[cig-commits] r8412 - in seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk: . MAILLE90 SPECFEM90

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 7 15:44:02 PST 2007

Author: walter
Date: 2007-12-07 15:44:01 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8412

Initial revision

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#    This is the parameter file
+#    Put variable names first and actual value after 15th column
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+<-           ->
+# File names and path for different outputs
+title         =PML thin slice periodic conditions
+topofile      =topoPMLthinslice.dat
+interffile    =none
+# geometry of the model (origin lower-left corner = 0,0) and mesh description
+xmin          =0.0d0         ! abscissa of left side of the model
+xmax          =15.d0         ! abscissa of right side of the model
+nx            =20            ! number of elements along X
+nz            =100            ! number of elements along Z
+idegpoly      =5             ! degre approximation spectrale (nb points - 1)
+ngnod         =4             ! nb noeuds de controle pour blocs generes (4 ou 9)
+ratio         =0.967741      ! ratio pour separation en deux zones
+initialfield  =.false.       ! use a plane wave as source or not
+ireadmodel    =.false.       ! use a plane wave as source or not
+iexec         =.true.        ! only simulate memory allocation or not
+# absorbing boundaries parameters
+absorbhaut    =.false.       ! Absorbing boundary active or not 
+absorbbas     =.false.      
+absorbgauche  =.false.      
+absorbdroite  =.false.      
+periohaut     =.true.        ! Periodic boundary active or not
+periogauche   =.false.
+# time step parameters
+nt            =7500          ! nb total de pas de temps
+dt            =2.e-5        ! valeur du pas de temps
+niter         =1             ! nb d'iterations de corrector
+# sources parameters
+nbsources     =1             ! nb of sources
+isources_surf =.false.       ! sources dans le volume ou a la surface
+valseuil      =5.            ! threshold for maximum frequency of the source
+freqmaxrep    =3000.         ! maximum frequency for plots of source function
+# source #1	
+xs            =9.0          ! source location x in meters    4.5
+zs            =27.75         ! source location z in meters
+f0            =700.0          ! central source frequency (Hz)
+t0            =0.0015d0        ! time delay of the source in seconds
+source_type   =1             ! source type : force=1 or explosion=2
+itimetype     =6             ! time type : dirac=7 ricker=6 first_deriv=5
+angle         =0.           ! angle of the source (for a force only) -90.
+factor        =1.d10         ! amplification factor
+# receiver line parameters
+sismos        =.true.        ! store the seismograms or not
+isamp         =5             ! sampling rate for seismogram output
+ienreg_surf   =.false.        ! enregistrement dans le volume ou a la surface
+isismostype   =1             ! record 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
+### first line ###
+nrec          =2             ! number of receivers
+xdeb          =3.75d0        ! first receiver x in meters	   10.5
+zdeb          =33.75d0        ! first receiver z in meters	
+xfin          =3.75d0        ! last receiver x in meters
+zfin          =33.75d0        ! last receiver z in meters
+anglerec      =0.d0         ! angle to rotate the components at the receivers
+irepr         =1             ! representation (1=X 2=Z 3=distance)
+### second line (optional) ###
+nrec2         =0              ! number of receivers
+xfin2         =3900.d0        ! last receiver x in meters
+zfin2         =1920.d0        ! last receiver z in meters
+anglerec2     =0.d0          ! angle to rotate the components at the receivers
+factorxsu     =3.5           ! factor for Seismic Unix seismograms
+n1ana         =1             ! first receiver for analytical solution
+n2ana         =50            ! second receiver for analytical solution
+factorana     =1.d6          ! factor for analytical solution
+# display parameters
+display       =.true.        ! display the simulation using PostScript or not
+itaff         =200            ! display frequency in time steps
+itfirstaff    =5             ! time step of first display
+iaffinfo      =40            ! interval in time steps to output some basic info
+ivectplot     =.true.        ! vector plots or not
+ivecttype     =1             ! display 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
+cutvect       =0.5           ! amplitude min affichee en % pour vector plots
+imeshvect     =.true.        ! display mesh on vector plots or not
+imodelvect    =.false.       ! display velocity model on vector plots or not
+iboundvect    =.true.        ! display boundary conditions on vector plots
+interpol      =.false.        ! interpolation of the display or not
+iptsdisp      =6             ! nb of points for interpolation of the display
+isubsamp      =2             ! subsampling of color snapshots
+scalex        =1.            ! X-scaling du display pour PostScript
+scalez        =1.            ! Z-scaling du display pour PostScript
+sizemax       =1.            ! taille de la plus grande fleche en centimetres
+usletter      =.true.        ! US letter paper or French A4
+orig_x        =2.4d0         ! X-axis origin of PostScript plot in centimeters
+orig_z        =2.9d0         ! Z-axis origin of PostScript plot in centimeters
+ignuplot      =.false.       ! generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
+iavs          =.false.        ! generate an AVS file for the grid and data
+ioutputgrid   =.false.       ! save the grid in a text file or not
+compenergy    =.false.       ! compute the total and potential energy or not
+# velocity and density model (nx,nz)
+nbmodels      =2             ! nb de modeles differents (rho,vp,vs) 1400.
+1 0 2200.d0 2000.d0 1154.73d0 0 0
+2 0 2200.d0 2000.d0 1154.73d0 0 0
+nbzone        =3             ! nb of zones and model number for each zone
+1 20 1   100 1
+17 20 1   100 2
+1  4 1   100 2

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/circ.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/circ.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/circ.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+!                  P r e m a i l l e u r - 2 D
+!                  ---------------------------
+!                         Version 2.1
+!                         -----------
+!                       Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                    Departement de Sismologie
+!              Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1996
+! DK DK Mexico August 1999 : mise a jour format base de donnees
+  program circ
+  implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+! max size of the model in elements
+  parameter(mnx=7)
+  parameter(mnz=7)
+  parameter(pi=3.141592653589793d0)
+! seuil pour considerer deux points comme confondus
+  parameter(rseuil=1.d-2)
+! stockage de la grille curvi (x et z)
+  parameter(npoinz1=(4*mnx+1)*(mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz1=(4*mnx)*mnz)
+  double precision x1(0:4*mnx,0:mnz)
+  double precision z1(0:4*mnx,0:mnz)
+  parameter(npoinz3=(2*mnx+1)*(4*mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz3=(2*mnx)*(4*mnz))
+  double precision x3(0:2*mnx,0:4*mnz)
+  double precision z3(0:2*mnx,0:4*mnz)
+  parameter(npoinz4=(2*mnx+1)*(2*mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz4=(2*mnx)*(2*mnz))
+  double precision x4(0:2*mnx,0:2*mnz)
+  double precision z4(0:2*mnx,0:2*mnz)
+  parameter(npoinz1b=(2*mnx+1)*(mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz1b=(2*mnx)*mnz)
+  double precision x1b(0:2*mnx,0:mnz)
+  double precision z1b(0:2*mnx,0:mnz)
+  parameter(npoinz2b=(mnx+1)*(2*mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz2b=mnx*(2*mnz))
+  double precision x2b(0:mnx,0:2*mnz)
+  double precision z2b(0:mnx,0:2*mnz)
+  parameter(npoinz3b=(4*mnx+1)*(4*mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz3b=(4*mnx)*(4*mnz))
+  double precision x3b(0:4*mnx,0:4*mnz)
+  double precision z3b(0:4*mnx,0:4*mnz)
+  parameter(npoinz4b=(2*mnx+1)*(2*mnz+1))
+  parameter(nelemz4b=(2*mnx)*(2*mnz))
+  double precision x4b(0:2*mnx,0:2*mnz)
+  double precision z4b(0:2*mnx,0:2*mnz)
+! nombre max de points de maillage, et nombre exact d'elements
+  parameter(npoin = npoinz1+npoinz3+npoinz4+ &
+                    npoinz1b+npoinz2b+npoinz3b+npoinz4b)
+  parameter(nelem = nelemz1+nelemz3+nelemz4+ &
+                    nelemz1b+nelemz2b+nelemz3b+nelemz4b)
+! coordonnees geometriques des points
+  double precision xpoint(npoin)
+  double precision zpoint(npoin)
+! coordonnees des sommets de chaque element
+  double precision x1e(nelem)
+  double precision z1e(nelem)
+  double precision x2e(nelem)
+  double precision z2e(nelem)
+  double precision x3e(nelem)
+  double precision z3e(nelem)
+  double precision x4e(nelem)
+  double precision z4e(nelem)
+! numero des points des elements
+  integer numpoin1(nelem)
+  integer numpoin2(nelem)
+  integer numpoin3(nelem)
+  integer numpoin4(nelem)
+! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
+  character file1*50
+  character title*50
+  character external_mod*50
+  logical iexternal, aleatoire, topoplane, simulate, absstacey
+  logical absorbhaut, absorbbas, absorbgauche, sismos
+  logical absorbdroite, absorbstacey, absorbmodar, ifullabs
+  logical display, ignuplot, ivectplot, icolorplot, imeshvect
+  logical imeshcolor, imodelvect, iboundvect, interpol, isymbols, initialfield
+  logical usletter,compenergy
+  print *,'Nombre d''elements = ',nelem
+  print *,'Nombre max de points = ',npoin
+  nx = mnx
+  nz = mnz
+  R = 1.
+! ***************************************
+! ***************************************
+! generer les points de base de l'interpolation lineaire (zone 1)
+  theta_init = 3 * pi / 2.
+  delta_theta = pi / 2.
+  do i=0,4*nx
+! --- point de depart
+  if(i < 2*nx) then
+      x1(i,0) = 2.*R * real(i) / real(2*nx)
+      z1(i,0) = - 2.*R
+  else
+      x1(i,0) = 2.*R
+      z1(i,0) = - 2.*R * (1. - real(i - 2*nx) / real(2*nx))
+  endif
+! --- point d'arrivee
+      theta_i = theta_init + delta_theta * real(i) / real(4*nx)
+      x1(i,nz) = dcos(theta_i)
+      z1(i,nz) = dsin(theta_i)
+! --- points intermediaires par interpolation lineaire
+      do j=1,nz-1
+            eta_j = real(j) / real(nz)
+            x1(i,j) = (1.-eta_j)*x1(i,0) + eta_j*x1(i,nz)
+            z1(i,j) = (1.-eta_j)*z1(i,0) + eta_j*z1(i,nz)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! generer zone de gauche (zone 3)
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,4*nz
+      x3(i,j) = 5. * real(i) / real(2*nx) + 2.
+  if(j <= 2*nz) then
+      z3(i,j) = 7. * real(j) / real(2*nz) - 9.
+  else
+      z3(i,j) = 2. * real(j-2*nz) / real(2*nz) - 2.
+  endif
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! generer zone du bas (zone 4)
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,2*nz
+      x4(i,j) = 2. * real(i) / real(2*nx)
+      z4(i,j) = 7. * real(j) / real(2*nz) - 9.
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! ***************************************
+! ***************************************
+! generer les points de base de l'interpolation lineaire (zone 1)
+  theta_init = pi / 4.
+  delta_theta = pi / 4.
+  do i=0,2*nx
+! --- point de depart
+      x1b(i,0) = 2.*R * (real(i) / real(2*nx) - 1.)
+      z1b(i,0) = - 2.*R
+! --- point d'arrivee
+      theta_i = theta_init + delta_theta * real(i) / real(2*nx)
+      x1b(i,nz) = - dcos(theta_i)
+      z1b(i,nz) = - dsin(theta_i)
+! --- points intermediaires par interpolation lineaire
+      do j=1,nz-1
+            eta_j = real(j) / real(nz)
+            x1b(i,j) = (1.-eta_j)*x1b(i,0) + eta_j*x1b(i,nz)
+            z1b(i,j) = (1.-eta_j)*z1b(i,0) + eta_j*z1b(i,nz)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! generer les points de base de l'interpolation lineaire (zone 2)
+  theta_init = pi / 4.
+  do j=0,2*nz
+! --- point de depart
+      x2b(0,j) = - 2.*R
+      z2b(0,j) = 2.*R * (real(j) / real(2*nz) - 1.)
+! --- point d'arrivee
+      theta_i = theta_init - &
+              delta_theta * real(j) / real(2*nz)
+      x2b(nx,j) = - dcos(theta_i)
+      z2b(nx,j) = - dsin(theta_i)
+! --- points intermediaires par interpolation lineaire
+      do i=1,nx-1
+            eta_j = real(i) / real(nx)
+            x2b(i,j) = (1.-eta_j)*x2b(0,j) + eta_j*x2b(nx,j)
+            z2b(i,j) = (1.-eta_j)*z2b(0,j) + eta_j*z2b(nx,j)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! generer zone de gauche (zone 3)
+  do i=0,4*nx
+      do j=0,4*nz
+      x3b(i,j) = 10. * real(i) / real(4*nx) - 12.
+  if(j <= 2*nz) then
+      z3b(i,j) = 7. * real(j) / real(2*nz) - 9.
+  else
+      z3b(i,j) = 2. * real(j-2*nz) / real(2*nz) - 2.
+  endif
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! generer zone du bas (zone 4)
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,2*nz
+      x4b(i,j) = 2. * real(i) / real(2*nx) - 2.
+      z4b(i,j) = 7. * real(j) / real(2*nz) - 9.
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! ***
+! *** generer un fichier 'GNUPLOT' pour le controle de la grille ***
+! ***
+  write(*,*)' '
+  write(*,*)' Ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT...'
+  file1='grid.GNU'
+ open(unit=20,file=file1,status='unknown')
+! *** dessiner la zone 1
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,4*nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x1(i,j)),real(z1(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x1(i+1,j)),real(z1(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,4*nx
+      do j=0,nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x1(i,j)),real(z1(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x1(i,j+1)),real(z1(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** dessiner la zone 3
+  do j=0,4*nz
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x3(i,j)),real(z3(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x3(i+1,j)),real(z3(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,4*nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x3(i,j)),real(z3(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x3(i,j+1)),real(z3(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** dessiner la zone 4
+  do j=0,2*nz
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x4(i,j)),real(z4(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x4(i+1,j)),real(z4(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,2*nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x4(i,j)),real(z4(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x4(i,j+1)),real(z4(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** dessiner la zone 1
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x1b(i,j)),real(z1b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x1b(i+1,j)),real(z1b(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x1b(i,j)),real(z1b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x1b(i,j+1)),real(z1b(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** dessiner la zone 2
+  do j=0,2*nz
+      do i=0,nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x2b(i,j)),real(z2b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x2b(i+1,j)),real(z2b(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,nx
+      do j=0,2*nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x2b(i,j)),real(z2b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x2b(i,j+1)),real(z2b(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** dessiner la zone 3
+  do j=0,4*nz
+      do i=0,4*nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x3b(i,j)),real(z3b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x3b(i+1,j)),real(z3b(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,4*nx
+      do j=0,4*nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x3b(i,j)),real(z3b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x3b(i,j+1)),real(z3b(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** dessiner la zone 4
+  do j=0,2*nz
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      write(20,*) real(x4b(i,j)),real(z4b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x4b(i+1,j)),real(z4b(i+1,j))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=0,2*nx
+      do j=0,2*nz-1
+      write(20,*) real(x4b(i,j)),real(z4b(i,j))
+      write(20,*) real(x4b(i,j+1)),real(z4b(i,j+1))
+      write(20,100)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  close(20)
+  write(*,*)' Fin ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT'
+  write(*,*)' '
+ 100  format('')
+! ***
+! *** generer la liste des points geometriques
+! ***
+  numerocourant = 1
+! *** zone 1
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,4*nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x1(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z1(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 3
+  do j=0,4*nz
+      do i=0,2*nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x3(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z3(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 4
+  do j=0,2*nz
+      do i=0,2*nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x4(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z4(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 1
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,2*nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x1b(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z1b(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 2
+  do j=0,2*nz
+      do i=0,nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x2b(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z2b(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 3
+  do j=0,4*nz
+      do i=0,4*nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x3b(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z3b(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 4
+  do j=0,2*nz
+      do i=0,2*nx
+      xpoint(numerocourant) = x4b(i,j)
+      zpoint(numerocourant) = z4b(i,j)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  print *,'nb de points stockes = ',numerocourant - 1
+! ***
+! *** generer la liste des elements
+! ***
+  numerocourant = 1
+  imaxabs = 0
+! *** zone 1
+  do j=0,nz-1
+      do i=0,4*nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x1(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z1(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x1(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z1(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x1(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z1(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x1(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z1(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 3
+  do j=0,4*nz-1
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x3(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z3(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x3(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z3(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x3(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z3(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x3(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z3(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 4
+  do j=0,2*nz-1
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x4(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z4(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x4(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z4(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x4(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z4(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x4(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z4(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 1
+  do j=0,nz-1
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x1b(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z1b(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x1b(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z1b(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x1b(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z1b(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x1b(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z1b(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 2
+  do j=0,2*nz-1
+      do i=0,nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x2b(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z2b(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x2b(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z2b(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x2b(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z2b(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x2b(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z2b(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 3
+  do j=0,4*nz-1
+      do i=0,4*nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x3b(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z3b(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x3b(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z3b(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x3b(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z3b(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x3b(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z3b(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! *** zone 4
+  do j=0,2*nz-1
+      do i=0,2*nx-1
+      x1e(numerocourant) = x4b(i,j)
+      z1e(numerocourant) = z4b(i,j)
+      x2e(numerocourant) = x4b(i+1,j)
+      z2e(numerocourant) = z4b(i+1,j)
+      x3e(numerocourant) = x4b(i+1,j+1)
+      z3e(numerocourant) = z4b(i+1,j+1)
+      x4e(numerocourant) = x4b(i,j+1)
+      z4e(numerocourant) = z4b(i,j+1)
+      numerocourant = numerocourant + 1
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  print *,'nb d''elements stockes = ',numerocourant - 1
+! ***
+! *** creation des elements sous forme topologique
+! ***
+  write(*,*)' '
+  write(*,*)' Creation de la topologie des elements...'
+  file1='topoelements.txt'
+  do i=1,nelem
+! recherche point 1
+      do j=1,npoin
+        dist = dsqrt((x1e(i)-xpoint(j))**2 + &
+                                (z1e(i)-zpoint(j))**2)
+        if(dist <= rseuil) then
+            nump1 = j
+            goto 401
+        endif
+      enddo
+      stop 'point not found !'
+ 401        continue
+! recherche point 2
+      do j=1,npoin
+        dist = dsqrt((x2e(i)-xpoint(j))**2 + &
+                                (z2e(i)-zpoint(j))**2)
+        if(dist <= rseuil) then
+            nump2 = j
+            goto 402
+        endif
+      enddo
+      stop 'point not found !'
+ 402        continue
+! recherche point 3
+      do j=1,npoin
+        dist = dsqrt((x3e(i)-xpoint(j))**2 + &
+                                (z3e(i)-zpoint(j))**2)
+        if(dist <= rseuil) then
+            nump3 = j
+            goto 403
+        endif
+      enddo
+      stop 'point not found !'
+ 403        continue
+! recherche point 4
+      do j=1,npoin
+        dist = dsqrt((x4e(i)-xpoint(j))**2 + &
+                                (z4e(i)-zpoint(j))**2)
+        if(dist <= rseuil) then
+            nump4 = j
+            goto 404
+        endif
+      enddo
+      stop 'point not found !'
+ 404        continue
+      numpoin1(i) = nump1
+      numpoin2(i) = nump2
+      numpoin3(i) = nump3
+      numpoin4(i) = nump4
+  enddo
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+! *** generation de la base de donnees
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Generation de la base de donnees...'
+  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
+  title = 'Modele Canyon Paco'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# Base de Donnees pour Specfem - Premailleur Fortran 90'
+  write(15,*) '# ',title
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) EPS - Harvard February 1998'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
+  write(15,40) title
+  ndofn = 2
+  ndime = 2
+  ngnod = 4
+  nnode = 4
+  nbcnd = 0
+  nofst = 0
+  npgeo = npoin
+  nspel = nelem
+  nbmodeles = 1
+  nbsources = 1
+  nrec = 150
+  lquad = 1
+  iexternal = .false.
+  aleatoire = .false.
+  topoplane = .false.
+  simulate = .false.
+  absorbhaut = .false.
+  absorbbas = .false.
+  absorbgauche = .false.
+  absorbdroite = .false.
+  absorbstacey = .true.
+  absorbmodar = .false.
+  ifullabs = .false.
+  sismos = .true.
+  isamp = 20
+  nrec1 = nrec
+  nrec2 = 0
+  anglerec = 0.
+  anglerec2 = 0.
+  irepr = 1
+  nrecsur3 = nrec / 3
+  nt = 20000
+  dt = 0.625e-3
+  niter = 1
+  alphanewm = 0.
+  betanewm = 0.
+  gammanewm = 0.5
+  display = .true.
+  ignuplot = .false.
+  ivectplot = .true.
+  icolorplot = .false.
+  imeshvect = .true.
+  imeshcolor = .false.
+  imodelvect = .false.
+  iboundvect = .false.
+  interpol = .true.
+  isymbols = .true.
+!! DK DK Mexico August 1999, temporarily suppress external field
+  initialfield = .true.
+  initialfield = .false.
+  itaff = 2000
+  itfirstaff = 5
+  cutvect = 1.
+  cutcolor = 2.2
+  scalex = 1.
+  scalez = 1.
+  sizemax = 1.
+  iptsdisp = 7
+  isubsamp = 2
+  orig_x = 2.3
+  orig_z = 3.4
+  factorana = 50000.
+  factorxsu = 3.5
+  n1ana = 1
+  n2ana = nrec1
+  write(15,*) 'ndofn ndime npgeo'
+  write(15,*) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'display ignuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) display,ignuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'itaff itfirstaff icolor inumber'
+  write(15,*) itaff,itfirstaff,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'ivectplot imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
+  write(15,*) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  usletter = .true.
+  write(15,*) 'scalex scalez sizemax angle rapport USletter'
+  write(15,*) scalex,scalez,sizemax,20.,0.40,usletter
+  write(15,*) 'orig_x orig_z isymbols'
+  write(15,*) orig_x,orig_z,isymbols
+  valseuil = 5.00
+  freqmaxrep = 100.
+  write(15,*) 'valseuil freqmaxrep'
+  write(15,*) valseuil,freqmaxrep
+  write(15,*) 'sismos nrec nrec1 nrec2 isamp'
+  write(15,*) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
+  write(15,*) 'irepr anglerec anglerec2'
+  write(15,*) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
+  compenergy = .false.
+  absstacey = .true.
+  write(15,*) 'topoplane absstacey compenergy'
+  write(15,*) topoplane,absstacey,compenergy
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield factorana factorxsu n1ana n2ana'
+  write(15,*) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
+  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype iaffinfo'
+  write(15,*) '1,  1,  40'
+  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid iavs ivisual3'
+  write(15,*) 'F,  F,  F,  F'
+  write(15,*) 'iexec iecho'
+  write(15,*) '1       1'
+  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc niter'
+  write(15,*) nt,dt,niter
+  write(15,*) 'alpha beta gamma'
+  write(15,*) alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm
+  nbsources = 1
+  write(15,*) 'nltfl (number of force or pressure sources)'
+  write(15,*) nbsources
+  itimetype = 6
+  isource_type = 2
+  f0 = 2.
+  t0 = 0.55
+  xs = +1.
+  zs = -2.
+  angle = 0.
+  factor = 1.
+  xoffs = 12.
+  zoffs = 9.
+  write(15,*) 'Collocated forces and/or pressure sources:'
+      write(15,*) itimetype,isource_type, &
+           xs+xoffs,zs+zoffs,f0,t0,factor,angle,0
+  write(15,*) 'Receivers (number, angle, position in meters)'
+  do irec=1,nrec
+ if(irec <= nrecsur3) then
+      xrec = 2.*dble(irec-1)/dble(nrecsur3-1) + 9.
+      zrec = 9.
+ else if(irec >= 2*nrecsur3) then
+      xrec = 2.*dble(irec-2*nrecsur3)/dble(nrecsur3) + 13.
+      zrec = 9.
+ else
+      angle = pi + pi*dble(irec-nrecsur3)/dble(nrecsur3)
+      xrec = 12. + dcos(angle)
+      zrec = 9. + dsin(angle)
+ endif
+ write(15,*) irec,xrec,zrec
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of spectral control points'
+  do i=1,npoin
+      write(15,*) i,xpoint(i)+xoffs,zpoint(i)+zoffs
+  enddo
+  netyp = 2
+  nxgll = 6
+  nelemperio = 0
+  nelemabs = 0
+  write(15,*) 'params spectraux'
+  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll,nspel,iptsdisp, &
+                nelemabs,nelemperio
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0)'
+  rho = 1.
+  cp = 2.
+  cs = 1.
+  write(15,*) nbmodeles,0,rho,cp,cs,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'Spectral elements topology'
+  imatnum = 1
+  do i=1,nspel
+      write(15,*) i,imatnum,numpoin1(i),numpoin2(i),numpoin3(i), &
+                    numpoin4(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+ 40   format(a50)
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  end program circ

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/interf_paco.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/interf_paco.dat	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/interf_paco.dat	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+   211
+   0.    4000.0000000000
+     33.333333333333    4000.0000000000
+     66.666666666667    4000.0000000000
+    100.000000000000    4000.0000000000
+     133.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     166.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     200.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     233.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     266.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     300.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     333.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     366.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     400.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     433.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     466.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     500.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     533.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     566.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     600.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     633.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     666.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     700.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     733.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     766.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     800.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     833.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     866.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+     900.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     933.33333333333    4000.0000000000
+     966.66666666667    4000.0000000000
+    1000.00000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1033.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1066.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1100.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1133.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1166.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1200.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1233.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1266.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1300.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1333.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1366.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1400.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1433.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1466.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1500.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1533.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1566.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1600.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1633.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1666.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1700.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1733.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1766.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1800.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1833.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1866.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     1900.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     1933.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     1966.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     2000.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     2033.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     2066.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     2100.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     2133.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     2166.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     2200.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     2233.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     2266.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     2300.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     2333.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     2366.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     2400.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     2433.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     2466.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     2500.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     2533.3333333333    3998.6304738452
+     2566.6666666667    3994.5369001959
+     2600.0000000000    3987.7641291015
+     2633.3333333333    3978.3863644593
+     2666.6666666667    3966.5063510209
+     2700.0000000000    3952.2542486992
+     2733.3333333333    3935.7862065095
+     2766.6666666667    3917.2826517676
+     2800.0000000000    3896.9463132909
+     2833.3333333333    3875.0000002591
+     2866.6666666667    3851.6841610696
+     2900.0000000000    3827.2542489351
+     2933.3333333333    3801.9779230848
+     2966.6666666667    3776.1321162334
+     3000.0000000000    3750.0000004487
+     3033.3333333333    3723.8678846591
+     3066.6666666667    3698.0220777930
+     3100.0000000000    3672.7457519184
+     3133.3333333333    3648.3158397503
+     3166.6666666667    3625.0000005181
+     3200.0000000000    3603.0536874351
+     3233.3333333333    3582.7173488994
+     3266.6666666667    3564.2137940910
+     3300.0000000000    3547.7457518283
+     3333.3333333333    3533.4936494278
+     3366.6666666667    3521.6136359057
+     3400.0000000000    3512.2358711758
+     3433.3333333333    3505.4630999907
+     3466.6666666667    3501.3695262486
+     3500.0000000000    3500.0000000000
+     3533.3333333333    3501.3695260610
+     3566.6666666667    3505.4630996175
+     3600.0000000000    3512.2358706212
+     3633.3333333333    3521.6136351757
+     3666.6666666667    3533.4936485304
+     3700.0000000000    3547.7457507733
+     3733.3333333333    3564.2137928900
+     3766.6666666667    3582.7173475655
+     3800.0000000000    3603.0536859830
+     3833.3333333333    3624.9999989637
+     3866.6666666667    3648.3158381106
+     3900.0000000000    3672.7457502113
+     3933.3333333333    3698.0220760373
+     3966.6666666667    3723.8678828740
+     4000.0000000000    3749.9999986538
+     4033.3333333333    3776.1321144484
+     4066.6666666667    3801.9779213292
+     4100.0000000000    3827.2542472281
+     4133.3333333333    3851.6841594298
+     4166.6666666667    3874.9999987046
+     4200.0000000000    3896.9463118388
+     4233.3333333333    3917.2826504337
+     4266.6666666667    3935.7862053084
+     4300.0000000000    3952.2542476442
+     4333.3333333333    3966.5063501234
+     4366.6666666667    3978.3863637293
+     4400.0000000000    3987.7641285469
+     4433.3333333333    3994.5368998227
+     4466.6666666667    3998.6304736576
+     4500.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     4533.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     4566.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     4600.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     4633.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     4666.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     4700.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     4733.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     4766.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     4800.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     4833.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     4866.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     4900.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     4933.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     4966.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5000.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5033.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5066.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5100.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5133.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5166.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5200.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5233.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5266.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5300.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5333.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5366.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5400.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5433.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5466.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5500.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5533.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5566.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5600.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5633.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5666.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5700.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5733.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5766.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5800.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5833.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5866.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     5900.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     5933.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     5966.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6000.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6033.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6066.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6100.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6133.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6166.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6200.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6233.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6266.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6300.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6333.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6366.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6400.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6433.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6466.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6500.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6533.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6566.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6600.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6633.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6666.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6700.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6733.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6766.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6800.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6833.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6866.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     6900.0000000000    4000.0000000000
+     6933.3333333333    4000.0000000000
+     6966.6666666667    4000.0000000000
+     7000.0000000000    4000.0000000000

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+!             P r e m a i l l e u r    F o r t r a n  9 0
+!             -------------------------------------------
+!                           Version 2.0
+!                           -----------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         (c) February 1998
+  program  maille
+  implicit none
+! definir les tableaux pour allocation dynamique
+! coordinates of the grid points
+  double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),z(:,:)
+! variables needed to compute the transformation
+  double precision, allocatable :: psi(:),eta(:),absx(:), &
+      a00(:),a01(:),valeta(:),bot0(:),top0(:),bot_p(:),top_p(:)
+! stockage du modele de vitesse et densite
+  double precision, allocatable :: rho(:),cp(:),cs(:),aniso3(:),aniso4(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: icodemat(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: num_modele(:,:)
+! the topography data
+  double precision, allocatable :: xtopo(:),ztopo(:),coefs_topo(:), &
+      xinterf(:),zinterf(:),coefs_interf(:)
+! arrays for the source
+  double precision, allocatable :: xs(:),zs(:),f0(:),t0(:),angle(:),factor(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: isource_type(:),itimetype(:)
+! arrays for the receivers
+  double precision, allocatable :: xrec(:),zrec(:)
+! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
+  character(len=50) file1
+  character(len=50) interffile,topofile,title
+  character(len=15) junk
+  integer imatnum,inumabs,inumelem,nelemperio,nxgll,netyp
+  integer icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  integer nelemabs,ndime,npgeo,nspel,ndofn,ninterf,ntopo
+  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ncut,ix,iz,irec,i,j
+  integer ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  integer izone,imodele,nbzone,nbmodeles,iaffinfo
+  integer itaff,itfirstaff,iptsdisp,isubsamp,nrec,n1ana,n2ana
+  integer irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isamp,nbsources,isismostype,ivecttype
+  integer ngnod,nt,niter,idegpoly,nx,nz,nxread,nzread
+  integer inumelem2,ix2,iz2,inumperio
+  integer icodematread
+  double precision valseuil,freqmaxrep,ratio
+  double precision tang1,tangN,vpzone,vszone
+  double precision orig_x,orig_z,sizemax,cutvect,scalex,scalez
+  double precision factorxsu,factorana,xspacerec,zspacerec
+  double precision anglerec,anglerec2,xfin,zfin,xfin2,zfin2,xdeb,zdeb,xmin,xmax
+  double precision dt
+  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+  logical interpol,ignuplot,ireadmodel,iavs,ioutputgrid
+  logical abshaut,absbas,absgauche,absdroite
+  logical periohaut,periogauche
+  logical sismos,isources_surf,ienreg_surf,display
+  logical ivectplot,imeshvect,isymbols
+  logical iexec,initialfield
+  logical imodelvect,iboundvect,usletter,compenergy
+  integer, external :: num
+  double precision, external :: bottom,botprime,spl,spl_prime,dens
+! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
+  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
+  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
+  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
+  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
+! ***
+! *** read the parameter file
+! ***
+  print *,' Reading the parameter file ... '
+  print *
+  open(unit=10,file='Par',status='old')
+! formats
+ 1 format(a,f12.5)
+ 2 format(a,i8)
+ 3 format(a,a)
+ 4 format(a,l8)
+! read the header
+  do i=1,10
+  read(10,*)
+  enddo
+! read file names and path for output
+  read(10,3)junk,title
+  read(10,3)junk,topofile
+  read(10,3)junk,interffile
+  write(*,*) 'Titre de la simulation'
+  write(*,*) title
+  print *
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read grid parameters
+  read(10,1)junk,xmin
+  read(10,1)junk,xmax
+  read(10,2)junk,nx
+  read(10,2)junk,nz
+  read(10,2)junk,idegpoly
+  read(10,2)junk,ngnod
+  read(10,1)junk,ratio
+  read(10,4)junk,initialfield
+  read(10,4)junk,ireadmodel
+  read(10,4)junk,iexec
+  nxread = nx
+  nzread = nz
+! multiplier par 2 si elements 9 noeuds
+  if(ngnod == 9) then
+      nx = nx * 2
+      nz = nz * 2
+  endif
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read absorbing boundaries parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,abshaut
+  read(10,4)junk,absbas
+  read(10,4)junk,absgauche
+  read(10,4)junk,absdroite
+  read(10,4)junk,periohaut
+  read(10,4)junk,periogauche
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read time step parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nt
+  read(10,1)junk,dt
+  read(10,2)junk,niter
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read source parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nbsources
+  read(10,4)junk,isources_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,valseuil
+  read(10,1)junk,freqmaxrep
+  print *,'Nb de sources a lire : ',nbsources
+  allocate(xs(nbsources))
+  allocate(zs(nbsources))
+  allocate(f0(nbsources))
+  allocate(t0(nbsources))
+  allocate(isource_type(nbsources))
+  allocate(itimetype(nbsources))
+  allocate(angle(nbsources))
+  allocate(factor(nbsources))
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      read(10,*)
+      read(10,1)junk,xs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,zs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,f0(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,t0(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,isource_type(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,itimetype(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,angle(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,factor(i)
+      print *
+      print *,' Source #',i
+      print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+      print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0(i),t0(i)
+      print *,'Source type (1=force 2=explo) : ', &
+                    isource_type(i)
+      print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angle(i)
+      print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor(i)
+  enddo
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read receivers line parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,sismos
+  read(10,2)junk,isamp
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf
+  read(10,2)junk,isismostype
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec1
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec
+  read(10,2)junk,irepr
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec2
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin2
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin2
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec2
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,1)junk,factorxsu
+  read(10,2)junk,n1ana
+  read(10,2)junk,n2ana
+  read(10,1)junk,factorana
+! determination et affichage position ligne de receivers
+  if(nrec2 < 0) stop 'negative value of nrec2 !'
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+    nrec = nrec1
+  else
+    nrec = nrec1 + nrec2 - 1
+  endif
+  allocate(xrec(nrec))
+  allocate(zrec(nrec))
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on a single line'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  do i=1,nrec
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  else
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on two lines'
+  print *,'First line contains ',nrec1,' receivers'
+  print *,'Second line contains ',nrec2,' receivers'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  do i=1,nrec1
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  xspacerec=(xfin2-xfin)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin2-zfin)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  do i=1,nrec2
+     xrec(i+nrec1-1) = xfin + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i+nrec1-1) = zfin + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  endif
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read display parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,display
+  read(10,2)junk,itaff
+  read(10,2)junk,itfirstaff
+  read(10,2)junk,iaffinfo
+  read(10,4)junk,ivectplot
+  read(10,2)junk,ivecttype
+  read(10,1)junk,cutvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imeshvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imodelvect
+  read(10,4)junk,iboundvect
+  read(10,4)junk,interpol
+  read(10,2)junk,iptsdisp
+  read(10,2)junk,isubsamp
+  read(10,1)junk,scalex
+  read(10,1)junk,scalez
+  read(10,1)junk,sizemax
+  read(10,4)junk,usletter
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_x
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_z
+  read(10,4)junk,ignuplot
+  read(10,4)junk,iavs
+  read(10,4)junk,ioutputgrid
+  read(10,4)junk,compenergy
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! lecture des differents modeles de materiaux
+  read(10,2)junk,nbmodeles
+  if(nbmodeles <= 0) stop 'Negative number of models not allowed !!'
+  allocate(icodemat(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(rho(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cp(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cs(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(aniso3(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(aniso4(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(num_modele(nx,nz))
+  icodemat(:) = 0
+  rho(:) = 0.d0
+  cp(:) = 0.d0
+  cs(:) = 0.d0
+  aniso3(:) = 0.d0
+  aniso4(:) = 0.d0
+  num_modele(:,:) = 0
+  do imodele=1,nbmodeles
+      read(10,*) i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+      if(i<1 .or. i>nbmodeles) stop 'Wrong material point number'
+      icodemat(i) = icodematread
+      rho(i) = rhoread
+      cp(i) = cpread
+      cs(i) = csread
+      aniso3(i) = aniso3read
+      aniso4(i) = aniso4read
+      if(i <= 0) stop 'Negative model number not allowed !!'
+      if (rho(i) < 0.d0 .or. cp(i) < 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) &
+          stop 'Negative value of velocity or density'
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de modeles de roche = ',nbmodeles
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+    if(icodemat(i) /= 2) then
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' isotrope'
+      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
+    else
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' anisotrope'
+      print *,'rho,c11,c13,c33,c44 = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
+    endif
+  enddo
+  print *
+! *** lecture des numeros de modele des differentes zones
+  read(10,2)junk,nbzone
+  if(nbzone <= 0) stop 'Negative number of zones not allowed !!'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de zones du modele = ',nbzone
+  print *
+  do izone=1,nbzone
+      read(10,*) ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  if (imodnum < 1) stop 'Negative model number not allowed !!'
+  if (ixdebzone < 1) stop 'Left coordinate of zone negative !!'
+  if (ixfinzone > nxread) stop 'Right coordinate of zone too high !!'
+  if (izdebzone < 1) stop 'Bottom coordinate of zone negative !!'
+  if (izfinzone > nzread) stop 'Top coordinate of zone too high !!'
+      print *,'Zone ',izone
+      print *,'IX from ',ixdebzone,' to ',ixfinzone
+      print *,'IZ from ',izdebzone,' to ',izfinzone
+  if(icodemat(imodnum) /= 2) then
+      vpzone = cp(imodnum)
+      vszone = cs(imodnum)
+      print *,'Model # ',imodnum,' isotrope'
+      print *,'vp = ',vpzone
+      print *,'vs = ',vszone
+      print *,'rho = ',rho(imodnum)
+      print *,'Poisson''s ratio = ', &
+        0.5d0*(vpzone*vpzone-2.d0*vszone*vszone)/(vpzone*vpzone-vszone*vszone)
+  else
+      print *,'Model # ',imodnum,' anisotrope'
+      print *,'c11 = ',cp(imodnum)
+      print *,'c13 = ',cs(imodnum)
+      print *,'c33 = ',aniso3(imodnum)
+      print *,'c44 = ',aniso4(imodnum)
+      print *,'rho = ',rho(imodnum)
+  endif
+      print *,' -----'
+! stocker le modele de vitesse et densite
+   do i=ixdebzone,ixfinzone
+      do j=izdebzone,izfinzone
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+  num_modele(i,j) = imodnum
+  else
+  num_modele(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1) = imodnum
+  num_modele(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+2) = imodnum
+  num_modele(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+1) = imodnum
+  num_modele(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+2) = imodnum
+  endif
+      enddo
+   enddo
+  enddo
+  if (minval(num_modele) <= 0) stop 'Velocity model not entirely set...'
+  close(10)
+  print *
+  print *,' Parameter file successfully read... '
+! --------- fin lecture fichier parametres --------------
+  allocate(psi(0:nx))
+  allocate(eta(0:nz))
+  allocate(absx(0:nx))
+  allocate(a00(0:nz))
+  allocate(a01(0:nz))
+  allocate(valeta(0:nz))
+  allocate(bot0(0:nx))
+  allocate(top0(0:nx))
+  allocate(bot_p(0:nx))
+  allocate(top_p(0:nx))
+! calcul des points regulierement espaces
+  do i=0,nx
+        psi(i) = i/dble(nx)
+  enddo
+  do j=0,nz
+        eta(j) = j/dble(nz)
+  enddo
+! quelques verifications de base a faire
+  if(ngnod /= 4.and.ngnod /= 9) stop 'erreur ngnod different de 4 ou 9 !!'
+  if (ngnod == 4) then
+  print *
+  print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nx,' x ',nz,' elements'
+  print *,'La grille equivalente a une taille de ', &
+        nx*idegpoly + 1,' x ',nz*idegpoly + 1,' points (', &
+        (nx*idegpoly + 1)*(nz*idegpoly + 1),' points)'
+  else
+  print *
+  print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nx/2,' x ',nz/2,' elements'
+  print *,'La grille equivalente a une taille de ', &
+        nx*idegpoly/2 + 1,' x ',nz*idegpoly/2 + 1,' points (', &
+        (nx*idegpoly/2 + 1)*(nz*idegpoly/2 + 1),' points)'
+  endif
+  print *,'Chaque element comporte ',idegpoly+1,' points dans chaque direction'
+  print *,'Les elements de controle sont des elements ',ngnod,' noeuds'
+  print *
+  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+  x(:,:)=0.d0
+  z(:,:)=0.d0
+! get topography data from external file
+  print *,'Reading topography from file ',topofile
+  open(unit=15,file=topofile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ntopo
+  if (ntopo < 2) stop 'Not enough topography points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ntopo,' points from topography file'
+  print *
+  allocate(xtopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(ztopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(coefs_topo(ntopo))
+  do i=1,ntopo
+       read(15,*) xtopo(i),ztopo(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+! get interface data from external file, if any
+  if(interffile /= 'none') then
+  print *,'Reading interface from file ',interffile
+  open(unit=15,file=interffile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ninterf
+  if (ninterf < 2) stop 'Not enough interface points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ninterf,' points from interface file'
+  allocate(xinterf(ninterf))
+  allocate(zinterf(ninterf))
+  allocate(coefs_interf(ninterf))
+  do i=1,ninterf
+       read(15,*) xinterf(i),zinterf(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+  else
+      print *,'*** No interface file specified ***'
+  endif
+! check the values read
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topography data points (x,z)'
+  print *, '----------------------------'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topo 1 = (',xtopo(1),',',ztopo(1),')'
+  print *, 'Topo ntopo = (',xtopo(ntopo),',',ztopo(ntopo),')'
+!--- calculate the spline function for the topography
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  tang1 = (ztopo(2)-ztopo(1))/(xtopo(2)-xtopo(1))
+  tangN = (ztopo(ntopo)-ztopo(ntopo-1))/(xtopo(ntopo)-xtopo(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xtopo,ztopo,ntopo,tang1,tangN,coefs_topo)
+!--- calculate the spline function for the interface
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  if (interffile /= 'none') then
+  tang1 = (zinterf(2)-zinterf(1))/(xinterf(2)-xinterf(1))
+  tangN = (zinterf(ntopo)-zinterf(ntopo-1))/(xinterf(ntopo)-xinterf(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xinterf,zinterf,Ninterf,tang1,tangN,coefs_interf)
+  endif
+! *** afficher limites du modele lu
+  print *
+  print *, 'Limites absolues modele fichier topo :'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Xmin = ',minval(xtopo),'   Xmax = ',maxval(xtopo)
+  print *, 'Zmin = ',minval(ztopo),'   Zmax = ',maxval(ztopo)
+  print *
+! *** eventuellement modifier sources si sources en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nbsources,' sources'
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbsources
+   if(isources_surf) then
+      zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+   endif
+   print *, 'Source ',i,' = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+  enddo
+! *** eventuellement modifier recepteurs si enregistrement en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nrec,' receivers'
+  print *
+  do irec=1,nrec
+   if(ienreg_surf) then
+      zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+   endif
+   print *, 'Receiver ',irec,' = ',xrec(irec),zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+!--- definition du maillage suivant X
+  do ix=0,nx
+          absx(ix) = dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  enddo
+  if (interffile == 'none') then
+! *** une seule zone si pas d'interface specifiee
+  do iz=0,nz
+  valeta(iz) = eta(iz)
+  a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+  a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+          bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+          top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+          bot_p(ix) = botprime(absx(ix))
+          top_p(ix) = spl_prime(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+    do iz=0,nz
+      x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+      z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! *** deux zones si topo
+  ncut = nint(nz*ratio)
+! *** ZONE DU BAS ***
+  do iz=0,ncut
+  valeta(iz) = dble(iz)/(nz*ratio)
+  a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+  a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+          bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+          top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
+          bot_p(ix) = botprime(absx(ix))
+          top_p(ix) = spl_prime(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+    do iz=0,ncut
+      x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+      z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! *** ZONE DU HAUT ***
+  do iz=0,nz-ncut
+    valeta(iz) = dble(iz)/(nz*(1.d0-ratio))
+    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+    bot0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
+    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+    bot_p(ix) = spl_prime(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
+    top_p(ix) = spl_prime(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+    do iz=0,nz-ncut
+      x(ix,iz+ncut) = absx(ix)
+      z(ix,iz+ncut) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+! calculer min et max de X et Z sur la grille
+  print *
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de X sur le maillage = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de Z sur le maillage = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** generer un fichier 'GNUPLOT' pour le controle de la grille ***
+! ***
+  print *
+  print *,' Ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT...'
+  file1='gridfile.gnu'
+ open(unit=20,file=file1,status='unknown')
+! dessin de la topo de surface (splines)
+  do i=0,nx-1
+            write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(top0(i))
+            write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(top0(i+1))
+            write(20,10)
+  enddo
+! dessin de l'interface du milieu
+  if (interffile /= 'none') then
+  do i=0,nx-1
+            write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(bot0(i))
+            write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(bot0(i+1))
+            write(20,10)
+  enddo
+  endif
+! dessin des lignes horizontales de la grille
+  print *, 'Ecriture lignes horizontales'
+  istepx = 1
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+      istepz = 1
+  else
+      istepz = 2
+  endif
+  do ili=0,nz,istepz
+        do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
+  write(20,10)
+                   enddo
+  enddo
+! dessin des lignes verticales de la grille
+  print *, 'Ecriture lignes verticales'
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+      istepx = 1
+  else
+      istepx = 2
+  endif
+  istepz = 1
+       do icol=0,nx,istepx
+               do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
+  write(20,10)
+                enddo
+       enddo
+  close(20)
+! cree le script de dessin pour gnuplot
+  open(unit=20,file='plotgrid.gnu',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) 'set term postscript landscape monochrome solid "Helvetica" 22'
+  write(20,*) 'set output "grille.ps"'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "Macroblocs mesh" w l'
+  close(20)
+  print *,' Fin ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT'
+  print *
+! *** generation de la base de donnees
+  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# Base de Donnees pour Specfem - Premailleur Fortran 90'
+  write(15,*) '# ',title
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) EPS - Harvard February 1998'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
+  write(15,40) title
+  ndofn = 2
+  ndime = 2
+  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
+  if (ngnod == 4) then
+      nspel = nx*nz
+  else
+      nspel = nx*nz/4
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'ndofn ndime npgeo'
+  write(15,*) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'display ignuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) display,ignuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'itaff itfirstaff icolor inumber'
+  write(15,*) itaff,itfirstaff,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'ivectplot imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
+  write(15,*) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  write(15,*) 'scalex scalez sizemax angle rapport USletter'
+  write(15,*) scalex,scalez,sizemax,20.,0.40,usletter
+  write(15,*) 'orig_x orig_z isymbols'
+  write(15,*) orig_x,orig_z,' T'
+  write(15,*) 'valseuil freqmaxrep'
+  write(15,*) valseuil,freqmaxrep
+  write(15,*) 'sismos nrec nrec1 nrec2 isamp'
+  write(15,*) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
+  write(15,*) 'irepr anglerec anglerec2'
+  write(15,*) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
+  write(15,*) 'compenergy'
+  write(15,*) compenergy
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield factorana factorxsu n1ana n2ana'
+  write(15,*) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
+  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype iaffinfo'
+  write(15,*) isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
+  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid iavs'
+  write(15,*) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs
+  write(15,*) 'iexec iecho'
+  if(iexec) then
+    write(15,*) '1       1'
+  else
+    write(15,*) '0       1'
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc niter'
+  write(15,*) nt,dt,niter
+  write(15,*) 'nltfl (number of force or pressure sources)'
+  write(15,*) nbsources
+  write(15,*) 'Collocated forces and/or pressure sources:'
+  do i=1,nbsources
+    write(15,*) itimetype(i),isource_type(i), &
+         xs(i)-xmin,zs(i),f0(i),t0(i),factor(i),angle(i),0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Receivers positions:'
+  do irec=1,nrec
+    write(15,*) irec,xrec(irec)-xmin,zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macroblocs mesh (coorg):'
+  do j=0,nz
+    do i=0,nx
+      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j)-xmin,z(i,j)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!--- introduction des bords absorbants
+  nelemabs = 0
+  if(absbas) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(abshaut) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+  if(absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+! on a deux fois trop d'elements si elements 9 noeuds
+  if(ngnod == 9) nelemabs = nelemabs / 2
+! enlever aussi les coins qui ont ete comptes deux fois
+  if(absbas .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(absbas .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abshaut .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abshaut .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+!--- introduction des bords periodiques
+  nelemperio = 0
+  if(periohaut) nelemperio = nelemperio + nx
+  if(periogauche) nelemperio = nelemperio + nz
+! on a deux fois trop d'elements si elements 9 noeuds
+  if(ngnod == 9) nelemperio = nelemperio / 2
+  netyp = 2
+  nxgll = idegpoly + 1
+  write(15,*) 'netyp numat ngnod nxgll nygll nspec iptsdisp ielemabs ielemperio'
+  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll,nspel,iptsdisp, &
+                nelemabs,nelemperio
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0) or (num 2 rho c11 c13 c33 c44)'
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+       write(15,*) i,icodemat(i),rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
+  k=0
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+      do j=0,nz-1
+      do i=0,nx-1
+      k = k + 1
+      imatnum = num_modele(i+1,j+1)
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx), &
+                    num(i,j+1,nx)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+  else
+      do j=0,nz-2,2
+      do i=0,nx-2,2
+      k = k + 1
+      imatnum = num_modele(i+1,j+1)
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+2,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+  endif
+!--- sauvegarde des bords periodiques
+  print *
+  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemperio,' elements periodiques'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bords periodiques actifs :'
+  print *
+  print *,'Haut   = ',periohaut
+  print *,'Gauche = ',periogauche
+  print *
+! generer la liste des elements periodiques
+  if(nelemperio > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements periodiques (haut gauche) :'
+  inumperio = 0
+  if(periogauche) then
+    do iz=1,nzread
+      ix=1
+      inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
+      ix2 = nxread
+      inumelem2 = (iz-1)*nxread + ix2
+      inumperio = inumperio + 1
+      write(15,*) inumperio,inumelem,4,inumelem2,2
+    enddo
+  endif
+  if(periohaut) then
+    do ix=1,nxread
+      iz=1
+      inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
+      iz2 = nzread
+      inumelem2 = (iz2-1)*nxread + ix
+      inumperio = inumperio + 1
+      write(15,*) inumperio,inumelem,1,inumelem2,3
+    enddo
+  endif
+  endif
+!--- sauvegarde des bords absorbants
+  print *
+  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemabs,' elements absorbants'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bords absorbants actifs :'
+  print *
+  print *,'Haut   = ',abshaut
+  print *,'Bas    = ',absbas
+  print *,'Gauche = ',absgauche
+  print *,'Droite = ',absdroite
+  print *
+! generer la liste des elements absorbants
+  if(nelemabs > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements absorbants (haut bas gauche droite) :'
+  inumabs = 0
+  do iz=1,nzread
+  do ix=1,nxread
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = 0
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
+    if(abshaut   .and. iz==nzread) icodehaut = iaretehaut
+    if(absbas    .and. iz== 1) icodebas = iaretebas
+    if(absgauche .and. ix== 1) icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    if(absdroite .and. ix==nxread) icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    if(icodehaut>0 .or. icodebas>0 .or. icodegauche>0 .or. icodedroite>0) then
+      inumabs = inumabs + 1
+      write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+    endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+  close(15)
+ 10 format('')
+ 15 format(e10.5,1x,e10.5)
+ 40   format(a50)
+  end program maille
+! *****************
+! routines maillage
+! *****************
+! --- numero global du noeud
+  integer function num(i,j,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nx
+    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
+  return
+  end function num
+! ------- definition des fonctions representant les interfaces -------
+! --- bas du modele
+  double precision function botprime(x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+    botprime = 0.d0
+  return
+  end function botprime
+  double precision function bottom(x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+    bottom = 0.d0
+  return
+  end function bottom
+! --- representation interfaces par un spline
+!--- spline
+  double precision function spl(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
+  implicit none
+  integer ntopo
+  double precision x,xp
+  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
+  double precision coefs(ntopo)
+  spl = 0.
+  xp = x
+  if (xp < xtopo(1)) xp = xtopo(1)
+  if (xp > xtopo(ntopo)) xp = xtopo(ntopo)
+  call splint(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,xp,spl)
+  return
+  end function spl
+!--- derivee spline
+  double precision function spl_prime(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
+  implicit none
+  integer ntopo
+  double precision x
+  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
+  double precision coefs(ntopo)
+  if (x < xtopo(1).or.x > xtopo(ntopo)) then
+      spl_prime = 0.d0
+  else
+  call splintderiv(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,x,spl_prime)
+  endif
+  return
+  end function spl_prime
+! --- fonction de densification du maillage horizontal
+  double precision function dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer ix,nx
+  double precision psi(0:nx)
+  double precision xmin,xmax
+  dens = xmin + dble(xmax-xmin)*psi(ix)
+  return
+  end function dens
+! --------------------------------------
+! routine de calcul des coefs du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: nmax=20000
+  integer n
+  double precision x(n),y(n),y2(n),u(nmax)
+  double precision yp1,ypn
+  integer i,k
+  double precision sig,p,qn,un
+  if(n > nmax) stop 'array too small in spline'
+  y2(1)=-0.5
+  u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+  do i=2,n-1
+      sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+      p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
+      y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
+      u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
+                    /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
+  enddo
+  qn=0.5
+  un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
+  do k=n-1,1,-1
+      y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+  enddo
+  return
+  end subroutine spline
+! --------------
+! routine d'evaluation du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO=1
+  KHI=N
+  1     IF (KHI-KLO > 1) THEN
+      K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+      IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
+            KHI=K
+      ELSE
+            KLO=K
+      ENDIF
+  GOTO 1
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline evaluation'
+  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
+  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
+  Y=A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+ &
+              (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
+  end subroutine SPLINT
+! --------------
+! evaluation de la derivee premiere du spline (inspire de Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO=1
+  KHI=N
+  1     IF (KHI-KLO > 1) THEN
+      K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+      IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
+            KHI=K
+      ELSE
+            KLO=K
+      ENDIF
+  GOTO 1
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline derivative evaluation'
+  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
+  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
+  Y=(-YA(KLO)+YA(KHI))/h+((-3.0d0*A**2+1.0d0)*Y2A(KLO)+ &
+        (3.0d0*B**2-1.0d0)*Y2A(KHI))*H/6.d0
+  end subroutine SPLINTDERIV

