[cig-commits] r5121 - in geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk: . lib src

wei at geodynamics.org wei at geodynamics.org
Tue Oct 31 12:59:40 PST 2006

Author: wei
Date: 2006-10-31 12:59:39 -0800 (Tue, 31 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 5121

Added lib directory, moved original code to src directory.

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/bcs.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/bcs.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/bcs.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-c	These group of subroutines provide inhomogeneous boundary
-c	conditions arising from finitely conducting D"-layer and
-c	from CMB topography.
-c	The subroutines are running on Sun worksations with Sun
-c	Performance Library.
-c	W.Kuang 08/99
-	subroutine bd_mag(boundi,boundm)
-c	This subroutine evaluates the boundary conditions at the inner
-c	core boundary and the core-mantle boundary with given fields
-c	Notation explanation:
-c		(sb,dsv,sw): the spectral coefficients at radial
-c			collocation points r_i;
-c		(vth,vph): the velocity components in physical space;
-c		(br): the radial magnetic field in physical space;
-c		(boundi): the boundary conditions at r_{io};
-c		(boundm): the boundary conditions at r = 1;
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_sphgeom
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: boundi,boundm
-	integer	i,j,k,L,m,n
-	real (kind=8) c1,c2
-	complex (kind=8) zi1,zi2,zi3,zi4,ui,uim,zeros
-	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax) :: br,bth,bph,vth,vph,
-     &		tmpr1,tmpr2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax1,0:mmax)  :: dsv,sw,sb
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmaxa,0:mmaxa) :: tmpc1,
-     &		tmpc2,tmpc3
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	zeros	= cmplx(0.0,0.0)
-C-------Initializing the boundary conditions and the velocity fields
-	boundi	= zeros
-	boundm	= zeros
-	if (kicbv.eq.1 .and. kcmbv.eq.1) then
-	   return
-	endif
-	if (kicbb.le.1 .and. kcmbb.le.1) then
-	   return
-	endif
-	call group
-C-------Spectral coefficients of horizontal velocities in
-C-------the inner core (zi1,zi2,zi3,zi4)
-	zi1	= -ui*rio**2*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgih)
-	zi2	= rio**2*sqrt(2.0*pi/15.0)*conjg(omgih)
-	zi3	= 4.0*rio**2*sqrt(pi)*omgiz/3.0
-	zi4	= -4.0*rio**2*sqrt(pi/5.0)*omgiz/3.0
-C-------The boundary conditions at the ICB
-	if (kicbb.eq.2 .and. kicbv.ne.1) then
-c	   obtaining (b_l^m,dv_l^m/dr,w_l^m) at r=r_io
-	   sb	= zeros
-	   dsv	= zeros
-	   sw	= zeros
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      sb(L,0) = 0.5*(cob(nmbic-1,L,0)+cob(nmbic+1,L,0))
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         sb(L,m) = 0.5*(cob(nmbic-1,L,m)+cob(nmbic+1,L,m))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
-	      do L = 1,Lmax_v
-	         dsv(L,0) = dsv(L,0)+dch1(n,0)*vlm(n,L,0)
-	         sw(L,0)  = sw(L,0)+cheb(n,0)*wlm(n,L,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m = 1,mmax_v
-	         do L = m,Lmax_v
-	            dsv(L,m) = dsv(L,m)+dch1(n,0)*vlm(n,L,m)
-	            sw(L,m)  = sw(L,m)+cheb(n,0)*wlm(n,L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c	   obtaining {r^2b_r, r sin(th) [v_th], r sin(th) [v_ph]}
-	   tmpc1= zeros
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m) = LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m)
-	   enddo
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,br)
-	   tmpc1= zeros
-	   tmpc2= zeros
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L= m+1,Lmax
-	         tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sw(L,m)+clm(L,m,1)*dsv(L-1,m)
-     &                        -clm(L,m,2)*dsv(L+1,m)
-	         tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsv(L,m)-clm(L,m,1)*sw(L-1,m)
-     &                        +clm(L,m,2)*sw(L+1,m)
-	      enddo
-	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sw(m,m)-clm(m,m,2)*dsv(m+1,m)
-	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsv(m,m)+clm(m,m,2)*sw(m+1,m)
-	   enddo
-	   tmpc1(1,1) = tmpc1(1,1)-zi1
-	   tmpc2(2,1) = tmpc2(2,1)-zi2
-	   tmpc2(0,0) = tmpc2(0,0)-zi3
-	   tmpc2(2,0) = tmpc2(2,0)-zi4
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,vth)
-           call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,vph)
-c	   evaluating the inhomogeneous boundary conditions at r=r_io
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= 1.0/(rio*sins(k))**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vth(:,k)
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vph(:,k)
-	   enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc2)
-	   tmpc3= zeros
-	   do m = 0,mmax
-              uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-              do L= m+1,Lmax
-                 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*tmpc1(L,m)-clm(L,m,3)*
-     &                     tmpc2(L-1,m)+clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
-              enddo
-              tmpc3(m,m) = uim*tmpc1(m,m)+clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
-           enddo
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      boundi(L,0) = tmpc3(L,0)/(1.0*LL(L))
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         boundi(L,m) = tmpc3(L,m)/(1.0*LL(L))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	endif
-C-------The boundary conditions at the CMB
-	if (kcmbb.eq.2 .and. kcmbv.ne.1) then
-c	   obtaining (b_l^m,dv_l^m/dr,w_l^m) at r=1
-	   sb	= zeros
-	   dsv	= zeros
-	   sw	= zeros
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      sb(L,0) = cob(nmx3+nmbic-1,L,0)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         sb(L,m) = cob(nmx3+nmbic-1,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
-	      do L = 1,Lmax_v
-	         dsv(L,0) = dsv(L,0)+dch1(n,nmaxo)*vlm(n,L,0)
-	         sw(L,0)  = sw(L,0)+cheb(n,nmaxo)*wlm(n,L,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m = 1,mmax_v
-	         do L = m,Lmax_v
-	            dsv(L,m) = dsv(L,m)+dch1(n,nmaxo)*vlm(n,L,m)
-	            sw(L,m)  = sw(L,m)+cheb(n,nmaxo)*wlm(n,L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c	   obtaining {r^2b_r, r sin(th) [v_th], r sin(th) [v_ph]}
-	   tmpc1= zeros
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m) = LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m)
-	   enddo
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,br)
-	   tmpc1= zeros
-	   tmpc2= zeros
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L= m+1,Lmax
-	         tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sw(L,m)+clm(L,m,1)*dsv(L-1,m)
-     &                        -clm(L,m,2)*dsv(L+1,m)
-	         tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsv(L,m)-clm(L,m,1)*sw(L-1,m)
-     &                        +clm(L,m,2)*sw(L+1,m)
-	      enddo
-	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sw(m,m)-clm(m,m,2)*dsv(m+1,m)
-	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsv(m,m)+clm(m,m,2)*sw(m+1,m)
-	   enddo
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,vth)
-           call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,vph)
-c	   evaluating the inhomogeneous boundary conditions
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= 1.0/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vth(:,k)
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vph(:,k)
-	   enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc2)
-	   tmpc3 = zeros
-	   do m = 0,mmax
-	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L = m+1,Lmax
-		 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*tmpc1(L,m)-clm(L,m,3)*
-     &                     tmpc2(L-1,m)+clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
-	      enddo
-	      tmpc3(m,m) = uim*tmpc1(m,m)+clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
-           enddo
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      boundm(L,0) = tmpc3(L,0)/(1.0*LL(L))
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         boundm(L,m) = tmpc3(L,m)/(1.0*LL(L))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	endif
-	return
-	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/evolutions.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/evolutions.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/evolutions.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
-!	This is the collection of subroutines that describe time
-!	evolution processes in dynamo modeling.
-!	W. Kuang, 09/2002
-	subroutine evol_abam
-c									+
-c	This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow.  The	+
-c	method is the combination of a 2nd order Runger-Kutter method	+
-c	and a Adams family predictor(A-B)-corrector(A-M) method.	+
-c									+
-c									+
-c	The order of calculation:					+
-c									+
-c	(1) updating the asymmetric velocity (COVA,COVB) by the new	+
-c	    magnetic field (COB,COJ) and new thermal field (COT,COC);	+
-c	(2) obtaining the nonlinear forcing (FUA,FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) for	+
-c	    the fields (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC);			+
-c	(3) Updating (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) by			+
-c	    (a) a second-order Runger-Kutter method if the time step	+
-c	        "Dt" changes (i.e. the CFL condition number changes);	+
-c	    (b) or a third-order Adams-Bashford/Adams-Molten method	+
-c		if "Dt" remains the same (i.e. the CFL condition	+
-c		number is unaltered);					+
-c	(4) Testing CFL condition;					+
-c	(5) repeate the above procedures;				+
-c									+
-c									+
-c	(gzi,gzim1,gzim2): the axial torque acting on the inner core;	+
-c	(ghi,ghim1,ghim2): the horizontal torque on the inner core;	+
-c	(gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2): the axial torque acting on the mantle;	+
-c	(ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2): the horizontal torque acting on the mantle;	+
-c	(fua,fuam1,fuam2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
-c		 	   velocity COUA;				+
-c	(fub,fubm1,fubm2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
-c		 	   velocity COUB;				+
-c	(fb,fbm1,fbm2):    the nonlinear force for poloidal		+
-c		 	   magnetic field COB;				+
-c	(fj,fjm1,fjm2):    the nonlinear force for toroidal		+
-c		 	   magnetic field COJ;				+
-c	(ft,ftm1,ftm2):    the nonlinear force for temperature COT;	+
-c	(fc,fcm1,fcm2):    the nonlinear force for concentration COC;	+
-c									+
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_artdis
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	use mod_dataio
-!	use mod_assim
-	implicit none
-	integer k,nd
-	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
-	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	integer	i,j,nt1,nabam,nrunger
-	real (kind=8) dtmin,dtmax,tt,ttf,ttd
-	real (kind=8) gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2
-	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghim1,ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
-     &		fubm1,fubm2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fbm1,
-     &		fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft,ftm1,
-     &		ftm2
-	real (kind=8), allocatable :: delt_g(:,:,:,:), drhomm(:,:,:)
-	ndimg1	= 0
-	ndimg2	= 0
-	ndimg3	= 0
-	ndimg4	= 0
-	tt	= tt0
-	ttf	= 0.0
-	ttd	= 0.0
-	j	= 0
-	nd	= 0
-	call output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
-C	Modeling parameters output
-	call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,0)
-	call recout(unit_rec,0)
-	gzi	= 0.0
-	gzim1	= 0.0
-	gzim2	= 0.0
-	gzm	= 0.0
-	gzmm1	= 0.0
-	gzmm2	= 0.0
-	ghi	= 0.0
-	ghim1	= 0.0
-	ghim2	= 0.0
-	ghm	= 0.0
-	ghmm1	= 0.0
-	ghmm2	= 0.0
-	fua	= 0.0
-	fuam1	= 0.0
-	fuam2	= 0.0
-	fub	= 0.0
-	fubm1	= 0.0
-	fubm2	= 0.0
-	fb	= 0.0
-	fbm1	= 0.0
-	fbm2	= 0.0
-	fj	= 0.0
-	fjm1	= 0.0
-	fjm2	= 0.0
-	ft	= 0.0
-	ftm1	= 0.0
-	ftm2	= 0.0
-!	Options of including mantle density anomaly effect
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-	nt1	= 1
- 10	continue
-	nabam	= 0
-	do i	= nt1,ntt
-c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
-c	   call rungkt3(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
-c     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
-c     &			ndimg4)
-	   call rungkt2(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
-     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
-     &			ndimg4)
-c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
-	   gzim2	= gzim1
-	   gzmm2	= gzmm1
-	   ghim2	= ghim1
-	   ghmm2	= ghmm1
-	   fuam2	= fuam1
-	   fubm2	= fubm1
-	   fbm2		= fbm1
-	   fjm2		= fjm1
-	   ftm2		= ftm1
-	   gzim1	= gzi
-	   gzmm1	= gzm
-	   ghim1	= ghi
-	   ghmm1	= ghm
-	   fuam1	= fua
-	   fubm1	= fub
-	   fbm1		= fb
-	   fjm1		= fj
-	   ftm1		= ft
-c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
-	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
-     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-c----------Updating the time
-	   tt	= tt+deltt
-	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
-	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
-	   nt1	= i+1
-	   nabam	= nabam+1
-c----------data output
-	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= nd+1
-	   endif
-	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	      call data_out1
-	      ttf	= 0.0
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= 0
-	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
-	   endif
-c----------Testing the condition for AB-AM method
-	   if (nabam .gt. 1.5) go to 11
-	enddo
- 11	continue
-	nrunger	= 0
-	do i	= nt1,ntt
-c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
-	   call abam3(gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2,ghi,ghim1,
-     &		      ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2,fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
-     &		      fubm1,fubm2,fb,fbm1,fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,ft,
-     &		      ftm1,ftm2,delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,
-     &		      ndimg3,ndimg4)
-c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
-	   gzim2	= gzim1
-	   gzmm2	= gzmm1
-	   ghim2	= ghim1
-	   ghmm2	= ghmm1
-	   fuam2	= fuam1
-	   fubm2	= fubm1
-	   fbm2		= fbm1
-	   fjm2		= fjm1
-	   ftm2		= ftm1
-	   gzim1	= gzi
-	   gzmm1	= gzm
-	   ghim1	= ghi
-	   ghmm1	= ghm
-	   fuam1	= fua
-	   fubm1	= fub
-	   fbm1		= fb
-	   fjm1		= fj
-	   ftm1		= ft
-c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
-	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
-     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-c----------Updating the time
-	   tt	= tt+deltt
-	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
-	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
-	   nt1	= i+1
-c----------Updating CFL condition
-	   j	= j+1
-	   if (j.ge.ncfl .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      dtmin	= cflmin*cflno
-	      dtmax	= cflmax*cflno
-	      if (deltt.lt.dtmin .or. deltt.gt.dtmax) then
-cts1		 deltt	= 0.5*(dtmin+dtmax)
-cts2		 deltt	= 0.25*(dtmin+dtmax)+0.5*deltt
-	 	 itrung = 0
-		 call vmatrixu
-		 call bmatrix
-		 call tmatrix
-		 nrunger= 1
-		 call timeout(unit_time,tt)
-	      endif
-	      j	= 0
-	      if (deltt .lt. 1.e-15) then
-	         call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	         call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	         call data_out1
-		 stop
-	      endif
-	   endif
-c----------Data output
-	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= nd+1
-	   endif
-	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	      call data_out1
-	      ttf	= 0.0
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= 0
-	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
-	   endif
-c----------Testing the condition for Runger-Kutter method
-	   if (nrunger .gt. 0) go to 10
-	enddo
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine evol_rk
-c									+
-c	This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow with	+
-c	the third order Runger-Kutter method.				+
-c									+
-c									+
-c	The order of calculation:					+
-c									+
-c	(1) updating the asymmetric velocity (COVA,COVB) by the new	+
-c	    magnetic field (COB,COJ) and new thermal field (COT,COC);	+
-c	(2) obtaining the nonlinear forcing (FUA,FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) for	+
-c	    the fields (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC);			+
-c	(3) Updating (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) by			+
-c	    a third-order Runger-Kutter method.				+
-c	(4) Testing CFL condition;					+
-c	(5) repeate the above procedures;				+
-c									+
-c									+
-c	gzi: the axial torque acting on the inner core;			+
-c	ghi: the horizontal torque on the inner core;			+
-c	gzm: the axial torque acting on the mantle;			+
-c	ghm: the horizontal torque acting on the mantle;		+
-c	fua: the nonlinear force for axisymmetric velocity COUA;	+
-c	fub: the nonlinear force for axisymmetric velocity COUB;	+
-c	fb:  the nonlinear force for poloidal magnetic field COB;	+
-c	fj:  the nonlinear force for toroidal magnetic field COJ;	+
-c	ft:  the nonlinear force for temperature COT;			+
-c	fc:  the nonlinear force for concentration COC;			+
-c									+
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_artdis
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	use mod_dataio
-	implicit none
-	integer	i,j,k,nd
-	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
-	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	real (kind=8) dtmin,dtmax,tt,ttf,ttd,amv,amb,amt,elb,elv
-	real (kind=8) gzi,gzm
-	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghm
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fub
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fj
-     	complex (kind=8)  ft(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
-	real (kind=8), allocatable :: delt_g(:,:,:,:), drhomm(:,:,:)
-	tt	= tt0
-	ttf	= 0.0
-	ttd	= 0.0
-	j	= 0
-	nd	= 0
-	call output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
-C	Modeling parameters output
-	call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,0)
-	call recout(unit_rec,0)
-	gzi	= 0.0
-	gzm	= 0.0
-	ghi	= 0.0
-	ghm	= 0.0
-	fua	= 0.0
-	fub	= 0.0
-	fb	= 0.0
-	fj	= 0.0
-	ft	= 0.0
-!	Options of including mantle density anomaly effect
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-	do i	= 1,ntt
-c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
-c	   call rungkt3(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
-c     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
-c     &			ndimg4)
-	   call rungkt2(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
-     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
-     &			ndimg4)
-c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
-	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
-     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-c----------Updating the time
-	   tt	= tt+deltt
-	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
-	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
-c----------Updating CFL condition
-	   j    = j+1
-	   if (j.ge.ncfl .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      dtmin     = cflmin*cflno
-	      dtmax     = cflmax*cflno
-	      if (deltt.lt.dtmin .or. deltt.gt.dtmax) then
-cts1             deltt  = 0.5*(dtmin+dtmax)
-cts2             deltt  = 0.25*(dtmin+dtmax)+0.5*deltt
-	         itrung = 2
-		 call vmatrixu
-		 call bmatrix
-		 call tmatrix
-	 	 call timeout(unit_time,tt)
-	      endif
-	      j = 0
-	      if (deltt .lt. 1.e-15) then
-	         call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	         call recout(unit_rec,1)
-		 call data_out1
-		 stop
-	      endif
-	   endif
-c----------data output
-	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= nd+1
-	   endif
-	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	      call data_out1
-	      ttf	= 0.0
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= 0
-	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
-	   endif
-	enddo
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine evol_abam_new
-c									+
-c	This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow via	+
-c	the combination of a second order Runger-Kutter	method and an	+
-c	Adams family predictor(A-B)-corrector(A-M) method. The time	+
-c	step for the RK method is half of the normal time step to	+
-c	accomodate smaller stability regime of the algorithm.		+
-c									+
-c									+
-c	The order of calculation:					+
-c									+
-c	(1) updating the asymmetric velocity (COVA,COVB) by the new	+
-c	    magnetic field (COB,COJ) and new thermal field (COT,COC);	+
-c	(2) obtaining the nonlinear forcing (FUA,FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) for	+
-c	    the fields (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC);			+
-c	(3) Updating (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) by			+
-c	    (a) a second-order Runger-Kutter method if the time step	+
-c	        "Dt" changes (i.e. the CFL condition number changes);	+
-c	    (b) or a third-order Adams-Bashford/Adams-Molten method	+
-c		if "Dt" remains the same (i.e. the CFL condition	+
-c		number is unaltered);					+
-c	(4) Testing CFL condition;					+
-c	(5) repeate the above procedures;				+
-c									+
-c									+
-c	(gzi,gzim1,gzim2): the axial torque acting on the inner core;	+
-c	(ghi,ghim1,ghim2): the horizontal torque on the inner core;	+
-c	(gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2): the axial torque acting on the mantle;	+
-c	(ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2): the horizontal torque acting on the mantle;	+
-c	(fua,fuam1,fuam2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
-c		 	   velocity COUA;				+
-c	(fub,fubm1,fubm2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
-c		 	   velocity COUB;				+
-c	(fb,fbm1,fbm2):    the nonlinear force for poloidal		+
-c		 	   magnetic field COB;				+
-c	(fj,fjm1,fjm2):    the nonlinear force for toroidal		+
-c		 	   magnetic field COJ;				+
-c	(ft,ftm1,ftm2):    the nonlinear force for temperature COT;	+
-c	(fc,fcm1,fcm2):    the nonlinear force for concentration COC;	+
-c									+
-!	The difference in this subroutine is that the initial solutions
-!	are solved by 2nd order RK method with the half time step size
-!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2002
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_artdis
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	use mod_dataio
-	implicit none
-	integer k,nd
-	integer	i,j,nt1,nabam,nrunger,nrk2
-	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
-	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	real (kind=8) dtmin,dtmax,tt,ttf,ttd,deltt1
-	real (kind=8) gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2
-	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghim1,ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
-     &		fubm1,fubm2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fbm1,
-     &		fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft,ftm1,
-     &		ftm2
-	real (kind=8), allocatable :: delt_g(:,:,:,:), drhomm(:,:,:)
-	tt	= tt0
-	ttf	= 0.0
-	ttd	= 0.0
-	j	= 0
-	nd	= 0
-	call output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
-C	Modeling parameters output
-	call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,0)
-	call recout(unit_rec,0)
-	gzi	= 0.0
-	gzim1	= 0.0
-	gzim2	= 0.0
-	gzm	= 0.0
-	gzmm1	= 0.0
-	gzmm2	= 0.0
-	ghi	= 0.0
-	ghim1	= 0.0
-	ghim2	= 0.0
-	ghm	= 0.0
-	ghmm1	= 0.0
-	ghmm2	= 0.0
-	fua	= 0.0
-	fuam1	= 0.0
-	fuam2	= 0.0
-	fub	= 0.0
-	fubm1	= 0.0
-	fubm2	= 0.0
-	fb	= 0.0
-	fbm1	= 0.0
-	fbm2	= 0.0
-	fj	= 0.0
-	fjm1	= 0.0
-	fjm2	= 0.0
-	ft	= 0.0
-	ftm1	= 0.0
-	ftm2	= 0.0
-!	Options of including mantle density anomaly effect
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-	nt1	= 1
- 10	continue
-	nabam	= 0
-	nrk2	= 0
-	deltt1	= deltt
-	deltt	= 0.5*deltt
-c	Updating the matrices with the new time step
-	itrung = 2
-	call vmatrixu
-	call bmatrix
-	call tmatrix
-	do i	= nt1,ntt
-c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
-	   call rungkt2(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
-     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
-     &			ndimg4)
-	   nrk2 = nrk2+1
-c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
-	   if (nrk2 .gt. 1.5) then
-	      gzim2	= gzim1
-	      gzmm2	= gzmm1
-	      ghim2	= ghim1
-	      ghmm2	= ghmm1
-	      fuam2	= fuam1
-	      fubm2	= fubm1
-	      fbm2	= fbm1
-	      fjm2	= fjm1
-	      ftm2	= ftm1
-	      gzim1	= gzi
-	      gzmm1	= gzm
-	      ghim1	= ghi
-	      ghmm1	= ghm
-	      fuam1	= fua
-	      fubm1	= fub
-	      fbm1	= fb
-	      fjm1	= fj
-	      ftm1	= ft
-	      nabam	= nabam+1
-	      nt1	= nt1+1
-	   endif
-c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
-	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
-     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-c----------Updating the time
-	   tt	= tt+deltt
-	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
-	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
-c----------data output
-	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= nd+1
-	   endif
-	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	      call data_out1
-	      ttf	= 0.0
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= 0
-	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
-	   endif
-c----------Testing the condition for AB-AM method
-	   if (nabam .gt. 1.5) go to 11
-	enddo
- 11	continue
-	nrunger	= 0
-	deltt	= deltt1
-c	Updating the matrices with the new time step
-	itrung = 2
-	call vmatrixu
-	call bmatrix
-	call tmatrix
-	do i	= nt1,ntt
-c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
-	   call abam3(gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2,ghi,ghim1,
-     &		      ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2,fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
-     &		      fubm1,fubm2,fb,fbm1,fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,ft,
-     &		      ftm1,ftm2,delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,
-     &		      ndimg3,ndimg4)
-c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
-	   gzim2	= gzim1
-	   gzmm2	= gzmm1
-	   ghim2	= ghim1
-	   ghmm2	= ghmm1
-	   fuam2	= fuam1
-	   fubm2	= fubm1
-	   fbm2		= fbm1
-	   fjm2		= fjm1
-	   ftm2		= ftm1
-	   gzim1	= gzi
-	   gzmm1	= gzm
-	   ghim1	= ghi
-	   ghmm1	= ghm
-	   fuam1	= fua
-	   fubm1	= fub
-	   fbm1		= fb
-	   fjm1		= fj
-	   ftm1		= ft
-c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
-	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
-     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-c----------Updating the time
-	   tt	= tt+deltt
-	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
-	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
-	   nt1	= i+1
-c----------Updating CFL condition
-	   j	= j+1
-	   if (j.ge.ncfl .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      dtmin	= cflmin*cflno
-	      dtmax	= cflmax*cflno
-	      if (deltt.lt.dtmin .or. deltt.gt.dtmax) then
-cts1		 deltt	= 0.5*(dtmin+dtmax)
-cts2		 deltt	= 0.25*(dtmin+dtmax)+0.5*deltt
-		 nrunger= 1
-	         call timeout(unit_time,tt)
-	      endif
-	      j	= 0
-	      if (deltt .lt. 1.e-15) then
-	         call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	         call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	         call data_out1
-		 stop
-	      endif
-	   endif
-c----------Data output
-	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= nd+1
-	   endif
-	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
-	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
-	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
-	      call data_out1
-	      ttf	= 0.0
-	      ttd	= 0.0
-	      nd	= 0
-	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
-	   endif
-c----------Testing the condition for Runger-Kutter method
-	   if (nrunger .gt. 0) go to 10
-	enddo
-	return
-	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/forces.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/forces.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/forces.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,1769 +0,0 @@
-c	This group of subroutines provide nonlinear force terms
-c	for the geodynamo simulation.  This version is for Sun
-c	workstations with Sun Performance Library.
-c	W.Kuang, 08/99
-	subroutine nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
-     &		drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
-c	This subroutine has two purposes:
-c		for given field (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC)
-c		at t_[k]:
-c		(1) Calculating (COVA,COVB) and hence (VLM,WLM) at t_[k];
-c		(2) Calculating the nonlinear force (GZI,GZM,GHI,GHM,FUA,
-c		    FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) necessary to update (OMGI,
-c		    OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) at t_[k+1];
-c	Notation explanation:
-c		(sb,dsb,d2sb,sj,dsj): the spectral coefficients at radial
-c			collocation points r_i;
-c		(vr,vth,vph): the velocity components in physical space;
-c		(wr,wth,wph): the vorticity components in physical space;
-c		(br,bth,bph): the magnetic field in physical space;
-c		(jr,jth,jph): the current density in physical space;
-c		(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft): the output
-c			nonlinear forcing;
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_sphgeom
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_tfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	implicit none
-c	integer	Lmax2
-c	parameter (Lmax2=Lmax+2)
-	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	real (kind=8) gzi,gzm,torq_gz
-	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghm,torq_gh
-	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
-        real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4)
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fub
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fj
-	complex (kind=8)  ft(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
-	complex (kind=8), allocatable :: fga1(:,:,:), fga2(:,:,:)
-	integer	i,j,k,k1,k2,L,L1,L2,Lcc1,Lcc2,m,n,nd_tp,n_st
-	integer idamax
-	real (kind=8) aj,c1,c2,c3,rr2i,rinv,dhp,hn1,hni1,hnm1,
-     &		      cfli,cflm
-	complex (kind=8) uim,ui,zeros,z1,z2
-	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax,0:nmaxo) :: br,bth,
-     &		bph,dj
-	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax) :: vr,vth,vph,wr,
-     &		wth,wph,jr,jth,jph,dtr,dtt,dtp,tmpr1,tmpr2,tmpr3
-	real (kind=8)  cfll(nmxo1),tmpr4(ntmax)
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1) :: cova1,covb1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax1,0:mmax,0:nmaxo) :: sv,
-     &		dsv,d2sv,sw,dsw,sb,dsb,d2sb,sj,dsj,st,dst
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmaxa,0:mmaxa) :: sbr,svr,
-     &		tmpc1,tmpc2,tmpc3,tmpc4
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxo) :: fb1,
-     &		fb2a,fb2b,dfb2b
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxi) :: fbi1,
-     &		fbi2a,fbi2b
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxm) :: fbm1,
-     &		fbm2a,fbm2b
-     	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,miner+1,0:nmaxo) :: fv1,fv2a,
-     &		fv2b,dfv2b
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax,0:mmax) :: qj,ft1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1) :: fva,fvb
-	complex (kind=8)  rot_m(6),torqb(6),torqv(6)
-	aj	= cm*alphj/(rm*rath)
-	dhp     = 2.0*pi/npmax
-	hn1	= -nmaxo/pi
-	hni1	= 1.0*nmaxi
-	hnm1	= 1.0*nmaxm
-	zeros	= cmplx(0.0,0.0)
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-!	Initialization
-	cfll	= 0.0
-	gzi	= 0.0
-	gzm	= 0.0
-	ghi	= 0.0
-	ghm	= 0.0
-	fua	= 0.0
-	fub	= 0.0
-	fb	= 0.0
-	fj	= 0.0
-	ft	= 0.0
-	qj	= 0.0
-	ft1	= 0.0
-	fva	= 0.0
-	fvb	= 0.0
-	torqb	= 0.0
-	torqv	= 0.0
-	br	= 0.0
-	bth	= 0.0
-	bph	= 0.0
-	dj	= 0.0
-	fb1	= 0.0
-	fb2a	= 0.0
-	fb2b	= 0.0
-	dfb2b	= 0.0
-c-------[1.1] OBTAINING {[1,d/dr,d^2/dr^2] b^[Lm], [1,d/dr] J^[Lm],
-c-------      (1, d/dr) T^[Lm] } AT THE COLLOCATION POINT {r_i}
-	do i	= 0,nmaxo
-	   sb(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   dsb(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   sj(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   dsj(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   st(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   dst(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   j	= 2*i+1
-	   k	= 2*i+2
-	   k1	= nmbic+j
-	   k2	= nmbic+k
-	   do m	= 0,mmax_t
-	      do L	= m,Lmax_t
-		 st(L,m,i)  = cot(j,L,m)
-		 dst(L,m,i) = cot(k,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      sb(L,0,i)  = cob(k1,L,0)
-	      dsb(L,0,i) = cob(k2,L,0)
-	      sj(L,0,i)  = coj(k1,L,0)
-	      dsj(L,0,i) = coj(k2,L,0)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L	= m,Lmax_m
-		 sb(L,m,i)  = cob(k1,L,m)
-		 dsb(L,m,i) = cob(k2,L,m)
-		 sj(L,m,i)  = coj(k1,L,m)
-		 dsj(L,m,i) = coj(k2,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
-	   k1	= nmbic-1
-	   k2	= nmbic
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      sb(L,0,0)  = 0.5*(sb(L,0,0)+cob(k1,L,0))
-	      dsb(L,0,0) = 0.5*(dsb(L,0,0)+cob(k2,L,0))
-	      sj(L,0,0)  = 0.5*(sj(L,0,0)+coj(k1,L,0))
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	         sb(L,m,0)  = 0.5*(sb(L,m,0)+cob(k1,L,m))
-	         dsb(L,m,0) = 0.5*(dsb(L,m,0)+cob(k2,L,m))
-	         sj(L,m,0)  = 0.5*(sj(L,m,0)+coj(k1,L,m))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	endif
-	if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-	   k1	= nmx3+nmbic+1
-	   k2	= nmx3+nmbic+2
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      sb(L,0,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sb(L,0,nmaxo)+cob(k1,L,0))
-	      dsb(L,0,nmaxo) = 0.5*(dsb(L,0,nmaxo)+cob(k2,L,0))
-	      sj(L,0,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sj(L,0,nmaxo)+coj(k1,L,0))
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	         sb(L,m,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sb(L,m,nmaxo)+cob(k1,L,m))
-	         dsb(L,m,nmaxo) = 0.5*(dsb(L,m,nmaxo)+cob(k2,L,m))
-	         sj(L,m,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sj(L,m,nmaxo)+coj(k1,L,m))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	endif
-	d2sb	= 0.0
-	do m	= 0,mmax_m
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	      d2sb(L,m,0)  = dsb(L,m,0)*dr1(0,1)+dsb(L,m,1)*
-     &			     dr1(0,2)+dsb(L,m,2)*dr1(0,3)+
-     &			     dsb(L,m,3)*dr1(0,4)+dsb(L,m,4)*
-     &			     dr1(0,5)  
-	      d2sb(L,m,1)  = dsb(L,m,0)*dr1(1,1)+dsb(L,m,1)*
-     &			     dr1(1,2)+dsb(L,m,2)*dr1(1,3)+
-     &			     dsb(L,m,3)*dr1(1,4)+dsb(L,m,4)*
-     &			     dr1(1,5)  
-	      d2sb(L,m,nmaxo-1)= dsb(L,m,nmaxo-4)*dr1(nmaxo-1,1)
-     &			+dsb(L,m,nmaxo-3)*dr1(nmaxo-1,2)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-2)*dr1(nmaxo-1,3)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-1)*dr1(nmaxo-1,4)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo)*dr1(nmaxo-1,5)
-	      d2sb(L,m,nmaxo)  = dsb(L,m,nmaxo-4)*dr1(nmaxo,1)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-3)*dr1(nmaxo,2)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-2)*dr1(nmaxo,3)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-1)*dr1(nmaxo,4)+
-     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo)*dr1(nmaxo,5)
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
-	   do m	= 0,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         d2sb(L,m,i) = dsb(L,m,i-2)*dr1(i,1)+dsb(L,m,i-1)
-     &			       *dr1(i,2)+dsb(L,m,i+1)*dr1(i,4)+
-     &			       dsb(L,m,i+2)*dr1(i,5)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c-------[1.2] OBTAINING THE FORCE (COVA,COVB) at {r_i}
-	do i	= 0,nmaxo
-	   rr2i	= rr(i)*rr(i)
-	   rinv	= 1.0/rr2i
-c----------[1.2.1] Inverse Transform of [J X B] From Spectral Space to
-c	           Physical Space
-c----------the values of {r^2 (br,jr)} at {r_i}
-	   sbr		= 0.0
-	   tmpc1	= 0.0
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      sbr(m:Lmax,m)  = LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)= LL(m:Lmax)*sj(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	   enddo
-    	   call izfspht(sbr,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,npmax,
-     &			br(1,1,i))
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,jr)
-c----------the values of { r sin(th) [b_th, b_ph, j_th, j_ph] } at {r_i}
-	   tmpc1	= 0.0
-	   tmpc2	= 0.0
-	   tmpc3	= 0.0
-	   tmpc4	= 0.0
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L	= m+1,Lmax
-		 tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sj(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*dsb(L-1,m,i)
-     &			      -clm(L,m,2)*dsb(L+1,m,i)
-		 tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsb(L,m,i)-clm(L,m,1)*sj(L-1,m,i)
-     &			      +clm(L,m,2)*sj(L+1,m,i)
-		 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*(rinv*sbr(L,m)-d2sb(L,m,i))+
-     &			      clm(L,m,1)*dsj(L-1,m,i)-clm(L,m,2)*
-     &			      dsj(L+1,m,i)
-		 tmpc4(L,m) = uim*dsj(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*
-     &			      (d2sb(L-1,m,i)-rinv*sbr(L-1,m))-
-     &			      clm(L,m,2)*(d2sb(L+1,m,i)-rinv*
-     &			      sbr(L+1,m))
-	      enddo
-	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sj(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*dsb(m+1,m,i)
-	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsb(m,m,i)+clm(m,m,2)*sj(m+1,m,i)
-	      tmpc3(m,m) = uim*(rinv*sbr(m,m)-d2sb(m,m,i))-
-     &			   clm(m,m,2)*dsj(m+1,m,i)
-	      tmpc4(m,m) = uim*dsj(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*(d2sb(m+1,m,i)
-     &			   -rinv*sbr(m+1,m))
-	   enddo
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,bth(1,1,i))
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,bph(1,1,i))
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,jth)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc4,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,jph)
-c----------[1.2.2] Transform of [ M (J X B) ] From Physical Space to
-c	           Spectral Space to Obtain The Force (COVA,COVB)
-c----------the terms
-c----------A_1r = {[r sin(th) J_th] [r sin(th) B_ph] -
-c----------	  [r sin(th) J_ph] [r sin(th) B_th]}/[r sin(th)]**2 (tmpc1)
-c----------A_1t = {[r sin(th) J_ph] [r^2 B_r] - [r^2 J_r]
-c----------	  [r sin(th) B_ph]}/[r sin(th)]**2 	    	    (tmpc2)
-c----------A_1p = {[r^2 J_r] [r sin(th) B_th] - [r sin(th) J_th]
-c----------	  [r^2 B_r]}/[r sin(th)]**2 			    (tmpc3)
-c----------at {r_i}
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*(jth(:,k)*bph(:,k,i)-jph(:,k)*
-     &			   bth(:,k,i))
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*(jph(:,k)*br(:,k,i)-jr(:,k)*
-     &			   bph(:,k,i))
-	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(jr(:,k)*bth(:,k,i)-jth(:,k)*
-     &			   br(:,k,i))
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc2)
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc3)
-c----------the term
-c----------J^2  = {J_r^2 + J_th^2 + J_ph^2}      		    (tmpc4)
-c----------at {r_i}
-	   c1	= rinv**2
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c2= rinv/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*jr(:,k)*jr(:,k)+c2*(jth(:,k)*jth(:,k)
-     &			   +jph(:,k)*jph(:,k))
-           enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc4)
-c----------the forces:
-c----------fb1  = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_1p - d/dph A_1t;
-c----------fb2b = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_1t + d/dph A_1p;
-c----------fb2a = M A_1r + (R_th T + R_co C);
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L = m+1,Lmax
-		 fb1(L,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &			      tmpc3(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc3(L+1,m)
-		 fb2b(L,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &			      tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
-	      enddo
-	      fb1(m,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc3(m+1,m)
-	      fb2b(m,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      fb2a(m:Lmax,m,i) = cm*tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)+rath*
-     &			         st(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	   enddo
-c----------the Joul heating qj = r J^2
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      do L = m,Lmax
-		 qj(i,L,m) = rr(i)*tmpc4(L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c----------the (J x Delta)_r term
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= 1.0/(rr(i)*sins(k))
-	      c2= rr(i)*c1*c1/dhp
-	      dj(:,k,i) = abs(c2*jth(:,k))+abs(jph(:,k)*c1/dht(k))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c-------[1.3] Calculating [d/dr fb2b] at {r_i | i = 1,...,n-1} with
-c-------      finite difference approximation
-	do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
-	   dfb2b(:,:,i) = dr1(i,1)*fb2b(:,:,i-2)+dr1(i,2)*
-     &			  fb2b(:,:,i-1)+dr1(i,4)*fb2b(:,:,i+1)
-     &			  +dr1(i,5)*fb2b(:,:,i+2)
-	enddo
-c-------[1.4] Obtain (FVA,FVB) and part of (FUA,FUB) from the
-c-------      Lorentz force and the buoyancy force
-	do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
-c	   The force (FVA,FVB)
-	   do m	= miner+1,mmax_v
-	      do k = 0,lsym_v(m)
-c----------------Group I:  L = m+2*k,
-c----------------COVA = M fb1/[L(L+1)]; COVB = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a
-c----------------Group II: L = m+2*L1+1,
-c----------------COVA = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a; COVB = M fb1/[L(L+1)]
-		 L1  = m+2*k
-		 L2  = m+2*k+1
-		 Lcc1= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*k*nmxo1+i+1
-		 Lcc2= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*k+1)*nmxo1+i+1
-		 c1  = cm/LL(L1)
-		 c2  = cm/LL(L2)
-		 fva(Lcc1)= c1*fb1(L1,m,i)
-		 fva(Lcc2)= c2*dfb2b(L2,m,i)+fb2a(L2,m,i)
-		 fvb(Lcc1)= c1*dfb2b(L1,m,i)+fb2a(L1,m,i)
-		 fvb(Lcc2)= c2*fb1(L2,m,i)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c	   The force (FUA,FUB)
-	   do k = 1,lsym_v(0)
-c-------------Group I:  L = 2*k-1
-c-------------FUA = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a; FUB = M fb1/[L(L+1)]
-c-------------Group II: L = 2*k
-c-------------FUA = M fb1/[L(L+1)]; FUB = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a
-	      L1  = 2*k-1
-	      L2  = 2*k
-	      Lcc1= 2*(k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
-	      Lcc2= (2*k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
-	      c1  = cm/LL(L1)
-	      c2  = cm/LL(L2)
-	      fua(Lcc1)= c1*dfb2b(L1,0,i)+fb2a(L1,0,i)
-	      fua(Lcc2)= c2*fb1(L2,0,i)
-	      fub(Lcc1)= c1*fb1(L1,0,i)
-	      fub(Lcc2)= c2*dfb2b(L2,0,i)+fb2a(L2,0,i)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,miner
-	      do k = 0,lsym_v(m)
-c-------------Group III:  L = m+2*k,
-c-------------FUB = M fb1/[L(L+1)]; FUA = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a
-c-------------Group IV: L = m+2*L1+1,
-c-------------FUB = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a; FUA = M fb1/[L(L+1)]
-	         L1  = m+2*k
-	         L2  = m+2*k+1
-	         Lcc1= kdm(m-1)+2*k*nmxo1+i+1
-	         Lcc2= kdm(m-1)+(2*k+1)*nmxo1+i+1
-	         c1  = cm/LL(L1)
-	         c2  = cm/LL(L2)
-	         fua(Lcc1)= c1*dfb2b(L1,m,i)+fb2a(L1,m,i)
-	         fua(Lcc2)= c2*fb1(L2,m,i)
-	         fub(Lcc1)= c1*fb1(L1,m,i)
-	         fub(Lcc2)= c2*dfb2b(L2,m,i)+fb2a(L2,m,i)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-!-------[1.5] Determine if buoyancy anomaly force arising from mantle
-!	      density anomaly needs to be included
-c-------[1.6] Evaluating (COVA,COVB)
-	cova1	= fva
-	covb1	= fvb
-c-------Boundary conditions for (COVA,COVB)
-        do m    = miner+1,mmax_v
-           do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-              k1= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-              k2= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-              cova1(k1+1)    = 0.0
-              cova1(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
-              covb1(k1+1)    = 0.0
-              covb1(k1+2)    = 0.0
-              covb1(k1+nmaxo)= 0.0
-              covb1(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
-              cova1(k2+1)    = 0.0
-              cova1(k2+2)    = 0.0
-              cova1(k2+nmaxo)= 0.0
-              cova1(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
-              covb1(k2+1)    = 0.0
-              covb1(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
-           enddo
-        enddo
-	call solverv(cova1,covb1)
-	fv1	= 0.0
-	fv2a	= 0.0
-	fv2b	= 0.0
-	dfv2b	= 0.0
-	fb1	= 0.0
-	fb2a	= 0.0
-	fb2b	= 0.0
-	dfb2b	= 0.0
-c-------[2.1] OBTAINING {[1, d/dr, d^2/dr^2] v^[Lm], [1, d/dr] w^[Lm]}
-c-------      AT THE COLLOCATION POINT {r_i}
-	do i	= 0,nmaxo
-	   sv(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   dsv(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   d2sv(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   sw(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   dsw(:,:,i)	= 0.0
-	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_v
-		 sv(L,0,i)  = sv(L,0,i)+cheb(n,i)*vlm(n,L,0)
-		 dsv(L,0,i) = dsv(L,0,i)+dch1(n,i)*vlm(n,L,0)
-		 d2sv(L,0,i)= d2sv(L,0,i)+dch2(n,i)*vlm(n,L,0)
-		 sw(L,0,i)  = sw(L,0,i)+cheb(n,i)*wlm(n,L,0)
-		 dsw(L,0,i) = dsw(L,0,i)+dch1(n,i)*wlm(n,L,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m	= 1,mmax_v
-		 do L	= m,Lmax_v
-		    sv(L,m,i)  = sv(L,m,i)+cheb(n,i)*vlm(n,L,m)
-		    dsv(L,m,i) = dsv(L,m,i)+dch1(n,i)*vlm(n,L,m)
-		    d2sv(L,m,i)= d2sv(L,m,i)+dch2(n,i)*vlm(n,L,m)
-		    sw(L,m,i)  = sw(L,m,i)+cheb(n,i)*wlm(n,L,m)
-		    dsw(L,m,i) = dsw(L,m,i)+dch1(n,i)*wlm(n,L,m)
-		 enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c	The rotations of the mantle
-	rot_m	= 0.0
-	rot_m(1)= 2.0*sqrt(pi/3.0)*omgmz
-	rot_m(2)= -sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgmh)
-	rot_m(3)= -4.0*sqrt(pi)*omgmz/3.0
-	rot_m(4)= 4.0*sqrt(pi/5.0)*omgmz/3.0
-	rot_m(5)= -sqrt(2.0*pi/15.0)*conjg(omgmh)
-	rot_m(6)= -ui*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgmh)
-c-------      TRANSFORM
-	do i	= 0,nmaxo
-	   rr2i = rr(i)*rr(i)
-	   rinv	= 1.0/rr2i
-c----------[2.2.1] Inverse Transform of [W X V] From Spectral Space to
-c	           Physical Space
-c----------the values of {r^2 (vr,wr), (r d/dr 1/r, d/dph) T} at {r_i}
-	   svr		= 0.0
-	   tmpc1	= 0.0
-	   tmpc2	= 0.0
-	   tmpc3	= 0.0
-	   c1	= 1.0/rr(i)
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      uim	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      svr(m:Lmax,m)  = LL(m:Lmax)*sv(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)= LL(m:Lmax)*sw(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	      tmpc2(m:Lmax,m)= dst(m:Lmax,m,i)-c1*
-     &			       st(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	      tmpc3(m:Lmax,m)= uim*st(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	   enddo
-	   tmpc1(1,0) = tmpc1(1,0)+rr2i*rot_m(1)
-	   tmpc1(1,1) = tmpc1(1,1)+rr2i*rot_m(2)
-    	   call izfspht(svr,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,vr)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,wr)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,dtr)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,dtp)
-c----------the values of {r sin(th) [v_th, v_ph, w_th, w_ph]} at {r_i}
-	   tmpc1	= 0.0
-	   tmpc2	= 0.0
-	   tmpc3	= 0.0
-	   tmpc4	= 0.0
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L	= m+1,Lmax
-		 tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sw(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*dsv(L-1,m,i)
-     &			      -clm(L,m,2)*dsv(L+1,m,i)
-		 tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsv(L,m,i)-clm(L,m,1)*sw(L-1,m,i)
-     &			      +clm(L,m,2)*sw(L+1,m,i)
-		 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*(rinv*svr(L,m)-d2sv(L,m,i))+
-     &			      clm(L,m,1)*dsw(L-1,m,i)-clm(L,m,2)*
-     &			      dsw(L+1,m,i)
-		 tmpc4(L,m) = uim*dsw(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*
-     &			      (d2sv(L-1,m,i)-rinv*svr(L-1,m))-
-     &			      clm(L,m,2)*(d2sv(L+1,m,i)-rinv*
-     &			      svr(L+1,m))
-	      enddo
-	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sw(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*dsv(m+1,m,i)
-	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsv(m,m,i)+clm(m,m,2)*sw(m+1,m,i)
-	      tmpc3(m,m) = uim*(rinv*svr(m,m)-d2sv(m,m,i))-
-     &			   clm(m,m,2)*dsw(m+1,m,i)
-	      tmpc4(m,m) = uim*dsw(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*(d2sv(m+1,m,i)
-     &			   -rinv*svr(m+1,m))
-	   enddo
-	   tmpc3(0,0) = tmpc3(0,0)+rr(i)*rot_m(3)
-	   tmpc3(2,0) = tmpc3(2,0)+rr(i)*rot_m(4)
-	   tmpc3(2,1) = tmpc3(2,1)+rr(i)*rot_m(5)
-	   tmpc4(1,1) = tmpc4(1,1)+rr(i)*rot_m(6)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,vth)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,vph)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,wth)
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc4,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,wph)
-c----------the values of {sin(th) d/dth T} at {r_i}
-	   tmpc1	= 0.0
-	   do m	   = 0,mmax
-	      do L = m+1,Lmax
-		 tmpc1(L,m) = clm(L,m,1)*st(L-1,m,i)-clm(L,m,2)*
-     &			      st(L+1,m,i)
-	      enddo
-	      tmpc1(m,m) = -clm(m,m,2)*st(m+1,m,i)
-	   enddo
-    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &			npmax,dtt)
-c----------[2.2.2] Transform of [W X V, CURL (V X B), (V.GRAD)T] From
-c		   Physical Space to Spectral Space to Obtain The
-c		   Forces (FUA, FUB, FB, FJ, FT, FC)
-c----------the terms
-c----------A_2r = {[r sin(th) W_th] [r sin(th) V_ph] -
-c----------	  [r sin(th) W_ph] [r sin(th) V_th]}/[r sin(th)]**2 (tmpc1)
-c----------A_2t = {[r sin(th) W_ph] [r^2 V_r] - [r^2 W_r]
-c----------	  [r sin(th) V_ph]}/[r sin(th)]**2 	    	    (tmpc2)
-c----------A_2p = {[r^2 W_r] [r sin(th) V_th] - [r sin(th) W_th]
-c----------	  [r^2 V_r]}/[r sin(th)]**2 			    (tmpc3)
-c----------at {r_i}
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*(wth(:,k)*vph(:,k)-wph(:,k)*
-     &			   vth(:,k))
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*(wph(:,k)*vr(:,k)-wr(:,k)*
-     &			   vph(:,k))
-	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(wr(:,k)*vth(:,k)-wth(:,k)*
-     &			   vr(:,k))
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc2)
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc3)
-c----------the forces (for m<=miner only):
-c----------fv1  = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A2p - d/dph A2t;
-c----------fv2b = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A2t + d/dph A2p;
-c----------fv2a = R_o A2r;
-	   do m	= 0,miner
-	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L = m+1,Lmax
-		 fv1(L,m+1,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &			tmpc3(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc3(L+1,m)
-		 fv2b(L,m+1,i)= uim*tmpc3(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &			tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
-	      enddo
-	      fv1(m,m+1,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc3(m+1,m)
-	      fv2b(m,m+1,i)= uim*tmpc3(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 0,miner
-	      fv2a(m:Lmax,m+1,i) = ro*tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)
-	   enddo
-c----------the terms
-c----------A_3r = {[r sin(th) v_th] [r sin(th) B_ph] -
-c----------	  [r sin(th) v_ph] [r sin(th) B_th]}/[r sin(th)]^2  (tmpc1)
-c----------A_3t = {[r sin(th) v_ph] [r^2 B_r] - [r^2 v_r]
-c----------	  [r sin(th) B_ph]}/[r sin(th)]^2 		    (tmpc2)
-c----------A_3p = {[r^2 v_r] [r sin(th) B_th] - [r sin(th) v_th]
-c----------	  [r^2 B_r]}/[r sin(th)]^2 		 	    (tmpc3)
-c----------at {r_i}
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*(vth(:,k)*bph(:,k,i)-vph(:,k)*
-     &			   bth(:,k,i))
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*(vph(:,k)*br(:,k,i)-vr(:,k)*
-     &			   bph(:,k,i))
-	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(vr(:,k)*bth(:,k,i)-vth(:,k)*
-     &			   br(:,k,i))
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc2)
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc3)
-c----------the forces:
-c----------fb1  = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_3p - d/dph A_3t;
-c----------fb2b = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_3t + d/dph A_3p;
-c----------fb2a = A_3r;
-	   do m = 0,mmax
-	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	      do L = m+1,Lmax
-	 	 fb1(L,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &			      tmpc3(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc3(L+1,m)
-                 fb2b(L,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &			      tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
-	      enddo
-	      fb1(m,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc3(m+1,m)
-	      fb2b(m,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
-	   enddo
-	   do m = 0,mmax
-	      fb2a(m:Lmax,m,i) = tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)
-	   enddo
-c----------the term
-c----------A_4 = - r [vr (d/dr T_0) + (v.GRAD) T]			(tmpc4)
-	   c2	= rr(i)*dt0r(i)
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = -rinv*vr(:,k)*(dtr(:,k)-c2)-c1*
-     &			   (vth(:,k)*dtt(:,k)+vph(:,k)*dtp(:,k))
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc4)
-c----------The force FT1 = A_4
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      do L = m,Lmax
-		 ft1(i,L,m) = tmpc4(L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c----------[2.2.3] The Local CFL Conditions
-c----------The (B.Delta) and (V.Delta) terms
-	   tmpr1= 0.0
-	   tmpr2= 0.0
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= rinv/sins(k)
-	      c2= rinv/(dhp*sins(k)**2)
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = rinv*abs(vr(:,k)/dhr(i+1))+
-     &		      abs(c1*vth(:,k)/dht(k))+
-     &		      abs(c2*vph(:,k))
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = rinv*abs(br(:,k,i)/dhr(i+1))+
-     &		      abs(c1*bth(:,k,i)/dht(k))+
-     &		      abs(c2*bph(:,k,i))
-	   enddo
-c----------The local eigenvalues for CFL condition
-	   tmpr3= 0.0
-	   c1	= abs(aj*rr(i))
-	   c2	= 1.0/sqrt(ro)
-	   c3	= abs(rath*dt0r(i)*rr(i))
-	   tmpr4= 0.0
-	   tmpr3= tmpr1+c2*sqrt(tmpr2*tmpr2+c3)+c1*tmpr2
-     &		  *dj(:,:,i)/(tmpr2*tmpr2+c3)
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-              k1 = idamax(npmax,tmpr3(1,k),1)
-	      tmpr4(k) = tmpr3(k1,k)
-	   enddo
-    	   k1	= idamax(ntmax,tmpr4(1),1)
-	   cfll(i+1) = tmpr4(k1)
-	enddo
-    	k1	= idamax(nmxo1,cfll(1),1)
-	c1	= cfll(k1)
-	cflno	= 1.0/c1
-	if (kicbv.ne.1 .and. kicbb.eq.2) then
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1= abs(omgih)/sqrt(2.0)*(abs(th(k)/sins(k)*dhp)+
-     &		  abs(dht(k)))+abs(omgiz*dhp)
-	      do j = 1,npmax
-	         tmpr1(j,k) = c1+sqrt(c1*c1+4.0*cm/(rhoio*mti*ro)
-     &			      *br(j,k,0)**2)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-    	      k1= idamax(npmax,tmpr1(1,k),1)
-	      tmpr2(k,1)= tmpr1(k1,k)
-	   enddo
-    	   k1 	= idamax(ntmax,tmpr2(1,1),1)
-	   c1	= tmpr2(k1,1)
-	   if (c1 .gt. 0.0) then
-	      c1	= 2.0/c1
-	      if (c1 .lt. cflno) cflno = c1
-	   endif
-	endif
-c-------[2.4] CALCULATING [d/dr fv2b] AT {r_i | i = 1,...,n-1} WITH
-	do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
-	   dfv2b(:,:,i) = dr1(i,1)*fv2b(:,:,i-2)+dr1(i,2)*
-     &		fv2b(:,:,i-1)+dr1(i,4)*fv2b(:,:,i+1)+
-     &		dr1(i,5)*fv2b(:,:,i+2)
-	enddo
-c-------[2.5] Evaluating (FUA,FUB) IN THE OUTER CORE
-	do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
-	   do k = 1,lsym_v(0)
-c-------------Group I: L = 2*k-1
-c-------------FUA = FUA - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
-c-------------FUB = FUB - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
-c-------------Group II: L = 2*k
-c-------------FUA = FUA - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
-c-------------FUB = FUB - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
-	      L1  = 2*k-1
-	      L2  = 2*k
-	      Lcc1= 2*(k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
-	      Lcc2= (2*k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
-	      c1  = ron/LL(L1)
-	      c2  = ron/LL(L2)
-	      fua(Lcc1)= fua(Lcc1)-c1*dfv2b(L1,1,i)-fv2a(L1,1,i)
-	      fua(Lcc2)= fua(Lcc2)-c2*fv1(L2,1,i)
-	      fub(Lcc1)= fub(Lcc1)-c1*fv1(L1,1,i)
-	      fub(Lcc2)= fub(Lcc2)-c2*dfv2b(L2,1,i)-fv2a(L2,1,i)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,miner
-	      do k = 0,lsym_v(m)
-c-------------Group III:  L = m+2*k,
-c-------------FUA = FUA - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
-c-------------FUB = FUB - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
-c-------------Group IV: L = m+2*k+1,
-c-------------FUA = FUA - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
-c-------------FUB = FUB - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
-	         L1  = m+2*k
-	         L2  = m+2*k+1
-	         Lcc1= kdm(m-1)+2*k*nmxo1+i+1
-	         Lcc2= kdm(m-1)+(2*k+1)*nmxo1+i+1
-	         c1  = ron/LL(L1)
-	         c2  = ron/LL(L2)
-	         fua(Lcc1)= fua(Lcc1)-c1*dfv2b(L1,m+1,i)-fv2a(L1,m+1,i)
-	         fua(Lcc2)= fua(Lcc2)-c2*fv1(L2,m+1,i)
-	         fub(Lcc1)= fub(Lcc1)-c1*fv1(L1,m+1,i)
-	         fub(Lcc2)= fub(Lcc2)-c2*dfv2b(L2,m+1,i)-fv2a(L2,m+1,i)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c-------fb(i) = 1/2 [gg(i) fb1(i) + gg(i+1) fb1(i+1)]/L(L+1)
-c-------fj(i) = 1/2 [gg(i) fb2a(i)+ gg(i+1) fb2a(i+1)]
-c-------        + 1/12 h^{-1} [fb2b(i+2) + 9 fb2b(i+1)
-c-------        - 9 fb2b(i) - fb2b(i-1)]/L(L+1)
-c-------ft(i) = 1/2 {gg(i) [ft1(i)+aj*qj(i)] + gg(i+1) [ft1(i+1)+aj*qj(i+1)]}
-	do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	   c1	= 1.0/(2.0*LL(L))
-	   c2	= hn1/(12.0*LL(L))
-	   do i = 2,nmaxo-3
-	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	      fb(k,L,0) = c1*(fb1(L,0,i)*gg(i)+fb1(L,0,i+1)*gg(i+1))
-	      fj(k,L,0) = 0.5*(fb2a(L,0,i)*gg(i)+fb2a(L,0,i+1)*gg(i+1))
-     &			  +c2*(fb2b(L,0,i+2)+9.0*fb2b(L,0,i+1)-
-     &			  9.0*fb2b(L,0,i)-fb2b(L,0,i-1))
-	   enddo
-	   c1	= 1.0/(1.0*LL(L))
-	   i	= 0
-	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,3)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
-	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,3)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
-     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,3)*fb2b(L,0,i)+cfm(2,3)*fb2b(L,0,i+1)
-     &		       +cfm(3,3)*fb2b(L,0,i+2))
-	   i	= 1
-	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,4)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
-	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,4)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
-     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,4)*fb2b(L,0,i)+cfm(2,4)*fb2b(L,0,i+1)
-     &		       +cfm(3,4)*fb2b(L,0,i+2))
-	   i	= nmaxo-2
-	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,5)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
-	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,5)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
-     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,5)*fb2b(L,0,i)+cfm(2,5)*fb2b(L,0,i+1)
-     &		       +cfm(3,5)*fb2b(L,0,i+2))
-	   i	= nmaxo-1
-	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,6)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
-	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,6)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
-     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,6)*fb2b(L,0,i-1)+cfm(2,6)*fb2b(L,0,i)
-     &		       +cfm(3,6)*fb2b(L,0,i+1))
-	enddo
-	do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	      c1= 1.0/(2.0*LL(L))
-	      c2= hn1/(12.0*LL(L))
-	      do i = 2,nmaxo-3
-	         k = nmbic+2*i+3
-	         fb(k,L,m) = c1*(fb1(L,m,i)*gg(i)+fb1(L,m,i+1)*
-     &			     gg(i+1))
-	         fj(k,L,m) = 0.5*(fb2a(L,m,i)*gg(i)+fb2a(L,m,i+1)
-     &			     *gg(i+1))+c2*(fb2b(L,m,i+2)+9.0*
-     &			     fb2b(L,m,i+1)-9.0*fb2b(L,m,i)-
-     &			     fb2b(L,m,i-1))
-	      enddo
-	      c1= 1.0/(1.0*LL(L))
-	      i	= 0
-	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,3)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
-	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,3)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
-     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,3)*fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(2,3)*
-     &			  fb2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,3)*fb2b(L,m,i+2))
-	      i	= 1
-	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,4)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
-	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,4)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
-     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,4)*fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(2,4)*
-     &			  fb2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,4)*fb2b(L,m,i+2))
-	      i	= nmaxo-2
-	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,5)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
-	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,5)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
-     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,5)*fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(2,5)*
-     &			  fb2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,5)*fb2b(L,m,i+2))
-	      i	= nmaxo-1
-	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
-	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,6)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
-	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,6)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
-     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,6)*fb2b(L,m,i-1)+cfm(2,6)*
-     &			  fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(3,6)*fb2b(L,m,i+1))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do m	= 0,mmax_t
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_t
-	      do i = 2,nmaxo-3
-	         ft(2*i+3,L,m) = 0.5*(gg(i)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*
-     &				 qj(i,L,m))+gg(i+1)*
-     &				 (ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m)))
-	      enddo
-	      i	= 0
-	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,3)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
-     &			      cfm(5,3)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
-	      i	= 1
-	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,4)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
-     &			      cfm(5,4)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
-	      i	= nmaxo-2
-	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,5)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
-     &			      cfm(5,5)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
-	      i	= nmaxo-1
-	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,6)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
-     &			      cfm(5,6)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c-------[2.7] BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR (coua,coub,cot,coc)
-	do L1	= 1,lsym_v(0)
-	   k1	= 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-	   k2	= (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	   fua(k1+1)    = 0.0
-	   fua(k1+2)    = 0.0
-	   fua(k1+nmaxo)= 0.0
-	   fua(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	   fub(k1+1)    = 0.0
-	   fub(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	   fua(k2+1)    = 0.0
-	   fua(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	   fub(k2+1)    = 0.0
-	   fub(k2+2)    = 0.0
-	   fub(k2+nmaxo)= 0.0
-	   fub(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	enddo
-	do m	= 1,miner
-	   do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-	      k1= kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-	      k2= kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	      fua(k1+1)    = 0.0
-	      fua(k1+2)    = 0.0
-	      fua(k1+nmaxo)= 0.0
-	      fua(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	      fub(k1+1)    = 0.0
-	      fub(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	      fua(k2+1)    = 0.0
-	      fua(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	      fub(k2+1)    = 0.0
-	      fub(k2+2)    = 0.0
-	      fub(k2+nmaxo)= 0.0
-	      fub(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	ft(1,:,:)	= 0.0
-	ft(nmx3,:,:)	= 0.0
-c	(3.1) The Lorent torque on the boundaries
-	if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
-c	   The Lorentz torque on the ICB
-           tmpr1 = 0.0
-           tmpr1 = br(:,:,0)*bph(:,:,0)
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           torqb(1)= sqrt(4.0*pi)*real(tmpc1(0,0))
-	   tmpr1= 0.0
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = br(:,k,0)*bth(:,k,0)/sins(k)**2
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-	   torqb(2)= sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*ui*tmpc1(1,1)
-	   tmpr1= 0.0
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = br(:,k,0)*bph(:,k,0)*th(k)/sins(k)**2
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-	   torqb(3)= sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
-	   gzi	= cm*torqb(1)
-	   ghi	= cm*conjg(torqb(2)+torqb(3))
-	endif
-	if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-c	   The Lorentz torque on the CMB
-	   tmpr1	= br(:,:,nmaxo)
-c	   Consider the CMB topography effect
-           tmpr2= 0.0
-           tmpr2= tmpr1*bph(:,:,nmaxo)
-           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           torqb(4)= -sqrt(4.0*pi)*real(tmpc1(0,0))
-	   tmpr2= 0.0
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = tmpr1(:,k)*bth(:,k,nmaxo)
-     &			/sins(k)**2
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-	   torqb(5)= -sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*ui*tmpc1(1,1)
-	   tmpr2= 0.0
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = tmpr1(:,k)*bph(:,k,nmaxo)*th(k)
-     &			/sins(k)**2
-	   enddo
-    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
-	   torqb(6)= -sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
-	   gzm	= cm*torqb(4)
-	   ghm	= cm*conjg(torqb(5)+torqb(6))
-	endif
-c	(3.2) The viscous torque with no "stress-free" boundary conditions
-	if (kicbv .ge. 1) then
-c	   The viscous torque on the ICB
-     	   torqv(1)= 4.0*sqrt(pi/3.0)*rio**2*
-     &		  real(dsw(1,0,0)-2*sw(1,0,0)/rio)
-           tmpc1= 0.0
-	   m	= 1
-	   uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-           do L = m+1,Lmax
-	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(dsw(L,m,0)-2*sw(L,m,0)/rio)+
-     &		clm(L,m,1)*(d2sv(L-1,m,0)-2*dsv(L-1,m,0)/rio)
-     &		-clm(L,m,2)*(d2sv(L+1,m,0)-2*dsv(L+1,m,0)/rio)
-           enddo
-	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(dsw(m,m,0)-2*sw(m,m,0)/rio)-
-     &		clm(m,m,2)*(d2sv(m+1,m,0)-2*dsv(m+1,m,0)/rio)
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
-           do k    = 1,ntmax
-              c1   = (rio/sins(k))**2
-              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
-           enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           torqv(2)= ui*sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
-           tmpc1= 0.0
-           m	= 1
-	   uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-           do L = m+1,Lmax
-	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(d2sv(L,m,0)-2*dsv(L,m,0)/rio)-
-     &		clm(L,m,1)*(dsw(L-1,m,0)-2*sw(L-1,m,0)/rio)+
-     &		clm(L,m,2)*(dsw(L+1,m,0)-2*sw(L+1,m,0)/rio)
-           enddo
-	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(d2sv(m,m,0)-2*dsv(m,m,0)/rio)+
-     &		clm(m,m,2)*(dsw(m+1,m,0)-2*sw(m+1,m,0)/rio)
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
-           do k    = 1,ntmax
-              c1   = (rio/sins(k))**2
-              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
-           enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           torqv(3)= sqrt(8.0*pi/15.0)*tmpc1(2,1)
-     	   gzi	= gzi+ekman*torqv(1)
-	   ghi	= ghi+ekman*conjg(torqv(2)+torqv(3))
-	endif
-	if (kcmbv .ge. 1) then
-c	   The viscous torque on the CMB
-	   torqv(4)= -4.0*sqrt(pi/3.0)*
-     &		  real(dsw(1,0,nmaxo)-2*sw(1,0,nmaxo))
-           tmpc1= 0.0
-	   m	= 1
-	   k	= nmaxo
-	   uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-           do L = m+1,Lmax
-	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(dsw(L,m,k)-2.0*sw(L,m,k))+
-     &		clm(L,m,1)*(d2sv(L-1,m,k)-2.0*dsv(L-1,m,k))-
-     &		clm(L,m,2)*(d2sv(L+1,m,k)-2.0*dsv(L+1,m,k))
-           enddo
-	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(dsw(m,m,k)-2.0*sw(m,m,k))-
-     &		clm(m,m,2)*(d2sv(m+1,m,k)-2.0*dsv(m+1,m,k))
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
-           do k    = 1,ntmax
-              c1   = 1.0/sins(k)**2
-              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
-           enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           torqv(5)= -ui*sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
-           tmpc1= 0.0
-           m	= 1
-	   k	= nmaxo
-	   uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-           do L = m+1,Lmax
-	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(d2sv(L,m,k)-2*dsv(L,m,k))
-     &		-clm(L,m,1)*(dsw(L-1,m,k)-2*sw(L-1,m,k))+
-     &		clm(L,m,2)*(dsw(L+1,m,k)-2*sw(L+1,m,k))
-           enddo
-	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(d2sv(m,m,k)-2*dsv(m,m,k))+
-     &		clm(m,m,2)*(dsw(m+1,m,k)-2*sw(m+1,m,k))
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
-           do k    = 1,ntmax
-              c1   = 1.0/sins(k)**2
-              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
-           enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           torqv(6)= -sqrt(8.0*pi/15.0)*tmpc1(2,1)
-	   gzm	= gzm+ekman*torqv(4)
-	   ghm	= ghm+ekman*conjg(torqv(5)+torqv(6))
-	endif
-c	(3.3) The pressure torque with boundary topographies at the CMB
-!	(3.4) Add gravitational coupling torque on the mantle
-	fbi1	= 0.0
-	fbi2a	= 0.0
-	fbi2b	= 0.0
-	fbm1	= 0.0
-	fbm2a	= 0.0
-	fbm2b	= 0.0
-c	(4.1) Obtaining the forces in the inner core
-	if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
-	   call force_ic(fbi1,fbi2a,fbi2b,c1)
-	   if (c1 .lt. cflno) cflno = c1
-           do m    = 0,mmax_m
-              do L = m,Lmax_m
-                 do i = 1,nmaxi-3
-                    k = 2*i+3
-                    fb(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gi(i)*fbi1(L,m,i)+gi(i+1)*
-     &			     fbi1(L,m,i+1))
-                    fj(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gi(i)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+gi(i+1)*
-     &			     fbi2a(L,m,i+1))+hni1*(fbi2b(L,m,i+2)
-     &			     +9.0*fbi2b(L,m,i+1)-9.0*fbi2b(L,m,i)
-     &			     -fbi2b(L,m,i-1))/12.0
-                 enddo
-	         i = 0
-	         k = 2*i+3
-                 fb(k,L,m) = (gi(i)*fbi1(L,m,i)+4.0*gi(i+1)*
-     &			  fbi1(L,m,i+1)+gi(i+2)*fbi1(L,m,i+2))
-     &			  /6.0
-                 fj(k,L,m) = (gi(i)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+4.0*gi(i+1)*
-     &			  fbi2a(L,m,i+1)+gi(i+2)*fbi2a(L,m,i+2))
-     &			  /6.0+0.5*hni1*(fbi2b(L,m,i+2)-
-     &			  fbi2b(L,m,i))
-	         i = nmaxi-2
-	         k = 2*i+3
-	         fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,1)*fbi1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,1)*
-     &			  fbi1(L,m,i+1)
-	         fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,1)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,1)*
-     &			  fbi2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,1)*fbi2b(L,m,i)+
-     &			  cfm(2,1)*fbi2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,1)*
-     &			  fbi2b(L,m,i+2))
-	         i = nmaxi-1
-	         k = 2*i+3
-	         fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,2)*fbi1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,2)*
-     &			  fbi1(L,m,i+1)
-	         fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,2)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,2)*
-     &			  fbi2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,2)*fbi2b(L,m,i-1)
-     &			  +cfm(2,2)*fbi2b(L,m,i)+cfm(3,2)*
-     &			  fbi2b(L,m,i+1))
-              enddo
-           enddo
-	endif
-c	(4.2) Obtaining the forces in the D"-layer
-	if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-	   call force_dp(fbm1,fbm2a,fbm2b)
-           do m    = 0,mmax_m
-              do L = m,Lmax_m
-                 do i = 2,nmaxm-2
-                    k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
-                    fb(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gd(i)*fbm1(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*
-     &			     fbm1(L,m,i+1))
-                    fj(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gd(i)*fbm2a(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*
-     &			     fbm2a(L,m,i+1))+hnm1*(fbm2b(L,m,i+2)
-     &			     +9.0*fbm2b(L,m,i+1)-9.0*fbm2b(L,m,i)
-     &			     -fbm2b(L,m,i-1))/12.0
-                 enddo
-	         i = 0
-                 k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
-                 fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,7)*fbm1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,7)*
-     &			  fbm1(L,m,i+1)
-                 fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,7)*fbm2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,7)*
-     &			  fbm2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,7)*fbm2b(L,m,i)
-     &			  +cfm(2,7)*fbm2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,7)*
-     &			  fbm2b(L,m,i+2))
-	         i = 1
-                 k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
-                 fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,8)*fbm1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,8)*
-     &			  fbm1(L,m,i+1)
-                 fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,8)*fbm2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,8)*
-     &			  fbm2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,8)*fbm2b(L,m,i)
-     &			  +cfm(2,8)*fbm2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,8)*
-     &			  fbm2b(L,m,i+2))
-	         i = nmaxm-1
-                 k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
-	         fb(k,L,m) = (gd(i-1)*fbm1(L,m,i-1)+4.0*gd(i)*
-     &                    fbm1(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*fbm1(L,m,i+1))
-     &                    /6.0
-                 fj(k,L,m) = (gd(i-1)*fbm2a(L,m,i-1)+4.0*gd(i)*
-     &                    fbm2a(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*fbm2a(L,m,i+1))
-     &                    /6.0+0.5*hnm1*(fbm2b(L,m,i+1)-
-     &                    fbm2b(L,m,i-1))
-              enddo
-           enddo
-	endif
-c-------[4.3.1] Near the center
-	fb(1,:,:)	= 0.0
-	fj(1,:,:)	= 0.0
-c-------[4.3.2] At the perfectly insulating mantle (D"-mantle boundary)
-	fb(nmb,:,:)	= 0.0
-	fj(nmb,:,:)	= 0.0
-c-------[4.3.3] At the ICB
-	if (kicbb .le. 1) then
-	   fb(nmbic+1,:,:)= 0.0
-	   fj(nmbic+1,:,:)= 0.0
-	else if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
-	   fb(nmbic,:,:)  = 0.0
-	   fj(nmbic,:,:)  = 0.0
-	   fb(nmbic+1,:,:)= 0.0
-	endif
-c-------[4.3.4] At the CMB
-	k	= nmx3+nmbic
-	if (kcmbb .le. 1) then
-	   fb(k,:,:)	= 0.0
-	   fj(k,:,:)	= 0.0
-	else if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-	   fb(k,:,:)  = 0.0
-	   fb(k+1,:,:)= 0.0
-	   fj(k+1,:,:)= 0.0
-	endif
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine force_ic(fb1,fb2a,fb2b,cfl_ic)
-c	This subroutine calculate the force CURL (V X B) in the inner
-c	core.  All rotations (axial + horizontal) are included.
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_sphgeom
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	real (kind=8) cfl_ic
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxi) :: fb1,
-     &		fb2a,fb2b
-	integer	idamax
-	integer	i,k,L,m,k1,k2
-	real (kind=8) c1,dhp
-	complex (kind=8) ui,uim
-	real (kind=8) tmpr4(ntmax)
-	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax) :: br,bth,bph,vth,
-     &		vph,tmpr1,tmpr2,tmpr3
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax1,0:mmax,0:nmaxi) :: sb,
-     &		dsb,sj
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmaxa,0:mmaxa) :: tmpc1,
-     &		tmpc2,tmpc3
-c	Subroutine strats here
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	fb1	= 0.0
-	fb2a	= 0.0
-	fb2b	= 0.0
-	if (kicbb .lt. 2) return
-c-------[1] Oibtaining the horizontal flow [ r sin(th) (v_th, v_ph)/r^2]
-c	    [generated by (omgih,omgiz)] at the collocation points
-	tmpc1	= 0.0
-	tmpc1(1,1)= -ui*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgih)
-    	call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		     npmax,vth)
-	tmpc1	= 0.0
-	tmpc1(0,0)= 4.0*sqrt(pi)*omgiz/3.0
-	tmpc1(2,0)= -4.0*sqrt(pi/5.0)*omgiz/3.0
-	tmpc1(2,1)= sqrt(2.0*pi/15.0)*conjg(omgih)
-    	call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &		     npmax,vph)
-c-------[2] Obtaining [ (1, d/dr) b_l^m, j_l^m] for the inner core
-	do i	= 0,nmaxi
-	   sb(:,:,i)    = 0.0
-           dsb(:,:,i)   = 0.0
-           sj(:,:,i)    = 0.0
-	   k1	= 2*i+1
-	   k2	= 2*i+2
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      sb(L,0,i)  = cob(k1,L,0)
-              dsb(L,0,i) = cob(k2,L,0)
-              sj(L,0,i)  = coj(k1,L,0)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         sb(L,m,i)  = cob(k1,L,m)
-                 dsb(L,m,i) = cob(k2,L,m)
-                 sj(L,m,i)  = coj(k1,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do i	= 0,nmaxi
-c----------[3.1] the value of [r^2 b_r, r sin(th) (b_th, b_ph)]
-c----------      at the collocation points
-	   tmpc1	= 0.0
-	   tmpc2	= 0.0
-	   tmpc3	= 0.0
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)= LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m,i)
-	   enddo
-	   do m = 0,mmax
-              uim       = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-              do L      = m+1,Lmax
-                 tmpc2(L,m) = uim*sj(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*dsb(L-1,m,i)
-     &                        -clm(L,m,2)*dsb(L+1,m,i)
-                 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*dsb(L,m,i)-clm(L,m,1)*sj(L-1,m,i)
-     &                        +clm(L,m,2)*sj(L+1,m,i)
-              enddo
-              tmpc2(m,m) = uim*sj(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*dsb(m+1,m,i)
-              tmpc3(m,m) = uim*dsb(m,m,i)+clm(m,m,2)*sj(m+1,m,i)
-           enddo
-           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,br)
-           call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,bth)
-           call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                  npmax,bph)
-c----------[3.2] the inverse transform of CURL (V X B)
-c----------the terms A1 = [r sin(th) v_th] (r^2 b_r)/[r^2 sin(th)^2];	(tmpc1)
-c----------the terms A2 = [r sin(th) v_ph] (r^2 b_r)/[r^2 sin(th)^2];	(tmpc2)
-c----------the terms A3 = {[r sin(th) v_th][r sin(th) b_ph]-
-c----------          [r sin(th) v_ph][r sin(th) b_th]}/[r^2 sin(th)^2];	(tmpc3)
-	   do k	= 1,ntmax
-	      c1=1.0/sins(k)**2
-	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*vth(:,k)*br(:,k)
-	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*vph(:,k)*br(:,k)
-	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(vth(:,k)*bph(:,k)-vph(:,k)*bth(:,k))
-	   enddo
-           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
-           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc2)
-           call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
-     &                 npmax,tmpc3)
-c----------the forces:
-c----------fb1 = -[sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A1 - d/dph A2;
-c----------fb2a= A3
-c----------fb2b= [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A2 - d/dph A1;
-	   do m = 0,mmax
-              uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-              do L = m+1,Lmax
-                 fb1(L,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)-clm(L,m,3)*
-     &                        tmpc1(L-1,m)+clm(L,m,4)*tmpc1(L+1,m)
-                 fb2b(L,m,i)= -uim*tmpc1(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
-     &                        tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
-              enddo
-              fb1(m,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)+clm(m,m,4)*tmpc1(m+1,m)
-              fb2b(m,m,i)= -uim*tmpc1(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
-           enddo
-	   do m	= 0,mmax
-	      fb2a(m:Lmax,m,i) = tmpc3(m:Lmax,m)
-	   enddo
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax
-	      fb1(L,0,i) = fb1(L,0,i)/(1.0*LL(L))
-	      fb2b(L,0,i)= fb2b(L,0,i)/(1.0*LL(L))
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax
-	      do L = m,Lmax
-		 c1	= 1.0/(1.0*LL(L))
-		 fb1(L,m,i) = fb1(L,m,i)*c1
-		 fb2b(L,m,i)= fb2b(L,m,i)*c1
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	dhp	= 2.0*pi/npmax
-	tmpr1	= 0.0
-	do k	= 1,ntmax
-	   c1	= 1.0/sins(k)
-	   tmpr1(:,k) = abs(vth(:,k)*c1*dhp)+abs(vph(:,k)/dht(k))
-	enddo
-	tmpr4	= 0.0
-	do k 	= 1,ntmax
-           k1 	= idamax(npmax,tmpr1(1,k),1)
-           tmpr4(k) = tmpr1(k1,k)
-        enddo
-	c1	= 0.0
-	do m	= 0,mmax
-	   do L	= m,Lmax
-	      c1= c1+LL(L)*(abs(sj(L,m,nmaxi)*sj(L,m,nmaxi))+
-     &		  abs(dsb(L,m,nmaxi)*dsb(L,m,nmaxi)))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-        k1 	= idamax(ntmax,tmpr4(1),1)
-	c1	= abs(tmpr4(k1))+sqrt(tmpr4(k1)**2+2.0*c1/(ro*mti))
-	cfl_ic	= 0.5/c1
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine force_dp(fb1,fb2a,fb2b)
-c	This subroutine calculate the force arising from anomalies
-c	in the D"-layer.
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_sphgeom
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxm) :: fb1,
-     &		fb2a,fb2b
-	complex (kind=8) ui
-c	Subroutine starts here
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	fb1	= 0.0
-	fb2a	= 0.0
-	fb2b	= 0.0
-	if (kcmbb .lt. 2) return
-	return
-	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/aslegends.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/aslegends.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/aslegends.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+      	subroutine aslegend(p,z,Lmax,mmax,inorm)
+c									*
+c	Evaluates normalized associated Legendre polynomial P(L,m) as	*
+c	function of							*
+c									*
+c		 z = cos(theta)						*
+c									*
+c	up to L=LMAX, m=MMAX using recurrence relation starting with	*
+c	P(m,m) and then increasing L keeping m fixed.			*
+c									*
+c	The normalization is:						*
+c									*
+c	for INORM = 1,							*
+c									*
+c	   	(Y(L,m)*,Y(L',m')) = 4 pi delta_{L L'} delta_{m m'},	*
+c									*
+c	for INORM = 2,							*
+c									*
+c	   	(Y(L,m)*,Y(L',m')) = delta_{L L'} delta_{m m'},		*
+c									*
+c	where								*
+c									*
+c		Y(L,m) = P(L,m) exp^{i*m*phi},				*
+c									*
+c	which is incorporated into the recurrence relation:		*
+c									*
+c		P(L,m) = z P(L-1,m) \sqrt[(2L+1)(2L-1)/(L+m)(L-m)] -	*
+c			 p(L-2,m) \sqrt[(2L+1)(L+m-1)(L-m-1)/(2L-3)	*
+c			 (L+m)(L-m)].					*
+c									*
+c	In the subroutine,						*
+c									*
+c		p(L,m) = P(L,m).					*
+c									*
+c	Routine is modified from the Numerical Recp. subroutine.  The	*
+c	method is stable in single and double precision to L,m = 511.	*
+c	W.Kuang, 17th, Aug. 1994.					*
+c									*
+c	For the spherical transform developed by W.Kuang, orthonomal	*
+c	spherical harmonics (i.e. INORM=2) is necessary.		*
+c									*
+c	This subroutine is for SUN workstations.			*
+c									*
+	implicit none
+	integer	inorm,L,Lmax,m,mmax
+	real (kind=8) fac,fden,fnum,f1,f2,pi,plm,pmm,pm1,pm2,
+     &		sin2,z,one,sign
+	real (kind=8) p(0:Lmax,0:mmax)
+	one	= 1.0
+	if (Lmax.lt.0 .or. mmax.gt.Lmax .or. abs(z).gt.one)
+     &	pause 'bad arguments'
+      	if (inorm.lt.0.5 .or. inorm.gt.2.5) then
+           write(6,99)
+ 99        format('inorm incorrect: '/
+     &	   '   inorm = 1 for Full normalisation'/
+     &	   '   inorm = 2 for orthonormal spherical harmonics')
+           stop
+        endif
+C	Evaluating P(L,0) for L = 0,1,...,Lmax
+	pm2	= one
+	p(0,0)	= one
+	if (Lmax .eq. 0) go to 25
+	pm1	= sqrt(3.0*one)*z
+	p(1,0)	= pm1
+	do L	= 2,Lmax
+	   f1	= sqrt(one*(2*L+1)*(2*L-1))
+	   f2	= (L-1)*sqrt(one*(2*L+1)/(one*(2*L-3)))
+	   plm	= (f1*z*pm1-f2*pm2)/L
+	   p(L,0) = plm
+	   pm2	= pm1
+	   pm1	= plm
+	enddo
+	if (mmax .eq. 0) go to 25
+C       Evaluating P(L,m) for m > 0
+	pmm 	= one
+        sin2 	= (one-z)*(one+z)
+        fnum 	= one
+        fden 	= 0.0
+	sign	= one
+	do m 	= 1,mmax
+C----------Evaluating P(m,m) 
+	   sign	= -sign
+           fnum	= fnum+2.0
+           fden	= fden+2.0
+           pmm	= pmm*sin2*fnum/fden
+	   pm2	= sign*sqrt(pmm)
+	   p(m,m) = pm2
+	   if (m .eq. Lmax) goto 25
+C----------Evaluating P(m+1,m)
+	   pm1	= z*pm2*sqrt(one*(2*m+3))
+	   p(m+1,m)= pm1
+C----------Evaluating P(L,m) for L = m+2,...,Lmax
+	   if (m .lt. (Lmax-1)) then
+	      do L 	= m+2,Lmax
+	    	 f1	= sqrt(one*(2*L+1)*(2*L-1)/(one*(L+m)
+     &			  *(L-m)))
+                 f2	= sqrt(one*(2*L+1)*(L-m-1)*(L+m-1)/
+     &			  (one*(2*L-3)*(L+m)*(L-m)))
+            	 plm 	= z*f1*pm1-f2*pm2
+	    	 p(L,m)	= plm
+	    	 pm2 	= pm1
+	    	 pm1 	= plm
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	enddo
+ 25	continue
+C       Choice of normalization
+        if (inorm .eq. 2) then
+	   pi	= 4.0*atan(one)
+	   fac	= 1.0/sqrt(4.0*pi)
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      do L = m,Lmax
+		 p(L,m) = p(L,m)*fac
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+        endif
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/dbandfas.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/dbandfas.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/dbandfas.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+	subroutine dbandfa(ua,n,nm,la,ml,mu,ipvt,info)
+c	This subroutine factors a double precision matrix UA	
+c	via partial pivoting:					
+c		P UA = L U.					
+c	UA: the banded stored matrix of A;			
+c		A(i,j) = UA(i,j-i+ml+1).			
+c	ML: integer, # of diagonals below the main diagonal.	
+c	MU: integer, # of diagonals above the main diagonal.	
+c	LA: integer, LA = 2*ML + MU + 1.			
+c	NM: integer, the leading dimension of UA.		
+c	N:  the rank of UA (N .le. NM).				
+c	IPVT: integer(N), the pivoting indices.			
+c	INFO: integer, condition number				
+c	      = 0; nonsingular matrix.				
+c	      = K; U(K,K) [UA(K,ML+1)] .eq. 0.d0.		
+c	This subroutine is for SUN workstations and uses the SUN
+c	Performance Library
+c	W.Kuang 07/99
+	implicit none
+	integer	n,nm,la,ml,mu,info
+	integer	ipvt(nm)
+	real (kind=8) ua(nm,la)
+	integer	idamax
+	integer	i,j,k,k1,k1t,k2t,k3t,k4t
+	integer	ml1,lpu,n1,nm1,ma
+	real (kind=8) eps,ut
+	parameter (eps=1.e-12)
+c	Subroutine starts here
+	ml1	= ml+1
+	lpu	= ml+mu
+	n1	= n-1
+	nm1	= nm-1
+	ma	= lpu+1
+	info	= 0
+	if(n.le.1) go to 50
+C	set fill-in columns to zero
+	do k	= 1,ml
+	   do i = 1,n
+	      ua(i,ma+k)= 0.0
+ 	   enddo
+ 	enddo
+C	LU decomposition with partial pivoting
+	do k	= 1,n1
+	   k1t	= min0(ml,n-k)
+	   k2t	= k1t+1
+	   k3t	= ml1-k1t
+c	   finding the maximum element in the column
+	   k1	= k+k2t-idamax(k2t,ua(k1t+k,k3t),nm1)
+	   ipvt(k)= k1
+	   k4t	= min0(lpu,n-k)
+c	   interchanging the rows if necessary
+	   if(k1.ne.k) call dswap(k4t+1,ua(k,ml1),nm,ua(k1,ml1+k-k1),nm)
+c	   examine if the diagonal element is zero
+	   if (abs(ua(k,ml1)) .le. eps) then
+		info = k
+		go to 20
+	   endif
+c	   compute multipliers
+	   ut	= -1.0/ua(k,ml1)
+	   call dscal(k1t,ut,ua(k1t+k,k3t),nm1)
+c	   raw elimination with column indexing
+	   do j	= 1,k4t
+	      call daxpy(k1t,ua(k,ml1+j),ua(k1t+k,k3t),nm1,
+     *		       ua(k1t+k,k3t+j),nm1)
+ 	   enddo
+ 20	   continue
+	enddo
+ 50	continue
+	ipvt(n)	= n
+	if (abs(ua(n,ml1)) .le. eps) info = n
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/dbandsls.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/dbandsls.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/dbandsls.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+	subroutine dbandsls(ua,n,nm,la,ml,mu,ipvt,x)
+c       This subroutine is applied to solve a linear system
+c               ua x = b
+c       where
+c               ua: the LU decomposed banded real matrix;
+c               x:  input:  the inhomogeneous part;
+c                   output: the solution;
+c               ipvt: the array for the pivoting indices;
+c               nm: the dimension of ua;
+c               n:  the order of ua;
+c               ml: the number of lower diagonals;
+c               mu: the number of upper diagonals;
+c               la = 2*ml + mu + 1;
+c	This subroutine is for SUN workstations and uses the Sun
+c       Performance Library.
+c       W.Kuang 07/99
+	implicit none
+	integer	n,nm,la,ml,mu
+	integer	ipvt(nm)
+	real (kind=8) ua(nm,la),x(nm)
+	integer	i,j,k,k1,k1t,k2t
+	integer	lpu,lpu1,ml1,n1,nm1
+	real (kind=8) ut
+c	subroutine starts here
+	lpu	= ml+mu
+	lpu1	= lpu+1
+	ml1	= ml+1
+	n1	= n-1
+	nm1	= 1-nm
+	if(ml.eq.0) go to 30
+	if(n1.lt.1) go to 30
+C------	solving L y = x
+	do k	= 1,n1
+	   k1t	= min0(ml,n-k)
+	   k1	= ipvt(k)
+	   ut	= x(k1)
+	   if (k1 .ne. k) then
+	      x(k1)= x(k)
+	      x(k) = ut
+ 	   endif
+	   k2t	= ml1-k1t
+	   call daxpy(k1t,ut,ua(k+k1t,k2t),nm1,x(k+1),1)
+ 	enddo
+ 30	continue
+C------	solving U x = y
+	do i	= 1,n
+	   k	= n-i+1
+	   x(k)	= x(k)/ua(k,ml1)
+	   ut	= -x(k)
+	   k1t	= min0(k,lpu1)-1
+	   k2t	= k-k1t
+	   call daxpy(k1t,ut,ua(k-1,ml+2),nm1,x(k2t),1)
+ 	enddo
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/gaulegs.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/gaulegs.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/gaulegs.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+	subroutine gauleg(x1,x2,root,wt,L)
+c	This subroutine calculates the assembly points in the colatitude
+c	and the corresponding Gaussian weights on the points.  It is
+c	modified from NUM.RECP. subroutines.  W.Kuang 15/08/94
+c	The assembly points ROOT(L) are the L zeros of the Legendre
+c	polynomial P_L(x) [x = cos(th)].  They are symmetric about
+c	(x1+x2)/2 and are obtained via Newton method.  The Gaussian
+c	weight WT(L) at the assembly points are defined as
+c		WT(i) = 2/(1-x_i^2)[P'_L(x_i)]^2.
+c	For the assembly points in the colatitude TH (in stead of x), see
+	implicit none
+	integer	L,i,j,m
+	real (kind=8) x1,x2,eps,pi,p1,p2,p3,pp,xl,xm,z,z1,one
+	real (kind=8), dimension(L) :: root,wt
+	parameter (eps=1.e-15)
+	one	= 1.0
+	m	= (L+1)/2
+	xm	= 0.5*(x2+x1)
+	xl	= 0.5*(x2-x1)
+	pi	= 4.0*atan(one)
+	do i	= 1,m
+c----------initial guess of Z_i
+	   z	= cos(pi*(i-0.25)/(L+0.5))
+c----------Employing Newton method to obtain Z_i
+ 1	   continue
+	   p1	= 1.0
+	   p2	= 0.0
+	   do j	= 1,L
+	      p3= p2
+	      p2= p1
+	      p1= ((2.0*j-1.0)*z*p2-(j-1.0)*p3)/(1.0*j)
+	   enddo
+c----------Obtaining the derivative P_L'(z) by the values of
+c----------P_L(z) (p1) and P_[L-1] (p2).
+	   pp	= L*(z*p1-p2)/(z*z-1.0)
+	   z1	= z
+	   z	= z1-p1/pp
+	   if (dabs(z-z1) .gt. eps) goto 1
+	   root(i)	= xm-xl*z
+	   root(L+1-i)	= xm+xl*z
+	   wt(i)	= 2.0*xl/((1.0-z*z)*pp*pp)
+	   wt(L+1-i)	= wt(i)
+	enddo
+	z1	= sqrt(2.0*pi)
+	do i	= 1,L
+	   wt(i)= z1*wt(i)
+	enddo
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/izfsphts.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/izfsphts.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/izfsphts.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+	subroutine izfspht(flm,p,wfftr,Lmax,mmax,ntmax,npmax,f)
+c	This is the complex-to-real inverse spherical transform: version 4.
+c	For Linux PC with ABSOFT IMSL Library.
+c	Weijia Kuang, 10/2002
+c	The subroutine calculates
+c		f(ph_i,th_j) = \sum{l,m} f_l^m Y_l^m(th_j,ph_i)
+c		Y_l^m(th,ph) = P_l^m(th) exp(i m ph)
+c	before this subroutine must call:
+c		GAULEG: providing assembly points in colatitude
+c			 and the Gaussian weights;
+c		ASLEGEND: providing the values of P_l^m at the assembly
+c			   points;
+c		DFFTRI: initializing the array WFFTR for the FFT.
+c	flm(l,m): input,  complex spectral coefficients of F;
+c	p(l,m,j): input,  the values of P_l^m at the assembly points;
+c	f(i,j):	  output, real values of F in the physical space (at
+c		  	  assembly points).
+c	wfftr: 1--forward, 2--backward plan for fftw
+c	Lmax:	maximum degree in colatitude;
+c	mmax:	maximum degree in longitude;
+c	ntmax:	# of assembly points in colatitude; (ntmax >= 2*mmax+1)
+c	npmax:	# of assembly points in longitude; (npmax >= 2*Lmax+1)
+	implicit none
+	integer	Lmax,mmax,ntmax,npmax
+	real (kind=8) p(0:Lmax,0:mmax,ntmax),f(npmax,ntmax),ft(npmax)
+!	real (kind=8) wfftr(4*npmax+30) ! for absoft IMSL table
+        integer (kind=8) wfftr(2)
+	complex (kind=8) flm(0:Lmax,0:mmax)
+        complex (kind=8) temp(0:mmax)
+	integer i,k,L,m
+	complex (kind=8) c1
+	f	= 0.0
+        do k = 1,ntmax
+	   temp(0)=(0.0,0.0)
+	   c1	= 0.0
+	   do L	= 0,Lmax
+	      c1 = c1+p(L,0,k)*flm(L,0)
+	   enddo
+	   temp(0) = cmplx(real(c1),0.0)
+	   do m = 1,mmax
+	      c1= 0.0
+	      do L = m,Lmax
+		 c1= c1+p(L,m,k)*flm(L,m)
+	      enddo
+!	      ft(2*m)   = real(c1)
+!	      ft(2*m+1) = aimag(c1)
+              temp(m)=c1
+	   enddo
+!	   call df2trb(npmax,ft,f(1,k),wfftr)
+           call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(wfftr(2),temp,f(1,k))
+	enddo
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/makefile
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/makefile	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/makefile	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ifort -static -r8 -nofor_main -c *.f -L/opt/fftw3.0.1/lib -lfftw3 -L/usr/lib -lblas
+ar -cru $LIBDIR/lib$LIB.a *.o
+rm -f *.o
+rm -f *.out

