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)sdip
+c begining of circular arc on pro side
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,104)ntyp,beg
+      if(ntyp.eq.0) then
+		ibeg=int(beg)
+	  else if(ntyp.eq.1) then
+		do i=1+npad,ncol+npad
+      		if(xbase(i).gt.beg) then
+      			if(abs(beg-xbase(i)).ge.abs(beg-xbase(i-1))) then
+      				ibeg=i-1-npad
+      				exit
+      			else
+      				ibeg=i-npad
+	    	  		exit
+	    	  	endif	
+      		else if(xbase(i).eq.beg) then
+      			ibeg=i-npad
+      			exit
+      		endif
+      	end do	
+      endif
+      itrench=ibeg
+c flexural rigidity for plate profile calc
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)prigp,rrigp
+c flexural rigidity for isotatic calc
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)prigi,rrigi
+c subduction load
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)sload
+c subduction moment
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)smomen
+c shift in coupling point
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)dyc
+c length of extra pro-plate for sub load     
+      do i=1,5
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do	
+      read(2,103)xadd
+c extension flag (=1 don't inlcude extension for plasti input)      
+      do i=1,4
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do
+      read(2,101)iexflg
+c tolerance for plate coupling position
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,105)ctoler
+c convergence and undeplating velocity
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)plvel,upvel
+c underplating flag and position
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,107)iunflag,iunbeg,xunbeg
+c find node for begining of up
+      if(iunflag.eq.2) then
+      	call find_node(iunbeg,1,xunbeg,ncol,npad,xuse)
+      	print*,'beg underplating at (node, xposition)'
+      	print*,iunbeg,xuse
+      else
+      	print*,'beg underplating at (node, xposition)'
+      	print*,iunbeg,xbase(iunbeg+npad)
+      endif	
+c variable cohesion, int angle frict, density, min viscosity, activation
+c	energy, pre-exponential for mech model
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ninc
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      allocate(coh((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      allocate(phi((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      allocate(rhoc((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      allocate(vmin((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      allocate(q((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      allocate(prex((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      allocate(expn((nerowm-1)*(ncol-1)))
+      do i=1,ninc
+      	read(2,108)ibcol,iecol,ibrow,ierow,coht,phit,denst,vmint,
+     *	qt,prext,expnt
+      	if(iecol.gt.ncol-1) then
+     		print*,'### ERROR:'
+     		print*,'    ending colm in changing mech props'
+     		print*,'    is greater than ncol-1'
+     		stop
+     	endif	
+     	if(ierow.gt.nerowm-1) then
+     		print*,'### ERROR:'
+     		print*,'    ending row in changing mech props'
+     		print*,'    is greater than nerowm-1'
+     		print*,'    ',ierow,nerowm-1
+     		stop
+     	endif
+      	do icol=ibcol,iecol
+      		do irow=ibrow,ierow
+      			coh((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=coht
+      			phi((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=phit
+      			rhoc((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=denst
+      			vmin((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=vmint
+      			q((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=qt
+      			prex((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=prext
+      			expn((icol-1)*(nerowm-1)+irow)=expnt
+      		end do
+      	end do
+      end do
+c number of boundary layers
+      do i=1,8
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do	
+      read(2,111)iblayt,iflgblt,tblayt
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,111)iblay,iflgbl,tblay
+c variable thermal properties for mech domain       
+      do i=1,5
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do
+      read(2,101)ntmchg
+      allocate(tm_prop(ntmchg,9))
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      do i=1,ntmchg
+      	read(2,108)itemp1,itemp2,itemp3,itemp4,tm_prop(i,5),
+     * 	tm_prop(i,6),tm_prop(i,7),tm_prop(i,8),tm_prop(i,9)
+     	if(itemp2.gt.ncol-1) then
+     		print*,'### ERROR:'
+     		print*,'    ending colm in changing thermal props'
+     		print*,'    is greater than ncol-1'
+     		stop
+     	endif	
+     	if(itemp4.gt.nerowm-1) then
+     		print*,'### ERROR:'
+     		print*,'    ending row in changing thermal props'
+     		print*,'    is greater than nerowm-1'
+     		print*,'    ',itemp4,nerowm-1
+     		stop
+     	endif
+        tm_prop(i,1)=dble(itemp1)
+        tm_prop(i,2)=dble(itemp2)
+        tm_prop(i,3)=dble(itemp3)
+        tm_prop(i,4)=dble(itemp4)
+       end do 
+c rigid viscosity
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)vrig
+c compressibility
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)beta
+      print*,beta
+c flag for linear or non-linear eqns
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)linflag
+c flag for just plastic def
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)iplasflg
+c epsinv
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,105)epsinv
+c tmax
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)tmax
+c densities of fluid and mantle
+      do i=1,4
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do	
+      read(2,103)rhof,rhom
+c # of boundary nodes: vel, pressure, loaded sides, tan vel
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)numvebn,numvetbn,numpbn,numsid,numvtbn
+      if(numvtbn.ne.ncol) then
+     	print*,'###################### ERROR ##########################'
+     	print*,'## need to have the number of tan vel bcs match ncol ##'
+     	print*,'###################### ERROR ##########################'
+     	stop
+      end if	
+c # tsteps, out int, out int lagrangian, tstep length
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,109)ntst,intout,intoutl,delt
+c min inter, max iter, num filtering passes, convergence tolerance
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,109)minint,maxint,npass,toler
+c erosion parameters
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)erosl,erosr,peros,rpow
+c sedimentation paramters 
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,112)ipkfill,ibasfill,isedl,isedr,sedmax
+      if(isedl.gt.ncol.or.isedr.gt.ncol) then
+      	print*,'######################################################'
+      	print*,'## ERROR: bounds of sedimenation need to be within  ##'
+      	print*,'##	the model bounds. ncol=',ncol
+      	print*,'######################################################'
+      	stop
+      endif	
+      if(ipkfill.eq.0.and.ibasfill.eq.1) then
+      	print*,'######################################################'
+      	print*,'## ERROR: cannot fill bounding basins w/o filling   ##'
+      	print*,'##	between peaks                                   ##'
+      	print*,'######################################################'
+      	stop
+      endif	
+c basin tracking parameters
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,101)ibasflg,nbastary,nbastind,intmrkb
+c maximum slope
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,103)slpmax
+c thermal runup
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,104)ntt2,deltt2
+c variable thermal props
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      allocate(therm_prop(5,5))
+      do i=1,5
+      	read(2,103)therm_prop(i,1),therm_prop(i,2),
+     *	therm_prop(i,3),therm_prop(i,4),therm_prop(i,5)
+      end do
+c BCs for thermal problem
+c	ss bcs      
+      do i=1,7
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do	
+      allocate(thermbcs(1,2))
+      read(2,103)thermbcs(1,1),thermbcs(1,2)
+c	cooling lithos bcs      
+      do i=1,4
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do
+      read(2,104)iflgcl,agecl
+c read in bcs for mech model
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      allocate(bc(5,numvebn+numvetbn+numpbn+numsid+numvtbn))
+      index1=0
+c	x vel at model edges      
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      idum=1
+      do 300 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc,val
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 320 i=istart,ifin,inc
+c      		write(3,111) i,idum,val
+      		index1=index1+1
+      		bc(1,index1)=float(i)
+      		bc(2,index1)=float(idum)
+      		bc(3,index1)=val
+  320 	continue
+  300 continue
+c	y vel at model edges
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      idum=2
+      do 400 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc,val
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 420 i=istart,ifin,inc
+c	        write(3,111) i,idum,val
+      		index1=index1+1
+      		bc(1,index1)=float(i)
+      		bc(2,index1)=float(idum)
+      		bc(3,index1)=val
+  420 	continue
+  400 continue
+c  pressure
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      do 500 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc,val
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 520 i=istart,ifin,inc
+c	        write(3,111) i,'0.0',val
+      		index1=index1+1
+      		bc(1,index1)=float(i)
+      		bc(2,index1)=0.0
+      		bc(3,index1)=val
+  520 	continue
+  500 continue
+c tangential velocities at model edges
+c	insetad of specifying x and y vel at the lhs and rhs model edges, 
+c	specify a velocity tangential to the first two nodes at the base 
+c	of the model
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      do 425 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc,val
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 435 i=istart,ifin,inc
+c	        write(3,111) i,val,'0.0'
+      		index1=index1+1
+      		bc(1,index1)=float(i)
+      		bc(2,index1)=val
+      		bc(3,index1)=0.0
+  435 	continue
+  425 continue
+c	tangential velocity  
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      do 800 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc,val,val2
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 820 i=istart,ifin,inc
+c	        write(3,111) i,val,'0.0'
+      		index1=index1+1
+      		bc(1,index1)=float(i)
+      		bc(2,index1)=val
+      		bc(3,index1)=0.0
+  820 	continue
+  800 continue
+c  loaded sides
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      if(nsets.eq.0)go to 601
+      print*,'#######################################################'
+      print*,'##  WARNING: mesh generator is not set up to process ##'
+      print*,'##           loaded sides. also not in sub. output   ##'
+      print*,'#######################################################'      
+      stop
+      do 600 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc,val
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 620 i=istart,ifin,inc
+      		ii=i+nrowc
+      		iii=ii+nrowc
+      		iiii=1
+c	        write(3,111) i,ii,iii,iiii,val
+      		index1=inde1+1
+  620 	continue
+  600 continue
+  601 continue
+c backstop nodes
+      read(2,101)nsets
+      if(nsets.eq.0)go to 701
+      print*,'#######################################################'
+      print*,'##  WARNING: mesh generator is not set up to process ##'
+      print*,'##           backstop nodes. (also not in sub. output)#'
+      print*,'#######################################################'      
+      stop
+      do 700 is=1,nsets
+      	read(2,110)num,istart,inc
+      	ifin=istart+(num-1)*inc
+      	do 720 i=istart,ifin,inc
+c      	  write(3,111) i
+  720 	continue
+  700 continue
+  701 continue
+c read in flags for output files
+c numer of possible files
+      do i=1,4
+      	read(2,106)dummy
+      end do	
+      read(2,101)noutput
+      allocate(output_flags(noutput))
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      icount=1
+c coord
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c vel      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c press      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c stresses and stuff      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      do i=1,7
+      	read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	output_flags(icount)=iflag
+      end do	
+c strain rates, dilitation      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      do i=1,6
+      	read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	output_flags(icount)=iflag
+      end do
+c lmesh      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c temp_mech      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c visc_elem and visc_gp
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c erosion
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c temp_track      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag      
+c unvel      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c exhum      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c surf_prof      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c duc_flag      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c material props      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      do i=1,7
+      	read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	output_flags(icount)=iflag
+      end do
+c basinfill
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c peakchop
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c basin_track
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c l_temp_all
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c coordt
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c velthermal_alt
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c velthermal
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c temp.dat (entire model)      
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      icount=icount+1
+      output_flags(icount)=iflag
+c thermal props
+      read(2,106)dummy
+      do i=1,3
+      	read(2,113)dummy,iflag
+      	print*,dummy,iflag
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	output_flags(icount)=iflag
+      end do
+c update size of output flag array
+      noutput=icount
+      if(inflag.eq.1) close(9)
+      close(2)
+  101 format(9i5)
+  103 format(6e10.2)
+  104 format(i5,2e10.2)
+  105 format(f7.2,i5)
+  106 format(a10)
+  107 format(i2,i4,e10.2)  
+  108 format(4i4,9e10.2)
+  109 format(3i5,e10.2)
+  110 format(3i5,2d15.6)
+  111 format(2i5,e10.2)
+  112 format(4i5,e10.2)
+  113 format(a15,i5)
+  239 format(3e15.5)  
+      end
+c make x,y arrays for each plate
+      subroutine mk_plates(ncol,npad,xsing,xadd,np1,nsing,nsing1,np2)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c PLATE 1
+c calculate how many nodes to include for plate one to extend
+c	xadd past the spoint
+      if(xsing+xadd.gt.xbase(npad*2+ncol)) then
+      	np1=ncol+npad*2
+      	print*,'WARNING: Sub. extension goes past end of model'
+      else 	
+      	do i=1,ncol+npad*2
+   			if(xbase(i).gt.xsing+xadd) then
+  				if(abs(xsing+xadd-xbase(i)).
+     *			ge.abs(xadd+xsing-xbase(i-1))) then
+  					np1=i-1
+  					exit
+   				else
+      				np1=i
+	      			exit
+	      		endif	
+      		else if(xbase(i).eq.xadd+xsing) then
+      			np1=i
+      			exit
+      		endif
+      	end do	
+      endif	
+      	print*,'length of plate 1 with sub exten (desired,used):'
+      	print*,'	',xsing+xadd,xbase(np1)
+c make x array for plate 1
+      allocate(xp1(np1))
+      allocate(yp1(np1))
+      allocate(dyinit1(np1))
+      do i=1,np1
+      	xp1(i)=xbase(np1)-xbase(np1-i+1)
+      	yp1(i)=0.0
+      	dyinit1(i)=0.0
+      end do
+      if(np1.gt.nsing+npad) then
+      	nsing1=np1-(nsing+npad)+1
+      else
+      	nsing1=1
+      endif	
+c make initial mech. model thickness array for plate 1      
+c	ensure thickness past spoint is zero
+      do i=1,nsing+npad
+      	dyinit1(np1-i+1)=dyinit(i)
+      end do	
+      do i=1,np1
+      end do
+c PLATE 2
+c make x array
+c 	note: plate 1 and 2 have the same begining node at s point
+      np2=ncol+2*npad-(nsing+npad)+1 
+      allocate(yp2(np2))
+      allocate(xp2(np2))
+      allocate(dyinit2(np2))
+      do i=1,np2
+      	xp2(i)=xbase(i+nsing+npad-1)-xbase(nsing+npad)
+      	yp2(i)=0.0
+      	dyinit2(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+c make initial mech. model thickness array for plate 2      
+      do i=1,np2
+      	dyinit2(i)=dyinit(nsing-1+i+npad)
+      end do	
+      end
+c main loop to calculate flexure of the two plates
+      subroutine calc_flex(nerowm,ncol,np1,np2,prigi,rrigi,rhom,
+     *npad,nsing,nsing1,ctoler,sload,smomen,wdepth,wtoler,rhof,
+     *ypmbase,yrmbase,wheight,inflag,dyc)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+C  NOTE: there is no rhof in the def of alpha.
+c 	see project notes for description of method of calculating flexure and
+c	why the rhof is left out. In brief, it is left out because the forces
+c	acting on the imaginary plate are calculated as the load from the crust
+c	and the load from the water.  Another way to do this problem would be 
+c	to use rhof in the eqn and calculate just the loads from the crust.
+c	In this case the force from any portion of a colm of crust that is below a 
+c	defined sea level is (rhoc-rhof)*g*h and the force form the portion of 
+c	the same colm above sea level (if there is a sub aerial portion) is 
+c	rhoc*g*h', where h' is the height of the colm above sea level
+c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c calculate flexural parameters
+      g=9.8
+      alpha1=(4.0*prigi/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      alpha2=(4.0*rrigi/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      plam1=1.0/alpha1
+      plam2=1.0/alpha2
+      fk=rhom*g
+c caculate force on each node from mech. model thickness
+      allocate(slen1(np1))
+      allocate(fnode1(np1))
+      allocate(slen2(np2))
+      allocate(fnode2(np2))
+c calculate average density of the colms at the LHS and RHS of model domain
+c 	for use in calculating the force on the padded sections of the profiles.  
+c	this is not really an average density since it does not take into account
+c	differences in the size of elements, but it will work for this use
+      rhosum=0.0
+      do j=1,nerowm-1
+      	rhosum=rhosum+rhoc(j)
+      end do
+      rhoavtl=rhosum/dble(nerowm-1)
+      rhosum=0.0
+      do j=1,nerowm-1
+      	rhosum=rhosum+rhoc((nerowm-1)*(ncol-2)+j)
+      end do
+      rhoavtr=rhosum/dble(nerowm-1)
+c plate 1
+      call calc_force_p1(slen1,xp1,nerowm,rhoc,np1,fnode1,dyinit1,
+     *npad,1,rhoavtl,nsing,g,nsing1,inflag,dencol)
+c plate 2
+      call calc_force_p2(slen2,xp2,nerowm,rhoc,np2,fnode2,dyinit2,
+     *npad,2,rhoavtr,nsing,g,ncol,inflag,dencol)
+c shift initial y positions for intial offsets defined above
+      do i=1,np1
+      	yp1(i)=-ypmbase
+      end do
+      do i=1,np2
+      	yp2(i)=-yrmbase
+      end do	
+c calculate defection of plates from distributed load due to thickness of
+c 	mech model, subduction end load/moment, shift in coupling point,
+c	moment at coupling point and coupling constraint
+      call deflect(np1,np2,xp1,xp2,yp1,yp2,fnode1,fnode2,plam1,plam2,
+     *fk,ctoler,nsing1,sload,smomen,xbase,nsing,npad,dyc)
+c calculate the deflection from the load of overlying water
+      if(wdepth.gt.0.0) then
+     	call deflectw(wdepth,xp1,xp2,slen1,slen2,wtoler,fnode1,
+     *	fnode2,plam1,plam2,fk,rhof,np1,np2,npad,g,nsing1,ctoler,
+     *	dyinit1,dyinit2,yp2,yp1,wheight)
+      	dif=0.0
+      endif
+c check that plates do not overlap
+      do i=1,nsing1-1
+      	if(abs(yp1(i)).lt.abs(yp2(nsing1-i+1))) then
+      		print*,'###############################'
+      		print*,'## ERROR: plates overlap     ##'
+      		print*,'###############################'
+      		call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      		stop
+      	endif
+      end do	
+      deallocate(fnode1)
+      deallocate(fnode2)
+      deallocate(slen1)
+      deallocate(slen2)
+      end
+c make arrays of flexure profile for model (mech and sub lithos)
+      subroutine mech_bndry(ncol,nsing1,nsing,np1,npad,np2,
+     *plthick,athick,yshift)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c make arrays mech model upper/lower boundary, sub. lithos
+      allocate(ymbase(ncol),ymtop(ncol))
+      allocate(yltemp(nsing1))
+      allocate(xltemp(nsing1))
+      allocate(xmbase(ncol))
+c mech model boundary      
+      do i=1,nsing
+      	ymbase(i)=-yp1(np1-npad+1-i)
+      	ymtop(i)=-yp1(np1-npad+1-i)+dyinit(i+npad)
+      	xmbase(i)=xbase(i+npad)
+      end do	
+      do i=1,np2-npad-1
+      	ymbase(i+nsing)=-yp2(i+1)
+      	ymtop(i+nsing)=-yp2(i+1)+dyinit(nsing+i+npad)
+      	xmbase(i+nsing)=xbase(i+nsing+npad)
+      end do
+c top of sub lithos past spoint      
+      do i=1,nsing1
+      	xltemp(i)=xmbase(nsing+i-1)
+      	yltemp(i)=-yp1(nsing1-i+1)
+      end do	
+c shift all arrays so the y=0 is defined by model base on pro-side
+      yshift=ymbase(1)-plthick-athick
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	ymbase(i)=ymbase(i)-yshift
+      	ymtop(i)=ymtop(i)-yshift
+      end do
+      do i=1,nsing1
+      	yltemp(i)=yltemp(i)-yshift
+      end do	
+      end
+c find the closest node in the xdimension giving an x psoition
+      subroutine find_node(node,ntype,xwant,ncol,npad,xuse)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      node=0
+      if(ntype.eq.0) then
+        node=int(xwant)
+      else
+        do i=1+npad,ncol+npad
+            if(xbase(i).gt.xwant) then
+                if(abs(xwant-xbase(i)).ge.abs(xwant-xbase(i-1))) then
+                    node=i-1-npad
+                    exit
+                else
+                    node=i-npad
+                    exit
+                endif
+            else if(xbase(i).eq.xwant) then
+                node=i-npad
+                exit
+            endif
+        end do
+      endif
+      xuse=xbase(node+npad)
+      end
+c ####################################################################
+c output mesh and parameters
+      subroutine output(ncol,nerowm,ntrow,nsing,plvel,upvel,
+     *iunflag,iunbeg,vrig,beta,epsinv,rhof,
+     *rhom,iso,prigi,rrigi,sload,smomen,xadd,ctoler,wdepth,wtoler,
+     *numvebn,numpbn,numsid,numvtbn,ntst,delt,intout,intoutl,minint,
+     *maxint,npass,toler,erosl,erosr,peros,rpow,ntt2,deltt2,np1,np2,
+     *nsing1,npad,nplbase,npltop,plscale,rlscale,blscale,dfact,slpmax,
+     *tmax,nrowl,plthick,numvetbn,linflag,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,
+     *isedr,iexflg,ibasflg,nbastary,nbastind,intmrkb,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax,ntbcs,noutput)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      open(3,file='input/mesh',position='rewind')
+      open(1,file='input/connections.dat',position='rewind')
+c mech model (# nodes, # elements, l-mesh style)      
+      nnodesm=ncol*nerowm
+      nelem=(ncol-1)*(nerowm-1)
+      write(3,102)nnodesm,nelem
+c mech model (# rows/ colms of element verticies
+      write(3,102)nerowm,ncol
+c lmesh parameters
+      write(3,103)plscale,rlscale,blscale,dfact
+c thermal model (#nodes, # elements, # rows in lith)
+      nnodest=ncol*ntrow
+      nelet=(ncol-1)*(ntrow-1)*2
+      write(3,102)nnodest,nelet
+      write(3,102)ntrow,ncol,nrowl
+c ref. thickness of lithosphere. used in thermal remeshing
+      write(3,103)plthick
+c spoint node
+      write(3,102)nsing
+c convergence and underplating velocity
+      write(3,119)plvel,upvel
+c underplating parameter
+      if(iunflag.eq.2) iunflag=0
+      write(3,107)iunflag,iunbeg
+c rigid visc      
+      write(3,103)vrig
+c compressibility, epsinv, tmax
+      write(3,103)beta,epsinv,tmax
+c flag for using linear or non-linear eqns      
+      write(3,102)linflag
+c flag for allowing purely plastic def (no viscous)
+      write(3,102)iplasflg
+c overlying fluid and mantle density
+      write(3,103)rhof,rhom
+c flexural paramters
+      write(3,102)iso
+      write(3,103)prigi,rrigi,sload,smomen
+      write(3,103)xadd,ctoler,wdepth,wtoler
+c     if not outputting extension for plasti, change nsing1 and np1      
+      if(iexflg.eq.1) then
+      	write(3,102)np1-nsing1+1,np2,npad,1
+      else
+      	write(3,102)np1,np2,npad,nsing1
+      endif	
+c number of boundary conditions
+      write(3,102)numvebn,numvetbn,numpbn,numsid,numvtbn
+c number of timesteps, timestep length
+      write(3,104)ntst,delt
+c output interval for all, output interval for lmesh
+      write(3,102)intout,intoutl
+c min iter, max iter, # filtering passes, conv. toler.
+      write(3,109)minint,maxint,npass,toler
+c erosion parameters
+      write(3,103)erosl,erosr,peros,rpow
+c sedimentation parameters
+      write(3,112)ipkfill,ibasfill,isedl,isedr,sedmax
+c basin tracking parameters
+      write(3,101)ibasflg,nbastary,nbastind,intmrkb
+c maximum surface slope
+      write(3,103)slpmax
+c thermal runup parameters
+      write(3,104)ntt2,deltt2
+c number of bounadry layers
+      write(3,102)iblay,iblayt
+c output variable mat. props      
+      do i=1,nelem
+      	write(3,113)rhoc(i),phi(i),coh(i),vmin(i),q(i),prex(i),expn(i)
+      end do	
+c output node coordinates
+      do i=1,nnodest
+      	write(3,113)pos(i,1),pos(i,2)
+      end do	
+c output the slope on the lhs and rhs base
+      dx=pos(ntrow-nerowm+1,1)-pos(ntrow*2-nerowm+1,1)
+      dy=pos(ntrow-nerowm+1,2)-pos(ntrow*2-nerowm+1,2)
+      slp1=atan(dy/dx)
+      dx=pos(nnodest-nerowm+1,1)-pos(nnodest-ntrow-nerowm+1,1)
+      dy=pos(nnodest-nerowm+1,2)-pos(nnodest-ntrow-nerowm+1,2)
+      slp2=atan(dy/dx)
+      print*,'#### Slope at base of model (deg)'
+      print*,'####   lhs =',slp1*180.0/3.1416
+      print*,'####   rhs =',slp2*180.0/3.1416
+c output node connections for mech model
+      do icol=1,ncol-1
+      	do irow=1,nerowm-1
+      		n1=(icol-1)*nerowm+irow
+      		n2=n1+nerowm
+      		n3=n2+1
+      		n4=n1+1
+      		write(3,102)n1,n2,n3,n4
+      	end do
+      end do	
+c output boundary conditions
+c	velocity boundary conditions on model edges
+      index=0
+      if(numvebn.gt.0) then
+c		x and y vel      
+      	do i=1,numvebn
+      		index=index+1
+      		write(3,114)int(bc(1,index)),int(bc(2,index)),bc(3,index)
+      	end do
+      end if	
+c 	pressure boudary conditions
+      if(numpbn.gt.0) then
+      	do i=1,numpbn
+      		index=index+1
+      		write(3,115)int(bc(1,index)),bc(3,index)
+      	end do
+      end if
+c edge tangential vel boundary conditions
+      if(numvetbn.gt.0) then
+      	do i=1,numvetbn
+      		index=index+1
+      		write(3,115)int(bc(1,index)),bc(2,index)
+      	end do
+      endif	
+c basal tangential vel boundary conditions
+      if(numvtbn.gt.0) then
+      	do i=1,numvtbn
+      		index=index+1
+      		write(3,115)int(bc(1,index)),bc(2,index),bc(3,index)
+      	end do
+      endif	
+c THERMAL Output
+c number of nodes, number of elements, number of domains, number of temp BCs
+      write(3,102)nnodest,nelet,5,ntbcs
+c mesh connections
+      write(1,102)nelet
+      do icol=1,ncol-1
+      	do irow=1,ntrow-1
+      		n1=(icol-1)*(ntrow)+irow
+      		n2=n1+ntrow
+      		n3=n1+1
+      		write(1,102)n1,n2,n3
+      		n1=n1+1
+      		n2=n2
+      		n3=n2+1
+      		write(1,102)n1,n2,n3
+      	end do
+      end do	
+c domain definitions
+      do i=1,nelet
+      	write(3,102)ndomain(i)
+      end do	
+c Variable properties
+      do i=1,nelet
+      	write(3,113)therm_cond(i,1),therm_cond(i,2)
+      end do
+      do i=1,nelet
+      	write(3,113)therm_rho(i)
+      end do
+      do i=1,nelet
+      	write(3,113)spec_heat(i)
+      end do
+      do i=1,nelet
+      	write(3,113)heat_prod(i)
+      end do	
+c BCs
+c	const temp nodes
+      do i=1,ntbcs
+      	write(3,115)int(therm_bc(1,i)),therm_bc(2,i)
+      end do
+c output flexure arrays in x and y for use in isostacy calc in plasti 
+c     if iexflg=1 do not ouput the extension for use in the plasti 
+c     flexure calculation
+      if(iexflg.eq.1) then
+      	do i=nsing1,np1
+      		write(3,113)xp1(i)-xp1(nsing1),yp1(i),dyinit1(i)
+      	end do	
+      else
+      	do i=1,np1
+      		write(3,113)xp1(i),yp1(i),dyinit1(i)
+      	end do
+      endif	
+      do i=1,np2
+      	write(3,113)xp2(i),yp2(i),dyinit1(i)
+      end do	
+c output file output flags
+      open(4,file='output/output_flags',position='rewind')
+      write(3,101)noutput
+      write(4,101)noutput
+      do i=1,noutput
+      	write(3,101)output_flags(i)
+      	write(4,101)output_flags(i)
+      end do	
+      close(3)      
+      close(4)
+      close(1)
+c output the node numbers of the domain boundaries
+      open(3,file='input/boundary_nodes.dat')
+c	  top of mech model      
+      write(3,102)ncol
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	write(3,102)mecht_nodes(i)
+      end do
+c     base of mech model
+      write(3,102)ncol
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	write(3,102)mechb_nodes(i)
+      end do
+c     base of pro lith
+      write(3,102)nplbase
+      do i=1,nplbase
+      	write(3,102)plithb_nodes(i)
+      end do	
+c     top of pro lith
+      write(3,102)npltop
+      do i=1,npltop
+      	write(3,102)plitht_nodes(i)
+      end do	
+c     base of retro lith
+      write(3,102)ncol-nsing
+      do i=1,ncol-nsing
+      	write(3,102)rlithb_nodes(i)
+      end do	
+  101 format(9i5)
+  102 format(9i8)
+  103 format(4e16.8)
+  104 format(i5,2e16.8)
+  107 format(i2,i4,e16.8)  
+  109 format(3i5,e16.8)
+  112 format(4i5,e10.2)  
+  113 format(9e23.15)
+  114 format(2i8,4e23.15)
+  115 format(i8,4e23.15)
+  119 format(2f8.1,e13.8)
+      end
+c make array of variable tehrm properties
+      subroutine mk_therm_para(ntrow,ncol,ntmchg,nrowl,nrowa,
+     *ntbcs,iflgcl,agecl,nplbase,npltop)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*4 arg
+c	allocate space      
+      if(iflgcl.eq.1) then
+      	ntbcs=2*ncol+nplbase-npltop+ntrow-nrowa
+      	allocate(therm_bc(2,ntbcs))
+      else
+      	ntbcs=2*ncol+nplbase-npltop
+      	allocate(therm_bc(2,ntbcs))
+      endif	
+c	calculate the temp for 1-d,semi-infinite cooling lithos
+      index=0
+      if(iflgcl.eq.1) then
+      	time=agecl*3.15578e13
+      	rho=therm_prop(2,3)
+      	cp=therm_prop(2,4)
+      	tcond=therm_prop(2,2)
+      	tsurf=thermbcs(1,1)
+      	tmant=thermbcs(1,2)
+      	ysurf=pos(ntrow,2)
+      	do i=ntrow,nrowa,-1
+      		index=index+1
+      		depth=ysurf-pos(i,2)
+      		arg=depth/(2.0*(tcond*time/(rho*cp))**(.5))
+      		temp=erfc(arg)*(tsurf-tmant)+tmant
+      		therm_bc(1,index)=dble(i)
+      		therm_bc(2,index)=temp
+      	end do	
+      	print*,'## Temp in asthen:    ',tmant
+      	print*,'## Temp at Lith base: ',therm_bc(2,index)
+      endif
+c	temp at surface
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	index=index+1
+      	therm_bc(1,index)=dble(ntrow*i)
+      	therm_bc(2,index)=thermbcs(1,1)
+      end do
+c	temp at base
+      do i=1,nplbase
+      	index=index+1
+      	therm_bc(1,index)=dble(1+(i-1)*ntrow)
+      	therm_bc(2,index)=thermbcs(1,2)
+      end do
+      do i=npltop+1,ncol
+      	index=index+1
+      	therm_bc(1,index)=dble(1+(i-1)*ntrow)
+      	therm_bc(2,index)=thermbcs(1,2)
+      end do
+      ntele=(ncol-1)*(ntrow-1)*2
+      allocate(therm_cond(ntele,2))
+      allocate(therm_rho(ntele))
+      allocate(spec_heat(ntele))
+      allocate(heat_prod(ntele))
+c initial definitions from thermal domains
+      do i=1,ntele
+      	therm_cond(i,1)=therm_prop(ndomain(i),1)
+      	therm_cond(i,2)=therm_prop(ndomain(i),2)
+      	therm_rho(i)=therm_prop(ndomain(i),3)
+      	spec_heat(i)=therm_prop(ndomain(i),4)
+      	heat_prod(i)=therm_prop(ndomain(i),5)
+      end do	
+c change in therm props in the mech model
+      do j=1,ntmchg
+      	ibcol=int(tm_prop(j,1))
+      	iecol=int(tm_prop(j,2))
+      	ibrow=int(tm_prop(j,3))
+      	ierow=int(tm_prop(j,4))
+      	nele_row=(ntrow-1)*2
+      	nele_al=(nrowa+nrowl)*2
+      	do icol=ibcol,iecol
+      		do irow=ibrow,ierow
+      			iele1=nele_al+irow*2-1+(icol-1)*nele_row
+      			iele2=nele_al+irow*2+(icol-1)*nele_row
+      			therm_cond(iele1,1)=tm_prop(j,5)
+      			therm_cond(iele2,1)=tm_prop(j,5)
+      			therm_cond(iele1,2)=tm_prop(j,6)
+      			therm_cond(iele2,2)=tm_prop(j,6)
+      			therm_rho(iele1)=tm_prop(j,7)
+      			therm_rho(iele2)=tm_prop(j,7)
+      			spec_heat(iele1)=tm_prop(j,8)
+      			spec_heat(iele2)=tm_prop(j,8)
+      			heat_prod(iele1)=tm_prop(j,9)
+      			heat_prod(iele2)=tm_prop(j,9)
+      		end do
+      	end do
+      end do	
+      end
+c output the domain boundaries for plotting
+      subroutine bndry_output(wheight,ncol,npad,wdepth,np1,np2,yshift
+     *,nsing,nsing1,npltop,nrlbase,nplbase)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      open(2,file='profiles/sealevel',action='write')
+      open(3,file='profiles/mech_top',action='write')
+      open(4,file='profiles/plith_top',action='write')
+      open(7,file='profiles/rlith_top',action='write')
+      open(8,file='profiles/plith_base',action='write')
+      open(9,file='profiles/rlith_base',action='write')
+      open(10,file='profiles/mech_base_slope',action='write')
+      open(11,file='profiles/mech_top_slope',action='write')
+      open(12,file='profiles/mech_base_slope_rise_run',action='write')
+c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c output domains for plotting
+c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c output sealevel over extended model domain
+      wref=wheight-yshift
+      print*,'water height',wheight,yshift
+      if(wdepth.gt.0.0) then
+      	do i=1,ncol+2*npad
+      		write(2,113)xbase(i)/1000.0,(wheight-yshift-wref)/1000.0
+	    end do	
+	  else
+      	do i=1,ncol+2*npad
+      		write(2,*)'0.0  0.0\n'
+	    end do
+	  endif   
+c output top of mech model over plate 1 extended model domain	  
+      index=0
+      do i=1,nsing+npad
+        ip=np1-i+1
+        index=index+1
+      	write(3,113)xbase(i)/1000.0,
+     *	(-yp1(ip)+dyinit1(ip)-yshift-wref)/1000.0
+      end do	
+c ouput slope of top/bottom of model plate 1
+      index2=npad
+      do i=npad+1,nsing+npad
+        index2=index2+1
+        ip=np1-i+1
+      	dx=xbase(i)-xbase(i-1)
+      	dy=(-yp1(ip)+dyinit1(ip))-(-yp1(ip+1)+dyinit1(ip+1))
+      	dy2=(-yp1(ip))-(-yp1(ip+1))
+      	slp=atan(dy/dx)*180.0/3.141592
+      	slp2=atan(dy2/dx)*180.0/3.141592
+      	slp3=dy2/dx
+      	write(11,113)(xbase(i)-dabs(dx-2.0))/1000.0,slp
+      	write(10,113)(xbase(i)-dabs(dx-2.0))/1000.0,slp2
+      	write(12,113)(xbase(i)-dabs(dx-2.0))/1000.0,slp3
+      end do	
+c output top of mech model over plate 2 extended model domain	  
+      do i=1,np2
+      	index=index+1
+      	write(3,113)xbase(index-1)/1000.0,
+     *	(-yp2(i)+dyinit2(i)-yshift-wref)/1000.0
+      end do      
+c output slope of top of model plate 2
+      do i=1,np2-npad
+      	index2=index2+1
+      	dx=xbase(index2-1)-xbase(index2)
+      	dy=(-yp2(i)+dyinit2(i))-(-yp2(i+1)+dyinit2(i+1))
+      	dy2=(-yp2(i))-(-yp2(i+1))
+      	slp=atan(dy/dx)*180.0/3.141592
+      	slp2=atan(dy2/dx)*180.0/3.141592
+      	slp3=dy2/dx
+      	write(11,113)(xbase(index2-1)+dabs(dx/2.0))/1000.0,slp
+      	write(10,113)(xbase(index2-1)+dabs(dx/2.0))/1000.0,slp2
+      	write(12,113)(xbase(index2-1)+dabs(dx/2.0))/1000.0,slp3
+      end do   
+c output top of pro-lithosphere to end of plate 1
+      do i=1,np1
+      	ip=np1-i+1
+	  	write(4,113)xbase(i)/1000.0,(-yp1(ip)-yshift-wref)/1000.0
+	  end do	
+c output top of pro-lith from end of plate 1 to model base	  
+      do i=np1+1,npltop+npad
+      	write(4,113)xbase(i)/1000.0,(ypltop(i-npad)-wref)/1000.0
+      end do	
+c ouput top of retro lith
+      do i=1,np2
+      	write(7,113)xbase(nsing-1+i+npad)/1000.0,
+     *	(-yp2(i)-yshift-wref)/1000.0
+      end do	
+c output base of pro-lith
+      do i=1,nplbase
+      	write(8,113)xmbase(i)/1000.0,(yplbase(i)-wref)/1000.0
+      end do	
+c output base of retro-lith      
+      do i=1,nrlbase
+      	write(9,113)xrlbase(i)/1000.0,(yrlbase(i)-wref)/1000.0
+      end do	
+      print*,' Y pos of coupling point relative to sea level (km)'
+     *,(-yp2(1)-yshift-wref)/1000.0
+      close(9);close(2);close(3);close(4);close(7);close(8)
+      close(10);close(11);close(12)
+  113 format(4e16.8)
+      end
+c make initial profiles from circular arcs defined by rigid
+      subroutine arc_prof(nerowm,ncol,np1,np2,prigp,rrigp,rhom,
+     *npad,nsing,nsing1,wdepth,ypmbase,yrmbase,wheight,inflag,
+     *dyc,itrench,sdip)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c slab dip in radians
+      sdip=sdip*3.141592/180.0
+c flexural parameters      
+      g=9.8
+      alpha1=(4.0*prigp/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      alpha2=(4.0*rrigp/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+c define curvature radius as function of flexural parameter
+      rad1=3.141592*alpha1/2.0
+      rad2=3.141592*alpha2/2.0
+c define initial depth from offsets in plates between model edge
+c	and the trench (begining of arc)
+      itrench1=np1-(itrench+npad)+1
+      do i=itrench1,np1
+      	yp1(i)=-ypmbase
+      end do	
+c set depth from trench landward from circular arc till prescribed
+c 	dip is reached
+      icatch=0
+c     define center of arc(xnot,ynot)
+      xnot=xp1(itrench1)
+      ynot=-ypmbase-rad1
+c     calculate arc      
+      do i=itrench1-1,1,-1
+      	yp1(i)=ynot+dsqrt(rad1**2-(xp1(i)-xnot)**2)
+      	dip=datan((yp1(i+1)-yp1(i))/(xp1(i+1)-xp1(i)))
+      	if(dip.gt.sdip) then
+      		icatch=1
+      		exit
+      	endif
+      end do
+      if(icatch.eq.0) then
+      	print*,'ERROR: circular arc on pro side did not reach sdip'
+      	print*,'	increase the length of the extension'
+      	call profdump(xbase,-yp1,-yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      	stop
+      endif
+c     set remaining with prescribed slope      
+      do j=i,1,-1
+      	yp1(j)=yp1(j+1)-(xp1(j+1)-xp1(j))*dtan(sdip)
+      end do
+c check that plate two is not below the level of the spoint, this
+c	is not a valid solution
+      if(yp1(nsing1).gt.-yrmbase) then
+      	print*,'ERROR: the elevation of plate 2 is below the spoint'
+      	print*,'	could increase slab dip, decrease plate offset,'
+      	print*,'	do anything to lower the level of spoint.'