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_non_struct_2.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_non_struct_2.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_non_struct_2.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+!             P r e m a i l l e u r    F o r t r a n  9 0
+!             -------------------------------------------
+!                           Version 3.0
+!                           -----------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         (c) August 1998
+! *** Version optimisee avec maillage non structure Jacques Muller - Elf ***
+! *** Raffinement d'un facteur 2 en surface ***
+  program maille_non_struct_2
+  implicit none
+! definir les tableaux pour allocation dynamique
+! coordinates of the grid points
+  double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),z(:,:)
+! variables needed to compute the transformation
+  double precision, allocatable :: psi(:),eta(:),absx(:), &
+      a00(:),a01(:),valeta(:),bot0(:),top0(:)
+! stockage du modele de vitesse et densite
+  double precision, allocatable :: rho(:),cp(:),cs(:)
+! the topography data
+  double precision, allocatable :: xtopo(:),ztopo(:),coefs_topo(:)
+! arrays for the source
+  double precision, allocatable :: xs(:),zs(:),f0(:),t0(:),angle(:),factor(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: isource_type(:),itimetype(:)
+! arrays for the receivers
+  double precision, allocatable :: xrec(:),zrec(:)
+! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
+  character(len=50) file1
+  character(len=50) interffile,topofile,title
+  character(len=15) junk
+  integer imatnum,inumabs,inumelem,nelemperio,nxgll,netyp
+  integer icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  integer nelemabs,npgeo,nspec,ntopo,nspecvolume,nspecWz
+  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ncut,ix,iz,irec,i,j,iadd
+  integer ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  integer izone,imodele,nbzone,nbmodeles,iaffinfo
+  integer itaff,itfirstaff,iptsdisp,isubsamp,nrec,n1ana,n2ana
+  integer irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isamp,nbsources,isismostype,ivecttype
+  integer ngnod,nt,niter,idegpoly,nx,nz
+  integer inumelem2,ix2,iz2,inumperio
+  integer icodematread
+  double precision valseuil,freqmaxrep,ratio
+  double precision tang1,tangN,vpzone,vszone
+  double precision orig_x,orig_z,sizemax,cutvect,scalex,scalez
+  double precision factorxsu,factorana,xspacerec,zspacerec
+  double precision anglerec,anglerec2,xmin,xmax
+  double precision xfin,zfin,xfin2,zfin2,xdeb,zdeb,xdeb2,zdeb2
+  double precision alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm,dt
+  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+  logical interpol,ignuplot,ireadmodel,iavs,ivisual3,ioutputgrid
+  logical abshaut,absbas,absgauche,absdroite,absstacey
+  logical periohaut,periogauche
+  logical sismos,isources_surf,ienreg_surf,ienreg_surf2,display
+  logical ivectplot,imeshvect,isymbols
+  logical topoplane,iexec,initialfield
+  logical imodelvect,iboundvect,usletter,compenergy
+  integer, external :: num
+  double precision, external :: bottom,spl,dens
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0
+! simulation a 2D
+  integer, parameter :: ndime = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ndofn = 2
+! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
+  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
+  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
+  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
+  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
+! DK DK DK ajout Elf : extraction de la topo du fichier SEP
+!!  call system('rm -f topo_from_SEP.dat topo_SEP_maille90.dat ; xextract_topo')
+  print *
+  print *,' *** Version optimisee avec maillage non structure ***'
+  print *,' *** Raffinement d''un facteur 2 en surface ***'
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** read the parameter file
+! ***
+  print *,' Reading the parameter file ... '
+  print *
+  open(unit=10,file='Par',status='old')
+! formats
+ 1 format(a,f12.5)
+ 2 format(a,i8)
+ 3 format(a,a)
+ 4 format(a,l8)
+! read the header
+  do i=1,10
+  read(10,*)
+  enddo
+! read file names and path for output
+  read(10,3)junk,title
+  read(10,3)junk,topofile
+  read(10,3)junk,interffile
+  write(*,*) 'Titre de la simulation'
+  write(*,*) title
+  print *
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read grid parameters
+  read(10,1)junk,xmin
+  read(10,1)junk,xmax
+  read(10,2)junk,nx
+  read(10,2)junk,nz
+  read(10,2)junk,idegpoly
+  read(10,2)junk,ngnod
+  read(10,1)junk,ratio
+  read(10,4)junk,topoplane
+  read(10,4)junk,initialfield
+  read(10,4)junk,ireadmodel
+  read(10,4)junk,iexec
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  ngnod = 9
+  topoplane = .false.
+  initialfield = .false.
+! pour le non structure, verifier la coherence du maillage
+  if(nx < 2) stop 'nx must be greater or equal to 2'
+  if(nz < 2) stop 'nz must be greater or equal to 2'
+  if(mod(nx,2) /= 0) stop 'nx must be even'
+! multiplier par 2 pour implementer le deraffinement non conforme
+  nx = nx * 2
+  nz = nz * 2
+! multiplier par 2 pour elements 9 noeuds
+  nx = nx * 2
+  nz = nz * 2
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read absorbing boundaries parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,abshaut
+  read(10,4)junk,absbas
+  read(10,4)junk,absgauche
+  read(10,4)junk,absdroite
+  read(10,4)junk,absstacey
+  read(10,4)junk,periohaut
+  read(10,4)junk,periogauche
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  abshaut = .false.
+  periohaut = .false.
+  periogauche = .false.
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read time step parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nt
+  read(10,1)junk,dt
+  read(10,2)junk,niter
+  read(10,1)junk,alphanewm
+  read(10,1)junk,betanewm
+  read(10,1)junk,gammanewm
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read source parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nbsources
+  read(10,4)junk,isources_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,valseuil
+  read(10,1)junk,freqmaxrep
+  print *,'Nb de sources a lire : ',nbsources
+  allocate(xs(nbsources))
+  allocate(zs(nbsources))
+  allocate(f0(nbsources))
+  allocate(t0(nbsources))
+  allocate(isource_type(nbsources))
+  allocate(itimetype(nbsources))
+  allocate(angle(nbsources))
+  allocate(factor(nbsources))
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      read(10,*)
+      read(10,1)junk,xs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,zs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,f0(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,t0(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,isource_type(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,itimetype(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,angle(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,factor(i)
+      print *
+      print *,' Source #',i
+      print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+      print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0(i),t0(i)
+      print *,'Source type (1=force 2=explo) : ', &
+                    isource_type(i)
+      print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angle(i)
+      print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor(i)
+  enddo
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read receivers line parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,sismos
+  read(10,2)junk,isamp
+  read(10,2)junk,isismostype
+  read(10,2)junk,irepr
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec1
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec2
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb2
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb2
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin2
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin2
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf2
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec2
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,1)junk,factorxsu
+  read(10,2)junk,n1ana
+  read(10,2)junk,n2ana
+  read(10,1)junk,factorana
+! determination et affichage position ligne de receivers
+  if(nrec2 < 0) stop 'negative value of nrec2 !'
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+    nrec = nrec1
+  else
+    nrec = nrec1 + nrec2
+  endif
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  n1ana = 1
+  n2ana = nrec
+  allocate(xrec(nrec))
+  allocate(zrec(nrec))
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on a single line'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  do i=1,nrec
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  else
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on two lines'
+  print *,'First line contains ',nrec1,' receivers'
+  print *,'Second line contains ',nrec2,' receivers'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  do i=1,nrec1
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  xspacerec=(xfin2-xdeb2)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin2-zdeb2)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  do i=1,nrec2
+     xrec(i+nrec1) = xdeb2 + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i+nrec1) = zdeb2 + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  endif
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read display parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,display
+  read(10,2)junk,itaff
+  read(10,2)junk,itfirstaff
+  read(10,2)junk,iaffinfo
+  read(10,4)junk,ivectplot
+  read(10,2)junk,ivecttype
+  read(10,1)junk,cutvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imeshvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imodelvect
+  read(10,4)junk,iboundvect
+  read(10,4)junk,interpol
+  read(10,2)junk,iptsdisp
+  read(10,2)junk,isubsamp
+  read(10,1)junk,scalex
+  read(10,1)junk,scalez
+  read(10,1)junk,sizemax
+  read(10,4)junk,usletter
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_x
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_z
+  read(10,4)junk,ignuplot
+  read(10,4)junk,iavs
+  read(10,4)junk,ivisual3
+  read(10,4)junk,ioutputgrid
+  read(10,4)junk,compenergy
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  ignuplot = .false.
+  iavs = .false.
+  ivisual3 = .false.
+  compenergy = .false.
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! lecture des differents modeles de materiaux
+  read(10,2)junk,nbmodeles
+  if(nbmodeles <= 0) stop 'Negative number of models not allowed !!'
+  allocate(rho(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cp(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cs(nbmodeles))
+  rho(:) = 0.d0
+  cp(:) = 0.d0
+  cs(:) = 0.d0
+  do imodele=1,nbmodeles
+      read(10,*) i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+      if(i<1 .or. i>nbmodeles) stop 'Wrong material set number'
+      rho(i) = rhoread
+      cp(i) = cpread
+      cs(i) = csread
+      if (rho(i) < 0.d0 .or. cp(i) < 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) &
+          stop 'Negative value of velocity or density'
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de modeles de roche = ',nbmodeles
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' isotrope'
+      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
+  enddo
+  print *
+  close(10)
+  print *
+  print *,' Parameter file successfully read... '
+! --------- fin lecture fichier parametres --------------
+  allocate(psi(0:nx))
+  allocate(eta(0:nz))
+  allocate(absx(0:nx))
+  allocate(a00(0:nz))
+  allocate(a01(0:nz))
+  allocate(valeta(0:nz))
+  allocate(bot0(0:nx))
+  allocate(top0(0:nx))
+! calcul des points regulierement espaces
+  do i=0,nx
+        psi(i) = i/dble(nx)
+  enddo
+  do j=0,nz
+        eta(j) = j/dble(nz)
+  enddo
+! quelques verifications de base a faire
+  if(ngnod /= 9) stop 'erreur ngnod different de 9 !!'
+! calcul du nombre total d'elements spectraux, absorbants et periodiques
+  nspecvolume = (nx/2/2)*((nz-4)/2/2)
+  nspecWz = 3*(nx/2/2)
+  nspec = nspecvolume + nspecWz
+  nelemperio = 0
+  if(absgauche .or. absdroite .or. absbas) then
+    nelemabs = 2 * (nz/4 - 2) + nx/4 + 2 + 2
+  else
+    nelemabs = 0
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nspec,' elements spectraux (nx = ',nx/4, &
+     ' nz = ',nz/4,')'
+  print *,'soit ',nspecvolume,' elements spectraux dans le volume'
+  print *,'et ',nspecWz,' elements spectraux dans la couche Wz'
+  print *,'Chaque element comporte ',idegpoly+1,' points dans chaque direction'
+  print *,'Le nombre maximum de points theorique est ',nspec*(idegpoly+1)**ndime
+  print *,'Les elements de controle sont des elements ',ngnod,' noeuds'
+  print *
+  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+  x(:,:)=0.d0
+  z(:,:)=0.d0
+! get topography data from external file
+  print *,'Reading topography from file ',topofile
+  open(unit=15,file=topofile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ntopo
+  if (ntopo < 2) stop 'Not enough topography points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ntopo,' points from topography file'
+  print *
+  allocate(xtopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(ztopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(coefs_topo(ntopo))
+  do i=1,ntopo
+       read(15,*) xtopo(i),ztopo(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+! check the values read
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topography data points (x,z)'
+  print *, '----------------------------'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topo 1 = (',xtopo(1),',',ztopo(1),')'
+  print *, 'Topo ntopo = (',xtopo(ntopo),',',ztopo(ntopo),')'
+!--- calculate the spline function for the topography
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  tang1 = (ztopo(2)-ztopo(1))/(xtopo(2)-xtopo(1))
+  tangN = (ztopo(ntopo)-ztopo(ntopo-1))/(xtopo(ntopo)-xtopo(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xtopo,ztopo,ntopo,tang1,tangN,coefs_topo)
+! *** afficher limites du modele lu
+  print *
+  print *, 'Limites absolues modele fichier topo :'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Xmin = ',minval(xtopo),'   Xmax = ',maxval(xtopo)
+  print *, 'Zmin = ',minval(ztopo),'   Zmax = ',maxval(ztopo)
+  print *
+! *** modifier sources pour position par rapport a la surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nbsources,' sources'
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbsources
+! DK DK DK Elf : position source donnee en profondeur par rapport a la topo
+   zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo) - zs(i)
+   if(isources_surf) zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+   print *, 'Source ',i,' = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+  enddo
+! *** modifier recepteurs pour enregistrement en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nrec,' receivers'
+  print *
+  do irec=1,nrec
+! DK DK DK Elf : distinguer les deux lignes de recepteurs
+  if(irec <= nrec1) then
+   if(ienreg_surf) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  else
+   if(ienreg_surf2) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  endif
+   print *, 'Receiver ',irec,' = ',xrec(irec),zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+!--- definition du maillage suivant X
+  do ix=0,nx
+          absx(ix) = dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  enddo
+! *** une seule zone
+  do iz=0,nz
+! DK DK DK densification sinusoidale ici en vertical
+  valeta(iz) = eta(iz) + ratio * sin(3.14159265 * eta(iz))
+  if(valeta(iz) < zero) valeta(iz) = zero
+  if(valeta(iz) > one ) valeta(iz) = one
+! DK DK DK densification sinusoidale ici en vertical
+  a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+  a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+          bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+          top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+  do iz=0,nz
+  x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+  z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! calculer min et max de X et Z sur la grille
+  print *
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de X sur le maillage = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de Z sur le maillage = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
+  print *
+! *** generation de la base de donnees
+  print *
+  print *,' Creation de la base de donnees pour SPECFEM...'
+  print *
+  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# Base de Donnees pour Specfem - Premailleur Fortran 90'
+  write(15,*) '# ',title
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) EPS - Harvard August 1998'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
+  write(15,40) title
+  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
+  write(15,*) 'ndofn ndime npgeo'
+  write(15,*) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'display ignuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) display,ignuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'itaff itfirstaff icolor inumber'
+  write(15,*) itaff,itfirstaff,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'ivectplot imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
+  write(15,*) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  write(15,*) 'scalex scalez sizemax angle rapport USletter'
+  write(15,*) scalex,scalez,sizemax,20.,0.40,usletter
+  write(15,*) 'orig_x orig_z isymbols'
+  write(15,*) orig_x,orig_z,' T'
+  write(15,*) 'valseuil freqmaxrep'
+  write(15,*) valseuil,freqmaxrep
+  write(15,*) 'sismos nrec nrec1 nrec2 isamp'
+  write(15,*) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
+  write(15,*) 'irepr anglerec anglerec2'
+  write(15,*) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
+  write(15,*) 'topoplane absstacey compenergy'
+  write(15,*) topoplane,absstacey,compenergy
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield factorana factorxsu n1ana n2ana'
+  write(15,*) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
+  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype iaffinfo'
+  write(15,*) isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
+  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid iavs ivisual3'
+  write(15,*) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs,ivisual3
+  write(15,*) 'iexec iecho'
+  if(iexec) then
+    write(15,*) '1       1'
+  else
+    write(15,*) '0       1'
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc niter'
+  write(15,*) nt,dt,niter
+  write(15,*) 'alpha beta gamma (alpha not used for the moment)'
+  write(15,*) alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm
+  write(15,*) 'nltfl (number of force or pressure sources)'
+  write(15,*) nbsources
+  write(15,*) 'Collocated forces and/or pressure sources:'
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      write(15,*) itimetype(i),isource_type(i), &
+         xs(i)-xmin ,zs(i), &
+        f0(i),t0(i),factor(i),angle(i),0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Receivers positions:'
+  do irec=1,nrec
+      write(15,*) irec,xrec(irec)-xmin ,zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macroblocs mesh (coorg):'
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,nx
+      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j)-xmin,z(i,j)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  netyp = 2
+  nxgll = idegpoly + 1
+  write(15,*) 'netyp numat ngnod nxgll nygll nspec iptsdisp ielemabs ielemperio'
+  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll,nspec,iptsdisp, &
+                nelemabs,nelemperio
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0)'
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+       write(15,*) i,0,rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),0,0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
+  imatnum = 1
+  k=0
+! zone structuree dans le volume
+  do j=0,nz-8,4
+  do i=0,nx-4,4
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+4,j,nx),num(i+4,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i,j+4,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+4,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i+2,j+4,nx),num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  if(k /= nspecvolume) stop 'nombre d''elements incoherent dans le volume'
+! zone non structuree dans la couche Wz
+  j=nz-4
+  do i=0,nx-8,8
+! element 1 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+4,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+3,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
+! element 2 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx),num(i+2,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i,j+4,nx),num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i+2,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+4,nx),num(i,j+3,nx),num(i+1,j+3,nx)
+! element 3 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+2,j+2,nx),num(i+4,j,nx),num(i+4,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i+2,j+4,nx),num(i+3,j+1,nx),num(i+4,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i+3,j+4,nx),num(i+2,j+3,nx),num(i+3,j+3,nx)
+! element 4 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+4,j,nx),num(i+6,j+2,nx),num(i+6,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i+4,j+4,nx),num(i+5,j+1,nx),num(i+6,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+5,j+4,nx),num(i+4,j+2,nx),num(i+5,j+3,nx)
+! element 5 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+4,j,nx),num(i+8,j,nx),num(i+8,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i+6,j+2,nx),num(i+6,j,nx),num(i+8,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+7,j+2,nx),num(i+5,j+1,nx),num(i+7,j+1,nx)
+! element 6 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+6,j+2,nx),num(i+8,j+2,nx),num(i+8,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i+6,j+4,nx),num(i+7,j+2,nx),num(i+8,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+7,j+4,nx),num(i+6,j+3,nx),num(i+7,j+3,nx)
+  enddo
+  if(k /= nspec) stop 'nombre d''elements incoherent dans la couche Wz'
+!--- sauvegarde des bords absorbants
+  print *
+  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemabs,' elements absorbants'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bords absorbants actifs :'
+  print *
+  print *,'Haut   = ',abshaut
+  print *,'Bas    = ',absbas
+  print *,'Gauche = ',absgauche
+  print *,'Droite = ',absdroite
+  print *
+  print *,'Stacey = ',absstacey
+  print *
+! generer la liste des elements absorbants
+  if(nelemabs > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements absorbants (haut bas gauche droite) :'
+! repasser aux vrais valeurs de nx et nz
+  nx = nx / 4
+  nz = nz / 4
+  inumabs = 0
+! bord absorbant du bas sans les coins
+  iz = 1
+  do ix = 2,nx-1
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nx + ix
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = iaretebas
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! coin en bas a gauche
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = 1
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = iaretebas
+    icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+! coin en bas a droite
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = nx
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = iaretebas
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+! partie structuree du bord de gauche
+  ix = 1
+  do iz = 2,nz-1
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nx + ix
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! partie structuree du bord de droite
+  ix = nx
+  do iz = 2,nz-1
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nx + ix
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! partie non structuree du bord de gauche (deux elements)
+  do iadd = 1,2
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = nx*(nz-1) + iadd
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! partie non structuree du bord de droite (deux elements)
+  do iadd = 1,2
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = nspec - iadd + 1
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+  if(inumabs /= nelemabs) stop 'nombre d''elements absorbants incoherent'
+  endif
+! fermer la base de donnees
+  close(15)
+ 40   format(a50)
+  end program maille_non_struct_2
+! *****************
+! routines maillage
+! *****************
+! --- numero global du noeud
+  integer function num(i,j,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nx
+    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
+  return
+  end function num
+! ------- definition des fonctions representant les interfaces -------
+! --- bas du modele
+  double precision function bottom(x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+    bottom = 0.d0
+  return
+  end function bottom
+! --- representation interfaces par un spline
+!--- spline
+  double precision function spl(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
+  implicit none
+  integer ntopo
+  double precision x,xp
+  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
+  double precision coefs(ntopo)
+  spl = 0.
+  xp = x
+  if (xp < xtopo(1)) xp = xtopo(1)
+  if (xp > xtopo(ntopo)) xp = xtopo(ntopo)
+  call splint(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,xp,spl)
+  return
+  end function spl
+! --- fonction de densification du maillage horizontal
+  double precision function dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer ix,nx
+  double precision psi(0:nx)
+  double precision xmin,xmax
+  dens = xmin + dble(xmax-xmin)*psi(ix)
+  return
+  end function dens
+! --------------------------------------
+! routine de calcul des coefs du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision x(n),y(n),y2(n)
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
+  double precision yp1,ypn
+  integer i,k
+  double precision sig,p,qn,un
+  allocate(u(n))
+  y2(1)=-0.5
+  u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+  do i=2,n-1
+      sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+      p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
+      y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
+      u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
+                    /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
+  enddo
+  qn=0.5
+  un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
+  do k=n-1,1,-1
+      y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+  enddo
+  deallocate(u)
+  return
+  end subroutine spline
+! --------------
+! routine d'evaluation du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO=1
+  KHI=N
+  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
+      K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+      IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
+            KHI=K
+      ELSE
+            KLO=K
+      ENDIF
+  enddo
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline evaluation'
+  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
+  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
+  Y=A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+ &
+              (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
+  end subroutine SPLINT

