[cig-commits] r4473 - mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2

maweier at geodynamics.org maweier at geodynamics.org
Tue Sep 5 13:49:51 PDT 2006

Author: maweier
Date: 2006-09-05 13:49:51 -0700 (Tue, 05 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 4473

Rename for consistence.

Copied: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/Citcoms_hdf2vtk.py (from rev 4460, mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_hdf2vtk.py)

Deleted: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_hdf2vtk.py
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_hdf2vtk.py	2006-09-05 19:40:41 UTC (rev 4472)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/citcoms_hdf2vtk.py	2006-09-05 20:49:51 UTC (rev 4473)
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#    <Script to generate VTK files from CitcomS hdf files>
-#    Copyright (C) 2006 California Institue of Technology 
-#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
-#    For more information contact maweier at geodynamics.org
-#import scipy
-import sys
-from datetime import datetime
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
-from pprint import *
-from math import *
-import tables        #For HDF support
-import numpy
-import pyvtk
-import sys
-# defaults
-path = "./example0.h5"
-vtk_path = "./vtk_output"
-vtkfile  = "%s.%d.vtk"
-initial = 0
-timesteps= None
-create_topo = False
-create_bottom = False
-create_surface = False
-create_ascii = False
-nx = None
-ny = None
-nz = None
-el_nx_redu = None
-el_ny_redu = None
-el_nz_redu = None
-radius_inner = None
-radius_outer = None
-nproc_surf = None
-#Filehandler to the HDF file
-f = None
-polygons3d = []  # arrays containing connectivity information
-polygons2d = []
-counter=0  #Counts iterations of citcom2vtk  
-def print_help():
-    print "Program to convert CitcomS HDF to Vtk files.\n"
-    print "-p, --path [path to hdf] \n\t Specify input file."
-    print "-o, --output [output filename] \n\t Specify the path to the folder for output files."
-    print ("-i, --initial [initial timestep] \n\t Specify initial timestep to export. If not \n \
-    \t specified script starts exporting from timestep 0.")
-    print "-t, --timestep [max timestep] \n\t Specify to which timestep you want to export. If not\n \
-    \t specified export all all timestep starting from intial timestep."
-    print "-x, --nx_reduce [nx] \n\t Set new nx to reduce output grid."
-    print "-y, --ny_reduce [ny] \n\t Set new ny to reduce output grid."
-    print "-z, --nz_reduce [nz] \n\t Set new nz to reduce output grid."
-    print "-b, --bottom \n\t Set to export Bottom information to Vtk file."
-    print "-s, --surface \n\t Set to export Surface information to Vtk file."
-    print "-c, --createtopo \n\t Set to create topography information in bottom and surface Vtk file."
-    print "-a, --ascii \n\t Create Vtk ASCII encoded files instead if binary."
-    print "-h, --help, -? \n\t Print this help."
-#Iterator for CitcomDataRepresentation(yxz) to VTK(xyz)
-def vtk_iter(nx,ny,nz):
-        for i in xrange(nx):
-            for j in xrange(ny):
-                for k in xrange(nz):
-                    yield k + nz * i + nz * nx * j
-#Reduces the CitcomS grid
-def reduce_iter(n,nredu):
-    i=0
-    n_f=float(n)
-    nredu_f=float(nredu)
-    fl=(n_f-1)/nredu_f
-    redu = 0
-    for i in xrange(nredu+1):
-        yield int(round(redu))
-        redu = redu + fl
-#Transform Vectors in Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates 2d                         
-#def velocity2cart2d(vel_colat, vel_lon,x , y):
-#    x1 = vel_colat*cos(x)*cos(y)-vel_lon*sin(y)
-#    y1 = vel_colat*cos(x)*sin(y)+vel_lon*cos(y)
-#    z1 = -vel_colat*sin(x)  
-#    return x1,y1,z1
-#Converts Spherical to Carthesian Coordinates 2d
-#def RTF2XYZ2d(vel_colat, vel_lon):
-#    x1 = sin(vel_colat)*cos(vel_lon)