+      	print*,'	y(s)=',yp1(nsing1),'y plate 2=',-yrmbase
+      	yp2(1)=yp1(nsing1)
+      	do i=1,np2
+      		yp2(i)=-yrmbase
+      	end do
+      	call profdump(xbase,-yp1,-yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      	stop
+      endif
+c define center of arc for plate 2 (xnot,ynot)
+      xnot=dsqrt(rad2**2-(-rad2-yp1(nsing1)-yrmbase)**2)
+      ynot=-rad2-yrmbase
+      yp2(1)=yp1(nsing1)
+      icatch=0
+c     calculate arc      
+      do i=2,np2
+      	yp2(i)=ynot+dsqrt(rad2**2-(xp2(i)-xnot)**2)
+      	if(xp2(i).ge.xnot) then
+      		icatch=1
+      		exit
+      	endif
+      end do
+      if(icatch.eq.0) then
+      	print*,'ERROR: circular arc on retro side did not reach zero'
+      	print*,'	slope.'
+      	call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      	stop
+      endif
+c     set remaining with initial position      
+      do j=i,np2
+      	yp2(j)=-yrmbase
+      end do
+c switch sign so that deflections down are positive      
+      yp2=yp2*(-1.0)
+      yp1=yp1*(-1.0)
+c set water height for plotting
+      wheight=-yp1(np1-npad)+dyinit1(np1-npad)+wdepth
+      end

Added: long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/plasti_oly.f
--- long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/plasti_oly.f	2006-06-21 19:14:00 UTC (rev 3838)
+++ long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/plasti_oly.f	2006-06-21 19:53:58 UTC (rev 3839)
@@ -0,0 +1,6668 @@
+c  ne = total number of elements
+c  nn = total number of nodes
+c  coord(2,nn) - x,z, coordinates
+c  node(j,ne)  - j=1,2,3,4,5,6 node numbers for ith element
+c                j=7     code number for viscosity
+c                j=8     code number for solid compressibility
+c                j=9     code number for density
+c  velx(nn)    - x velocity
+c  vely(nn)    - y velocity
+c  sbar(nvert) - mean stress
+c  den(ne)    - density
+c       boundary conditions:
+c  bvel        - velocities of boundary nodes
+c  nvnd        - node numbers of boundary nodes, component codes
+c  bp          - pressure at boundary node
+c  npnd        - node numbers of pressure boundary node
+c define arrays that will be dynamically allocated in subroutines
+c .....................................................................
+c arrays for mech model
+      module dyn_arrays_mech
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::den(:),phi(:),coh(:),coord(:,:),
+     *bvel(:),bp(:),basvel(:),unvel(:),zeq(:),bside(:),
+     *zinit(:),tpoint(:,:),wdinit(:),f1prev(:),f2prev(:),
+     *xp1(:),yp1(:),dyinit1(:),xp2(:),yp2(:),dyinit2(:),
+     *fnode1(:),fnode2(:),slen1(:),slen2(:),basinfill(:),
+     *peakchop(:),wd1prev(:),wd2prev(:),bvelt(:),vely(:),velx(:),
+     *sbar(:,:),visc(:,:),bulkmod(:,:),rhs(:),abd(:,:),soln(:),
+     *vbound(:),xsur(:,:),stress(:,:),srate(:,:),sprev(:),ziso(:),
+     *zinc(:,:),vpower(:,:),theta(:),veros(:,:),temptc(:),toldc(:),
+     *cbase(:),vsur(:,:),rsur(:,:),vdiff(:,:),rdiff(:,:),xsurold(:,:),
+     *exhum(:),bastrk(:,:),vmin(:),q(:),prex(:),expn(:)
+      integer,allocatable::nvnd(:,:),npnd(:),nbase(:),
+     *nsnd(:,:),ieletp(:),node(:,:),nbasinfill(:),npeakchop(:),
+     *nvtnd(:),ipflag(:,:),ip(:),ibastrk(:,:),ieletpb(:)
+      end module dyn_arrays_mech
+c .....................................................................
+c arrays for thermal model
+      module dyn_arrays_therm
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::hprod(:),spheat(:),trho(:),
+     *tcond(:,:),btem(:),a(:,:),asf(:,:),bsf(:,:),area(:),
+     *rhst(:),flux(:)
+      integer,allocatable::ntbnd(:),ipt(:),neflux(:,:)
+      end module dyn_arrays_therm
+c .....................................................................
+c arrays for both
+      module dyn_arrays
+      real (kind=8),allocatable::coordt(:,:),temp(:),vx(:),vz(:),
+     *tempt(:),told(:)
+      integer, allocatable::nodet(:,:),output_flags(:)
+      end module dyn_arrays
+c end of definitions
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      integer,allocatable::ldf(:)
+      character date*10,time*10,time2*10,time3*10
+      character trans*1
+      integer ::count,ioutpt=0
+C    Random number generator seed
+      idum=-2
+      call date_and_time(date,time)
+      print*,'Real Time Starting Plasti is:  ',time
+c  input the bulk of the data
+      call input(nn,ne,lbw,numvbn,numpbn,nout,ntsts,ncol,nrow,
+     *ndf,minter,lda,miter,toler,nrowt,ncolt,nnt,net,rhof,rhoman,ncom,
+     *nsing,numsid,vrig,delt,nbn,npass,npoint,convel,
+     *epsinv,nout_t,nlrow,upveln,erosl,erosr,peros,rpow,iunflag,
+     *iunbeg,ntherm,dtherm,w_depth,beta,prig,rrig,sload,smomen,xadd,
+     *ctoler,wtoler,np1,np2,npad,nsing1,ndom,ntbn,lbwt,ldat,nlcol,
+     *slpmax,tmax,sealev,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,wdepth,nsthick,
+     *plthick,numvetbn,leqflag,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,isedr,
+     *ibasflg,intmrkb,nbastrk,nbastary,nbastind,ninbas,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax)
+c calculate the initial load on each node for flexure calculation in remesh
+c	also store the initial water depth at each node for flex. calc.
+      call calc_init_force(np1,np2,nrow,npad,nsing,ncol,nsing1,
+     *rhoavinitl,rhoavinitr,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,sealev,nn)
+c  identify degrees of freedom of each node
+      allocate(ldf(nn))
+      do in=1,nn
+      	call gdf(in,nrow,ldf(in),nod)
+      end do
+c  Send to thermal to get initial temp
+      itst=0
+      deltt=delt
+      cbase=0
+      call thermal(deltt,itst,nnt,net,nout,nrow,nrowt,ncolt,
+     *ldat,lbwt,ntbn,ioutpt)
+      do i=1,nnt
+      	told(i)=tempt(i)
+      end do
+c  Make a temp array for just the crust
+      ncrustbeg=nrowt-nrow
+      l=0
+      count=0
+      do i=ncrustbeg,nnt,nrowt
+	  	l=(i-ncrustbeg)/nrowt+1
+        	do j=1,nrow
+        		k=i+j
+        		count=((l-1)*nrow)+j
+        		toldc(count)=told(k)
+        		temptc(count)=tempt(k)
+      		end do
+      end do
+c calculate initial viscosities/rheologic parameters
+c     rheology parameters
+      do 35 ie=1,ne
+      	bl=dexp(q(ie)/(8.3144d0*tmax))/(vmin(ie))
+      	tele=(temptc(node(1,ie))+temptc(node(2,ie))+temptc(node(3,ie))
+     *	+temptc(node(4,ie)))/4.
+      	if(leqflag.ne.1) then
+      		vpow2=(prex(ie)*dexp(-q(ie)/(8.3144d0*tele)))**(-1./expn(ie))
+      		vpow=vpow2*(epsinv**(1./expn(ie)-1.))
+      	else	
+     		vpow=dexp(q(ie)/(8.3144d0*tele))/bl
+     		vpow2=vpow
+     	endif	
+      if(vpow.gt.vrig)vpow=vrig                                         
+      if(vpow.lt.vmin(ie))vpow=vmin(ie)
+      vpower(1,ie)=vpow                                                 
+      vpower(2,ie)=vpow2                                                
+      if(iplasflg.eq.1) then
+      	vpower(1,ie)=vrig
+      	vpower(2,ie)=vrig
+      endif
+   35 continue
+      do i=1,ne
+      	do k=1,4
+      		visc(i,k)=vpower(1,i)
+      		bulkmod(i,k)=1.0/beta
+      		ipflag(i,k)=0
+      	end do
+      end do	
+      nb=ne/(2*nrow-2)
+      nb=nb+nrow-1
+c initialize time 
+      ttime=0.0
+c initialize ridge and valley profiles
+      do i= 1,nn/nrow
+      	rsur(1,i)=coord(1,i*nrow-1)
+      	vsur(1,i)=coord(1,i*nrow)
+      	rsur(2,i)=coord(2,i*nrow)
+      	vsur(2,i)=coord(2,i*nrow)
+      	rdiff(1,i)=0.0;
+      	vdiff(1,i)=0.0;
+      	rdiff(2,i)=0.0;
+      	vdiff(2,i)=0.0;
+      end do	
+c initialize stress field
+      call sinit(nrow,ne)
+c loop over time steps
+      do 500 itst=1,ntsts
+      call date_and_time(date,time2)
+      print*,'Real Time in Plasti Loop is:  ',time2
+      ttime=ttime+delt
+c iterate for nonlinearity 
+      do 400 iter=1,miter
+c assemble global stiffness matrix 
+      call globe(ne,nn,lbw,delt,lda,ndf,nrow,ldf,c,beta,
+     *vrig,sigav,epsav,itst)
+c  determine the region for underplating to occur
+      call unplate(nrow,ncol,itst,nsing,ibegup,ibegmx)
+c apply boundary conditions
+      call bc(numvbn,numpbn,ndf,lbw,lda,nrow,numsid,
+     *nbn,upveln,nsing,ibegup,delt,rhoman,numvetbn,ncol)
+c apply underplating velocity in z-dir to thermal vel field
+      call unplate_therm(nbn,nrowt,nrow)
+c LAPACK routine
+      call dgbtrf(ndf,ndf,lbw,lbw,abd,lda,ip,info)
+      if(info.ne.0) then
+	  	print*,'info =',info
+	  	stop
+	  endif
+      write(6,603)itst,iter
+  603 format('       tstep ',i5,' iteration ',i5)
+c  solve system of equations
+	  trans='N'
+	  call dgbtrs(trans,ndf,lbw,lbw,1,abd,lda,ip,rhs,ndf,info)
+	  if(info.ne.0) then
+	  	print*,'info =',info
+	  	stop
+	  endif
+      do idf=1,ndf
+      	soln(idf)=rhs(idf)
+      end do
+c  check for convergence
+      call conver(velx,vely,soln,toler,icflag,nrow,ncol
+     *,ndf,nn,coord)
+      if(iter.lt.minter)icflag=0
+      if(miter.eq.1)icflag=1
+c   filter pressure field
+      call pfilt(ne,nrow,npass)
+c   calculate stresses and strain rates
+      call ss(ne,nn,lbw,delt,ndf,nrow,c,beta,vrig)
+c  branch off after convergence
+      if(icflag.eq.1)go to 450
+  400 continue
+c #############################
+c  failed to converge, so exit
+c #############################
+      print*,' timestep failed to converge, iterations = ',miter
+      nout=1
+c   filter pressure field
+      call pfilt(ne,nrow,npass)
+      call output (nn,ne,itst,iter,nout,ttime,nout_t,nrow,nbn,
+     *vrig,tstart,npoint,convel,ntsts,delt,nlrow,sealev,w_depth,
+     *nbastrk,ibasflg,ninbas,ioutpt)
+      deltt=delt
+      call thermal(deltt,itst,nnt,net,nout,nrow,nrowt,ncolt,
+     *ldat,lbwt,ntbn,ioutpt)
+      stop
+c ###########
+c converged
+c ###########
+  450 continue
+      upmass=(coord(1,(nsing-1)*nrow+1)-coord(1,ibegup*nrow+1))
+     **upveln*ttime/1000000. 
+      acmass=ttime*convel*(coord(2,nrow)-coord(2,1))/1000000.
+      deltol=delt
+c  track material points
+      print*,'Entering Lagrangian Mesh Tracking Routine'
+      call date_and_time(date,time2)
+c      print*,'Time before L-mesh tracki:  ',time2
+      call tracki(nn,ne,nrow,npoint,delt,itst)
+      call date_and_time(date,time2)
+c      print*,'Time after L-mesh tracki:  ',time2
+      if(ibasflg.eq.1) then
+c      	print*,'Entering Basin Tracking Routine'
+      	call date_and_time(date,time2)
+c      	print*,'Time before Basin track:  ',time2
+      	call track_basin(nn,ne,nrow,ninbas,delt,itst)
+      	call date_and_time(date,time2)
+c      	print*,'Time after Basin track:  ',time2
+      endif	
+c   filter pressure field
+      call pfilt(ne,nrow,npass)
+      print*,'Entering output'
+      call output (nn,ne,itst,iter,nout,ttime,nout_t,nrow,nbn,
+     *vrig,tstart,npoint,convel,ntsts,delt,nlrow,sealev,w_depth,
+     *nbastrk,ibasflg,ninbas,ioutpt)
+      dum=delt
+      write(6,602)dum
+  602 format('  next time step = ',e12.6,' my')
+c      print*, 'time step before thermal is:', itst
+      deltt=delt
+      call thermal(deltt,itst,nnt,net,nout,nrow,nrowt,ncolt,
+     *ldat,lbwt,ntbn,ioutpt)
+c   remesh
+      print*,'Entering remesh'
+      call remesh(deltol,nn,nrow,rhoman,rhof,ncom,ne,vrig,npoint,
+     *nnt,nrowt,net,nsing,convel,itst,erosl,erosr,
+     *peros,rpow,sealev,slpmax,npad,np1,np2,prig,rrig,nsing1,ctoler,
+     *wtoler,tmax,rhoavinitl,rhoavinitr,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,
+     *wdepth,nsthick,plthick,leqflag,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,isedr,
+     *ibasflg,intmrkb,nbastrk,nbastary,nbastind,ninbas,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax)
+c reset rigid viscosity to power law viscosity
+      do i=1,ne
+      	do k=1,4
+      		if(ipflag(i,k).eq.0)then
+      			visc(i,k)=vpower(1,i)
+      		endif
+      	end do
+      end do
+C Allow thermal conditions to evolve for sub zone w/o collision
+      if(ntherm.gt.0) then
+      	if(itst.eq.1) then
+      		print*,'thermal runup'
+      		call therm_runup(deltt2,itst2,nnt,net,nout,nrow,nrowt,
+     *		ncolt,ldat,lbwt,ntbn,dtherm,ntherm)
+      	endif
+      endif
+  500 continue
+      stop
+      end
+c                        C
+c                        C
+c thermal runup 
+      subroutine therm_runup(deltt2,itst2,nnt,net,nout,nrow,nrowt,
+     *ncolt,ldat,lbwt,ntbn,dtherm,ntherm)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::vx2(:),vz2(:)
+        allocate(vx2(net),vz2(net))
+        itst2=99999
+c set crustal velocities to zero for thermal equilibation        
+      	nlthick=nrowt-nrow
+      	vx2=vx
+      	vy2=vy
+      	do itimes=2*nlthick,net,2*(nrowt-1)
+      		do jtimes=1,2*(nrow-1)
+      			vx(itimes+jtimes)=0.0
+      			vz(itimes+jtimes)=0.0
+            end do
+       	end do
+      	do itherm=1,ntherm
+      		if(itherm.gt.1) then
+      			do inodes=1,nnt
+        			told(inodes)=tempt(inodes)
+                end do       			
+      		endif
+        	deltt2=dtherm
+        	print*,'Thermal Setup loop:',itherm
+        	call thermal(deltt2,itst2,nnt,net,nout,nrow,nrowt,
+     *   	ncolt,ldat,lbwt,ntbn,ioutpt)
+      	end do
+      	vx=vx2
+      	vy=vy2
+      	deallocate(vx2,vz2)
+       end
+      subroutine calc_flex_remesh(nrow,ncol,np1,np2,prig,rrig,rhom,
+     *npad,nsing,nsing1,ctoler,sload,smomen,wtoler,rhof,g,rhoavinitl,
+     *rhoavinitr,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,wdepth,sealev,nn,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+C  NOTE: there is no rhof in the def of alpha.
+c 	see project notes for description of method of calculating flexure and
+c	why the rhof is left out. In brief, it is left out because the forces
+c	acting on the imaginary plate are calculated as the load from the crust
+c	and the load from the water.  Another way to do this problem would be 
+c	to use rhof in the eqn and calculate just the loads from the crust.
+c	In this case the force from any portion of a colm of crust that is below a 
+c	defined sea level is (rhoc-rhof)*g*h and the force form the portion of 
+c	the same colm above sea level (if there is a sub aerial portion) is 
+c	rhoc*g*h', where h' is the height of the colm above sea level
+c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c calculate flexural parameters
+      alpha1=(4.0*prig/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      alpha2=(4.0*rrig/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      plam1=1.0/alpha1
+      plam2=1.0/alpha2
+      fk=rhom*g
+c caculate the change in force on each node from previous timestep
+c initial average density of entire model domain is
+c	 used for the density of model in the padded regions
+      rhoavtl=rhoavinitl
+      rhoavtr=rhoavinitr
+c total force from crustal loads
+c 	plate 1
+      call calc_force_p1(slen1,xp1,nrow,den,np1,fnode1,
+     *npad,rhoavtl,nsing,g,coord,ncol,nsing1,dy_flex_init1)
+c 	plate 2
+      call calc_force_p2(slen2,xp2,nrow,den,np2,fnode2,
+     *npad,rhoavtr,nsing,g,coord,ncol,dy_flex_init2)
+c change in force
+      fnode1=fnode1-f1prev
+      fnode2=fnode2-f2prev
+c calculate defection of plates from change in distributed load
+c 	and coupling load (sub momment and load are not reapplied)
+      call deflect(np1,np2,xp1,xp2,yp1,yp2,fnode1,fnode2,plam1,plam2,
+     *fk,ctoler,nsing1,sload,smomen,xbase,nsing,npad)
+c store force used in flexure calculation for det. change in force
+c	at the next timestep.
+      f1prev=fnode1+f1prev
+      f2prev=fnode2+f2prev     
+c calculate the deflection from the load of overlying water
+      if(wdepth.gt.0.0) then
+     	call deflectw(wdepth,xp1,xp2,slen1,slen2,wtoler,fnode1,
+     *	fnode2,plam1,plam2,fk,rhof,np1,np2,npad,g,nsing1,ctoler,
+     *	dyinit1,dyinit2,yp2,yp1,sealev,nrow,wd1prev,wd2prev,
+     *	nsing,nn,coord)
+      	dif=0.0
+      endif
+      end
+C calclate the additional deflection of the coupled plates
+c	from the overlying load of water
+      subroutine deflectw(wdepth,xp1,xp2,slen1,slen2,wtoler,fnode1
+     *,fnode2,plam1,plam2,fk,rhof,np1,np2,npad,g,nsing1,ctoler,
+     *dyinit1,dyinit2,yp2,yp1,sealev,nrow,wd1prev,wd2prev,nsing,nn,
+     *coord)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp1(*),xp2(*),yp1(np1),yp2(np2),fnode1(np1),fnode2(np2),
+     *slen1(*),slen2(*),dyinit1(*),dyinit2(*),coord(2,*),wd1prev(np1),
+     *wd2prev(np2)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::dloc1(:),dloc2(:),yp1pre(:),yp2pre(:)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::wd1cur(:),wd2cur(:)
+      ychange=100.0*wtoler
+      icount=0
+      allocate(dloc1(np1),dloc2(np2),yp1pre(np1),yp2pre(np2))
+      allocate(wd1cur(np1),wd2cur(np2))
+      dloc1=0.0
+      yp1pre=yp1
+      fnode1=0.0
+      wd1cur=0.0
+      dloc2=0.0
+      yp2pre=yp2
+      fnode2=0.0
+      wd2cur=0.0
+c initerate for convergence on water flexure      
+      do while(ychange.gt.wtoler)
+      	icount=icount+1
+c 	calculate curent water depths
+      	call calc_wd(nsing1,npad,np1,sealev,nrow,wd1cur,
+     *	wd2cur,nsing,np2,nn,coord,yp1,yp2)
+c	calculate force from change in water depth
+c	plate 1      		
+      	do i=1,np1
+c			change in water depth
+      		deltad=wd1cur(i)-wd1prev(i)
+      		if(wd1cur(i).le.0.0) then
+      			if(wd1prev(i).le.0.0) then
+      				fnode1(i)=0.0
+      			else
+      				fnode1(i)=slen1(i)*g*rhof*(-wd1prev(i))
+      			endif
+      		else
+      			fnode1(i)=slen1(i)*g*rhof*deltad
+      		endif
+      	end	do
+c	plate 2      		
+      	do i=1,np2
+c			change in water depth
+      		deltad=wd2cur(i)-wd2prev(i)
+      		if(wd2cur(i).le.0.0) then
+      			if(wd2prev(i).le.0.0) then
+      				fnode2(i)=0.0
+      			else
+      				fnode2(i)=slen2(i)*g*rhof*(-wd2prev(i))
+      			endif
+      		else
+      			fnode2(i)=slen2(i)*g*rhof*deltad
+      		endif
+      	end	do
+c calculate plate deflection
+c calculate deflection,moment,shear force at the desired break point for 
+c two infinite plates
+c     	plate 1
+      	amom1=0.0
+      	ashear1=0.0
+      	call calc_dms(xp1,amom1,ashear1,np1,fnode1,plam1,yp1,fk)
+c     	plate 2
+      	amom2=0.0
+      	ashear2=0.0
+      	call calc_dms(xp2,amom2,ashear2,np2,fnode2,plam2,yp2,fk)
+c calculate deflection of semi-infinite plates using 
+c	the end cond forces and subduction load/moment
+c     	plate 1
+      	call deflect2(np1,plam1,fk,xp1,sload,smomen,amom1,ashear1,yp1)
+c     	plate 2
+      	call deflect2(np2,plam2,fk,xp2,sload,smomen,amom2,ashear2,yp2)
+c calculate the coupling load
+      	ido_again=1
+      	jcount=0
+      	do while(ido_again==1) 
+      		jcount=jcount+1
+                call couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,np1,np2
+     $               ,nsing1)
+      		if(abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)).le.ctoler) then
+      			ido_again=0
+      		else if(jcount.gt.100) then
+      			ido_again=0
+      			print*,'########################################'
+      			print*,'## coupling iteration exceeded 100    ##'
+      			print*,'##     inside water loop              ##'
+      			print*,'########################################'
+      			call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      		endif	
+      	end do
+      	dif=0.0
+      	do j=1,np1
+      		dif=dif+abs(yp1(j)-yp1pre(j))
+      		yp1pre(j)=yp1(j)
+      	end do
+      	do j=1,np2
+      		dif=dif+abs(yp2(j)-yp2pre(j))
+      		yp2pre(j)=yp2(j)
+      	end do	
+      	ychange=dif
+      	if(icount.gt.100) then
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		print*,'## water depth iteration exceeded     ##'
+      		print*,'##	iterations:',icount
+      		print*,'##	diff. in plate position at spoint (m):',
+     *		abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1))
+      		print*,'##	change in base elev:',dif
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      	endif	
+c      	store water depths for next iteration/timestep      	
+      	wd1prev=wd1cur
+      	wd2prev=wd2cur
+      end do
+      print*,'Water depth coupling'
+      print*,'  iterations:',icount
+      print*,'  diff. in plate position at spoint (m):',
+     *abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1))
+      print*,'  change in base elev:',dif
+      deallocate(dloc1,dloc2,yp1pre,yp2pre,wd1cur,wd2cur)
+      end
+c output the flexural profiles when then code dumps
+      subroutine profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      implicit real (a-h,o-z)
+      real(kind=8) xbase(*),yp1(*),yp2(*)
+      open(21,file='profiles/pro_plate_dump')
+      open(22,file='profiles/retro_plate_dump')
+      do k=1,np1
+      	ip=np1-k+1
+	  	write(21,198)xbase(k)/1000.0,-yp1(ip)/1000.0
+	  end do
+	  do k=1,np2
+      	write(22,198)xbase(nsing-1+k+npad)/1000.0,-yp2(k)/1000.0
+      end do
+  198 format(2e17.8)
+	  close(21)
+	  close(22)
+      stop
+      end 
+C calculate the deflection of two semi-infinite plates 
+c	coupled together at the s-point from a distributed
+c	load as stored in fnode
+      subroutine deflect(np1,np2,xp1,xp2,yp1,yp2,fnode1,fnode2
+     *,plam1,plam2,fk,ctoler,nsing1,sload,smomen,xbase,nsing,npad)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp1(*),xp2(*),yp1(*),yp2(*),fnode1(*),fnode2(*),xbase(*)
+c calculate deflection,moment,shear force at the desired break point for 
+c two infinite plates
+c     plate 1
+      amom1=0.0
+      ashear1=0.0
+      call calc_dms(xp1,amom1,ashear1,np1,fnode1,plam1,yp1,fk)
+c     plate 2
+      amom2=0.0
+      ashear2=0.0
+      call calc_dms(xp2,amom2,ashear2,np2,fnode2,plam2,yp2,fk)
+c calculate deflection of semi-infinite plates using 
+c	the end cond forces and subduction load/moment
+c     plate 1
+c      print*,'PLATE 1',yp1(1),yp1(100)
+      call deflect2(np1,plam1,fk,xp1,sload,smomen,amom1,ashear1,yp1)
+c     plate 2
+      call deflect2(np2,plam2,fk,xp2,sload,smomen,amom2,ashear2,yp2)
+c calculate the coupling load
+      ido_again=1
+      icount=0
+      do while(ido_again==1) 
+      	icount=icount+1
+		call couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,np1,np2,nsing1)
+      	if(abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)).le.ctoler) then
+      		ido_again=0
+      	else if(icount.gt.100) then
+      		ido_again=0
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		print*,'## coupling iteration exceeded 100    ##'
+      		print*,'##         first loop                 ##'
+      		print*,'########################################'
+      		call profdump(xbase,yp1,yp2,np1,np2,nsing,npad)
+      	endif	
+      end do
+      print*,'Plate coupling:'
+      print*,'  iterations:',icount
+      print*,'  diff. at s-point: ',abs(yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1))
+      end
+c calculate the plate ocupling load
+      subroutine couple(yp1,yp2,nsing,plam1,plam2,fk,xp1,xp2,
+     *np1,np2,nsing1)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 yp1(*),yp2(*),xp1(*),xp2(*)
+c difference in deflection between the two plates at s-point
+	  G0=yp1(nsing1)-yp2(1)
+c calculations for plate 1	  
+c deflection of infinite beam with the coupling load at s-point
+      G1=plam1/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+     *+sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c moment at the plate end from coupling load
+      G2=1.0/(4.0*plam1)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+     *-sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c shear force at the plate end from coupling load
+      G3=0.5*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+c end conditioning load
+      G4=4.0*plam1*G2+4.0*G3
+c end conditioning moment
+      G5=-4.0*G2-2.0*G3/plam1
+c deflection from end conditioning load
+      G6=G4*plam1/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*
+     *(cos(plam1*xp1(nsing1))+sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1)))
+c deflection from end conditioning moment
+      G7=G5*plam1**2/fk*exp(-plam1*xp1(nsing1))*sin(plam1*xp1(nsing1))
+      fcouple=G0/((2.0*plam2)/fk+G1+G6+G7)
+c calculate deflection from coupling load
+      do i=1,np1
+      	yp1(i)=yp1(i)
+     *	-(2.0*fcouple*plam1/fk*exp(-plam1*xp1(i))*cos(plam1*xp1(i)))
+      end do
+      do i=1,np2
+      	yp2(i)=yp2(i)
+     *	+(2.0*fcouple*plam2/fk*exp(-plam2*xp2(i))*cos(plam2*xp2(i)))
+      end do
+      end
+c calculate deflection of semi-infinite plates using 
+c	the end cond forces and subduction load/moment
+      subroutine deflect2(np,plam,fk,xp,sload,smomen,amom,ashear,yp)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp(*),yp(*)
+c calculate end conditioning forces
+      fmo=-4.0*amom-2.0*ashear/plam
+      fpo=4.0*(plam*amom+ashear)
+c calculate deflection      
+      do i=1,np
+      	ypo=fpo*plam/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam*xp(i))*(cos(plam*xp(i))
+     *  +sin(plam*xp(i)))
+      	ymo=(fmo*plam**2)/fk*exp(-plam*xp(i))*sin(plam*xp(i))
+      	ysload=2.0*sload*plam/fk*exp(-plam*xp(i))*cos(plam*xp(i))
+      	ysmom=-2.0*smomen*plam**2/fk*exp(-plam*xp(i))*(cos(plam*xp(i))
+     *	-sin(plam*xp(i)))
+        yp(i)=ypo+ymo+ysload+ymom+yp(i)
+      end do  
+      end
+c  calculate the moment and shear in an infinite plate 
+      subroutine calc_dms(xp,amom,ashear,np,fnode,plam,yp,fk)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 xp(*),fnode(*),yp(*)
+      do i=1,np
+      	do j=1,np
+      		dist=abs(xp(i)-xp(j))
+      		yp(j)=yp(j)+fnode(i)*plam/(2.0*fk)*exp(-plam*dist)*
+     *		(cos(plam*dist)
+     *		+sin(plam*dist))
+     	end do
+      	dist=xp(i)
+      	amom=amom+fnode(i)/(4.0*plam)*exp(-plam*dist)*(cos(plam*dist)
+     *	-sin(plam*dist))
+        ashear=ashear+fnode(i)/2.0*exp(-plam*dist)*cos(plam*dist)
+      end do  
+      end
+c calculate the initial forces and water depths for flexure problem 
+      subroutine calc_init_force(np1,np2,nrow,npad,nsing,ncol,nsing1,
+     *rhoavinitl,rhoavinitr,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,sealev,nn)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real(kind=8) (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      integer i,j,irow,icol,np1,np2,nrow,npad,nsing,ncol,nsing1
+      real*8 g,alpha1,alpha2,plam1,plam2,fk,height,base,heightl,
+     *heightr,area,areat,arealoc,areacheck,rhoavt,areat2
+      allocate(f1prev(np1),f2prev(np2),fnode1(np1),fnode2(np2))
+      allocate(wd1prev(np1),wd2prev(np2))
+      allocate(slen1(np1),slen2(np2))
+      f1prev=0.0
+      f2prev=0.0
+      fnode1=0.0
+      fnode2=0.0
+      wd1prev=0.0
+      wd2prev=0.0
+      slen1=0.0
+      slen2=0.0
+c calculate flexural parameters
+      g=9.8
+      alpha1=(4.0*prig/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      alpha2=(4.0*rrig/((rhom)*g))**0.25
+      plam1=1.0/alpha1
+      plam2=1.0/alpha2
+      fk=rhom*g
+c caculate force on each node from mech. model thickness
+c average density of entire model domain
+c	 used for the density of model in the padded regions
+c	calculate the area of L and R edge colms
+      areatl=0.0
+      areatr=0.0
+c     lower left triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,nrow)-coord(2,1))
+      height=abs(coord(1,nrow+1)-coord(1,1))
+      areatl=0.5*base*height
+c     upper left triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,nrow*2)-coord(2,nrow+1))
+      areatl=0.5*base*height+areatl
+c     lower right triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,nrow*(ncol-1))-coord(2,nrow*(ncol-2)+1))
+      height=abs(coord(1,nrow*(ncol-1)+1)-coord(1,nrow*(ncol-2)+1))
+      areatr=0.5*base*height
+c     upper right triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,nrow*ncol)-coord(2,nrow*(ncol-1)+1))
+      areatr=0.5*base*height+areatr
+c determine the average density of R and L edge colm
+      areatl2=0.0
+      areatr2=0.0
+      rhoavtl=0.0
+      rhoavtr=0.0
+c	left edge
+      height=abs(coord(1,2*nrow)-coord(1,nrow))
+      do irow=1,nrow-1
+c     	lower triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,1+irow)-coord(2,irow))
+      	arealoc=base*height*.5
+c     	upper triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,nrow+irow+1)-coord(2,nrow+irow))
+      	arealoc=arealoc+base*height*.5
+      	areatl2=areatl2+arealoc
+c     	calculate desity contribution      		
+      	rhoavtl=rhoavtl+den(irow)*arealoc/areatl
+      end do
+c	right edge
+      height=abs(coord(1,ncol*nrow)-coord(1,(ncol-1)*nrow))
+      do irow=1,nrow-1
+c     	lower triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,(ncol-2)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *	-coord(2,(ncol-2)*nrow+irow))
+      	arealoc=base*height*.5
+c     	upper triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,(ncol-1)*nrow+irow+1)
+     *	-coord(2,(ncol-1)*nrow+irow))
+      	arealoc=arealoc+base*height*.5
+      	areatr2=areatr2+arealoc
+c     	calculate desity contribution      		
+      	rhoavtr=rhoavtr+den((ncol-2)*(nrow-1)+irow)*arealoc/areatr
+      end do
+c store initial average denisty of model for use in flexure calculation
+c	it is used in the padded regions
+      rhoavinitl=rhoavtl
+      rhoavinitr=rhoavtr
+c      print*,'############'
+c      print*,'model density and model area of L colm',rhoavtl,areatl
+c      print*,'area check',areatl2
+c      print*,'model density and model area of R colm',rhoavtr,areatr
+c      print*,'area check',areatr2
+c      print*,'############'
+c plate 1
+      call calc_force_p1(slen1,xp1,nrow,den,np1,fnode1,
+     *npad,rhoavtl,nsing,g,coord,ncol,nsing1,dy_flex_init1)
+      f1prev=fnode1
+c plate 2
+      call calc_force_p2(slen2,xp2,nrow,den,np2,fnode2,
+     *npad,rhoavtr,nsing,g,coord,ncol,dy_flex_init2)
+      f2prev=fnode2
+c calculate the initial water depth
+      call calc_wd(nsing1,npad,np1,sealev,nrow,wd1prev,
+     *wd2prev,nsing,np2,nn,coord,yp1,yp2)
+      end
+c calculate the water depth above the flexural profles 
+      subroutine calc_wd(nsing1,npad,np1,sealev,nrow,wd1,
+     *wd2,nsing,np2,nn,coord,yp1,yp2)
+      implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      dimension wd1(*),wd2(*),coord(2,*),yp1(*),yp2(*)
+c calculate initial water depths
+      yshift=coord(2,1)+yp1(np1-npad)
+c	Plate 1:
+c     extended sub plate region
+      do i=1,nsing1-1
+      	wd1(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+c     region in mech model
+      icount=0
+      do i=nsing1,np1-npad
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	icol=nsing+1-icount
+      	wd1(i)=sealev-coord(2,icol*nrow)
+      	if(wd1(i).lt.0.0) wd1(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+c	  padded region
+      dy=coord(2,nrow)-coord(2,1)
+      do i=np1-npad+1,np1
+      	wd1(i)=sealev-(yshift-yp1(i)+dy)
+      	if(wd1(i).lt.0.0) wd1(i)=0.0
+      end do
+c	Plate 2:
+c     region in mech model
+      do i=1,np2-npad
+      	wd2(i)=sealev-coord(2,nsing*nrow+(i-1)*nrow)
+      	if(wd2(i).lt.0.0) wd2(i)=0.0
+      end do
+c     padded region
+      dy=coord(2,nn)-coord(2,nn-nrow+1)
+      do i=np2-npad+1,np2
+      	wd2(i)=sealev-(yshift-yp2(i)+dy)
+      	if(wd2(i).lt.0.0) wd2(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+      end
+c calculate the force from the thickness of the mech model
+c	for calculating the flexure
+      subroutine calc_force_p2(slen,xp,nrow,den,np,fnode,
+     *npad,rhoavt,nsing,g,coord,ncol,dy_flex_init2)      
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 slen(*),xp(*),den(*),fnode(*),coord(2,*)
+      ifstrow=(nrow-1)*(nsing-1)
+      ilstrow=(ncol-2)*(nrow-1)
+c first node
+      slen(1)=(xp(2)-xp(1))/2.0
+      rhoav=0.0
+      areacheck=0.0
+c     calculate the area of the first colm
+c     lower triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,nsing*nrow)-coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+1))
+      height=abs(coord(1,(nsing+1)*nrow)-coord(1,nsing*nrow))
+      areacol=.5*base*height
+c     upper triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,(nsing+1)*nrow)-coord(2,nsing*nrow+1))
+      areacol=areacol+.5*base*height
+c     calculate area and density contribution of each elem in colm      
+      do irow=1,nrow-1
+c     	lower triangle      	
+      	base=abs(coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *	-coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+irow))
+      	areaelm=base*height*.5
+c     	upper triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,nsing*nrow+irow+1)-coord(2,nsing*nrow+irow))
+      	areaelm=areaelm+base*height*.5
+c     	contribution to average density
+      	rhoav=rhoav+den(irow+ifstrow)*areaelm/areacol
+      	areacheck=areacheck+areaelm
+      end do
+c      print*,'first colm',areacol,areacheck,rhoav
+      fnode(1)=slen(1)*g*rhoav*(coord(2,nsing*nrow)
+     *-coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+1))
+c last node
+      slen(np)=(xp(np)-xp(np-1))/2.0
+      if(npad.eq.0) then
+c if there is no padding on model edges      
+      	rhoav=0.0
+      	areacheck=0.0
+c     	calculate area of the last colm
+c     	lower triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,(ncol-1)*nrow)-coord(2,(ncol-2)*nrow+1))
+      	height=abs(coord(1,ncol*nrow)-coord(1,(ncol-1)*nrow))