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_non_struct_3.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_non_struct_3.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_non_struct_3.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
+!             P r e m a i l l e u r    F o r t r a n  9 0
+!             -------------------------------------------
+!                           Version 3.0
+!                           -----------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         (c) August 1998
+! *** Version optimisee avec maillage non structure Jacques Muller - Elf ***
+! *** Raffinement d'un facteur 3 en surface ***
+  program maille_non_struct_3
+  implicit none
+! definir les tableaux pour allocation dynamique
+! coordinates of the grid points
+  double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),z(:,:)
+! variables needed to compute the transformation
+  double precision, allocatable :: psi(:),eta(:),absx(:), &
+      a00(:),a01(:),valeta(:),bot0(:),top0(:)
+! stockage du modele de vitesse et densite
+  double precision, allocatable :: rho(:),cp(:),cs(:)
+! the topography data
+  double precision, allocatable :: xtopo(:),ztopo(:),coefs_topo(:)
+! arrays for the source
+  double precision, allocatable :: xs(:),zs(:),f0(:),t0(:),angle(:),factor(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: isource_type(:),itimetype(:)
+! arrays for the receivers
+  double precision, allocatable :: xrec(:),zrec(:)
+! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
+  character(len=50) file1
+  character(len=50) interffile,topofile,title
+  character(len=15) junk
+  integer imatnum,inumabs,inumelem,nelemperio,nxgll,netyp
+  integer icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  integer nelemabs,npgeo,nspec,ntopo,nspecvolume,nspecWz
+  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ncut,ix,iz,irec,i,j,iadd
+  integer ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  integer izone,imodele,nbzone,nbmodeles,iaffinfo
+  integer itaff,itfirstaff,iptsdisp,isubsamp,nrec,n1ana,n2ana
+  integer irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isamp,nbsources,isismostype,ivecttype
+  integer ngnod,nt,niter,idegpoly,nx,nz
+  integer inumelem2,ix2,iz2,inumperio
+  integer icodematread
+  double precision valseuil,freqmaxrep,ratio
+  double precision tang1,tangN,vpzone,vszone
+  double precision orig_x,orig_z,sizemax,cutvect,scalex,scalez
+  double precision factorxsu,factorana,xspacerec,zspacerec
+  double precision anglerec,anglerec2,xmin,xmax
+  double precision xfin,zfin,xfin2,zfin2,xdeb,zdeb,xdeb2,zdeb2
+  double precision alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm,dt
+  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+  logical interpol,ignuplot,ireadmodel,iavs,ivisual3,ioutputgrid
+  logical abshaut,absbas,absgauche,absdroite,absstacey
+  logical periohaut,periogauche
+  logical sismos,isources_surf,ienreg_surf,ienreg_surf2,display
+  logical ivectplot,imeshvect,isymbols
+  logical topoplane,iexec,initialfield
+  logical imodelvect,iboundvect,usletter,compenergy
+  integer, external :: num
+  double precision, external :: bottom,spl,dens
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0
+! simulation a 2D
+  integer, parameter :: ndime = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ndofn = 2
+! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
+  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
+  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
+  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
+  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
+! DK DK DK ajout Elf : extraction de la topo du fichier SEP
+!!  call system('rm -f topo_from_SEP.dat topo_SEP_maille90.dat ; xextract_topo')
+  print *
+  print *,' *** Version optimisee avec maillage non structure ***'
+  print *,' *** Raffinement d''un facteur 3 en surface ***'
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** read the parameter file
+! ***
+  print *,' Reading the parameter file ... '
+  print *
+  open(unit=10,file='Par',status='old')
+! formats
+ 1 format(a,f12.5)
+ 2 format(a,i8)
+ 3 format(a,a)
+ 4 format(a,l8)
+! read the header
+  do i=1,10
+  read(10,*)
+  enddo
+! read file names and path for output
+  read(10,3)junk,title
+  read(10,3)junk,topofile
+  read(10,3)junk,interffile
+  write(*,*) 'Titre de la simulation'
+  write(*,*) title
+  print *
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read grid parameters
+  read(10,1)junk,xmin
+  read(10,1)junk,xmax
+  read(10,2)junk,nx
+  read(10,2)junk,nz
+  read(10,2)junk,idegpoly
+  read(10,2)junk,ngnod
+  read(10,1)junk,ratio
+  read(10,4)junk,topoplane
+  read(10,4)junk,initialfield
+  read(10,4)junk,ireadmodel
+  read(10,4)junk,iexec
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  ngnod = 9
+  topoplane = .false.
+  initialfield = .false.
+! pour le non structure, verifier la coherence du maillage
+  if(nx < 2) stop 'nx must be greater or equal to 2'
+  if(nz < 2) stop 'nz must be greater or equal to 2'
+  if(mod(nx,2) /= 0) stop 'nx must be even'
+! multiplier par 3 pour implementer le deraffinement non conforme
+  nx = nx * 3
+  nz = nz * 3
+! multiplier par 2 pour elements 9 noeuds
+  nx = nx * 2
+  nz = nz * 2
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read absorbing boundaries parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,abshaut
+  read(10,4)junk,absbas
+  read(10,4)junk,absgauche
+  read(10,4)junk,absdroite
+  read(10,4)junk,absstacey
+  read(10,4)junk,periohaut
+  read(10,4)junk,periogauche
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  abshaut = .false.
+  periohaut = .false.
+  periogauche = .false.
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read time step parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nt
+  read(10,1)junk,dt
+  read(10,2)junk,niter
+  read(10,1)junk,alphanewm
+  read(10,1)junk,betanewm
+  read(10,1)junk,gammanewm
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read source parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nbsources
+  read(10,4)junk,isources_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,valseuil
+  read(10,1)junk,freqmaxrep
+  print *,'Nb de sources a lire : ',nbsources
+  allocate(xs(nbsources))
+  allocate(zs(nbsources))
+  allocate(f0(nbsources))
+  allocate(t0(nbsources))
+  allocate(isource_type(nbsources))
+  allocate(itimetype(nbsources))
+  allocate(angle(nbsources))
+  allocate(factor(nbsources))
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      read(10,*)
+      read(10,1)junk,xs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,zs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,f0(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,t0(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,isource_type(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,itimetype(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,angle(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,factor(i)
+      print *
+      print *,' Source #',i
+      print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+      print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0(i),t0(i)
+      print *,'Source type (1=force 2=explo) : ', &
+                    isource_type(i)
+      print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angle(i)
+      print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor(i)
+  enddo
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read receivers line parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,sismos
+  read(10,2)junk,isamp
+  read(10,2)junk,isismostype
+  read(10,2)junk,irepr
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec1
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec2
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb2
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb2
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin2
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin2
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf2
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec2
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,1)junk,factorxsu
+  read(10,2)junk,n1ana
+  read(10,2)junk,n2ana
+  read(10,1)junk,factorana
+! determination et affichage position ligne de receivers
+  if(nrec2 < 0) stop 'negative value of nrec2 !'
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+    nrec = nrec1
+  else
+    nrec = nrec1 + nrec2
+  endif
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  n1ana = 1
+  n2ana = nrec
+  allocate(xrec(nrec))
+  allocate(zrec(nrec))
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on a single line'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  do i=1,nrec
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  else
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on two lines'
+  print *,'First line contains ',nrec1,' receivers'
+  print *,'Second line contains ',nrec2,' receivers'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  do i=1,nrec1
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  xspacerec=(xfin2-xdeb2)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin2-zdeb2)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  do i=1,nrec2
+     xrec(i+nrec1) = xdeb2 + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i+nrec1) = zdeb2 + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  endif
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read display parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,display
+  read(10,2)junk,itaff
+  read(10,2)junk,itfirstaff
+  read(10,2)junk,iaffinfo
+  read(10,4)junk,ivectplot
+  read(10,2)junk,ivecttype
+  read(10,1)junk,cutvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imeshvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imodelvect
+  read(10,4)junk,iboundvect
+  read(10,4)junk,interpol
+  read(10,2)junk,iptsdisp
+  read(10,2)junk,isubsamp
+  read(10,1)junk,scalex
+  read(10,1)junk,scalez
+  read(10,1)junk,sizemax
+  read(10,4)junk,usletter
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_x
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_z
+  read(10,4)junk,ignuplot
+  read(10,4)junk,iavs
+  read(10,4)junk,ivisual3
+  read(10,4)junk,ioutputgrid
+  read(10,4)junk,compenergy
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  ignuplot = .false.
+  iavs = .false.
+  ivisual3 = .false.
+  compenergy = .false.
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! lecture des differents modeles de materiaux
+  read(10,2)junk,nbmodeles
+  if(nbmodeles <= 0) stop 'Negative number of models not allowed !!'
+  allocate(rho(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cp(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cs(nbmodeles))
+  rho(:) = 0.d0
+  cp(:) = 0.d0
+  cs(:) = 0.d0
+  do imodele=1,nbmodeles
+      read(10,*) i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+      if(i<1 .or. i>nbmodeles) stop 'Wrong material set number'
+      rho(i) = rhoread
+      cp(i) = cpread
+      cs(i) = csread
+      if (rho(i) < 0.d0 .or. cp(i) < 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) &
+          stop 'Negative value of velocity or density'
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de modeles de roche = ',nbmodeles
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' isotrope'
+      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
+  enddo
+  print *
+  close(10)
+  print *
+  print *,' Parameter file successfully read... '
+! --------- fin lecture fichier parametres --------------
+  allocate(psi(0:nx))
+  allocate(eta(0:nz))
+  allocate(absx(0:nx))
+  allocate(a00(0:nz))
+  allocate(a01(0:nz))
+  allocate(valeta(0:nz))
+  allocate(bot0(0:nx))
+  allocate(top0(0:nx))
+! calcul des points regulierement espaces
+  do i=0,nx
+        psi(i) = i/dble(nx)
+  enddo
+  do j=0,nz
+        eta(j) = j/dble(nz)
+  enddo
+! quelques verifications de base a faire
+  if(ngnod /= 9) stop 'erreur ngnod different de 9 !!'
+! calcul du nombre total d'elements spectraux, absorbants et periodiques
+  nspecvolume = (nx/2/3)*((nz-6)/2/3)
+  nspecWz = 5*(nx/2/3)
+  nspec = nspecvolume + nspecWz
+  nelemperio = 0
+  if(absgauche .or. absdroite .or. absbas) then
+    nelemabs = 2 * (nz/6 - 2) + nx/6 + 3 + 3
+  else
+    nelemabs = 0
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nspec,' elements spectraux (nx = ',nx/6, &
+     ' nz = ',nz/6,')'
+  print *,'soit ',nspecvolume,' elements spectraux dans le volume'
+  print *,'et ',nspecWz,' elements spectraux dans la couche Wz'
+  print *,'Chaque element comporte ',idegpoly+1,' points dans chaque direction'
+  print *,'Le nombre maximum de points theorique est ',nspec*(idegpoly+1)**ndime
+  print *,'Les elements de controle sont des elements ',ngnod,' noeuds'
+  print *
+  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+  x(:,:)=0.d0
+  z(:,:)=0.d0
+! get topography data from external file
+  print *,'Reading topography from file ',topofile
+  open(unit=15,file=topofile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ntopo
+  if (ntopo < 2) stop 'Not enough topography points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ntopo,' points from topography file'
+  print *
+  allocate(xtopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(ztopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(coefs_topo(ntopo))
+  do i=1,ntopo
+       read(15,*) xtopo(i),ztopo(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+! check the values read
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topography data points (x,z)'
+  print *, '----------------------------'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topo 1 = (',xtopo(1),',',ztopo(1),')'
+  print *, 'Topo ntopo = (',xtopo(ntopo),',',ztopo(ntopo),')'
+!--- calculate the spline function for the topography
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  tang1 = (ztopo(2)-ztopo(1))/(xtopo(2)-xtopo(1))
+  tangN = (ztopo(ntopo)-ztopo(ntopo-1))/(xtopo(ntopo)-xtopo(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xtopo,ztopo,ntopo,tang1,tangN,coefs_topo)
+! *** afficher limites du modele lu
+  print *
+  print *, 'Limites absolues modele fichier topo :'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Xmin = ',minval(xtopo),'   Xmax = ',maxval(xtopo)
+  print *, 'Zmin = ',minval(ztopo),'   Zmax = ',maxval(ztopo)
+  print *
+! *** modifier sources pour position par rapport a la surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nbsources,' sources'
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbsources
+! DK DK DK Elf : position source donnee en profondeur par rapport a la topo
+   zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo) - zs(i)
+   if(isources_surf) zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+   print *, 'Source ',i,' = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+  enddo
+! *** modifier recepteurs pour enregistrement en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nrec,' receivers'
+  print *
+  do irec=1,nrec
+! DK DK DK Elf : distinguer les deux lignes de recepteurs
+  if(irec <= nrec1) then
+   if(ienreg_surf) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  else
+   if(ienreg_surf2) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  endif
+   print *, 'Receiver ',irec,' = ',xrec(irec),zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+!--- definition du maillage suivant X
+  do ix=0,nx
+          absx(ix) = dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  enddo
+! *** une seule zone
+  do iz=0,nz
+! DK DK DK densification sinusoidale ici en vertical
+  valeta(iz) = eta(iz) + ratio * sin(3.14159265 * eta(iz))
+  if(valeta(iz) < zero) valeta(iz) = zero
+  if(valeta(iz) > one ) valeta(iz) = one
+! DK DK DK densification sinusoidale ici en vertical
+  a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+  a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+          bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+          top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+  do iz=0,nz
+  x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+  z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! calculer min et max de X et Z sur la grille
+  print *
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de X sur le maillage = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de Z sur le maillage = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
+  print *
+! *** generation de la base de donnees
+  print *
+  print *,' Creation de la base de donnees pour SPECFEM...'
+  print *
+  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# Base de Donnees pour Specfem - Premailleur Fortran 90'
+  write(15,*) '# ',title
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) EPS - Harvard August 1998'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
+  write(15,40) title
+  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
+  write(15,*) 'ndofn ndime npgeo'
+  write(15,*) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'display ignuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) display,ignuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'itaff itfirstaff icolor inumber'
+  write(15,*) itaff,itfirstaff,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'ivectplot imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
+  write(15,*) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  write(15,*) 'scalex scalez sizemax angle rapport USletter'
+  write(15,*) scalex,scalez,sizemax,20.,0.40,usletter
+  write(15,*) 'orig_x orig_z isymbols'
+  write(15,*) orig_x,orig_z,' T'
+  write(15,*) 'valseuil freqmaxrep'
+  write(15,*) valseuil,freqmaxrep
+  write(15,*) 'sismos nrec nrec1 nrec2 isamp'
+  write(15,*) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
+  write(15,*) 'irepr anglerec anglerec2'
+  write(15,*) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
+  write(15,*) 'topoplane absstacey compenergy'
+  write(15,*) topoplane,absstacey,compenergy
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield factorana factorxsu n1ana n2ana'
+  write(15,*) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
+  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype iaffinfo'
+  write(15,*) isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
+  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid iavs ivisual3'
+  write(15,*) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs,ivisual3
+  write(15,*) 'iexec iecho'
+  if(iexec) then
+    write(15,*) '1       1'
+  else
+    write(15,*) '0       1'
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc niter'
+  write(15,*) nt,dt,niter
+  write(15,*) 'alpha beta gamma (alpha not used for the moment)'
+  write(15,*) alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm
+  write(15,*) 'nltfl (number of force or pressure sources)'
+  write(15,*) nbsources
+  write(15,*) 'Collocated forces and/or pressure sources:'
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      write(15,*) itimetype(i),isource_type(i), &
+         xs(i)-xmin ,zs(i), &
+        f0(i),t0(i),factor(i),angle(i),0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Receivers positions:'
+  do irec=1,nrec
+      write(15,*) irec,xrec(irec)-xmin ,zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macroblocs mesh (coorg):'
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,nx
+      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j)-xmin,z(i,j)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  netyp = 2
+  nxgll = idegpoly + 1
+  write(15,*) 'netyp numat ngnod nxgll nygll nspec iptsdisp ielemabs ielemperio'
+  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll,nspec,iptsdisp, &
+                nelemabs,nelemperio
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0)'
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+       write(15,*) i,0,rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),0,0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
+  imatnum = 1
+  k=0
+! zone structuree dans le volume
+  do j=0,nz-12,6
+  do i=0,nx-6,6
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+6,j,nx),num(i+6,j+6,nx), &
+              num(i,j+6,nx),num(i+3,j,nx),num(i+6,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+3,j+6,nx),num(i,j+3,nx),num(i+3,j+3,nx)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  if(k /= nspecvolume) stop 'nombre d''elements incoherent dans le volume'
+! zone non structuree dans la couche Wz
+  j=nz-6
+  do i=0,nx-12,12
+! element 1 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+6,j,nx),num(i+4,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+3,j,nx),num(i+5,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+2,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+3,j+1,nx)
+! element 2 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+4,j+2,nx),num(i+2,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i,j+4,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx),num(i+3,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+4,nx),num(i,j+3,nx),num(i+1,j+3,nx)
+! element 3 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j+4,nx),num(i+2,j+4,nx),num(i+2,j+6,nx), &
+              num(i,j+6,nx),num(i+1,j+4,nx),num(i+2,j+5,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+6,nx),num(i,j+5,nx),num(i+1,j+5,nx)
+! element 4 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+2,j+4,nx),num(i+4,j+2,nx),num(i+4,j+6,nx), &
+              num(i+2,j+6,nx),num(i+3,j+3,nx),num(i+4,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i+3,j+6,nx),num(i+2,j+5,nx),num(i+3,j+5,nx)
+! element 5 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+4,j+2,nx),num(i+6,j,nx),num(i+6,j+6,nx), &
+              num(i+4,j+6,nx),num(i+5,j+1,nx),num(i+6,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+5,j+6,nx),num(i+4,j+4,nx),num(i+5,j+3,nx)
+! element 6 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+6,j,nx),num(i+8,j+2,nx),num(i+8,j+6,nx), &
+              num(i+6,j+6,nx),num(i+7,j+1,nx),num(i+8,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i+7,j+6,nx),num(i+6,j+3,nx),num(i+7,j+3,nx)
+! element 7 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+8,j+2,nx),num(i+10,j+4,nx),num(i+10,j+6,nx), &
+              num(i+8,j+6,nx),num(i+9,j+3,nx),num(i+10,j+5,nx), &
+              num(i+9,j+6,nx),num(i+8,j+4,nx),num(i+9,j+4,nx)
+! element 8 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+6,j,nx),num(i+12,j,nx),num(i+12,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i+8,j+2,nx),num(i+9,j,nx),num(i+12,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+10,j+2,nx),num(i+7,j+1,nx),num(i+10,j+1,nx)
+! element 9 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+8,j+2,nx),num(i+12,j+2,nx),num(i+12,j+4,nx), &
+              num(i+10,j+4,nx),num(i+10,j+2,nx),num(i+12,j+3,nx), &
+              num(i+11,j+4,nx),num(i+9,j+3,nx),num(i+11,j+3,nx)
+! element 10 du raccord
+      k = k + 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i+10,j+4,nx),num(i+12,j+4,nx),num(i+12,j+6,nx),&
+              num(i+10,j+6,nx),num(i+11,j+4,nx),num(i+12,j+5,nx), &
+              num(i+11,j+6,nx),num(i+10,j+5,nx),num(i+11,j+5,nx)
+  enddo
+  if(k /= nspec) stop 'nombre d''elements incoherent dans la couche Wz'
+!--- sauvegarde des bords absorbants
+  print *
+  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemabs,' elements absorbants'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bords absorbants actifs :'
+  print *
+  print *,'Haut   = ',abshaut
+  print *,'Bas    = ',absbas
+  print *,'Gauche = ',absgauche
+  print *,'Droite = ',absdroite
+  print *
+  print *,'Stacey = ',absstacey
+  print *
+! generer la liste des elements absorbants
+  if(nelemabs > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements absorbants (haut bas gauche droite) :'
+! repasser aux vrais valeurs de nx et nz
+  nx = nx / 6
+  nz = nz / 6
+  inumabs = 0
+! bord absorbant du bas sans les coins
+  iz = 1
+  do ix = 2,nx-1
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nx + ix
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = iaretebas
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! coin en bas a gauche
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = 1
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = iaretebas
+    icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+! coin en bas a droite
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = nx
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = iaretebas
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+! partie structuree du bord de gauche
+  ix = 1
+  do iz = 2,nz-1
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nx + ix
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! partie structuree du bord de droite
+  ix = nx
+  do iz = 2,nz-1
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nx + ix
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! partie non structuree du bord de gauche (trois elements)
+  do iadd = 1,3
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = nx*(nz-1) + iadd
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    icodedroite = 0
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+! partie non structuree du bord de droite (trois elements)
+  do iadd = 1,3
+    inumabs = inumabs + 1
+    inumelem = nspec - iadd + 1
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  enddo
+  if(inumabs /= nelemabs) stop 'nombre d''elements absorbants incoherent'
+  endif
+! fermer la base de donnees
+  close(15)
+ 40   format(a50)
+  end program maille_non_struct_3
+! *****************
+! routines maillage
+! *****************
+! --- numero global du noeud
+  integer function num(i,j,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nx
+    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
+  return
+  end function num
+! ------- definition des fonctions representant les interfaces -------
+! --- bas du modele
+  double precision function bottom(x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+    bottom = 0.d0
+  return
+  end function bottom
+! --- representation interfaces par un spline
+!--- spline
+  double precision function spl(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
+  implicit none
+  integer ntopo
+  double precision x,xp
+  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
+  double precision coefs(ntopo)
+  spl = 0.
+  xp = x
+  if (xp < xtopo(1)) xp = xtopo(1)
+  if (xp > xtopo(ntopo)) xp = xtopo(ntopo)
+  call splint(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,xp,spl)
+  return
+  end function spl
+! --- fonction de densification du maillage horizontal
+  double precision function dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer ix,nx
+  double precision psi(0:nx)
+  double precision xmin,xmax
+  dens = xmin + dble(xmax-xmin)*psi(ix)
+  return
+  end function dens
+! --------------------------------------
+! routine de calcul des coefs du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision x(n),y(n),y2(n)
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
+  double precision yp1,ypn
+  integer i,k
+  double precision sig,p,qn,un
+  allocate(u(n))
+  y2(1)=-0.5
+  u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+  do i=2,n-1
+      sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+      p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
+      y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
+      u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
+                    /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
+  enddo
+  qn=0.5
+  un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
+  do k=n-1,1,-1
+      y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+  enddo
+  deallocate(u)
+  return
+  end subroutine spline
+! --------------
+! routine d'evaluation du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO=1
+  KHI=N
+  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
+      K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+      IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
+            KHI=K
+      ELSE
+            KLO=K
+      ENDIF
+  enddo
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline evaluation'
+  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
+  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
+  Y=A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+ &
+              (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
+  end subroutine SPLINT

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_struct.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_struct.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille_struct.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+!             P r e m a i l l e u r    F o r t r a n  9 0
+!             -------------------------------------------
+!                           Version 3.0
+!                           -----------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         (c) August 1998
+! *** Version optimisee avec maillage structure pour Jacques Muller - Elf ***
+  program maille_struct
+  implicit none
+! definir les tableaux pour allocation dynamique
+! coordinates of the grid points
+  double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),z(:,:)
+! variables needed to compute the transformation
+  double precision, allocatable :: psi(:),eta(:),absx(:), &
+      a00(:),a01(:),valeta(:),bot0(:),top0(:)
+! stockage du modele de vitesse et densite
+  double precision, allocatable :: rho(:),cp(:),cs(:)
+! the topography data
+  double precision, allocatable :: xtopo(:),ztopo(:),coefs_topo(:)
+! arrays for the source
+  double precision, allocatable :: xs(:),zs(:),f0(:),t0(:),angle(:),factor(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: isource_type(:),itimetype(:)
+! arrays for the receivers
+  double precision, allocatable :: xrec(:),zrec(:)
+! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
+  character(len=50) file1
+  character(len=50) interffile,topofile,title
+  character(len=15) junk
+  integer imatnum,inumabs,inumelem,nelemperio,nxgll,netyp
+  integer icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  integer nelemabs,npgeo,nspec,ntopo
+  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ncut,ix,iz,irec,i,j
+  integer ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  integer izone,imodele,nbzone,nbmodeles,iaffinfo
+  integer itaff,itfirstaff,iptsdisp,isubsamp,nrec,n1ana,n2ana
+  integer irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isamp,nbsources,isismostype,ivecttype
+  integer ngnod,nt,niter,idegpoly,nx,nz,nxread,nzread
+  integer inumelem2,ix2,iz2,inumperio
+  integer icodematread
+  double precision valseuil,freqmaxrep,ratio
+  double precision tang1,tangN,vpzone,vszone
+  double precision orig_x,orig_z,sizemax,cutvect,scalex,scalez
+  double precision factorxsu,factorana,xspacerec,zspacerec
+  double precision anglerec,anglerec2,xmin,xmax
+  double precision xfin,zfin,xfin2,zfin2,xdeb,zdeb,xdeb2,zdeb2
+  double precision alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm,dt
+  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+  logical interpol,ignuplot,ireadmodel,iavs,ivisual3,ioutputgrid
+  logical abshaut,absbas,absgauche,absdroite,absstacey
+  logical periohaut,periogauche
+  logical sismos,isources_surf,ienreg_surf,ienreg_surf2,display
+  logical ivectplot,imeshvect,isymbols
+  logical topoplane,iexec,initialfield
+  logical imodelvect,iboundvect,usletter,compenergy
+  integer, external :: num
+  double precision, external :: bottom,spl,dens
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0
+! sauvegarde de la grille format Gnuplot
+  logical, parameter :: save_gnuplot = .false.
+! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
+  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
+  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
+  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
+  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
+! simulation a 2D
+  integer, parameter :: ndime = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ndofn = 2
+! DK DK DK ajout Elf : extraction de la topo du fichier SEP
+!!  call system('rm -f topo_from_SEP.dat topo_SEP_maille90.dat ; xextract_topo')
+  print *
+  print *,' *** Version optimisee avec maillage structure ***'
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** read the parameter file
+! ***
+  print *,' Reading the parameter file ... '
+  print *
+  open(unit=10,file='Par',status='old')
+! formats
+ 1 format(a,f12.5)
+ 2 format(a,i8)
+ 3 format(a,a)
+ 4 format(a,l8)
+! read the header
+  do i=1,10
+  read(10,*)
+  enddo
+! read file names and path for output
+  read(10,3)junk,title
+  read(10,3)junk,topofile
+  read(10,3)junk,interffile
+  write(*,*) 'Titre de la simulation'
+  write(*,*) title
+  print *
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read grid parameters
+  read(10,1)junk,xmin
+  read(10,1)junk,xmax
+  read(10,2)junk,nx
+  read(10,2)junk,nz
+  read(10,2)junk,idegpoly
+  read(10,2)junk,ngnod
+  read(10,1)junk,ratio
+  read(10,4)junk,topoplane
+  read(10,4)junk,initialfield
+  read(10,4)junk,ireadmodel
+  read(10,4)junk,iexec
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  ngnod = 9
+  topoplane = .false.
+  initialfield = .false.
+  nxread = nx
+  nzread = nz
+! multiplier par 2 pour elements 9 noeuds
+      nx = nx * 2
+      nz = nz * 2
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read absorbing boundaries parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,abshaut
+  read(10,4)junk,absbas
+  read(10,4)junk,absgauche
+  read(10,4)junk,absdroite
+  read(10,4)junk,absstacey
+  read(10,4)junk,periohaut
+  read(10,4)junk,periogauche
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  abshaut = .false.
+  periohaut = .false.
+  periogauche = .false.
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read time step parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nt
+  read(10,1)junk,dt
+  read(10,2)junk,niter
+  read(10,1)junk,alphanewm
+  read(10,1)junk,betanewm
+  read(10,1)junk,gammanewm
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read source parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nbsources
+  read(10,4)junk,isources_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,valseuil
+  read(10,1)junk,freqmaxrep
+  print *,'Nb de sources a lire : ',nbsources
+  allocate(xs(nbsources))
+  allocate(zs(nbsources))
+  allocate(f0(nbsources))
+  allocate(t0(nbsources))
+  allocate(isource_type(nbsources))
+  allocate(itimetype(nbsources))
+  allocate(angle(nbsources))
+  allocate(factor(nbsources))
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      read(10,*)
+      read(10,1)junk,xs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,zs(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,f0(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,t0(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,isource_type(i)
+      read(10,2)junk,itimetype(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,angle(i)
+      read(10,1)junk,factor(i)
+      print *
+      print *,' Source #',i
+      print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+      print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0(i),t0(i)
+      print *,'Source type (1=force 2=explo) : ', &
+                    isource_type(i)
+      print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angle(i)
+      print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor(i)
+  enddo
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read receivers line parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,sismos
+  read(10,2)junk,isamp
+  read(10,2)junk,isismostype
+  read(10,2)junk,irepr
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec1
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec2
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb2
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb2
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin2
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin2
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf2
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec2
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,1)junk,factorxsu
+  read(10,2)junk,n1ana
+  read(10,2)junk,n2ana
+  read(10,1)junk,factorana
+! determination et affichage position ligne de receivers
+  if(nrec2 < 0) stop 'negative value of nrec2 !'
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+    nrec = nrec1
+  else
+    nrec = nrec1 + nrec2
+  endif
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  n1ana = 1
+  n2ana = nrec
+  allocate(xrec(nrec))
+  allocate(zrec(nrec))
+  if(nrec2 == 0) then
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on a single line'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  do i=1,nrec
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  else
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on two lines'
+  print *,'First line contains ',nrec1,' receivers'
+  print *,'Second line contains ',nrec2,' receivers'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
+  do i=1,nrec1
+     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  xspacerec=(xfin2-xdeb2)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin2-zdeb2)/dble(nrec2-1)
+  do i=1,nrec2
+     xrec(i+nrec1) = xdeb2 + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+     zrec(i+nrec1) = zdeb2 + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+  endif
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read display parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,display
+  read(10,2)junk,itaff
+  read(10,2)junk,itfirstaff
+  read(10,2)junk,iaffinfo
+  read(10,4)junk,ivectplot
+  read(10,2)junk,ivecttype
+  read(10,1)junk,cutvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imeshvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imodelvect
+  read(10,4)junk,iboundvect
+  read(10,4)junk,interpol
+  read(10,2)junk,iptsdisp
+  read(10,2)junk,isubsamp
+  read(10,1)junk,scalex
+  read(10,1)junk,scalez
+  read(10,1)junk,sizemax
+  read(10,4)junk,usletter
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_x
+  read(10,1)junk,orig_z
+  read(10,4)junk,ignuplot
+  read(10,4)junk,iavs
+  read(10,4)junk,ivisual3
+  read(10,4)junk,ioutputgrid
+  read(10,4)junk,compenergy
+! DK DK forcer pour Elf
+  ignuplot = .false.
+  iavs = .false.
+  ivisual3 = .false.
+  compenergy = .false.
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! lecture des differents modeles de materiaux
+  read(10,2)junk,nbmodeles
+  if(nbmodeles <= 0) stop 'Negative number of models not allowed !!'
+  allocate(rho(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cp(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cs(nbmodeles))
+  rho(:) = 0.d0
+  cp(:) = 0.d0
+  cs(:) = 0.d0
+  do imodele=1,nbmodeles
+      read(10,*) i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+      if(i<1 .or. i>nbmodeles) stop 'Wrong material set number'
+      rho(i) = rhoread
+      cp(i) = cpread
+      cs(i) = csread
+      if (rho(i) < 0.d0 .or. cp(i) < 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) &
+          stop 'Negative value of velocity or density'
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de modeles de roche = ',nbmodeles
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' isotrope'
+      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
+  enddo
+  print *
+  close(10)
+  print *
+  print *,' Parameter file successfully read... '
+! --------- fin lecture fichier parametres --------------
+  allocate(psi(0:nx))
+  allocate(eta(0:nz))
+  allocate(absx(0:nx))
+  allocate(a00(0:nz))
+  allocate(a01(0:nz))
+  allocate(valeta(0:nz))
+  allocate(bot0(0:nx))
+  allocate(top0(0:nx))
+! calcul des points regulierement espaces
+  do i=0,nx
+        psi(i) = i/dble(nx)
+  enddo
+  do j=0,nz
+        eta(j) = j/dble(nz)
+  enddo
+! quelques verifications de base a faire
+  if(ngnod /= 9) stop 'erreur ngnod different de 9 !!'
+  print *
+  print *,'Le maillage uniforme comporte ',nx/2,' x ',nz/2,' elements'
+  print *,'La grille equivalente uniforme a une taille de ', &
+        nx*idegpoly/2 + 1,' x ',nz*idegpoly/2 + 1,' points (', &
+        (nx*idegpoly/2 + 1)*(nz*idegpoly/2 + 1),' points)'
+  print *,'Chaque element comporte ',idegpoly+1,' points dans chaque direction'
+  print *,'Les elements de controle sont des elements ',ngnod,' noeuds'
+  print *
+  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+  x(:,:)=0.d0
+  z(:,:)=0.d0
+! get topography data from external file
+  print *,'Reading topography from file ',topofile
+  open(unit=15,file=topofile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ntopo
+  if (ntopo < 2) stop 'Not enough topography points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ntopo,' points from topography file'
+  print *
+  allocate(xtopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(ztopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(coefs_topo(ntopo))
+  do i=1,ntopo
+       read(15,*) xtopo(i),ztopo(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+! check the values read
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topography data points (x,z)'
+  print *, '----------------------------'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topo 1 = (',xtopo(1),',',ztopo(1),')'
+  print *, 'Topo ntopo = (',xtopo(ntopo),',',ztopo(ntopo),')'
+!--- calculate the spline function for the topography
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  tang1 = (ztopo(2)-ztopo(1))/(xtopo(2)-xtopo(1))
+  tangN = (ztopo(ntopo)-ztopo(ntopo-1))/(xtopo(ntopo)-xtopo(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xtopo,ztopo,ntopo,tang1,tangN,coefs_topo)
+! *** afficher limites du modele lu
+  print *
+  print *, 'Limites absolues modele fichier topo :'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Xmin = ',minval(xtopo),'   Xmax = ',maxval(xtopo)
+  print *, 'Zmin = ',minval(ztopo),'   Zmax = ',maxval(ztopo)
+  print *
+! *** modifier sources pour position par rapport a la surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nbsources,' sources'
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbsources
+! DK DK DK Elf : position source donnee en profondeur par rapport a la topo
+   zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo) - zs(i)
+   if(isources_surf) zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+   print *, 'Source ',i,' = ',xs(i),zs(i)
+  enddo
+! *** modifier recepteurs pour enregistrement en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nrec,' receivers'
+  print *
+  do irec=1,nrec
+! DK DK DK Elf : distinguer les deux lignes de recepteurs
+  if(irec <= nrec1) then
+   if(ienreg_surf) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  else
+   if(ienreg_surf2) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  endif
+   print *, 'Receiver ',irec,' = ',xrec(irec),zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+!--- definition du maillage suivant X
+  do ix=0,nx
+          absx(ix) = dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  enddo
+! *** une seule zone
+  do iz=0,nz
+! DK DK DK densification sinusoidale ici en vertical
+  valeta(iz) = eta(iz) + ratio * sin(3.14159265 * eta(iz))
+  if(valeta(iz) < zero) valeta(iz) = zero
+  if(valeta(iz) > one ) valeta(iz) = one
+! DK DK DK densification sinusoidale ici en vertical
+  a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+  a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+          bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+          top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+  do iz=0,nz
+  x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+  z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! calculer min et max de X et Z sur la grille
+  print *
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de X sur le maillage = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de Z sur le maillage = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** generer un fichier 'GNUPLOT' pour le controle de la grille ***
+! ***
+  if(save_gnuplot) then
+  print *
+  print *,' Ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT...'
+  file1='gridfile.gnu'
+ open(unit=20,file=file1,status='unknown')
+! dessin de la topo de surface (splines)
+  do i=0,nx-1
+            write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(top0(i))
+            write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(top0(i+1))
+            write(20,10)
+  enddo
+! dessin des lignes horizontales de la grille
+  print *, 'Ecriture lignes horizontales'
+  istepx = 1
+      istepz = 2
+  do ili=0,nz,istepz
+        do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
+  write(20,10)
+                   enddo
+  enddo
+! dessin des lignes verticales de la grille
+  print *, 'Ecriture lignes verticales'
+      istepx = 2
+  istepz = 1
+       do icol=0,nx,istepx
+               do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+  write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
+  write(20,10)
+                enddo
+       enddo
+  close(20)
+! cree le script de dessin pour gnuplot
+  open(unit=20,file='plotgrid.gnu',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) 'set term postscript landscape monochrome solid "Helvetica" 22'
+  write(20,*) 'set output "grille.ps"'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "Macroblocs mesh" w l'
+  close(20)
+  print *,' Fin ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT'
+  print *
+  endif
+! *** generation de la base de donnees
+  print *
+  print *,' Creation de la base de donnees pour SPECFEM...'
+  print *
+  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# Base de Donnees pour Specfem - Premailleur Fortran 90'
+  write(15,*) '# ',title
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) EPS - Harvard August 1998'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
+  write(15,40) title
+  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
+  nspec = nx*nz/4
+  write(15,*) 'ndofn ndime npgeo'
+  write(15,*) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'display ignuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) display,ignuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'itaff itfirstaff icolor inumber'
+  write(15,*) itaff,itfirstaff,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'ivectplot imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
+  write(15,*) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  write(15,*) 'scalex scalez sizemax angle rapport USletter'
+  write(15,*) scalex,scalez,sizemax,20.,0.40,usletter
+  write(15,*) 'orig_x orig_z isymbols'
+  write(15,*) orig_x,orig_z,' T'
+  write(15,*) 'valseuil freqmaxrep'
+  write(15,*) valseuil,freqmaxrep
+  write(15,*) 'sismos nrec nrec1 nrec2 isamp'
+  write(15,*) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
+  write(15,*) 'irepr anglerec anglerec2'
+  write(15,*) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
+  write(15,*) 'topoplane absstacey compenergy'
+  write(15,*) topoplane,absstacey,compenergy
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield factorana factorxsu n1ana n2ana'
+  write(15,*) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
+  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype iaffinfo'
+  write(15,*) isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
+  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid iavs ivisual3'
+  write(15,*) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs,ivisual3
+  write(15,*) 'iexec iecho'
+  if(iexec) then
+    write(15,*) '1       1'
+  else
+    write(15,*) '0       1'
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc niter'
+  write(15,*) nt,dt,niter
+  write(15,*) 'alpha beta gamma (alpha not used for the moment)'
+  write(15,*) alphanewm,betanewm,gammanewm
+  write(15,*) 'nltfl (number of force or pressure sources)'
+  write(15,*) nbsources
+  write(15,*) 'Collocated forces and/or pressure sources:'
+  do i=1,nbsources
+      write(15,*) itimetype(i),isource_type(i), &
+         xs(i)-xmin ,zs(i), &
+        f0(i),t0(i),factor(i),angle(i),0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Receivers positions:'
+  do irec=1,nrec
+      write(15,*) irec,xrec(irec)-xmin ,zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macroblocs mesh (coorg):'
+  do j=0,nz
+      do i=0,nx
+      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j)-xmin,z(i,j)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+!--- introduction des bords absorbants
+  nelemabs = 0
+  if(absbas) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(abshaut) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+  if(absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+! on a deux fois trop d'elements pour elements 9 noeuds
+  nelemabs = nelemabs / 2
+! enlever aussi les coins qui ont ete comptes deux fois
+  if(absbas .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(absbas .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abshaut .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abshaut .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  nelemperio = 0
+  netyp = 2
+  nxgll = idegpoly + 1
+  write(15,*) 'netyp numat ngnod nxgll nygll nspec iptsdisp ielemabs ielemperio'
+  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll,nspec,iptsdisp, &
+                nelemabs,nelemperio
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0)'
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+       write(15,*) i,0,rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),0,0
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
+  k=0
+      do j=0,nz-2,2
+      do i=0,nx-2,2
+      k = k + 1
+      imatnum = 1
+      write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+2,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+!--- sauvegarde des bords absorbants
+  print *
+  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemabs,' elements absorbants'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bords absorbants actifs :'
+  print *
+  print *,'Haut   = ',abshaut
+  print *,'Bas    = ',absbas
+  print *,'Gauche = ',absgauche
+  print *,'Droite = ',absdroite
+  print *
+  print *,'Stacey = ',absstacey
+  print *
+! generer la liste des elements absorbants
+  if(nelemabs > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements absorbants (haut bas gauche droite) :'
+  inumabs = 0
+  do iz=1,nzread
+  do ix=1,nxread
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = 0
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
+    if(abshaut   .and. iz==nzread) icodehaut = iaretehaut
+    if(absbas    .and. iz== 1) icodebas = iaretebas
+    if(absgauche .and. ix== 1) icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    if(absdroite .and. ix==nxread) icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    if(icodehaut>0 .or. icodebas>0 .or. icodegauche>0 .or. icodedroite>0) then
+      inumabs = inumabs + 1
+      write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+    endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+  close(15)
+ 10 format('')
+ 15 format(e10.5,1x,e10.5)
+ 40   format(a50)
+  end program maille_struct
+! *****************
+! routines maillage
+! *****************
+! --- numero global du noeud
+  integer function num(i,j,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nx
+    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
+  return
+  end function num
+! ------- definition des fonctions representant les interfaces -------
+! --- bas du modele
+  double precision function bottom(x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+    bottom = 0.d0
+  return
+  end function bottom
+! --- representation interfaces par un spline
+!--- spline
+  double precision function spl(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
+  implicit none
+  integer ntopo
+  double precision x,xp
+  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
+  double precision coefs(ntopo)
+  spl = 0.
+  xp = x
+  if (xp < xtopo(1)) xp = xtopo(1)
+  if (xp > xtopo(ntopo)) xp = xtopo(ntopo)
+  call splint(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,xp,spl)
+  return
+  end function spl
+! --- fonction de densification du maillage horizontal
+  double precision function dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer ix,nx
+  double precision psi(0:nx)
+  double precision xmin,xmax
+  dens = xmin + dble(xmax-xmin)*psi(ix)
+  return
+  end function dens
+! --------------------------------------
+! routine de calcul des coefs du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision x(n),y(n),y2(n)
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
+  double precision yp1,ypn
+  integer i,k
+  double precision sig,p,qn,un
+  allocate(u(n))
+  y2(1)=-0.5
+  u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+  do i=2,n-1
+      sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+      p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
+      y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
+      u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
+                    /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
+  enddo
+  qn=0.5
+  un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
+  do k=n-1,1,-1
+      y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+  enddo
+  deallocate(u)
+  return
+  end subroutine spline
+! --------------
+! routine d'evaluation du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO=1
+  KHI=N
+  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
+      K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+      IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
+            KHI=K
+      ELSE
+            KLO=K
+      ENDIF
+  enddo
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline evaluation'
+  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
+  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
+  Y=A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+ &
+              (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
+  end subroutine SPLINT

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/profilx.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/profilx.dat	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/profilx.dat	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/profily.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/profily.dat	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/profily.dat	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/topoarticle.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/topoarticle.dat	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/topoarticle.dat	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ 209
+   0.    1741.09
+     12.0192    1743.55
+     24.0385    1746.09
+     36.0577    1748.72
+     48.0769    1751.41
+     60.0962    1754.16
+     72.1154    1756.95
+     84.1346    1759.79
+     96.1538    1762.66
+     108.173    1765.56
+     120.192    1768.47
+     132.212    1771.38
+     144.231    1774.30
+     156.250    1777.21
+     168.269    1780.11
+     180.288    1782.99
+     192.308    1785.85
+     204.327    1788.68
+     216.346    1791.46
+     228.365    1794.20
+     240.385    1796.89
+     252.404    1799.52
+     264.423    1802.09
+     276.442    1804.60
+     288.462    1807.02
+     300.481    1809.37
+     312.500    1811.63
+     324.519    1813.80
+     336.538    1815.90
+     348.558    1817.91
+     360.577    1819.86
+     372.596    1821.73
+     384.615    1823.53
+     396.635    1825.27
+     408.654    1826.95
+     420.673    1828.58
+     432.692    1830.19
+     444.712    1831.78
+     456.731    1833.38
+     468.750    1835.00
+     480.769    1836.67
+     492.788    1838.40
+     504.808    1840.21
+     516.827    1842.10
+     528.846    1844.02
+     540.865    1845.95
+     552.885    1847.86
+     564.904    1849.70
+     576.923    1851.44
+     588.942    1853.05
+     600.962    1854.49
+     612.981    1855.74
+     625.000    1856.81
+     637.019    1857.72
+     649.038    1858.49
+     661.058    1859.13
+     673.077    1859.68
+     685.096    1860.15
+     697.115    1860.56
+     709.135    1860.92
+     721.154    1861.22
+     733.173    1861.42
+     745.192    1861.49
+     757.212    1861.39
+     769.231    1861.09
+     781.250    1860.56
+     793.269    1859.75
+     805.288    1858.64
+     817.308    1857.17
+     829.327    1855.28
+     841.346    1852.89
+     853.365    1849.93
+     865.385    1846.34
+     877.404    1842.04
+     889.423    1836.97
+     901.442    1831.04
+     913.462    1824.28
+     925.481    1816.85
+     937.500    1809.00
+     949.519    1800.95
+     961.538    1792.92
+     973.558    1785.14
+     985.577    1777.84
+     997.596    1771.25
+     1009.62    1765.55
+     1021.63    1760.76
+     1033.65    1756.75
+     1045.67    1753.44
+     1057.69    1750.72
+     1069.71    1748.49
+     1081.73    1746.65
+     1093.75    1745.09
+     1105.77    1743.72
+     1117.79    1742.49
+     1129.81    1741.37
+     1141.83    1740.35
+     1153.85    1739.42
+     1165.87    1738.57
+     1177.88    1737.79
+     1189.90    1737.06
+     1201.92    1736.37
+     1213.94    1735.72
+     1225.96    1735.14
+     1237.98    1734.66
+     1250.00    1734.30
+     1262.02    1734.11
+     1274.04    1734.11
+     1286.06    1734.33
+     1298.08    1734.80
+     1310.10    1735.55
+     1322.12    1736.55
+     1334.13    1737.74
+     1346.15    1739.08
+     1358.17    1740.50
+     1370.19    1741.96
+     1382.21    1743.40
+     1394.23    1744.77
+     1406.25    1746.02
+     1418.27    1747.13
+     1430.29    1748.10
+     1442.31    1748.94
+     1454.33    1749.64
+     1466.35    1750.22
+     1478.37    1750.68
+     1490.38    1751.02
+     1502.40    1751.25
+     1514.42    1751.41
+     1526.44    1751.68
+     1538.46    1752.23
+     1550.48    1753.22
+     1562.50    1754.84
+     1574.52    1757.27
+     1586.54    1760.67
+     1598.56    1765.22
+     1610.58    1771.04
+     1622.60    1777.93
+     1634.62    1785.56
+     1646.63    1793.60
+     1658.65    1801.74
+     1670.67    1809.64
+     1682.69    1817.00
+     1694.71    1823.48
+     1706.73    1828.77
+     1718.75    1832.75
+     1730.77    1835.44
+     1742.79    1836.88
+     1754.81    1837.11
+     1766.83    1836.17
+     1778.85    1834.08
+     1790.87    1830.90
+     1802.88    1826.64
+     1814.90    1821.41
+     1826.92    1815.42
+     1838.94    1808.87
+     1850.96    1802.01
+     1862.98    1795.03
+     1875.00    1788.17
+     1887.02    1781.64
+     1899.04    1775.67
+     1911.06    1770.45
+     1923.08    1765.99
+     1935.10    1762.29
+     1947.12    1759.31
+     1959.13    1757.05
+     1971.15    1755.47
+     1983.17    1754.55
+     1995.19    1754.28
+     2007.21    1754.63
+     2019.23    1755.57
+     2031.25    1757.03
+     2043.27    1758.96
+     2055.29    1761.33
+     2067.31    1764.06
+     2079.33    1767.11
+     2091.35    1770.43
+     2103.37    1773.97
+     2115.38    1777.65
+     2127.40    1781.39
+     2139.42    1785.08
+     2151.44    1788.64
+     2163.46    1791.97
+     2175.48    1794.97
+     2187.50    1797.54
+     2199.52    1799.60
+     2211.54    1801.07
+     2223.56    1802.01
+     2235.58    1802.51
+     2247.60    1802.66
+     2259.62    1802.56
+     2271.63    1802.29
+     2283.65    1801.94
+     2295.67    1801.62
+     2307.69    1801.39
+     2319.71    1801.30
+     2331.73    1801.30
+     2343.75    1801.39
+     2355.77    1801.54
+     2367.79    1801.73
+     2379.81    1801.93
+     2391.83    1802.13
+     2403.85    1802.30
+     2415.87    1802.43
+     2427.88    1802.51
+     2439.90    1802.55
+     2451.92    1802.56
+     2463.94    1802.52
+     2475.96    1802.45
+     2487.98    1802.35
+     2500.00    1802.20

