[cig-commits] r8417 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 7 15:44:30 PST 2007

Author: walter
Date: 2007-12-07 15:44:29 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8417

cleaned mesher and modified it to use format of solver version 5.0, added Par_rouen_ok

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par	2004-05-12 17:48:56 UTC (rev 8416)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par	2007-12-07 23:44:29 UTC (rev 8417)
@@ -16,14 +16,12 @@
 xmin          =0.0d0         ! abscissa of left side of the model
 xmax          =4000.d0       ! abscissa of right side of the model
-nx            =64            ! number of elements along X
-nz            =48            ! number of elements along Z
-idegpoly      =5             ! degre approximation spectrale (nb points - 1)
+nx            =80            ! number of elements along X
+nz            =60            ! number of elements along Z
 ngnod         =4             ! nb noeuds de controle pour blocs generes (4 ou 9)
 ratio         =0.967741      ! ratio pour separation en deux zones
 initialfield  =.false.       ! use a plane wave as source or not
 ireadmodel    =.false.       ! use a plane wave as source or not
-iexec         =.true.        ! only simulate memory allocation or not
 # absorbing boundaries parameters
@@ -31,64 +29,38 @@
 absorbbas     =.true.
 absorbgauche  =.true.
 absorbdroite  =.true.
-periohaut     =.false.       ! Periodic boundary active or not
-periogauche   =.false.
 # time step parameters
-nt            =8000          ! nb total de pas de temps
-dt            =0.25e-3       ! valeur du pas de temps
-niter         =1             ! nb d'iterations de corrector
+nt            =1600          ! nb total de pas de temps
+dt            =1.d-3         ! valeur du pas de temps
-# sources parameters
+# source parameters
-nbsources     =1             ! nb of sources
-isources_surf =.false.       ! sources dans le volume ou a la surface
-valseuil      =5.            ! threshold for maximum frequency of the source
-freqmaxrep    =3000.         ! maximum frequency for plots of source function
-# source #1
+isource_surf  =.false.       ! sources dans le volume ou a la surface
 xs            =2000.         ! source location x in meters
 zs            =1500.         ! source location z in meters
-f0            =12.0          ! central source frequency (Hz)
-t0            =0.09          ! time delay of the source in seconds
+f0            =10.0          ! central source frequency (Hz)
+t0            =0.11          ! time delay of the source in seconds
 source_type   =1             ! source type : force=1 or explosion=2
-itimetype     =6             ! time type : dirac=7 ricker=6 first_deriv=5
 angle         =0.            ! angle of the source (for a force only)
 factor        =1.d10         ! amplification factor
 # receiver line parameters
-sismos        =.true.        ! store the seismograms or not
-isamp         =1             ! sampling rate for seismogram output
 ienreg_surf   =.false.       ! enregistrement dans le volume ou a la surface
-isismostype   =1             ! record 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
-### first line ###
-nrec          =10            ! number of receivers
+isismostype   =2             ! record 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
+nrec          =11            ! number of receivers
 xdeb          =0.            ! first receiver x in meters
 zdeb          =2200.         ! first receiver z in meters
 xfin          =4000.         ! last receiver x in meters
 zfin          =2200.         ! last receiver z in meters
 anglerec      =0.d0          ! angle to rotate the components at the receivers
-irepr         =1             ! representation (1=X 2=Z 3=distance)
-### second line (optional) ###
-nrec2         =0             ! number of receivers
-xfin2         =3900.d0       ! last receiver x in meters
-zfin2         =1920.d0       ! last receiver z in meters
-anglerec2     =0.d0          ! angle to rotate the components at the receivers
-factorxsu     =3.5           ! factor for Seismic Unix seismograms
-n1ana         =1             ! first receiver for analytical solution
-n2ana         =50            ! second receiver for analytical solution
-factorana     =1.d6          ! factor for analytical solution
 # display parameters
-display       =.true.        ! display the simulation using PostScript or not
 itaff         =100           ! display frequency in time steps
-itfirstaff    =5             ! time step of first display
-iaffinfo      =100           ! interval in time steps to output some basic info
-ivectplot     =.true.        ! vector plots or not
-ivecttype     =1             ! display 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
+ivecttype     =2             ! display 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
 cutvect       =1.            ! amplitude min affichee en % pour vector plots
 imeshvect     =.true.        ! display mesh on vector plots or not
 imodelvect    =.false.       ! display velocity model on vector plots or not
@@ -96,16 +68,8 @@
 interpol      =.false.       ! interpolation of the display or not
 iptsdisp      =6             ! nb of points for interpolation of the display
 isubsamp      =2             ! subsampling of color snapshots
-scalex        =1.            ! X-scaling du display pour PostScript
-scalez        =1.            ! Z-scaling du display pour PostScript
-sizemax       =1.            ! taille de la plus grande fleche en centimetres
-usletter      =.true.        ! US letter paper or French A4
-orig_x        =2.4d0         ! X-axis origin of PostScript plot in centimeters
-orig_z        =2.9d0         ! Z-axis origin of PostScript plot in centimeters
 ignuplot      =.false.       ! generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
-iavs          =.false.       ! generate an AVS file for the grid and data
 ioutputgrid   =.false.       ! save the grid in a text file or not
-compenergy    =.false.       ! compute the total and potential energy or not
 # velocity and density model (nx,nz)
@@ -113,5 +77,5 @@
 1 0 2200.d0 2500.d0 1443.375d0 0 0
 2 0 2200.d0 2500.d0 1443.375d0 0 0
 nbzone        =2             ! nb of zones and model number for each zone
-1 64 1  48 1
-3 51 3  38 2
+1 80 1 60 1
+3 51 3 38 2

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par_rouen_ok
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par_rouen_ok	2004-05-12 17:48:56 UTC (rev 8416)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/Par_rouen_ok	2007-12-07 23:44:29 UTC (rev 8417)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#    This is the parameter file
+#    Put variable names first and actual value after 15th column
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+<-           ->
+# File names and path for different outputs
+title         =Test pour INSA Rouen
+topofile      =topo_rouen.dat
+interffile    =none
+# geometry of the model (origin lower-left corner = 0,0) and mesh description
+xmin          =0.0d0         ! abscissa of left side of the model
+xmax          =4000.d0       ! abscissa of right side of the model
+nx            =80            ! number of elements along X
+nz            =60            ! number of elements along Z
+ngnod         =4             ! nb noeuds de controle pour blocs generes (4 ou 9)
+ratio         =0.967741      ! ratio pour separation en deux zones
+initialfield  =.false.       ! use a plane wave as source or not
+ireadmodel    =.false.       ! use a plane wave as source or not
+# absorbing boundaries parameters
+absorbhaut    =.false.       ! Absorbing boundary active or not
+absorbbas     =.true.
+absorbgauche  =.true.
+absorbdroite  =.true.