+      	areacol=.5*base*height
+c      	upper triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,ncol*nrow)-coord(2,(ncol-1)*nrow+1))
+      	areacol=areacol+.5*base*height
+c     	calculate area and density contribution of each elem in colm      	
+      	do irow=1,nrow-1
+c     		lower triangle      	
+      		base=abs(coord(2,(ncol-2)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *		-coord(2,(ncol-2)*nrow+irow))
+      		areaelm=base*height*.5
+c     		upper triangle
+     		base=abs(coord(2,(ncol-1)*nrow+irow+1)
+     *		-coord(2,(ncol-1)*nrow+irow))
+      		areaelm=areaelm+base*height*.5
+c     		contribution to average density
+      		rhoav=rhoav+den(irow+ilstrow)*areaelm/areacol
+      		areacheck=areacheck+areaelm
+      	end do
+      	dy=coord(2,nn)-coord(2,nn+1-nrow)
+      	print*,'##################################'
+      	print*,'##################################'
+      	print*,'last colm',areacol,areacheck,rhoav
+      else
+c if there is padding on the model edges, use model average density for 
+c	the padded regions
+      	rhoav=rhoavt
+      	dy=dy_flex_init2
+      endif	
+      fnode(np)=slen(np)*g*rhoav*dy
+c all other nodes
+      do icol=2,np-1
+      	slen(icol)=(xp(icol+1)-xp(icol-1))/2.0
+c       add catch for padded edges of model where density is not defined
+      	if(icol.ge.np-npad) then
+     		rhoav=rhoavt
+     		dy=dy_flex_init2
+      	else	
+	      	rhoav=0.0
+	      	areacheck=0.0
+	      	icol2=icol+nsing-1
+	      	dy=coord(2,icol2*nrow)-coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+1)
+c      		now there are two colms to calculate areas for	      	
+c	     	lower left triangle
+      		heightl=abs(coord(1,icol2*nrow)-coord(1,(icol2-1)*nrow))
+      		base=abs(coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow)-coord(2,(icol2-2)*nrow+1))
+      		areacol=.5*base*heightl
+c	      	upper left triangle
+      		base=abs(coord(2,icol2*nrow)-coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+1))
+      		areacol=areacol+.5*base*heightl
+c	     	lower right triangle
+      		heightr=abs(coord(1,(icol2+1)*nrow)-coord(1,icol2*nrow))
+c     		the base is the same for lright and uleft
+      		areacol=areacol+.5*base*heightr
+c	      	upper right triangle
+      		base=abs(coord(2,(icol2+1)*nrow)-coord(2,icol2*nrow+1))
+      		areacol=areacol+.5*base*heightr
+      		do irow=1,nrow-1
+c	     		lower left triangle
+      			base=abs(coord(2,(icol2-2)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *			-coord(2,(icol2-2)*nrow+irow))
+      			areaelml=base*heightl*.5
+c	      		upper left triangle
+      			base=abs(coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *			-coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+irow))
+      			areaelml=areaelml+.5*base*heightl
+c	     		lower right triangle
+      			areaelmr=base*heightr*.5
+c	      		upper right triangle
+      			base=abs(coord(2,icol2*nrow+1+irow)
+     *			-coord(2,icol2*nrow+irow))
+      			areaelmr=areaelmr+.5*base*heightr
+c      			contribution to average density
+      			rhoav=rhoav+den((icol2-2)*(nrow-1)+irow)*areaelml
+     *			/areacol+den((icol2-1)*(nrow-1)+irow)*areaelmr/areacol
+     			areacheck=areacheck+areaelml+areaelmr
+      		end do
+c      	    print*,'plate 2',abs(areacol-areacheck),rhoav
+      	end	if
+      	fnode(icol)=slen(icol)*g*rhoav*dy
+      end do	
+      end
+c calculate the force from the thickness of the mech model
+c	for calculating the flexure
+      subroutine calc_force_p1(slen,xp,nrow,den,np,fnode,
+     *npad,rhoavt,nsing,g,coord,ncol,nsing1,dy_flex_init1)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 slen(*),xp(*),den(*),fnode(*),coord(2,*)
+      ifstrow=(nerowm-1)*(np-1)
+      ilstrow=0
+c if there is an extended area (sub. plate), set all forces there to zero
+      slen(1)=(xp(2)-xp(1))/2.0
+      fnode(1)=0.0
+      do i=2,nsing1-1
+      	slen(i)=(xp(i+1)-xp(i-1))/2.0
+      	fnode(i)=0.0
+      end do	
+c calculte the force at the spoint as if it was the first node
+      slen(nsing1)=(xp(nsing1+1)-xp(nsing1))/2.0
+      rhoav=0.0
+      areacheck=0.0
+c     calculate area of the colm
+c     lower triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow)-coord(2,(nsing-2)*nrow+1))
+      height=abs(coord(1,nsing*nrow)-coord(1,(nsing-1)*nrow))
+      areacol=.5*base*height
+c     upper triangle
+      base=abs(coord(2,nsing*nrow)-coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+1))
+      areacol=areacol+.5*base*height
+c     calculate area and density contribution of each elem in colm       	
+      do irow=1,nrow-1
+c     	lower triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,(nsing-2)*nrow+irow+1)-
+     *	coord(2,(nsing-2)*nrow+irow))
+      	areaelm=base*height*.5
+c      	upper triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+irow+1)-
+     *	coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+irow))
+      	areaelm=areaelm+base*height*.5
+c      	contribution to average density
+      	rhoav=rhoav+den((nsing-2)*nrow+irow)*areaelm/areacol
+      	areacheck=areacheck+areaelm
+      end do
+      fnode(nsing1)=slen(nsing1)*g*rhoav*abs(coord(2,nsing*nrow)
+     *-coord(2,(nsing-1)*nrow+1))
+c      print*,'spoint colm plate 1',areacol,areacheck,rhoav
+c last node
+      slen(np)=(xp(np)-xp(np-1))/2.0
+      if(npad.eq.0) then
+c if there is no padding on model edges      
+      	rhoav=0.0
+      	areacheck=0.0
+c      	calculate area of last colm
+c     	lower triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,nrow)-coord(2,1))
+      	height=abs(coord(1,nrow+1)-coord(1,1))
+      	areacol=.5*base*height
+c     	upper triangle
+      	base=abs(coord(2,nrow*2)-coord(2,nrow+1))
+      	areacol=areacol+.5*base*height
+c     	calculate area and density contribution of each elem in colm      	
+      	do irow=1,nrow-1
+c     		lower triangle
+     		base=abs(coord(2,irow+1)-coord(2,irow))
+     		areaelm=.5*base*height
+c     		upper triangle
+      		base=abs(coord(2,nrow+1+i)-coord(2,nrow+i))
+      		areaelm=areaelm+.5*base*height
+c     		contribution to average density
+      		rhoav=rhoav+den(irow)*areaelm/areacol
+      		areacheck=areacheck+areaelm
+      	end do
+      	dy=coord(2,nrow)-coord(2,1)
+      else
+      	rhoav=rhoavt
+      	dy=dy_flex_init1
+      endif	
+      fnode(np)=slen(np)*g*rhoav*dy
+c all other nodes
+      index=0
+      do icol=nsing1+1,np-1
+      	slen(icol)=(xp(icol+1)-xp(icol-1))/2.0
+c       add catch for padded edges of model where density is not defined
+      	if(icol.ge.np-npad) then
+     		rhoav=rhoavt
+     		dy=dy_flex_init1
+      	else	
+      		rhoav=0.0
+      		areacheck=0.0
+      		index=index+1
+      		icol2=nsing-index
+      		dy=coord(2,icol2*nrow)-coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+1)
+c      		now there are two colms to calculate areas for	      	
+c	     	lower left triangle
+      		heightl=abs(coord(1,icol2*nrow)-coord(1,(icol2-1)*nrow))
+      		base=abs(coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow)-coord(2,(icol2-2)*nrow+1))
+      		areacol=.5*base*heightl
+c	      	upper left triangle
+      		base=abs(coord(2,icol2*nrow)-coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+1))
+      		areacol=areacol+.5*base*heightl
+c	     	lower right triangle
+      		heightr=abs(coord(1,(icol2+1)*nrow)-coord(1,icol2*nrow))
+c     		the base is the same for lright and uleft
+      		areacol=areacol+.5*base*heightr
+c	      	upper right triangle
+      		base=abs(coord(2,(icol2+1)*nrow)-coord(2,icol2*nrow+1))
+      		areacol=areacol+.5*base*heightr
+      		do irow=1,nrow-1
+c	     		lower left triangle
+      			base=abs(coord(2,(icol2-2)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *			-coord(2,(icol2-2)*nrow+irow))
+      			areaelml=base*heightl*.5
+c	      		upper left triangle
+      			base=abs(coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+1+irow)
+     *			-coord(2,(icol2-1)*nrow+irow))
+      			areaelml=areaelml+.5*base*heightl
+c	     		lower right triangle
+      			areaelmr=base*heightr*.5
+c	      		upper right triangle
+      			base=abs(coord(2,icol2*nrow+1+irow)
+     *			-coord(2,icol2*nrow+irow))
+      			areaelmr=areaelmr+.5*base*heightr
+c      			contribution to average density
+      			rhoav=rhoav+den((icol2-2)*(nrow-1)+irow)*areaelml
+     *			/areacol+den((icol2-1)*(nrow-1)+irow)*areaelmr/areacol
+      			areacheck=areacheck+areaelml+areaelmr
+      		end do
+      	end	if
+      	fnode(icol)=slen(icol)*g*rhoav*dy
+      end do	
+      end
+c*                                                                     *
+c*    routine to input bulk of data                                    *
+c*                                                                     *
+      subroutine input(nn,ne,lbw,numvbn,numpbn,nout,ntsts,ncol,nrow,
+     *ndf,minter,lda,miter,toler,nrowt,ncolt,nnt,net,rhof,rhoman,ncom,
+     *nsing,numsid,vrig,delt,nbn,npass,npoint,convel,
+     *epsinv,nout_t,nlrow,upveln,erosl,erosr,peros,rpow,iunflag,
+     *iunbeg,ntherm,dtherm,w_depth,beta,prig,rrig,sload,smomen,xadd,
+     *ctoler,wtoler,np1,np2,npad,nsing1,ndom,ntbn,lbwt,ldat,nlcol,
+     *slpmax,tmax,sealev,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,wdepth,nsthick,
+     *plthick,numvetbn,leqflag,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,isedr,
+     *ibasflg,intmrkb,nbastrk,nbastary,nbastind,ninbas,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      open(3,file='input/mesh',position='rewind')
+      open(2,file='input/connections.dat',position='rewind')
+c mech model (# nodes, # elements, l-mesh style, dof and bandwidth)
+      read(3,102) nn,ne
+      read(3,102) nrow,ncol
+      read(3,103)plscale,rlscale,blscale,dfact
+      write(6,*)'Mech Mesh'
+      write(6,*)' number of nodes=',nn,'number of elems=',ne
+      write(6,*) ' nrow=',nrow,'ncol=',ncol
+      print*,'Lagrangian mesh'
+      print*,' Pro-side stretching factor =',plscale
+      print*,' Retro-side strectching factor =',rlscale
+      print*,' Base stretchig factor =',blscale
+      print*,' Density of mesh compared to eulerian =',dfact
+      lbw=2*nrow+3
+      ndf=nn*2
+      write(6,*)'degrees of freedom=',ndf,'bandwidth=',lbw
+c calculate the # rows in abd (stiff. matrix stored in banded form 
+c	for use in LAPAK solvers).  Assumes that stiff. is symmetric
+      lda=(3*lbw+1)
+      print*,'number of rows in abd = ',lda
+c input parameters for thermal mesh
+      read(3,102)nnt,net
+      read(3,102) nrowt,ncolt,nsthick
+      write(6,*)'Parameters for Thermal Mesh'
+      write(6,*) ' number of nodes = ',nnt,' number of elements = ',net
+      write(6,*) ' nrow = ',nrowt,' ncol = ',ncolt      
+      write(6,*) ' Sub. slab thickness in nodes =',nsthick
+c reference thickness of lith, used in thermal remeshing
+      read(3,103)plthick
+      write(6,*) ' Sub. slab thickness in meters =',plthick
+c spoint node
+      read(3,102)nsing
+      print*,'Spoint= ',nsing
+c convergence velocity and underplating parameters
+      read(3,119)convel,upveln
+      read(3,107)iunflag,iunbeg
+      write(6,*)'Convergence Velocity = ',convel
+      print*,'Underplating normal velocity =',upveln
+      if(iunflag.eq.0)
+     *print*,' Using node location criteria ibeg= ',iunbeg
+c rigid visc
+      read(3,103)vrig       
+      print*,'Rigid Viscosity =',vrig
+c compressibility, epsinv
+      read(3,103)beta,epsinv,tmax
+      print*,'Compressibility =',beta
+      print*,'epsinv =',epsinv
+      print*,'tmax =',tmax
+c flag for linear or non-linear eqns
+      read(3,102)leqflag
+      if(leqflag.eq.1) print*,'using linear visc. eqns'
+      if(leqflag.ne.1) print*,'using non-linear visc. eqns'
+c flag for allowing purely plastic deformation (no visc)
+      read(3,102)iplasflg
+      if(iplasflg.eq.1) then
+      	print*,'purely plastic formulation (visc=vrig)'
+      else
+      	print*,'visco-plasti formulation'
+      endif	
+c overlying fluid (ocean) and mantle density      
+      read(3,103)rhof,rhoman
+      print*,'Fluid density	=',rhof
+      print*,'Mantle density=',rhoman
+c flexural/isostacy parameters
+      read(3,102)ncom
+      read(3,103)prig,rrig,sload,smomen
+      read(3,103)xadd,ctoler,wdepth,wtoler
+      read(3,102)np1,np2,npad,nsing1
+      if(ncom.eq.0) then
+      	print*,'Local isostacy'
+      else if(ncom.eq.1) then
+      	print*,'One plate flex. Compensation'
+      	print*,'D					=',prig
+      else if(ncom.eq.2) then
+      	print*,'Two plate Flex. Compensation'
+      	print*,'  Pro D	=',prig
+      	print*,'  Retro D=',rrig
+      	print*,'  Sub. load	=',sload
+      	print*,'  Sub. moment=',smomen
+      	print*,'  Extension of plate 1=',xadd
+      	print*,'  Coupling toler.=',ctoler
+      	print*,'  Water iter. toler	=',wtoler
+      	print*,'  Nodes in plate 1=',np1
+      	print*,'  Nodes in plate 2=',np2
+      	print*,'  Node padding at edges	=',npad
+      	print*,'  Spoint in plate 1 ref	=',nsing1
+      endif	
+c ref. water depth
+      print*,'Water Depth=',wdepth
+c Mechanical model boundary conditions
+      read(3,102)numvbn,numvetbn,numpbn,numsid,nbn
+      print*,'Number of x,y edge velocity boundary nodes =',numvbn
+      print*,'Number of tangent edge velocity boundary nodes ='
+     *,numvetbn
+      print*,'Number of pressure boundary nodes =',numpbn
+      print*,'Number of loaded sides =',numsid
+      print*,'Number of basal tangent velocity nodes =',nbn
+c Time stepping and iteration parameters      
+      read(3,104)ntsts,delt
+      read(3,102)nout,nout_t
+      read(3,109)minter,miter,npass,toler
+      print*,'Number of timesteps=',ntsts
+      print*,'Timestep length=',delt
+      print*,'Output interval for all=',nout
+      print*,'Output interval for L-temp=',nout_t
+      print*,'Min number of iterations=',minter
+      print*,'Max number of iterations =',miter
+      print*,'Convergence tolerance	=',toler
+      print*,'Number of filtering passes=',npass
+c output dt for plasti output for dx
+      open(7,file='output/dt_out')
+      write(7,103)dble(nout*delt)
+      close(7)
+      print*,'Plasti output every (my):',dble(nout*delt)
+c Erosion parameters
+      read(3,103)erosl,erosr,peros,rpow
+      print*,'Pro side erosion coef.=',erosl
+      print*,'Retro side erosion coef.=',erosr
+      print*,'Ridge erosion coef.=',peros
+      print*,'Ridge erosion power=',rpow
+c sedimentation parameters
+      read(3,112)ipkfill,ibasfill,isedl,isedr,sedmax
+      if(ipkfill.eq.1) print*,'Sedimentation between peaks'
+      if(ibasfill.eq.1) then
+      	print*,'Sedimentation in bounding basins, max fill',sedmax
+      endif	
+      if(ipkfill.eq.1) print*,'Sedimentation bounds =',isedl,isedr
+c basin tracking parameters
+      read(3,101)ibasflg,intmrkb,nbastary,nbastind
+      if(ibasflg.eq.1) then
+      	print*,'Basin tracking is on'
+      	print*,'	mark every',intmrkb,'time steps'
+      else
+      	print*,'Basin Tracking is off'
+      endif	
+      allocate(bastrk(4,nbastary),ibastrk(2,nbastind),ieletpb(nbastary))
+      nbastrk=0
+      ninbas=0
+      bastrk=0.0
+      ibastrk=0
+      ieletpb=100
+c maximum surface slope
+      read(3,103)slpmax
+      print*,'Maximum Surface Slope =',slpmax
+c thermal runup parameters
+      read(3,104)ntherm,dtherm
+      print*,'Num of therm runup steps =',ntherm
+      print*,'Length of runup steps	=',dtherm
+c number of boundary layers
+      read(3,102)iblay,iblayt
+      print*,'Number of boundary layers'
+      print*,'	base:',iblay
+      print*,'	top:',iblayt
+c read in arrays of density, int. angle of friction and cohesion
+c	for the mech model
+      allocate(den(ne),phi(ne),coh(ne),vmin(ne),q(ne),prex(ne),expn(ne))
+      do i=1,ne
+      	read(3,113)den(i),phi(i),coh(i),vmin(i),q(i),prex(i),expn(i)
+      end do	
+c read in nodal coordinates and divide into therm and mech parts
+      allocate(coordt(2,nnt),coord(2,nn))
+      do i=1,nnt
+		read(3,113)coordt(1,i),coordt(2,i)
+	  end do	
+	  icount=0
+	  do i=1,nnt,nrowt
+	  	do j=1,nrow
+	  		k=i+(j-1)+(nrowt-nrow)
+	  		icount=((i-1)/nrowt)*nrow+j
+        	coord(1,icount)=coordt(1,k)
+        	coord(2,icount)=coordt(2,k)
+        end do
+      end do  
+c read in connections for mech model
+      allocate(node(4,ne))
+      do i=1,ne
+      	read(3,102)node(1,i),node(2,i),node(3,i),node(4,i)
+      end do	
+c  set up initial thickness vector for isostacy problem
+      allocate(zinit(ncol))
+      do icol=1,ncol
+      	itop=icol*(nrow)
+      	ibot=itop-nrow+1
+      	zinit(icol)=coord(2,itop)-coord(2,ibot)
+      end do
+c set initital position of base as equilibrium position for isostacy
+      ncount=0
+      allocate(zeq(ncol))
+      do i=1,nn,nrow
+  	  	ncount=(i-1)/nrow +1
+      	zeq(ncount)=coord(2,i)
+      end do
+c define sealevel and make array of water depths
+      allocate(wdinit(ncol))
+      sealev=wdepth+coord(2,nrow)
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	wdtemp=sealev-coord(2,i*nrow)
+      	if(wdtemp.gt.0.0) then
+      		wdinit(i)=wdtemp
+      	else
+      		wdinit(i)=0.0
+      	endif
+      end do
+c output sealevel for DX ploting
+      open(8,file='output/sea_level',position='rewind')
+      if(wdepth.lt.1.0) then
+      	write(8,113)wdepth,coord(1,nrow),coord(1,nn)
+      else
+		write(8,113)sealev,coord(1,nrow),coord(1,nn)
+      end if		
+      close(8)
+c input velocity boundary nodes
+      allocate(nvnd(2,numvbn),bvel(numvbn))
+      do i=1,numvbn
+      	read(3,114)nvnd(1,i),nvnd(2,i),bvel(i)
+      end do
+c input pressure boundary nodes
+      allocate(npnd(numpbn),bp(numpbn))
+      do i=1,numpbn
+      	read(3,115)npnd(i),bp(i)
+      end do
+c  input edge tangential velocity BCs
+      allocate(nvtnd(numvetbn),bvelt(numvetbn))
+      do i=1,numvetbn
+      	read(3,115) nvtnd(i),bvelt(i)
+      end do	
+c  input base tangential velocity BCs
+      allocate(nbase(nbn),basvel(nbn),unvel(nbn))
+      do i=1,nbn
+      	read(3,115) nbase(i),basvel(i),unvel(i)
+      	basvel(i)=basvel(i)
+      end do	
+c input loaded sides
+      allocate(nsnd(4,numsid),bside(numsid))
+      if(numsid.eq.0)go to 211
+      do i=1,numsid
+      	read(3,109)nsnd(1,i),nsnd(2,i),nsnd(3,i),nsnd(4,i),bside(i)
+      end do
+  211 continue
+c thermal parameters 
+c number of nodes, number of elements, number of domains, num temp BCs
+      read(3,102)njunk,njunk1,ndom,ntbn
+c node connections and bandwidth
+      allocate(nodet(net,5))
+      lbwt=0
+      read(2,102)njunk
+      do i=1,net
+      	read(2,102)nodet(i,1),nodet(i,2),nodet(i,3)
+      	nodet(i,4)=0
+      	nodet(i,5)=0
+      	id1=iabs(nodet(i,1)-nodet(i,2))
+      	id2=iabs(nodet(i,1)-nodet(i,3))
+      	id3=iabs(nodet(i,2)-nodet(i,3))
+      	if(id1.gt.lbwt)lbwt=id1
+      	if(id2.gt.lbwt)lbwt=id2
+      	if(id3.gt.lbwt)lbwt=id3
+      end do
+      ldat=(3*lbwt+1)
+c domain map
+      do i=1,net
+      	read(3,102)nodet(i,5)
+      end do	
+c thermal conductivity
+      allocate(tcond(2,net))
+      do i=1,net
+      	read(3,113)tcond(1,i),tcond(2,i)
+      end do	
+c density in thermal calc
+      allocate(trho(net))
+      do i=1,net
+      	read(3,113)trho(i)
+      end do	
+c spec. heat
+      allocate(spheat(net))
+      do i=1,net
+      	read(3,113)spheat(i)
+      end do	
+c heat production
+      allocate(hprod(net))
+      do i=1,net
+      	read(3,113)hprod(i)
+      end do	
+c input constant temp nodes
+      allocate(ntbnd(ntbn),btem(ntbn))
+      do i=1,ntbn
+      	read(3,115)ntbnd(i),btem(i)
+      end do	
+c flexure profiles
+      allocate(xp1(np1),yp1(np1),dyinit1(np1),
+     *xp2(np2),yp2(np2),dyinit2(np2))
+      do i=1,np1
+      	read(3,113)xp1(i),yp1(i),dyinit1(i)
+      end do
+      do i=1,np2
+      	read(3,113)xp2(i),yp2(i),dyinit2(i)
+      end do	
+c output file flags
+      read(3,101)noutput
+      allocate(output_flags(noutput))
+      do i=1,noutput
+      	read(3,101)output_flags(i)
+      end do	
+c Allocate other arrays
+c	mech. model vel arrays
+      allocate(vely(nn),velx(nn))
+      do i=1,nn
+      	vely(i)=0.0
+      	velx(i)=basvel(1)
+      end do	
+c mean stress and others
+      allocate(sbar(ne,3),stress(ne,4),srate(ne,4),sprev(ne))
+c gauss point viscosity, plasti failure flag
+      allocate(visc(ne,4),ipflag(ne,4),bulkmod(ne,4))
+c linear system of eqns
+      allocate(rhs(2*nn),abd(lda,2*nn),soln(2*nn),ip(2*nn)) 
+c not sure what this is. used in frictg routine which is no longer used
+      allocate(vbound(nbn),theta(nbn))
+c surface profile
+      allocate(xsur(2,ncol),xsurold(2,ncol))
+c used in isostacy/flexure calc and remeshing routine
+      allocate(ziso(ncol),zinc(2,ncol),cbase(ncol))
+c power-law and other viscosities
+      allocate(vpower(2,ne))
+c mechanical model temps
+      allocate(temp(ne),temptc(nn),toldc(nn))
+c surface erosion, valley and ridge surfaces
+      allocate(veros(2,ncol),vsur(2,ncol),rsur(2,ncol))
+      allocate(vdiff(2,ncol),rdiff(2,ncol))
+c thermal velocities and temps
+      allocate(vx(net),vz(net),tempt(nnt),told(nnt))
+c record the amount of closed basin filling and max slope cutting
+      allocate(basinfill(ncol),nbasinfill(ncol))
+      allocate(npeakchop(ncol),peakchop(ncol))
+      basinfill=0.0
+      nbasinfill=0
+      npeakchop=0
+      peakchop=0.0
+c set initial thickness of the padded regions used in the flexure
+c	calculation
+      dy_flex_init2=coord(2,nn)-coord(2,nn+1-nrow)
+      dy_flex_init1=coord(2,nrow)-coord(2,1)
+c make lagrangian mesh
+      call mk_lmesh(convel,ntsts,delt,plscale,ncol,rlscale,
+     *upveln,blscale,nlrow,nrow,dfact,nn,nlcol,npoint)
+      allocate(exhum(npoint))
+  101 format(9i5)
+  102 format(9i8)
+  103 format(4e16.8,i5)
+  104 format(i5,2e16.8)
+  107 format(i2,i4,e16.8)  
+  109 format(3i5,e16.8)
+  112 format(4i5,e10.2)
+  113 format(9e23.15)
+  114 format(2i8,4e23.15)
+  115 format(i8,4e23.15)
+  119 format(2f8.1,e13.8)
+      close(2)
+      close(3)
+      end  
+c*                                                                 *
+c*    routine to make lagrangian mesh                              *
+c*                                                                 *
+      subroutine mk_lmesh(convel,ntsts,delt,plscale,ncol,rlscale,
+     *upveln,blscale,nlrow,nrow,dfact,nn,nlcol,npoint)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c calculate the extent of the mesh past the pro/retro model edges
+      xlmin=coord(1,1)-convel*dble(ntsts)*delt*plscale
+      xlmax=coord(1,ncol*nrow)*rlscale
+c calculate the factor for how far below the model base to extend mesh
+c	allows for tracking of underplated particles
+      if(upveln.gt.0.0) then
+      	blscale=blscale
+      else
+      	blscale=1.0
+      endif	
+c number of rows,colms and nodes in  mesh
+      nlrow=nrow*dfact
+c	desired spacing      
+      dxl=(coord(1,nn)-coord(1,1))/(dble(ncol)*dfact)
+c	number of colms
+      nlcol=floor((xlmax-xlmin)/dxl)+1
+c 	number of nodes      
+      npoint=nlcol*nlrow      
+      allocate(tpoint(7,npoint),ieletp(npoint))
+c mesh domain starting from retro side
+c	find begining eulerian node 
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	if(coord(1,nrow*i).ge.xlmax) then
+      		ibeg=i
+      		exit
+      	end if
+      end do	
+c 	mesh domain
+c	first row
+      index=0
+	  ylbase=coord(2,(ibeg-1)*nrow+1)/blscale
+	  xl=coord(1,ibeg*nrow)
+	  dy=(coord(2,ibeg*nrow)-ylbase)/dble(nlrow-1)
+	  do i=1,nlrow
+	  	index=index+1
+	  	tpoint(1,index)=xl
+	  	tpoint(2,index)=ylbase+dy*dble(i-1)
+	  	ieletp(index)=100
+	  	do k=3,7
+	  		tpoint(k,index)=0.0
+	  	end do
+	  end do	
+c	all other nodes
+      iflag=0
+c	e nodes on the l and r if l node
+      iel=ibeg-1
+      ier=ibeg
+      do j=2,nlcol
+      	xl=xl-dxl
+c	if l node is outside bounds of e nodes (iel and ier) find new e node bounds
+      	if(xl.lt.coord(1,iel*nrow)) then
+c			if at pro edge, use pro edge thickness for the rest of the mesh
+      		if(iel.eq.1) then
+      			iel=iel
+      			ier=ier
+      			iflag=1
+      		else
+      			do i=iel,1,-1
+      				if(coord(1,i*nrow).lt.xl) then
+      					iel=i
+      					ier=i+1
+      					exit
+      				endif
+      			end do	
+      		end if
+      	end if
+c		if still in mech domain      	
+      	if(iflag.eq.0) then
+c 			slope at model surface and base
+      		tslope=(coord(2,iel*nrow)-coord(2,ier*nrow))/
+     *		(coord(1,iel*nrow)-coord(1,ier*nrow))
+      		bslope=(coord(2,(iel-1)*nrow+1)-coord(2,(ier-1)*nrow+1))/
+     * 		(coord(1,iel*nrow)-coord(1,ier*nrow))
+c     		x dist of lnode past rhs e node
+      		difx=xl-coord(1,ier*nrow)
+c     		surface and base of lmesh at l node
+      		ylbase=(coord(2,(ier-1)*nrow+1)+difx*bslope)/blscale
+      		yltop=coord(2,ier*nrow)+difx*tslope
+c			vert. spacing of l nodes
+      		dy=(yltop-ylbase)/dble(nlrow-1)
+      		do i=1,nlrow
+      			index=index+1
+      			tpoint(1,index)=xl
+      			tpoint(2,index)=ylbase+dble(i-1)*dy
+      			ieletp(index)=100
+      			do k=3,7
+      				tpoint(k,index)=0.0
+      			end do
+      		end do
+c		if outside mech domain      		
+      	else
+      		yltop=coord(2,nrow)
+      		ylbase=coord(2,1)/blscale
+      		dy=(yltop-ylbase)/dble(nlrow-1)
+      		do i=1,nlrow
+      			index=index+1
+      			tpoint(1,index)=xl
+      			tpoint(2,index)=ylbase+dble(i-1)*dy
+      			ieletp(index)=100
+      			do k=3,7
+      				tpoint(k,index)=0.0
+      			end do
+      		end do	
+      	endif
+      end do	
+      end
+c  routine to filter checkerboard out of pressure field
+      subroutine pfilt(ne,nr,npass)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      nrow=nr-1
+      ncol=ne/(nrow)
+      do 100 ipass=1,npass
+c  filter corners
+      sprev(1)=.5*(sbar(1,1)+sbar(1+nrow,1))
+      sprev(nrow)=.5*(sbar(nrow,1)+sbar(nrow+nrow,1))
+      sprev(ne)=.5*(sbar(ne,1)+sbar(ne-nrow,1))
+      sprev(ne-nrow+1)=.5*(sbar(ne-nrow+1,1)+sbar(ne-nrow+1-nrow,1))
+c  filter edges
+      icol=1
+c!OMP parallel
+c!OMP do private(irow,iele)
+      do 10 irow=2,nrow-1
+      iele=(icol-1)*(nrow)+irow
+      sprev(iele)=sbar(iele,1)/2.0d0+sbar(iele-1,1)/6.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele+1,1)
+     */6.0d0+sbar(iele+nrow,1)/6.0d0
+   10 continue
+c!OMP end do
+      icol=ncol
+c!OMP do private(irow,iele)
+      do 20 irow=2,nrow-1
+      iele=(icol-1)*(nrow)+irow
+      sprev(iele)=sbar(iele,1)/2.0d0+sbar(iele-1,1)/6.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele+1,1)
+     */6.0d0+sbar(iele-nrow,1)/6.0d0
+   20 continue
+c!OMP end do
+      irow=1
+c!OMP do private(icol,iele)
+      do 30 icol=2,ncol-1
+      iele=(icol-1)*(nrow)+irow
+      sprev(iele)=sbar(iele,1)/2.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele+nrow,1)/4.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele-nrow,1)/4.0d0
+   30 continue
+c!OMP end do
+      irow=nrow
+c!OMP do private(icol,iele)
+      do 40 icol=2,ncol-1
+      iele=(icol-1)*(nrow)+irow
+      sprev(iele)=sbar(iele,1)/2.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele+nrow,1)/4.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele-nrow,1)/4.0d0
+   40 continue
+c!OMP end do
+c  filter interior
+c!OMP do private(icol,irow,iele)
+      do 49 icol=2,ncol-1
+      do 50 irow=2,nrow-1
+      iele=(icol-1)*(nrow)+irow
+      sprev(iele)=sbar(iele,1)/2.0d0+sbar(iele-1,1)/8.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele+1,1)/8.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele+nrow,1)/8.0d0
+     *+sbar(iele-nrow,1)/8.0d0
+   50 continue
+   49 continue
+c!OMP end do
+c  put back into sbar
+c!OMP do private(iele)
+      do 80 iele=1,ne
+      sbar(iele,1)=sprev(iele)
+   80 continue
+c!OMP end do
+c!OMP end parallel
+  100 continue
+      return
+      end
+c*                                                                     *
+c* routine to calculate stresses, strain rates and viscosity           *
+c*                                                                     *
+      subroutine ss(ne,nn,lbw,delt,ndf,nrow,c,beta,vrig)
+	  use dyn_arrays_mech
+	  use dyn_arrays
+	  parameter(nstbis=21)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      double precision delt,c,beta,vrig
+      dimension ix(9),lr(9),lz(9),lw(9)
+      real*8 ul(2,4),d(10),xl(2,4),bulkl(1,9),viscl(1,9),p(2,1)
+     *,sigavl(1,4),epsavl(1,4),kel(9,9),sbarl(1,3),pflagl(1,9),
+     *deltl,xs(2,2),sx(2,2),erhs(3),cmpp1(6),shps(4),shpt(4)
+	  logical*1 flg
+      common /eltvar/ iele,d,irow,ul,xl,i,j,kel,deltl,
+     c viscl,bulkl,pflagl,sbarl,p,sigavl,epsavl,epsinv,vpow,l,
+     c ptot,volt,ptemp,lint,shpp,k,v,ddv,dv,epstra,epsdev,xvol,
+     c xlam,xcom,xmu,xrho,devstre,rj2d,presl,ivmises,
+     c sigy,cosphi,sinphi,radret,rj2de,lp,mp,k1,a1,a2,a3,
+     c cmpp1,erhs,etemp,lloc,iax,ino,piv,ii,nn2,ipjp,dd,ijp,jip,
+     c ij,fac,nstu,flg,inopredv,isw,
+     c sg,tg,wg,shp,fp,dperm,pgg,ig,sx,xs,xsj,tp,
+     c a4,a5,a6,b1,b2,j1,sum,cmpp,iia,cdpu,ix,stressl,d5,xdiv
+      data lr/-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1,0/,lz/-1,-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,0/
+      data lw/4*25,4*40,64/
+      data shps/-0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.5/,shpt/-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5/
+c add declarations for elt03n vars
+	dimension shp(3,9),sg(9),tg(9),wg(9),sig(6),eps(3),wd(2),
+     *  v(2),dv(2,2),shpp(3),indx(nstbis),cmpp(6),
+     *  cdpu(54),fp(3),ptot(3),devstre(4),epsdev(4),stressl(4)
+      ndfe=2
+      ndm=2
+      nst=9
+      nen=4
+      nel=4
+      kstep=2
+      n=1
+      maxn=1
+c loop over each element
+      do iele=1,ne
+      	press=sbar(iele,1)
+      	if(press.lt.0.0)press=0.00
+      end do
+	do 100 iele=1,ne
+      inopredv=0
+      isw=3
+      d(1)=vpower(1,iele)
+      d(2)=(1.0/beta)
+      d(3)=(den(iele))
+      d(4)=2
+      irow=mod(iele,nrow-1)
+      if(irow.eq.0)irow=nrow-1
+      d(5)=phi(iele)
+      d(6)=coh(iele)
+      d(7)=1.0e14
+      d(8)=0.0
+      d(9)=0.0
+      d(10)=0.0
+      do 35 j=1,4
+      ul(1,j)=(velx(node(j,iele)))
+      ul(2,j)=(vely(node(j,iele)))
+   35 continue
+      do 45 j=1,4
+      xl(1,j)=(coord(1,node(j,iele)))
+      xl(2,j)=(coord(2,node(j,iele)))
+   45 continue
+      do 291 i=1,9
+      do 290 j=1,9
+      kel(i,j)=0.0
+  290 continue
+  291 continue
+      deltl=(delt)
+c     ix(1)=0.0
+c     p(1,1)=0.0
+      do 150 j=1,4
+      viscl(1,j)=(visc(iele,j))
+      bulkl(1,j)=(bulkmod(iele,j))
+      pflagl(1,j)=dble(ipflag(iele,j))
+  150 continue
+      sbarl(1,1)=(sbar(iele,1))
+c      call elt03n(inopredv,d,ul,xl,ix,kel,p,ndfe,ndm,nst,isw,deltl
+c     *,nen,n,nel,viscl,bulkl,sbarl,pflagl,sigavl,epsavl,maxn,kstep)
+*********  add in subroutine
+	nelp=1
+      l=d(4)
+      nstu=ndfe*nen
+c so dp is in pinc
+      ptot(1)=sbarl(n,1)
+      ptot(2)=sbarl(n,2)
+      ptot(3)=sbarl(n,3)
+c replace call with subroutine -- OK
+c      call pgauss(l,lint,sg,tg,wg)
+	pgg=1./dsqrt(3.0d0)
+	lint=l*l
+	do ig=1,4
+	  sg(ig)=pgg*lr(ig)
+	  tg(ig)=pgg*lz(ig)
+	  wg(ig)=1.
+	end do
+c end of pgauss
+      volt=0.
+      ptemp=0.
+      sigavl(n,1)=0.
+      sigavl(n,2)=0.
+      sigavl(n,3)=0.
+      sigavl(n,4)=0.
+      epsavl(n,1)=0.
+      epsavl(n,2)=0.
+      epsavl(n,3)=0
+      epsavl(n,4)=0.
+      do 65 l=1,lint
+c replace with subroutine lines -- creates error in elimp
+c      call shape(sg(l),tg(l),xl,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,.false.)
+	flg=.false.
+      do 103 i=1,4
+      shp(3,i)=(0.5+shps(i)*sg(l))*(0.5+shpt(i)*tg(l))
+      shp(1,i)=shps(i)*(0.5+shpt(i)*tg(l))
+      shp(2,i)=shpt(i)*(0.5+shps(i)*sg(l))
+  103 continue
+      if(nel.ge.4)goto 120
+      do 110 i=1,3
+      shp(i,3)=shp(i,3)+shp(i,4)
+  110 continue
+  120 if(nel.gt.4)call shap2(sg(l),tg(l),shp,ix,nel)
+      do 132 i=1,ndm
+      do 131 j=1,2
+      xs(i,j)=0.0
+      do 130 k=1,nel
+      xs(i,j)=xs(i,j)+xl(i,k)*shp(j,k)
+  130 continue
+  131 continue
+  132 continue
+      xsj=xs(1,1)*xs(2,2)-xs(1,2)*xs(2,1)
+      if(flg) goto 141
+      sx(1,1)=xs(2,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,2)=xs(1,1)/xsj
+      sx(1,2)=-xs(1,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,1)=-xs(2,1)/xsj
+      do 140 i=1,nel
+      tp=shp(1,i)*sx(1,1)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,1)
+      shp(2,i)=shp(1,i)*sx(1,2)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,2)
+      shp(1,i)=tp
+  140 continue
+  141 continue
+c end of shape
+      shpp(1)=1.
+      shpp(2)=sg(l)
+      shpp(3)=tg(l)
+c compute v at l
+      do 38 i=1,2
+      v(i)=0.
+      do 31 k=1,nel
+      v(i)=v(i)+shp(3,k)*ul(i,k)
+   31 continue
+c compute gradv at l
+      do 37 j=1,2
+      ddv=0.0
+c FIX this loop -- don't bother, nel is small
+      do 32 k=1,nel
+      ddv=ddv+shp(j,k)*ul(i,k)
+   32 continue
+      dv(i,j)=ddv
+   37 continue
+   38 continue
+c from dv every strain or spin rate ...
+      epstra=(dv(1,1)+dv(2,2))/3.