-#    y1 = sin(vel_colat)*sin(vel_lon)
-#    z1 = cos(vel_colat)
-#    return x1,y1,z1          
-#Transform Vectors in Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates                
-def velocity2cart(vel_colat,vel_long,r, x, y, z):
-    x1 = r*sin(x)*cos(y)+vel_colat*cos(x)*cos(y)-vel_long*sin(y)
-    y1 = r*sin(x)*sin(y)+vel_colat*cos(x)*sin(y)+vel_long*cos(y)
-    z1 = r*cos(x)-vel_colat*sin(x)
-    return x1, y1, z1
-#Converts Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates
-def RTF2XYZ(thet, phi, r):
-    x = r * sin(thet) * cos(phi)
-    y = r * sin(thet) * sin(phi)
-    z = r * cos(thet)
-    return x, y, z
-#Reads Citcom Files and creates a VTK File
-def citcom2vtk(t):
-    print "Timestep:",t
-    benchmarkstr = ""
-    #Assign create_bottom and create_surface to bottom and surface 
-    #to make them valid in methods namespace
-    bottom = create_bottom
-    surface = create_surface
-    ordered_points = [] #reset Sequences for points   
-    ordered_temperature = []
-    ordered_velocity = []
-    ordered_visc = []
-    #Surface and Bottom Points
-    #Initialize empty sequences
-    surf_vec = []
-    botm_vec = []        
-    surf_topo = []
-    surf_hflux = []
-    botm_topo = []
-    botm_hflux = []
-    surf_points = []
-    botm_points = []
-    for capnr in xrange(nproc_surf):
-        ###Benchmark Point 1 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        print "Processing cap",capnr+1,"of",nproc_surf
-        cap = f.root._f_getChild("cap%02d" % capnr)
-        temp_coords =  [] # reset Coordinates, Velocity, Temperature Sequence
-        temp_vel = []     
-        temp_temp = []
-        temp_visc = []
-        #Information from hdf
-        #This information needs to be read only once
-        hdf_coords = cap.coord[:]
-        hdf_velocity = cap.velocity[t]
-        hdf_temperature = cap.temperature[t]
-        hdf_viscosity = cap.viscosity[t]
-        ###Benchmark Point 1 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-        ###Benchmark Point 2 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        #Create Iterator to change data representation
-        nx_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nx,nx_redu)
-        ny_redu_iter = reduce_iter(ny,ny_redu)
-        nz_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nz,nz_redu)
-        vtk_i = vtk_iter(el_nx_redu,el_ny_redu,el_nz_redu)
-        # read citcom data - zxy (z fastest)
-        for j in xrange(el_ny_redu):
-            j_redu = ny_redu_iter.next()
-            nx_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nx,nx_redu)
-            for i in xrange(el_nx_redu):
-                i_redu = nx_redu_iter.next()
-                nz_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nz,nz_redu)
-                for k in xrange(el_nz_redu):
-                    k_redu = nz_redu_iter.next()
-                    thet , phi, r = map(float,hdf_coords[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu])
-                    temp_coords.append((thet,phi,r))
-                    vel_colat, vel_lon , vel_r = map(float,hdf_velocity[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu])
-                    temperature = float(hdf_temperature[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu])
-                    visc = float(hdf_viscosity[i_redu,j_redu,k_redu])
-                    temp_vel.append((vel_colat,vel_lon,vel_r))
-                    temp_temp.append(temperature)
-                    temp_visc.append(visc)
-        ##Delete Objects for GC
-        del hdf_coords
-        del hdf_velocity
-        del hdf_temperature
-        del hdf_viscosity
-        ###Benchmark Point 2 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-        ###Benchmark Point 3 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        # rearange vtk data - xyz (x fastest).
