[cig-commits] r8477 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 7 15:49:20 PST 2007

Author: walter
Date: 2007-12-07 15:49:19 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8477

removed "format(" from 2D SEM codes

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/cree_image_PNM.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/cree_image_PNM.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/cree_image_PNM.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -40,13 +40,12 @@
   integer :: R, G, B
 ! ouverture du fichier image
-  write(nom_fichier,222) it
-  222 format('OUTPUT_FILES/image',i5.5,'.pnm')
+  write(nom_fichier,"('OUTPUT_FILES/image',i5.5,'.pnm')") it
 ! ouvrir le fichier
   open(unit=27, file=nom_fichier, status='unknown')
-  write(27,100) ! ecrire P3 = format d'image PNM
+  write(27,"('P3')") ! ecrire P3 = format d'image PNM
   write(27,*) NX,NY ! ecrire la taille
   write(27,*) '255' ! nombre de nuances
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@
 ! ecrire l'image en couleur
-      write(27,110) R,G,B
+      write(27,"(i3,' ',i3,' ',i3)") R,G,B
@@ -102,8 +101,5 @@
 ! fermer le fichier
- 100 format('P3')
- 110 format(i3,' ',i3,' ',i3)
   end subroutine cree_image_PNM

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/datim.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/datim.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/datim.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -33,17 +33,9 @@
   dateprint = datein(7:8)//' - '//datein(5:6)//' - '//datein(1:4)
   timeprint = timein(1:2)//':'//timein(3:4)//':'//timein(5:6)
-  write(iout,100)
-  write(iout,101) string_input
-  write(iout,102) dateprint,timeprint
+  write(iout,"(//1x,79('-')/1x,79('-')/1x,'Program SPECFEM2D: ')")
+  write(iout,"(1x,79('-')/1x,79('-')/1x,a50)") string_input
+  write(iout,"(1x,79('-')/,1x,79('-')/' D a t e : ',a16,30x,' T i m e  : ',a8/1x,79('-'),/1x,79('-'))") dateprint,timeprint
-!---- formats
- 100 format(//1x,79('-')/1x,79('-')/1x,'Program SPECFEM2D: ')
- 101 format(1x,79('-')/1x,79('-')/1x,a50)
- 102 format(1x,79('-')/,1x,79('-')/' D a t e : ',a16,30x,' T i m e  : ',a8/1x,79('-'),/1x,79('-'))
   end subroutine datim

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/gmat01.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/gmat01.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/gmat01.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   write(iout,100) numat
-  read(iin ,40) datlin
+  read(iin ,"(a80)") datlin
   do in = 1,numat
    read(iin ,*) n,indic,density,val1,val2,val3,val4
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@
 !---- formats
-  40    format(a80)
   100   format(//,' M a t e r i a l   s e t s :  ', &
          ' 2 D  e l a s t i c i t y', &
          /1x,54('='),//5x,'Number of material sets . . . . . . (numat) =',i5)

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
   distminmax = max(distmin,distminmax)
-  write(iout,150) x_source,z_source,coord(1,iglob_source),coord(2,iglob_source),distmin
-  write(iout,160) distminmax
+  write(iout,"(1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,f12.3)") x_source,z_source,coord(1,iglob_source),coord(2,iglob_source),distmin
+  write(iout,*)
+  write(iout,*)
+  write(iout,"('Maximum distance between asked and real =',f12.3)") distminmax
- 150 format(1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,f12.3)
- 160 format(/2x,'Maximum distance between asked and real =',f12.3)
  200 format(//1x,48('=')/,' =  S o u r c e s  ', &
   'r e a l  p o s i t i o n s  ='/1x,48('=')// &
   '    Source    x-asked      z-asked     x-obtain     z-obtain       dist'/)

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
     do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
       write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
       write(20,*) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
-      write(20,10)
+      write(20,"('')")
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
     do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
       write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
       write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
-      write(20,10)
+      write(20,"('')")
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@
   write(15,*) '#'
   write(15,*) 'Titre simulation'
-  write(15,40) title
+  write(15,"(a50)") title
   npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
   if(ngnod == 4) then
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
 ! display position of the receiver
       print *,'Receiver ',irec_global_number,' = ',xrec,zrec
-      write(15,100) irec_global_number,xrec,zrec
+      write(15,"('S',i4.4,'    AA ',f20.7,1x,f20.7,'       0.0         0.0')") irec_global_number,xrec,zrec
@@ -822,11 +822,6 @@
   print *
- 10 format('')
- 40 format(a50)
- 100 format('S',i4.4,'    AA ',f20.7,1x,f20.7,'       0.0         0.0')
   end program meshfem2D
 ! ********************

