[cig-commits] r4512 - mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2

maweier at geodynamics.org maweier at geodynamics.org
Mon Sep 11 10:23:12 PDT 2006

Author: maweier
Date: 2006-09-11 10:23:11 -0700 (Mon, 11 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 4512


Deleted: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/Citcoms_Hdf2Vtk.c
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/Citcoms_Hdf2Vtk.c	2006-09-11 00:17:46 UTC (rev 4511)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/visual/Mayavi2/Citcoms_Hdf2Vtk.c	2006-09-11 17:23:11 UTC (rev 4512)
@@ -1,1056 +0,0 @@
- * CitcomS.py by Eh Tan, Eun-seo Choi, and Pururav Thoutireddy.
- * Copyright (C) 2002-2005, California Institute of Technology.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *  
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "hdf5.h"
-typedef struct vtk_pixel_t
-int c1;
-int c2;
-int c3;
-int c4;	
-} vtk_pixel_t;
-typedef struct hexahedron_t
-int c1;
-int c2;
-int c3;
-int c4;
-int c5;
-int c6;
-int c7;
-int c8;
-} hexahedron_t;
-typedef struct coordinates_t
-float x;
-float y;
-float z;	
-} coordinates_t;
-typedef struct cap_t
-    int id;
-    char name[8];
-    hid_t group;
-} cap_t;
-typedef struct field_t
-    const char *name;
-    int rank;
-    hsize_t *dims;
-    hsize_t *maxdims;
-    hsize_t *offset;
-    hsize_t *count;
-    int n;
-    float *data;
-} field_t;
-static cap_t *open_cap(hid_t file_id, int capid);
-static herr_t close_cap(cap_t *cap);
-static field_t *open_field(cap_t *cap, const char *name);
-static herr_t read_field(cap_t *cap, field_t *field, int timestep);
-static herr_t close_field(field_t *field);
-static herr_t get_attribute_str(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, char **data);
-static herr_t get_attribute_int(hid_t input, const char *name, int *val);
-static herr_t get_attribute(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t mem_type_id, void *data);
-static herr_t get_attribute_mem(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t mem_type_id, void *data);
-static herr_t get_attribute_disk(hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name, void *attr_out);
-static herr_t get_attribute_info(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t *dims, H5T_class_t *type_class, size_t *type_size, hid_t *type_id);
-static coordinates_t rtf_to_xyz(coordinates_t coord);
-static coordinates_t velocity_to_cart(coordinates_t velocity, coordinates_t coord);
-static void write_vtk_shell(coordinates_t coordinates[], hexahedron_t connectivity[], float temperature[], 
-					   float viscosity[], coordinates_t velocity[], int nodex_redu, int nodey_redu, int nodez_redu,
-					   int timestep, float radius_inner,int caps);
-static void write_vtk_surface(coordinates_t coordinates[], vtk_pixel_t connectivity[], 
-						float heatflux[], coordinates_t velocity[],
-						int timestep,int nodex,int nodey,int nodez,int caps, char* filename_prefix);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    char *datafile;
-    hid_t h5file;
-    hid_t input;
-    herr_t status;
-    int caps;
-    int capid;
-    cap_t *cap;
-    int step;
-    int n, i, j, k;
-    int nodex, nodey, nodez;
-	int nodex_redu;
-	int nodey_redu;
-	int nodez_redu;
-    int t;
-    int timesteps;
-    int *steps;
-    char *endptr;
-    field_t *coord;
-    field_t *velocity;
-    field_t *temperature;
-    field_t *viscosity;
-    /************************************************************************
-     * Parse command-line parameters.                                       *
-     ************************************************************************/
-    /*
-     * HDF5 file must be specified as first argument.
-     */
-    if (argc < 2)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file.h5 [step1 [step2 [...]]]\n", argv[0]);
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Recognize help arguments.