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/makefile1
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/makefile1	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/makefile1	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+f90 *.f -xlic_lib=sunperf -xlibmopt -lmvec -fast -c
+ar -ru $LIBDIR/lib$LIB.a *.o
+rm -f *.o
+rm -f *.out

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/readme
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/readme	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/readme	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+In this library collection, all FFT routines are called from
+Linux_based, ABSOFT IMSL library.
+Weijia Kuang, 10/2002
+In this version, FFTW replaces FFT in IMSL.
+Weiyuan Jiang, 08/2004

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zbandfas.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zbandfas.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zbandfas.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+	subroutine zbandfa(ua,n,nm,la,ml,mu,ipvt,info)
+c	This is the complex version of "dbandfa" to LU decompose a
+c	banded complex UA via partial pivoting.				       
+c	This subroutine is for SUN workstations and uses the
+c	Sun Performance Library.
+c	W.Kuang 07/99
+	implicit none
+	integer	n,nm,la,ml,mu,info
+	integer	ipvt(nm)
+	complex (kind=8) ua(nm,la)
+	integer	izamax
+	integer	i,j,k
+	integer	k1,k1t,k2t,k3t,k4t,ml1,lpu,n1,nm1,ma
+	real (kind=8) eps
+	parameter (eps=1.e-12)
+	complex (kind=8) ut
+c	subroutine starts here
+	ml1	= ml+1
+	lpu	= ml+mu
+	n1	= n-1
+	nm1	= nm-1
+	ma	= lpu+1
+	info	= 0
+	if (n .le. 1) go to 50
+C	set fill-in columns to zero
+	do k 	= 1,ml
+	   do i = 1,n
+	      ua(i,ma+k)= 0.0
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+C	LU decomposition with partial pivoting
+	do k	= 1,n1
+	   k1t	= min0(ml,n-k)
+	   k2t	= k1t+1
+	   k3t	= ml1-k1t
+c	   finding the maximum element in the column
+	   k1	= k+k2t-izamax(k2t,ua(k1t+k,k3t),nm1)
+	   ipvt(k)= k1
+	   k4t	= min0(lpu,n-k)
+c	   interchanging the rows if necessary
+	   if (k1 .ne. k) then
+	      call zswap(k4t+1,ua(k,ml1),nm,ua(k1,ml1+k-k1),nm)
+	   endif
+c          examine if the diagonal element is zero
+	   if (abs(ua(k,ml1)) .le. eps) then
+	      info = k
+	      go to 20
+	   endif
+c          calculating A(j,k) (j=k+1:n)
+	   ut	= -1.0/ua(k,ml1)
+	   call zscal(k1t,ut,ua(k1t+k,k3t),nm1)
+c          calculating A(k+1:n,k+1:n)
+	   do j = 1,k4t
+	      call zaxpy(k1t,ua(k,ml1+j),ua(k1t+k,k3t),nm1,
+     &		         ua(k1t+k,k3t+j),nm1)
+	   enddo
+ 20	   continue
+	enddo
+ 50	continue
+	ipvt(n)	= n
+	if (abs(ua(n,ml1)) .le. eps) info = n
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zbandsls.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zbandsls.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zbandsls.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+	subroutine zbandsl(ua,n,nm,la,ml,mu,ipvt,x)
+c	This is the complex version of dbandsl to solve the linear
+c	system			      
+c		UA x = b					      
+c	with the LU-decomposed UA.					      
+c	This subroutine is used for SUN workstations and uses the Sun
+c	Performance Library.
+c	W.Kuang 07/99
+	implicit none
+	integer	n,nm,la,ml,mu
+	integer	ipvt(nm)
+	complex (kind=8) ua(nm,la),x(nm)
+	integer	i,j,k,k1,k1t,k2t
+	integer	lpu,lpu1,ml1,n1,nm1
+	complex (kind=8) ut
+c	subroutine starts here
+	lpu	= ml+mu
+	lpu1	= lpu+1
+	ml1	= ml+1
+	n1	= n-1
+	nm1	= 1-nm
+	if (ml .eq. 0) go to 30
+	if (n1 .lt. 1) go to 30
+C------	solving L y = x
+	do k	= 1,n1
+	   k1t	= min0(ml,n-k)
+	   k1	= ipvt(k)
+	   ut	= x(k1)
+	   if (k1 .ne. k) then
+	      x(k1)= x(k)
+	      x(k) = ut
+ 	   endif
+	   k2t	= ml1-k1t
+	   call zaxpy(k1t,ut,ua(k+k1t,k2t),nm1,x(k+1),1)
+	enddo
+ 30	continue
+C------	solving U x = y
+	do i	= 1,n
+	   k	= n-i+1
+	   x(k)	= x(k)/ua(k,ml1)
+	   ut	= -x(k)
+	   k1t	= max0(1,k-lpu)
+	   do j	= k1t,k-1
+	      x(j) = x(j)+ut*ua(j,k-j+ml1)
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zfsphts.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zfsphts.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/lib/zfsphts.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+	subroutine zfspht(f,p,gauwt,wfftr,Lmax,mmax,ntmax,npmax,flm)
+c	This is the real-to-complex spherical transform: version 4.
+c	For Linux PC with ABSOFT IMSL Library.
+c	Weijia Kuang, 10/2002
+c	before this subroutine must call: 
+c		GAULEG: providing assembly points in colatitude
+c			 and the Gaussian weights;
+c		ASLEGEND: providing the values of P_l^m at the assembly
+c			   points;
+c		DFFTRI: initializing the array WFFTR for the FFT.
+c	f(i,j):   input,  real values of F in the physical space (at the
+c			  assembly points);
+c	p(l,m,j): input,  the values of P_l^m at the assembly points;
+c	gauwt(j): input,  the Gaussian weights in colatitude;
+c	flm(l,m): output, complex spectral coefficients of F.
+c	wfftr: 1--forward, 2--backward  plan for fftw
+c	Lmax:	maximum degree in colatitude (dealiensing);
+c	mmax:	maximum degree in longitude (dealiensing);
+c	ntmax:	# of assembly points in THETA (ntmax >= 2*Lmax);
+c	npmax:	# of assembly points in PHI (npmax >= 2*mmax);
+c       plan_forward: plan for the fftw
+	implicit none
+	integer	Lmax,mmax,ntmax,npmax
+	real (kind=8) f(npmax,ntmax),gauwt(ntmax),p(0:Lmax,0:mmax,ntmax)
+!	real (kind=8) wfftr(4*npmax+30) ! for absoft IMSL table
+	integer (kind=8) wfftr(2)
+	real (kind=8) ft(npmax)
+	complex (kind=8) flm(0:Lmax,0:mmax)
+        complex (kind=8) temp(0:mmax,ntmax)
+	integer k,L,m,i
+	real (kind=8) wt,wtfac,pi,one
+	one	= 1.0
+	pi	= 4.0*atan(one)
+	wtfac 	= sqrt(2.0*pi)/npmax
+	flm	= 0.0
+!        call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(plan_forward,npmax,ft,fcom,0) 
+        do k 	= 1,ntmax
+	   ft	= f(:,k)
+!	   call df2trf(npmax,ft,f(1,k),wfftr) ! for absofr IMSL 
+           call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(wfftr(1),ft,temp(0,k))
+	enddo
+	do k = 1,ntmax
+	   wt= gauwt(k)*wtfac       
+	   do L	= 0,Lmax
+	      flm(L,0)= flm(L,0)+p(L,0,k)*real(temp(0,k))*wt
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax
+	      do L = m,Lmax
+	         flm(L,m)= flm(L,m)+p(L,m,k)*wt*temp(m,k)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+!        call dfftw_destroy_plan(plan_forward)
+	return
+	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/matrices.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/matrices.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/matrices.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-c	This subroutine provides matrices for the equations
-c	The subroutines are used for Sun workstations
-c	W.Kuang: 02/2001
-	subroutine matrices
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	itrung	= 0
-c	Determining (CVA,CVB)
-	call vmatrixv
-c	Determining (CUA1,CUA2,CUB1,CUB2)
-	call vmatrixu
-c	Determining (CB1,CB2,CJ1,CJ2)
-	call bmatrix
-c	Determining (CT1,CT2)
-	call tmatrix
-	return
-	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/miscs.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/miscs.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/miscs.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-c	This group of subroutines provide supportive functions for
-c	the model.
-c	These subroutines are for Sun workstations with Sun Performance
-c	Library.
-c	W.Kuang: 08/99
-	subroutine energy(amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt)
-c	This subroutine evaluates the L^2-norm of the velocity field,
-c	the magnetic field, the temperature field
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_sphgeom
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_tfield
-	implicit none
-	real (kind=8) amv,amw,amb,amj,amt,amh,elv,elb,elt
-	integer	i,k,k1,k2,L,m,n
-	real (kind=8) dznrm2,dasum,one
-	real (kind=8) c1,c2,c3,c4,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,vol
-	real (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v) :: ev,ew
-	real (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: eb,ej
-	real (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: et,eh
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v) :: vp,vt,
-     &		vp1,vp2,vt1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: bp,bt,
-     &		bp1,bp2,bt1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ct,ct1
-	one	= 1.0
-	vp	= 0.0
-	vp1	= 0.0
-	vp2	= 0.0
-	vt	= 0.0
-	vt1	= 0.0
-	bp	= 0.0
-	bp1	= 0.0
-	bp2	= 0.0
-	bt	= 0.0
-	bt1	= 0.0
-	ct	= 0.0
-	ct1	= 0.0
-	do k	= 0,nmaxo
-	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
-	      do L = 1,Lmax_v
-	    	 vp(k,L,0) = vp(k,L,0)+cheb(n,k)*vlm(n,L,0)
-	    	 vp1(k,L,0)= vp1(k,L,0)+dch1(n,k)*vlm(n,L,0)
-	    	 vp2(k,L,0)= vp2(k,L,0)+dch2(n,k)*vlm(n,L,0)
-	    	 vt(k,L,0) = vt(k,L,0)+cheb(n,k)*wlm(n,L,0)
-	    	 vt1(k,L,0)= vt1(k,L,0)+dch1(n,k)*wlm(n,L,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m = 1,mmax_v
-		 do L = m,Lmax_v
-	    	    vp(k,L,m) = vp(k,L,m)+cheb(n,k)*vlm(n,L,m)
-	    	    vp1(k,L,m)= vp1(k,L,m)+dch1(n,k)*vlm(n,L,m)
-	    	    vp2(k,L,m)= vp2(k,L,m)+dch2(n,k)*vlm(n,L,m)
-	    	    vt(k,L,m) = vt(k,L,m)+cheb(n,k)*wlm(n,L,m)
-	    	    vt1(k,L,m)= vt1(k,L,m)+dch1(n,k)*wlm(n,L,m)
-		 enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do i	= 0,nmaxo
-	   c1	= 1.0/rr(i)
-	   k1	= nmbic+2*i+1
-	   k2	= 2*i+1
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      bp(i,L,0) = cob(k1,L,0)
-	      bp1(i,L,0)= cob(k1+1,L,0)
-	      bt(i,L,0) = coj(k1,L,0)
-	      bt1(i,L,0)= coj(k1+1,L,0)
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	      do L = m,Lmax_m
-	         bp(i,L,m) = cob(k1,L,m)
-	         bp1(i,L,m)= cob(k1+1,L,m)
-	         bt(i,L,m) = coj(k1,L,m)
-	         bt1(i,L,m)= coj(k1+1,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   do m	= 0,mmax_t
-	      do L = m,Lmax_t
-	         ct(i,L,m) = cot(k2,L,m)
-	         ct1(i,L,m)= cot(k2+1,L,m)-c1*cot(k2,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	k1	= nmaxo-1
-	k2	= nmaxo
-	do m	= 0,mmax_m
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	      do k	= 2,nmaxo-2
-	         bp2(k,L,m) = dr1(k,1)*bp1(k-2,L,m)+dr1(k,2)*
-     &			      bp1(k-1,L,m)+dr1(k,4)*bp1(k+1,L,m)
-     &			      +dr1(k,5)*bp1(k+2,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	      bp2(0,L,m) = dr1(0,1)*bp1(0,L,m)+dr1(0,2)*bp1(1,L,m)
-     &			   +dr1(0,3)*bp1(2,L,m)+dr1(0,4)*bp1(3,L,m)
-     &			   +dr1(0,5)*bp1(4,L,m)
-	      bp2(1,L,m) = dr1(1,1)*bp1(0,L,m)+dr1(1,2)*bp1(1,L,m)
-     &			   +dr1(1,3)*bp1(2,L,m)+dr1(1,4)*bp1(3,L,m)
-     &			   +dr1(1,5)*bp1(4,L,m)
-	      bp2(k1,L,m)= dr1(k1,1)*bp1(k1-3,L,m)+dr1(k1,2)*
-     &			   bp1(k1-2,L,m)+dr1(k1,3)*bp1(k1-1,L,m)
-     &			   +dr1(k1,4)*bp1(k1,L,m)+dr1(k1,5)*
-     &			   bp1(k1+1,L,m)
-	      bp2(k2,L,m)= dr1(k2,1)*bp1(k2-4,L,m)+dr1(k2,2)*
-     &			   bp1(k2-3,L,m)+dr1(k2,3)*bp1(k2-2,L,m)
-     &			   +dr1(k2,4)*bp1(k2-1,L,m)+dr1(k2,5)*
-     &			   bp1(k2,L,m)
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c	Obtaining the L^2-norm of the fields
-	d5	= -pi/nmaxo
-	vol	= 4.0*pi*(1.0-rio*rio*rio)/3.0
-	ev	= 0.0
-	ew	= 0.0
-	eb	= 0.0
-	ej	= 0.0
-	et	= 0.0
-	eh	= 0.0
-	do m	= 0,mmax_v
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_v
-	      c1= LL(L)/rr(0)**2
-	      c2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo)**2
-	      c3= LL(L)/rr(1)**2
-	      c4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-1)**2
-	      d1= LL(L)/rr(2)**2
-	      d2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-2)**2
-	      d3= LL(L)/rr(3)**2
-	      d4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-3)**2
-	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(vt(0,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(vp1(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(vp(0,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo)
-     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
-     &		abs(vp(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(vt1(0,L,m))**2+abs
-     &		(c1*vp(0,L,m)-vp2(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(vt(0,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(c2*
-     &		vp(nmaxo,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
-     &		abs(vt(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(vt(1,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(vp1(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(vp(1,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-1)
-     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+
-     &		c4*abs(vp(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(vt1(1,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(c3*vp(1,L,m)-vp2(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(vt(1,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo-1)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(c4*
-     &		vp(nmaxo-1,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+c4*
-     &		abs(vt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(vt(2,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(vp1(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(vp(2,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-2)
-     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+
-     &		d2*abs(vp(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(vt1(2,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(d1*vp(2,L,m)-vp2(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(vt(2,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo-2)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(d2*
-     &		vp(nmaxo-2,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+d2*
-     &		abs(vt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(vt(3,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(vp1(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(vp(3,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-3)
-     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+
-     &		d4*abs(vp(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(vt1(3,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(d3*vp(3,L,m)-vp2(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(vt(3,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo-3)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(d4*
-     &		vp(nmaxo-3,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+d4*
-     &		abs(vt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      do i  = 4,nmaxo-4
-		 c1 = LL(L)/rr(i)**2
-		 ev(L,m)= ev(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(vt(i,L,m))**2+
-     &		     abs(vp1(i,L,m))**2+c1*abs(vp(i,L,m))**2) 
-		 ew(L,m)= ew(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(vt1(i,L,m))**2+
-     &		     abs(c1*vp(i,L,m)-vp2(i,L,m))**2+c1*
-     &		     abs(vt(i,L,m))**2) 
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do m	= 0,mmax_m
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	      c1= LL(L)/rr(0)**2
-	      c2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo)**2
-	      c3= LL(L)/rr(1)**2
-	      c4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-1)**2
-	      d1= LL(L)/rr(2)**2
-	      d2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-2)**2
-	      d3= LL(L)/rr(3)**2
-	      d4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-3)**2
-	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(bt(0,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(bp1(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(bp(0,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo)
-     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
-     &		abs(bp(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(bt1(0,L,m))**2+abs
-     &		(c1*bp(0,L,m)-bp2(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(bt(0,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(c2*
-     &		bp(nmaxo,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
-     &		abs(bt(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(bt(1,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(bp1(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(bp(1,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-1)
-     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+
-     &		c4*abs(bp(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(bt1(1,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(c3*bp(1,L,m)-bp2(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(bt(1,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo-1)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(c4*
-     &		bp(nmaxo-1,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+c4*
-     &		abs(bt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(bt(2,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(bp1(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(bp(2,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-2)
-     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+
-     &		d2*abs(bp(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(bt1(2,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(d1*bp(2,L,m)-bp2(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(bt(2,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo-2)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(d2*
-     &		bp(nmaxo-2,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+d2*
-     &		abs(bt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+49*(gg(3)*(abs(bt(3,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(bp1(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(bp(3,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-3)
-     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+
-     &		d4*abs(bp(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(bt1(3,L,m))**2+
-     &		abs(d3*bp(3,L,m)-bp2(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(bt(3,L,m))**2)
-     &		+gg(nmaxo-3)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(d4*
-     &		bp(nmaxo-3,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+d4*
-     &		abs(bt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0 
-	      do i  = 4,nmaxo-4
-		 c1 = LL(L)/rr(i)**2
-		 eb(L,m)= eb(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(bt(i,L,m))**2+
-     &		     abs(bp1(i,L,m))**2+c1*abs(bp(i,L,m))**2) 
-		 ej(L,m)= ej(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(bt1(i,L,m))**2+
-     &		     abs(c1*bp(i,L,m)-bp2(i,L,m))**2+c1*
-     &		     abs(bt(i,L,m))**2) 
-		 et(L,m)= et(L,m)+gg(i)*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2
-		 eh(L,m)= eh(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(ct1(i,L,m))**2+
-     &		     c1*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do m	= 0,mmax_t
-	   do L	= m,Lmax_t
-	      c1= LL(L)/rr(0)**2
-	      c2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo)**2
-	      c3= LL(L)/rr(1)**2
-	      c4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-1)**2
-	      d1= LL(L)/rr(2)**2
-	      d2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-2)**2
-	      d3= LL(L)/rr(3)**2
-	      d4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-3)**2
-	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*abs(ct(0,L,m))**2+
-     &		gg(nmaxo)*abs(ct(nmaxo,L,m))**2)/48.0
-	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(ct1(0,L,m))**2+
-     &		c1*abs(ct(0,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo,
-     &		L,m))**2+c2*abs(ct(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*abs(ct(1,L,m))**2+
-     &		gg(nmaxo-1)*abs(ct(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2)/48.0
-	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(ct1(1,L,m))**2+
-     &		c3*abs(ct(1,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-1)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo-1,
-     &		L,m))**2+c4*abs(ct(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*abs(ct(2,L,m))**2+
-     &		gg(nmaxo-2)*abs(ct(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2)/48.0
-	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(ct1(2,L,m))**2+
-     &		d1*abs(ct(2,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-2)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo-2,
-     &		L,m))**2+d2*abs(ct(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*abs(ct(3,L,m))**2+
-     &		gg(nmaxo-3)*abs(ct(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2)/48.0
-	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(ct1(3,L,m))**2+
-     &		d3*abs(ct(3,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-3)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo-3,
-     &		L,m))**2+d4*abs(ct(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0
-	      do i  = 4,nmaxo-4
-		 c1 = LL(L)/rr(i)**2
-		 et(L,m)= et(L,m)+gg(i)*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2
-		 eh(L,m)= eh(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(ct1(i,L,m))**2+
-     &		     c1*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	c1	= d5/vol
-	do m    = 0,mmax_v
-	   do L = m,Lmax_v
-	      c2	= LL(L)*c1
-	      ev(L,m)	= ev(L,m)*c2
-	      ew(L,m)	= ew(L,m)*c2
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do m    = 0,mmax_m
-	   do L = m,Lmax_m
-	      c2	= LL(L)*c1
-	      eb(L,m)	= eb(L,m)*c2
-	      ej(L,m)	= ej(L,m)*c2
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do m    = 0,mmax_t
-	   do L = m,Lmax_t
-	      et(L,m)	= et(L,m)*c1
-	      eh(L,m)	= eh(L,m)*c1
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	L	= (Lmax_v+1)*(mmax_v+1)
-	amv	= dasum(L,ev(0,0),1)
-	amw	= dasum(L,ew(0,0),1)
-	L	= (Lmax_m+1)*(mmax_m+1)
-	amb	= dasum(L,eb(0,0),1)
-	amj	= dasum(L,ej(0,0),1)
-	L	= (Lmax_t+1)*(mmax_t+1)
-	amt	= dasum(L,et(0,0),1)
-	amh	= dasum(L,eh(0,0),1)
-	amv	= sqrt(abs(amv))
-	amw	= sqrt(abs(amw))
-	amb	= sqrt(abs(amb))
-	amj	= sqrt(abs(amj))
-	amt	= sqrt(abs(amt))
-	amh	= sqrt(abs(amh))
-	elb	= amb/amj
-	elv	= amv/amw
-	elt	= amt/amh
-	return
-	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_anomaly.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_anomaly.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_anomaly.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-	MODULE mod_cmbheat
-!	This module defines the background temperature profile with a
-!	given heterogeneous heat fluxes at CMB and at the ICB
-!	   HTF_CMB:   the heat flux profile at the CMB;
-!	   HTF_ICB:   the heat flux profile at the ICB;
-!	   EPSHT_CMB: the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric heatflux 
-!	  	      at CMB (relative to the spherically symmetric
-!		      heat flux);
-!	   EPSHT_ICB: the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric heatflux 
-!	  	      at ICB (relative to the spherically symmetric
-!		      heat flux);
-!	   LHEAT_CMB: the maximum degree of the heat flux HTF_CMB;
-!	   LHEAT_ICB: the maximum degree of the heat flux HTF_ICB;
-!	   T0H:   the incoming heterogeneous heat flux (dT/dr) at the CMB;
-!	   DT0R:  - d/dr of the spherically symmetric conducting 
-!		  temperature profile;
-!	   DRT0H: - d/dr of the heterogeneous temperature profile;
-!	   DTT0H: - sin(th) d/dth of the the heterogeneous temperature profile;
-!	   DPT0H: - d/dph of the the heterogeneous temperature profile;
-!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-!       Date:   Feb., 2001
-!       Date of Last Modified:   Nov. 2003
-!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   use mod_sysparam
-	   use mod_optparam
-	   use mod_radgeom
-	   use mod_sphgeom
-	   implicit none
-	   real (kind=8) dt0r(0:nmaxo)
-	   SUBROUTINE cmbheat_basic
-	   implicit none
-	   integer i
-c	   Spherically symmetric temperature profile
-	   dt0r	= 0.0
-	   if (indxt .eq. 0) then
-	      do i = 0,nmaxo
-		 dt0r(i) = alpht*rr(i)/3.0+(1.0-alpht*rio/3.0)*
-     &			   (rio/rr(i))**2
-	      enddo
-	   else if (indxt .eq. 1) then
-	      do i = 0,nmaxo
-		 dt0r(i) = rr(i)
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	   END SUBROUTINE cmbheat_basic
-	END MODULE mod_cmbheat

