[cig-commits] r4527 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src

baagaard at geodynamics.org baagaard at geodynamics.org
Thu Sep 14 09:34:43 PDT 2006

Author: baagaard
Date: 2006-09-14 09:34:41 -0700 (Thu, 14 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 4527

Removed HDF5 stuff from include. Started adding HDF5 stuff.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/HDF5.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/HDF5.cc	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/HDF5.cc	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#include "HDF5.hh" // implementation of class methods
+extern "C" {
+#include "hdf5.h" // USES hdf5
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+pylith::meshio::HDF5::HDF5(const char* filename,
+			   hid_t mode)
+{ // constructor
+  _file = H5Fopen(filename, mode, H5P_DEFAULT);
+  if (_file < 0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Could not open HDF5 mesh file '" << filename << "'.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+{ // destructor
+  H5Fclose(_file);
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create group.
+pylith::meshio::HDF5::createGroup(const char* name)
+{ // createGroup
+  hid_t group = H5Gcreate(_file, name, 0);
+  if (group < 0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Coule not create group '" << name << "'.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  return group;
+} // createGroup
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write scalar attribute.
+pylith::meshio::HDF5::writeAttribute(hid_t parent,
+				     const char* name,
+				     const void* pValue,
+				     hid_t datatype)
+{ // writeAttribute
+  try {
+    hid_t dataspace = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
+    if (dataspace < 0)
+      throw std::runtime_error("Could not create dataspace for");
+    hid_t attribute = H5Acreate(parent, name,
+				datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+    if (attribute < 0)
+      throw std::runtime_error("Could not create");
+    hid_t err = H5Awrite(attribute, datatype, pValue);
+    if (err < 0)
+      throw std::runtime_error("Could not write");
+    err = H5Aclose(attribute);
+    if (err < 0)
+      throw std::runtime_error("Could not close");
+  } catch (std::exception& err) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << err.what() << " attribute '" << name << "'.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // try/catch
+} // writeAttribute
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write string attribute.
+pylith::meshio::HDF5::writeAttribute(hid_t parent,
+				     const char* name,
+				     const char* value)
+{ // writeAttribute
+} // writeAttribute
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/HDF5.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/HDF5.hh	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/HDF5.hh	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_meshio_hdf5_hh)
+#define pylith_meshio_hdf5_hh
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace meshio {
+    class HDF5;
+  } // meshio
+} // pylith
+typedef int hid_t; // HASA hid_t
+class pylith::meshio::HDF5
+{ // HDF5
+// PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------------------------------
+public :
+  /** Constructor.
+   *
+   * @param filename Name of HDF5 file
+   * @param mode Mode for HDF5 file
+   */
+  HDF5(const char* filename, hid_t mode);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~HDF5(void);
+  /** Create group.
+   *
+   * Create group and leave group open for further operations.
+   *
+   * @param name Name of group (with absolute path).
+   * @returns HDF5 group
+   */
+  hid_t createGroup(const char* name);
+  /** Create scalar attribute.
+   *
+   * @param parent Parent of attribute.
+   * @param attrName Name of attribute.
+   * @param pValue Pointer to scalar value
+   * @param datatype Datatype of scalar.
+   */
+  void writeAttribute(hid_t parent,
+		      const char* name,
+		      const void* pValue,
+		      hid_t datatype);
+  /** Create string attribute.
+   *
+   * @param parent Parent of attribute.
+   * @param attrName Name of attribute.
+   * @param value String value
+   */
+  void writeAttribute(hid_t parent,
+		      const char* name,
+		      const char* value);
+  /** Write dataset.
+   *
+   * @param parent Parent of dataset.
+   * @param name Name of dataset.
+   * @param pData Pointer to data.
+   * @param dims Dimensions of data.
+   * @param ndims Number of dimensions of data.
+   * @param datatype Type of data.
+   */
+  void writeDataset(hid_t parent,
+		    const char* name,
+		    const void* pData,
+		    const int* dims,
+		    const int ndims,
+		    hid_t datatype);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------
+private :
+  hid_t _file; ///< HDF5 file
+}; // HDF5
+#endif // pylith_meshio_hdf5_hh
+// End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/Makefile.am	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/Makefile.am	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -13,21 +13,22 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = testascii
 testascii_SOURCES = \
-	HDF5.cc
+	MeshIO.cc \
+	MeshIOAscii.cc \
+	PetscMesh.cc \
+	testascii.cc
-#	MeshIO.cc \
-#	MeshIOAscii.cc \
+#	HDF5.cc
 #	MeshIOHDF5.cc \
-#	PetscMesh.cc \
-#	testascii.cc
 noinst_HEADERS = \
-	HDF5.hh \
 	MeshIO.hh \
 	MeshIOAscii.hh \
-	MeshIOHDF5.hh \
+#	MeshIOHDF5.hh \
+#	HDF5.hh \
 HDF5_LIBS = -lhdf5
 testascii_LDADD = $(PETSC_LIB) $(HDF5_LIBS)

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.cc	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.cc	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshIO.hh" // implementation of class methods
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+pylith::meshio::MeshIO::MeshIO(void) :
+  _useIndexZero(true)
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.hh	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.hh	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_meshio_meshio_hh)
+#define pylith_meshio_meshio_hh
+namespace ALE {
+  template<typename T> class Obj;
+  class PetscMesh;
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace meshio {
+    class MeshIO;
+  } // meshio
+} // pylith
+class pylith::meshio::MeshIO
+{ // MeshIO
+// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshIO(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  virtual ~MeshIO(void);
+  /** Read mesh from file.
