[cig-commits] r8522 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 7 15:53:17 PST 2007

Author: walter
Date: 2007-12-07 15:53:16 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8522

renamed some files from .f90 to .F90 in order to enable conditional compilation with a preprocessor, and changing the Makefile accordingly.

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 # GNU gfortran
 F90 = gfortran
+#FLAGS_NOCHECK = -O3 -march=opteron -m64 -mfpmath=sse,387
 FLAGS_NOCHECK = -std=gnu -fimplicit-none -frange-check -O2 -Wunused-labels -Waliasing -Wampersand -Wsurprising -Wline-truncation -Wunderflow
 FLAGS_CHECK = $(FLAGS_NOCHECK) -fbounds-check
@@ -51,11 +52,11 @@
 convolve_source_timefunction: $O/convolve_source_timefunction.o
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -o xconvolve_source_timefunction $O/convolve_source_timefunction.o
-$O/checkgrid.o: checkgrid.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/checkgrid.o checkgrid.f90
+$O/checkgrid.o: checkgrid.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/checkgrid.o checkgrid.F90
-$O/meshfem2D.o: meshfem2D.f90
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/meshfem2D.o meshfem2D.f90
+$O/meshfem2D.o: meshfem2D.F90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/meshfem2D.o meshfem2D.F90
 $O/createnum_fast.o: createnum_fast.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/createnum_fast.o createnum_fast.f90
@@ -90,24 +91,24 @@
 $O/plotpost.o: plotpost.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/plotpost.o plotpost.f90
-$O/locate_receivers.o: locate_receivers.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/locate_receivers.o locate_receivers.f90
+$O/locate_receivers.o: locate_receivers.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/locate_receivers.o locate_receivers.F90
 $O/recompute_jacobian.o: recompute_jacobian.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/recompute_jacobian.o recompute_jacobian.f90
-$O/locate_source_force.o: locate_source_force.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/locate_source_force.o locate_source_force.f90
+$O/locate_source_force.o: locate_source_force.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/locate_source_force.o locate_source_force.F90
-$O/locate_source_moment_tensor.o: locate_source_moment_tensor.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/locate_source_moment_tensor.o locate_source_moment_tensor.f90
+$O/locate_source_moment_tensor.o: locate_source_moment_tensor.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/locate_source_moment_tensor.o locate_source_moment_tensor.F90
 $O/define_shape_functions.o: define_shape_functions.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/define_shape_functions.o define_shape_functions.f90
 ### use optimized compilation option for solver only
-$O/specfem2D.o: specfem2D.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_NOCHECK) -c -o $O/specfem2D.o specfem2D.f90
+$O/specfem2D.o: specfem2D.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_NOCHECK) -c -o $O/specfem2D.o specfem2D.F90
 ### use optimized compilation option for solver only
 $O/enforce_acoustic_free_surface.o: enforce_acoustic_free_surface.f90 constants.h
@@ -143,6 +144,6 @@
 $O/define_external_model.o: define_external_model.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/define_external_model.o define_external_model.f90
-$O/write_seismograms.o: write_seismograms.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/write_seismograms.o write_seismograms.f90
+$O/write_seismograms.o: write_seismograms.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/write_seismograms.o write_seismograms.F90

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+  subroutine checkgrid(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef,ibool,kmato,coord,npoin,vpmin,vpmax, &
+                 assign_external_model,nspec,numat,deltat,f0,t0,initialfield,time_function_type, &
+                 coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint,knods,simulation_title,npgeo,pointsdisp,ngnod,any_elastic)
+! check the mesh, stability and number of points per wavelength
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer i,j,ispec,material,npoin,nspec,numat,time_function_type
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: ibool
+  double precision, dimension(numat) :: density
+  double precision, dimension(4,numat) :: elastcoef
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
+  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
+  double precision vpmin,vpmax,vsmin,vsmax,densmin,densmax,vpmax_local,vpmin_local,vsmin_local
+  double precision lambdaplus2mu,mu,denst,cploc,csloc
+  double precision distance_min,distance_max,distance_min_local,distance_max_local
+  double precision courant_stability_number_max,lambdaPmin,lambdaPmax,lambdaSmin,lambdaSmax
+  double precision f0,t0,deltat,distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4
+  logical assign_external_model,initialfield,any_elastic
+! for the stability condition
+! maximum polynomial degree for which we can compute the stability condition
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLX_MAX_STABILITY = 15
+  double precision :: percent_GLL(NGLLX_MAX_STABILITY)
+  integer pointsdisp,npgeo,ngnod,is,ir,in,nnum
+  double precision :: xmax,zmax,height,usoffset,sizex,sizez,courant_stability_number
+  double precision :: x1,z1,x2,z2,ratio_page,xmin,zmin,lambdaS_local,lambdaP_local
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
+  double precision xinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp),zinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp)
+  double precision shapeint(ngnod,pointsdisp,pointsdisp)
+  double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
+! title of the plot
+  character(len=60) simulation_title
+! define percentage of smallest distance between GLL points for NGLLX points
+! percentages were computed by calling the GLL points routine for each degree
+  percent_GLL(2) = 100.d0
+  percent_GLL(3) = 50.d0
+  percent_GLL(4) = 27.639320225002102d0
+  percent_GLL(5) = 17.267316464601141d0
+  percent_GLL(6) = 11.747233803526763d0
+  percent_GLL(7) = 8.4888051860716516d0
+  percent_GLL(8) = 6.4129925745196719d0
+  percent_GLL(9) = 5.0121002294269914d0
+  percent_GLL(10) = 4.0233045916770571d0
+  percent_GLL(11) = 3.2999284795970416d0
+  percent_GLL(12) = 2.7550363888558858d0
+  percent_GLL(13) = 2.3345076678918053d0
+  percent_GLL(14) = 2.0032477366369594d0
+  percent_GLL(15) = 1.7377036748080721d0
+! convert to real percentage
+  percent_GLL(:) = percent_GLL(:) / 100.d0
+  if(NGLLX > NGLLX_MAX_STABILITY) stop 'cannot estimate the stability condition for that degree'
+!---- compute parameters for the spectral elements
+  vpmin = HUGEVAL
+  vsmin = HUGEVAL
+  vpmax = -HUGEVAL
+  vsmax = -HUGEVAL
+  densmin = HUGEVAL
+  densmax = -HUGEVAL
+  distance_min = HUGEVAL
+  distance_max = -HUGEVAL
+  courant_stability_number_max = -HUGEVAL
+  lambdaPmin = HUGEVAL
+  lambdaSmin = HUGEVAL
+  lambdaPmax = -HUGEVAL
+  lambdaSmax = -HUGEVAL
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    material = kmato(ispec)
+    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
+    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
+    denst = density(material)
+    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
+    csloc = sqrt(mu/denst)
+  vpmax_local = -HUGEVAL
+  vpmin_local = HUGEVAL
+  vsmin_local = HUGEVAL
+  distance_min_local = HUGEVAL
+  distance_max_local = -HUGEVAL
+  do j=1,NGLLZ
+    do i=1,NGLLX
+!--- if heterogeneous formulation with external velocity model
+    if(assign_external_model) then
+      cploc = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+      csloc = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+      denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+    endif
+!--- compute min and max of velocity and density models
+    vpmin = min(vpmin,cploc)
+    vpmax = max(vpmax,cploc)
+! ignore fluid regions with Vs = 0
+    if(csloc > 0.0001d0) vsmin = min(vsmin,csloc)
+    vsmax = max(vsmax,csloc)
+    densmin = min(densmin,denst)
+    densmax = max(densmax,denst)
+    vpmax_local = max(vpmax_local,cploc)
+    vpmin_local = min(vpmin_local,cploc)
+    vsmin_local = min(vsmin_local,csloc)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! compute minimum and maximum size of edges of this grid cell
+  distance_1 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_2 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_3 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_4 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_min_local = min(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
+  distance_max_local = max(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
+  distance_min = min(distance_min,distance_min_local)
+  distance_max = max(distance_max,distance_max_local)
+  courant_stability_number_max = max(courant_stability_number_max,vpmax_local * deltat / (distance_min_local * percent_GLL(NGLLX)))
+! ignore fluid regions with Vs = 0
+  if(csloc > 0.0001d0) then
+    lambdaSmin = min(lambdaSmin,vsmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
+    lambdaSmax = max(lambdaSmax,vsmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
+  endif
+  lambdaPmin = min(lambdaPmin,vpmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
+  lambdaPmax = max(lambdaPmax,vpmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
+  enddo
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '********'
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Model: P velocity min,max = ',vpmin,vpmax
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Model: S velocity min,max = ',vsmin,vsmax
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Model: density min,max = ',densmin,densmax
+  write(IOUT,*) '********'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '*********************************************'
+  write(IOUT,*) '*** Verification of simulation parameters ***'
+  write(IOUT,*) '*********************************************'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '*** Max grid size = ',distance_max
+  write(IOUT,*) '*** Min grid size = ',distance_min
+  write(IOUT,*) '*** Max/min ratio = ',distance_max/distance_min
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '*** Max stability for P wave velocity = ',courant_stability_number_max
+  write(IOUT,*)
+! only if time source is not a Dirac or Heaviside (otherwise maximum frequency of spectrum undefined)
+! and if source is not an initial field, for the same reason
+  if(.not. initialfield .and. time_function_type /= 4 .and. time_function_type /= 5) then
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Onset time = ',t0
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Fundamental period = ',1.d0/f0
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Fundamental frequency = ',f0
+    if(t0 <= 1.d0/f0) then
+      stop 'Onset time too small'
+    else
+      write(IOUT,*) ' --> onset time ok'
+    endif
+    write(IOUT,*) '----'
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaPmin_fmax max = ',lambdaPmax/(2.5d0*f0)
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaPmin_fmax min = ',lambdaPmin/(2.5d0*f0)
+    write(IOUT,*) '----'
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaSmin_fmax max = ',lambdaSmax/(2.5d0*f0)
+    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaSmin_fmax min = ',lambdaSmin/(2.5d0*f0)
+    write(IOUT,*) '----'
+  endif
+! A4 or US letter paper
+  if(US_LETTER) then
+    usoffset = 1.75d0
+    sizex = 27.94d0
+    sizez = 21.59d0
+  else
+    usoffset = 0.d0
+    sizex = 29.7d0
+    sizez = 21.d0
+  endif
+! height of domain numbers in centimeters
+  height = 0.25d0
+! get minimum and maximum values of mesh coordinates
+  xmin = minval(coord(1,:))
+  zmin = minval(coord(2,:))
+  xmax = maxval(coord(1,:))
+  zmax = maxval(coord(2,:))
+! ratio of physical page size/size of the domain meshed
+  ratio_page = min(rpercentz*sizez/(zmax-zmin),rpercentx*sizex/(xmax-xmin)) / 100.d0
+  print *
+  print *,'Creating PostScript file with stability condition'
+!---- open PostScript file
+  open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/mesh_stability.ps',status='unknown')
+!---- write PostScript header
+  write(24,10) simulation_title
+  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
+  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
+  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
+  write(24,*) '% different useful symbols'
+  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cross {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST grestore'
+  write(24,*) '0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Diamond {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth 0 4.2 MR'
+  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore 0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% macro to draw the contour of the elements'
+  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '.01 CM setlinewidth'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.35 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
+  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM scalefont setfont} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
+  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!--- write captions of PostScript figure
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.5 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.6 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.7 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(Mesh stability condition \(red = bad\)) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(',simulation_title,') show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(2D Spectral Element Method) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1 1 scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!---- draw the spectral element mesh
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  do ispec = 1, nspec
+  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispec
+  do i=1,pointsdisp
+  do j=1,pointsdisp
+  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  do in = 1,ngnod
+    nnum = knods(in,ispec)
+      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
+      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  is = 1
+  ir = 1
+  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  write(24,*) 'mark'
+  write(24,681) x1,z1
+! draw straight lines if elements have 4 nodes
+  ir=pointsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  ir=pointsdisp
+  is=pointsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  is=pointsdisp
+  ir=1
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  ir=1
+  is=2
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  write(24,*) 'CO'
+    material = kmato(ispec)
+    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
+    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
+    denst = density(material)
+    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
+    csloc = sqrt(mu/denst)
+  vpmax_local = -HUGEVAL
+  vpmin_local = HUGEVAL
+  vsmin_local = HUGEVAL
+  distance_min_local = HUGEVAL
+  distance_max_local = -HUGEVAL
+  do j=1,NGLLZ
+    do i=1,NGLLX
+!--- if heterogeneous formulation with external velocity model
+    if(assign_external_model) then
+      cploc = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+      csloc = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+      denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+    endif
+    vpmax_local = max(vpmax_local,cploc)
+    vpmin_local = min(vpmin_local,cploc)
+    vsmin_local = min(vsmin_local,csloc)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! compute minimum and maximum size of edges of this grid cell