+# time step parameters
+nt            =1600          ! nb total de pas de temps
+dt            =1.d-3         ! valeur du pas de temps
+# source parameters
+isource_surf  =.false.       ! sources dans le volume ou a la surface
+xs            =2000.         ! source location x in meters
+zs            =1500.         ! source location z in meters
+f0            =10.0          ! central source frequency (Hz)
+t0            =0.11          ! time delay of the source in seconds
+source_type   =1             ! source type : force=1 or explosion=2
+angle         =0.            ! angle of the source (for a force only)
+factor        =1.d10         ! amplification factor
+# receiver line parameters
+ienreg_surf   =.false.       ! enregistrement dans le volume ou a la surface
+isismostype   =2             ! record 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
+nrec          =11            ! number of receivers
+xdeb          =0.            ! first receiver x in meters
+zdeb          =2200.         ! first receiver z in meters
+xfin          =4000.         ! last receiver x in meters
+zfin          =2200.         ! last receiver z in meters
+anglerec      =0.d0          ! angle to rotate the components at the receivers
+# display parameters
+itaff         =100           ! display frequency in time steps
+ivecttype     =2             ! display 1=displacement 2=velocity 3=acceleration
+cutvect       =1.            ! amplitude min affichee en % pour vector plots
+imeshvect     =.true.        ! display mesh on vector plots or not
+imodelvect    =.false.       ! display velocity model on vector plots or not
+iboundvect    =.true.        ! display boundary conditions on vector plots
+interpol      =.false.       ! interpolation of the display or not
+iptsdisp      =6             ! nb of points for interpolation of the display
+isubsamp      =2             ! subsampling of color snapshots
+ignuplot      =.false.       ! generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
+ioutputgrid   =.false.       ! save the grid in a text file or not
+# velocity and density model (nx,nz)
+nbmodels      =2             ! nb de modeles differents (rho,vp,vs)
+1 0 2200.d0 2500.d0 1443.375d0 0 0
+2 0 2200.d0 2500.d0 1443.375d0 0 0
+nbzone        =2             ! nb of zones and model number for each zone
+1 80 1 60 1
+3 51 3 38 2

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille.f90	2004-05-12 17:48:56 UTC (rev 8416)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/maille.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:29 UTC (rev 8417)
@@ -1,1096 +0,0 @@
-!             P r e m a i l l e u r    F o r t r a n  9 0
-!             -------------------------------------------
-!                           Version 2.0
-!                           -----------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard University
-!                         (c) February 1998
-  program  maille
-  implicit none
-! definir les tableaux pour allocation dynamique
-! coordinates of the grid points
-  double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),z(:,:)
-! variables needed to compute the transformation
-  double precision, allocatable :: psi(:),eta(:),absx(:), &
-      a00(:),a01(:),valeta(:),bot0(:),top0(:)
-! stockage du modele de vitesse et densite
-  double precision, allocatable :: rho(:),cp(:),cs(:),aniso3(:),aniso4(:)
-  integer, allocatable :: icodemat(:)
-  integer, allocatable :: num_modele(:,:)
-! the topography data
-  double precision, allocatable :: xtopo(:),ztopo(:),coefs_topo(:), &
-      xinterf(:),zinterf(:),coefs_interf(:)
-! arrays for the source
-  double precision, allocatable :: xs(:),zs(:),f0(:),t0(:),angle(:),factor(:)
-  integer, allocatable :: isource_type(:),itimetype(:)
-! arrays for the receivers
-  double precision, allocatable :: xrec(:),zrec(:)
-! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
-  character(len=50) file1
-  character(len=50) interffile,topofile,title
-  character(len=15) junk
-  integer imatnum,inumabs,inumelem,nelemperio,nxgll,netyp
-  integer icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
-  integer nelemabs,ndime,npgeo,nspel,ndofn,ninterf,ntopo
-  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ncut,ix,iz,irec,i,j
-  integer ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
-  integer izone,imodele,nbzone,nbmodeles,iaffinfo
-  integer itaff,itfirstaff,iptsdisp,isubsamp,nrec,n1ana,n2ana
-  integer irepr,nrec1,nrec2,isamp,nbsources,isismostype,ivecttype
-  integer ngnod,nt,niter,idegpoly,nx,nz,nxread,nzread
-  integer inumelem2,ix2,iz2,inumperio
-  integer icodematread
-  double precision valseuil,freqmaxrep,ratio
-  double precision tang1,tangN,vpzone,vszone
-  double precision orig_x,orig_z,sizemax,cutvect,scalex,scalez
-  double precision factorxsu,factorana,xspacerec,zspacerec
-  double precision anglerec,anglerec2,xfin,zfin,xfin2,zfin2,xdeb,zdeb,xmin,xmax
-  double precision dt
-  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
-  logical interpol,ignuplot,ireadmodel,iavs,ioutputgrid
-  logical abshaut,absbas,absgauche,absdroite
-  logical periohaut,periogauche
-  logical sismos,isources_surf,ienreg_surf,display
-  logical ivectplot,imeshvect
-  logical iexec,initialfield
-  logical imodelvect,iboundvect,usletter,compenergy
-  integer, external :: num
-  double precision, external :: bottom,botprime,spl,spl_prime,dens
-! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
-  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
-  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
-  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
-  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
-! ***
-! *** read the parameter file
-! ***
-  print *,' Reading the parameter file ... '
-  print *
-  open(unit=10,file='Par',status='old')
-! formats
- 1 format(a,f12.5)
- 2 format(a,i8)
- 3 format(a,a)
- 4 format(a,l8)
-! read the header
-  do i=1,10
-    read(10,*)
-  enddo
-! read file names and path for output
-  read(10,3)junk,title
-  read(10,3)junk,topofile
-  read(10,3)junk,interffile
-  write(*,*) 'Titre de la simulation'
-  write(*,*) title
-  print *
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! read grid parameters
-  read(10,1)junk,xmin
-  read(10,1)junk,xmax
-  read(10,2)junk,nx
-  read(10,2)junk,nz
-  read(10,2)junk,idegpoly
-  read(10,2)junk,ngnod
-  read(10,1)junk,ratio
-  read(10,4)junk,initialfield
-  read(10,4)junk,ireadmodel
-  read(10,4)junk,iexec
-  nxread = nx
-  nzread = nz
-! multiplier par 2 si elements 9 noeuds
-  if(ngnod == 9) then
-    nx = nx * 2
-    nz = nz * 2
-  endif
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! read absorbing boundaries parameters
-  read(10,4)junk,abshaut
-  read(10,4)junk,absbas
-  read(10,4)junk,absgauche
-  read(10,4)junk,absdroite
-  read(10,4)junk,periohaut
-  read(10,4)junk,periogauche
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! read time step parameters
-  read(10,2)junk,nt
-  read(10,1)junk,dt
-  read(10,2)junk,niter
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! read source parameters
-  read(10,2)junk,nbsources
-  read(10,4)junk,isources_surf
-  read(10,1)junk,valseuil
-  read(10,1)junk,freqmaxrep
-  print *,'Nb de sources a lire : ',nbsources
-  allocate(xs(nbsources))
-  allocate(zs(nbsources))
-  allocate(f0(nbsources))
-  allocate(t0(nbsources))
-  allocate(isource_type(nbsources))
-  allocate(itimetype(nbsources))
-  allocate(angle(nbsources))
-  allocate(factor(nbsources))
-  do i=1,nbsources
-    read(10,*)
-    read(10,1)junk,xs(i)
-    read(10,1)junk,zs(i)
-    read(10,1)junk,f0(i)
-    read(10,1)junk,t0(i)
-    read(10,2)junk,isource_type(i)
-    read(10,2)junk,itimetype(i)
-    read(10,1)junk,angle(i)
-    read(10,1)junk,factor(i)
-    print *
-    print *,' Source #',i
-    print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs(i),zs(i)
-    print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0(i),t0(i)
-    print *,'Source type (1=force 2=explo) : ',isource_type(i)
-    print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angle(i)
-    print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor(i)
-  enddo
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! read receivers line parameters
-  read(10,4)junk,sismos
-  read(10,2)junk,isamp
-  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf
-  read(10,2)junk,isismostype
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,2)junk,nrec1
-  read(10,1)junk,xdeb
-  read(10,1)junk,zdeb
-  read(10,1)junk,xfin
-  read(10,1)junk,zfin
-  read(10,1)junk,anglerec
-  read(10,2)junk,irepr
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,2)junk,nrec2
-  read(10,1)junk,xfin2
-  read(10,1)junk,zfin2
-  read(10,1)junk,anglerec2
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,1)junk,factorxsu
-  read(10,2)junk,n1ana
-  read(10,2)junk,n2ana
-  read(10,1)junk,factorana
-! determination et affichage position ligne de receivers
-  if(nrec2 < 0) stop 'negative value of nrec2 !'