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_artdis.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_artdis.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_artdis.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-c	This module defines the artificial dissipation used in the modeling.
-c	   AVISV1: the artificial viscosity parameter in meridional direction;
-c	   AVISV2: the artificial viscosity parameter in radial direction;
-c	   NAVFV1: the truncation level of the meridional artificial viscosity;
-c	   NAVFV2: the truncation level of the radial artificial viscosity;
-c	   AVISMV: the artificial viscosity vector;
-c	   AVISB:  the artificial magnetic diffusion in meridional direction;
-c	   NAVFB:  the truncation level of the meridional diffusivity;
-c	   AVISMB: the artificial diffusion vector;
-c	   AVIST:  the artificial thermal conduction in meridional direction;
-c	   NAVFT:  the truncation level of the meridional conduction;
-c	   AVISMT: the artificial conduction vector;
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Jan., 2001
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_artdis
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   implicit none
-	   integer navfv1,navfv2,navfb,navft
-	   real (kind=8) avisv1,avisv2,avisb,avist
-	   real (kind=8) avismv(0:Lmax_v,0:nmaxo)
-	   real (kind=8) avismb(0:Lmax_m),avismt(0:Lmax_t)
-c	   The subroutine that defines the artificial dissipation
-c	   vectors
-	   subroutine artdis
-	      implicit none
-	      integer i,L
-	      avismv	= 1.0 
-	      avismb	= 1.0 
-	      avismt	= 1.0 
-	      do L	= navfb,Lmax_m
-		 avismb(L) = avismb(L)+avisb*(L-navfb)**2
-	      enddo
-	      do L	= navft,Lmax_t
-		 avismt(L) = avismt(L)+avist*(L-navft)**2
-	      enddo
-	      do i    	= 0,nmaxo
-                 do L 	= navfv1,Lmax_v
-		    avismv(L,i) = avismv(L,i)+avisv1*(L-navfv1)**2
-                 enddo
-              enddo
-	      do i    	= navfv2,nmaxo
-                 do L 	= 0,Lmax_v
-		    avismv(L,i) = avismv(L,i)+avisv2*(i-navfv2)**2
-                 enddo
-              enddo
-	   end subroutine artdis
-	END MODULE mod_artdis

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_dataio.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_dataio.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_dataio.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-c	This module defines the strings and the lengths of input/output data
-c	files;
-c	   usr_name:    the user account name for storage space;
-c	   code_geom:   the geometry notation of the model;
-c	   disc_in:     the disc name for the input data file;
-c	   subdir_in:   the directory for the input data file;
-c	   version_in:  the version for the input data file;
-c	   fileno_in:   the sequence number of the input data file
-c	   file_in:	the input data file name;
-c	   length_din:	the string length for the input data directory name;
-c	   length_in:	the string length for the input data file name;
-c	   disc_out:    the disc name for the output data file;
-c	   subdir_out:  the directory for the output data file;
-c	   version_out: the version for the output data file;
-c	   fileno_out:  the sequence number of the output data file;
-c	   file_out:	the output data file name;
-c	   length_dout:	the string length for the output data directory name;
-c	   length_out:	the string length for the output data file name;
-c	   disc_diag:   the disc name for the diagnostic data file;
-c	   subdir_diag: the directory for the diagnostic data file;
-c	   version_diag:the version for the diagnostic file;
-c	   file_diag:	the diagnostic file name;
-c	   length_ddiag:the string length for the diagnostic directory name;
-c	   length_diag:	the string length for the diagnostic file name;
-!	   disc_anom:   the disc name for the heterogeneity data file;
-!	   subdir_anom: the directory for the heterogeneity data file;
-!	   version_anom:the version for the heterogeneity file;
-!	   length_anom:	the string length for the file_anom;
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Jan., 2002
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_dataio
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   use mod_vfield
-	   use mod_bfield
-	   use mod_tfield
-	   use mod_rotation
-	   implicit none
-	   integer fileno_in,fileno_out
-	   integer length_in,length_out,length_diag,length_anom
-	   integer length_din,length_dout,length_ddiag
-	   character*20  disc_in,disc_out,disc_diag,disc_anom,usr_name
-	   character*20  subdir_in,subdir_out,subdir_diag,subdir_anom
-	   character*20  version_in,version_out,version_diag,code_geom,
-     &			 version_anom
-	   character*100 direct_in,direct_out,direct_diag,direct_anom
-	   character*200 file_in,file_out,file_diag  	
-c	   The subroutine defines the directory path for the data I/O
-	   SUBROUTINE directname
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	i1,i2,i3,i4,j,k
-	      character*50 file_indx
-	      length_din	= 0
-	      length_dout	= 0
-	      length_ddiag	= 0
-	      length_anom	= 0
-c	      (1) Define the input data directory
-	      i1	= len_trim(disc_in)
-	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_in(1:1) = "/"
-	         direct_in(2:i1+1) = disc_in(1:i1)
-		 k	= i1+1
-	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	            direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	            direct_in(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
-	            k	= k+i2+1
-		 endif
-	      else
-		 direct_in(1:5) = "$HOME"
-		 k	= 5
-	      endif
-	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_in)
-	      i2	= len_trim(version_in)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_in(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_in(1:i1)
-		 k	= k+i1+1
-	      endif
-	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_in(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_in(1:i2)
-		 k	= k+i2+1
-	      endif
-	      direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	      length_din = k+1
-c	      (2) Define the output data file directory
-	      i1	= len_trim(disc_out)
-	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_out(1:1) = "/"
-	         direct_out(2:i1+1) = disc_out(1:i1)
-		 k	= i1+1
-	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	            direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	            direct_out(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
-	            k	= k+i2+1
-		 endif
-	      else
-		 direct_out(1:5) = "$HOME"
-		 k	= 5
-	      endif
-	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_out)
-	      i2	= len_trim(version_out)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_out(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_out(1:i1)
-		 k	= k+i1+1
-	      endif
-	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_out(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_out(1:i2)
-		 k	= k+i2+1
-	      endif
-	      direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	      length_dout = k+1
-c	      (3) Define the diagnostic data directory
-	      i1	= len_trim(disc_diag)
-	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_diag(1:1) = "/"
-	         direct_diag(2:i1+1) = disc_diag(1:i1)
-		 k	= i1+1
-	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	            direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	            direct_diag(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
-	            k	= k+i2+1
-		 endif
-	      else
-		 direct_diag(1:5) = "$HOME"
-		 k	= 5
-	      endif
-	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_diag)
-	      i2	= len_trim(version_diag)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_diag(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_diag(1:i1)
-		 k	= k+i1+1
-	      endif
-	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_diag(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_diag(1:i2)
-		 k	= k+i2+1
-	      endif
-	      direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	      length_ddiag = k+1
-c	      (4) Define the heterogeneity data directory
-	      i1	= len_trim(disc_anom)
-	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_anom(1:1) = "/"
-	         direct_anom(2:i1+1) = disc_anom(1:i1)
-		 k	= i1+1
-	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	            direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	            direct_anom(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
-	            k	= k+i2+1
-		 endif
-	      else
-		 direct_anom(1:5) = "$HOME"
-		 k	= 5
-	      endif
-	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_anom)
-	      i2	= len_trim(version_anom)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_anom(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_anom(1:i1)
-		 k	= k+i1+1
-	      endif
-	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	         direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	         direct_anom(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_anom(1:i2)
-		 k	= k+i2+1
-	      endif
-	      direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
-	      length_anom = k+1
-	   END SUBROUTINE directname
-c	   The subroutine defines the input data file name
-	   SUBROUTINE infilename
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	i1,i2,i3,i4,j,k
-	      character*50 file_indx, file_tmp
-c	      (1) Define the input data directory
-	      k	= length_din
-	      if (k .eq. 0) then
-		 call directname
-	         k	= length_din
-	      endif
-c	      (2) Define the input data file name
-	      file_in(1:k) = direct_in(1:k)
-	      i1= len_trim(code_geom)
-	      i2= len_trim(version_in)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-		 file_in(k+1:k+i1) = code_geom(1:i1)
-		 file_in(k+i1+1:k+i1+1) = "."
-		 k	= k+i1+1
-	      endif
-	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-		 file_in(k+1:k+i2) = version_in(1:i2)
-		 file_in(k+i2+1:k+i2+1) = "."
-		 k	= k+i2+1
-	      endif
-	      write(file_tmp, *) fileno_in
-	      file_indx = adjustl(file_tmp)
-	      i3	= len_trim(file_indx)
-	      file_in(k+1:k+i3) = file_indx(1:i3)
-	      length_in	= k+i3
-	   END SUBROUTINE infilename
-c	   The subroutine defines the output data file name
-	   SUBROUTINE outfilename
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	i1,i2,i3,i4,j,k
-	      character*50 file_indx,file_tmp
-c	      (1) Define the output data directory
-	      k	= length_dout
-	      if (k. eq. 0) then
-		 call directname
-	         k = length_dout
-	      endif
-c	      (2) Define the output data file name
-	      file_out(1:k) = direct_out(1:k)
-	      i1= len_trim(code_geom)
-	      i2= len_trim(version_out)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-		 file_out(k+1:k+i1) = code_geom(1:i1)
-		 file_out(k+i1+1:k+i1+1) = "."
-	         k	= k+i1+1
-	      endif
-	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
-	         file_out(k+1:k+i2) = version_out(1:i2)
-	         file_out(k+i2+1:k+i2+1) = "."
-	         k	= k+i2+1
-	      endif
-	      write(file_tmp, *) fileno_out
-	      file_indx = adjustl(file_tmp)
-	      i3	= len_trim(file_indx)
-	      file_out(k+1:k+i3) = file_indx(1:i3)
-	      length_out = k+i3
-	   END SUBROUTINE outfilename
-c	   The subroutine defines the diagnostic file name
-	   SUBROUTINE diagfilename
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	i1,k
-c	      (1) Define the diagnostic data directory
-	      k	= length_ddiag
-	      if (k .eq. 0) then
-		 call directname
-	         k = length_ddiag
-	      endif
-c	      (2) Define the diagnostic file name
-	      file_diag(1:k) = direct_diag(1:k)
-	      i1= len_trim(version_diag)
-	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
-		 file_diag(k+1:k+i1) = version_diag(1:i1)
-		 k	= k+i1
-	      endif
-	      file_diag(k+1:k+1) = "_"
-	      length_diag = k+1
-!	      file_diag(k+2:k+9) = "diag_out"
-!	      length_diag = k+9
-	   END SUBROUTINE diagfilename
-c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
-	   SUBROUTINE data_in
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	L,m,k
-c	      (1) Define the input file name
-	      call infilename
-c	      (2) Open the path
-	      open(unit=22,file=file_in(1:length_in),form="unformatted",
-     &		   action="read")
-c	      (3) Read in the dynamo state
-	      coua	= 0.0
-	      coub	= 0.0
-	      cova	= 0.0
-	      covb	= 0.0
-	      cob	= 0.0
-	      coj	= 0.0
-	      cot	= 0.0
-	      vlm	= 0.0
-	      wlm	= 0.0
-	      read(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
-	      read(22) (coua(k),k=1,nmx2)
-	      read(22) (coub(k),k=1,nmx2)
-	      read(22) (cova(k),k=1,nmx1)
-	      read(22) (covb(k),k=1,nmx1)
-	      read(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      read(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      read(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      read(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      read(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
-	      close(22)
-	      call group
-	   END SUBROUTINE data_in
-c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
-	   SUBROUTINE data_out
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	L,m,k
-c	      (1) Define the output file name
-	      call outfilename
-c	      (2) Open the path
-	      open(unit=22,file=file_out(1:length_out),form="unformatted")
-c	      (3) Write out the dynamo state
-	      write(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
-	      write(22) (coua(k),k=1,nmx2)
-	      write(22) (coub(k),k=1,nmx2)
-	      write(22) (cova(k),k=1,nmx1)
-	      write(22) (covb(k),k=1,nmx1)
-	      write(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      write(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      write(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      write(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      write(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
-	      close(22)
-	   END SUBROUTINE data_out
-c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
-	   SUBROUTINE data_in1
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	L,m,k
-c	      (1) Define the input file name
-	      call infilename
-c	      (2) Open the path
-	      open(unit=22,file=file_in(1:length_in),form="unformatted",
-     &		   action="read")
-c	      (3) Read in the dynamo state
-	      cob	= 0.0
-	      coj	= 0.0
-	      cot	= 0.0
-	      vlm	= 0.0
-	      wlm	= 0.0
-	      read(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
-	      read(22) ((vlm(k,L,0), k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
-	      read(22) (((vlm(k,L,m), k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
-	      read(22) ((wlm(k,L,0), k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
-	      read(22) (((wlm(k,L,m), k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
-	      read(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      read(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      read(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      read(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      read(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
-	      close(22)
-	      call regroup
-	   END SUBROUTINE data_in1
-c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
-	   SUBROUTINE data_out1
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	L,m,k
-c	      (1) Define the output file name
-	      call outfilename
-c	      (2) Open the path
-	      open(unit=22,file=file_out(1:length_out),form="unformatted")
-c	      (3) Write out the dynamo state
-	      write(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
-	      write(22) ((vlm(k,L,0),k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
-	      write(22) (((vlm(k,L,m),k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
-	      write(22) ((wlm(k,L,0),k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
-	      write(22) (((wlm(k,L,m),k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
-	      write(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      write(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      write(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
-	      write(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
-	      write(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
-	      close(22)
-	   END SUBROUTINE data_out1
-	END MODULE mod_dataio

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_fields.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_fields.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_fields.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-!	This group of the modules defines the solution fields of the model.
-c	This module defines the velocity field vectors and the conversions
-c	between two different representations of the velocity field.
-c	   (COUA,COUB): the velocity vectors for (m <= miner);
-c	   (COVA,COVB): asymmmatric velocity vectors for (m > miner);  
-c	   VLM:       poloidal velocity expansion coefficients;
-c	   WLM:       toroidal velocity expansion coefficients;
-c	Two symmetry groups of velocity perturbations:
-c 	   Group I:
-c		{v^L, w^[L+1]}, {L = m,m+2,....};
-c 	   Group II:
-c		{w^[L-1], v^L}, {L = m+1,m+3,...};
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Mar., 2002
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_vfield
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   use mod_parity
-	   implicit none
-	   complex (kind=8)  coua(nmx2),coub(nmx2)
-	   complex (kind=8)  cova(nmx1),covb(nmx1)
-	   complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmax_v,Lmax_v,0:mmax_v) :: vlm,
-     &			wlm
-c	   Two subroutines for conversions between (vlm,wlm) and 
-c	   (coua,coub,cova,covb)
-	   SUBROUTINE group
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	m,L1,Lcca,Lccb,Lcc1,La,Lb
-	      vlm	= 0.0
-	      wlm	= 0.0
-	      do L1   = 1,lsym_v(0)
-		 La   = 2*L1-1
-		 Lb   = 2*L1
-		 Lcca = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1+1
-		 Lccb = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1+1
-		 vlm(:,La,0) = coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
-		 vlm(:,Lb,0) = coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
-		 wlm(:,La,0) = coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
-		 wlm(:,Lb,0) = coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
-	      enddo
-	      do m    = 1,miner
-		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)
-	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		    La= m+2*L1
-		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
-		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
-		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
-		    vlm(:,La,m) = coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
-		    vlm(:,Lb,m) = coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
-		    wlm(:,La,m) = coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
-		    wlm(:,Lb,m) = coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
-		 enddo
-	      enddo
-	      do m    = miner+1,mmax_v
-		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)
-	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		    La= m+2*L1
-		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
-		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
-		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
-		    vlm(:,La,m) = covb(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
-		    vlm(:,Lb,m) = cova(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
-		    wlm(:,La,m) = cova(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
-		    wlm(:,Lb,m) = covb(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
-		 enddo
-	      enddo
-	   SUBROUTINE regroup
-	      implicit none
-	      integer	m,L1,Lcca,Lccb,Lcc1,La,Lb
-	      coua	= 0.0
-	      coub	= 0.0
-	      cova	= 0.0
-	      covb	= 0.0
-	      do L1   = 1,lsym_v(0)
-		 La   = 2*L1-1
-		 Lb   = 2*L1
-		 Lcca = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1+1
-		 Lccb = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1+1
-		 coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = vlm(:,La,0)
-		 coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = wlm(:,Lb,0)
-		 coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = wlm(:,La,0)
-		 coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = vlm(:,Lb,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m    = 1,miner
-		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)
-	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		    La= m+2*L1
-		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
-		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
-		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
-		    coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = vlm(:,La,m)
-		    coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = wlm(:,Lb,m)
-		    coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = wlm(:,La,m)
-		    coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = vlm(:,Lb,m)
-		 enddo
-	      enddo
-	      do m    = miner+1,mmax_v
-		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)
-	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		    La= m+2*L1
-		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
-		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
-		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
-		    cova(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = wlm(:,La,m)
-		    cova(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = vlm(:,Lb,m)
-		    covb(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = vlm(:,La,m)
-		    covb(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = wlm(:,Lb,m)
-		 enddo
-	      enddo
-	   END SUBROUTINE regroup
-	END MODULE mod_vfield
-c	This module defines the magnetic field vectors
-c	   COB:       poloidal field expansion coefficients;
-c	   COJ:       toroidal field expansion coefficients;            *
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Feb., 2001
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_bfield
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   implicit none
-	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob,coj
-	END MODULE mod_bfield
-c	This module defines the temperature field vector
-c	   COT:       temperature perturbation;
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Feb., 2001
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_tfield
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   implicit none
-	   complex (kind=8)  cot(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
-	END MODULE mod_tfield
-c	This module defines the solid body rotation of the inner core
-c	and the solid mantle
-c	   (OMGIH,OMGIZ): the rotation rate of the inner core;
-c	   (OMGMH,OMGMZ): the rotation rate of the mantle;
-c	   OMGH = OMGX + i OMGY;
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Feb., 2001
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_rotation
-	   implicit none
-	   real (kind=8) omgiz,omgmz
-	   complex (kind=8) omgih,omgmh
-	END MODULE mod_rotation

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_matrices.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_matrices.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_matrices.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,1860 +0,0 @@
-c	This module defines the matrices for the momentum equation
-c	that solves the velocity field
-c	   (CUA1,CUA2): the matrices for the momentum
-c	  	 equation with (m <= miner);
-c	   MLU:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
-c	   MUU:	 the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
-c	   LU1    = 2*MLU+MUU+1;
-c	   LU2    = MLU+MUU+1;
-c	   NMX2: the leading dimension of (CUA, CUB);
-c	   NDU:	 the order of (CUA,CUB);		
-c	   IPVTUA: the pivoting index for CUA1;
-c	   IPVTUB: the pivoting index for CUB1;
-c	   (CVA, CVB): the matrices for the momentum equation with
-c		 (m >= miner+1);
-c	   MLV:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
-c	   MUV:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
-c	   LV    = 2*MLV+MUV+1;
-c	   NMX1: the leading dimension of (CVA, CVB);
-c	   NDV:	 the order of (CVA,CVB);		
-c	   IPVTVA: the pivoting index for CVA;
-c	   IPVTVB: the pivoting index for CVB;
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Mar., 2002
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_vmatrix
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   use mod_sysparam
-	   use mod_numparam
-	   use mod_optparam
-	   use mod_parity
-	   use mod_radgeom
-	   use mod_sphgeom
-	   use mod_artdis
-	   implicit none
-	   integer mlu,muu,lu1,lu2,ndu
-	   integer mlv,muv,lv,ndv
-	   integer, dimension(nmx2) :: ipvtua,ipvtub
-	   integer, dimension(nmx1) :: ipvtva,ipvtvb
-	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2,6*nmaxo+4) :: cua1,cub1
-	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2,4*nmaxo+3) :: cua2,cub2
-	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1,6*nmaxo+4) :: cva,cvb
-c	subroutines VMATRIXV for (CVA,CVB), VMATRIXU for (CUA,CUB),
-c	BOUNDCV and BOUNDCU for the boundary conditions at ICB and CMB
-	SUBROUTINE vmatrixv
-c	   This subroutine provides the matrix elements for CVA, CVB
-	   implicit none
-	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlv,nmlvm,nmlvp,info
-	   real (kind=8) dlm,dl1m,c1
-	   complex (kind=8) uim
-	   mlv	= 2*nmaxo+1
-	   muv	= 2*nmaxo+1
-	   lv	= 2*mlv+muv+1
-	   cva	= 0.0
-	   cvb	= 0.0
-	   do n 	= 0,nmaxo
-	      nmlv = n+mlv+1
-	      nmlvm= n+mlv+1-nmxo1
-	      nmlvp= n+mlv+1+nmxo1
-	      do m	= miner+1,mmax_v
-		 uim    = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-		 do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-	            L   = m+2*L1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-	            dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		    c1  = ekman*avismv(L,n)
-		    do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		       cva(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = -c1*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/(1.0*LL1)
-		       cva(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)
-     &			*cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    enddo
-		    do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = c1*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1
-     &			*dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3
-     &			+LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*
-     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
-		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    enddo
-	            if (L1 .gt. 0) then
-		       do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		          cva(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-		       do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		          cvb(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-	            endif
-	         enddo
-	         do L1   = 0,lsym_v(m)
-	            L    = m+2*L1+1
-	            LL1  = LL(L)
-	            k    = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	            dlm  = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1m = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		    c1   = ekman*avismv(L,n)
-		    do i = 2,nmaxo-2
-		       cva(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cva(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = c1*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1
-     &			*dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3
-     &			+LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*
-     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
-		    enddo
-		    do i = 1,nmaxo-1
-		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = -c1*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/(1.0*LL1)
-		    enddo
-	            if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
-		       do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		          cva(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				    cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-		       do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		          cvb(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				    cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-	            endif
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c	   The boundary conditions at the ICB and at the CMB
-	   call boundcv
-	   ndv	= kdm(mmax_v)-kdm(miner)
-	   call zbandfa(cva,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtva,info)
-	   call zbandfa(cvb,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtvb,info)
-	SUBROUTINE vmatrixu
-	   implicit none
-	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlu,nmlum,nmlup,info
-	   real (kind=8) dl0,dl1,c1,c2
-	   complex (kind=8) uim
-	   if (itrung .lt. 1) then 
-	      c1 = 0.25*deltt
-	   else if (itrung .lt. 2) then
-	      c1 = 0.375*deltt
-	   else
-	      c1 = 0.5*deltt
-	   endif
-	   mlu	= 2*nmaxo+1
-	   muu	= 2*nmaxo+1
-	   lu1	= 2*mlu+muu+1
-	   lu2	= mlu+muu+1
-	   cua1	= 0.0
-	   cua2	= 0.0
-	   cub1	= 0.0
-	   cub2	= 0.0
-	   do n	= 0,nmaxo
-	      nmlu = n+mlu+1
-	      nmlum= n+mlu+1-nmxo1
-	      nmlup= n+mlu+1+nmxo1
-c	      Matrix elements for m = 0
-	      do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
-	         L   = 2*L1-1
-	         LL1 = LL(L)
-	         k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-	         dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
-	         dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
-	         c2  = c1*avismv(L,n)*ekman  
-	         do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &			/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
-     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
-     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
-		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &			/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
-     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
-     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
-		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-	         enddo
-	         do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*
-     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
-		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*
-     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
-		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-	         enddo
-	         if (L1 .gt. 1) then
-		    do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    enddo
-		    do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    enddo
-	         endif
-	      enddo
-	      do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
-	         L   = 2*L1
-	         LL1 = LL(L)
-	         k   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	         dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
-	         dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
-	         c2  = c1*avismv(L,n)*ekman  
-	         do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*
-     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
-		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*
-     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
-	         enddo
-	         do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &			/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
-     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
-     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
-		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &			/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
-     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
-     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
-	         enddo
-	         if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(0)) then
-		    do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    enddo
-		    do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		    enddo
-	         endif
-	      enddo
-c	      Matrix elements for 1 =< m =< miner
-	      do m	= 1, miner
-		 uim	= c1*cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	         do L1	= 0,lsym_v(m)
-	            L 	= m+2*L1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-	            dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-	            c2  = c1*ekman*avismv(L,n)
-	            do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &				/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
-     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
-     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
-		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &				/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
-     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
-     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)-uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
-		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-	            enddo
-	            do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*(dch2(n,i)
-     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)
-		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)
-     &				*cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*(dch2(n,i)
-     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)+uim*cheb(n,i)/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)
-		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)
-     &				*cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-	            enddo
-	            if (L1 .gt. 0) then
-		       do i = 2,nmaxo-2
-		          cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		          cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-		       do i = 1,nmaxo-1
-		          cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		          cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-	            endif
-	         enddo
-	         do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-	            L   = m+2*L1+1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	            dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-	            c2  = c1*ekman*avismv(L,n)
-	            do i= 1,nmaxo-1
-		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*(dch2(n,i)
-     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)
-		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*(dch2(n,i)
-     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)+uim*cheb(n,i)/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)
-		    enddo
-	            do i= 2,nmaxo-2
-		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &				/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
-     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
-     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
-		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
-     &				/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
-     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
-     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)-uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
-	            enddo
-	            if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
-		       do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
-		          cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		          cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-		       do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
-		          cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		          cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
-     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
-		       enddo
-	            endif
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-c          The boundary conditions at the ICB
-	   call boundcu
-	   ndu	= kdm(miner)
-    	   call zbandfa(cua1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtua,info)
-    	   call zbandfa(cub1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtub,info)
-	SUBROUTINE boundcv
-c	   This subroutine provides the boundary conditions for (COVA,COVB)
-c	   at ICB and at CMB
-	   implicit none
-	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlv,nmlvm,nmlvp,info
-	   real (kind=8) dlm,dl1m,c1
-	   complex (kind=8) uim
-C	   Boundary Conditions at ICB
-	   if (kicbv .eq. 0) then
-c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlv      = n+mlv+1
-	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-		       cva(k+1,nmlv)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
-		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+2,nmlv-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
-		       cva(L+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
-		       cva(L+2,nmlv-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
-		       cvb(L+1,nmlv)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
-		    enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbv .eq. 1) then
-c	      No-slip boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlv = n+mlv+1
-	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-		       cva(k+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+2,nmlv-1)= dch1(n,0)
-		       cva(L+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
-		       cva(L+2,nmlv-1)= dch1(n,0)
-		       cvb(L+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
-		    enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbv .eq. 2) then
-c	      Partial-slippery boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlv = n+mlv+1
-	         nmlvm= n+mlv+1-nmxo1
-	         nmlvp= n+mlv+1+nmxo1
-	         do m = miner+1,mmax_v
-	            uim    = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       L   = m+2*L1
-	               LL1 = LL(L)
-	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		       cva(k+1,nmlv)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
-     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
-		       cva(k+1,nmlvp)  = dl1m*dch1(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)   = cheb(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+2,nmlv-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
-     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+2,nmlvp-1)= -dl1m*cheb(n,0)
-		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
-		          cva(k+1,nmlvm)  = dlm*dch1(n,0)
-		          cvb(k+2,nmlvm-1)= -dlm*cheb(n,0)
-		       endif
-		    enddo
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       L   = m+2*L1+1
-	               LL1 = LL(L)
-	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		       cva(k+1,nmlv)   = cheb(n,0)
-		       cva(k+2,nmlv-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
-     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
-		       cva(k+2,nmlvm-1)= -dlm*cheb(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
-     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
-		       cvb(k+1,nmlvm)  = dlm*dch1(n,0)
-		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
-		          cva(k+2,nmlvp-1)= -dl1m*cheb(n,0)
-		          cvb(k+1,nmlvp)  = dl1m*dch1(n,0)
-		       endif
-		    enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-C	   Boundary Conditions at CMB
-           if (kcmbv .eq. 0) then
-c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlv = n+mlv+1-nmxo1
-	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-		       cva(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= dch1(n,nmaxo)-2.0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-2.0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(L+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-2.0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= dch1(n,nmaxo)-2.0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		    enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 1) then
-c	      No-slip boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlv = n+mlv+1-nmxo1
-	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-		       cva(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(L+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		    enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 2) then
-c	      Partial slippery boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlv = n+mlv+1
-	         nmlvm= n+mlv+1-nmxo1
-	         do m = miner+1,mmax_v
-	            uim    = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       L   = m+2*L1
-	               LL1 = LL(L)
-	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		       cva(k,nmlvm+1)  = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(k,nmlv+1)   = -dl1m*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k-1,nmlvm+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k-1,nmlv+2) = dl1m*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k,nmlvm+1)  = cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
-		          cva(k,nmlvm-nmaxo)    = -dlm*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		          cvb(k-1,nmlvm-nmaxo+1)= dlm*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       endif
-		    enddo
-		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       L   = m+2*L1+1
-	               LL1 = LL(L)
-	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*(L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		       cva(k-1,nmlvm+2) = dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(k-1,nmlvm-nmaxo+1)= dlm*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cva(k,nmlvm+1)   = cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k,nmlvm+1)   = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/
-     &				(1.0*LL1)*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cvb(k,nmlvm-nmaxo)= -dlm*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
-		          cva(k-1,nmlv+2)= dl1m*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		          cvb(k,nmlv+1)  = -dl1m*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       endif
-		    enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	SUBROUTINE boundcu
-c	   This subroutine provides the boundary conditions for (COUA,COUB)
-c	   at ICB and at CMB
-	   implicit none
-	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlu,nmlum,nmlup,info
-	   real (kind=8) dl0,dl1,c1
-	   complex (kind=8) uim
-C	   Boundary Conditions at ICB
-	   if (kicbv .eq. 0) then
-c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
-	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
-		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	            cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
-	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
-	            cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
-	            cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	            cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
-	         enddo
-		 do m	= 1,miner
-	            do L1 = 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k  = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L  = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	               cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
-	               cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
-	               cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
-	               cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	               cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
-	            enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbv .eq. 1) then
-c	      No-slip boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
-	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
-		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	            cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
-	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	            cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	            cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	            cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
-	         enddo
-		 do m	= 1,miner
-	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	               cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
-	               cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	               cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	               cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
-	               cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
-	            enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbv .eq. 2) then
-c	      Partial-slippery boundary conditions
-	      do n    = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
-	         nmlum= n+mlu+1-nmxo1
-	         nmlup= n+mlu+1+nmxo1
-	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
-	            L = 2*L1-1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
-	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
-	            cua1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
-     &				      dch1(n,0)
-	            cua1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
-	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
-     &				      cheb(n,0)
-	            cub1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
-		    if (L1 .gt. 1) then
-		       cua1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
-	               cub1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
-		    endif
-	         enddo
-	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
-	            L   = 2*L1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
-	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
-     &				      cheb(n,0)
-	            cua1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
-	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
-	            cub1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
-     &				      dch1(n,0)
-	            cub1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
-		    if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(0)) then
-	               cua1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
-		       cub1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
-		    endif
-	         enddo
-		 do m	= 1,miner
-	      	    uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-	               L = m+2*L1
-	               LL1 = LL(L)
-	               k   = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-	               dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-	               cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
-	               cua1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
-     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
-	               cua1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
-	               cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
-     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
-	               cub1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
-		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
-		          cua1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
-		          cub1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
-		       endif
-	            enddo
-	            do L1 = 0,lsym_v(m)
-	               L  = m+2*L1+1
-	               LL1= LL(L)
-	               k  = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               dl0= clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		       cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
-     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
-		       cua1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
-		       cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
-		       cub1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
-     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
-		       cub1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
-		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
-		          cua1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
-		          cub1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
-		       endif
-	            enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-C	   Boundary Conditions at CMB
-	   if (kcmbv .eq. 0) then
-c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
-	      i	= nmaxo
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlu   = n+mlu+1-nmxo1
-	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
-		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
-	            cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
-	            cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
-	            cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
-	            cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
-	            cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
-	         enddo
-		 do m	= 1,miner
-	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
-	               cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
-	               cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
-	               cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
-	               cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
-	               cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
-	            enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 1) then
-c	      No-slip boundary conditions
-	      do n = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlu   = n+mlu+1-nmxo1
-	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
-		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
-		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	            cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	         enddo
-		 do m	= 1,miner
-	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-		       k = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
-		       L = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	               cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	               cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 2) then
-c	      Partial-slippery boundary conditions
-	      do n    = 0,nmax_v
-	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
-	         nmlum= n+mlu+1-nmxo1
-	         nmlup= n+mlu+1+nmxo1
-	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
-	            L   = 2*L1-1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
-	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
-	            cua1(k-1,nmlum+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)
-	            cua1(k-1,nmlu+2) = dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            cua1(k,nmlum+1)  = cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(k,nmlum+1)  = dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(k,nmlu+1)   = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		    if (L1 .gt. 1) then
-		       cua1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cub1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)    = -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		    endif
-	         enddo
-	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
-	            L   = 2*L1
-	            LL1 = LL(L)
-	            k   = 2*L1*nmxo1
-	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
-	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
-	            cua1(k,nmlum+1)    = dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	            cua1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)= -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(k-1,nmlum+2)  = dch2(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	            cub1(k,nmlum+1)    = cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		    if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(0)) then
-	               cua1(k,nmlu+1)  = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cub1(k-1,nmlu+2)= dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		    endif
-	         enddo
-		 do m	= 1,miner
-	      	    uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
-	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
-	               L = m+2*L1
-	               LL1 = LL(L)
-	               k   = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-	               cua1(k-1,nmlum+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
-     &				      *dch1(n,nmaxo)
-	               cua1(k-1,nmlu+2) = dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cua1(k,nmlum+1)  = cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cub1(k,nmlum+1)  = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
-     &				      *cheb(n,nmaxo)
-	               cub1(k,nmlu+1)   = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
-		          cua1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		          cub1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)    = -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       endif
-	            enddo
-	            do L1 = 0,lsym_v(m)
-	               L  = m+2*L1+1
-	               LL1= LL(L)
-	               k  = kdm(m-1)+2*(L1+1)*nmxo1
-	               dl0= clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
-	               dl1= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
-		       cua1(k,nmlum+1)    = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
-     &				        *cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cua1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)= -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cub1(k-1,nmlum+2)  = dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
-     &				        *dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		       cub1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       cub1(k,nmlum+1)    = cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
-		          cua1(k,nmlu+1)  = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
-		          cub1(k-1,nmlu+2)= dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
-		       endif
-	            enddo
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	END MODULE mod_vmatrix
-c       This module defines the matrices for the induction equation
-c       that solves the magnetic field
-c          (CB1, CB2): the matrices for the poloidal field;
-c          MLB:  the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
-c          MUB:  the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
-c          LB1    = 2*MLB+MUB+1;
-c          LB2    = MLB+MUB+1;
-c          IPVTB: the pivoting index for CB1;
-c          (CJ1, CJ2): the matrices for the toroidal field;
-c          MLJ:  the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
-c          MUJ:  the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
-c          LJ1    = 2*MLJ+MUJ+1;
-c          LJ2    = MLJ+MUJ+1;
-c          IPVTJ: the pivoting index for CJ1;
-c          NMX6: the leading dimension of (CB, CJ);
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang
-c       Date:   Feb., 2001
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-        MODULE mod_bmatrix
-           use mod_dimparam
-	   use mod_sysparam
-	   use mod_numparam
-	   use mod_optparam
-	   use mod_parity
-	   use mod_radgeom
-	   use mod_sphgeom
-	   use mod_artdis
-           implicit none
-           integer mlb,mub,lb1,lb2
-           integer mlj,muj,lj1,lj2
-	   integer, dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m) :: ipvtb,ipvtj
-           complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,13,Lmax_m) :: cb1,cj1
-           complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,9,Lmax_m)  :: cb2,cj2
-c	a subroutine that defines the matrices
-	   SUBROUTINE bmatrix
-	   implicit none
-	   integer	i,k,L,LL1,n,info
-	   real (kind=8) rmi,ct,c1,c2,c3,hni,hno,hnm
-	   if (itrung .lt. 1) then
-	      ct = 0.25*deltt
-	   else if (itrung .lt. 2) then
-	      ct = 0.375*deltt
-	   else
-	      ct = 0.5*deltt
-	   endif
-	   rmi	= 1.0/rm
-	   hno	= -nmaxo/pi
-	   hni	= 1.0*nmaxi
-	   hnm	= 1.0*nmaxm
-	   mlb	= 4
-	   mub	= 4
-	   lb1	= 2*mlb+mub+1
-	   lb2	= mlb+mub+1
-	   mlj	= 4
-	   muj	= 4
-	   lj1	= 2*mlj+muj+1
-	   lj2	= mlj+muj+1
-	   cb1	= 0.0
-	   cb2	= 0.0
-	   cj1	= 0.0
-	   cj2	= 0.0
-c	   (1) The matrix elements for a finitely conducting inner core
-	   if (kicbb .gt. 1) then
-	      do L = 1,Lmax_m
-	         LL1= LL(L)
-	         c1 = ct*rmi*etaio*avismb(L)
-c		 Boundary conditions near the central core
-		 if (kccbb .eq. 0) then
-c-------------------perfectly insulating central region
-	            cb1(1,mlb+1,L)= -(L+1)/rco
-	            cb1(1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
-	            cj1(1,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
-	         else if (kccbb .eq. 1) then
-c-------------------Asymptotic boundary conditions near the center
-		    cb1(1,mlb+1,L) = -(L+1)/rco
-		    cb1(1,mlb+2,L) = 1.0
-		    cj1(1,mlj+1,L) = -(L+1)/rco
-		    cj1(1,mlj+2,L) = 1.0
-	  	 endif
-c----------------Equations in the finitely conduction inner core
-	         i	= 0
-	         n	= 2*i+2
-	         cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -0.5*hni
-	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -gi(i)/6.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -2.0*gi(i+1)/3.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = 0.5*hni
-	         cb1(n,mlb+5,L)  = -gi(i+2)/6.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 0.5*c1*hni
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+2)**2)/6.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -0.5*c1*hni
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -0.5*c1*hni
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+2)**2)/6.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= 0.5*c1*hni
-	         cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -0.5*hni
-	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -gi(i)/6.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -2.0*gi(i+1)/3.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = 0.5*hni
-	         cj1(n,mlj+5,L)  = -gi(i+2)/6.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 0.5*c1*hni
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/6.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -0.5*c1*hni
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -0.5*c1*hni
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+2)**2)/6.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= 0.5*c1*hni
-	         do i	= 1,nmaxi-3
-	            n	= 2*i+2
-	            cb1(n,mlb-2,L)  = -hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -9.0*hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -0.5*gi(i)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = 9.0*hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -0.5*gi(i+1)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L)= c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj-2,L)  = -hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -9.0*hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -0.5*gi(i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = 9.0*hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -0.5*gi(i+1)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L)= c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c1*hni/12.0
-	         enddo
-	         i	= nmaxi-2
-	         n	= 2*i+2
-	         cb1(n,mlb,L)     = cfm(1,1)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -cfm(4,1)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = cfm(2,1)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -cfm(5,1)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)   = cfm(3,1)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)   = -c1*cfm(1,1)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -c1*cfm(2,1)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L) = -c1*cfm(3,1)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)   = c1*cfm(1,1)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = c1*cfm(2,1)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L) = c1*cfm(3,1)
-	         cj1(n,mlj,L)     = cfm(1,1)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -cfm(4,1)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = cfm(2,1)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -cfm(5,1)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)   = cfm(3,1)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)   = -c1*cfm(1,1)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -c1*cfm(2,1)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L) = -c1*cfm(3,1)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)   = c1*cfm(1,1)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = c1*cfm(2,1)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L) = c1*cfm(3,1)
-	         i	= nmaxi-1
-	         n	= 2*i+2
-	         cb1(n,mlb-2,L)   = cfm(1,2)
-	         cb1(n,mlb,L)     = cfm(2,2)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -cfm(4,2)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = cfm(3,2)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -cfm(5,2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L) = -c1*cfm(1,2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)   = -c1*cfm(2,2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -c1*cfm(3,2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L) = c1*cfm(1,2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)   = c1*cfm(2,2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = c1*cfm(3,2)
-	         cj1(n,mlj-2,L)   = cfm(1,2)
-	         cj1(n,mlj,L)     = cfm(2,2)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -cfm(4,2)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = cfm(3,2)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -cfm(5,2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L) = -c1*cfm(1,2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)   = -c1*cfm(2,2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -c1*cfm(3,2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L) = c1*cfm(1,2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)   = c1*cfm(2,2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = c1*cfm(3,2)
-c----------------Matching conditions at the ICB
-	         cb1(nmx4,mlb,L)  = 1.0
-	         cb1(nmx4,mlb+2,L)= -1.0
-	         cj1(nmx4,mlj,L)  = 1.0
-	         cj1(nmx4,mlj+2,L)= -1.0
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-c	   (2) The matrix elements in the outer core
-c	   (2.1) Boundary conditions at the ICB
-	   if (kicbb .eq. 0) then 
-c-------------Perfectly insulating ICB
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+1,L)= -(L+1)/rio
-	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
-	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbb .eq. 1) then
-c-------------Perfectly conducting ICB
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+1,L)= 1.0
-	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
-c-------------Matching conditions at the ICB
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb,L)  = -1.0
-	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
-	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlj,L)  = -rmi*etaio
-	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlj+2,L)= rmi
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-c	   (2.2) Matrix elements inside the outer core
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      LL1	= LL(L)
-	      c2	= ct*rmi*avismb(L)
-	      do i	= 0,1
-	         n	= nmbic+2*i+2
-	         cb1(n,mlb,L)    = cfm(1,3+i)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -cfm(4,3+i)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = cfm(2,3+i)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -cfm(5,3+i)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = cfm(3,3+i)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,3+i)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,3+i)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,3+i)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = c2*cfm(1,3+i)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,3+i)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,3+i)
-	         cj1(n,mlj,L)    = cfm(1,3+i)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -cfm(4,3+i)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = cfm(2,3+i)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -cfm(5,3+i)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = cfm(3,3+i)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,3+i)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,3+i)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,3+i)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = c2*cfm(1,3+i)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,3+i)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,3+i)
-	      enddo
-	      do i	= 2,nmaxo-3
-	         n	= nmbic+2*i+2
-	         cb1(n,mlb-2,L)  = -hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -9.0*hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -0.5*gg(i)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = 9.0*hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -0.5*gg(i+1)
-	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L)= c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj-2,L)  = -hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -9.0*hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -0.5*gg(i)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = 9.0*hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -0.5*gg(i+1)
-	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L)= c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c2*hno/12.0
-	      enddo
-	      i	= nmaxo-2
-	      n	= nmbic+2*i+2
-	      cb1(n,mlb,L)    = cfm(1,5)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -cfm(4,5)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = cfm(2,5)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -cfm(5,5)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = cfm(3,5)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,5)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,5)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,5)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = c2*cfm(1,5)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,5)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,5)
-	      cj1(n,mlj,L)    = cfm(1,5)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -cfm(4,5)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = cfm(2,5)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -cfm(5,5)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = cfm(3,5)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,5)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,5)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,5)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = c2*cfm(1,5)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,5)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,5)
-	      i	= nmaxo-1
-	      n	= nmbic+2*i+2
-	      cb1(n,mlb-2,L)   = cfm(1,6)
-	      cb1(n,mlb,L)     = cfm(2,6)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -cfm(4,6)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = cfm(3,6)
-	      cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -cfm(5,6)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L) = -c2*cfm(1,6)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb,L)   = -c2*cfm(2,6)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -c2*cfm(3,6)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L) = c2*cfm(1,6)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb,L)   = c2*cfm(2,6)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = c2*cfm(3,6)
-	      cj1(n,mlj-2,L)   = cfm(1,6)
-	      cj1(n,mlj,L)     = cfm(2,6)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -cfm(4,6)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = cfm(3,6)
-	      cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -cfm(5,6)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L) = -c2*cfm(1,6)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj,L)   = -c2*cfm(2,6)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -c2*cfm(3,6)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L) = c2*cfm(1,6)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj,L)   = c2*cfm(2,6)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = c2*cfm(3,6)
-	   enddo
-c	   (2.3) Boundary conditions at CMB
-	   k	= nmbic+nmx3
-	   if (kcmbb .eq. 0) then
-c-------------Perfect insulating D"-layer
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         cb1(k,mlb,L)  = L
-	         cb1(k,mlb+1,L)= 1.0
-	         cj1(k,mlj,L)  = 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbb .eq. 1) then
-c-------------Perfect conducting D"-layer
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         cb1(k,mlb,L)  = 1.0
-	         cj1(k,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-c-------------Finitely conducting D"-layer
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         cb1(k,mlb,L)  = 1.0
-	         cb1(k,mlb+2,L)= -1.0
-	         cj1(k,mlj+1,L)= rmi
-	         cj1(k,mlj+3,L)= -rmi*etado
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-c	   (3) The matrix elements in the D"-layer
-	   if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	         LL1 = LL(L)
-	         c3  = ct*rmi*etado
-c	         c3  = ct*rmi*etado*avismb(L)
-c----------------Matching conditions at the CMB
-	         cb1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlb,L)  = -1.0
-	         cb1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
-	         cj1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlj-1,L)= -1.0
-	         cj1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
-c----------------Equations in the D" layer
-	         do i	= 0,1
-	            n	= nmbic+nmx3+2*i+2
-	            cb1(n,mlb,L)    = cfm(1,7+i)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -cfm(4,7+i)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = cfm(2,7+i)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -cfm(5,7+i)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = cfm(3,7+i)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = -c3*cfm(1,7+i)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -c3*cfm(2,7+i)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c3*cfm(3,7+i)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = c3*cfm(1,7+i)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= c3*cfm(2,7+i)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c3*cfm(3,7+i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj,L)    = cfm(1,7+i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -cfm(4,7+i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = cfm(2,7+i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -cfm(5,7+i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = cfm(3,7+i)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = -c3*cfm(1,7+i)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -c3*cfm(2,7+i)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c3*cfm(3,7+i)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = c3*cfm(1,7+i)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= c3*cfm(2,7+i)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c3*cfm(3,7+i)
-	         enddo
-	         do i	= 2,nmaxm-2
-	            n	= nmbic+nmx3+2*i+2
-	            cb1(n,mlb-2,L)  = -hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -9.0*hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -0.5*gd(i)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = 9.0*hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -0.5*gd(i+1)
-	            cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj-2,L)  = -hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -9.0*hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -0.5*gd(i)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = 9.0*hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -0.5*gd(i+1)
-	            cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
-	            cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
-	         enddo
-	         i	= nmaxm-1
-	         n	= nmbic+nmx3+2*i+2
-	         cb1(n,mlb-2,L)   = -0.5*hnm
-	         cb1(n,mlb-1,L)   = -gd(i-1)/6.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -2.0*gd(i)/3.0
-	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = 0.5*hnm
-	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -gd(i+1)/6.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
-	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
-	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cj1(n,mlj-2,L)   = -0.5*hnm
-	         cj1(n,mlj-1,L)   = -gd(i-1)/6.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -2.0*gd(i)/3.0
-	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = 0.5*hnm
-	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -gd(i+1)/6.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
-	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
-	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
-c----------------The boundary conditions at the perfectly insulating mantle
-	         cb1(nmb,mlb,L)  = L/rdo
-	         cb1(nmb,mlb+1,L)= 1.0
-	         cj1(nmb,mlj,L)  = 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-    	      call zbandfa(cb1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lb1,mlb,mub,
-     &			ipvtb(1,L),info)
-    	      call zbandfa(cj1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lj1,mlj,muj,
-     &			ipvtj(1,L),info)
-	   enddo
-        END MODULE mod_bmatrix
-c	This module defines the matrices for the thermal equation
-c	that solves the temperature perturbation;
-c	   (CT1, CT2): the matrices for the temperature perturbation;
-c	   MLT:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
-c	   MUT:	 the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
-c	   LT1    = 2*MLT+MUT+1;
-c	   LT2    = MLT+MUT+1;
-c	   IPVTT: the pivoting index for CT1;
-c	   NMX3: the leading dimension of (CB, CJ);
-c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-c       Date:   Feb., 2001
-c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	MODULE mod_tmatrix
-	   use mod_dimparam
-	   use mod_sysparam
-	   use mod_numparam
-	   use mod_optparam
-	   use mod_radgeom
-	   use mod_sphgeom
-	   use mod_artdis
-	   implicit none
-	   integer mlt,mut,lt1,lt2
-	   integer, dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t) :: ipvtt
-	   complex (kind=8) ct1(nmx3,10,0:Lmax_t),ct2(nmx3,7,0:Lmax_t)
-c	   the subroutine that defines the matrices
-	   SUBROUTINE tmatrix
-	   implicit none
-	   integer	n,i,L,LL1,info
-	   real (kind=8) c1,ctt,hn1,rmi,d1,d2
-	   if (itrung .lt. 1) then
-	      ctt = 0.25*deltt
-	   else if (itrung .lt. 2) then
-	      ctt = 0.375*deltt
-	   else
-	      ctt = 0.5*deltt
-	   endif
-	   hn1	= -nmaxo/pi
-	   rmi	= 1.0/rm
-	   mlt	= 3
-	   mut	= 3
-	   lt1	= 2*mlt+mut+1
-	   lt2	= mlt+mut+1
-	   ct1	= 0.0
-	   ct2	= 0.0
-	   do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	      LL1	= LL(L)
-	      c1	= ctt*rmi*qk*avismt(L)
-	      do i	= 0,1
-	         n	= 2*i+2
-	         ct1(n,mlt,L)    = cfm(1,3+i)
-	         ct1(n,mlt+1,L)  = -cfm(4,3+i)
-	         ct1(n,mlt+2,L)  = cfm(2,3+i)
-	         ct1(n,mlt+3,L)  = -cfm(5,3+i)
-	         ct1(n,mlt+4,L)  = cfm(3,3+i)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt,L)  = -c1*cfm(1,3+i)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L)= -c1*cfm(2,3+i)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt+4,L)= -c1*cfm(3,3+i)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt,L)  = c1*cfm(1,3+i)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L)= c1*cfm(2,3+i)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt+4,L)= c1*cfm(3,3+i)
-	      enddo
-	      do i	= 2,nmaxo-3
-	         n	= 2*i+2
-	         ct1(n,mlt-2,L)  = -hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n,mlt,L)    = -9.0*hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n,mlt+1,L)  = -0.5*gg(i)
-	         ct1(n,mlt+2,L)  = 9.0*hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n,mlt+3,L)  = -0.5*gg(i+1)
-	         ct1(n,mlt+4,L)  = hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt-2,L)= c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt,L)  = 9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L)= -9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct1(n+1,mlt+4,L)= -c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt-2,L)= -c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt,L)  = -9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L)= 9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
-	         ct2(n+1,mlt+4,L)= c1*hn1/12.0
-	      enddo
-	      i	= nmaxo-2
-	      n	= 2*i+2
-	      ct1(n,mlt,L)    = cfm(1,5)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+1,L)  = -cfm(4,5)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+2,L)  = cfm(2,5)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+3,L)  = -cfm(5,5)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+4,L)  = cfm(3,5)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt,L)  = -c1*cfm(1,5)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L)= -c1*cfm(2,5)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt+4,L)= -c1*cfm(3,5)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt,L)  = c1*cfm(1,5)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L)= c1*cfm(2,5)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt+4,L)= c1*cfm(3,5)
-	      i	= nmaxo-1
-	      n	= 2*i+2
-	      ct1(n,mlt-2,L)   = cfm(1,6)
-	      ct1(n,mlt,L)     = cfm(2,6)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+1,L)   = -cfm(4,6)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+2,L)   = cfm(3,6)
-	      ct1(n,mlt+3,L)   = -cfm(5,6)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt-2,L) = -c1*cfm(1,6)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt,L)   = -c1*cfm(2,6)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L) = -c1*cfm(3,6)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt-2,L) = c1*cfm(1,6)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt,L)   = c1*cfm(2,6)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
-	      ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L) = c1*cfm(3,6)
-	   enddo
-c	   The boundary conditions at the ICB
-	   if (kicbt .eq. 0) then
-c-------------The fixed temperature conditions
-	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	         ct1(1,mlt+1,L)	= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kicbt .eq. 1) then
-c-------------The fixed heat flux conditions
-	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	         ct1(1,mlt+1,L)	= -1.0/rio
-	         ct1(1,mlt+2,L)	= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-c	   The boundary conditions at the CMB
-	   if (kcmbt .eq. 0) then
-c-------------The fixed temperature conditions
-	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	         ct1(nmx3,mlt,L)	= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   else if (kcmbt .eq. 1) then
-c-------------The fixed heat flux conditions
-	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	         ct1(nmx3,mlt,L)	= -1.0
-	         ct1(nmx3,mlt+1,L)	= 1.0
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	   do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-    	      call zbandfa(ct1(1,1,L),nmx3,nmx3,lt1,mlt,mut,
-     &			ipvtt(1,L),info)
-	   enddo
-	   END SUBROUTINE tmatrix
-	END MODULE mod_tmatrix