+  distance_1 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_2 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_3 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_4 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_min_local = min(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
+  distance_max_local = max(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
+  distance_min = min(distance_min,distance_min_local)
+  distance_max = max(distance_max,distance_max_local)
+  courant_stability_number = vpmax_local * deltat / (distance_min_local * percent_GLL(NGLLX))
+! display bad elements that are above 80% of the threshold
+  if(courant_stability_number >= 0.80 * courant_stability_number_max) then
+    write(24,*) '1 0 0 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
+  else
+! do not color the elements if below the threshold
+    write(24,*) 'ST'
+  endif
+  enddo ! end of loop on all the spectral elements
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'showpage'
+  close(24)
+  print *,'End of creation of PostScript file with stability condition'
+  print *
+  print *,'Creating PostScript file with mesh dispersion'
+!---- open PostScript file
+  if(any_elastic) then
+    open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/mesh_S_wave_dispersion.ps',status='unknown')
+  else
+    open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/mesh_P_wave_dispersion.ps',status='unknown')
+  endif
+!---- write PostScript header
+  write(24,10) simulation_title
+  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
+  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
+  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
+  write(24,*) '% different useful symbols'
+  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cross {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST grestore'
+  write(24,*) '0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Diamond {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth 0 4.2 MR'
+  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore 0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% macro to draw the contour of the elements'
+  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '.01 CM setlinewidth'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.35 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
+  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM scalefont setfont} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
+  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!--- write captions of PostScript figure
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.5 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.6 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.7 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  if(any_elastic) then
+    write(24,*) '(Mesh elastic S-wave dispersion \(red = good, blue = bad\)) show'
+  else
+    write(24,*) '(Mesh acoustic P-wave dispersion \(red = good, blue = bad\)) show'
+  endif
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(',simulation_title,') show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(2D Spectral Element Method) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1 1 scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!---- draw the spectral element mesh
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  do ispec = 1, nspec
+  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispec
+  do i=1,pointsdisp
+  do j=1,pointsdisp
+  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  do in = 1,ngnod
+    nnum = knods(in,ispec)
+      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
+      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  is = 1
+  ir = 1
+  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  write(24,*) 'mark'
+  write(24,681) x1,z1
+! draw straight lines if elements have 4 nodes
+  ir=pointsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  ir=pointsdisp
+  is=pointsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  is=pointsdisp
+  ir=1
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  ir=1
+  is=2
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  write(24,*) 'CO'
+    material = kmato(ispec)
+    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
+    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
+    denst = density(material)
+    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
+    csloc = sqrt(mu/denst)
+  vpmax_local = -HUGEVAL
+  vpmin_local = HUGEVAL
+  vsmin_local = HUGEVAL
+  distance_min_local = HUGEVAL
+  distance_max_local = -HUGEVAL
+  do j=1,NGLLZ
+    do i=1,NGLLX
+!--- if heterogeneous formulation with external velocity model
+    if(assign_external_model) then
+      cploc = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+      csloc = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+      denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+    endif
+    vpmax_local = max(vpmax_local,cploc)
+    vpmin_local = min(vpmin_local,cploc)
+    vsmin_local = min(vsmin_local,csloc)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! compute minimum and maximum size of edges of this grid cell
+  distance_1 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_2 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_3 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_4 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2 + &
+               (coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2)
+  distance_min_local = min(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
+  distance_max_local = max(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
+  distance_min = min(distance_min,distance_min_local)
+  distance_max = max(distance_max,distance_max_local)
+! display mesh dispersion for S waves if there is at least one elastic element in the mesh
+  if(any_elastic) then
+! ignore fluid regions with Vs = 0
+  if(csloc > 0.0001d0) then
+    lambdaS_local = vsmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1))
+! display very good elements that are above 80% of the threshold in red
+    if(lambdaS_local >= 0.80 * lambdaSmax) then
+      write(24,*) '1 0 0 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
+! display bad elements that are below 120% of the threshold in blue
+    else if(lambdaS_local <= 1.20 * lambdaSmin) then
+      write(24,*) '0 0 1 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
+    else
+! do not color the elements if not close to the threshold
+      write(24,*) 'ST'
+    endif
+  else
+! do not color the elements if S-wave velocity undefined
+    write(24,*) 'ST'
+  endif
+! display mesh dispersion for P waves if there is no elastic element in the mesh
+  else
+    lambdaP_local = vpmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1))
+! display very good elements that are above 80% of the threshold in red
+    if(lambdaP_local >= 0.80 * lambdaPmax) then
+      write(24,*) '1 0 0 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
+! display bad elements that are below 120% of the threshold in blue
+    else if(lambdaP_local <= 1.20 * lambdaPmin) then
+      write(24,*) '0 0 1 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
+    else
+! do not color the elements if not close to the threshold
+      write(24,*) 'ST'
+    endif
+  endif
+  enddo ! end of loop on all the spectral elements
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'showpage'
+  close(24)
+  print *,'End of creation of PostScript file with mesh dispersion'
+  print *
+  print *,'Creating PostScript file with velocity model'
+!---- open PostScript file
+  open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/P_velocity_model.ps',status='unknown')
+!---- write PostScript header
+  write(24,10) simulation_title
+  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
+  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
+  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
+  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
+  write(24,*) '% different useful symbols'
+  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
+  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cross {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST grestore'
+  write(24,*) '0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
+  write(24,*) '/Diamond {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth 0 4.2 MR'
+  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore 0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% macro to draw the contour of the elements'
+  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '.01 CM setlinewidth'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.35 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
+  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
+  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
+  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM scalefont setfont} def'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
+  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!--- write captions of PostScript figure
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.5 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.6 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
+  write(24,*) '.7 CM scalefont setfont'
+  write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
+  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(P-velocity model \(dark = fast, light = slow\)) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(',simulation_title,') show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
+  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
+  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
+  write(24,*) '(2D Spectral Element Method) show'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '1 1 scale'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+!---- draw the spectral element mesh
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
+  do ispec = 1, nspec
+  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispec
+  do i=1,pointsdisp
+  do j=1,pointsdisp
+  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
+  do in = 1,ngnod
+    nnum = knods(in,ispec)
+      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
+      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  is = 1
+  ir = 1
+  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x1 = x1 * centim
+  z1 = z1 * centim
+  write(24,*) 'mark'
+  write(24,681) x1,z1
+! draw straight lines if elements have 4 nodes
+  ir=pointsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  ir=pointsdisp
+  is=pointsdisp
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  is=pointsdisp
+  ir=1
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  ir=1
+  is=2
+  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
+  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
+  x2 = x2 * centim
+  z2 = z2 * centim
+  write(24,681) x2,z2
+  write(24,*) 'CO'
+  if((vpmax-vpmin)/vpmin > 0.02d0) then
+  if(assign_external_model) then
+! use lower-left corner
+    x1 = (vpext(1,1,ispec)-vpmin) / (vpmax-vpmin)
+  else
+    material = kmato(ispec)
+    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
+    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
+    denst = density(material)
+    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
+    x1 = (cploc-vpmin)/(vpmax-vpmin)
+  endif
+  else
+    x1 = 0.5d0
+  endif
+! rescale to avoid very dark gray levels
+  x1 = x1*0.7 + 0.2
+  if(x1 > 1.d0) x1=1.d0
+! invert scale: white = vpmin, dark gray = vpmax
+  x1 = 1.d0 - x1
+! display P-velocity model using gray levels
+      write(24,*) sngl(x1),' setgray GF 0 setgray ST'
+  enddo ! end of loop on all the spectral elements
+  write(24,*) '%'
+  write(24,*) 'grestore'
+  write(24,*) 'showpage'
+  close(24)
+  print *,'End of creation of PostScript file with velocity model'
+ 10  format('%!PS-Adobe-2.0',/,'%%',/,'%% Title: ',a50,/,'%% Created by: Specfem2D',/,'%% Author: Dimitri Komatitsch',/,'%%')
+ 681 format(f6.2,1x,f6.2)
+  end subroutine checkgrid

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-  subroutine checkgrid(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef,ibool,kmato,coord,npoin,vpmin,vpmax, &
-                 assign_external_model,nspec,numat,deltat,f0,t0,initialfield,time_function_type, &
-                 coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shapeint,knods,simulation_title,npgeo,pointsdisp,ngnod,any_elastic)
-! check the mesh, stability and number of points per wavelength
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer i,j,ispec,material,npoin,nspec,numat,time_function_type
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: ibool
-  double precision, dimension(numat) :: density
-  double precision, dimension(4,numat) :: elastcoef
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
-  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
-  double precision vpmin,vpmax,vsmin,vsmax,densmin,densmax,vpmax_local,vpmin_local,vsmin_local
-  double precision lambdaplus2mu,mu,denst,cploc,csloc
-  double precision distance_min,distance_max,distance_min_local,distance_max_local
-  double precision courant_stability_number_max,lambdaPmin,lambdaPmax,lambdaSmin,lambdaSmax
-  double precision f0,t0,deltat,distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4
-  logical assign_external_model,initialfield,any_elastic
-! for the stability condition
-! maximum polynomial degree for which we can compute the stability condition
-  integer, parameter :: NGLLX_MAX_STABILITY = 15
-  double precision :: percent_GLL(NGLLX_MAX_STABILITY)
-  integer pointsdisp,npgeo,ngnod,is,ir,in,nnum
-  double precision :: xmax,zmax,height,usoffset,sizex,sizez,courant_stability_number
-  double precision :: x1,z1,x2,z2,ratio_page,xmin,zmin,lambdaS_local,lambdaP_local
-  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
-  double precision xinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp),zinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp)
-  double precision shapeint(ngnod,pointsdisp,pointsdisp)
-  double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
-! title of the plot
-  character(len=60) simulation_title
-! define percentage of smallest distance between GLL points for NGLLX points
-! percentages were computed by calling the GLL points routine for each degree
-  percent_GLL(2) = 100.d0
-  percent_GLL(3) = 50.d0
-  percent_GLL(4) = 27.639320225002102d0
-  percent_GLL(5) = 17.267316464601141d0
-  percent_GLL(6) = 11.747233803526763d0
-  percent_GLL(7) = 8.4888051860716516d0
-  percent_GLL(8) = 6.4129925745196719d0
-  percent_GLL(9) = 5.0121002294269914d0
-  percent_GLL(10) = 4.0233045916770571d0
-  percent_GLL(11) = 3.2999284795970416d0
-  percent_GLL(12) = 2.7550363888558858d0
-  percent_GLL(13) = 2.3345076678918053d0
-  percent_GLL(14) = 2.0032477366369594d0
-  percent_GLL(15) = 1.7377036748080721d0
-! convert to real percentage
-  percent_GLL(:) = percent_GLL(:) / 100.d0
-  if(NGLLX > NGLLX_MAX_STABILITY) stop 'cannot estimate the stability condition for that degree'
-!---- compute parameters for the spectral elements
-  vpmin = HUGEVAL
-  vsmin = HUGEVAL
-  vpmax = -HUGEVAL
-  vsmax = -HUGEVAL
-  densmin = HUGEVAL
-  densmax = -HUGEVAL
-  distance_min = HUGEVAL
-  distance_max = -HUGEVAL
-  courant_stability_number_max = -HUGEVAL
-  lambdaPmin = HUGEVAL
-  lambdaSmin = HUGEVAL
-  lambdaPmax = -HUGEVAL
-  lambdaSmax = -HUGEVAL
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-    material = kmato(ispec)
-    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
-    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
-    denst = density(material)
-    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
-    csloc = sqrt(mu/denst)
-  vpmax_local = -HUGEVAL
-  vpmin_local = HUGEVAL
-  vsmin_local = HUGEVAL