-        for n0 in xrange(el_nz_redu*el_ny_redu*el_nx_redu):
-            iter = vtk_i.next()
-            #print iter
-            #Get Cartesian Coords from Coords
-            #zxy Citcom to xyz Vtk
-            colat, lon, r = temp_coords[iter]
-            x_coord, y_coord, z_coord = RTF2XYZ(colat,lon,r)
-            ordered_points.append((x_coord,y_coord,z_coord))
-            #Get Vectors in Cartesian Coords from Velocity
-            vel_colat,vel_lon,vel_r = temp_vel[iter]
-            x_velo, y_velo, z_velo = velocity2cart(vel_colat,vel_lon,vel_r, colat,lon , r)
-            ordered_velocity.append((x_velo,y_velo,z_velo))                        
-            ordered_temperature.append(temp_temp[iter])
-            ordered_visc.append(temp_visc[iter])                                
-        ###Benchmark Point 3 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-        ##Delete Unused Object for GC
-        del temp_coords
-        del temp_vel
-        del temp_temp
-        del temp_visc
-        ###Benchmark Point 4 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        #Bottom Information from hdf
-        if bottom == True:
-            try:
-                hdf_bottom_coord = cap.botm.coord[:]
-                hdf_bottom_heatflux = cap.botm.heatflux[t]
-                hdf_bottom_topography = cap.botm.topography[t]
-                hdf_bottom_velocity = cap.botm.velocity[t]
-            except:
-                print "\tCould not find bottom information in file.\n \
-                       Set create bottom to false"
-                bottom = False
-        #Surface Information from hdf
-        if surface==True:
-            try:
-                hdf_surface_coord = cap.surf.coord[:]
-                hdf_surface_heatflux = cap.surf.heatflux[t]
-                hdf_surface_topography = cap.surf.topography[t]
-                hdf_surface_velocity = cap.surf.velocity[t]
-            except:
-                print "\tCould not find surface information in file.\n \
-                       Set create surface to false"
-                surface = False
-        ###Benchmark Point 4 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-        ###Benchmark Point 5 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        #Compute surface/bottom topography mean
-        if create_topo:
-            surf_mean=0.0
-            botm_mean=0.0
-            if surface:
-                for i in xrange(ny):
-                    surf_mean += numpy.mean(hdf_surface_topography[i])
-                surf_mean = surf_mean/ny
-            if bottom:
-                for i in xrange(ny):
-                    botm_mean += numpy.mean(hdf_bottom_topography[i])
-                botm_mean = botm_mean/ny
-        ###Benchmark Point 5 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-        ###Benchmark Point 6 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        #Read Surface and Bottom Data   
-        if bottom==True or surface == True:
-            for i in xrange(ny):
-                for j in xrange(nx):
-                    if bottom==True:
-                        #Bottom Coordinates
-                        if create_topo==True:
-                            colat, lon = hdf_bottom_coord[i,j]
-                            x,y,z = RTF2XYZ(colat,lon,radius_inner+float( (hdf_bottom_topography[i,j]-botm_mean)*(10**21)/(6371000**2/10**(-6))/(3300*10)/1000 ))
-                            botm_points.append((x,y,z))
-                        else:
-                            colat, lon = hdf_bottom_coord[i,j]
-                            x,y,z = RTF2XYZ(colat, lon,radius_inner) 
-                            botm_points.append((x,y,z))
-                        #Bottom Heatflux
-                        botm_hflux.append(float(hdf_bottom_heatflux[i,j]))
-                        #Bottom Velocity
-                        vel_colat, vel_lon = map(float,hdf_bottom_velocity[i,j])
-                        x,y,z = velocity2cart(vel_colat,vel_lon, radius_inner, colat, lon, radius_inner)
-                        botm_vec.append((x,y,z))
-                    if surface==True:
-                        #Surface Information
-                        if create_topo==True:
-                            colat,lon = hdf_surface_coord[i,j]
-                            #637100 = Earth radius, 33000 = ?
-                            x,y,z = RTF2XYZ(colat,lon,radius_outer+float( (hdf_surface_topography[i,j]-surf_mean)*(10**21)/(6371000**2/10**(-6))/(3300*10)/1000 ))
-                            surf_points.append((x,y,z))
-                        else:
-                            colat, lon = hdf_surface_coord[i,j]
-                            x,y,z = RTF2XYZ(colat, lon,radius_outer) 
-                            surf_points.append((x,y,z))
-                        #Surface Heatflux
-                        surf_hflux.append(float(hdf_surface_heatflux[i,j]))
-                        #Surface Velocity
-                        vel_colat, vel_lon = map(float,hdf_surface_velocity[i,j])
-                        x,y,z = velocity2cart(vel_colat,vel_lon, radius_outer, colat, lon, radius_outer)
-                        surf_vec.append((x,y,z))
-         #del variables for GC
-        if bottom==True:
-            del hdf_bottom_coord
-            del hdf_bottom_heatflux
-            del hdf_bottom_velocity
-        if surface==True:
-            del hdf_surface_coord
-            del hdf_surface_heatflux
-            del hdf_surface_velocity   
-        ###Benchmark Point 6 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-        ###Benchmark Point 7 Start##
-        #start = datetime.now()
-        ############################
-        #Create Connectivity info    
-        if counter==0:
-            #For 3d Data 
-            i=1    #Counts X Direction
-            j=1    #Counts Y Direction
-            k=1    #Counts Z Direction
-            for n in xrange(((el_nx_redu*el_ny_redu*el_nz_redu)-(el_nz_redu*el_ny_redu))):
-                if (i%el_nz_redu)==0:            #X-Values!!!
