[cig-commits] r4788 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/libpylith3d

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Wed Oct 11 12:02:26 PDT 2006

Author: willic3
Date: 2006-10-11 12:02:26 -0700 (Wed, 11 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 4788

More progress with effective stress formulation.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/libpylith3d/mat_6.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/libpylith3d/mat_6.f	2006-10-11 18:39:23 UTC (rev 4787)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/libpylith3d/mat_6.f	2006-10-11 19:02:26 UTC (rev 4788)
@@ -299,8 +299,8 @@
      & rtimdat,rgiter,ntimdat,iddmat,tmax,nstate,nstate0,nprop,matchg,
      & ierr,errstrng)
-c...  subroutine to compute the current stress for the time-dependent
-c     solution.
+c...  subroutine to compute the current values for stress, total strain,
+c     and viscous strain increment for the time-dependent solution.
 c     Note that only the upper triangle is used (or available), as
 c     dmat is assumed to always be symmetric.
@@ -311,6 +311,8 @@
       include "ndimens.inc"
       include "nconsts.inc"
       include "rconsts.inc"
+      integer nrpar,nipar
+      parameter(nrpar=10,nipar=0)
 c...  subroutine arguments
@@ -327,21 +329,203 @@
       include "rgiter_dim.inc"
       include "ntimdat_dim.inc"
+c...  local constants
+      double precision diag(6)
+      data diag/one,one,one,zero,zero,zero/
+      double precision eng(6)
+      data eng/one,one,one,half,half,half/
+c...  local variables
+      integer i
+      integer ipar(nipar)
+      double precision rpar(nrpar)
+      double precision e,pr,anpwr,emhu,rmu,ae,tf
+      double precision emeantdt,smeant,smeantdt
+      double precision sinv1t,sefft,sinv10,seff0
+      double precision epptdt(6),sdevt(6),sdev0(6),sdevtdt(6)
+      double precision sdev,sdevtp,smean0,sdev0
+      double precision eett(6)
 c...  included variable definitions
       include "rtimdat_def.inc"
       include "rgiter_def.inc"
       include "ntimdat_def.inc"
-c...  return error code, as this material is not yet defined
+cdebug      write(6,*) "Hello from td_strs_6!"
-      ierr=101
-      errstrng="td_strs_6"
+      ierr=0
+c...  define material properties
+      e=prop(2)
+      pr=prop(3)
+      anpwr=prop(4)
+      emhu=prop(5)
+      rmu=half*e/(one+pr)
+      ae=(one+pr)/e
+      tf=deltp*(one-alfap)
+c...  define stress and strain quantities
+      emeantdt=third*(ee(1)+ee(2)+ee(3))
+      smeantdt=e*emean/(one-two*pr)
+      call invar(sdevt,sinv1t,sefft,state)
+      smeant=third*sinv1t
+      call invar(sdev0,sinv10,seff0,state0)
+      smean0=third*sinv10
+      do i=1,nstr
+        epptdt(i)=eng(i)*ee(i)-diag(i)*emeantdt-state(i+12)
+      end do
+c...  define parameters needed by effective stress function
+      rpar(1)=ae
+      rpar(2)=anpwr
+      rpar(3)=emhu
+      rpar(4)=sprod(epptdt,epptdt)+two*ae*sprod(epptdt,sdev0)+
+     & ae*ae*seff0
+      rpar(5)=two*tf*(sprod(epptdt,sdevt)+ae*sprod(sdevt,sdev0))
+      rpar(6)=sefft
+c...  call effective stress driver routine
+      call esfcomp_6(sefftdt,rpar,nrpar,ipar,nipar,ierr,errstrng)
+      call dcopy(nstr,ee,ione,eett,ione)
+      eett(4)=half*eett(4)
+      eett(5)=half*eett(5)
+      eett(6)=half*eett(6)
+      subroutine esfcomp_6(sefftdt,rpar,nrpar,ipar,nipar,ierr,errstrng)
+c...  driver routine to compute the effective stress at the current
+c     time step.
+      include "implicit.inc"
+c...  parameter definitions
+      include "rconsts.inc"
+      double precision brac
+c...  This value is arbitrary, but has worked OK in the past.
+      parameter(brac=5000.0d0)
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer nrpar,nipar,ierr
+      integer ipar(nipar)
+      double precision sefftdt,rpar(nrpar)
+      character errstrng*(*)
+c...  included dimension and type statements
+      include "rtimdat_dim.inc"
+      include "rgiter_dim.inc"
+      include "ntimdat_dim.inc"
+c...  external routines
+      external esf_6
+c...  local variables
+      double precision add,sefflo,seffhi
+c...  included variable definitions
+      include "rtimdat_def.inc"
+      include "rgiter_def.inc"
+      include "ntimdat_def.inc"
+cdebug      write(6,*) "Hello from esfcomp_6!"
+c********  decide whether to use current stress or elastic stress
+c          computed from current strains as initial value.  This
+c          would just be scalar product of eppdtd/ae.
+      add=brac*stol*
+      subroutine esf_6(seffcur,f,df,rpar,nrpar,ipar,nipar)
+c...  subroutine to compute the effective stress function and it's
+c     derivative for a given effective stress for a Maxwell power-law
+c     viscoelastic material.
+      include "implicit.inc"
+c...  parameter definitions
+      include "rconsts.inc"
+c...  subroutine arguments
+      integer nrpar,nipar
+      integer ipar(nipar)
+      double precision seffcur,f,df,rpar(nrpar)
+c...  included dimension and type statements
+      include "rtimdat_dim.inc"
+c...  local variables
+      double precision ae,anpwr,emhu,b,c,sefft
+      double precision f1,tf
+      double precision gamtau,sefftau
+c...  included variable definitions
+      include "rtimdat_def.inc"
+cdebug      write(6,*) "Hello from esf_6!"
+c...  handy constants
+      f1=one-alfap
+      tf=deltp*f1
+c...  values from parameter list
+      ae=rpar(1)
+      anpwr=rpar(2)
+      emhu=rpar(3)
+      b=rpar(4)
+      c=rpar(5)
+      sefft=rpar(6)
+      d=tf*sefft
+c...  additional values dependent on current effective stress
+      sefftau=f1*sefft+alfap*seffcur
+      gamtau=half*(sefftau/emhu)**(anpwr-one)/emhu
+      a=ae+alfap*deltp*gamtau
+c...  effective stress function and it's derivative
+      f=a*a*seffcur*seffcur-b+c*gamtau-d*d*gamtau*gamtau
+      df=two*a*a*seffcur+(two*a*alfap*deltp*seffcur*seffcur+
+     & c-two*d*d*gamtau)*
+     & (half*alfap*(anpwr-one)*(sefftau/emhu)**anpwr-two)/(emhu*emhu)
+      return
+      end
       subroutine td_strs_mat_6(state,dstate,state0,ee,scur,dmat,prop,
      & rtimdat,rgiter,ntimdat,iddmat,tmax,nstate,nstate0,nprop,matchg,
      & ierr,errstrng)

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