-     */
-    if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file.h5 [step1 [step2 [...]]] \n", argv[0]);
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Open HDF5 file (read-only). Complain if invalid.
-     */
-    h5file = H5Fopen(argv[1], H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
-    if (h5file < 0)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Could not open HDF5 file \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Read step(s) from argv[2:]
-     */
-    /* Allocate at least one step (we know argc >= 2) */
-    timesteps = (argc == 2) ? 1 : (argc-2);
-    steps = (int *)malloc(timesteps * sizeof(int));
-    /* By default, use zeroth step (might be overwritten) */
-    steps[0] = 0;
-    /* Convert argv[2:] into int array */
-    for(n = 2; n < argc; n++)
-    {
-        steps[n-2] = (int)strtol(argv[n], &endptr, 10);
-        if (!(argv[n][0] != '\0' && *endptr == '\0'))
-        {
-            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not parse step \"%s\"\n", argv[n]);
-            return EXIT_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    /************************************************************************
-     * Get mesh parameters.                                                 *
-     ************************************************************************/
-    /* Read input group */
-    input = H5Gopen(h5file, "input");
-    if (input < 0)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Could not open /input group in \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
-        status = H5Fclose(h5file);
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    status = get_attribute_str(input, "datafile", &datafile);
-    status = get_attribute_int(input, "nproc_surf", &caps);
-    status = get_attribute_int(input, "nodex", &nodex);
-    status = get_attribute_int(input, "nodey", &nodey);
-    status = get_attribute_int(input, "nodez", &nodez);
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	nodex_redu = nodex;
-	nodey_redu = nodey;
-	nodez_redu = nodez;
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /* Release input group */
-    status = H5Gclose(input);
-    /************************************************************************
-     * Create fields using cap00 datasets as a template.                    *
-     ************************************************************************/
-    cap         = open_cap(h5file, 0);
-    coord       = open_field(cap, "coord");
-    velocity    = open_field(cap, "velocity");
-    temperature = open_field(cap, "temperature");
-    viscosity   = open_field(cap, "viscosity");
-    status      = close_cap(cap);
-    /************************************************************************
-     * Output requested data.                                               *
-     ************************************************************************/
-    /* Iterate over timesteps */
-    for(t = 0; t < timesteps; t++)
-    {
-        /* Determine step */
-        step = steps[t];
-		coordinates_t ordered_coordinates[((nodex*nodey*nodez)*caps)];
-		coordinates_t ordered_velocity[((nodex*nodey*nodez)*caps)*3];
-		float ordered_temperature[(nodex*nodey*nodez)*caps];
-		float ordered_viscosity[(nodex*nodey*nodez)*caps];
-		hexahedron_t connectivity[((nodex_redu-1)*(nodey_redu-1)*(nodez_redu-1))*caps];
-		//Holds single coordinate		
-		coordinates_t coordinate;
-		//Holds single vector
-		coordinates_t velocity_vector;
-		//counts how many cells were created
-		int cell_counter=0;
-        /* Iterate over caps */
-        for(capid = 0; capid < caps; capid++)
-        {
-            cap = open_cap(h5file, capid);
-            //snprintf(filename, (size_t)99, "%s.cap%02d.%d", datafile, capid, step);
-            //fprintf(stderr, "Writing %s\n", filename);
-            //file = fopen(filename, "w");
-            //fprintf(file, "%d x %d x %d\n", nodex, nodey, nodez);