-                    j+=1                 #Count Y-Values
-                if (j%el_ny_redu)==0:
-                    k+=1                #Count Z-Values
-                if i%el_nz_redu!=0 and j%el_ny_redu!=0:            #Check if Box can be created
-                    #Get Vertnumbers
-                    n0 = n+(capnr*(el_nx_redu*el_ny_redu*el_nz_redu))
-                    n1 = n0+1
-                    n2 = n1+el_nz_redu
-                    n3 = n0+el_nz_redu
-                    n4 = n0+(el_ny_redu*el_nz_redu)
-                    n5 = n4+1
-                    n6 = n4+el_nz_redu+1
-                    n7 = n4+el_nz_redu
-                    #Created Polygon Box
-                    polygons3d.append([n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7]) #Hexahedron VTK Representation
-                i+=1
-            if bottom==True or surface==True:
-                #Connectivity for 2d-Data      
-                i=1
-                for n in xrange((nx)*(ny) - nx):
-                    if i%nx!=0 :
-                        n0 = n+(capnr*((nx)*(ny)))
-                        n1 = n0+1
-                        n2 = n0+ny
-                        n3 = n2+1          
-                        polygons2d.append([n0,n1,n2,n3])
-                    i+=1
-        ###Benchmark Point 7 Stop##
-        #delta = datetime.now() - start
-        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf\n" % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-    #print benchmarkstr
-#Write Data to VTK  
-    #benchmarkstr = "\n\nIO:\n"
-    ###Benchmark Point 8 Start##
-    #start = datetime.now()
-    ############################
-    print 'Writing data to vtk...'
-    #Surface Points
-    if surface==True:
-        struct_coords = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(surf_points, pixel=polygons2d)                          
-        #topo_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(surf_topo,'Surface Topography', lookup_table='default')
-        hflux_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(surf_hflux,'Surface Heatflux',lookup_table='default')
-        vel_vec = pyvtk.Vectors(surf_vec,'Surface Velocity Vectors')
-        ##
-        tempdata = pyvtk.PointData(hflux_scal,vel_vec)
-        data = pyvtk.VtkData(struct_coords, tempdata,'CitcomS Output %s Timestep %s' % ('surface info',t))
-        if create_ascii:
-            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('surface',t)),) 
-        else:
-            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('surface',t)),'binary') 
-        print "Written Surface information to file"
-    ###Benchmark Point 8 Stop##
-    #delta = datetime.now() - start
-    #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-    ###Benchmark Point 9 Start##
-    #start = datetime.now()
-    ############################
-    if bottom==True:
-        #Bottom Points
-        struct_coords = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(botm_points, pixel=polygons2d)                          
-        #topo_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(botm_topo,'Bottom Topography','default')
-        hflux_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(botm_hflux,'Bottom Heatflux','default')
-        vel_vec = pyvtk.Vectors(botm_vec,'Bottom Velocity Vectors')
-        ##
-        tempdata = pyvtk.PointData(hflux_scal,vel_vec)
-        data = pyvtk.VtkData(struct_coords, tempdata, 'CitcomS Output %s Timestep %s' % ('Bottom info',t))
-        if create_ascii:
-            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('bottom',t)))   
-        else:
-            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('bottom',t)),'binary')
-        print "Written Bottom information to file"
-    ###Benchmark Point 9 Stop##
-    #delta = datetime.now() - start
-    #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-    ###Benchmark Point 10 Start##
-    #start = datetime.now()
-    #General Data
-    struct_coords = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(ordered_points,hexahedron=polygons3d)
-    vel_vec = pyvtk.Vectors(ordered_velocity, 'Velocity Vectors')
-    temp_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(ordered_temperature,'Temperature Scalars','default')
-    visc_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(ordered_visc,'Viscosity Scalars','default')
-    ##
-    tempdata = pyvtk.PointData(temp_scal,visc_scal,vel_vec)
-    data = pyvtk.VtkData(struct_coords, tempdata, 'CitcomS Output %s Timestep:%d NX:%d NY:%d NZ:%d Radius_Inner:%f' % (path,t,el_nx_redu,el_ny_redu,el_nz_redu,radius_inner))
-    ############################
-    if create_ascii:
-        data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('general',t)))
-    else:
-        data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('general',t)),'binary')  
-    print "Written general data to file"
-    ###Benchmark Point 10 Stop##
-    #delta = datetime.now() - start
-    #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf\n" % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-    #print benchmarkstr
-    #print "\n"
-# parse command line parameters
-def initialize():
-    global path
-    global vtk_path
-    global initial
-    global timesteps
-    global create_topo 
-    global create_bottom 
-    global create_surface 
-    global create_ascii 
-    global nx 
-    global ny 
-    global nz 
-    global nx_redu
-    global ny_redu
-    global nz_redu
-    global el_nx_redu
-    global el_ny_redu
-    global el_nz_redu
-    global radius_inner
-    global radius_outer
-    global nproc_surf
-    global f
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:o:i:t:x:y:z:bscah?", ['path=','output=','timestep=','x=','y=','z=','bottom','surface','createtopo','ascii', 'help','?'])