-  if(nrec2 == 0) then
-    nrec = nrec1
-  else
-    nrec = nrec1 + nrec2 - 1
-  endif
-  allocate(xrec(nrec))
-  allocate(zrec(nrec))
-  if(nrec2 == 0) then
-  print *
-  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on a single line'
-  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
-  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
-  do i=1,nrec
-     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
-     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
-  enddo
-  else
-  print *
-  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers on two lines'
-  print *,'First line contains ',nrec1,' receivers'
-  print *,'Second line contains ',nrec2,' receivers'
-  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
-  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec1-1)
-  do i=1,nrec1
-     xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
-     zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
-  enddo
-  xspacerec=(xfin2-xfin)/dble(nrec2-1)
-  zspacerec=(zfin2-zfin)/dble(nrec2-1)
-  do i=1,nrec2
-     xrec(i+nrec1-1) = xfin + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
-     zrec(i+nrec1-1) = zfin + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
-  enddo
-  endif
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! read display parameters
-  read(10,4)junk,display
-  read(10,2)junk,itaff
-  read(10,2)junk,itfirstaff
-  read(10,2)junk,iaffinfo
-  read(10,4)junk,ivectplot
-  read(10,2)junk,ivecttype
-  read(10,1)junk,cutvect
-  read(10,4)junk,imeshvect
-  read(10,4)junk,imodelvect
-  read(10,4)junk,iboundvect
-  read(10,4)junk,interpol
-  read(10,2)junk,iptsdisp
-  read(10,2)junk,isubsamp
-  read(10,1)junk,scalex
-  read(10,1)junk,scalez
-  read(10,1)junk,sizemax
-  read(10,4)junk,usletter
-  read(10,1)junk,orig_x
-  read(10,1)junk,orig_z
-  read(10,4)junk,ignuplot
-  read(10,4)junk,iavs
-  read(10,4)junk,ioutputgrid
-  read(10,4)junk,compenergy
-! skip comment
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-  read(10,*)
-! lecture des differents modeles de materiaux
-  read(10,2)junk,nbmodeles
-  if(nbmodeles <= 0) stop 'Negative number of models not allowed !!'
-  allocate(icodemat(nbmodeles))
-  allocate(rho(nbmodeles))
-  allocate(cp(nbmodeles))
-  allocate(cs(nbmodeles))
-  allocate(aniso3(nbmodeles))
-  allocate(aniso4(nbmodeles))
-  allocate(num_modele(nx,nz))
-  icodemat(:) = 0
-  rho(:) = 0.d0
-  cp(:) = 0.d0
-  cs(:) = 0.d0
-  aniso3(:) = 0.d0
-  aniso4(:) = 0.d0
-  num_modele(:,:) = 0
-  do imodele=1,nbmodeles
-      read(10,*) i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
-      if(i<1 .or. i>nbmodeles) stop 'Wrong material point number'
-      icodemat(i) = icodematread
-      rho(i) = rhoread
-      cp(i) = cpread
-      cs(i) = csread
-      aniso3(i) = aniso3read
-      aniso4(i) = aniso4read
-      if(i <= 0) stop 'Negative model number not allowed !!'
-      if (rho(i) < 0.d0 .or. cp(i) < 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) &
-          stop 'Negative value of velocity or density'
-  enddo
-  print *
-  print *, 'Nb de modeles de roche = ',nbmodeles
-  print *
-  do i=1,nbmodeles
-    if(icodemat(i) /= 2) then
-      print *,'Modele #',i,' isotrope'
-      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
-    else
-      print *,'Modele #',i,' anisotrope'
-      print *,'rho,c11,c13,c33,c44 = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
-    endif
-  enddo
-  print *
-! *** lecture des numeros de modele des differentes zones
-  read(10,2)junk,nbzone
-  if(nbzone <= 0) stop 'Negative number of zones not allowed !!'
-  print *
-  print *, 'Nb de zones du modele = ',nbzone
-  print *
-  do izone=1,nbzone
-      read(10,*) ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
-  if (imodnum < 1) stop 'Negative model number not allowed !!'
-  if (ixdebzone < 1) stop 'Left coordinate of zone negative !!'
-  if (ixfinzone > nxread) stop 'Right coordinate of zone too high !!'
-  if (izdebzone < 1) stop 'Bottom coordinate of zone negative !!'
-  if (izfinzone > nzread) stop 'Top coordinate of zone too high !!'
-      print *,'Zone ',izone
-      print *,'IX from ',ixdebzone,' to ',ixfinzone
-      print *,'IZ from ',izdebzone,' to ',izfinzone
-  if(icodemat(imodnum) /= 2) then
-      vpzone = cp(imodnum)
-      vszone = cs(imodnum)
-      print *,'Model # ',imodnum,' isotrope'
-      print *,'vp = ',vpzone
-      print *,'vs = ',vszone
-      print *,'rho = ',rho(imodnum)
-      print *,'Poisson''s ratio = ', &
-        0.5d0*(vpzone*vpzone-2.d0*vszone*vszone)/(vpzone*vpzone-vszone*vszone)
-  else
-      print *,'Model # ',imodnum,' anisotrope'
-      print *,'c11 = ',cp(imodnum)
-      print *,'c13 = ',cs(imodnum)
-      print *,'c33 = ',aniso3(imodnum)
-      print *,'c44 = ',aniso4(imodnum)
-      print *,'rho = ',rho(imodnum)
-  endif
-      print *,' -----'
-! stocker le modele de vitesse et densite
-   do i=ixdebzone,ixfinzone
-      do j=izdebzone,izfinzone
-        if(ngnod == 4) then
-          num_modele(i,j) = imodnum
-        else
-          num_modele(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1) = imodnum
-          num_modele(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+2) = imodnum
-          num_modele(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+1) = imodnum
-          num_modele(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+2) = imodnum
-        endif
-      enddo
-   enddo
-  enddo
-  if (minval(num_modele) <= 0) stop 'Velocity model not entirely set...'
-  close(10)
-  print *
-  print *,' Parameter file successfully read... '
-! --------- fin lecture fichier parametres --------------
-  allocate(psi(0:nx))
-  allocate(eta(0:nz))
-  allocate(absx(0:nx))
-  allocate(a00(0:nz))
-  allocate(a01(0:nz))
-  allocate(valeta(0:nz))
-  allocate(bot0(0:nx))
-  allocate(top0(0:nx))
-! calcul des points regulierement espaces
-  do i=0,nx
-    psi(i) = i/dble(nx)
-  enddo
-  do j=0,nz
-    eta(j) = j/dble(nz)
-  enddo
-! quelques verifications de base a faire
-  if(ngnod /= 4.and.ngnod /= 9) stop 'erreur ngnod different de 4 ou 9 !!'