-            /* Read data from HDF5 file. */
-            read_field(cap, coord, 0);
-            read_field(cap, velocity, step);
-            read_field(cap, temperature, step);
-            read_field(cap, viscosity, step);
-            /* Traverse data in Citcom order */
-			int iterator = 0;
-			/*Counts iterations*/
-            int n_vec=0;
-			n = 0;
-			//Number of nodes per cap
-			int nodes=nodex_redu*nodey_redu*nodez_redu;
-			//to reduce use ceil to round;
-			int iterator_x=0;
-			int iterator_y=0;
-			int iterator_z=0;
-            for(j = 0; j < nodey; j++)
-            {	
-                for(i = 0; i < nodex; i++)
-                {
-			       for(k = 0; k < nodez; k++)
-                    {       
-								//Coordinates						
-								coordinate.x = coord->data[3*iterator+0];
-                                coordinate.y = coord->data[3*iterator+1];
-                                coordinate.z = coord->data[3*iterator+2];
-								coordinate = rtf_to_xyz(coordinate);
-								ordered_coordinates[n+((capid)*nodes)].x = coordinate.x;
-								ordered_coordinates[n+((capid)*nodes)].y = coordinate.y;
-								ordered_coordinates[n+((capid)*nodes)].z = coordinate.z;
-								//Velocity
-                        	    velocity_vector.x = velocity->data[3*iterator+0];
-                                velocity_vector.y = velocity->data[3*iterator+1];
-                                velocity_vector.z = velocity->data[3*iterator+2];
-								velocity_vector = velocity_to_cart(velocity_vector,coordinate);
-								ordered_velocity[n+((capid)*nodes)].x = velocity_vector.x;
-								ordered_velocity[n+((capid)*nodes)].y = velocity_vector.y;
-								ordered_velocity[n+((capid)*nodes)].z = velocity_vector.z;
-								//Temperature
-                                ordered_temperature[n+((capid)*nodes)] = temperature->data[iterator];
-								//Viscosity
-                                ordered_viscosity[n+((capid)*nodes)] = viscosity->data[iterator];
-                        		iterator = k + i*nodez + j*nodez*nodex;
-								//Debug
-								if(capid==0)
-								{
-									printf("%d\n",iterator);
-								}
-								n++;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-			//Create connectivity
-			if(t==0)
-			{
-				//For 3d Data 
-            	int i=1;    //Counts X Direction
-            	int j=1;    //Counts Y Direction
-            	int k=1;    //Counts Z Direction
-            	for(n=0; n<((nodex_redu*nodey_redu*nodez_redu)-(nodey_redu*nodez_redu));n++)
-					{
-                		if ((i%nodex_redu)==0)   //X-Values
-							{
-                    		j++;                 //Count Y-Values
-        					}
-                		if ((j%nodey_redu)==0)
-							{
-                    		k++;                 //Count Z-Values
-                  			}
-                		if (((i%nodez_redu) != 0) && ((j%nodey_redu) != 0))            //Check if Box can be created
-							{
-							//Create Connectivity
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c1 = n+(capid*(nodes));
-							connectivity[cell_counter].c2 = connectivity[cell_counter].c1+1;
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c3 = connectivity[cell_counter].c2+nodez_redu;
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c4 = connectivity[cell_counter].c1+nodez_redu;
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c5 = connectivity[cell_counter].c1+(nodey_redu*nodez_redu);
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c6 = connectivity[cell_counter].c5+1;
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c7 = connectivity[cell_counter].c5+nodez_redu+1;
-                    		connectivity[cell_counter].c8 = connectivity[cell_counter].c5+nodez_redu;
-							cell_counter++;
-							}                   	
-                i++;
-      			}
-			}
-			//fclose(file);
-            close_cap(cap);
-        }
-	//Write data to file
-	write_vtk_shell(ordered_coordinates, connectivity, ordered_temperature, 
-					   ordered_viscosity, ordered_velocity, nodex_redu, nodey_redu, nodez_redu,