-  distance_min_local = HUGEVAL
-  distance_max_local = -HUGEVAL
-  do j=1,NGLLZ
-    do i=1,NGLLX
-!--- if heterogeneous formulation with external velocity model
-    if(assign_external_model) then
-      cploc = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-      csloc = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-      denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-    endif
-!--- compute min and max of velocity and density models
-    vpmin = min(vpmin,cploc)
-    vpmax = max(vpmax,cploc)
-! ignore fluid regions with Vs = 0
-    if(csloc > 0.0001d0) vsmin = min(vsmin,csloc)
-    vsmax = max(vsmax,csloc)
-    densmin = min(densmin,denst)
-    densmax = max(densmax,denst)
-    vpmax_local = max(vpmax_local,cploc)
-    vpmin_local = min(vpmin_local,cploc)
-    vsmin_local = min(vsmin_local,csloc)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! compute minimum and maximum size of edges of this grid cell
-  distance_1 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_2 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_3 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_4 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_min_local = min(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
-  distance_max_local = max(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
-  distance_min = min(distance_min,distance_min_local)
-  distance_max = max(distance_max,distance_max_local)
-  courant_stability_number_max = max(courant_stability_number_max,vpmax_local * deltat / (distance_min_local * percent_GLL(NGLLX)))
-! ignore fluid regions with Vs = 0
-  if(csloc > 0.0001d0) then
-    lambdaSmin = min(lambdaSmin,vsmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
-    lambdaSmax = max(lambdaSmax,vsmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
-  endif
-  lambdaPmin = min(lambdaPmin,vpmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
-  lambdaPmax = max(lambdaPmax,vpmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1)))
-  enddo
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '********'
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Model: P velocity min,max = ',vpmin,vpmax
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Model: S velocity min,max = ',vsmin,vsmax
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Model: density min,max = ',densmin,densmax
-  write(IOUT,*) '********'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '*********************************************'
-  write(IOUT,*) '*** Verification of simulation parameters ***'
-  write(IOUT,*) '*********************************************'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '*** Max grid size = ',distance_max
-  write(IOUT,*) '*** Min grid size = ',distance_min
-  write(IOUT,*) '*** Max/min ratio = ',distance_max/distance_min
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '*** Max stability for P wave velocity = ',courant_stability_number_max
-  write(IOUT,*)
-! only if time source is not a Dirac or Heaviside (otherwise maximum frequency of spectrum undefined)
-! and if source is not an initial field, for the same reason
-  if(.not. initialfield .and. time_function_type /= 4 .and. time_function_type /= 5) then
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Onset time = ',t0
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Fundamental period = ',1.d0/f0
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Fundamental frequency = ',f0
-    if(t0 <= 1.d0/f0) then
-      stop 'Onset time too small'
-    else
-      write(IOUT,*) ' --> onset time ok'
-    endif
-    write(IOUT,*) '----'
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaPmin_fmax max = ',lambdaPmax/(2.5d0*f0)
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaPmin_fmax min = ',lambdaPmin/(2.5d0*f0)
-    write(IOUT,*) '----'
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaSmin_fmax max = ',lambdaSmax/(2.5d0*f0)
-    write(IOUT,*) ' Nb pts / lambdaSmin_fmax min = ',lambdaSmin/(2.5d0*f0)
-    write(IOUT,*) '----'
-  endif
-! A4 or US letter paper
-  if(US_LETTER) then
-    usoffset = 1.75d0
-    sizex = 27.94d0
-    sizez = 21.59d0
-  else
-    usoffset = 0.d0
-    sizex = 29.7d0
-    sizez = 21.d0
-  endif
-! height of domain numbers in centimeters
-  height = 0.25d0
-! get minimum and maximum values of mesh coordinates
-  xmin = minval(coord(1,:))
-  zmin = minval(coord(2,:))
-  xmax = maxval(coord(1,:))
-  zmax = maxval(coord(2,:))
-! ratio of physical page size/size of the domain meshed
-  ratio_page = min(rpercentz*sizez/(zmax-zmin),rpercentx*sizex/(xmax-xmin)) / 100.d0
-  print *
-  print *,'Creating PostScript file with stability condition'
-!---- open PostScript file
-  open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/mesh_stability.ps',status='unknown')
-!---- write PostScript header
-  write(24,10) simulation_title
-  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
-  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
-  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
-  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
-  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
-  write(24,*) '% different useful symbols'
-  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
-  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
-  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/Cross {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST grestore'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST grestore'
-  write(24,*) '0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
-  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/Diamond {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth 0 4.2 MR'
-  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore 0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '% macro to draw the contour of the elements'
-  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '.01 CM setlinewidth'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.35 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
-  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
-  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
-  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
-  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
-  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM scalefont setfont} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
-  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-!--- write captions of PostScript figure
-  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.5 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.6 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
-  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.7 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
-  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(Mesh stability condition \(red = bad\)) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(',simulation_title,') show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(2D Spectral Element Method) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '1 1 scale'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-!---- draw the spectral element mesh
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
-  do ispec = 1, nspec
-  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispec
-  do i=1,pointsdisp
-  do j=1,pointsdisp
-  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
-  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
-  do in = 1,ngnod
-    nnum = knods(in,ispec)
-      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
-      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  is = 1
-  ir = 1
-  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x1 = x1 * centim
-  z1 = z1 * centim
-  write(24,*) 'mark'
-  write(24,681) x1,z1
-! draw straight lines if elements have 4 nodes
-  ir=pointsdisp
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  ir=pointsdisp
-  is=pointsdisp
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  is=pointsdisp
-  ir=1
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  ir=1
-  is=2
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  write(24,*) 'CO'
-    material = kmato(ispec)
-    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
-    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
-    denst = density(material)
-    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
-    csloc = sqrt(mu/denst)
-  vpmax_local = -HUGEVAL
-  vpmin_local = HUGEVAL
-  vsmin_local = HUGEVAL
-  distance_min_local = HUGEVAL
-  distance_max_local = -HUGEVAL
-  do j=1,NGLLZ
-    do i=1,NGLLX
-!--- if heterogeneous formulation with external velocity model
-    if(assign_external_model) then
-      cploc = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-      csloc = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-      denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-    endif
-    vpmax_local = max(vpmax_local,cploc)
-    vpmin_local = min(vpmin_local,cploc)
-    vsmin_local = min(vsmin_local,csloc)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! compute minimum and maximum size of edges of this grid cell
-  distance_1 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_2 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_3 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_4 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_min_local = min(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
-  distance_max_local = max(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
-  distance_min = min(distance_min,distance_min_local)
-  distance_max = max(distance_max,distance_max_local)
-  courant_stability_number = vpmax_local * deltat / (distance_min_local * percent_GLL(NGLLX))
-! display bad elements that are above 80% of the threshold
-  if(courant_stability_number >= 0.80 * courant_stability_number_max) then
-    write(24,*) '1 0 0 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
-  else
-! do not color the elements if below the threshold
-    write(24,*) 'ST'
-  endif
-  enddo ! end of loop on all the spectral elements
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) 'showpage'
-  close(24)
-  print *,'End of creation of PostScript file with stability condition'
-  print *
-  print *,'Creating PostScript file with mesh dispersion'
-!---- open PostScript file
-  if(any_elastic) then
-    open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/mesh_S_wave_dispersion.ps',status='unknown')
-  else
-    open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/mesh_P_wave_dispersion.ps',status='unknown')
-  endif
-!---- write PostScript header
-  write(24,10) simulation_title
-  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
-  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
-  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
-  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
-  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
-  write(24,*) '% different useful symbols'
-  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
-  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
-  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/Cross {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST grestore'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST grestore'
-  write(24,*) '0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
-  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/Diamond {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth 0 4.2 MR'
-  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore 0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '% macro to draw the contour of the elements'
-  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '.01 CM setlinewidth'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.35 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
-  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
-  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
-  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
-  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
-  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM scalefont setfont} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
-  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-!--- write captions of PostScript figure
-  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.5 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.6 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
-  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.7 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
-  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  if(any_elastic) then
-    write(24,*) '(Mesh elastic S-wave dispersion \(red = good, blue = bad\)) show'
-  else
-    write(24,*) '(Mesh acoustic P-wave dispersion \(red = good, blue = bad\)) show'
-  endif
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(',simulation_title,') show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(2D Spectral Element Method) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '1 1 scale'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-!---- draw the spectral element mesh
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
-  do ispec = 1, nspec
-  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispec
-  do i=1,pointsdisp
-  do j=1,pointsdisp
-  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
-  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
-  do in = 1,ngnod
-    nnum = knods(in,ispec)
-      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
-      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  is = 1
-  ir = 1
-  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x1 = x1 * centim
-  z1 = z1 * centim
-  write(24,*) 'mark'
-  write(24,681) x1,z1
-! draw straight lines if elements have 4 nodes
-  ir=pointsdisp
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  ir=pointsdisp
-  is=pointsdisp
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  is=pointsdisp
-  ir=1
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  ir=1
-  is=2
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  write(24,*) 'CO'
-    material = kmato(ispec)
-    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
-    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
-    denst = density(material)
-    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
-    csloc = sqrt(mu/denst)
-  vpmax_local = -HUGEVAL
-  vpmin_local = HUGEVAL
-  vsmin_local = HUGEVAL
-  distance_min_local = HUGEVAL
-  distance_max_local = -HUGEVAL
-  do j=1,NGLLZ
-    do i=1,NGLLX
-!--- if heterogeneous formulation with external velocity model
-    if(assign_external_model) then
-      cploc = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-      csloc = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-      denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-    endif
-    vpmax_local = max(vpmax_local,cploc)
-    vpmin_local = min(vpmin_local,cploc)
-    vsmin_local = min(vsmin_local,csloc)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! compute minimum and maximum size of edges of this grid cell
-  distance_1 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_2 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,1,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_3 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_4 = sqrt((coord(1,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(1,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2 + &
-               (coord(2,ibool(1,NGLLZ,ispec)) - coord(2,ibool(1,1,ispec)))**2)
-  distance_min_local = min(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
-  distance_max_local = max(distance_1,distance_2,distance_3,distance_4)
-  distance_min = min(distance_min,distance_min_local)