-  if (ngnod == 4) then
-  print *
-  print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nx,' x ',nz,' elements'
-  print *,'La grille equivalente a une taille de ', &
-        nx*idegpoly + 1,' x ',nz*idegpoly + 1,' points (', &
-        (nx*idegpoly + 1)*(nz*idegpoly + 1),' points)'
-  else
-  print *
-  print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nx/2,' x ',nz/2,' elements'
-  print *,'La grille equivalente a une taille de ', &
-        nx*idegpoly/2 + 1,' x ',nz*idegpoly/2 + 1,' points (', &
-        (nx*idegpoly/2 + 1)*(nz*idegpoly/2 + 1),' points)'
-  endif
-  print *,'Chaque element comporte ',idegpoly+1,' points dans chaque direction'
-  print *,'Les elements de controle sont des elements ',ngnod,' noeuds'
-  print *
-  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
-  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
-  x(:,:)=0.d0
-  z(:,:)=0.d0
-! get topography data from external file
-  print *,'Reading topography from file ',topofile
-  open(unit=15,file=topofile,status='old')
-  read(15,*) ntopo
-  if (ntopo < 2) stop 'Not enough topography points (min 2)'
-  print *,'Reading ',ntopo,' points from topography file'
-  print *
-  allocate(xtopo(ntopo))
-  allocate(ztopo(ntopo))
-  allocate(coefs_topo(ntopo))
-  do i=1,ntopo
-    read(15,*) xtopo(i),ztopo(i)
-  enddo
-  close(15)
-! get interface data from external file, if any
-  if(interffile /= 'none') then
-  print *,'Reading interface from file ',interffile
-  open(unit=15,file=interffile,status='old')
-  read(15,*) ninterf
-  if (ninterf < 2) stop 'Not enough interface points (min 2)'
-  print *,'Reading ',ninterf,' points from interface file'
-  allocate(xinterf(ninterf))
-  allocate(zinterf(ninterf))
-  allocate(coefs_interf(ninterf))
-  do i=1,ninterf
-    read(15,*) xinterf(i),zinterf(i)
-  enddo
-  close(15)
-  else
-    print *,'*** No interface file specified ***'
-  endif
-! check the values read
-  print *
-  print *, 'Topography data points (x,z)'
-  print *, '----------------------------'
-  print *
-  print *, 'Topo 1 = (',xtopo(1),',',ztopo(1),')'
-  print *, 'Topo ntopo = (',xtopo(ntopo),',',ztopo(ntopo),')'
-!--- calculate the spline function for the topography
-!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
-  tang1 = (ztopo(2)-ztopo(1))/(xtopo(2)-xtopo(1))
-  tangN = (ztopo(ntopo)-ztopo(ntopo-1))/(xtopo(ntopo)-xtopo(ntopo-1))
-  call spline(xtopo,ztopo,ntopo,tang1,tangN,coefs_topo)
-!--- calculate the spline function for the interface
-!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
-  if (interffile /= 'none') then
-  tang1 = (zinterf(2)-zinterf(1))/(xinterf(2)-xinterf(1))
-  tangN = (zinterf(ntopo)-zinterf(ntopo-1))/(xinterf(ntopo)-xinterf(ntopo-1))
-  call spline(xinterf,zinterf,Ninterf,tang1,tangN,coefs_interf)
-  endif
-! *** afficher limites du modele lu
-  print *
-  print *, 'Limites absolues modele fichier topo :'
-  print *
-  print *, 'Xmin = ',minval(xtopo),'   Xmax = ',maxval(xtopo)
-  print *, 'Zmin = ',minval(ztopo),'   Zmax = ',maxval(ztopo)
-  print *
-! *** eventuellement modifier sources si sources en surface
-  print *
-  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nbsources,' sources'
-  print *
-  do i=1,nbsources
-   if(isources_surf) zs(i) = spl(xs(i),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
-   print *, 'Source ',i,' = ',xs(i),zs(i)
-  enddo
-! *** eventuellement modifier recepteurs si enregistrement en surface
-  print *
-  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nrec,' receivers'
-  print *
-  do irec=1,nrec
-   if(ienreg_surf) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
-   print *, 'Receiver ',irec,' = ',xrec(irec),zrec(irec)
-  enddo
-!--- definition du maillage suivant X
-  do ix=0,nx
-    absx(ix) = dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
-  enddo
-  if (interffile == 'none') then
-! *** une seule zone si pas d'interface specifiee
-  do iz=0,nz
-    valeta(iz) = eta(iz)
-    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
-    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
-  enddo
-  do ix=0,nx
-    bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
-    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
-  enddo
-! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
-  do ix=0,nx
-    do iz=0,nz
-      x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
-      z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  else
-! *** deux zones si topo
-  ncut = nint(nz*ratio)
-! *** ZONE DU BAS ***
-  do iz=0,ncut
-    valeta(iz) = dble(iz)/(nz*ratio)
-    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
-    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
-  enddo
-  do ix=0,nx
-    bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
-    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
-  enddo
-! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
-  do ix=0,nx
-    do iz=0,ncut
-      x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
-      z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! *** ZONE DU HAUT ***
-  do iz=0,nz-ncut
-    valeta(iz) = dble(iz)/(nz*(1.d0-ratio))
-    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
-    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
-  enddo
-  do ix=0,nx
-    bot0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
-    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
-  enddo
-! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
-  do ix=0,nx
-    do iz=0,nz-ncut
-      x(ix,iz+ncut) = absx(ix)
-      z(ix,iz+ncut) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  endif
-! calculer min et max de X et Z sur la grille
-  print *
-  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de X sur le maillage = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
-  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de Z sur le maillage = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
-  print *
-! ***
-! *** generer un fichier 'GNUPLOT' pour le controle de la grille ***
-! ***
-  print *
-  print *,' Ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT...'
-  file1='gridfile.gnu'
- open(unit=20,file=file1,status='unknown')
-! dessin de la topo de surface (splines)
-  do i=0,nx-1
-    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(top0(i))
-    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(top0(i+1))
-    write(20,10)
-  enddo
-! dessin de l'interface du milieu
-  if (interffile /= 'none') then
-  do i=0,nx-1
-    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(bot0(i))
-    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(bot0(i+1))
-    write(20,10)
-  enddo
-  endif
-! dessin des lignes horizontales de la grille
-  print *, 'Ecriture lignes horizontales'
-  istepx = 1
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    istepz = 1
-  else
-    istepz = 2
-  endif
-  do ili=0,nz,istepz
-    do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
-      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
-      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
-      write(20,10)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! dessin des lignes verticales de la grille
-  print *, 'Ecriture lignes verticales'
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    istepx = 1
-  else
-    istepx = 2
-  endif
-  istepz = 1
-  do icol=0,nx,istepx
-    do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
-      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
-      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
-      write(20,10)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(20)
-! cree le script de dessin pour gnuplot
-  open(unit=20,file='plotgrid.gnu',status='unknown')
-  write(20,*) 'set term postscript landscape monochrome solid "Helvetica" 22'
-  write(20,*) 'set output "grille.ps"'
-  write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "Macroblocs mesh" w l'