-					   t, 0.55,caps);
-	}//end timesteps loop
-    /* Release resources. */
-    status = close_field(coord);
-    status = close_field(velocity);
-    status = close_field(temperature);
-    status = close_field(viscosity);
-    status = H5Fclose(h5file);
-    free(steps);
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-static cap_t *open_cap(hid_t file_id, int capid)
-    cap_t *cap;
-    cap = (cap_t *)malloc(sizeof(cap_t));
-    cap->id = capid;
-    snprintf(cap->name, (size_t)7, "cap%02d", capid);
-    cap->group = H5Gopen(file_id, cap->name);
-    if (cap->group < 0)
-    {
-        free(cap);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return cap;
-static herr_t close_cap(cap_t *cap)
-    herr_t status;
-    if (cap != NULL)
-    {
-        cap->id = -1;
-        cap->name[0] = '\0';
-        status = H5Gclose(cap->group);
-        free(cap);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static field_t *open_field(cap_t *cap, const char *name)
-    hid_t dataset;
-    hid_t dataspace;
-    herr_t status;
-    int d;
-    int rank;
-    field_t *field;
-    if (cap == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    /* Allocate field and initialize. */
-    field = (field_t *)malloc(sizeof(field_t));
-    field->name = name;
-    field->rank = 0;
-    field->dims = NULL;
-    field->maxdims = NULL;
-    field->n = 0;
-    dataset = H5Dopen(cap->group, name);
-    if(dataset < 0)
-    {
-        free(field);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-    if (dataspace < 0)
-    {
-        free(field);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Calculate shape of field. */
-    rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
-    field->rank = rank;
-    field->dims = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t));
-    field->maxdims = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t));
-    status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, field->dims, field->maxdims);
-    /* DEBUG
-    printf("Field %s shape (", name);
-    for(d = 0; d < rank; d++)
-        printf("%d,", (int)(field->dims[d]));
-    printf(")\n");
-    // */
-    /* Allocate memory for hyperslab selection parameters. */
-    field->offset = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t));
-    field->count  = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t));
-    /* Allocate enough memory for a single time-slice buffer. */
-    field->n = 1;
-    if (field->maxdims[0] == H5S_UNLIMITED)
-        for(d = 1; d < rank; d++)
-            field->n *= field->dims[d];
-    else
-        for(d = 0; d < rank; d++)
-            field->n *= field->dims[d];
-    field->data = (float *)malloc(field->n * sizeof(float));
-    /* Release resources. */
-    status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
-    status = H5Dclose(dataset);
-    return field;
-static herr_t read_field(cap_t *cap, field_t *field, int timestep)
-    hid_t dataset;
-    hid_t filespace;
-    hid_t memspace;
-    herr_t status;
-    int d;
-    if (cap == NULL || field == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    dataset = H5Dopen(cap->group, field->name);
-    if (dataset < 0)
-        return -1;
-    for(d = 0; d < field->rank; d++)
-    {
-        field->offset[d] = 0;
-        field->count[d]  = field->dims[d];
-    }
-    if (field->maxdims[0] == H5S_UNLIMITED)
-    {
-        field->offset[0] = timestep;
-        field->count[0]  = 1;
-    }
-    /* DEBUG
-    printf("Reading step %d on field %s with offset (", timestep, field->name);
-    for(d = 0; d < field->rank; d++) printf("%d,", (int)(field->offset[d]));
-    printf(") and count (");
-    for(d = 0; d < field->rank; d++) printf("%d,", (int)(field->count[d]));
-    printf(")\n");
-    // */
-    filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
-                                 field->offset, NULL, field->count, NULL);