-  distance_max = max(distance_max,distance_max_local)
-! display mesh dispersion for S waves if there is at least one elastic element in the mesh
-  if(any_elastic) then
-! ignore fluid regions with Vs = 0
-  if(csloc > 0.0001d0) then
-    lambdaS_local = vsmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1))
-! display very good elements that are above 80% of the threshold in red
-    if(lambdaS_local >= 0.80 * lambdaSmax) then
-      write(24,*) '1 0 0 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
-! display bad elements that are below 120% of the threshold in blue
-    else if(lambdaS_local <= 1.20 * lambdaSmin) then
-      write(24,*) '0 0 1 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
-    else
-! do not color the elements if not close to the threshold
-      write(24,*) 'ST'
-    endif
-  else
-! do not color the elements if S-wave velocity undefined
-    write(24,*) 'ST'
-  endif
-! display mesh dispersion for P waves if there is no elastic element in the mesh
-  else
-    lambdaP_local = vpmin_local / (distance_max_local / (NGLLX - 1))
-! display very good elements that are above 80% of the threshold in red
-    if(lambdaP_local >= 0.80 * lambdaPmax) then
-      write(24,*) '1 0 0 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
-! display bad elements that are below 120% of the threshold in blue
-    else if(lambdaP_local <= 1.20 * lambdaPmin) then
-      write(24,*) '0 0 1 RG GF 0 setgray ST'
-    else
-! do not color the elements if not close to the threshold
-      write(24,*) 'ST'
-    endif
-  endif
-  enddo ! end of loop on all the spectral elements
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) 'showpage'
-  close(24)
-  print *,'End of creation of PostScript file with mesh dispersion'
-  print *
-  print *,'Creating PostScript file with velocity model'
-!---- open PostScript file
-  open(unit=24,file='OUTPUT_FILES/P_velocity_model.ps',status='unknown')
-!---- write PostScript header
-  write(24,10) simulation_title
-  write(24,*) '/CM {28.5 mul} def'
-  write(24,*) '/LR {rlineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/LT {lineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/L {lineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/MR {rmoveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/MV {moveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/M {moveto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/ST {stroke} def'
-  write(24,*) '/CP {closepath} def'
-  write(24,*) '/RG {setrgbcolor} def'
-  write(24,*) '/GF {gsave fill grestore} def'
-  write(24,*) '% different useful symbols'
-  write(24,*) '/Point {2 0 360 arc CP 0 setgray fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/VDot {-0.75 -1.5 MR 1.5 0 LR 0 3. LR -1.5 0 LR'
-  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/HDot {-1.5 -0.75 MR 3. 0 LR 0 1.5 LR -3. 0 LR'
-  write(24,*) 'CP fill} def'
-  write(24,*) '/Cross {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 3 MR -6. -6. LR ST grestore'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave 3 -3 MR -6. 6. LR ST grestore'
-  write(24,*) '0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
-  write(24,*) '/SmallLine {MV 0.07 CM 0 rlineto} def'
-  write(24,*) '/Diamond {gsave 0.05 CM setlinewidth 0 4.2 MR'
-  write(24,*) '-3 -4.2 LR 3 -4.2 LR 3 4.2 LR CP ST'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore 0.01 CM setlinewidth} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '% macro to draw the contour of the elements'
-  write(24,*) '/CO {M counttomark 2 idiv {L} repeat cleartomark CP} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '.01 CM setlinewidth'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.35 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/vshift ',-height/2,' CM def'
-  write(24,*) '/Rshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
-  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop neg vshift MR show } def'
-  write(24,*) '/Cshow { currentpoint stroke MV'
-  write(24,*) 'dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift MR show } def'
-  write(24,*) '/fN {/Helvetica-Bold findfont ',height,' CM scalefont setfont} def'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) 'gsave newpath 90 rotate'
-  write(24,*) '0 ',-sizez,' CM translate 1. 1. scale'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-!--- write captions of PostScript figure
-  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.5 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.6 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '.4 .9 .9 setrgbcolor'
-  write(24,*) '11 CM 1.1 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) '(X axis) show'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '1.4 CM 9.5 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(Y axis) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '/Times-Roman findfont'
-  write(24,*) '.7 CM scalefont setfont'
-  write(24,*) '.8 0 .8 setrgbcolor'
-  write(24,*) '24.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(P-velocity model \(dark = fast, light = slow\)) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '25.35 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(',simulation_title,') show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '26.45 CM 18.9 CM MV'
-  write(24,*) usoffset,' CM 2 div neg 0 MR'
-  write(24,*) 'currentpoint gsave translate -90 rotate 0 0 moveto'
-  write(24,*) '(2D Spectral Element Method) show'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '1 1 scale'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-!---- draw the spectral element mesh
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '% spectral element mesh'
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) '0 setgray'
-  do ispec = 1, nspec
-  write(24,*) '% elem ',ispec
-  do i=1,pointsdisp
-  do j=1,pointsdisp
-  xinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
-  zinterp(i,j) = 0.d0
-  do in = 1,ngnod
-    nnum = knods(in,ispec)
-      xinterp(i,j) = xinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(1,nnum)
-      zinterp(i,j) = zinterp(i,j) + shapeint(in,i,j)*coorg(2,nnum)
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  is = 1
-  ir = 1
-  x1 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z1 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x1 = x1 * centim
-  z1 = z1 * centim
-  write(24,*) 'mark'
-  write(24,681) x1,z1
-! draw straight lines if elements have 4 nodes
-  ir=pointsdisp
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  ir=pointsdisp
-  is=pointsdisp
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  is=pointsdisp
-  ir=1
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  ir=1
-  is=2
-  x2 = (xinterp(ir,is)-xmin)*ratio_page + orig_x
-  z2 = (zinterp(ir,is)-zmin)*ratio_page + orig_z
-  x2 = x2 * centim
-  z2 = z2 * centim
-  write(24,681) x2,z2
-  write(24,*) 'CO'
-  if((vpmax-vpmin)/vpmin > 0.02d0) then
-  if(assign_external_model) then
-! use lower-left corner
-    x1 = (vpext(1,1,ispec)-vpmin) / (vpmax-vpmin)
-  else
-    material = kmato(ispec)
-    mu = elastcoef(2,material)
-    lambdaplus2mu  = elastcoef(3,material)
-    denst = density(material)
-    cploc = sqrt(lambdaplus2mu/denst)
-    x1 = (cploc-vpmin)/(vpmax-vpmin)
-  endif
-  else
-    x1 = 0.5d0
-  endif
-! rescale to avoid very dark gray levels
-  x1 = x1*0.7 + 0.2
-  if(x1 > 1.d0) x1=1.d0
-! invert scale: white = vpmin, dark gray = vpmax
-  x1 = 1.d0 - x1
-! display P-velocity model using gray levels
-      write(24,*) sngl(x1),' setgray GF 0 setgray ST'
-  enddo ! end of loop on all the spectral elements
-  write(24,*) '%'
-  write(24,*) 'grestore'
-  write(24,*) 'showpage'
-  close(24)
-  print *,'End of creation of PostScript file with velocity model'
- 10  format('%!PS-Adobe-2.0',/,'%%',/,'%% Title: ',a50,/,'%% Created by: Specfem2D',/,'%% Author: Dimitri Komatitsch',/,'%%')
- 681 format(f6.2,1x,f6.2)
-  end subroutine checkgrid

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_receivers.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_receivers.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_receivers.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+!---- locate_receivers finds the correct position of the receivers
+  subroutine locate_receivers(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,nrec,st_xval,st_zval,ispec_selected_rec, &
+                 xi_receiver,gamma_receiver,station_name,network_name,x_source,z_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nrec,nspec,npoin,ngnod,npgeo
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
+  double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+! array containing coordinates of the points
+  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
+  integer nrec_dummy,irec,i,j,ispec,iglob,iter_loop,ix_initial_guess,iz_initial_guess
+  double precision x_source,z_source,dist,stele,stbur,distance_receiver
+  double precision xi,gamma,dx,dz,dxi,dgamma
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
+  double precision xigll(NGLLX)
+  double precision zigll(NGLLZ)
+  double precision x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+! use dynamic allocation
+  double precision distmin
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: final_distance
+! receiver information
+  integer, dimension(nrec) :: ispec_selected_rec
+  double precision, dimension(nrec) :: xi_receiver,gamma_receiver
+! station information for writing the seismograms
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: network_name
+  double precision, dimension(nrec) :: st_xval,st_zval
+! **************
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '********************'
+  write(IOUT,*) ' locating receivers'
+  write(IOUT,*) '********************'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'reading receiver information from the DATA/STATIONS file'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+! get number of stations from receiver file
+  open(unit=1,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='old')
+  read(1,*) nrec_dummy
+  if(nrec_dummy /= nrec) stop 'problem with number of receivers'
+! allocate memory for arrays using number of stations
+  allocate(final_distance(nrec))
+! loop on all the stations
+  do irec=1,nrec
+! set distance to huge initial value
+  distmin=HUGEVAL
+    read(1,*) station_name(irec),network_name(irec),st_xval(irec),st_zval(irec),stele,stbur
+! check that station is not buried, burial is not implemented in current code
+    if(abs(stbur) > TINYVAL) stop 'stations with non-zero burial not implemented yet'
+! compute distance between source and receiver
+      distance_receiver = sqrt((st_zval(irec)-z_source)**2 + (st_xval(irec)-x_source)**2)
+      do ispec=1,nspec
+! loop only on points inside the element
+! exclude edges to ensure this point is not shared with other elements
+        do j=2,NGLLZ-1
+          do i=2,NGLLX-1
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            dist = sqrt((st_xval(irec)-dble(coord(1,iglob)))**2 + (st_zval(irec)-dble(coord(2,iglob)))**2)
+!           keep this point if it is closer to the receiver
+            if(dist < distmin) then
+              distmin = dist
+              ispec_selected_rec(irec) = ispec
+              ix_initial_guess = i
+              iz_initial_guess = j
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+! end of loop on all the spectral elements
+      enddo
+! ****************************************
+! find the best (xi,gamma) for each receiver
+! ****************************************
+! use initial guess in xi and gamma
+        xi = xigll(ix_initial_guess)
+        gamma = zigll(iz_initial_guess)
+! iterate to solve the non linear system
+  do iter_loop = 1,NUM_ITER
+! recompute jacobian for the new point
+    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_rec(irec),ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
+! compute distance to target location
+  dx = - (x - st_xval(irec))
+  dz = - (z - st_zval(irec))
+! compute increments
+  dxi  = xix*dx + xiz*dz
+  dgamma = gammax*dx + gammaz*dz
+! update values
+  xi = xi + dxi
+  gamma = gamma + dgamma
+! impose that we stay in that element
+! (useful if user gives a receiver outside the mesh for instance)
+! we can go slightly outside the [1,1] segment since with finite elements
+! the polynomial solution is defined everywhere
+! this can be useful for convergence of itertive scheme with distorted elements
+  if (xi > 1.10d0) xi = 1.10d0
+  if (xi < -1.10d0) xi = -1.10d0
+  if (gamma > 1.10d0) gamma = 1.10d0
+  if (gamma < -1.10d0) gamma = -1.10d0
+! end of non linear iterations
+  enddo
+! compute final coordinates of point found
+    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_rec(irec),ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
+! store xi,gamma of point found
+  xi_receiver(irec) = xi
+  gamma_receiver(irec) = gamma
+! compute final distance between asked and found
+  final_distance(irec) = sqrt((st_xval(irec)-x)**2 + (st_zval(irec)-z)**2)
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Station # ',irec,'    ',station_name(irec),network_name(irec)
+    if(final_distance(irec) == HUGEVAL) stop 'error locating receiver'
+    write(IOUT,*) '            original x: ',sngl(st_xval(irec))
+    write(IOUT,*) '            original z: ',sngl(st_zval(irec))
+    write(IOUT,*) '  distance from source: ',sngl(distance_receiver)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'closest estimate found: ',sngl(final_distance(irec)),' m away'
+    write(IOUT,*) ' in element ',ispec_selected_rec(irec)
+    write(IOUT,*) ' at xi,gamma coordinates = ',xi_receiver(irec),gamma_receiver(irec)
+    write(IOUT,*)
+  enddo
+! close receiver file
+  close(1)
+! display maximum error for all the receivers
+  write(IOUT,*) 'maximum error in location of all the receivers: ',sngl(maxval(final_distance(:))),' m'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'end of receiver detection'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+! deallocate arrays
+  deallocate(final_distance)
+  end subroutine locate_receivers

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_receivers.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_receivers.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_receivers.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-!---- locate_receivers finds the correct position of the receivers
-  subroutine locate_receivers(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,nrec,st_xval,st_zval,ispec_selected_rec, &
-                 xi_receiver,gamma_receiver,station_name,network_name,x_source,z_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer nrec,nspec,npoin,ngnod,npgeo
-  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
-  double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-! array containing coordinates of the points
-  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
-  integer nrec_dummy,irec,i,j,ispec,iglob,iter_loop,ix_initial_guess,iz_initial_guess
-  double precision x_source,z_source,dist,stele,stbur,distance_receiver
-  double precision xi,gamma,dx,dz,dxi,dgamma
-! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
-  double precision xigll(NGLLX)
-  double precision zigll(NGLLZ)
-  double precision x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
-! use dynamic allocation
-  double precision distmin
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: final_distance
-! receiver information
-  integer, dimension(nrec) :: ispec_selected_rec
-  double precision, dimension(nrec) :: xi_receiver,gamma_receiver
-! station information for writing the seismograms
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: network_name
-  double precision, dimension(nrec) :: st_xval,st_zval
-! **************
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '********************'