+c convention 1=xx 2=yy 3=xy(not 2*xy) 4=zz=out of plane
+      epsdev(1)=dv(1,1)-epstra
+      epsdev(2)=dv(2,2)-epstra
+      epsdev(3)=(dv(1,2)+dv(2,1))/2.
+c because this is the plane strain elmt
+      epsdev(4)=0.
+      epsavl(n,1)=epsavl(n,1)+dv(1,1)
+      epsavl(n,2)=epsavl(n,2)+dv(2,2)
+      epsavl(n,3)=epsavl(n,3)+0.5*(dv(1,2)+dv(2,1))
+      epsavl(n,4)=epsavl(n,3)+0.5*(dv(1,2)-dv(2,1))
+c     linear case   or no predictor
+      if(inopredv.eq.1)then
+c or restart
+      if(kstep.eq.1)then
+      viscl(n,l)=d(1)
+      bulkl(n,l)=d(2)
+                    endif
+      xvol=1.
+      xlam=deltl*bulkl(n,l)
+      xcom=1.0/xlam
+      xmu=viscl(n,l)
+      xrho=d(3)
+                      else
+c     nonlinear case = nonlinear iteration technique .
+c  in the general case use this to compute stress predictor and next stif
+      xvol=1.
+      xlam=deltl*bulkl(n,l)
+      xcom=1.0/xlam
+      xrho=d(3)
+      xmu=viscl(n,l)
+c strain stress law here viscous '!isotropic!'
+      devstre(1)=2.*xmu*epsdev(1)
+      devstre(2)=2.*xmu*epsdev(2)
+      devstre(3)=2.*xmu*epsdev(3)
+      devstre(4)=2.*xmu*epsdev(4)
+c invariant
+      rj2d=(devstre(1)*devstre(1)+devstre(2)*devstre(2))/2.0+
+     *devstre(3)*devstre(3)
+      rj2d=sqrt(rj2d)
+c refind pressure at gauss point level
+      presl=0.0
+      do 1155 i=1,nelp
+c dont forget to update press(n,i)
+      presl=presl+(ptot(i))*shpp(i)
+ 1155 continue
+      stressl(1)=-presl+devstre(1)
+      stressl(2)=-presl+devstre(2)
+      stressl(3)=devstre(3)
+      stressl(4)=-presl+devstre(4)
+      ptemp=ptemp+presl
+      sigavl(n,1)=sigavl(n,1)+stressl(1)
+      sigavl(n,2)=sigavl(n,2)+stressl(2)
+      sigavl(n,3)=sigavl(n,3)+stressl(3)
+      sigavl(n,4)=sigavl(n,4)+stressl(4)
+c compute state variable control
+      ivmises=0
+      if(d(5).lt.0.)then
+      ivmises=1
+      sigy=-d(5)
+                    else
+      d5=3.14159*d(5)/180.
+      cosphi=dcos(d5)
+      sinphi=dsin(d5)
+      coh2=d(6)
+      if(presl.lt.0.0)then
+      	sigy=coh2*cosphi
+      else
+      	sigy=presl*sinphi+coh2*cosphi
+       if(sigy.lt.0.0)print*,d(5)
+c      	if(sigy.lt.0.0)print*,presl,sinphi
+c      	if(sigy.lt.0.0)print*,coh2,cosphi
+      endif
+                    endif
+      if(sigy.gt.d(7))sigy=d(7)
+      if(sigy.lt.0.0)write(*,*)'pos 2: sigy < 0 elt n= ',n
+c     radial return
+      radret=rj2d/sigy
+         if(pflagl(n,l).gt.0.or.radret.gt.1.)then
+c plastic flow
+         pflagl(n,l)=1
+c notice that the following computation is redundant.
+         rj2de=(epsdev(1)**2+epsdev(2)**2)/2.0+epsdev(3)**2
+         rj2de=dsqrt(rj2de)
+         xmu=sigy/(2.0*rj2de)
+         if(xmu.gt.d(1))then
+                        xmu=d(1)
+                        pflagl(n,l)=0
+                             endif
+                                             endif
+c     update nonlinear rheology
+c here in general the whole rheology is reparametrized
+             viscl(n,l)=xmu
+                      endif
+      xvol=xvol*xsj*wg(l)
+      xlam=xlam*xsj*wg(l)
+      xcom=xcom*xsj*wg(l)
+      xmu=xmu*xsj*wg(l)
+      xrho=xrho*xsj*wg(l)
+      volt=volt+xvol
+c     write(2,*)'end control                        '
+c     isotropic operator     : spp
+c     (dev-is  coupling)
+      do 400 lp=1,nelp
+      do 401 mp=1,nelp
+      kel(nstu+lp,nstu+mp)=kel(nstu+lp,nstu+mp)+
+     1xcom*shpp(lp)*shpp(mp)
+  401 continue
+  400 continue
+c     write(2,*)'end spp                            '
+      if(isw.eq.6)goto 60
+      k1=1
+c nel = 4, so not worth parallelizing?
+      do 34 k=1,nel
+c add this line
+c	k1=1+(k-1)*ndfe
+      a1=xmu*shp(1,k)
+      a2=xmu*shp(2,k)
+      a3=xrho*(dv(1,1)*shp(3,k)+v(1)*shp(1,k)+v(2)*shp(2,k))
+      a4=xrho*(dv(2,2)*shp(3,k)+v(1)*shp(1,k)+v(2)*shp(2,k))
+      a5=xrho*dv(1,2)*shp(3,k)
+      a6=xrho*dv(2,1)*shp(3,k)
+c eliminate deviatoric part
+c     b1=xlam*shp(1,k)
+c     b2=xlam*shp(2,k)
+      b1=0.
+      b2=0.
+      j1=1
+      do 33 j=1,nel
+c add this line
+c	j1=1+(j-1)*ndfe
+c     deviatoric operator    : suu
+c     (dev-dev coupling)
+c xj xk
+      kel(j1,k1)=kel(j1,k1)+shp(1,j)*a1+shp(2,j)*a2
+      kel(j1,k1)=kel(j1,k1)+(shp(1,j)*a1)/3.0
+c xj yk
+      kel(j1,k1+1)=kel(j1,k1+1)+0.
+c     kel(j1,k1+1)=kel(j1,k1+1)+a1*shp(2,j)/3.0
+      kel(j1,k1+1)=kel(j1,k1+1)-2.*a2*shp(1,j)/3.0+a1*shp(2,j)
+c yj xk
+      kel(j1+1,k1)=kel(j1+1,k1)+0.
+c     kel(j1+1,k1)=kel(j1+1,k1)+a2*shp(1,j)/3.0
+      kel(j1+1,k1)=kel(j1+1,k1)-2.*a1*shp(2,j)/3.0+a2*shp(1,j)
+c yj yk
+      kel(j1+1,k1+1)=kel(j1+1,k1+1)+shp(1,j)*a1+shp(2,j)*a2
+      kel(j1+1,k1+1)=kel(j1+1,k1+1)+(shp(2,j)*a2)/3.0
+c this if statement breaks the elegance of the code helas!
+c     write(2,*)'end suu                            '
+      if(k.eq.1)then
+c     iso-dev   operator     : sup
+c     (dev-is  coupling)
+      do 333 mp=1,nelp
+      kel(nstu+mp,j1)=kel(nstu+mp,j1)+xvol*shpp(mp)*shp(1,j)
+      kel(nstu+mp,j1+1)=kel(nstu+mp,j1+1)+xvol*shpp(mp)*shp(2,j)
+      kel(j1,nstu+mp)=kel(nstu+mp,j1)
+      kel(j1+1,nstu+mp)=kel(nstu+mp,j1+1)
+  333 continue
+c	write(6,*) 'kel:',kel(1,1),kel(9,9)
+      endif
+      j1=j1+ndfe
+   33 continue
+      k1=k1+ndfe
+   34 continue
+c     write(2,*)'end sup                            '
+c     solve iso-dev coupling at the element level :
+c     elimination of internal dofs .here pressure.
+c     if u-u convective term is not zero s is not symmetric
+c     if u-p convective term is not zero s is not symmetric
+c        u-p convective term arises from stress rate computations
+      goto 65
+c  force-computation
+   60 continue
+c it is very important to notice here that 3 modes can exist:
+c a neutral mode: 1.no reaction computed  ,return.(ex a simple fluid)
+c                 2.reaction computed but not fed to rhs
+c                 3.standard mode compute and feed reactions.
+c we lock here in mode 1 but macro could call other modes as well
+      xdiv=(dv(1,1)+dv(2,2))*xlam
+      do 67 k=1,nel
+      do 64 j=1,2
+      sum=xdiv*shp(j,k)
+      do 63 i=1,2
+      sum=sum+xmu*(dv(j,i)+dv(i,j))*shp(i,k)+
+     1   xrho*v(i)*dv(j,i)*shp(3,k)
+   63 continue
+      p(j,k)=p(j,k)-sum
+   64 continue
+   67 continue
+c     write(2,*)'end loop 65 l                      '
+   65 continue
+c     write(2,*)'loop 65 terminated'
+c save cmpp and cdpu in file 3
+      if(isw.eq.3.and.inopredv.eq.0)then
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+      cmpp(1)=kel(nstu+1,nstu+1)
+c	write(6,*) kel(nstu+1,nstu+1)
+      iia=0
+      do 1111 j=1,nstu
+c commented this line
+c         iia=iia+1
+c added this line
+	 iia=j
+         cdpu(j)=kel(nstu+1,j)
+c	 write(6,*) cdpu(iia),iia,nstu,j,kel(nstu+1,j)
+ 1111 continue
+                   endif
+cc    nelps=nelp*nelp
+cc    write(mswap1,*)(cmpp(i),i=1,nelps)
+cc    nelpu=nelp*nstu
+cc    write(mswap1,*)(cdpu(i),i=1,nelpu)
+c solve cmpp*p+cdpu*u=cmpp*p0
+cc dont  forget to update fp in compressible case
+c	write(6,*) 'calling elimp',ndf,nelp,nstu
+c replace with subroutine
+c      call elimp(ndfe,fp,cmpp,cdpu,ptot,nelp,nstu,ul)
+      lloc=0
+      iax=0
+      ino=1
+      do 10 i=1,nelp
+      etemp=-0.
+c      etemp=-fp(i)
+c	write(6,*) 'fp(1)',fp(1), etemp, nelp, nstu
+      do 20 j=1,nstu
+      iax=iax+1
+      lloc=lloc + 1
+      etemp=etemp - cdpu(lloc)*ul(iax,ino)
+c	write(6,*) etemp,cdpu(lloc),lloc,ul(iax,ino),iax,ino
+      if(iax.eq.2)then
+                  ino=ino+1
+                  iax=0
+                  endif
+   20 continue
+      erhs(i)=etemp
+   10 continue
+      if (nelp.ne.1) go to 600
+      piv=cmpp(1)
+      if (piv.eq.0.00) then
+c	 write(6,*) piv,cmpp(1),etemp,erhs(1)
+          print*,'error  kpp is not invertible - stop in elimp'
+          stop
+      endif
+      ptot(1)=erhs(1)/piv
+	goto 630
+  600 continue
+c	write(6,*) 'nelp ne 1',nelp
+c     move akpp to the working array akpp1
+c      ii=0
+c      do 114 i=1,nelp
+c      do 105 j=i,nelp
+c      ii=ii+1
+c      cmpp1(ii)=cmpp(ii)
+c  105 continue
+c  114 continue
+c      nn2=nelp + 2
+c      ipjp=-nelp
+c      do 116 ip=1,nelp-1
+c      ipjp=ipjp + nn2 - ip
+c      piv=cmpp1(ipjp)
+c      if (piv.eq.0.00) then
+c     	print*,'error: kpp is not invertible - stop in elimp'
+c          stop
+c      endif
+c      dd=1.0/piv
+c      ii=ipjp
+c      ijp=ipjp
+c      do 151 i=ip+1,nelp
+c      ii=ii + nn2 - i
+c      ijp=ijp + 1
+c      fac=cmpp1(ijp)*dd
+c      jip=ijp - 1
+c      ij=ii - 1
+c      do 121 j=i,nelp
+c      jip=jip + 1
+c      ij=ij + 1
+c      cmpp1(ij)=cmpp1(ij) - fac*cmpp1(jip)
+c  121 continue
+c      erhs(i)=erhs(i) - fac*erhs(ip)
+c  151 continue
+c  116 continue
+c      piv=cmpp1(ij)
+c      if (piv.eq.0.00) then
+c      	print*,'error: kpp is not invertible - stop in elimp'
+c          stop
+c      endif
+c      ptot(nelp)=erhs(nelp)/piv
+c      ii=ij
+c      do 133 i=nelp-1,1,-1
+c      temp=erhs(i)
+c      ii=ii - nn2 + i + 1
+c      ij=ii
+c      do 142 j=i+1,nelp
+c      ij=ij + 1
+c      temp=temp - cmpp1(ij)*ptot(j)
+c  142 continue
+c      ptot(i)=temp/cmpp1(ii)
+c  133 continue
+  630 continue
+c      end of subroutine
+      sbarl(n,1)=ptot(1)
+      sbarl(n,2)=ptot(2)
+      sbarl(n,3)=ptot(3)
+                   endif
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+c     sigav(n,1)=(sigav(n,1)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,2)=(sigav(n,2)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,4)=(sigav(n,4)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,3)=sigav(n,3)/lint
+      sigavl(n,1)=(sigavl(n,1)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigavl(n,2)=(sigavl(n,2)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigavl(n,4)=(sigavl(n,4)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigavl(n,3)=sigavl(n,3)/lint
+                   endif
+      epsavl(n,1)=epsavl(n,1)/lint
+      epsavl(n,2)=epsavl(n,2)/lint
+      epsavl(n,3)=epsavl(n,3)/lint
+      epsavl(n,4)=epsavl(n,4)/lint
+c try hand elimination for n/1 elt
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+c     compress=volt/d(2)
+c compressibility included in spp for possible nonlinear iterations
+      do 5555 i=1,nstu
+      do 5556 j=1,nstu
+c     s(i,j)=s(i,j)+s(i,9)*s(9,j)/compress
+      kel(i,j)=kel(i,j)+kel(i,9)*kel(9,j)/kel(9,9)
+ 5556 continue
+ 5555 continue
+                   endif
+      if(nelp.eq.3)then
+c not invoked in this case
+	  	write(6,*) 'nelp = 3'
+      	call ludcmp(kel,nst,nst,indx(1),dperm,nelp)
+      endif
+c**** end of added subr elt03n
+      do 300 j=1,4
+      stress(iele,j)=sigavl(1,j)
+      srate(iele,j)=epsavl(1,j)
+      visc(iele,j)=viscl(1,j)
+      ipflag(iele,j)=int(pflagl(1,j))
+  300 continue
+      sbar(iele,1)=sbarl(1,1)
+      epsinv=(srate(iele,1)**2+srate(iele,2)**2)/2.+srate(iele,3)*
+     *srate(iele,3)
+      if(epsinv.lt.0.0)epsinv=0.0
+      epsinv=dsqrt(epsinv)
+      vpow=vpower(2,iele)*(epsinv**(1./expn(iele)-1.))
+      if(vpow.gt.vrig)vpow=vrig
+      if(vpow.lt.vmin(iele))vpow=vmin(iele)
+      vpower(1,iele)=vpow
+      do 99 j=1,4
+      if(ipflag(iele,j).eq.0)visc(iele,j)=vpower(1,iele)
+   99 continue
+  100 continue
+c!OMP end parallel do
+      return
+      end
+c*                                                                     *
+c* routine to assemble global stiffness matrix and rhs                 *
+c*                                                                     *
+      subroutine globe(ne,nn,lbw,delt,lda,ndf,nrow,ldf,c,beta,
+     *vrig,sigav,epsav,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+	  parameter(nstbis=21)
+      double precision delt,c,beta,vrig
+      logical flg
+      real*8 ul(2,4),d(10),xl(2,4),bulkl(1,9),viscl(1,9),p(2,1)
+     *,sigavl(1,4),epsavl(1,4),kel(9,9),sbarl(1,3),pflagl(1,9),
+     *amass(9,9),bel(8),sigav(ne,4),epsav(ne,4),deltl,xs(2,2),
+     *sx(2,2),erhs(3),cmpp1(6)
+      character date*10, time3*10
+	  dimension shp(3,9),sg(9),tg(9),wg(9),sig(6),eps(3),wd(2),
+     *v(2),dv(2,2),shpp(3),indx(nstbis),cmpp(6),cdpu(54),fp(3),
+     *ptot(3),devstre(4),epsdev(4),stressl(4),ldf(*),ix(9),lr(9),
+     *lz(9),lw(9),shps(4),shpt(4)
+      data lr/-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1,0/,lz/-1,-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,0/
+      data lw/4*25,4*40,64/
+      data shps/-0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.5/,shpt/-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5/
+      ndfe=2
+      ndm=2
+      nst=9
+      nen=4
+      nel=4
+      kstep=2
+      n=1
+      maxn=1
+      g=-9.8d0
+      flg=.false.
+c   initialize stiffness matrix and rhs
+      ibd=2*(nrow-1)
+      mbw=2*lbw+1
+      do 11 j=1,ndf
+      rhs(j)=0.d0
+      do 10 i=1,lda
+      abd(i,j)=0.d0
+   10 continue
+   11 continue
+c loop over each element
+      do iele=1,ne
+      	press=sbar(iele,1)
+      	if(press.lt.0.0)press=0.0d0
+      end do
+c  calc element stiffness matrix
+      do 100 iele=1,ne
+      inopredv=1
+      isw=3
+      d(1)=vpower(1,iele)
+      d(2)=(1.0/beta)
+      d(3)=(den(iele))
+      d(4)=2.0
+      d(5)=0.0
+      d(6)=0.0
+      d(7)=0.0
+      d(8)=0.0
+      d(9)=0.0
+      d(10)=0.0
+      do 35 j=1,4
+      ul(1,j)=(velx(node(j,iele)))
+      ul(2,j)=(vely(node(j,iele)))
+   35 continue
+      do 45 j=1,4
+      xl(1,j)=(coord(1,node(j,iele)))
+      xl(2,j)=(coord(2,node(j,iele)))
+   45 continue
+      do 292 i=1,9
+      do 290 j=1,9
+      kel(i,j)=0.0
+  290 continue
+  292 continue
+      deltl=(delt)
+c     ix(1)=0.0
+c     p(1,1)=0.0
+      do 150 j=1,4
+      viscl(1,j)=(visc(iele,j))
+      bulkl(1,j)=(bulkmod(iele,j))
+      pflagl(1,j)=dble(ipflag(iele,j))
+  150 continue
+      sbarl(1,1)=(sbar(iele,1))
+c      call elt03n(inopredv,d,ul,xl,ix,kel,p,ndfe,ndm,nst,isw,deltl
+c     *,nen,n,nel,viscl,bulkl,sbarl,pflagl,sigavl,epsavl,maxn,kstep)
+c replace with subroutine lines
+	  nelp=1
+      l=d(4)
+      nstu=ndfe*nen
+c get pressure back from saved matrices and velocities
+c      call pgauss(l,lint,sg,tg,wg)
+c replace with subr
+	pgg=1./dsqrt(3.0d0)
+	lint=l*l
+	do ig=1,4
+	  sg(ig)=pgg*lr(ig)
+	  tg(ig)=pgg*lz(ig)
+	  wg(ig)=1.
+	end do
+c end of pgauss
+      volt=0.
+      ptemp=0.
+      sigavl(n,1)=0.
+      sigavl(n,2)=0.
+      sigavl(n,3)=0.
+      sigavl(n,4)=0.
+      epsavl(n,1)=0.
+      epsavl(n,2)=0.
+      epsavl(n,3)=0
+      epsavl(n,4)=0.
+      do 65 l=1,lint
+c replace with subr
+c      call shape(sg(l),tg(l),xl,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,.false.)
+      do 103 i=1,4
+      shp(3,i)=(0.5+shps(i)*sg(l))*(0.5+shpt(i)*tg(l))
+      shp(1,i)=shps(i)*(0.5+shpt(i)*tg(l))
+      shp(2,i)=shpt(i)*(0.5+shps(i)*sg(l))
+  103 continue
+      if(nel.ge.4)goto 120
+      do 110 i=1,3
+      shp(i,3)=shp(i,3)+shp(i,4)
+  110 continue
+  120 if(nel.gt.4)call shap2(sg(l),tg(l),shp,ix,nel)
+      do 132 i=1,ndm
+      do 131 j=1,2
+      xs(i,j)=0.0
+      do 130 k=1,nel
+      xs(i,j)=xs(i,j)+xl(i,k)*shp(j,k)
+  130 continue
+  131 continue
+  132 continue
+      xsj=xs(1,1)*xs(2,2)-xs(1,2)*xs(2,1)
+      if(flg) goto 141
+      sx(1,1)=xs(2,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,2)=xs(1,1)/xsj
+      sx(1,2)=-xs(1,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,1)=-xs(2,1)/xsj
+      do 140 i=1,nel
+      tp=shp(1,i)*sx(1,1)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,1)
+      shp(2,i)=shp(1,i)*sx(1,2)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,2)
+      shp(1,i)=tp
+  140 continue
+  141 continue
+cc end of shape
+      shpp(1)=1.
+      shpp(2)=sg(l)
+      shpp(3)=tg(l)
+c compute v at l
+      do 38 i=1,2
+      v(i)=0.
+      do 31 k=1,nel
+      v(i)=v(i)+shp(3,k)*ul(i,k)
+   31 continue
+c compute gradv at l
+      do 37 j=1,2
+      ddv=0.0
+c FIX this loop -- don't bother, nel is small
+      do 32 k=1,nel
+      ddv=ddv+shp(j,k)*ul(i,k)
+   32 continue
+      dv(i,j)=ddv
+   37 continue
+   38 continue
+c from dv every strain or spin rate ...
+      epstra=(dv(1,1)+dv(2,2))/3.
+c convention 1=xx 2=yy 3=xy(not 2*xy) 4=zz=out of plane
+      epsdev(1)=dv(1,1)-epstra
+      epsdev(2)=dv(2,2)-epstra
+      epsdev(3)=(dv(1,2)+dv(2,1))/2.
+c because this is the plane strain elmt
+      epsdev(4)=0.
+      epsavl(n,1)=epsavl(n,1)+dv(1,1)
+      epsavl(n,2)=epsavl(n,2)+dv(2,2)
+      epsavl(n,3)=epsavl(n,3)+0.5*(dv(1,2)+dv(2,1))
+      epsavl(n,4)=epsavl(n,3)+0.5*(dv(1,2)-dv(2,1))
+c     linear case   or no predictor
+      if(inopredv.eq.1)then
+c 		or restart
+      	if(kstep.eq.1)then
+      		viscl(n,l)=d(1)
+      		bulkl(n,l)=d(2)
+        endif
+      	xvol=1.
+      	xlam=deltl*bulkl(n,l)
+      	xcom=1.0/xlam
+      	xmu=viscl(n,l)
+      	xrho=d(3)
+      endif
+      xvol=xvol*xsj*wg(l)
+      xlam=xlam*xsj*wg(l)
+      xcom=xcom*xsj*wg(l)
+      xmu=xmu*xsj*wg(l)
+      xrho=xrho*xsj*wg(l)
+      volt=volt+xvol
+c     write(2,*)'end control                        '
+c     isotropic operator     : spp
+c     (dev-is  coupling)
+      do 400 lp=1,nelp
+      do 401 mp=1,nelp
+      kel(nstu+lp,nstu+mp)=kel(nstu+lp,nstu+mp)+
+     1xcom*shpp(lp)*shpp(mp)
+  401 continue
+  400 continue
+c     write(2,*)'end spp                            '
+      k1=1
+c nel = 4, so not worth parallelizing?
+      do 34 k=1,nel
+c add this line
+c	k1=1+(k-1)*ndfe
+      a1=xmu*shp(1,k)
+      a2=xmu*shp(2,k)
+      a3=xrho*(dv(1,1)*shp(3,k)+v(1)*shp(1,k)+v(2)*shp(2,k))
+      a4=xrho*(dv(2,2)*shp(3,k)+v(1)*shp(1,k)+v(2)*shp(2,k))
+      a5=xrho*dv(1,2)*shp(3,k)
+      a6=xrho*dv(2,1)*shp(3,k)
+c eliminate deviatoric part
+c     b1=xlam*shp(1,k)
+c     b2=xlam*shp(2,k)
+      b1=0.
+      b2=0.
+      j1=1
+      do 33 j=1,nel
+c add this line
+c	j1=1+(j-1)*ndfe
+c     deviatoric operator    : suu
+c     (dev-dev coupling)
+c xj xk
+c     *a1,shp(2,j),a2
+      kel(j1,k1)=kel(j1,k1)+shp(1,j)*a1+shp(2,j)*a2
+      kel(j1,k1)=kel(j1,k1)+(shp(1,j)*a1)/3.0
+c xj yk
+      kel(j1,k1+1)=kel(j1,k1+1)+0.
+c     s(j1,k1+1)=s(j1,k1+1)+a1*shp(2,j)/3.0
+      kel(j1,k1+1)=kel(j1,k1+1)-2.*a2*shp(1,j)/3.0+a1*shp(2,j)
+c yj xk
+      kel(j1+1,k1)=kel(j1+1,k1)+0.
+c     s(j1+1,k1)=s(j1+1,k1)+a2*shp(1,j)/3.0
+      kel(j1+1,k1)=kel(j1+1,k1)-2.*a1*shp(2,j)/3.0+a2*shp(1,j)
+c yj yk
+      kel(j1+1,k1+1)=kel(j1+1,k1+1)+shp(1,j)*a1+shp(2,j)*a2
+      kel(j1+1,k1+1)=kel(j1+1,k1+1)+(shp(2,j)*a2)/3.0
+c this if statement breaks the elegance of the code helas!
+c     write(2,*)'end suu                            '
+      if(k.eq.1)then
+c     iso-dev   operator     : sup
+c     (dev-is  coupling)
+      do 333 mp=1,nelp
+      kel(nstu+mp,j1)=kel(nstu+mp,j1)+xvol*shpp(mp)*shp(1,j)
+      kel(nstu+mp,j1+1)=kel(nstu+mp,j1+1)+xvol*shpp(mp)*shp(2,j)
+      kel(j1,nstu+mp)=kel(nstu+mp,j1)
+      kel(j1+1,nstu+mp)=kel(nstu+mp,j1+1)
+  333 continue
+      	endif
+      j1=j1+ndfe
+   33 continue
+      k1=k1+ndfe
+   34 continue
+c     write(2,*)'end sup                            '
+c     solve iso-dev coupling at the element level :
+c     elimination of internal dofs .here pressure.
+c     if u-u convective term is not zero s is not symmetric
+c     if u-p convective term is not zero s is not symmetric
+c        u-p convective term arises from stress rate computations
+   65 continue
+c     write(2,*)'loop 65 terminated'
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+c     sigav(n,1)=(sigav(n,1)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,2)=(sigav(n,2)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,4)=(sigav(n,4)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,3)=sigav(n,3)/lint
+      sigavl(n,1)=(sigavl(n,1)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigavl(n,2)=(sigavl(n,2)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigavl(n,4)=(sigavl(n,4)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigavl(n,3)=sigavl(n,3)/lint
+                   endif
+      epsavl(n,1)=epsavl(n,1)/lint
+      epsavl(n,2)=epsavl(n,2)/lint
+      epsavl(n,3)=epsavl(n,3)/lint
+      epsavl(n,4)=epsavl(n,4)/lint
+c try hand elimination for n/1 elt
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+c     compress=volt/d(2)
+c compressibility included in spp for possible nonlinear iterations
+      	do i=1,nstu
+      		do j=1,nstu
+c     			s(i,j)=s(i,j)+s(i,9)*s(9,j)/compress
+      			kel(i,j)=kel(i,j)+kel(i,9)*kel(9,j)/kel(9,9)
+      		end do
+      	end do
+      endif
+cc      return
+cc  end of elt03n
+c call routine to calculate mass matrix entries to  rhs
+      do 391 i=1,9
+      do 390 j=1,9
+      amass(i,j)=0.0
+  390 continue
+  391 continue
+      deltl=(delt)
+      isw=5
+c replace with subr
+c      call elt03n(inopredv,d,ul,xl,ix,amass,p,ndfe,ndm,nst,isw,deltl
+c     *,nen,n,nel,viscl,bulkl,sbarl,pflagl,sigavl,epsavl,maxn,kstep)
+      nelp=1
+      l=d(4)
+c      call pgauss(l,lint,sg,tg,wg)
+c replace with subr
+	pgg=1./dsqrt(3.0d0)
+	lint=l*l
+	do ig=1,4
+	  sg(ig)=pgg*lr(ig)
+	  tg(ig)=pgg*lz(ig)
+	  wg(ig)=1.
+	end do
+c end of pgauss
+      do 503 l=1,lint
+c      call shape(sg(l),tg(l),xl,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,.false.)
+      do 2103 i=1,4
+      shp(3,i)=(0.5+shps(i)*sg(l))*(0.5+shpt(i)*tg(l))
+      shp(1,i)=shps(i)*(0.5+shpt(i)*tg(l))
+      shp(2,i)=shpt(i)*(0.5+shps(i)*sg(l))
+ 2103 continue
+      if(nel.ge.4)goto 2120
+      do 2110 i=1,3
+      shp(i,3)=shp(i,3)+shp(i,4)
+ 2110 continue
+ 2120 if(nel.gt.4)call shap2(sg(l),tg(l),shp,ix,nel)
+      do 2132 i=1,ndm
+      do 2131 j=1,2
+      xs(i,j)=0.0
+      do 2130 k=1,nel
+      xs(i,j)=xs(i,j)+xl(i,k)*shp(j,k)
+ 2130 continue
+ 2131 continue
+ 2132 continue
+      xsj=xs(1,1)*xs(2,2)-xs(1,2)*xs(2,1)
+      if(flg) goto 2141
+      sx(1,1)=xs(2,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,2)=xs(1,1)/xsj
+      sx(1,2)=-xs(1,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,1)=-xs(2,1)/xsj
+      do 2140 i=1,nel
+      tp=shp(1,i)*sx(1,1)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,1)
+      shp(2,i)=shp(1,i)*sx(1,2)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,2)
+      shp(1,i)=tp
+ 2140 continue
+ 2141 continue
+c end of shape
+c or any rho replacing d(3)!
+      dvscal=wg(l)*xsj*d(3)
+      j1=1
+      do 500 j=1,nel
+      w11=shp(3,j)*dvscal
+      k1=j1
+      do 510 k=j,nel
+      amass(j1,k1)=amass(j1,k1)+shp(3,k)*w11
+      k1=k1+ndfe
+  510 continue
+      j1=j1+ndfe
+  500 continue
+  503 continue
+      nsl=nel*ndfe
+      do 521 j=1,nsl,ndfe
+      do 520 k=j,nsl,ndfe
+      amass(j+1,k+1)=amass(j,k)
+      amass(k,j)=amass(j,k)
+      amass(k+1,j+1)=amass(j,k)
+  520 continue
+  521 continue
+c end of elt03n
+      do 303 i=1,8
+      bel(i)=0.0
+      do 300 j=2,8,2
+      bel(i)=bel(i)+dble(amass(i,j))*g
+  300 continue
+  303 continue
+c assemble global stiffness matrix and rhs
+c  write elem s m
+c     do 333 i=1,8
+c     write(6,334)(kel(i,j),j=1,8)
+c 334 format(8e10.4)
+c 333 continue
+      locrow=0
+      do 60 l=1,4
+      iglrow=ldf(node(l,iele))-1
+      do 50 idf=1,2
+      iglrow=iglrow+1
+      locrow=locrow+1
+      rhs(iglrow)=rhs(iglrow)+bel(locrow)
+      loccol=0
+      do 40 m=1,4
+      iglcol=ldf(node(m,iele))-1
+      do 30 jdf=1,2
+      iglcol=iglcol+1
+      loccol=loccol+1
+      k=iglrow-iglcol+mbw
+      abd(k,iglcol)=abd(k,iglcol)+dble(kel(locrow,loccol))
+   30 continue
+   40 continue
+   50 continue
+   60 continue
+  100 continue
+c!OMP end parallel do
+      return
+      end
+c #################################################################
+c ## dertermine the region of underplating                       ##
+c #################################################################
+      subroutine unplate(nrow,ncol,itst,nsing,ibegup,ibegmx)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      ibegup=iunbeg
+      if(itst.eq.1) ibegup=nsing-1 	
+c      print*,'underplate=',ibegup,'   tstep=',itst
+      return 
+      end
+C  Random number generator from numerical recipies ##
+      function ran1(idum)
+      integer idum,ia,im,iq,ir,ntab,ndiv
+      real*8 ran1,am,eps,rnmx
+      parameter (ia=16807,im=2147483647,am=1./im,iq=127773,ir=2836,
+     *ntab=32,
+     *eps=.00000012,
+     *rnmx=1.-eps,
+     *ndiv=1+(im-1)/ntab)
+      integer j,k,iv(ntab),iy
+      save iv,iy
+      data iv /ntab*0/, iy /0/
+      if(idum.le.o.or.iy.eq.0) then
+      idum=max(-idum,1)
+      do 11 j=ntab+8,1,-1
+      k=idum/iq
+      idum=ia*(idum-k*iq)-ir*k
+      if(idum.lt.0) idum=idum+im
+      if(j.le.ntab) iv(j)=idum
+  11  continue
+      iy=iv(1)
+      endif
+      k=idum/iq
+      idum=ia*(idum-k*iq)-ir*k
+      if(idum.lt.o) idum=idum+im
+      j=1+iy/ndiv
+      iy=iv(j)
+      iv(j)=idum
+      ran1=min(am*iy,rnmx)
+      end
+c*                                                                     *
+c*routine to apply frictional forces to global stiffness matrix and rhs*
+c*                                                                     *
+      subroutine frictg(ne,lbw,lda,rforce2,ndf,nrow,nbn,delt)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      real*8 rforce2(2,*)
+      mbw=2*lbw+1
+c loop over boundary nodes
+      do 320 ibn=1,nbn
+      xforce=0.0
+      yforce=0.0
+c  identify node and degrees of freedom
+      call gdf(nbase(ibn),nrow,ld,no)
+      ld=ld+1
+c  calculate vertical reaction force
+      j1=max0(1,ld-lbw)
+      j2=min0(ndf,ld+lbw)
+      do 330 jb=j1,j2
+      k=ld-jb+mbw
+      yforce=yforce+abd(k,jb)*soln(jb)
+  330 continue
+      yforce=(yforce-rhs(ld))
+      ld=ld-1
+c  calculate horizontal reaction force
+      j1=max0(1,ld-lbw)
+      j2=min0(ndf,ld+lbw)
+      do 340 jb=j1,j2
+      k=ld-jb+mbw
+      xforce=xforce+abd(k,jb)*soln(jb)
+  340 continue
+      xforce=(xforce-rhs(ld))
+c calculate tangential force
+      rforce2(1,ibn)=xforce*dcos(theta(ibn))+yforce*dsin(theta(ibn))
+c calculate normal force
+      rforce2(2,ibn)=-xforce*dsin(theta(ibn))+yforce*dcos(theta(ibn))
+c  add term to global stiffness matrix for horizontal friction force
+      abd(mbw,ld)=abd(mbw,ld)+vbound(ibn)/dcos(theta(ibn))
+c  add term to rhs
+      rhs(ld)=rhs(ld)+vbound(ibn)*basvel(ibn)
+      write(6,666)ld,yforce,xforce,rforce2(2,ibn),rforce2(1,ibn)
+666   format(i5,4e15.6)
+  320 continue
+      return 
+      end
+c*                                                               *
+c*  routine to determine degrees of freedom associated with node *
+c*                                                               *
+      subroutine gdf(inode,nrow,ldf,nodf)
+      ldf=2*inode-1
+      nodf=2
+      return
+      end
+c ***************************************************************
+c *                                                             *
+c *        routine to apply boundary conditions                 *
+c *                                                             *
+c ***************************************************************
+      subroutine bc(numvbn,numpbn,ndf,lbw,lda,nrow,numsid,
+     *nbn,upveln,nsing,ibegup,delt,rhoman,numvetbn,ncol)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      m=2*lbw+1
+c  define a number large wrt stiffness components
+      bv=0.0
+      do i=1,ndf
+      	if(abd(m,i).gt.bv)bv=abd(m,i)
+      end do
+      bv=bv*.1d5
+c  apply constant pressure boundary condition to mass conser eqn
+      if(numpbn.eq.0)go to 401
+      do in=1,numpbn
+      	inode=npnd(in)
+      	call gdf(inode,nrow,ldf,nodf)
+      	ldf=ldf+2
+c  		set corresponding row of global stiffness matrix to 0
+      	j1=max0(1,ldf-lbw)
+      	j2=min0(ndf,ldf+lbw)
+      	do jb=j1,j2
+      		kb=ldf-jb+m
+      		abd(kb,jb)=0.d0
+        end do
+c  		set principle diagonal component to large value
+c       	and rhs to prescribed value
+      	abd(m,ldf)=bv 
+      	rhs(ldf)=bv*(bp(in))
+      end do
+  401 continue
+c  apply boundary stresses to  equation of motion
+      if(numsid.eq.0)go to 201
+      print*,'&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
+      print*,'ERROR: subroutine BC is not setup'
+      print*,'           to handle loaded sides'
+      print*,'&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
+c      fac(1)=1./6.
+c      fac(2)=2./3.
+c      fac(3)=1./6.
