[cig-commits] r5236 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Fri Nov 10 14:16:50 PST 2006

Author: willic3
Date: 2006-11-10 14:16:49 -0800 (Fri, 10 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 5236

New code to deal with new LaGriT method for flagging boundaries.
This version does not deal with faults, since the plan now is to use
other codes to do this that no longer require global mesh info
to use the new LaGriT fault description files.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/readucd3.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/readucd3.f	2006-11-10 19:20:56 UTC (rev 5235)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/readucd3.f	2006-11-10 22:16:49 UTC (rev 5236)
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+      program readucd3
+c...  quick and dirty code to translate AVS UCD format to a format
+c     suitable for lithomop or pylith.  All boundaries for which BC
+c     are to be applied should be flagged with a boundary condition
+c     code.
+c     Note that this code no longer deals with faults.  Instead, they
+c     are meant to be handled by an auxiliary code that reads
+c     LaGriT-specific fault info.
+c     At present, code is only set up for linear tetrahedra, although
+c     this would be easy to change.
+      implicit none
+c...  parameters
+      integer nsd,ndof,maxnodes,maxelmts,nen
+      integer maxbnds,maxnattr,ietyp,inf
+      parameter(nsd=3,ndof=3,maxnodes=1000000,maxelmts=5400000,nen=4,
+     & maxbnds=20,maxnattr=20,ietyp=5,inf=0)
+      integer kti,kto,kr,kw
+      parameter(kti=5,kto=6,kr=10,kw=11)
+      double precision eps
+      parameter(eps=1.0d-7)
+c...  local constants
+      integer icflip(4)
+      data icflip/1,3,2,4/
+      integer kww
+      data kww/12/
+      integer izero
+      data izero/0/
+      double precision zero
+      data zero/0.0d0/
+c...  parameters read from parameter file
+      integer nbc,iconopt
+      integer ibfield(maxbnds),ibcode(maxbnds),ibc(nsd,maxbnds)
+      integer iac(maxbnds),isn(nsd)
+      double precision bc(nsd,maxbnds)
+      double precision cscale
+      character cunits*20,dunits*20,vunits*20,funits*20
+c...  filenames
+      character fileroot*200,pfile*200,ifile*200,nfile*200,cfile*200
+      character bcfile*200,afile*200
+c...  parameters and variables read from UCD file
+      integer numnp,numel,nnattr,neattr,nmattr
+      integer ien(nen,maxelmts),mat(maxelmts)
+      double precision x(nsd,maxnodes),attrn(maxnattr)
+c...  values read from auxiliary file
+      double precision bca(ndof,maxnodes)
+      double precision xa,ya,za
+c...  external routines
+      double precision tetcmp
+      integer nnblnk,nchar
+      external nnblnk,nchar,tetcmp
+c...  local variables
+      double precision det,sgn,xl(nsd,nen),xtmp(nsd),bct(3)
+      integer ientmp(nen)
+      integer itmp(maxnattr),idir(nsd)
+      integer ibcnode(maxbnds+1,maxnodes),ibctmp(3)
+      integer i,j,k,l,n,jj,i1,i2,j1,j2,nenl,nsdl,ndofl,nf
+      integer iattr,kk
+      integer elem,node,nflip
+      integer numbnd,ibct
+      double precision bctmp(3)
+      character cstring*14,etype*3,cfnum*2,descr*10
+      character dstring*21,vstring*17,fstring*14
+      data cstring/"coord_units = "/
+      data dstring/"displacement_units = "/
+      data vstring/"velocity_units = "/
+      data fstring/"force_units = "/
+      character stout*50
+      logical aux
+      aux=.false.
+      nenl=nen
+      nsdl=nsd
+      ndofl=ndof
+      write(kto,*) "Enter root name for all files.  Both input and"
+      write(kto,*) "output files will all have this prefix:"
+      read(kti,"(a200)") fileroot
+      i1=nnblnk(fileroot)
+      i2=nchar(fileroot)
+      call ifill(ibcnode,izero,(maxbnds+1)*maxnodes)
+c...  read parameter file
+      pfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".par"
+      open(file=pfile,unit=kr,status="old")
+c...  coordinate scaling factor and units
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) cscale,(idir(i),i=1,nsd)
+      if(cscale.eq.0.0d0) cscale=1.0d0
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) cunits
+c...  bc info
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) nbc
+      do i=1,nbc
+        call pskip(kr)
+        read(kr,*) ibfield(i),ibcode(i),
+     &   (ibc(j,ibcode(i)),bc(j,ibcode(i)),j=1,nsd),iac(ibcode(i))
+        if(iac(ibcode(i)).ne.0) aux=.true.