-  write(IOUT,*) ' locating receivers'
-  write(IOUT,*) '********************'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'reading receiver information from the DATA/STATIONS file'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-! get number of stations from receiver file
-  open(unit=1,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='old')
-  read(1,*) nrec_dummy
-  if(nrec_dummy /= nrec) stop 'problem with number of receivers'
-! allocate memory for arrays using number of stations
-  allocate(final_distance(nrec))
-! loop on all the stations
-  do irec=1,nrec
-! set distance to huge initial value
-  distmin=HUGEVAL
-    read(1,*) station_name(irec),network_name(irec),st_xval(irec),st_zval(irec),stele,stbur
-! check that station is not buried, burial is not implemented in current code
-    if(abs(stbur) > TINYVAL) stop 'stations with non-zero burial not implemented yet'
-! compute distance between source and receiver
-      distance_receiver = sqrt((st_zval(irec)-z_source)**2 + (st_xval(irec)-x_source)**2)
-      do ispec=1,nspec
-! loop only on points inside the element
-! exclude edges to ensure this point is not shared with other elements
-        do j=2,NGLLZ-1
-          do i=2,NGLLX-1
-            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-            dist = sqrt((st_xval(irec)-dble(coord(1,iglob)))**2 + (st_zval(irec)-dble(coord(2,iglob)))**2)
-!           keep this point if it is closer to the receiver
-            if(dist < distmin) then
-              distmin = dist
-              ispec_selected_rec(irec) = ispec
-              ix_initial_guess = i
-              iz_initial_guess = j
-            endif
-          enddo
-        enddo
-! end of loop on all the spectral elements
-      enddo
-! ****************************************
-! find the best (xi,gamma) for each receiver
-! ****************************************
-! use initial guess in xi and gamma
-        xi = xigll(ix_initial_guess)
-        gamma = zigll(iz_initial_guess)
-! iterate to solve the non linear system
-  do iter_loop = 1,NUM_ITER
-! recompute jacobian for the new point
-    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_rec(irec),ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
-! compute distance to target location
-  dx = - (x - st_xval(irec))
-  dz = - (z - st_zval(irec))
-! compute increments
-  dxi  = xix*dx + xiz*dz
-  dgamma = gammax*dx + gammaz*dz
-! update values
-  xi = xi + dxi
-  gamma = gamma + dgamma
-! impose that we stay in that element
-! (useful if user gives a receiver outside the mesh for instance)
-! we can go slightly outside the [1,1] segment since with finite elements
-! the polynomial solution is defined everywhere
-! this can be useful for convergence of itertive scheme with distorted elements
-  if (xi > 1.10d0) xi = 1.10d0
-  if (xi < -1.10d0) xi = -1.10d0
-  if (gamma > 1.10d0) gamma = 1.10d0
-  if (gamma < -1.10d0) gamma = -1.10d0
-! end of non linear iterations
-  enddo
-! compute final coordinates of point found
-    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_rec(irec),ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
-! store xi,gamma of point found
-  xi_receiver(irec) = xi
-  gamma_receiver(irec) = gamma
-! compute final distance between asked and found
-  final_distance(irec) = sqrt((st_xval(irec)-x)**2 + (st_zval(irec)-z)**2)
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Station # ',irec,'    ',station_name(irec),network_name(irec)
-    if(final_distance(irec) == HUGEVAL) stop 'error locating receiver'
-    write(IOUT,*) '            original x: ',sngl(st_xval(irec))
-    write(IOUT,*) '            original z: ',sngl(st_zval(irec))
-    write(IOUT,*) '  distance from source: ',sngl(distance_receiver)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'closest estimate found: ',sngl(final_distance(irec)),' m away'
-    write(IOUT,*) ' in element ',ispec_selected_rec(irec)
-    write(IOUT,*) ' at xi,gamma coordinates = ',xi_receiver(irec),gamma_receiver(irec)
-    write(IOUT,*)
-  enddo
-! close receiver file
-  close(1)
-! display maximum error for all the receivers
-  write(IOUT,*) 'maximum error in location of all the receivers: ',sngl(maxval(final_distance(:))),' m'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'end of receiver detection'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-! deallocate arrays
-  deallocate(final_distance)
-  end subroutine locate_receivers

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+  subroutine locate_source_force(coord,ibool,npoin,nspec,x_source,z_source,source_type,ix_source,iz_source, &
+                                         ispec_source,iglob_source)
+!----- calculer la position reelle de la source
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer npoin,nspec,source_type
+  integer ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision x_source,z_source
+  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
+  integer ip,ix,iz,numelem,ilowx,ilowz,ihighx,ihighz,ix_source,iz_source,ispec_source,iglob_source
+  double precision distminmax,distmin,xp,zp,dist
+  write(iout,200)
+  distminmax = -HUGEVAL
+      distmin = +HUGEVAL
+      ilowx = 1
+      ilowz = 1
+      ihighx = NGLLX
+      ihighz = NGLLZ
+! on ne fait la recherche que sur l'interieur de l'element si source explosive
+  if(source_type == 2) then
+    ilowx = 2
+    ilowz = 2
+    ihighx = NGLLX-1
+    ihighz = NGLLZ-1
+  endif
+! recherche du point de grille le plus proche
+      do numelem=1,nspec
+      do ix=ilowx,ihighx
+      do iz=ilowz,ihighz
+! numero global du point
+        ip=ibool(ix,iz,numelem)
+! coordonnees du point de grille
+            xp = coord(1,ip)
+            zp = coord(2,ip)
+            dist = sqrt((xp-x_source)**2 + (zp-z_source)**2)
+! retenir le point pour lequel l'ecart est minimal
+            if(dist < distmin) then
+              distmin = dist
+              iglob_source = ip
+              ix_source = ix
+              iz_source = iz
+              ispec_source = numelem
+            endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+  distminmax = max(distmin,distminmax)
+  write(iout,"(1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,f12.3)") x_source,z_source,coord(1,iglob_source),coord(2,iglob_source),distmin
+  write(iout,*)
+  write(iout,*)
+  write(iout,"('Maximum distance between asked and real =',f12.3)") distminmax
+ 200 format(//1x,48('=')/,' =  S o u r c e s  ', &
+  'r e a l  p o s i t i o n s  ='/1x,48('=')// &
+  '    Source    x-asked      z-asked     x-obtain     z-obtain       dist'/)
+  end subroutine locate_source_force

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_force.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-  subroutine locate_source_force(coord,ibool,npoin,nspec,x_source,z_source,source_type,ix_source,iz_source, &
-                                         ispec_source,iglob_source)
-!----- calculer la position reelle de la source
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer npoin,nspec,source_type
-  integer ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec)
-  double precision x_source,z_source
-  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
-  integer ip,ix,iz,numelem,ilowx,ilowz,ihighx,ihighz,ix_source,iz_source,ispec_source,iglob_source
-  double precision distminmax,distmin,xp,zp,dist
-  write(iout,200)
-  distminmax = -HUGEVAL
-      distmin = +HUGEVAL
-      ilowx = 1
-      ilowz = 1
-      ihighx = NGLLX
-      ihighz = NGLLZ
-! on ne fait la recherche que sur l'interieur de l'element si source explosive
-  if(source_type == 2) then
-    ilowx = 2
-    ilowz = 2
-    ihighx = NGLLX-1
-    ihighz = NGLLZ-1
-  endif
-! recherche du point de grille le plus proche
-      do numelem=1,nspec
-      do ix=ilowx,ihighx
-      do iz=ilowz,ihighz
-! numero global du point
-        ip=ibool(ix,iz,numelem)
-! coordonnees du point de grille
-            xp = coord(1,ip)
-            zp = coord(2,ip)
-            dist = sqrt((xp-x_source)**2 + (zp-z_source)**2)
-! retenir le point pour lequel l'ecart est minimal
-            if(dist < distmin) then
-              distmin = dist
-              iglob_source = ip
-              ix_source = ix
-              iz_source = iz
-              ispec_source = numelem
-            endif
-      enddo
-      enddo
-      enddo
-  distminmax = max(distmin,distminmax)
-  write(iout,"(1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,1x,f12.3,f12.3)") x_source,z_source,coord(1,iglob_source),coord(2,iglob_source),distmin
-  write(iout,*)
-  write(iout,*)
-  write(iout,"('Maximum distance between asked and real =',f12.3)") distminmax
- 200 format(//1x,48('=')/,' =  S o u r c e s  ', &
-  'r e a l  p o s i t i o n s  ='/1x,48('=')// &
-  '    Source    x-asked      z-asked     x-obtain     z-obtain       dist'/)
-  end subroutine locate_source_force

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_moment_tensor.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_moment_tensor.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_moment_tensor.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+!---- locate_source_moment_tensor finds the correct position of the moment-tensor source
+  subroutine locate_source_moment_tensor(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,x_source,z_source, &
+               ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nspec,npoin,ngnod,npgeo
+  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
+  double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+! array containing coordinates of the points
+  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
+  integer i,j,ispec,iglob,iter_loop,ix_initial_guess,iz_initial_guess
+  double precision x_source,z_source,dist
+  double precision xi,gamma,dx,dz,dxi,dgamma
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
+  double precision xigll(NGLLX)
+  double precision zigll(NGLLZ)
+  double precision x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+  double precision distmin,final_distance
+! source information
+  integer ispec_selected_source
+  double precision xi_source,gamma_source
+! **************
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '*******************************'
+  write(IOUT,*) ' locating moment-tensor source'
+  write(IOUT,*) '*******************************'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+! set distance to huge initial value
+  distmin=HUGEVAL
+      do ispec=1,nspec
+! loop only on points inside the element
+! exclude edges to ensure this point is not shared with other elements
+        do j=2,NGLLZ-1
+          do i=2,NGLLX-1
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            dist = sqrt((x_source-dble(coord(1,iglob)))**2 + (z_source-dble(coord(2,iglob)))**2)
+!           keep this point if it is closer to the source
+            if(dist < distmin) then
+              distmin = dist
+              ispec_selected_source = ispec
+              ix_initial_guess = i
+              iz_initial_guess = j
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+! end of loop on all the spectral elements
+      enddo
+! ****************************************
+! find the best (xi,gamma) for each source
+! ****************************************
+! use initial guess in xi and gamma
+        xi = xigll(ix_initial_guess)
+        gamma = zigll(iz_initial_guess)
+! iterate to solve the non linear system
+  do iter_loop = 1,NUM_ITER
+! recompute jacobian for the new point
+    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_source,ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
+! compute distance to target location
+  dx = - (x - x_source)
+  dz = - (z - z_source)
+! compute increments
+  dxi  = xix*dx + xiz*dz
+  dgamma = gammax*dx + gammaz*dz
+! update values
+  xi = xi + dxi
+  gamma = gamma + dgamma
+! impose that we stay in that element
+! (useful if user gives a source outside the mesh for instance)
+! we can go slightly outside the [1,1] segment since with finite elements
+! the polynomial solution is defined everywhere
+! this can be useful for convergence of itertive scheme with distorted elements
+  if (xi > 1.10d0) xi = 1.10d0
+  if (xi < -1.10d0) xi = -1.10d0
+  if (gamma > 1.10d0) gamma = 1.10d0
+  if (gamma < -1.10d0) gamma = -1.10d0
+! end of non linear iterations
+  enddo
+! compute final coordinates of point found
+    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_source,ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
+! store xi,gamma of point found
+  xi_source = xi
+  gamma_source = gamma
+! compute final distance between asked and found
+  final_distance = sqrt((x_source-x)**2 + (z_source-z)**2)
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Moment-tensor source:'
+    if(final_distance == HUGEVAL) stop 'error locating moment-tensor source'
+    write(IOUT,*) '            original x: ',sngl(x_source)
+    write(IOUT,*) '            original z: ',sngl(z_source)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'closest estimate found: ',sngl(final_distance),' m away'
+    write(IOUT,*) ' in element ',ispec_selected_source
+    write(IOUT,*) ' at xi,gamma coordinates = ',xi_source,gamma_source
+    write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'end of moment-tensor source detection'
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  end subroutine locate_source_moment_tensor

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_moment_tensor.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_moment_tensor.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/locate_source_moment_tensor.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-!---- locate_source_moment_tensor finds the correct position of the moment-tensor source
-  subroutine locate_source_moment_tensor(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,x_source,z_source, &
-               ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer nspec,npoin,ngnod,npgeo
-  integer knods(ngnod,nspec)
-  double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-! array containing coordinates of the points
-  double precision coord(NDIM,npoin)
-  integer i,j,ispec,iglob,iter_loop,ix_initial_guess,iz_initial_guess
-  double precision x_source,z_source,dist
-  double precision xi,gamma,dx,dz,dxi,dgamma
-! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
-  double precision xigll(NGLLX)
-  double precision zigll(NGLLZ)
-  double precision x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
-  double precision distmin,final_distance
-! source information
-  integer ispec_selected_source
-  double precision xi_source,gamma_source
-! **************
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '*******************************'
-  write(IOUT,*) ' locating moment-tensor source'
-  write(IOUT,*) '*******************************'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-! set distance to huge initial value
-  distmin=HUGEVAL
-      do ispec=1,nspec
-! loop only on points inside the element
-! exclude edges to ensure this point is not shared with other elements
-        do j=2,NGLLZ-1
-          do i=2,NGLLX-1
-            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-            dist = sqrt((x_source-dble(coord(1,iglob)))**2 + (z_source-dble(coord(2,iglob)))**2)
-!           keep this point if it is closer to the source
-            if(dist < distmin) then
-              distmin = dist
-              ispec_selected_source = ispec
-              ix_initial_guess = i
-              iz_initial_guess = j
-            endif
-          enddo
-        enddo
-! end of loop on all the spectral elements
-      enddo
-! ****************************************
-! find the best (xi,gamma) for each source
-! ****************************************
-! use initial guess in xi and gamma