+c      do in=1,nbs
+c      	slen=dsqrt((coord(1,nsnd(1,in))-coord(1,nsnd(3,in)))**2+
+c     *	(coord(2,nsnd(1,in))-coord(2,nsnd(3,in)))**2)
+c      	do isn=1,3
+c      		inode=nsnd(isn,in)
+c      		call gdf(inode,nrow,ldf,nodf)
+c      		ldf=ldf+nsnd(4,in)-1
+c      		rhs(ldf)=rhs(ldf)+(bside(in)*fac(isn)*slen)
+c      	end do
+c      end do
+  201 continue
+c  apply constant x,y velocity boundary conditions at edges
+      if(numvbn.eq.0)go to 301
+      do in=1,numvbn
+      	inode=nvnd(1,in)
+      	ldf=2*inode-1
+      	nodf=2
+      	ldf=ldf+nvnd(2,in)-1
+c  		set principle diagonal component to large value
+c       	and rhs to prescribed value
+      	abd(m,ldf)=bv
+      	rhs(ldf)=bv*(bvel(in))
+      end do
+  301 continue
+c  apply constant tangent velocity boundary conditions at edges
+      if(numvetbn.eq.0)go to 309
+      do in=1,numvetbn
+      	inode=nvtnd(in)
+c		det tangent angle at base
+      	if(mod(inode,nrow).eq.0) then
+      		icol=inode/nrow
+      	else
+      		icol=floor(dble(inode)/dble(nrow))+1
+      	endif	
+      	if(icol.eq.1) then
+      		dely=coord(2,(icol-1)*nrow+1)-coord(2,icol*nrow+1)
+      		delx=coord(1,(icol-1)*nrow+1)-coord(1,icol*nrow+1)
+      		delx2=coord(1,icol*nrow)-coord(1,(icol+1)*nrow)
+      		dely2=coord(2,icol*nrow)-coord(2,(icol+1)*nrow)
+      		ang1=atan(dely/delx)
+      		ang2=atan(dely2/delx2)
+      	else if(icol.eq.ncol) then
+      		dely=coord(2,(icol-1)*nrow+1)-coord(2,(icol-2)*nrow+1)
+      		delx=coord(1,(icol-1)*nrow+1)-coord(1,(icol-2)*nrow+1)
+      		ang1=atan(dely/delx)
+      	else 
+      		print*,'####################################'
+      		print*,'### ERROR: tangent edge vel BCs'
+      		print*,'### 	are not being applied at the'
+      		print*,'###     model edge. icol=',icol
+      		print*,'####################################'
+      		stop
+      	endif	
+c       velocity components at node      	
+      	vytemp=sin(ang1)*bvelt(in)
+      	vxtemp=cos(ang1)*bvelt(in)
+c       apply velocities to stiffness matrix and rhs
+c  			set principle diagonal component to large value
+c       		and rhs to prescribed value
+c       x vel      	
+      	ldf=2*inode-1
+      	abd(m,ldf)=bv
+      	rhs(ldf)=bv*vxtemp
+c      	y vel
+      	ldf=ldf+1
+      	abd(m,ldf)=bv
+      	rhs(ldf)=bv*vytemp
+      end do
+  309 continue
+c define constraint equation for basal surface
+c  set tangential velocity condition on base
+c		determine the x and y comp of vel from the basal
+c		tangental velocity; unvel is an additional underplating
+c		velocity added to the y vel
+      if(nbn.eq.0)go to 501
+      do ibn=1,nbn
+      	if(ibn.eq.1)then
+      		dely2=coord(2,nbase(ibn)+nrow)-coord(2,nbase(ibn))
+      		delx2=coord(1,nbase(ibn)+nrow)-coord(1,nbase(ibn))
+      		dely1=dely2
+      		delx1=delx2
+      	elseif(ibn.eq.nbn)then
+      		dely1=coord(2,nbase(ibn))-coord(2,nbase(ibn)-nrow)
+      		delx1=coord(1,nbase(ibn))-coord(1,nbase(ibn)-nrow)
+      		dely2=dely1
+      		delx2=delx1
+      	else
+      		dely2=coord(2,nbase(ibn)+nrow)-coord(2,nbase(ibn))
+      		delx2=coord(1,nbase(ibn)+nrow)-coord(1,nbase(ibn))
+      		dely1=coord(2,nbase(ibn))-coord(2,nbase(ibn)-nrow)
+      		delx1=coord(1,nbase(ibn))-coord(1,nbase(ibn)-nrow)
+      	endif
+      	xlen1=dsqrt(delx1**2+dely1**2)
+      	xlen2=dsqrt(delx2**2+dely2**2)
+      	ang1=datan2(dely1,delx1)
+      	ang2=datan2(dely2,delx2)
+c 		xfnum is equivalent to dely1+dely2
+c 		xfden == delx1+delx2
+      	xfnum=xlen1*dsin(ang1)+xlen2*dsin(ang2)
+      	xfden=xlen1*dcos(ang1)+xlen2*dcos(ang2)
+      	thet=datan2(xfnum,xfden)
+      	xlen3=(xlen2+xlen1)*.5
+        if((ibn.ge.ibegup).and.(.not. (ibegup.eq.nsing-1)).and.
+     $       (.not.(ibn .gt. nsing-1))) then
+      		upvelx=upveln*dsin(-1.0*thet)
+      		upvely=upveln*dcos(-1.0*thet)
+      		basvelx=basvel(ibn)*dcos(thet)
+      		basvely=basvel(ibn)*dsin(thet)
+      		vxtemp=upvelx+basvelx
+      		vytemp=upvely+basvely
+c 			calcuate the additional vertical velocity needed in the mantle to 
+c				have mass balance due to underplating
+      		flx_nrm=upveln*xlen2
+      		vz_therm=flx_nrm/delx2
+      		unvel(ibn)=vz_therm
+      	else 
+  987 		continue      
+      		unvel(ibn)=0
+      		vxtemp=basvel(ibn)*dcos(thet)
+      		vytemp=basvel(ibn)*dsin(thet)
+      	endif	
+      	call gdf(nbase(ibn),nrow,ldf,nodf)
+c 		x component
+c  		set principle diagonal component to large value
+c       	and rhs to prescribed value
+      	abd(m,ldf)=bv
+      	rhs(ldf)=bv*vxtemp
+c  		y component
+c  		set principle diagonal component to large value
+c       	and rhs to prescribed value
+      	ldf=ldf+1
+      	abd(m,ldf)=bv
+      	rhs(ldf)=bv*vytemp
+      end do
+  501 continue
+      return
+      end
+c                                                       * 
+c routine to add unvel to thermal vel field for lithos  *
+c                                                       *
+      subroutine unplate_therm(nbn,nrowt,nrow)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      do 210 i=1,nbn-1
+      	if(unvel(i).eq.0.0) then
+      		do 205 j=(i-1)*2*(nrowt-1)+1,i*2*(nrowt-1)-2*(nrow-1)
+      			vz(j)=vz(j)
+  205 		continue      			
+      	else
+      		do 206 j=(i-1)*2*(nrowt-1)+1,i*2*(nrowt-1)-2*(nrow-1)
+      			vz(j)=unvel(i)/3.15578e13
+  206 		continue      		
+    	endif	
+  210 continue
+      end	
+c*                                                           *
+c*     routine to output results                             *
+c*                                                           *
+      subroutine output (nn,ne,itst,iter,nout,ttime,nout_t,nrow,
+     *nbn,vrig,tstart,npoint,convel,ntsts,delt,nlrow,sealev,w_depth,
+     *nbastrk,ibasflg,ninbas,ioutpt)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      integer thdpl,fstpl,secpl,temp1
+      character(30):: coord_op='coord_',vel_op='vel_',press_op='press_',
+     *stress_xx_op='stress_xx_',stress_yy_op='stress_yy_',
+     *stress_xy_op='stress_xy_',stress_zz_op='stress_zz_',
+     *stress_secinv_op='stress_secinv_',stress_yield_op='stress_yield_',
+     *stress_flag_op='stress_flag_',srate_xx_op='srate_xx_',
+     *srate_yy_op='srate_yy_',srate_xy_op='srate_xy_',
+     *srate_zz_op='srate_zz_',srate_dilt_op='srate_dilt_',
+     *srate_secinv_op='srate_secinv_',lmesh_op='lmesh_',
+     *temp_mech_op='temp_mech_',visc_elem_op='visc_elem_',
+     *visc_gp_op='visc_gp_',erosion_op='erosion_',
+     *temp_track_op='temp_track_',unvel_op='unvel_',exhum_op='exhum_',
+     *sur_prof_op='sur_prof_',duc_flag_op='duc_flag_',
+     *matp_phi_op='matp_phi_',matp_den_op='matp_den_',
+     *matp_coh_op='matp_coh_',matp_prex_op='matp_prex_',
+     *matp_vmin_op='matp_vmin_',matp_activ_op='matp_activ_',
+     *matp_expon_op='matp_expon_',basinfill_op='basinfill_',
+     *peakchop_op='peakchop_',basin_track_op='basin_track_',
+     *l_temp_all_op='l_temp_all',dir,fextn
+      character(10):: nums='0123456789'
+      time=ttime
+      write(6,107) itst,time,iter
+c output directory
+      dir='output/'
+c output l-temp every nout_t timestep
+      if(itst.eq.1) then
+      	if(output_flags(37).eq.1) then
+      		open(2,file=trim(dir)//trim(l_temp_all_op),position='rewind')
+      		write(2,*)ntsts
+      		write(2,*)nout
+      		write(2,402)delt
+      		write(2,*)nout_t
+      		do i=1,npoint
+      			write(2,402)tpoint(5,i)
+      		end do
+      		close(2)
+      	endif	
+      else
+      	itest=mod(itst,nout_t)
+      	if(itest.eq.0)then
+      		if(output_flags(37).eq.1) then
+      			open(2,file=dir//trim(l_temp_all_op),position='append')
+      			do i=1,npoint
+      				write(2,402)tpoint(5,i)
+     			end do
+     			close(2)
+     		endif	
+      	endif	
+      endif	
+      if(nout.eq.1)go to 5
+      if(itst.eq.1)go to 5
+      itest=mod(itst,nout)
+      if(itest.ne.0)return
+    5 continue
+      write(6,108) itst,time
+c determine extension for output file names
+c 	track number of outputs      
+      if(itst.eq.1) then
+      	ioutpt=0
+      endif	
+      ioutpt=ioutpt+1
+      if(ioutpt.lt.10) then
+      	fextn=nums(ioutpt+1:ioutpt+1)
+      elseif(ioutpt.lt.100) then
+      	fstpl=(ioutpt)/10+1
+      	secpl=(ioutpt-10*(fstpl-1))+1
+      	fextn=nums(fstpl:fstpl)//nums(secpl:secpl)
+      elseif(ioutpt.lt.1000) then
+      	fstpl=(ioutpt)/100+1
+      	temp1=(ioutpt-(ioutpt/100)*100)
+      	secpl=temp1/10+1
+      	thdpl=ioutpt-((fstpl-1)*100+(secpl-1)*10)+1
+      	if(temp1.lt.10)secpl=1
+      	fextn=nums(fstpl:fstpl)//nums(secpl:secpl)//
+     *	nums(thdpl:thdpl)
+      endif
+c coord file
+      if(output_flags(1).eq.1) then
+        open(2,file=trim(dir)//trim(coord_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *  position='rewind')
+      	write(2,101)nn
+      	do i=1,nn
+      		write(2,102)coord(1,i),coord(2,i)
+      	end do
+      	close(2)
+      endif    
+c crustal velocity
+      if(output_flags(2).eq.1) then
+        open(3,file=trim(dir)//trim(vel_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *  position='rewind')
+      	write(3,101)nn
+      	do i=1,nn
+      		write(3,102)velx(i),vely(i)
+      	end do
+      	close(3)
+      endif	
+c stress files
+c pressure
+      if(output_flags(3).eq.1) then
+        open(4,file=trim(dir)//trim(press_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *  position='rewind')
+      	write(4,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(4,402)sbar(j,1)
+      	end do
+      	close(4)
+      endif
+c stress xx
+      if(output_flags(4).eq.1) then
+      	open(7,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_xx_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(7,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(7,103)stress(i,1)
+      	end do	
+      	close(7)
+      endif	
+c stress yy
+      if(output_flags(5).eq.1) then
+      	open(8,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_yy_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(8,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(8,103)stress(i,2)
+      	end do	
+      	close(8)
+      endif      
+c stress xy
+      if(output_flags(6).eq.1) then
+      	open(9,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_xy_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(9,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(9,103)stress(i,3)
+      	end do	
+      	close(9)
+      endif      
+c stress zz
+      if(output_flags(7).eq.1) then
+      	open(10,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_zz_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(10,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(10,103)stress(i,4)
+      	end do	
+      	close(10)
+      endif      
+c secinv
+      if(output_flags(8).eq.1) then
+      	open(11,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_secinv_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(11,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		secinv=-stress(i,1)*stress(i,2)+stress(i,3)*stress(i,3)
+      		if(secinv.lt.0.0)then
+      			secinv=0.0
+      		endif
+      		write(11,103)dsqrt(secinv)
+      	end do
+      	close(11)
+      endif      
+c yield stress
+      if(output_flags(9).eq.1) then
+      	open(12,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_yield_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(12,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		phi2=3.14159*phi(i)/180.
+      		press=sbar(i,1)
+      		if(press.lt.0.)press=0.0
+      		cosphi=dcos(phi2)
+      		sinphi=dsin(phi2)
+      		yield=press*sinphi+coh(i)*cosphi
+      		write(12,103)yield
+      	end do
+      	close(12)
+      endif
+c plasti failure flag
+      if(output_flags(10).eq.1) then
+      	open(13,file=trim(dir)//trim(stress_flag_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(13,101)ne
+      	write(13,101)(ipflag(i,1),i=1,ne)
+      	close(13)
+      endif	
+c strain rates
+c srate_xx
+      if(output_flags(11).eq.1) then
+      	open(14,file=trim(dir)//trim(srate_xx_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(14,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(14,444)srate(i,1)
+      	end do	
+      	close(14)
+      endif
+c srate_yy
+      if(output_flags(12).eq.1) then
+      	open(15,file=trim(dir)//trim(srate_yy_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(15,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(15,444)srate(i,2)
+      	end do	
+      	close(15)
+      endif      
+c srate_xy
+      if(output_flags(13).eq.1) then
+      	open(16,file=trim(dir)//trim(srate_xy_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(16,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(16,444)srate(i,3)
+      	end do
+      	close(16)
+      endif      
+c srate_zz
+      if(output_flags(14).eq.1) then
+      	open(17,file=trim(dir)//trim(srate_zz_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(17,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(17,444)srate(i,4)
+      	end do	
+      	close(17)
+      endif       
+c srate_dilt 
+      if(output_flags(15).eq.1) then
+      	open(18,file=trim(dir)//trim(srate_dilt_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(18,101)ne
+      	dilmax=0.0
+      	dilav=0.0
+      	dilav2=0.0
+      	dilav3=0.0
+      	dilav4=0.0
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		dilit=srate(i,1)+srate(i,2)
+      		secdef=(srate(i,1)*srate(i,1)+srate(i,2)*srate(i,2))/2.
+     *		+srate(i,3)*srate(i,3)
+      		if(secdef.lt.0.0)then
+      				secdef=0.0
+      		endif
+      		secdef=dsqrt(secdef)
+      		ditest=dabs(dilit/secdef)
+      		dilav=dilit+ditest
+      		dilav2=dilav2+dabs(srate(i,1)/dilit)
+      		dilav3=dilav3+dabs(srate(i,2)/dilit)
+      		dilav4=dilav4+dabs(srate(i,3)/dilit)
+      		if(ditest.gt.dilmax)then
+      				dilmax=ditest
+      				imax=i
+      		endif
+      		write(18,444)dilit
+      	end do
+      	close(18)
+      endif	
+      dilav=dilav/dble(ne)
+      write(6,804)imax,dilmax,dilav
+c srate_secinv
+      if(output_flags(16).eq.1) then
+      	open(19,file=trim(dir)//trim(srate_secinv_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(19,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		secdef=(srate(i,1)*srate(i,1)+srate(i,2)*srate(i,2))/2.
+     *		+srate(i,3)*srate(i,3)
+      		if(secdef.lt.0.0)then
+      			secdef=0.0
+      		endif
+      		secdef=dsqrt(secdef)
+      		write(19,444)secdef
+      	end do
+      	close(19)
+      endif	
+c lmesh coords
+      if(output_flags(17).eq.1) then
+      	open(20,file=trim(dir)//trim(lmesh_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(20,101)nlrow
+      	write(20,101)npoint
+      	do i=1,npoint
+      		write(20,102)tpoint(1,i),tpoint(2,i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(20)
+      endif	
+c crustal temps
+      if(output_flags(18).eq.1) then
+      	open(21,file=trim(dir)//trim(temp_mech_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(21,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(21,103)temptc(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(21)
+      endif	
+c viscosity
+c for element
+      if(output_flags(19).eq.1) then
+      	open(22,file=trim(dir)//trim(visc_elem_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(22,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(22,103)visc(i,1)
+      	end do	
+      	close(22)
+      endif
+c for gauss points
+      if(output_flags(20).eq.1) then
+      	open(23,file=trim(dir)//trim(visc_gp_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(23,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(23,103)(visc(i,j),j=1,4)
+      	end do
+      	close(23)
+      endif	
+c surface erosion
+      if(output_flags(21).eq.1) then
+      	open(24,file=trim(dir)//trim(erosion_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(24,101)(nn/nrow)
+      	nfree=0
+      	do inc=nrow,nn,nrow
+      		nfree=nfree+1
+      		write(24,102)coord(1,inc),coord(2,inc),veros(1,nfree),
+     *		veros(2,nfree)
+      	end do
+      	close(24)
+      endif
+c temp of lagrangian nodes, only at normal output interval (temp_track)
+      if(output_flags(22).eq.1) then
+      	open(25,file=trim(dir)//trim(temp_track_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(25,101)npoint
+      	write(25,402)(tpoint(5,j),j=1,npoint)
+      	close(25)
+      endif	
+c underplating velocity
+      if(output_flags(23).eq.1) then
+      	open(26,file=trim(dir)//trim(unvel_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(26,101) (nn/nrow)
+      	nfree=0
+      	do inc=1,nn,nrow
+      		nfree=nfree+1
+      		write(26,102)coord(1,inc),coord(2,inc),unvel(nfree)
+      	end do
+      	close(26)
+      endif
+c exhumation rate
+      if(output_flags(24).eq.1) then
+      	open(27,file=trim(dir)//trim(exhum_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+		write(27,101)npoint
+      	write(27,402)(exhum(j),j=1,npoint)
+      	close(27)
+      endif	
+c surface profiles
+      if(output_flags(25).eq.1) then
+      	open(28,file=trim(dir)//trim(sur_prof_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(28,101)(nn/nrow)
+      	nfree=0
+      	do inc=nrow,nn,nrow
+      		nfree=nfree+1
+      		write(28,102)xsur(1,nfree),vsur(2,nfree),xsur(2,nfree),
+     *		rsur(2,nfree)
+      	end do
+      	close(28)
+      endif
+c ductile flag for lagrangian nodes
+      if(output_flags(26).eq.1) then
+      	open(29,file=trim(dir)//trim(duc_flag_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(29,101)npoint
+      	do j=1,npoint
+      		write(29,403)int(tpoint(6,j)),int(tpoint(7,j))
+      	end do
+      	close(29)
+      endif
+c material props, mechanical
+c phi
+      if(output_flags(27).eq.1) then
+      	open(30,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_phi_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(30,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(30,104)phi(i)
+      	end do
+      	close(30)
+      endif
+c den
+      if(output_flags(28).eq.1) then
+      	open(31,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_den_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(31,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(31,104)den(i)
+      	end do
+      	close(31)
+      endif
+c coh
+      if(output_flags(29).eq.1) then
+      	open(32,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_coh_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(32,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(32,104)coh(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(32)
+      endif      
+c pre exponential
+      if(output_flags(30).eq.1) then
+      	open(33,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_prex_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(33,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(33,104)prex(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(33)
+      endif
+c min viscosity
+      if(output_flags(31).eq.1) then
+      	open(34,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_vmin_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(34,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(34,104)vmin(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(34)
+      endif
+c activation energy
+      if(output_flags(32).eq.1) then
+      	open(35,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_activ_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(35,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(35,104)q(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(35)
+      endif
+c powerlaw exponent
+      if(output_flags(33).eq.1) then
+      	open(36,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_expon_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(36,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(36,104)expn(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(36)
+      endif      
+c basinfill
+      if(output_flags(34).eq.1) then
+      	open(37,file=trim(dir)//trim(basinfill_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	do i=1,nn/nrow
+      		write(37,129)nbasinfill(i),coord(1,i*nrow),basinfill(i)
+      	end do
+      	close(37)
+      endif	
+c peakchop
+      if(output_flags(35).eq.1) then
+      	open(38,file=trim(dir)//trim(peakchop_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	do i=1,nn/nrow
+      		write(38,129)npeakchop(i),coord(1,i*nrow),peakchop(i)
+      	end do
+      	close(38)
+      endif	
+c basin surfaces
+      if(output_flags(36).eq.1) then
+      	open(39,file=trim(dir)//trim(basin_track_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	if(ibasflg.eq.1) then
+      		write(39,101)nbastrk
+      		if(nbastrk.gt.0) write(39,101)ninbas
+      		do i=1,nbastrk
+      			write(39,101)ibastrk(2,i)-ibastrk(1,i)+1
+      			do j=ibastrk(1,i),ibastrk(2,i)
+      				write(39,102)bastrk(1,j),bastrk(2,j)
+      			end do	
+      		end do	
+      	else
+      		write(39,101)0
+      	endif
+      	close(39)
+      endif
+c number of outputs
+      open(3,file=trim(dir)//'n_out',position='rewind')
+      write(3,101)ioutpt
+      close(3)
+  101 format(i9)
+  444 format(6e26.16)
+  102 format(SP,6e12.6,/5e12.6)
+  402 format(e20.9)
+  403 format(2i4)
+  104 format(6e12.6)
+  103 format(7e11.5,i3)
+  107 format(/(2x,'time step ',i5,' at time',e12.5,
+     *' converged after',i5,' iterations')/)
+  108 format(//(5x,'*****   output at time step ',i5,' at time',e12.5
+     *,'   *****')//)
+  111 format(2f8.1)
+  129 format(i5,2e15.7)
+  804 format(' max dilitation ', i5,e15.6,' average dil ',e15.6)
+      return
+      end
+c*                                                               *
+c*    routine to check for convergence of each timestep          *
+c*                                                               *
+      subroutine conver(velx,vely,rhs,toler,icflag,nrow,ncol,ndf,nn,
+     *coord)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension velx(*),vely(*),coord(2,*)
+      real*8 rhs(*)
+      vmax=0.0
+      mnode=1
+      do 100 inode=1,nn
+      	k=inode*2-1
+      	test=dabs(velx(inode)-rhs(k))
+      	if(test.gt.vmax)then
+      		vmax=test
+      		mnode=inode
+      	endif
+      	velx(inode)=rhs(k)
+  100 continue
+      ivf=1
+      do 200 inode=1,nn
+      	k=inode*2
+      	test=dabs(vely(inode)-rhs(k))
+      	if(test.gt.vmax)then
+      		vmax=test
+      		mnode=inode
+      		ivf=2
+      	endif
+      	vely(inode)=rhs(k)
+  200 continue
+      icflag=0
+      if(vmax.lt.toler)then
+      	icflag=1
+      endif
+      if(ivf.eq.1)then
+      	write(6,101)vmax,mnode,velx(mnode)
+      	write(6,109)int(mnode/nrow),mnode-int(mnode/nrow)*nrow,
+     *	coord(1,mnode) 
+      else
+      	write(6,102)vmax,mnode,vely(mnode)
+      	write(6,109)int(mnode/nrow),mnode-int(mnode/nrow)*nrow,
+     *	coord(1,mnode)
+      endif
+  101 format('              vel norm= ',e12.6,'  x vel at node: ',i5,
+     *2e12.4)
+  109 format('              colm=',i4,'  row=',i4,'  x-pos= ',e12.6)      
+  102 format('              vel norm= ',e12.6,'  y vel at node: ',i5,
+     *2e12.4)  
+      return
+      end
+c*                                                                    *
+c*    routine to initialize stress field                              *
+c*                                                                    *
+      subroutine sinit(nrow,ne)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      g=9.8
+      ninc=nrow-1
+      do 100 ie=1,ne 
+      itop=node(1,ie)-mod(node(1,ie),nrow)+nrow
+      depth=(coord(2,itop)+coord(2,itop+nrow))/2.0d0-
+     *(coord(2,node(1,ie))
+     *+coord(2,node(2,ie))+coord(2,node(3,ie))+
+     *coord(2,node(4,ie)))/4.0d0
+c  set initial stress to den(ie)
+c     sprev(inode)=den(ie)*g*depth
+c     sprev(inode)=0.0d0
+      sbar(ie,1)=den(ie)*g*depth
+  100 continue
+      return
+      end
+c*                                                                     *
+c*    routine to reposition free surface and update mesh               *
+c*    reassign temperatures to new Eulerian positions                  *
+c*                                                                     *
+      subroutine remesh(delt,nn,nrow,rhoman,rhof,ncom,ne,vrig,npoint,
+     *nnt,nrowt,net,nsing,convel,itst,erosl,erosr,
+     *peros,rpow,sealev,slpmax,npad,np1,np2,prig,rrig,nsing1,ctoler,
+     *wtoler,tmax,rhoavinitl,rhoavinitr,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,
+     *wdepth,nsthick,plthick,leqflag,iplasflg,iblay,iblayt,isedl,isedr,
+     *ibasflg,intmrkb,nbastrk,nbastary,nbastind,ninbas,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      integer count
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::yp1prev(:),yp2prev(:),cnew(:),
+     *fnode(:),vdiffnew(:),rdiffnew(:),xold(:,:)
+      g=9.8
+      ninc=nrow
+      numfre=nn/ninc
+      ncol=numfre
+c allocate arrays
+      allocate(cnew(ncol),fnode(ncol),vdiffnew(ncol),rdiffnew(ncol),
+     *xold(2,ncol))
+      vdiffnew=0.0
+      rdiffnew=0.0
+      fnode=0.0
+      xold=0.0
+      cnew=0.0
+c set all n-1 temperatures to n temperature at current euler position
+      do i=1,nnt
+      	told(i)=tempt(i)
+      end do
+c  Make a temp array for just the crust
+      ncrustbeg=nrowt-nrow
+      l=0
+      count=0
+      do i=ncrustbeg,nnt,nrowt
+     	l=(i-ncrustbeg)/nrowt+1
+        do j=1,nrow
+        	k=i+j
+        	count=((l-1)*nrow)+j
+        	toldc(count)=told(k)
+        	temptc(count)=tempt(k)
+      	end do
+      end do
+c interpolate vdiff and rdiff from previous tstep to the 
+c	xcoords used in this time step, ie account for the
+c	remesh of the upper surface
+      do nfree=ninc,nn,ninc
+      	i=(nfree-ninc)/ninc+1
+      	xold(1,i)=coord(1,nfree)
+      	xold(2,i)=coord(2,nfree)
+      end do
+      do i=1,numfre
+      	do j=1,numfre
+      		if(vdiff(1,j).gt.xold(1,i)) then
+      			if(j.eq.1) then
+      				vslope=(vdiff(2,j+1)-vdiff(2,j))/
+     *				  (vdiff(1,j+1)-vdiff(1,j))
+     				delxv=vdiff(1,j)-xold(1,i)
+     				vdiffnew(i)=vdiff(2,j)-delxv*vslope
+     				rslope=(rdiff(2,j+1)-rdiff(2,j))/
+     *				  (rdiff(1,j+1)-rdiff(1,j))
+     				delxr=rdiff(1,j)-xold(1,i)
+     				rdiffnew(i)=rdiff(2,j)-delxr*rslope
+     				goto 929
+     			else
+     				vslope=(vdiff(2,j)-vdiff(2,j-1))/
+     *                (vdiff(1,j)-vdiff(1,j-1))
+     				delxv=vdiff(1,j)-xold(1,i)
+     				vdiffnew(i)=vdiff(2,j)-delxv*vslope
+     				rslope=(rdiff(2,j)-rdiff(2,j-1))/
+     *                (rdiff(1,j)-rdiff(1,j-1))
+     				delxr=rdiff(1,j)-xold(1,i)
+     				rdiffnew(i)=rdiff(2,j)-delxr*rslope
+     				go to 929
+     			end if
+     		else if(vdiff(1,j).eq.xold(1,i)) then
+     			vdiffnew(i)=vdiff(2,j)
+     			rdiffnew(i)=rdiff(2,j)
+     		end if	
+     	end do
+  929 continue     	
+      end do	
+      do i=1,numfre
+      	vdiff(2,i)=vdiffnew(i)
+      	rdiff(2,i)=rdiffnew(i)
+      end do 	
+      do nfree=ninc,nn,ninc
+      	i=(nfree-ninc)/ninc+1
+      	xsurold(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      	xsurold(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      	xsur(1,i)=coord(1,nfree)+delt*velx(nfree)
+      	xsur(2,i)=coord(2,nfree)+delt*vely(nfree)
+      	vsur(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      	rsur(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      	vsur(2,i)=(coord(2,nfree)-vdiff(2,i))+delt*vely(nfree)
+      	rsur(2,i)=(coord(2,nfree)-rdiff(2,i))+delt*vely(nfree)
+      end do
+c call routine to calculate erosion
+      call erosion(nn,nrow,ninc,numfre,delt,itst,erosl,erosr,peros,
+     *rpow,sealev,w_depth,isedl,isedr,ibasflg,intmrkb,nbastrk,
+     *nbastary,nbastind,ninbas,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax)
+c apply filter from left to right to check that no slopes exceed
+c 	a maximum value (slpmax)
+c  	  check negative slopes
+      icount=0
+   61 islope=0
+      icount=icount+1
+      do i=2,numfre
+      	slope= (-xsur(2,i)+xsur(2,i-1))/(xsur(1,i)-xsur(1,i-1))
+      	if(slope.gt.slpmax)then
+      		islope=1
+      		diff=-xsur(2,i)+xsur(2,i-1)
+      		diffm=slpmax*(xsur(1,i)-xsur(1,i-1))
+      		npeakchop(i)=npeakchop(i)+1
+      		peakchop(i)=peakchop(i)+.5*(diff-diffm)
+      		peakchop(i-1)=peakchop(i-1)-.5*(diff-diffm)
+      		xsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)+.5*(diff-diffm)
+      		xsur(2,i-1)=xsur(2,i-1)-.5*(diff-diffm)
+      	endif
+      end do
+      if(islope.eq.1.and.icount.lt.999)go to 61
+c     check positive slopes
+      icount=0
+   63 islope=0
+      icount=icount+1
+      do i=2,numfre
+      	slope= (xsur(2,i)-xsur(2,i-1))/(xsur(1,i)-xsur(1,i-1))
+      	if(slope.gt.slpmax)then
+      		islope=1
+      		diff=xsur(2,i)-xsur(2,i-1)
+      		diffm=slpmax*(xsur(1,i)-xsur(1,i-1))
+      		npeakchop(i)=npeakchop(i)+1
+      		peakchop(i)=peakchop(i)-.5*(diff-diffm)
+      		peakchop(i+1)=peakchop(i+1)+.5*(diff-diffm)
+      		xsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)-.5*(diff-diffm)
+      		xsur(2,i-1)=xsur(2,i-1)+.5*(diff-diffm)
+      	endif
+      end do
+      if(islope.eq.1.and.icount.lt.999)go to 63
+c  force boundary nodes to move verticaly
+      xsur(1,1)=coord(1,nrow)
+      xsur(1,numfre)=coord(1,nn)
+c	added 5-24-03
+c	also force boundary nodes to hold their y-position,
+      xsur(2,1)=coord(2,nrow)
+      xsur(2,numfre)=coord(2,nn)
+c  loop over columns
+      ymax=0.0
+      do 60 jfree=ninc,nn,ninc
+      ibase=jfree-ninc+1+iblay
+c  interpolate surface coords to local vector cnew
+c     xsur is surface from old surface + vel*time
+c     interpolate coord(2,) to the new y pos in xsur
+      do k=2,numfre
+      	if(coord(1,jfree).ge.xsur(1,k-1).and.coord(1,jfree).le.
+     *	xsur(1,k))then
+      		cnew(ninc)=xsur(2,k-1)+((coord(1,jfree)-xsur(1,k-1))/
+     *		(xsur(1,k)-xsur(1,k-1)))*(xsur(2,k)-xsur(2,k-1))
+      		ytest=dabs(cnew(ninc)-coord(2,jfree))
+      		ymax=max(ymax,ytest)
+      		go to 26
+      	endif
+      end do
+      write(6,*)' error in remesh: upper surface node not repositioned '
+      cnew(ninc)=xsur(2,1)
+   26 continue
+c  interpolate internal coords in a column to local vector cnew
+      do i=2+iblay,ninc-1-iblayt
+      	cnew(i)=coord(2,ibase)+dble(float(i-1-iblay)/
+     *	float(ninc-1-iblay-iblayt))
+     *	*(cnew(ninc)-iblayt*(coord(2,jfree)-
+     *	coord(2,jfree-1))-coord(2,ibase))
+      end do
+c  assign new coords to points in boundary layer
+      do i=0,iblay
+      	cnew(i+1)=coord(2,jfree-ninc+i+1)
+      end do
+c loop for new coords in upper boundary layer
+      do i=0,iblayt
+      	j=ninc-iblayt+i
+      	cnew(j)=cnew(ninc)-iblayt*(coord(2,jfree)-coord(2,jfree-1))+
+     *	i*(coord(2,jfree)-coord(2,jfree-1))
+      end do
+c interpolate temperatures
+      do i=2+iblay,ninc-1
+      	inode=jfree-ninc+i
+c     find first node above  point of interest
+      	do j=jfree-ninc+1,jfree
+      		if(cnew(i).lt.coord(2,j))then
+      			nup=j
+      			nbelow=j-1
+      			go to 43
+      		endif
+      	end do
+      	write(6,*)'error in remesh temperature not interpolated'
+      	write(6,*) inode
+      	print*,cnew(i),coord(2,j),coord(2,jfree-ninc+1)
+c     interpolate temperature
+   43 	z1=coord(2,nup)-cnew(i)
+      	z2=cnew(i)-coord(2,nbelow)
+      	w1=z1/(z1+z2)
+      	w2=z2/(z1+z2)
+      	toldc(inode)=w2*temptc(nup)+w1*temptc(nbelow)
+      end do
+c  interpolate remaining nodal coords in the column
+      do i=2+iblay,ninc
+      	inode=jfree-ninc+i
+      	coord(2,inode)=cnew(i)
+      end do
+   60 continue
+      write(6,*)'  max displacement in remesh = ',ymax
+c  add toldc (remeshed crustal told) to told (thermal told)
+      l=0
+      count=0
+      do m=ncrustbeg,nnt,nrowt
+	  	l=(m-ncrustbeg)/nrowt +1
+        do j=1,nrow
+          k=m+j
+          count=((l-1)*nrow)+j
+          told(k)=toldc(count)
+        end do
+      end do
+c Flexure/isostacy calculation
+c  offset each column by isostatic displacement
+      if(ncom.eq.0)then
+c     local airy isostacy
+      	ncol=nn/nrow
+      do 351 icol=1,ncol
+c  		overwrite ziso with simple column height calculation
+      	itop=icol*(nrow)
+      	ibot=itop-nrow+1
+      	zbase=coord(2,ibot)
+      	stiso=(rhof)*((coord(2,itop)-coord(2,ibot)-zinit(icol)))
+      	ziso(icol)=zeq(icol)-stiso/rhoman
+      	do 350 irow=1,nrow
+      		inode=(icol-1)*nrow+irow
+      		coord(2,inode)=coord(2,inode)+ziso(icol)-zbase
+  350 	continue
+  351 continue
+      elseif(ncom.eq.1) then
+c     1 plate flexural compensation
+      	ncol=nn/nrow
+      	do icol=1,ncol
+      		itop=icol*nrow
+      		ibot=itop-nrow+1
+c  			find length over which force operates
+      		if(icol.eq.1)then
+      			slen=(coord(1,ibot+nrow)-coord(1,ibot))/2.0d0
+      		elseif(icol.eq.ncol)then
+      			slen=(coord(1,ibot)-coord(1,ibot-nrow))/2.0d0
+      		else
+      			slen=(coord(1,ibot+nrow)-coord(1,ibot-nrow))/2.0d0
+      		endif
+      		fnode(icol)=slen*g*(rhof)*((coord(2,itop)-
+     *		coord(2,ibot)-zinit(icol)))
+      	end do
+c define flexural parameter
+      	alpha=((4.0d0*prig)/((rhoman-rhof)*g))**.25
+      	alph2=(alpha**3)/(8.0d0*prig)
+      	do icol=1,ncol
+      		itop=icol*nrow
+      		ibot=itop-nrow+1
+      		w=0.0d0
+      		do icol2=1,ncol
+      			itop2=icol2*nrow
+      			ibot2=itop2-nrow+1
+      			dist=dabs(coord(1,ibot)-coord(1,ibot2))
+      			dist=dist/alpha
+      			w=w+fnode(icol2)*alph2*dexp(-dist)*(dcos(dist)
+     *			+dsin(dist))
+      		end do
+      		zbase=coord(2,ibot)
+      		do irow=1,nrow
+      			inode=(icol-1)*(nrow)+irow
+      			coord(2,inode)=coord(2,inode)+zeq(icol)-zbase-w
+        	end do
+c  			save incremental drops
+      		zinc(1,icol)=coord(1,ibot)
+      		zinc(2,icol)=coord(2,ibot)-zbase
+      	end do
+      elseif(ncom.eq.2) then
+c     2 plate flexural compensation
+c		since superimposing changes to current profile, the original
+c		sub loads and moments used to get the subduction profile should
+c		not be reapplied, so set them to zero here.
+      	sload=0.0
+      	smomen=0.0
+      	allocate(yp1prev(np1),yp2prev(np2))
+      	yp1prev=yp1
+      	yp2prev=yp2
+c		calculate flexure      	
+      	call calc_flex_remesh(nrow,numfre,np1,np2,prig,rrig,rhoman,
+     *	npad,nsing,nsing1,ctoler,sload,smomen,wtoler,rhof,g,rhoavinitl,
+     *	rhoavinitr,dy_flex_init1,dy_flex_init2,wdepth,sealev,nn,itst)
+c       shift eulerian coords
+c       plate 1 
+        do i=nsing1,np1-npad
+        	icol=nsing-i+nsing1
+        	zinc(1,icol)=coord(1,icol*nrow)
+        	zinc(2,icol)=-(yp1(i)-yp1prev(i))
+        	do j=1,nrow
+        		coord(2,(icol-1)*nrow+j)=coord(2,(icol-1)*nrow+j)
+     *  		+zinc(2,icol)
+     		end do
+     	end do	
+c     	plate 2
+      	do i=2,np2-npad
+      		icol=nsing+i-1
+      		zinc(1,icol)=coord(1,icol*nrow)
+        	zinc(2,icol)=-(yp2(i)-yp2prev(i))
+      		do j=1,nrow
+      			coord(2,(icol-1)*nrow+j)=coord(2,(icol-1)*nrow+j)
+     *			+zinc(2,icol)
+      		end do
+      	end do	
+      	deallocate(yp1prev,yp2prev)
+      endif
+c subside lagrangian track points
+      	do ipoint=1,npoint
+      		do k=2,numfre
+      			if(tpoint(1,ipoint).le.zinc(1,1))then
+      				tpoint(2,ipoint)=tpoint(2,ipoint)+zinc(2,1)
+      				go to 326
+      			elseif(tpoint(1,ipoint).ge.zinc(1,k-1).and.
+     *			tpoint(1,ipoint).le.zinc(1,k))then
+      				tpoint(2,ipoint)=tpoint(2,ipoint)+zinc(2,k-1)+
+     *				((tpoint(1,ipoint)-zinc(1,k-1))/(zinc(1,k)-
+     *				zinc(1,k-1)))*(zinc(2,k)-zinc(2,k-1))
+      				go to 326
+      			endif
+      		end do
+  326 		continue
+      	end do
+c subside tracked basin surfaces
+      	do ipoint=1,ninbas
+      		do k=2,numfre
+      			if(bastrk(1,ipoint).le.zinc(1,1))then
+      				bastrk(2,ipoint)=bastrk(2,ipoint)+zinc(2,1)
+      				go to 328
+      			elseif(bastrk(1,ipoint).ge.zinc(1,k-1).and.