+   *
+   * @param pMesh Pointer to PETSc mesh object
+   */
+  virtual void read(ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh) = 0;
+  /** Write mesh to file.
+   *
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh object
+   */
+  virtual void write(const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const = 0;
+// PROTECTED MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  /** Get flag indicating whether indices start at 0 (True) or 1 (False).
+   *
+   * @returns True if indices start at 0, false if 1.
+   */
+  bool useIndexZero(void) const;
+  /** Set flag indicating whether indices start at 0 (True) or 1 (False).
+   *
+   * @param flag True if indices start at 0, false if 1.
+   */
+  void useIndexZero(const bool flag);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  bool _useIndexZero; ///< Flag indicating if indicates start at 0 (T) or 1 (F)
+}; // MeshIO
+#include "MeshIO.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // pylith_meshio_meshio_hh
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.icc	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIO.icc	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_meshio_meshio_hh)
+#error "MeshIO.icc must be included only from MeshIO.icc"
+// Get flag indicating whether indices start at 0 (True) or 1 (False).
+pylith::meshio::MeshIO::useIndexZero(void) const {
+  return _useIndexZero;
+// Set flag indicating whether indices start at 0 (True) or 1 (False).
+pylith::meshio::MeshIO::useIndexZero(const bool flag) {
+  _useIndexZero = flag;
+// End of file

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.cc	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.cc	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshIO.hh" // MeshIOHDF5 ISA MeshIO
+#include "MeshIOHDF5.hh" // implementation of class methods
+#include "PetscMesh.hh"
+extern "C" {
+#include "hdf5.h" 
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+MeshIOHDF5::MeshIOHDF5(void) :
+  _filename("")
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read mesh from file.
+MeshIOHDF5::read(ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh)
+{ // read
+  assert(0 != pMesh);
+  int meshDim = 0;
+  int numDims = 0;
+  int numVertices = 0;
+  int numElements = 0;
+  int numCorners = 0;
+  double* coordinates = 0;
+  int* elements = 0;
+  hid_t filein = H5Fopen(_filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
+  if (filein < 0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Could not open HDF5 mesh file '" << _filename
+	<< "' for reading.\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  _readMeshInfo(filein, pMesh);
+  _readVertices(filein, &coordinates, &numVertices, &numDims);
+  _readElements(filein, &elements, &numElements, &numCorners);
+  *pMesh = ALE::PetscMesh(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, meshDim);
+  (*pMesh)->debug = true;
+  bool interpolate = false;
+#if 1
+  // allow mesh to have different dimension than coordinates
+  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::sieve_type> topology = (*pMesh)->getTopology();
+  topology->setStratification(false);
+  (*pMesh)->buildTopology(numElements, elements, numVertices, 
+			  interpolate, numCorners);
+  topology->stratify();
+  topology->setStratification(true);
+  (*pMesh)->createVertexBundle(numElements, elements, 0, numCorners);
+  (*pMesh)->createSerialCoordinates(numDims, numElements, coordinates);
+  // require mesh to have same dimension as coordinates
+  (*pMesh)->populate(numElements, elements, numVertices, coordinates, 
+		     interpolate, numCorners);
+  delete[] coordinates; coordinates = 0;
+  delete[] elements; elements = 0;
+  // loop over charts
+  // _readChart();
+  H5Fclose(filein);
+} // read
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write mesh to file.
+MeshIOHDF5::write(const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const
+{ // write
+  HDF5 fileout(_filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
+  try {
+    _writeMeshInfo(fileout, mesh);
+    _writeVertices(fileout, mesh);
+    _writeElements(fileout, mesh);
+    // _writeChart(fileout, mesh, nameIter->c_str());
+  } catch (std::exception& err) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Error occurred while writing HDF5 file '" << _filename << "'.\n"
+      << err.what();
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } catch (...) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Unknown error occurred while writing HDF5 file '" 
+      << _filename << "'";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // try/catch
+} // write
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read general mesh information.