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/Makefile
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/Makefile	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/Makefile	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Makefile simple pour f90
+# Dimitri Komatitsch, Harvard University, May 1998
+B = .
+O = obj
+SRC = .
+TRNDIR = ./bak
+# Portland
+#F90 = pgf90
+#FLAGS=-c -fast -Mnobounds -Minline -Mneginfo -Mdclchk
+# Intel Linux
+F90 = ifort
+FLAGS=-c -O3 -e95 -implicitnone
+LINK = $(F90) 
+EXEC = xspecfem
+OBJS = $O/modules.o $O/calc_energie.o $O/calcdivcurl.o $O/calcforce.o $O/checkgrid.o\
+	$O/checksource.o $O/contol.o $O/datim.o\
+	$O/defarrays.o $O/dirac.o $O/dircty.o $O/endw1.o $O/endw2.o $O/gammaf.o\
+	$O/getelspec.o $O/getltf.o $O/getrecepts.o $O/getspec.o $O/gmat01.o $O/hdgll.o $O/hgll.o\
+	$O/intseq.o $O/jacg.o $O/jacobf.o $O/modifperio.o $O/plotavs.o $O/plotgll.o\
+	$O/plotpost.o $O/plotvect.o $O/pndleg.o $O/pnleg.o\
+	$O/pnormj.o $O/positrec.o $O/positsource.o $O/q49spec.o $O/qinpspec.o $O/qmasspec.o\
+	$O/qsumspec.o $O/ricker.o $O/setcor.o $O/specfem.o $O/storearray.o \
+	$O/writeseis.o $O/zwgjd.o $O/zwgljd.o $O/createnum_fast.o $O/createnum_slow.o\
+	$O/q49shape.o
+DIRS = .
+	$(F90) $(FLAGS) $*.f90
+default : $(OBJS) mxspecfem
+TIMESTAMP: $(SRC)/*.f90 $(SRC)/Makefile
+	cp $? ${TRNDIR}
+mxspecfem : $(DIRS)
+	$(LINK) $(OBJS) -o $(EXEC)
+all : clean $(OBJS) mxspecfem
+clean :
+	/bin/rm -f $(EXEC) $(EXEC).trace $O/*.o *.o *.mod core *.gnu *.ps Ux* Uz* sources;
+$O/calc_energie.o: $(SRC)/calc_energie.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/calc_energie.o $(SRC)/calc_energie.f90
+$O/calcdivcurl.o: $(SRC)/calcdivcurl.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/calcdivcurl.o $(SRC)/calcdivcurl.f90
+$O/calcforce.o: $(SRC)/calcforce.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/calcforce.o $(SRC)/calcforce.f90
+$O/checkgrid.o: $(SRC)/checkgrid.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/checkgrid.o $(SRC)/checkgrid.f90
+$O/checksource.o: $(SRC)/checksource.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/checksource.o $(SRC)/checksource.f90
+$O/contol.o: $(SRC)/contol.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/contol.o $(SRC)/contol.f90
+$O/createnum_fast.o: $(SRC)/createnum_fast.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/createnum_fast.o $(SRC)/createnum_fast.f90
+$O/createnum_slow.o: $(SRC)/createnum_slow.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/createnum_slow.o $(SRC)/createnum_slow.f90
+$O/datim.o: $(SRC)/datim.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/datim.o $(SRC)/datim.f90
+$O/defarrays.o: $(SRC)/defarrays.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/defarrays.o $(SRC)/defarrays.f90
+$O/dirac.o: $(SRC)/dirac.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/dirac.o $(SRC)/dirac.f90
+$O/dircty.o: $(SRC)/dircty.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/dircty.o $(SRC)/dircty.f90
+$O/endw1.o: $(SRC)/endw1.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/endw1.o $(SRC)/endw1.f90
+$O/endw2.o: $(SRC)/endw2.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/endw2.o $(SRC)/endw2.f90
+$O/ezfftf.o: $(SRC)/ezfftf.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/ezfftf.o $(SRC)/ezfftf.f90
+$O/gammaf.o: $(SRC)/gammaf.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/gammaf.o $(SRC)/gammaf.f90
+$O/getelspec.o: $(SRC)/getelspec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/getelspec.o $(SRC)/getelspec.f90
+$O/getltf.o: $(SRC)/getltf.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/getltf.o $(SRC)/getltf.f90
+$O/getrecepts.o: $(SRC)/getrecepts.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/getrecepts.o $(SRC)/getrecepts.f90
+$O/getspec.o: $(SRC)/getspec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/getspec.o $(SRC)/getspec.f90
+$O/gmat01.o: $(SRC)/gmat01.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/gmat01.o $(SRC)/gmat01.f90
+$O/hdgll.o: $(SRC)/hdgll.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/hdgll.o $(SRC)/hdgll.f90
+$O/hgll.o: $(SRC)/hgll.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/hgll.o $(SRC)/hgll.f90
+$O/intseq.o: $(SRC)/intseq.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/intseq.o $(SRC)/intseq.f90
+$O/jacg.o: $(SRC)/jacg.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/jacg.o $(SRC)/jacg.f90
+$O/jacobf.o: $(SRC)/jacobf.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/jacobf.o $(SRC)/jacobf.f90
+$O/modifperio.o: $(SRC)/modifperio.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/modifperio.o $(SRC)/modifperio.f90
+$O/modules.o: $(SRC)/modules.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/modules.o $(SRC)/modules.f90
+$O/plotavs.o: $(SRC)/plotavs.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/plotavs.o $(SRC)/plotavs.f90
+$O/plotgll.o: $(SRC)/plotgll.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/plotgll.o $(SRC)/plotgll.f90
+$O/plotpost.o: $(SRC)/plotpost.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/plotpost.o $(SRC)/plotpost.f90
+$O/plotvect.o: $(SRC)/plotvect.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/plotvect.o $(SRC)/plotvect.f90
+$O/pndleg.o: $(SRC)/pndleg.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/pndleg.o $(SRC)/pndleg.f90
+$O/pnleg.o: $(SRC)/pnleg.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/pnleg.o $(SRC)/pnleg.f90
+$O/pnormj.o: $(SRC)/pnormj.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/pnormj.o $(SRC)/pnormj.f90
+$O/positrec.o: $(SRC)/positrec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/positrec.o $(SRC)/positrec.f90
+$O/positsource.o: $(SRC)/positsource.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/positsource.o $(SRC)/positsource.f90
+$O/q49shape.o: $(SRC)/q49shape.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/q49shape.o $(SRC)/q49shape.f90
+$O/q49spec.o: $(SRC)/q49spec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/q49spec.o $(SRC)/q49spec.f90
+$O/qinpspec.o: $(SRC)/qinpspec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/qinpspec.o $(SRC)/qinpspec.f90
+$O/qmasspec.o: $(SRC)/qmasspec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/qmasspec.o $(SRC)/qmasspec.f90
+$O/qsumspec.o: $(SRC)/qsumspec.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/qsumspec.o $(SRC)/qsumspec.f90
+$O/ricker.o: $(SRC)/ricker.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/ricker.o $(SRC)/ricker.f90
+$O/setcor.o: $(SRC)/setcor.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/setcor.o $(SRC)/setcor.f90
+$O/specfem.o: $(SRC)/specfem.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/specfem.o $(SRC)/specfem.f90
+$O/storearray.o: $(SRC)/storearray.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/storearray.o $(SRC)/storearray.f90
+$O/writeseis.o: $(SRC)/writeseis.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/writeseis.o $(SRC)/writeseis.f90
+$O/zwgjd.o: $(SRC)/zwgjd.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/zwgjd.o $(SRC)/zwgjd.f90
+$O/zwgljd.o: $(SRC)/zwgljd.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/zwgljd.o $(SRC)/zwgljd.f90

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calc_energie.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calc_energie.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calc_energie.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine calc_energie(hprime,hTprime,ibool,displ,veloc, &
+       Uxnewloc,Uznewloc,kmato,dvolu,xjaci,density,elastcoef,wx,wy, &
+       nxgll,npoin,ndime,nspec,numat)
+  use timeparams
+  use energie
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, two = 2.d0
+  integer nxgll,nspec,ndime,npoin,numat
+  double precision hprime(nxgll,nxgll),hTprime(nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision Uxnewloc(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision Uznewloc(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision dUx_dxi,dUz_dxi,dUx_deta,dUz_deta
+  double precision hTprimex,hprimez
+  double precision density(numat),elastcoef(4,numat)
+  double precision dvolu(nspec,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision xjaci(nspec,ndime,ndime,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision wx(nxgll),wy(nxgll)
+  integer ibool(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  integer kmato(nspec)
+  double precision displ(ndime,npoin),veloc(ndime,npoin)
+  integer i,j,k,l,iglobnum,material
+  double precision energie_pot,energie_cin
+  double precision dxux,dzux,dxuz,dzuz
+  double precision rKmod,rlamda,rmu,xix,xiz,etax,etaz,denst,rjacob
+! map the global displacement field to the local mesh
+!$PAR&      READONLY(ibool,displ)
+  do k=1,nspec
+    do j=1,nxgll
+    do i=1,nxgll
+                iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+                Uxnewloc(i,j,k) = displ(1,iglobnum)
+                Uznewloc(i,j,k) = displ(2,iglobnum)
+          enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  energie_pot = zero
+  energie_cin = zero
+! this loop is simply a reduction
+! on the two scalar variables "energie_cin" and "energie_pot"
+  do k=1,nspec
+! get the elastic parameters
+ material = kmato(k)
+ rlamda = elastcoef(1,material)
+ rmu    = elastcoef(2,material)
+ rKmod  = elastcoef(3,material)
+ denst  = density(material)
+    do j=1,nxgll
+    do i=1,nxgll
+! compute the gradient of the displacement field (matrix products)
+    dUx_dxi = zero
+    dUz_dxi = zero
+    dUx_deta = zero
+    dUz_deta = zero
+          do l=1,nxgll
+                hTprimex = hTprime(i,l)
+                hprimez = hprime(l,j)
+                dUx_dxi = dUx_dxi + hTprimex*Uxnewloc(l,j,k)
+                dUz_dxi = dUz_dxi + hTprimex*Uznewloc(l,j,k)
+                dUx_deta = dUx_deta + Uxnewloc(i,l,k)*hprimez
+                dUz_deta = dUz_deta + Uznewloc(i,l,k)*hprimez
+          enddo
+! apply the chain rule to get this gradient in the physical domain
+  xix = xjaci(k,1,1,i,j)
+  xiz = xjaci(k,1,2,i,j)
+  etax = xjaci(k,2,1,i,j)
+  etaz = xjaci(k,2,2,i,j)
+  rjacob = dvolu(k,i,j)
+  dxux = dUx_dxi*xix + dUx_deta*etax
+  dzux = dUx_dxi*xiz + dUx_deta*etaz
+  dxuz = dUz_dxi*xix + dUz_deta*etax
+  dzuz = dUz_dxi*xiz + dUz_deta*etaz
+  iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+! calcul de l'energie cinetique
+  energie_cin = energie_cin + &
+          denst*(veloc(1,iglobnum)**2 + veloc(2,iglobnum)**2) &
+          *wx(i)*wy(j)*rjacob
+! calcul de l'energie potentielle elastique
+  energie_pot = energie_pot + &
+          (rKmod*dxux**2 + rKmod*dzuz**2 + two*rlamda*dxux*dzuz + &
+          rmu*(dzux + dxuz)**2)*wx(i)*wy(j)*rjacob
+          enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! do not forget to divide by two at the end
+  energie_cin = energie_cin / two
+  energie_pot = energie_pot / two
+! on sauvegarde aussi l'energie totale qui doit etre constante
+! au cours du temps (une fois que la source a fini d'agir)
+! en l'absence de bords absorbants
+! et decroitre au cours du temps en presence de bords absorbants
+  write(ienergy,*) sngl(time),sngl(energie_cin),sngl(energie_pot), &
+                sngl(energie_cin + energie_pot)
+  return
+  end subroutine calc_energie

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calcdivcurl.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calcdivcurl.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calcdivcurl.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine calcdivcurl(displ,div,curl,hprime,hTprime,ibool, &
+        Uxloc,Uzloc,dUx_dxi,dUz_dxi,dUx_deta,dUz_deta,xjaci)
+!     "c a l c d i v c u r l" : Compute the divergence and the curl
+!                               of the displacement field
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+  double precision Uxloc(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision Uzloc(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision hprime(nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision hTprime(nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision xjaci(nspec,ndime,ndime,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision dUx_dxi(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision dUz_dxi(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision dUx_deta(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision dUz_deta(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision displ(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision div(npoin)
+  double precision curl(npoin)
+  integer ibool(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  integer i,j,k,l,iglobnum
+  double precision xix,xiz,etax,etaz
+! definir div et curl
+  do i=1,nxgll
+      do j=1,nxgll
+            do k=1,nspec
+              iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+              Uxloc(i,j,k) = displ(1,iglobnum)
+              Uzloc(i,j,k) = displ(2,iglobnum)
+            enddo
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do k=1,nspec
+   do i=1,nxgll
+      do j=1,nxgll
+      dUx_dxi(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+      dUz_dxi(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+      dUx_deta(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+      dUz_deta(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+            do l=1,nxgll
+      dUx_dxi(i,j,k) = dUx_dxi(i,j,k) + hTprime(i,l)*Uxloc(l,j,k)
+      dUz_dxi(i,j,k) = dUz_dxi(i,j,k) + hTprime(i,l)*Uzloc(l,j,k)
+      dUx_deta(i,j,k) = dUx_deta(i,j,k) + Uxloc(i,l,k)*hprime(l,j)
+      dUz_deta(i,j,k) = dUz_deta(i,j,k) + Uzloc(i,l,k)*hprime(l,j)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  do k=1,nspec
+   do i=1,nxgll
+      do j=1,nxgll
+  xix = xjaci(k,1,1,i,j)
+  xiz = xjaci(k,1,2,i,j)
+  etax = xjaci(k,2,1,i,j)
+  etaz = xjaci(k,2,2,i,j)
+  iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+  div(iglobnum) = dUx_dxi(i,j,k)*xix + dUx_deta(i,j,k)*etax + &
+        dUz_dxi(i,j,k)*xiz + dUz_deta(i,j,k)*etaz
+  curl(iglobnum) = dUx_dxi(i,j,k)*xiz + dUx_deta(i,j,k)*etaz - &
+        dUz_dxi(i,j,k)*xix - dUz_deta(i,j,k)*etax
+      enddo
+      enddo
+  enddo
+  return
+  end subroutine calcdivcurl

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calcforce.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calcforce.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/calcforce.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine calcforce(F,ndime,gltfu,nltfl,t)
+! calcul de la force source en temps
+  implicit none
+  integer ndime,nltfl
+  double precision t
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  double precision F(ndime,nltfl)
+  integer n,isource
+  double precision funct,angle
+  double precision, external :: ricker,dirac
+  do n=1,nltfl
+! determiner type de source
+  isource = nint(gltfu(1,n))
+! la source est une force colloquee
+  if(nint(gltfu(2,n)) == 1) then
+! introduire source suivant son type
+  if(isource == 6) then
+      funct = ricker(t,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+  else if(isource == 7) then
+      funct = dirac(t,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+  else
+      funct = 0.d0
+  endif
+  angle = gltfu(8,n)
+  F(1,n) = - dsin(angle) * funct
+  F(2,n) = + dcos(angle) * funct
+  endif
+  enddo
+  return
+  end subroutine calcforce

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/checkgrid.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/checkgrid.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/checkgrid.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine checkgrid(deltat,gltfu,nltfl,initialfield)
+!----  verification taille des mailles, stabilite et nb de points par lambda
+  use verifs
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+  integer nltfl
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  double precision deltat
+  logical initialfield
+  integer n,isource
+  double precision f0,t0
+!----  verification taille de grille min et max
+  print *
+  print *,'******************************************'
+  print *,'*** Verification parametres simulation ***'
+  print *,'******************************************'
+  print *
+  print *,'*** Taille max grille = ',rsizemax
+  print *,'*** Taille min grille = ',rsizemin
+  print *,'*** Rapport max/min = ',rsizemax/rsizemin
+  print *
+  print *,'*** Stabilite max vitesse P = ',cpoverdxmax*deltat
+  print *,'*** Stabilite min vitesse P = ',cpoverdxmin*deltat
+  print *
+!----  boucle sur toutes les sources
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+  do n=1,nltfl
+!----  determiner type de source
+  isource = nint(gltfu(1,n))
+  f0 = gltfu(5,n)
+  t0 = gltfu(6,n)
+!----  utiliser type de source en temps
+  if(isource == 6) then
+      print *,' Source ',n,': Ricker'
+      print *,' Onset time = ',t0
+      print *,' Fundamental period = ',1.d0/f0
+      print *,' Fundamental frequency = ',f0
+      if(t0 <= 1.d0/f0) then
+        stop 'Onset time too small'
+      else
+        print *,' --> onset time ok'
+      endif
+      print *,'----'
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda P max f0 = ',nxgll*rlamdaPmax/f0
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda P min f0 = ',nxgll*rlamdaPmin/f0
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda P max fmax = ',nxgll*rlamdaPmax/(2.5d0*f0)
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda P min fmax = ',nxgll*rlamdaPmin/(2.5d0*f0)
+      print *,'----'
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda S max f0 = ',nxgll*rlamdaSmax/f0
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda S min f0 = ',nxgll*rlamdaSmin/f0
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda S max fmax = ',nxgll*rlamdaSmax/(2.5d0*f0)
+      print *,' Nb pts / lambda S min fmax = ',nxgll*rlamdaSmin/(2.5d0*f0)
+      print *,'----'
+  else if(isource == 7) then
+      print *,' Source ',n,': dirac **** not checked ****'
+  else
+      stop 'Unknown type of source'
+  endif
+  print *
+  enddo
+  endif
+  return
+  end subroutine checkgrid

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/checksource.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/checksource.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/checksource.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine checksource(gltfu,nltfl,deltat,ncycl)
+  use verifs
+  implicit none
+  integer nltfl,ncycl
+  double precision deltat
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  double precision, external :: ricker,dirac
+  integer it,n,isource,i,ncycl2,iseuil
+  integer icf(1)
+  double precision absfreq,cf,cmaxf
+! pour spectre de la source (en simple precision pour routine Netlib)
+  real, dimension(:), allocatable :: so,ra,rb,wsave
+  real azero,valmax
+  print *,'Creating gnuplot file for source time functions'
+! arrondir ncycl au nombre pair inferieur
+  ncycl2 = ncycl
+  if(mod(ncycl2,2) /= 0) ncycl2 = ncycl2 - 1
+  allocate(so(ncycl2))
+  allocate(ra(ncycl2/2))
+  allocate(rb(ncycl2/2))
+  allocate(wsave(3*ncycl2+15))
+  open(unit=11,file='sources',status='unknown')
+! boucle sur tous les pas de temps
+  do it=1,ncycl2
+! boucle sur toutes les sources
+  do n=1,nltfl
+! determiner type de source
+  isource = nint(gltfu(1,n))
+! utiliser type de source en temps
+  if(isource == 6) then
+      gltfu(19,n) = ricker(it*deltat,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+  else if(isource == 7) then
+      gltfu(19,n) = dirac(it*deltat,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+  else
+      gltfu(19,n) = 0.d0
+  endif
+  enddo
+  write(11,*) real(it*deltat),(real(gltfu(19,i)),i=1,nltfl)
+  enddo
+  close(11)
+! check central frequency by computing the Fourier transform of the source
+!! DK DK this part suppressed since does not work with range checking
+  goto 333
+  azero = 0
+  n = 1
+  do it=1,ncycl2
+    so(it)=sngl(ricker(it*deltat,n,gltfu,nltfl))
+  enddo
+! initialisation pour routine de FFT de Netlib
+  call ezffti(ncycl2,wsave)
+! appel routine de FFT de Netlib
+  call ezfftf(ncycl2,so,azero,ra,rb,wsave)
+! prendre le module de l'amplitude spectrale
+  ra(:) = sqrt(ra(:)**2 + rb(:)**2)
+! determiner la frequence centrale de la source
+  icf = maxloc(ra(1:ncycl2/2 - 1))
+  cf = icf(1)/(ncycl2*deltat)
+! normaliser le spectre d'amplitude
+  valmax = ra(icf(1))
+  ra(:) = ra(:) / valmax
+! determiner la frequence maximale de la source
+  iseuil = ncycl2/2 - 1
+  do it=icf(1)+1,ncycl2/2 - 1
+    if(ra(it) < sngl(valseuil)) then
+      iseuil = it
+      exit
+    endif
+  enddo
+  cmaxf = iseuil/(ncycl2*deltat)
+  print *,'Estimated central freq of the source is ',cf
+  print *,'Estimated max freq of the source is ',cmaxf
+  print *,'Nyquist frequency for the sampled time function is ',1.d0/(2.d0*deltat)
+! sauvegarde du spectre d'amplitude de la source en Hz au format Gnuplot
+  open(unit=10,file='spectrum',status='unknown')
+  do it=1,ncycl2/2 - 1
+    absfreq = it/(ncycl2*deltat)
+    if (absfreq <= sngl(freqmaxrep)) write(10,*) sngl(absfreq),ra(it)
+  enddo
+  close(10)
+ 333  continue
+  deallocate(so)
+  deallocate(ra)
+  deallocate(rb)
+  deallocate(wsave)
+  return
+  end subroutine checksource

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/contol.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/contol.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/contol.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine contol
+!     "C o n t o l" :  Reads main control parameters
+!      -----------
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use mesh01
+  use constspec
+  use energie
+  use verifs
+  implicit none
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) display,ignuplot,interpol
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) itaff, itfirstaff, icolor, inumber
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  cutvect = cutvect / 100.d0
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) scalex,scalez,sizemax,angle,rapport,usletter
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) orig_x,orig_z,isymbols
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) valseuil,freqmaxrep
+  valseuil = valseuil / 100.d0
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) compenergy
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs
+  read(iin , 40) datlin
+  read(iin , * ) iexec,iecho
+!---- output control parameters
+  if(iecho  /=  0)  then
+    write(iout,200) npgeo,ndofn,ndime
+    write(iout,500) iexec,iecho
+    write(iout,600) itaff,itfirstaff,iaffinfo,icolor,inumber
+    write(iout,700) sismos,nrec,isamp,isismostype,nrec1,nrec2,anglerec, &
+        anglerec2,compenergy,100.d0*valseuil,freqmaxrep
+    write(iout,750) initialfield,ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs
+    write(iout,800) ivecttype,100.d0*cutvect,isubsamp,scalex,scalez, &
+        sizemax,angle,rapport,orig_x,orig_z,usletter
+  endif
+  return
+  40    format(a80)
+  200   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l   c a r d   n o .  1',/1x,34('='),//5x,&
+  'Number of spectral elements control nodes. . (npgeo) =',i8/5x, &
+  'Number of d.o.f per node . . . . . . . . . . (ndofn) =',i8/5x, &
+  'Number of space dimensions . . . . . . . . . (ndime) =',i8)
+  500   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l   c a r d   n o .  2',/1x,34('='),//5x,&
+  'Execution mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (iexec) =',i5/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     data check only                     ',  / 5x, &
+  '        ==  1     resolution                          ',  / 5x, &
+  'Data echoing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (iecho) =',i5/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     do not echo input data              ',  / 5x, &
+  '        ==  1     echo input data - short listing     ',  / 5x, &
+  '        ==  2     echo input data - full listing      ')
+  600   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l   c a r d   n o .  3',/1x,34('='),//5x, &
+  'Display frequency  . . . . . . . . . . . . . (itaff) = ',i5/ 5x, &
+  'First display . . . . . . . . . . . . . (itfirstaff) = ',i5/ 5x, &
+  'Basic info output frequency . . . . . . . (iaffinfo) = ',i5/ 5x, &
+  'Color display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (icolor) = ',i5/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     black and white display              ',  / 5x, &
+  '        ==  1     color display                        ',  /5x, &
+  'Numbered mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(inumber) = ',i5/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     do not number the mesh               ',  /5x, &
+  '        ==  1     number the mesh                      ')
+  700   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l   c a r d   n o .  4',/1x,34('='),//5x, &
+  'Record seismograms or not. . . . . . . . . .(sismos) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Total number of receivers. . . . . . . . . . .(nrec) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Subsampling for seismograms recording . . . .(isamp) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Seismograms recording type. . . . . . .(isismostype) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Number of receivers on first line . . . . . .(nrec1) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Number of receivers on second line. . . . . .(nrec2) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Angle for first line of receivers. . . . .(anglerec) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Angle for second line of receivers. . . .(anglerec2) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Compute total and potential energy . . .(compenergy) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Threshold for maximum frequency in % . . .(valseuil) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Maximal frequency plotted in spectrum. .(freqmaxrep) = ',1pe8.2)
+  750   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l   c a r d   n o .  5',/1x,34('='),//5x, &
+  'Read external initial field or not . .(initialfield) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Read external velocity model or not. . .(ireadmodel) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Save grid in external file or not . . .(ioutputgrid) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Save results in AVS file or not. . . . . . . .(iavs) = ',l6)
+  800   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l   c a r d   n o .  6',/1x,34('='),//5x, &
+  'Vector display type . . . . . . . . . . .(ivecttype) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Percentage of cut for vector plots. . . . .(cutvect) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Subsampling for velocity model display . .(isubsamp) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'X-Scaling of plot for PostScript . . . . . .(scalex) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Z-Scaling of plot for PostScript . . . . . .(scalez) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Max size of arrows for PostScript . . . . .(sizemax) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Angle of vector arrows. . . . . . . . . . . .(angle) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Head to body ratio for arrows . . . . . . .(rapport) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'X origin for Postscript display. . . . . . .(orig_x) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Z origin for Postscript display. . . . . . .(orig_z) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'US letter format or French A4. . . . . . .(usletter) = ',l6)
+  end subroutine contol

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/createnum_fast.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/createnum_fast.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/createnum_fast.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine createnum_fast(knods,ibool,kmato,shape,coorg,npoin,ndime,npgeo)
+!  "c r e a t e n u m _ f a s t": Equivalent de la routine "createnum_slow"
+!           mais avec un algorithme "sale mais tres rapide"
+!  Cette version rapide necessite l'allocation de tableaux supplementaires
+!  Cette version rapide n'accepte pas les conditions periodiques
+!  En cas de conditions periodiques, utiliser la version lente
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+  integer npoin,ndime,npgeo
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec),kmato(nspec)
+  double precision shape(ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  integer i,j,numelem
+  double precision, parameter :: smallvaltol = 0.000001d0
+  double precision, parameter :: HUGEVAL=1.0d+30
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0
+! tableaux supplementaires pour cette version rapide
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loc,ind,ninseg,iglob,iwork
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ifseg
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp,yp,work
+  integer ie,nseg,ioff,iseg,ig
+  integer nxyz,ntot,ispec,ieoff,ilocnum,iy,ix,in,nnum
+  double precision xmaxval,xminval,ymaxval,yminval,xtol,xtypdist
+  double precision xcor,ycor
+!----  create global numbering from mesh structure
+  print *
+  print *
+  print *,'Generating global numbering from mesh structure (fast version)...'
+  print *
+  nxyz   = nxgll*nygll
+  ntot   = nxyz*nspec
+  print *,'Allocating a few more arrays for the fast version'
+  allocate(loc(ntot))
+  allocate(ind(ntot))
+  allocate(ninseg(ntot))
+  allocate(iglob(ntot))
+  allocate(ifseg(ntot))
+  allocate(xp(ntot))
+  allocate(yp(ntot))
+  allocate(work(ntot))
+  allocate(iwork(ntot))
+  print *,'Generating the numbering'
+! compute coordinates of the grid points
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+   ieoff = nxyz*(ispec - 1)
+   ilocnum = 0
+  do iy = 1,nxgll
+  do ix = 1,nxgll
+    ilocnum = ilocnum + 1
+    xcor = zero
+    ycor = zero
+    do in = 1,ngnod
+        nnum = knods(in,ispec)
+        xcor = xcor + shape(in,ix,iy)*coorg(1,nnum)
+        ycor = ycor + shape(in,ix,iy)*coorg(2,nnum)
+    enddo
+    xp(ilocnum + ieoff) = xcor
+    yp(ilocnum + ieoff) = ycor
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+! Establish initial pointers
+  do ie=1,nspec
+   ieoff = nxyz*(ie -1)
+   do ix=1,nxyz
+      loc (ix+ieoff) = ix+ieoff
+   enddo
+  enddo
+! set up local geometric tolerances
+  xtypdist=+HUGEVAL
+  do ie=1,nspec
+  xminval=+HUGEVAL
+  yminval=+HUGEVAL
+  xmaxval=-HUGEVAL
+  ymaxval=-HUGEVAL
+  ieoff=nxyz*(ie-1)
+  do ilocnum=1,nxyz
+    xmaxval=dmax1(xp(ieoff+ilocnum),xmaxval)
+    xminval=dmin1(xp(ieoff+ilocnum),xminval)
+    ymaxval=dmax1(yp(ieoff+ilocnum),ymaxval)
+    yminval=dmin1(yp(ieoff+ilocnum),yminval)
+  enddo
+! compute the minimum typical "size" of an element in the mesh
+  xtypdist = dmin1(xtypdist,xmaxval-xminval)
+  xtypdist = dmin1(xtypdist,ymaxval-yminval)
+  enddo
+! define a tolerance, small with respect to the minimum size
+  xtol=smallvaltol*xtypdist
+  ifseg(:) = .false.
+  nseg = 1
+  ifseg(1) = .true.
+  ninseg(1) = ntot
+  do j=1,ndime
+!  Sort within each segment
+   ioff=1
+   do iseg=1,nseg
+      if  (j == 1) then
+         call rank (xp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      else
+         call rank (yp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      endif
+      call swap(xp(ioff),work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      call swap(yp(ioff),work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      call iswap(loc(ioff),iwork,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      ioff=ioff+ninseg(iseg)
+   enddo
+!  Check for jumps in current coordinate
+   if (j == 1) then
+     do i=2,ntot
+     if (abs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > xtol) ifseg(i)=.true.
+     enddo
+   else
+     do i=2,ntot
+     if (abs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > xtol) ifseg(i)=.true.
+     enddo
+   endif
+!  Count up number of different segments
+   nseg = 0
+   do i=1,ntot
+      if (ifseg(i)) then
+         nseg = nseg+1
+         ninseg(nseg) = 1
+      else
+         ninseg(nseg) = ninseg(nseg) + 1
+      endif
+   enddo
+  enddo
+!  Assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically!)
+  ig = 0
+  do i=1,ntot
+   if (ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
+   iglob(loc(i)) = ig
+  enddo
+  npoin = ig
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+! recuperer resultat a mon format
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+   ieoff = nxyz*(ispec - 1)
+   ilocnum = 0
+  do iy = 1,nxgll
+  do ix = 1,nxgll
+      ilocnum = ilocnum + 1
+      ibool(ix,iy,ispec) = iglob(ilocnum + ieoff)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  print *,'Deallocating the arrays'
+  deallocate(loc)
+  deallocate(ind)
+  deallocate(ninseg)
+  deallocate(iglob)
+  deallocate(ifseg)
+  deallocate(xp)
+  deallocate(yp)
+  deallocate(work)
+  deallocate(iwork)
+! verification de la coherence de la numerotation generee
+  if(minval(ibool) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool) /= npoin) &
+          stop 'Error while generating global numbering'
+  print *
+  print *,'Total number of points of the global mesh: ',npoin
+  print *
+  return
+  end subroutine createnum_fast
+  subroutine rank(A,IND,N)
+! Use Heap Sort (p 233 Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer N
+  double precision A(N)
+  integer IND(N)
+  integer i,j,l,ir,indx
+  double precision q
+  do J=1,N
+   IND(j)=j
+  enddo
+  if (n == 1) return
+  L=n/2+1
+  ir=n
+   IF (l > 1) THEN
+      l=l-1
+      indx=ind(l)
+      q=a(indx)
+   ELSE
+      indx=ind(ir)
+      q=a(indx)
+      ind(ir)=ind(1)
+      ir=ir-1
+      if (ir == 1) then
+         ind(1)=indx
+         return
+      endif
+   i=l
+   j=l+l
+  200    CONTINUE
+   IF (J <= IR) THEN
+      IF (J < IR) THEN
+         IF ( A(IND(j)) < A(IND(j+1)) ) j=j+1
+      ENDIF
+      IF (q < A(IND(j))) THEN
+         IND(I)=IND(J)
+         I=J
+         J=J+J
+      ELSE
+         J=IR+1
+      ENDIF
+   GOTO 200
+  GOTO 100
+  end subroutine rank
+  subroutine swap(a,w,ind,n)
+! Use IND to sort array A (p 233 Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision A(N),W(N)
+  integer IND(N)
+  integer j
+  do J=1,N
+   W(j)=A(j)
+  enddo
+  do J=1,N
+   A(j)=W(ind(j))
+  enddo
+  end subroutine swap
+  subroutine iswap(a,w,ind,n)
+! Use IND to sort array A
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  integer A(N),W(N),IND(N)
+  integer j
+  do J=1,N
+   W(j)=A(j)
+  enddo
+  do J=1,N
+   A(j)=W(ind(j))
+  enddo
+  end subroutine iswap

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/createnum_slow.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/createnum_slow.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/createnum_slow.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine createnum_slow(knods,ibool,kmato,npoin)
+!    "c r e a t e n u m _ s l o w": generate the global numbering
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec),kmato(nspec)
+  integer npoin
+  integer i,j,num2,i2,j2,ipos,ipos2,iloc,jloc,kloc
+  integer ngnodloc,ngnodother,nedgeloc,nedgeother,npedge,numelem,npcorn
+  logical alreadyexist
+  integer ngnoddeb(4),ngnodfin(4)
+!----  create global numbering from mesh structure
+  print *
+  print *
+  print *,'Generating global numbering from mesh structure (slow version)...'
+  print *
+  npoin = 0
+  npedge = 0
+  npcorn = 0
+! definition des aretes par rapport aux quatre points de controle
+! --- arete 1 relie point 1 a point 2
+  ngnoddeb(1)= 1
+  ngnodfin(1)= 2
+! --- arete 2 relie point 2 a point 3
+  ngnoddeb(2)= 2
+  ngnodfin(2)= 3
+! --- arete 3 relie point 3 a point 4
+  ngnoddeb(3)= 3
+  ngnodfin(3)= 4
+! --- arete 4 relie point 4 a point 1
+  ngnoddeb(4)= 4
+  ngnodfin(4)= 1
+! initialisation du tableau de numerotation globale
+  do numelem = 1,nspec
+  do i=1,nxgll
+    do j=1,nygll
+  ibool(i,j,numelem) = 0
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  do numelem = 1,nspec
+  do i=1,nxgll
+    do j=1,nygll
+! verifier que le point n'a pas deja ete genere
+  if(ibool(i,j,numelem)  ==  0) then
+!---- point interieur a un element, donc forcement unique
+  if(i  /=  1 .and. i  /=  nxgll .and. j  /=  1 .and. j  /=  nygll) then
+    npoin = npoin + 1
+    ibool(i,j,numelem) = npoin
+!---- point au coin d'un element, rechercher les coins des autres elements
+  else if((i == 1.and.j == 1) .or. (i == 1.and.j == nygll) .or. &
+                (i == nxgll.and.j == 1) .or. (i == nxgll.and.j == nygll)) then
+! trouver numero local du coin
+  if(i == 1.and.j == 1) then
+    ngnodloc = 1
+  else if(i == nxgll.and.j == 1) then
+    ngnodloc = 2
+  else if(i == nxgll.and.j == nygll) then
+    ngnodloc = 3
+  else if(i == 1.and.j == nygll) then
+    ngnodloc = 4
+  endif
+! rechercher si existe deja, forcement dans un element precedent
+  alreadyexist = .false.
+  if(numelem  >  1) then
+  do num2=1,numelem-1
+! ne rechercher que sur les 4 premiers points de controle et non sur ngnod
+    do ngnodother=1,4
+! voir si ce coin a deja ete genere
+      if(knods(ngnodother,num2)  ==  knods(ngnodloc,numelem)) then
+        alreadyexist = .true.
+! obtenir la numerotation dans l'autre element
+          if(ngnodother  ==  1) then
+            i2 = 1
+            j2 = 1
+          else if(ngnodother  ==  2) then
+            i2 = nxgll
+            j2 = 1
+          else if(ngnodother  ==  3) then
+            i2 = nxgll
+            j2 = nygll
+          else if(ngnodother  ==  4) then
+            i2 = 1
+            j2 = nygll
+            else
+                  stop 'bad corner'
+            endif
+! affecter le meme numero
+          ibool(i,j,numelem) = ibool(i2,j2,num2)
+! sortir de la recherche
+          goto 134
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+ 134  continue
+  endif
+! si un ancien point n'a pas ete trouve, en generer un nouveau
+  if(.not. alreadyexist) then
+    npcorn = npcorn + 1
+    npoin = npoin + 1
+    ibool(i,j,numelem) = npoin
+  endif
+!---- point a l'interieur d'une arete, rechercher si autre arete correspondante
+  else
+! trouver numero local de l'arete
+  if(j == 1) then
+    nedgeloc = 1
+  else if(i == nxgll) then
+    nedgeloc = 2
+  else if(j == nygll) then
+    nedgeloc = 3
+  else if(i == 1) then
+    nedgeloc = 4
+  endif
+! rechercher si existe deja, forcement dans un element precedent
+  alreadyexist = .false.
+  if(numelem  >  1) then
+  do num2=1,numelem-1
+! rechercher sur les 4 aretes
+    do nedgeother=1,4
+!--- detecter un eventuel defaut dans la structure topologique du maillage
+  if((knods(ngnoddeb(nedgeother),num2)  ==  knods(ngnoddeb(nedgeloc),numelem)) &
+       .and. &
+    (knods(ngnodfin(nedgeother),num2)  ==  knods(ngnodfin(nedgeloc),numelem))) then
+  stop 'Improper topology of the input mesh detected'
+!--- sinon voir si cette arete a deja ete generee
+  else if((knods(ngnoddeb(nedgeother),num2) == knods(ngnodfin(nedgeloc),numelem)) &
+       .and. &
+    (knods(ngnodfin(nedgeother),num2) == knods(ngnoddeb(nedgeloc),numelem))) then
+        alreadyexist = .true.
+! obtenir la numerotation dans l'autre element
+! maillage conforme donc on doit supposer que nxgll == nygll
+! generer toute l'arete pour eviter des recherches superflues
+  do kloc = 2,nxgll-1
+! calculer l'abscisse le long de l'arete de depart
+          if(nedgeloc  ==  1) then
+            iloc = kloc
+            jloc = 1
+            ipos = iloc
+          else if(nedgeloc  ==  2) then
+            iloc = nxgll
+            jloc = kloc
+            ipos = jloc
+          else if(nedgeloc  ==  3) then
+            iloc = kloc
+            jloc = nygll
+            ipos = nxgll - iloc + 1
+          else if(nedgeloc  ==  4) then
+            iloc = 1
+            jloc = kloc
+            ipos = nygll - jloc + 1
+            else
+                  stop 'bad nedgeloc'
+            endif
+! calculer l'abscisse le long de l'arete d'arrivee
+! topologie du maillage coherente, donc sens de parcours des aretes opposes
+        ipos2 = nxgll - ipos + 1
+! calculer les coordonnees reelles dans l'element d'arrivee
+          if(nedgeother  ==  1) then
+            i2 = ipos2
+            j2 = 1
+          else if(nedgeother  ==  2) then
+            i2 = nxgll
+            j2 = ipos2
+          else if(nedgeother  ==  3) then
+            i2 = nxgll - ipos2 + 1
+            j2 = nygll
+          else if(nedgeother  ==  4) then
+            i2 = 1
+            j2 = nygll - ipos2 + 1
+            else
+                  stop 'bad nedgeother'
+            endif
+! verifier que le point de depart n'existe pas deja
+      if(ibool(iloc,jloc,numelem)  /=  0) stop 'point genere deux fois'
+! verifier que le point d'arrivee existe bien deja
+      if(ibool(i2,j2,num2)  ==  0) stop 'point inconnu dans le maillage'
+! affecter le meme numero
+      ibool(iloc,jloc,numelem) = ibool(i2,j2,num2)
+  enddo
+! sortir de la recherche
+          goto 135
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+ 135  continue
+  endif
+! si un ancien point n'a pas ete trouve, en generer un nouveau
+  if(.not. alreadyexist) then
+    npedge = npedge + 1
+    npoin = npoin + 1
+    ibool(i,j,numelem) = npoin
+  endif
+  endif
+  endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! verification de la coherence de la numerotation generee
+  if(minval(ibool) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool) /= npoin) &
+          stop 'Error while generating global numbering'
+  print *,'Total number of points of the global mesh: ',npoin
+  print *
+  print *,'divided up as follows:'
+  print *
+  print *,'Number of interior points: ',npoin-npedge-npcorn
+  print *,'Number of edge points (without corners): ',npedge
+  print *,'Number of corner points: ',npcorn
+  print *
+  return
+  end subroutine createnum_slow

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/datim.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/datim.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/datim.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine datim (string1,string2,iout)
+!     D a t i m : Get date and time using f90 portable routines
+!     ---------
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*) string1
+  character(len=50) string2
+  character(len=8) datein
+  character(len=10)  timein
+  character(len=16) dateprint
+  character(len=8)  timeprint
+  integer iout
+  datein = ''
+  timein = ''
+  call date_and_time(datein,timein)
+  dateprint = datein(7:8)//' - '//datein(5:6)//' - '//datein(1:4)
+  timeprint = timein(1:2)//':'//timein(3:4)//':'//timein(5:6)
+   write(iout,100) string1
+   write(iout,101) string2
+   write(iout,102) dateprint,timeprint
+  return
+!---- formats
+  100   format(//1x,79('-')/1x,79('-')/1x,a)
+  101   format(1x,79('-')/1x,79('-')/1x,a50)
+  102   format(1x,79('-')/,1x,79('-')/' D a t e : ',a16, &
+         30x,' T i m e  : ',a8/1x,79('-'),/1x,79('-'))
+  end subroutine datim