+      end do
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) dunits
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) vunits
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) funits
+c...  connectivity order option
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) iconopt
+      close(kr)
+c...  read and output nodal coordinates
+      ifile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".inp"
+      open(file=ifile,unit=kr,status="old")
+      nfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".coord"
+      open(file=nfile,unit=kw,status="new")
+      stout=cstring//cunits
+      write(kw,"(a50)") stout
+      call pskip(kr)
+      read(kr,*) numnp,numel,nnattr,neattr,nmattr
+      do i=1,numnp
+        read(kr,*) n,(xtmp(j),j=1,nsd)
+        do j=1,nsd
+          x(j,i)=cscale*xtmp(idir(j))
+        end do
+        write(kw,"(i7,3(2x,1pe15.8))") i,(x(j,i),j=1,nsd)
+      end do
+      close(kw)
+c...  read and output connectivity info
+      cfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".connect"
+      open(file=cfile,unit=kw,status="new")
+      nflip=0
+      if(iconopt.eq.1) then
+        do i=1,numel
+          read(kr,*) n,mat(i),etype,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+          write(kw,"(i7,3i4,4i7)") i,ietyp,mat(i),inf,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+        end do
+      else if(iconopt.eq.2) then
+        do i=1,numel
+          read(kr,*) n,mat(i),etype,(ientmp(j),j=1,nen)
+          do j=1,nen
+            ien(j,i)=ientmp(icflip(j))
+          end do
+          write(kw,"(i7,3i4,4i7)") i,ietyp,mat(i),inf,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+        end do
+      else if(iconopt.eq.3) then
+        do i=1,numel
+          read(kr,*) n,mat(i),etype,(ientmp(j),j=1,nen)
+          call lcoord(ientmp,x,xl,nsdl,nenl,numnp)
+          det=tetcmp(xl)
+          if(det.lt.0.0d0) then
+            nflip=nflip+1
+            do j=1,nen
+              ien(j,i)=ientmp(icflip(j))
+            end do
+          else
+            do j=1,nen
+              ien(j,i)=ientmp(j)
+            end do
+          end if
+          write(kw,"(i7,3i4,4i7)") i,ietyp,mat(i),inf,(ien(j,i),j=1,nen)
+        end do
+      end if
+      close(kw)
+c...  read nodal attributes to determine which nodes are associated
+c     with each boundary condition code.
+      read(kr,*) nf,(itmp(i),i=1,nf)
+      do i=1,nf
+        read(kr,*) descr
+      end do
+      do i=1,numnp
+        read(kr,*) n,(attrn(j),j=1,nnattr)
+        do j=1,nbc
+          iattr=nint(attrn(ibfield(j)))
+          if(iattr.eq.ibcode(j)) then
+            ibcnode(1,i)=ibcnode(1,i)+1
+            ibcnode(ibcnode(1,i)+1,i)=iattr
+          end if
+        end do
+      end do
+      close(kr)
+c...  if auxiliary file is being used, read BC from it
+      if(aux) then
+        afile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".aux"
+        open(file=afile,unit=kr,status="old")
+        do i=1,numnp
+          read(kr,*) xa,ya,za,(bca(j,i),j=1,ndofl)
+        end do
+        close(kr)
+      end if
+c...  output BC and BC coordinates
+      bcfile=fileroot(i1:i2)//".bc"
+      open(file=bcfile,unit=kw,status="new")
+      stout=dstring//dunits
+      write(kw,"(a50)") stout
+      stout=vstring//vunits
+      write(kw,"(a50)") stout
+      stout=fstring//funits
+      write(kw,"(a50)") stout
+      do i=1,numnp
+        numbnd=ibcnode(1,i)
+        if(numbnd.ne.0) then
+          ibctmp(1)=0
+          ibctmp(2)=0
+          ibctmp(3)=0
+          bctmp(1)=0.0d0
+          bctmp(2)=0.0d0
+          bctmp(3)=0.0d0
+          do k=1,numbnd
+            ibct=ibcnode(k+1,i)
+            if(iac(ibct).eq.0) then
+              do j=1,3
+                bct(j)=bc(j,ibct)
+              end do
+            else
+              do j=1,3
+                bct(j)=bca(j,i)
+              end do
+            end if
+            do j=1,3
+              if(ibctmp(j).eq.0) then
+                ibctmp(j)=ibc(j,ibct)
+                bctmp(j)=bct(j)
+              end if
+            end do
+          end do
+          write(kw,"(i7,3(2x,i3),3(2x,1pe15.8))") i,
+     &     (ibctmp(k),k=1,nsd),(bctmp(k),k=1,nsd)
+        end if
+      end do
+      close(kw)