-    memspace = H5Screate_simple(field->rank, field->count, NULL);
-    status = H5Dread(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memspace,
-                     filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, field->data);
-    status = H5Sclose(filespace);
-    status = H5Sclose(memspace);
-    status = H5Dclose(dataset);
-    return 0;
-static herr_t close_field(field_t *field)
-    if (field != NULL)
-    {
-        free(field->dims);
-        free(field->maxdims);
-        free(field->offset);
-        free(field->count);
-        free(field->data);
-        free(field);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static herr_t get_attribute_str(hid_t obj_id,
-                                const char *attr_name,
-                                char **data)
-    hid_t attr_id;
-    hid_t attr_type;
-    size_t type_size;
-    herr_t status;
-    *data = NULL;
-    attr_id = H5Aopen_name(obj_id, attr_name);
-    if (attr_id < 0)
-        return -1;
-    attr_type = H5Aget_type(attr_id);
-    if (attr_type < 0)
-        goto out;
-    /* Get the size */
-    type_size = H5Tget_size(attr_type);
-    if (type_size < 0)
-        goto out;
-    /* malloc enough space for the string, plus 1 for trailing '\0' */
-    *data = (char *)malloc(type_size + 1);
-    status = H5Aread(attr_id, attr_type, *data);
-    if (status < 0)
-        goto out;
-    /* Set the last character to '\0' in case we are dealing with
-     * null padded or space padded strings
-     */
-    (*data)[type_size] = '\0';
-    status = H5Tclose(attr_type);
-    if (status < 0)
-        goto out;
-    status = H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    if (status < 0)
-        return -1;
-    return 0;
-    H5Tclose(attr_type);
-    H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    if (*data)
-        free(*data);
-    return -1;
-static herr_t get_attribute_int(hid_t input, const char *name, int *val)
-    hid_t attr_id;
-    hid_t type_id;
-    H5T_class_t type_class;
-    size_t type_size;
-    herr_t status;
-    char *strval;
-    attr_id = H5Aopen_name(input, name);
-    type_id = H5Aget_type(attr_id);
-    type_class = H5Tget_class(type_id);
-    type_size = H5Tget_size(type_id);
-    H5Tclose(type_id);
-    H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    switch(type_class)
-    {
-        case H5T_STRING:
-            status = get_attribute_str(input, name, &strval);
-            if (status < 0) return -1;
-            *val = atoi(strval);
-            free(strval);
-            return 0;
-        case H5T_INTEGER:
-            status = get_attribute(input, name, H5T_NATIVE_INT, val);
-            if (status < 0) return -1;
-            return 0;
-    }
-    return -1;
-static herr_t get_attribute_float(hid_t input, const char *name, int *val)
-    hid_t attr_id;
-    hid_t type_id;
-    H5T_class_t type_class;
-    size_t type_size;
-    herr_t status;
-    char *strval;
-    attr_id = H5Aopen_name(input, name);
-    type_id = H5Aget_type(attr_id);
-    type_class = H5Tget_class(type_id);
-    type_size = H5Tget_size(type_id);
-    H5Tclose(type_id);
-    H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    switch(type_class)
-    {
-        case H5T_STRING:
-            status = get_attribute_str(input, name, &strval);
-            if (status < 0) return -1;
-                *val = atof(strval);
-            free(strval);
-            return 0;
-        case H5T_FLOAT:
-            status = get_attribute(input, name, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, val);
-            if (status < 0) return -1;
-            return 0;
-    }
-    return -1;
-static herr_t get_attribute(hid_t obj_id,
-                            const char *attr_name,
-                            hid_t mem_type_id,
-                            void *data)
-    herr_t status;
-    status = get_attribute_mem(obj_id, attr_name, mem_type_id, data);
-    if (status < 0)
-        return -1;
-    return 0;