+MeshIOHDF5::_readMeshInfo(hid_t& filein,
+			  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh)
+{ // _readMeshInfo
+} // _readMeshInfo
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write general mesh information.
+MeshIOHDF5::_writeMeshInfo(HDF5& fileout,
+			   const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const
+{ // _writeMeshInfo
+  hid_t meshGroup = fileout.createGroup("/mesh");
+  const int dimension = mesh->getDimension();
+  fileout.createAttribute(meshGroup, "dimension", 
+			  (void*) &dimension, H5T_NATIVE_INT);
+  if (H5Gclose(meshGroup) < 0)
+    throw std::runtime_error("Could not close 'mesh' group. ");
+} // _writeMeshInfo
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read mesh vertices.
+MeshIOHDF5::_readVertices(hid_t& filein,
+			  double** pCoordinates,
+			  int* pNumVertices, 
+			  int* pNumDims) const
+{ // _readVertices
+  double* coordinates = 0;
+  int numDims = 0;
+  int numVertices = 0;
+  if (0 != pCoordinates)
+    *pCoordinates = coordinates;
+  if (0 != pNumVertices)
+    *pNumVertices = numVertices;
+  if (0 != pNumDims)
+    *pNumDims = numDims;
+} // _readVertices
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write mesh vertices.
+MeshIOHDF5::_writeVertices(HDF5& fileout,
+			   const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const
+{ // _writeVertices
+  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::field_type> coords_field = mesh->getCoordinates();
+  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::bundle_type> vertexBundle = mesh->getBundle(0);
+  ALE::PetscMesh::field_type::patch_type patch;
+  const double* coordinates = coords_field->restrict(patch);
+  const int numVertices = (vertexBundle->getGlobalOffsets()) ?
+    vertexBundle->getGlobalOffsets()[mesh->commSize()] :
+    mesh->getTopology()->depthStratum(0)->size();
+  const int numDims = coords_field->getFiberDimension(patch, 
+			      *mesh->getTopology()->depthStratum(0)->begin());
+  hid_t verticesId = fileout.createGroup("/mesh/vertices");
+  int dims[2];
+  dims[0] = numVertices;
+  dims[1] = numDims;
+  fileout.writeDataset(verticesId, "coordinates", (void*) coordinates, 
+		       dims, 2, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
+  if (H5Gclose(verticesId) < 0)
+    throw std::runtime_error("Could not close 'mesh/vertices' group. ");
+} // _writeVertices
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read mesh elements.
+MeshIOHDF5::_readElements(hid_t& filein,
+			   int** pElements,
+			   int* pNumElements, 
+			   int* pNumCorners) const
+{ // _readElements
+  int* elements = 0;
+  int numElements = 0;
+  int numCorners = 0;
+  int dimension = 0;
+  if (0 != pElements)
+    *pElements = elements;
+  if (0 != pNumElements)
+    *pNumElements = numElements;
+  if (0 != pNumCorners)
+    *pNumCorners = numCorners;
+} // _readElements
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write mesh elements.
+MeshIOHDF5::_writeElements(hid_t& fileout,
+			   const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const
+{ // _writeElements
+  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::sieve_type> topology = mesh->getTopology();
+  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::sieve_type::traits::heightSequence> elements = 
+    topology->heightStratum(0);
+  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::bundle_type> vertexBundle =  mesh->getBundle(0);
+  ALE::PetscMesh::bundle_type::patch_type patch;
+  std::string orderName("element");
+  assert(0 != topology);
+  assert(0 != elements);
+  assert(0 != vertexBundle);
+  int numCorners = 
+    topology->nCone(*elements->begin(), topology->depth())->size();
+  const int numElements = mesh->getTopology()->heightStratum(0)->size();
+  int* simplices = 
+    (numElements*numCorners > 0) ? new int[numElements*numCorners] : 0;
+  const int offset = (useIndexZero()) ? 0 : 1;
+  int index = 0;
+  for(ALE::PetscMesh::sieve_type::traits::heightSequence::iterator e_itor = 
+	elements->begin(); 
+      e_itor != elements->end();
+      ++e_itor) {
+    ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh::bundle_type::order_type::coneSequence> cone = 
+      vertexBundle->getPatch(orderName, *e_itor);
+    assert(0 != cone);
+    for(ALE::PetscMesh::bundle_type::order_type::coneSequence::iterator c_itor = 
+	  cone->begin(); 
+	c_itor != cone->end(); 
+	++c_itor)
+      simplices[index++] = 
+	offset + vertexBundle->getIndex(patch, *c_itor).prefix;
+  hid_t elementsId = fileout.createGroup("/mesh/elements");
+  int dims[2];
+  dims[0] = numElements;
+  dims[1] = numCorners;
+  fileout.writeDataset(elementsId, "simplices", (void*) simplices, 
+		       dims, 2, H5T_NATIVE_INT);
+  if (H5Gclose(elementsId) < 0)
+    throw std::runtime_error("Could not close 'mesh/vertices' group. ");
+} // _writeElements
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read mesh charts.