-  close(20)
-  print *,' Fin ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT'
-  print *
-! *** generation de la base de donnees
-  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
-  write(15,*) '#'
-  write(15,*) '# Base de Donnees pour Specfem - Premailleur Fortran 90'
-  write(15,*) '# ',title
-  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) EPS - Harvard February 1998'
-  write(15,*) '#'
-  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
-  write(15,40) title
-  ndofn = 2
-  ndime = 2
-  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    nspel = nx*nz
-  else
-    nspel = nx*nz/4
-  endif
-  write(15,*) 'ndofn ndime npgeo'
-  write(15,*) ndofn,ndime,npgeo
-  write(15,*) 'display ignuplot interpol'
-  write(15,*) display,ignuplot,interpol
-  write(15,*) 'itaff itfirstaff icolor inumber'
-  write(15,*) itaff,itfirstaff,0,0
-  write(15,*) 'ivectplot imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
-  write(15,*) ivectplot,imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
-  write(15,*) 'scalex scalez sizemax angle rapport USletter'
-  write(15,*) scalex,scalez,sizemax,20.,0.40,usletter
-  write(15,*) 'orig_x orig_z isymbols'
-  write(15,*) orig_x,orig_z,' T'
-  write(15,*) 'valseuil freqmaxrep'
-  write(15,*) valseuil,freqmaxrep
-  write(15,*) 'sismos nrec nrec1 nrec2 isamp'
-  write(15,*) sismos,nrec,nrec1,nrec2,isamp
-  write(15,*) 'irepr anglerec anglerec2'
-  write(15,*) irepr,anglerec,anglerec2
-  write(15,*) 'compenergy'
-  write(15,*) compenergy
-  write(15,*) 'initialfield factorana factorxsu n1ana n2ana'
-  write(15,*) initialfield,factorana,factorxsu,n1ana,n2ana
-  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype iaffinfo'
-  write(15,*) isismostype,ivecttype,iaffinfo
-  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid iavs'
-  write(15,*) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid,iavs
-  write(15,*) 'iexec iecho'
-  if(iexec) then
-    write(15,*) '1 1'
-  else
-    write(15,*) '0 1'
-  endif
-  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc niter'
-  write(15,*) nt,dt,niter
-  write(15,*) 'nltfl (number of force or pressure sources)'
-  write(15,*) nbsources
-  write(15,*) 'Collocated forces and/or pressure sources:'
-  do i=1,nbsources
-    write(15,*) itimetype(i),isource_type(i), &
-         xs(i)-xmin,zs(i),f0(i),t0(i),factor(i),angle(i),0
-  enddo
-  write(15,*) 'Receivers positions:'
-  do irec=1,nrec
-    write(15,*) irec,xrec(irec)-xmin,zrec(irec)
-  enddo
-  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macroblocs mesh (coorg):'
-  do j=0,nz
-    do i=0,nx
-      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j)-xmin,z(i,j)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!--- introduction des bords absorbants
-  nelemabs = 0
-  if(absbas) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
-  if(abshaut) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
-  if(absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
-  if(absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
-! on a deux fois trop d'elements si elements 9 noeuds
-  if(ngnod == 9) nelemabs = nelemabs / 2
-! enlever aussi les coins qui ont ete comptes deux fois
-  if(absbas .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-  if(absbas .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-  if(abshaut .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-  if(abshaut .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-!--- introduction des bords periodiques
-  nelemperio = 0
-  if(periohaut) nelemperio = nelemperio + nx
-  if(periogauche) nelemperio = nelemperio + nz
-! on a deux fois trop d'elements si elements 9 noeuds
-  if(ngnod == 9) nelemperio = nelemperio / 2
-  netyp = 2
-  nxgll = idegpoly + 1
-  write(15,*) 'netyp numat ngnod nxgll nygll nspec iptsdisp ielemabs ielemperio'
-  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nxgll,nxgll,nspel,iptsdisp,nelemabs,nelemperio
-  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0) or (num 2 rho c11 c13 c33 c44)'
-  do i=1,nbmodeles
-    write(15,*) i,icodemat(i),rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
-  enddo
-  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
-  k=0
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    do j=0,nz-1
-    do i=0,nx-1
-    k = k + 1
-    imatnum = num_modele(i+1,j+1)
-    write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx),num(i,j+1,nx)
-    enddo
-    enddo
-  else
-    do j=0,nz-2,2
-    do i=0,nx-2,2
-    k = k + 1
-    imatnum = num_modele(i+1,j+1)
-    write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx), &
-              num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+2,j+1,nx), &
-              num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
-    enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-!--- sauvegarde des bords periodiques
-  print *
-  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemperio,' elements periodiques'
-  print *
-  print *,'Bords periodiques actifs :'
-  print *
-  print *,'Haut   = ',periohaut
-  print *,'Gauche = ',periogauche
-  print *
-! generer la liste des elements periodiques
-  if(nelemperio > 0) then
-  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements periodiques (haut gauche) :'
-  inumperio = 0
-  if(periogauche) then
-    do iz=1,nzread
-      ix=1
-      inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
-      ix2 = nxread
-      inumelem2 = (iz-1)*nxread + ix2
-      inumperio = inumperio + 1
-      write(15,*) inumperio,inumelem,4,inumelem2,2
-    enddo
-  endif
-  if(periohaut) then
-    do ix=1,nxread
-      iz=1
-      inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
-      iz2 = nzread
-      inumelem2 = (iz2-1)*nxread + ix
-      inumperio = inumperio + 1
-      write(15,*) inumperio,inumelem,1,inumelem2,3
-    enddo
-  endif
-  endif
-!--- sauvegarde des bords absorbants
-  print *
-  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemabs,' elements absorbants'
-  print *
-  print *,'Bords absorbants actifs :'
-  print *
-  print *,'Haut   = ',abshaut
-  print *,'Bas    = ',absbas
-  print *,'Gauche = ',absgauche
-  print *,'Droite = ',absdroite
-  print *
-! generer la liste des elements absorbants
-  if(nelemabs > 0) then
-  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements absorbants (haut bas gauche droite) :'
-  inumabs = 0
-  do iz=1,nzread
-  do ix=1,nxread
-    icodehaut = 0
-    icodebas = 0
-    icodegauche = 0
-    icodedroite = 0
-    inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
-    if(abshaut   .and. iz==nzread) icodehaut = iaretehaut
-    if(absbas    .and. iz== 1) icodebas = iaretebas
-    if(absgauche .and. ix== 1) icodegauche = iaretegauche
-    if(absdroite .and. ix==nxread) icodedroite = iaretedroite
-    if(icodehaut>0 .or. icodebas>0 .or. icodegauche>0 .or. icodedroite>0) then
-      inumabs = inumabs + 1
-      write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
-    endif
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  endif
-  close(15)
- 10 format('')
- 15 format(e10.5,1x,e10.5)
- 40 format(a50)
-  end program maille
-! *****************
-! routines maillage
-! *****************
-! --- numero global du noeud
-  integer function num(i,j,nx)
-  implicit none
-  integer i,j,nx
-    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
-  end function num
-! ------- definition des fonctions representant les interfaces -------
-! --- bas du modele
-  double precision function bottom(x)
-  implicit none
-  double precision x
-    bottom = 0.d0
-  end function bottom
-! --- representation interfaces par un spline
-!--- spline
-  double precision function spl(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
-  implicit none
-  integer ntopo
-  double precision x,xp
-  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
-  double precision coefs(ntopo)
-  spl = 0.