-static herr_t get_attribute_mem(hid_t obj_id,
-                                const char *attr_name,
-                                hid_t mem_type_id,
-                                void *data)
-    hid_t attr_id;
-    herr_t status;
-    attr_id = H5Aopen_name(obj_id, attr_name);
-    if (attr_id < 0)
-        return -1;
-    status = H5Aread(attr_id, mem_type_id, data);
-    if (status < 0)
-    {
-        H5Aclose(attr_id);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    status = H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    if (status < 0)
-        return -1;
-    return 0;
-static herr_t get_attribute_disk(hid_t loc_id,
-                                 const char *attr_name,
-                                 void *attr_out)
-    hid_t attr_id;
-    hid_t attr_type;
-    herr_t status;
-    attr_id = H5Aopen_name(loc_id, attr_name);
-    if (attr_id < 0)
-        return -1;
-    attr_type = H5Aget_type(attr_id);
-    if (attr_type < 0)
-        goto out;
-    status = H5Aread(attr_id, attr_type, attr_out);
-    if (status < 0)
-        goto out;
-    status = H5Tclose(attr_type);
-    if (status < 0)
-        goto out;
-    status = H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    if (status < 0)
-        return -1;
-    return 0;
-    H5Tclose(attr_type);
-    H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    return -1;
-static herr_t get_attribute_info(hid_t obj_id,
-                                 const char *attr_name,
-                                 hsize_t *dims,
-                                 H5T_class_t *type_class,
-                                 size_t *type_size,
-                                 hid_t *type_id)
-    hid_t attr_id;
-    hid_t space_id;
-    herr_t status;
-    int rank;
-    /* Open the attribute. */
-    attr_id = H5Aopen_name(obj_id, attr_name);
-    if (attr_id < 0)
-        return -1;
-    /* Get an identifier for the datatype. */
-    *type_id = H5Aget_type(attr_id);
-    /* Get the class. */
-    *type_class = H5Tget_class(*type_id);
-    /* Get the size. */
-    *type_size = H5Tget_size(*type_id);
-    /* Get the dataspace handle */
-    space_id = H5Aget_space(attr_id);
-    if (space_id < 0)
-        goto out;
-    /* Get dimensions */
-    rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space_id, dims, NULL);
-    if (rank < 0)
-        goto out;
-    /* Terminate access to the dataspace */
-    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
-    if (status < 0)
-        goto out;
-    /* End access to the attribute */
-    status = H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    if (status < 0)
-        goto out;
-    return 0;
-    H5Tclose(*type_id);
-    H5Aclose(attr_id);
-    return -1;
-static coordinates_t rtf_to_xyz(coordinates_t coord)
-	coordinates_t output;
-	output.x = coord.z * sin(coord.x) * cos(coord.y);
-    output.y = coord.z * sin(coord.x) * sin(coord.y);
-    output.z = coord.z * cos(coord.x);
-	return output;
-static coordinates_t velocity_to_cart(coordinates_t velocity, coordinates_t coord)
-	coordinates_t output;
-	output.x = velocity.z*sin(coord.x)*cos(coord.y)+velocity.x*cos(coord.x)*cos(coord.y)-velocity.y*sin(coord.y);
-    output.y = velocity.z*sin(coord.x)*sin(coord.y)+velocity.x*cos(coord.x)*sin(coord.y)+velocity.y*cos(coord.y);
-    output.z = velocity.z*cos(coord.x)-velocity.x*sin(coord.x);
-    return output;
-static void write_vtk_shell(coordinates_t coordinates[], hexahedron_t connectivity[], float temperature[], 
-						float viscosity[], coordinates_t velocity[], int nodex_redu, int nodey_redu, int nodez_redu,
-						int timestep, float radius_inner,int caps)
-	FILE *file;
-    char filename[100];
-	snprintf(filename, (size_t)99, "%s.%d.vtk", "datafile", timestep);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Writing %s\n", filename);
-	file = fopen(filename, "w");
-    int i;
-	int nodes = nodex_redu*nodey_redu*nodez_redu;
-	//Write Header	