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_params.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_params.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mod_params.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-	MODULE mod_dimparam
-!	This module defines the integers for various truncation orders
-!	and the dimensions for physical solution vectors.  The definitions
-!	have included considerations of the dialiansing problems in spectral
-!	transforms.
-!	Lmax_v: The order in colatitude expansion (L) for velocity;
-!	mmax_v: The order in longitue expansion (m) for velocity;
-!	Lmax_m: The order in colatitude expansion (L) for magnetic field;
-!	mmax_m: The order in longitue expansion (m) for magnetic field;
-!	Lmax_t: The order in colatitude expansion (L) for density anomaly;
-!	mmax_t: The order in longitue expansion (m) for density anomaly;
-!	Lmax: 	max(Lmax_v,Lmax_m,Lmax_t);
-!	mmax:   max(mmax_v,mmax_m,mmax_t);
-!	nmaxo:  The # of radial collocation points in the
-!		outer core;
-!	nmax_v: The order of Chebyshev expansion in velocity fields;
-!	nmaxi:  The # of radial collocation points in the
-!		inner core;
-!	nmaxm:  The # of radial collocation points in the
-!		D" layer;
-!	miner:	The longitudinal wave number for inertial force cut-off
-!		m <= miner, inertia is included;
-!		m > miner, inertia is ignored;
-!	Lmaxa:  the dimensions for spectral transforms;
-!	mmaxa:  the dimensions for spectral transforms;
-!	The suffix definitions are
-!	CDIA: dialiasing
-!	CNDI: not-dialiasing
-!	CANA: for data analysis
-!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-!       Date:   March, 2002
-!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	   implicit none
-	   integer Lmax_v,mmax_v,miner
-	   integer Lmax_m,mmax_m
-	   integer Lmax_t,mmax_t
-	   integer Lmax,mmax
-	   integer nmaxo,nmaxi,nmaxm,nmax_v
-	   integer Lmax1,mmax1,nmxo1,nmxi1,nmxm1
-	   integer nmx1,nmx2,nmx3,nmx4,nmx5,nmx6
-	   integer Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,npmax
-	   parameter (Lmax_v=15,mmax_v=10,miner=1)
-	   parameter (Lmax_m=15,mmax_m=10)
-	   parameter (Lmax_t=15,mmax_t=10)
-	   parameter (nmaxo=31,nmaxi=20,nmaxm=20)
-	   parameter (Lmax=max0(Lmax_v,Lmax_m,Lmax_t))
-	   parameter (mmax=max0(mmax_v,mmax_m,mmax_t))
-	   parameter (Lmax1=Lmax+1,mmax1=mmax+1,nmxo1=nmaxo+1,
-     &		      nmxi1=nmaxi+1,nmxm1=nmaxm+1)
-	   parameter (nmx1=nmxo1*(mmax_v-miner)*(2*Lmax_v+1-mmax_v-miner)/2,
-     &		      nmx2=nmxo1*(Lmax_v*miner+Lmax_v-miner*(miner-1)/2),
-     &		      nmx3=2*nmxo1,nmx4=2*nmxi1,nmx5=2*nmxm1,
-     &		      nmx6=nmx3+nmx4+nmx5)
-cdia	   parameter (Lmaxa=3*Lmax/2,mmaxa=3*mmax/2)
-cdia	   parameter (ntmax=3*Lmax/2+1,npmax=3*mmax+1)
-cdiv	   parameter (nmax_v=2*(nmaxo-1)/3)
-cndi	   parameter (Lmaxa=Lmax+4,mmaxa=mmax+4)
-cndi	   parameter (ntmax=Lmaxa+1,npmax=2*mmaxa+1)
-cndv	   parameter (nmax_v=nmaxo)
-cana	   parameter (Lmaxa=90,mmaxa=90)
-cana	   parameter (ntmax=Lmaxa+1,npmax=2*mmaxa+1)
-	END MODULE mod_dimparam
-	MODULE mod_numparam
-!	This module defines the parameters for numerical simulation
-!	settings.
-!	   NEVOL:  the index for AB-AM algorithm or R-K method:
-!			nevol   = 0; (AB-AM)
-!			nevol   = 1; (R-K)
-!	   NCFL:   the number of time steps for examining CFL condition
-!		   (NCFL >= 1);
-!	   NTT:    the total number of time steps for simulation;
-!	   NINPUT: the index for the initial input data file;
-!	   NCOUNT: the index for the output data files;
-!	   CFLMIN: the lower limit of CFL condition
-!		   	cflmin  = 0.8 (AB-AM)
-!			cflmin  = 1.4 (R-K)
-!	   CFLMAX: the upper limit of CFL condition
-!			cflmax  = 1.1; (AB-AM)
-!			cflmax  = 1.7; (R-K)
-!	   CFLNO:  the CFL number;
-!	   DELTT:  time step;
-!	   TT0:    starting simulation time;
-!	   TOUTF:  time interval to output full numerical solutions;
-!	   TOUTD:  time interval to output diagnostic results;
-!	   VERSION: the versions of numerical simulation;
-!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-!       Date:   Jan., 2001
-!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	   implicit none
-	   integer ninput,ncount,ntt,ncfl,nevol
-	   real (kind=8) cflmin,cflmax,cflno
-	   real (kind=8) deltt,tt0,toutf,toutd
-	   character version*6
-	END MODULE mod_numparam
-	MODULE mod_optparam
-!	This module defines the parameters for various options
-!	applied to the model.
-!	   KICBV:  the parameter for the velocity boundary conditions
-!		   at the ICB:
-!			kicbv   = 0; (stress-free)
-!			kicbv   = 1; (no-slip)
-!			kicbv   = 2; (partial-slippery)
-!	   KCMBV:  the parameter for the velocity boundary conditions
-!		   at the CMB:
-!		   	kcmbv   = 0; (stress-free)
-!			kcmbv   = 1; (no-slip)
-!			kcmbv   = 2; (slippery)
-!	   KCCBB:  the parameter for the magnetic field boundary
-!		   conditions near the central core:
-!			kccbb   = 0; (perfectly insulationg central core)
-!			kccbb   = 1; (asymptotic cenral core)
-!	   KICBB:  the parameter for the magnetic field boundary
-!		   conditions at the ICB:
-!			kicbb   = 0; (perfectly insulating)
-!			kicbb   = 1; (perfectly conducting)
-!			kicbb   = 2; (finitely conducting)
-!	   KCMBB:  the parameter for the magnetic field boundary
-!		   conditions at the CMB:
-!			kcmbb   = 0; (perfectly insulating)
-!			kcmbb   = 1; (perfectly conducting)
-!			kcmbb   = 2; (finitely conducting)
-!	   KICBT:  the parameter for the temperature field boundary
-!			conditions at the ICB:
-!			kicbt   = 0; (fixed temperature)
-!			kicbt   = 1; (fixed heat flux)
-!	   KCMBT:  the parameter for the temperature field boundary
-!		   conditions at the CMB:
-!			kcmbt   = 0; (fixed temperature)
-!			kcmbt   = 1; (fixed heat flux)
-!	   INDXT:  the parameter to choose basic conductive state:
-!			indxt   = 0; conducting state with heat
-!				     fluxes at the boundaries;
-!			indxt   = 1; conducting state with uniform
-!				     heat sources in the outer core;
-!	   K_ICROT: the index to approximate inner core rotation:
-!                   k_icrot = 0: no relative rotation between the
-!				 inner core and the mantle;
-!                   k_icrot = 1: only axial differential rotation of
-!				 of the inner core;
-!                   k_icrot = 2: full three-dimensional rotation of
-!				 the inner core
-!	   ITRUNG: the parameter that decides the size of time steps
-!		   used in Runger-Kutter method;
-!		        itrung = 0; half time step Delt t/2;
-!		        itrung = 1; three-quater time step 3 Delt t/4;
-!		        itrung = 2; full time step Delt t;
-!	   ITUCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COU
-!		   (introduced with CMB heterogeneity);
-!	   ITVCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COV;
-!	   ITBCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COB;
-!	   ITJCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COJ;
-!	   ITTCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COT;
-!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-!       Date:   Jan., 2001
-!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	   implicit none
-	   integer kicbv,kcmbv
-	   integer kccbb,kicbb,kcmbb
-	   integer kicbt,kcmbt
-	   integer k_icrot
-	   integer indxt
-	   integer itrung
-	   integer itucmb,itvcmb,itbcmb,itjcmb,ittcmb
-	END MODULE mod_optparam
-	MODULE mod_sysparam
-!	This module defines the parameters of the physical system of the
-!	model.
-!	   RCC:	  the asymptotic limit in the center of the mantle;
-!	   RICB:  the radius of the ICB;
-!	   RCMB:  the radius of the CMB;
-!	   RDPP:  the radius of the top of the D"-layer;
-!	   REAR:  the radius of the Earth;
-!	   RO:	  the Rossby number (for the linear fluid inertia); 
-!	   RON:	  the Rossby number (for the nonlinear fluid inertia); 
-!	   RM:	  the magnetic Renolds number (Default Rm = 1);
-!	   RATH:  the thermal Rayleigh number;
-!	   QK:	  the (thermal) Prandtl number;
-!	   CM:	  the Elsasser number (Default CM = 1);
-!	   EKMAN: the Ekman number;
-!	   RCO:	  the nondimentional RCC
-!		  RCO = RCC/RCMB;
-!	   RIO:	  the nondimentional RICB
-!		  RIO = RICB/RCMB;
-!	   RDO:	  the nondimentional RDPP
-!		  RDO = RDPP/RCMB;
-!	   REO:	  the nondimentional REAR
-!		  REO = REAR/RCMB;
-!	   RHOOC: the mean density of the outer core;
-!	   RHOIO: the (nondimensional) density of the inner core
-!		  (relative to the outer core);
-!	   RHOMO: the (nondimensional) density of the mantle 
-!		  (relative to the outer core);
-!	   MTI:	  the (nondimensional) moment of inertia of the inner core;
-!	   MTM:	  the (nondimensional) moment of inertia of the mantle;
-!	   ETAIO: the magnetic diffusivity of the inner core relative
-!		  to the outer core;
-!	   ETADO: the magnetic diffusivity of the D" layer relative to
-!		  the outer core;
-!	   ALPHT: the (nondimensional) internal heating within the outer
-!	 	  core relative to the mean heat flux at the ICB;
-!	   ALPHJ: the (nondimensional) Joul heating in the outer core;
-!	   PI:    pi;
-!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
-!       Date:   June, 2002
-!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
-	   implicit none
-	   real (kind=8) pi
-	   real (kind=8) ro,ron,rm,rath,cm,qk,ekman 
-	   real (kind=8) rcc,ricb,rcmb,rdpp,rear
-	   real (kind=8) rco,rio,rdo,reo
-	   real (kind=8) rhooc,rhoio,rhomo,mti,mtm
-	   real (kind=8) etaio,etado
-	   real (kind=8) alpht,alphj
-	END MODULE mod_sysparam

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mosst_cig.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mosst_cig.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/mosst_cig.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-	program sphere
-*									*
-*	This is a 3-D nonlinear numerical simulation of incompressible,	*
-*	conducting binary flow in a spherical shell system.  The basic	*
-*	equations are momentum equation, induction equation, thermal	*
-*	equation and the equation governing the concentration of the	*
-*	lighter component. 						*
-*									*
-*	This is a 4th-order finite difference method program.		*
-*									*
-*	W. Kuang 09/2002						*
-*									*
-*									*
-*	The flow fields (velocity, magnetic field, temperature and the	*
-*	concentration of the lighter component) are expanded in		*
-*	spherical harmonics on S-surface and chebyschev polynomials in	*
-*	radius:								*
-*									*
-*		f(r_i) 	= \sum{|m|=0,M} \sum{l=|m|,L} f^{lm}(r_i)	*
-*		    	  Y_l^m(theta,phi), (|m| <= L)			*
-*		r_i    	= a x_i + b,					*
-*		x_i    	= cos(al_i),					*
-*		a 	= [1-r_{io}]/2,					*
-*		b 	= [1+r_{io}]/2.					*
-*									*
-*									*
-*	Detailed definition of quantities and parameters are given in	*
-*	the modules and in the subroutines where they first appear.	*
-*									*
-*									*
-*	It should be compiled by "F90" on SUN workstation		*
-*									*
-c-------OF THE SYSTEM
-	call datainput
-	call matrices
-	call evolution
-	stop
-	end
-	subroutine datainput
-c	This subroutine provides the parameters of the system, the 
-c	geometry vectors and other conversion coefficients for
-c	simulation
-c	Weijia Kuang, 09/2002
-c	In the outer core,
-c		r = a x + b;
-c		r = rio 	at 	x = -1;
-c		r = 1		at	x = 1 .
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_sphgeom
-	use mod_artdis
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_tfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_dataio
-	implicit none
-	integer	i,L,m
-	call params_in
-	mti	= 8.0*pi/15.0*rio**5
-	mtm	= 8.0*pi/15.0*(reo**5-1.0)
-	if (kicbv.gt.2 .or. kcmbv.gt.2) then
-	   write(6,*) "inappropriate boundary conditions for velocity field!"
-	   stop
-	endif
-	if (kccbb .gt. 1) then
-	   write(6,*) "inappropriate boundary conditions for magnetic field!"
-	   stop
-	endif
-	if (kicbb.gt.2 .or. kcmbb.gt.2) then
-	   write(6,*) "inappropriate boundary conditions for magnetic field!"
-	   stop
-	endif
-	if (nmaxi.eq.0 .and. kicbb.eq.2) then
-	   write(6,*) "inappropriate conditions on the inner core!"
-	   stop
-	endif
-	if (nmaxm.eq.0 .and. kcmbb.eq.2) then
-	   write(6,*) "inappropriate conditions on the D-layer!"
-	   stop
-	endif
-c	Define the parity parameters for the model
-	call parity
-c	Define the radial gridpoints, the Chebyshev polynomials and
-c	the coefficients related to the radial gradients
-	call radgeom
-c	Define the spherical collocation points and reccurence relation
-c	coefficients; initialize spherical harmonic transforms
-	call sphgeom
-c	Define the artificial dissipation
-	call artdis
-c	Define the conducting temperature state
-	call cmbheat_basic
-c	Define data I/O channels
-	call directname
-c	Reading dynamo initial state
-	call data_in1
-!	Optional input CMB topography profile if required
-!	Optional input CMB heatflux anomaly profile if required
-!	Optional input mantle density anomaly and the resultant gravity anomaly
-!	coefficients at the CMB if required
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine evolution
-c									+
-c	This subroutine determines the CFLMIN and CFLMAX for given time	+
-c	evolution schemes.  It also calls the corresponding subroutines	+
-c	for the time integration.					+
-c									+
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	implicit none
-	if (nevol .lt. 1) then
-c----------AB/AM method
-	   call evol_abam
-	else 
-c----------R/K method
-	   call evol_rk
-	endif
-	return
-	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/parameter.data
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/parameter.data	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/parameter.data	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- $phypar
-	rcc=120
-	ricb=1200
-	rcmb=3500
-	rdpp=3700
-	rear=6400
-	rhooc=10.0
-	rhoio=1.1
-	rhomo=0.4
-	etaio=1.0
-	etado=200.0
-	alpht=0.01
-	alphj=0.0
-	ro=2.e-5
-	ron=2.e-5
-	cm=1.0
-	ekman=2.e-5
-	rm=1.0
-	qk=1.0
-	rath=15000.0
-	kicbv=2
-	kcmbv=2
-	kccbb=1
-	kicbb=2
-	kcmbb=2
-	kicbt=1
-	kcmbt=1
-	itucmb=1
-	itvcmb=1
-	itbcmb=1
-	itjcmb=1
-	ittcmb=1
-	indxt=0
-	k_icrot=2
-	avisv1=0.05
-	avisv2=0.05
-	avisb=0.05
-	avist=0.05
-	navfb=2
-	navft=2
-	navfv1=0
-	navfv2=25
-	deltt=0.1e-05
-	tt0=0.0
-	toutf=0.001
-	toutd=0.0001
-	ntt=200000
-	nevol=0
-	ncfl=1
-	cflmin=0.8
-	cflmax=1.1
-	usr_name="kuang"
-	code_geom="sphere"
-	disc_in="sea10"
-	subdir_in="data"
-	version_in="fini01"
-	fileno_in=1000
-	disc_out="sea10"
-	subdir_out="data"
-	version_out="fini01"
-	fileno_out=1000
-	disc_diag="sea10"
-	subdir_diag="data"
-	version_diag="fini01"
-	disc_anom="sea10"
-	subdir_anom="data"
-	version_anom="anomaly_data"
- $

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/params_io.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/params_io.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/params_io.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-	subroutine params_in
-c	This subroutine provides the parameters of the system, the 
-c	geometry vectors and other conversion coefficients for
-c	simulation
-c	W. Kuang, 09/2002
-c	Additional parameters are added into the input list.
-c	W. Kuang, 10/2003
-c	Input physical parameters are defined in the relevant modules.
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_artdis
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	use mod_dataio
-	implicit none
-	integer	i,L,m
-	real (kind=8) cvt,one
-	namelist /phypar/rcc,ricb,rcmb,rdpp,rear,rhooc,rhoio,rhomo,
-     &	etaio,etado,alpht,
-     &	alphj,ro,ron,cm,ekman,rm,qk,rath,kicbv,kcmbv,kccbb,kicbb,
-     &	kcmbb,kicbt,kcmbt,itucmb,itvcmb,itbcmb,itjcmb,ittcmb,indxt,
-     &	k_icrot,avisv1,avisv2,avisb,
-     &	avist,navfb,navft,navfv1,navfv2,deltt,tt0,toutf,toutd,ntt,
-     &	nevol,ncfl,cflmin,cflmax,usr_name,code_geom,disc_in,
-     &	subdir_in,version_in,fileno_in,disc_out,subdir_out,
-     &	version_out,fileno_out,disc_diag,subdir_diag,
-     &	version_diag,disc_anom,subdir_anom,version_anom
-	open(unit=10,file='parameter.data')
-	read(10,phypar)
-	close(10)
-	one	= 1.0
-	pi	= 4.0*atan(one)
-	rco	= rcc/rcmb
-	rio	= ricb/rcmb
-	rdo	= rdpp/rcmb
-	reo	= rear/rcmb
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
-!	This subroutine defines the output files for diagnostic analysis
-!	and records.
-!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
-	use mod_dataio
-	implicit none
-	character*50 record_indx,tmp_indx
-	character*200 file_rec,file_time
-	character*200 file_diag1,file_diag2
-	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
-	integer i,j,length_rec,length_time,length_d1,length_d2
-!       Determine output file names
-        call diagfilename
-        i       = length_dout
-        if (i .eq. 0) then
-           call directname
-           i    = length_dout
-        endif
-	file_diag1(1:length_diag) = file_diag(1:length_diag)
-	file_diag2(1:length_diag) = file_diag(1:length_diag)
-	length_d1 = length_diag
-	length_d2 = length_diag
-	file_diag1(length_d1+1:length_d1+9) = "field.out"
-	file_diag2(length_d2+1:length_d2+9) = "rotat.out"
-	length_d1 = length_d1+9
-	length_d2 = length_d2+9
-        file_time(1:i)= direct_out(1:i)
-        file_time(i+1:i+13) = "time_step.out"
-        length_time = i+13
-        file_rec(1:i) = direct_out(1:i)
-        file_rec(i+1:i+7) = "record."
-        i       = i+7
-        write(tmp_indx,*) fileno_out
-        record_indx = adjustl(tmp_indx)
-        j       = len_trim(record_indx)
-        file_rec(i+1:i+j) = record_indx(1:j)
-        length_rec = i+j
-!       Open output files
-        unit_diag1      = 31
-        unit_diag2      = 32
-        unit_rec        = 33
-        unit_time       = 34
-        open(unit=unit_diag1,file=file_diag1(1:length_d1))
-        open(unit=unit_diag2,file=file_diag2(1:length_d2))
-	open(unit=unit_rec,file=file_rec(1:length_rec))
-	open(unit=unit_time,file=file_time(1:length_time))
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,i_diag)
-!	This subroutine writes info into the diagnostic output file.
-!	unit_diag: the ouptu unit number of the diag file;
-!	i_diag:    the optional choice;
-!	tt:	   the simulation time;
-!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
-	use mod_dimparam
-        use mod_sysparam
-        use mod_numparam
-        use mod_optparam
-	use mod_cmbheat
-        use mod_dataio
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,i_diag,nd
-	real (kind=8) tt
-	real (kind=8) amv,amb,amt,elb,elv,elt
-!	Subroutine starts here
-	if (i_diag .eq. 0) then
-	   write(unit_diag1,10) ro,ron,rm,cm,ekman,qk,alpht,alphj,
-     &		rath,etaio,etado,Lmax_v,mmax_v,
-     &		Lmax_m,mmax_m,Lmax_t,mmax_t,nmaxi,nmaxo,nmaxm,miner,
-     &		nevol
-	   write(unit_diag1,11) 
-	   write(unit_diag2,10) ro,ron,rm,cm,ekman,qk,alpht,alphj,
-     &		rath,etaio,etado,Lmax_v,mmax_v,
-     &		Lmax_m,mmax_m,Lmax_t,mmax_t,nmaxi,nmaxo,nmaxm,miner,
-     &		nevol
-	   write(unit_diag2,12) 
-	endif
-	if (i_diag .eq. 1) then
-	   call energy(amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt)
-           write(unit_diag1,13) tt,deltt,amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt,nd
-           write(unit_diag2,14) tt,deltt,omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz,nd
-	   call flush(unit_diag1)
-	   call flush(unit_diag2)
-	endif
-	if (i_diag .eq. 2) then
-	   call energy(amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt)
-           write(unit_diag1,13) tt,deltt,amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt,
-     &				fileno_out
-           write(unit_diag2,14) tt,deltt,omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz,
-     &                          fileno_out
-	   call flush(unit_diag1)
-	   call flush(unit_diag2)
-	endif
- 10     format(1x,'R_o =',e11.4,2x,'R_on =',e11.4,2x,'R_m =',e11.4,
-     &  2x,'Lambda =',e11.4/1x,'Ekman =',e11.4,2x,'q_k =',e11.4,2x,
-     &  'alpht =',e11.4,2x,'alphj =',e11.4/1x,
-     &  'R_th =',e12.5,2x,'eta_io =',e12.5,2x,'eta_do =',e12.5/1x,
-     &  'L_v =',i3,1x,
-     &	'M_v =',i3,1x,'L_m =',i3,1x,'M_m =',i3,1x,'L_t =',i3,1x,
-     &	'M_t =',i3,1x,'N_i =',i3,2x,'N_o =',i3,2x,'N_d =',i3,2x,
-     &	'M_iner =',i3,2x,'N_evol =',i3)
- 11	format(/7x,'T',12x,'D_T',11x,'E_v',11x,'E_b',11x,'E_T',11x,
-     &	'L_v',11x,'L_b',11x,'L_t',6x,'NF'/)
- 12     format(/7x,'T',13x,'D_T',12x,'wix',12x,'wiy',12x,'wiz',12x,
-     &	'wmx',12x,'wmy',12x,'wmz',7x,'NF'/)
- 13     format(8(1x,e13.7),1x,i4)
- 14     format(8(1x,e14.8),1x,i4)
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine recout(unit_rec,i_rec)
-!	This subroutine writes the info into the record output file.
-!	unit_rec: the ouptu unit number of the record file;
-!	i_rec:    the optional choice;
-!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
-	use mod_dimparam
-        use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-        use mod_optparam
-        use mod_radgeom
-        use mod_artdis
-	use mod_cmbheat
-	use mod_dataio
-	implicit none
-	integer unit_rec,i_rec
-	character*50 cdates
-        integer len_cdates
-!	Subroutine starts here
-	call timing(cdates,len_cdates)
-	if (i_rec .eq. 0) then
-           write(unit_rec,10) cdates
-           write(unit_rec,11) Lmax_v,mmax_v,Lmax_m,mmax_m,Lmax_t,
-     &		mmax_t,nmaxi,nmaxo,nmaxm,miner,ro,ron,rm,cm,ekman,
-     &		qk,alpht,alphj,rath,etaio,etado,
-     &		indxt,k_icrot,
-     &		rhooc,rhoio,rhomo,rcc,ricb,rcmb,rdpp,rear,
-     &		navfb,navft,navfv1,navfv2,nevol,avisv1,avisv2,avisb,
-     &		avist,kicbv,kcmbv,kccbb,kicbb,kcmbb,kicbt,kcmbt,
-     &		itucmb,itvcmb,itbcmb,itjcmb,ittcmb,toutf,toutd
-	endif
-	if (i_rec .eq. 1) then
-	   write(unit_rec,12) fileno_out,cdates
-	   call flush(unit_rec)
-	endif
- 10     format(1x,'Date:',1x,a23)
- 11     format(1x,'Parameters for the calculation'//1x,'L_v = ',i3,
-     &	1x,'M_v = ',i3,1x,'L_m =',i3,1x,'M_m =',i3,1x,'L_t =',i3,1x,
-     &	'M_t =',i3,1x,'N_i = ',i3,1x,'N_o = ',i3,1x,'N_m = ',i3,1x,
-     &  'M_iner =',i3/1x,'R_o =',e11.4,1x,'R_on =',e11.4,1x,'R_m =',
-     &  e11.4,1x,'Lambda =',e11.4,1x,'E =',e11.4/1x,'q_k =',e11.4,
-     &  1x,'alpht =',e11.4,1x,'alphj =',e11.4,1x,'R_th =',e11.4/1x,
-     &  'eta_io =',e11.4,1x,'eta_do =',e11.4
-     &  /1x,'eps_ht =',e11.4,1x,'indxt =',i2/1x,
-     &	'k_icrot =',i2,1x,'rho_oc =',e11.4,1x,
-     &	'rho_io =',e11.4,1x,'rho_mo =',e11.4/1x,
-     &	'rcc =',e11.4,1x,'ricb =',e11.4,1x,'rcmb =',e11.4,1x,
-     &	'rdpp =',e11.4,1x,'rear =',e11.4/1x,'N_avb =',i3,1x,
-     &  'N_avt =',i3,1x,'N_avv1 =',i3,1x,'N_avv2 =',i3,1x,
-     &  'N_evol =',i3/1x,'avisv1 =',e11.4,1x,'avisv2 =',e11.4,1x,
-     &  'avisb =',e11.4,1x,'avist =',e11.4/1x,'kicbv =',i2,1x,
-     &  'kcmbv =',i2,1x,'kccbb =',i2,1x,'kicbb =',i2,1x,'kcmbb =',i2,
-     &  1x,'kicbt =',i2,1x,'kcmbt =',i2/1x,'itucmb =',i2,1x,
-     &  'itvcmb =',i2,1x,'itbcmb =',i2,1x,'itjcmb =',i2,1x,'ittcmb =',
-     &  i2/1x,'toutf =',e11.4,1x,'toutd =',e11.4/)
- 12	format(1x,'nfile =',i4,2x,'Time :',1x,a23)
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine timeout(unit_time,tt)
-!	This subroutine writes the info into the time output file.
-!	unit_time: the output unit number of the time file;
-!	tt: 	   the simulation time;
-!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
-	use mod_dimparam
-        use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-        use mod_optparam
-	implicit none
-	integer unit_time
-	real (kind=8) tt
-        write(unit_time,10) deltt,tt
-	call flush(unit_time)
- 10     format('Delt t =',e12.5,2x,'T =',e12.5)
-	return
-	end
-        subroutine timing(dates,len_dates)
-        integer len_dates
-        character(*) dates
-        character*50 times
-        character*20 cdate1,cdate2,cdate3
-        call date_and_time(cdate1,cdate2,cdate3)
-        times(1:4) = cdate1(1:4)
-        times(5:5) = "/"
-        times(6:7) = cdate1(5:6)
-        times(8:8) = "/"
-        times(9:10)= cdate1(7:8)
-        times(11:11)= "/"
-        times(12:13)= cdate2(1:2)
-        times(14:14)= ":"
-        times(15:16)= cdate2(3:4)
-        times(17:17)= ":"
-        times(18:23)= cdate2(5:10)
-        len_dates = len_trim(times)
-        dates(1:len_dates) = times(1:len_dates)
-        return
-        end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/readme
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/readme	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/readme	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This directory holds all modules, subroutines and the main code of 
-the MoSST for CIG. 
-Weijia Kuang 10/2006