-  xp = x
-  if (xp < xtopo(1)) xp = xtopo(1)
-  if (xp > xtopo(ntopo)) xp = xtopo(ntopo)
-  call splint(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,xp,spl)
-  end function spl
-! --- fonction de densification du maillage horizontal
-  double precision function dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
-  implicit none
-  integer ix,nx
-  double precision psi(0:nx)
-  double precision xmin,xmax
-  dens = xmin + dble(xmax-xmin)*psi(ix)
-  end function dens
-! --------------------------------------
-! routine de calcul des coefs du spline (Numerical Recipes)
-  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision x(n),y(n),y2(n)
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
-  double precision yp1,ypn
-  integer i,k
-  double precision sig,p,qn,un
-  allocate(u(n))
-  y2(1)=-0.5
-  u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
-  do i=2,n-1
-    sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
-    p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
-    y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
-    u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
-               /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
-  enddo
-  qn=0.5
-  un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
-  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
-  do k=n-1,1,-1
-    y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
-  enddo
-  deallocate(u)
-  end subroutine spline
-! --------------
-! routine d'evaluation du spline (Numerical Recipes)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
-  double precision x,y
-  integer k,klo,khi
-  double precision h,a,b
-  KLO=1
-  KHI=N
-  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
-    K=(KHI+KLO)/2
-    IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
-      KHI=K
-    ELSE
-      KLO=K
-    ENDIF
-  enddo
-  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline evaluation'
-  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
-  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
-  Y=A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+ (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
-  end subroutine SPLINT

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/meshfem2D.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/meshfem2D.f90	2004-05-12 17:48:56 UTC (rev 8416)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/MAILLE90/meshfem2D.f90	2007-12-07 23:44:29 UTC (rev 8417)
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+!                   M E S H F E M 2 D  Version 5.0
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!          Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
+!                          (c) May 2004
+!  Mesh generator for SPECFEM2D version 5.0
+  program meshfem2D
+  implicit none
+! definir les tableaux pour allocation dynamique
+! coordinates of the grid points
+  double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),z(:,:)
+! variables needed to compute the transformation
+  double precision, allocatable :: psi(:),eta(:),absx(:), &
+      a00(:),a01(:),valeta(:),bot0(:),top0(:)
+! stockage du modele de vitesse et densite
+  double precision, allocatable :: rho(:),cp(:),cs(:),aniso3(:),aniso4(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: icodemat(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: num_modele(:,:)
+! the topography data
+  double precision, allocatable :: xtopo(:),ztopo(:),coefs_topo(:), &
+      xinterf(:),zinterf(:),coefs_interf(:)
+! for the source
+  double precision xs,zs,f0,t0,angle,factor
+  integer isource_type
+! arrays for the receivers
+  double precision, allocatable :: xrec(:),zrec(:)
+! nom du fichier GNUPLOT contenant la grille
+  character(len=50) file1
+  character(len=50) interffile,topofile,title
+  character(len=15) junk
+  integer imatnum,inumabs,inumelem,netyp
+  integer icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+  integer nelemabs,npgeo,nspec,ninterf,ntopo
+  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ncut,ix,iz,irec,i,j
+  integer ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  integer izone,imodele,nbzone,nbmodeles
+  integer itaff,iptsdisp,isubsamp,nrec
+  integer isismostype,ivecttype
+  integer ngnod,nt,nx,nz,nxread,nzread
+  integer icodematread
+  double precision ratio
+  double precision tang1,tangN,vpzone,vszone
+  double precision cutvect
+  double precision xspacerec,zspacerec
+  double precision anglerec,xfin,zfin,xdeb,zdeb,xmin,xmax
+  double precision dt
+  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+  logical interpol,ignuplot,ireadmodel,ioutputgrid
+  logical abshaut,absbas,absgauche,absdroite
+  logical isource_surf,ienreg_surf
+  logical imeshvect
+  logical initialfield
+  logical imodelvect,iboundvect
+  integer, external :: num
+  double precision, external :: bottom,spl,dens
+! --- code des numeros d'aretes pour les bords absorbants
+  integer, parameter :: iaretebas    = 1
+  integer, parameter :: iaretedroite = 2
+  integer, parameter :: iaretehaut   = 3
+  integer, parameter :: iaretegauche = 4
+! ***
+! *** read the parameter file
+! ***
+  print *,' Reading the parameter file ... '
+  print *
+  open(unit=10,file='Par',status='old')
+! formats
+ 1 format(a,f12.5)
+ 2 format(a,i8)
+ 3 format(a,a)
+ 4 format(a,l8)
+! read the header
+  do i=1,10
+    read(10,*)
+  enddo
+! read file names and path for output
+  read(10,3)junk,title
+  read(10,3)junk,topofile
+  read(10,3)junk,interffile
+  write(*,*) 'Titre de la simulation'
+  write(*,*) title
+  print *
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read grid parameters
+  read(10,1)junk,xmin
+  read(10,1)junk,xmax
+  read(10,2)junk,nx
+  read(10,2)junk,nz
+  read(10,2)junk,ngnod
+  read(10,1)junk,ratio
+  read(10,4)junk,initialfield
+  read(10,4)junk,ireadmodel
+  nxread = nx
+  nzread = nz
+! multiplier par 2 si elements 9 noeuds
+  if(ngnod == 9) then
+    nx = nx * 2
+    nz = nz * 2
+  endif
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read absorbing boundaries parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,abshaut
+  read(10,4)junk,absbas
+  read(10,4)junk,absgauche
+  read(10,4)junk,absdroite
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read time step parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,nt
+  read(10,1)junk,dt
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read source parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,isource_surf
+  read(10,1)junk,xs
+  read(10,1)junk,zs
+  read(10,1)junk,f0
+  read(10,1)junk,t0
+  read(10,2)junk,isource_type
+  read(10,1)junk,angle
+  read(10,1)junk,factor
+  print *
+  print *,'Source:'
+  print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs,zs
+  print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0,t0
+  print *,'Source type (1=force 2=explo) : ',isource_type
+  print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angle
+  print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read receivers line parameters
+  read(10,4)junk,ienreg_surf
+  read(10,2)junk,isismostype
+  read(10,2)junk,nrec
+  read(10,1)junk,xdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,zdeb
+  read(10,1)junk,xfin
+  read(10,1)junk,zfin
+  read(10,1)junk,anglerec
+  allocate(xrec(nrec))
+  allocate(zrec(nrec))
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec,' receivers'
+  xspacerec=(xfin-xdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  zspacerec=(zfin-zdeb)/dble(nrec-1)
+  do i=1,nrec
+    xrec(i) = xdeb + dble(i-1)*xspacerec
+    zrec(i) = zdeb + dble(i-1)*zspacerec
+  enddo
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! read display parameters
+  read(10,2)junk,itaff
+  read(10,2)junk,ivecttype
+  read(10,1)junk,cutvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imeshvect
+  read(10,4)junk,imodelvect
+  read(10,4)junk,iboundvect
+  read(10,4)junk,interpol
+  read(10,2)junk,iptsdisp
+  read(10,2)junk,isubsamp
+  read(10,4)junk,ignuplot
+  read(10,4)junk,ioutputgrid
+! skip comment
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+  read(10,*)
+! lecture des differents modeles de materiaux
+  read(10,2)junk,nbmodeles
+  if(nbmodeles <= 0) stop 'Negative number of models not allowed !!'
+  allocate(icodemat(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(rho(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cp(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(cs(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(aniso3(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(aniso4(nbmodeles))
+  allocate(num_modele(nx,nz))
+  icodemat(:) = 0
+  rho(:) = 0.d0
+  cp(:) = 0.d0
+  cs(:) = 0.d0
+  aniso3(:) = 0.d0
+  aniso4(:) = 0.d0
+  num_modele(:,:) = 0
+  do imodele=1,nbmodeles
+      read(10,*) i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+      if(i<1 .or. i>nbmodeles) stop 'Wrong material point number'
+      icodemat(i) = icodematread
+      rho(i) = rhoread
+      cp(i) = cpread
+      cs(i) = csread
+      aniso3(i) = aniso3read
+      aniso4(i) = aniso4read
+      if(i <= 0) stop 'Negative model number not allowed !!'
+      if (rho(i) < 0.d0 .or. cp(i) < 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) &
+          stop 'Negative value of velocity or density'
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de modeles de roche = ',nbmodeles
+  print *
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+    if(icodemat(i) /= 2) then
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' isotrope'
+      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
+    else
+      print *,'Modele #',i,' anisotrope'
+      print *,'rho,c11,c13,c33,c44 = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
+    endif
+  enddo
+  print *
+! *** lecture des numeros de modele des differentes zones
+  read(10,2)junk,nbzone
+  if(nbzone <= 0) stop 'Negative number of zones not allowed !!'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb de zones du modele = ',nbzone
+  print *
+  do izone=1,nbzone
+      read(10,*) ixdebzone,ixfinzone,izdebzone,izfinzone,imodnum
+  if (imodnum < 1) stop 'Negative model number not allowed !!'
