[cig-commits] r8400 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/euler

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Thu Dec 6 21:07:23 PST 2007

Author: willic3
Date: 2007-12-06 21:07:23 -0800 (Thu, 06 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8400

Quick and dirty code to convert slip rates on a fault from an original
local coordinate system back to a global system, and then to a second
local system.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/euler/transform.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/euler/transform.py	2007-12-07 02:22:51 UTC (rev 8399)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/euler/transform.py	2007-12-07 05:07:23 UTC (rev 8400)
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# <LicenseText>
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file transform/transform
+## @brief Python application to generate a spatial database based on
+## a slip distribution for a region.  The slip distribution is converted
+## back to global coordinates and then transformed back to local coordinates
+## for a specified set of points.
+import math
+import numpy
+from pyre.applications.Script import Script as Application
+class Transform(Application):
+  """
+  Python application to create a slip distribution for a specified set of
+  points.
+  """
+  class Inventory(Application.Inventory):
+    """
+    Python object for managing Transform facilities and properties.
+    """
+    ## @class Inventory
+    ## Python object for managing Transform facilities and properties.
+    ##
+    ## \b Properties
+    ## @li \b data_dim Dimension of data.
+    ## @li \b points_file Filename of file containing point coordinates.
+    ## @li \b segs_file Filename of file containing fault segments.
+    ## @li \b points_spatialdb Filename of output spatial database.
+    ## @li \b up_dir Vector defining up direction.
+    ## @li \b normal_dir General preferred normal direction.
+    ## @li \b dip_slip Allow dip-slip to accomodate non-strike-slip movement.
+    ## @li \b dip_cutoff Cutoff dip below which dip-slip movement is allowed.
+    ## @li \b x_min Minimum x-value for which to compute values.
+    ## @li \b x_max Maximum x-value for which to compute values.
+    ## @li \b y_min Minimum y-value for which to compute values.
+    ## @li \b y_max Maximum y-value for which to compute values.
+    ## @li \b z_min Minimum z-value for which to compute values.
+    ## @li \b z_max Maximum z-value for which to compute values.
+    ## @li \b default_values Values to use for out-of-range coordinates.
+    ##
+    ## \b Facilities
+    ## @li \b src_coordsys Coordinate system to convert from.
+    ## @li \b dest_coordsys Coordinate system to convert to.
+    import pyre.inventory
+    from pyre.units.angle import deg
+    from pyre.units.length import m
+    from pyre.units.length import km
+    dataDim = pyre.inventory.int("data_dim", default=2)
+    dataDim.meta['tip'] = "Dimension of data."
+    pointsFile = pyre.inventory.str("points_file", default="points.def")
+    pointsFile.meta['tip'] = "Filename of file containing point coordinates."
+    segsFile = pyre.inventory.str("segs_file", default="segs.def")
+    segsFile.meta['tip'] = "Filename of file containing fault segments."
+    slipScale = pyre.inventory.float("slip_scale", default=1.0)
+    slipScale.meta['tip'] = "Scaling factor for fault slip."
+    pointsSpatialDB = pyre.inventory.str("points_spatialdb",
+                                         default="points.spatialdb")
+    pointsSpatialDB.meta['tip'] = "Filename of output spatial database."
+    upDir = pyre.inventory.list("up_dir", default=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
+    upDir.meta['tip'] = "Up direction."
+    normalDir = pyre.inventory.list("normal_dir", default=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+    normalDir.meta['tip'] = "General preferred normal direction."
+    dipSlip = pyre.inventory.bool("dip_slip", default=True)
+    dipSlip.meta['tip'] = "Allow dip-slip to take up non-strike-slip movement."
+    dipCutoff = pyre.inventory.dimensional("dip_cutoff", default=75.0*deg)
+    dipCutoff.meta['tip'] = "Cutoff dip below which dip-slip is allowed."
+    xMin = pyre.inventory.dimensional("x_min", default=-1.0e8*m)
+    xMin.meta['tip'] = "Minimum x-value for which to apply rotation."
+    xMax = pyre.inventory.dimensional("x_max", default=1.0e8*m)
+    xMax.meta['tip'] = "Maximum x-value for which to apply rotation."