-        xi = xigll(ix_initial_guess)
-        gamma = zigll(iz_initial_guess)
-! iterate to solve the non linear system
-  do iter_loop = 1,NUM_ITER
-! recompute jacobian for the new point
-    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_source,ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
-! compute distance to target location
-  dx = - (x - x_source)
-  dz = - (z - z_source)
-! compute increments
-  dxi  = xix*dx + xiz*dz
-  dgamma = gammax*dx + gammaz*dz
-! update values
-  xi = xi + dxi
-  gamma = gamma + dgamma
-! impose that we stay in that element
-! (useful if user gives a source outside the mesh for instance)
-! we can go slightly outside the [1,1] segment since with finite elements
-! the polynomial solution is defined everywhere
-! this can be useful for convergence of itertive scheme with distorted elements
-  if (xi > 1.10d0) xi = 1.10d0
-  if (xi < -1.10d0) xi = -1.10d0
-  if (gamma > 1.10d0) gamma = 1.10d0
-  if (gamma < -1.10d0) gamma = -1.10d0
-! end of non linear iterations
-  enddo
-! compute final coordinates of point found
-    call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,coorg,knods,ispec_selected_source,ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
-! store xi,gamma of point found
-  xi_source = xi
-  gamma_source = gamma
-! compute final distance between asked and found
-  final_distance = sqrt((x_source-x)**2 + (z_source-z)**2)
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Moment-tensor source:'
-    if(final_distance == HUGEVAL) stop 'error locating moment-tensor source'
-    write(IOUT,*) '            original x: ',sngl(x_source)
-    write(IOUT,*) '            original z: ',sngl(z_source)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'closest estimate found: ',sngl(final_distance),' m away'
-    write(IOUT,*) ' in element ',ispec_selected_source
-    write(IOUT,*) ' at xi,gamma coordinates = ',xi_source,gamma_source
-    write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'end of moment-tensor source detection'
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  end subroutine locate_source_moment_tensor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+!  Basic mesh generator for SPECFEM2D
+! If you use this code for your own research, please cite:
+! @ARTICLE{KoTr99,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
+! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
+! year=1999,
+! volume=139,
+! number=3,
+! pages={806-822},
+! doi={10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}}
+! @ARTICLE{KoVi98,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
+! title={The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
+! journal={Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
+! year=1998,
+! volume=88,
+! number=2,
+! pages={368-392}}
+  program meshfem2D
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! coordinates of the grid points of the mesh
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x,z
+! to compute the coordinate transformation
+  integer :: ioffset
+  double precision :: gamma,absx,a00,a01,bot0,top0
+! to store density and velocity model
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: rho,cp,cs,aniso3,aniso4
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: icodemat
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: num_material
+! interface data
+  integer interface_current,ipoint_current,number_of_interfaces,npoints_interface_bottom,npoints_interface_top
+  integer ilayer,number_of_layers,max_npoints_interface
+  double precision xinterface_dummy,zinterface_dummy,xinterface_dummy_previous
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nz_layer
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
+         xinterface_bottom,zinterface_bottom,coefs_interface_bottom, &
+         xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top
+! for the source and receivers
+  integer source_type,time_function_type,nrec_total,irec_global_number
+  double precision xs,zs,f0,t0,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,factor,xrec,zrec
+  character(len=50) interfacesfile,title
+  integer imaterial_number,inumelem
+  integer nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface,npgeo,nspec
+  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ix,iz,irec,i,j
+  integer ixdebregion,ixfinregion,izdebregion,izfinregion
+  integer iregion,imaterial,nbregion,nb_materials
+  integer NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,pointsdisp,subsamp,seismotype,imagetype
+  integer ngnod,nt,nx,nz,nxread,nzread,icodematread,ireceiverlines,nreceiverlines
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nrec
+  logical codetop,codebottom,codeleft,coderight,output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
+  double precision tang1,tangN,vpregion,vsregion,poisson_ratio
+  double precision cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,anglerec,xmin,xmax,deltat
+  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xdeb,zdeb,xfin,zfin
+  logical interpol,gnuplot,assign_external_model,outputgrid
+  logical abstop,absbottom,absleft,absright
+  logical source_surf,meshvect,initialfield,modelvect,boundvect
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: enreg_surf
+  integer, external :: num
+  double precision, external :: value_spline
+! flag to indicate an anisotropic material
+  integer, parameter :: ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL = 2
+! file number for interface file
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_INTERFACES = 15
+! ignore variable name field (junk) at the beginning of each input line
+  logical, parameter :: IGNORE_JUNK = .true.,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK = .false.
+! ***
+! *** read the parameter file
+! ***
+  print *,'Reading the parameter file ... '
+  print *
+  open(unit=IIN,file='DATA/Par_file',status='old')
+! read file names and path for output
+  call read_value_string(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,title)
+  call read_value_string(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,interfacesfile)
+  write(*,*) 'Title of the simulation'
+  write(*,*) title
+  print *
+! read grid parameters
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xmin)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xmax)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nx)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,ngnod)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,initialfield)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,assign_external_model)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON)
+! get interface data from external file to count the spectral elements along Z
+  print *,'Reading interface data from file DATA/',interfacesfile(1:len_trim(interfacesfile)),' to count the spectral elements'
+  open(unit=IIN_INTERFACES,file='DATA/'//interfacesfile,status='old')
+  max_npoints_interface = -1
+! read number of interfaces
+  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,number_of_interfaces)
+  if(number_of_interfaces < 2) stop 'not enough interfaces (minimum is 2)'
+! loop on all the interfaces
+  do interface_current = 1,number_of_interfaces
+    call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,npoints_interface_bottom)
+    if(npoints_interface_bottom < 2) stop 'not enough interface points (minimum is 2)'
+    max_npoints_interface = max(npoints_interface_bottom,max_npoints_interface)
+    print *,'Reading ',npoints_interface_bottom,' points for interface ',interface_current
+! loop on all the points describing this interface
+    do ipoint_current = 1,npoints_interface_bottom
+      call read_two_interface_points(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,xinterface_dummy,zinterface_dummy)
+      if(ipoint_current > 1 .and. xinterface_dummy <= xinterface_dummy_previous) &
+        stop 'interface points must be sorted in increasing X'
+      xinterface_dummy_previous = xinterface_dummy
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! define number of layers
+  number_of_layers = number_of_interfaces - 1
+  allocate(nz_layer(number_of_layers))
+! loop on all the layers
+  do ilayer = 1,number_of_layers
+! read number of spectral elements in vertical direction in this layer
+    call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,nz_layer(ilayer))
+    if(nz_layer(ilayer) < 1) stop 'not enough spectral elements along Z in layer (minimum is 1)'
+    print *,'There are ',nz_layer(ilayer),' spectral elements along Z in layer ',ilayer
+  enddo
+! compute total number of spectral elements in vertical direction
+  nz = sum(nz_layer)
+  print *
+  print *,'Total number of spectral elements along Z = ',nz
+  print *
+  nxread = nx
+  nzread = nz
+! multiply by 2 if elements have 9 nodes
+  if(ngnod == 9) then
+    nx = nx * 2
+    nz = nz * 2
+    nz_layer(:) = nz_layer(:) * 2
+  endif
+! read absorbing boundaries parameters
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,absbottom)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,absright)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,abstop)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,absleft)
+! read time step parameters
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nt)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,deltat)
+! read source parameters
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,source_surf)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xs)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,zs)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,source_type)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,time_function_type)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,f0)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,angleforce)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,Mxx)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,Mzz)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,Mxz)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,factor)
+! if Dirac source time function, use a very thin Gaussian instead
+! if Heaviside source time function, use a very thin error function instead
+  if(time_function_type == 4 .or. time_function_type == 5) f0 = 1.d0 / (10.d0 * deltat)
+! time delay of the source in seconds, use a 20 % security margin (use 2 / f0 if error function)
+  if(time_function_type == 5) then
+    t0 = 2.0d0 / f0
+  else
+    t0 = 1.20d0 / f0
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'Source:'
+  print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs,zs
+  print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0,t0
+  print *,'Source type (1=force, 2=explosion): ',source_type
+  print *,'Time function type (1=Ricker, 2=First derivative, 3=Gaussian, 4=Dirac, 5=Heaviside): ',time_function_type
+  print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angleforce
+  print *,'Mxx of the source if moment tensor = ',Mxx
+  print *,'Mzz of the source if moment tensor = ',Mzz
+  print *,'Mxz of the source if moment tensor = ',Mxz
+  print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor
+! read receiver line parameters
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,seismotype)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nreceiverlines)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,anglerec)
+  if(nreceiverlines < 1) stop 'number of receiver lines must be greater than 1'
+! allocate receiver line arrays
+  allocate(nrec(nreceiverlines))
+  allocate(xdeb(nreceiverlines))
+  allocate(zdeb(nreceiverlines))
+  allocate(xfin(nreceiverlines))
+  allocate(zfin(nreceiverlines))
+  allocate(enreg_surf(nreceiverlines))
+! loop on all the receiver lines
+  do ireceiverlines = 1,nreceiverlines
+    call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nrec(ireceiverlines))
+    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xdeb(ireceiverlines))
+    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,zdeb(ireceiverlines))
+    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xfin(ireceiverlines))
+    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,zfin(ireceiverlines))
+    call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,enreg_surf(ireceiverlines))
+  enddo
+! read display parameters
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,output_postscript_snapshot)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,output_color_image)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,imagetype)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,cutsnaps)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,meshvect)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,modelvect)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,boundvect)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,interpol)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,pointsdisp)
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,subsamp)
+  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,sizemax_arrows)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,gnuplot)
+  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,outputgrid)
+! can use only one point to display lower-left corner only for interpolated snapshot
+  if(pointsdisp < 3) then
+    pointsdisp = 3
+    plot_lowerleft_corner_only = .true.
+  else
+    plot_lowerleft_corner_only = .false.
+  endif
+! read the different material materials
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nb_materials)
+  if(nb_materials <= 0) stop 'Negative number of materials not allowed!'
+  allocate(icodemat(nb_materials))
+  allocate(rho(nb_materials))
+  allocate(cp(nb_materials))
+  allocate(cs(nb_materials))
+  allocate(aniso3(nb_materials))
+  allocate(aniso4(nb_materials))
+  allocate(num_material(nx,nz))
+  icodemat(:) = 0
+  rho(:) = 0.d0
+  cp(:) = 0.d0
+  cs(:) = 0.d0
+  aniso3(:) = 0.d0
+  aniso4(:) = 0.d0
+  num_material(:,:) = 0
+  do imaterial=1,nb_materials
+    call read_material_parameters(IIN,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read)
+    if(i < 1 .or. i > nb_materials) stop 'Wrong material number!'
+    icodemat(i) = icodematread
+    rho(i) = rhoread
+    cp(i) = cpread
+    cs(i) = csread
+    if(rho(i) <= 0.d0 .or. cp(i) <= 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) stop 'negative value of velocity or density'
+    aniso3(i) = aniso3read
+    aniso4(i) = aniso4read
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb of solid or fluid materials = ',nb_materials
+  print *
+  do i=1,nb_materials
+    if(icodemat(i) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL) then
+      print *,'Material #',i,' isotropic'
+      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
+      if(cs(i) < TINYVAL) then
+        print *,'Material is fluid'
+      else
+        print *,'Material is solid'
+      endif
+    else
+      print *,'Material #',i,' anisotropic'
+      print *,'rho,c11,c13,c33,c44 = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
+    endif
+  print *
+  enddo
+! read the material numbers for each region
+  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nbregion)
+  if(nbregion <= 0) stop 'Negative number of regions not allowed!'
+  print *
+  print *, 'Nb of regions in the mesh = ',nbregion
+  print *
+  do iregion = 1,nbregion
+    call read_region_coordinates(IIN,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,ixdebregion,ixfinregion,izdebregion,izfinregion,imaterial_number)
+    if(imaterial_number < 1) stop 'Negative material number not allowed!'
+    if(ixdebregion < 1) stop 'Left coordinate of region negative!'
+    if(ixfinregion > nxread) stop 'Right coordinate of region too high!'
+    if(izdebregion < 1) stop 'Bottom coordinate of region negative!'
+    if(izfinregion > nzread) stop 'Top coordinate of region too high!'