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/solvers.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/solvers.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/solvers.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-c	This group of subroutines solve the linear equations of the
-c	system.  They are for Sun workstations with Sun Performance
-c	Library.
-c	W.Kuang: 08/99
-!	Last modified
-!	W.Kuang: 03/2004
-	subroutine solverv(fva,fvb)
-c	This subroutine solves (cova,covb) for given force (fva,fvb)
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	implicit none
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1) :: fva,fvb
-	integer	i,k,L1,L2,k1,k2,L,m,nd_tp,n_st
-        complex (kind=8)  bdvtp(0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v,3)
-	cova	= 0.0
-	covb	= 0.0
-c-------solving (COVA,COVB) iteratively
-	do i	= 1,itvcmb
-	   cova	= fva
-	   covb	= fvb
-           call zbandsl(cva,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtva,cova)
-           call zbandsl(cvb,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtvb,covb)
-           call group
-	enddo
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
-c       This subroutine evaluates the inertia related flow (coua,coub)
-c	for given forces.
-c	(FUA,FUB): the forcing terms
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	implicit none
-	complex (kind=8)  bdvtp(0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v,3)
-	integer i,k,L,L1,m,info
-	complex (kind=8) ui
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: coua1,coub1,fua,fub
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-c	(1) Updating boundary condtions
-	if (kicbv .eq. 1) then
-           fub(1)= sqrt(4.0*pi/3.0)*rio**2*omgiz
-           fub(kdm(0)+1)= -sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*rio**2*conjg(omgih)
-        endif
-        if (kicbv .eq. 2) then
-           fub(1)= -rio*rio*sqrt(4.0*pi/3.0)*omgiz
-           fub(kdm(0)+1)= rio*rio*(1.0-0.5*ui)*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)
-     &                    *conjg(omgih)
-           fub(nmxo1+2)= -rio*rio*sqrt(4.0*pi/5.0)*omgiz/3.0
-           fub(kdm(0)+nmxo1+2)= rio*rio*sqrt(pi/30.0)*conjg(omgih)
-        endif
-c-------Solving (COUA,COUB) iteratively
-	do i	= 1,itucmb
-	   coua	= 0.0
-	   coub	= 0.0
-	   coua	= fua
-	   coub	= fub
-	   coua	= coua1+coua
-	   coub	= coub1+coub
-    	   call zbandsl(cua1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtua,coua)
-    	   call zbandsl(cub1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtub,coub)
-	   call group
-	enddo
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
-c       This subroutine solves (COB,COJ) for the given forces (FB,FJ)	
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	implicit none
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1,
-     &		cob2,coj2
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fj
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: bdbtp,bdjtp
-	integer i,k,L,m
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: boundi,boundm
-c-------Solve COB iteratively
-	do i	= 1,itbcmb
-	   cob2	= 0.0
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
-	         cob2(:,L,m) = fb(:,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
-	         cob(:,L,m) = cob1(:,L,m)+cob2(:,L,m)
-    		 call zbandsl(cb1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lb1,mlb,
-     &			        mub,ipvtb(1,L),cob(1,L,m))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-c-------Solve COJ iteratively
-	do i	= 1,itjcmb
-	   coj2	= 0.0
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
-	         coj2(:,L,m) = fj(:,L,m)
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	   call bd_mag(boundi,boundm)
-	   if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
-	      k	= nmbic+1
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-                 coj2(k,L,0) = boundi(L,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	         do L = m,Lmax_m
-	            coj2(k,L,m) = boundi(L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	   if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
-	      k	= nmbic+nmx3
-	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-                 coj2(k,L,0) = boundm(L,0)
-	      enddo
-	      do m	= 1,mmax_m
-	         do L	= m,Lmax_m
-	            coj2(k,L,m) = boundm(L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   endif
-	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
-	         coj(:,L,m) = coj1(:,L,m)+coj2(:,L,m)
-    	         call zbandsl(cj1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lj1,mlj,
-     &			        muj,ipvtj(1,L),coj(1,L,m))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine solvert(cot1,ft)
-c       This subroutine evaluates the temperature COT for given force FT
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_tfield
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	implicit none
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: cot1,
-     &		cot2,ft
-	complex (kind=8)  bdttp(0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
-	integer i,L,m
-	do i	= 1,ittcmb
-	   cot2	= 0.0
-	   cot2	= ft
-	   do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	      do m = 0,lsym_t(L)
-	         cot(:,L,m) = cot1(:,L,m)+cot2(:,L,m)
-    	         call zbandsl(ct1(1,1,L),nmx3,nmx3,lt1,mlt,
-     &			      mut,ipvtt(1,L),cot(1,L,m))
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	return
-	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/bcs.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/bcs.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/bcs.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+c	These group of subroutines provide inhomogeneous boundary
+c	conditions arising from finitely conducting D"-layer and
+c	from CMB topography.
+c	The subroutines are running on Sun worksations with Sun
+c	Performance Library.
+c	W.Kuang 08/99
+	subroutine bd_mag(boundi,boundm)
+c	This subroutine evaluates the boundary conditions at the inner
+c	core boundary and the core-mantle boundary with given fields
+c	Notation explanation:
+c		(sb,dsv,sw): the spectral coefficients at radial
+c			collocation points r_i;
+c		(vth,vph): the velocity components in physical space;
+c		(br): the radial magnetic field in physical space;
+c		(boundi): the boundary conditions at r_{io};
+c		(boundm): the boundary conditions at r = 1;
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_sphgeom
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: boundi,boundm
+	integer	i,j,k,L,m,n
+	real (kind=8) c1,c2
+	complex (kind=8) zi1,zi2,zi3,zi4,ui,uim,zeros
+	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax) :: br,bth,bph,vth,vph,
+     &		tmpr1,tmpr2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax1,0:mmax)  :: dsv,sw,sb
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmaxa,0:mmaxa) :: tmpc1,
+     &		tmpc2,tmpc3
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	zeros	= cmplx(0.0,0.0)
+C-------Initializing the boundary conditions and the velocity fields
+	boundi	= zeros
+	boundm	= zeros
+	if (kicbv.eq.1 .and. kcmbv.eq.1) then
+	   return
+	endif
+	if (kicbb.le.1 .and. kcmbb.le.1) then
+	   return
+	endif
+	call group
+C-------Spectral coefficients of horizontal velocities in
+C-------the inner core (zi1,zi2,zi3,zi4)
+	zi1	= -ui*rio**2*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgih)
+	zi2	= rio**2*sqrt(2.0*pi/15.0)*conjg(omgih)
+	zi3	= 4.0*rio**2*sqrt(pi)*omgiz/3.0
+	zi4	= -4.0*rio**2*sqrt(pi/5.0)*omgiz/3.0
+C-------The boundary conditions at the ICB
+	if (kicbb.eq.2 .and. kicbv.ne.1) then
+c	   obtaining (b_l^m,dv_l^m/dr,w_l^m) at r=r_io
+	   sb	= zeros
+	   dsv	= zeros
+	   sw	= zeros
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      sb(L,0) = 0.5*(cob(nmbic-1,L,0)+cob(nmbic+1,L,0))
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         sb(L,m) = 0.5*(cob(nmbic-1,L,m)+cob(nmbic+1,L,m))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
+	      do L = 1,Lmax_v
+	         dsv(L,0) = dsv(L,0)+dch1(n,0)*vlm(n,L,0)
+	         sw(L,0)  = sw(L,0)+cheb(n,0)*wlm(n,L,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m = 1,mmax_v
+	         do L = m,Lmax_v
+	            dsv(L,m) = dsv(L,m)+dch1(n,0)*vlm(n,L,m)
+	            sw(L,m)  = sw(L,m)+cheb(n,0)*wlm(n,L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c	   obtaining {r^2b_r, r sin(th) [v_th], r sin(th) [v_ph]}
+	   tmpc1= zeros
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m) = LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m)
+	   enddo
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,br)
+	   tmpc1= zeros
+	   tmpc2= zeros
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L= m+1,Lmax
+	         tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sw(L,m)+clm(L,m,1)*dsv(L-1,m)
+     &                        -clm(L,m,2)*dsv(L+1,m)
+	         tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsv(L,m)-clm(L,m,1)*sw(L-1,m)
+     &                        +clm(L,m,2)*sw(L+1,m)
+	      enddo
+	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sw(m,m)-clm(m,m,2)*dsv(m+1,m)
+	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsv(m,m)+clm(m,m,2)*sw(m+1,m)
+	   enddo
+	   tmpc1(1,1) = tmpc1(1,1)-zi1
+	   tmpc2(2,1) = tmpc2(2,1)-zi2
+	   tmpc2(0,0) = tmpc2(0,0)-zi3
+	   tmpc2(2,0) = tmpc2(2,0)-zi4
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,vth)
+           call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,vph)
+c	   evaluating the inhomogeneous boundary conditions at r=r_io
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= 1.0/(rio*sins(k))**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vth(:,k)
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vph(:,k)
+	   enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc2)
+	   tmpc3= zeros
+	   do m = 0,mmax
+              uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+              do L= m+1,Lmax
+                 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*tmpc1(L,m)-clm(L,m,3)*
+     &                     tmpc2(L-1,m)+clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
+              enddo
+              tmpc3(m,m) = uim*tmpc1(m,m)+clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
+           enddo
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      boundi(L,0) = tmpc3(L,0)/(1.0*LL(L))
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         boundi(L,m) = tmpc3(L,m)/(1.0*LL(L))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	endif
+C-------The boundary conditions at the CMB
+	if (kcmbb.eq.2 .and. kcmbv.ne.1) then
+c	   obtaining (b_l^m,dv_l^m/dr,w_l^m) at r=1
+	   sb	= zeros
+	   dsv	= zeros
+	   sw	= zeros
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      sb(L,0) = cob(nmx3+nmbic-1,L,0)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         sb(L,m) = cob(nmx3+nmbic-1,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
+	      do L = 1,Lmax_v
+	         dsv(L,0) = dsv(L,0)+dch1(n,nmaxo)*vlm(n,L,0)
+	         sw(L,0)  = sw(L,0)+cheb(n,nmaxo)*wlm(n,L,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m = 1,mmax_v
+	         do L = m,Lmax_v
+	            dsv(L,m) = dsv(L,m)+dch1(n,nmaxo)*vlm(n,L,m)
+	            sw(L,m)  = sw(L,m)+cheb(n,nmaxo)*wlm(n,L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c	   obtaining {r^2b_r, r sin(th) [v_th], r sin(th) [v_ph]}
+	   tmpc1= zeros
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m) = LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m)
+	   enddo
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,br)
+	   tmpc1= zeros
+	   tmpc2= zeros
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L= m+1,Lmax
+	         tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sw(L,m)+clm(L,m,1)*dsv(L-1,m)
+     &                        -clm(L,m,2)*dsv(L+1,m)
+	         tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsv(L,m)-clm(L,m,1)*sw(L-1,m)
+     &                        +clm(L,m,2)*sw(L+1,m)
+	      enddo
+	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sw(m,m)-clm(m,m,2)*dsv(m+1,m)
+	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsv(m,m)+clm(m,m,2)*sw(m+1,m)
+	   enddo
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,vth)
+           call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,vph)
+c	   evaluating the inhomogeneous boundary conditions
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= 1.0/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vth(:,k)
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*br(:,k)*vph(:,k)
+	   enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc2)
+	   tmpc3 = zeros
+	   do m = 0,mmax
+	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L = m+1,Lmax
+		 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*tmpc1(L,m)-clm(L,m,3)*
+     &                     tmpc2(L-1,m)+clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
+	      enddo
+	      tmpc3(m,m) = uim*tmpc1(m,m)+clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
+           enddo
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      boundm(L,0) = tmpc3(L,0)/(1.0*LL(L))
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         boundm(L,m) = tmpc3(L,m)/(1.0*LL(L))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	endif
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/evolutions.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/evolutions.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/evolutions.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+!	This is the collection of subroutines that describe time
+!	evolution processes in dynamo modeling.
+!	W. Kuang, 09/2002
+	subroutine evol_abam
+c									+
+c	This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow.  The	+
+c	method is the combination of a 2nd order Runger-Kutter method	+
+c	and a Adams family predictor(A-B)-corrector(A-M) method.	+
+c									+
+c									+
+c	The order of calculation:					+
+c									+
+c	(1) updating the asymmetric velocity (COVA,COVB) by the new	+
+c	    magnetic field (COB,COJ) and new thermal field (COT,COC);	+
+c	(2) obtaining the nonlinear forcing (FUA,FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) for	+
+c	    the fields (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC);			+
+c	(3) Updating (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) by			+
+c	    (a) a second-order Runger-Kutter method if the time step	+
+c	        "Dt" changes (i.e. the CFL condition number changes);	+
+c	    (b) or a third-order Adams-Bashford/Adams-Molten method	+
+c		if "Dt" remains the same (i.e. the CFL condition	+
+c		number is unaltered);					+
+c	(4) Testing CFL condition;					+
+c	(5) repeate the above procedures;				+
+c									+
+c									+
+c	(gzi,gzim1,gzim2): the axial torque acting on the inner core;	+
+c	(ghi,ghim1,ghim2): the horizontal torque on the inner core;	+
+c	(gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2): the axial torque acting on the mantle;	+
+c	(ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2): the horizontal torque acting on the mantle;	+
+c	(fua,fuam1,fuam2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
+c		 	   velocity COUA;				+
+c	(fub,fubm1,fubm2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
+c		 	   velocity COUB;				+
+c	(fb,fbm1,fbm2):    the nonlinear force for poloidal		+
+c		 	   magnetic field COB;				+
+c	(fj,fjm1,fjm2):    the nonlinear force for toroidal		+
+c		 	   magnetic field COJ;				+
+c	(ft,ftm1,ftm2):    the nonlinear force for temperature COT;	+
+c	(fc,fcm1,fcm2):    the nonlinear force for concentration COC;	+
+c									+
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_artdis
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	use mod_dataio
+!	use mod_assim
+	implicit none
+	integer k,nd
+	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
+	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	integer	i,j,nt1,nabam,nrunger
+	real (kind=8) dtmin,dtmax,tt,ttf,ttd
+	real (kind=8) gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2
+	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghim1,ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
+     &		fubm1,fubm2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fbm1,
+     &		fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft,ftm1,
+     &		ftm2
+	real (kind=8), allocatable :: delt_g(:,:,:,:), drhomm(:,:,:)
+	ndimg1	= 0
+	ndimg2	= 0
+	ndimg3	= 0
+	ndimg4	= 0
+	tt	= tt0
+	ttf	= 0.0
+	ttd	= 0.0
+	j	= 0
+	nd	= 0
+	call output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
+C	Modeling parameters output
+	call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,0)
+	call recout(unit_rec,0)
+	gzi	= 0.0
+	gzim1	= 0.0
+	gzim2	= 0.0
+	gzm	= 0.0
+	gzmm1	= 0.0
+	gzmm2	= 0.0
+	ghi	= 0.0
+	ghim1	= 0.0
+	ghim2	= 0.0
+	ghm	= 0.0
+	ghmm1	= 0.0
+	ghmm2	= 0.0
+	fua	= 0.0
+	fuam1	= 0.0
+	fuam2	= 0.0
+	fub	= 0.0
+	fubm1	= 0.0
+	fubm2	= 0.0
+	fb	= 0.0
+	fbm1	= 0.0
+	fbm2	= 0.0
+	fj	= 0.0
+	fjm1	= 0.0
+	fjm2	= 0.0
+	ft	= 0.0
+	ftm1	= 0.0
+	ftm2	= 0.0
+!	Options of including mantle density anomaly effect
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+	nt1	= 1
+ 10	continue
+	nabam	= 0
+	do i	= nt1,ntt
+c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
+c	   call rungkt3(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
+c     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
+c     &			ndimg4)
+	   call rungkt2(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
+     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
+     &			ndimg4)
+c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
+	   gzim2	= gzim1
+	   gzmm2	= gzmm1
+	   ghim2	= ghim1
+	   ghmm2	= ghmm1
+	   fuam2	= fuam1
+	   fubm2	= fubm1
+	   fbm2		= fbm1
+	   fjm2		= fjm1
+	   ftm2		= ftm1
+	   gzim1	= gzi
+	   gzmm1	= gzm
+	   ghim1	= ghi
+	   ghmm1	= ghm
+	   fuam1	= fua
+	   fubm1	= fub
+	   fbm1		= fb
+	   fjm1		= fj
+	   ftm1		= ft
+c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
+	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
+     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+c----------Updating the time
+	   tt	= tt+deltt
+	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
+	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
+	   nt1	= i+1
+	   nabam	= nabam+1
+c----------data output
+	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= nd+1
+	   endif
+	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	      call data_out1
+	      ttf	= 0.0
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= 0
+	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
+	   endif
+c----------Testing the condition for AB-AM method
+	   if (nabam .gt. 1.5) go to 11
+	enddo
+ 11	continue
+	nrunger	= 0
+	do i	= nt1,ntt
+c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
+	   call abam3(gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2,ghi,ghim1,
+     &		      ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2,fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
+     &		      fubm1,fubm2,fb,fbm1,fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,ft,
+     &		      ftm1,ftm2,delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,
+     &		      ndimg3,ndimg4)
+c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
+	   gzim2	= gzim1
+	   gzmm2	= gzmm1
+	   ghim2	= ghim1
+	   ghmm2	= ghmm1
+	   fuam2	= fuam1
+	   fubm2	= fubm1
+	   fbm2		= fbm1
+	   fjm2		= fjm1
+	   ftm2		= ftm1
+	   gzim1	= gzi
+	   gzmm1	= gzm
+	   ghim1	= ghi
+	   ghmm1	= ghm
+	   fuam1	= fua
+	   fubm1	= fub
+	   fbm1		= fb
+	   fjm1		= fj
+	   ftm1		= ft
+c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
+	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
+     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+c----------Updating the time
+	   tt	= tt+deltt
+	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
+	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
+	   nt1	= i+1
+c----------Updating CFL condition
+	   j	= j+1
+	   if (j.ge.ncfl .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      dtmin	= cflmin*cflno
+	      dtmax	= cflmax*cflno
+	      if (deltt.lt.dtmin .or. deltt.gt.dtmax) then
+cts1		 deltt	= 0.5*(dtmin+dtmax)
+cts2		 deltt	= 0.25*(dtmin+dtmax)+0.5*deltt
+	 	 itrung = 0
+		 call vmatrixu
+		 call bmatrix
+		 call tmatrix
+		 nrunger= 1
+		 call timeout(unit_time,tt)
+	      endif
+	      j	= 0
+	      if (deltt .lt. 1.e-15) then
+	         call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	         call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	         call data_out1
+		 stop
+	      endif
+	   endif
+c----------Data output
+	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= nd+1
+	   endif
+	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	      call data_out1
+	      ttf	= 0.0
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= 0
+	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
+	   endif
+c----------Testing the condition for Runger-Kutter method
+	   if (nrunger .gt. 0) go to 10
+	enddo
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine evol_rk
+c									+
+c	This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow with	+
+c	the third order Runger-Kutter method.				+
+c									+
+c									+
+c	The order of calculation:					+
+c									+
+c	(1) updating the asymmetric velocity (COVA,COVB) by the new	+
+c	    magnetic field (COB,COJ) and new thermal field (COT,COC);	+
+c	(2) obtaining the nonlinear forcing (FUA,FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) for	+
+c	    the fields (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC);			+
+c	(3) Updating (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) by			+
+c	    a third-order Runger-Kutter method.				+
+c	(4) Testing CFL condition;					+
+c	(5) repeate the above procedures;				+
+c									+
+c									+
+c	gzi: the axial torque acting on the inner core;			+
+c	ghi: the horizontal torque on the inner core;			+
+c	gzm: the axial torque acting on the mantle;			+
+c	ghm: the horizontal torque acting on the mantle;		+
+c	fua: the nonlinear force for axisymmetric velocity COUA;	+
+c	fub: the nonlinear force for axisymmetric velocity COUB;	+
+c	fb:  the nonlinear force for poloidal magnetic field COB;	+
+c	fj:  the nonlinear force for toroidal magnetic field COJ;	+
+c	ft:  the nonlinear force for temperature COT;			+
+c	fc:  the nonlinear force for concentration COC;			+
+c									+
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_artdis
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	use mod_dataio
+	implicit none
+	integer	i,j,k,nd
+	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
+	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	real (kind=8) dtmin,dtmax,tt,ttf,ttd,amv,amb,amt,elb,elv
+	real (kind=8) gzi,gzm
+	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghm
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fub
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fj
+     	complex (kind=8)  ft(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
+	real (kind=8), allocatable :: delt_g(:,:,:,:), drhomm(:,:,:)
+	tt	= tt0
+	ttf	= 0.0
+	ttd	= 0.0
+	j	= 0
+	nd	= 0
+	call output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
+C	Modeling parameters output
+	call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,0)
+	call recout(unit_rec,0)
+	gzi	= 0.0
+	gzm	= 0.0
+	ghi	= 0.0
+	ghm	= 0.0
+	fua	= 0.0
+	fub	= 0.0
+	fb	= 0.0
+	fj	= 0.0
+	ft	= 0.0
+!	Options of including mantle density anomaly effect
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+	do i	= 1,ntt
+c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
+c	   call rungkt3(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
+c     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
+c     &			ndimg4)
+	   call rungkt2(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
+     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
+     &			ndimg4)
+c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
+	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
+     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+c----------Updating the time
+	   tt	= tt+deltt
+	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
+	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
+c----------Updating CFL condition
+	   j    = j+1
+	   if (j.ge.ncfl .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      dtmin     = cflmin*cflno
+	      dtmax     = cflmax*cflno
+	      if (deltt.lt.dtmin .or. deltt.gt.dtmax) then
+cts1             deltt  = 0.5*(dtmin+dtmax)
+cts2             deltt  = 0.25*(dtmin+dtmax)+0.5*deltt
+	         itrung = 2
+		 call vmatrixu
+		 call bmatrix
+		 call tmatrix
+	 	 call timeout(unit_time,tt)
+	      endif
+	      j = 0
+	      if (deltt .lt. 1.e-15) then
+	         call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	         call recout(unit_rec,1)
+		 call data_out1
+		 stop
+	      endif
+	   endif
+c----------data output
+	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= nd+1
+	   endif
+	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	      call data_out1
+	      ttf	= 0.0
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= 0
+	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
+	   endif
+	enddo
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine evol_abam_new
+c									+
+c	This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow via	+
+c	the combination of a second order Runger-Kutter	method and an	+
+c	Adams family predictor(A-B)-corrector(A-M) method. The time	+
+c	step for the RK method is half of the normal time step to	+
+c	accomodate smaller stability regime of the algorithm.		+
+c									+
+c									+
+c	The order of calculation:					+
+c									+
+c	(1) updating the asymmetric velocity (COVA,COVB) by the new	+
+c	    magnetic field (COB,COJ) and new thermal field (COT,COC);	+
+c	(2) obtaining the nonlinear forcing (FUA,FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) for	+
+c	    the fields (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC);			+
+c	(3) Updating (COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) by			+
+c	    (a) a second-order Runger-Kutter method if the time step	+
+c	        "Dt" changes (i.e. the CFL condition number changes);	+
+c	    (b) or a third-order Adams-Bashford/Adams-Molten method	+
+c		if "Dt" remains the same (i.e. the CFL condition	+
+c		number is unaltered);					+
+c	(4) Testing CFL condition;					+
+c	(5) repeate the above procedures;				+
+c									+
+c									+
+c	(gzi,gzim1,gzim2): the axial torque acting on the inner core;	+
+c	(ghi,ghim1,ghim2): the horizontal torque on the inner core;	+
+c	(gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2): the axial torque acting on the mantle;	+
+c	(ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2): the horizontal torque acting on the mantle;	+
+c	(fua,fuam1,fuam2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
+c		 	   velocity COUA;				+
+c	(fub,fubm1,fubm2): the nonlinear force for axisymmetric		+
+c		 	   velocity COUB;				+
+c	(fb,fbm1,fbm2):    the nonlinear force for poloidal		+
+c		 	   magnetic field COB;				+
+c	(fj,fjm1,fjm2):    the nonlinear force for toroidal		+
+c		 	   magnetic field COJ;				+
+c	(ft,ftm1,ftm2):    the nonlinear force for temperature COT;	+
+c	(fc,fcm1,fcm2):    the nonlinear force for concentration COC;	+
+c									+
+!	The difference in this subroutine is that the initial solutions
+!	are solved by 2nd order RK method with the half time step size
+!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2002
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_artdis
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	use mod_dataio
+	implicit none
+	integer k,nd
+	integer	i,j,nt1,nabam,nrunger,nrk2
+	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
+	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	real (kind=8) dtmin,dtmax,tt,ttf,ttd,deltt1
+	real (kind=8) gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2
+	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghim1,ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
+     &		fubm1,fubm2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fbm1,
+     &		fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft,ftm1,
+     &		ftm2
+	real (kind=8), allocatable :: delt_g(:,:,:,:), drhomm(:,:,:)
+	tt	= tt0
+	ttf	= 0.0
+	ttd	= 0.0
+	j	= 0
+	nd	= 0
+	call output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
+C	Modeling parameters output
+	call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,0)
+	call recout(unit_rec,0)
+	gzi	= 0.0
+	gzim1	= 0.0
+	gzim2	= 0.0
+	gzm	= 0.0
+	gzmm1	= 0.0
+	gzmm2	= 0.0
+	ghi	= 0.0
+	ghim1	= 0.0
+	ghim2	= 0.0
+	ghm	= 0.0
+	ghmm1	= 0.0
+	ghmm2	= 0.0
+	fua	= 0.0
+	fuam1	= 0.0
+	fuam2	= 0.0
+	fub	= 0.0
+	fubm1	= 0.0
+	fubm2	= 0.0
+	fb	= 0.0
+	fbm1	= 0.0
+	fbm2	= 0.0
+	fj	= 0.0
+	fjm1	= 0.0
+	fjm2	= 0.0
+	ft	= 0.0
+	ftm1	= 0.0
+	ftm2	= 0.0
+!	Options of including mantle density anomaly effect
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+	nt1	= 1
+ 10	continue
+	nabam	= 0
+	nrk2	= 0
+	deltt1	= deltt
+	deltt	= 0.5*deltt
+c	Updating the matrices with the new time step
+	itrung = 2
+	call vmatrixu
+	call bmatrix
+	call tmatrix
+	do i	= nt1,ntt
+c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
+	   call rungkt2(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft,
+     &			delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,
+     &			ndimg4)
+	   nrk2 = nrk2+1
+c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
+	   if (nrk2 .gt. 1.5) then
+	      gzim2	= gzim1
+	      gzmm2	= gzmm1
+	      ghim2	= ghim1
+	      ghmm2	= ghmm1
+	      fuam2	= fuam1
+	      fubm2	= fubm1
+	      fbm2	= fbm1
+	      fjm2	= fjm1
+	      ftm2	= ftm1
+	      gzim1	= gzi
+	      gzmm1	= gzm
+	      ghim1	= ghi
+	      ghmm1	= ghm
+	      fuam1	= fua
+	      fubm1	= fub
+	      fbm1	= fb
+	      fjm1	= fj
+	      ftm1	= ft
+	      nabam	= nabam+1
+	      nt1	= nt1+1
+	   endif
+c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
+	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
+     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+c----------Updating the time
+	   tt	= tt+deltt
+	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
+	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
+c----------data output
+	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= nd+1
+	   endif
+	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	      call data_out1
+	      ttf	= 0.0
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= 0
+	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
+	   endif
+c----------Testing the condition for AB-AM method
+	   if (nabam .gt. 1.5) go to 11
+	enddo
+ 11	continue
+	nrunger	= 0
+	deltt	= deltt1
+c	Updating the matrices with the new time step
+	itrung = 2
+	call vmatrixu
+	call bmatrix
+	call tmatrix
+	do i	= nt1,ntt
+c----------Updating (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT)
+	   call abam3(gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2,ghi,ghim1,
+     &		      ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2,fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
+     &		      fubm1,fubm2,fb,fbm1,fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,ft,
+     &		      ftm1,ftm2,delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,
+     &		      ndimg3,ndimg4)
+c----------Updating the nonlinear forcing at t_[k-1], t_[k-2]
+	   gzim2	= gzim1
+	   gzmm2	= gzmm1
+	   ghim2	= ghim1
+	   ghmm2	= ghmm1
+	   fuam2	= fuam1
+	   fubm2	= fubm1
+	   fbm2		= fbm1
+	   fjm2		= fjm1
+	   ftm2		= ftm1
+	   gzim1	= gzi
+	   gzmm1	= gzm
+	   ghim1	= ghi
+	   ghmm1	= ghm
+	   fuam1	= fua
+	   fubm1	= fub
+	   fbm1		= fb
+	   fjm1		= fj
+	   ftm1		= ft
+c----------Updating (COVA,COVB) and the nonlinear forcing at t_[k]
+	   call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
+     &			drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+c----------Updating the time
+	   tt	= tt+deltt
+	   ttf	= ttf+deltt
+	   ttd	= ttd+deltt
+	   nt1	= i+1
+c----------Updating CFL condition
+	   j	= j+1
+	   if (j.ge.ncfl .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      dtmin	= cflmin*cflno
+	      dtmax	= cflmax*cflno
+	      if (deltt.lt.dtmin .or. deltt.gt.dtmax) then
+cts1		 deltt	= 0.5*(dtmin+dtmax)
+cts2		 deltt	= 0.25*(dtmin+dtmax)+0.5*deltt
+		 nrunger= 1
+	         call timeout(unit_time,tt)
+	      endif
+	      j	= 0
+	      if (deltt .lt. 1.e-15) then
+	         call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	         call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	         call data_out1
+		 stop
+	      endif
+	   endif
+c----------Data output
+	   if (ttd.ge.toutd-1.e-9 .and. ttf.lt.toutf-1.e-9) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,1)
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= nd+1
+	   endif
+	   if (ttf.ge.toutf-1.e-9 .or. i.gt.ntt-1) then
+	      call diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,2)
+	      call recout(unit_rec,1)
+	      call data_out1
+	      ttf	= 0.0
+	      ttd	= 0.0
+	      nd	= 0
+	      fileno_out= fileno_out+1
+	   endif
+c----------Testing the condition for Runger-Kutter method
+	   if (nrunger .gt. 0) go to 10
+	enddo
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/forces.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/forces.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/forces.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@
+c	This group of subroutines provide nonlinear force terms
+c	for the geodynamo simulation.  This version is for Sun
+c	workstations with Sun Performance Library.
+c	W.Kuang, 08/99
+	subroutine nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,
+     &		drhomm,gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft)
+c	This subroutine has two purposes:
+c		for given field (OMGI,OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC)
+c		at t_[k]:
+c		(1) Calculating (COVA,COVB) and hence (VLM,WLM) at t_[k];
+c		(2) Calculating the nonlinear force (GZI,GZM,GHI,GHM,FUA,
+c		    FUB,FB,FJ,FT,FC) necessary to update (OMGI,
+c		    OMGM,COUA,COUB,COB,COJ,COT,COC) at t_[k+1];
+c	Notation explanation:
+c		(sb,dsb,d2sb,sj,dsj): the spectral coefficients at radial
+c			collocation points r_i;
+c		(vr,vth,vph): the velocity components in physical space;
+c		(wr,wth,wph): the vorticity components in physical space;
+c		(br,bth,bph): the magnetic field in physical space;
+c		(jr,jth,jph): the current density in physical space;
+c		(gzi,gzm,ghi,ghm,fua,fub,fb,fj,ft): the output
+c			nonlinear forcing;
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_sphgeom
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_tfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	implicit none
+c	integer	Lmax2
+c	parameter (Lmax2=Lmax+2)
+	integer ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	real (kind=8) gzi,gzm,torq_gz
+	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghm,torq_gh
+	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
+        real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4)
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fub
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fj
+	complex (kind=8)  ft(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
+	complex (kind=8), allocatable :: fga1(:,:,:), fga2(:,:,:)
+	integer	i,j,k,k1,k2,L,L1,L2,Lcc1,Lcc2,m,n,nd_tp,n_st
+	integer idamax
+	real (kind=8) aj,c1,c2,c3,rr2i,rinv,dhp,hn1,hni1,hnm1,
+     &		      cfli,cflm
+	complex (kind=8) uim,ui,zeros,z1,z2
+	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax,0:nmaxo) :: br,bth,
+     &		bph,dj
+	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax) :: vr,vth,vph,wr,
+     &		wth,wph,jr,jth,jph,dtr,dtt,dtp,tmpr1,tmpr2,tmpr3
+	real (kind=8)  cfll(nmxo1),tmpr4(ntmax)
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1) :: cova1,covb1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax1,0:mmax,0:nmaxo) :: sv,
+     &		dsv,d2sv,sw,dsw,sb,dsb,d2sb,sj,dsj,st,dst
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmaxa,0:mmaxa) :: sbr,svr,
+     &		tmpc1,tmpc2,tmpc3,tmpc4
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxo) :: fb1,
+     &		fb2a,fb2b,dfb2b
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxi) :: fbi1,
+     &		fbi2a,fbi2b
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxm) :: fbm1,
+     &		fbm2a,fbm2b
+     	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,miner+1,0:nmaxo) :: fv1,fv2a,
+     &		fv2b,dfv2b
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax,0:mmax) :: qj,ft1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1) :: fva,fvb
+	complex (kind=8)  rot_m(6),torqb(6),torqv(6)
+	aj	= cm*alphj/(rm*rath)
+	dhp     = 2.0*pi/npmax
+	hn1	= -nmaxo/pi
+	hni1	= 1.0*nmaxi
+	hnm1	= 1.0*nmaxm
+	zeros	= cmplx(0.0,0.0)
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+!	Initialization
+	cfll	= 0.0
+	gzi	= 0.0
+	gzm	= 0.0
+	ghi	= 0.0
+	ghm	= 0.0
+	fua	= 0.0
+	fub	= 0.0
+	fb	= 0.0
+	fj	= 0.0
+	ft	= 0.0
+	qj	= 0.0
+	ft1	= 0.0
+	fva	= 0.0
+	fvb	= 0.0
+	torqb	= 0.0
+	torqv	= 0.0
+	br	= 0.0
+	bth	= 0.0
+	bph	= 0.0
+	dj	= 0.0
+	fb1	= 0.0
+	fb2a	= 0.0
+	fb2b	= 0.0
+	dfb2b	= 0.0
+c-------[1.1] OBTAINING {[1,d/dr,d^2/dr^2] b^[Lm], [1,d/dr] J^[Lm],
+c-------      (1, d/dr) T^[Lm] } AT THE COLLOCATION POINT {r_i}
+	do i	= 0,nmaxo
+	   sb(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   dsb(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   sj(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   dsj(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   st(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   dst(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   j	= 2*i+1
+	   k	= 2*i+2
+	   k1	= nmbic+j
+	   k2	= nmbic+k
+	   do m	= 0,mmax_t
+	      do L	= m,Lmax_t
+		 st(L,m,i)  = cot(j,L,m)
+		 dst(L,m,i) = cot(k,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      sb(L,0,i)  = cob(k1,L,0)
+	      dsb(L,0,i) = cob(k2,L,0)
+	      sj(L,0,i)  = coj(k1,L,0)
+	      dsj(L,0,i) = coj(k2,L,0)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L	= m,Lmax_m
+		 sb(L,m,i)  = cob(k1,L,m)
+		 dsb(L,m,i) = cob(k2,L,m)
+		 sj(L,m,i)  = coj(k1,L,m)
+		 dsj(L,m,i) = coj(k2,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
+	   k1	= nmbic-1
+	   k2	= nmbic
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      sb(L,0,0)  = 0.5*(sb(L,0,0)+cob(k1,L,0))
+	      dsb(L,0,0) = 0.5*(dsb(L,0,0)+cob(k2,L,0))
+	      sj(L,0,0)  = 0.5*(sj(L,0,0)+coj(k1,L,0))
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	         sb(L,m,0)  = 0.5*(sb(L,m,0)+cob(k1,L,m))
+	         dsb(L,m,0) = 0.5*(dsb(L,m,0)+cob(k2,L,m))
+	         sj(L,m,0)  = 0.5*(sj(L,m,0)+coj(k1,L,m))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	endif
+	if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+	   k1	= nmx3+nmbic+1
+	   k2	= nmx3+nmbic+2
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      sb(L,0,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sb(L,0,nmaxo)+cob(k1,L,0))
+	      dsb(L,0,nmaxo) = 0.5*(dsb(L,0,nmaxo)+cob(k2,L,0))
+	      sj(L,0,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sj(L,0,nmaxo)+coj(k1,L,0))
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	         sb(L,m,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sb(L,m,nmaxo)+cob(k1,L,m))
+	         dsb(L,m,nmaxo) = 0.5*(dsb(L,m,nmaxo)+cob(k2,L,m))
+	         sj(L,m,nmaxo)  = 0.5*(sj(L,m,nmaxo)+coj(k1,L,m))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	endif
+	d2sb	= 0.0
+	do m	= 0,mmax_m
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	      d2sb(L,m,0)  = dsb(L,m,0)*dr1(0,1)+dsb(L,m,1)*
+     &			     dr1(0,2)+dsb(L,m,2)*dr1(0,3)+
+     &			     dsb(L,m,3)*dr1(0,4)+dsb(L,m,4)*
+     &			     dr1(0,5)  
+	      d2sb(L,m,1)  = dsb(L,m,0)*dr1(1,1)+dsb(L,m,1)*
+     &			     dr1(1,2)+dsb(L,m,2)*dr1(1,3)+
+     &			     dsb(L,m,3)*dr1(1,4)+dsb(L,m,4)*
+     &			     dr1(1,5)  
+	      d2sb(L,m,nmaxo-1)= dsb(L,m,nmaxo-4)*dr1(nmaxo-1,1)
+     &			+dsb(L,m,nmaxo-3)*dr1(nmaxo-1,2)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-2)*dr1(nmaxo-1,3)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-1)*dr1(nmaxo-1,4)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo)*dr1(nmaxo-1,5)
+	      d2sb(L,m,nmaxo)  = dsb(L,m,nmaxo-4)*dr1(nmaxo,1)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-3)*dr1(nmaxo,2)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-2)*dr1(nmaxo,3)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo-1)*dr1(nmaxo,4)+
+     &			dsb(L,m,nmaxo)*dr1(nmaxo,5)
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
+	   do m	= 0,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         d2sb(L,m,i) = dsb(L,m,i-2)*dr1(i,1)+dsb(L,m,i-1)
+     &			       *dr1(i,2)+dsb(L,m,i+1)*dr1(i,4)+
+     &			       dsb(L,m,i+2)*dr1(i,5)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c-------[1.2] OBTAINING THE FORCE (COVA,COVB) at {r_i}
+	do i	= 0,nmaxo
+	   rr2i	= rr(i)*rr(i)
+	   rinv	= 1.0/rr2i
+c----------[1.2.1] Inverse Transform of [J X B] From Spectral Space to
+c	           Physical Space
+c----------the values of {r^2 (br,jr)} at {r_i}
+	   sbr		= 0.0
+	   tmpc1	= 0.0
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      sbr(m:Lmax,m)  = LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)= LL(m:Lmax)*sj(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	   enddo
+    	   call izfspht(sbr,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,npmax,
+     &			br(1,1,i))
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,jr)
+c----------the values of { r sin(th) [b_th, b_ph, j_th, j_ph] } at {r_i}
+	   tmpc1	= 0.0
+	   tmpc2	= 0.0
+	   tmpc3	= 0.0
+	   tmpc4	= 0.0
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L	= m+1,Lmax
+		 tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sj(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*dsb(L-1,m,i)
+     &			      -clm(L,m,2)*dsb(L+1,m,i)
+		 tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsb(L,m,i)-clm(L,m,1)*sj(L-1,m,i)
+     &			      +clm(L,m,2)*sj(L+1,m,i)
+		 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*(rinv*sbr(L,m)-d2sb(L,m,i))+
+     &			      clm(L,m,1)*dsj(L-1,m,i)-clm(L,m,2)*
+     &			      dsj(L+1,m,i)
+		 tmpc4(L,m) = uim*dsj(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*
+     &			      (d2sb(L-1,m,i)-rinv*sbr(L-1,m))-
+     &			      clm(L,m,2)*(d2sb(L+1,m,i)-rinv*
+     &			      sbr(L+1,m))
+	      enddo
+	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sj(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*dsb(m+1,m,i)
+	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsb(m,m,i)+clm(m,m,2)*sj(m+1,m,i)
+	      tmpc3(m,m) = uim*(rinv*sbr(m,m)-d2sb(m,m,i))-
+     &			   clm(m,m,2)*dsj(m+1,m,i)
+	      tmpc4(m,m) = uim*dsj(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*(d2sb(m+1,m,i)
+     &			   -rinv*sbr(m+1,m))
+	   enddo
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,bth(1,1,i))
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,bph(1,1,i))
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,jth)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc4,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,jph)
+c----------[1.2.2] Transform of [ M (J X B) ] From Physical Space to
+c	           Spectral Space to Obtain The Force (COVA,COVB)
+c----------the terms
+c----------A_1r = {[r sin(th) J_th] [r sin(th) B_ph] -
+c----------	  [r sin(th) J_ph] [r sin(th) B_th]}/[r sin(th)]**2 (tmpc1)
+c----------A_1t = {[r sin(th) J_ph] [r^2 B_r] - [r^2 J_r]
+c----------	  [r sin(th) B_ph]}/[r sin(th)]**2 	    	    (tmpc2)
+c----------A_1p = {[r^2 J_r] [r sin(th) B_th] - [r sin(th) J_th]
+c----------	  [r^2 B_r]}/[r sin(th)]**2 			    (tmpc3)
+c----------at {r_i}
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*(jth(:,k)*bph(:,k,i)-jph(:,k)*
+     &			   bth(:,k,i))
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*(jph(:,k)*br(:,k,i)-jr(:,k)*
+     &			   bph(:,k,i))
+	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(jr(:,k)*bth(:,k,i)-jth(:,k)*
+     &			   br(:,k,i))
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc2)
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc3)
+c----------the term
+c----------J^2  = {J_r^2 + J_th^2 + J_ph^2}      		    (tmpc4)
+c----------at {r_i}
+	   c1	= rinv**2
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c2= rinv/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*jr(:,k)*jr(:,k)+c2*(jth(:,k)*jth(:,k)
+     &			   +jph(:,k)*jph(:,k))
+           enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc4)
+c----------the forces:
+c----------fb1  = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_1p - d/dph A_1t;
+c----------fb2b = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_1t + d/dph A_1p;
+c----------fb2a = M A_1r + (R_th T + R_co C);
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L = m+1,Lmax
+		 fb1(L,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &			      tmpc3(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc3(L+1,m)
+		 fb2b(L,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &			      tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
+	      enddo
+	      fb1(m,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc3(m+1,m)
+	      fb2b(m,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      fb2a(m:Lmax,m,i) = cm*tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)+rath*
+     &			         st(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	   enddo
+c----------the Joul heating qj = r J^2
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      do L = m,Lmax
+		 qj(i,L,m) = rr(i)*tmpc4(L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c----------the (J x Delta)_r term
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= 1.0/(rr(i)*sins(k))
+	      c2= rr(i)*c1*c1/dhp
+	      dj(:,k,i) = abs(c2*jth(:,k))+abs(jph(:,k)*c1/dht(k))
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c-------[1.3] Calculating [d/dr fb2b] at {r_i | i = 1,...,n-1} with
+c-------      finite difference approximation
+	do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
+	   dfb2b(:,:,i) = dr1(i,1)*fb2b(:,:,i-2)+dr1(i,2)*
+     &			  fb2b(:,:,i-1)+dr1(i,4)*fb2b(:,:,i+1)
+     &			  +dr1(i,5)*fb2b(:,:,i+2)
+	enddo
+c-------[1.4] Obtain (FVA,FVB) and part of (FUA,FUB) from the
+c-------      Lorentz force and the buoyancy force
+	do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
+c	   The force (FVA,FVB)
+	   do m	= miner+1,mmax_v
+	      do k = 0,lsym_v(m)
+c----------------Group I:  L = m+2*k,
+c----------------COVA = M fb1/[L(L+1)]; COVB = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a
+c----------------Group II: L = m+2*L1+1,
+c----------------COVA = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a; COVB = M fb1/[L(L+1)]
+		 L1  = m+2*k
+		 L2  = m+2*k+1
+		 Lcc1= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*k*nmxo1+i+1
+		 Lcc2= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*k+1)*nmxo1+i+1
+		 c1  = cm/LL(L1)
+		 c2  = cm/LL(L2)
+		 fva(Lcc1)= c1*fb1(L1,m,i)
+		 fva(Lcc2)= c2*dfb2b(L2,m,i)+fb2a(L2,m,i)
+		 fvb(Lcc1)= c1*dfb2b(L1,m,i)+fb2a(L1,m,i)
+		 fvb(Lcc2)= c2*fb1(L2,m,i)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c	   The force (FUA,FUB)
+	   do k = 1,lsym_v(0)
+c-------------Group I:  L = 2*k-1
+c-------------FUA = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a; FUB = M fb1/[L(L+1)]
+c-------------Group II: L = 2*k
+c-------------FUA = M fb1/[L(L+1)]; FUB = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a
+	      L1  = 2*k-1
+	      L2  = 2*k
+	      Lcc1= 2*(k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
+	      Lcc2= (2*k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
+	      c1  = cm/LL(L1)
+	      c2  = cm/LL(L2)
+	      fua(Lcc1)= c1*dfb2b(L1,0,i)+fb2a(L1,0,i)
+	      fua(Lcc2)= c2*fb1(L2,0,i)
+	      fub(Lcc1)= c1*fb1(L1,0,i)
+	      fub(Lcc2)= c2*dfb2b(L2,0,i)+fb2a(L2,0,i)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,miner
+	      do k = 0,lsym_v(m)
+c-------------Group III:  L = m+2*k,
+c-------------FUB = M fb1/[L(L+1)]; FUA = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a
+c-------------Group IV: L = m+2*L1+1,
+c-------------FUB = M dfb2b/[L(L+1)] + fb2a; FUA = M fb1/[L(L+1)]
+	         L1  = m+2*k
+	         L2  = m+2*k+1
+	         Lcc1= kdm(m-1)+2*k*nmxo1+i+1
+	         Lcc2= kdm(m-1)+(2*k+1)*nmxo1+i+1
+	         c1  = cm/LL(L1)
+	         c2  = cm/LL(L2)
+	         fua(Lcc1)= c1*dfb2b(L1,m,i)+fb2a(L1,m,i)
+	         fua(Lcc2)= c2*fb1(L2,m,i)
+	         fub(Lcc1)= c1*fb1(L1,m,i)
+	         fub(Lcc2)= c2*dfb2b(L2,m,i)+fb2a(L2,m,i)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+!-------[1.5] Determine if buoyancy anomaly force arising from mantle
+!	      density anomaly needs to be included
+c-------[1.6] Evaluating (COVA,COVB)
+	cova1	= fva
+	covb1	= fvb
+c-------Boundary conditions for (COVA,COVB)
+        do m    = miner+1,mmax_v
+           do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+              k1= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+              k2= kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+              cova1(k1+1)    = 0.0
+              cova1(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
+              covb1(k1+1)    = 0.0
+              covb1(k1+2)    = 0.0
+              covb1(k1+nmaxo)= 0.0
+              covb1(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
+              cova1(k2+1)    = 0.0
+              cova1(k2+2)    = 0.0
+              cova1(k2+nmaxo)= 0.0
+              cova1(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
+              covb1(k2+1)    = 0.0
+              covb1(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
+           enddo
+        enddo
+	call solverv(cova1,covb1)
+	fv1	= 0.0
+	fv2a	= 0.0
+	fv2b	= 0.0
+	dfv2b	= 0.0
+	fb1	= 0.0
+	fb2a	= 0.0
+	fb2b	= 0.0
+	dfb2b	= 0.0
+c-------[2.1] OBTAINING {[1, d/dr, d^2/dr^2] v^[Lm], [1, d/dr] w^[Lm]}
+c-------      AT THE COLLOCATION POINT {r_i}
+	do i	= 0,nmaxo
+	   sv(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   dsv(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   d2sv(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   sw(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   dsw(:,:,i)	= 0.0
+	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_v
+		 sv(L,0,i)  = sv(L,0,i)+cheb(n,i)*vlm(n,L,0)
+		 dsv(L,0,i) = dsv(L,0,i)+dch1(n,i)*vlm(n,L,0)
+		 d2sv(L,0,i)= d2sv(L,0,i)+dch2(n,i)*vlm(n,L,0)
+		 sw(L,0,i)  = sw(L,0,i)+cheb(n,i)*wlm(n,L,0)
+		 dsw(L,0,i) = dsw(L,0,i)+dch1(n,i)*wlm(n,L,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m	= 1,mmax_v
+		 do L	= m,Lmax_v
+		    sv(L,m,i)  = sv(L,m,i)+cheb(n,i)*vlm(n,L,m)
+		    dsv(L,m,i) = dsv(L,m,i)+dch1(n,i)*vlm(n,L,m)
+		    d2sv(L,m,i)= d2sv(L,m,i)+dch2(n,i)*vlm(n,L,m)
+		    sw(L,m,i)  = sw(L,m,i)+cheb(n,i)*wlm(n,L,m)
+		    dsw(L,m,i) = dsw(L,m,i)+dch1(n,i)*wlm(n,L,m)
+		 enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c	The rotations of the mantle
+	rot_m	= 0.0
+	rot_m(1)= 2.0*sqrt(pi/3.0)*omgmz
+	rot_m(2)= -sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgmh)
+	rot_m(3)= -4.0*sqrt(pi)*omgmz/3.0
+	rot_m(4)= 4.0*sqrt(pi/5.0)*omgmz/3.0
+	rot_m(5)= -sqrt(2.0*pi/15.0)*conjg(omgmh)
+	rot_m(6)= -ui*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgmh)
+c-------      TRANSFORM
+	do i	= 0,nmaxo
+	   rr2i = rr(i)*rr(i)
+	   rinv	= 1.0/rr2i
+c----------[2.2.1] Inverse Transform of [W X V] From Spectral Space to
+c	           Physical Space
+c----------the values of {r^2 (vr,wr), (r d/dr 1/r, d/dph) T} at {r_i}
+	   svr		= 0.0
+	   tmpc1	= 0.0
+	   tmpc2	= 0.0
+	   tmpc3	= 0.0
+	   c1	= 1.0/rr(i)
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      uim	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      svr(m:Lmax,m)  = LL(m:Lmax)*sv(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)= LL(m:Lmax)*sw(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	      tmpc2(m:Lmax,m)= dst(m:Lmax,m,i)-c1*
+     &			       st(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	      tmpc3(m:Lmax,m)= uim*st(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	   enddo
+	   tmpc1(1,0) = tmpc1(1,0)+rr2i*rot_m(1)
+	   tmpc1(1,1) = tmpc1(1,1)+rr2i*rot_m(2)
+    	   call izfspht(svr,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,vr)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,wr)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,dtr)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,dtp)
+c----------the values of {r sin(th) [v_th, v_ph, w_th, w_ph]} at {r_i}
+	   tmpc1	= 0.0
+	   tmpc2	= 0.0
+	   tmpc3	= 0.0
+	   tmpc4	= 0.0
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L	= m+1,Lmax
+		 tmpc1(L,m) = uim*sw(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*dsv(L-1,m,i)
+     &			      -clm(L,m,2)*dsv(L+1,m,i)
+		 tmpc2(L,m) = uim*dsv(L,m,i)-clm(L,m,1)*sw(L-1,m,i)
+     &			      +clm(L,m,2)*sw(L+1,m,i)
+		 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*(rinv*svr(L,m)-d2sv(L,m,i))+
+     &			      clm(L,m,1)*dsw(L-1,m,i)-clm(L,m,2)*
+     &			      dsw(L+1,m,i)
+		 tmpc4(L,m) = uim*dsw(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*
+     &			      (d2sv(L-1,m,i)-rinv*svr(L-1,m))-
+     &			      clm(L,m,2)*(d2sv(L+1,m,i)-rinv*
+     &			      svr(L+1,m))
+	      enddo
+	      tmpc1(m,m) = uim*sw(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*dsv(m+1,m,i)
+	      tmpc2(m,m) = uim*dsv(m,m,i)+clm(m,m,2)*sw(m+1,m,i)
+	      tmpc3(m,m) = uim*(rinv*svr(m,m)-d2sv(m,m,i))-
+     &			   clm(m,m,2)*dsw(m+1,m,i)
+	      tmpc4(m,m) = uim*dsw(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*(d2sv(m+1,m,i)
+     &			   -rinv*svr(m+1,m))
+	   enddo
+	   tmpc3(0,0) = tmpc3(0,0)+rr(i)*rot_m(3)
+	   tmpc3(2,0) = tmpc3(2,0)+rr(i)*rot_m(4)
+	   tmpc3(2,1) = tmpc3(2,1)+rr(i)*rot_m(5)
+	   tmpc4(1,1) = tmpc4(1,1)+rr(i)*rot_m(6)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,vth)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,vph)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,wth)
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc4,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,wph)
+c----------the values of {sin(th) d/dth T} at {r_i}
+	   tmpc1	= 0.0
+	   do m	   = 0,mmax
+	      do L = m+1,Lmax
+		 tmpc1(L,m) = clm(L,m,1)*st(L-1,m,i)-clm(L,m,2)*
+     &			      st(L+1,m,i)
+	      enddo
+	      tmpc1(m,m) = -clm(m,m,2)*st(m+1,m,i)
+	   enddo
+    	   call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &			npmax,dtt)
+c----------[2.2.2] Transform of [W X V, CURL (V X B), (V.GRAD)T] From
+c		   Physical Space to Spectral Space to Obtain The
+c		   Forces (FUA, FUB, FB, FJ, FT, FC)
+c----------the terms
+c----------A_2r = {[r sin(th) W_th] [r sin(th) V_ph] -
+c----------	  [r sin(th) W_ph] [r sin(th) V_th]}/[r sin(th)]**2 (tmpc1)
+c----------A_2t = {[r sin(th) W_ph] [r^2 V_r] - [r^2 W_r]
+c----------	  [r sin(th) V_ph]}/[r sin(th)]**2 	    	    (tmpc2)
+c----------A_2p = {[r^2 W_r] [r sin(th) V_th] - [r sin(th) W_th]
+c----------	  [r^2 V_r]}/[r sin(th)]**2 			    (tmpc3)
+c----------at {r_i}
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*(wth(:,k)*vph(:,k)-wph(:,k)*
+     &			   vth(:,k))
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*(wph(:,k)*vr(:,k)-wr(:,k)*
+     &			   vph(:,k))
+	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(wr(:,k)*vth(:,k)-wth(:,k)*
+     &			   vr(:,k))
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc2)
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc3)
+c----------the forces (for m<=miner only):
+c----------fv1  = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A2p - d/dph A2t;
+c----------fv2b = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A2t + d/dph A2p;
+c----------fv2a = R_o A2r;
+	   do m	= 0,miner
+	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L = m+1,Lmax
+		 fv1(L,m+1,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &			tmpc3(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc3(L+1,m)
+		 fv2b(L,m+1,i)= uim*tmpc3(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &			tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
+	      enddo
+	      fv1(m,m+1,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc3(m+1,m)
+	      fv2b(m,m+1,i)= uim*tmpc3(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 0,miner
+	      fv2a(m:Lmax,m+1,i) = ro*tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)
+	   enddo
+c----------the terms
+c----------A_3r = {[r sin(th) v_th] [r sin(th) B_ph] -
+c----------	  [r sin(th) v_ph] [r sin(th) B_th]}/[r sin(th)]^2  (tmpc1)
+c----------A_3t = {[r sin(th) v_ph] [r^2 B_r] - [r^2 v_r]
+c----------	  [r sin(th) B_ph]}/[r sin(th)]^2 		    (tmpc2)
+c----------A_3p = {[r^2 v_r] [r sin(th) B_th] - [r sin(th) v_th]
+c----------	  [r^2 B_r]}/[r sin(th)]^2 		 	    (tmpc3)
+c----------at {r_i}
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*(vth(:,k)*bph(:,k,i)-vph(:,k)*
+     &			   bth(:,k,i))
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*(vph(:,k)*br(:,k,i)-vr(:,k)*
+     &			   bph(:,k,i))
+	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(vr(:,k)*bth(:,k,i)-vth(:,k)*
+     &			   br(:,k,i))
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc2)
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc3)
+c----------the forces:
+c----------fb1  = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_3p - d/dph A_3t;
+c----------fb2b = [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A_3t + d/dph A_3p;
+c----------fb2a = A_3r;
+	   do m = 0,mmax
+	      uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	      do L = m+1,Lmax
+	 	 fb1(L,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &			      tmpc3(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc3(L+1,m)
+                 fb2b(L,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &			      tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
+	      enddo
+	      fb1(m,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc3(m+1,m)
+	      fb2b(m,m,i)= uim*tmpc3(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
+	   enddo
+	   do m = 0,mmax
+	      fb2a(m:Lmax,m,i) = tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)
+	   enddo
+c----------the term
+c----------A_4 = - r [vr (d/dr T_0) + (v.GRAD) T]			(tmpc4)
+	   c2	= rr(i)*dt0r(i)
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= rinv/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = -rinv*vr(:,k)*(dtr(:,k)-c2)-c1*
+     &			   (vth(:,k)*dtt(:,k)+vph(:,k)*dtp(:,k))
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc4)
+c----------The force FT1 = A_4
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      do L = m,Lmax
+		 ft1(i,L,m) = tmpc4(L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c----------[2.2.3] The Local CFL Conditions
+c----------The (B.Delta) and (V.Delta) terms
+	   tmpr1= 0.0
+	   tmpr2= 0.0
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= rinv/sins(k)
+	      c2= rinv/(dhp*sins(k)**2)
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = rinv*abs(vr(:,k)/dhr(i+1))+
+     &		      abs(c1*vth(:,k)/dht(k))+
+     &		      abs(c2*vph(:,k))
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = rinv*abs(br(:,k,i)/dhr(i+1))+
+     &		      abs(c1*bth(:,k,i)/dht(k))+
+     &		      abs(c2*bph(:,k,i))
+	   enddo
+c----------The local eigenvalues for CFL condition
+	   tmpr3= 0.0
+	   c1	= abs(aj*rr(i))
+	   c2	= 1.0/sqrt(ro)
+	   c3	= abs(rath*dt0r(i)*rr(i))
+	   tmpr4= 0.0
+	   tmpr3= tmpr1+c2*sqrt(tmpr2*tmpr2+c3)+c1*tmpr2
+     &		  *dj(:,:,i)/(tmpr2*tmpr2+c3)
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+              k1 = idamax(npmax,tmpr3(1,k),1)
+	      tmpr4(k) = tmpr3(k1,k)
+	   enddo
+    	   k1	= idamax(ntmax,tmpr4(1),1)
+	   cfll(i+1) = tmpr4(k1)
+	enddo
+    	k1	= idamax(nmxo1,cfll(1),1)
+	c1	= cfll(k1)
+	cflno	= 1.0/c1
+	if (kicbv.ne.1 .and. kicbb.eq.2) then
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1= abs(omgih)/sqrt(2.0)*(abs(th(k)/sins(k)*dhp)+
+     &		  abs(dht(k)))+abs(omgiz*dhp)
+	      do j = 1,npmax
+	         tmpr1(j,k) = c1+sqrt(c1*c1+4.0*cm/(rhoio*mti*ro)
+     &			      *br(j,k,0)**2)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+    	      k1= idamax(npmax,tmpr1(1,k),1)
+	      tmpr2(k,1)= tmpr1(k1,k)
+	   enddo
+    	   k1 	= idamax(ntmax,tmpr2(1,1),1)
+	   c1	= tmpr2(k1,1)
+	   if (c1 .gt. 0.0) then
+	      c1	= 2.0/c1
+	      if (c1 .lt. cflno) cflno = c1
+	   endif
+	endif
+c-------[2.4] CALCULATING [d/dr fv2b] AT {r_i | i = 1,...,n-1} WITH
+	do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
+	   dfv2b(:,:,i) = dr1(i,1)*fv2b(:,:,i-2)+dr1(i,2)*
+     &		fv2b(:,:,i-1)+dr1(i,4)*fv2b(:,:,i+1)+
+     &		dr1(i,5)*fv2b(:,:,i+2)
+	enddo
+c-------[2.5] Evaluating (FUA,FUB) IN THE OUTER CORE
+	do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
+	   do k = 1,lsym_v(0)
+c-------------Group I: L = 2*k-1
+c-------------FUA = FUA - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
+c-------------FUB = FUB - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
+c-------------Group II: L = 2*k
+c-------------FUA = FUA - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
+c-------------FUB = FUB - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
+	      L1  = 2*k-1
+	      L2  = 2*k
+	      Lcc1= 2*(k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
+	      Lcc2= (2*k-1)*nmxo1+i+1
+	      c1  = ron/LL(L1)
+	      c2  = ron/LL(L2)
+	      fua(Lcc1)= fua(Lcc1)-c1*dfv2b(L1,1,i)-fv2a(L1,1,i)
+	      fua(Lcc2)= fua(Lcc2)-c2*fv1(L2,1,i)
+	      fub(Lcc1)= fub(Lcc1)-c1*fv1(L1,1,i)
+	      fub(Lcc2)= fub(Lcc2)-c2*dfv2b(L2,1,i)-fv2a(L2,1,i)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,miner
+	      do k = 0,lsym_v(m)
+c-------------Group III:  L = m+2*k,
+c-------------FUA = FUA - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
+c-------------FUB = FUB - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
+c-------------Group IV: L = m+2*k+1,
+c-------------FUA = FUA - r_on fv1/[L(L+1)]
+c-------------FUB = FUB - (r_on dfv2b/[L(L+1)] + fv2a)
+	         L1  = m+2*k
+	         L2  = m+2*k+1
+	         Lcc1= kdm(m-1)+2*k*nmxo1+i+1
+	         Lcc2= kdm(m-1)+(2*k+1)*nmxo1+i+1
+	         c1  = ron/LL(L1)
+	         c2  = ron/LL(L2)
+	         fua(Lcc1)= fua(Lcc1)-c1*dfv2b(L1,m+1,i)-fv2a(L1,m+1,i)
+	         fua(Lcc2)= fua(Lcc2)-c2*fv1(L2,m+1,i)
+	         fub(Lcc1)= fub(Lcc1)-c1*fv1(L1,m+1,i)
+	         fub(Lcc2)= fub(Lcc2)-c2*dfv2b(L2,m+1,i)-fv2a(L2,m+1,i)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c-------fb(i) = 1/2 [gg(i) fb1(i) + gg(i+1) fb1(i+1)]/L(L+1)
+c-------fj(i) = 1/2 [gg(i) fb2a(i)+ gg(i+1) fb2a(i+1)]
+c-------        + 1/12 h^{-1} [fb2b(i+2) + 9 fb2b(i+1)
+c-------        - 9 fb2b(i) - fb2b(i-1)]/L(L+1)
+c-------ft(i) = 1/2 {gg(i) [ft1(i)+aj*qj(i)] + gg(i+1) [ft1(i+1)+aj*qj(i+1)]}
+	do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	   c1	= 1.0/(2.0*LL(L))
+	   c2	= hn1/(12.0*LL(L))
+	   do i = 2,nmaxo-3
+	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	      fb(k,L,0) = c1*(fb1(L,0,i)*gg(i)+fb1(L,0,i+1)*gg(i+1))
+	      fj(k,L,0) = 0.5*(fb2a(L,0,i)*gg(i)+fb2a(L,0,i+1)*gg(i+1))
+     &			  +c2*(fb2b(L,0,i+2)+9.0*fb2b(L,0,i+1)-
+     &			  9.0*fb2b(L,0,i)-fb2b(L,0,i-1))
+	   enddo
+	   c1	= 1.0/(1.0*LL(L))
+	   i	= 0
+	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,3)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
+	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,3)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
+     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,3)*fb2b(L,0,i)+cfm(2,3)*fb2b(L,0,i+1)
+     &		       +cfm(3,3)*fb2b(L,0,i+2))
+	   i	= 1
+	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,4)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
+	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,4)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
+     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,4)*fb2b(L,0,i)+cfm(2,4)*fb2b(L,0,i+1)
+     &		       +cfm(3,4)*fb2b(L,0,i+2))
+	   i	= nmaxo-2
+	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,5)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
+	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,5)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
+     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,5)*fb2b(L,0,i)+cfm(2,5)*fb2b(L,0,i+1)
+     &		       +cfm(3,5)*fb2b(L,0,i+2))
+	   i	= nmaxo-1
+	   k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	   fb(k,L,0) = c1*(cfm(4,6)*fb1(L,0,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb1(L,0,i+1))
+	   fj(k,L,0) = (cfm(4,6)*fb2a(L,0,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb2a(L,0,i+1))
+     &		       +c1*(cfm(1,6)*fb2b(L,0,i-1)+cfm(2,6)*fb2b(L,0,i)
+     &		       +cfm(3,6)*fb2b(L,0,i+1))
+	enddo
+	do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	      c1= 1.0/(2.0*LL(L))
+	      c2= hn1/(12.0*LL(L))
+	      do i = 2,nmaxo-3
+	         k = nmbic+2*i+3
+	         fb(k,L,m) = c1*(fb1(L,m,i)*gg(i)+fb1(L,m,i+1)*
+     &			     gg(i+1))
+	         fj(k,L,m) = 0.5*(fb2a(L,m,i)*gg(i)+fb2a(L,m,i+1)
+     &			     *gg(i+1))+c2*(fb2b(L,m,i+2)+9.0*
+     &			     fb2b(L,m,i+1)-9.0*fb2b(L,m,i)-
+     &			     fb2b(L,m,i-1))
+	      enddo
+	      c1= 1.0/(1.0*LL(L))
+	      i	= 0
+	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,3)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
+	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,3)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,3)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
+     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,3)*fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(2,3)*
+     &			  fb2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,3)*fb2b(L,m,i+2))
+	      i	= 1
+	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,4)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
+	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,4)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,4)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
+     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,4)*fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(2,4)*
+     &			  fb2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,4)*fb2b(L,m,i+2))
+	      i	= nmaxo-2
+	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,5)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
+	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,5)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,5)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
+     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,5)*fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(2,5)*
+     &			  fb2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,5)*fb2b(L,m,i+2))
+	      i	= nmaxo-1
+	      k	= nmbic+2*i+3
+	      fb(k,L,m) = c1*(cfm(4,6)*fb1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb1(L,m,i+1))
+	      fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,6)*fb2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,6)*fb2a(L,m,i+1))
+     &		          +c1*(cfm(1,6)*fb2b(L,m,i-1)+cfm(2,6)*
+     &			  fb2b(L,m,i)+cfm(3,6)*fb2b(L,m,i+1))
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do m	= 0,mmax_t
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_t
+	      do i = 2,nmaxo-3
+	         ft(2*i+3,L,m) = 0.5*(gg(i)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*
+     &				 qj(i,L,m))+gg(i+1)*
+     &				 (ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m)))
+	      enddo
+	      i	= 0
+	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,3)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
+     &			      cfm(5,3)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
+	      i	= 1
+	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,4)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
+     &			      cfm(5,4)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
+	      i	= nmaxo-2
+	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,5)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
+     &			      cfm(5,5)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
+	      i	= nmaxo-1
+	      ft(2*i+3,L,m) = cfm(4,6)*(ft1(i,L,m)+aj*qj(i,L,m))+
+     &			      cfm(5,6)*(ft1(i+1,L,m)+aj*qj(i+1,L,m))
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c-------[2.7] BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR (coua,coub,cot,coc)
+	do L1	= 1,lsym_v(0)
+	   k1	= 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+	   k2	= (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	   fua(k1+1)    = 0.0
+	   fua(k1+2)    = 0.0
+	   fua(k1+nmaxo)= 0.0
+	   fua(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	   fub(k1+1)    = 0.0
+	   fub(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	   fua(k2+1)    = 0.0
+	   fua(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	   fub(k2+1)    = 0.0
+	   fub(k2+2)    = 0.0
+	   fub(k2+nmaxo)= 0.0
+	   fub(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	enddo
+	do m	= 1,miner
+	   do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+	      k1= kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+	      k2= kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	      fua(k1+1)    = 0.0
+	      fua(k1+2)    = 0.0
+	      fua(k1+nmaxo)= 0.0
+	      fua(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	      fub(k1+1)    = 0.0
+	      fub(k1+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	      fua(k2+1)    = 0.0
+	      fua(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	      fub(k2+1)    = 0.0
+	      fub(k2+2)    = 0.0
+	      fub(k2+nmaxo)= 0.0
+	      fub(k2+nmxo1)= 0.0
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	ft(1,:,:)	= 0.0
+	ft(nmx3,:,:)	= 0.0
+c	(3.1) The Lorent torque on the boundaries
+	if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
+c	   The Lorentz torque on the ICB
+           tmpr1 = 0.0
+           tmpr1 = br(:,:,0)*bph(:,:,0)
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           torqb(1)= sqrt(4.0*pi)*real(tmpc1(0,0))
+	   tmpr1= 0.0
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = br(:,k,0)*bth(:,k,0)/sins(k)**2
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+	   torqb(2)= sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*ui*tmpc1(1,1)
+	   tmpr1= 0.0
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = br(:,k,0)*bph(:,k,0)*th(k)/sins(k)**2
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+	   torqb(3)= sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
+	   gzi	= cm*torqb(1)
+	   ghi	= cm*conjg(torqb(2)+torqb(3))
+	endif
+	if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+c	   The Lorentz torque on the CMB
+	   tmpr1	= br(:,:,nmaxo)
+c	   Consider the CMB topography effect
+           tmpr2= 0.0
+           tmpr2= tmpr1*bph(:,:,nmaxo)
+           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           torqb(4)= -sqrt(4.0*pi)*real(tmpc1(0,0))
+	   tmpr2= 0.0
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = tmpr1(:,k)*bth(:,k,nmaxo)
+     &			/sins(k)**2
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+	   torqb(5)= -sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*ui*tmpc1(1,1)
+	   tmpr2= 0.0
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = tmpr1(:,k)*bph(:,k,nmaxo)*th(k)
+     &			/sins(k)**2
+	   enddo
+    	   call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		       npmax,tmpc1)
+	   torqb(6)= -sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
+	   gzm	= cm*torqb(4)
+	   ghm	= cm*conjg(torqb(5)+torqb(6))
+	endif
+c	(3.2) The viscous torque with no "stress-free" boundary conditions
+	if (kicbv .ge. 1) then
+c	   The viscous torque on the ICB
+     	   torqv(1)= 4.0*sqrt(pi/3.0)*rio**2*
+     &		  real(dsw(1,0,0)-2*sw(1,0,0)/rio)
+           tmpc1= 0.0
+	   m	= 1
+	   uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+           do L = m+1,Lmax
+	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(dsw(L,m,0)-2*sw(L,m,0)/rio)+
+     &		clm(L,m,1)*(d2sv(L-1,m,0)-2*dsv(L-1,m,0)/rio)
+     &		-clm(L,m,2)*(d2sv(L+1,m,0)-2*dsv(L+1,m,0)/rio)
+           enddo
+	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(dsw(m,m,0)-2*sw(m,m,0)/rio)-
+     &		clm(m,m,2)*(d2sv(m+1,m,0)-2*dsv(m+1,m,0)/rio)
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
+           do k    = 1,ntmax
+              c1   = (rio/sins(k))**2
+              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
+           enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           torqv(2)= ui*sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
+           tmpc1= 0.0
+           m	= 1
+	   uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+           do L = m+1,Lmax
+	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(d2sv(L,m,0)-2*dsv(L,m,0)/rio)-
+     &		clm(L,m,1)*(dsw(L-1,m,0)-2*sw(L-1,m,0)/rio)+
+     &		clm(L,m,2)*(dsw(L+1,m,0)-2*sw(L+1,m,0)/rio)
+           enddo
+	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(d2sv(m,m,0)-2*dsv(m,m,0)/rio)+
+     &		clm(m,m,2)*(dsw(m+1,m,0)-2*sw(m+1,m,0)/rio)
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
+           do k    = 1,ntmax
+              c1   = (rio/sins(k))**2
+              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
+           enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           torqv(3)= sqrt(8.0*pi/15.0)*tmpc1(2,1)
+     	   gzi	= gzi+ekman*torqv(1)
+	   ghi	= ghi+ekman*conjg(torqv(2)+torqv(3))
+	endif
+	if (kcmbv .ge. 1) then
+c	   The viscous torque on the CMB
+	   torqv(4)= -4.0*sqrt(pi/3.0)*
+     &		  real(dsw(1,0,nmaxo)-2*sw(1,0,nmaxo))
+           tmpc1= 0.0
+	   m	= 1
+	   k	= nmaxo
+	   uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+           do L = m+1,Lmax
+	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(dsw(L,m,k)-2.0*sw(L,m,k))+
+     &		clm(L,m,1)*(d2sv(L-1,m,k)-2.0*dsv(L-1,m,k))-
+     &		clm(L,m,2)*(d2sv(L+1,m,k)-2.0*dsv(L+1,m,k))
+           enddo
+	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(dsw(m,m,k)-2.0*sw(m,m,k))-
+     &		clm(m,m,2)*(d2sv(m+1,m,k)-2.0*dsv(m+1,m,k))
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
+           do k    = 1,ntmax
+              c1   = 1.0/sins(k)**2
+              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
+           enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           torqv(5)= -ui*sqrt(8.0*pi/3.0)*tmpc1(1,1)
+           tmpc1= 0.0
+           m	= 1
+	   k	= nmaxo
+	   uim 	= cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+           do L = m+1,Lmax
+	      tmpc1(L,m) = uim*(d2sv(L,m,k)-2*dsv(L,m,k))
+     &		-clm(L,m,1)*(dsw(L-1,m,k)-2*sw(L-1,m,k))+
+     &		clm(L,m,2)*(dsw(L+1,m,k)-2*sw(L+1,m,k))
+           enddo
+	   tmpc1(m,m) = uim*(d2sv(m,m,k)-2*dsv(m,m,k))+
+     &		clm(m,m,2)*(dsw(m+1,m,k)-2*sw(m+1,m,k))
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,tmpr1)
+           do k    = 1,ntmax
+              c1   = 1.0/sins(k)**2
+              tmpr1(:,k)   = c1*tmpr1(:,k)
+           enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           torqv(6)= -sqrt(8.0*pi/15.0)*tmpc1(2,1)
+	   gzm	= gzm+ekman*torqv(4)
+	   ghm	= ghm+ekman*conjg(torqv(5)+torqv(6))
+	endif
+c	(3.3) The pressure torque with boundary topographies at the CMB
+!	(3.4) Add gravitational coupling torque on the mantle
+	fbi1	= 0.0
+	fbi2a	= 0.0
+	fbi2b	= 0.0
+	fbm1	= 0.0
+	fbm2a	= 0.0
+	fbm2b	= 0.0
+c	(4.1) Obtaining the forces in the inner core
+	if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
+	   call force_ic(fbi1,fbi2a,fbi2b,c1)
+	   if (c1 .lt. cflno) cflno = c1
+           do m    = 0,mmax_m
+              do L = m,Lmax_m
+                 do i = 1,nmaxi-3
+                    k = 2*i+3
+                    fb(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gi(i)*fbi1(L,m,i)+gi(i+1)*
+     &			     fbi1(L,m,i+1))
+                    fj(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gi(i)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+gi(i+1)*
+     &			     fbi2a(L,m,i+1))+hni1*(fbi2b(L,m,i+2)
+     &			     +9.0*fbi2b(L,m,i+1)-9.0*fbi2b(L,m,i)
+     &			     -fbi2b(L,m,i-1))/12.0
+                 enddo
+	         i = 0
+	         k = 2*i+3
+                 fb(k,L,m) = (gi(i)*fbi1(L,m,i)+4.0*gi(i+1)*
+     &			  fbi1(L,m,i+1)+gi(i+2)*fbi1(L,m,i+2))
+     &			  /6.0
+                 fj(k,L,m) = (gi(i)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+4.0*gi(i+1)*
+     &			  fbi2a(L,m,i+1)+gi(i+2)*fbi2a(L,m,i+2))
+     &			  /6.0+0.5*hni1*(fbi2b(L,m,i+2)-
+     &			  fbi2b(L,m,i))
+	         i = nmaxi-2
+	         k = 2*i+3
+	         fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,1)*fbi1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,1)*
+     &			  fbi1(L,m,i+1)
+	         fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,1)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,1)*
+     &			  fbi2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,1)*fbi2b(L,m,i)+
+     &			  cfm(2,1)*fbi2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,1)*
+     &			  fbi2b(L,m,i+2))
+	         i = nmaxi-1
+	         k = 2*i+3
+	         fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,2)*fbi1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,2)*
+     &			  fbi1(L,m,i+1)
+	         fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,2)*fbi2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,2)*
+     &			  fbi2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,2)*fbi2b(L,m,i-1)
+     &			  +cfm(2,2)*fbi2b(L,m,i)+cfm(3,2)*
+     &			  fbi2b(L,m,i+1))
+              enddo
+           enddo
+	endif
+c	(4.2) Obtaining the forces in the D"-layer
+	if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+	   call force_dp(fbm1,fbm2a,fbm2b)
+           do m    = 0,mmax_m
+              do L = m,Lmax_m
+                 do i = 2,nmaxm-2
+                    k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
+                    fb(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gd(i)*fbm1(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*
+     &			     fbm1(L,m,i+1))
+                    fj(k,L,m) = 0.5*(gd(i)*fbm2a(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*
+     &			     fbm2a(L,m,i+1))+hnm1*(fbm2b(L,m,i+2)
+     &			     +9.0*fbm2b(L,m,i+1)-9.0*fbm2b(L,m,i)
+     &			     -fbm2b(L,m,i-1))/12.0
+                 enddo
+	         i = 0
+                 k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
+                 fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,7)*fbm1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,7)*
+     &			  fbm1(L,m,i+1)
+                 fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,7)*fbm2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,7)*
+     &			  fbm2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,7)*fbm2b(L,m,i)
+     &			  +cfm(2,7)*fbm2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,7)*
+     &			  fbm2b(L,m,i+2))
+	         i = 1
+                 k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
+                 fb(k,L,m) = cfm(4,8)*fbm1(L,m,i)+cfm(5,8)*
+     &			  fbm1(L,m,i+1)
+                 fj(k,L,m) = (cfm(4,8)*fbm2a(L,m,i)+cfm(5,8)*
+     &			  fbm2a(L,m,i+1))+(cfm(1,8)*fbm2b(L,m,i)
+     &			  +cfm(2,8)*fbm2b(L,m,i+1)+cfm(3,8)*
+     &			  fbm2b(L,m,i+2))
+	         i = nmaxm-1
+                 k = nmx3+nmbic+2*i+3
+	         fb(k,L,m) = (gd(i-1)*fbm1(L,m,i-1)+4.0*gd(i)*
+     &                    fbm1(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*fbm1(L,m,i+1))
+     &                    /6.0
+                 fj(k,L,m) = (gd(i-1)*fbm2a(L,m,i-1)+4.0*gd(i)*
+     &                    fbm2a(L,m,i)+gd(i+1)*fbm2a(L,m,i+1))
+     &                    /6.0+0.5*hnm1*(fbm2b(L,m,i+1)-
+     &                    fbm2b(L,m,i-1))
+              enddo
+           enddo
+	endif
+c-------[4.3.1] Near the center
+	fb(1,:,:)	= 0.0
+	fj(1,:,:)	= 0.0
+c-------[4.3.2] At the perfectly insulating mantle (D"-mantle boundary)
+	fb(nmb,:,:)	= 0.0
+	fj(nmb,:,:)	= 0.0
+c-------[4.3.3] At the ICB
+	if (kicbb .le. 1) then
+	   fb(nmbic+1,:,:)= 0.0
+	   fj(nmbic+1,:,:)= 0.0
+	else if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
+	   fb(nmbic,:,:)  = 0.0
+	   fj(nmbic,:,:)  = 0.0
+	   fb(nmbic+1,:,:)= 0.0
+	endif
+c-------[4.3.4] At the CMB
+	k	= nmx3+nmbic
+	if (kcmbb .le. 1) then
+	   fb(k,:,:)	= 0.0
+	   fj(k,:,:)	= 0.0
+	else if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+	   fb(k,:,:)  = 0.0
+	   fb(k+1,:,:)= 0.0
+	   fj(k+1,:,:)= 0.0
+	endif
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine force_ic(fb1,fb2a,fb2b,cfl_ic)
+c	This subroutine calculate the force CURL (V X B) in the inner
+c	core.  All rotations (axial + horizontal) are included.
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_sphgeom
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	real (kind=8) cfl_ic
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxi) :: fb1,
+     &		fb2a,fb2b
+	integer	idamax
+	integer	i,k,L,m,k1,k2
+	real (kind=8) c1,dhp
+	complex (kind=8) ui,uim
+	real (kind=8) tmpr4(ntmax)
+	real (kind=8), dimension(npmax,ntmax) :: br,bth,bph,vth,
+     &		vph,tmpr1,tmpr2,tmpr3
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax1,0:mmax,0:nmaxi) :: sb,
+     &		dsb,sj
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmaxa,0:mmaxa) :: tmpc1,
+     &		tmpc2,tmpc3
+c	Subroutine strats here
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	fb1	= 0.0
+	fb2a	= 0.0
+	fb2b	= 0.0
+	if (kicbb .lt. 2) return
+c-------[1] Oibtaining the horizontal flow [ r sin(th) (v_th, v_ph)/r^2]
+c	    [generated by (omgih,omgiz)] at the collocation points
+	tmpc1	= 0.0
+	tmpc1(1,1)= -ui*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(omgih)
+    	call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		     npmax,vth)
+	tmpc1	= 0.0
+	tmpc1(0,0)= 4.0*sqrt(pi)*omgiz/3.0
+	tmpc1(2,0)= -4.0*sqrt(pi/5.0)*omgiz/3.0
+	tmpc1(2,1)= sqrt(2.0*pi/15.0)*conjg(omgih)
+    	call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &		     npmax,vph)
+c-------[2] Obtaining [ (1, d/dr) b_l^m, j_l^m] for the inner core
+	do i	= 0,nmaxi
+	   sb(:,:,i)    = 0.0
+           dsb(:,:,i)   = 0.0
+           sj(:,:,i)    = 0.0
+	   k1	= 2*i+1
+	   k2	= 2*i+2
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      sb(L,0,i)  = cob(k1,L,0)
+              dsb(L,0,i) = cob(k2,L,0)
+              sj(L,0,i)  = coj(k1,L,0)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         sb(L,m,i)  = cob(k1,L,m)
+                 dsb(L,m,i) = cob(k2,L,m)
+                 sj(L,m,i)  = coj(k1,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do i	= 0,nmaxi
+c----------[3.1] the value of [r^2 b_r, r sin(th) (b_th, b_ph)]
+c----------      at the collocation points
+	   tmpc1	= 0.0
+	   tmpc2	= 0.0
+	   tmpc3	= 0.0
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      tmpc1(m:Lmax,m)= LL(m:Lmax)*sb(m:Lmax,m,i)
+	   enddo
+	   do m = 0,mmax
+              uim       = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+              do L      = m+1,Lmax
+                 tmpc2(L,m) = uim*sj(L,m,i)+clm(L,m,1)*dsb(L-1,m,i)
+     &                        -clm(L,m,2)*dsb(L+1,m,i)
+                 tmpc3(L,m) = uim*dsb(L,m,i)-clm(L,m,1)*sj(L-1,m,i)
+     &                        +clm(L,m,2)*sj(L+1,m,i)
+              enddo
+              tmpc2(m,m) = uim*sj(m,m,i)-clm(m,m,2)*dsb(m+1,m,i)
+              tmpc3(m,m) = uim*dsb(m,m,i)+clm(m,m,2)*sj(m+1,m,i)
+           enddo
+           call izfspht(tmpc1,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,br)
+           call izfspht(tmpc2,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,bth)
+           call izfspht(tmpc3,aslg,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                  npmax,bph)
+c----------[3.2] the inverse transform of CURL (V X B)
+c----------the terms A1 = [r sin(th) v_th] (r^2 b_r)/[r^2 sin(th)^2];	(tmpc1)
+c----------the terms A2 = [r sin(th) v_ph] (r^2 b_r)/[r^2 sin(th)^2];	(tmpc2)
+c----------the terms A3 = {[r sin(th) v_th][r sin(th) b_ph]-
+c----------          [r sin(th) v_ph][r sin(th) b_th]}/[r^2 sin(th)^2];	(tmpc3)
+	   do k	= 1,ntmax
+	      c1=1.0/sins(k)**2
+	      tmpr1(:,k) = c1*vth(:,k)*br(:,k)
+	      tmpr2(:,k) = c1*vph(:,k)*br(:,k)
+	      tmpr3(:,k) = c1*(vth(:,k)*bph(:,k)-vph(:,k)*bth(:,k))
+	   enddo
+           call zfspht(tmpr1,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc1)
+           call zfspht(tmpr2,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc2)
+           call zfspht(tmpr3,aslg,gauwt,table,Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,
+     &                 npmax,tmpc3)
+c----------the forces:
+c----------fb1 = -[sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A1 - d/dph A2;
+c----------fb2a= A3
+c----------fb2b= [sin(th) d/dth + 2 cos(th)] A2 - d/dph A1;
+	   do m = 0,mmax
+              uim  = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+              do L = m+1,Lmax
+                 fb1(L,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(L,m)-clm(L,m,3)*
+     &                        tmpc1(L-1,m)+clm(L,m,4)*tmpc1(L+1,m)
+                 fb2b(L,m,i)= -uim*tmpc1(L,m)+clm(L,m,3)*
+     &                        tmpc2(L-1,m)-clm(L,m,4)*tmpc2(L+1,m)
+              enddo
+              fb1(m,m,i) = -uim*tmpc2(m,m)+clm(m,m,4)*tmpc1(m+1,m)
+              fb2b(m,m,i)= -uim*tmpc1(m,m)-clm(m,m,4)*tmpc2(m+1,m)
+           enddo
+	   do m	= 0,mmax
+	      fb2a(m:Lmax,m,i) = tmpc3(m:Lmax,m)
+	   enddo
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax
+	      fb1(L,0,i) = fb1(L,0,i)/(1.0*LL(L))
+	      fb2b(L,0,i)= fb2b(L,0,i)/(1.0*LL(L))
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax
+	      do L = m,Lmax
+		 c1	= 1.0/(1.0*LL(L))
+		 fb1(L,m,i) = fb1(L,m,i)*c1
+		 fb2b(L,m,i)= fb2b(L,m,i)*c1
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	dhp	= 2.0*pi/npmax
+	tmpr1	= 0.0
+	do k	= 1,ntmax
+	   c1	= 1.0/sins(k)
+	   tmpr1(:,k) = abs(vth(:,k)*c1*dhp)+abs(vph(:,k)/dht(k))
+	enddo
+	tmpr4	= 0.0
+	do k 	= 1,ntmax
+           k1 	= idamax(npmax,tmpr1(1,k),1)
+           tmpr4(k) = tmpr1(k1,k)
+        enddo
+	c1	= 0.0
+	do m	= 0,mmax
+	   do L	= m,Lmax
+	      c1= c1+LL(L)*(abs(sj(L,m,nmaxi)*sj(L,m,nmaxi))+
+     &		  abs(dsb(L,m,nmaxi)*dsb(L,m,nmaxi)))
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+        k1 	= idamax(ntmax,tmpr4(1),1)
+	c1	= abs(tmpr4(k1))+sqrt(tmpr4(k1)**2+2.0*c1/(ro*mti))
+	cfl_ic	= 0.5/c1
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine force_dp(fb1,fb2a,fb2b)
+c	This subroutine calculate the force arising from anomalies
+c	in the D"-layer.
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_sphgeom
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax,0:mmax,0:nmaxm) :: fb1,
+     &		fb2a,fb2b
+	complex (kind=8) ui
+c	Subroutine starts here
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	fb1	= 0.0
+	fb2a	= 0.0
+	fb2b	= 0.0
+	if (kcmbb .lt. 2) return
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/matrices.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/matrices.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/matrices.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+c	This subroutine provides matrices for the equations
+c	The subroutines are used for Sun workstations
+c	W.Kuang: 02/2001
+	subroutine matrices
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	itrung	= 0
+c	Determining (CVA,CVB)
+	call vmatrixv
+c	Determining (CUA1,CUA2,CUB1,CUB2)
+	call vmatrixu
+c	Determining (CB1,CB2,CJ1,CJ2)
+	call bmatrix
+c	Determining (CT1,CT2)
+	call tmatrix
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/miscs.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/miscs.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/miscs.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+c	This group of subroutines provide supportive functions for
+c	the model.
+c	These subroutines are for Sun workstations with Sun Performance
+c	Library.
+c	W.Kuang: 08/99
+	subroutine energy(amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt)
+c	This subroutine evaluates the L^2-norm of the velocity field,
+c	the magnetic field, the temperature field
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_sphgeom
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_tfield
+	implicit none
+	real (kind=8) amv,amw,amb,amj,amt,amh,elv,elb,elt
+	integer	i,k,k1,k2,L,m,n
+	real (kind=8) dznrm2,dasum,one
+	real (kind=8) c1,c2,c3,c4,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,vol
+	real (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v) :: ev,ew
+	real (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: eb,ej
+	real (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: et,eh
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v) :: vp,vt,
+     &		vp1,vp2,vt1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: bp,bt,
+     &		bp1,bp2,bt1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmaxo,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ct,ct1
+	one	= 1.0
+	vp	= 0.0
+	vp1	= 0.0
+	vp2	= 0.0
+	vt	= 0.0
+	vt1	= 0.0
+	bp	= 0.0
+	bp1	= 0.0
+	bp2	= 0.0
+	bt	= 0.0
+	bt1	= 0.0
+	ct	= 0.0
+	ct1	= 0.0
+	do k	= 0,nmaxo
+	   do n	= 0,nmax_v
+	      do L = 1,Lmax_v
+	    	 vp(k,L,0) = vp(k,L,0)+cheb(n,k)*vlm(n,L,0)
+	    	 vp1(k,L,0)= vp1(k,L,0)+dch1(n,k)*vlm(n,L,0)
+	    	 vp2(k,L,0)= vp2(k,L,0)+dch2(n,k)*vlm(n,L,0)
+	    	 vt(k,L,0) = vt(k,L,0)+cheb(n,k)*wlm(n,L,0)
+	    	 vt1(k,L,0)= vt1(k,L,0)+dch1(n,k)*wlm(n,L,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m = 1,mmax_v
+		 do L = m,Lmax_v
+	    	    vp(k,L,m) = vp(k,L,m)+cheb(n,k)*vlm(n,L,m)
+	    	    vp1(k,L,m)= vp1(k,L,m)+dch1(n,k)*vlm(n,L,m)
+	    	    vp2(k,L,m)= vp2(k,L,m)+dch2(n,k)*vlm(n,L,m)
+	    	    vt(k,L,m) = vt(k,L,m)+cheb(n,k)*wlm(n,L,m)
+	    	    vt1(k,L,m)= vt1(k,L,m)+dch1(n,k)*wlm(n,L,m)
+		 enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do i	= 0,nmaxo
+	   c1	= 1.0/rr(i)
+	   k1	= nmbic+2*i+1
+	   k2	= 2*i+1
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      bp(i,L,0) = cob(k1,L,0)
+	      bp1(i,L,0)= cob(k1+1,L,0)
+	      bt(i,L,0) = coj(k1,L,0)
+	      bt1(i,L,0)= coj(k1+1,L,0)
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	      do L = m,Lmax_m
+	         bp(i,L,m) = cob(k1,L,m)
+	         bp1(i,L,m)= cob(k1+1,L,m)
+	         bt(i,L,m) = coj(k1,L,m)
+	         bt1(i,L,m)= coj(k1+1,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   do m	= 0,mmax_t
+	      do L = m,Lmax_t
+	         ct(i,L,m) = cot(k2,L,m)
+	         ct1(i,L,m)= cot(k2+1,L,m)-c1*cot(k2,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	k1	= nmaxo-1
+	k2	= nmaxo
+	do m	= 0,mmax_m
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	      do k	= 2,nmaxo-2
+	         bp2(k,L,m) = dr1(k,1)*bp1(k-2,L,m)+dr1(k,2)*
+     &			      bp1(k-1,L,m)+dr1(k,4)*bp1(k+1,L,m)
+     &			      +dr1(k,5)*bp1(k+2,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	      bp2(0,L,m) = dr1(0,1)*bp1(0,L,m)+dr1(0,2)*bp1(1,L,m)
+     &			   +dr1(0,3)*bp1(2,L,m)+dr1(0,4)*bp1(3,L,m)
+     &			   +dr1(0,5)*bp1(4,L,m)
+	      bp2(1,L,m) = dr1(1,1)*bp1(0,L,m)+dr1(1,2)*bp1(1,L,m)
+     &			   +dr1(1,3)*bp1(2,L,m)+dr1(1,4)*bp1(3,L,m)
+     &			   +dr1(1,5)*bp1(4,L,m)
+	      bp2(k1,L,m)= dr1(k1,1)*bp1(k1-3,L,m)+dr1(k1,2)*
+     &			   bp1(k1-2,L,m)+dr1(k1,3)*bp1(k1-1,L,m)
+     &			   +dr1(k1,4)*bp1(k1,L,m)+dr1(k1,5)*
+     &			   bp1(k1+1,L,m)
+	      bp2(k2,L,m)= dr1(k2,1)*bp1(k2-4,L,m)+dr1(k2,2)*
+     &			   bp1(k2-3,L,m)+dr1(k2,3)*bp1(k2-2,L,m)
+     &			   +dr1(k2,4)*bp1(k2-1,L,m)+dr1(k2,5)*
+     &			   bp1(k2,L,m)
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c	Obtaining the L^2-norm of the fields
+	d5	= -pi/nmaxo
+	vol	= 4.0*pi*(1.0-rio*rio*rio)/3.0
+	ev	= 0.0
+	ew	= 0.0
+	eb	= 0.0
+	ej	= 0.0
+	et	= 0.0
+	eh	= 0.0
+	do m	= 0,mmax_v
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_v
+	      c1= LL(L)/rr(0)**2
+	      c2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo)**2
+	      c3= LL(L)/rr(1)**2
+	      c4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-1)**2
+	      d1= LL(L)/rr(2)**2
+	      d2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-2)**2
+	      d3= LL(L)/rr(3)**2
+	      d4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-3)**2
+	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(vt(0,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(vp1(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(vp(0,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo)
+     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
+     &		abs(vp(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(vt1(0,L,m))**2+abs
+     &		(c1*vp(0,L,m)-vp2(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(vt(0,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(c2*
+     &		vp(nmaxo,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
+     &		abs(vt(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(vt(1,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(vp1(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(vp(1,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-1)
+     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+
+     &		c4*abs(vp(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(vt1(1,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(c3*vp(1,L,m)-vp2(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(vt(1,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo-1)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(c4*
+     &		vp(nmaxo-1,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+c4*
+     &		abs(vt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(vt(2,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(vp1(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(vp(2,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-2)
+     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+
+     &		d2*abs(vp(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(vt1(2,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(d1*vp(2,L,m)-vp2(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(vt(2,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo-2)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(d2*
+     &		vp(nmaxo-2,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+d2*
+     &		abs(vt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      ev(L,m) = ev(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(vt(3,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(vp1(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(vp(3,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-3)
+     &		*(abs(vt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(vp1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+
+     &		d4*abs(vp(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ew(L,m) = ew(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(vt1(3,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(d3*vp(3,L,m)-vp2(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(vt(3,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo-3)*(abs(vt1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(d4*
+     &		vp(nmaxo-3,L,m)-vp2(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+d4*
+     &		abs(vt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      do i  = 4,nmaxo-4
+		 c1 = LL(L)/rr(i)**2
+		 ev(L,m)= ev(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(vt(i,L,m))**2+
+     &		     abs(vp1(i,L,m))**2+c1*abs(vp(i,L,m))**2) 
+		 ew(L,m)= ew(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(vt1(i,L,m))**2+
+     &		     abs(c1*vp(i,L,m)-vp2(i,L,m))**2+c1*
+     &		     abs(vt(i,L,m))**2) 
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do m	= 0,mmax_m
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	      c1= LL(L)/rr(0)**2
+	      c2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo)**2
+	      c3= LL(L)/rr(1)**2
+	      c4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-1)**2
+	      d1= LL(L)/rr(2)**2
+	      d2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-2)**2
+	      d3= LL(L)/rr(3)**2
+	      d4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-3)**2
+	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(bt(0,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(bp1(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(bp(0,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo)
+     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
+     &		abs(bp(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(bt1(0,L,m))**2+abs
+     &		(c1*bp(0,L,m)-bp2(0,L,m))**2+c1*abs(bt(0,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo,L,m))**2+abs(c2*
+     &		bp(nmaxo,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo,L,m))**2+c2*
+     &		abs(bt(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(bt(1,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(bp1(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(bp(1,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-1)
+     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+
+     &		c4*abs(bp(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(bt1(1,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(c3*bp(1,L,m)-bp2(1,L,m))**2+c3*abs(bt(1,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo-1)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+abs(c4*
+     &		bp(nmaxo-1,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2+c4*
+     &		abs(bt(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(bt(2,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(bp1(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(bp(2,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-2)
+     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+
+     &		d2*abs(bp(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(bt1(2,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(d1*bp(2,L,m)-bp2(2,L,m))**2+d1*abs(bt(2,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo-2)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+abs(d2*
+     &		bp(nmaxo-2,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2+d2*
+     &		abs(bt(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      eb(L,m) = eb(L,m)+49*(gg(3)*(abs(bt(3,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(bp1(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(bp(3,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-3)
+     &		*(abs(bt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(bp1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+
+     &		d4*abs(bp(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      ej(L,m) = ej(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(bt1(3,L,m))**2+
+     &		abs(d3*bp(3,L,m)-bp2(3,L,m))**2+d3*abs(bt(3,L,m))**2)
+     &		+gg(nmaxo-3)*(abs(bt1(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+abs(d4*
+     &		bp(nmaxo-3,L,m)-bp2(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2+d4*
+     &		abs(bt(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0 
+	      do i  = 4,nmaxo-4
+		 c1 = LL(L)/rr(i)**2
+		 eb(L,m)= eb(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(bt(i,L,m))**2+
+     &		     abs(bp1(i,L,m))**2+c1*abs(bp(i,L,m))**2) 
+		 ej(L,m)= ej(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(bt1(i,L,m))**2+
+     &		     abs(c1*bp(i,L,m)-bp2(i,L,m))**2+c1*
+     &		     abs(bt(i,L,m))**2) 
+		 et(L,m)= et(L,m)+gg(i)*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2
+		 eh(L,m)= eh(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(ct1(i,L,m))**2+
+     &		     c1*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do m	= 0,mmax_t
+	   do L	= m,Lmax_t
+	      c1= LL(L)/rr(0)**2
+	      c2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo)**2
+	      c3= LL(L)/rr(1)**2
+	      c4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-1)**2
+	      d1= LL(L)/rr(2)**2
+	      d2= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-2)**2
+	      d3= LL(L)/rr(3)**2
+	      d4= LL(L)/rr(nmaxo-3)**2
+	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*abs(ct(0,L,m))**2+
+     &		gg(nmaxo)*abs(ct(nmaxo,L,m))**2)/48.0
+	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+17.0*(gg(0)*(abs(ct1(0,L,m))**2+
+     &		c1*abs(ct(0,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo,
+     &		L,m))**2+c2*abs(ct(nmaxo,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*abs(ct(1,L,m))**2+
+     &		gg(nmaxo-1)*abs(ct(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2)/48.0
+	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+59.0*(gg(1)*(abs(ct1(1,L,m))**2+
+     &		c3*abs(ct(1,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-1)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo-1,
+     &		L,m))**2+c4*abs(ct(nmaxo-1,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*abs(ct(2,L,m))**2+
+     &		gg(nmaxo-2)*abs(ct(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2)/48.0
+	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+43.0*(gg(2)*(abs(ct1(2,L,m))**2+
+     &		d1*abs(ct(2,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-2)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo-2,
+     &		L,m))**2+d2*abs(ct(nmaxo-2,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      et(L,m) = et(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*abs(ct(3,L,m))**2+
+     &		gg(nmaxo-3)*abs(ct(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2)/48.0
+	      eh(L,m) = eh(L,m)+49.0*(gg(3)*(abs(ct1(3,L,m))**2+
+     &		d3*abs(ct(3,L,m))**2)+gg(nmaxo-3)*(abs(ct1(nmaxo-3,
+     &		L,m))**2+d4*abs(ct(nmaxo-3,L,m))**2))/48.0
+	      do i  = 4,nmaxo-4
+		 c1 = LL(L)/rr(i)**2
+		 et(L,m)= et(L,m)+gg(i)*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2
+		 eh(L,m)= eh(L,m)+gg(i)*(abs(ct1(i,L,m))**2+
+     &		     c1*abs(ct(i,L,m))**2)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	c1	= d5/vol
+	do m    = 0,mmax_v
+	   do L = m,Lmax_v
+	      c2	= LL(L)*c1
+	      ev(L,m)	= ev(L,m)*c2
+	      ew(L,m)	= ew(L,m)*c2
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do m    = 0,mmax_m
+	   do L = m,Lmax_m
+	      c2	= LL(L)*c1
+	      eb(L,m)	= eb(L,m)*c2
+	      ej(L,m)	= ej(L,m)*c2
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do m    = 0,mmax_t
+	   do L = m,Lmax_t
+	      et(L,m)	= et(L,m)*c1
+	      eh(L,m)	= eh(L,m)*c1
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	L	= (Lmax_v+1)*(mmax_v+1)
+	amv	= dasum(L,ev(0,0),1)
+	amw	= dasum(L,ew(0,0),1)
+	L	= (Lmax_m+1)*(mmax_m+1)
+	amb	= dasum(L,eb(0,0),1)
+	amj	= dasum(L,ej(0,0),1)
+	L	= (Lmax_t+1)*(mmax_t+1)
+	amt	= dasum(L,et(0,0),1)
+	amh	= dasum(L,eh(0,0),1)
+	amv	= sqrt(abs(amv))
+	amw	= sqrt(abs(amw))
+	amb	= sqrt(abs(amb))
+	amj	= sqrt(abs(amj))
+	amt	= sqrt(abs(amt))
+	amh	= sqrt(abs(amh))
+	elb	= amb/amj
+	elv	= amv/amw
+	elt	= amt/amh
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_anomaly.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_anomaly.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_anomaly.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+	MODULE mod_cmbheat
+!	This module defines the background temperature profile with a
+!	given heterogeneous heat fluxes at CMB and at the ICB
+!	   HTF_CMB:   the heat flux profile at the CMB;
+!	   HTF_ICB:   the heat flux profile at the ICB;
+!	   EPSHT_CMB: the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric heatflux 
+!	  	      at CMB (relative to the spherically symmetric
+!		      heat flux);
+!	   EPSHT_ICB: the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric heatflux 
+!	  	      at ICB (relative to the spherically symmetric
+!		      heat flux);
+!	   LHEAT_CMB: the maximum degree of the heat flux HTF_CMB;
+!	   LHEAT_ICB: the maximum degree of the heat flux HTF_ICB;
+!	   T0H:   the incoming heterogeneous heat flux (dT/dr) at the CMB;
+!	   DT0R:  - d/dr of the spherically symmetric conducting 
+!		  temperature profile;
+!	   DRT0H: - d/dr of the heterogeneous temperature profile;
+!	   DTT0H: - sin(th) d/dth of the the heterogeneous temperature profile;
+!	   DPT0H: - d/dph of the the heterogeneous temperature profile;
+!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+!       Date:   Feb., 2001
+!       Date of Last Modified:   Nov. 2003
+!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   use mod_sysparam
+	   use mod_optparam
+	   use mod_radgeom
+	   use mod_sphgeom
+	   implicit none
+	   real (kind=8) dt0r(0:nmaxo)
+	   SUBROUTINE cmbheat_basic
+	   implicit none
+	   integer i
+c	   Spherically symmetric temperature profile
+	   dt0r	= 0.0
+	   if (indxt .eq. 0) then
+	      do i = 0,nmaxo
+		 dt0r(i) = alpht*rr(i)/3.0+(1.0-alpht*rio/3.0)*
+     &			   (rio/rr(i))**2
+	      enddo
+	   else if (indxt .eq. 1) then
+	      do i = 0,nmaxo
+		 dt0r(i) = rr(i)
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	   END SUBROUTINE cmbheat_basic
+	END MODULE mod_cmbheat