+    yMin = pyre.inventory.dimensional("y_min", default=-1.0e8*m)
+    yMin.meta['tip'] = "Minimum y-value for which to apply rotation."
+    yMax = pyre.inventory.dimensional("y_max", default=1.0e8*m)
+    yMax.meta['tip'] = "Maximum y-value for which to apply rotation."
+    zMin = pyre.inventory.dimensional("z_min", default=-1.0e8*m)
+    zMin.meta['tip'] = "Minimum z-value for which to apply rotation."
+    zMax = pyre.inventory.dimensional("z_max", default=1.0e8*m)
+    zMax.meta['tip'] = "Maximum z-value for which to apply rotation."
+    defaultValues = pyre.inventory.list("default_values",
+                                        default=[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+    defaultValues.meta['tip'] = "Values used for out-of-range points."
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="transform"):
+    Application.__init__(self, name)
+    self.numPoints = 0
+    self.numSegs = 0
+    self.segInfo = None
+    self.pointsUTM = []
+    self.normals = []
+    return
+  def main(self):
+    import pdb
+    pdb.set_trace()
+    self._readPoints()
+    self._readSegs()
+    f = open(self.pointsSpatialDB, 'w')
+    self._writeSpatialDBHead(f)
+    self._genSpatialDB(f)
+    f.close()
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _configure(self):
+    """
+    Setup members using inventory.
+    """
+    Application._configure(self)
+    self.dataDim = self.inventory.dataDim
+    self.pointsFile = self.inventory.pointsFile
+    self.segsFile = self.inventory.segsFile
+    self.slipScale = self.inventory.slipScale
+    self.spaceDim = 3
+    self.pointsSpatialDB = self.inventory.pointsSpatialDB
+    self.upDir = self.inventory.upDir
+    self.normalDir = self.inventory.normalDir
+    self.dipSlip = self.inventory.dipSlip
+    self.dipCutoff = self.inventory.dipCutoff
+    self.xMinVal = self.inventory.xMin.value
+    self.xMaxVal = self.inventory.xMax.value
+    self.yMinVal = self.inventory.yMin.value
+    self.yMaxVal = self.inventory.yMax.value
+    self.zMinVal = self.inventory.zMin.value
+    self.zMaxVal = self.inventory.zMax.value
+    self.defaultValues = self.inventory.defaultValues
+    self.upVec = numpy.array([float(self.upDir[0]), float(self.upDir[1]),
+                              float(self.upDir[2])], dtype=float)
+    self.normalVec = numpy.array([float(self.normalDir[0]),
+                                  float(self.normalDir[1]),
+                                  float(self.normalDir[2])], dtype=float)
+    self.dipCutoffProj = abs(math.sin(self.dipCutoff.value))
+    return
+  def _writeSpatialDBHead(self, f):
+    """
+    Writes header portion of spatial database.
+    """
+    f.write('#SPATIAL.ascii 1\n')
+    f.write('SimpleDB {\n')
+    f.write('  num-values = 3\n')
+    f.write('  value-names = left-lateral-slip   reverse-slip  fault-opening\n')
+    f.write('  value-units = m m m\n')
+    f.write('  num-locs = '+str(self.numPoints)+'\n')
+    f.write('  data-dim = '+str(self.dataDim)+'\n')
+    f.write('  space-dim = '+str(self.spaceDim)+'\n')
+    f.write('  cs-data = geo-projected {\n')
+    f.write('    to-meters = 1.0\n')
+    f.write('    ellipsoid = clrk66\n')
+    f.write('    datum-horiz = NAD27\n')
+    f.write('    datum-vert = mean sea level\n')
+    f.write('    projector = projection {\n')
+    f.write('      projection = utm\n')
+    f.write('      units = m\n')
+    f.write('      proj-options = +zone=11\n')
+    f.write('    }\n')
+    f.write('  }\n')
+    f.write('}\n')
+    return
+  def _genSpatialDB(self, f):
+    """
+    Computes dislocations/displacements from Euler pole and writes to
+    spatial DB.