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/defarrays.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/defarrays.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/defarrays.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine defarrays(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef, &
+                      xi,yi,wx,wy,hprime,hTprime, &
+                      a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13x,a13z, &
+                      ibool,iboolori,kmato,dvolu,xjaci,coord,gltfu, &
+                      numabs,codeabs,anyabs,anyperio)
+!     "d e f a r r a y s" : Define arrays a1 to a13 for the spectral
+!                           elements solver
+  use loadft
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  use constspec
+  use vparams
+  use verifs
+  use energie
+  use codebord
+  implicit none
+  integer kmato(nspec),ibool(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec)
+  integer iboolori(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec)
+  double precision density(numat),elastcoef(4,numat), &
+              xi(0:nxgll-1),yi(0:nygll-1),wx(0:nxgll-1),wy(0:nxgll-1), &
+              dvolu(nspec,0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1), &
+              xjaci(nspec,ndime,ndime,0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1), &
+              hprime(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1), hTprime(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1)
+  double precision coord(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision a1(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec), &
+     a2(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec), &
+     a3(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec),a4(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec), &
+     a5(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec),a6(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec), &
+     a7(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec),a8(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec), &
+     a9(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec),a10(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec)
+  double precision a13x(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nelemabs), &
+     a13z(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nelemabs)
+  double precision a11(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nltfl), &
+     a12(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nltfl)
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  double precision vpext(npoin)
+  double precision vsext(npoin)
+  double precision rhoext(npoin)
+  integer numabs(nelemabs),codeabs(4,nelemabs)
+  double precision, external :: hdgll
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0
+  integer i,j,k
+  integer numelem,material
+  integer ipointnum,n
+  integer isourx,isourz,ielems,ir,is,ip,noffsetelem
+  double precision vsmin,vsmax,densmin,densmax
+  double precision rKmod,rlamda,rmu,xix,xiz,etax,etaz,denst,rjacob
+  double precision rKvol,cploc,csloc,xxi,zeta,rwx,x0,z0
+  double precision c11,c13,c33,c44
+  double precision x1,z1,x2,z2,rdist1,rdist2,rapportmin,rapportmax
+  double precision rlambmin,rlambmax,coefintegr
+  double precision flagxprime,flagzprime,sig0
+  logical anyabs,anyperio,anisotrope
+!---- compute parameters a1 to a13 for the spectral elements
+  a11 = zero
+  a12 = zero
+  a13x = zero
+  a13z = zero
+  vpmin = 1.d30
+  vsmin = 1.d30
+  vpmax = -1.d30
+  vsmax = -1.d30
+  densmin = 1.d30
+  densmax = -1.d30
+  rsizemin = 1.d30
+  rsizemax = -1.d30
+  cpoverdxmin = 1.d30
+  cpoverdxmax = -1.d30
+  rlamdaPmin = 1.d30
+  rlamdaSmin = 1.d30
+  rlamdaPmax = -1.d30
+  rlamdaSmax = -1.d30
+  do numelem=1,nspec
+ material = kmato(numelem)
+ rlamda = elastcoef(1,material)
+ rmu    = elastcoef(2,material)
+ rKmod  = elastcoef(3,material)
+ denst  = density(material)
+ rKvol  = rlamda + 2.d0*rmu/3.d0
+ cploc = dsqrt((rKvol + 4.d0*rmu/3.d0)/denst)
+ csloc = dsqrt(rmu/denst)
+! determiner si le materiau est anisotrope ou non
+  if(elastcoef(4,material)  >  0.00001d0) then
+    anisotrope = .true.
+    c11 = elastcoef(1,material)
+    c13 = elastcoef(2,material)
+    c33 = elastcoef(3,material)
+    c44 = elastcoef(4,material)
+  else
+    anisotrope = .false.
+  endif
+  do i=0,nxgll-1
+    do j=0,nygll-1
+  xix = xjaci(numelem,1,1,i,j)
+  xiz = xjaci(numelem,1,2,i,j)
+  etax = xjaci(numelem,2,1,i,j)
+  etaz = xjaci(numelem,2,2,i,j)
+  rjacob = dvolu(numelem,i,j)
+  xxi = etaz * rjacob
+  zeta = xix * rjacob
+  rwx = - wx(i)*wy(j)
+!--- si formulation heterogene pour un modele de vitesse externe
+  if(ireadmodel) then
+    ipointnum = ibool(i,j,numelem)
+    cploc = vpext(ipointnum)
+    csloc = vsext(ipointnum)
+    denst = rhoext(ipointnum)
+    rmu   = denst*csloc*csloc
+    rlamda  = denst*cploc*cploc - 2.d0*rmu
+    rKmod  = rlamda + 2.d0*rmu
+  endif
+!--- si materiau transverse isotrope, donner une idee des proprietes
+  if (anisotrope) then
+    cploc = sqrt(c11/denst)
+    csloc = sqrt(c44/denst)
+  endif
+!--- calculer min et max du modele de vitesse et densite
+  vpmin = dmin1(vpmin,cploc)
+  vpmax = dmax1(vpmax,cploc)
+  vsmin = dmin1(vsmin,csloc)
+  vsmax = dmax1(vsmax,csloc)
+  densmin = dmin1(densmin,denst)
+  densmax = dmax1(densmax,denst)
+!--- stocker parametres pour verifs diverses
+  if(i /= nxgll-1 .and. j /= nygll-1) then
+  if(anyperio) then
+    x0 = coord(1,iboolori(i,j,numelem))
+    z0 = coord(2,iboolori(i,j,numelem))
+    x1 = coord(1,iboolori(i+1,j,numelem))
+    z1 = coord(2,iboolori(i+1,j,numelem))
+    x2 = coord(1,iboolori(i,j+1,numelem))
+    z2 = coord(2,iboolori(i,j+1,numelem))
+  else
+    x0 = coord(1,ibool(i,j,numelem))
+    z0 = coord(2,ibool(i,j,numelem))
+    x1 = coord(1,ibool(i+1,j,numelem))
+    z1 = coord(2,ibool(i+1,j,numelem))
+    x2 = coord(1,ibool(i,j+1,numelem))
+    z2 = coord(2,ibool(i,j+1,numelem))
+  endif
+    rdist1 = dsqrt((x1-x0)**2 + (z1-z0)**2)
+    rdist2 = dsqrt((x2-x0)**2 + (z2-z0)**2)
+    rsizemin = dmin1(rsizemin,rdist1)
+    rsizemin = dmin1(rsizemin,rdist2)
+    rsizemax = dmax1(rsizemax,rdist1)
+    rsizemax = dmax1(rsizemax,rdist2)
+    rapportmin = cploc / dmax1(rdist1,rdist2)
+    rapportmax = cploc / dmin1(rdist1,rdist2)
+    cpoverdxmin = dmin1(cpoverdxmin,rapportmin)
+    cpoverdxmax = dmax1(cpoverdxmax,rapportmax)
+  if(anyperio) then
+    x0 = coord(1,iboolori(0,0,numelem))
+    z0 = coord(2,iboolori(0,0,numelem))
+    x1 = coord(1,iboolori(nxgll-1,0,numelem))
+    z1 = coord(2,iboolori(nxgll-1,0,numelem))
+    x2 = coord(1,iboolori(0,nygll-1,numelem))
+    z2 = coord(2,iboolori(0,nygll-1,numelem))
+  else
+    x0 = coord(1,ibool(0,0,numelem))
+    z0 = coord(2,ibool(0,0,numelem))
+    x1 = coord(1,ibool(nxgll-1,0,numelem))
+    z1 = coord(2,ibool(nxgll-1,0,numelem))
+    x2 = coord(1,ibool(0,nygll-1,numelem))
+    z2 = coord(2,ibool(0,nygll-1,numelem))
+  endif
+    rdist1 = dsqrt((x1-x0)**2 + (z1-z0)**2)
+    rdist2 = dsqrt((x2-x0)**2 + (z2-z0)**2)
+    rlambmin = cploc/dmax1(rdist1,rdist2)
+    rlambmax = cploc/dmin1(rdist1,rdist2)
+    rlamdaPmin = dmin1(rlamdaPmin,rlambmin)
+    rlamdaPmax = dmax1(rlamdaPmax,rlambmax)
+    rlambmin = csloc/dmax1(rdist1,rdist2)
+    rlambmax = csloc/dmin1(rdist1,rdist2)
+    rlamdaSmin = dmin1(rlamdaSmin,rlambmin)
+    rlamdaSmax = dmax1(rlamdaSmax,rlambmax)
+  endif
+!--- definir tableaux
+  if(.not. anisotrope) then
+    a1(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rKmod*xix*xix + rmu*xiz*xiz)*rjacob
+    a2(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rKmod*etax*xix + rmu*etaz*xiz)*rjacob
+    a3(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rlamda+rmu)*xiz*xix*rjacob
+    a4(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rlamda*etaz*xix + rmu*etax*xiz)*rjacob
+    a5(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rKmod*etaz*etaz + rmu*etax*etax)*rjacob
+    a6(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rKmod*etax*etax + rmu*etaz*etaz)*rjacob
+    a7(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rlamda*etax*xiz + rmu*etaz*xix)*rjacob
+    a8(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rlamda+rmu)*etax*etaz*rjacob
+    a9(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rKmod*xiz*xiz + rmu*xix*xix)*rjacob
+    a10(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(rKmod*etaz*xiz + rmu*etax*xix)*rjacob
+  else
+    a3(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c13+c44)*xiz*xix*rjacob
+    a4(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c13*etaz*xix + c44*etax*xiz)*rjacob
+    a7(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c13*etax*xiz + c44*etaz*xix)*rjacob
+    a8(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c13+c44)*etax*etaz*rjacob
+    a1(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c11*xix*xix + c44*xiz*xiz)*rjacob
+    a2(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c11*etax*xix + c44*etaz*xiz)*rjacob
+    a6(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c11*etax*etax + c44*etaz*etaz)*rjacob
+    a5(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c33*etaz*etaz + c44*etax*etax)*rjacob
+    a9(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c33*xiz*xiz + c44*xix*xix)*rjacob
+    a10(i,j,numelem) = rwx*(c33*etaz*xiz + c44*etax*xix)*rjacob
+  endif
+!--- valeurs pour solution analytique (recuperer deux points de topo)
+  noffsetelem = 20
+  if(numelem  ==  nspec-noffsetelem.and.i  ==  0.and.j  ==  nygll-1) then
+    cp1 = cploc
+    cs1 = csloc
+    rho1 = denst
+  if(anyperio) then
+    xt1 = coord(1,iboolori(i,j,numelem))
+    zt1 = coord(2,iboolori(i,j,numelem))
+  else
+    xt1 = coord(1,ibool(i,j,numelem))
+    zt1 = coord(2,ibool(i,j,numelem))
+  endif
+  else if(numelem  ==  nspec.and.i  ==  nxgll-1.and. j  ==  nygll-1) then
+ if(anyperio) then
+    xt2 = coord(1,iboolori(i,j,numelem))
+    zt2 = coord(2,iboolori(i,j,numelem))
+  else
+    xt2 = coord(1,ibool(i,j,numelem))
+    zt2 = coord(2,ibool(i,j,numelem))
+  endif
+  else if(numelem  ==  1) then
+    cp2 = cploc
+    cs2 = csloc
+    rho2 = denst
+  endif
+    enddo
+ enddo
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *,'********'
+  print *,'Modele : vitesse P min,max = ',vpmin,vpmax
+  print *,'Modele : vitesse S min,max = ',vsmin,vsmax
+  print *,'Modele : densite min,max = ',densmin,densmax
+  print *,'********'
+  print *
+!--- definition coefficients pour bords absorbants
+  if(anyabs) then
+  do numelem=1,nelemabs
+ material = kmato(numabs(numelem))
+ rlamda = elastcoef(1,material)
+ rmu    = elastcoef(2,material)
+ rKmod  = elastcoef(3,material)
+ denst  = density(material)
+ rKvol  = rlamda + 2.d0*rmu/3.d0
+ cploc = dsqrt((rKvol + 4.d0*rmu/3.d0)/denst)
+ csloc = dsqrt(rmu/denst)
+  do i=0,nxgll-1
+    do j=0,nygll-1
+!--- si formulation heterogene pour un modele de vitesse externe
+  if(ireadmodel) then
+     ipointnum = ibool(i,j,numabs(numelem))
+     cploc = vpext(ipointnum)
+     csloc = vsext(ipointnum)
+     denst = rhoext(ipointnum)
+     rmu   = denst*csloc*csloc
+     rlamda  = denst*cploc*cploc - 2.d0*rmu
+     rKmod  = rlamda + 2.d0*rmu
+  endif
+  xix = xjaci(numabs(numelem),1,1,i,j)
+  xiz = xjaci(numabs(numelem),1,2,i,j)
+  etax = xjaci(numabs(numelem),2,1,i,j)
+  etaz = xjaci(numabs(numelem),2,2,i,j)
+  rjacob = dvolu(numabs(numelem),i,j)
+  xxi = etaz * rjacob
+  zeta = xix * rjacob
+  rwx = - wx(i)*wy(j)
+!---- sommer les contributions dans les coins pour l'ancienne formulation
+!---- ne pas sommer les contributions dans les coins pour la nouvelle
+! bord absorbant du bas
+  if(codeabs(ibas,numelem) /= 0 .and. j == 0) then
+    coefintegr = wx(i)*xxi
+    a13x(i,j,numelem) = denst*csloc*coefintegr
+    a13z(i,j,numelem) = denst*cploc*coefintegr
+  endif
+! bord absorbant du haut (signe moins)
+  if(codeabs(ihaut,numelem) /= 0 .and. j == nygll-1) then
+    coefintegr = wx(i)*xxi
+    a13x(i,j,numelem) = denst*csloc*coefintegr
+    a13z(i,j,numelem) = denst*cploc*coefintegr
+  endif
+! bord absorbant de gauche
+  if(codeabs(igauche,numelem) /= 0 .and. i == 0) then
+    coefintegr = wy(j)*zeta
+    a13x(i,j,numelem) = denst*cploc*coefintegr
+    a13z(i,j,numelem) = denst*csloc*coefintegr
+  endif
+! bord absorbant de droite
+  if(codeabs(idroite,numelem) /= 0 .and. i == nxgll-1) then
+    coefintegr = wy(j)*zeta
+    a13x(i,j,numelem) = denst*cploc*coefintegr
+    a13z(i,j,numelem) = denst*csloc*coefintegr
+  endif
+    enddo
+ enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+! pour source explosive
+  do n=1,nltfl
+! seulement si source explosive
+  if(nint(gltfu(2,n)) == 2) then
+  isourx = nint(gltfu(10,n))
+  isourz = nint(gltfu(11,n))
+  ielems = nint(gltfu(12,n))
+  if(isourx == 0.or.isourx == nxgll-1.or.isourz == 0 .or.isourz == nxgll-1) &
+        stop 'Explosive source on element edge'
+!---- definir a11 et a12 - dirac (schema en croix)
+  xix = xjaci(ielems,1,1,isourx,isourz)
+  xiz = xjaci(ielems,1,2,isourx,isourz)
+  etax = xjaci(ielems,2,1,isourx,isourz)
+  etaz = xjaci(ielems,2,2,isourx,isourz)
+  sig0 = one
+  do ir=0,nxgll-1
+    flagxprime = hdgll(ir,isourx,xi,nxgll)
+    a11(ir,isourz,n) = a11(ir,isourz,n) + sig0*xix*flagxprime
+    a12(ir,isourz,n) = a12(ir,isourz,n) + sig0*xiz*flagxprime
+  enddo
+  do is=0,nygll-1
+    flagzprime = hdgll(is,isourz,yi,nygll)
+    a11(isourx,is,n) = a11(isourx,is,n) + sig0*etax*flagzprime
+    a12(isourx,is,n) = a12(isourx,is,n) + sig0*etaz*flagzprime
+  enddo
+  endif
+  enddo
+!---- compute hprime coefficients (derivatives of Lagrange polynomials)
+!---- (works only if nxgll = nygll)
+  do ip=0,nxgll-1
+    do i=0,nxgll-1
+      hprime(ip,i) = hdgll(ip,i,xi,nxgll)
+      hTprime(i,ip) = hprime(ip,i)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  return
+  end subroutine defarrays

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/dirac.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/dirac.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/dirac.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision function dirac(t,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+! calcul du terme temporel de la source pour un Dirac
+  use timeparams
+  implicit none
+  integer nltfl,n
+  double precision t
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+! "largeur" du dirac (fonction triangle) en nb de pas de temps
+  integer, parameter :: ilength=4
+  double precision t0,factor
+! parametres pour la source
+  t0 = gltfu(6,n)
+  factor = gltfu(7,n)
+! Dirac
+  if(dabs(t-t0) <= deltat*dble(ilength)/2.d0) then
+    if(t <= t0) then
+  dirac = - 2.d0*factor*t/(dble(ilength)*deltat) &
+    + factor*(2.d0*t0/(dble(ilength)*deltat) - 1.d0)
+    else
+  dirac = - 2.d0*factor*t/(dble(-ilength)*deltat) &
+    + factor*(2.d0*t0/(dble(-ilength)*deltat) - 1.d0)
+    endif
+  else
+  dirac = 0.d0
+  endif
+  return
+  end function dirac

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/dircty.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/dircty.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/dircty.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine dircty
+!     Dynamic storage allocation :
+!     --------------------------
+!     Print a directory listing of all dynamically allocated arrays
+!       and their properties
+  use iounit
+  use arraydir
+  implicit none
+  integer itotsize,iarray
+  character(len=7) label(3)
+  integer isizevars(3)
+! ici codage en dur des tailles des variables en octets
+  isizevars(1) = 4  ! integer
+  isizevars(2) = 4  ! single precision
+  isizevars(3) = 8  ! double precision
+  label(1) = 'Integer'
+  label(2) = 'Real   '
+  label(3) = 'Double '
+! compute total size in bytes
+  itotsize = 0
+  do iarray = 1,nbarrays
+    itotsize = itotsize + arraysizes(iarray)*isizevars(arraytypes(iarray))
+  enddo
+  write(iout,100) nbarrays,dble(itotsize)/dble(1024*1024),itotsize, &
+                      itotsize/isizevars(3)
+  do iarray = 1,nbarrays
+    write(iout,110) iarray,arraysizes(iarray),arraynames(iarray), &
+        label(arraytypes(iarray))
+  enddo
+  100   format(//1x,41('=')/ &
+  ' =  D i r e c t o r y     l i s t i n g  ='/1x,41('=')// &
+  ' Total number of allocated arrays. . . . . . . . . .',i11/ &
+  ' Total size of arrays in megabytes . . . . . . . . .',f11.3/ &
+  ' Total size of arrays in bytes . . . . . . . . . . .',i11/ &
+  ' Total size of arrays in double precision words. . .',i11/// &
+  '  Array nb    Size         Name        Type'/1x,47('=')/)
+  110   format(i6,3x,i10,5x,a12,2x,a7)
+  return
+  end subroutine dircty

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/endw1.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/endw1.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/endw1.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision function endw1 (n,alpha,beta)
+!     E n d w 1 :
+!     ---------
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0, &
+        three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  f3 = zero
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw1 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw1 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (-two*(beta+two)*fint1 + (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw1 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   = -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw1  = f3
+  return
+  end function endw1

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/endw2.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/endw2.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/endw2.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision function endw2 (n,alpha,beta)
+!     E n d w 2 :
+!     ---------
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0, &
+      three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  f3 = zero
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw2 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw2 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (two*(alpha+two)*fint1 - (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw2 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   =  -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw2  = f3
+  return
+  end function endw2

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/ezfftf.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/ezfftf.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/ezfftf.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+! Routine de FFT de Netlib, portee en Fortran 90
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       R(*)       ,A(1)       ,B(1)       ,WSAVE(1)
+      IF (N-2  < 0) GOTO 101
+      IF (N-2 == 0) GOTO 102
+      IF (N-2  > 0) GOTO 103
+  101 AZERO = R(1)
+      RETURN
+  102 AZERO = .5*(R(1)+R(2))
+      A(1) = .5*(R(1)-R(2))
+      RETURN
+  103 DO 104 I=1,N
+         WSAVE(I) = R(I)
+      CF = 2./FLOAT(N)
+      CFM = -CF
+      AZERO = .5*CF*WSAVE(1)
+      NS2 = (N+1)/2
+      NS2M = NS2-1
+      DO 105 I=1,NS2M
+         A(I) = CF*WSAVE(2*I)
+         B(I) = CFM*WSAVE(2*I+1)
+      IF (MOD(N,2) == 1) RETURN
+      A(NS2) = .5*CF*WSAVE(N)
+      B(NS2) = 0.
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       CH(IDO,2,L1)           ,CC(IDO,L1,2)  ,  WA1(1)
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CC(1,K,2)
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)-CC(1,K,2)
+      IF (IDO-2  < 0) GOTO 107
+      IF (IDO-2 == 0) GOTO 105
+      IF (IDO-2  > 0) GOTO 102
+  102 IDP2 = IDO+2
+      DO 104 K=1,L1
+         DO 103 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            TR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            TI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+TI2
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI2-CC(I,K,1)
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR2
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)-TR2
+  103    CONTINUE
+      IF (MOD(IDO,2) == 1) RETURN
+  105 DO 106 K=1,L1
+         CH(1,2,K) = -CC(IDO,K,2)
+         CH(IDO,1,K) = CC(IDO,K,1)
+  107 RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       CH(IDO,3,L1)           ,CC(IDO,L1,3) , WA1(1) ,WA2(1)
+      DATA TAUR,TAUI /-.5,.866025403784439/
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CR2 = CC(1,K,2)+CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CR2
+         CH(1,3,K) = TAUI*(CC(1,K,3)-CC(1,K,2))
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2
+      IF (IDO == 1) RETURN
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      DO 103 K=1,L1
+         DO 102 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            CR2 = DR2+DR3
+            CI2 = DI2+DI3
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TAUR*CI2
+            TR3 = TAUI*(DI2-DI3)
+            TI3 = TAUI*(DR3-DR2)
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR3
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR3
+            CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI3
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI3-TI2
+  102    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       CC(IDO,L1,4) ,CH(IDO,4,L1) , WA1(1) ,WA2(1) ,WA3(1)
+      DATA HSQT2 /.7071067811865475/
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         TR1 = CC(1,K,2)+CC(1,K,4)
+         TR2 = CC(1,K,1)+CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,1,K) = TR1+TR2
+         CH(IDO,4,K) = TR2-TR1
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)-CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,3,K) = CC(1,K,4)-CC(1,K,2)
+      IF (IDO-2  < 0) GOTO 107
+      IF (IDO-2 == 0) GOTO 105
+      IF (IDO-2  > 0) GOTO 102
+  102 IDP2 = IDO+2
+      DO 104 K=1,L1
+         DO 103 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            CR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            CI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            CR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            CI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            CR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4)
+            CI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4)
+            TR1 = CR2+CR4
+            TR4 = CR4-CR2
+            TI1 = CI2+CI4
+            TI4 = CI2-CI4
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+CI3
+            TI3 = CC(I,K,1)-CI3
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR3
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)-CR3
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = TR1+TR2
+            CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR2-TR1
+            CH(I,1,K) = TI1+TI2
+            CH(IC,4,K) = TI1-TI2
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TI4+TR3
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR3-TI4
+            CH(I,3,K) = TR4+TI3
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TR4-TI3
+  103    CONTINUE
+      IF (MOD(IDO,2) == 1) RETURN
+      DO 106 K=1,L1
+         TI1 = -HSQT2*(CC(IDO,K,2)+CC(IDO,K,4))
+         TR1 = HSQT2*(CC(IDO,K,2)-CC(IDO,K,4))
+         CH(IDO,1,K) = TR1+CC(IDO,K,1)
+         CH(IDO,3,K) = CC(IDO,K,1)-TR1
+         CH(1,2,K) = TI1-CC(IDO,K,3)
+         CH(1,4,K) = TI1+CC(IDO,K,3)
+  107 RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION  CC(IDO,L1,5) ,CH(IDO,5,L1) , WA1(1) ,WA2(1) ,WA3(1) ,WA4(1)
+      DATA TR11,TI11,TR12,TI12 /.309016994374947,.951056516295154, &
+      -.809016994374947,.587785252292473/
+      DO 101 K=1,L1
+         CR2 = CC(1,K,5)+CC(1,K,2)
+         CI5 = CC(1,K,5)-CC(1,K,2)
+         CR3 = CC(1,K,4)+CC(1,K,3)
+         CI4 = CC(1,K,4)-CC(1,K,3)
+         CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CR2+CR3
+         CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3
+         CH(1,3,K) = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4
+         CH(IDO,4,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3
+         CH(1,5,K) = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4
+      IF (IDO == 1) RETURN
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      DO 103 K=1,L1
+         DO 102 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2)
+            DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2)
+            DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3)
+            DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3)
+            DR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4)
+            DI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4)
+            DR5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,5)+WA4(I-1)*CC(I,K,5)
+            DI5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I,K,5)-WA4(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,5)
+            CR2 = DR2+DR5
+            CI5 = DR5-DR2
+            CR5 = DI2-DI5
+            CI2 = DI2+DI5
+            CR3 = DR3+DR4
+            CI4 = DR4-DR3
+            CR4 = DI3-DI4
+            CI3 = DI3+DI4
+            CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2+CR3
+            CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2+CI3
+            TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3
+            TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TR11*CI2+TR12*CI3
+            TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3
+            TI3 = CC(I,K,1)+TR12*CI2+TR11*CI3
+            TR5 = TI11*CR5+TI12*CR4
+            TI5 = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4
+            TR4 = TI12*CR5-TI11*CR4
+            TI4 = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4
+            CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR5
+            CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR5
+            CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI5
+            CH(IC,2,K) = TI5-TI2
+            CH(I-1,5,K) = TR3+TR4
+            CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR3-TR4
+            CH(I,5,K) = TI3+TI4
+            CH(IC,4,K) = TI4-TI3
+  102    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       CH(IDO,L1,IP)          ,CC(IDO,IP,L1) , &
+                      C1(IDO,L1,IP)          ,C2(IDL1,IP), &
+                      CH2(IDL1,IP)           ,WA(1)
+      DATA TPI/6.28318530717959/
+      ARG = TPI/FLOAT(IP)
+      DCP = COS(ARG)
+      DSP = SIN(ARG)
+      IPPH = (IP+1)/2
+      IPP2 = IP+2
+      IDP2 = IDO+2
+      NBD = (IDO-1)/2
+      IF (IDO == 1) GO TO 119
+      DO 101 IK=1,IDL1
+         CH2(IK,1) = C2(IK,1)
+      DO 103 J=2,IP
+         DO 102 K=1,L1
+            CH(1,K,J) = C1(1,K,J)
+  102    CONTINUE
+      IF (NBD > L1) GO TO 107
+      IS = -IDO
+      DO 106 J=2,IP
+         IS = IS+IDO
+         IDIJ = IS
+         DO 105 I=3,IDO,2
+            IDIJ = IDIJ+2
+            DO 104 K=1,L1
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I-1,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*C1(I,K,J)
+               CH(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*C1(I-1,K,J)
+  104       CONTINUE
+  105    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 111
+  107 IS = -IDO
+      DO 110 J=2,IP
+         IS = IS+IDO
+         DO 109 K=1,L1
+            IDIJ = IS
+            DO 108 I=3,IDO,2
+               IDIJ = IDIJ+2
+               CH(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I-1,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*C1(I,K,J)
+               CH(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*C1(I-1,K,J)
+  108       CONTINUE
+  109    CONTINUE
+  111 IF (NBD < L1) GO TO 115
+      DO 114 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 113 K=1,L1
+            DO 112 I=3,IDO,2
+               C1(I-1,K,J) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               C1(I-1,K,JC) = CH(I,K,J)-CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,J) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,JC) = CH(I-1,K,JC)-CH(I-1,K,J)
+  112       CONTINUE
+  113    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 121
+  115 DO 118 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 117 I=3,IDO,2
+            DO 116 K=1,L1
+               C1(I-1,K,J) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               C1(I-1,K,JC) = CH(I,K,J)-CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,J) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               C1(I,K,JC) = CH(I-1,K,JC)-CH(I-1,K,J)
+  116       CONTINUE
+  117    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 121
+  119 DO 120 IK=1,IDL1
+         C2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)
+  121 DO 123 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         DO 122 K=1,L1
+            C1(1,K,J) = CH(1,K,J)+CH(1,K,JC)
+            C1(1,K,JC) = CH(1,K,JC)-CH(1,K,J)
+  122    CONTINUE
+      AR1 = 1.
+      AI1 = 0.
+      DO 127 L=2,IPPH
+         LC = IPP2-L
+         AR1H = DCP*AR1-DSP*AI1
+         AI1 = DCP*AI1+DSP*AR1
+         AR1 = AR1H
+         DO 124 IK=1,IDL1
+            CH2(IK,L) = C2(IK,1)+AR1*C2(IK,2)
+            CH2(IK,LC) = AI1*C2(IK,IP)
+  124    CONTINUE
+         DC2 = AR1
+         DS2 = AI1
+         AR2 = AR1
+         AI2 = AI1
+         DO 126 J=3,IPPH
+            JC = IPP2-J
+            AR2H = DC2*AR2-DS2*AI2
+            AI2 = DC2*AI2+DS2*AR2
+            AR2 = AR2H
+            DO 125 IK=1,IDL1
+               CH2(IK,L) = CH2(IK,L)+AR2*C2(IK,J)
+               CH2(IK,LC) = CH2(IK,LC)+AI2*C2(IK,JC)
+  125       CONTINUE
+  126    CONTINUE
+      DO 129 J=2,IPPH
+         DO 128 IK=1,IDL1
+            CH2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)+C2(IK,J)
+  128    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO < L1) GO TO 132
+      DO 131 K=1,L1
+         DO 130 I=1,IDO
+            CC(I,1,K) = CH(I,K,1)
+  130    CONTINUE
+      GO TO 135
+  132 DO 134 I=1,IDO
+         DO 133 K=1,L1
+            CC(I,1,K) = CH(I,K,1)
+  133    CONTINUE
+  135 DO 137 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 136 K=1,L1
+            CC(IDO,J2-2,K) = CH(1,K,J)
+            CC(1,J2-1,K) = CH(1,K,JC)
+  136    CONTINUE
+      IF (IDO == 1) RETURN
+      IF (NBD < L1) GO TO 141
+      DO 140 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 139 K=1,L1
+            DO 138 I=3,IDO,2
+               IC = IDP2-I
+               CC(I-1,J2-1,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(IC-1,J2-2,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)-CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(I,J2-1,K) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               CC(IC,J2-2,K) = CH(I,K,JC)-CH(I,K,J)
+  138       CONTINUE
+  139    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+  141 DO 144 J=2,IPPH
+         JC = IPP2-J
+         J2 = J+J
+         DO 143 I=3,IDO,2
+            IC = IDP2-I
+            DO 142 K=1,L1
+               CC(I-1,J2-1,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(IC-1,J2-2,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)-CH(I-1,K,JC)
+               CC(I,J2-1,K) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC)
+               CC(IC,J2-2,K) = CH(I,K,JC)-CH(I,K,J)
+  142       CONTINUE
+  143    CONTINUE
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       R(*)       ,WSAVE(1)
+      IF (N == 1) RETURN
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       CH(1)      ,C(1)       ,WA(1)      ,IFAC(*)
+      NF = IFAC(2)
+      NA = 1
+      L2 = N
+      IW = N
+      DO 111 K1=1,NF
+         KH = NF-K1
+         IP = IFAC(KH+3)
+         L1 = L2/IP
+         IDO = N/L2
+         IDL1 = IDO*L1
+         IW = IW-(IP-1)*IDO
+         NA = 1-NA
+         IF (IP /= 4) GO TO 102
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IX3 = IX2+IDO
+         IF (NA /= 0) GO TO 101
+         CALL RADF4 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3))
+         GO TO 110
+  101    CALL RADF4 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3))
+         GO TO 110
+  102    IF (IP /= 2) GO TO 104
+         IF (NA /= 0) GO TO 103
+         CALL RADF2 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW))
+         GO TO 110
+  103    CALL RADF2 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW))
+         GO TO 110
+  104    IF (IP /= 3) GO TO 106
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IF (NA /= 0) GO TO 105
+         CALL RADF3 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2))
+         GO TO 110
+  105    CALL RADF3 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2))
+         GO TO 110
+  106    IF (IP /= 5) GO TO 108
+         IX2 = IW+IDO
+         IX3 = IX2+IDO
+         IX4 = IX3+IDO
+         IF (NA /= 0) GO TO 107
+         CALL RADF5 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4))
+         GO TO 110
+  107    CALL RADF5 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4))
+         GO TO 110
+  108    IF (IDO == 1) NA = 1-NA
+         IF (NA /= 0) GO TO 109
+         NA = 1
+         GO TO 110
+         NA = 0
+  110    L2 = L1
+      IF (NA == 1) RETURN
+      DO 112 I=1,N
+         C(I) = CH(I)
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       WSAVE(1)
+      IF (N == 1) RETURN
+      CALL EZFFT1 (N,WSAVE(2*N+1),WSAVE(3*N+1))
+      RETURN
+      END
+      implicit real(a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer(i-n)
+      DIMENSION       WA(1)      ,IFAC(*)    ,NTRYH(4)
+      DATA NTRYH(1),NTRYH(2),NTRYH(3),NTRYH(4)/4,2,3,5/ ,TPI/6.28318530717959/
+      NTRY = 0
+      NL = N
+      NF = 0
+      J = 0
+  101 J = J+1
+      IF (J-4 <= 0) GOTO 102
+      IF (J-4  > 0) GOTO 103
+  102 NTRY = NTRYH(J)
+      GO TO 104
+  103 NTRY = NTRY+2
+  104 NQ = NL/NTRY
+      NR = NL-NTRY*NQ
+      IF (NR  < 0) GOTO 101
+      IF (NR == 0) GOTO 105
+      IF (NR  > 0) GOTO 101
+  105 NF = NF+1
+      IFAC(NF+2) = NTRY
+      NL = NQ
+      IF (NTRY /= 2) GO TO 107
+      IF (NF == 1) GO TO 107
+      DO 106 I=2,NF
+         IB = NF-I+2
+         IFAC(IB+2) = IFAC(IB+1)
+      IFAC(3) = 2
+  107 IF (NL /= 1) GO TO 104
+      IFAC(1) = N
+      IFAC(2) = NF
+      ARGH = TPI/FLOAT(N)
+      IS = 0
+      NFM1 = NF-1
+      L1 = 1
+      IF (NFM1 == 0) RETURN
+      DO 111 K1=1,NFM1
+         IP = IFAC(K1+2)
+         L2 = L1*IP
+         IDO = N/L2
+         IPM = IP-1
+         ARG1 = FLOAT(L1)*ARGH
+         CH1 = 1.
+         SH1 = 0.
+         DCH1 = COS(ARG1)
+         DSH1 = SIN(ARG1)
+         DO 110 J=1,IPM
+            CH1H = DCH1*CH1-DSH1*SH1
+            SH1 = DCH1*SH1+DSH1*CH1
+            CH1 = CH1H
+            I = IS+2
+            WA(I-1) = CH1
+            WA(I) = SH1
+            IF (IDO < 5) GO TO 109
+            DO 108 II=5,IDO,2
+               I = I+2
+               WA(I-1) = CH1*WA(I-3)-SH1*WA(I-2)
+               WA(I) = CH1*WA(I-2)+SH1*WA(I-3)
+  108       CONTINUE
+  109       IS = IS+IDO
+  110    CONTINUE
+         L1 = L2
+      RETURN
+      END

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/gammaf.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/gammaf.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/gammaf.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision function gammaf (x)
+!     G a m m a f :
+!     -----------
+  use defpi
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+  double precision, parameter :: half=0.5d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  gammaf = one
+  if (x == -half) gammaf = -two*dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  half) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  one ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  two ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  1.5d0) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  2.5d0) gammaf =  1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.5d0) gammaf =  2.5d0*1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.d0 ) gammaf =  2.d0
+  if (x ==  4.d0 ) gammaf = 6.d0
+  if (x ==  5.d0 ) gammaf = 24.d0
+  if (x ==  6.d0 ) gammaf = 120.d0
+  return
+  end function gammaf

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getelspec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getelspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getelspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine getelspec(knods,ibool,kmato,npoin,numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+!    "g e t e l s p e c": Read elements topology and material set for
+!           spectral elements bloc
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use spela202
+  use codebord
+  implicit none
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec),kmato(nspec)
+  integer npoin
+  integer numabs(nelemabs),codeabs(4,nelemabs)
+  integer codeperio(4,nelemperio)
+  logical anyabs,anyperio
+  integer ie,n,i,k
+  integer inum,itourne,ntourne,nperio,idummy,numabsread
+  integer codeabsread(4),codeperioread(4)
+!----  read spectral macroblocs data
+  n = 0
+  read(iin,40) datlin
+  do ie = 1,nspec
+  read(iin,*) n,kmato(n),(knods(k,n), k=1,ngnod)
+  enddo
+!----  check the input
+  if(iecho  ==  2) then
+ do ie = 1,nspec
+    if(mod(ie,50)  ==  1) write(iout,150) (i, i=1,ngnod)
+    write(iout,200) ie,kmato(ie),(knods(k,ie), k=1,ngnod)
+ enddo
+  endif
+!----  lire bords absorbants et bords periodiques
+  if(anyperio) then
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  do n=1,nelemperio
+    read(iin ,*) inum,codeperioread(1), &
+           codeperioread(2),codeperioread(3),codeperioread(4)
+    if(inum < 1 .or. inum > nelemperio) stop 'Wrong periodic element number'
+    codeperio(1,inum) = codeperioread(1)
+    codeperio(2,inum) = codeperioread(2)
+    codeperio(3,inum) = codeperioread(3)
+    codeperio(4,inum) = codeperioread(4)
+  enddo
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Number of periodic elements : ',nelemperio
+  endif
+  if(anyabs) then
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  do n=1,nelemabs
+    read(iin ,*) inum,numabsread,codeabsread(1), &
+           codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),codeabsread(4)
+    if(inum < 1 .or. inum > nelemabs) stop 'Wrong absorbing element number'
+    numabs(inum) = numabsread
+    codeabs(ihaut,inum)   = codeabsread(1)
+    codeabs(ibas,inum)    = codeabsread(2)
+    codeabs(igauche,inum) = codeabsread(3)
+    codeabs(idroite,inum) = codeabsread(4)
+!----  eventuellement tourner element counterclockwise si condition absorbante
+     if(codeabs(ibas,inum)     ==  iaretebas    .or. &
+            codeabs(ihaut,inum)    ==  iaretehaut   .or. &
+            codeabs(igauche,inum)  ==  iaretegauche .or. &
+            codeabs(idroite,inum)  ==  iaretedroite) then
+           ntourne = 0
+  else if(codeabs(ibas,inum)     ==  iaretegauche .or. &
+            codeabs(ihaut,inum)    ==  iaretedroite .or. &
+            codeabs(igauche,inum)  ==  iaretehaut   .or. &
+            codeabs(idroite,inum)  ==  iaretebas) then
+           ntourne = 3
+  else if(codeabs(ibas,inum)     ==  iaretehaut   .or. &
+            codeabs(ihaut,inum)    ==  iaretebas    .or. &
+            codeabs(igauche,inum)  ==  iaretedroite .or. &
+            codeabs(idroite,inum)  ==  iaretegauche) then
+           ntourne = 2
+  else if(codeabs(ibas,inum)     ==  iaretedroite .or. &
+            codeabs(ihaut,inum)    ==  iaretegauche .or. &
+            codeabs(igauche,inum)  ==  iaretebas    .or. &
+            codeabs(idroite,inum)  ==  iaretehaut) then
+           ntourne = 1
+  else
+     stop 'Error in absorbing conditions numbering'
+  endif
+!----  rotate element counterclockwise
+  if(ntourne  /=  0) then
+  do itourne = 1,ntourne
+      idummy = knods(1,numabs(inum))
+      knods(1,numabs(inum)) = knods(2,numabs(inum))
+      knods(2,numabs(inum)) = knods(3,numabs(inum))
+      knods(3,numabs(inum)) = knods(4,numabs(inum))
+      knods(4,numabs(inum)) = idummy
+    if(ngnod  ==  9) then
+      idummy = knods(5,numabs(inum))
+      knods(5,numabs(inum)) = knods(6,numabs(inum))
+      knods(6,numabs(inum)) = knods(7,numabs(inum))
+      knods(7,numabs(inum)) = knods(8,numabs(inum))
+      knods(8,numabs(inum)) = idummy
+    endif
+!----  tourner aussi le numero d'arete pour condition periodique si necessaire
+  if(anyperio) then
+  do nperio=1,nelemperio
+    if(codeperio(1,nperio)  ==  numabs(inum)) then
+        codeperio(2,nperio) = codeperio(2,nperio) - 1
+        if(codeperio(2,nperio)  ==  0) codeperio(2,nperio) = 4
+    endif
+    if(codeperio(3,nperio)  ==  numabs(inum)) then
+        codeperio(4,nperio) = codeperio(4,nperio) - 1
+        if(codeperio(4,nperio)  ==  0) codeperio(4,nperio) = 4
+    endif
+  enddo
+  endif
+  enddo
+  endif
+  enddo
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Number of absorbing elements : ',nelemabs
+  endif
+  return
+!---- formats
+  40  format(a80)
+  150 format(///' S p e c t r a l   m a c r o b l o c s   t o p o l o g y'/1x, &
+            55('='),//5x,'macrobloc  material',9('  node ',i1,:,2x),/5x, &
+           'number      number',//)
+  200 format(4x,i7,9(3x,i7))
+  end subroutine getelspec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getltf.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getltf.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getltf.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine getltf(gltfu,nltfl,initialfield)
+!     "g e t l t f" : Read and store source functions
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use defpi
+  implicit none
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  character(len=20) funcname(10)
+  integer nltfl
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  logical initialfield
+  integer n,isource,iexplo,k
+  funcname(1) = ' '
+  funcname(2) = ' '
+  funcname(3) = ' '
+  funcname(4) = 'Gaussian'
+  funcname(5) = 'First derivative of a Gaussian'
+  funcname(6) = 'Ricker'
+  funcname(7) = 'Dirac'
+!---- read load function parameters
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  do n = 1,nltfl
+   read(iin ,*) (gltfu(k,n), k=1,9)
+  enddo
+!-----  check the input
+ if(iecho  /=  0 .and. .not. initialfield) then
+ do n = 1,nltfl
+   if((nint(gltfu(1,n)) < 4).or.(nint(gltfu(1,n)) > 7)) &
+        stop 'Wrong function number in getltf !'
+   if(mod(n,50)  ==  1) write(iout,100) nltfl
+   isource = nint(gltfu(1,n))
+   iexplo = nint(gltfu(2,n))
+   if (iexplo == 1) then
+     write(iout,210) funcname(isource),(gltfu(k,n), k=3,8)
+   else if(iexplo == 2) then
+     write(iout,220) funcname(isource),(gltfu(k,n), k=3,7)
+   else
+     stop 'Unknown source type number !'
+   endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+!-----  convert angle from degrees to radians
+  do n = 1,nltfl
+   isource = nint(gltfu(1,n))
+   iexplo = nint(gltfu(2,n))
+   if(isource >= 4.and.isource <= 6.and.iexplo == 1) then
+        gltfu(8,n) = gltfu(8,n) * pi / 180.d0
+   endif
+  enddo
+  return
+!---- formats
+  40    format(a80)
+  100   format(//,' S o u r c e  F u n c t i o n',/1x,28('='),//5x, &
+         'Number of source functions. . . . . . . . (nltfl) =',i5)
+  210   format(//,5x, &
+  'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Collocated Force',/5x, &
+     'Function Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1x,a,/5x, &
+     'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Angle from vertical direction (deg). . =',1pe20.10,/5x)
+  220   format(//,5x, &
+     'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Explosion',/5x, &
+     'Function Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1x,a,/5x, &
+     'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+     'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x)
+  end subroutine getltf

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getrecepts.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getrecepts.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getrecepts.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine getrecepts(posrec,ndime,nrec)
+!     "getrecepts" : lecture position recepteurs
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  implicit none
+  integer ndime,nrec
+  double precision posrec(ndime,nrec)
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: posrecread
+  integer i,j,irec
+  character(len=80) datlin
+!---- read receivers position
+  irec = 0
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  allocate(posrecread(ndime))
+  do i=1,nrec
+   read(iin ,*) irec,(posrecread(j),j=1,ndime)
+   if(irec<1 .or. irec>nrec) stop 'Wrong receiver number'
+   posrec(:,irec) = posrecread
+  enddo
+  deallocate(posrecread)
+  return
+  40    format(a80)
+  end subroutine getrecepts