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_artdis.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_artdis.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_artdis.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+c	This module defines the artificial dissipation used in the modeling.
+c	   AVISV1: the artificial viscosity parameter in meridional direction;
+c	   AVISV2: the artificial viscosity parameter in radial direction;
+c	   NAVFV1: the truncation level of the meridional artificial viscosity;
+c	   NAVFV2: the truncation level of the radial artificial viscosity;
+c	   AVISMV: the artificial viscosity vector;
+c	   AVISB:  the artificial magnetic diffusion in meridional direction;
+c	   NAVFB:  the truncation level of the meridional diffusivity;
+c	   AVISMB: the artificial diffusion vector;
+c	   AVIST:  the artificial thermal conduction in meridional direction;
+c	   NAVFT:  the truncation level of the meridional conduction;
+c	   AVISMT: the artificial conduction vector;
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Jan., 2001
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_artdis
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   implicit none
+	   integer navfv1,navfv2,navfb,navft
+	   real (kind=8) avisv1,avisv2,avisb,avist
+	   real (kind=8) avismv(0:Lmax_v,0:nmaxo)
+	   real (kind=8) avismb(0:Lmax_m),avismt(0:Lmax_t)
+c	   The subroutine that defines the artificial dissipation
+c	   vectors
+	   subroutine artdis
+	      implicit none
+	      integer i,L
+	      avismv	= 1.0 
+	      avismb	= 1.0 
+	      avismt	= 1.0 
+	      do L	= navfb,Lmax_m
+		 avismb(L) = avismb(L)+avisb*(L-navfb)**2
+	      enddo
+	      do L	= navft,Lmax_t
+		 avismt(L) = avismt(L)+avist*(L-navft)**2
+	      enddo
+	      do i    	= 0,nmaxo
+                 do L 	= navfv1,Lmax_v
+		    avismv(L,i) = avismv(L,i)+avisv1*(L-navfv1)**2
+                 enddo
+              enddo
+	      do i    	= navfv2,nmaxo
+                 do L 	= 0,Lmax_v
+		    avismv(L,i) = avismv(L,i)+avisv2*(i-navfv2)**2
+                 enddo
+              enddo
+	   end subroutine artdis
+	END MODULE mod_artdis

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_dataio.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_dataio.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_dataio.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+c	This module defines the strings and the lengths of input/output data
+c	files;
+c	   usr_name:    the user account name for storage space;
+c	   code_geom:   the geometry notation of the model;
+c	   disc_in:     the disc name for the input data file;
+c	   subdir_in:   the directory for the input data file;
+c	   version_in:  the version for the input data file;
+c	   fileno_in:   the sequence number of the input data file
+c	   file_in:	the input data file name;
+c	   length_din:	the string length for the input data directory name;
+c	   length_in:	the string length for the input data file name;
+c	   disc_out:    the disc name for the output data file;
+c	   subdir_out:  the directory for the output data file;
+c	   version_out: the version for the output data file;
+c	   fileno_out:  the sequence number of the output data file;
+c	   file_out:	the output data file name;
+c	   length_dout:	the string length for the output data directory name;
+c	   length_out:	the string length for the output data file name;
+c	   disc_diag:   the disc name for the diagnostic data file;
+c	   subdir_diag: the directory for the diagnostic data file;
+c	   version_diag:the version for the diagnostic file;
+c	   file_diag:	the diagnostic file name;
+c	   length_ddiag:the string length for the diagnostic directory name;
+c	   length_diag:	the string length for the diagnostic file name;
+!	   disc_anom:   the disc name for the heterogeneity data file;
+!	   subdir_anom: the directory for the heterogeneity data file;
+!	   version_anom:the version for the heterogeneity file;
+!	   length_anom:	the string length for the file_anom;
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Jan., 2002
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_dataio
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   use mod_vfield
+	   use mod_bfield
+	   use mod_tfield
+	   use mod_rotation
+	   implicit none
+	   integer fileno_in,fileno_out
+	   integer length_in,length_out,length_diag,length_anom
+	   integer length_din,length_dout,length_ddiag
+	   character*20  disc_in,disc_out,disc_diag,disc_anom,usr_name
+	   character*20  subdir_in,subdir_out,subdir_diag,subdir_anom
+	   character*20  version_in,version_out,version_diag,code_geom,
+     &			 version_anom
+	   character*100 direct_in,direct_out,direct_diag,direct_anom
+	   character*200 file_in,file_out,file_diag  	
+c	   The subroutine defines the directory path for the data I/O
+	   SUBROUTINE directname
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	i1,i2,i3,i4,j,k
+	      character*50 file_indx
+	      length_din	= 0
+	      length_dout	= 0
+	      length_ddiag	= 0
+	      length_anom	= 0
+c	      (1) Define the input data directory
+	      i1	= len_trim(disc_in)
+	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_in(1:1) = "/"
+	         direct_in(2:i1+1) = disc_in(1:i1)
+		 k	= i1+1
+	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	            direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	            direct_in(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
+	            k	= k+i2+1
+		 endif
+	      else
+		 direct_in(1:5) = "$HOME"
+		 k	= 5
+	      endif
+	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_in)
+	      i2	= len_trim(version_in)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_in(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_in(1:i1)
+		 k	= k+i1+1
+	      endif
+	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_in(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_in(1:i2)
+		 k	= k+i2+1
+	      endif
+	      direct_in(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	      length_din = k+1
+c	      (2) Define the output data file directory
+	      i1	= len_trim(disc_out)
+	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_out(1:1) = "/"
+	         direct_out(2:i1+1) = disc_out(1:i1)
+		 k	= i1+1
+	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	            direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	            direct_out(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
+	            k	= k+i2+1
+		 endif
+	      else
+		 direct_out(1:5) = "$HOME"
+		 k	= 5
+	      endif
+	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_out)
+	      i2	= len_trim(version_out)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_out(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_out(1:i1)
+		 k	= k+i1+1
+	      endif
+	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_out(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_out(1:i2)
+		 k	= k+i2+1
+	      endif
+	      direct_out(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	      length_dout = k+1
+c	      (3) Define the diagnostic data directory
+	      i1	= len_trim(disc_diag)
+	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_diag(1:1) = "/"
+	         direct_diag(2:i1+1) = disc_diag(1:i1)
+		 k	= i1+1
+	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	            direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	            direct_diag(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
+	            k	= k+i2+1
+		 endif
+	      else
+		 direct_diag(1:5) = "$HOME"
+		 k	= 5
+	      endif
+	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_diag)
+	      i2	= len_trim(version_diag)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_diag(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_diag(1:i1)
+		 k	= k+i1+1
+	      endif
+	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_diag(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_diag(1:i2)
+		 k	= k+i2+1
+	      endif
+	      direct_diag(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	      length_ddiag = k+1
+c	      (4) Define the heterogeneity data directory
+	      i1	= len_trim(disc_anom)
+	      i2	= len_trim(usr_name)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_anom(1:1) = "/"
+	         direct_anom(2:i1+1) = disc_anom(1:i1)
+		 k	= i1+1
+	         if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	            direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	            direct_anom(k+2:k+i2+1) = usr_name(1:i2)
+	            k	= k+i2+1
+		 endif
+	      else
+		 direct_anom(1:5) = "$HOME"
+		 k	= 5
+	      endif
+	      i1	= len_trim(subdir_anom)
+	      i2	= len_trim(version_anom)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_anom(k+2:k+i1+1) = subdir_anom(1:i1)
+		 k	= k+i1+1
+	      endif
+	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	         direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	         direct_anom(k+2:k+i2+1) = version_anom(1:i2)
+		 k	= k+i2+1
+	      endif
+	      direct_anom(k+1:k+1) = "/"
+	      length_anom = k+1
+	   END SUBROUTINE directname
+c	   The subroutine defines the input data file name
+	   SUBROUTINE infilename
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	i1,i2,i3,i4,j,k
+	      character*50 file_indx, file_tmp
+c	      (1) Define the input data directory
+	      k	= length_din
+	      if (k .eq. 0) then
+		 call directname
+	         k	= length_din
+	      endif
+c	      (2) Define the input data file name
+	      file_in(1:k) = direct_in(1:k)
+	      i1= len_trim(code_geom)
+	      i2= len_trim(version_in)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+		 file_in(k+1:k+i1) = code_geom(1:i1)
+		 file_in(k+i1+1:k+i1+1) = "."
+		 k	= k+i1+1
+	      endif
+	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+		 file_in(k+1:k+i2) = version_in(1:i2)
+		 file_in(k+i2+1:k+i2+1) = "."
+		 k	= k+i2+1
+	      endif
+	      write(file_tmp, *) fileno_in
+	      file_indx = adjustl(file_tmp)
+	      i3	= len_trim(file_indx)
+	      file_in(k+1:k+i3) = file_indx(1:i3)
+	      length_in	= k+i3
+	   END SUBROUTINE infilename
+c	   The subroutine defines the output data file name
+	   SUBROUTINE outfilename
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	i1,i2,i3,i4,j,k
+	      character*50 file_indx,file_tmp
+c	      (1) Define the output data directory
+	      k	= length_dout
+	      if (k. eq. 0) then
+		 call directname
+	         k = length_dout
+	      endif
+c	      (2) Define the output data file name
+	      file_out(1:k) = direct_out(1:k)
+	      i1= len_trim(code_geom)
+	      i2= len_trim(version_out)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+		 file_out(k+1:k+i1) = code_geom(1:i1)
+		 file_out(k+i1+1:k+i1+1) = "."
+	         k	= k+i1+1
+	      endif
+	      if (i2 .gt. 0) then
+	         file_out(k+1:k+i2) = version_out(1:i2)
+	         file_out(k+i2+1:k+i2+1) = "."
+	         k	= k+i2+1
+	      endif
+	      write(file_tmp, *) fileno_out
+	      file_indx = adjustl(file_tmp)
+	      i3	= len_trim(file_indx)
+	      file_out(k+1:k+i3) = file_indx(1:i3)
+	      length_out = k+i3
+	   END SUBROUTINE outfilename
+c	   The subroutine defines the diagnostic file name
+	   SUBROUTINE diagfilename
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	i1,k
+c	      (1) Define the diagnostic data directory
+	      k	= length_ddiag
+	      if (k .eq. 0) then
+		 call directname
+	         k = length_ddiag
+	      endif
+c	      (2) Define the diagnostic file name
+	      file_diag(1:k) = direct_diag(1:k)
+	      i1= len_trim(version_diag)
+	      if (i1 .gt. 0) then
+		 file_diag(k+1:k+i1) = version_diag(1:i1)
+		 k	= k+i1
+	      endif
+	      file_diag(k+1:k+1) = "_"
+	      length_diag = k+1
+!	      file_diag(k+2:k+9) = "diag_out"
+!	      length_diag = k+9
+	   END SUBROUTINE diagfilename
+c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
+	   SUBROUTINE data_in
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	L,m,k
+c	      (1) Define the input file name
+	      call infilename
+c	      (2) Open the path
+	      open(unit=22,file=file_in(1:length_in),form="unformatted",
+     &		   action="read")
+c	      (3) Read in the dynamo state
+	      coua	= 0.0
+	      coub	= 0.0
+	      cova	= 0.0
+	      covb	= 0.0
+	      cob	= 0.0
+	      coj	= 0.0
+	      cot	= 0.0
+	      vlm	= 0.0
+	      wlm	= 0.0
+	      read(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
+	      read(22) (coua(k),k=1,nmx2)
+	      read(22) (coub(k),k=1,nmx2)
+	      read(22) (cova(k),k=1,nmx1)
+	      read(22) (covb(k),k=1,nmx1)
+	      read(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      read(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      read(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      read(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      read(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
+	      close(22)
+	      call group
+	   END SUBROUTINE data_in
+c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
+	   SUBROUTINE data_out
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	L,m,k
+c	      (1) Define the output file name
+	      call outfilename
+c	      (2) Open the path
+	      open(unit=22,file=file_out(1:length_out),form="unformatted")
+c	      (3) Write out the dynamo state
+	      write(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
+	      write(22) (coua(k),k=1,nmx2)
+	      write(22) (coub(k),k=1,nmx2)
+	      write(22) (cova(k),k=1,nmx1)
+	      write(22) (covb(k),k=1,nmx1)
+	      write(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      write(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      write(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      write(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      write(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
+	      close(22)
+	   END SUBROUTINE data_out
+c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
+	   SUBROUTINE data_in1
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	L,m,k
+c	      (1) Define the input file name
+	      call infilename
+c	      (2) Open the path
+	      open(unit=22,file=file_in(1:length_in),form="unformatted",
+     &		   action="read")
+c	      (3) Read in the dynamo state
+	      cob	= 0.0
+	      coj	= 0.0
+	      cot	= 0.0
+	      vlm	= 0.0
+	      wlm	= 0.0
+	      read(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
+	      read(22) ((vlm(k,L,0), k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
+	      read(22) (((vlm(k,L,m), k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
+	      read(22) ((wlm(k,L,0), k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
+	      read(22) (((wlm(k,L,m), k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
+	      read(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      read(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      read(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      read(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      read(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
+	      close(22)
+	      call regroup
+	   END SUBROUTINE data_in1
+c	   The subroutine defines dynamo state input
+	   SUBROUTINE data_out1
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	L,m,k
+c	      (1) Define the output file name
+	      call outfilename
+c	      (2) Open the path
+	      open(unit=22,file=file_out(1:length_out),form="unformatted")
+c	      (3) Write out the dynamo state
+	      write(22) omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz
+	      write(22) ((vlm(k,L,0),k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
+	      write(22) (((vlm(k,L,m),k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
+	      write(22) ((wlm(k,L,0),k=0,nmax_v),L=1,Lmax_v)
+	      write(22) (((wlm(k,L,m),k=0,nmax_v),L=m,Lmax_v),m=1,mmax_v)
+	      write(22) ((cob(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      write(22) (((cob(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      write(22) ((coj(k,L,0),k=1,nmb),L=1,Lmax_m)
+	      write(22) (((coj(k,L,m),k=1,nmb),L=m,Lmax_m),m=1,mmax_m)
+	      write(22) (((cot(k,L,m),k=1,nmx3),L=m,Lmax_t),m=0,mmax_t)
+	      close(22)
+	   END SUBROUTINE data_out1
+	END MODULE mod_dataio

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_fields.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_fields.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_fields.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+!	This group of the modules defines the solution fields of the model.
+c	This module defines the velocity field vectors and the conversions
+c	between two different representations of the velocity field.
+c	   (COUA,COUB): the velocity vectors for (m <= miner);
+c	   (COVA,COVB): asymmmatric velocity vectors for (m > miner);  
+c	   VLM:       poloidal velocity expansion coefficients;
+c	   WLM:       toroidal velocity expansion coefficients;
+c	Two symmetry groups of velocity perturbations:
+c 	   Group I:
+c		{v^L, w^[L+1]}, {L = m,m+2,....};
+c 	   Group II:
+c		{w^[L-1], v^L}, {L = m+1,m+3,...};
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Mar., 2002
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_vfield
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   use mod_parity
+	   implicit none
+	   complex (kind=8)  coua(nmx2),coub(nmx2)
+	   complex (kind=8)  cova(nmx1),covb(nmx1)
+	   complex (kind=8), dimension(0:nmax_v,Lmax_v,0:mmax_v) :: vlm,
+     &			wlm
+c	   Two subroutines for conversions between (vlm,wlm) and 
+c	   (coua,coub,cova,covb)
+	   SUBROUTINE group
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	m,L1,Lcca,Lccb,Lcc1,La,Lb
+	      vlm	= 0.0
+	      wlm	= 0.0
+	      do L1   = 1,lsym_v(0)
+		 La   = 2*L1-1
+		 Lb   = 2*L1
+		 Lcca = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1+1
+		 Lccb = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1+1
+		 vlm(:,La,0) = coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
+		 vlm(:,Lb,0) = coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
+		 wlm(:,La,0) = coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
+		 wlm(:,Lb,0) = coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
+	      enddo
+	      do m    = 1,miner
+		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)
+	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		    La= m+2*L1
+		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
+		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
+		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
+		    vlm(:,La,m) = coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
+		    vlm(:,Lb,m) = coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
+		    wlm(:,La,m) = coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
+		    wlm(:,Lb,m) = coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
+		 enddo
+	      enddo
+	      do m    = miner+1,mmax_v
+		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)
+	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		    La= m+2*L1
+		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
+		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
+		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
+		    vlm(:,La,m) = covb(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
+		    vlm(:,Lb,m) = cova(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
+		    wlm(:,La,m) = cova(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v)
+		    wlm(:,Lb,m) = covb(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v)
+		 enddo
+	      enddo
+	   SUBROUTINE regroup
+	      implicit none
+	      integer	m,L1,Lcca,Lccb,Lcc1,La,Lb
+	      coua	= 0.0
+	      coub	= 0.0
+	      cova	= 0.0
+	      covb	= 0.0
+	      do L1   = 1,lsym_v(0)
+		 La   = 2*L1-1
+		 Lb   = 2*L1
+		 Lcca = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1+1
+		 Lccb = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1+1
+		 coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = vlm(:,La,0)
+		 coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = wlm(:,Lb,0)
+		 coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = wlm(:,La,0)
+		 coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = vlm(:,Lb,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m    = 1,miner
+		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)
+	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		    La= m+2*L1
+		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
+		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
+		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
+		    coua(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = vlm(:,La,m)
+		    coua(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = wlm(:,Lb,m)
+		    coub(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = wlm(:,La,m)
+		    coub(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = vlm(:,Lb,m)
+		 enddo
+	      enddo
+	      do m    = miner+1,mmax_v
+		 Lcc1 = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)
+	         do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		    La= m+2*L1
+		    Lb= m+2*L1+1
+		    Lcca= Lcc1+2*L1*nmxo1+1
+		    Lccb= Lcc1+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1+1
+		    cova(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = wlm(:,La,m)
+		    cova(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = vlm(:,Lb,m)
+		    covb(Lcca:Lcca+nmax_v) = vlm(:,La,m)
+		    covb(Lccb:Lccb+nmax_v) = wlm(:,Lb,m)
+		 enddo
+	      enddo
+	   END SUBROUTINE regroup
+	END MODULE mod_vfield
+c	This module defines the magnetic field vectors
+c	   COB:       poloidal field expansion coefficients;
+c	   COJ:       toroidal field expansion coefficients;            *
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Feb., 2001
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_bfield
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   implicit none
+	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob,coj
+	END MODULE mod_bfield
+c	This module defines the temperature field vector
+c	   COT:       temperature perturbation;
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Feb., 2001
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_tfield
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   implicit none
+	   complex (kind=8)  cot(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
+	END MODULE mod_tfield
+c	This module defines the solid body rotation of the inner core
+c	and the solid mantle
+c	   (OMGIH,OMGIZ): the rotation rate of the inner core;
+c	   (OMGMH,OMGMZ): the rotation rate of the mantle;
+c	   OMGH = OMGX + i OMGY;
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Feb., 2001
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_rotation
+	   implicit none
+	   real (kind=8) omgiz,omgmz
+	   complex (kind=8) omgih,omgmh
+	END MODULE mod_rotation