+    print *,'Region ',iregion
+    print *,'IX from ',ixdebregion,' to ',ixfinregion
+    print *,'IZ from ',izdebregion,' to ',izfinregion
+  if(icodemat(imaterial_number) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL) then
+    vpregion = cp(imaterial_number)
+    vsregion = cs(imaterial_number)
+    print *,'Material # ',imaterial_number,' isotropic'
+    if(vsregion < TINYVAL) then
+      print *,'Material is fluid'
+    else
+      print *,'Material is solid'
+    endif
+    print *,'vp = ',vpregion
+    print *,'vs = ',vsregion
+    print *,'rho = ',rho(imaterial_number)
+    poisson_ratio = 0.5d0*(vpregion*vpregion-2.d0*vsregion*vsregion) / (vpregion*vpregion-vsregion*vsregion)
+    print *,'Poisson''s ratio = ',poisson_ratio
+    if(poisson_ratio <= -1.00001d0 .or. poisson_ratio >= 0.50001d0) stop 'incorrect value of Poisson''s ratio'
+  else
+    print *,'Material # ',imaterial_number,' anisotropic'
+    print *,'c11 = ',cp(imaterial_number)
+    print *,'c13 = ',cs(imaterial_number)
+    print *,'c33 = ',aniso3(imaterial_number)
+    print *,'c44 = ',aniso4(imaterial_number)
+    print *,'rho = ',rho(imaterial_number)
+  endif
+  print *,' -----'
+! store density and velocity model
+   do i = ixdebregion,ixfinregion
+     do j = izdebregion,izfinregion
+       if(ngnod == 4) then
+         num_material(i,j) = imaterial_number
+       else
+         num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1) = imaterial_number
+         num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+2) = imaterial_number
+         num_material(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+1) = imaterial_number
+         num_material(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+2) = imaterial_number
+       endif
+     enddo
+   enddo
+  enddo
+  if(minval(num_material) <= 0) stop 'Velocity model not entirely set...'
+  close(IIN)
+  print *
+  print *,'Parameter file successfully read... '
+  if(ngnod /= 4 .and. ngnod /= 9) stop 'ngnod different from 4 or 9!'
+  print *
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    print *,'The mesh contains ',nx,' x ',nz,' elements'
+  else
+    print *,'The mesh contains ',nx/2,' x ',nz/2,' elements'
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'Control elements have ',ngnod,' nodes'
+  print *
+! allocate arrays for the grid
+  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+  x(:,:) = 0.d0
+  z(:,:) = 0.d0
+! get interface data from external file
+  print *,'Reading interface data from file DATA/',interfacesfile(1:len_trim(interfacesfile))
+  open(unit=IIN_INTERFACES,file='DATA/'//interfacesfile,status='old')
+  allocate(xinterface_bottom(max_npoints_interface))
+  allocate(zinterface_bottom(max_npoints_interface))
+  allocate(coefs_interface_bottom(max_npoints_interface))
+  allocate(xinterface_top(max_npoints_interface))
+  allocate(zinterface_top(max_npoints_interface))
+  allocate(coefs_interface_top(max_npoints_interface))
+! read number of interfaces
+  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,number_of_interfaces)
+! read bottom interface
+  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,npoints_interface_bottom)
+! loop on all the points describing this interface
+  do ipoint_current = 1,npoints_interface_bottom
+    call read_two_interface_points(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK, &
+             xinterface_bottom(ipoint_current),zinterface_bottom(ipoint_current))
+  enddo
+! loop on all the layers
+  do ilayer = 1,number_of_layers
+! read top interface
+  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,npoints_interface_top)
+! loop on all the points describing this interface
+  do ipoint_current = 1,npoints_interface_top
+    call read_two_interface_points(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK, &
+             xinterface_top(ipoint_current),zinterface_top(ipoint_current))
+  enddo
+! compute the spline for the bottom interface, impose the tangent on both edges
+  tang1 = (zinterface_bottom(2)-zinterface_bottom(1)) / (xinterface_bottom(2)-xinterface_bottom(1))
+  tangN = (zinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom)-zinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom-1)) / &
+          (xinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom)-xinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom-1))
+  call spline(xinterface_bottom,zinterface_bottom,npoints_interface_bottom,tang1,tangN,coefs_interface_bottom)
+! compute the spline for the top interface, impose the tangent on both edges
+  tang1 = (zinterface_top(2)-zinterface_top(1)) / (xinterface_top(2)-xinterface_top(1))
+  tangN = (zinterface_top(npoints_interface_top)-zinterface_top(npoints_interface_top-1)) / &
+          (xinterface_top(npoints_interface_top)-xinterface_top(npoints_interface_top-1))
+  call spline(xinterface_top,zinterface_top,npoints_interface_top,tang1,tangN,coefs_interface_top)
+! check if we are in the last layer, which contains topography,
+! and modify the position of the source accordingly if it is located exactly at the surface
+  if(source_surf .and. ilayer == number_of_layers) &
+      zs = value_spline(xs,xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top,npoints_interface_top)
+! compute the offset of this layer in terms of number of spectral elements below along Z
+  if(ilayer > 1) then
+    ioffset = sum(nz_layer(1:ilayer-1))
+  else
+    ioffset = 0
+  endif
+!--- definition of the mesh
+    do ix = 0,nx
+! evenly spaced points along X
+      absx = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * dble(ix) / dble(nx)
+! value of the bottom and top splines
+      bot0 = value_spline(absx,xinterface_bottom,zinterface_bottom,coefs_interface_bottom,npoints_interface_bottom)
+      top0 = value_spline(absx,xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top,npoints_interface_top)
+      do iz = 0,nz_layer(ilayer)
+! linear interpolation between bottom and top
+        gamma = dble(iz) / dble(nz_layer(ilayer))
+        a00 = 1.d0 - gamma
+        a01 = gamma
+! coordinates of the grid points
+        x(ix,iz + ioffset) = absx
+        z(ix,iz + ioffset) = a00*bot0 + a01*top0
+      enddo
+    enddo
+! the top interface becomes the bottom interface before switching to the next layer
+    npoints_interface_bottom = npoints_interface_top
+    xinterface_bottom(:) = xinterface_top(:)
+    zinterface_bottom(:) = zinterface_top(:)
+  enddo
+! compute min and max of X and Z in the grid
+  print *
+  print *,'Min and max value of X in the grid = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
+  print *,'Min and max value of Z in the grid = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
+  print *
+! ***
+! *** create a Gnuplot file that displays the grid
+! ***
+  print *
+  print *,'Saving the grid in Gnuplot format...'
+  open(unit=20,file='OUTPUT_FILES/gridfile.gnu',status='unknown')
+! draw horizontal lines of the grid
+  print *,'drawing horizontal lines of the grid'
+  istepx = 1
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    istepz = 1
+  else
+    istepz = 2
+  endif
+  do ili=0,nz,istepz
+    do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
+      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
+      write(20,10)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! draw vertical lines of the grid
+  print *,'drawing vertical lines of the grid'
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    istepx = 1
+  else
+    istepx = 2
+  endif
+  istepz = 1
+  do icol=0,nx,istepx
+    do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
+      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
+      write(20,10)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+ 10 format('')
+  close(20)
+! create a Gnuplot script to display the grid
+  open(unit=20,file='OUTPUT_FILES/plotgnu',status='unknown')
+  write(20,*) '#set term X11'
+  write(20,*) 'set term postscript landscape monochrome solid "Helvetica" 22'
+  write(20,*) 'set output "grid.ps"'
+  write(20,*) '#set xrange [',sngl(minval(x)),':',sngl(maxval(x)),']'
+  write(20,*) '#set yrange [',sngl(minval(z)),':',sngl(maxval(z)),']'
+! use same unit length on both X and Y axes
+  write(20,*) 'set size ratio -1'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "Macrobloc mesh" w l'
+  write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key..."'
+  close(20)
+  print *,'Grid saved in Gnuplot format...'
+  print *
+! *** generate the database for the solver
+  open(unit=15,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Database',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) '# Database for SPECFEM2D'
+  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) University of Pau, France'
+  write(15,*) '#'
+  write(15,*) 'Title of the simulation'
+  write(15,"(a50)") title
+  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    nspec = nx*nz
+  else
+    nspec = nx*nz/4
+  endif
+  write(15,*) 'npgeo'
+  write(15,*) npgeo
+  write(15,*) 'gnuplot interpol'
+  write(15,*) gnuplot,interpol
+  write(15,*) 'output_postscript_snapshot output_color_image colors numbers'
+  write(15,*) output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,' 1 0'
+  write(15,*) 'meshvect modelvect boundvect cutsnaps subsamp sizemax_arrows'
+  write(15,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp,sizemax_arrows
+  write(15,*) 'anglerec'
+  write(15,*) anglerec
+  write(15,*) 'initialfield'
+  write(15,*) initialfield
+  write(15,*) 'seismotype imagetype'
+  write(15,*) seismotype,imagetype
+  write(15,*) 'assign_external_model outputgrid TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON TURN_ATTENUATION_ON'
+  write(15,*) assign_external_model,outputgrid,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
+  write(15,*) 'nt deltat'
+  write(15,*) nt,deltat
+  write(15,*) 'source'
+  write(15,*) source_type,time_function_type,xs,zs,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
+  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macrobloc mesh (coorg):'
+  do j=0,nz
+    do i=0,nx
+      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j),z(i,j)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!--- definition of absorbing boundaries
+  nelemabs = 0
+  if(absbottom) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(abstop) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
+  if(absleft) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+  if(absright) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
+! we have counted the elements twice if they have nine nodes
+  if(ngnod == 9) nelemabs = nelemabs / 2
+! also remove the corner elements, which have been counted twice
+  if(absbottom .and. absleft) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(absbottom .and. absright) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abstop .and. absleft) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+  if(abstop .and. absright) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
+! count the number of acoustic free-surface elements
+  nelem_acoustic_surface = 0
+  do j = 1,nzread
+    do i = 1,nxread
+       if(ngnod == 4) then
+         imaterial_number = num_material(i,j)
+       else
+         imaterial_number = num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1)
+       endif
+      if(icodemat(imaterial_number) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL .and. cs(imaterial_number) < TINYVAL &
+           .and. j == nzread) nelem_acoustic_surface = nelem_acoustic_surface + 1
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'numat ngnod nspec pointsdisp plot_lowerleft_corner_only'
+  write(15,*) nb_materials,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
+  write(15,*) 'nelemabs nelem_acoustic_surface'
+  write(15,*) nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface
+  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 1 rho vp vs 0 0) or (num 2 rho c11 c13 c33 c44)'
+  do i=1,nb_materials
+    write(15,*) i,icodemat(i),rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
+  enddo
+  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
+  k = 0
+  if(ngnod == 4) then
+    do j=0,nz-1
+      do i=0,nx-1
+        k = k + 1
+        imaterial_number = num_material(i+1,j+1)
+        write(15,*) k,imaterial_number,num(i,j,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx),num(i,j+1,nx)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  else
+    do j=0,nz-2,2
+      do i=0,nx-2,2
+        k = k + 1
+        imaterial_number = num_material(i+1,j+1)
+        write(15,*) k,imaterial_number,num(i,j,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx),num(i,j+2,nx), &
+                      num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+2,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+!--- save absorbing boundaries
+  print *
+  print *,'There is a total of ',nelemabs,' absorbing elements'
+  print *
+  print *,'Active absorbing boundaries:'
+  print *
+  print *,'Bottom = ',absbottom
+  print *,'Right  = ',absright
+  print *,'Top    = ',abstop
+  print *,'Left   = ',absleft
+  print *
+! generate the list of absorbing elements
+  if(nelemabs > 0) then
+  write(15,*) 'List of absorbing elements (bottom right top left):'
+  do iz = 1,nzread
+  do ix = 1,nxread
+    codebottom = .false.
+    coderight = .false.
+    codetop = .false.
+    codeleft = .false.
+    inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
+    if(absbottom    .and. iz == 1) codebottom = .true.
+    if(absright .and. ix == nxread) coderight = .true.
+    if(abstop   .and. iz == nzread) codetop = .true.
+    if(absleft .and. ix == 1) codeleft = .true.