+     *			bastrk(1,ipoint).le.zinc(1,k))then
+      				bastrk(2,ipoint)=bastrk(2,ipoint)+zinc(2,k-1)+
+     *				((bastrk(1,ipoint)-zinc(1,k-1))/(zinc(1,k)-
+     *				zinc(1,k-1)))*(zinc(2,k)-zinc(2,k-1))
+      				go to 328
+      			endif
+      		end do
+  328 		continue
+      	end do
+c thermal remeshing routine
+      call tmesh(nrow,ncol,nrowt,net,nnt,nn,nsing,convel,nsthick,
+     *plthick,itst)
+c  calculate new power law viscosity
+      do ie=1,ne
+      	bl=dexp(q(ie)/(8.3144d0*tmax))/(vmin(ie))
+      	epsinv=(srate(ie,1)**2+srate(ie,2)**2)/2.+srate(ie,3)*
+     *	srate(ie,3)
+      	if(epsinv.lt.0.)epsinv=0.0d0
+      	epsinv=dsqrt(epsinv)     
+      	tele=(temptc(node(1,ie))+temptc(node(2,ie))+temptc(node(3,ie))
+     *	+temptc(node(4,ie)))/4.
+      	if(leqflag.ne.1) then
+      		vpow2=(prex(ie)*dexp(-q(ie)/(8.3144d0*tele)))**(-1./expn(ie))
+      		vpow=vpow2*(epsinv**(1./expn(ie)-1.))
+      	else	
+        	vpow=dexp(q(ie)/(8.3144d0*tele))/bl
+        	vpow2=vpow
+        endif	
+      	if(vpow.gt.vrig)vpow=vrig
+      	if(vpow.lt.vmin(ie))vpow=vmin(ie)
+      	vpower(1,ie)=vpow
+      	vpower(2,ie)=vpow2
+      	if(iplasflg.eq.1) then
+      		vpower(1,ie)=vrig
+      	 	vpower(2,ie)=vrig
+      	endif	 
+      end do
+      deallocate(cnew,fnode,vdiffnew,rdiffnew,xold)
+      return
+      end
+c*   Routine to Remesh the Thermal Mesh                               *
+      subroutine tmesh(nrow,ncol,nrowt,net,nnt,nn,nsing,
+     *convel,nsthick,plthick,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      integer count,vcol,rcount,tricount
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::cdown(:),cpresent(:),sstop(:,:),
+     *ccbot(:,:),rlthick(:),tangle(:),cangle(:),fluxman(:),rwidth(:),
+     *vman(:),sstopold(:),dysstop(:),ssbot(:),ssbotold(:),dyssbot(:),
+     *wwidth(:),zadd(:),bvelm(:),flux(:),snewthick(:)
+c allocate space for arrays
+      allocate(cdown(ncol),cpresent(ncol),sstop(2,nsing+nrowt-nrow))
+      allocate(ccbot(2,ncol),rlthick(ncol),tangle(ncol),cangle(ncol))
+      allocate(vman(ncol),fluxman(ncol),rwidth(ncol),ssbot(nsing+nrowt
+     *-nrow-nsthick),ssbotold(nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick))
+      allocate(sstopold(nsing+nrowt-nrow),dysstop(nsing+nrowt-nrow))
+      allocate(dyssbot(nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick))
+      allocate(wwidth(nsing+nrowt-nrow-1),zadd(ncol),bvelm(ncol),
+     *flux(ncol),snewthick(ncol))
+      cdown=0.0
+      cpresent=0.0
+      sstop=0.0
+      ccbot=0.0
+      rlthick=0.0
+      tangle=0.0
+      cangle=0.0
+      vman=0.0
+      fluxman=0.0
+      rwidth=0.0
+      ssbot=0.0
+      ssbotold=0.0
+      sstopold=0.0
+      dysstop=0.0
+      dyssbot=0.0
+      wwidth=0.0
+      zadd=0.0
+      bvelm=0.0
+      flux=0.0
+      snewthick=0.0
+      nmesh=0
+c store new mech model base position
+      count=0
+      do i=1,nn,nrow
+      	count=(i-1)/nrow +1
+      	cdown(count)=coord(2,i)
+      end do
+c store previous tst mech model base pos      
+      count=0
+      do j=(nrowt-nrow+1),nnt,nrowt
+      	count=(j-(nrowt-nrow+1))/nrowt+1
+      	cpresent(count)=coordt(2,j)
+      end do
+c change in mech base position over tst
+      do k=1,ncol
+      	cbase(k)=(cdown(k)-cpresent(k))
+      end do
+c store previous position of slab top
+      do i=1,nsing
+      	sstopold(i)=cpresent(i)
+      end do	
+c  Remesh Thermal Mesh within the mech model
+      count=0
+      k=0
+      do i=(nrowt-nrow+1),nnt,nrowt
+        do j=1,nrow
+        	k=i+j-1
+ 	    	count=((i-(nrowt-nrow+1))/nrowt)*nrow+j
+        	coordt(2,k)=coord(2,count)
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do
+      end do
+c remesh thermal mesh in retro lith and asthen
+c	portion above slab
+      do i=1,nrowt-nrow
+      	icol=nsing+i
+      	istart=(nsing+i)*nrowt-nrow-i+1
+      	istop=icol*nrowt-nrow
+c      	store previous pos of slab top
+     	sstopold(icol)=coordt(2,istart)
+      	do jnode=istart,istop
+      		coordt(2,jnode)=coordt(2,jnode)+cbase(icol)
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do	
+c     	store positions of slab top
+      	sstop(1,icol)=coordt(1,istart)      	
+      	sstop(2,icol)=coordt(2,istart)
+c     	store thickness of retro lith and athen      	
+      	rlthick(icol)=coordt(2,istop+1)-coordt(2,istart)
+      end do
+c	rest of retro lith and asthen
+      do i=1,ncol-(nsing+nrowt-nrow)
+      	icol=nsing+nrowt-nrow+i
+      	istart=(icol-1)*nrowt+1
+      	istop=icol*nrowt-nrow
+      	do jnode=istart,istop
+      		coordt(2,jnode)=coordt(2,jnode)+cbase(icol)
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do
+c     	store thickness of retro lith and athen      	
+      	rlthick(icol)=coordt(2,istop+1)-coordt(2,istart)
+      end do	
+c store remaining positions of slab top and beg of crust base
+      do i=1,nsing
+      	sstop(1,i)=coordt(1,i*nrowt-nrow+1)
+      	sstop(2,i)=coordt(2,i*nrowt-nrow+1)
+      	ccbot(1,i)=coordt(1,i*nrowt-nrow+1)
+      	ccbot(2,i)=coordt(2,i*nrowt-nrow+1)
+      end do	
+c store the retro portion of crust base
+      do i=nsing+1,ncol
+      	ccbot(1,i)=coordt(1,i*nrowt-nrow+1)
+      	ccbot(2,i)=coordt(2,i*nrowt-nrow+1)
+      end do	
+c calculate the change in slab top height
+      do i=1,nsing+nrowt-nrow
+      	dysstop(i)=sstop(2,i)-sstopold(i)
+      end do	
+c number of colms in the slab (from model lhs to base)
+      nslabcol=nsing+nrowt-nrow
+c  Calculate the tangent angle at each slabtop (sstop) 
+c 	point from lhs to end of slab
+      do j=2,nslabcol-1
+        xdif1=abs(sstop(1,j-1)-sstop(1,j))
+        zdif1=abs(sstop(2,j-1)-sstop(2,j))
+        ang1=atan(zdif1/xdif1) 
+        xdif2=abs(sstop(1,j)-sstop(1,j+1))
+        zdif2=abs(sstop(2,j)-sstop(2,j+1))
+        ang2=atan(zdif2/xdif2)
+        tangle(j)=(ang1-ang2)/2+ang2
+      end do
+      xdif1=abs(sstop(1,1)-sstop(1,2))
+      zdif1=abs(sstop(2,1)-sstop(2,2))
+      tangle(1)=atan(zdif1/xdif1)
+      xdif1=abs(sstop(1,nslabcol-1)-sstop(1,nslabcol))
+      zdif1=abs(sstop(2,nslabcol-1)-sstop(2,nslabcol))
+      tangle(nslabcol)=atan(zdif1/xdif1)
+c calculate the tangent angle of crust base
+      do j=2,ncol-1
+      	xcdif1=abs(ccbot(1,j-1)-ccbot(1,j))
+        zcdif1=abs(ccbot(2,j-1)-ccbot(2,j))
+        cang1=atan(zcdif1/xcdif1)
+        xcdif2=abs(ccbot(1,j)-ccbot(1,j+1))
+        zcdif2=abs(ccbot(2,j)-ccbot(2,j+1))
+        cang2=atan(zcdif2/xcdif2)
+        cangle(j)=(cang1-cang2)/2+cang2
+      end do
+      cangle(1)=tangle(1)
+      xcdif1=abs(ccbot(1,ncol-1)-ccbot(1,ncol))
+      zcdif1=abs(ccbot(2,ncol-1)-ccbot(2,ncol))
+      cangle(ncol)=atan(zcdif1/xcdif1)
+c number of nodes in region up to the base of the slab
+      nslength=nrowt*nslabcol
+c Calculate the Velocity for the retro-lithosphere
+c	left over from ablation code. since ablation is not implemented 
+c	here, set rlvelx to zero. will need to chnage the setting of velocties
+c	to zero below to allow for the application of vel in the reto lith
+c   Also, I have commented out the portions of the code that remesh the lith
+c	to take into account the change in lith thickness due to ablative 
+c	velocities.  Will need to put these back in and redo them if ablation is
+c	included.  also commented out where bvelm was adjusted for ablation
+      rvelx=0.0
+      m=0
+      l=-1
+      n=0
+c      do 81 i=2*(nrowt-nrow),net,2*(nrowt-1)
+c        m=m+1
+c        if(m.lt.nsing) goto 81
+c        l=l+2
+c        if(l.gt.2*nsthick) l=2*nsthick
+c        do j=1,l
+c          vx(i-j+1)=rlvelx*cos(cangle(m))/3.15578e13
+c          vz(i-j+1)=rlvelx*sin(cangle(m))/3.15578e13
+c      	end do
+c   81 continue
+c      do i=1,ncol
+c        vman(i)=vx((i-1)*2*(nrowt-1)+2*(nrowt-nrow))
+c        if(i.ge.2) then
+c          rwidth(i-1)=(rlthick(i-1)+rlthick(i))/2
+c          fluxman(i-1)=vman(i-1)*rwidth(i-1)
+c        endif
+c        if(i.eq.ncol) fluxman(i)=fluxman(i-1)*(rlthick(i)/rlthick(i-1))
+c      end do
+c Remesh the Slab keeping flux through a vert colm constant
+c	As written, it is assumed that the elements in the sub. lith. have
+c	a uniform thickness in each colm.
+c	  mesh the first row on lhs
+      inodet=nrowt-nrow
+      inodeb=nrowt-nrow-nsthick+1
+      dx=sstop(1,2)-sstop(1,1)
+      dy=sstop(2,2)-sstop(2,1)
+      hyplen=(dx**2+dy**2)**0.5
+c     new position for bot of lithos      
+      ybase=-plthick*hyplen/dx+sstop(2,icol)
+c     new heights of elms in lithos
+      dyelm=(sstop(2,icol)-ybase)/dble(nsthick)
+      icount=0
+      ssbotold(1)=coordt(2,inodeb)
+      do i=inodet,inodeb,-1
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	coordt(2,i)=coordt(2,i+1)-dyelm
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      end do	
+      ssbot(1)=coordt(2,inodeb)
+c	mesh from lhs+1 to the spoint
+      do icol=2,nsing
+      	inodet=nrowt*icol-nrow
+      	inodeb=inodet-nsthick+1
+      	dx=sstop(1,icol+1)-sstop(1,icol-1)
+      	dy=sstop(2,icol+1)-sstop(2,icol-1)
+      	hyplen=(dx**2+dy**2)**0.5
+      	ybase=-plthick*hyplen/dx+sstop(2,icol)
+      	dyelm=(sstop(2,icol)-ybase)/dble(nsthick)
+      	icount=0
+      	ssbotold(icol)=coordt(2,inodeb)
+      	do i=inodet,inodeb,-1
+      		icount=icount+1
+      		coordt(2,i)=coordt(2,i+1)-dyelm
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do	
+      	ssbot(icol)=coordt(2,inodeb)
+      end do
+c mesh from spoint+1 to when base of slab hits model base
+      jcount=0
+      do icol=nsing+1,nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick
+        jcount=jcount+1
+      	inodet=nrowt*icol-nrow-jcount
+      	inodeb=inodet-nsthick+1
+      	dx=sstop(1,icol+1)-sstop(1,icol-1)
+      	dy=sstop(2,icol+1)-sstop(2,icol-1)
+      	hyplen=(dx**2+dy**2)**0.5
+      	ybase=-plthick*hyplen/dx+sstop(2,icol)
+      	ssbotold(icol)=coordt(2,inodeb)
+      	dyelm=(sstop(2,icol)-ybase)/dble(nsthick)
+      	icount=0
+      	do i=inodet,inodeb,-1
+      		icount=icount+1
+      		coordt(2,i)=coordt(2,i+1)-dyelm
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do	
+      	ssbot(icol)=coordt(2,inodeb)
+      end do
+c mesh from where bottom of slab hits model base to the end of the slab
+c	In this region, just need to shift the nodes the same amount as the
+c		slab top was shifted
+      kcount=0
+      do icol=nsing+1+nrowt-nrow-nsthick,nslabcol-1
+      	jcount=jcount+1
+      	kcount=kcount+1
+      	inodet=nrowt*icol-nrow-jcount
+      	inodeb=nrowt*icol-nrow-nsthick+1-jcount+kcount
+      	icount=0
+      	do i=inodeb,inodet
+      		icount=icount+1
+      		coordt(2,i)=coordt(2,i)+dysstop(icol)
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do	
+      end do
+c calculate the drop in the bottom of the slab
+      do i=1,nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick
+      	dyssbot(i)=ssbot(i)-ssbotold(i)
+      end do	
+c remesh the pro asthenosphere
+c	from lhs to spoint
+      do icol=1,nsing
+      	inodet=nrowt*icol-nrow-nsthick
+      	inodeb=nrowt*(icol-1)+1
+      	do i=inodeb,inodet
+      		coordt(2,i)=coordt(2,i)+dyssbot(icol)
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do
+      end do	
+c	from spoint+1 to where base of slab touches model base -1
+      icount=0
+      do icol=nsing+1,nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick-1
+      	icount=icount+1
+      	inodet=nrowt*icol-nrow-nsthick-icount
+      	inodeb=nrowt*(icol-1)+1
+      	do i=inodeb,inodet
+      		coordt(2,i)=coordt(2,i)+dyssbot(icol)
+        	nmesh=nmesh+1
+      	end do	
+      end do	
+c compute velocity for thermal model
+c mech domain
+      nlthick=nrowt-nrow
+      tricount=0
+      k=0
+      l=0
+      do i=2*nlthick,net,2*(nrowt-1) 
+      	do j=1,2*(nrow-1),2
+      		k=i+j
+	  		tricount=(i-2*nlthick)/(2*(nrowt-1))*((nrow-1))+
+     *		(j+1)/2
+      		vx(k)=(velx(node(1,tricount))+velx(node(2,tricount))+
+     *		velx(node(4,tricount)))/(3*3.15578e13)
+      		vx(k+1)=(velx(node(4,tricount))+velx(node(2,tricount))+
+     *		velx(node(3,tricount)))/(3*3.15578e13)
+      		vz(k)=(vely(node(1,tricount))+vely(node(2,tricount))+
+     *		vely(node(4,tricount)))/(3*3.15578e13)
+      		vz(k+1)=(vely(node(4,tricount))+vely(node(2,tricount))+
+     *		vely(node(3,tricount)))/(3*3.15578e13)
+c  			Find Basal Velocity Values
+      		if(j.eq.1) then
+	  			l=(i-2*nlthick)/(2*(nrowt-1))+1
+      			bvelm(l)=convel/3.15578e13
+      		endif
+      	end do
+      end do
+c	average thickness of the subducting slab
+c     from lhs to when base of slab hits bottom of model -1
+      do i=1,nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick-1
+      	wwidth(i)=((sstop(2,i)-ssbot(i))+(sstop(2,i+1)-ssbot(i+1)))/2.0
+      end do	
+c     node at the point where slab base hits model bottom
+      icol=nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick
+      wwidth(icol)=((sstop(2,icol)-ssbot(icol))+(sstop(2,i+1)
+     *-coordt(2,icol*nrowt+1)))/2.0
+c     rest of slab
+      do i=nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick+1,nslabcol-1
+      	wwidth(i)=((sstop(2,i)-coordt(2,(i-1)*nrowt+1))
+     *	+(sstop(2,i+1)-coordt(2,nrowt*i+1)))/2.0
+      end do	
+c subducting slab domain
+      k=0
+      l=0
+      n=0
+      m=0
+      ll=0
+      nc=0
+      mcount=0
+      nslabhit=nsing+nrowt-nrow-nsthick
+      neslength=2*((nslength/nrowt)-1)*(nrowt-1)
+      do i=2*(nrowt-nrow-nsthick),neslength,2*(nrowt-1)
+        nc=nc+1
+        mcount=mcount+1
+        if(nc.ge.nsing) then
+        	if(nc.lt.nslabhit) then
+          		m=1
+          		n=n+1
+        	endif
+        endif
+        if(nc.ge.nsing) mcount=nsing-1
+        if(nc.gt.nslabhit) then
+        	l=l+1
+        endif
+        if(nc.ge.nslabhit) then
+        	wwidth(nc)=wwidth(nc-1)
+        	ll=1
+        	m=0
+        endif
+c 		commneted out since not set up for ablation        
+c        if(nc.gt.1) then
+c        	fac=(flux(nc-1)/(wwidth(nc)*cos(-tangle(nc))*
+c     *  	bvelm(mcount)))
+c        	bvelm(mcount)=bvelm(mcount)*fac
+c        endif
+        do j=1,2*(nsthick-l)-ll
+        	k=i+j+m-2*n
+        	vx(k)=bvelm(mcount)*cos(-tangle(nc))
+        	vz(k)=bvelm(mcount)*sin(-tangle(nc))
+c			for ablation. commented out since not worried about 
+c				ablation, yet. (5-21-03)
+c        	if(j.eq.2*(nsthick-l)-ll) then
+c        		flux(nc)=vx(k)*wwidth(nc)
+c        		if(nc.eq.1) then
+c        			snewthick(1)=(flux(1)+abs(fluxman(1)))
+c     *				/(vx(2*(nrowt-nrow))*nsthick)
+c        		 endif
+c          		snewthick(nc+1)=((((flux(nc)+abs(fluxman(nc)))
+c     *			/(vx(k)*nsthick))-snewthick(nc))*2)+snewthick(nc)
+c        	endif
+      	end do
+      end do
+c set all other velocities to zero (only need to do on 1st tst???)
+      if(itst.eq.1) then
+      	do i=1,net
+c 		retro lith
+  	      if(nodet(i,5).eq.3) then
+  	        vx(i)=0.0
+  	        vz(i)=0.0
+  	      endif
+c 		pro asthen
+  	      if(nodet(i,5).eq.4) then
+  	        vx(i)=0.0
+  	        vz(i)=0.0
+  	      endif
+c 		retro asthen
+  	      if(nodet(i,5).eq.5) then
+  	        vx(i)=0.0
+  	        vz(i)=0.0
+  	      endif        
+  	    end do
+      endif
+c  Redue slab thickness due to Ablative Subduction
+c	for ablation. commented out since not worried about ablation yet 5-21-03
+c      k=0
+c      m=0
+c      n=0
+c      l=0
+c      do 96 i=(nrowt-nrow+1),nslength,nrowt
+c        m=m+1
+c        if(m.gt.nsing) k=k+1
+c        zadd(m)=abs(snewthick(m))
+c        do 97 j=1,nsthick
+c          if(j.gt.nsthick-n) then
+c            goto 98
+c          endif
+c          l=i-j-k
+c          coordt(2,l)=coordt(2,l+1)-(zadd(m))
+c          if(l.le.((nrowt)*(m-1)+1)) then
+c            n=n+1
+c          endif
+c   98 continue
+c   97 continue
+c   96 continue
+c  Re-Calculate Slab bottom
+c      m=0
+c      k=0
+c      do 44 i=(nrowt-nrow-nsthick+1),nslength,nrowt
+c        m=m+1
+c        if(m.ge.nsing+1)k=k+1
+c        ssbot(m)=coordt(2,i-k)
+c        if(i-k.eq.(nrowt*(m-1)+1)) goto 43
+c   44 continue
+c   43 continue
+c  Remesh Asthenoshere below slab, after ablation adjustment
+c      botdep=coordt(2,((ncount-1)*nrowt+1))
+c      k=0
+c      l=0
+c      do i=1,ncount
+c        if(i.gt.nsing) then
+c           k=k+1
+c        endif
+c        nsbot=nrowt-nrow-nsthick-k+1
+c        if(nsbot.le.0) nsbot=1
+c        zup=coordt(2,nrowt*i)-ssbot(i)
+c        zdown=coordt(2,nrowt*i)+abs(botdep)-zup
+c        if(nsbot.eq.1) goto 99 
+c        zspace=zdown/(nsbot-1)
+c        do j=1,nsbot-1
+c          l=(i-1)*nrowt+nsbot-j
+c          coordt(2,l)=coordt(2,l+1)-zspace
+c      	end do
+c   99 continue
+c      end do
+      deallocate(cdown,cpresent,sstop,ccbot,rlthick,tangle,cangle,
+     *vman,fluxman,rwidth,ssbot,ssbotold,sstopold,dysstop,dyssbot,
+     *wwidth,zadd,bvelm,flux,snewthick)
+      return
+      end
+c*                                                                    *
+c*    routine to calculate erosion flux as function of slope
+c*                                                                    *
+c modified so that there is no erosion, only filling of basins below sealev
+      subroutine erosion(nn,nrow,ninc,ncol,delt,itst,erosl,erosr,
+     *peros,rpow,sealev,w_depth,isedl,isedr,ibasflg,intmrkb,
+     *nbastrk,nbastary,nbastind,ninbas,ipkfill,ibasfill,
+     *sedmax)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::xsur_old(:),peakloc(:),rst(:),
+     *temp_array(:,:),vsur_old(:)
+      integer,allocatable::locmax(:),locmin(:),itemp_array(:,:),
+     *itemp_array1d(:)
+      real*8 rightdrop,leftdrop
+c allocate arrays
+      allocate(xsur_old(ncol),peakloc(ncol),rst(ncol),locmax(ncol),
+     *locmin(ncol),vsur_old(ncol))
+      xsur_old=0.0
+      peakloc=0.0
+      rst=0.0
+      locmax=0.0
+      locmin=0.0
+      istart=0
+      iend=0
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	vsur_old(i)=vsur(2,i)
+      end do	
+c     indexes for type of fill
+      ihbnd=0
+      ihbas=0
+      ihpk=0
+      ihsea=0
+c find peak in valley surface above sea level
+      hpeak=0.
+      ipeak=0
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	if(vsur(2,i).gt.hpeak)then
+      		hpeak=vsur(2,i)
+      		ipeak=i
+      	endif
+      end do
+c      print*,'Peak',ipeak,vsur(1,ipeak)
+c initialize arrays
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	veros(1,i)=0.0
+      	veros(2,i)=0.0
+      	vdiff(1,i)=0.0
+      	vdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	rdiff(1,i)=0.0
+      	rdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	xsur_old(i)=xsur(2,i)
+      end do
+c #####################################
+c sedimentation 
+c ##############
+c bounds for filling
+      ilbound=isedl
+      irbound=isedr
+      if(ipkfill.eq.1) then
+c	Fill between peaks
+  150 	continue
+c     	find local peaks  
+      	icount=0
+      	do k=ilbound+1,irbound-1
+      	  slopel=vsur(2,k)-vsur(2,k-1)
+      	  sloper=vsur(2,k+1)-vsur(2,k)
+      	  if(slopel.gt.0.and.sloper.lt.0) then
+      	    icount=icount+1
+      	    locmax(icount)=k
+      	    peakloc(icount)=vsur(2,k)
+      	  endif
+      	end do
+c 		if more than one peak, fill in basins
+      	if(icount.gt.1) then
+      		do j=1,icount-1
+      			do i=locmax(j)+1,locmax(j+1)-1
+      				if(peakloc(j).le.peakloc(j+1)) then
+      					if(vsur(2,i).lt.peakloc(j)) then
+      						nbasinfill(i)=nbasinfill(i)+1
+      						basinfill(i)=basinfill(i)+(peakloc(j)
+     *							-vsur(2,i))
+      						vsur(2,i)=peakloc(j)
+      					endif	
+      				else
+      					if(vsur(2,i).lt.peakloc(j+1)) then
+      						nbasinfill(i)=nbasinfill(i)+1
+      						basinfill(i)=basinfill(i)+(peakloc(j)
+     *							-vsur(2,i))
+      						vsur(2,i)=peakloc(j+1)
+      					endif	
+      				endif
+       			end do 
+      		end do
+c    		loop until only one peak
+      		goto 150
+      	endif	
+c	Fill in bounding basins
+      	if(ibasfill.eq.1) then
+      		do k=ilbound+1,irbound-1
+        		slopel1=vsur(2,k)-vsur(2,k-1)
+        		sloper1=vsur(2,k+1)-vsur(2,k)
+        		if(slopel1.lt.0.0.and.sloper1.gt.0.0) then
+c     				is the basin to the L or R of peak, then fill in basin
+c					to the max fill height,height at sed bounds or height
+c					of peak, which ever is less
+      				if(vsur(1,k).lt.vsur(1,locmax(1))) then
+      					hbnd=vsur(2,ilbound)
+      					hbas=vsur(2,k)+sedmax
+      					hpk=vsur(2,locmax(1))
+      					if(hbnd.le.hbas.and.hbnd.le.hpk.
+     *						and.hbnd.le.sealev) then
+      						hfill=hbnd
+      						ihbnd=ihbnd+1
+      					elseif(hbas.le.hpk.and.hbas.le.hbnd.
+     *						and.hbas.le.sealev) then
+      						hfill=hbas
+      						ihbas=ihbas+1
+      					elseif(hpk.le.hbas.and.hpk.le.hbnd.
+     *						and.hpk.le.sealev) then
+      						hfill=hpk
+      						ihpk=ihpk+1
+      					elseif(sealev.le.hpk.and.sealev.le.hbas.
+     *						and.sealev.le.hbnd) then
+      						hfill=sealev
+      						ihsea=ihsea+1
+      					endif	
+c      					print*,'fill:(itst,bnd,bas,pk,sea)\nPfill',
+c     *					itst,ihbnd,ihbas,ihpk,ihsea
+      					do ii=ilbound,locmax(1)
+      						if(vsur(2,ii).lt.hfill) vsur(2,ii)=hfill
+      					end do	
+      				elseif(vsur(1,k).gt.vsur(1,locmax(1))) then
+      					hbnd=vsur(2,irbound)
+      					hbas=vsur(2,k)+sedmax
+      					hpk=vsur(2,locmax(1))
+      					if(hbnd.le.hbas.and.hbnd.le.hpk.
+     *						and.hbnd.le.sealev) then
+      						hfill=hbnd
+      						ihbnd=ihbnd+1
+      					elseif(hbas.le.hpk.and.hbas.le.hbnd.
+     *						and.hbas.le.sealev) then
+      						hfill=hbas
+      						ihbas=ihbas+1
+      					elseif(hpk.le.hbas.and.hpk.le.hbnd.
+     *						and.hpk.le.sealev) then
+      						hfill=hpk
+      						ihpk=ihpk+1
+      					elseif(sealev.le.hpk.and.sealev.le.hbas.
+     *						and.sealev.le.hbnd) then
+      						hfill=sealev
+      						ihsea=ihsea+1
+      					endif	
+c      					print*,'fill:(itst,bnd,bas,pk,sea)\nRfill',
+c     *					itst,ihbnd,ihbas,ihpk,ihsea
+      					do ii=locmax(1),irbound
+      						if(vsur(2,ii).lt.hfill) vsur(2,ii)=hfill
+      					end do	
+      				endif	
+      			endif
+      		end do
+      	endif	
+c 	check for basin fill tracking
+      	if(ibasflg.eq.1) then
+c     		check if a tracking timestep      	
+      		if(itst.eq.1.or.mod(itst,intmrkb).eq.0) then
+c				check that index array is big enough      		
+      			if(nbastrk+ncol.gt.nbastind) then
+      				print*,'Resize Basin Index Array'
+      				allocate(itemp_array(2,nbastind))
+      				itemp_array=ibastrk
+      				deallocate(ibastrk)
+      				allocate(ibastrk(2,(nbastrk+ncol)*2))
+      				ibastrk=0
+      				do i=1,2
+      					do j=1,nbastind
+      						ibastrk(i,j)=itemp_array(i,j)
+      					end do
+      				end do	
+      				deallocate(itemp_array)
+      				nbastind=(nbastrk+ncol)*2
+      			endif	
+c     			check that basin array is big enough      		
+     			if(ninbas+ncol.gt.nbastary) then
+c     				basin track array     			
+     				print*,'Resize Basin Tracking Array'
+     				allocate(temp_array(4,nbastary))
+      				temp_array=bastrk
+      				deallocate(bastrk)
+      				allocate(bastrk(4,(ninbas+ncol)*2))
+      				bastrk=0.0
+      				do i=1,4
+      					do j=1,nbastary
+      						bastrk(i,j)=temp_array(i,j)
+      					end do
+      				end do	
+      				deallocate(temp_array)
+c     				eulerian elements for basin track array
+      				allocate(itemp_array1d(nbastary))
+      				itemp_array1d=ieletpb
+      				deallocate(ieletpb)
+      				allocate(ieletpb((ninbas+ncol)*2))
+      				ieletpb=100
+      				do j=1,nbastary
+      					ieletpb(j)=itemp_array1d(j)
+      				end do
+      				deallocate(itemp_array1d)
+      				nbastary=(ninbas+ncol)*2
+      			endif
+c     			store the basin surface location and the position in array 
+      			istart=2
+  398 			continue      		
+      			do i=istart,ncol
+      				if(vsur(2,i).gt.vsur_old(i)) then
+       					nbastrk=nbastrk+1
+      					ninbas=ninbas+1
+       					ibastrk(1,nbastrk)=ninbas
+       					bastrk(1,ninbas)=vsur(1,i-1)
+       					bastrk(2,ninbas)=vsur(2,i-1)
+       					do j=i,ncol
+       						ninbas=ninbas+1
+       						bastrk(1,ninbas)=vsur(1,j)
+       						bastrk(2,ninbas)=vsur(2,j)
+       						ibastrk(2,nbastrk)=ninbas
+       						if(vsur(2,j).eq.vsur_old(j)) exit
+       					end do
+       					istart=j+1
+       					goto 398
+       				end if
+       			end do	
+      		endif
+      	endif	
+      endif	
+c ##########
+c End of sedimentation
+c ###################################
+c fluvial erosion from R basin to peak
+      veros(1,ilbound)=0.0
+      do 230 i=ilbound+1,ipeak
+      delx=vsur(1,i)-vsur(1,i-1)
+      delh=vsur(2,i-1)-vsur(2,i)
+      veros(1,i)=erosl*(vsur(1,ipeak)-vsur(1,i))*
+     *(delh+delt*veros(1,i-1))
+     */(delx+erosl*(vsur(1,ipeak)-vsur(1,i))*delt)
+  230 continue
+c fluvial erosion from L basin to peak
+c integrate from right basin to peak for erosion
+c      implicit formula
+      veros(1,irbound)=0.0
+      do 240 ii=ipeak+1,irbound
+      i=irbound-ii+ipeak
+      delx=vsur(1,i+1)-vsur(1,i)
+      delh=vsur(2,i+1)-vsur(2,i)
+      veros(1,i)=erosr*(vsur(1,i)-vsur(1,ipeak))*
+     *(delh+delt*veros(1,i+1))
+     */(delx+erosr*(vsur(1,i)-vsur(1,ipeak))*delt)
+  240 continue
+c John's erosion at peak nodes
+      leftdrop=-1.0*(peros*(vsur(2,ipeak)-vsur(2,ipeak-1)))**rpow
+      rightdrop=-1.0*(peros*(vsur(2,ipeak)-vsur(2,ipeak+1)))**rpow
+      veros(1,ipeak)=min(rightdrop,leftdrop)
+C CC  bounds of i have changed to affect only the surface between the two 
+C CC  peak bounding basins
+      do 20 i=ilbound,irbound
+      vtemp=vsur(2,i)
+      vsur(2,i)=vsur(2,i)+delt*veros(1,i)
+   20 continue
+c jon, august. calculate range front seperately.
+      do i=1,ncol
+		rst(i)=rsur(2,i)
+	  end do	
+      do i = ilbound,irbound
+c commented out on 5-17, I think this catch may allow the rsur to be
+c		less than the vsur
+        if(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i).lt.0.0) goto 353
+      	rtemp = rsur(2,i) - delt*(peros*(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i)))**rpow
+      	if(rtemp.lt.vsur(2,i)) then
+      		veros(2,i)=(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i))/delt
+	    	rsur(2,i) =vsur(2,i)
+	    else 	
+			rsur(2,i)=rsur(2,i) - delt*(peros*(rsur(2,i)-
+     *				vsur(2,i)))**rpow
+      		veros(2,i)=peros*(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i))
+      	endif
+  353 continue      	
+      end do
+      rsur(2,ipeak) = vsur(2,ipeak)
+      veros(2,ipeak)=0.0
+      do  i=ilbound,irbound
+      if(rsur(2,i).lt.vsur(2,i)) then
+      	rsur(2,i)=vsur(2,i)
+      endif
+      xsur(2,i)=(vsur(2,i)+rsur(2,i))/2.0
+      vdiff(2,i)=xsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i)
+      rdiff(2,i)=xsur(2,i)-rsur(2,i)
+      rdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      vdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      end do
+      if(ilbound.gt.1) then
+      	do i=1,ilbound-1
+      		vsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rst(i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      		vdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	end do
+      end if	
+      if(irbound.lt.ncol) then
+      	do i=irbound+1,ncol
+      		rst(i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		vsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      		vdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	end do
+      end if	
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	rdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      	vdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      end do
+c redefine veros(2,i) to store the erosion rate as the change in xsur between 
+c timesteps as opposed to the ridge erosion rate
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	veros(2,i)=(xsur_old(i)-xsur(2,i))/delt
+      end do	
+      deallocate(xsur_old,peakloc,rst,locmax,locmin,vsur_old)
+      return
+      end
+c ############################################################
+c Old erosion routine
+c ############################################################
+      subroutine erosion_old(nn,nrow,ninc,ncol,delt,itst,erosl,erosr,
+     *peros,rpow,sealev,w_depth)
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::xsur_old(:),peakloc(:),rst(:)
+      integer,allocatable::locmax(:),locmin(:)
+      real*8 rightdrop,leftdrop
+c allocate arrays
+      allocate(xsur_old(ncol),peakloc(ncol),rst(ncol),locmax(ncol),
+     *locmin(ncol))
+      xsur_old=0.0
+      peakloc=0.0
+      rst=0.0
+      locmax=0.0
+      locmin=0.0
+c find peak in valley surface above sea level
+      hpeak=0.
+      ipeak=0
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	if(vsur(2,i).gt.hpeak)then
+      		hpeak=vsur(2,i)
+      		ipeak=i
+      	endif
+      end do
+      if(hpeak.le.sealev) goto 333
+      print*,'Peak',ipeak,vsur(1,ipeak)
+c initialize arrays
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	veros(1,i)=0.0
+      	veros(2,i)=0.0
+      	vdiff(1,i)=0.0
+      	vdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	rdiff(1,i)=0.0
+      	rdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	xsur_old(i)=xsur(2,i)
+      end do
+c find the base level to the L and R of peak
+      ilbound=-100
+      irbound=-100
+      do i=ipeak-1,1,-1
+      	if(vsur(2,i).le.sealev) then
+      		if(abs(vsur(2,i)-sealev).lt.abs(vsur(2,i+1)-sealev)) then
+      			ilbound=i
+      			exit
+      		else
+      			ilbound=i+1
+      			if(ilbound.eq.ipeak) ilbound=ipeak-1
+      			exit
+      		endif
+      	endif
+      end do	
+      do i=ipeak+1,ncol
+      	if(vsur(2,i).le.sealev) then
+      		if(abs(vsur(2,i)-sealev).lt.abs(vsur(2,i-1)-sealev)) then
+      			irbound=i
+      			exit
+      		else
+      			irbound=i-1
+      			if(irbound.eq.ipeak) irbound=ipeak+1
+      			exit
+      		endif
+      	endif
+      end do	
+      if(ilbound.eq.-100) then
+      	print*,'@@@@ NOTE: L erosion bound not found'
+      	print*,'     using model edge'
+      	ilbound=1
+      endif	
+      if(irbound.eq.-100) then
+      	print*,'@@@@ NOTE: R erosion bound not found'
+      	print*,'     using model edge'
+      	irbound=ncol
+      endif
+      print*,'#######  Erosion bounds:',ilbound,irbound
+      print*,'       ',vsur(1,ilbound),vsur(1,irbound)
+c fill in any basins between the base level on the L and R of the peak
+  150 continue
+c        finds local peaks  
+      icount=0
+      do k=ilbound+1,irbound-1
+        slopel=vsur(2,k)-vsur(2,k-1)
+        sloper=vsur(2,k+1)-vsur(2,k)
+        if(slopel.gt.0.and.sloper.lt.0) then
+          icount=icount+1
+          locmax(icount)=k
+          peakloc(icount)=vsur(2,k)
+        endif
+      end do
+c if more than one peak, fill in basins
+      if(icount.gt.1) then
+      	do j=1,icount-1
+      		do i=locmax(j)+1,locmax(j+1)-1
+      			if(peakloc(j).le.peakloc(j+1)) then
+      				if(vsur(2,i).lt.peakloc(j)) then
+      					nbasinfill(i)=nbasinfill(i)+1
+      					basinfill(i)=basinfill(i)+(peakloc(j)-vsur(2,i))
+      					vsur(2,i)=peakloc(j)
+      				endif	
+      			else
+      				if(vsur(2,i).lt.peakloc(j+1)) then
+      					nbasinfill(i)=nbasinfill(i)+1
+      					basinfill(i)=basinfill(i)+(peakloc(j)-vsur(2,i))
+      					vsur(2,i)=peakloc(j+1)
+      				endif	
+      			endif
+       		end do 
+      	end do
+c    	loop until only one peak
+      	goto 150
+      endif	
+c fluvial erosion from R basin to peak
+      veros(1,ilbound)=0.0
+      do 230 i=ilbound+1,ipeak
+      delx=vsur(1,i)-vsur(1,i-1)
+      delh=vsur(2,i-1)-vsur(2,i)
+      veros(1,i)=erosl*(vsur(1,ipeak)-vsur(1,i))*
+     *(delh+delt*veros(1,i-1))
+     */(delx+erosl*(vsur(1,ipeak)-vsur(1,i))*delt)
+  230 continue
+c fluvial erosion from L basin to peak
+c integrate from right basin to peak for erosion
+c      implicit formula
+      veros(1,irbound)=0.0
+      do 240 ii=ipeak+1,irbound
+      i=irbound-ii+ipeak
+      delx=vsur(1,i+1)-vsur(1,i)
+      delh=vsur(2,i+1)-vsur(2,i)
+      veros(1,i)=erosr*(vsur(1,i)-vsur(1,ipeak))*
+     *(delh+delt*veros(1,i+1))
+     */(delx+erosr*(vsur(1,i)-vsur(1,ipeak))*delt)
+  240 continue
+c John's erosion at peak nodes
+      leftdrop=-1.0*(peros*(vsur(2,ipeak)-vsur(2,ipeak-1)))**rpow
+      rightdrop=-1.0*(peros*(vsur(2,ipeak)-vsur(2,ipeak+1)))**rpow
+      veros(1,ipeak)=min(rightdrop,leftdrop)
+C CC  bounds of i have changed to affect only the surface between the two 
+C CC  peak bounding basins 
+      do 20 i=ilbound,irbound
+      vtemp=vsur(2,i)
+      vsur(2,i)=vsur(2,i)+delt*veros(1,i)
+   20 continue
+c jon, august. calculate range front seperately.