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/plotgll.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/plotgll.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/plotgll.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@
-  write(31,10)
+  write(31,"('')")
-  write(21,10)
+  write(21,"('')")
   do ispec = 1,nspec
@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@
          iglobnum2 = ibool(ix+1,iy,ispec)
-  write(20,15) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
-  write(20,15) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
-  write(20,10)
+  write(20,*) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
+  write(20,*) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
+  write(20,"('')")
   if(iy == 1 .or. iy == NGLLZ) then
-    write(21,15) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
-    write(21,15) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
-    write(21,10)
+    write(21,*) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
+    write(21,*) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
+    write(21,"('')")
@@ -98,14 +98,14 @@
          iglobnum2 = ibool(ix,iy+1,ispec)
-  write(20,15) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
-  write(20,15) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
-  write(20,10)
+  write(20,*) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
+  write(20,*) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
+  write(20,"('')")
   if(ix == 1 .or. ix == NGLLX) then
-    write(21,15) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
-    write(21,15) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
-    write(21,10)
+    write(21,*) coord(1,iglobnum),coord(2,iglobnum)
+    write(21,*) coord(1,iglobnum2),coord(2,iglobnum2)
+    write(21,"('')")
@@ -129,18 +129,18 @@
 ! draw the edges of the element using one color
-    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
-    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
-    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
-    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
-    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
-    write(30,10)
+    write(30,*) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,*) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,*) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,*) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,*) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,"('')")
@@ -149,44 +149,44 @@
 ! draw the edges of the element using one color
-    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
-    write(30,15) xval(5),zval(5)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(5),zval(5)
-    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(2),zval(2)
-    write(30,15) xval(6),zval(6)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(6),zval(6)
-    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(3),zval(3)
-    write(30,15) xval(7),zval(7)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(7),zval(7)
-    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(4),zval(4)
-    write(30,15) xval(8),zval(8)
-    write(30,10)
-    write(30,15) xval(8),zval(8)
-    write(30,15) xval(1),zval(1)
-    write(30,10)
+    write(30,*) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,*) xval(5),zval(5)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(5),zval(5)
+    write(30,*) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(2),zval(2)
+    write(30,*) xval(6),zval(6)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(6),zval(6)
+    write(30,*) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(3),zval(3)
+    write(30,*) xval(7),zval(7)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(7),zval(7)
+    write(30,*) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(4),zval(4)
+    write(30,*) xval(8),zval(8)
+    write(30,"('')")
+    write(30,*) xval(8),zval(8)
+    write(30,*) xval(1),zval(1)
+    write(30,"('')")
 ! draw middle lines using another color
-    write(31,15) xval(5),zval(5)
-    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
-    write(31,10)
-    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
-    write(31,15) xval(7),zval(7)
-    write(31,10)
-    write(31,15) xval(8),zval(8)
-    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
-    write(31,10)
-    write(31,15) xval(9),zval(9)
-    write(31,15) xval(6),zval(6)
-    write(31,10)
+    write(31,*) xval(5),zval(5)
+    write(31,*) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,"('')")
+    write(31,*) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,*) xval(7),zval(7)
+    write(31,"('')")
+    write(31,*) xval(8),zval(8)
+    write(31,*) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,"('')")
+    write(31,*) xval(9),zval(9)
+    write(31,*) xval(6),zval(6)
+    write(31,"('')")
@@ -223,8 +223,5 @@
   write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key to exit..."'
- 10 format('')
- 15 format(e10.5,1x,e10.5)
   end subroutine plotgll

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/plotpost.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/plotpost.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/plotpost.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -192,9 +192,8 @@
 !---- ouverture du fichier PostScript
-  write(name,222) it
+  write(name,"('OUTPUT_FILES/vect',i5.5,'.ps')") it
-  222 format('OUTPUT_FILES/vect',i5.5,'.ps')
 !---- ecriture de l'entete du fichier PostScript
@@ -771,7 +770,7 @@
   ch2(indice) = ch1(longueur)
-  write(24,200) (ch2(ii),ii=1,indice)
+  write(24,"(80(a1))") (ch2(ii),ii=1,indice)
@@ -836,7 +835,7 @@
   ch2(indice) = ch1(longueur)
-  write(24,200) (ch2(ii),ii=1,indice)
+  write(24,"(80(a1))") (ch2(ii),ii=1,indice)
@@ -902,7 +901,7 @@
  10   format('%!PS-Adobe-2.0',/,'%%',/,'%% Title: ',a50,/, &
-          '%% Created by: Specfem Version 5.0',/, &
+          '%% Created by: Specfem2D',/, &
           '%% Author: Dimitri Komatitsch',/,'%%')
  510  format(f5.1,1x,f5.1,' M')
  600  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Time =',f6.3,' s) show')
@@ -911,7 +910,6 @@
  620  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Cut =',f5.2,' \%) show')
  640  format(f6.3,' neg CM 0 MR (Max norm =',1pe10.3,') show')
- 200  format(80(a1))
  499  format(f5.1,1x,f5.1,' L')
  500  format(f5.1,1x,f5.1,' M')
  502  format('fN (',i4,') Cshow')