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getspec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/getspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine getspec(coorg,npgeo,ndime)
+!     "g e t s p e c" : Read spectral macroblocs nodal coordinates
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use label1
+  implicit none
+  integer ndime,npgeo
+  double precision coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coorgread
+  integer ip,ipoin,n,i,id
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  ipoin = 0
+  read(iin,40) datlin
+  allocate(coorgread(ndime))
+  do ip = 1,npgeo
+   read(iin,*) ipoin,(coorgread(id),id =1,ndime)
+   if(ipoin<1 .or. ipoin>npgeo) stop 'Wrong control point number'
+   coorg(:,ipoin) = coorgread
+  enddo
+  deallocate(coorgread)
+!----  check the input
+  if(iecho == 2) then
+   do n = 1,npgeo
+      if(mod(n,50)  ==  1) write(iout,100) (labelc(i),i=1,ndime)
+      write(iout,200) n, (coorg(i,n), i=1,ndime)
+   enddo
+  endif
+  return
+!---- formats
+  40    format(a80)
+  100   format(///' S p e c t r a l   c o n t r o l   p o i n t s'/1x, &
+         45('=')///,4x,' node number ',10x,2(a5,12x))
+  200   format(6x,i5,10x,3(1pe15.8,2x))
+  end subroutine getspec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/gmat01.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/gmat01.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/gmat01.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine gmat01(density,elastcoef,numat)
+!     "g m a t 0 1" : Read properties of a two-dimensional
+!                     isotropic or anisotropic linear elastic element
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,half=0.5d0,one=1.0d0,two=2.0d0
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  double precision Kmod,Kvol
+  integer numat
+  double precision density(numat),elastcoef(4,numat)
+  integer in,n,indic
+  double precision young,poiss,denst,cp,cs,amu,a2mu,alam
+  double precision val1,val2,val3,val4
+  double precision c11,c13,c33,c44
+  density(:) = zero
+  elastcoef(:,:) = zero
+!---- loop over the different material sets
+  if(iecho  /=  0) write(iout,100) numat
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  do in = 1,numat
+   read(iin ,*) n,indic,denst,val1,val2,val3,val4
+   if(n<1 .or. n>numat) stop 'Wrong material set number'
+!---- materiau isotrope, vitesse P et vitesse S donnees
+   if(indic == 0) then
+      cp = val1
+      cs = val2
+      amu   = denst*cs*cs
+      a2mu  = 2.d0*amu
+      alam  = denst*cp*cp - a2mu
+      Kmod  = alam + a2mu
+      Kvol  = alam + a2mu/3.d0
+      young = 9.d0*Kvol*amu/(3.d0*Kvol + amu)
+      poiss = half*(3.d0*Kvol-a2mu)/(3.d0*Kvol+amu)
+      if (poiss < 0.d0 .or. poiss >= 0.50001d0) &
+                 stop 'Poisson''s ratio out of range !'
+!---- materiau isotrope, module de Young et coefficient de Poisson donnes
+   else if(indic == 1) then
+      young = val1
+      poiss = val2
+      if (poiss < 0.d0 .or. poiss >= 0.50001d0) &
+                 stop 'Poisson''s ratio out of range !'
+      a2mu  = young/(one+poiss)
+      amu   = half*a2mu
+      alam  = a2mu*poiss/(one-two*poiss)
+      Kmod  = alam + a2mu
+      Kvol  = alam + a2mu/3.d0
+      cp    = dsqrt((Kvol + 4.d0*amu/3.d0)/denst)
+      cs    = dsqrt(amu/denst)
+!---- materiau anisotrope, c11, c13, c33 et c44 donnes en Pascal
+   else if(indic == 2) then
+      c11 = val1
+      c13 = val2
+      c33 = val3
+      c44 = val4
+   else
+      stop 'Improper value while reading material sets'
+   endif
+!----  set elastic coefficients and density
+!  Isotropic              :  lambda, mu, K (= lambda + 2*mu), zero
+!  Transverse anisotropic :  c11, c13, c33, c44
+  if(indic == 0 .or. indic == 1) then
+    elastcoef(1,n) = alam
+    elastcoef(2,n) = amu
+    elastcoef(3,n) = Kmod
+    elastcoef(4,n) = zero
+  else
+    elastcoef(1,n) = c11
+    elastcoef(2,n) = c13
+    elastcoef(3,n) = c33
+    elastcoef(4,n) = c44
+  endif
+  density(n) = denst
+!----    check the input
+  if(iecho  /=  0) then
+    if(indic == 0 .or. indic == 1) then
+      write(iout,200) n,cp,cs,denst,poiss,alam,amu,Kvol,young
+    else
+      write(iout,300) n,c11,c13,c33,c44,denst, &
+          sqrt(c33/denst),sqrt(c11/denst),sqrt(c44/denst),sqrt(c44/denst)
+    endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+  return
+!---- formats
+  40    format(a80)
+  100   format(//,' M a t e r i a l   s e t s :  ', &
+         ' 2 D  e l a s t i c i t y', &
+         /1x,54('='),//5x, &
+         'Number of material sets . . . . . . (numat) =',i5)
+  200   format(//5x,'------------------------',/5x, &
+         '-- Isotropic material --',/5x, &
+         '------------------------',/5x, &
+         'Material set number. . . . . . . . (jmat) =',i5,/5x, &
+         'P-wave velocity. . . . . . . . . . . (cp) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'S-wave velocity. . . . . . . . . . . (cs) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Mass density. . . . . . . . . . . (denst) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Poisson''s ratio . . . . . . . . . (poiss) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'First Lame parameter Lambda. . . . (alam) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Second Lame parameter Mu. . . . . . (amu) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Bulk modulus K . . . . . . . . . . (Kvol) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Young''s modulus E . . . . . . . . (young) =',1pe15.8)
+  300   format(//5x,'-------------------------------------',/5x, &
+         '-- Transverse anisotropic material --',/5x, &
+         '-------------------------------------',/5x, &
+         'Material set number. . . . . . . . (jmat) =',i5,/5x, &
+         'c11 coefficient (Pascal). . . . . . (c11) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'c13 coefficient (Pascal). . . . . . (c13) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'c33 coefficient (Pascal). . . . . . (c33) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'c44 coefficient (Pascal). . . . . . (c44) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Mass density. . . . . . . . . . . (denst) =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Velocity of qP along vertical axis. . . . =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Velocity of qP along horizontal axis. . . =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Velocity of qSV along vertical axis . . . =',1pe15.8,/5x, &
+         'Velocity of qSV along horizontal axis . . =',1pe15.8)
+  end subroutine gmat01

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/hdgll.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/hdgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/hdgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision FUNCTION HDGLL (I,j,ZGLL,NZ)
+!     Compute the value of the derivative of the I-th
+!     Lagrangian interpolant through the
+!     NZ Gauss-Lobatto Legendre points ZGLL at point ZGLL(j).
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nz
+  double precision zgll(0:nz-1)
+  integer idegpoly
+  double precision rlegendre1,rlegendre2,rlegendre3
+  double precision, external :: pnleg,pndleg
+    idegpoly = nz - 1
+  if ((i == 0).and.(j == 0)) then
+          hdgll = - dble(idegpoly)*(dble(idegpoly)+1.d0)/4.d0
+  else if ((i == idegpoly).and.(j == idegpoly)) then
+          hdgll = dble(idegpoly)*(dble(idegpoly)+1.d0)/4.d0
+  else if (i == j) then
+          hdgll = 0.d0
+  else
+         rlegendre1 = pnleg(zgll(j),idegpoly)
+         rlegendre2 = pndleg(zgll(j),idegpoly)
+         rlegendre3 = pnleg(zgll(i),idegpoly)
+  hdgll = rlegendre1 / (rlegendre3*(zgll(j)-zgll(i))) &
+    + (1.d0-zgll(j)*zgll(j))*rlegendre2/(dble(idegpoly)* &
+    (dble(idegpoly)+1.d0)*rlegendre3* &
+    (zgll(j)-zgll(i))*(zgll(j)-zgll(i)))
+  endif
+  return
+  end FUNCTION hdgll

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/hgll.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/hgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/hgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision FUNCTION HGLL (I,Z,ZGLL,NZ)
+!     Compute the value of the Lagrangian interpolant L through
+!     the NZ Gauss-Lobatto Legendre points ZGLL at the point Z.
+  implicit none
+  integer i,nz
+  double precision z
+  double precision ZGLL(0:nz-1)
+  integer n
+  double precision EPS,DZ,ALFAN
+  double precision, external :: PNLEG,PNDLEG
+  EPS = 1.d-5
+  DZ = Z - ZGLL(I)
+  IF (dABS(DZ)  <  EPS) THEN
+   HGLL = 1.d0
+  N = NZ - 1
+  ALFAN = dble(N)*(dble(N)+1.d0)
+  HGLL = - (1.d0-Z*Z)*PNDLEG(Z,N)/ (ALFAN*PNLEG(ZGLL(I),N)*(Z-ZGLL(I)))
+  end function hgll

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/intseq.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/intseq.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/intseq.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine intseq
+!     "i n t s e q" : Read time iteration and non linear iteration
+!                     parameters
+!     output variables :
+!     ----------------
+!               .ncycl :  number of time steps
+!               .niter :  Number of non linear or corrector iterations
+!               .deltat :  Time step increment
+!               .nftfl :  Load time function for collocated nodal forces
+!               .nftfk :  Load time function for kinematic constrains
+  use loadft
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use timeparams
+  implicit none
+  character(len=80) datlin
+!---- read first sequence parameters for dynamic analysis
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,*) ncycl,deltat,niter
+!---- read load time functions parameters
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,*) nltfl
+  if(iecho  /=  0) then
+!----    print requested output
+   write(iout,100) ncycl,deltat,ncycl*deltat,niter
+  endif
+  return
+!---- formats
+  40    format(a80)
+  100   format(//' I t e r a t i o n   i n f o s '/1x,29('='),//5x, &
+      'Number of time iterations . . . . .(ncycl) =',i8,/5x, &
+      'Time step increment . . . . . . . .(deltat) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
+      'Total simulation duration . . . . . (ttot) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
+      'Number of corrector iterations. . .(niter) =',i8)
+  end subroutine intseq

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/jacg.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/jacg.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/jacg.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine jacg (xjac,np,alpha,beta)
+!     J a c g : Compute np Gauss points, which are the zeros of the
+!               Jacobi polynomial with parameter alpha and beta.
+!     Note :
+!     ----
+!          .Alpha and Beta determines the specific type of gauss points.
+!                  .alpha = beta =  0.0  ->  Legendre points
+!                  .alpha = beta = -0.5  ->  Chebyshev points
+  implicit none
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision xjac(np)
+  integer k,j,i,jmin,jm,n
+  double precision xlast,dth,x,x1,x2,recsum,delx,xmin,swap
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  integer, parameter :: kstop = 10
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  xlast = 0.d0
+  n   = np-1
+  dth = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)/(2.d0*dble(n)+2.d0)
+  p = 0.d0
+  pd = 0.d0
+  jmin = 0
+  do 40 j=1,np
+   if (j == 1) then
+      x = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+   else
+      x1 = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+      x2 = xlast
+      x  = (x1+x2)/2.d0
+   endif
+   do 30 k=1,kstop
+      call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np,alpha,beta,x)
+      recsum = 0.d0
+      jm = j-1
+      do 29 i=1,jm
+         recsum = recsum+1.d0/(x-xjac(np-i+1))
+ 29         continue
+      delx = -p/(pd-recsum*p)
+      x    = x+delx
+      if (abs(delx) < eps) goto 31
+ 30      continue
+ 31      continue
+   xjac(np-j+1) = x
+   xlast        = x
+ 40   continue
+  do 200 i=1,np
+   xmin = 2.d0
+   do 100 j=i,np
+      if (xjac(j) < xmin) then
+         xmin = xjac(j)
+         jmin = j
+      endif
+ 100     continue
+   if (jmin /= i) then
+      swap = xjac(i)
+      xjac(i) = xjac(jmin)
+      xjac(jmin) = swap
+   endif
+ 200  continue
+  return
+  end subroutine jacg

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/jacobf.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/jacobf.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/jacobf.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine jacobf (poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,n,alp, &
+                     bet,x)
+!     J a c o b f : Compute the Jacobi polynomial and its derivative
+!     -----------   of degree n at x.
+  implicit none
+  double precision poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,alp,bet,x
+  integer n
+  double precision apb,polyl,pderl,dk,a1,a2,b3,a3,a4,polyn,pdern,psave,pdsave
+  integer k
+  apb  = alp+bet
+  poly = 1.d0
+  pder = 0.d0
+  psave = 0.d0
+  pdsave = 0.d0
+  if (n  ==  0) return
+  polyl = poly
+  pderl = pder
+  poly  = (alp-bet+(apb+2.d0)*x)/2.d0
+  pder  = (apb+2.d0)/2.d0
+  if (n  ==  1) return
+  do 20 k=2,n
+   dk = dble(k)
+   a1 = 2.d0*dk*(dk+apb)*(2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+   a2 = (2.d0*dk+apb-1.d0)*(alp**2-bet**2)
+   b3 = (2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+   a3 = b3*(b3+1.d0)*(b3+2.d0)
+   a4 = 2.d0*(dk+alp-1.d0)*(dk+bet-1.d0)*(2.d0*dk+apb)
+   polyn  = ((a2+a3*x)*poly-a4*polyl)/a1
+   pdern  = ((a2+a3*x)*pder-a4*pderl+a3*poly)/a1
+   psave  = polyl
+   pdsave = pderl
+   polyl  = poly
+   poly   = polyn
+   pderl  = pder
+   pder   = pdern
+ 20   continue
+  polym1 = polyl
+  pderm1 = pderl
+  polym2 = psave
+  pderm2 = pdsave
+  return
+  end subroutine jacobf

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/modifperio.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/modifperio.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/modifperio.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine modifperio(ibool,iboolori,codeperio)
+!    "m o d i f p e r i o": Modify the numbering to take periodic
+!                           boundary conditions into account
+  use spela202
+  use codebord
+  implicit none
+  integer ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec),iboolori(nxgll,nygll,nspec)
+  integer codeperio(4,nelemperio)
+  integer n,num2,i2,j2,ipos,ipos2,iloc,jloc,kloc
+  integer iloc1,jloc1,iloc2,jloc2
+  integer iother1,jother1,iother2,jother2,iboolother1,iboolother2
+  integer ispec,ix,iy,nedgeloc,nedgeother,numelem
+  print *
+  print *
+  print *,'Modifying global numbering for periodic boundaries...'
+  print *
+! sauvegarder ancienne numerotation pour representations graphiques
+  iboolori = ibool
+    do n=1,nelemperio
+      numelem    = codeperio(1,n)
+      nedgeloc   = codeperio(2,n)
+      num2       = codeperio(3,n)
+      nedgeother = codeperio(4,n)
+!---- point a l'interieur d'une arete, modifier dans arete correspondante
+! obtenir la numerotation dans l'autre element
+! maillage conforme donc on doit supposer que nxgll == nygll
+! modifier tout l'interieur de l'arete
+  do kloc = 2,nxgll-1
+! calculer l'abscisse le long de l'arete de depart
+          select case (nedgeloc)
+            case(1)
+              iloc = kloc
+              jloc = 1
+              ipos = iloc
+            case(2)
+              iloc = nxgll
+              jloc = kloc
+              ipos = jloc
+            case(3)
+              iloc = kloc
+              jloc = nygll
+              ipos = nxgll - iloc + 1
+            case(4)
+              iloc = 1
+              jloc = kloc
+              ipos = nygll - jloc + 1
+          end select
+! calculer l'abscisse le long de l'arete d'arrivee
+! topologie du maillage coherente, donc sens de parcours des aretes opposes
+          ipos2 = nxgll - ipos + 1
+! calculer les coordonnees reelles dans l'element d'arrivee
+          select case (nedgeother)
+            case(1)
+              i2 = ipos2
+              j2 = 1
+            case(2)
+              i2 = nxgll
+              j2 = ipos2
+            case(3)
+              i2 = nxgll - ipos2 + 1
+              j2 = nygll
+            case(4)
+              i2 = 1
+              j2 = nygll - ipos2 + 1
+          end select
+! implementer la periodicite en affectant le meme numero global
+          ibool(i2,j2,num2) = ibool(iloc,jloc,numelem)
+  enddo
+!---- cas particulier des coins, recherche sur tous les coins du maillage
+! determiner les deux coins delimitant l'arete de depart
+          select case (nedgeloc)
+            case(1)
+              iloc1 = 1
+              jloc1 = 1
+              iloc2 = nxgll
+              jloc2 = 1
+            case(2)
+              iloc1 = nxgll
+              jloc1 = 1
+              iloc2 = nxgll
+              jloc2 = nygll
+            case(3)
+              iloc1 = nxgll
+              jloc1 = nygll
+              iloc2 = 1
+              jloc2 = nygll
+            case(4)
+              iloc1 = 1
+              jloc1 = nygll
+              iloc2 = 1
+              jloc2 = 1
+          end select
+! determiner les deux coins delimitant l'arete d'arrivee
+          select case (nedgeother)
+            case(1)
+              iother1 = 1
+              jother1 = 1
+              iother2 = nxgll
+              jother2 = 1
+            case(2)
+              iother1 = nxgll
+              jother1 = 1
+              iother2 = nxgll
+              jother2 = nygll
+            case(3)
+              iother1 = nxgll
+              jother1 = nygll
+              iother2 = 1
+              jother2 = nygll
+            case(4)
+              iother1 = 1
+              jother1 = nygll
+              iother2 = 1
+              jother2 = 1
+          end select
+  iboolother1 = ibool(iother1,jother1,num2)
+  iboolother2 = ibool(iother2,jother2,num2)
+! rechercher correspondants de ces deux coins parmi autres coins du maillage
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+  if(ispec /= numelem) then
+    do ix = 1,nxgll,nxgll-1
+      do iy = 1,nygll,nygll-1
+! affecter le meme numero global en tenant compte du sens inverse des aretes
+      if(ibool(ix,iy,ispec) == iboolother2) &
+          ibool(ix,iy,ispec) = ibool(iloc1,jloc1,numelem)
+      if(ibool(ix,iy,ispec) == iboolother1) &
+          ibool(ix,iy,ispec) = ibool(iloc2,jloc2,numelem)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  return
+  end subroutine modifperio

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/modules.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/modules.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/modules.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module arraydir
+!     "arraydir" : for directory of dynamically allocated arrays
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: iinteg = 1, isngl = 2, idouble = 3
+  integer, parameter :: maxnbarrays = 250
+  integer, dimension(maxnbarrays), save :: arraysizes,arraytypes
+  character(len=12), dimension(maxnbarrays), save :: arraynames
+  integer, save :: nbarrays
+  end module arraydir
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module captio
+!     "captio" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  character(len=50), save :: stitle
+  character(len=80), save :: jtitle
+  end module captio
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module codebord
+!  "codebord" : Code bords absorbants et periodiques
+!   --------
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: ihaut   = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ibas    = 2
+  integer, parameter :: igauche = 3
+  integer, parameter :: idroite = 4
+! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
+  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
+  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
+  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
+  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
+  end module codebord
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module constspec
+!     "constspec" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  logical, save :: display,ignuplot,interpol,sismos, &
+      ivectplot,imeshvect,isymbols,simuornot, &
+      imodelvect,iboundvect,initialfield,usletter, &
+      ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs
+  integer, save :: nrec,isamp,itaff,itfirstaff, &
+      icolor,inumber,isubsamp,nrec1,nrec2,irepr,n1ana,n2ana, &
+      isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
+  double precision, save :: anglerec,anglerec2, &
+      cutvect,scalex,scalez,angle,rapport, &
+      sizex,sizez,orig_x,orig_z,rapp_page, &
+      sizemax,dispmax,factorana,factorxsu,xmin,zmin
+  double precision, parameter :: centim = 28.5d0
+  end module constspec
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module defpi
+!     "defpi" : Define the constant number pi
+!      -----
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0
+  end module defpi
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module energie
+!     "energie" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, save :: ienergy
+  logical, save :: compenergy
+  end module energie
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module infos
+!     "infos" :
+!      ------
+  implicit none
+  integer, save :: iecho,iexec
+  end module infos
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module iounit
+!     "iounit" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, save :: iin, iout
+  end module iounit
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module label1
+!     "label1" : Coordinate labels
+!      --------
+  implicit none
+  character(len=5), dimension(3), save :: labelc
+  end module label1
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module loadft
+!     "loadft" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, save :: nltfl
+  end module loadft
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module mesh01
+!     "mesh01" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, save :: npoin,ndofn,ndime,npgeo
+  end module mesh01
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module palette
+!     "palette" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: maxcolors = 128
+  double precision, dimension(maxcolors), save :: red,green,blue
+  end module palette
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module spela202
+!     "spela202" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  integer, save :: numat,ngnod,nxgll,nygll,nspec,iptsdisp,nelemabs,nelemperio
+  end module spela202
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module timeparams
+!     "timeparams" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  double precision, save :: deltat,time
+  integer, save :: ncycl,niter
+  end module timeparams
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module verifs
+!     "verifs" :
+!      ----------
+  implicit none
+  double precision, save :: rsizemin,rsizemax,cpoverdxmin,cpoverdxmax, &
+  rlamdaSmin,rlamdaSmax,rlamdaPmin,rlamdaPmax,valseuil,freqmaxrep,vpmin,vpmax
+  end module verifs
+!                  S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  3 . 0
+!                  -----------------------------------
+!               Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                        Departement de Sismologie
+!       (c) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Octobre 1997
+  module vparams
+!     "vparams" :
+!      --------
+  implicit none
+  double precision, save :: cp1,cs1,rho1,cp2,cs2,rho2,xt1,zt1,xt2,zt2
+  end module vparams

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotavs.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotavs.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotavs.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine plotavs(displ,coord,kmato,ibool,it)
+! routine sauvegarde fichier AVS
+  use constspec
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+  integer kmato(nspec)
+  integer ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec)
+  double precision displ(ndime,npoin),coord(ndime,npoin)
+  integer it
+  integer icell,i,j,ispec,iavsfile,ip
+  double precision rmaxnorm
+  character(len=40) name
+  print *,'Entering AVS file generation...'
+! file number for AVS output
+  iavsfile = 34
+!---- ouverture du fichier AVS
+  write(name,222) it
+  open(unit=iavsfile,file=name,status='unknown')
+ 222 format('avs',i5.5,'.inp')
+! nb de noeuds, de cellules, de donnees par cellule
+  write(iavsfile,180) npoin,nspec*(nxgll-1)*(nygll-1),1,0,0
+! numero et coordonnees des points du maillage (3D fictif avec coordonnee nulle)
+  do ip=1,npoin
+    write(iavsfile,200) ip,coord(1,ip),coord(2,ip)
+  enddo
+! numero et topologie des cellules
+  icell = 0
+      do ispec=1,nspec
+            do i=1,nxgll-1
+            do j=1,nxgll-1
+      icell = icell + 1
+      write(iavsfile,210) icell,kmato(ispec),ibool(i,j+1,ispec), &
+               ibool(i,j,ispec),ibool(i+1,j,ispec),ibool(i+1,j+1,ispec)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+      enddo
+! structure data vector et labels bidons
+      write(iavsfile,*) ' 1 1'
+      write(iavsfile,*) ' Label1, Label2'
+! donnees aux noeuds (norme du vecteur deplacement, normalisee a 1)
+  rmaxnorm = maxval(sqrt(displ(1,:)**2 + displ(2,:)**2))
+  do ip=1,npoin
+    write(iavsfile,205) ip,sqrt(displ(1,ip)**2 + displ(2,ip)**2)/rmaxnorm
+  enddo
+  print *,'Max norme dans output AVS = ',rmaxnorm
+  close(iavsfile)
+  print *,'End of AVS file generation...'
+180 format(i6,1x,i6,1x,i3,1x,i3,1x,i3)
+200 format(i6,1x,e12.5,' 0. ',e12.5)
+205 format(i6,1x,e12.5)
+210 format(i6,1x,i4,' quad ',i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)
+  end subroutine plotavs

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotgll.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine plotgll(knods,ibool,coorg,coord)
+!     "p l o t g l l" : Print the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre mesh
+!                       in a Gnuplot file
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  use iounit
+  implicit none
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),ibool(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision coorg(ndime,npgeo),coord(ndime,npoin)
+! coordinates of the nodes for Gnuplot file
+  integer maxnnode
+  parameter(maxnnode=9)
+  real xval(maxnnode),zval(maxnnode)
+  integer ispel,iy,ix,iglobnum,iglobnum2,ibloc,inode
+  character(len=70) name
+!---- print the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
+  write(iout,*)
+  write(iout,*) 'Generating gnuplot meshes...'
+  write(iout,*)
+! create non empty files for the case of 4-nodes elements
+  name='macros1.gnu'
+  open(unit=30,file=name,status='unknown')
+  name='macros2.gnu'
+  open(unit=31,file=name,status='unknown')
+  write(31,10)
+  name='gllmesh1.gnu'
+  open(unit=20,file=name,status='unknown')
+  name='gllmesh2.gnu'
+  open(unit=21,file=name,status='unknown')
+  write(21,10)
+  do ispel = 1,nspec
+!----    plot the lines in xi-direction
+   do iy = 1,nygll
+          do ix = 1,nxgll-1
+!----   get the global point number
+         iglobnum = ibool(ix,iy,ispel)
+!----   do the same for next point on horizontal line
+         iglobnum2 = ibool(ix+1,iy,ispel)
+  write(20,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum))
+  write(20,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum2)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum2))
+  write(20,10)
+  if ((iy == 1).or.(iy == nygll)) then
+  write(21,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum))
+  write(21,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum2)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum2))
+  write(21,10)
+  endif
+          enddo
+  enddo
+!----    plot the lines in eta-direction
+   do ix = 1,nxgll
+          do iy = 1,nygll-1
+!----   get the global point number
+         iglobnum = ibool(ix,iy,ispel)
+!----   do the same for next point on vertical line
+         iglobnum2 = ibool(ix,iy+1,ispel)
+  write(20,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum))
+  write(20,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum2)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum2))
+  write(20,10)
+  if ((ix == 1).or.(ix == nxgll)) then
+  write(21,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum))
+  write(21,15) sngl(coord(1,iglobnum2)),sngl(coord(2,iglobnum2))
+  write(21,10)
+  endif
+          enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+!----  Plot the macroblocs mesh using Gnuplot
+  do ibloc = 1,nspec
+  do inode = 1,ngnod
+   xval(inode) =  sngl(coorg(1,knods(inode,ibloc)))
+   zval(inode) =  sngl(coorg(2,knods(inode,ibloc)))
+  enddo
+  if(ngnod  ==  4) then
+!----  4-noded rectangular element
+! draw the edges of the element using one color
+    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,10)
+  else
+!----  9-noded rectangular element
+! draw the edges of the element using one color
+    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,15) xval(5),zval(5)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(5),zval(5)
+    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,15) xval(6),zval(6)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(6),zval(6)
+    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,15) xval(7),zval(7)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(7),zval(7)
+    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,15) xval(8),zval(8)
+    write(30,10)
+    write(30,15) xval(8),zval(8)
+    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,10)
+! draw middle lines using another color
+    write(31,15) xval(5),zval(5)
+    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,10)
+    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,15) xval(7),zval(7)
+    write(31,10)
+    write(31,15) xval(8),zval(8)
+    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,10)
+    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,15) xval(6),zval(6)
+    write(31,10)
+  endif
+ enddo
+  close(20)
+  close(21)
+  close(30)
+  close(31)
+!----  generate the command file for Gnuplot
+  open(unit=20,file='plotmeshes',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) '#!/bin/sh'
+  write(20,10)
+  write(20,*) 'gnuplot macros_mesh.gnu'
+  write(20,*) 'gnuplot gll_mesh.gnu'
+  close(20)
+  open(unit=20,file='gll_mesh.gnu',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) 'set term x11'
+  write(20,*) 'set xlabel "X"'
+  write(20,*) 'set ylabel "Y"'
+  write(20,*) 'set title "Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre Mesh"'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "gllmesh1.gnu" title '''' w l 2,', &
+            ' "gllmesh2.gnu" title '''' w linesp 1 3'
+  write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key to exit..."'
+  close(20)
+  open(unit=20,file='macros_mesh.gnu',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) 'set term x11'
+  write(20,*) 'set xlabel "X"'
+  write(20,*) 'set ylabel "Y"'
+  write(20,*) 'set title "Spectral Elements (Macroblocs) Mesh"'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "macros2.gnu" title '''' w l 2,', &
+            ' "macros1.gnu" title '''' w linesp 1 3'
+  write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key to exit..."'
+  close(20)
+10 format('')
+15 format(e10.5,1x,e10.5)
+  return
+  end subroutine plotgll

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotpost.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotpost.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotpost.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine plotpost(U,coord,vpext,gltfl,posrec,nltfl,it,dt,coorg, &
+          xinterp,zinterp,shapeint, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+! routine affichage postscript
+  use palette
+  use captio
+  use timeparams
+  use constspec
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+!--- ecrire legendes ou non
+  logical, parameter :: legendes=.true.
+  integer kmato(nspec),knods(ngnod,nspec)
+  integer ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec)
+  double precision xinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp),zinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision shapeint(ngnod,iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision Uxinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision Uzinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision flagrange(0:nxgll-1,iptsdisp)
+  double precision density(numat),elastcoef(4,numat)
+  integer nltfl,it
+  double precision dt,timeval
+  double precision U(ndime,npoin),coord(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision vpext(npoin)
+  double precision coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  double precision gltfl(20,nltfl)
+  double precision posrec(ndime,nrec)
+  integer numabs(nelemabs),codeabs(4,nelemabs)
+  integer codeperio(4,nelemperio)
+  logical anyabs,anyperio
+! limite pour afficher des points a la place des recepteurs
+  integer, parameter :: ndots = 10
+! taille de la fenetre de display Postscript en pourcentage de la feuille
+  double precision, parameter :: rpercentx = 70.0d0, rpercentz = 77.0d0
+  double precision xmax,zmax,height,xw,zw,usoffset
+  integer i,iglobrec,iglobsource,ip
+  character(len=40) name
+! papier A4 ou US letter
+  if(usletter) then
+  usoffset = 1.75d0
+  sizex = 27.94d0
+  sizez = 21.59d0
+  else
+  usoffset = 0.
+  sizex = 29.7d0
+  sizez = 21.d0
+  endif
+! definition de la palette de couleur
+! red
+  red(1) = 1.d0
+  green(1) = 0.d0
+  blue(1) = 0.d0
+! blue
+  red(2) = 0.d0
+  green(2) = 0.d0
+  blue(2) = 1.d0
+! violet
+  red(3) = .93d0
+  green(3) = .51d0
+  blue(3) = .93d0
+! medium orchid
+  red(4) = .73d0
+  green(4) = .33d0
+  blue(4) = .83d0
+! dark orchid
+  red(5) = .6d0
+  green(5) = .2d0
+  blue(5) = .8d0
+! blue violet
+  red(6) = .54d0
+  green(6) = .17d0
+  blue(6) = .89d0
+! slate blue
+  red(7) = .42d0
+  green(7) = .35d0
+  blue(7) = .80d0
+! deep pink
+  red(8) = 1.d0
+  green(8) = .08d0
+  blue(8) = .58d0
+! dodger blue
+  red(9) = .12d0
+  green(9) = .56d0
+  blue(9) = 1.d0
+! dark turquoise
+  red(10) = 0.d0
+  green(10) = .81d0
+  blue(10) = .82d0
+! turquoise
+  red(11) = .25d0
+  green(11) = .88d0
+  blue(11) = .82d0
+! lime green
+  red(12) = .2d0
+  green(12) = .8d0
+  blue(12) = .2d0
+! spring green
+  red(13) = 0.d0
+  green(13) = 1.d0
+  blue(13) = .5d0
+! chartreuse
+  red(14) = .5d0
+  green(14) = 1.d0
+  blue(14) = 0.d0
+! green yellow
+  red(15) = .68d0
+  green(15) = 1.d0
+  blue(15) = .18d0
+! yellow
+  red(16) = 1.d0
+  green(16) = 1.d0
+  blue(16) = 0.d0
+! lemon chiffon
+  red(17) = 1.d0
+  green(17) = .98d0
+  blue(17) = .8d0
+! gold
+  red(18) = 1.d0
+  green(18) = .84d0
+  blue(18) = 0.d0
+! mocassin
+  red(19) = 1.d0
+  green(19) = .89d0
+  blue(19) = .71d0
+! peach puff
+  red(20) = 1.d0
+  green(20) = .85d0
+  blue(20) = .73d0
+! recherche des positions maximales des points de la grille
+  xmax=maxval(coord(1,:))
+  zmax=maxval(coord(2,:))
+  write(*,*) 'Max X = ',xmax
+  write(*,*) 'Max Z = ',zmax
+! limite du repere physique
+  xmin=0.d0
+  zmin=0.d0
+! rapport taille page/taille domaine physique
+  rapp_page = min(rpercentz*sizez/(zmax-zmin),rpercentx*sizex/(xmax-xmin)) &
+                        / 100.d0
+! recherche de la valeur maximum de la norme du deplacement
+  dispmax = maxval(sqrt(U(1,:)**2 + U(2,:)**2))
+  write(*,*) 'Max norme = ',dispmax
+! hauteur des numeros de domaine en CM
+  height = 0.25d0
+!---- ouverture du fichier PostScript
+  write(name,222) it
+  open(unit=24,file=name,status='unknown')
+  222 format('vect',i5.5,'.ps')
+!---- ecriture de l'entete du fichier PostScript
+  write(24,10) stitle
+  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MK {mark} def'
+  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
+  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
+  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GG {0 setgray ST} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GC {Colmesh ST} def'
+  write(24,*) '/RF {setrgbcolor fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SF {setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GS {gsave} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GR {grestore} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SLW {setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SCSF {scalefont setfont} def'
+  write(24,*) '% differents symboles utiles'
+  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cross {GS 0.05 CM SLW'
+  write(24,*) 'GS 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST GR'
+  write(24,*) 'GS 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST GR'
+  write(24,*) '0.01 CM SLW} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Losange {GS 0.05 CM SLW 0 4.2 MR'
+  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
+  write(24,*) 'GR 0.01 CM SLW} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% niveaux de gris pour le modele de vitesse'
+  write(24,*) '/BK {setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '% version noir et blanc'
+  write(24,*) '%/BK {pop 1 setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% magenta pour les vecteurs deplacement'
+  write(24,*) '/Colvects {0.01 CM SLW 1. 0. 1. RG} def'
+  write(24,*) '% version noir et blanc'
+  write(24,*) '%/Colvects {0.01 CM SLW 0. setgray} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% chartreuse pour le maillage des macroblocs'
+  write(24,*) '/Colmesh {0.02 CM SLW 0.5 1. 0. RG} def'
+  write(24,*) '% version noir et blanc'
+  write(24,*) '%/Colmesh {0.02 CM SLW 0. setgray} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% cyan pour les sources et recepteurs'
+  write(24,*) '/Colreceiv {0. 1. 1. RG} def'
+  write(24,*) '% version noir et blanc'
+  write(24,*) '%/Colreceiv {0. setgray} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% macro dessin fleche'
+  write(24,*) '/F {MV LR gsave LR ST grestore LR ST} def'
+  write(24,*) '% macro dessin contour elements'
+  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '.01 CM SLW'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.35 CM SCSF'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
+  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM SCSF} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
+  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!--- ecriture des legendes du fichier PostScript
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.5 CM SCSF'
+  if (legendes) then
+  write(24,*) '24. CM 1.2 CM MV'
+  write(24,610) usoffset,it
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '24. CM 1.95 CM MV'
+  timeval = it*dt
+  if(timeval  >=  1.d-3) then
+  write(24,600) usoffset,timeval
+  else
+  write(24,601) usoffset,timeval
+  endif
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '24. CM 2.7 CM MV'
+  write(24,640) usoffset,dispmax
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '24. CM 3.45 CM MV'
+  write(24,620) usoffset,cutvect*100.d0
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '24. CM 4.2 CM MV'
+  write(24,630) usoffset,niter
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.6 CM SCSF'
+  if (icolor  ==  1) write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.7 CM SCSF'
+  if (icolor  ==  1) write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  if (ivecttype  ==  1) then
+      write(24,*) '(Displacement vector field) show'
+  else if (ivecttype  ==  2) then
+      write(24,*) '(Velocity vector field) show'
+  else if (ivecttype  ==  3) then
+      write(24,*) '(Acceleration vector field) show'
+  else
+      stop 'Bad field code in PostScript display'
+  endif
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(',stitle,') show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(Elastic Wave 2D - Spectral Element Method) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  endif
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) scalex,' ',scalez,' scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!----   plot mesh and displacement vector field in a PostScript file
+  call plotvect(knods,coorg,coord,U, &
+          density,elastcoef,kmato,flagrange,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,ibool,vpext, &
+          numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+! sources et recepteurs en couleur si modele de vitesse
+  if(imodelvect) then
+    write(24,*) 'Colreceiv'
+  else
+    write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  endif
+!----  write position of the sources
+  do i=1,nltfl
+  iglobsource = nint(gltfl(9,i))
+  xw = coord(1,iglobsource)
+  zw = coord(2,iglobsource)
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+  write(24,510) xw,zw
+  if (isymbols) then
+  write(24,*) 'Cross'
+  else
+  write(24,*) '(S',i,') show'
+  endif
+  enddo
+!----  write position of the receivers
+  do i=1,nrec
+  if(i  ==  n1ana .or. i  ==  n2ana) write(24,*) '% solution analytique trace ',i
+  if(i  ==  1) write(24,*) '% debut ligne recepteurs'
+  if(i  ==  nrec) write(24,*) '% fin ligne recepteurs'
+  iglobrec = nint(posrec(1,i))
+  xw = coord(1,iglobrec)
+  zw = coord(2,iglobrec)
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+  write(24,510) xw,zw
+  if (isymbols) then
+  if(nrec  >  ndots.and.i  /=  1.and.i  /=  nrec &
+              .and.i  /=  n1ana.and.i  /=  n2ana) then
+        if(i  >  nrec1) then
+   write(24,*) 'HDot'
+        else
+   write(24,*) 'VDot'
+        endif
+  else
+   write(24,*) 'Losange'
+  endif
+  else
+  write(24,*) '(R',i,') show'
+  endif
+  enddo
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'showpage'
+  close(24)
+ 10   format('%!PS-Adobe-2.0',/,'%%',/,'%% Title: ',a50,/, &
+          '%% Created by: Specfem Version 4.2',/, &
+          '%% Author: Dimitri Komatitsch',/,'%%')
+ 510  format(f5.1,1x,f5.1,' M')
+ 600  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Time =',f6.3,' s) show')
+ 601  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Time =',1pe10.3,' s) show')
+ 610  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Time step = ',i5,') show')
+ 620  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Cut =',f5.2,' \%) show')
+ 630  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Niter =',i2,') show')
+ 640  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Max norm =',1pe10.3,') show')
+  end subroutine plotpost