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_matrices.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_matrices.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_matrices.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,1860 @@
+c	This module defines the matrices for the momentum equation
+c	that solves the velocity field
+c	   (CUA1,CUA2): the matrices for the momentum
+c	  	 equation with (m <= miner);
+c	   MLU:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
+c	   MUU:	 the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
+c	   LU1    = 2*MLU+MUU+1;
+c	   LU2    = MLU+MUU+1;
+c	   NMX2: the leading dimension of (CUA, CUB);
+c	   NDU:	 the order of (CUA,CUB);		
+c	   IPVTUA: the pivoting index for CUA1;
+c	   IPVTUB: the pivoting index for CUB1;
+c	   (CVA, CVB): the matrices for the momentum equation with
+c		 (m >= miner+1);
+c	   MLV:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
+c	   MUV:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
+c	   LV    = 2*MLV+MUV+1;
+c	   NMX1: the leading dimension of (CVA, CVB);
+c	   NDV:	 the order of (CVA,CVB);		
+c	   IPVTVA: the pivoting index for CVA;
+c	   IPVTVB: the pivoting index for CVB;
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Mar., 2002
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_vmatrix
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   use mod_sysparam
+	   use mod_numparam
+	   use mod_optparam
+	   use mod_parity
+	   use mod_radgeom
+	   use mod_sphgeom
+	   use mod_artdis
+	   implicit none
+	   integer mlu,muu,lu1,lu2,ndu
+	   integer mlv,muv,lv,ndv
+	   integer, dimension(nmx2) :: ipvtua,ipvtub
+	   integer, dimension(nmx1) :: ipvtva,ipvtvb
+	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2,6*nmaxo+4) :: cua1,cub1
+	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2,4*nmaxo+3) :: cua2,cub2
+	   complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1,6*nmaxo+4) :: cva,cvb
+c	subroutines VMATRIXV for (CVA,CVB), VMATRIXU for (CUA,CUB),
+c	BOUNDCV and BOUNDCU for the boundary conditions at ICB and CMB
+	SUBROUTINE vmatrixv
+c	   This subroutine provides the matrix elements for CVA, CVB
+	   implicit none
+	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlv,nmlvm,nmlvp,info
+	   real (kind=8) dlm,dl1m,c1
+	   complex (kind=8) uim
+	   mlv	= 2*nmaxo+1
+	   muv	= 2*nmaxo+1
+	   lv	= 2*mlv+muv+1
+	   cva	= 0.0
+	   cvb	= 0.0
+	   do n 	= 0,nmaxo
+	      nmlv = n+mlv+1
+	      nmlvm= n+mlv+1-nmxo1
+	      nmlvp= n+mlv+1+nmxo1
+	      do m	= miner+1,mmax_v
+		 uim    = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+		 do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+	            L   = m+2*L1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+	            dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		    c1  = ekman*avismv(L,n)
+		    do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		       cva(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = -c1*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/(1.0*LL1)
+		       cva(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)
+     &			*cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    enddo
+		    do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = c1*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1
+     &			*dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3
+     &			+LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*
+     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
+		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    enddo
+	            if (L1 .gt. 0) then
+		       do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		          cva(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+		       do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		          cvb(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+	            endif
+	         enddo
+	         do L1   = 0,lsym_v(m)
+	            L    = m+2*L1+1
+	            LL1  = LL(L)
+	            k    = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	            dlm  = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1m = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		    c1   = ekman*avismv(L,n)
+		    do i = 2,nmaxo-2
+		       cva(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cva(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = c1*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1
+     &			*dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3
+     &			+LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*
+     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
+		    enddo
+		    do i = 1,nmaxo-1
+		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlvm-i) = -dlm*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cvb(k+i+1,nmlv-i)  = -c1*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/(1.0*LL1)
+		    enddo
+	            if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
+		       do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		          cva(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				    cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+		       do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		          cvb(k+i+1,nmlvp-i) = -dl1m*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				    cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+	            endif
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c	   The boundary conditions at the ICB and at the CMB
+	   call boundcv
+	   ndv	= kdm(mmax_v)-kdm(miner)
+	   call zbandfa(cva,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtva,info)
+	   call zbandfa(cvb,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtvb,info)
+	SUBROUTINE vmatrixu
+	   implicit none
+	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlu,nmlum,nmlup,info
+	   real (kind=8) dl0,dl1,c1,c2
+	   complex (kind=8) uim
+	   if (itrung .lt. 1) then 
+	      c1 = 0.25*deltt
+	   else if (itrung .lt. 2) then
+	      c1 = 0.375*deltt
+	   else
+	      c1 = 0.5*deltt
+	   endif
+	   mlu	= 2*nmaxo+1
+	   muu	= 2*nmaxo+1
+	   lu1	= 2*mlu+muu+1
+	   lu2	= mlu+muu+1
+	   cua1	= 0.0
+	   cua2	= 0.0
+	   cub1	= 0.0
+	   cub2	= 0.0
+	   do n	= 0,nmaxo
+	      nmlu = n+mlu+1
+	      nmlum= n+mlu+1-nmxo1
+	      nmlup= n+mlu+1+nmxo1
+c	      Matrix elements for m = 0
+	      do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
+	         L   = 2*L1-1
+	         LL1 = LL(L)
+	         k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+	         dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
+	         dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
+	         c2  = c1*avismv(L,n)*ekman  
+	         do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &			/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
+     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
+     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
+		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &			/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
+     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
+     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
+		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+	         enddo
+	         do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*
+     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
+		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*
+     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
+		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+	         enddo
+	         if (L1 .gt. 1) then
+		    do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    enddo
+		    do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    enddo
+	         endif
+	      enddo
+	      do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
+	         L   = 2*L1
+	         LL1 = LL(L)
+	         k   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	         dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
+	         dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
+	         c2  = c1*avismv(L,n)*ekman  
+	         do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*
+     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
+		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*
+     &			(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)
+	         enddo
+	         do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &			/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
+     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
+     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
+		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i)= c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i) = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &			/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*
+     &			dch2(n,i)/rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+
+     &			LL1*(LL1-6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)
+	         enddo
+	         if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(0)) then
+		    do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    enddo
+		    do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i)= c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &			cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		    enddo
+	         endif
+	      enddo
+c	      Matrix elements for 1 =< m =< miner
+	      do m	= 1, miner
+		 uim	= c1*cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	         do L1	= 0,lsym_v(m)
+	            L 	= m+2*L1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+	            dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+	            c2  = c1*ekman*avismv(L,n)
+	            do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &				/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
+     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
+     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
+		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &				/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
+     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
+     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)-uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
+		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+	            enddo
+	            do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*(dch2(n,i)
+     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)
+		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)
+     &				*cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*(dch2(n,i)
+     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)+uim*cheb(n,i)/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)
+		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)
+     &				*cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+	            enddo
+	            if (L1 .gt. 0) then
+		       do i = 2,nmaxo-2
+		          cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		          cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+		       do i = 1,nmaxo-1
+		          cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		          cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+	            endif
+	         enddo
+	         do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+	            L   = m+2*L1+1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	            dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+	            c2  = c1*ekman*avismv(L,n)
+	            do i= 1,nmaxo-1
+		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cua1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)-c2*(dch2(n,i)
+     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)-uim*cheb(n,i)/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)
+		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cua2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = ro*cheb(n,i)+c2*(dch2(n,i)
+     &				-LL1*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)+uim*cheb(n,i)/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)
+		    enddo
+	            do i= 2,nmaxo-2
+		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = -c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cub1(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &				/rr(i)**2)+c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
+     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
+     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)+uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
+		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlum-i) = c1*dl0*(dch1(n,i)-L*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       cub2(k+i+1,nmlu-i)  = -ro*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*cheb(n,i)
+     &				/rr(i)**2)-c2*(dch4(n,i)-2*LL1*dch2(n,i)/
+     &				rr(i)**2+4*LL1*dch1(n,i)/rr(i)**3+LL1*(LL1-
+     &				6)*cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**4)-uim*(dch2(n,i)-LL1*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i)**2)/(1.0*LL1)
+	            enddo
+	            if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
+		       do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
+		          cua1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		          cua2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+		       do i	= 2,nmaxo-2
+		          cub1(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = -c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		          cub2(k+i+1,nmlup-i) = c1*dl1*(dch1(n,i)+(L+1)*
+     &				cheb(n,i)/rr(i))
+		       enddo
+	            endif
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+c          The boundary conditions at the ICB
+	   call boundcu
+	   ndu	= kdm(miner)
+    	   call zbandfa(cua1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtua,info)
+    	   call zbandfa(cub1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtub,info)
+	SUBROUTINE boundcv
+c	   This subroutine provides the boundary conditions for (COVA,COVB)
+c	   at ICB and at CMB
+	   implicit none
+	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlv,nmlvm,nmlvp,info
+	   real (kind=8) dlm,dl1m,c1
+	   complex (kind=8) uim
+C	   Boundary Conditions at ICB
+	   if (kicbv .eq. 0) then
+c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlv      = n+mlv+1
+	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+		       cva(k+1,nmlv)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
+		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+2,nmlv-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
+		       cva(L+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
+		       cva(L+2,nmlv-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
+		       cvb(L+1,nmlv)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
+		    enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbv .eq. 1) then
+c	      No-slip boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlv = n+mlv+1
+	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+		       cva(k+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+2,nmlv-1)= dch1(n,0)
+		       cva(L+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
+		       cva(L+2,nmlv-1)= dch1(n,0)
+		       cvb(L+1,nmlv)  = cheb(n,0)
+		    enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbv .eq. 2) then
+c	      Partial-slippery boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlv = n+mlv+1
+	         nmlvm= n+mlv+1-nmxo1
+	         nmlvp= n+mlv+1+nmxo1
+	         do m = miner+1,mmax_v
+	            uim    = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       L   = m+2*L1
+	               LL1 = LL(L)
+	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		       cva(k+1,nmlv)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
+     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
+		       cva(k+1,nmlvp)  = dl1m*dch1(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)   = cheb(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+2,nmlv-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
+     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+2,nmlvp-1)= -dl1m*cheb(n,0)
+		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
+		          cva(k+1,nmlvm)  = dlm*dch1(n,0)
+		          cvb(k+2,nmlvm-1)= -dlm*cheb(n,0)
+		       endif
+		    enddo
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       L   = m+2*L1+1
+	               LL1 = LL(L)
+	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		       cva(k+1,nmlv)   = cheb(n,0)
+		       cva(k+2,nmlv-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
+     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
+		       cva(k+2,nmlvm-1)= -dlm*cheb(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+1,nmlv)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-
+     &				uim/(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
+		       cvb(k+1,nmlvm)  = dlm*dch1(n,0)
+		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
+		          cva(k+2,nmlvp-1)= -dl1m*cheb(n,0)
+		          cvb(k+1,nmlvp)  = dl1m*dch1(n,0)
+		       endif
+		    enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+C	   Boundary Conditions at CMB
+           if (kcmbv .eq. 0) then
+c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlv = n+mlv+1-nmxo1
+	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+		       cva(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= dch1(n,nmaxo)-2.0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-2.0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(L+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-2.0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= dch1(n,nmaxo)-2.0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		    enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 1) then
+c	      No-slip boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlv = n+mlv+1-nmxo1
+	         do m      = miner+1,mmax_v
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+		       cva(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(L+nmaxo,nmlv+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(L+nmxo1,nmlv+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		    enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 2) then
+c	      Partial slippery boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlv = n+mlv+1
+	         nmlvm= n+mlv+1-nmxo1
+	         do m = miner+1,mmax_v
+	            uim    = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       L   = m+2*L1
+	               LL1 = LL(L)
+	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		       cva(k,nmlvm+1)  = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(k,nmlv+1)   = -dl1m*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k-1,nmlvm+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k-1,nmlv+2) = dl1m*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k,nmlvm+1)  = cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
+		          cva(k,nmlvm-nmaxo)    = -dlm*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		          cvb(k-1,nmlvm-nmaxo+1)= dlm*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       endif
+		    enddo
+		    do L1  = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       L   = m+2*L1+1
+	               LL1 = LL(L)
+	               k   = kdm(m-1)-kdm(miner)+2*(L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               dlm = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1m= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		       cva(k-1,nmlvm+2) = dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(k-1,nmlvm-nmaxo+1)= dlm*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cva(k,nmlvm+1)   = cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k,nmlvm+1)   = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/
+     &				(1.0*LL1)*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cvb(k,nmlvm-nmaxo)= -dlm*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
+		          cva(k-1,nmlv+2)= dl1m*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		          cvb(k,nmlv+1)  = -dl1m*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       endif
+		    enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	SUBROUTINE boundcu
+c	   This subroutine provides the boundary conditions for (COUA,COUB)
+c	   at ICB and at CMB
+	   implicit none
+	   integer	i,j,k,L,L1,LL1,m,n,nmlu,nmlum,nmlup,info
+	   real (kind=8) dl0,dl1,c1
+	   complex (kind=8) uim
+C	   Boundary Conditions at ICB
+	   if (kicbv .eq. 0) then
+c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
+	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
+		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	            cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
+	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
+	            cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
+	            cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	            cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
+	         enddo
+		 do m	= 1,miner
+	            do L1 = 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k  = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L  = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	               cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
+	               cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
+	               cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = dch1(n,0)-2.0*cheb(n,0)/rio
+	               cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	               cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch2(n,0)-2.0*dch1(n,0)/rio
+	            enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbv .eq. 1) then
+c	      No-slip boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
+	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
+		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	            cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
+	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	            cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	            cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	            cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
+	         enddo
+		 do m	= 1,miner
+	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               cua1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	               cua1(k+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
+	               cub1(k+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	               cua1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	               cub1(L+1,nmlu)  = cheb(n,0)
+	               cub1(L+2,nmlu-1)= dch1(n,0)
+	            enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbv .eq. 2) then
+c	      Partial-slippery boundary conditions
+	      do n    = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
+	         nmlum= n+mlu+1-nmxo1
+	         nmlup= n+mlu+1+nmxo1
+	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
+	            L = 2*L1-1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
+	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
+	            cua1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
+     &				      dch1(n,0)
+	            cua1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
+	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
+     &				      cheb(n,0)
+	            cub1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
+		    if (L1 .gt. 1) then
+		       cua1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
+	               cub1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
+		    endif
+	         enddo
+	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
+	            L   = 2*L1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
+	            cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
+     &				      cheb(n,0)
+	            cua1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
+	            cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
+	            cub1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-(1.0+1.0/rio)*
+     &				      dch1(n,0)
+	            cub1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
+		    if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(0)) then
+	               cua1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
+		       cub1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
+		    endif
+	         enddo
+		 do m	= 1,miner
+	      	    uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+	               L = m+2*L1
+	               LL1 = LL(L)
+	               k   = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+	               dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+	               cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
+	               cua1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
+     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
+	               cua1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
+	               cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
+     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
+	               cub1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
+		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
+		          cua1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
+		          cub1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
+		       endif
+	            enddo
+	            do L1 = 0,lsym_v(m)
+	               L  = m+2*L1+1
+	               LL1= LL(L)
+	               k  = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               dl0= clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		       cua1(k+1,nmlu)   = dch1(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
+     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*cheb(n,0)
+		       cua1(k+1,nmlum)  = dl0*dch1(n,0)
+		       cub1(k+1,nmlu)   = cheb(n,0)
+		       cub1(k+2,nmlu-1) = dch2(n,0)-((1.0+1.0/rio)-uim
+     &				      /(1.0*LL1))*dch1(n,0)
+		       cub1(k+2,nmlum-1)= -dl0*cheb(n,0)
+		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
+		          cua1(k+1,nmlup)  = dl1*dch1(n,0)
+		          cub1(k+2,nmlup-1)= -dl1*cheb(n,0)
+		       endif
+	            enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+C	   Boundary Conditions at CMB
+	   if (kcmbv .eq. 0) then
+c	      Stress-free boundary conditions
+	      i	= nmaxo
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlu   = n+mlu+1-nmxo1
+	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
+		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
+	            cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
+	            cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
+	            cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
+	            cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
+	            cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
+	         enddo
+		 do m	= 1,miner
+	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
+	               cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
+	               cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
+	               cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= dch1(n,i)-2.0*cheb(n,i)
+	               cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch2(n,i)-2.0*dch1(n,i)
+	               cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,i)
+	            enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 1) then
+c	      No-slip boundary conditions
+	      do n = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlu   = n+mlu+1-nmxo1
+	         do L1  = 1,lsym_v(0)
+		    k   = 2*(L1-1)*nmxo1
+		    L   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	            cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	         enddo
+		 do m	= 1,miner
+	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+		       k = kdm(m-1)+2*L1*nmxo1
+		       L = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               cua1(k+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	               cua1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cub1(k+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cua1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cub1(L+nmaxo,nmlu+2)= dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	               cub1(L+nmxo1,nmlu+1)= cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbv .eq. 2) then
+c	      Partial-slippery boundary conditions
+	      do n    = 0,nmax_v
+	         nmlu = n+mlu+1
+	         nmlum= n+mlu+1-nmxo1
+	         nmlup= n+mlu+1+nmxo1
+	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
+	            L   = 2*L1-1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = (2*L1-1)*nmxo1
+	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
+	            cua1(k-1,nmlum+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)
+	            cua1(k-1,nmlu+2) = dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            cua1(k,nmlum+1)  = cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(k,nmlum+1)  = dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(k,nmlu+1)   = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		    if (L1 .gt. 1) then
+		       cua1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cub1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)    = -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		    endif
+	         enddo
+	         do L1= 1,lsym_v(0)
+	            L   = 2*L1
+	            LL1 = LL(L)
+	            k   = 2*L1*nmxo1
+	            dl0 = clm(L,0,1)/(1.0*L)
+	            dl1 = clm(L,0,2)/(1.0+L)
+	            cua1(k,nmlum+1)    = dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	            cua1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)= -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(k-1,nmlum+2)  = dch2(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	            cub1(k,nmlum+1)    = cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		    if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(0)) then
+	               cua1(k,nmlu+1)  = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cub1(k-1,nmlu+2)= dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		    endif
+	         enddo
+		 do m	= 1,miner
+	      	    uim = cmplx(0.0,1.0*m)
+	            do L1= 0,lsym_v(m)
+	               L = m+2*L1
+	               LL1 = LL(L)
+	               k   = kdm(m-1)+(2*L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               dl0 = clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1 = clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+	               cua1(k-1,nmlum+2)= dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
+     &				      *dch1(n,nmaxo)
+	               cua1(k-1,nmlu+2) = dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cua1(k,nmlum+1)  = cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cub1(k,nmlum+1)  = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
+     &				      *cheb(n,nmaxo)
+	               cub1(k,nmlu+1)   = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       if (L1 .gt. 0) then
+		          cua1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		          cub1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)    = -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       endif
+	            enddo
+	            do L1 = 0,lsym_v(m)
+	               L  = m+2*L1+1
+	               LL1= LL(L)
+	               k  = kdm(m-1)+2*(L1+1)*nmxo1
+	               dl0= clm(L,m,1)/(1.0*L)
+	               dl1= clm(L,m,2)/(1.0+L)
+		       cua1(k,nmlum+1)    = dch1(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
+     &				        *cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cua1(k,nmlum-nmaxo)= -dl0*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cub1(k-1,nmlum+2)  = dch2(n,nmaxo)-uim/(1.0*LL1)
+     &				        *dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		       cub1(k-1,nmlum-nmaxo+1)= dl0*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       cub1(k,nmlum+1)    = cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       if (L1 .lt. lsym_v(m)) then
+		          cua1(k,nmlu+1)  = -dl1*dch1(n,nmaxo)
+		          cub1(k-1,nmlu+2)= dl1*cheb(n,nmaxo)
+		       endif
+	            enddo
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	END MODULE mod_vmatrix
+c       This module defines the matrices for the induction equation
+c       that solves the magnetic field
+c          (CB1, CB2): the matrices for the poloidal field;
+c          MLB:  the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
+c          MUB:  the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
+c          LB1    = 2*MLB+MUB+1;
+c          LB2    = MLB+MUB+1;
+c          IPVTB: the pivoting index for CB1;
+c          (CJ1, CJ2): the matrices for the toroidal field;
+c          MLJ:  the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
+c          MUJ:  the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
+c          LJ1    = 2*MLJ+MUJ+1;
+c          LJ2    = MLJ+MUJ+1;
+c          IPVTJ: the pivoting index for CJ1;
+c          NMX6: the leading dimension of (CB, CJ);
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang
+c       Date:   Feb., 2001
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+        MODULE mod_bmatrix
+           use mod_dimparam
+	   use mod_sysparam
+	   use mod_numparam
+	   use mod_optparam
+	   use mod_parity
+	   use mod_radgeom
+	   use mod_sphgeom
+	   use mod_artdis
+           implicit none
+           integer mlb,mub,lb1,lb2
+           integer mlj,muj,lj1,lj2
+	   integer, dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m) :: ipvtb,ipvtj
+           complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,13,Lmax_m) :: cb1,cj1
+           complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,9,Lmax_m)  :: cb2,cj2
+c	a subroutine that defines the matrices
+	   SUBROUTINE bmatrix
+	   implicit none
+	   integer	i,k,L,LL1,n,info
+	   real (kind=8) rmi,ct,c1,c2,c3,hni,hno,hnm
+	   if (itrung .lt. 1) then
+	      ct = 0.25*deltt
+	   else if (itrung .lt. 2) then
+	      ct = 0.375*deltt
+	   else
+	      ct = 0.5*deltt
+	   endif
+	   rmi	= 1.0/rm
+	   hno	= -nmaxo/pi
+	   hni	= 1.0*nmaxi
+	   hnm	= 1.0*nmaxm
+	   mlb	= 4
+	   mub	= 4
+	   lb1	= 2*mlb+mub+1
+	   lb2	= mlb+mub+1
+	   mlj	= 4
+	   muj	= 4
+	   lj1	= 2*mlj+muj+1
+	   lj2	= mlj+muj+1
+	   cb1	= 0.0
+	   cb2	= 0.0
+	   cj1	= 0.0
+	   cj2	= 0.0
+c	   (1) The matrix elements for a finitely conducting inner core
+	   if (kicbb .gt. 1) then
+	      do L = 1,Lmax_m
+	         LL1= LL(L)
+	         c1 = ct*rmi*etaio*avismb(L)
+c		 Boundary conditions near the central core
+		 if (kccbb .eq. 0) then
+c-------------------perfectly insulating central region
+	            cb1(1,mlb+1,L)= -(L+1)/rco
+	            cb1(1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
+	            cj1(1,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
+	         else if (kccbb .eq. 1) then
+c-------------------Asymptotic boundary conditions near the center
+		    cb1(1,mlb+1,L) = -(L+1)/rco
+		    cb1(1,mlb+2,L) = 1.0
+		    cj1(1,mlj+1,L) = -(L+1)/rco
+		    cj1(1,mlj+2,L) = 1.0
+	  	 endif
+c----------------Equations in the finitely conduction inner core
+	         i	= 0
+	         n	= 2*i+2
+	         cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -0.5*hni
+	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -gi(i)/6.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -2.0*gi(i+1)/3.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = 0.5*hni
+	         cb1(n,mlb+5,L)  = -gi(i+2)/6.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 0.5*c1*hni
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+2)**2)/6.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -0.5*c1*hni
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -0.5*c1*hni
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+2)**2)/6.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= 0.5*c1*hni
+	         cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -0.5*hni
+	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -gi(i)/6.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -2.0*gi(i+1)/3.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = 0.5*hni
+	         cj1(n,mlj+5,L)  = -gi(i+2)/6.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 0.5*c1*hni
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/6.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -0.5*c1*hni
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)/6.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -0.5*c1*hni
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 2.0*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)/3.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+3,L)= gi(i+2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+2)**2)/6.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= 0.5*c1*hni
+	         do i	= 1,nmaxi-3
+	            n	= 2*i+2
+	            cb1(n,mlb-2,L)  = -hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -9.0*hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -0.5*gi(i)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = 9.0*hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -0.5*gi(i+1)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L)= c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj-2,L)  = -hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -9.0*hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -0.5*gi(i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = 9.0*hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -0.5*gi(i+1)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L)= c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L)= -c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gi(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gi(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= 9.0*c1*hni/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c1*hni/12.0
+	         enddo
+	         i	= nmaxi-2
+	         n	= 2*i+2
+	         cb1(n,mlb,L)     = cfm(1,1)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -cfm(4,1)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = cfm(2,1)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -cfm(5,1)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)   = cfm(3,1)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)   = -c1*cfm(1,1)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -c1*cfm(2,1)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L) = -c1*cfm(3,1)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)   = c1*cfm(1,1)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = c1*cfm(2,1)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L) = c1*cfm(3,1)
+	         cj1(n,mlj,L)     = cfm(1,1)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -cfm(4,1)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = cfm(2,1)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -cfm(5,1)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)   = cfm(3,1)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)   = -c1*cfm(1,1)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -c1*cfm(2,1)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L) = -c1*cfm(3,1)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)   = c1*cfm(1,1)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = c1*cfm(2,1)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L) = c1*cfm(3,1)
+	         i	= nmaxi-1
+	         n	= 2*i+2
+	         cb1(n,mlb-2,L)   = cfm(1,2)
+	         cb1(n,mlb,L)     = cfm(2,2)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -cfm(4,2)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = cfm(3,2)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -cfm(5,2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L) = -c1*cfm(1,2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)   = -c1*cfm(2,2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -c1*cfm(3,2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L) = c1*cfm(1,2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)   = c1*cfm(2,2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = c1*cfm(3,2)
+	         cj1(n,mlj-2,L)   = cfm(1,2)
+	         cj1(n,mlj,L)     = cfm(2,2)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -cfm(4,2)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = cfm(3,2)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -cfm(5,2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L) = -c1*cfm(1,2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)   = -c1*cfm(2,2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0+c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -c1*cfm(3,2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L) = c1*cfm(1,2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)   = c1*cfm(2,2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,2)*(1.0-c1*LL1/ri(i+1)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = c1*cfm(3,2)
+c----------------Matching conditions at the ICB
+	         cb1(nmx4,mlb,L)  = 1.0
+	         cb1(nmx4,mlb+2,L)= -1.0
+	         cj1(nmx4,mlj,L)  = 1.0
+	         cj1(nmx4,mlj+2,L)= -1.0
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+c	   (2) The matrix elements in the outer core
+c	   (2.1) Boundary conditions at the ICB
+	   if (kicbb .eq. 0) then 
+c-------------Perfectly insulating ICB
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+1,L)= -(L+1)/rio
+	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
+	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbb .eq. 1) then
+c-------------Perfectly conducting ICB
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+1,L)= 1.0
+	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
+c-------------Matching conditions at the ICB
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb,L)  = -1.0
+	         cb1(nmbic+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
+	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlj,L)  = -rmi*etaio
+	         cj1(nmbic+1,mlj+2,L)= rmi
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+c	   (2.2) Matrix elements inside the outer core
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      LL1	= LL(L)
+	      c2	= ct*rmi*avismb(L)
+	      do i	= 0,1
+	         n	= nmbic+2*i+2
+	         cb1(n,mlb,L)    = cfm(1,3+i)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -cfm(4,3+i)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = cfm(2,3+i)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -cfm(5,3+i)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = cfm(3,3+i)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,3+i)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,3+i)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,3+i)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = c2*cfm(1,3+i)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,3+i)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,3+i)
+	         cj1(n,mlj,L)    = cfm(1,3+i)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -cfm(4,3+i)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = cfm(2,3+i)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -cfm(5,3+i)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = cfm(3,3+i)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,3+i)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,3+i)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,3+i)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = c2*cfm(1,3+i)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,3+i)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,3+i)
+	      enddo
+	      do i	= 2,nmaxo-3
+	         n	= nmbic+2*i+2
+	         cb1(n,mlb-2,L)  = -hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -9.0*hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -0.5*gg(i)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = 9.0*hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -0.5*gg(i+1)
+	         cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L)= c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj-2,L)  = -hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -9.0*hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -0.5*gg(i)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = 9.0*hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -0.5*gg(i+1)
+	         cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L)= c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L)= -c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= 9.0*c2*hno/12.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c2*hno/12.0
+	      enddo
+	      i	= nmaxo-2
+	      n	= nmbic+2*i+2
+	      cb1(n,mlb,L)    = cfm(1,5)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -cfm(4,5)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = cfm(2,5)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -cfm(5,5)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = cfm(3,5)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,5)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,5)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,5)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = c2*cfm(1,5)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,5)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,5)
+	      cj1(n,mlj,L)    = cfm(1,5)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -cfm(4,5)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = cfm(2,5)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -cfm(5,5)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = cfm(3,5)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = -c2*cfm(1,5)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -c2*cfm(2,5)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c2*cfm(3,5)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = c2*cfm(1,5)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= c2*cfm(2,5)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c2*cfm(3,5)
+	      i	= nmaxo-1
+	      n	= nmbic+2*i+2
+	      cb1(n,mlb-2,L)   = cfm(1,6)
+	      cb1(n,mlb,L)     = cfm(2,6)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -cfm(4,6)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = cfm(3,6)
+	      cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -cfm(5,6)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L) = -c2*cfm(1,6)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb,L)   = -c2*cfm(2,6)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -c2*cfm(3,6)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L) = c2*cfm(1,6)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb,L)   = c2*cfm(2,6)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = c2*cfm(3,6)
+	      cj1(n,mlj-2,L)   = cfm(1,6)
+	      cj1(n,mlj,L)     = cfm(2,6)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -cfm(4,6)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = cfm(3,6)
+	      cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -cfm(5,6)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L) = -c2*cfm(1,6)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj,L)   = -c2*cfm(2,6)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0+c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -c2*cfm(3,6)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L) = c2*cfm(1,6)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj,L)   = c2*cfm(2,6)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0-c2*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = c2*cfm(3,6)
+	   enddo
+c	   (2.3) Boundary conditions at CMB
+	   k	= nmbic+nmx3
+	   if (kcmbb .eq. 0) then
+c-------------Perfect insulating D"-layer
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         cb1(k,mlb,L)  = L
+	         cb1(k,mlb+1,L)= 1.0
+	         cj1(k,mlj,L)  = 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbb .eq. 1) then
+c-------------Perfect conducting D"-layer
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         cb1(k,mlb,L)  = 1.0
+	         cj1(k,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+c-------------Finitely conducting D"-layer
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         cb1(k,mlb,L)  = 1.0
+	         cb1(k,mlb+2,L)= -1.0
+	         cj1(k,mlj+1,L)= rmi
+	         cj1(k,mlj+3,L)= -rmi*etado
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+c	   (3) The matrix elements in the D"-layer
+	   if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	         LL1 = LL(L)
+	         c3  = ct*rmi*etado
+c	         c3  = ct*rmi*etado*avismb(L)
+c----------------Matching conditions at the CMB
+	         cb1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlb,L)  = -1.0
+	         cb1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlb+2,L)= 1.0
+	         cj1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlj-1,L)= -1.0
+	         cj1(nmbic+nmx3+1,mlj+1,L)= 1.0
+c----------------Equations in the D" layer
+	         do i	= 0,1
+	            n	= nmbic+nmx3+2*i+2
+	            cb1(n,mlb,L)    = cfm(1,7+i)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -cfm(4,7+i)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = cfm(2,7+i)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -cfm(5,7+i)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = cfm(3,7+i)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = -c3*cfm(1,7+i)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -c3*cfm(2,7+i)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c3*cfm(3,7+i)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = c3*cfm(1,7+i)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= c3*cfm(2,7+i)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c3*cfm(3,7+i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj,L)    = cfm(1,7+i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -cfm(4,7+i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = cfm(2,7+i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -cfm(5,7+i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = cfm(3,7+i)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = -c3*cfm(1,7+i)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -c3*cfm(2,7+i)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c3*cfm(3,7+i)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= cfm(4,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = c3*cfm(1,7+i)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= cfm(5,7+i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= c3*cfm(2,7+i)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c3*cfm(3,7+i)
+	         enddo
+	         do i	= 2,nmaxm-2
+	            n	= nmbic+nmx3+2*i+2
+	            cb1(n,mlb-2,L)  = -hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n,mlb,L)    = -9.0*hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n,mlb+1,L)  = -0.5*gd(i)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+2,L)  = 9.0*hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n,mlb+3,L)  = -0.5*gd(i+1)
+	            cb1(n,mlb+4,L)  = hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb,L)  = 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L)= -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb1(n+1,mlb+4,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb,L)  = -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L)= 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cb2(n+1,mlb+4,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj-2,L)  = -hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj,L)    = -9.0*hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj+1,L)  = -0.5*gd(i)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+2,L)  = 9.0*hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n,mlj+3,L)  = -0.5*gd(i+1)
+	            cj1(n,mlj+4,L)  = hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj,L)  = 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L)= -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj1(n+1,mlj+4,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L)= -c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L)= 0.5*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj,L)  = -9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L)= 0.5*gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L)= 9.0*c3*hnm/12.0
+	            cj2(n+1,mlj+4,L)= c3*hnm/12.0
+	         enddo
+	         i	= nmaxm-1
+	         n	= nmbic+nmx3+2*i+2
+	         cb1(n,mlb-2,L)   = -0.5*hnm
+	         cb1(n,mlb-1,L)   = -gd(i-1)/6.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb+1,L)   = -2.0*gd(i)/3.0
+	         cb1(n,mlb+2,L)   = 0.5*hnm
+	         cb1(n,mlb+3,L)   = -gd(i+1)/6.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
+	         cb1(n+1,mlb+2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
+	         cb2(n+1,mlb+2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cj1(n,mlj-2,L)   = -0.5*hnm
+	         cj1(n,mlj-1,L)   = -gd(i-1)/6.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj+1,L)   = -2.0*gd(i)/3.0
+	         cj1(n,mlj+2,L)   = 0.5*hnm
+	         cj1(n,mlj+3,L)   = -gd(i+1)/6.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0+c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
+	         cj1(n+1,mlj+2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-3,L) = gd(i-1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i-1)**2)/6.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-2,L) = -0.5*c3*hnm
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj-1,L) = 2.0*gd(i)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i)**2)/3.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+1,L) = gd(i+1)*(1.0-c3*LL1/rd(i+1)**2)/6.0
+	         cj2(n+1,mlj+2,L) = 0.5*c3*hnm
+c----------------The boundary conditions at the perfectly insulating mantle
+	         cb1(nmb,mlb,L)  = L/rdo
+	         cb1(nmb,mlb+1,L)= 1.0
+	         cj1(nmb,mlj,L)  = 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+    	      call zbandfa(cb1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lb1,mlb,mub,
+     &			ipvtb(1,L),info)
+    	      call zbandfa(cj1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lj1,mlj,muj,
+     &			ipvtj(1,L),info)
+	   enddo
+        END MODULE mod_bmatrix
+c	This module defines the matrices for the thermal equation
+c	that solves the temperature perturbation;
+c	   (CT1, CT2): the matrices for the temperature perturbation;
+c	   MLT:	 the # of diagonals below the main diagonal;
+c	   MUT:	 the # of diagonals above the main diagonal;
+c	   LT1    = 2*MLT+MUT+1;
+c	   LT2    = MLT+MUT+1;
+c	   IPVTT: the pivoting index for CT1;
+c	   NMX3: the leading dimension of (CB, CJ);
+c       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+c       Date:   Feb., 2001
+c                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	MODULE mod_tmatrix
+	   use mod_dimparam
+	   use mod_sysparam
+	   use mod_numparam
+	   use mod_optparam
+	   use mod_radgeom
+	   use mod_sphgeom
+	   use mod_artdis
+	   implicit none
+	   integer mlt,mut,lt1,lt2
+	   integer, dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t) :: ipvtt
+	   complex (kind=8) ct1(nmx3,10,0:Lmax_t),ct2(nmx3,7,0:Lmax_t)
+c	   the subroutine that defines the matrices
+	   SUBROUTINE tmatrix
+	   implicit none
+	   integer	n,i,L,LL1,info
+	   real (kind=8) c1,ctt,hn1,rmi,d1,d2
+	   if (itrung .lt. 1) then
+	      ctt = 0.25*deltt
+	   else if (itrung .lt. 2) then
+	      ctt = 0.375*deltt
+	   else
+	      ctt = 0.5*deltt
+	   endif
+	   hn1	= -nmaxo/pi
+	   rmi	= 1.0/rm
+	   mlt	= 3
+	   mut	= 3
+	   lt1	= 2*mlt+mut+1
+	   lt2	= mlt+mut+1
+	   ct1	= 0.0
+	   ct2	= 0.0
+	   do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	      LL1	= LL(L)
+	      c1	= ctt*rmi*qk*avismt(L)
+	      do i	= 0,1
+	         n	= 2*i+2
+	         ct1(n,mlt,L)    = cfm(1,3+i)
+	         ct1(n,mlt+1,L)  = -cfm(4,3+i)
+	         ct1(n,mlt+2,L)  = cfm(2,3+i)
+	         ct1(n,mlt+3,L)  = -cfm(5,3+i)
+	         ct1(n,mlt+4,L)  = cfm(3,3+i)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt,L)  = -c1*cfm(1,3+i)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L)= -c1*cfm(2,3+i)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt+4,L)= -c1*cfm(3,3+i)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,3+i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt,L)  = c1*cfm(1,3+i)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,3+i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L)= c1*cfm(2,3+i)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt+4,L)= c1*cfm(3,3+i)
+	      enddo
+	      do i	= 2,nmaxo-3
+	         n	= 2*i+2
+	         ct1(n,mlt-2,L)  = -hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n,mlt,L)    = -9.0*hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n,mlt+1,L)  = -0.5*gg(i)
+	         ct1(n,mlt+2,L)  = 9.0*hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n,mlt+3,L)  = -0.5*gg(i+1)
+	         ct1(n,mlt+4,L)  = hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt-2,L)= c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt,L)  = 9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L)= -9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct1(n+1,mlt+4,L)= -c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt-2,L)= -c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L)= 0.5*gg(i)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt,L)  = -9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L)= 0.5*gg(i+1)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L)= 9.0*c1*hn1/12.0
+	         ct2(n+1,mlt+4,L)= c1*hn1/12.0
+	      enddo
+	      i	= nmaxo-2
+	      n	= 2*i+2
+	      ct1(n,mlt,L)    = cfm(1,5)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+1,L)  = -cfm(4,5)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+2,L)  = cfm(2,5)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+3,L)  = -cfm(5,5)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+4,L)  = cfm(3,5)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt,L)  = -c1*cfm(1,5)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L)= -c1*cfm(2,5)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt+4,L)= -c1*cfm(3,5)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L)= cfm(4,5)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt,L)  = c1*cfm(1,5)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L)= cfm(5,5)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L)= c1*cfm(2,5)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt+4,L)= c1*cfm(3,5)
+	      i	= nmaxo-1
+	      n	= 2*i+2
+	      ct1(n,mlt-2,L)   = cfm(1,6)
+	      ct1(n,mlt,L)     = cfm(2,6)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+1,L)   = -cfm(4,6)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+2,L)   = cfm(3,6)
+	      ct1(n,mlt+3,L)   = -cfm(5,6)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt-2,L) = -c1*cfm(1,6)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt,L)   = -c1*cfm(2,6)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0+c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      ct1(n+1,mlt+2,L) = -c1*cfm(3,6)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt-2,L) = c1*cfm(1,6)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt-1,L) = cfm(4,6)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i)**2)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt,L)   = c1*cfm(2,6)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt+1,L) = cfm(5,6)*(1.0-c1*LL1/rr(i+1)**2)
+	      ct2(n+1,mlt+2,L) = c1*cfm(3,6)
+	   enddo
+c	   The boundary conditions at the ICB
+	   if (kicbt .eq. 0) then
+c-------------The fixed temperature conditions
+	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	         ct1(1,mlt+1,L)	= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kicbt .eq. 1) then
+c-------------The fixed heat flux conditions
+	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	         ct1(1,mlt+1,L)	= -1.0/rio
+	         ct1(1,mlt+2,L)	= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+c	   The boundary conditions at the CMB
+	   if (kcmbt .eq. 0) then
+c-------------The fixed temperature conditions
+	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	         ct1(nmx3,mlt,L)	= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   else if (kcmbt .eq. 1) then
+c-------------The fixed heat flux conditions
+	      do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	         ct1(nmx3,mlt,L)	= -1.0
+	         ct1(nmx3,mlt+1,L)	= 1.0
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	   do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+    	      call zbandfa(ct1(1,1,L),nmx3,nmx3,lt1,mlt,mut,
+     &			ipvtt(1,L),info)
+	   enddo
+	   END SUBROUTINE tmatrix
+	END MODULE mod_tmatrix

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_params.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_params.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mod_params.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+	MODULE mod_dimparam
+!	This module defines the integers for various truncation orders
+!	and the dimensions for physical solution vectors.  The definitions
+!	have included considerations of the dialiansing problems in spectral
+!	transforms.
+!	Lmax_v: The order in colatitude expansion (L) for velocity;
+!	mmax_v: The order in longitue expansion (m) for velocity;
+!	Lmax_m: The order in colatitude expansion (L) for magnetic field;
+!	mmax_m: The order in longitue expansion (m) for magnetic field;
+!	Lmax_t: The order in colatitude expansion (L) for density anomaly;
+!	mmax_t: The order in longitue expansion (m) for density anomaly;
+!	Lmax: 	max(Lmax_v,Lmax_m,Lmax_t);
+!	mmax:   max(mmax_v,mmax_m,mmax_t);
+!	nmaxo:  The # of radial collocation points in the
+!		outer core;
+!	nmax_v: The order of Chebyshev expansion in velocity fields;
+!	nmaxi:  The # of radial collocation points in the
+!		inner core;
+!	nmaxm:  The # of radial collocation points in the
+!		D" layer;
+!	miner:	The longitudinal wave number for inertial force cut-off
+!		m <= miner, inertia is included;
+!		m > miner, inertia is ignored;
+!	Lmaxa:  the dimensions for spectral transforms;
+!	mmaxa:  the dimensions for spectral transforms;
+!	The suffix definitions are
+!	CDIA: dialiasing
+!	CNDI: not-dialiasing
+!	CANA: for data analysis
+!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+!       Date:   March, 2002
+!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	   implicit none
+	   integer Lmax_v,mmax_v,miner
+	   integer Lmax_m,mmax_m
+	   integer Lmax_t,mmax_t
+	   integer Lmax,mmax
+	   integer nmaxo,nmaxi,nmaxm,nmax_v
+	   integer Lmax1,mmax1,nmxo1,nmxi1,nmxm1
+	   integer nmx1,nmx2,nmx3,nmx4,nmx5,nmx6
+	   integer Lmaxa,mmaxa,ntmax,npmax
+	   parameter (Lmax_v=15,mmax_v=10,miner=1)
+	   parameter (Lmax_m=15,mmax_m=10)
+	   parameter (Lmax_t=15,mmax_t=10)
+	   parameter (nmaxo=31,nmaxi=20,nmaxm=20)
+	   parameter (Lmax=max0(Lmax_v,Lmax_m,Lmax_t))
+	   parameter (mmax=max0(mmax_v,mmax_m,mmax_t))
+	   parameter (Lmax1=Lmax+1,mmax1=mmax+1,nmxo1=nmaxo+1,
+     &		      nmxi1=nmaxi+1,nmxm1=nmaxm+1)
+	   parameter (nmx1=nmxo1*(mmax_v-miner)*(2*Lmax_v+1-mmax_v-miner)/2,
+     &		      nmx2=nmxo1*(Lmax_v*miner+Lmax_v-miner*(miner-1)/2),
+     &		      nmx3=2*nmxo1,nmx4=2*nmxi1,nmx5=2*nmxm1,
+     &		      nmx6=nmx3+nmx4+nmx5)
+cdia	   parameter (Lmaxa=3*Lmax/2,mmaxa=3*mmax/2)
+cdia	   parameter (ntmax=3*Lmax/2+1,npmax=3*mmax+1)
+cdiv	   parameter (nmax_v=2*(nmaxo-1)/3)
+cndi	   parameter (Lmaxa=Lmax+4,mmaxa=mmax+4)
+cndi	   parameter (ntmax=Lmaxa+1,npmax=2*mmaxa+1)
+cndv	   parameter (nmax_v=nmaxo)
+cana	   parameter (Lmaxa=90,mmaxa=90)
+cana	   parameter (ntmax=Lmaxa+1,npmax=2*mmaxa+1)
+	END MODULE mod_dimparam
+	MODULE mod_numparam
+!	This module defines the parameters for numerical simulation
+!	settings.
+!	   NEVOL:  the index for AB-AM algorithm or R-K method:
+!			nevol   = 0; (AB-AM)
+!			nevol   = 1; (R-K)
+!	   NCFL:   the number of time steps for examining CFL condition
+!		   (NCFL >= 1);
+!	   NTT:    the total number of time steps for simulation;
+!	   NINPUT: the index for the initial input data file;
+!	   NCOUNT: the index for the output data files;
+!	   CFLMIN: the lower limit of CFL condition
+!		   	cflmin  = 0.8 (AB-AM)
+!			cflmin  = 1.4 (R-K)
+!	   CFLMAX: the upper limit of CFL condition
+!			cflmax  = 1.1; (AB-AM)
+!			cflmax  = 1.7; (R-K)
+!	   CFLNO:  the CFL number;
+!	   DELTT:  time step;
+!	   TT0:    starting simulation time;
+!	   TOUTF:  time interval to output full numerical solutions;
+!	   TOUTD:  time interval to output diagnostic results;
+!	   VERSION: the versions of numerical simulation;
+!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+!       Date:   Jan., 2001
+!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	   implicit none
+	   integer ninput,ncount,ntt,ncfl,nevol
+	   real (kind=8) cflmin,cflmax,cflno
+	   real (kind=8) deltt,tt0,toutf,toutd
+	   character version*6
+	END MODULE mod_numparam
+	MODULE mod_optparam
+!	This module defines the parameters for various options
+!	applied to the model.
+!	   KICBV:  the parameter for the velocity boundary conditions
+!		   at the ICB:
+!			kicbv   = 0; (stress-free)
+!			kicbv   = 1; (no-slip)
+!			kicbv   = 2; (partial-slippery)
+!	   KCMBV:  the parameter for the velocity boundary conditions
+!		   at the CMB:
+!		   	kcmbv   = 0; (stress-free)
+!			kcmbv   = 1; (no-slip)
+!			kcmbv   = 2; (slippery)
+!	   KCCBB:  the parameter for the magnetic field boundary
+!		   conditions near the central core:
+!			kccbb   = 0; (perfectly insulationg central core)
+!			kccbb   = 1; (asymptotic cenral core)
+!	   KICBB:  the parameter for the magnetic field boundary
+!		   conditions at the ICB:
+!			kicbb   = 0; (perfectly insulating)
+!			kicbb   = 1; (perfectly conducting)
+!			kicbb   = 2; (finitely conducting)
+!	   KCMBB:  the parameter for the magnetic field boundary
+!		   conditions at the CMB:
+!			kcmbb   = 0; (perfectly insulating)
+!			kcmbb   = 1; (perfectly conducting)
+!			kcmbb   = 2; (finitely conducting)
+!	   KICBT:  the parameter for the temperature field boundary
+!			conditions at the ICB:
+!			kicbt   = 0; (fixed temperature)
+!			kicbt   = 1; (fixed heat flux)
+!	   KCMBT:  the parameter for the temperature field boundary
+!		   conditions at the CMB:
+!			kcmbt   = 0; (fixed temperature)
+!			kcmbt   = 1; (fixed heat flux)
+!	   INDXT:  the parameter to choose basic conductive state:
+!			indxt   = 0; conducting state with heat
+!				     fluxes at the boundaries;
+!			indxt   = 1; conducting state with uniform
+!				     heat sources in the outer core;
+!	   K_ICROT: the index to approximate inner core rotation:
+!                   k_icrot = 0: no relative rotation between the
+!				 inner core and the mantle;
+!                   k_icrot = 1: only axial differential rotation of
+!				 of the inner core;
+!                   k_icrot = 2: full three-dimensional rotation of
+!				 the inner core
+!	   ITRUNG: the parameter that decides the size of time steps
+!		   used in Runger-Kutter method;
+!		        itrung = 0; half time step Delt t/2;
+!		        itrung = 1; three-quater time step 3 Delt t/4;
+!		        itrung = 2; full time step Delt t;
+!	   ITUCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COU
+!		   (introduced with CMB heterogeneity);
+!	   ITVCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COV;
+!	   ITBCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COB;
+!	   ITJCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COJ;
+!	   ITTCMB: the iteration parameter for solving COT;
+!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+!       Date:   Jan., 2001
+!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	   implicit none
+	   integer kicbv,kcmbv
+	   integer kccbb,kicbb,kcmbb
+	   integer kicbt,kcmbt
+	   integer k_icrot
+	   integer indxt
+	   integer itrung
+	   integer itucmb,itvcmb,itbcmb,itjcmb,ittcmb
+	END MODULE mod_optparam
+	MODULE mod_sysparam
+!	This module defines the parameters of the physical system of the
+!	model.
+!	   RCC:	  the asymptotic limit in the center of the mantle;
+!	   RICB:  the radius of the ICB;
+!	   RCMB:  the radius of the CMB;
+!	   RDPP:  the radius of the top of the D"-layer;
+!	   REAR:  the radius of the Earth;
+!	   RO:	  the Rossby number (for the linear fluid inertia); 
+!	   RON:	  the Rossby number (for the nonlinear fluid inertia); 
+!	   RM:	  the magnetic Renolds number (Default Rm = 1);
+!	   RATH:  the thermal Rayleigh number;
+!	   QK:	  the (thermal) Prandtl number;
+!	   CM:	  the Elsasser number (Default CM = 1);
+!	   EKMAN: the Ekman number;
+!	   RCO:	  the nondimentional RCC
+!		  RCO = RCC/RCMB;
+!	   RIO:	  the nondimentional RICB
+!		  RIO = RICB/RCMB;
+!	   RDO:	  the nondimentional RDPP
+!		  RDO = RDPP/RCMB;
+!	   REO:	  the nondimentional REAR
+!		  REO = REAR/RCMB;
+!	   RHOOC: the mean density of the outer core;
+!	   RHOIO: the (nondimensional) density of the inner core
+!		  (relative to the outer core);
+!	   RHOMO: the (nondimensional) density of the mantle 
+!		  (relative to the outer core);
+!	   MTI:	  the (nondimensional) moment of inertia of the inner core;
+!	   MTM:	  the (nondimensional) moment of inertia of the mantle;
+!	   ETAIO: the magnetic diffusivity of the inner core relative
+!		  to the outer core;
+!	   ETADO: the magnetic diffusivity of the D" layer relative to
+!		  the outer core;
+!	   ALPHT: the (nondimensional) internal heating within the outer
+!	 	  core relative to the mean heat flux at the ICB;
+!	   ALPHJ: the (nondimensional) Joul heating in the outer core;
+!	   PI:    pi;
+!       Author: Weijia Kuang 
+!       Date:   June, 2002
+!                    THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
+	   implicit none
+	   real (kind=8) pi
+	   real (kind=8) ro,ron,rm,rath,cm,qk,ekman 
+	   real (kind=8) rcc,ricb,rcmb,rdpp,rear
+	   real (kind=8) rco,rio,rdo,reo
+	   real (kind=8) rhooc,rhoio,rhomo,mti,mtm
+	   real (kind=8) etaio,etado
+	   real (kind=8) alpht,alphj
+	END MODULE mod_sysparam

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mosst_cig.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mosst_cig.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/mosst_cig.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+	program sphere
+*									*
+*	This is a 3-D nonlinear numerical simulation of incompressible,	*
+*	conducting binary flow in a spherical shell system.  The basic	*
+*	equations are momentum equation, induction equation, thermal	*
+*	equation and the equation governing the concentration of the	*
+*	lighter component. 						*
+*									*
+*	This is a 4th-order finite difference method program.		*
+*									*
+*	W. Kuang 09/2002						*
+*									*
+*									*
+*	The flow fields (velocity, magnetic field, temperature and the	*
+*	concentration of the lighter component) are expanded in		*
+*	spherical harmonics on S-surface and chebyschev polynomials in	*
+*	radius:								*
+*									*
+*		f(r_i) 	= \sum{|m|=0,M} \sum{l=|m|,L} f^{lm}(r_i)	*
+*		    	  Y_l^m(theta,phi), (|m| <= L)			*
+*		r_i    	= a x_i + b,					*
+*		x_i    	= cos(al_i),					*
+*		a 	= [1-r_{io}]/2,					*
+*		b 	= [1+r_{io}]/2.					*
+*									*
+*									*
+*	Detailed definition of quantities and parameters are given in	*
+*	the modules and in the subroutines where they first appear.	*
+*									*
+*									*
+*	It should be compiled by "F90" on SUN workstation		*
+*									*
+c-------OF THE SYSTEM
+	call datainput
+	call matrices
+	call evolution
+	stop
+	end
+	subroutine datainput
+c	This subroutine provides the parameters of the system, the 
+c	geometry vectors and other conversion coefficients for
+c	simulation
+c	Weijia Kuang, 09/2002
+c	In the outer core,
+c		r = a x + b;
+c		r = rio 	at 	x = -1;
+c		r = 1		at	x = 1 .
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_sphgeom
+	use mod_artdis
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_tfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_dataio
+	implicit none
+	integer	i,L,m
+	call params_in
+	mti	= 8.0*pi/15.0*rio**5
+	mtm	= 8.0*pi/15.0*(reo**5-1.0)
+	if (kicbv.gt.2 .or. kcmbv.gt.2) then
+	   write(6,*) "inappropriate boundary conditions for velocity field!"
+	   stop
+	endif
+	if (kccbb .gt. 1) then
+	   write(6,*) "inappropriate boundary conditions for magnetic field!"
+	   stop
+	endif
+	if (kicbb.gt.2 .or. kcmbb.gt.2) then
+	   write(6,*) "inappropriate boundary conditions for magnetic field!"
+	   stop
+	endif
+	if (nmaxi.eq.0 .and. kicbb.eq.2) then
+	   write(6,*) "inappropriate conditions on the inner core!"
+	   stop
+	endif
+	if (nmaxm.eq.0 .and. kcmbb.eq.2) then
+	   write(6,*) "inappropriate conditions on the D-layer!"
+	   stop
+	endif
+c	Define the parity parameters for the model
+	call parity
+c	Define the radial gridpoints, the Chebyshev polynomials and
+c	the coefficients related to the radial gradients
+	call radgeom
+c	Define the spherical collocation points and reccurence relation
+c	coefficients; initialize spherical harmonic transforms
+	call sphgeom
+c	Define the artificial dissipation
+	call artdis
+c	Define the conducting temperature state
+	call cmbheat_basic
+c	Define data I/O channels
+	call directname
+c	Reading dynamo initial state
+	call data_in1
+!	Optional input CMB topography profile if required
+!	Optional input CMB heatflux anomaly profile if required
+!	Optional input mantle density anomaly and the resultant gravity anomaly
+!	coefficients at the CMB if required
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine evolution
+c									+
+c	This subroutine determines the CFLMIN and CFLMAX for given time	+
+c	evolution schemes.  It also calls the corresponding subroutines	+
+c	for the time integration.					+
+c									+
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	implicit none
+	if (nevol .lt. 1) then
+c----------AB/AM method
+	   call evol_abam
+	else 
+c----------R/K method
+	   call evol_rk
+	endif
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/parameter.data
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/parameter.data	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/parameter.data	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ $phypar
+	rcc=120
+	ricb=1200
+	rcmb=3500
+	rdpp=3700
+	rear=6400
+	rhooc=10.0
+	rhoio=1.1
+	rhomo=0.4
+	etaio=1.0
+	etado=200.0
+	alpht=0.01
+	alphj=0.0
+	ro=2.e-5
+	ron=2.e-5
+	cm=1.0
+	ekman=2.e-5
+	rm=1.0
+	qk=1.0
+	rath=15000.0
+	kicbv=2
+	kcmbv=2
+	kccbb=1
+	kicbb=2
+	kcmbb=2
+	kicbt=1
+	kcmbt=1
+	itucmb=1
+	itvcmb=1
+	itbcmb=1
+	itjcmb=1
+	ittcmb=1
+	indxt=0
+	k_icrot=2
+	avisv1=0.05
+	avisv2=0.05
+	avisb=0.05
+	avist=0.05
+	navfb=2
+	navft=2
+	navfv1=0
+	navfv2=25
+	deltt=0.1e-05
+	tt0=0.0
+	toutf=0.001
+	toutd=0.0001
+	ntt=200000
+	nevol=0
+	ncfl=1
+	cflmin=0.8
+	cflmax=1.1
+	usr_name="kuang"
+	code_geom="sphere"
+	disc_in="sea10"
+	subdir_in="data"
+	version_in="fini01"
+	fileno_in=1000
+	disc_out="sea10"
+	subdir_out="data"
+	version_out="fini01"
+	fileno_out=1000
+	disc_diag="sea10"
+	subdir_diag="data"
+	version_diag="fini01"
+	disc_anom="sea10"
+	subdir_anom="data"
+	version_anom="anomaly_data"
+ $

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/params_io.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/params_io.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/params_io.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+	subroutine params_in
+c	This subroutine provides the parameters of the system, the 
+c	geometry vectors and other conversion coefficients for
+c	simulation
+c	W. Kuang, 09/2002
+c	Additional parameters are added into the input list.
+c	W. Kuang, 10/2003
+c	Input physical parameters are defined in the relevant modules.
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_artdis
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	use mod_dataio
+	implicit none
+	integer	i,L,m
+	real (kind=8) cvt,one
+	namelist /phypar/rcc,ricb,rcmb,rdpp,rear,rhooc,rhoio,rhomo,
+     &	etaio,etado,alpht,
+     &	alphj,ro,ron,cm,ekman,rm,qk,rath,kicbv,kcmbv,kccbb,kicbb,
+     &	kcmbb,kicbt,kcmbt,itucmb,itvcmb,itbcmb,itjcmb,ittcmb,indxt,
+     &	k_icrot,avisv1,avisv2,avisb,
+     &	avist,navfb,navft,navfv1,navfv2,deltt,tt0,toutf,toutd,ntt,
+     &	nevol,ncfl,cflmin,cflmax,usr_name,code_geom,disc_in,
+     &	subdir_in,version_in,fileno_in,disc_out,subdir_out,
+     &	version_out,fileno_out,disc_diag,subdir_diag,
+     &	version_diag,disc_anom,subdir_anom,version_anom
+	open(unit=10,file='parameter.data')
+	read(10,phypar)
+	close(10)
+	one	= 1.0
+	pi	= 4.0*atan(one)
+	rco	= rcc/rcmb
+	rio	= ricb/rcmb
+	rdo	= rdpp/rcmb
+	reo	= rear/rcmb
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine output_files(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time)
+!	This subroutine defines the output files for diagnostic analysis
+!	and records.
+!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
+	use mod_dataio
+	implicit none
+	character*50 record_indx,tmp_indx
+	character*200 file_rec,file_time
+	character*200 file_diag1,file_diag2
+	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,unit_rec,unit_time
+	integer i,j,length_rec,length_time,length_d1,length_d2
+!       Determine output file names
+        call diagfilename
+        i       = length_dout
+        if (i .eq. 0) then
+           call directname
+           i    = length_dout
+        endif
+	file_diag1(1:length_diag) = file_diag(1:length_diag)
+	file_diag2(1:length_diag) = file_diag(1:length_diag)
+	length_d1 = length_diag
+	length_d2 = length_diag
+	file_diag1(length_d1+1:length_d1+9) = "field.out"
+	file_diag2(length_d2+1:length_d2+9) = "rotat.out"
+	length_d1 = length_d1+9
+	length_d2 = length_d2+9
+        file_time(1:i)= direct_out(1:i)
+        file_time(i+1:i+13) = "time_step.out"
+        length_time = i+13
+        file_rec(1:i) = direct_out(1:i)
+        file_rec(i+1:i+7) = "record."
+        i       = i+7
+        write(tmp_indx,*) fileno_out
+        record_indx = adjustl(tmp_indx)
+        j       = len_trim(record_indx)
+        file_rec(i+1:i+j) = record_indx(1:j)
+        length_rec = i+j
+!       Open output files
+        unit_diag1      = 31
+        unit_diag2      = 32
+        unit_rec        = 33
+        unit_time       = 34
+        open(unit=unit_diag1,file=file_diag1(1:length_d1))
+        open(unit=unit_diag2,file=file_diag2(1:length_d2))
+	open(unit=unit_rec,file=file_rec(1:length_rec))
+	open(unit=unit_time,file=file_time(1:length_time))
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine diagout(unit_diag1,unit_diag2,tt,nd,i_diag)
+!	This subroutine writes info into the diagnostic output file.
+!	unit_diag: the ouptu unit number of the diag file;
+!	i_diag:    the optional choice;
+!	tt:	   the simulation time;
+!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
+	use mod_dimparam
+        use mod_sysparam
+        use mod_numparam
+        use mod_optparam
+	use mod_cmbheat
+        use mod_dataio
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	integer unit_diag1,unit_diag2,i_diag,nd
+	real (kind=8) tt
+	real (kind=8) amv,amb,amt,elb,elv,elt
+!	Subroutine starts here
+	if (i_diag .eq. 0) then
+	   write(unit_diag1,10) ro,ron,rm,cm,ekman,qk,alpht,alphj,
+     &		rath,etaio,etado,Lmax_v,mmax_v,
+     &		Lmax_m,mmax_m,Lmax_t,mmax_t,nmaxi,nmaxo,nmaxm,miner,
+     &		nevol
+	   write(unit_diag1,11) 
+	   write(unit_diag2,10) ro,ron,rm,cm,ekman,qk,alpht,alphj,
+     &		rath,etaio,etado,Lmax_v,mmax_v,
+     &		Lmax_m,mmax_m,Lmax_t,mmax_t,nmaxi,nmaxo,nmaxm,miner,
+     &		nevol
+	   write(unit_diag2,12) 
+	endif
+	if (i_diag .eq. 1) then
+	   call energy(amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt)
+           write(unit_diag1,13) tt,deltt,amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt,nd
+           write(unit_diag2,14) tt,deltt,omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz,nd
+	   call flush(unit_diag1)
+	   call flush(unit_diag2)
+	endif
+	if (i_diag .eq. 2) then
+	   call energy(amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt)
+           write(unit_diag1,13) tt,deltt,amv,amb,amt,elv,elb,elt,
+     &				fileno_out
+           write(unit_diag2,14) tt,deltt,omgih,omgiz,omgmh,omgmz,
+     &                          fileno_out
+	   call flush(unit_diag1)
+	   call flush(unit_diag2)
+	endif
+ 10     format(1x,'R_o =',e11.4,2x,'R_on =',e11.4,2x,'R_m =',e11.4,
+     &  2x,'Lambda =',e11.4/1x,'Ekman =',e11.4,2x,'q_k =',e11.4,2x,
+     &  'alpht =',e11.4,2x,'alphj =',e11.4/1x,
+     &  'R_th =',e12.5,2x,'eta_io =',e12.5,2x,'eta_do =',e12.5/1x,
+     &  'L_v =',i3,1x,
+     &	'M_v =',i3,1x,'L_m =',i3,1x,'M_m =',i3,1x,'L_t =',i3,1x,
+     &	'M_t =',i3,1x,'N_i =',i3,2x,'N_o =',i3,2x,'N_d =',i3,2x,
+     &	'M_iner =',i3,2x,'N_evol =',i3)
+ 11	format(/7x,'T',12x,'D_T',11x,'E_v',11x,'E_b',11x,'E_T',11x,
+     &	'L_v',11x,'L_b',11x,'L_t',6x,'NF'/)
+ 12     format(/7x,'T',13x,'D_T',12x,'wix',12x,'wiy',12x,'wiz',12x,
+     &	'wmx',12x,'wmy',12x,'wmz',7x,'NF'/)
+ 13     format(8(1x,e13.7),1x,i4)
+ 14     format(8(1x,e14.8),1x,i4)
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine recout(unit_rec,i_rec)
+!	This subroutine writes the info into the record output file.
+!	unit_rec: the ouptu unit number of the record file;
+!	i_rec:    the optional choice;
+!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
+	use mod_dimparam
+        use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+        use mod_optparam
+        use mod_radgeom
+        use mod_artdis
+	use mod_cmbheat
+	use mod_dataio
+	implicit none
+	integer unit_rec,i_rec
+	character*50 cdates
+        integer len_cdates
+!	Subroutine starts here
+	call timing(cdates,len_cdates)
+	if (i_rec .eq. 0) then
+           write(unit_rec,10) cdates
+           write(unit_rec,11) Lmax_v,mmax_v,Lmax_m,mmax_m,Lmax_t,
+     &		mmax_t,nmaxi,nmaxo,nmaxm,miner,ro,ron,rm,cm,ekman,
+     &		qk,alpht,alphj,rath,etaio,etado,
+     &		indxt,k_icrot,
+     &		rhooc,rhoio,rhomo,rcc,ricb,rcmb,rdpp,rear,
+     &		navfb,navft,navfv1,navfv2,nevol,avisv1,avisv2,avisb,
+     &		avist,kicbv,kcmbv,kccbb,kicbb,kcmbb,kicbt,kcmbt,
+     &		itucmb,itvcmb,itbcmb,itjcmb,ittcmb,toutf,toutd
+	endif
+	if (i_rec .eq. 1) then
+	   write(unit_rec,12) fileno_out,cdates
+	   call flush(unit_rec)
+	endif
+ 10     format(1x,'Date:',1x,a23)
+ 11     format(1x,'Parameters for the calculation'//1x,'L_v = ',i3,
+     &	1x,'M_v = ',i3,1x,'L_m =',i3,1x,'M_m =',i3,1x,'L_t =',i3,1x,
+     &	'M_t =',i3,1x,'N_i = ',i3,1x,'N_o = ',i3,1x,'N_m = ',i3,1x,
+     &  'M_iner =',i3/1x,'R_o =',e11.4,1x,'R_on =',e11.4,1x,'R_m =',
+     &  e11.4,1x,'Lambda =',e11.4,1x,'E =',e11.4/1x,'q_k =',e11.4,
+     &  1x,'alpht =',e11.4,1x,'alphj =',e11.4,1x,'R_th =',e11.4/1x,
+     &  'eta_io =',e11.4,1x,'eta_do =',e11.4
+     &  /1x,'eps_ht =',e11.4,1x,'indxt =',i2/1x,
+     &	'k_icrot =',i2,1x,'rho_oc =',e11.4,1x,
+     &	'rho_io =',e11.4,1x,'rho_mo =',e11.4/1x,
+     &	'rcc =',e11.4,1x,'ricb =',e11.4,1x,'rcmb =',e11.4,1x,
+     &	'rdpp =',e11.4,1x,'rear =',e11.4/1x,'N_avb =',i3,1x,
+     &  'N_avt =',i3,1x,'N_avv1 =',i3,1x,'N_avv2 =',i3,1x,
+     &  'N_evol =',i3/1x,'avisv1 =',e11.4,1x,'avisv2 =',e11.4,1x,
+     &  'avisb =',e11.4,1x,'avist =',e11.4/1x,'kicbv =',i2,1x,
+     &  'kcmbv =',i2,1x,'kccbb =',i2,1x,'kicbb =',i2,1x,'kcmbb =',i2,
+     &  1x,'kicbt =',i2,1x,'kcmbt =',i2/1x,'itucmb =',i2,1x,
+     &  'itvcmb =',i2,1x,'itbcmb =',i2,1x,'itjcmb =',i2,1x,'ittcmb =',
+     &  i2/1x,'toutf =',e11.4,1x,'toutd =',e11.4/)
+ 12	format(1x,'nfile =',i4,2x,'Time :',1x,a23)
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine timeout(unit_time,tt)
+!	This subroutine writes the info into the time output file.
+!	unit_time: the output unit number of the time file;
+!	tt: 	   the simulation time;
+!	Weijia Kuang: 10/2003
+	use mod_dimparam
+        use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+        use mod_optparam
+	implicit none
+	integer unit_time
+	real (kind=8) tt
+        write(unit_time,10) deltt,tt
+	call flush(unit_time)
+ 10     format('Delt t =',e12.5,2x,'T =',e12.5)
+	return
+	end
+        subroutine timing(dates,len_dates)
+        integer len_dates
+        character(*) dates
+        character*50 times
+        character*20 cdate1,cdate2,cdate3
+        call date_and_time(cdate1,cdate2,cdate3)
+        times(1:4) = cdate1(1:4)
+        times(5:5) = "/"
+        times(6:7) = cdate1(5:6)
+        times(8:8) = "/"
+        times(9:10)= cdate1(7:8)
+        times(11:11)= "/"
+        times(12:13)= cdate2(1:2)
+        times(14:14)= ":"
+        times(15:16)= cdate2(3:4)
+        times(17:17)= ":"
+        times(18:23)= cdate2(5:10)
+        len_dates = len_trim(times)
+        dates(1:len_dates) = times(1:len_dates)
+        return
+        end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/readme
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/readme	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/readme	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This directory holds all modules, subroutines and the main code of 
+the MoSST for CIG. 
+Weijia Kuang 10/2006