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_value_parameters.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_value_parameters.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_value_parameters.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
   integer ios,iin,index_equal_sign
-    read(unit=iin,fmt=200,iostat=ios) string_read
+    read(unit=iin,fmt="(a100)",iostat=ios) string_read
     if(ios /= 0) stop 'error while reading input file'
 ! suppress leading white spaces, if any
@@ -116,8 +116,5 @@
   string_read = adjustl(string_read)
   string_read = string_read(1:len_trim(string_read))
-! format
- 200 format(a100)
   end subroutine read_next_line

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@
 !---  read job title and skip remaining titles of the input file
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
-  read(IIN,45) stitle
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a50)") stitle
 !---- print the date, time and start-up banner
@@ -233,29 +233,29 @@
 !---- read parameters from input file
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) npgeo
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) gnuplot,interpol
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) IT_AFFICHE,output_postscript_snapshot,output_PNM_image,colors,numbers
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutvect,subsamp,sizemax_arrows,nx_sem_PNM
   cutvect = cutvect / 100.d0
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) anglerec
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) initialfield
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) sismostype,vecttype
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) read_external_model,outputgrid,ELASTIC,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
 !---- check parameters read
@@ -266,14 +266,14 @@
   write(IOUT,800) vecttype,100.d0*cutvect,subsamp
 !---- read time step
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) NSTEP,deltat
   write(IOUT,703) NSTEP,deltat,NSTEP*deltat
 !----  read source information
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) source_type,time_function_type,x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
   ipoin = 0
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   do ip = 1,npgeo
    read(IIN,*) ipoin,(coorgread(id),id =1,NDIM)
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 !---- read the basic properties of the spectral elements
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only,nelemabs,nelemsurface
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
 !----  read spectral macrobloc data
   n = 0
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   do ie = 1,nspec
     read(IIN,*) n,kmato(n),(knods(k,n), k=1,ngnod)
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 !----  read absorbing boundary data
   if(anyabs) then
-    read(IIN,40) datlin
+    read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
     do n=1,nelemabs
       read(IIN,*) inum,numabsread,codeabsread(1),codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),codeabsread(4)
       if(inum < 1 .or. inum > nelemabs) stop 'Wrong absorbing element number'
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
 !----  read free surface data
-  read(IIN,40) datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) abshaut
   do n=1,nelemsurface
     read(IIN,*) inum,numsurfaceread
@@ -1563,9 +1563,9 @@
     if(time >= 1.d-3) then
-      write(IOUT,100) it,time
+      write(IOUT,"('Pas de temps numero ',i5,'   t = ',f7.4,' s')") it,time
-      write(IOUT,101) it,time
+      write(IOUT,"('Pas de temps numero ',i5,'   t = ',1pe10.4,' s')") it,time
     displnorm_all = maxval(sqrt(displ(1,:)**2 + displ(2,:)**2))
@@ -1809,18 +1809,14 @@
 !----  formats
- 40   format(a80)
- 45   format(a50)
- 100  format('Pas de temps numero ',i5,'   t = ',f7.4,' s')
- 101  format('Pas de temps numero ',i5,'   t = ',1pe10.4,' s')
- 110  format('Sauvegarde deplacement temps t = ',f7.4,' s')
- 111  format('Sauvegarde deplacement temps t = ',1pe10.4,' s')
- 400  format(/1x,41('=')/,' =  T i m e  e v o l u t i o n  l o o p  ='/1x,41('=')/)
-  200   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x,&
+ 400 format(/1x,41('=')/,' =  T i m e  e v o l u t i o n  l o o p  ='/1x,41('=')/)
+ 200 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x,&
   'Number of spectral element control nodes. . .(npgeo) =',i8/5x, &
   'Number of space dimensions. . . . . . . . . . (NDIM) =',i8)
-  600   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+ 600 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
   'Display frequency . . . . . . . . . . . (IT_AFFICHE) = ',i5/ 5x, &
   'Color display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (colors) = ',i5/ 5x, &
   '        ==  0     black and white display              ',  / 5x, &
@@ -1828,55 +1824,57 @@
   'Numbered mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(numbers) = ',i5/ 5x, &
   '        ==  0     do not number the mesh               ',  /5x, &
   '        ==  1     number the mesh                      ')
-  700   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+ 700 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
   'Seismograms recording type . . . . . . .(sismostype) = ',i6/5x, &
   'Angle for first line of receivers. . . . .(anglerec) = ',f6.2)
-  750   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+ 750 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
   'Read external initial field. . . . . .(initialfield) = ',l6/5x, &
   'Read external velocity model. .(read_external_model) = ',l6/5x, &
   'Elastic simulation or acoustic. . . . . . .(ELASTIC) = ',l6/5x, &
   'Turn anisotropy on or off. . . .(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON) = ',l6/5x, &
   'Turn attenuation on or off. . .(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) = ',l6/5x, &
   'Save grid in external file or not. . . .(outputgrid) = ',l6)
-  800   format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+ 800 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
   'Vector display type. . . . . . . . . . . .(vecttype) = ',i6/5x, &
   'Percentage of cut for vector plots. . . . .(cutvect) = ',f6.2/5x, &
   'Subsampling for velocity model display. . .(subsamp) = ',i6)
-  703   format(//' I t e r a t i o n s '/1x,19('='),//5x, &
+ 703 format(//' I t e r a t i o n s '/1x,19('='),//5x, &
       'Number of time iterations . . . . .(NSTEP) =',i8,/5x, &
       'Time step increment. . . . . . . .(deltat) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
       'Total simulation duration . . . . . (ttot) =',1pe15.6)
-  107   format(/5x,'--> Isoparametric Spectral Elements <--',//)
-  207   format(5x, &
-           'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (NGLLX) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of points per element. . .(NGLLX*NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of points for display . . .(pointsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
-           'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7)
+ 107 format(/5x,'--> Isoparametric Spectral Elements <--',//)
-  212   format(//,5x, &
-     'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Collocated Force',/5x, &
-     'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Angle from vertical direction (deg). . =',1pe20.10,/5x)
-  222   format(//,5x, &
-     'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Moment-tensor',/5x, &
-     'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Mxx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Mzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-     'Mxz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10)
+ 207 format(5x,'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (NGLLX) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points per element. . .(NGLLX*NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points for display . . .(pointsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7)
+ 212 format(//,5x,'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Collocated Force',/5x, &
+                  'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Angle from vertical direction (deg). . =',1pe20.10,/5x)
+ 222 format(//,5x,'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Moment-tensor',/5x, &
+                  'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Mxx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Mzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Mxz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10)
   end program specfem2D