+      do i=1,ncol
+		rst(i)=rsur(2,i)
+	  end do	
+      do i = ilbound,irbound
+c commented out on 5-17, I think this catch may allow the rsur to be
+c		less than the vsur
+        if(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i).lt.0.0) goto 353
+      	rtemp = rsur(2,i) - delt*(peros*(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i)))**rpow
+      	if(rtemp.lt.vsur(2,i)) then
+      		veros(2,i)=(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i))/delt
+	    	rsur(2,i) =vsur(2,i)
+	    else 	
+			rsur(2,i)=rsur(2,i) - delt*(peros*(rsur(2,i)-
+     *				vsur(2,i)))**rpow
+      		veros(2,i)=peros*(rsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i))
+      	endif
+  353 continue      	
+      end do
+      rsur(2,ipeak) = vsur(2,ipeak)
+      veros(2,ipeak)=0.0
+      do  i=ilbound,irbound
+      if(rsur(2,i).lt.vsur(2,i)) then
+      	rsur(2,i)=vsur(2,i)
+      endif
+      xsur(2,i)=(vsur(2,i)+rsur(2,i))/2.0
+      vdiff(2,i)=xsur(2,i)-vsur(2,i)
+      rdiff(2,i)=xsur(2,i)-rsur(2,i)
+      rdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      vdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      end do
+      if(ilbound.gt.1) then
+      	do i=1,ilbound-1
+      		vsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rst(i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      		vdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	end do
+      end if	
+      if(irbound.lt.ncol) then
+      	do i=irbound+1,ncol
+      		rst(i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		vsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rsur(2,i)=xsur(2,i)
+      		rdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      		vdiff(2,i)=0.0
+      	end do
+      end if	
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	rdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      	vdiff(1,i)=xsur(1,i)
+      end do
+c redefine veros(2,i) to store the erosion rate as the change in xsur between 
+c timesteps as opposed to the ridge erosion rate
+      do i=1,ncol
+      	veros(2,i)=(xsur_old(i)-xsur(2,i))/delt
+      end do	
+  333 continue
+      deallocate(xsur_old,peakloc,rst,locmax,locmin)
+      return
+      end
+c *****************************************************************
+      subroutine elt03n(inopredv,d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw,dt
+     *,nen,n,nel,viscos,press,plasfl,sigav,epsav,maxnel,kstep)
+c this is a modified version of elmt03 that should
+c allow for     1.    4/1 or 9/3 v-p or u-p computations
+c               2.    nonlinear viscous models
+c                     both in shear and isotropic part
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (nstbis=21)
+      dimension viscos(maxnel,9),press(maxnel,3)
+     1       ,plasfl(maxnel,9)
+      dimension sigav(maxnel,4),epsav(maxnel,4)
+      dimension  d(*),ul(ndf,*),xl(ndm,*),ix(*),s(nst,*)
+     1  ,shp(3,9),sg(9),tg(9),wg(9),sig(6),eps(3),wd(2)
+     2  ,p(ndf,*),v(2),dv(2,2),shpp(3),indx(nstbis)
+      dimension cmpp(6),cdpu(54),fp(3),ptot(3)
+      dimension devstre(4),epsdev(4),stressl(4)
+c      data wd/4hress,4hrain/
+c     write(*,*)inopredv,(d(j),j=1,10),(ul(1,j),j=1,4),(ul(2,j),j=1,4),
+c    *(xl(1,j),j=1,4),ix(1),s(1,1),p(1,1),p(2,1),
+c    *ndf,ndm,nst,isw,dt
+c    *,nen,n,nel,(viscos(1,j),j=1,4),(bulkmod(1,j),j=1,4),
+c    *press(1,1),(plasfl(1,j),j=1,4),
+c    *(sigav(1,j),j=1,4),(epsav(1,j),j=1,4),maxnel,kstep
+c     write(*,*)inopredv,ndf,ndm,nst,isw
+c     write(*,*)nen,n,nel,kstep
+c     write(*,*)dt
+c     write(*,*)(d(j),j=1,10)
+c     write(*,*)(xl(1,j),j=1,4)
+c     write(*,*)(xl(2,j),j=1,4)
+c     write(*,*)(viscos(1,j),j=1,4)
+c     write(*,*)(bulkmod(1,j),j=1,4)
+c     write(*,*)(press(1,j),j=1,1)
+c     write(*,*)(plasfl(1,j),j=1,4)
+      nelp=1
+      if(isw.eq.1) goto 1
+      if(isw.eq.2) goto 2
+      if(isw.eq.3) goto 3
+      if(isw.eq.4) goto 4
+      if(isw.eq.5) goto 5
+c      goto (1,2,3,4,5,3),isw
+c notice mode 1 is used in the input section (and can be reentered
+c by macro: mesh although without ''change of b.c. '' if we quote
+c mozart 's author. (mister taylor).but this should not be capital
+c in particular when the topology is constant it poses no problem.
+c the problem is more a interpolation/extrapolation problem
+c from grid to grid than a profile recomputation pb.)
+c     notice a storage (see d(10,)) of 10 is allowed for ech material
+c     set.
+    1 read(1,1000)d(1),d(2),d(3),l,d(5),d(6),d(7)
+c     if the run is a restart the read phase should be in
+c     restart mode.
+      d(4)=l
+      lint=0
+      return
+    2 return
+    3 l=d(4)
+      nstu=ndf*nen
+      if(isw.eq.6)then
+c it is very important to notice here that 4 modes can exist:
+c a neutral mode: 1.no reaction computed  ,return.(ex a simple fluid)
+c                 2.reaction computed but not fed to rhs
+c                 3.standard mode compute and feed reactions.
+c                 4.half standard mode :
+c                   compute isotropic reactions say isw=7
+c                           deviatoric reactions    isw=8
+c                dissipated deviatoric rections     isw=9
+c                dissipated isotropic  rections     isw=10 (if bulk visc
+c                or plast)
+c                etc!(any computation that would differ from
+c                standard total div(sig(eps(u))
+c                useful!!!!!! particular case are the following:
+c                4.1.
+c we lock here in mode 1 but macro could call other modes as well
+                  goto 70
+                  endif
+c get pressure back from saved matrices and velocities
+      if(inopredv.eq.0.and.isw.eq.3)then
+cc    nelps=nelp*nelp
+cc    read(mswap1,*)(cmpp(i),i=1,nelps)
+cc    nelpu=nelp*nstu
+cc    read(mswap1,*)(cdpu(i),i=1,nelpu)
+c solve cmpp*p+cdpu*u=cmpp*p0
+cc    call elimp(ndf,fp,cmpp,cdpu,ptot,nelp,nstu,ul)
+c so dp is in pinc
+      ptot(1)=press(n,1)
+      ptot(2)=press(n,2)
+      ptot(3)=press(n,3)
+                      endif
+      call pgauss(l,lint,sg,tg,wg)
+      volt=0.
+      ptemp=0.
+      sigav(n,1)=0.
+      sigav(n,2)=0.
+      sigav(n,3)=0.
+      sigav(n,4)=0.
+      epsav(n,1)=0.
+      epsav(n,2)=0.
+      epsav(n,3)=0
+      epsav(n,4)=0.
+      do 65 l=1,lint
+      call shape(sg(l),tg(l),xl,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,.false.)
+      shpp(1)=1.
+      shpp(2)=sg(l)
+      shpp(3)=tg(l)
+c compute v at l
+      do 38 i=1,2
+      v(i)=0.
+      do 31 k=1,nel
+      v(i)=v(i)+shp(3,k)*ul(i,k)
+   31 continue
+c compute gradv at l
+      do 37 j=1,2
+      ddv=0.0
+      do 32 k=1,nel
+      ddv=ddv+shp(j,k)*ul(i,k)
+   32 continue
+      dv(i,j)=ddv
+   37 continue
+   38 continue
+c from dv every strain or spin rate ...
+      epstra=(dv(1,1)+dv(2,2))/3.
+c convention 1=xx 2=yy 3=xy(not 2*xy) 4=zz=out of plane
+      epsdev(1)=dv(1,1)-epstra
+      epsdev(2)=dv(2,2)-epstra
+      epsdev(3)=(dv(1,2)+dv(2,1))/2.
+c because this is the plane strain elmt
+      epsdev(4)=0.
+      epsav(n,1)=epsav(n,1)+dv(1,1)
+      epsav(n,2)=epsav(n,2)+dv(2,2)
+      epsav(n,3)=epsav(n,3)+0.5*(dv(1,2)+dv(2,1))
+      epsav(n,4)=epsav(n,3)+0.5*(dv(1,2)-dv(2,1))
+c     linear case   or no predictor
+      if(inopredv.eq.1)then
+c or restart
+      if(kstep.eq.1)then
+      viscos(n,l)=d(1)
+      bulkmod(n,l)=d(2)
+                    endif
+      xvol=1.
+      xlam=dt*bulkmod(n,l)
+      xcom=1.0/xlam
+      xmu=viscos(n,l)
+      xrho=d(3)
+                      else
+c     nonlinear case = nonlinear iteration technique .
+c  in the general case use this to compute stress predictor and next stif
+      xvol=1.
+      xlam=dt*bulkmod(n,l)
+      xcom=1.0/xlam
+      xrho=d(3)
+      xmu=viscos(n,l)
+c strain stress law here viscous '!isotropic!'
+      devstre(1)=2.*xmu*epsdev(1)
+      devstre(2)=2.*xmu*epsdev(2)
+      devstre(3)=2.*xmu*epsdev(3)
+      devstre(4)=2.*xmu*epsdev(4)
+c invariant
+      rj2d=(devstre(1)*devstre(1)+devstre(2)*devstre(2))/2.0+
+     *devstre(3)*devstre(3)
+      rj2d=sqrt(rj2d)
+c refind pressure at gauss point level
+      presl=0.0
+      do 1155 i=1,nelp
+c dont forget to update press(n,i)
+      presl=presl+(ptot(i))*shpp(i)
+ 1155 continue
+      stressl(1)=-presl+devstre(1)
+      stressl(2)=-presl+devstre(2)
+      stressl(3)=devstre(3)
+      stressl(4)=-presl+devstre(4)
+      ptemp=ptemp+presl
+      sigav(n,1)=sigav(n,1)+stressl(1)
+      sigav(n,2)=sigav(n,2)+stressl(2)
+      sigav(n,3)=sigav(n,3)+stressl(3)
+      sigav(n,4)=sigav(n,4)+stressl(4)
+c compute state variable control
+      ivmises=0
+      if(d(5).lt.0.)then
+      ivmises=1
+      sigy=-d(5)
+                    else
+      d5=3.14159*d(5)/180.
+      cosphi=dcos(d5)
+      sinphi=dsin(d5)
+      coh2=d(6)
+      if(presl.lt.0.0)then
+      sigy=coh2*cosphi
+      else
+      sigy=presl*sinphi+coh2*cosphi
+      endif
+                    endif
+      if(sigy.gt.d(7))sigy=d(7)
+      if(sigy.lt.0)write(*,*)'pos 1: sigy < 0 elt n= ',n
+c     radial return
+      radret=rj2d/sigy
+         if(plasfl(n,l).gt.0.or.radret.gt.1.)then
+c plastic flow
+         plasfl(n,l)=1
+c notice that the following computation is redundant.
+         rj2de=(epsdev(1)**2+epsdev(2)**2)/2.0+epsdev(3)**2
+         rj2de=dsqrt(rj2de)
+         xmu=sigy/(2.0*rj2de)
+         if(xmu.gt.d(1))then
+                        xmu=d(1)
+                        plasfl(n,l)=0
+                             endif
+                                             endif
+c     update nonlinear rheology
+c here in general the whole rheology is reparametrized
+             viscos(n,l)=xmu
+                      endif
+      xvol=xvol*xsj*wg(l)
+      xlam=xlam*xsj*wg(l)
+      xcom=xcom*xsj*wg(l)
+      xmu=xmu*xsj*wg(l)
+      xrho=xrho*xsj*wg(l)
+      volt=volt+xvol
+c     write(2,*)'end control                        '
+c     isotropic operator     : spp
+c     (dev-is  coupling)
+      do 400 lp=1,nelp
+      do 401 mp=1,nelp
+      s(nstu+lp,nstu+mp)=s(nstu+lp,nstu+mp)+
+     1xcom*shpp(lp)*shpp(mp)
+  401 continue
+  400 continue
+      if(isw.eq.6)goto 60
+      k1=1
+c nel = 4, so not worth parallelizing?
+      do 34 k=1,nel
+c add this line
+	k1=1+(k-1)*ndf
+      a1=xmu*shp(1,k)
+      a2=xmu*shp(2,k)
+      a3=xrho*(dv(1,1)*shp(3,k)+v(1)*shp(1,k)+v(2)*shp(2,k))
+      a4=xrho*(dv(2,2)*shp(3,k)+v(1)*shp(1,k)+v(2)*shp(2,k))
+      a5=xrho*dv(1,2)*shp(3,k)
+      a6=xrho*dv(2,1)*shp(3,k)
+c eliminate deviatoric part
+c     b1=xlam*shp(1,k)
+c     b2=xlam*shp(2,k)
+      b1=0.
+      b2=0.
+      j1=1
+      do 33 j=1,nel
+c add this line
+	j1=1+(j-1)*ndf
+c     deviatoric operator    : suu
+c     (dev-dev coupling)
+c xj xk
+      s(j1,k1)=s(j1,k1)+shp(1,j)*a1+shp(2,j)*a2
+      s(j1,k1)=s(j1,k1)+(shp(1,j)*a1)/3.0
+c xj yk
+      s(j1,k1+1)=s(j1,k1+1)+0.
+c     s(j1,k1+1)=s(j1,k1+1)+a1*shp(2,j)/3.0
+      s(j1,k1+1)=s(j1,k1+1)-2.*a2*shp(1,j)/3.0+a1*shp(2,j)
+c yj xk
+      s(j1+1,k1)=s(j1+1,k1)+0.
+c     s(j1+1,k1)=s(j1+1,k1)+a2*shp(1,j)/3.0
+      s(j1+1,k1)=s(j1+1,k1)-2.*a1*shp(2,j)/3.0+a2*shp(1,j)
+c yj yk
+      s(j1+1,k1+1)=s(j1+1,k1+1)+shp(1,j)*a1+shp(2,j)*a2
+      s(j1+1,k1+1)=s(j1+1,k1+1)+(shp(2,j)*a2)/3.0
+c this if statement breaks the elegance of the code helas!
+c     write(2,*)'end suu                            '
+      if(k.eq.1)then
+c     iso-dev   operator     : sup
+c     (dev-is  coupling)
+      do 333 mp=1,nelp
+      s(nstu+mp,j1)=s(nstu+mp,j1)+xvol*shpp(mp)*shp(1,j)
+      s(nstu+mp,j1+1)=s(nstu+mp,j1+1)+xvol*shpp(mp)*shp(2,j)
+      s(j1,nstu+mp)=s(nstu+mp,j1)
+      s(j1+1,nstu+mp)=s(nstu+mp,j1+1)
+  333 continue
+      endif
+c      j1=j1+ndf
+   33 continue
+c      k1=k1+ndf
+   34 continue
+c     solve iso-dev coupling at the element level :
+c     elimination of internal dofs .here pressure.
+c     if u-u convective term is not zero s is not symmetric
+c     if u-p convective term is not zero s is not symmetric
+c        u-p convective term arises from stress rate computations
+      goto 65
+c  force-computation
+   60 continue
+c it is very important to notice here that 3 modes can exist:
+c a neutral mode: 1.no reaction computed  ,return.(ex a simple fluid)
+c                 2.reaction computed but not fed to rhs
+c                 3.standard mode compute and feed reactions.
+c we lock here in mode 1 but macro could call other modes as well
+      xdiv=(dv(1,1)+dv(2,2))*xlam
+      do 67 k=1,nel
+      do 64 j=1,2
+      sum=xdiv*shp(j,k)
+      do 63 i=1,2
+      sum=sum+xmu*(dv(j,i)+dv(i,j))*shp(i,k)+
+     1   xrho*v(i)*dv(j,i)*shp(3,k)
+   63 continue
+      p(j,k)=p(j,k)-sum
+   64 continue
+   67 continue
+c     write(2,*)'end loop 65 l                      '
+   65 continue
+c     write(2,*)'loop 65 terminated'
+c save cmpp and cdpu in file 3
+      if(isw.eq.3.and.inopredv.eq.0)then
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+      cmpp(1)=s(nstu+1,nstu+1)
+      iia=0
+c!OMP parallel do private(j,iia)
+      do 1111 j=1,nstu
+c commented this line
+c         iia=iia+1
+c added this line
+	 iia=j
+         cdpu(iia)=s(nstu+1,j)
+ 1111 continue
+c!OMP end parallel do
+                   endif
+      if(nelp.eq.3)then
+      cmpp(1)=s(nstu+1,nstu+1)
+      cmpp(2)=s(nstu+1,nstu+2)
+      cmpp(3)=s(nstu+1,nstu+3)
+      cmpp(4)=s(nstu+2,nstu+2)
+      cmpp(5)=s(nstu+2,nstu+3)
+      cmpp(6)=s(nstu+3,nstu+3)
+      iia=0
+c!OMP parallel do private(i,j,iia)
+      do 1112 i=1,3
+         do 1113 j=1,nstu
+c commented this line
+c         iia=iia+1
+c added this line
+	  iia=(i-1)*3+j
+         cdpu(iia)=s(nstu+i,j)
+ 1113 continue
+ 1112 continue
+c!OMP end parallel do
+                   endif
+cc    nelps=nelp*nelp
+cc    write(mswap1,*)(cmpp(i),i=1,nelps)
+cc    nelpu=nelp*nstu
+cc    write(mswap1,*)(cdpu(i),i=1,nelpu)
+c solve cmpp*p+cdpu*u=cmpp*p0
+cc dont  forget to update fp in compressible case
+c	write(6,*) 'calling elimp',ndf,nelp,nstu
+      call elimp(ndf,fp,cmpp,cdpu,ptot,nelp,nstu,ul)
+      press(n,1)=ptot(1)
+      press(n,2)=ptot(2)
+      press(n,3)=ptot(3)
+                   endif
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+c     sigav(n,1)=(sigav(n,1)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,2)=(sigav(n,2)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,4)=(sigav(n,4)+ptemp-ptot(1))/lint
+c     sigav(n,3)=sigav(n,3)/lint
+      sigav(n,1)=(sigav(n,1)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigav(n,2)=(sigav(n,2)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigav(n,4)=(sigav(n,4)+ptemp)/lint
+      sigav(n,3)=sigav(n,3)/lint
+                   endif
+      epsav(n,1)=epsav(n,1)/lint
+      epsav(n,2)=epsav(n,2)/lint
+      epsav(n,3)=epsav(n,3)/lint
+      epsav(n,4)=epsav(n,4)/lint
+c try hand elimination for n/1 elt
+      if(nelp.eq.1)then
+c     compress=volt/d(2)
+c compressibility included in spp for possible nonlinear iterations
+      do 5555 i=1,nstu
+      do 5556 j=1,nstu
+c     s(i,j)=s(i,j)+s(i,9)*s(9,j)/compress
+      s(i,j)=s(i,j)+s(i,9)*s(9,j)/s(9,9)
+ 5556 continue
+ 5555 continue
+                   endif
+      if(nelp.eq.3)then
+c       write(2,*)'before ludcmp'
+      call ludcmp(s,nst,nst,indx(1),dperm,nelp)
+c     write(2,*)'after  ludcmp'
+                   endif
+c     write(*,*)'stifness matrix'
+c     write(*,*)s(1,1),s(1,2),s(1,3),s(1,4)
+c     write(*,*)s(1,5),s(1,6),s(1,7),s(1,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(2,2),s(2,3),s(2,4),s(2,5)
+c     write(*,*)s(2,6),s(2,7),s(2,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(3,3),s(3,4),s(3,5),s(3,6)
+c     write(*,*)s(3,7),s(3,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(4,4),s(4,5),s(4,6),s(4,7)
+c     write(*,*)s(4,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(5,5),s(5,6),s(5,7),s(5,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(6,6),s(6,7),s(6,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(7,7),s(7,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(8,8)
+c     stop
+   70 continue
+      return
+c stress and vel gradient computation
+    4 l=d(4)
+c an selective integration rule could easily be inplemented on
+c stif and stress computation:
+c would essentially yield v-p: 2 on dev and 1 on trace term
+c     if(isw.eq.4)l=d(6)
+      call pgauss(l,lint,sg,tg,wg)
+      do 600 l=1,lint
+      call shape(sg(l),tg(l),xl,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,.false.)
+c here eps represent epsdot tensor
+      do 410 i=1,3
+      eps(i)=0.0
+  410 continue
+      xx=0.0
+      yy=0.0
+c added these 3 lines
+	eps1=eps(1)
+	eps2=eps(2)
+	eps3=eps(3)
+      do 420 j=1,nel
+      xx=xx+shp(3,j)*xl(1,j)
+      yy=yy+shp(3,j)*xl(2,j)
+c of course ul is a velocity
+c commented these three lines
+c      eps(1)=eps(1)+shp(1,j)*ul(1,j)
+c      eps(3)=eps(3)+shp(2,j)*ul(2,j)
+c      eps(2)=eps(2)+shp(1,j)*ul(2,j)+shp(2,j)*ul(1,j)
+c added these 3 lines
+      eps1=eps1+shp(1,j)*ul(1,j)
+      eps3=eps3+shp(2,j)*ul(2,j)
+      eps2=eps2+shp(1,j)*ul(2,j)+shp(2,j)*ul(1,j)
+  420 continue
+      sig(1)=d(1)*eps(1)+d(2)*eps(3)
+      sig(3)=d(2)*eps(1)+d(1)*eps(3)
+      sig(2)=d(3)*eps(2)
+c     if(isw.eq.6) go to 620
+      call pstres(sig,sig(4),sig(5),sig(6))
+      mct=mct-2
+      if(mct.le.0) mct=50
+      goto 600
+c 620 dv=xsj*wg(l)
+c     j1=1
+c     do 610 j=1,nel
+c     p(j1)=p(j1)-(shp(1,j)*sig(1)+shp(2,j)*sig(2))*dv
+c     if(isw.eq.6)then
+c                 endif
+c     p(j1+1)=p(j1+1)-(shp(1,j)*sig(2)+shp(2,j)*sig(3))*dv
+c 610 j1=j1+ndf
+  600 continue
+      return
+c mass matrix
+    5 l=d(4)
+      call pgauss(l,lint,sg,tg,wg)
+      do 503 l=1,lint
+      call shape(sg(l),tg(l),xl,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,.false.)
+c or any rho replacing d(3)!
+      dvscal=wg(l)*xsj*d(3)
+      j1=1
+      do 500 j=1,nel
+c added this line
+	j1=(j-1)*ndf+1
+      w11=shp(3,j)*dvscal
+      k1=j1
+      do 510 k=j,nel
+      s(j1,k1)=s(j1,k1)+shp(3,k)*w11
+      k1=k1+ndf
+  510 continue
+c commented this line
+c      j1=j1+ndf
+  500 continue
+  503 continue
+      nsl=nel*ndf
+      do 521 j=1,nsl,ndf
+      do 520 k=j,nsl,ndf
+      s(j+1,k+1)=s(j,k)
+      s(k,j)=s(j,k)
+      s(k+1,j+1)=s(j,k)
+  520 continue
+  521 continue
+c     write(*,*)'mass matrix'
+c     write(*,*)s(1,1),s(2,2),s(3,3),s(4,4)
+c     write(*,*)s(5,5),s(6,6),s(7,7),s(8,8)
+c     write(*,*)s(9,9)
+ 1000 format(3e9.2,i2,3e9.2)
+      return
+      end
+c *****************************************************************************
+      subroutine ludcmp(s,nst,ndims,indx,dperm,nelim)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      parameter (maxnel=1,nstbis=21)
+      dimension s(nst,*),indx(nstbis)
+c     1,scalro(nstbis)
+      parameter (tiny=0.)
+c we are not aiming here to time efficiency
+c flip s to p-u order
+	write(6,*) 'nst:',nst
+      do 5000 i=1,nst
+      do 5001 j=1,nst
+      s(i,j)=s(nst+1-i,nst+1-j)
+ 5001 continue
+ 5000 continue
+      dperm=1.
+c scalro not needed if s symmetric
+c     do 12 i=1,nst
+c           smax=0.
+c           do 11 j=1,nst
+c           if(abs(s(i,j).gt.smax)smax=abs(s(i,j))
+c  11 continue
+c     if(smax.eq.0.)then
+c     write(*,*)'s is singular in lu routine'
+c                   stop
+c                   endif
+c     scalro(i)=1./smax
+c  12 continue
+c     only eliminate internal dofs :1 to nelim.
+c          for pressure elimination,nelim=nelp
+      do 19 j=1,nelim
+      if(j.gt.1)then
+                do 14 i=1,j-1
+                sum=s(i,j)
+                if(i.gt.1)then
+                do 13 k=1,i-1
+                   sum=sum-s(i,k)*s(k,j)
+   13 continue
+                s(i,j)=sum
+                          endif
+   14 continue
+                endif
+      smax=0.
+      do 16 i=j,nelim
+         sum=s(i,j)
+         if(j.gt.1)then
+            do 15 k=1,j-1
+               sum=sum-s(i,k)*s(k,j)
+   15 continue
+         s(i,j)=sum
+                   endif
+c no merit for pivoting if matrix s is symmetric.
+c         dum=scalro(i)*abs(sum)
+c         if(dum.ge.smax)then
+c                        imax=i
+c                        smax=dum
+c                        endif
+   16 continue
+c      if(j.ne.imax)then
+c         do 17 k=1,nelim
+c            dum=s(imax,k)
+c            s(imax,k)=s(j,k)
+c            s(j,k)=dum
+c   17 continue
+c      dperm=-dperm
+c      scalro(imax)=scalro(j)
+c                   endif
+      if(j.ne.nelim)then
+              if(s(j,j).eq.0)s(j,j)=tiny
+      if(s(j,j).eq.0.)then
+              write(*,*)'0 pivot in internal dof elimination'
+                      stop
+                      endif
+              dum=1./s(j,j)
+              do 18 i=j+1,nelim
+                    s(i,j)=s(i,j)*dum
+   18 continue
+                    endif
+   19 continue
+      if(s(nelim,nelim).eq.0.)s(nelim,nelim)=tiny
+c flip s to u-p order
+      do 6000 i=1,nst
+      do 6001 j=1,nst
+      s(i,j)=s(nst+1-i,nst+1-j)
+ 6001 continue
+ 6000 continue
+      return
+      end
+c ######################################################################      
+      subroutine elimp(ndf,fp,cmpp,cdpu,pinc,nelp,nstu,ul)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension ul(ndf,*),pinc(3),cmpp(6),cdpu(54),fp(3),cmpp1(6)
+      dimension rhs(3)
+      loc=0
+      iax=0
+      ino=1
+      do 10 i=1,nelp
+      temp=-fp(i)
+      do 20 j=1,nstu
+      iax=iax+1
+      loc=loc + 1
+      temp=temp - cdpu(loc)*ul(iax,ino)
+      if(iax.eq.2)then
+                  ino=ino+1
+                  iax=0
+                  endif
+   20 continue
+      rhs(i)=temp
+   10 continue
+      if (nelp.ne.1) go to 100
+      piv=cmpp(1)
+      if (piv.eq.0.00) then
+          print*,'error: kpp is not invertible - stop in elimp '
+          stop
+      endif
+      pinc(1)=rhs(1)/piv
+      return
+  100 continue
+c     move akpp to the working array akpp1
+      ii=0
+      do 114 i=1,nelp
+      do 105 j=i,nelp
+      ii=ii+1
+      cmpp1(ii)=cmpp(ii)
+  105 continue
+  114 continue
+      nn2=nelp + 2
+      ipjp=-nelp
+      do 116 ip=1,nelp-1
+      ipjp=ipjp + nn2 - ip
+      piv=cmpp1(ipjp)
+      if (piv.eq.0.00) then
+          print*,'error: kpp is not invertible - stop in elimp'
+          stop
+      endif
+      dd=1.0/piv
+      ii=ipjp
+      ijp=ipjp
+      do 110 i=ip+1,nelp
+      ii=ii + nn2 - i
+      ijp=ijp + 1
+      fac=cmpp1(ijp)*dd
+      jip=ijp - 1
+      ij=ii - 1
+      do 120 j=i,nelp
+      jip=jip + 1
+      ij=ij + 1
+      cmpp1(ij)=cmpp1(ij) - fac*cmpp1(jip)
+  120 continue
+      rhs(i)=rhs(i) - fac*rhs(ip)
+  110 continue
+  116 continue
+      piv=cmpp1(ij)
+      if (piv.eq.0.00) then
+          print*,'error: kpp is not invertible - stop in elimp'
+          stop
+      endif
+      pinc(nelp)=rhs(nelp)/piv
+      ii=ij
+      do 130 i=nelp-1,1,-1
+      temp=rhs(i)
+      ii=ii - nn2 + i + 1
+      ij=ii
+      do 140 j=i+1,nelp
+      ij=ij + 1
+      temp=temp - cmpp1(ij)*pinc(j)
+  140 continue
+      pinc(i)=temp/cmpp1(ii)
+  130 continue
+      return
+      end
+c ####################################################################
+      subroutine pgauss(l,lint,r,z,w)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension lr(9),lz(9),lw(9),r(*),z(*),w(*)
+      data lr/-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1,0/,lz/-1,-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,0/
+      data lw/4*25,4*40,64/
+      lint=l*l
+      if(l.eq.1) goto 1
+      if(l.eq.2) goto 2
+      if(l.eq.3) goto 3
+c      go to(1,2,3),l
+    1 r(1)=0.
+      z(1)=0.
+      w(1)=4.
+      return
+    2 g=1./dsqrt(3.0d0)
+      do 21 i=1,4
+      r(i)=g*lr(i)
+      z(i)=g*lz(i)
+      w(i)=1.
+   21 continue
+      return
+    3 g=dsqrt(0.6d0)
+      h=1./81.
+      do 31 i=1,9
+      r(i)=g*lr(i)
+      z(i)=g*lz(i)
+      w(i)=h*lw(i)
+   31 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pstres(sig,p1,p2,p3)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension sig(3)
+      xi1=(sig(1)+sig(3))/2.
+      xi2=(sig(1)-sig(3))/2.
+      rho=dsqrt(xi2*xi2+sig(2)*sig(2))
+      p1=xi1+rho
+      p1=xi1-rho
+      p3=45.0
+      if(xi2.ne.0.0)p3=22.5*atan2(sig(2),xi2)/atan(1.0)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine shape(ss,tt,x,shp,xsj,ndm,nel,ix,flg)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      logical flg
+      dimension shp(3,9),x(ndm,*),s(4),t(4),xs(2,2),sx(2,2),ix(*)
+      data s/-0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.5/,t/-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5/
+      do 100 i=1,4
+      shp(3,i)=(0.5+s(i)*ss)*(0.5+t(i)*tt)
+      shp(1,i)=s(i)*(0.5+t(i)*tt)
+      shp(2,i)=t(i)*(0.5+s(i)*ss)
+  100 continue
+      if(nel.ge.4)goto 120
+      do 110 i=1,3
+      shp(i,3)=shp(i,3)+shp(i,4)
+  110 continue
+  120 if(nel.gt.4)call shap2(ss,tt,shp,ix,nel)
+      do 132 i=1,ndm
+      do 131 j=1,2
+      xs(i,j)=0.0
+      do 130 k=1,nel
+      xs(i,j)=xs(i,j)+x(i,k)*shp(j,k)
+  130 continue
+  131 continue
+  132 continue
+      xsj=xs(1,1)*xs(2,2)-xs(1,2)*xs(2,1)
+      if(flg)return
+      sx(1,1)=xs(2,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,2)=xs(1,1)/xsj
+      sx(1,2)=-xs(1,2)/xsj
+      sx(2,1)=-xs(2,1)/xsj
+      do 140 i=1,nel
+      tp=shp(1,i)*sx(1,1)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,1)
+      shp(2,i)=shp(1,i)*sx(1,2)+shp(2,i)*sx(2,2)
+      shp(1,i)=tp
+  140 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine shap2(s,t,shp,ix,nel)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension ix(*),shp(3,*)
+      s2=(1.-s*s)/2.
+      t2=(1.-t*t)/2.
+      do 99 i=5,9
+      do 100 j=1,3
+      shp(j,i)=0.0
+  100 continue
+   99 continue
+      if(ix(5).eq.0)goto 101
+      shp(1,5)=-s*(1.-t)
+      shp(2,5)=-s2
+      shp(3,5)=-s2*(1.-t)
+  101 if(nel.lt.6)goto 107
+      if(ix(6).eq.0)goto 102
+      shp(1,6)=t2
+      shp(2,6)=-t*(1.+s)
+      shp(3,6)=t2*(1.+s)
+  102 if(nel.lt.7)goto 107
+      if(ix(7).eq.0)goto 103
+      shp(1,7)=-s*(1.+t)
+      shp(2,7)=s2
+      shp(3,7)=s2*(1.+t)
+  103 if(nel.lt.8)goto 107
+      if(ix(8).eq.0)goto 104
+      shp(1,8)=-t2
+      shp(2,8)=-t*(1.-s)
+      shp(3,8)=t2*(1.-s)
+  104 if(nel.lt.9)goto 107
+      if(ix(9).eq.0)goto 103
+      shp(1,9)=-4.0*s*t2
+      shp(2,9)=-4.0*t*s2
+      shp(3,9)=-4.*s2*t2
+      do 119 j=1,3
+      do 105 i=1,4
+      shp(j,i)=shp(j,i)-0.25*shp(j,9)
+  105 continue
+      do 106 i=5,8
+      if(ix(i).ne.0)shp(j,i)=shp(j,i)-.5*shp(j,9)
+  106 continue
+  119 continue
+  107 k=8
+      do 109 i=1,4
+      l=i+4
+      do 108 j=1,3
+      shp(j,i)=shp(j,i)-0.5*(shp(j,k)+shp(j,l))
+  108 continue
+      k=l
+  109 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine tracki(nn,ne,nrow,npoint,delt,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension node1(4),node2(4),node3(4)
+	common /trackivar/ ipoint,xm1,ym1,vxt1,vyt1,xmp,ymp,toler,
+     * iloop,ie,iele,in,x2,y2,x3,y3,scaler,x4,y4,x5,y5,x6,y6,
+     * a1,a0,b0,b1,b2,b3,r,s,vx1,vx2,vx3,vx4,vy1,vy2,vy3,vy4,a2,a3
+     * vxtemp,vytemp,xm,ym,t1,t2,t3,t4,t_track
+      if(npoint.eq.0)return
+      node1(1)=1
+      node2(1)=2
+      node3(1)=3
+      node1(2)=2
+      node2(2)=3
+      node3(2)=4
+      node1(3)=3
+      node2(3)=4
+      node3(3)=1
+      node1(4)=4
+      node2(4)=1
+      node3(4)=2
+      do 500 ipoint=1,npoint
+c  locally store previous tstep position and velocity
+      xm1=tpoint(1,ipoint)
+      ym1=tpoint(2,ipoint)
+      vxt1=tpoint(3,ipoint)
+      vyt1=tpoint(4,ipoint)
+c predictor:
+      xm=tpoint(1,ipoint)+delt*vxt1
+      ym=tpoint(2,ipoint)+delt*vyt1
+      xmp=xm
+      ymp=ym
+      toler=.005*dsqrt((xm-xm1)**2+(ym-ym1)**2)
+c loop to find implicitly velocity at new point
+      do 400 iloop=1,10
+c   find current element
+      if(ieletp(ipoint).eq.0)go to 450
+c  search vicinity of previous element first
+      do 200 iele=1,ne+5
+      ie=iele-5
+      if(iele.eq.1)ie=ieletp(ipoint)
+      if(iele.eq.2)ie=min0(ieletp(ipoint)+1,ne)
+      if(iele.eq.3)ie=max0(ieletp(ipoint)-1,1)
+      if(iele.eq.4)ie=min0(ieletp(ipoint)+nrow-1,ne)
+      if(iele.eq.5)ie=max0(ieletp(ipoint)-nrow+1,1)
+      if(ie.le.0) then
+      	write(6,*)' error element =  ',ie
+      	print*,'   Looking for ipoint= ',ipoint,iele
+      endif	
+      if(ie.gt.ne) then
+      	write(6,*)' error element = ',ie
+      	print*,'   Looking for ipoint= ',ipoint,iele
+      endif 
+c  calculate scaler products
+c  loop over each side
+      do 250 in=1,4
+      if(mod(ie,(nrow-1)).eq.1.and.in.eq.1)go to 249
+      if(mod(ie,(nrow-1)).eq.0.and.in.eq.3)go to 249
+      if(ie.lt.(nrow).and.in.eq.4)go to 249
+      if(ie.gt.(ne-nrow+1).and.in.eq.2)go to 249
+c  find point on edge whose normal intersects other node
+c                (x4,y4)
+      x2=coord(1,node(node2(in),ie))-coord(1,node(node1(in),ie))
+      y2=coord(2,node(node2(in),ie))-coord(2,node(node1(in),ie))
+      x3=coord(1,node(node3(in),ie))-coord(1,node(node1(in),ie))
+      y3=coord(2,node(node3(in),ie))-coord(2,node(node1(in),ie))
+      scaler=(x2*x3+y2*y3)/(x2*x2+y2*y2)
+      x4=coord(1,node(node1(in),ie))+x2*scaler
+      y4=coord(2,node(node1(in),ie))+y2*scaler
+c find scaler product of edge normal and tracked point
+      x5=coord(1,node(node3(in),ie))-x4
+      y5=coord(2,node(node3(in),ie))-y4
+      x6=xm-x4
+      y6=ym-y4
+      scaler=x5*x6+y5*y6
+      if(scaler.lt.0.0)go to 190
+  249 continue
+  250 continue
+      ieletp(ipoint)=ie
+      go to 100
+  190 continue
+  200 continue
+  450 continue
+c  point not in any element
+      write(6,*)' warning: lost point: ',xm,ym
+  100 continue
+c  find current velocity at track point
+      x1=coord(1,node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      x2=coord(1,node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      x3=coord(1,node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      x4=coord(1,node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y1=coord(2,node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y2=coord(2,node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y3=coord(2,node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y4=coord(2,node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+c  find r and s
+c     find coefs for space interpolation
+      a0=.5*(x1+x2)
+      a1=.5*(x1-x2)
+      b0=.25*(y1+y2+y3+y4)
+      b1=.25*(y1-y2-y3+y4)
+      b2=.25*(y1+y2-y3-y4)
+      b3=.25*(y1-y2+y3-y4)
+      r=(xm-a0)/a1
+      s=(ym-b0-b1*r)/(b2+b3*r)
+      if(r.gt.1.0)r=1.0
+      if(r.lt.-1.0)r=-1.0
+      if(s.gt.1.0)s=1.0
+      if(s.lt.-1.0)s=-1.0
+c  interpolate velocity
+      vx1=velx(node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vx2=velx(node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vx3=velx(node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vx4=velx(node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy1=vely(node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy2=vely(node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy3=vely(node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy4=vely(node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+c     find coefs for velocity interpolation
+      a0=.25*(vx1+vx2+vx3+vx4)
+      a1=.25*(vx1-vx2-vx3+vx4)
+      a2=.25*(vx1+vx2-vx3-vx4)
+      a3=.25*(vx1-vx2+vx3-vx4)
+      b0=.25*(vy1+vy2+vy3+vy4)
+      b1=.25*(vy1-vy2-vy3+vy4)
+      b2=.25*(vy1+vy2-vy3-vy4)
+      b3=.25*(vy1-vy2+vy3-vy4)
+c  find velocity at updated track point
+      vxtemp=a0+a1*r+a2*s+a3*r*s
+      vytemp=b0+b1*r+b2*s+b3*r*s
+c#####  track temp for lagrangian mesh ##########
+c determine temperature at eulerian nodes surrounding element 
+c containing lagrangian node       
+      t1=temptc(node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      t2=temptc(node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      t3=temptc(node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      t4=temptc(node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+c find coefs for temperature interpolation
+      a0=.25*(t1+t2+t3+t4)
+      a1=.25*(t1-t2-t3+t4)
+      a2=.25*(t1+t2-t3-t4)
+      a3=.25*(t1-t2+t3-t4)
+c find temperature at updated track point
+      t_track=a0+a1*r+a2*s+a3*r*s
+c ###  track ductile/plastic deformation for lmesh ##
+c after finding correct element, check if any gauss point
+c	has ductile deformation
+      rigmax=.004
+      iduc=0
+      do 376 igp=1,4
+      	if(ipflag(ieletp(ipoint),igp).eq.0) then
+c		check 2nd invar of strain rate: if above rigmax, behave ductile
+c			if below rigmax, behave rigid (only want ductile)
+c			record ductile behavior as tpoint(6,ipoint) as =1
+c			in tpoint(7,ipoint) record the number of timesteps 
+c			of ductile def.