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/solvers.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/solvers.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/solvers.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+c	This group of subroutines solve the linear equations of the
+c	system.  They are for Sun workstations with Sun Performance
+c	Library.
+c	W.Kuang: 08/99
+!	Last modified
+!	W.Kuang: 03/2004
+	subroutine solverv(fva,fvb)
+c	This subroutine solves (cova,covb) for given force (fva,fvb)
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	implicit none
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx1) :: fva,fvb
+	integer	i,k,L1,L2,k1,k2,L,m,nd_tp,n_st
+        complex (kind=8)  bdvtp(0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v,3)
+	cova	= 0.0
+	covb	= 0.0
+c-------solving (COVA,COVB) iteratively
+	do i	= 1,itvcmb
+	   cova	= fva
+	   covb	= fvb
+           call zbandsl(cva,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtva,cova)
+           call zbandsl(cvb,ndv,nmx1,lv,mlv,muv,ipvtvb,covb)
+           call group
+	enddo
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
+c       This subroutine evaluates the inertia related flow (coua,coub)
+c	for given forces.
+c	(FUA,FUB): the forcing terms
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	implicit none
+	complex (kind=8)  bdvtp(0:Lmax_v,0:mmax_v,3)
+	integer i,k,L,L1,m,info
+	complex (kind=8) ui
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: coua1,coub1,fua,fub
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+c	(1) Updating boundary condtions
+	if (kicbv .eq. 1) then
+           fub(1)= sqrt(4.0*pi/3.0)*rio**2*omgiz
+           fub(kdm(0)+1)= -sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*rio**2*conjg(omgih)
+        endif
+        if (kicbv .eq. 2) then
+           fub(1)= -rio*rio*sqrt(4.0*pi/3.0)*omgiz
+           fub(kdm(0)+1)= rio*rio*(1.0-0.5*ui)*sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)
+     &                    *conjg(omgih)
+           fub(nmxo1+2)= -rio*rio*sqrt(4.0*pi/5.0)*omgiz/3.0
+           fub(kdm(0)+nmxo1+2)= rio*rio*sqrt(pi/30.0)*conjg(omgih)
+        endif
+c-------Solving (COUA,COUB) iteratively
+	do i	= 1,itucmb
+	   coua	= 0.0
+	   coub	= 0.0
+	   coua	= fua
+	   coub	= fub
+	   coua	= coua1+coua
+	   coub	= coub1+coub
+    	   call zbandsl(cua1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtua,coua)
+    	   call zbandsl(cub1,ndu,nmx2,lu1,mlu,muu,ipvtub,coub)
+	   call group
+	enddo
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
+c       This subroutine solves (COB,COJ) for the given forces (FB,FJ)	
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	implicit none
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1,
+     &		cob2,coj2
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fj
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: bdbtp,bdjtp
+	integer i,k,L,m
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: boundi,boundm
+c-------Solve COB iteratively
+	do i	= 1,itbcmb
+	   cob2	= 0.0
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
+	         cob2(:,L,m) = fb(:,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
+	         cob(:,L,m) = cob1(:,L,m)+cob2(:,L,m)
+    		 call zbandsl(cb1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lb1,mlb,
+     &			        mub,ipvtb(1,L),cob(1,L,m))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+c-------Solve COJ iteratively
+	do i	= 1,itjcmb
+	   coj2	= 0.0
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
+	         coj2(:,L,m) = fj(:,L,m)
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	   call bd_mag(boundi,boundm)
+	   if (kicbb .eq. 2) then
+	      k	= nmbic+1
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+                 coj2(k,L,0) = boundi(L,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	         do L = m,Lmax_m
+	            coj2(k,L,m) = boundi(L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	   if (kcmbb .eq. 2) then
+	      k	= nmbic+nmx3
+	      do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+                 coj2(k,L,0) = boundm(L,0)
+	      enddo
+	      do m	= 1,mmax_m
+	         do L	= m,Lmax_m
+	            coj2(k,L,m) = boundm(L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   endif
+	   do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	      do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
+	         coj(:,L,m) = coj1(:,L,m)+coj2(:,L,m)
+    	         call zbandsl(cj1(1,1,L),nmb,nmx6,lj1,mlj,
+     &			        muj,ipvtj(1,L),coj(1,L,m))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine solvert(cot1,ft)
+c       This subroutine evaluates the temperature COT for given force FT
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_tfield
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	implicit none
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: cot1,
+     &		cot2,ft
+	complex (kind=8)  bdttp(0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t)
+	integer i,L,m
+	do i	= 1,ittcmb
+	   cot2	= 0.0
+	   cot2	= ft
+	   do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	      do m = 0,lsym_t(L)
+	         cot(:,L,m) = cot1(:,L,m)+cot2(:,L,m)
+    	         call zbandsl(ct1(1,1,L),nmx3,nmx3,lt1,mlt,
+     &			      mut,ipvtt(1,L),cot(1,L,m))
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	return
+	end

Added: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/time_integ.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/time_integ.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/src/time_integ.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@
+c	This group of subroutines provide time integration functions for
+c	the dynamo modeling.
+c	Weijia Kuang: 10/2001
+c	Weijia Kuang: 09/2002 (Last modified) 
+	subroutine abam3(gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2,ghi,ghim1,
+     &		ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2,fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,fubm1,
+     &		fubm2,fb,fbm1,fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,ft,ftm1,ftm2,
+     &		delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4)
+c                                                                       +
+c       This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow by the	+
+c	third order predictor(Adams-Bashord)-corrector(Adams-Molton)	+
+c	method.								+
+c                                                                       +
+c                                                                       +
+c       Algorithem:                                                     +
+c                                                                       +
+c               d/dt L_1 f = L_2 f + N(f);                              +
+c                                                                       +
+c               A_1 y^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + dt/12 { 23 N(f^[k]) -		+
+c			      16 N(f^[k-1]) + 5 N(f^[k-2]) };           +
+c               A_1 f^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + dt/12 { 5 N(y^[k+1]) +        +
+c                             8 N(f^[k]) - N(f^[k-1]) };                +
+c               A_1     = L_1 - dt L_2/2;                               +
+c               A_2     = L_1 + dt L_2/2;                               +
+c                                                                       +
+c                                                                       +
+c	Input:								+
+c                                                                       +
+c	 FJM2;FT,FTM1,FTM2;FC,FCM1,FCM2): the nonlinear forcing at	+
+c	 (t_k,t_[k-1],t_[k-2]);						+
+c									+
+c	Results:							+
+c									+
+c	updated for t = t_[k+1].					+
+c									+
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_tfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	implicit none
+	integer	ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	real (kind=8) gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2
+	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghim1,ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2
+	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3,info
+	real (kind=8) ctt
+	real (kind=8) omgiz1,omgmz1,gzip,gzmp,gzi1,gzm1
+	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
+	complex (kind=8) ui,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,uepss
+	complex (kind=8) omgih1,omgmh1,ghip,ghmp,ghi1,ghm1
+	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
+	real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4,3)
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
+     &		fubm1,fubm2,fuap,fubp,fua1,fub1,coua1,coub1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fbm1,
+     &          fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,fbp,fjp,fb1,fj1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft,ftm1,
+     &          ftm2,ftp,ft1,cot1
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	uepss	= 0.0
+	ctt	= deltt/12.0
+C	[0] Preparation for AB-AM method
+c	(0.1) Coefficients for the rotation rates
+	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,deltt)
+c	(0.2) The linear terms
+	omgmz1	= omgmz
+	omgmh1	= omgmh
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+	   omgiz1	= 0.0
+	   omgih1	= 0.0
+	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   omgiz1	= omgiz
+	   omgih1	= 0.0
+	else
+	   omgiz1	= omgiz
+	   omgih1	= omgih
+	endif	   
+	call linear_term(coua1,coua,coub1,coub,cob1,cob,
+     &			 coj1,coj,cot1,cot)
+C	[1] The Adams-Bashford predictor
+c	(1.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzi,ghi,gzm,ghm)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fub,gzm,ghm)
+	gzi1	= ctt*(23.0*gzi-16.0*gzim1+5.0*gzim2)
+	gzm1	= ctt*(23.0*gzm-16.0*gzmm1+5.0*gzmm2)
+	ghi1	= ctt*(23.0*ghi-16.0*ghim1+5.0*ghim2)
+	ghm1	= ctt*(23.0*ghm-16.0*ghmm1+5.0*ghmm2)
+	fua1	= ctt*(23.0*fua-16.0*fuam1+5.0*fuam2)
+	fub1	= ctt*(23.0*fub-16.0*fubm1+5.0*fubm2)
+	ft1	= ctt*(23.0*ft-16.0*ftm1+5.0*ftm2)
+	fb1	= ctt*(23.0*fb-16.0*fbm1+5.0*fbm2)
+	fj1	= ctt*(23.0*fj-16.0*fjm1+5.0*fjm2)
+c	(1.2) The predictor of the rotations
+	omgmz	= omgmz1+gzm1/inert_mz
+	omgmh	= (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm1)/uc1m
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+	   omgiz = 0.0
+	   omgih = 0.0
+	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
+	   omgih = 0.0
+	else
+	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
+	   omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi1-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+	endif
+c	(1.3) The predictor of the other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua1,fub1)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft1)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb1,fj1)
+c	(1.4) The nonlinear forcing for the corrector
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzip,gzmp,ghip,ghmp,fuap,fubp,fbp,fjp,ftp)
+C	[2] The Adams-Molton corrector
+c	(2.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzip,ghip,gzmp,ghmp)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fubp,gzmp,ghmp)
+	gzi1	= ctt*(5.0*gzip+8.0*gzi-gzim1)
+	gzm1	= ctt*(5.0*gzmp+8.0*gzm-gzmm1)
+	ghi1	= ctt*(5.0*ghip+8.0*ghi-ghim1)
+	ghm1	= ctt*(5.0*ghmp+8.0*ghm-ghmm1)
+	fua1	= ctt*(5.0*fuap+8.0*fua-fuam1)
+	fub1	= ctt*(5.0*fubp+8.0*fub-fubm1)
+	ft1	= ctt*(5.0*ftp+8.0*ft-ftm1)
+	fb1	= ctt*(5.0*fbp+8.0*fb-fbm1)
+	fj1	= ctt*(5.0*fjp+8.0*fj-fjm1)
+c	(2.2) Solving the rotation rates
+	omgmz	= omgmz1+gzm1/inert_mz
+	omgmh	= (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm1)/uc1m
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+	   omgiz = 0.0
+	   omgih = 0.0
+	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
+	   omgih = 0.0
+	else
+	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
+	   omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi1-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+	endif
+c	(2.3) Solving the other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua1,fub1)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft1)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb1,fj1)
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine rungkt2(gzi1,gzm1,ghi1,ghm1,fua1,fub1,fb1,fj1,ft1,
+     &		delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4)
+c                                                                       +
+c       This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow by a	+
+c	second order Runger-Kutter method.				+
+c                                                                       +
+c                                                                       +
+c       Algorithem:                                                     +
+c                                                                       +
+c               d/dt L_1 f = L_2 f + N(f);                              +
+c                                                                       +
+c               A_1 y_1 = A_2 f^[k] + dt N(f^[k]);             		+
+c               A_1 f^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + (dt/2) [N(f^[k]) + N(y_1)];   +
+c               A_1     = L_1 - dt L_2/2;                               +
+c               A_2     = L_1 + dt L_2/2;                               +
+c                                                                       +
+c                                                                       +
+c	Input:								+
+c                                                                       +
+c	(GZI1,GZM1,GHI1,GHM1,FUA1,FUB1,FB1,FJ1,FT1,FC1):		+
+c		 the forcing for first stage calculation at t_[k];	+
+c									+
+c	Results:							+
+c									+
+c		 updated to the new time.				+
+c                                                                       +
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_tfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	implicit none
+	integer	ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	real (kind=8) gzi1,gzm1
+	complex (kind=8) ghi1,ghm1
+	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3,info
+	real (kind=8) aj,ctt
+	real (kind=8) omgiz1,omgmz1,gzi,gzm,gzi2,gzm2
+	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
+	complex (kind=8) omgih1,omgmh1,ghi,ghm,ghi2,ghm2
+	complex (kind=8) ui,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,uepss
+	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
+	real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4,3)
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua1,fub1,fua2,fub2,
+     &		fua,fub,coua1,coub1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb1,fj1,
+     &		fb2,fj2,fb,fj
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft1,ft2,
+     &		ft,cot1
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	uepss	= 0.0
+	if (itrung .lt. 2) then
+	   itrung = 2
+	   call vmatrixu
+	   call bmatrix
+	   call tmatrix
+	endif
+C	[0] Preparation for the 2nd order R-K method
+c	(0.1) The coefficients for the rotation rates
+	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,deltt)
+c	(0.2) The linear terms
+	omgmz1	= omgmz
+	omgmh1	= omgmh
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+	   omgiz1	= 0.0
+	   omgih1	= 0.0
+	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   omgiz1	= omgiz
+	   omgih1	= 0.0
+	else
+	   omgiz1	= omgiz
+	   omgih1	= omgih
+	endif	   
+	call linear_term(coua1,coua,coub1,coub,cob1,cob,
+     &			 coj1,coj,cot1,cot)
+C	[1] The first stage of the 2nd order R-K method
+	ctt	= deltt
+c	(1.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzi1,ghi1,gzm1,ghm1)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fub1,gzm1,ghm1)
+	gzi	= ctt*gzi1
+	gzm	= ctt*gzm1
+	ghi	= ctt*ghi1
+	ghm	= ctt*ghm1
+	fua	= ctt*fua1
+	fub	= ctt*fub1
+	fb	= ctt*fb1
+	fj	= ctt*fj1
+	ft	= ctt*ft1
+c	(1.2) The predictor of the rotation rates
+	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
+        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
+        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+           omgiz = 0.0
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+        endif
+c	(1.3) The predictor of the other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
+c	(1.4) The nonlinear forcing for the 2nd stage
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzi2,gzm2,ghi2,ghm2,fua2,fub2,fb2,fj2,ft2)
+C	[2] The second stage of the 2nd order R-K method
+	ctt	= 0.5*deltt
+c	(2.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzi2,ghi2,gzm2,ghm2)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fub2,gzm2,ghm2)
+	gzi	= ctt*(gzi1+gzi2)
+	gzm	= ctt*(gzm1+gzm2)
+	ghi	= ctt*(ghi1+ghi2)
+	ghm	= ctt*(ghm1+ghm2)
+	fua	= ctt*(fua1+fua2)
+	fub	= ctt*(fub1+fub2)
+	fb	= ctt*(fb1+fb2)
+	fj	= ctt*(fj1+fj2)
+	ft	= ctt*(ft1+ft2)
+c	(2.2) Solving the rotation rates
+	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
+        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
+        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+           omgiz = 0.0
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+        endif
+c	(2.3) Solving the other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine rungkt3(gzi1,gzm1,ghi1,ghm1,fua1,fub1,fb1,fj1,ft1,
+     &		delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4)
+c                                                                       +
+c       This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow by a	+
+c	third order Runger-Kutter method.				+
+c                                                                       +
+c                                                                       +
+c       Algorithem:                                                     +
+c                                                                       +
+c               d/dt L_1 f = L_2 f + N(f);                              +
+c                                                                       +
+c               A_1a y_1 = A_2a f^[k] + (dt/2) N(f^[k]);             	+
+c               A_1b y_2 = A_2b f^[k] + (3 dt/4) N(y_1);             	+
+c               A_1 f^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + (dt/9) [2 N(f^[k]) +		+
+c                             3 N(y_1) + 4 N(y_2)];                     +
+c               A_1a    = L_1 - dt L_2/4;                               +
+c               A_1b    = L_1 - 3 dt L_2/8;                             +
+c               A_1     = L_1 - dt L_2/2;                               +
+c               A_2a    = L_1 + dt L_2/4;                               +
+c               A_2b    = L_1 + 3 dt L_2/8;                             +
+c               A_2     = L_1 + dt L_2/2;                               +
+c                                                                       +
+c                                                                       +
+c	Input:								+
+c                                                                       +
+c	(GZI1,GZM1,GHI1,GHM1,FUA1,FUB1,FB1,FJ1,FT1,FC1):		+
+c		 the forcing for first stage calculation at t_[k];	+
+c									+
+c	Results:							+
+c									+
+c		 updated to the new time.				+
+c                                                                       +
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_vfield
+	use mod_bfield
+	use mod_tfield
+	use mod_rotation
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	implicit none
+	integer	ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
+	real (kind=8) gzi1,gzm1
+	complex (kind=8) ghi1,ghm1
+	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3,info
+	real (kind=8) aj,ctt
+	real (kind=8) omgiz1,omgmz1,gzi,gzm,gzi2,gzi3,gzm2,gzm3
+	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
+	complex (kind=8) omgih1,omgmh1,ghi,ghm,ghi2,ghi3,ghm2,ghm3
+	complex (kind=8) ui,uepss
+	complex (kind=8) uc1i,uc1m,uc2i,uc2m
+	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
+	real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4,3)
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua1,fub1,fua2,fub2,
+     &		fua3,fub3,fua,fub,coua1,coub1,coua0,coub0
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb1,fj1,
+     &		fb2,fj2,fb3,fj3,fb,fj
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1,
+     &		cob0,coj0
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft1,ft2,
+     &		ft3,ft,cot1,cot0
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	omgmz1	= omgmz
+	omgmh1	= omgmh
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+	   omgiz1	= 0.0
+	   omgih1	= 0.0
+	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   omgiz1	= omgiz
+	   omgih1	= 0.0
+	else
+	   omgiz1	= omgiz
+	   omgih1	= omgih
+	endif	   
+	coua0	= coua
+	coub0	= coub
+	cob0	= cob
+	coj0	= coj
+	cot0	= cot
+	if (itrung .gt. 0) then
+	   itrung = 0
+	   call vmatrixu
+	   call bmatrix
+	   call tmatrix
+	endif
+C	[1] The first stage of the 3rd order R-K method
+	ctt	= 0.5*deltt
+	uepss	= 0.0
+c	(1.2) The coefficients for the rotation rates
+	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,ctt)
+c	(1.3) The linear terms
+	call linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
+     &			 coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
+c	(1.4) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzi1,ghi1,gzm1,ghm1)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fub1,gzm1,ghm1)
+	gzi	= ctt*gzi1
+	gzm	= ctt*gzm1
+	ghi	= ctt*ghi1
+	ghm	= ctt*ghm1
+	fua	= ctt*fua1
+	fub	= ctt*fub1
+	fb	= ctt*fb1
+	fj	= ctt*fj1
+	ft	= ctt*ft1
+c	(1.5) The 1st predictor of the rotation rates
+	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
+        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
+        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+           omgiz = 0.0
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+        endif
+c	(1.6) The 1st predictor of other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
+c	(1.7) The nonlinear forcing for the 2nd stage 
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzi2,gzm2,ghi2,ghm2,fua2,fub2,fb2,fj2,ft2)
+C	[2] The second stage of the 3rd order R-K method
+	ctt	= 0.75*deltt
+	uepss	= 0.0
+c	(2.1) The matrices with the three-quater time step
+	itrung 	= 1
+	call vmatrixu
+	call bmatrix
+	call tmatrix
+c	(2.2) The coefficients for the rotation rates
+	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,ctt)
+c	(2.3) The linear terms
+	call linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
+     &			 coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
+c	(2.4) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzi2,ghi2,gzm2,ghm2)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fub2,gzm2,ghm2)
+	gzi	= ctt*gzi2
+	gzm	= ctt*gzm2
+	ghi	= ctt*ghi2
+	ghm	= ctt*ghm2
+	fua	= ctt*fua2
+	fub	= ctt*fub2
+	fb	= ctt*fb2
+	fj	= ctt*fj2
+	ft	= ctt*ft2
+c	(2.5) The 2nd predictor of the rotation rates
+	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
+        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
+        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+           omgiz = 0.0
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+        endif
+c	(2.6) The 2nd predictor of other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
+c	(2.7) The nonlinear forcing for the 3rd stage
+	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
+     &		gzi3,gzm3,ghi3,ghm3,fua3,fub3,fb3,fj3,ft3)
+C	[3] The third stage of the 3rd order R-K method
+	ctt	= deltt/9.0
+	uepss	= 0.0
+c	(3.1) The matrices with the full time step
+	itrung 	= 2
+	call vmatrixu
+	call bmatrix
+	call tmatrix
+c	(3.2) The coefficients for the rotation rates
+	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,deltt)
+c	(3.3) The linear terms
+	call linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
+     &			 coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
+c	(3.4) The nonlinear forcing terms
+!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
+!	mantle and of the inner core
+	call torques_reform(gzi3,ghi3,gzm3,ghm3)
+!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
+!	mantle reference frame
+	call poincare(fub3,gzm3,ghm3)
+	gzi	= ctt*(4.0*gzi3+3.0*gzi2+2.0*gzi1)
+	gzm	= ctt*(4.0*gzm3+3.0*gzm2+2.0*gzm1)
+	ghi	= ctt*(4.0*ghi3+3.0*ghi2+2.0*ghi1)
+	ghm	= ctt*(4.0*ghm3+3.0*ghm2+2.0*ghm1)
+	fua	= ctt*(4.0*fua3+3.0*fua2+2.0*fua1)
+	fub	= ctt*(4.0*fub3+3.0*fub2+2.0*fub1)
+	fb	= ctt*(4.0*fb3+3.0*fb2+2.0*fb1)
+	fj	= ctt*(4.0*fj3+3.0*fj2+2.0*fj1)
+	ft	= ctt*(4.0*ft3+3.0*ft2+2.0*ft1)
+c	(3.5) Solve the rotation rates
+	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
+        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
+        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+           omgiz = 0.0
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = 0.0
+        else
+           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
+           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
+        endif
+c	(3.6) Solving the other fields
+	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
+	call solvert(cot1,ft)
+	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
+     &			       coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
+! 	This subroutine evaluates the linear terms for the R-K method, or
+!	AB-AM method.
+!	The inpput
+!	    (COUA0,COUB0,COB0,COJ0,COT0): the solution at given timestep;
+!	The outpput
+!	    (COUA1,COUB1,COB1,COJ1,COT1): the linear terms in R-K/AB-AM
+!		methods;
+!	W. Kuang, 09/2002
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_vmatrix
+	use mod_bmatrix
+	use mod_tmatrix
+	implicit none
+	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: coua1,coub1,coua0,coub0
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1,
+     &		cob0,coj0
+	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: cot1,cot0
+	cob1	= 0.0
+	coj1	= 0.0
+	cot1	= 0.0
+	coua1	= 0.0
+	coub1	= 0.0
+	do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	   do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
+	      do k  = 1,mlb+mub+1
+	         i1 = max0(1,mlb+2-k)
+	         i2 = min0(nmb,mlb+1+nmb-k)
+	         i3 = k-mlb-1
+	         do n = i1,i2
+	            cob1(n,L,m) = cob1(n,L,m)+cb2(n,k,L)*cob0(n+i3,L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do L	= 1,Lmax_m
+	   do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
+	      do k  = 1,mlj+muj+1
+	         i1 = max0(1,mlj+2-k)
+	         i2 = min0(nmb,mlj+1+nmb-k)
+	         i3 = k-mlj-1
+	         do n = i1,i2
+	            coj1(n,L,m) = coj1(n,L,m)+cj2(n,k,L)*coj0(n+i3,L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do L	= 0,Lmax_t
+	   do m = 0,lsym_t(L)
+	      do k  = 1,mlt+mut+1
+	         i1 = max0(1,mlt+2-k)
+	         i2 = min0(nmx3,mlt+1+nmx3-k)
+	         i3 = k-mlt-1
+	         do n = i1,i2
+	            cot1(n,L,m) = cot1(n,L,m)+ct2(n,k,L)*cot0(n+i3,L,m)
+	         enddo
+	      enddo
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do k = 1,mlu+muu+1
+	   i1= max0(1,mlu+2-k)
+	   i2= min0(ndu,mlu+1+ndu-k)
+	   i3= k-mlu-1
+	   do n = i1,i2
+	      coua1(n) = coua1(n)+cua2(n,k)*coua0(n+i3)
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	do k = 1,mlu+muu+1
+	   i1= max0(1,mlu+2-k)
+	   i2= min0(ndu,mlu+1+ndu-k)
+	   i3= k-mlu-1
+	   do n = i1,i2
+	      coub1(n) = coub1(n)+cub2(n,k)*coub0(n+i3)
+	   enddo
+	enddo
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine torques_reform(gzi,ghi,gzm,ghm)
+! 	This subroutine reforms the torques used to determine the solid
+!	body rotation of the inner core and of the mantle.
+!		Input:  the torques evaluated on the ICB and on the CMB.
+!		Output: the torques for rotation variation.
+!	W. Kuang, 02/2004
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	real (kind=8) gzi,gzm
+	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghm
+	real (kind=8) c1,c2
+	complex (kind=8) ui,z1,z2
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	c1	= rhomo*mtm
+	c2	= rhoio*mti
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
+	   gzm	= (gzm+gzi)/(c1+c2)
+	   ghm	= (ghm+ghi)/(c2+c1)
+	   gzi	= 0.0
+	   ghi	= 0.0
+	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   gzm	= gzm/c1
+	   ghm	= (ghm+ghi+ui*ron*c2*omgiz*omgmh)/(c2+c1)
+	   gzi	= gzi/c2-gzm
+	   ghi	= 0.0
+	else
+	   gzm	= gzm/c1
+	   ghm	= ghm/c1
+	   gzi	= gzi/c2-ron*aimag(omgmh*conjg(omgih))-gzm
+	   ghi	= ghi/c2-ui*ron*(omgmz*omgih-omgmh*omgiz)-ghm
+	endif
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,ctt)
+! 	This subroutine evaluates the linear terms for the solid body
+!	rotation of the inner core and of the mantle.
+!	The inpput
+!	    CTT: the time step in the time integration
+!	The outpput
+!	    (INERT_IZ,INERT_MZ,UC1I,UC2I,UC1M,UC2M): the linear terms in 
+!		R-K/AB-AM methods;
+!	W. Kuang, 02/2004
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	real (kind=8) ctt,c1,c2
+	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
+	complex (kind=8) ui,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	c1	= rhomo*mtm
+	c2	= rhoio*mti
+	inert_iz = ro
+	inert_mz = ro
+	if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
+	   uc1i	= ro
+	   uc2i	= ro
+	   uc1m	= ro
+	   uc2m	= ro
+	else
+	   uc1i	= ro+ui*0.25*ctt
+	   uc2i	= ro-ui*0.25*ctt
+	   uc1m	= ro
+	   uc2m	= ro
+	endif
+	return
+	end
+	subroutine poincare(fub,gzm,ghm)
+! 	This subroutine adds Poincare term into the momentum equation.
+!	The input
+!	    FUB: the nonlinear force for COUB.
+!	    (GZM,GHM): the torques for the mantle rotation variation.
+!	The outpput
+!	    FUB: the nonlinear force with the Poicare term added.
+!	W. Kuang, 02/2004
+	use mod_dimparam
+	use mod_sysparam
+	use mod_numparam
+	use mod_optparam
+	use mod_radgeom
+	use mod_parity
+	use mod_rotation
+	implicit none
+	real (kind=8) gzm
+	complex (kind=8) ghm,fub(nmx2)
+	integer	i
+	complex (kind=8) c1,c2,ui
+	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
+	c1	= sqrt(4.0*pi/3.0)*gzm
+	c2	= sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(ghm)
+!	(1) The Poincare term with d omgmz/dt
+	do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
+	   fub(1+i) = fub(1+i)-rr(i)*rr(i)*c1
+	enddo
+!	(2) The Poincare term with d omgmh/dt
+	if (miner .ge. 1) then
+	   do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
+	      fub(kdm(0)+1+i) = fub(kdm(0)+1+i)+rr(i)*rr(i)*c2
+	   enddo
+	endif
+	return
+	end

Deleted: geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/time_integ.f
--- geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/time_integ.f	2006-10-30 23:07:45 UTC (rev 5120)
+++ geodyn/3D/MoSST/trunk/time_integ.f	2006-10-31 20:59:39 UTC (rev 5121)
@@ -1,1093 +0,0 @@
-c	This group of subroutines provide time integration functions for
-c	the dynamo modeling.
-c	Weijia Kuang: 10/2001
-c	Weijia Kuang: 09/2002 (Last modified) 
-	subroutine abam3(gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2,ghi,ghim1,
-     &		ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2,fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,fubm1,
-     &		fubm2,fb,fbm1,fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,ft,ftm1,ftm2,
-     &		delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4)
-c                                                                       +
-c       This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow by the	+
-c	third order predictor(Adams-Bashord)-corrector(Adams-Molton)	+
-c	method.								+
-c                                                                       +
-c                                                                       +
-c       Algorithem:                                                     +
-c                                                                       +
-c               d/dt L_1 f = L_2 f + N(f);                              +
-c                                                                       +
-c               A_1 y^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + dt/12 { 23 N(f^[k]) -		+
-c			      16 N(f^[k-1]) + 5 N(f^[k-2]) };           +
-c               A_1 f^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + dt/12 { 5 N(y^[k+1]) +        +
-c                             8 N(f^[k]) - N(f^[k-1]) };                +
-c               A_1     = L_1 - dt L_2/2;                               +
-c               A_2     = L_1 + dt L_2/2;                               +
-c                                                                       +
-c                                                                       +
-c	Input:								+
-c                                                                       +
-c	 FJM2;FT,FTM1,FTM2;FC,FCM1,FCM2): the nonlinear forcing at	+
-c	 (t_k,t_[k-1],t_[k-2]);						+
-c									+
-c	Results:							+
-c									+
-c	updated for t = t_[k+1].					+
-c									+
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_tfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	implicit none
-	integer	ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	real (kind=8) gzi,gzim1,gzim2,gzm,gzmm1,gzmm2
-	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghim1,ghim2,ghm,ghmm1,ghmm2
-	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3,info
-	real (kind=8) ctt
-	real (kind=8) omgiz1,omgmz1,gzip,gzmp,gzi1,gzm1
-	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
-	complex (kind=8) ui,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,uepss
-	complex (kind=8) omgih1,omgmh1,ghip,ghmp,ghi1,ghm1
-	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
-	real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4,3)
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua,fuam1,fuam2,fub,
-     &		fubm1,fubm2,fuap,fubp,fua1,fub1,coua1,coub1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb,fbm1,
-     &          fbm2,fj,fjm1,fjm2,fbp,fjp,fb1,fj1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft,ftm1,
-     &          ftm2,ftp,ft1,cot1
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	uepss	= 0.0
-	ctt	= deltt/12.0
-C	[0] Preparation for AB-AM method
-c	(0.1) Coefficients for the rotation rates
-	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,deltt)
-c	(0.2) The linear terms
-	omgmz1	= omgmz
-	omgmh1	= omgmh
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-	   omgiz1	= 0.0
-	   omgih1	= 0.0
-	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   omgiz1	= omgiz
-	   omgih1	= 0.0
-	else
-	   omgiz1	= omgiz
-	   omgih1	= omgih
-	endif	   
-	call linear_term(coua1,coua,coub1,coub,cob1,cob,
-     &			 coj1,coj,cot1,cot)
-C	[1] The Adams-Bashford predictor
-c	(1.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzi,ghi,gzm,ghm)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fub,gzm,ghm)
-	gzi1	= ctt*(23.0*gzi-16.0*gzim1+5.0*gzim2)
-	gzm1	= ctt*(23.0*gzm-16.0*gzmm1+5.0*gzmm2)
-	ghi1	= ctt*(23.0*ghi-16.0*ghim1+5.0*ghim2)
-	ghm1	= ctt*(23.0*ghm-16.0*ghmm1+5.0*ghmm2)
-	fua1	= ctt*(23.0*fua-16.0*fuam1+5.0*fuam2)
-	fub1	= ctt*(23.0*fub-16.0*fubm1+5.0*fubm2)
-	ft1	= ctt*(23.0*ft-16.0*ftm1+5.0*ftm2)
-	fb1	= ctt*(23.0*fb-16.0*fbm1+5.0*fbm2)
-	fj1	= ctt*(23.0*fj-16.0*fjm1+5.0*fjm2)
-c	(1.2) The predictor of the rotations
-	omgmz	= omgmz1+gzm1/inert_mz
-	omgmh	= (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm1)/uc1m
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-	   omgiz = 0.0
-	   omgih = 0.0
-	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
-	   omgih = 0.0
-	else
-	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
-	   omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi1-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-	endif
-c	(1.3) The predictor of the other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua1,fub1)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft1)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb1,fj1)
-c	(1.4) The nonlinear forcing for the corrector
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzip,gzmp,ghip,ghmp,fuap,fubp,fbp,fjp,ftp)
-C	[2] The Adams-Molton corrector
-c	(2.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzip,ghip,gzmp,ghmp)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fubp,gzmp,ghmp)
-	gzi1	= ctt*(5.0*gzip+8.0*gzi-gzim1)
-	gzm1	= ctt*(5.0*gzmp+8.0*gzm-gzmm1)
-	ghi1	= ctt*(5.0*ghip+8.0*ghi-ghim1)
-	ghm1	= ctt*(5.0*ghmp+8.0*ghm-ghmm1)
-	fua1	= ctt*(5.0*fuap+8.0*fua-fuam1)
-	fub1	= ctt*(5.0*fubp+8.0*fub-fubm1)
-	ft1	= ctt*(5.0*ftp+8.0*ft-ftm1)
-	fb1	= ctt*(5.0*fbp+8.0*fb-fbm1)
-	fj1	= ctt*(5.0*fjp+8.0*fj-fjm1)
-c	(2.2) Solving the rotation rates
-	omgmz	= omgmz1+gzm1/inert_mz
-	omgmh	= (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm1)/uc1m
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-	   omgiz = 0.0
-	   omgih = 0.0
-	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
-	   omgih = 0.0
-	else
-	   omgiz = omgiz1+gzi1/inert_iz
-	   omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi1-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-	endif
-c	(2.3) Solving the other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua1,fub1)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft1)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb1,fj1)
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine rungkt2(gzi1,gzm1,ghi1,ghm1,fua1,fub1,fb1,fj1,ft1,
-     &		delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4)
-c                                                                       +
-c       This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow by a	+
-c	second order Runger-Kutter method.				+
-c                                                                       +
-c                                                                       +
-c       Algorithem:                                                     +
-c                                                                       +
-c               d/dt L_1 f = L_2 f + N(f);                              +
-c                                                                       +
-c               A_1 y_1 = A_2 f^[k] + dt N(f^[k]);             		+
-c               A_1 f^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + (dt/2) [N(f^[k]) + N(y_1)];   +
-c               A_1     = L_1 - dt L_2/2;                               +
-c               A_2     = L_1 + dt L_2/2;                               +
-c                                                                       +
-c                                                                       +
-c	Input:								+
-c                                                                       +
-c	(GZI1,GZM1,GHI1,GHM1,FUA1,FUB1,FB1,FJ1,FT1,FC1):		+
-c		 the forcing for first stage calculation at t_[k];	+
-c									+
-c	Results:							+
-c									+
-c		 updated to the new time.				+
-c                                                                       +
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_tfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	implicit none
-	integer	ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	real (kind=8) gzi1,gzm1
-	complex (kind=8) ghi1,ghm1
-	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3,info
-	real (kind=8) aj,ctt
-	real (kind=8) omgiz1,omgmz1,gzi,gzm,gzi2,gzm2
-	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
-	complex (kind=8) omgih1,omgmh1,ghi,ghm,ghi2,ghm2
-	complex (kind=8) ui,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,uepss
-	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
-	real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4,3)
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua1,fub1,fua2,fub2,
-     &		fua,fub,coua1,coub1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb1,fj1,
-     &		fb2,fj2,fb,fj
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft1,ft2,
-     &		ft,cot1
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	uepss	= 0.0
-	if (itrung .lt. 2) then
-	   itrung = 2
-	   call vmatrixu
-	   call bmatrix
-	   call tmatrix
-	endif
-C	[0] Preparation for the 2nd order R-K method
-c	(0.1) The coefficients for the rotation rates
-	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,deltt)
-c	(0.2) The linear terms
-	omgmz1	= omgmz
-	omgmh1	= omgmh
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-	   omgiz1	= 0.0
-	   omgih1	= 0.0
-	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   omgiz1	= omgiz
-	   omgih1	= 0.0
-	else
-	   omgiz1	= omgiz
-	   omgih1	= omgih
-	endif	   
-	call linear_term(coua1,coua,coub1,coub,cob1,cob,
-     &			 coj1,coj,cot1,cot)
-C	[1] The first stage of the 2nd order R-K method
-	ctt	= deltt
-c	(1.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzi1,ghi1,gzm1,ghm1)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fub1,gzm1,ghm1)
-	gzi	= ctt*gzi1
-	gzm	= ctt*gzm1
-	ghi	= ctt*ghi1
-	ghm	= ctt*ghm1
-	fua	= ctt*fua1
-	fub	= ctt*fub1
-	fb	= ctt*fb1
-	fj	= ctt*fj1
-	ft	= ctt*ft1
-c	(1.2) The predictor of the rotation rates
-	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
-        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
-        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-           omgiz = 0.0
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-        endif
-c	(1.3) The predictor of the other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
-c	(1.4) The nonlinear forcing for the 2nd stage
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzi2,gzm2,ghi2,ghm2,fua2,fub2,fb2,fj2,ft2)
-C	[2] The second stage of the 2nd order R-K method
-	ctt	= 0.5*deltt
-c	(2.1) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzi2,ghi2,gzm2,ghm2)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fub2,gzm2,ghm2)
-	gzi	= ctt*(gzi1+gzi2)
-	gzm	= ctt*(gzm1+gzm2)
-	ghi	= ctt*(ghi1+ghi2)
-	ghm	= ctt*(ghm1+ghm2)
-	fua	= ctt*(fua1+fua2)
-	fub	= ctt*(fub1+fub2)
-	fb	= ctt*(fb1+fb2)
-	fj	= ctt*(fj1+fj2)
-	ft	= ctt*(ft1+ft2)
-c	(2.2) Solving the rotation rates
-	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
-        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
-        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-           omgiz = 0.0
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-        endif
-c	(2.3) Solving the other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine rungkt3(gzi1,gzm1,ghi1,ghm1,fua1,fub1,fb1,fj1,ft1,
-     &		delt_g,drhomm,ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4)
-c                                                                       +
-c       This subroutine evaluates the time variation of the flow by a	+
-c	third order Runger-Kutter method.				+
-c                                                                       +
-c                                                                       +
-c       Algorithem:                                                     +
-c                                                                       +
-c               d/dt L_1 f = L_2 f + N(f);                              +
-c                                                                       +
-c               A_1a y_1 = A_2a f^[k] + (dt/2) N(f^[k]);             	+
-c               A_1b y_2 = A_2b f^[k] + (3 dt/4) N(y_1);             	+
-c               A_1 f^[k+1] = A_2 f^[k] + (dt/9) [2 N(f^[k]) +		+
-c                             3 N(y_1) + 4 N(y_2)];                     +
-c               A_1a    = L_1 - dt L_2/4;                               +
-c               A_1b    = L_1 - 3 dt L_2/8;                             +
-c               A_1     = L_1 - dt L_2/2;                               +
-c               A_2a    = L_1 + dt L_2/4;                               +
-c               A_2b    = L_1 + 3 dt L_2/8;                             +
-c               A_2     = L_1 + dt L_2/2;                               +
-c                                                                       +
-c                                                                       +
-c	Input:								+
-c                                                                       +
-c	(GZI1,GZM1,GHI1,GHM1,FUA1,FUB1,FB1,FJ1,FT1,FC1):		+
-c		 the forcing for first stage calculation at t_[k];	+
-c									+
-c	Results:							+
-c									+
-c		 updated to the new time.				+
-c                                                                       +
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_vfield
-	use mod_bfield
-	use mod_tfield
-	use mod_rotation
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	implicit none
-	integer	ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4
-	real (kind=8) gzi1,gzm1
-	complex (kind=8) ghi1,ghm1
-	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3,info
-	real (kind=8) aj,ctt
-	real (kind=8) omgiz1,omgmz1,gzi,gzm,gzi2,gzi3,gzm2,gzm3
-	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
-	complex (kind=8) omgih1,omgmh1,ghi,ghm,ghi2,ghi3,ghm2,ghm3
-	complex (kind=8) ui,uepss
-	complex (kind=8) uc1i,uc1m,uc2i,uc2m
-	real (kind=8) delt_g(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg3,3)
-	real (kind=8) drhomm(ndimg1,ndimg2,0:ndimg4,3)
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: fua1,fub1,fua2,fub2,
-     &		fua3,fub3,fua,fub,coua1,coub1,coua0,coub0
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,0:Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: fb1,fj1,
-     &		fb2,fj2,fb3,fj3,fb,fj
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1,
-     &		cob0,coj0
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: ft1,ft2,
-     &		ft3,ft,cot1,cot0
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	omgmz1	= omgmz
-	omgmh1	= omgmh
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-	   omgiz1	= 0.0
-	   omgih1	= 0.0
-	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   omgiz1	= omgiz
-	   omgih1	= 0.0
-	else
-	   omgiz1	= omgiz
-	   omgih1	= omgih
-	endif	   
-	coua0	= coua
-	coub0	= coub
-	cob0	= cob
-	coj0	= coj
-	cot0	= cot
-	if (itrung .gt. 0) then
-	   itrung = 0
-	   call vmatrixu
-	   call bmatrix
-	   call tmatrix
-	endif
-C	[1] The first stage of the 3rd order R-K method
-	ctt	= 0.5*deltt
-	uepss	= 0.0
-c	(1.2) The coefficients for the rotation rates
-	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,ctt)
-c	(1.3) The linear terms
-	call linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
-     &			 coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
-c	(1.4) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzi1,ghi1,gzm1,ghm1)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fub1,gzm1,ghm1)
-	gzi	= ctt*gzi1
-	gzm	= ctt*gzm1
-	ghi	= ctt*ghi1
-	ghm	= ctt*ghm1
-	fua	= ctt*fua1
-	fub	= ctt*fub1
-	fb	= ctt*fb1
-	fj	= ctt*fj1
-	ft	= ctt*ft1
-c	(1.5) The 1st predictor of the rotation rates
-	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
-        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
-        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-           omgiz = 0.0
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-        endif
-c	(1.6) The 1st predictor of other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
-c	(1.7) The nonlinear forcing for the 2nd stage 
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzi2,gzm2,ghi2,ghm2,fua2,fub2,fb2,fj2,ft2)
-C	[2] The second stage of the 3rd order R-K method
-	ctt	= 0.75*deltt
-	uepss	= 0.0
-c	(2.1) The matrices with the three-quater time step
-	itrung 	= 1
-	call vmatrixu
-	call bmatrix
-	call tmatrix
-c	(2.2) The coefficients for the rotation rates
-	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,ctt)
-c	(2.3) The linear terms
-	call linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
-     &			 coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
-c	(2.4) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzi2,ghi2,gzm2,ghm2)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fub2,gzm2,ghm2)
-	gzi	= ctt*gzi2
-	gzm	= ctt*gzm2
-	ghi	= ctt*ghi2
-	ghm	= ctt*ghm2
-	fua	= ctt*fua2
-	fub	= ctt*fub2
-	fb	= ctt*fb2
-	fj	= ctt*fj2
-	ft	= ctt*ft2
-c	(2.5) The 2nd predictor of the rotation rates
-	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
-        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
-        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-           omgiz = 0.0
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-        endif
-c	(2.6) The 2nd predictor of other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
-c	(2.7) The nonlinear forcing for the 3rd stage
-	call nonlinear(ndimg1,ndimg2,ndimg3,ndimg4,delt_g,drhomm,
-     &		gzi3,gzm3,ghi3,ghm3,fua3,fub3,fb3,fj3,ft3)
-C	[3] The third stage of the 3rd order R-K method
-	ctt	= deltt/9.0
-	uepss	= 0.0
-c	(3.1) The matrices with the full time step
-	itrung 	= 2
-	call vmatrixu
-	call bmatrix
-	call tmatrix
-c	(3.2) The coefficients for the rotation rates
-	call linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,deltt)
-c	(3.3) The linear terms
-	call linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
-     &			 coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
-c	(3.4) The nonlinear forcing terms
-!	The modified torques for the solid body rotations of the
-!	mantle and of the inner core
-	call torques_reform(gzi3,ghi3,gzm3,ghm3)
-!	The Poincare term in the momentum equation defined in the
-!	mantle reference frame
-	call poincare(fub3,gzm3,ghm3)
-	gzi	= ctt*(4.0*gzi3+3.0*gzi2+2.0*gzi1)
-	gzm	= ctt*(4.0*gzm3+3.0*gzm2+2.0*gzm1)
-	ghi	= ctt*(4.0*ghi3+3.0*ghi2+2.0*ghi1)
-	ghm	= ctt*(4.0*ghm3+3.0*ghm2+2.0*ghm1)
-	fua	= ctt*(4.0*fua3+3.0*fua2+2.0*fua1)
-	fub	= ctt*(4.0*fub3+3.0*fub2+2.0*fub1)
-	fb	= ctt*(4.0*fb3+3.0*fb2+2.0*fb1)
-	fj	= ctt*(4.0*fj3+3.0*fj2+2.0*fj1)
-	ft	= ctt*(4.0*ft3+3.0*ft2+2.0*ft1)
-c	(3.5) Solve the rotation rates
-	omgmz   = omgmz1+gzm/inert_mz
-        omgmh   = (uc2m*omgmh1+ghm)/uc1m
-        if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-           omgiz = 0.0
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = 0.0
-        else
-           omgiz = omgiz1+gzi/inert_iz
-           omgih = (uc2i*omgih1+ghi-uepss*(omgmh+omgmh1))/uc1i
-        endif
-c	(3.6) Solving the other fields
-	call solveru(coua1,coub1,fua,fub)
-	call solvert(cot1,ft)
-	call solverb(cob1,coj1,fb,fj)
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine linear_term(coua1,coua0,coub1,coub0,cob1,cob0,
-     &			       coj1,coj0,cot1,cot0)
-! 	This subroutine evaluates the linear terms for the R-K method, or
-!	AB-AM method.
-!	The inpput
-!	    (COUA0,COUB0,COB0,COJ0,COT0): the solution at given timestep;
-!	The outpput
-!	    (COUA1,COUB1,COB1,COJ1,COT1): the linear terms in R-K/AB-AM
-!		methods;
-!	W. Kuang, 09/2002
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_vmatrix
-	use mod_bmatrix
-	use mod_tmatrix
-	implicit none
-	integer k,L,L1,m,n,i1,i2,i3
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx2) :: coua1,coub1,coua0,coub0
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx6,Lmax_m,0:mmax_m) :: cob1,coj1,
-     &		cob0,coj0
-	complex (kind=8), dimension(nmx3,0:Lmax_t,0:mmax_t) :: cot1,cot0
-	cob1	= 0.0
-	coj1	= 0.0
-	cot1	= 0.0
-	coua1	= 0.0
-	coub1	= 0.0
-	do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	   do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
-	      do k  = 1,mlb+mub+1
-	         i1 = max0(1,mlb+2-k)
-	         i2 = min0(nmb,mlb+1+nmb-k)
-	         i3 = k-mlb-1
-	         do n = i1,i2
-	            cob1(n,L,m) = cob1(n,L,m)+cb2(n,k,L)*cob0(n+i3,L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do L	= 1,Lmax_m
-	   do m = 0,lsym_m(L)
-	      do k  = 1,mlj+muj+1
-	         i1 = max0(1,mlj+2-k)
-	         i2 = min0(nmb,mlj+1+nmb-k)
-	         i3 = k-mlj-1
-	         do n = i1,i2
-	            coj1(n,L,m) = coj1(n,L,m)+cj2(n,k,L)*coj0(n+i3,L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do L	= 0,Lmax_t
-	   do m = 0,lsym_t(L)
-	      do k  = 1,mlt+mut+1
-	         i1 = max0(1,mlt+2-k)
-	         i2 = min0(nmx3,mlt+1+nmx3-k)
-	         i3 = k-mlt-1
-	         do n = i1,i2
-	            cot1(n,L,m) = cot1(n,L,m)+ct2(n,k,L)*cot0(n+i3,L,m)
-	         enddo
-	      enddo
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do k = 1,mlu+muu+1
-	   i1= max0(1,mlu+2-k)
-	   i2= min0(ndu,mlu+1+ndu-k)
-	   i3= k-mlu-1
-	   do n = i1,i2
-	      coua1(n) = coua1(n)+cua2(n,k)*coua0(n+i3)
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do k = 1,mlu+muu+1
-	   i1= max0(1,mlu+2-k)
-	   i2= min0(ndu,mlu+1+ndu-k)
-	   i3= k-mlu-1
-	   do n = i1,i2
-	      coub1(n) = coub1(n)+cub2(n,k)*coub0(n+i3)
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine torques_reform(gzi,ghi,gzm,ghm)
-! 	This subroutine reforms the torques used to determine the solid
-!	body rotation of the inner core and of the mantle.
-!		Input:  the torques evaluated on the ICB and on the CMB.
-!		Output: the torques for rotation variation.
-!	W. Kuang, 02/2004
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	real (kind=8) gzi,gzm
-	complex (kind=8) ghi,ghm
-	real (kind=8) c1,c2
-	complex (kind=8) ui,z1,z2
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	c1	= rhomo*mtm
-	c2	= rhoio*mti
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 1) then
-	   gzm	= (gzm+gzi)/(c1+c2)
-	   ghm	= (ghm+ghi)/(c2+c1)
-	   gzi	= 0.0
-	   ghi	= 0.0
-	else if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   gzm	= gzm/c1
-	   ghm	= (ghm+ghi+ui*ron*c2*omgiz*omgmh)/(c2+c1)
-	   gzi	= gzi/c2-gzm
-	   ghi	= 0.0
-	else
-	   gzm	= gzm/c1
-	   ghm	= ghm/c1
-	   gzi	= gzi/c2-ron*aimag(omgmh*conjg(omgih))-gzm
-	   ghi	= ghi/c2-ui*ron*(omgmz*omgih-omgmh*omgiz)-ghm
-	endif
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine linear_rot(inert_iz,inert_mz,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m,ctt)
-! 	This subroutine evaluates the linear terms for the solid body
-!	rotation of the inner core and of the mantle.
-!	The inpput
-!	    CTT: the time step in the time integration
-!	The outpput
-!	    (INERT_IZ,INERT_MZ,UC1I,UC2I,UC1M,UC2M): the linear terms in 
-!		R-K/AB-AM methods;
-!	W. Kuang, 02/2004
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	real (kind=8) ctt,c1,c2
-	real (kind=8) inert_iz,inert_mz
-	complex (kind=8) ui,uc1i,uc2i,uc1m,uc2m
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	c1	= rhomo*mtm
-	c2	= rhoio*mti
-	inert_iz = ro
-	inert_mz = ro
-	if (k_icrot .lt. 2) then
-	   uc1i	= ro
-	   uc2i	= ro
-	   uc1m	= ro
-	   uc2m	= ro
-	else
-	   uc1i	= ro+ui*0.25*ctt
-	   uc2i	= ro-ui*0.25*ctt
-	   uc1m	= ro
-	   uc2m	= ro
-	endif
-	return
-	end
-	subroutine poincare(fub,gzm,ghm)
-! 	This subroutine adds Poincare term into the momentum equation.
-!	The input
-!	    FUB: the nonlinear force for COUB.
-!	    (GZM,GHM): the torques for the mantle rotation variation.
-!	The outpput
-!	    FUB: the nonlinear force with the Poicare term added.
-!	W. Kuang, 02/2004
-	use mod_dimparam
-	use mod_sysparam
-	use mod_numparam
-	use mod_optparam
-	use mod_radgeom
-	use mod_parity
-	use mod_rotation
-	implicit none
-	real (kind=8) gzm
-	complex (kind=8) ghm,fub(nmx2)
-	integer	i
-	complex (kind=8) c1,c2,ui
-	ui	= cmplx(0.0,1.0)
-	c1	= sqrt(4.0*pi/3.0)*gzm
-	c2	= sqrt(2.0*pi/3.0)*conjg(ghm)
-!	(1) The Poincare term with d omgmz/dt
-	do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
-	   fub(1+i) = fub(1+i)-rr(i)*rr(i)*c1
-	enddo
-!	(2) The Poincare term with d omgmh/dt
-	if (miner .ge. 1) then
-	   do i	= 1,nmaxo-1
-	      fub(kdm(0)+1+i) = fub(kdm(0)+1+i)+rr(i)*rr(i)*c2
-	   enddo
-	endif
-	return
-	end

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