+  if (ixdebzone < 1) stop 'Left coordinate of zone negative !!'
+  if (ixfinzone > nxread) stop 'Right coordinate of zone too high !!'
+  if (izdebzone < 1) stop 'Bottom coordinate of zone negative !!'
+  if (izfinzone > nzread) stop 'Top coordinate of zone too high !!'
+      print *,'Zone ',izone
+      print *,'IX from ',ixdebzone,' to ',ixfinzone
+      print *,'IZ from ',izdebzone,' to ',izfinzone
+  if(icodemat(imodnum) /= 2) then
+      vpzone = cp(imodnum)
+      vszone = cs(imodnum)
+      print *,'Model # ',imodnum,' isotrope'
+      print *,'vp = ',vpzone
+      print *,'vs = ',vszone
+      print *,'rho = ',rho(imodnum)
+      print *,'Poisson''s ratio = ', &
+        0.5d0*(vpzone*vpzone-2.d0*vszone*vszone)/(vpzone*vpzone-vszone*vszone)
+  else
+      print *,'Model # ',imodnum,' anisotrope'
+      print *,'c11 = ',cp(imodnum)
+      print *,'c13 = ',cs(imodnum)
+      print *,'c33 = ',aniso3(imodnum)
+      print *,'c44 = ',aniso4(imodnum)
+      print *,'rho = ',rho(imodnum)
+  endif
+      print *,' -----'
+! stocker le modele de vitesse et densite
+   do i=ixdebzone,ixfinzone
+      do j=izdebzone,izfinzone
+        if(ngnod == 4) then
+          num_modele(i,j) = imodnum
+        else
+          num_modele(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1) = imodnum
+          num_modele(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+2) = imodnum
+          num_modele(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+1) = imodnum
+          num_modele(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+2) = imodnum
+        endif
+      enddo
+   enddo
+  enddo
+  if (minval(num_modele) <= 0) stop 'Velocity model not entirely set...'
+  close(10)
+  print *
+  print *,' Parameter file successfully read... '
+! --------- fin lecture fichier parametres --------------
+  allocate(psi(0:nx))
+  allocate(eta(0:nz))
+  allocate(absx(0:nx))
+  allocate(a00(0:nz))
+  allocate(a01(0:nz))
+  allocate(valeta(0:nz))
+  allocate(bot0(0:nx))
+  allocate(top0(0:nx))
+! calcul des points regulierement espaces
+  do i=0,nx
+    psi(i) = i/dble(nx)
+  enddo
+  do j=0,nz
+    eta(j) = j/dble(nz)
+  enddo
+! quelques verifications de base a faire
+  if(ngnod /= 4.and.ngnod /= 9) stop 'erreur ngnod different de 4 ou 9 !!'
+  print *
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nx,' x ',nz,' elements'
+  else
+    print *,'Le maillage comporte ',nx/2,' x ',nz/2,' elements'
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'Les elements de controle sont des elements ',ngnod,' noeuds'
+  print *
+  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+  x(:,:)=0.d0
+  z(:,:)=0.d0
+! get topography data from external file
+  print *,'Reading topography from file ',topofile
+  open(unit=15,file=topofile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ntopo
+  if (ntopo < 2) stop 'Not enough topography points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ntopo,' points from topography file'
+  print *
+  allocate(xtopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(ztopo(ntopo))
+  allocate(coefs_topo(ntopo))
+  do i=1,ntopo
+    read(15,*) xtopo(i),ztopo(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+! get interface data from external file, if any
+  if(interffile /= 'none') then
+  print *,'Reading interface from file ',interffile
+  open(unit=15,file=interffile,status='old')
+  read(15,*) ninterf
+  if (ninterf < 2) stop 'Not enough interface points (min 2)'
+  print *,'Reading ',ninterf,' points from interface file'
+  allocate(xinterf(ninterf))
+  allocate(zinterf(ninterf))
+  allocate(coefs_interf(ninterf))
+  do i=1,ninterf
+    read(15,*) xinterf(i),zinterf(i)
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+  else
+    print *,'*** No interface file specified ***'
+  endif
+! check the values read
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topography data points (x,z)'
+  print *, '----------------------------'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Topo 1 = (',xtopo(1),',',ztopo(1),')'
+  print *, 'Topo ntopo = (',xtopo(ntopo),',',ztopo(ntopo),')'
+!--- calculate the spline function for the topography
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  tang1 = (ztopo(2)-ztopo(1))/(xtopo(2)-xtopo(1))
+  tangN = (ztopo(ntopo)-ztopo(ntopo-1))/(xtopo(ntopo)-xtopo(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xtopo,ztopo,ntopo,tang1,tangN,coefs_topo)
+!--- calculate the spline function for the interface
+!--- imposer les tangentes aux deux bords
+  if (interffile /= 'none') then
+  tang1 = (zinterf(2)-zinterf(1))/(xinterf(2)-xinterf(1))
+  tangN = (zinterf(ntopo)-zinterf(ntopo-1))/(xinterf(ntopo)-xinterf(ntopo-1))
+  call spline(xinterf,zinterf,Ninterf,tang1,tangN,coefs_interf)
+  endif
+! *** afficher limites du modele lu
+  print *
+  print *, 'Limites absolues modele fichier topo :'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Xmin = ',minval(xtopo),'   Xmax = ',maxval(xtopo)
+  print *, 'Zmin = ',minval(ztopo),'   Zmax = ',maxval(ztopo)
+  print *
+! *** eventuellement modifier sources si sources en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) de la source'
+  print *
+  if(isource_surf) zs = spl(xs,xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  print *, 'Source = ',xs,zs
+! *** eventuellement modifier recepteurs si enregistrement en surface
+  print *
+  print *, 'Position (x,z) des ',nrec,' receivers'
+  print *
+  do irec=1,nrec
+   if(ienreg_surf) zrec(irec) = spl(xrec(irec),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+   print *, 'Receiver ',irec,' = ',xrec(irec),zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+!--- definition du maillage suivant X
+  do ix=0,nx
+    absx(ix) = dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  enddo
+  if (interffile == 'none') then
+! *** une seule zone si pas d'interface specifiee
+  do iz=0,nz
+    valeta(iz) = eta(iz)
+    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+    bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+    do iz=0,nz
+      x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+      z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! *** deux zones si topo
+  ncut = nint(nz*ratio)
+! *** ZONE DU BAS ***
+  do iz=0,ncut
+    valeta(iz) = dble(iz)/(nz*ratio)
+    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+    bot0(ix) = bottom(absx(ix))
+    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+    do iz=0,ncut
+      x(ix,iz) = absx(ix)
+      z(ix,iz) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! *** ZONE DU HAUT ***
+  do iz=0,nz-ncut
+    valeta(iz) = dble(iz)/(nz*(1.d0-ratio))
+    a00(iz) = 1-valeta(iz)
+    a01(iz) = valeta(iz)
+  enddo
+  do ix=0,nx
+    bot0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xinterf,zinterf,coefs_interf,ninterf)
+    top0(ix) = spl(absx(ix),xtopo,ztopo,coefs_topo,ntopo)
+  enddo
+! valeurs de x et y pour display domaine physique
+  do ix=0,nx
+    do iz=0,nz-ncut
+      x(ix,iz+ncut) = absx(ix)
+      z(ix,iz+ncut) = a00(iz)*bot0(ix) + a01(iz)*top0(ix)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+! calculer min et max de X et Z sur la grille
+  print *
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de X sur le maillage = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
+  print *, 'Valeurs min et max de Z sur le maillage = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** generer un fichier 'GNUPLOT' pour le controle de la grille ***
+! ***
+  print *
+  print *,' Ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT...'