+      		secdef=(srate(ieletp(ipoint),1)*srate(ieletp(ipoint),1)+
+     *		srate(ieletp(ipoint),2)*srate(ieletp(ipoint),2))/2.
+     *		+srate(ieletp(ipoint),3)*srate(ieletp(ipoint),3)
+     		if(secdef.lt.0.0)then
+      			secdef=0.0
+      		endif
+      		secdef=dsqrt(secdef)
+      		if(secdef.ge.rigmax) then
+     			tpoint(6,ipoint)=1.0
+      			tpoint(7,ipoint)=tpoint(7,ipoint)+1.0
+      			goto 377
+      		endif	
+      	endif
+  376 continue	
+  377 continue      
+c  update position of material point
+c    check for convergence in velocity-position loop
+c  predictor
+c corrector
+c#### ensure that all lmesh nodes to the lhs of the domain do not
+c####	have a vert component of displacement.  this is important 
+c####	with the edge bcs adjusted so that they are tangential to the
+c####	base of the model. if there is a vert component to the velocity 
+c####	at the model edge, this causes the mesh outside the domain to
+c####	advect downwards
+      if(xm.lt.coord(1,1)) then
+c		no vert displacement outside the model      	
+      	ym=ym1
+      else
+c		vert displacement inside the model      
+		ym=ym1+.5*(vyt1+vytemp)*delt
+	  end if	
+      xm=xm1+.5*(vxt1+vxtemp)*delt
+c comment this out since no vert disp outside model domain catch is above
+c      ym=ym1+.5*(vyt1+vytemp)*delt
+      ctest=dsqrt((xm-xmp)**2+(ym-ymp)**2)
+      if(ctest.gt.toler)go to 390
+      go to 410
+  390 continue
+      xmp=xm
+      ymp=ym
+  400 continue
+  410 continue
+      tpoint(1,ipoint)=xm
+      tpoint(2,ipoint)=ym
+      tpoint(3,ipoint)=vxtemp
+      tpoint(4,ipoint)=vytemp
+      tpoint(5,ipoint)=t_track
+c  routine to calculate the exhumation rate for each l-node
+      call exhum_rate(xm,ym,xm1,ym1,nn,nrow,exhum,ipoint,
+     *xsur,xsurold,itst,delt)
+  500 continue
+      return
+      end
+c ################################################################
+c material trcking for basin surfaces
+c ################################################################
+      subroutine track_basin(nn,ne,nrow,npoint,delt,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_mech
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension node1(4),node2(4),node3(4)
+	common /trackivar/ ipoint,xm1,ym1,vxt1,vyt1,xmp,ymp,toler,
+     * iloop,ie,iele,in,x2,y2,x3,y3,scaler,x4,y4,x5,y5,x6,y6,
+     * a1,a0,b0,b1,b2,b3,r,s,vx1,vx2,vx3,vx4,vy1,vy2,vy3,vy4,a2,a3
+     * vxtemp,vytemp,xm,ym,t1,t2,t3,t4,t_track
+      if(npoint.eq.0) return
+      node1(1)=1
+      node2(1)=2
+      node3(1)=3
+      node1(2)=2
+      node2(2)=3
+      node3(2)=4
+      node1(3)=3
+      node2(3)=4
+      node3(3)=1
+      node1(4)=4
+      node2(4)=1
+      node3(4)=2
+      do 500 ipoint=1,npoint
+c  locally store previous tstep position and velocity
+      xm1=bastrk(1,ipoint)
+      ym1=bastrk(2,ipoint)
+      vxt1=bastrk(3,ipoint)
+      vyt1=bastrk(4,ipoint)
+c predictor:
+      xm=bastrk(1,ipoint)+delt*vxt1
+      ym=bastrk(2,ipoint)+delt*vyt1
+      xmp=xm
+      ymp=ym
+      toler=.005*dsqrt((xm-xm1)**2+(ym-ym1)**2)
+c loop to find implicitly velocity at new point
+      do 400 iloop=1,10
+c   find current element
+      if(ieletpb(ipoint).eq.0)go to 450
+c  search vicinity of previous element first
+      do 200 iele=1,ne+5
+      ie=iele-5
+      if(iele.eq.1)ie=ieletpb(ipoint)
+      if(iele.eq.2)ie=min0(ieletpb(ipoint)+1,ne)
+      if(iele.eq.3)ie=max0(ieletpb(ipoint)-1,1)
+      if(iele.eq.4)ie=min0(ieletpb(ipoint)+nrow-1,ne)
+      if(iele.eq.5)ie=max0(ieletpb(ipoint)-nrow+1,1)
+      if(ie.le.0) then
+      	write(6,*)' error basin element =  ',ie
+      	print*,'   Looking for ipoint= ',ipoint,iele
+      endif	
+      if(ie.gt.ne) then
+      	write(6,*)' error basin element = ',ie
+      	print*,'   Looking for ipoint= ',ipoint,iele
+      endif 
+c  calculate scaler products
+c  loop over each side
+      do 250 in=1,4
+      if(mod(ie,(nrow-1)).eq.1.and.in.eq.1)go to 249
+      if(mod(ie,(nrow-1)).eq.0.and.in.eq.3)go to 249
+      if(ie.lt.(nrow).and.in.eq.4)go to 249
+      if(ie.gt.(ne-nrow+1).and.in.eq.2)go to 249
+c  find point on edge whose normal intersects other node
+c                (x4,y4)
+      x2=coord(1,node(node2(in),ie))-coord(1,node(node1(in),ie))
+      y2=coord(2,node(node2(in),ie))-coord(2,node(node1(in),ie))
+      x3=coord(1,node(node3(in),ie))-coord(1,node(node1(in),ie))
+      y3=coord(2,node(node3(in),ie))-coord(2,node(node1(in),ie))
+      scaler=(x2*x3+y2*y3)/(x2*x2+y2*y2)
+      x4=coord(1,node(node1(in),ie))+x2*scaler
+      y4=coord(2,node(node1(in),ie))+y2*scaler
+c find scaler product of edge normal and tracked point
+      x5=coord(1,node(node3(in),ie))-x4
+      y5=coord(2,node(node3(in),ie))-y4
+      x6=xm-x4
+      y6=ym-y4
+      scaler=x5*x6+y5*y6
+      if(scaler.lt.0.0)go to 190
+  249 continue
+  250 continue
+      ieletp(ipoint)=ie
+      go to 100
+  190 continue
+  200 continue
+  450 continue
+c  point not in any element
+      write(6,*)' warning: lost basin point: ',xm,ym
+  100 continue
+c  find current velocity at track point
+      x1=coord(1,node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      x2=coord(1,node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      x3=coord(1,node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      x4=coord(1,node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y1=coord(2,node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y2=coord(2,node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y3=coord(2,node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      y4=coord(2,node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+c  find r and s
+c     find coefs for space interpolation
+      a0=.5*(x1+x2)
+      a1=.5*(x1-x2)
+      b0=.25*(y1+y2+y3+y4)
+      b1=.25*(y1-y2-y3+y4)
+      b2=.25*(y1+y2-y3-y4)
+      b3=.25*(y1-y2+y3-y4)
+      r=(xm-a0)/a1
+      s=(ym-b0-b1*r)/(b2+b3*r)
+      if(r.gt.1.0)r=1.0
+      if(r.lt.-1.0)r=-1.0
+      if(s.gt.1.0)s=1.0
+      if(s.lt.-1.0)s=-1.0
+c  interpolate velocity
+      vx1=velx(node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vx2=velx(node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vx3=velx(node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vx4=velx(node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy1=vely(node(1,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy2=vely(node(2,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy3=vely(node(3,ieletp(ipoint)))
+      vy4=vely(node(4,ieletp(ipoint)))
+c     find coefs for velocity interpolation
+      a0=.25*(vx1+vx2+vx3+vx4)
+      a1=.25*(vx1-vx2-vx3+vx4)
+      a2=.25*(vx1+vx2-vx3-vx4)
+      a3=.25*(vx1-vx2+vx3-vx4)
+      b0=.25*(vy1+vy2+vy3+vy4)
+      b1=.25*(vy1-vy2-vy3+vy4)
+      b2=.25*(vy1+vy2-vy3-vy4)
+      b3=.25*(vy1-vy2+vy3-vy4)
+c  find velocity at updated track point
+      vxtemp=a0+a1*r+a2*s+a3*r*s
+      vytemp=b0+b1*r+b2*s+b3*r*s
+      xm=xm1+.5*(vxt1+vxtemp)*delt
+      ym=ym1+.5*(vyt1+vytemp)*delt
+      ctest=dsqrt((xm-xmp)**2+(ym-ymp)**2)
+      if(ctest.gt.toler)go to 390
+      go to 410
+  390 continue
+      xmp=xm
+      ymp=ym
+  400 continue
+  410 continue
+      bastrk(1,ipoint)=xm
+      bastrk(2,ipoint)=ym
+      bastrk(3,ipoint)=vxtemp
+      bastrk(4,ipoint)=vytemp
+  500 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine exhum_rate(xm,ym,xm1,ym1,nn,nrow,exhum,ipoint,
+     *xsur,xsurold,itst,delt)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      dimension xsur(2,*),exhum(*),xsurold(2,*)
+      if(itst.eq.1) then
+      	exhum(ipoint)=0.0
+      	return
+      endif	
+      if(itst.eq.2) then
+      	exhum(ipoint)=0.0
+      	return
+      endif	
+      ncolm=nn/nrow
+c if l-node at prev is L of model edge, set =0 
+      if(xm1.lt.0.0) then
+      	exhum(ipoint)=0.0
+      	return
+      endif
+c determine depth below surface (down is +) for previous tst
+      do 200 i=1,ncolm
+      	if(xm1.lt.xsurold(1,i)) then
+      		dx=xsurold(1,i)-xsurold(1,i-1)
+      		dy=xsurold(2,i)-xsurold(2,i-1)
+      		xdiff=xm1-xsurold(1,i-1)
+      		ydepth1=xsurold(2,i-1)+xdiff*dy/dx-ym1
+      		if(ydepth1<0.0) then
+      			exhum(ipoint)=0.0
+      			return
+      		endif	
+      		goto 215
+      	endif
+  200 continue
+  215 continue
+c determine depth below surface (down is +) for current tst
+      do 300 i=1,ncolm
+      	if(xm.lt.xsur(1,i)) then
+      		dx=xsur(1,i)-xsur(1,i-1)
+      		dy=xsur(2,i)-xsur(2,i-1)
+      		xdiff=xm-xsur(1,i-1)
+      		ydepth=xsur(2,i-1)+xdiff*dy/dx-ym
+      		goto 315
+      	endif
+  300 continue
+  315 continue
+      exhum(ipoint)=(ydepth1-ydepth)/(delt*1000.0)
+      return
+      end

Added: long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/thermal_oly.f
--- long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/thermal_oly.f	2006-06-21 19:14:00 UTC (rev 3838)
+++ long/2D/plasti/trunk/SRC/thermal_oly.f	2006-06-21 19:53:58 UTC (rev 3839)
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+c   SUBROUTINE THERMAL (a derivative of the
+c                 program heatran)
+c  ne = Total number of elements
+c  nn = total number of nodes
+c  n = total number of boundary nodes?
+c  coordcoordcoordt,Z, coordinates
+c  nodet(ne,j)  - J=1,2,3 Node numbers for the Ith element
+c		 J=4 Propery Map Value
+c                J=5 Velocity Domain
+c  vx(ne)	- velocity in x-dir
+c  vz(ne)	- velocity in z-dir
+c  velx(nn)	- velocity in x-dir from plasti
+c  vely(nn)	- velocity in z-dir from plasti
+c  asf(ne,3)	- shape function A coefficents
+c  bsf(ne,3)	- shape function B coefficents
+c  area(ne)		- Areas of elements
+c  tcond(2,ne)	- Rock thermal conductivities (anisotropic)
+c  trho(ne) 	- Rock densities
+c  spheat(ne)	- Rock specific heats
+c  hprod(ne)	- Heat production
+c  tempt(nn)	- Temperatures
+c  temp(ne/2)  - Temperatures averaged over quad elements
+c  told(nn)	- Temperatures at previous time step
+c  ntbnd(n)	- Constant temperature nodes
+c  btem(n)	- Constant temperature values
+c  neflux(n,2)	- Constant heat flux element and nodes on that side
+c			=(1,2, and/or 3)
+c  flux(n)	- Constant heat flux value
+c  iter         - Iteration number
+c  itst         - Time step number
+      subroutine thermal(deltt,itst,nn,ne,nout,nrowp,nrow,ncol,
+     *lda,lbw,ntbn,ioutpt)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      character date*10,time*10,time2*10
+      integer quadcount
+	  allocate(a(lda,nn),asf(ne,3),bsf(ne,3),area(ne),ipt(nn))
+	  allocate(rhst(nn))
+      call date_and_time(date,time)
+      print*,'Real Time Entering Thermal is:  ',time
+      print*,'Time Step Number =',itst
+      print*,'Delt = ',deltt
+      deltt=(3.15578e13)*deltt
+c first (0) interation sets up initial conditions
+      if(itst.eq.0) then
+       	vx=0.0
+      	vz=0.0
+      endif      
+      call sfcoef(nn,ne,itst)
+      call globet(ne,nn,lbw,lda,deltt,itst)
+c	NOTE: flux bcs are not implemented in the platis meshg,
+c			so set nfel == to 0 here
+      nfel=0
+      call bct(nn,ne,ntbn,nfel,lda,lbw)
+      call dgbtrf(nn,nn,lbw,lbw,a,lda,ipt,info)
+      if(info.ne.0) then
+	  	print*,'info from dgbtrf',info
+       	call outputt(nn,ne,rhst,itst,nout,nrow,ncol,ioutpt)
+	  	stop
+	  endif
+	  call dgbtrs('N',nn,lbw,lbw,1,a,lda,ipt,rhst,nn,info)
+	  if(info.ne.0) then
+	  	print*,'info from dgbtrs',info
+	  	call outputt(nn,ne,rhst,itst,nout,nrow,ncol,ioutpt)
+	  	stop
+	  endif
+      do i=1,nn
+      	tempt(i)=rhst(i)
+      end do
+       call outputt(nn,ne,itst,nout,nrow,ncol,ioutpt)  
+      quadcount=0
+      k=0
+      do j=2*(nrow-nrowp),ne,2*(nrow-1)
+      	do i=1,2*(nrowp-1),2
+      		k=i+j
+      		quadcount=quadcount+1
+      		temp(quadcount)=(tempt(nodet(k,1))+tempt(nodet(k,2))+
+     *		tempt(nodet((k+1),1))+tempt(nodet((k+1),3)))
+      		temp(quadcount)=temp(quadcount)/4
+      	end do
+      end do
+      call date_and_time(date,time2)
+      print*,'Real Time Leaving Thermal is:  ',time2
+      deallocate(a,asf,bsf,area,ipt,rhst)
+      return
+      end
+c ######################################################################
+c ######################################################################
+c*   SUBROUTINE TO OUTPUT RESULTS                           *
+      subroutine outputt(nn,ne,itst,nout,nrow,ncol,ioutpt)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      integer thdpl,fstpl,secpl,temp1
+      character(30):: coordt_op='coordt_',veltherm_alt_op=
+     *'velthermal_alt_',velthermal_op='velthermal_',temp_op='temp_',
+     *matp_hprod_op='matp_hprod_',matp_tcond_y_op='matp_tcond_y_',
+     *matp_spec_ht_op='matp_spec_ht_',dir,fextn
+      character(10):: nums='0123456789'
+      if(itst.eq.99999)return
+      if(itst.eq.0)return
+      if(itst.eq.1) goto 39
+      if(nout.eq.1) goto 39
+c catch for no output to equilibrate thermal model to subduction      
+      itest=mod(itst,nout)
+      if(itest.ne.0)return
+   39 continue
+c      print*,' Inside Thermal Output, Timestep=',itst
+c output directory
+      dir='output/'
+c determine extension for output file names
+      if(ioutpt.lt.10) then
+      	fextn=nums(ioutpt+1:ioutpt+1)
+      elseif(ioutpt.lt.100) then
+      	fstpl=(ioutpt)/10+1
+      	secpl=(ioutpt-10*(fstpl-1))+1
+      	fextn=nums(fstpl:fstpl)//nums(secpl:secpl)
+      elseif(ioutpt.lt.1000) then
+      	fstpl=(ioutpt)/100+1
+      	temp1=(ioutpt-(ioutpt/100)*100)
+      	secpl=temp1/10+1
+      	thdpl=ioutpt-((fstpl-1)*100+(secpl-1)*10)+1
+      	if(temp1.lt.10)secpl=1
+      	fextn=nums(fstpl:fstpl)//nums(secpl:secpl)//
+     *	nums(thdpl:thdpl)
+      endif
+c coords
+      if(output_flags(38).eq.1) then
+      	open(19,file=trim(dir)//trim(coordt_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(19,101)nn
+      	do i=1,nn
+      		write(19,105)coordt(1,i),coordt(2,i)
+      	end do
+      	close(19)
+      endif	
+c reduced resolution thermal vel
+      if(output_flags(39).eq.1) then
+      	open(14,file=trim(dir)//trim(veltherm_alt_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(14,104)ne/2,ncol,nrow
+      	do i=1,ne,2
+        	write(14,103)vx(i)*3.15578e13
+      	end do
+      	do i=1,ne,2
+        	write(14,103)vz(i)*3.15578e13
+        end do
+        close(14)
+      endif  
+c full resolution velocities
+      if(output_flags(40).eq.1) then
+      	open(16,file=trim(dir)//trim(velthermal_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(16,101)ne,ncol,nrow
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(16,103)vx(i)*3.15578e13
+      	end do
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(16,103)vz(i)*3.15578e13
+      	end do	
+      	close(16)
+      endif	
+c temp
+      if(output_flags(41).eq.1) then
+      	open(18,file=trim(dir)//trim(temp_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(18,101) nn
+      	do i=1,nn,8
+      		count=(nn-i)/8
+      		if(count.ge.1) then
+      			j=i+7
+      		else
+      			j=nn
+      		endif
+      		write(18,102)(tempt(k)-273,k=i,j)
+      	end do
+      	close(18)
+      endif
+c thermal material props
+c heat production      	
+      if(output_flags(42).eq.1) then	
+      	open(21,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_hprod_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(21,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(21,103)hprod(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(21)
+      endif	
+c thermal cond y-dir   	
+      if(output_flags(43).eq.1) then	
+      	open(21,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_tcond_y_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(21,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(21,103)tcond(2,i)
+      	end do
+      	close(21)
+      endif      
+c specific heat
+      if(output_flags(44).eq.1) then	
+      	open(21,file=trim(dir)//trim(matp_spec_ht_op)//trim(fextn),
+     *	position='rewind')
+      	write(21,101)ne
+      	do i=1,ne
+      		write(21,103)spheat(i)
+      	end do	
+      	close(21)
+      endif      
+  101 format(i6)
+  102 format(13f12.2)
+  103 format(2e15.9)
+  104 format(3i6)
+  105 format(SP,6e12.6,/5e12.6)
+      return
+      end
+c*      SUBROUTINE TO APPLY BOUNDARY CONDITIONS                     *
+      subroutine bct(nn,ne,ntbn,nfel,lda,lbw)
+      use dyn_arrays
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c      print*,'nfel=',nfel,'ntbn=',ntbn
+c      print*,'lda=',lda,'lbw=',lbw
+      m=2*lbw+1
+c   apply constant flux bc
+      if(nfel.gt.0) then
+      	do in=1,nfel
+      		n1=neflux(in,1)
+      		n2=neflux(in,2)
+c  find length of element side
+      		xl=(coordt(1,n1)-coordt(1,n2))**2
+      		yl=(coordt(2,n1)-coordt(2,n2))**2
+      		tl=dsqrt(xl+yl)
+c  calculate nodal value and insert in rhs
+      		fln=flux(in)*tl/2.000000
+      		rhst(n1)=fln+rhst(n1)
+      		rhst(n2)=fln+rhst(n2)
+      	end do
+      endif	
+c  apply constant value boundary condition
+      if(ntbn.eq.0) go to 301
+      do in=1,ntbn
+      	ib=ntbnd(in)
+      	llb=ib-lbw
+      	iub=ib+lbw
+      	if(llb.lt.1)llb=1
+      	if(iub.gt.nn)iub=nn
+c  set corresponding row of global stiffness matrix to 0
+      	do jb=llb,iub
+      		kb=ib-jb+m
+      		a(kb,jb)=0.0
+      	end do
+c  set principle diagonal component to 1.
+c       and rhs to prescribed value
+      	a(m,ib)=1.00000
+      	rhst(ib)=btem(in)
+      end do
+  301 continue 
+      return
+      end
+c*         FOR HEAT TRANSPORT EQUATION                        *
+      subroutine globet(ne,nn,lbw,lda,deltt,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      real*8 massk,massb
+      Dimension massb(3),massk(3,3),
+     *t(3),s(3,3)
+c initialize stiffness matrix and rhs
+      mbw=2*lbw+1
+      ma=(3*lbw+1)
+      do j=1,nn
+      	rhst(j)=0.0
+      	do i=1,ma
+      		a(i,j)=0.0
+      	end do
+      end do
+c loop over each element
+c calculate element stiffness matrix
+      do 100 iele=1,ne
+c conductivity for the element
+c dispersion tensor
+      dxx=tcond(1,iele)
+      dzz=tcond(2,iele)
+      dxz=0.0
+c  assemble element stiffness matrix
+      do jj=1,3
+      	aj=asf(iele,jj)
+      	bj=bsf(iele,jj)
+      	massb(jj)=hprod(iele)*area(iele)/3.0d0
+      	term2=trho(iele)*spheat(iele)*(vx(iele)*aj+
+     *	vz(iele)*bj)/6.0000
+      	do ii=1,3
+      		ai=asf(iele,ii)
+      		bi=bsf(iele,ii)
+      		massk(ii,jj)=(dxx*ai*aj+dxz*(ai*bj+bi*aj)+dzz*bi*bj)/(4.*
+     *		area(iele))+term2
+      	end do
+      end do
+c Calculate Transient Component To E.S.M. and RHS
+c  Define density and specific heat for the rock
+	if(itst.eq.0) goto 31
+      denr=trho(iele)
+      spec=spheat(iele)
+c  Calculate bulk volume specific heat for the element
+      bhc=denr*spec
+c  Define nodal temperatures
+      do ii=1,3
+      	t(ii)=told(nodet(iele,ii))
+      end do
+c  Define Transient Mass (s) Matrix
+      do 15 ii=1,3
+      do 110 jj=1,3
+      s(ii,jj)=bhc*area(iele)/12
+  110 continue
+      s(ii,ii)=s(ii,ii)*2
+   15 continue
+c  Insert into ESM(element stiffness matrix) and RHS
+      do 30 ii=1,3
+      do 20 jj=1,3
+      massb(ii)=massb(ii)+s(ii,jj)*t(jj)/deltt
+      massk(ii,jj)=massk(ii,jj)+s(ii,jj)/deltt
+   20 continue
+   30 continue
+   31	continue
+c assemble global stiffness matrix and rhs
+      do 41 l=1,3
+      i=nodet(iele,l)
+      rhst(i)=rhst(i)-massb(l)
+      do 40 m=1,3
+      j=nodet(iele,m)
+      k=i-j+mbw
+      a(k,j)=a(k,j)-massk(l,m)
+   40 continue
+   41 continue
+  100 continue
+      return 
+      end
+c*                 FOR EACH ELEMENT                             *
+      subroutine sfcoef(nn,ne,itst)
+      use dyn_arrays_therm
+      use dyn_arrays
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      do ie=1,ne
+      	asf(ie,1)=coordt(2,nodet(ie,2))-coordt(2,nodet(ie,3))
+      	asf(ie,2)=coordt(2,nodet(ie,3))-coordt(2,nodet(ie,1))
+      	asf(ie,3)=coordt(2,nodet(ie,1))-coordt(2,nodet(ie,2))
+      	bsf(ie,1)=coordt(1,nodet(ie,3))-coordt(1,nodet(ie,2))
+      	bsf(ie,2)=coordt(1,nodet(ie,1))-coordt(1,nodet(ie,3))
+      	bsf(ie,3)=coordt(1,nodet(ie,2))-coordt(1,nodet(ie,1))
+      	area(ie)=(asf(ie,1)*bsf(ie,2)-bsf(ie,1)*asf(ie,2))/2.0000
+      	area(ie)=dabs(area(ie))
+      end do
+      return
+      end

Added: long/2D/plasti/trunk/meshin_oly
--- long/2D/plasti/trunk/meshin_oly	2006-06-21 19:14:00 UTC (rev 3838)
+++ long/2D/plasti/trunk/meshin_oly	2006-06-21 19:53:58 UTC (rev 3839)
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#output flag (1=all ouput for plasti, 0=profiles only for flexure)
+  1
+#input flag (1=allow files for dens, x node pos, init thickness, 0=use meshin)
+  0
+#Total num col
+  200
+# num of eulerian rows in mechanical 
+#	num rows in thermal model is set by the x spacing
+   25 
+# lagrangian mesh parameters (scaling factors: >1.0 stretch, <1.0 compress)
+# (extent past pro side, extent past retro side, extent past base, 
+#	node density compred to eulerian mesh)
+  1.00e+00  0.70e+00  1.10e+00  0.95e+00
+#Singularity Point, defined by pos (1) or node (0) (set, pos) CAN ONLY USE NODE DEF SINCE VELOCITY BCS NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE SPOINT IS
+    0  1.00e+02
+#Initial Thickness on pro-side (mech,sub lithos,asthenos) (m)
+  0.25e+04  3.00e+04  9.00e+04
+#Initial Thickness on retro-side (lithos) (m)
+#	mech thick is the thick of pro crust at spoint
+  5.10e+04 
+#Relative dif in height of the uncompensated mech. base
+#	for pro and reto sides.  Set pro value at 0.0 and
+#	retro value at desired difference
+  0.00e+00  2.00e+04
+#Water depth defined by distance above pro model edge and
+#	tolerance for water flexure iterataion
+  0.00e+03  1.00e+03
+# x padding beyond model boundaries for flexure problem.
+#	simulates an infinite plate when loads extend to model 
+#	boundaries (number of nodes, distance)
+#	in the meshg, all ref to node # does NOT include the 
+#	nodes from the padding
+  400  1.00e+06
+#horizontal spacing for nodes
+  # num of linearly spaced segments
+  5
+  # spacing (num nodes, beg, end) (#s do not include the padding)
+   25  0.00e+00  1.70e+05
+   20  1.73e+05  2.20e+05
+  110  2.21e+05  3.50e+05 
+   30  3.52e+05  4.80e+05
+   15  4.85e+05  5.50e+05
+# model extent relative to coastline(coast is at x=0)
+#	this is by mk_init_prof.f when making the mech bndry array 
+#	from the obs. profiles for the olympics
+ -2.50e+05  2.50e+05
+#deviation from initial thickness of the crust
+  # num sets
+ 24 
+  #	pos change defined by node(0) or x-position(1), beg, slope.
+    1  1.20e+05  2.50e-02
+    1  1.40e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  1.40e+05  6.00e-02
+    1  1.65e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  1.65e+05  1.10e-01
+    1  2.00e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.00e+05  1.75e-01
+    1  2.20e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.20e+05  2.10e-01
+    1  2.40e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.40e+05  2.50e-01
+    1  2.60e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.60e+05  3.00e-01
+    1  2.75e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.75e+05  3.10e-01
+    1  2.85e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.85e+05 -0.25e+00
+    1  2.95e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  2.95e+05 -0.20e-00
+    1  3.05e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  3.05e+05 -0.14e-00
+    1  3.15e+05  0.00e+00
+    1  3.15e+05 -0.05e-00
+    1  3.30e+05  0.00e+00
+#isostatic compensation:local(0),one plate(1),two plate(2)
+#initial profile: loaded plates(0), prescribed circular arcs w/ dip (1)
+#for prescribed geometry:
+# dip of sub plate (deg)
+  2.50e+01
+# trench location (node), ie where to begin dip arc
+#	input type (1=x-pos, 0=node #), pos or node
+    1  1.20e+05
+#flexural rigidity for making plate profiles (pro-plate, retro-plate)
+  9.50e+25  1.00e+24
+#flexural rigidity for isostaic calc (pro-plate, retro-plate)
+  2.40e+24  2.40e+24
+#subduction end load (Pa)
+  1.00e+00
+#subduction end moment 
+  0.00e+00
+# shift in cooupling point (m)(neg. -> deeper, pos -> higher)  
+  0.00e+03
+#length of pro-plate past s-point for sub load (m)
+# NOTE: Currently you must have a non-zero extension. w/o any extension
+#	there is no way to get the slope of the descending plate. this could be
+#	changed so that in the event of no extension, a subduction angle could
+#	be prescribed
+  1.90e+05
+#Plasti extension flag
+#	since the extension is not used to update the position of the slab
+#	past s in plasti, this option(=1) will chop the pro-plate at the 
+#	s-point when it is output for plasti
+#tolerance for position of plates in coupling at s-point  
+  5.0 
+#Velocities for Pro-Lith, underplating normal vel (m/my)
+  5.00e+04  0.00e+00
+#unplate flag (2=x position, 0=node loaction)
+#	flag,  node location, x position
+ 2  80  2.00e+05
+#Variable Material Properties for mech model: Cohesion,int angle frict,density
+#	 min viscosity(vmin),activation energy(Q),pre-exponential(A),power-law expn(n)	
+#	 number of sets listed below 
+#defined for elements, start at bot. 
+#	beg col, end col, beg row, end row, coh, phi, dens, vmin, Q, A, n) 
+   1 199   1  24  1.00e+03  2.40e+01  2.80e+03  0.15e+02  0.65e+05  1.36e-19  3.00e+00
+   1 100   1   5  1.00e+03  0.80e+01  2.80e+03  0.15e+02  0.65e+05  1.36e-19  3.00e+00
+#Number of elem boundary layers for model top and base
+#	boundary layers remain a constant thickness for all time.
+#	Boundary layer thickness can be defined by an even spacing of all 
+#	elements over the pro side thickness (=0), or a thickness defined over 
+#	all of the boundary elements set here (=1)
+#	##NOTE##: if setting variable phi on base, should set these elements as
+#	boundary layers
+#upper boundary layer:# of elements,even spacing(=0) or defined (=1),thickness(m)
+    1    0  0.00e+03
+#lower boundary layer:# of elements,even spacing(=0) or defined (=1),thickness(m)
+    6    0  0.00e+03
+#Variable therm prop. for mech domain.  
+#	These will replace in the mech domain what is defined below for whole model
+#	NOTE: bounds should probbaly match those given above. defined for a 
+#	quad, ie two triangular elements
+# number of sets (always have at least 1,can leave same as domain def)
+#	beg col,end col,beg row,end row,therm cond(x,y),density,spec heat,heat prod
+   1 199   1  24  2.00e+00  2.00e+00  2.80e+03  1.00e+03  1.25e-06
+#Rigid viscosity (vrig)
+  0.40e+11
+#Compressibility (beta)
+  0.10e-14
+#flag to use linear or non-linear eqns (1=linear)
+#Purely Plastic def(1 for plastic)(must have linear visc for plastic)
+#epsinv (initial strain rate invarient)=
+  0.1
+# maximum temperature used in calc. pre. exponential for linear viscous case  
+ 12.73e+02
+#Densities (overlying fluid/sea level, mantle)
+#	NOTE: this mantle density is used in the flexure/isostacy calculation.
+#		even if there are defined density variations in the thermal model (as
+#		can be defined below) this value will be used for the flexure problem.
+  1.03e+03  3.30e+03
+#Num BCs (fixed x,y vel on edges, fixed tan vel on edges, pressure, 
+#		loaded sides,tangent vel)
+    0   50    0    0  200   
+#Num t-steps,output int all, output int lagrangian temp,t-step length (my)
+ 2000  100   50  0.50e-02
+#min iter, max iter, num filtering passes, convergence tolerance
+    3  550    2  1.00e+02
+#erosion parameters (erosl,erosr,peros,rpow)
+  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  2.00e+00 
+# sedimentation parameters (allow sed (yes=1),allow sed of bounding basins,
+#	L bound of sed, R bound of sed, max fill for bounding basins)
+    0    0   20  145  3.00e+01
+# basin tracking parameters (flag for tracking 1=yes, tstep interval for 
+#	marking of basin surfaces, initial length of tracking array, init length 
+#	of index aray)
+    0   50 9000  500
+# maximum slope value: any surface slope greater than this is lowered to
+#	prevent surface nodes from having runaway velocties
+  0.40e+00
+#Thermal runup parameters (num tsteps, tstep length)
+   00  0.25e+00
+#Variable Thermal properties: 
+#	aniso. therm. cond (x,y??), desity, spec. heat, heat prod.
+#	defined for 5 domains:(1)mech,(2)pro-lith,(3)retro-lith
+#							(4)pro-athen,(5)retro-athen
+  2.00e+00  2.00e+00  2.80e+03  1.00e+03  1.00e-06
+  2.00e+00  2.00e+00  2.80e+03  1.00e+03  0.00e+00
+  2.00e+00  2.00e+00  2.80e+03  1.00e+03  0.00e+00
+ 50.00e+00 50.00e+00  2.80e+03  1.00e+03  0.00e+00
+ 50.00e+00 50.00e+00  2.80e+03  1.00e+03  0.00e+00
+#Thermal BCs
+# previously applied over a defined set of nodes. with new mesh, don't know
+# how many nodes there are in thermal code till later, so just define the temp
+# for the surface and model base temp.  NOTE: base temp is only applied in
+# asthenosphere, end of sub. lithos does not have temp or flux bc.  Also,
+# at this point flux bcs have not been implemented
+#(surface temp, base temp)
+  2.73e+02 15.73e+02
+#Cooling Oceanic Lithosphere BC for pro-side
+# NOTE: uses spec heat and conductiv. from lithosphere, ignores heat prod,
+#	should be used with some amount of thermal runup
+#	1=on,0=off; age (my); 
+    0  1.00e+00   
+#Mech BCs
+#	sets
+#	num of bcs, start node, increment, value
+    0
+    0
+    0
+    2
+   25    1    1 50000.
+   25 4976    1 00000.
+    5
+   96    1   25 50000.
+    1 2401   25 37500.
+    1 2426   25 25000.
+    1 2451   25 12500.
+  101 2476   25 00000.00
+    0
+    0
+## Output file flags (1 to output, 0 to not output)
+#number of possible output files
+# coords of nodes (1)
+coord           1
+# velocity of mechanical model at nodes (2)
+vel             1
+# pressure at eulerian elements (3)
+press           0
+# stresses and stuff (4-10)
+stress_xx       1
+stress_yy       1
+stress_xy       1
+stress_zz       1
+stress_secinv   1
+stress_yield    1
+stress_flag     1
+# strain rates (directions and invarients), dilitation (11-16)
+srate_xx        1
+srate_yy        0
+srate_xy        1
+srate_zz        0
+srate_dilt      0
+srate_secinv    1
+# coords of lagrangian mesh (17)
+lmesh           1
+# temp for crust(eulerian elems) (18)
+temp_mech       1
+# viscosity (19-20)
+visc_elem       1
+visc_gp         0
+# erosion at the surface (nodes) (21)
+erosion         0
+# temp at lagrangian nodes (22)
+temp_track      0
+# underplating velocity at base (nodes) (23)
+unvel           0
+# exhumation rate lagrangian (nodes) (24)
+exhum           0
+# valley, mean and ridge surface profiles (nodes) (25)
+sur_prof        0
+# flag (yes/no) for ductile def at lagrangian nodes (26)
+duc_flag        0
+# material props at elements (27-33)
+matp_phi        1
+matp_den        0
+matp_coh        0
+matp_prex       0
+matp_vmin       0
+matp_activ      0
+matp_expon      0
+# amount of material filled into basins with closed basin catch (34)
+basinfill       1
+# amount of material lost with max slope catch (35)
+peakchop        1
+# tracking of basin surfaces (36)
+basin_track     1
+# temp of lagrangian nodes, can be output more often than other output (37)
+l_temp_all      0
+# coords of thermal model (38)
+coordt          1
+# vel of thermal model (reduced resolution) (39)
+velthermal_alt  0
+# vel of thermal model, all (40)
+velthermal      0
+# temp of entire model (41)
+temp            1
+# thermal props (42-44)
+matp_hprod      1
+matp_tcond_y    0
+matp_spec_ht    0

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