-	fprintf(file,"# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
-	fprintf(file,"CitcomS Output Timestep:%d NX:%d NY:%d NZ:%d Radius_Inner:%f\n"
-				,timestep,nodex_redu,nodey_redu,nodez_redu,radius_inner);
-	fprintf(file, "ASCII\n");
-	fprintf(file, "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n");
-	fprintf(file, "POINTS %d float\n",nodes*caps);
-	//Write Coordinates
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file, "%f %f %f\n",coordinates[i].x,coordinates[i].y,coordinates[i].z);
-		}
-	int cells = ((nodex_redu-1)*(nodey_redu-1)*(nodez_redu-1))*caps;
-	//Write Cells
-	fprintf(file, "CELLS %d %d\n",cells,cells*9);
-	for(i=0;i<(((nodex_redu-1)*(nodey_redu-1)*(nodez_redu-1))*caps);i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file, "8 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
-					connectivity[i].c1,
-					connectivity[i].c2,
-					connectivity[i].c3,
-					connectivity[i].c4,
-					connectivity[i].c5,
-					connectivity[i].c6,
-					connectivity[i].c7,
-					connectivity[i].c8	
-					);
-		}
-	//Write Cell Types Hexahedron
-		fprintf(file,"CELL_TYPES %d\n",cells);
-		int j=0;
-		for(i=0;i<cells;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file,"12 ");
-		j++;
-		if(j==8)				//Nicer formating
-			{
-			fprintf(file,"\n");
-			j=0;
-			}
-		}
-	//Write Scalar Temperature
-	fprintf(file,"POINT_DATA %d\n",nodes*caps);
-	fprintf(file,"SCALARS Temperature_scalars float 1\n");
-	fprintf(file,"LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file,"%f ", temperature[i]);
-		if((i+1)%nodex_redu==0)
-			{
-			fprintf(file,"\n");
-			}			
-		}
-	//Write Scalar Viscosity
-	fprintf(file,"SCALARS Viscosity_scalars float 1\n");
-	fprintf(file,"LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file,"%f ", viscosity[i]);
-		if((i+1)%nodex_redu==0)
-			{
-			fprintf(file,"\n");
-			}			
-		}
-	//Write Velocity Vectors
-	fprintf(file,"Vectors Velocity_vectors float\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file,"%f %f %f \n", velocity[i].x, velocity[i].y, velocity[i].z);
-		}
-	fclose(file);
-static void write_vtk_surface(coordinates_t coordinates[], vtk_pixel_t connectivity[], 
-						float heatflux[], coordinates_t velocity[],
-						int timestep,int nodex,int nodey,int nodez,int caps, char* filename_prefix)
-	FILE *file;
-    char filename[100];
-	snprintf(filename, (size_t)99, "%s.%d.vtk", filename_prefix, timestep);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Writing %s\n", filename);
-	file = fopen(filename, "w");
-    int i;
-	int nodes = nodey*nodez;
-	//Write Header	
-	fprintf(file,"# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
-	fprintf(file,"CitcomS Output %s Timestep:%d NX:%d NY:%d NZ:%d\n",
-				filename_prefix,timestep,nodex,nodey,nodez);
-	fprintf(file, "ASCII\n");
-	fprintf(file, "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n");
-	fprintf(file, "POINTS %d float\n",nodes*caps);
-	//Write Coordinates
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file, "%f %f %f\n",coordinates[i].x,coordinates[i].y,coordinates[i].z);
-		}
-	//Write Cells
-	int cells = ((nodey-1)*(nodez-1))*caps;
-	fprintf(file, "CELLS %d %d\n",cells,cells*5);
-	for(i=0;i<(((nodey-1)*(nodez-1))*caps);i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file, "4 %d %d %d %d\n",
-					connectivity[i].c1,
-					connectivity[i].c2,
-					connectivity[i].c3,
-					connectivity[i].c4
-					);
-		}
-	//Write Scalar Temperature
-	fprintf(file,"POINT_DATA %d\n",nodes*caps);
-	fprintf(file,"SCALARS Temperature_scalars float 1\n");
-	fprintf(file,"LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file,"%f ", heatflux[i]);
-		if((i+1)%nodex==0)
-			{
-			fprintf(file,"\n");
-			}			
-		}
-	//Write Velocity Vectors
-	fprintf(file,"Vectors Velocity_vectors float\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nodes*caps;i++)
-		{
-		fprintf(file,"%f %f %f \n", velocity[i].x, velocity[i].y, velocity[i].z);
-		}
-	fclose(file);

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