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotvect.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotvect.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/plotvect.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine plotvect(knods,coorg,coord,displ,density,elastcoef, &
+     kmato,flagrange,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint,Uxinterp,Uzinterp,ibool,vpext, &
+    numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+!     "p l o t v e c t" : Print the displacement vector field
+!                         in a PostScript file together with
+!                         the spectral elements boundaries
+  use palette
+  use constspec
+  use verifs
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  use defpi
+  use codebord
+  implicit none
+  double precision coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  double precision displ(ndofn,npoin)
+  double precision coord(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision xinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp),zinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision shapeint(ngnod,iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision Uxinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision Uzinterp(iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision flagrange(0:nxgll-1,iptsdisp)
+  double precision density(numat),elastcoef(4,numat)
+  double precision vpext(npoin)
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),kmato(nspec)
+  integer ibool(0:nxgll-1,0:nygll-1,nspec)
+  integer numabs(nelemabs),codeabs(4,nelemabs)
+  integer codeperio(4,nelemperio)
+  logical anyabs,anyperio
+  character(len=100) name
+  character ch1(100),ch2(100)
+  equivalence (name,ch1)
+  logical first
+  double precision convert,x1,rlamda,rmu,denst,rKvol,cploc,xw,zw,xa,za,xb,zb
+  double precision z1,x2,z2,d,d1,d2,dummy,theta,thetaup,thetadown
+  integer i,k,j,ispec,material,ispel,is,ir,nbcols,imat,icol,l,longueur
+  integer indice,ii,ipoin,in,nnum,ispelabs,ideb,ifin,ibord
+  integer numelem,nedgeloc,num2,nedgeother,n
+!---- print the spectral elements mesh in PostScript
+  print *,'Shape functions based on ',ngnod,' control nodes'
+  convert = pi/180.d0
+!----  draw the velocity model in background
+  if(imodelvect) then
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    do i=0,nxgll-1-isubsamp,isubsamp
+          do j=0,nxgll-1-isubsamp,isubsamp
+  if((vpmax-vpmin)/vpmin  >  0.02d0) then
+  if(ireadmodel) then
+    x1 = (vpext(ibool(i,j,ispec))-vpmin)/ (vpmax-vpmin)
+  else
+ material = kmato(ispec)
+ rlamda = elastcoef(1,material)
+ rmu    = elastcoef(2,material)
+ denst  = density(material)
+ rKvol  = rlamda + 2.d0*rmu/3.d0
+ cploc = dsqrt((rKvol + 4.d0*rmu/3.d0)/denst)
+ x1 = (cploc-vpmin)/(vpmax-vpmin)
+  endif
+  else
+    x1 = 0.5d0
+  endif
+! rescaler pour eviter gris trop sombre
+  x1 = x1*0.7 + 0.2
+  if (x1  >  1.d0) x1=1.d0
+! inverser echelle : blanc = vpmin, gris = vpmax
+  x1 = 1.d0 - x1
+  xw = coord(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))
+  zw = coord(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+    write(24,500) xw,zw
+  xw = coord(1,ibool(i+isubsamp,j,ispec))
+  zw = coord(2,ibool(i+isubsamp,j,ispec))
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+    write(24,499) xw,zw
+  xw = coord(1,ibool(i+isubsamp,j+isubsamp,ispec))
+  zw = coord(2,ibool(i+isubsamp,j+isubsamp,ispec))
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+    write(24,499) xw,zw
+  xw = coord(1,ibool(i,j+isubsamp,ispec))
+  zw = coord(2,ibool(i,j+isubsamp,ispec))
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+    write(24,499) xw,zw
+    write(24,604) x1
+          enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+!---- draw spectral element mesh
+  if (imeshvect) then
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  do ispel=1,nspec
+  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispel
+  do i=1,iptsdisp
+  do j=1,iptsdisp
+  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  do in = 1,ngnod
+    nnum = knods(in,ispel)
+      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
+      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  is = 1
+  ir = 1
+  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  write(24,*) 'MK'
+  write(24,601) x1,z1
+  if (ngnod  ==  4) then
+! tracer des droites si elements 4 noeuds
+  ir=iptsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  ir=iptsdisp
+  is=iptsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  is=iptsdisp
+  ir=1
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  ir=1
+  is=2
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  else
+! tracer des courbes si elements 9 noeuds
+  do ir=2,iptsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  enddo
+  ir=iptsdisp
+  do is=2,iptsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  enddo
+  is=iptsdisp
+  do ir=iptsdisp-1,1,-1
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  enddo
+  ir=1
+  do is=iptsdisp-1,2,-1
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,601) x2,z2
+  enddo
+  endif
+  write(24,*) 'CO'
+  if (icolor  ==  1) then
+! For the moment 20 different colors max
+  nbcols = 20
+! Use a different color for each material set
+  imat = kmato(ispel)
+  icol = mod(imat - 1,nbcols) + 1
+  write(24,600) red(icol),green(icol),blue(icol)
+  endif
+  if(imodelvect) then
+  write(24,*) 'GC'
+  else
+  write(24,*) 'GG'
+  endif
+! write the element number, the group number and the
+! material number inside the element
+  if (inumber  ==  1) then
+  xw = (coorg(1,knods(1,ispel)) + coorg(1,knods(2,ispel)) + &
+          coorg(1,knods(3,ispel)) + coorg(1,knods(4,ispel))) / 4.d0
+  zw = (coorg(2,knods(1,ispel)) + coorg(2,knods(2,ispel)) + &
+          coorg(2,knods(3,ispel)) + coorg(2,knods(4,ispel))) / 4.d0
+  xw = (xw-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  zw = (zw-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  xw = xw * centim
+  zw = zw * centim
+  if (icolor  ==  1) write(24,*) '1 setgray'
+  write(24,500) xw,zw
+!--- ecriture numero de l'element
+  write(24,502) ispel
+  endif
+  enddo
+  endif
+!----  draw the boundary conditions
+  if((anyabs .or. anyperio) .and. iboundvect) then
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% boundary conditions on the mesh'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '0.05 CM SLW'
+!--- bords absorbants
+  if(anyabs) then
+  do ispelabs = 1,nelemabs
+  ispel = numabs(ispelabs)
+!--- une couleur pour chaque condition absorbante
+!--- bord absorbant de type "haut"   : orange
+!--- bord absorbant de type "bas"    : vert clair
+!--- bord absorbant de type "gauche" : rose clair
+!--- bord absorbant de type "droite" : turquoise
+  do ibord = 1,4
+  if(codeabs(ibord,ispelabs)  /=  0) then
+  if(ibord  ==  ihaut) then
+    write(24,*) '1. .85 0. RG'
+    ideb = 3
+    ifin = 4
+  else if(ibord  ==  ibas) then
+    write(24,*) '.4 1. .4 RG'
+    ideb = 1
+    ifin = 2
+  else if(ibord  ==  igauche) then
+    write(24,*) '1. .43 1. RG'
+    ideb = 4
+    ifin = 1
+  else if(ibord  ==  idroite) then
+    write(24,*) '.25 1. 1. RG'
+    ideb = 2
+    ifin = 3
+  else
+    stop 'Wrong absorbing boundary code'
+  endif
+  x1 = (coorg(1,knods(ideb,ispel))-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (coorg(2,knods(ideb,ispel))-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = (coorg(1,knods(ifin,ispel))-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (coorg(2,knods(ifin,ispel))-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,602) x1,z1,x2,z2
+  endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+!--- bords periodiques dessines en rouge
+  if(anyperio) then
+  write(24,*) '1. .15 0.25 RG'
+  do n=1,nelemperio
+    numelem    = codeperio(1,n)
+    nedgeloc   = codeperio(2,n)
+    num2       = codeperio(3,n)
+    nedgeother = codeperio(4,n)
+! dessin premiere arete
+  if(nedgeloc  ==  iaretehaut) then
+    ideb = 3
+    ifin = 4
+  else if(nedgeloc  ==  iaretebas) then
+    ideb = 1
+    ifin = 2
+  else if(nedgeloc  ==  iaretegauche) then
+    ideb = 4
+    ifin = 1
+  else if(nedgeloc  ==  iaretedroite) then
+    ideb = 2
+    ifin = 3
+  endif
+  x1 = (coorg(1,knods(ideb,numelem))-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (coorg(2,knods(ideb,numelem))-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = (coorg(1,knods(ifin,numelem))-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (coorg(2,knods(ifin,numelem))-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,602) x1,z1,x2,z2
+! dessin arete correspondante
+  if(nedgeother  ==  iaretehaut) then
+    ideb = 3
+    ifin = 4
+  else if(nedgeother  ==  iaretebas) then
+    ideb = 1
+    ifin = 2
+  else if(nedgeother  ==  iaretegauche) then
+    ideb = 4
+    ifin = 1
+  else if(nedgeother  ==  iaretedroite) then
+    ideb = 2
+    ifin = 3
+  endif
+  x1 = (coorg(1,knods(ideb,num2))-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (coorg(2,knods(ideb,num2))-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x2 = (coorg(1,knods(ifin,num2))-xmin)*rapp_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (coorg(2,knods(ifin,num2))-zmin)*rapp_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,602) x1,z1,x2,z2
+  enddo
+  endif
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  write(24,*) '0.01 CM SLW'
+  endif
+!----  draw the normalized displacement field
+! return if the maximum displacement equals zero (no source)
+  if (dispmax  ==  0.d0) then
+    print *,' null displacement : returning !'
+    return
+  endif
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% vector field'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+! fleches en couleur si modele de vitesse en background
+  if(imodelvect) then
+        write(24,*) 'Colvects'
+  else
+        write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  endif
+  if (interpol) then
+  print *,'Interpolating the vector field...'
+  do ispel=1,nspec
+! interpolation sur grille reguliere
+  if(mod(ispel,100)  ==  0) &
+       write(*,*) 'Interpolation uniform grid element ',ispel
+  do i=1,iptsdisp
+  do j=1,iptsdisp
+  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  do in = 1,ngnod
+    nnum = knods(in,ispel)
+      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
+      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
+  enddo
+  Uxinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  Uzinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  do k=0,nxgll-1
+  do l=0,nxgll-1
+  Uxinterp(i,j) = Uxinterp(i,j) + &
+                displ(1,ibool(k,l,ispel))*flagrange(k,i)*flagrange(l,j)
+  Uzinterp(i,j) = Uzinterp(i,j) + &
+                displ(2,ibool(k,l,ispel))*flagrange(k,i)*flagrange(l,j)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  x1 =(xinterp(i,j)-xmin)*rapp_page
+  z1 =(zinterp(i,j)-zmin)*rapp_page
+  x2 = Uxinterp(i,j)*sizemax/dispmax
+  z2 = Uzinterp(i,j)*sizemax/dispmax
+  d = dsqrt(x2**2 + z2**2)
+! ignorer si vecteur trop petit
+  if (d  >  cutvect*sizemax) then
+  d1 = d * rapport
+  d2 = d1 * dcos(angle*convert)
+  dummy = x2/d
+  if (dummy  >  0.9999d0) dummy = 0.9999d0
+  if (dummy  <  -0.9999d0) dummy = -0.9999d0
+  theta = dacos(dummy)
+  if(z2  <  0.d0) theta = 360.d0*convert - theta
+  thetaup = theta - angle*convert
+  thetadown = theta + angle*convert
+! tracer le vecteur proprement dit
+  x1 = (orig_x+x1) * centim
+  z1 = (orig_z+z1) * centim
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  xa = -d2*dcos(thetaup)
+  za = -d2*dsin(thetaup)
+  xa = xa * centim
+  za = za * centim
+  xb = -d2*dcos(thetadown)
+  zb = -d2*dsin(thetadown)
+  xb = xb * centim
+  zb = zb * centim
+  write(name,700) xb,zb,xa,za,x2,z2,x1,z1
+! filtrer les blancs inutiles pour diminuer taille fichier PostScript
+  longueur = 49
+  indice = 1
+  first = .false.
+  do ii=1,longueur-1
+    if(ch1(ii)  /=  ' '.or.first) then
+    if(ch1(ii)  /=  ' '.or.ch1(ii+1)  /=  ' ') then
+          ch2(indice) = ch1(ii)
+          indice = indice + 1
+          first = .true.
+    endif
+    endif
+  enddo
+  ch2(indice) = ch1(longueur)
+  write(24,200) (ch2(ii),ii=1,indice)
+  endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! tracer les vecteurs deplacement aux noeuds du maillage
+  do ipoin=1,npoin
+  x1 =(coord(1,ipoin)-xmin)*rapp_page
+  z1 =(coord(2,ipoin)-zmin)*rapp_page
+  x2 = displ(1,ipoin)*sizemax/dispmax
+  z2 = displ(2,ipoin)*sizemax/dispmax
+  d = dsqrt(x2**2 + z2**2)
+! ignorer si vecteur trop petit
+  if (d  >  cutvect*sizemax) then
+  d1 = d * rapport
+  d2 = d1 * dcos(angle*convert)
+  dummy = x2/d
+  if (dummy  >  0.9999d0) dummy = 0.9999d0
+  if (dummy  <  -0.9999d0) dummy = -0.9999d0
+  theta = dacos(dummy)
+  if(z2  <  0.d0) theta = 360.d0*convert - theta
+  thetaup = theta - angle*convert
+  thetadown = theta + angle*convert
+! tracer le vecteur proprement dit
+  x1 = (orig_x+x1) * centim
+  z1 = (orig_z+z1) * centim
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  xa = -d2*dcos(thetaup)
+  za = -d2*dsin(thetaup)
+  xa = xa * centim
+  za = za * centim
+  xb = -d2*dcos(thetadown)
+  zb = -d2*dsin(thetadown)
+  xb = xb * centim
+  zb = zb * centim
+  write(name,700) xb,zb,xa,za,x2,z2,x1,z1
+! filtrer les blancs inutiles pour diminuer taille fichier PostScript
+  longueur = 49
+  indice = 1
+  first = .false.
+  do ii=1,longueur-1
+    if(ch1(ii)  /=  ' '.or.first) then
+    if(ch1(ii)  /=  ' '.or.ch1(ii+1)  /=  ' ') then
+          ch2(indice) = ch1(ii)
+          indice = indice + 1
+          first = .true.
+    endif
+    endif
+  enddo
+  ch2(indice) = ch1(longueur)
+  write(24,200) (ch2(ii),ii=1,indice)
+  endif
+  enddo
+  endif
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+ 200  format(80(a1))
+ 499  format(f5.1,1x,f5.1,' L')
+ 500  format(f5.1,1x,f5.1,' M')
+ 502  format('fN (',i4,') Cshow')
+ 600  format(f4.2,1x,f4.2,1x,f4.2,' RG GF')
+ 601  format(f6.2,1x,f6.2)
+ 602  format(f6.2,1x,f6.2,' M ',f6.2,1x,f6.2,' L ST')
+ 604  format('CP ',f4.2,' BK')
+ 700  format(8(f5.1,1x),'F')
+  end subroutine plotvect

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pndleg.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pndleg.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pndleg.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision FUNCTION PNDLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the derivative of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P1D,P2D,P3D,FK,P3
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P1D  = 0.d0
+  P2D  = 1.d0
+  P3D  = 1.d0
+  DO 10 K = 1, N-1
+   FK  = dble(K)
+   P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+   P3D = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*P2 + (2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2D - FK*P1D) &
+                          /(FK+1.d0)
+   P1  = P2
+   P2  = P3
+   P1D = P2D
+   P2D = P3D
+  end function pndleg

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pnleg.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pnleg.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pnleg.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision FUNCTION PNLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the value of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P3,FK
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P3   = P2
+  DO 10 K = 1, N-1
+   FK  = dble(K)
+   P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+   P1  = P2
+   P2  = P3
+  PNLEG = P3
+  end function pnleg

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pnormj.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pnormj.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/pnormj.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision function pnormj (n,alpha,beta)
+!     P n o r m j
+!     -----------
+  implicit none
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n
+  double precision one,two,dn,const,prod,dindx,frac
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  one   = 1.d0
+  two   = 2.d0
+  dn    = dble(n)
+  const = alpha+beta+one
+  if (n <= 1) then
+   prod   = gammaf(dn+alpha)*gammaf(dn+beta)
+   prod   = prod/(gammaf(dn)*gammaf(dn+alpha+beta))
+   pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+   return
+  endif
+  prod  = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)
+  prod  = prod/(two*(one+const)*gammaf(const+one))
+  prod  = prod*(one+alpha)*(two+alpha)
+  prod  = prod*(one+beta)*(two+beta)
+  do 100 i=3,n
+   dindx = dble(i)
+   frac  = (dindx+alpha)*(dindx+beta)/(dindx*(dindx+alpha+beta))
+   prod  = prod*frac
+ 100  continue
+  pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+  return
+  end function pnormj

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/positrec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/positrec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/positrec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine positrec(coord,posrec,ndime,npoin,nrec)
+!---- calculer la position reelle des recepteurs
+  use iounit
+  implicit none
+  integer ndime,npoin,nrec
+  double precision coord(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision posrec(ndime,nrec)
+  double precision dminmax,dmin,xs,zs,xp,zp,dist
+  integer n,ip,ipoint
+  write(iout,200)
+  dminmax = -1.d30
+  do n=1,nrec
+      dmin = +1.d30
+! coordonnees demandees
+  xs = posrec(1,n)
+  zs = posrec(2,n)
+      do ip=1,npoin
+! coordonnees du point de grille
+            xp = coord(1,ip)
+            zp = coord(2,ip)
+            dist = dsqrt((xp-xs)**2 + (zp-zs)**2)
+! retenir le point pour lequel l'ecart est minimal
+            if (dist < dmin) then
+                  dmin = dist
+                  ipoint = ip
+            endif
+      enddo
+      dminmax = dmax1(dmin,dminmax)
+  write(iout,150) n,xs,zs,coord(1,ipoint),coord(2,ipoint),dmin
+! stocker numero global dans premiere coordonnee
+  posrec(1,n) = dble(ipoint)
+  enddo
+  write(iout,160) dminmax
+ 150   format(1x,i7,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,f12.3)
+ 160   format(/2x,'Maximum distance between asked and real =',f12.3)
+ 200  format(//1x,51('=')/,' =  R e c e i v e r s  ', &
+  'r e a l  p o s i t i o n s  ='/1x,51('=')// &
+  '  Receiver    x-asked      z-asked     ', &
+  'x-obtain     z-obtain       dist'/)
+  return
+  end subroutine positrec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/positsource.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/positsource.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/positsource.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine positsource(coord,ibool,gltfu,ndime,npoin,nltfl,nxgll,nygll,nspec)
+!----- calculer la position reelle des sources
+  use iounit
+  implicit none
+  integer ndime,npoin,nltfl,nxgll,nygll,nspec
+  double precision coord(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  integer ibool(0:nxgll-1,0:nygll-1,nspec)
+  double precision dminmax,dmin,xs,zs,xp,zp,dist
+  integer n,ip,ipoint,ix,iy,numelem,ilowx,ilowy,ihighx,ihighy
+  write(iout,200)
+  dminmax = -1.d30
+  do n=1,nltfl
+      dmin = +1.d30
+! coordonnees demandees pour la source
+      xs = gltfu(3,n)
+      zs = gltfu(4,n)
+      ilowx = 0
+      ilowy = 0
+      ihighx = nxgll-1
+      ihighy = nygll-1
+! on ne fait la recherche que sur l'interieur de l'element si source explosive
+  if(nint(gltfu(2,n)) == 2) then
+      ilowx = 1
+      ilowy = 1
+      ihighx = nxgll-2
+      ihighy = nygll-2
+  endif
+! recherche du point de grille le plus proche
+      do numelem=1,nspec
+      do ix=ilowx,ihighx
+      do iy=ilowy,ihighy
+! numero global du point
+        ip=ibool(ix,iy,numelem)
+! coordonnees du point de grille
+            xp = coord(1,ip)
+            zp = coord(2,ip)
+            dist = dsqrt((xp-xs)**2 + (zp-zs)**2)
+! retenir le point pour lequel l'ecart est minimal
+            if (dist < dmin) then
+                  dmin = dist
+                  gltfu(9,n) = ip
+                  gltfu(10,n) = ix
+                  gltfu(11,n) = iy
+                  gltfu(12,n) = numelem
+            endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+  ipoint = nint(gltfu(9,n))
+  dminmax = dmax1(dmin,dminmax)
+  write(iout,150) n,xs,zs,coord(1,ipoint),coord(2,ipoint),dmin
+  enddo
+  write(iout,160) dminmax
+ 150   format(1x,i7,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,f12.3)
+ 160   format(/2x,'Maximum distance between asked and real =',f12.3)
+ 200  format(//1x,48('=')/,' =  S o u r c e s  ', &
+  'r e a l  p o s i t i o n s  ='/1x,48('=')// &
+  '    Source    x-asked      z-asked     ', &
+  'x-obtain     z-obtain       dist'/)
+  return
+  end subroutine positsource

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/q49shape.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/q49shape.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/q49shape.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine q49shape(shape,dershape,xi,yi,ngnod,nxgll,nygll,ndime)
+!     "q 4 9 s h a p e" : set up the shape functions and their derivatives
+!                       for the isoparametric transformation of the
+!                       spectral macroblocs.
+!                       The routine is able to deal with
+!                       4 or 9 control nodes for each bloc.
+!                       The control nodes are defined as follows:
+!                               4 . . . . 7 . . . . 3
+!                               .                   .
+!                               .         t         .
+!                               .                   .
+!                               8         9  s      6
+!                               .                   .
+!                               .                   .
+!                               .                   .
+!                               1 . . . . 5 . . . . 2
+!                           Local coordinate system : s,t
+  implicit none
+  integer ngnod,nxgll,nygll,ndime
+  double precision shape(ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision dershape(ndime,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision xi(nxgll),yi(nygll)
+  double precision, parameter :: &
+       zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,half=0.5d0,quart=0.25d0
+  integer l1,l2
+  double precision s,sp,sm,t,tp,tm,s2,t2,ss,tt,st
+  double precision, external :: hgll
+!---- set up the shape functions and their local derivatives
+  if(ngnod   ==   4) then
+!----    4-noded rectangular element
+ do l2 = 1,nygll
+    t  = yi(l2)
+    do l1 = 1,nxgll
+       s  = xi(l1)
+       sp = s + one
+       sm = s - one
+       tp = t + one
+       tm = t - one
+!----          corner nodes
+       shape(1,l1,l2) = quart * sm * tm
+       shape(2,l1,l2) = - quart * sp * tm
+       shape(3,l1,l2) = quart * sp * tp
+       shape(4,l1,l2) = - quart * sm * tp
+       dershape(1,1,l1,l2) = quart * tm
+       dershape(1,2,l1,l2) = - quart * tm
+       dershape(1,3,l1,l2) =  quart * tp
+       dershape(1,4,l1,l2) = - quart * tp
+       dershape(2,1,l1,l2) = quart * sm
+       dershape(2,2,l1,l2) = - quart * sp
+       dershape(2,3,l1,l2) =  quart * sp
+       dershape(2,4,l1,l2) = - quart * sm
+    enddo
+ enddo
+  else if(ngnod   ==   9) then
+!----    9-noded rectangular element
+ do l2 = 1,nygll
+    t  = yi(l2)
+    do l1 = 1,nxgll
+       s  = xi(l1)
+       sp = s + one
+       sm = s - one
+       tp = t + one
+       tm = t - one
+       s2 = s * two
+       t2 = t * two
+       ss = s * s
+       tt = t * t
+       st = s * t
+!----          corner nodes
+       shape(1,l1,l2) = quart * sm * st * tm
+       shape(2,l1,l2) = quart * sp * st * tm
+       shape(3,l1,l2) = quart * sp * st * tp
+       shape(4,l1,l2) = quart * sm * st * tp
+       dershape(1,1,l1,l2) = quart * tm * t * (s2 - one)
+       dershape(1,2,l1,l2) = quart * tm * t * (s2 + one)
+       dershape(1,3,l1,l2) = quart * tp * t * (s2 + one)
+       dershape(1,4,l1,l2) = quart * tp * t * (s2 - one)
+       dershape(2,1,l1,l2) = quart * sm * s * (t2 - one)
+       dershape(2,2,l1,l2) = quart * sp * s * (t2 - one)
+       dershape(2,3,l1,l2) = quart * sp * s * (t2 + one)
+       dershape(2,4,l1,l2) = quart * sm * s * (t2 + one)
+!----          midside nodes
+       shape(5,l1,l2) = half * tm * t * (one - ss)
+       shape(6,l1,l2) = half * sp * s * (one - tt)
+       shape(7,l1,l2) = half * tp * t * (one - ss)
+       shape(8,l1,l2) = half * sm * s * (one - tt)
+       dershape(1,5,l1,l2) = -one  * st * tm
+       dershape(1,6,l1,l2) =  half * (one - tt) * (s2 + one)
+       dershape(1,7,l1,l2) = -one  * st * tp
+       dershape(1,8,l1,l2) =  half * (one - tt) * (s2 - one)
+       dershape(2,5,l1,l2) =  half * (one - ss) * (t2 - one)
+       dershape(2,6,l1,l2) = -one  * st * sp
+       dershape(2,7,l1,l2) =  half * (one - ss) * (t2 + one)
+       dershape(2,8,l1,l2) = -one  * st * sm
+!----          center node
+       shape(9,l1,l2) = (one - ss) * (one - tt)
+       dershape(1,9,l1,l2) = -one * s2 * (one - tt)
+       dershape(2,9,l1,l2) = -one * t2 * (one - ss)
+    enddo
+ enddo
+  else
+        stop 'Error : wrong number of control nodes !!'
+  endif
+  return
+  end subroutine q49shape

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/q49spec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/q49spec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/q49spec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine q49spec(shape,shapeint,dershape,dvolu,xjaci,xi,yi, &
+              coorg,knods,ngnod,nxgll,nygll,ndime,nspec,npgeo, &
+              xirec,etarec,flagrange,iptsdisp)
+!     "q 4 9 s p e c" : set up the jacobian matrix
+!                       for the isoparametric transformation of the
+!                       spectral macroblocs.
+!                       The routine is able to deal with
+!                       4 or 9 control nodes for each bloc.
+!                       The control nodes are defined as follows:
+!                               4 . . . . 7 . . . . 3
+!                               .                   .
+!                               .         t         .
+!                               .                   .
+!                               8         9  s      6
+!                               .                   .
+!                               .                   .
+!                               .                   .
+!                               1 . . . . 5 . . . . 2
+!                           Local coordinate system : s,t
+  implicit none
+  integer ngnod,nxgll,nygll,ndime,nspec,npgeo,iptsdisp
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
+  double precision shape(ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision shapeint(ngnod,iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision dershape(ndime,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision dvolu(nspec,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision xjaci(nspec,ndime,ndime,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  double precision xi(nxgll),yi(nygll)
+  double precision xirec(iptsdisp),etarec(iptsdisp)
+  double precision flagrange(0:nxgll-1,iptsdisp)
+  double precision, parameter :: &
+       zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,half=0.5d0,quart=0.25d0
+  integer l1,l2,ispel,in,nnum,ip1,ip2,i,k
+  double precision s,sp,sm,t,tp,tm,s2,t2,ss,tt,st
+  double precision xjac2_11,xjac2_21,xjac2_12,xjac2_22
+  double precision, external :: hgll
+!----    compute the jacobian matrix at the integration points
+  do ispel = 1,nspec
+  do ip1 = 1,nxgll
+  do ip2 = 1,nygll
+    xjac2_11 = zero
+    xjac2_21 = zero
+    xjac2_12 = zero
+    xjac2_22 = zero
+ do in = 1,ngnod
+    nnum = knods(in,ispel)
+  xjac2_11 = xjac2_11 + dershape(1,in,ip1,ip2)*coorg(1,nnum)
+  xjac2_21 = xjac2_21 + dershape(1,in,ip1,ip2)*coorg(2,nnum)
+  xjac2_12 = xjac2_12 + dershape(2,in,ip1,ip2)*coorg(1,nnum)
+  xjac2_22 = xjac2_22 + dershape(2,in,ip1,ip2)*coorg(2,nnum)
+ enddo
+!----    invert the jacobian matrix
+ dvolu(ispel,ip1,ip2) = xjac2_11*xjac2_22 - xjac2_12*xjac2_21
+  if (dvolu(ispel,ip1,ip2)  <=  zero) stop 'Error : Jacobian undefined !!'
+ xjaci(ispel,1,1,ip1,ip2) =   xjac2_22 / dvolu(ispel,ip1,ip2)
+ xjaci(ispel,2,1,ip1,ip2) = - xjac2_21 / dvolu(ispel,ip1,ip2)
+ xjaci(ispel,1,2,ip1,ip2) = - xjac2_12 / dvolu(ispel,ip1,ip2)
+ xjaci(ispel,2,2,ip1,ip2) =   xjac2_11 / dvolu(ispel,ip1,ip2)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+!---- calcul des coordonnees interpolees avec les fonctions de forme
+!---- interpolation sur grille reguliere en (xi,eta)
+  do i=1,iptsdisp
+   xirec(i)  = 2.d0*dble(i-1)/dble(iptsdisp-1) - 1.d0
+   etarec(i) = 2.d0*dble(i-1)/dble(iptsdisp-1) - 1.d0
+  enddo
+!---- calcul des interpolateurs de Lagrange (suppose nxgll = nygll)
+  do i=0,nxgll-1
+   do k=1,iptsdisp
+       flagrange(i,k) = hgll(i,xirec(k),xi,nxgll)
+   enddo
+  enddo
+!---- set up the shape functions for the interpolated grid
+  if(ngnod   ==   4) then
+!----    4-noded rectangular element
+ do l2 = 1,iptsdisp
+    t  = etarec(l2)
+    do l1 = 1,iptsdisp
+       s  = xirec(l1)
+       sp = s + one
+       sm = s - one
+       tp = t + one
+       tm = t - one
+!----          corner nodes
+       shapeint(1,l1,l2) = quart * sm * tm
+       shapeint(2,l1,l2) = - quart * sp * tm
+       shapeint(3,l1,l2) = quart * sp * tp
+       shapeint(4,l1,l2) = - quart * sm * tp
+    enddo
+ enddo
+  else if(ngnod   ==   9) then
+!----    9-noded rectangular element
+ do l2 = 1,iptsdisp
+    t  = etarec(l2)
+    do l1 = 1,iptsdisp
+       s  = xirec(l1)
+       sp = s + one
+       sm = s - one
+       tp = t + one
+       tm = t - one
+       s2 = s * two
+       t2 = t * two
+       ss = s * s
+       tt = t * t
+       st = s * t
+!----          corner nodes
+       shapeint(1,l1,l2) = quart * sm * st * tm
+       shapeint(2,l1,l2) = quart * sp * st * tm
+       shapeint(3,l1,l2) = quart * sp * st * tp
+       shapeint(4,l1,l2) = quart * sm * st * tp
+!----          midside nodes
+       shapeint(5,l1,l2) = half * tm * t * (one - ss)
+       shapeint(6,l1,l2) = half * sp * s * (one - tt)
+       shapeint(7,l1,l2) = half * tp * t * (one - ss)
+       shapeint(8,l1,l2) = half * sm * s * (one - tt)
+!----          center node
+       shapeint(9,l1,l2) = (one - ss) * (one - tt)
+    enddo
+ enddo
+  endif
+  return
+  end subroutine q49spec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qinpspec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qinpspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qinpspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine qinpspec(density,elastcoef,xi,yi,wx,wy,knods, &
+                      ibool,kmato,shape,shapeint,dershape,dvolu,xjaci, &
+                      coorg,xirec,etarec,flagrange, &
+          numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+!     "q i n p s p e c" : Read, generate and write data for the spectral
+!                         elements
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use mesh01
+  use spela202
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: gaussalpha=zero,gaussbeta=zero
+! choix entre version lente et rapide pour la numerotation globale
+  logical, parameter :: fast_numbering = .false.
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),kmato(nspec),ibool(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec)
+  double precision density(numat),elastcoef(4,numat), &
+              xi(0:nxgll-1),yi(0:nygll-1),wx(0:nxgll-1),wy(0:nxgll-1), &
+              dvolu(nspec,nxgll,nxgll),xjaci(nspec,ndime,ndime,nxgll,nxgll), &
+              coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  double precision shape(ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision shapeint(ngnod,iptsdisp,iptsdisp)
+  double precision dershape(ndime,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision xirec(iptsdisp),etarec(iptsdisp)
+  double precision flagrange(0:nxgll-1,iptsdisp)
+  integer numabs(nelemabs),codeabs(4,nelemabs)
+  integer codeperio(4,nelemperio)
+  logical anyabs,anyperio
+  integer nelemabs2,nelemperio2
+! check that numbering is fine (no fast numbering if periodic conditions)
+  if(fast_numbering .and. anyperio) stop 'no fast numbering if periodic conditions'
+!---- print element group main parameters
+  nelemabs2 = nelemabs
+  nelemperio2 = nelemperio
+  if(.not. anyabs) nelemabs2 = 0
+  if(.not. anyperio) nelemperio2 = 0
+  if(iecho /= 0) then
+    write(iout,100)
+    write(iout,200) nspec,ngnod,nxgll, &
+           nygll,nxgll*nygll,iptsdisp,numat,nelemabs2,nelemperio2
+  endif
+!----    set up coordinates of the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points
+ call zwgljd(xi,wx,nxgll,gaussalpha,gaussbeta)
+ call zwgljd(yi,wy,nygll,gaussalpha,gaussbeta)
+!---- if nb of points is odd, the middle abscissa is exactly zero
+  if(mod(nxgll,2)  /=  0) xi((nxgll-1)/2) = zero
+  if(mod(nygll,2)  /=  0) yi((nygll-1)/2) = zero
+!---- read the material properties
+  call gmat01(density,elastcoef,numat)
+!---- read topology and material number for spectral elements
+  call getelspec(knods,ibool,kmato,npoin,numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+!---- compute the spectral element shape functions and their local derivatives
+  call q49shape(shape,dershape,xi,yi,ngnod,nxgll,nygll,ndime)
+!---- generate the global numbering
+! version "propre mais lente" ou version "sale mais rapide"
+  if(fast_numbering) then
+      call createnum_fast(knods,ibool,kmato,shape,coorg,npoin,ndime,npgeo)
+  else
+      call createnum_slow(knods,ibool,kmato,npoin)
+  endif
+!---- compute the spectral element jacobian matrix
+  call q49spec(shape,shapeint,dershape,dvolu,xjaci,xi,yi,coorg, &
+                 knods,ngnod,nxgll,nygll,ndime,nspec,npgeo, &
+                 xirec,etarec,flagrange,iptsdisp)
+  return
+!---- formats
+  100   format(/5x,'--> Isoparametric Spectral Elements <--',//)
+  200   format(5x, &
+           'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (nxgll) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (nygll) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of points per element. . .(nxgll*nygll) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of points for display . . . .(iptsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7,/5x, &
+           'Number of periodic elements. . . .(nelemperio) =',i7)
+  end subroutine qinpspec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qmasspec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qmasspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qmasspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine qmasspec(rhoext,wx,wy,ibool,dvolu,rmass,density,kmato,npoin)
+!     "q m a s s p e c" : Build the mass matrix for the spectral
+!                         elements
+  use spela202
+  use constspec
+  implicit none
+  integer npoin
+  double precision wx(0:nxgll-1),wy(0:nygll-1),rmass(npoin), &
+          dvolu(nspec,0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1),density(numat)
+  double precision rhoext(npoin)
+  integer kmato(nspec),ibool(0:nxgll-1,0:nxgll-1,nspec)
+  integer numelem,material,i,j,iglobnum
+  double precision denst
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0, one=1.d0
+!----  compute the mass matrix by summing the contribution of each point
+  rmass = zero
+  do numelem = 1,nspec
+  material = kmato(numelem)
+  denst    = density(material)
+  do i=0,nxgll-1
+       do j=0,nygll-1
+  iglobnum = ibool(i,j,numelem)
+!--- si formulation heterogene pour un modele de densite externe
+  if(ireadmodel) denst = rhoext(iglobnum)
+  rmass(iglobnum) = rmass(iglobnum) + &
+                         denst * wx(i) * wy(j) * dvolu(numelem,i,j)
+      enddo
+   enddo
+  enddo
+!----  in case of periodic boundary conditions, fill the mass matrix
+  where(rmass == zero) rmass = one
+  return
+  end subroutine qmasspec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qsumspec.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qsumspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/qsumspec.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine qsumspec(hprime,hTprime, &
+         a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13x,a13z,force, &
+         ibool,displ,veloc,accel,Uxnewloc,Uznewloc, &
+         rmass,nxgll,npoin,ndime,nspec,gltfu,nltfl,initialfield, &
+         numabs,is_bordabs,nelemabs,anyabs)
+  use timeparams
+  implicit none
+  integer nxgll,npoin,ndime,nspec,nltfl,nelemabs
+  logical anyabs
+  double precision hprime(nxgll,nxgll),hTprime(nxgll,nxgll)
+  double precision a1(nxgll,nxgll,nspec),a2(nxgll,nxgll,nspec), &
+     a3(nxgll,nxgll,nspec),a4(nxgll,nxgll,nspec),a5(nxgll,nxgll,nspec), &
+         a6(nxgll,nxgll,nspec),a7(nxgll,nxgll,nspec), &
+     a8(nxgll,nxgll,nspec),a9(nxgll,nxgll,nspec),a10(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision a11(nxgll,nxgll,nltfl),a12(nxgll,nxgll,nltfl)
+  double precision a13x(nxgll,nxgll,nelemabs)
+  double precision a13z(nxgll,nxgll,nelemabs)
+  double precision Uxnewloc(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision Uznewloc(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  integer numabs(nelemabs)
+  integer is_bordabs(nspec)
+! petits tableaux locaux (could be suppressed if needed)
+! maxnxgll est la valeur maximale possible du degre polynomial (10 par exemple)
+  integer, parameter :: maxnxgll = 10
+  double precision Uxoldloc(maxnxgll,maxnxgll)
+  double precision Uzoldloc(maxnxgll,maxnxgll)
+  double precision t1(maxnxgll,maxnxgll)
+  double precision t2(maxnxgll,maxnxgll)
+  double precision t3(maxnxgll,maxnxgll)
+  double precision t4(maxnxgll,maxnxgll)
+  double precision dUx_dxi,dUz_dxi,dUx_deta,dUz_deta
+  double precision hprimex,hTprimex,hprimez,hTprimez
+  integer ibool(nxgll,nxgll,nspec)
+  double precision rmass(npoin)
+  double precision force(ndime,nltfl)
+  double precision displ(ndime,npoin),veloc(ndime,npoin),accel(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  double precision, external :: dirac,ricker
+  integer i,j,k,l,n,isource,ielems,iglobsource,iglobnum,ip,numer_abs
+  double precision sig
+  logical initialfield
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0
+! main loop on all the spectral elements
+  do k=1,nspec
+! map the global displacement field to the local mesh
+    do j=1,nxgll
+    do i=1,nxgll
+                iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+                Uxoldloc(i,j) = displ(1,iglobnum)
+                Uzoldloc(i,j) = displ(2,iglobnum)
+          enddo
+    enddo
+    do j=1,nxgll
+    do i=1,nxgll
+! compute the gradient of the displacement field (matrix products)
+    dUx_dxi  = zero
+    dUz_dxi  = zero
+    dUx_deta = zero
+    dUz_deta = zero
+          do l=1,nxgll
+                hTprimex = hTprime(i,l)
+                hprimez = hprime(l,j)
+                dUx_dxi = dUx_dxi + hTprimex*Uxoldloc(l,j)
+                dUz_dxi = dUz_dxi + hTprimex*Uzoldloc(l,j)
+                dUx_deta = dUx_deta + Uxoldloc(i,l)*hprimez
+                dUz_deta = dUz_deta + Uzoldloc(i,l)*hprimez
+          enddo
+! compute the local arrays using the components of the stiffness matrix
+  t1(i,j) = a1(i,j,k)*dUx_dxi + a2(i,j,k)*dUx_deta + &
+                     a3(i,j,k)*dUz_dxi + a4(i,j,k)*dUz_deta
+  t2(i,j) = a2(i,j,k)*dUx_dxi + a6(i,j,k)*dUx_deta + &
+                     a7(i,j,k)*dUz_dxi + a8(i,j,k)*dUz_deta
+  t3(i,j)=  a3(i,j,k)*dUx_dxi + a7(i,j,k)*dUx_deta + &
+                     a9(i,j,k)*dUz_dxi + a10(i,j,k)*dUz_deta
+  t4(i,j)=  a4(i,j,k)*dUx_dxi + a8(i,j,k)*dUx_deta + &
+                     a10(i,j,k)*dUz_dxi + a5(i,j,k)*dUz_deta
+          enddo
+    enddo
+! compute the local forces (sum of two matrix products)
+    do j=1,nxgll
+    do i=1,nxgll
+          Uxnewloc(i,j,k) = zero
+          Uznewloc(i,j,k) = zero
+          do l=1,nxgll
+                hprimex = hprime(i,l)
+                hTprimez = hTprime(l,j)
+                Uxnewloc(i,j,k) = Uxnewloc(i,j,k) + &
+                          hprimex*t1(l,j) + t2(i,l)*hTprimez
+                Uznewloc(i,j,k) = Uznewloc(i,j,k) + &
+                          hprimex*t3(l,j) + t4(i,l)*hTprimez
+          enddo
+    enddo
+    enddo
+! conditions absorbantes nouvelle formulation
+! pas de dependance par l'adressage indirect
+! car chaque element absorbant est mappe sur un element spectral different
+  if(anyabs) then
+    numer_abs = is_bordabs(k)
+    if(numer_abs .gt. 0) then
+        do j=1,nxgll
+        do i=1,nxgll
+        if(a13x(i,j,numer_abs) .ne. zero) then
+              iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+              Uxnewloc(i,j,k) = Uxnewloc(i,j,k) - &
+                   a13x(i,j,numer_abs)*veloc(1,iglobnum)
+              Uznewloc(i,j,k) = Uznewloc(i,j,k) - &
+                   a13z(i,j,numer_abs)*veloc(2,iglobnum)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        enddo
+    endif
+  endif
+! assemblage des contributions des differents elements
+    do j=1,nxgll
+    do i=1,nxgll
+            iglobnum = ibool(i,j,k)
+            accel(1,iglobnum) = accel(1,iglobnum) + Uxnewloc(i,j,k)
+            accel(2,iglobnum) = accel(2,iglobnum) + Uznewloc(i,j,k)
+    enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! --- ajouter sources forces colloquees
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+    do n=1,nltfl
+      iglobsource = nint(gltfu(9,n))
+      accel(:,iglobsource) = accel(:,iglobsource) + force(:,n)
+    enddo
+  endif
+!---- ajouter sources explosives
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+  do n=1,nltfl
+! seulement si source explosive
+  if(nint(gltfu(2,n))  ==  2) then
+! determiner type de source en temps
+  isource = nint(gltfu(1,n))
+! introduire source suivant son type
+  if(isource  ==  6) then
+    sig = ricker(time,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+  else if(isource  ==  7) then
+    sig = dirac(time,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+  else
+    sig = zero
+  endif
+! recuperer numero d'element de la source
+  ielems = nint(gltfu(12,n))
+ do i=1,nxgll
+   do j=1,nxgll
+     iglobnum = ibool(i,j,ielems)
+     accel(1,iglobnum) = accel(1,iglobnum) + a11(i,j,n)*sig
+     accel(2,iglobnum) = accel(2,iglobnum) + a12(i,j,n)*sig
+   enddo
+ enddo
+  endif
+  enddo
+  endif
+! --- multiplier par l'inverse de la matrice de masse
+  accel(1,:) =  accel(1,:)*rmass(:)
+  accel(2,:) =  accel(2,:)*rmass(:)
+  return
+  end subroutine qsumspec

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/ricker.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/ricker.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/ricker.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  double precision function ricker(t,n,gltfu,nltfl)
+! calcul du terme temporel de la source pour un Ricker
+  use defpi
+  implicit none
+  integer nltfl,n
+  double precision t
+  double precision gltfu(20,nltfl)
+  double precision f0,t0,factor,a
+! parametres pour la source
+  f0 = gltfu(5,n)
+  t0 = gltfu(6,n)
+  factor = gltfu(7,n)
+! Ricker
+  a = pi*pi*f0*f0
+  ricker = - factor * (1.d0-2.d0*a*(t-t0)**2)*exp(-a*(t-t0)**2)
+  return
+  end function ricker