+      write(kto,700) nflip
+700   format("Number of connectivities flipped:  ",i7)
+      stop
+      end
+      subroutine fill(arr,val,nlen)
+c...  subroutine to fill a double precision array with a given value
+      implicit none
+      integer nlen
+      double precision val,arr(nlen)
+      integer i
+      do i=1,nlen
+        arr(i)=val
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ifill(iarr,ival,nlen)
+c...  subroutine to fill an integer array with a given value
+      implicit none
+      integer ival,nlen
+      integer iarr(nlen)
+      integer i
+      do i=1,nlen
+        iarr(i)=ival
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine lcoord(ien,x,xl,nsd,nen,numnp)
+c...  subroutine to localize element coordinates
+      implicit none
+      integer nsd,nen,numnp
+      integer ien(nen)
+      double precision x(nsd,numnp),xl(nsd,nen)
+      integer i,j,ii
+      do i=1,nen
+        ii=ien(i)
+        do j=1,nsd
+          xl(j,i)=x(j,ii)
+        end do
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function nchar(string)
+c...  determines the minimum nonblank length of a string
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nchar
+      character*(*) string
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i,itest
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nchar=0
+      do i=1,nmax
+        itest=nmax-i+1
+        if(string(itest:itest).ne.blank) then
+          nchar=itest
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function nnblnk(string)
+c       determines the position of the first nonblank entry
+c       of a string (returns 1 if the first character is
+c       not blank)
+      implicit none
+c...  parameter definitions
+      character blank*1
+      parameter(blank=' ')
+c...  function arguments
+      integer nnblnk
+      character*(*) string
+c... intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic len
+c...  local variables
+      integer nmax,i
+      nmax=len(string)
+      nnblnk=nmax
+      do i=1,nmax
+        if(string(i:i).ne.blank) then
+          nnblnk=i
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pskip(iunit)
+c      routine to skip lines beginning with the string # and blank
+c      lines.
+c      this routine ignores leading blanks before the key string.
+      implicit none
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer iunit
+c...  local constants
+      character leader*1
+      data leader/'#'/
+c...  intrinsic functions
+      intrinsic index
+c...  external functions
+      integer nchar,nnblnk
+      external nchar,nnblnk
+c...  local variables
+      integer inblnk
+      character string*80
+ 10   continue
+        read(iunit,"(a80)",end=20) string
+        if(nchar(string).eq.0) goto 10
+        inblnk=nnblnk(string)
+        if(index(string,leader).eq.inblnk) goto 10
+      backspace(iunit)
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      end
+      function tetcmp(xl)
+c...  program to compute determinant and equivalent tetrahedral volume
+c     for a given 4x4 matrix.
+      implicit none
+      double precision tetcmp,xl(3,4)
+      double precision a(4,4),cof(3,3)
+      data a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),a(1,4)/1.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0,1.0d0/
+      integer i,j,ii
+      double precision det3,onem,sgn
+      external det3
+      integer ind(3,4)
+      data ind/2,3,4,1,3,4,1,2,4,1,2,3/
+      do i=2,4
+        do j=1,4
+          a(i,j)=xl(i-1,j)
+        end do
+      end do
+      onem=-1.0d0
+      sgn=onem
+      tetcmp=0.0d0
+      do i=1,4
+        sgn=sgn*onem
+        do ii=1,3
+          do j=2,4
+            cof(j-1,ii)=a(j,ind(ii,i))
+          end do
+        end do
+        tetcmp=tetcmp+sgn*a(1,i)*det3(cof)
+cdebug        write(6,*) "i,a,tetcmp:",i,(a(j,i),j=1,4)
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      function det3(x)
+c...  function to compute determinant of a 3x3 matrix
+      implicit none
+      double precision det3
+      double precision x(3,3)
+      det3=x(1,1)*x(2,2)*x(3,3)-x(1,1)*x(2,3)*x(3,2)+
+     &     x(1,2)*x(2,3)*x(3,1)-x(1,2)*x(2,1)*x(3,3)+
+     &     x(1,3)*x(2,1)*x(3,2)-x(1,3)*x(2,2)*x(3,1)
+      return
+      end

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