-    except GetoptError, msg:
-        print "Error: %s" % msg
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if len(opts)<=1:
-        print_help()
-        sys.exit(0)
-    for opt,arg in opts:
-        if opt in ('-p','--path'):
-            path = arg
-        if opt in ('-o','--output'):
-            vtk_path = arg
-        if opt in ('-i','--initial'):
-            try:
-                initial = int(arg)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "Initial is not a number."
-                sys.exit(1)
-        if opt in ('-t','--timestep'):
-            try:
-                timesteps = int(arg)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "Timestep is not a number."
-                sys.exit(1)
-        if opt in ('-x','--nx_reduce'):
-            try:
-                nx_redu = int(arg)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "NX is not a number."
-        if opt in ('-y','--ny_reduce'):
-            try:
-                ny_redu = int(arg)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "NY is not a number."
-        if opt in ('-z','--nz_reduce'):
-            try:
-                nz_redu = int(arg)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "NZ is not a number."
-        if opt in ('-b','--bottom'):
-            create_bottom = True
-        if opt in ('-s','--surface'):
-            create_surface = True    
-        if opt in ('-c','--createtopo'):
-            create_topo = True
-        if opt in ('-a','--ascii'):
-            create_ascii = True
-        if opt in ('-h','--help'):
-            print_help()
-            sys.exit(0)
-        if opt == '-?':
-            print_help()
-            sys.exit(0)
-    f = tables.openFile(path,'r')
-    nx = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodex)
-    ny = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodey)
-    nz = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nodez)
-    #If not defined as argument read from hdf
-    hdf_timesteps = int(f.root.time.nrows)
-    if timesteps==None or timesteps>hdf_timesteps:
-        timesteps = hdf_timesteps 
-    if nx_redu==None:
-        nx_redu = nx-1 
-    if ny_redu==None:
-        ny_redu = ny-1
-    if nz_redu==None:
-        nz_redu = nz-1
-    if nx_redu>=nx:
-        nx_redu=nx-1
-    if ny_redu>=ny:
-        ny_redu=ny-1
-    if nz_redu>=nz:
-        nz_redu=nz-1
-    el_nx_redu = nx_redu+1
-    el_ny_redu = ny_redu+1
-    el_nz_redu = nz_redu+1
-    radius_inner = float(f.root.input._v_attrs.radius_inner) 
-    radius_outer = float(f.root.input._v_attrs.radius_outer)
-    nproc_surf = int(f.root.input._v_attrs.nproc_surf)
-def citcoms_hdf2vtk():
-    global counter
-    #Call initialize to get and set input params
-    initialize()
-    d1 = datetime.now()
-    print "Converting Hdf to Vtk"
-    print "Initial:",initial, "Timesteps:",timesteps 
-    print "NX:",el_nx_redu, "NY:",el_ny_redu, "NZ:", el_nz_redu
-    print "Create Bottom: ",create_bottom, " Create Surface: ", create_surface
-    print "Create Topography: ", create_topo
-    for t in xrange(initial,timesteps):
-        start = datetime.now()
-        citcom2vtk(t)
-        counter+=1
-        delta = datetime.now() - start
-        print "\t%.3lf sec" % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
-    d2 = datetime.now()
-    f.close()
-    print "Total: %d seconds" % (d2 - d1).seconds
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    citcoms_hdf2vtk()
\ No newline at end of file

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