+    """
+    normalsArr = numpy.array(self.normals, dtype=float).reshape(self.numPoints,
+                                                                self.spaceDim)
+    points = numpy.array(self.pointsUTM, dtype=float).reshape(self.numPoints,
+                                                              self.spaceDim)
+    iCount = 0
+    velocity = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+    for point in range(self.numPoints):
+      inRange = self._testRange(points[point])
+      if inRange:
+        velocity = self._local2Global(points[point],normalsArr[point])
+        vlocal = self._localTrans(velocity, normalsArr[point])
+        velocity = vlocal
+      else:
+        velocity[0] = self.defaultValues[0]
+        velocity[1] = self.defaultValues[1]
+        velocity[2] = self.defaultValues[2]
+      for dim in range(self.spaceDim):
+        f.write(' %.12e' % points[point, dim])
+      for dim in range(self.spaceDim):
+        f.write(' %.12e' % velocity[dim])
+      f.write('\n')
+      iCount += 3
+    return
+  def _testRange(self, point):
+    """
+    Checks to see if point is in range.
+    """
+    inRange = point[0] >= self.xMinVal and point[0] <= self.xMaxVal and \
+              point[1] >= self.yMinVal and point[1] <= self.yMaxVal and \
+              point[2] >= self.zMinVal and point[2] <= self.zMaxVal
+    return inRange
+  def _findSeg(self, point):
+    """
+    Finds segment to use with a given point.
+    """
+    px = point[0]
+    py = point[1]
+    """
+    # This method does not seem to work too well.
+    iSeg = -10
+    for seg in range(self.numSegs):
+      sx1 = self.segInfo[seg,0]
+      sy1 = self.segInfo[seg,1]
+      sx2 = self.segInfo[seg,2]
+      sy2 = self.segInfo[seg,3]
+      xmin = min(sx1,sx2)
+      xmax = max(sx1,sx2)
+      ymin = min(sy1,sy2)
+      ymax = max(sy1,sy2)
+      if sx2 == sx1:
+        sSlope = 1.0e20
+        pSlope = 0.0
+      elif sy2 == sy1:
+        sSlope = 0.0
+        pSlope = 1.0e20
+      else:
+        sSlope = (sy2-sy1)/(sx2-sx1)
+        pSlope = -1.0/sSlope
+      pInt = py - pSlope * px
+      sInt = sy1 - sSlope * sx1
+      xInt = (pInt - sInt)/(sSlope - pSlope)
+      yInt = (pInt*sSlope - sInt*pSlope)/(sSlope - pSlope)
+      if xInt >= xmin and xInt <= xmax and yInt >= ymin and yInt >= ymax:
+        iSeg = seg
+        break
+    """
+    distMin = 1.0e20
+    iSeg = -10
+    for seg in range(self.numSegs):
+      sx1 = self.segInfo[seg,0]
+      sy1 = self.segInfo[seg,1]
+      sx2 = self.segInfo[seg,2]
+      sy2 = self.segInfo[seg,3]
+      sxmid = 0.5*(sx1 + sx2)
+      symid = 0.5*(sy1 + sy2)
+      dx = px - sxmid
+      dy = py - symid
+      dist = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
+      if dist < distMin:
+        distMin = dist
+        iSeg = seg
+    return iSeg
+  def _local2Global(self, points, normalsArr):
+    """
+    Converts initial local coordinate system to global.
+    """
+    iSeg = self._findSeg(points)
+    sx1 = self.segInfo[iSeg,0]
+    sy1 = self.segInfo[iSeg,1]
+    sx2 = self.segInfo[iSeg,2]
+    sy2 = self.segInfo[iSeg,3]
+    dip = self.segInfo[iSeg,4]
+    ss = self.segInfo[iSeg,5]
+    ds = self.segInfo[iSeg,6]
+    ts = self.segInfo[iSeg,7]
+    dx = sx2 - sx1
+    dy = sy2 - sy1
+    asVec = numpy.array([dx, dy, 0.0], dtype=float)
+    mag = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(asVec,asVec))
+    asVec /= mag
+    testVec = numpy.cross(asVec, self.normalVec)
+    if testVec[2] > 0.0:
+      asVec *= -1.0
+    horPerp = numpy.cross(self.upVec, asVec)
+    mag = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(horPerp,horPerp))
+    horPerp /= mag
+    dipCos = math.sin(math.radians(dip))
+    r = math.sqrt(1.0/(1.0-dipCos*dipCos))
+    udVec = numpy.array([horPerp[0]/r, horPerp[1]/r, dipCos], dtype=float)
+    normVec = numpy.cross(asVec, udVec)
+    slipVec = numpy.array([ss, ds,ts], dtype=float)
+    rot1 = numpy.vstack((asVec, udVec, normVec))
+    rot = rot1.transpose()
+    velocity = numpy.dot(rot,slipVec)
+    return velocity
+  def _localTrans(self, velocity, normalsArr):
+    """
+    Performs a transformation on velocity vector to local coords.