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.f90	2005-11-01 21:59:16 UTC (rev 8476)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.f90	2007-12-07 23:49:19 UTC (rev 8477)
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
   write(11,110) FACTORXSU,NSTEP,deltat,-t0,nrec
   do irec=1,nrec
-    write(11,140) st_xval(irec)
+    write(11,"(f12.5)") st_xval(irec)
     if(irec < nrec) write(11,*) ','
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 ! script de visualisation
-  write(11,100)
+  write(11,"('#!/bin/csh')")
   write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile receiver_line_Xsu_postscript'
   write(11,*) '# concatener toutes les lignes'
@@ -242,8 +242,6 @@
 ! formats
-  100 format('#!/bin/csh -f')
   110 format('xwigb at xcur=',f8.2,'@n1=',i5,'@d1=',f15.8,'@f1=',f15.8,'@label1="Time@(s)"@label2="x@(m)"@n2=',i5,'@x2=')
   120 format('sed -e ''1,$s/ //g'' -e ''1,$s/@/ /g'' -e ''1,1p'' -e ''$,$s/Ux/Uz/g'' <tempfile > receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow')
@@ -252,7 +250,5 @@
         '-e ''1,$s/Ux_file_single.bin/Ux_file_single.bin > uxpoly.ps/g'' ', &
         '-e ''1,$s/Uz_file_single.bin/Uz_file_single.bin > uzpoly.ps/g'' receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow > receiver_line_Xsu_postscript')
-  140 format(f12.5)
   end subroutine write_seismograms

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