+  file1='gridfile.gnu'
+ open(unit=20,file=file1,status='unknown')
+! dessin de la topo de surface (splines)
+  do i=0,nx-1
+    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(top0(i))
+    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(top0(i+1))
+    write(20,10)
+  enddo
+! dessin de l'interface du milieu
+  if (interffile /= 'none') then
+  do i=0,nx-1
+    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i)),sngl(bot0(i))
+    write(20,15) sngl(absx(i+1)),sngl(bot0(i+1))
+    write(20,10)
+  enddo
+  endif
+! dessin des lignes horizontales de la grille
+  print *, 'Ecriture lignes horizontales'
+  istepx = 1
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    istepz = 1
+  else
+    istepz = 2
+  endif
+  do ili=0,nz,istepz
+    do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
+      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
+      write(20,10)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! dessin des lignes verticales de la grille
+  print *, 'Ecriture lignes verticales'
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    istepx = 1
+  else
+    istepx = 2
+  endif
+  istepz = 1
+  do icol=0,nx,istepx
+    do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
+      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+      write(20,15) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
+      write(20,10)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(20)
+! cree le script de dessin pour gnuplot
+  open(unit=20,file='plotgrid.gnu',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) 'set term postscript landscape monochrome solid "Helvetica" 22'
+  write(20,*) 'set output "grille.ps"'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "Macroblocs mesh" w l'
+  close(20)
+  print *,' Fin ecriture de la grille format GNUPLOT'
+  print *
+! *** generation de la base de donnees
+  open(unit=15,file='../SPECFEM90/DataBase',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# DataBase for SPECFEM2D version 5.0'
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) University of Pau, France, May 2004'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
+  write(15,40) title
+  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    nspec = nx*nz
+  else
+    nspec = nx*nz/4
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'npgeo'
+  write(15,*) npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'ignuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) ignuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'itaff icolor inumber'
+  write(15,*) itaff,0,0
+  write(15,*) 'imeshvect imodelvect iboundvect cutvect isubsamp'
+  write(15,*) imeshvect,imodelvect,iboundvect,cutvect,isubsamp
+  write(15,*) 'nrec anglerec'
+  write(15,*) nrec,anglerec
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield'
+  write(15,*) initialfield
+  write(15,*) 'isismostype ivecttype'
+  write(15,*) isismostype,ivecttype
+  write(15,*) 'ireadmodel ioutputgrid'
+  write(15,*) ireadmodel,ioutputgrid
+  write(15,*) 'ncycl dtinc'
+  write(15,*) nt,dt
+  write(15,*) 'source'
+  write(15,*) '6 ',isource_type,xs-xmin,zs,f0,t0,factor,angle,' 0'
+  write(15,*) 'Receiver positions:'
+  do irec=1,nrec
+    write(15,*) irec,xrec(irec)-xmin,zrec(irec)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macrobloc mesh (coorg):'
+  do j=0,nz
+    do i=0,nx
+      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j)-xmin,z(i,j)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!--- introduction des bords absorbants
+  nelemabs = 0
+  if(absbas) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(abshaut) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+  if(absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+! on a deux fois trop d'elements si elements 9 noeuds
+  if(ngnod == 9) nelemabs = nelemabs / 2
+! enlever aussi les coins qui ont ete comptes deux fois
+  if(absbas .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(absbas .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abshaut .and. absgauche) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abshaut .and. absdroite) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  netyp = 2
+  write(15,*) 'netyp numat ngnod nspec iptsdisp ielemabs'
+  write(15,*) netyp,nbmodeles,ngnod,nspec,iptsdisp,nelemabs
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 0 rho vp vs 0 0) or (num 2 rho c11 c13 c33 c44)'
+  do i=1,nbmodeles
+    write(15,*) i,icodemat(i),rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
+  k=0
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    do j=0,nz-1
+    do i=0,nx-1
+    k = k + 1
+    imatnum = num_modele(i+1,j+1)
+    write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx),num(i,j+1,nx)
+    enddo
+    enddo
+  else
+    do j=0,nz-2,2
+    do i=0,nx-2,2
+    k = k + 1
+    imatnum = num_modele(i+1,j+1)
+    write(15,*) k,imatnum,num(i,j,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx), &
+              num(i,j+2,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+2,j+1,nx), &
+              num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
+    enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+!--- sauvegarde des bords absorbants
+  print *
+  print *,'Au total il y a ',nelemabs,' elements absorbants'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bords absorbants actifs :'
+  print *
+  print *,'Haut   = ',abshaut
+  print *,'Bas    = ',absbas
+  print *,'Gauche = ',absgauche
+  print *,'Droite = ',absdroite
+  print *
+! generer la liste des elements absorbants
+  if(nelemabs > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'Liste des elements absorbants (haut bas gauche droite) :'
+  inumabs = 0
+  do iz=1,nzread
+  do ix=1,nxread
+    icodehaut = 0
+    icodebas = 0
+    icodegauche = 0
+    icodedroite = 0
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
+    if(abshaut   .and. iz==nzread) icodehaut = iaretehaut
+    if(absbas    .and. iz== 1) icodebas = iaretebas
+    if(absgauche .and. ix== 1) icodegauche = iaretegauche
+    if(absdroite .and. ix==nxread) icodedroite = iaretedroite
+    if(icodehaut>0 .or. icodebas>0 .or. icodegauche>0 .or. icodedroite>0) then
+      inumabs = inumabs + 1
+      write(15,*) inumabs,inumelem,icodehaut,icodebas,icodegauche,icodedroite
+    endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+  close(15)
+ 10 format('')
+ 15 format(e10.5,1x,e10.5)
+ 40 format(a50)
+  end program meshfem2D
+! *****************
+! routines maillage
+! *****************
+! --- numero global du noeud
+  integer function num(i,j,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nx
+    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
+  end function num
+! ------- definition des fonctions representant les interfaces -------
+! --- bas du modele
+  double precision function bottom(x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision x
+    bottom = 0.d0
+  end function bottom
+! --- representation interfaces par un spline
+!--- spline
+  double precision function spl(x,xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo)
+  implicit none
+  integer ntopo
+  double precision x,xp
+  double precision xtopo(ntopo),ztopo(ntopo)
+  double precision coefs(ntopo)
+  spl = 0.
+  xp = x
+  if (xp < xtopo(1)) xp = xtopo(1)
+  if (xp > xtopo(ntopo)) xp = xtopo(ntopo)
+  call splint(xtopo,ztopo,coefs,ntopo,xp,spl)
+  end function spl
+! --- fonction de densification du maillage horizontal
+  double precision function dens(ix,psi,xmin,xmax,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer ix,nx
+  double precision psi(0:nx)
+  double precision xmin,xmax
+  dens = xmin + dble(xmax-xmin)*psi(ix)
+  end function dens
+! --------------------------------------
+! routine de calcul des coefs du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision x(n),y(n),y2(n)
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
+  double precision yp1,ypn
+  integer i,k
+  double precision sig,p,qn,un
+  allocate(u(n))
+  y2(1)=-0.5
+  u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+  do i=2,n-1
+    sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+    p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
+    y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
+    u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
+               /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
+  enddo
+  qn=0.5
+  un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
+  do k=n-1,1,-1
+    y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+  enddo
+  deallocate(u)
+  end subroutine spline
+! --------------
+! routine d'evaluation du spline (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N)
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO=1
+  KHI=N
+  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
+    K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+    IF(XA(K) > X)THEN
+      KHI=K
+    ELSE
+      KLO=K
+    ENDIF
+  enddo
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'Bad input in spline evaluation'
+  A=(XA(KHI)-X)/H
+  B=(X-XA(KLO))/H
+  Y=A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+ (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
+  end subroutine SPLINT

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