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/setcor.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/setcor.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/setcor.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine setcor(coord,npoin,ndime,knods,shape,ibool,coorg, &
+                       nxgll,nygll,nspec,npgeo,ngnod,ioutputgrid)
+!     "s e t c o r" : set the global nodal coordinates
+  use iounit
+  use infos
+  use label1
+  implicit none
+  integer npoin,ndime,nxgll,nygll,nspec,npgeo,ngnod
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec),ibool(nxgll,nygll,nspec)
+  double precision coord(ndime,npoin),coorg(ndime,npgeo)
+  double precision shape(ngnod,nxgll,nygll)
+  logical ioutputgrid
+  integer n,i,ip1,ip2,ispel,in,nnum
+  double precision xcor,zcor
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0
+!----  initialisation des labels
+  labelc(1) = '   x1'
+  labelc(2) = '   x2'
+  labelc(3) = '   x3'
+!----  generation des coordonnees physiques des points globaux
+  do ispel = 1,nspec
+  do ip1 = 1,nxgll
+  do ip2 = 1,nygll
+      xcor = zero
+      zcor = zero
+      do in = 1,ngnod
+          nnum = knods(in,ispel)
+          xcor = xcor + shape(in,ip1,ip2)*coorg(1,nnum)
+          zcor = zcor + shape(in,ip1,ip2)*coorg(2,nnum)
+      enddo
+      coord(1,ibool(ip1,ip2,ispel)) = xcor
+      coord(2,ibool(ip1,ip2,ispel)) = zcor
+   enddo
+   enddo
+   enddo
+!----  check the input
+  if(iecho  ==  2) then
+   do n = 1,npoin
+      if(mod(n,50)  ==  1) write(iout,100) (labelc(i),i=1,ndime)
+      write(iout,200) n, (coord(i,n), i=1,ndime)
+   enddo
+  endif
+!----  sauvegarde de la grille de points dans un fichier
+  if(ioutputgrid) then
+    print *
+    print *,'Saving the grid in a text file...'
+    print *
+    open(unit=55,file='gridpoints.txt',status='unknown')
+    write(55,*) npoin
+    do n = 1,npoin
+      write(55,*) n, (coord(i,n), i=1,ndime)
+    enddo
+    close(55)
+  endif
+  return
+!---- formats
+  100   format(///' n o d a l   c o o r d i n a t e    d a t a'/1x, &
+         42('=')///,4x,' node number ',10x,2(a5,12x))
+  200   format(4x,i7,10x,3(1pe15.8,2x))
+  end subroutine setcor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/specfem.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/specfem.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/specfem.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+!                          S p e c f e m
+!                          -------------
+!                           Version 4.2
+!                           -----------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+!            An explicit spectral element solver for the
+!                      elastic wave equation
+  program main
+!  "m a i n" :  Allocate memory, initialize arrays and iterate in time
+!   -------
+! ======================================================================
+  use iounit
+  use captio
+  use infos
+  use mesh01
+  use constspec
+  use timeparams
+  use defpi
+  use spela202
+  use energie
+  use arraydir
+  use loadft
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: gltfu,force,coorg,posrec
+! simple precision pour stockage sismogrammes au format SEP
+  real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sisux,sisuz
+  logical anyabs,anyperio
+  integer i,it,irec,iter,itsis,iglobrec,iglobsource
+  integer nbpoin,inump,n,npoinext,nseis,netyp,ipoin,ispec
+  double precision valux,valuz,rhoextread,vpextread,vsextread
+  double precision dcosrot,dsinrot,dcosrot1,dsinrot1,dcosrot2,dsinrot2
+! coefficients of the explicit Newmark time scheme
+  double precision deltatover2,deltatsqover2
+!---- tableaux pour allocation dynamique
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
+    xi,yi,wx,wy,xirec,etarec
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
+    hprime,hTprime,flagrange,xinterp,zinterp,Uxinterp,Uzinterp,elastcoef, &
+    coord,accel,veloc,displ,vpred
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass, &
+    fglobx,fglobz,density,vpext,vsext,rhoext,displread,velocread,accelread
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: shapeint,shape,dvolu, &
+    a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13x,a13z,Uxnewloc,Uznewloc
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dershape
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: xjaci
+  integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ibool,iboolori
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: knods,codeabs,codeperio
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kmato,numabs,is_bordabs
+!             i n i t i a l i z a t i o n    p h a s e
+!---- Assign unit numbers
+  iin  = 8
+  open (iin,file='DataBase')
+  iout = 6
+!  ecriture dans un fichier texte et non ecran
+!  iout = 16
+!  open (iout,file='results.txt')
+! fichier pour le stockage des courbes d'energie
+  ienergy = 17
+!---  read job title and skip remaining titles of the input file
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,40) jtitle
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,45) stitle
+!---- Print the date, time and start-up banner
+  call datim('Program  S P E C F E M : start',stitle,iout)
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) '******************************************'
+  write(*,*) '****                                  ****'
+  write(*,*) '****  SPECFEM VERSION 4.2 FORTRAN 90  ****'
+  write(*,*) '****                                  ****'
+  write(*,*) '******************************************'
+!                      i n p u t   p h a s e
+!---- read first control parameters
+  call contol
+!---- read iteration parameters
+  call intseq
+!---- allocate first arrays needed
+! mettre a zero la structure de stockage des tableaux
+  nbarrays = 0
+  arraysizes(:) = 0
+  arraynames(:) = '                    '
+  if(sismos) then
+    nseis = ncycl/isamp
+  else
+    nseis = 1
+  endif
+  allocate(sisux(nseis,nrec))
+  allocate(sisuz(nseis,nrec))
+  allocate(posrec(ndime,max(nrec,1)))
+  allocate(coorg(ndime,npgeo))
+  allocate(force(ndime,max(nltfl,1)))
+  allocate(gltfu(20,max(nltfl,1)))
+  call storearray('sisux',nseis*nrec,isngl)
+  call storearray('sisuz',nseis*nrec,isngl)
+  call storearray('posrec',ndime*max(nrec,1),idouble)
+  call storearray('coorg',ndime*npgeo,idouble)
+  call storearray('force',ndime*max(nltfl,1),idouble)
+  call storearray('gltfu',20*max(nltfl,1),idouble)
+!---- read load time functions
+!----    Collocated forces or pressure sources
+  if(nltfl > 0) call getltf(gltfu,nltfl,initialfield)
+!----  lecture position receivers
+  if(nrec > 0) call getrecepts(posrec,ndime,nrec)
+!---- read the spectral macroblocs nodal coordinates
+  call getspec(coorg,npgeo,ndime)
+!       S p e c t r a l    E l e m e n t s    P a r a m e t e r s
+!---- read the basic properties of the spectral elements
+  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,*) netyp,numat,ngnod,nxgll,nygll,nspec,iptsdisp,nelemabs,nelemperio
+!---- check that the mesh is conform
+  if(nxgll /= nygll) stop 'Non conform mesh in input'
+!              A l l o c a t e   a r r a y s
+! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  call storearray('shape',ngnod*nxgll*nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('shapeint',ngnod*iptsdisp*iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('dershape',ndime*ngnod*nxgll*nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('dvolu',nspec*nxgll*nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('xjaci',nspec*ndime*ndime*nxgll*nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('hprime',nxgll*nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('hTprime',nxgll*nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('a1',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a2',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a3',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a4',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a5',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a6',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a7',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a8',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a9',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a10',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('a11',nxgll*nygll*max(nltfl,1),idouble)
+  call storearray('a12',nxgll*nygll*max(nltfl,1),idouble)
+  call storearray('xi',nxgll,idouble)
+  call storearray('yi',nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('wx',nxgll,idouble)
+  call storearray('wy',nygll,idouble)
+  call storearray('Uxnewloc',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('Uznewloc',nxgll*nygll*nspec,idouble)
+  call storearray('xirec',iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('etarec',iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('flagrange',nxgll*iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('xinterp',iptsdisp*iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('zinterp',iptsdisp*iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('Uxinterp',iptsdisp*iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('Uzinterp',iptsdisp*iptsdisp,idouble)
+  call storearray('density',numat,idouble)
+  call storearray('elastcoef',4*numat,idouble)
+  call storearray('kmato',nspec,iinteg)
+  call storearray('knods',ngnod*nspec,iinteg)
+  call storearray('ibool',nxgll*nygll*nspec,iinteg)
+! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+! --- allocate arrays for absorbing and periodic boundary conditions
+  if(nelemabs <= 0) then
+    nelemabs = 1
+    anyabs = .false.
+  else
+    anyabs = .true.
+  endif
+  allocate(is_bordabs(nspec))
+  allocate(numabs(nelemabs))
+  allocate(codeabs(4,nelemabs))
+  call storearray('is_bordabs',nspec,iinteg)
+  call storearray('numabs',nelemabs,iinteg)
+  call storearray('codeabs',4*nelemabs,iinteg)
+  if(nelemperio <= 0) then
+    nelemperio = 1
+    anyperio = .false.
+!!!!!!!!!!!!    allocate(iboolori(1,1,1))
+!!! DK DK fix bug with Linux pgf90 compiler
+    allocate(iboolori(nxgll,nygll,nspec))
+    call storearray('iboolori',1,iinteg)
+  else
+    anyperio = .true.
+    allocate(iboolori(nxgll,nygll,nspec))
+    call storearray('iboolori',nxgll*nygll*nspec,iinteg)
+  endif
+  allocate(codeperio(4,nelemperio))
+  call storearray('codeperio',4*nelemperio,iinteg)
+!----  input element data and compute total number of points
+  call qinpspec(density,elastcoef,xi,yi,wx,wy,knods, &
+    ibool,kmato,shape,shapeint,dershape,dvolu,xjaci,coorg, &
+    xirec,etarec,flagrange,numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+!---- close input file
+  close(iin)
+!----  allocation des autres tableaux pour la grille globale et les bords
+  allocate(coord(ndime,npoin))
+  allocate(accel(ndime,npoin))
+  allocate(displ(ndime,npoin))
+  allocate(veloc(ndime,npoin))
+  allocate(vpred(ndime,npoin))
+  allocate(rmass(npoin))
+  allocate(fglobx(npoin))
+  allocate(fglobz(npoin))
+  if(ireadmodel) then
+    npoinext = npoin
+  else
+    npoinext = 1
+  endif
+  allocate(vpext(npoinext))
+  allocate(vsext(npoinext))
+  allocate(rhoext(npoinext))
+  allocate(a13x(nxgll,nygll,nelemabs))
+  allocate(a13z(nxgll,nygll,nelemabs))
+! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  call storearray('coord',ndime*npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('accel',ndime*npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('displ',ndime*npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('veloc',ndime*npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('vpred',ndime*npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('rmass',npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('fglobx',npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('fglobz',npoin,idouble)
+  call storearray('vpext',npoinext,idouble)
+  call storearray('vsext',npoinext,idouble)
+  call storearray('rhoext',npoinext,idouble)
+  call storearray('a13x',nxgll*nygll*nelemabs,idouble)
+  call storearray('a13z',nxgll*nygll*nelemabs,idouble)
+! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+!----  list a short directory after input phase
+  if(iecho /= 0) call dircty
+!----  set the coordinates of the points of the global grid
+  call setcor(coord,npoin,ndime,knods,shape,ibool,coorg,nxgll,nygll, &
+                         nspec,npgeo,ngnod,ioutputgrid)
+!-----   plot the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
+  if (ignuplot) call plotgll(knods,ibool,coorg,coord)
+!----   define coefficients of the Newmark time scheme
+  deltatover2 = 0.5d0*deltat
+  deltatsqover2 = deltat*deltat/2.d0
+!----   mettre en oeuvre les periodic boundary conditions
+  if(anyperio) call modifperio(ibool,iboolori,codeperio)
+!---- definir la position reelle des points source et recepteurs
+  call positsource(coord,ibool,gltfu,ndime,npoin,nltfl,nxgll,nygll,nspec)
+  call positrec(coord,posrec,ndime,npoin,nrec)
+!----  eventuellement lecture d'un modele externe de vitesse et de densite
+  if(ireadmodel) then
+      print *
+      print *,'Reading velocity and density model from external file...'
+      print *
+      open(unit=55,file='extmodel.txt',status='unknown')
+      read(55,*) nbpoin
+      if(nbpoin /= npoin) stop 'Wrong number of points in input file'
+      do n = 1,npoin
+        read(55,*) inump,rhoextread,vpextread,vsextread
+        if(inump<1 .or. inump>npoin) stop 'Wrong point number'
+        rhoext(inump) = rhoextread
+        vpext(inump) = vpextread
+        vsext(inump) = vsextread
+      enddo
+      close(55)
+  endif
+!----   build the mass matrix for spectral elements
+  call qmasspec(rhoext,wx,wy,ibool,dvolu,rmass,density,kmato,npoin)
+!---- definir les tableaux a1 a a13
+  call defarrays(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef, &
+                    xi,yi,wx,wy,hprime,hTprime, &
+                    a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13x,a13z, &
+                    ibool,iboolori,kmato,dvolu,xjaci,coord,gltfu, &
+                    numabs,codeabs,anyabs,anyperio)
+! initialiser les tableaux a zero
+  accel = zero
+  veloc = zero
+  displ = zero
+  vpred = zero
+  force = zero
+!--- precalculer l'inverse de la matrice de masse pour efficacite
+  rmass(:) = one / rmass(:)
+! calculer la numerotation inverse pour les bords absorbants
+  is_bordabs(:) = 0
+  if(anyabs) then
+    do ispec = 1,nelemabs
+        is_bordabs(numabs(ispec)) = ispec
+    enddo
+  endif
+! convertir angle recepteurs en radians
+  anglerec = anglerec * pi / 180.d0
+  anglerec2 = anglerec2 * pi / 180.d0
+!----  eventuellement lecture des champs initiaux dans un fichier
+  if(initialfield) then
+      print *
+      print *,'Reading initial fields from external file...'
+      print *
+      open(unit=55,file='wavefields.txt',status='unknown')
+      read(55,*) nbpoin
+      if(nbpoin /= npoin) stop 'Wrong number of points in input file'
+      allocate(displread(ndime))
+      allocate(velocread(ndime))
+      allocate(accelread(ndime))
+      do n = 1,npoin
+        read(55,*) inump, (displread(i), i=1,ndime), &
+            (velocread(i), i=1,ndime), (accelread(i), i=1,ndime)
+        if(inump<1 .or. inump>npoin) stop 'Wrong point number'
+        displ(:,inump) = displread
+        veloc(:,inump) = velocread
+        accel(:,inump) = accelread
+      enddo
+      deallocate(displread)
+      deallocate(velocread)
+      deallocate(accelread)
+      close(55)
+  endif
+!---- afficher le max du deplacement initial
+  print *,'Max norme U initial = ',maxval(sqrt(displ(1,:)**2 + displ(2,:)**2))
+!---- verification des fonctions temporelles des sources
+  if(.not. initialfield) call checksource(gltfu,nltfl,deltat,ncycl)
+!---- verifier le maillage, la stabilite et le nb de points par lambda
+  call checkgrid(deltat,gltfu,nltfl,initialfield)
+!---- if data check mode then stop
+  if(iexec  ==  0) then
+   print *,'**********************************'
+   print *,'* Aborting, data check mode only *'
+   print *,'**********************************'
+   call datim('Program  S P E C F E M :  end data checking',stitle,iout)
+   stop
+  endif
+!---- initialiser sismogrammes
+  sisux = sngl(zero)
+  sisuz = sngl(zero)
+  dcosrot1 = dcos(anglerec)
+  dsinrot1 = dsin(anglerec)
+  dcosrot2 = dcos(anglerec2)
+  dsinrot2 = dsin(anglerec2)
+!---- ouvrir fichier pour courbe d'energie
+  if(compenergy) open(unit=ienergy,file='energy.gnu',status='unknown')
+!----          s t a r t   t i m e   i t e r a t i o n s
+  write(iout,400)
+! boucle principale d'evolution en temps
+  do it=1,ncycl
+  if(mod(it-1,iaffinfo)  ==  0) then
+  time = (it-1)*deltat
+  if(time  >=  1.d-3) then
+    write(iout,100) it,time
+  else
+    write(iout,101) it,time
+  endif
+  endif
+! calculer le predictor
+  displ(:,:) = displ(:,:) + deltat*veloc(:,:) + deltatsqover2*accel(:,:)
+  vpred(:,:) = veloc(:,:) + deltatover2*accel(:,:)
+! initialisation pour les iterations
+  veloc(:,:) = vpred(:,:)
+! calculer le terme source
+  call calcforce(force,ndime,gltfu,nltfl,it*deltat)
+! iteration sur le residu d'acceleration
+  do iter = 1,niter
+  accel(:,:) = zero
+!----  calcul du residu d'acceleration pour le multicorrector
+!----  retourne dans accel le terme Fext - M*A(i,n+1) - K*D(i,n+1)
+  time = it*deltat
+  call qsumspec(hprime,hTprime, &
+          a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13x,a13z,force, &
+          ibool,displ,veloc,accel, &
+          Uxnewloc,Uznewloc,rmass,nxgll,npoin,ndime, &
+          nspec,gltfu,nltfl,initialfield, &
+          numabs,is_bordabs,nelemabs,anyabs)
+!----  mise a jour globale du deplacement par multicorrector
+  veloc(:,:) = vpred(:,:) + deltatover2*accel(:,:)
+  enddo
+!-----   calcul de l'energie cinetique et potentielle
+  if(compenergy) &
+      call calc_energie(hprime,hTprime,ibool,displ,veloc, &
+      Uxnewloc,Uznewloc,kmato,dvolu,xjaci,density,elastcoef, &
+      wx,wy,nxgll,npoin,ndime,nspec,numat)
+!----  afficher le max du deplacement a certains pas de temps
+  if(mod(it-1,iaffinfo)  ==  0) &
+     print *,'Max norme U = ',maxval(sqrt(displ(1,:)**2 + displ(2,:)**2))
+!----  affichage des resultats a certains pas de temps
+  if (display .and. it  >  1 .and. (mod(it-1,itaff)  ==  0 .or. &
+               it  ==  itfirstaff .or. it  ==  ncycl)) then
+  time = it*deltat
+  write(iout,*)
+  if(time  >=  1.d-3) then
+  write(iout,110) time
+  else
+  write(iout,111) time
+  endif
+  write(iout,*)
+!----  affichage postscript
+  if (ivectplot) then
+  write(iout,*) 'Dump PostScript'
+  if(ivecttype  ==  1) then
+    write(iout,*) 'Drawing displacement field...'
+    call plotpost(displ,coord,vpext,gltfu,posrec, &
+          nltfl,it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+  else if(ivecttype  ==  2) then
+    write(iout,*) 'Drawing velocity field...'
+    call plotpost(veloc,coord,vpext,gltfu,posrec, &
+          nltfl,it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+  else if(ivecttype  ==  3) then
+    write(iout,*) 'Drawing acceleration field...'
+    call plotpost(accel,coord,vpext,gltfu,posrec, &
+          nltfl,it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,codeperio,anyabs,anyperio)
+  else
+    stop 'Wrong field code for PostScript display'
+  endif
+  write(iout,*) 'Fin dump PostScript'
+  endif
+!----  generation fichier AVS
+  if(iavs) then
+    if(anyperio) then
+      call plotavs(displ,coord,kmato,iboolori,it)
+    else
+      call plotavs(displ,coord,kmato,ibool,it)
+    endif
+  endif
+  endif
+! stockage des sismogrammes
+  if(sismos .and. (mod(it-1,isamp)  ==  0 .or. it  ==  ncycl)) then
+  do irec=1,nrec
+    iglobrec = nint(posrec(1,irec))
+  if(isismostype  ==  1) then
+    valux = displ(1,iglobrec)
+    valuz = displ(2,iglobrec)
+  else if(isismostype  ==  2) then
+    valux = veloc(1,iglobrec)
+    valuz = veloc(2,iglobrec)
+  else if(isismostype  ==  3) then
+    valux = accel(1,iglobrec)
+    valuz = accel(2,iglobrec)
+  else
+    stop 'Wrong field code for seismogram output'
+  endif
+! distinguer les deux lignes de recepteurs
+  if(irec  <=  nrec1) then
+    dcosrot = dcosrot1
+    dsinrot = dsinrot1
+  else
+    dcosrot = dcosrot2
+    dsinrot = dsinrot2
+  endif
+! rotation eventuelle des composantes
+  itsis = min(it/isamp + 1,nseis)
+  sisux(itsis,irec) =   sngl(dcosrot*valux + dsinrot*valuz)
+  sisuz(itsis,irec) = - sngl(dsinrot*valux + dcosrot*valuz)
+  enddo
+  endif
+  enddo
+!----  sauvegarder sismogrammes en fin de simulation
+  if(sismos) call writeseis(sisux,sisuz,coord,posrec,ndime,npoin,nseis,nrec, &
+     isamp,deltat,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana,irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isismostype)
+!----  fermer fichier pour courbe d'energie et creer un petit script gnuplot
+  if(compenergy) then
+    close(ienergy)
+    open(unit=ienergy,file='plotenergy',status='unknown')
+    write(ienergy,*) 'set term postscript landscape color solid "Helvetica" 22'
+    write(ienergy,*) 'set output "energy.ps"'
+    write(ienergy,*) 'set xlabel "Time (s)"'
+    write(ienergy,*) 'set ylabel "Energy (J)"'
+    write(ienergy,*) 'plot "energy.gnu" us 1:4 t ''Total Energy'' w l 1, "energy.gnu" us 1:3 t ''Potential Energy'' w l 2'
+    close(ienergy)
+  endif
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+!----  desallouer tous les tableaux avant de terminer l'execution
+  deallocate(sisux)
+  deallocate(sisuz)
+  deallocate(posrec)
+  deallocate(coorg)
+  deallocate(coord)
+  deallocate(force)
+  deallocate(gltfu)
+  deallocate(accel)
+  deallocate(displ)
+  deallocate(veloc)
+  deallocate(vpred)
+  deallocate(rmass)
+  deallocate(fglobx)
+  deallocate(fglobz)
+  deallocate(shape)
+  deallocate(shapeint)
+  deallocate(dershape)
+  deallocate(dvolu)
+  deallocate(xjaci)
+  deallocate(hprime)
+  deallocate(hTprime)
+  deallocate(ibool)
+  deallocate(a1)
+  deallocate(a2)
+  deallocate(a3)
+  deallocate(a4)
+  deallocate(a5)
+  deallocate(a6)
+  deallocate(a7)
+  deallocate(a8)
+  deallocate(a9)
+  deallocate(a10)
+  deallocate(a13x)
+  deallocate(a13z)
+  deallocate(a11)
+  deallocate(a12)
+  deallocate(xi)
+  deallocate(yi)
+  deallocate(wx)
+  deallocate(wy)
+  deallocate(Uxnewloc)
+  deallocate(Uznewloc)
+  deallocate(xirec)
+  deallocate(etarec)
+  deallocate(flagrange)
+  deallocate(xinterp)
+  deallocate(zinterp)
+  deallocate(Uxinterp)
+  deallocate(Uzinterp)
+  deallocate(density)
+  deallocate(elastcoef)
+  deallocate(kmato)
+  deallocate(knods)
+  deallocate(numabs)
+  deallocate(codeabs)
+  deallocate(codeperio)
+  call datim('Program  S P E C F E M :  end',stitle,iout)
+!----  close output file
+  close(iout)
+  stop
+!----  formats
+ 40   format(a80)
+ 45   format(a50)
+ 100  format('Pas de temps numero ',i5,'   t = ',f7.4,' s')
+ 101  format('Pas de temps numero ',i5,'   t = ',1pe10.4,' s')
+ 110  format('Sauvegarde deplacement temps t = ',f7.4,' s')
+ 111  format('Sauvegarde deplacement temps t = ',1pe10.4,' s')
+ 400  format(/1x,41('=')/,' =  T i m e  ', &
+  'e v o l u t i o n  l o o p  ='/1x,41('=')/)
+  end program main

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/storearray.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/storearray.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/storearray.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine storearray(name,isize,itype)
+!     Dynamic storage : store the array properties
+!     ----------------
+  use iounit
+  use arraydir
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*) name
+  integer isize,itype
+  if(itype /= iinteg .and. itype /= isngl .and. itype /= idouble) &
+    stop 'Wrong array type in dynamic allocation'
+  if(isize <= 0) &
+    stop 'Incoherent array size in dynamic allocation'
+  nbarrays = nbarrays + 1
+  if(nbarrays > maxnbarrays) stop 'Maximum number of arrays reached'
+  arraysizes(nbarrays) = isize
+  arraytypes(nbarrays) = itype
+  arraynames(nbarrays) = name
+  return
+  end subroutine storearray

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/writeseis.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/writeseis.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/writeseis.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine writeseis(sisux,sisuz,coord,posrec,ndime, &
+         npoin,nseis,nrec,isamp,deltat,factorxsu, &
+          n1ana,n2ana,irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isismostype)
+!----  sauvegarde des sismogrammes en fin de simulation
+  implicit none
+  integer ndime,npoin,nseis
+  integer nrec,isamp,n1ana,n2ana,irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isismostype
+  double precision deltat,factorxsu
+! simple precision pour le stockage au format SEP
+  real sisux(nseis,nrec)
+  real sisuz(nseis,nrec)
+  double precision coord(ndime,npoin)
+  double precision posrec(ndime,nrec)
+  logical invert
+  integer nt,irec,i,iana,it
+  double precision xval,xvaladd
+  write(*,*) 'Sauvegarde sismos sur disk ...'
+  nt = nseis
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) ' valeur de isamp = ',isamp
+  write(*,*) ' nb d''echantillons stockes en temps = ',nt
+  write(*,*) ' nb de recepteurs = ',nrec
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Sauvegarde sismos sur disk ...'
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Sauvegarde traces format SEP...'
+  write(*,*) 'DK DK using ASCII instead of SEP'
+  goto 333
+! ecriture au format binaire deplacement horizontal
+  open(unit=11,file='Ux_file',status='unknown', &
+                        access='direct',recl=nt*nrec*4)
+  write(11,rec=1) (sisux(i,1),i=1,nt*nrec)
+  close(11)
+! ecriture au format binaire deplacement vertical
+  open(unit=11,file='Uz_file',status='unknown', &
+                        access='direct',recl=nt*nrec*4)
+  write(11,rec=1) (sisuz(i,1),i=1,nt*nrec)
+  close(11)
+ 333  continue
+! ecriture au format ASCII
+  open(unit=11,file='Ux_file.dat',status='unknown')
+!!!!!!! DK DK UUUUUUU only one receiver for tests  do irec=1,nrec
+  do irec=1,1
+    do it=1,nt
+      write(11,*) sngl(dble(it-1)*dble(isamp)*deltat),sisux(it,irec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(11)
+  open(unit=11,file='Uz_file.dat',status='unknown')
+!!!!!!! DK DK UUUUUUU only one receiver for tests  do irec=1,nrec
+  do irec=1,1
+    do it=1,nt
+      write(11,*) sngl(dble(it-1)*dble(isamp)*deltat),sisuz(it,irec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(11)
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Sauvegarde headers pour visu...'
+!---- ligne de recepteurs pour Xwindow
+  open(unit=12,file='xline',status='unknown')
+  write(12,100) factorxsu,nseis,deltat*isamp,nrec
+! inverser representation si recepteurs orientes negativement
+  invert = .false.
+  if(irepr  ==  1.and.coord(1,nint(posrec(1,nrec)))  <  &
+          coord(1,nint(posrec(1,1)))) then
+    invert = .true.
+  endif
+  if(irepr  ==  2.and.coord(2,nint(posrec(1,nrec)))  <  &
+          coord(2,nint(posrec(1,1)))) then
+    invert = .true.
+  endif
+!--- premiere partie de la ligne de recepteurs
+  do irec=1,nrec1
+! recepteurs en distance
+    if(irepr  ==  3.or.nrec2  >  0) then
+          xval = dsqrt((coord(1,nint(posrec(1,irec))) - &
+                coord(1,nint(posrec(1,1))))**2 + &
+                (coord(2,nint(posrec(1,irec))) - &
+                coord(2,nint(posrec(1,1))))**2)
+! recepteurs suivant coordonnee X
+    else if(irepr  ==  1) then
+      if(invert) then
+          xval = coord(1,nint(posrec(1,1))) - coord(1,nint(posrec(1,irec)))
+      else
+          xval = coord(1,nint(posrec(1,irec)))
+      endif
+! recepteurs suivant coordonnee Z
+    else if(irepr  ==  2) then
+      if(invert) then
+          xval = coord(2,nint(posrec(1,1))) - coord(2,nint(posrec(1,irec)))
+      else
+          xval = coord(2,nint(posrec(1,irec)))
+      endif
+    else
+          stop 'wrong value of irepr !'
+    endif
+    write(12,140) xval
+    if (irec  <  nrec1) write(12,*) ','
+  enddo
+!--- deuxieme partie de la ligne de recepteurs
+  if(nrec2  >  0) then
+  write(12,*) ','
+  xvaladd = xval
+  do irec=nrec1+1,nrec
+          xval = &
+    dsqrt((coord(1,nint(posrec(1,irec))) - coord(1,nint(posrec(1,nrec1))))**2 + &
+        (coord(2,nint(posrec(1,irec))) - coord(2,nint(posrec(1,nrec1))))**2)
+    write(12,140) xval + xvaladd
+    if (irec  <  nrec) write(12,*) ','
+  enddo
+  endif
+  if(isismostype  ==  1) then
+      write(12,*) '@title="Ux at displacement@component"@<@Ux_file'
+  else if(isismostype  ==  2) then
+      write(12,*) '@title="Ux at velocity@component"@<@Ux_file'
+  else
+      write(12,*) '@title="Ux at acceleration@component"@<@Ux_file'
+  endif
+  close(12)
+!---- script de visualisation
+  open(unit=12,file='showseis',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile psline'
+  write(12,*) '# concatener toutes les lignes'
+  write(12,*) 'tr -d ''\012'' <xline >tempfile'
+  write(12,*) '# remettre fin de ligne'
+  write(12,*) 'echo " " >> tempfile'
+  write(12,*) '# supprimer espaces, changer arobas, dupliquer'
+  write(12,137)
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
+  write(12,*) '# copier fichier pour sortie postscript'
+  write(12,130)
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
+  write(12,*) 'echo ''rm -f uxpoly.ps uzpoly.ps'' > tempfile'
+  write(12,*) 'cat tempfile psline > tempfile2'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/mv -f tempfile2 psline'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
+  write(12,*) '# executer commande xsu'
+  write(12,*) 'sh xline'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile tempfile2'
+  close(12)
+!---- une trace pour Xwindow
+  open(unit=12,file='xtrace',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) 'set nt = ',nseis
+  write(12,*) 'set dt = ',sngl(deltat*isamp)
+  write(12,*) '@ trace=10000'
+  write(12,*) 'while ($trace > -1)'
+  write(12,*) 'echo Donnez le numero de trace a visualiser :'
+  write(12,*) 'set rep=$<'
+  write(12,*) '@ trace = $rep'
+  write(12,*) 'echo Trace demandee : $trace'
+  write(12,*) '# traces commencent a zero dans format SEP'
+  write(12,*) '@ septrace = $trace - 1'
+  if(isismostype  ==  1) then
+      write(12,120)
+      write(12,125)
+  else if(isismostype  ==  2) then
+      write(12,121)
+      write(12,126)
+  else
+      write(12,122)
+      write(12,127)
+  endif
+  write(12,*) 'end'
+  close(12)
+!---- une trace pour postscript
+  open(unit=12,file='pstrace',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) 'set nt = ',nseis
+  write(12,*) 'set dt = ',sngl(deltat*isamp)
+  write(12,*) '@ trace=10000'
+  write(12,*) 'while ($trace > -1)'
+  write(12,*) 'echo Donnez le numero de trace a tranformer en postscript :'
+  write(12,*) 'set rep=$<'
+  write(12,*) '@ trace = $rep'
+  write(12,*) 'echo Trace demandee : $trace'
+  write(12,*) '# traces commencent a zero dans format SEP'
+  write(12,*) '@ septrace = $trace - 1'
+  write(12,*) 'rm -f uxtrace{$trace}.ps uztrace{$trace}.ps'
+  if(isismostype  ==  1) then
+      write(12,220)
+      write(12,225)
+  else if(isismostype  ==  2) then
+      write(12,221)
+      write(12,226)
+  else
+      write(12,222)
+      write(12,227)
+  endif
+  write(12,*) 'end'
+  close(12)
+!---- une trace avec comparaison analytique pour Xwindow
+  open(unit=12,file='xcomptrace',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) 'set nt = ',nseis
+  write(12,*) 'set dt = ',sngl(deltat*isamp)
+  write(12,*) 'set traceana1 = ',n1ana
+  write(12,*) 'set traceana2 = ',n2ana
+  write(12,*) '# traces commencent a zero dans format SEP'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceana1 = $traceana1 - 1'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceana2 = $traceana2 - 1'
+  write(12,*) '# premiere trace analytique'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceref = 0'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 1,'x','x'
+  write(12,330) 'x',1
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 1,'z','z'
+  write(12,330) 'z',1
+  write(12,*) '# deuxieme trace analytique'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceref = 1'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 2,'x','x'
+  write(12,330) 'x',2
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 2,'z','z'
+  write(12,330) 'z',2
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  close(12)
+!---- une trace avec comparaison analytique pour postscript
+  open(unit=12,file='pscomptrace',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) 'set nt = ',nseis
+  write(12,*) 'set dt = ',sngl(deltat*isamp)
+  write(12,*) 'set traceana1 = ',n1ana
+  write(12,*) 'set traceana2 = ',n2ana
+  write(12,*) '# traces commencent a zero dans format SEP'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceana1 = $traceana1 - 1'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceana2 = $traceana2 - 1'
+  write(12,*) 'echo Generating PostScript files...'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f uxtracecompana1.ps uztracecompana1.ps'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f uxtracecompana2.ps uztracecompana2.ps'
+  write(12,*) '# premiere trace analytique'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceref = 0'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 1,'x','x'
+  write(12,340) 'x',1,'x',1
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 1,'z','z'
+  write(12,340) 'z',1,'z',1
+  write(12,*) '# deuxieme trace analytique'
+  write(12,*) '@ septraceref = 1'
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 2,'x','x'
+  write(12,340) 'x',2,'x',2
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  write(12,320) 2,'z','z'
+  write(12,340) 'z',2,'z',2
+  write(12,*) '/bin/rm -f tutuan tutucomp'
+  close(12)
+!---- residus trace analytique pour Xwindow
+  open(unit=12,file='xresid',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) 'set nt = ',nseis
+  write(12,*) 'set dt = ',sngl(deltat*isamp)
+  write(12,*) '@ trace=',n1ana
+  write(12,*) '@ septrace = $trace - 1'
+  iana = 0
+  write(12,170)
+  write(12,150) iana,iana
+  write(12,160)
+  write(12,*) '@ trace=',n2ana
+  write(12,*) '@ septrace = $trace - 1'
+  iana = 1
+  write(12,170)
+  write(12,150) iana,iana
+  write(12,160)
+  write(12,170)
+  close(12)
+!---- residus trace analytique pour PostScript (utilise Gnuplot)
+! facteur d'amplification des residus
+  open(unit=12,file='psresid',status='unknown')
+  write(12,110)
+  write(12,*)
+  write(12,*) 'set ampli = 5'
+  write(12,*) 'set nt = ',nseis
+  write(12,*) 'set dt = ',sngl(deltat*isamp)
+  write(12,200)
+  write(12,*) '@ trace=',n1ana
+  write(12,*) '@ septrace = $trace - 1'
+  iana = 0
+  write(12,170)
+  write(12,171)
+  write(12,151) iana,iana
+  write(12,152)
+  write(12,154)
+  write(12,155)
+  write(12,*) '@ trace=',n2ana
+  write(12,*) '@ septrace = $trace - 1'
+  iana = 1
+  write(12,170)
+  write(12,171)
+  write(12,151) iana,iana
+  write(12,152)
+  write(12,154)
+  write(12,155)
+  write(12,170)
+  write(12,171)
+  close(12)
+  100  format('xwigb at xcur=',f8.2,'@n1=',i5, &
+     '@d1=',f15.8,'@label1="Time@(s)"@label2="x@(m)"@n2=', &
+     i5,'@x2=')
+  110  format('#!/bin/csh -f')
+  120  format('subset < Ux_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | xgraph -geometry 1085x272', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt', &
+     ' title="Ux displacement component trace "$trace &')
+  121  format('subset < Ux_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | xgraph -geometry 1085x272', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt', &
+     ' title="Ux velocity component trace "$trace &')
+  122  format('subset < Ux_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | xgraph -geometry 1085x272', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt', &
+     ' title="Ux acceleration component trace "$trace &')
+  125  format('subset < Uz_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | xgraph -geometry 1085x272', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt', &
+     ' title="Uz displacement component trace "$trace &')
+  126  format('subset < Uz_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | xgraph -geometry 1085x272', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt', &
+     ' title="Uz velocity component trace "$trace &')
+  127  format('subset < Uz_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | xgraph -geometry 1085x272', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt', &
+     ' title="Uz acceleration component trace "$trace &')
+  220  format('subset < Ux_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | psgraph ', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0', &
+     ' title="Ux displacement component trace "$trace > uxtrace{$trace}.ps')
+  221  format('subset < Ux_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | psgraph ', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0', &
+     ' title="Ux velocity component trace "$trace > uxtrace{$trace}.ps')
+  222  format('subset < Ux_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | psgraph ', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0', &
+     ' title="Ux acceleration component trace "$trace > uxtrace{$trace}.ps')
+  225  format('subset < Uz_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | psgraph ', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0', &
+     ' title="Uz displacement component trace "$trace > uztrace{$trace}.ps')
+  226  format('subset < Uz_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | psgraph ', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0', &
+     ' title="Uz velocity component trace "$trace > uztrace{$trace}.ps')
+  227  format('subset < Uz_file n1=$nt', &
+     ' if2s=$septrace n2s=1 | psgraph ', &
+     ' label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" ', &
+     ' n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0', &
+     ' title="Uz acceleration component trace "$trace > uztrace{$trace}.ps')
+  130  format('sed -e ''1,$s/xwigb/pswigp/g'' ', &
+       '-e ''1,$s/Ux_file/Ux_file > uxpoly.ps/g'' ', &
+       '-e ''1,$s/Uz_file/Uz_file > uzpoly.ps/g'' ', &
+       'xline > psline')
+  137  format('sed -e ''1,$s/ //g'' -e ''1,$s/@/ /g'' ', &
+      '-e ''1,1p'' -e ''$,$s/Ux/Uz/g'' <tempfile > xline')
+  140  format(f9.2)
+  150  format('echo Extracting trace $trace...'/, &
+    'subset < Ux_file_an n1=$nt if2s=',i1,' n2s=1 > Ux_num1'/, &
+    'subset < Uz_file_an n1=$nt if2s=',i1,' n2s=1 > Uz_num1'/, &
+    'subset < Ux_file n1=$nt if2s=$septrace n2s=1 > Ux_num2'/, &
+    'subset < Uz_file n1=$nt if2s=$septrace n2s=1 > Uz_num2'/, &
+    'cat Ux_num1 Ux_num2 > Ux_num'/, &
+    'cat Uz_num1 Uz_num2 > Uz_num'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Ux_num1 > Ux_num1_segy'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Uz_num1 > Uz_num1_segy'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Ux_num2 > Ux_num2_segy'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Uz_num2 > Uz_num2_segy'/, &
+    'echo Computing residuals...'/, &
+    'suop2 Ux_num2_segy Ux_num1_segy op=diff > Ux_num_segy'/, &
+    'suop2 Uz_num2_segy Uz_num1_segy op=diff > Uz_num_segy'/, &
+    'sustrip head=/dev/null outpar=/dev/null ftn=0 ', &
+    '<Ux_num_segy > Ux_num_resid'/, &
+    'sustrip head=/dev/null outpar=/dev/null ftn=0 ', &
+    '<Uz_num_segy > Uz_num_resid'/, &
+    'cat Ux_num_resid >> Ux_num'/, &
+    'cat Uz_num_resid >> Uz_num')
+  151  format('echo Extracting trace $trace...'/, &
+    'subset < Ux_file_an n1=$nt if2s=',i1,' n2s=1 > Ux_num1'/, &
+    'subset < Uz_file_an n1=$nt if2s=',i1,' n2s=1 > Uz_num1'/, &
+    'subset < Ux_file n1=$nt if2s=$septrace n2s=1 > Ux_num'/, &
+    'subset < Uz_file n1=$nt if2s=$septrace n2s=1 > Uz_num'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Ux_num1 > Ux_num1_segy'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Uz_num1 > Uz_num1_segy'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Ux_num > Ux_num2_segy'/, &
+    'suaddhead ns=$nt ftn=0 < Uz_num > Uz_num2_segy'/, &
+    'echo Computing residuals...'/, &
+    'suop2 Ux_num2_segy Ux_num1_segy op=diff > Ux_num_segy'/, &
+    'suop2 Uz_num2_segy Uz_num1_segy op=diff > Uz_num_segy'/, &
+    'sustrip head=/dev/null outpar=/dev/null ftn=0 ', &
+    '<Ux_num_segy > Ux_num_resid'/, &
+    'sustrip head=/dev/null outpar=/dev/null ftn=0 ', &
+    '<Uz_num_segy > Uz_num_resid')
+  152  format('echo Multiplying residuals by $ampli ...',/, &
+    '/bin/rm -f prog_awk',/, &
+    'echo \{print NR\*$dt ,  \$1\*=$ampli\} > prog_awk',/, &
+    'b2a n1=1 outpar=/dev/null < Ux_num_resid | awk -f prog_awk', &
+    ' > Ux_num_resid_asc_mul',/, &
+    'b2a n1=1 outpar=/dev/null < Uz_num_resid | awk -f prog_awk', &
+    ' > Uz_num_resid_asc_mul',/, &
+    '/bin/rm -f prog_awk',/, &
+    'echo \{print NR\*$dt ,  \$1\} > prog_awk',/, &
+    'b2a n1=1 outpar=/dev/null < Ux_num | awk -f prog_awk', &
+    ' > Ux_num_asc_txt',/, &
+    'b2a n1=1 outpar=/dev/null < Uz_num | awk -f prog_awk', &
+    ' > Uz_num_asc_txt')
+  154  format('echo Generating PostScript files...',/, &
+    'gnuplot << EOF',/, &
+    'set output "uxresid$trace.ps"',/, &
+    'set term postscript landscape color solid "Helvetica" 22',/, &
+    'set xrange [0:$tottime]',/, &
+    'set title "Ux residuals trace $trace"',/, &
+    'set xlabel "Time (s)"',/, &
+    'set ylabel "Amplitude (m)"',/, &
+    'set nozeroaxis',/, &
+    'set data style lines',/, &
+    'plot "Ux_num_asc_txt" us 1:2 title ', &
+    '"Numerical results" w l 1,', &
+    ' "Ux_num_resid_asc_mul" us 1:2 title ', &
+    '"Residuals * $ampli" w l 2',/, &
+    'EOF')
+  155  format('gnuplot << EOF',/, &
+    'set output "uzresid$trace.ps"',/, &
+    'set term postscript landscape color solid "Helvetica" 22',/, &
+    'set xrange [0:$tottime]',/, &
+    'set title "Uz residuals trace $trace"',/, &
+    'set xlabel "Time (s)"',/, &
+    'set ylabel "Amplitude (m)"',/, &
+    'set nozeroaxis',/, &
+    'set data style lines',/, &
+    'plot "Uz_num_asc_txt" us 1:2 title ', &
+    '"Numerical results" w l 1,', &
+    ' "Uz_num_resid_asc_mul" us 1:2 title ', &
+    '"Residuals * $ampli" w l 2',/, &
+    'EOF')
+  160  format('xgraph -geometry 1085x272 label1="Time (s)" ', &
+    'label2="Amplitude (m)"  title="Ux residuals trace $trace ', &
+    '(blue=Numerical red=Analytical green=Residuals)" ', &
+    'n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt nplot=3 linecolor=2,4,3 < Ux_num &',/, &
+    'xgraph -geometry 1085x272 label1="Time (s)" ', &
+    'label2="Amplitude (m)"  title="Uz residuals trace $trace ', &
+    '(blue=Numerical red=Analytical green=Residuals)" ', &
+    'n=$nt style=normal d1=$dt nplot=3 linecolor=2,4,3 < Uz_num &')
+  170 format('/bin/rm -f Ux_num1 Ux_num2 Ux_num Ux_num1_segy Ux_num2_segy ', &
+    'Ux_num_segy Ux_num_resid Ux_num_segy Ux_num_resid_asc_mul ', &
+    'Ux_num_asc_txt Uz_num1 Uz_num2 Uz_num Uz_num1_segy Uz_num2_segy ', &
+    'Uz_num_segy Uz_num_resid Uz_num_segy Uz_num_resid_asc_mul Uz_num_asc_txt')
+  171 format('/bin/rm -f prog_awk')
+  200 format('set tottime = `echo $dt | awk ''{ print $1*i }'' i=$nt `', &
+    /,'echo Total time $tottime seconds...')
+  320 format('subset n1=$nt if2s=$septraceana',i1,' n2s=1 < U',a1,'_file ', &
+    '> tutucomp ; subset n1=$nt if2s=$septraceref n2s=1 < U',a1,'_file_an ', &
+    '> tutuan')
+  330 format('cat tutuan tutucomp | xgraph -geometry 1085x272 ', &
+    'linecolor=2,4 label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" nplot=2 ', &
+    'n=$nt,$nt style=normal d1=$dt title="U',a1,' component numerical ', &
+    '(blue) and analytical (red) trace "$traceana',i1,' &')
+  340 format('cat tutuan tutucomp | psgraph hbox=4.0 wbox=6.0 ', &
+    'linecolor=red,blue label1="Time (s)" label2="Amplitude (m)" nplot=2 ', &
+    'n=$nt,$nt style=normal d1=$dt title="U',a1,' numerical (blue) ', &
+    'and analytical (red) trace "$traceana',i1,' > u',a1,'tracecompana',i1,'.ps')
+  return
+  end subroutine writeseis

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/zwgjd.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/zwgjd.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/zwgjd.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine zwgjd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g j d : Generate np Gauss-Jacobi points and weights
+!                 associated with Jacobi polynomial of degree n = np-1
+!     Note : Coefficients alpha and beta must be greater than -1.
+!     ----
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision z(np),w(np)
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n,np1,np2,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision apb,dnp1,dnp2,fac1,fac2,fac3,fnorm,rcoef
+  double precision, external :: gammaf,pnormj
+  pd = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n    = np-1
+  apb  = alpha+beta
+  p    = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  if (np <= 0) stop 'Minimum number of Gauss points is 1'
+  if ((alpha <= -one).or.(beta <= -one)) &
+    stop 'Alpha and Beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (np == 1) then
+   z(1) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+two)
+   w(1) = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+two) * two**(apb+one)
+   return
+  endif
+  call jacg (z,np,alpha,beta)
+  np1   = n+1
+  np2   = n+2
+  dnp1  = dble(np1)
+  dnp2  = dble(np2)
+  fac1  = dnp1+alpha+beta+one
+  fac2  = fac1+dnp1
+  fac3  = fac2+one
+  fnorm = pnormj(np1,alpha,beta)
+  rcoef = (fnorm*fac2*fac3)/(two*fac1*dnp2)
+  do i=1,np
+    call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np2,alpha,beta,z(i))
+    w(i) = -rcoef/(p*pdm1)
+  enddo
+  return
+  end subroutine zwgjd

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/zwgljd.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/zwgljd.f90	2007-12-07 23:43:55 UTC (rev 8411)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/SPECFEM90/zwgljd.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:01 UTC (rev 8412)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+!                 S p e c f e m  V e r s i o n  4 . 2
+!                 -----------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
+!                         Jean-Pierre Vilotte
+!                 Departement de Sismologie - IPGP - Paris
+!                           (c) June 1998
+  subroutine zwgljd (z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g l j d : Generate np Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi points and the
+!     -----------   weights associated with Jacobi polynomials of degree
+!                   n = np-1.
+!     Note : alpha and beta coefficients must be greater than -1.
+!     ----
+!            Legendre polynomials are special case of Jacobi polynomials
+!            just by setting alpha and beta to 0.
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision z(np), w(np)
+  integer n,nm1,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision alpg,betg
+  double precision, external :: endw1,endw2
+  p = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n   = np-1
+  nm1 = n-1
+  pd  = zero
+  if (np <= 1) stop 'Minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points is 2'
+  if ((alpha <= -one).or.(beta <= -one)) &
+    stop 'Alpha and Beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (nm1 > 0) then
+   alpg  = alpha+one
+   betg  = beta+one
+   call zwgjd (z(2),w(2),nm1,alpg,betg)
+  endif
+  z(1)  = - one
+  z(np) =  one
+  do  110 i=2,np-1
+   w(i) = w(i)/(one-z(i)**2)
+  110 continue
+  call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(1))
+  w(1)  = endw1 (n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(np))
+  w(np) = endw2 (n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  return
+  end subroutine zwgljd

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