+MeshIOHDF5::_readChart(hid_t& filein,
+		       ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh) const
+{ // _readChart
+  std::string name = ""; // Name of chart
+  int dimension = 0; // Topology dimension associated with chart
+  int count = 0; // Number of entities in chart
+  int* indices = 0; // Indices of entities in chart
+} // _readChart
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Write mesh chart.
+MeshIOHDF5::_writeChart(hid_t& fileout,
+			 const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh,
+			 const char* name) const
+{ // _writeChart
+} // _writeChart
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.hh	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.hh	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_meshio_meshiohdf5_hh)
+#define pylith_meshio_meshiohdf5_hh
+#include <string> // HASA std::string
+namespace ALE {
+  template<typename T> class Obj;
+  class PetscMesh;
+} // ALE
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace meshio {
+    class MeshIO;
+    class MeshIOHDF5;
+    class HDF5; // USES HDF5
+  } // pylith
+} // meshio
+typedef int hid_t;
+class pylith::meshio::MeshIOHDF5 : public pylith::meshio::MeshIO
+{ // MeshIOHDF5
+// PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------------------------------
+public :
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshIOHDF5(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshIOHDF5(void);
+  /** Set filename for HDF5 file.
+   *
+   * @param filename Name of file
+   */
+  void filename(const char* name);
+  /** Get filename of HDF5 file.
+   *
+   * @returns Name of file
+   */
+  const char* filename(void) const;
+  /** Read mesh from file.
+   *
+   * @param pMesh Pointer to PETSc mesh object
+   */
+  void read(ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh);
+  /** Write mesh to file.
+   *
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh object
+   */
+  void write(const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const;
+// PRIVATE METHODS ------------------------------------------------------
+private :
+  /** Read general mesh information.
+   *
+   * @param filein HDF5 file
+   * @param pMesh Pointer to mesh
+   */
+  void _readMeshInfo(hid_t& filein,
+		     ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh);
+  /** Write general mesh information.
+   *
+   * @param filein HDF5 file
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh
+   */
+  void _writeMeshInfo(hid_t& fileout,
+		     const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const;
+  /** Read mesh vertices.
+   *
+   * @param filein HDF5 file
+   * @param pCoordinates Pointer to array of vertex coordinates
+   * @param pNumVertices Pointer to number of vertices
+   * @param pNumDims Pointer to number of dimensions
+   */
+  void _readVertices(hid_t& filein,
+		     double** pCoordinates,
+		     int* pNumVertices, 
+		     int* pNumDims) const;
+  /** Write mesh vertices.
+   *
+   * @param fileout HDF file
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh
+   */
+  void _writeVertices(hid_t& fileout,
+		      const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const;
+  /** Read mesh elements.
+   *
+   * @param filein Input stream
+   * @param pElements Pointer to array of elements (vertices in each element)
+   * @param pNumElements Pointer to number of elements
+   * @param pNumCorners Pointer to number of corners in each element
+   */
+  void _readElements(hid_t& filein,
+		     int** pElements,
+		     int* pNumElements, 
+		     int* pNumCorners) const;
+  /** Write mesh elements.
+   *
+   * @param fileout HDF file
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh
+   */
+  void _writeElements(hid_t& fileout,
+		      const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh) const;
+  /** Read mesh chart.
+   *
+   * @param filein HDF5 file
+   * @param pMesh Pointer to PETSc mesh
+   */
+  void _readChart(hid_t& filein,
+		  ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>* pMesh) const;
+  /** Write mesh chart.
+   *
+   * @param fileout HDF5 file
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh
+   * @param name Name of chart
+   */
+  void _writeChart(hid_t& fileout,
+		   const ALE::Obj<ALE::PetscMesh>& mesh,
+		   const char* name) const;
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------
+private :
+  std::string _filename; ///< Name of file
+}; // MeshIOHDF5
+#include "MeshIOHDF5.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // pylith_meshio_meshiohdf5_hh
+// version
+// $Id$
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.icc	2006-09-14 16:24:17 UTC (rev 4526)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/meshio/src/MeshIOHDF5.icc	2006-09-14 16:34:41 UTC (rev 4527)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(meshiohdf5_hh)
+#error "MeshIOHDF5.icc must be included only from MeshIOHDF5.icc"
+// Set filename for HDF5 file.
+MeshIOHDF5::filename(const char* name) {
+  _filename = name;
+// Get filename of HDF5 file.
+const char* 
+MeshIOHDF5::filename(void) const {
+  return _filename.c_str();
+// End of file

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