+    """
+    # This function will need to partially duplicate the functionaliry of the
+    # CellGeometry _orient2D function.
+    mag = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(normalsArr, normalsArr))
+    normalsArr /= mag
+    normalTest = numpy.dot(normalsArr, self.normalVec)
+    if normalTest < 0.0:
+      normalsArr *= -1.0
+    # Along-strike direction -> cross product of up and normal
+    alongStrike = numpy.cross(self.upVec, normalsArr)
+    mag = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(alongStrike, alongStrike))
+    alongStrike /= mag
+    # Up-dip direction -> cross product of normal and along-strike
+    upDip = numpy.cross(normalsArr, alongStrike)
+    mag = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(upDip, upDip))
+    upDip /= mag
+    rot = numpy.vstack((alongStrike, upDip, normalsArr))
+    # Need to go through this section later to fix it for a generalized
+    # coordinate setup.
+    dip = numpy.dot(upDip, self.upVec)
+    if self.dipSlip and abs(dip) <= self.dipCutoffProj:
+      # Project slip onto strike-slip direction
+      strikeSlipProj = numpy.dot(velocity, alongStrike)
+      vstrikeSlip = strikeSlipProj * alongStrike
+      # Horizontal normal movement is the difference between total velocity and
+      # strike-slip velocity.
+      vnormal = velocity - vstrikeSlip
+      magHorizNormal = math.sqrt(vnormal[0]*vnormal[0]+vnormal[1]*vnormal[1])
+      # Project horizontal normal movement onto dip-slip direction, then scale
+      # so that horizontal components are equal to block-normal motion.
+      dipSlipProj = numpy.dot(vnormal, upDip)
+      vdipSlip = dipSlipProj * upDip
+      magDipSlipHoriz = math.sqrt(vdipSlip[0]*vdipSlip[0]+
+                                  vdipSlip[1]*vdipSlip[1])
+      if magDipSlipHoriz > 0.0:
+        multFac = magHorizNormal/magDipSlipHoriz
+      else:
+        multFac = 0.0
+      vtotal = vstrikeSlip + multFac * vdipSlip
+      vlocal = numpy.dot(rot, vtotal)
+    else:
+      vlocal = numpy.dot(rot, velocity)
+    return vlocal
+  def _readPoints(self):
+    """
+    Reads point coordinates and normals from a file.
+    """
+    f = file(self.pointsFile)
+    for line in f.readlines():
+      if not line.startswith('#'):
+        data = line.split()
+        # self.data.append([float(number) for number in line.split()])
+        for dim in range(self.spaceDim):
+          self.pointsUTM.append(float(data[dim]))
+        for dim in range(self.spaceDim):
+          self.normals.append(float(data[dim+self.spaceDim]))
+        self.numPoints += 1
+    f.close() 
+    return
+  def _readSegs(self):
+    """
+    Reads fault segment info from a file.
+    """
+    segtmp = []
+    f = file(self.segsFile)
+    iCount = 1
+    for line in f.readlines():
+      if not line.startswith('#'):
+        data = line.split()
+        for dim in range(2):
+          segtmp.append(float(data[dim+2]))
+        if iCount%2 == 0:
+          segtmp.append(float(data[5]))
+          for dim in range(self.spaceDim):
+            segtmp.append(self.slipScale*float(data[dim+6]))
+          self.numSegs += 1
+        iCount += 1
+    f.close() 
+    self.segInfo = numpy.array(segtmp, dtype=float).reshape(self.numSegs, 8)
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  app = Transform()
+  app.run()
+# End of file

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