+    if(codebottom .or. coderight .or. codetop .or. codeleft) write(15,*) inumelem,codebottom,coderight,codetop,codeleft
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+!--- save acoustic free-surface elements
+  print *
+  print *,'There is a total of ',nelem_acoustic_surface,' acoustic free-surface elements'
+  print *
+! generate the list of acoustic free-surface elements
+  if(nelem_acoustic_surface > 0) then
+    write(15,*) 'List of acoustic free-surface elements:'
+    do j = 1,nzread
+      do i = 1,nxread
+        inumelem = (j-1)*nxread + i
+        if(ngnod == 4) then
+          imaterial_number = num_material(i,j)
+        else
+          imaterial_number = num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1)
+        endif
+! in this simple mesher, it is always the top edge that is at the free surface
+        if(icodemat(imaterial_number) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL .and. cs(imaterial_number) < TINYVAL .and. j == nzread) &
+          write(15,*) inumelem,ITOP
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+  close(15)
+! print position of the source
+  print *
+  print *,'Position (x,z) of the source = ',xs,zs
+  print *
+!--- compute position of the receivers and write the STATIONS file
+  print *
+  print *,'writing the DATA/STATIONS file'
+  print *
+! total number of receivers in all the receiver lines
+  nrec_total = sum(nrec)
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',nrec_total,' receivers'
+  print *
+  print *,'Position (x,z) of the ',nrec_total,' receivers'
+  print *
+  open(unit=15,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='unknown')
+  write(15,*) nrec_total
+  irec_global_number = 0
+! loop on all the receiver lines
+  do ireceiverlines = 1,nreceiverlines
+! loop on all the receivers of this receiver line
+    do irec = 1,nrec(ireceiverlines)
+! compute global receiver number
+      irec_global_number = irec_global_number + 1
+! compute coordinates of the receiver
+      if(nrec(ireceiverlines) > 1) then
+        xrec = xdeb(ireceiverlines) + dble(irec-1)*(xfin(ireceiverlines)-xdeb(ireceiverlines))/dble(nrec(ireceiverlines)-1)
+        zrec = zdeb(ireceiverlines) + dble(irec-1)*(zfin(ireceiverlines)-zdeb(ireceiverlines))/dble(nrec(ireceiverlines)-1)
+      else
+        xrec = xdeb(ireceiverlines)
+        zrec = zdeb(ireceiverlines)
+      endif
+! modify position of receiver if we must record exactly at the surface
+      if(enreg_surf(ireceiverlines)) &
+        zrec = value_spline(xrec,xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top,npoints_interface_top)
+! display position of the receiver
+      print *,'Receiver ',irec_global_number,' = ',xrec,zrec
+      write(15,"('S',i4.4,'    AA ',f20.7,1x,f20.7,'       0.0         0.0')") irec_global_number,xrec,zrec
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(15)
+  print *
+  end program meshfem2D
+! *******************
+! meshing subroutines
+! *******************
+!--- global node number
+  integer function num(i,j,nx)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nx
+    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
+  end function num
+!--- spline to describe the interfaces
+  double precision function value_spline(x,xinterface,zinterface,coefs_interface,npoints_interface)
+  implicit none
+  integer npoints_interface
+  double precision x,xp
+  double precision, dimension(npoints_interface) :: xinterface,zinterface,coefs_interface
+  value_spline = 0.d0
+  xp = x
+! assign the value on the edge if point is outside the model
+  if(xp < xinterface(1)) xp = xinterface(1)
+  if(xp > xinterface(npoints_interface)) xp = xinterface(npoints_interface)
+  call splint(xinterface,zinterface,coefs_interface,npoints_interface,xp,value_spline)
+  end function value_spline
+! --------------------------------------
+! compute spline coefficients (Numerical Recipes)
+! modified to use dynamic allocation
+  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision, dimension(n) :: x,y,y2
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
+  double precision yp1,ypn
+  integer i,k
+  double precision sig,p,qn,un
+  allocate(u(n))
+  y2(1)=-0.5d0
+  u(1)=(3.d0/(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+  do i=2,n-1
+    sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+    p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.d0
+    y2(i)=(sig-1.d0)/p
+    u(i)=(6.d0*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1))/(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
+  enddo
+  qn=0.5d0
+  un=(3.d0/(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.d0)
+  do k=n-1,1,-1
+    y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+  enddo
+  deallocate(u)
+  end subroutine spline
+! --------------
+! evaluate spline (adapted from Numerical Recipes)
+  subroutine splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision, dimension(n) :: XA,YA,Y2A
+  double precision x,y
+  integer k,klo,khi
+  double precision h,a,b
+  KLO = 1
+  KHI = N
+  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
+    K=(KHI+KLO)/2
+    if(XA(K) > X) then
+      KHI=K
+    else
+      KLO=K
+    endif
+  enddo
+  H = XA(KHI) - XA(KLO)
+  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'bad input in spline evaluation'
+  A = (XA(KHI)-X) / H
+  B = (X-XA(KLO)) / H
+  Y = A*YA(KLO) + B*YA(KHI) + ((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO) + (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
+  end subroutine splint

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/meshfem2D.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,964 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-!  Basic mesh generator for SPECFEM2D
-! If you use this code for your own research, please cite:
-! @ARTICLE{KoTr99,
-! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
-! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
-! year=1999,
-! volume=139,
-! number=3,
-! pages={806-822},
-! doi={10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}}
-! @ARTICLE{KoVi98,
-! author={D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
-! title={The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
-! journal={Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
-! year=1998,
-! volume=88,
-! number=2,
-! pages={368-392}}
-  program meshfem2D
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-! coordinates of the grid points of the mesh
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x,z
-! to compute the coordinate transformation
-  integer :: ioffset
-  double precision :: gamma,absx,a00,a01,bot0,top0
-! to store density and velocity model
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: rho,cp,cs,aniso3,aniso4
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: icodemat
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: num_material
-! interface data
-  integer interface_current,ipoint_current,number_of_interfaces,npoints_interface_bottom,npoints_interface_top
-  integer ilayer,number_of_layers,max_npoints_interface
-  double precision xinterface_dummy,zinterface_dummy,xinterface_dummy_previous
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nz_layer
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
-         xinterface_bottom,zinterface_bottom,coefs_interface_bottom, &
-         xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top
-! for the source and receivers
-  integer source_type,time_function_type,nrec_total,irec_global_number
-  double precision xs,zs,f0,t0,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,factor,xrec,zrec
-  character(len=50) interfacesfile,title
-  integer imaterial_number,inumelem
-  integer nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface,npgeo,nspec
-  integer k,icol,ili,istepx,istepz,ix,iz,irec,i,j
-  integer ixdebregion,ixfinregion,izdebregion,izfinregion
-  integer iregion,imaterial,nbregion,nb_materials
-  integer NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,pointsdisp,subsamp,seismotype,imagetype
-  integer ngnod,nt,nx,nz,nxread,nzread,icodematread,ireceiverlines,nreceiverlines
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nrec
-  logical codetop,codebottom,codeleft,coderight,output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
-  double precision tang1,tangN,vpregion,vsregion,poisson_ratio
-  double precision cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,anglerec,xmin,xmax,deltat
-  double precision rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xdeb,zdeb,xfin,zfin
-  logical interpol,gnuplot,assign_external_model,outputgrid
-  logical abstop,absbottom,absleft,absright
-  logical source_surf,meshvect,initialfield,modelvect,boundvect
-  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: enreg_surf
-  integer, external :: num
-  double precision, external :: value_spline
-! flag to indicate an anisotropic material
-  integer, parameter :: ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL = 2
-! file number for interface file
-  integer, parameter :: IIN_INTERFACES = 15
-! ignore variable name field (junk) at the beginning of each input line
-  logical, parameter :: IGNORE_JUNK = .true.,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK = .false.
-! ***
-! *** read the parameter file
-! ***
-  print *,'Reading the parameter file ... '
-  print *
-  open(unit=IIN,file='DATA/Par_file',status='old')
-! read file names and path for output
-  call read_value_string(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,title)
-  call read_value_string(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,interfacesfile)
-  write(*,*) 'Title of the simulation'
-  write(*,*) title
-  print *
-! read grid parameters
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xmin)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xmax)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nx)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,ngnod)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,initialfield)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,assign_external_model)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON)
-! get interface data from external file to count the spectral elements along Z
-  print *,'Reading interface data from file DATA/',interfacesfile(1:len_trim(interfacesfile)),' to count the spectral elements'
-  open(unit=IIN_INTERFACES,file='DATA/'//interfacesfile,status='old')
-  max_npoints_interface = -1
-! read number of interfaces
-  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,number_of_interfaces)
-  if(number_of_interfaces < 2) stop 'not enough interfaces (minimum is 2)'
-! loop on all the interfaces
-  do interface_current = 1,number_of_interfaces
-    call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,npoints_interface_bottom)
-    if(npoints_interface_bottom < 2) stop 'not enough interface points (minimum is 2)'
-    max_npoints_interface = max(npoints_interface_bottom,max_npoints_interface)
-    print *,'Reading ',npoints_interface_bottom,' points for interface ',interface_current
-! loop on all the points describing this interface
-    do ipoint_current = 1,npoints_interface_bottom
-      call read_two_interface_points(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,xinterface_dummy,zinterface_dummy)
-      if(ipoint_current > 1 .and. xinterface_dummy <= xinterface_dummy_previous) &
-        stop 'interface points must be sorted in increasing X'
-      xinterface_dummy_previous = xinterface_dummy
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! define number of layers
-  number_of_layers = number_of_interfaces - 1
-  allocate(nz_layer(number_of_layers))
-! loop on all the layers
-  do ilayer = 1,number_of_layers
-! read number of spectral elements in vertical direction in this layer
-    call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,nz_layer(ilayer))
-    if(nz_layer(ilayer) < 1) stop 'not enough spectral elements along Z in layer (minimum is 1)'
-    print *,'There are ',nz_layer(ilayer),' spectral elements along Z in layer ',ilayer
-  enddo
-! compute total number of spectral elements in vertical direction
-  nz = sum(nz_layer)
-  print *
-  print *,'Total number of spectral elements along Z = ',nz
-  print *
-  nxread = nx
-  nzread = nz
-! multiply by 2 if elements have 9 nodes
-  if(ngnod == 9) then
-    nx = nx * 2
-    nz = nz * 2
-    nz_layer(:) = nz_layer(:) * 2
-  endif
-! read absorbing boundaries parameters
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,absbottom)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,absright)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,abstop)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,absleft)
-! read time step parameters
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nt)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,deltat)
-! read source parameters
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,source_surf)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xs)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,zs)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,source_type)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,time_function_type)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,f0)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,angleforce)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,Mxx)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,Mzz)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,Mxz)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,factor)
-! if Dirac source time function, use a very thin Gaussian instead
-! if Heaviside source time function, use a very thin error function instead
-  if(time_function_type == 4 .or. time_function_type == 5) f0 = 1.d0 / (10.d0 * deltat)
-! time delay of the source in seconds, use a 20 % security margin (use 2 / f0 if error function)
-  if(time_function_type == 5) then
-    t0 = 2.0d0 / f0
-  else
-    t0 = 1.20d0 / f0
-  endif
-  print *
-  print *,'Source:'
-  print *,'Position xs, zs = ',xs,zs
-  print *,'Frequency, delay = ',f0,t0
-  print *,'Source type (1=force, 2=explosion): ',source_type
-  print *,'Time function type (1=Ricker, 2=First derivative, 3=Gaussian, 4=Dirac, 5=Heaviside): ',time_function_type
-  print *,'Angle of the source if force = ',angleforce
-  print *,'Mxx of the source if moment tensor = ',Mxx
-  print *,'Mzz of the source if moment tensor = ',Mzz
-  print *,'Mxz of the source if moment tensor = ',Mxz
-  print *,'Multiplying factor = ',factor
-! read receiver line parameters
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,seismotype)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nreceiverlines)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,anglerec)
-  if(nreceiverlines < 1) stop 'number of receiver lines must be greater than 1'
-! allocate receiver line arrays
-  allocate(nrec(nreceiverlines))
-  allocate(xdeb(nreceiverlines))
-  allocate(zdeb(nreceiverlines))
-  allocate(xfin(nreceiverlines))
-  allocate(zfin(nreceiverlines))
-  allocate(enreg_surf(nreceiverlines))
-! loop on all the receiver lines
-  do ireceiverlines = 1,nreceiverlines
-    call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nrec(ireceiverlines))
-    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xdeb(ireceiverlines))
-    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,zdeb(ireceiverlines))
-    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,xfin(ireceiverlines))
-    call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,zfin(ireceiverlines))
-    call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,enreg_surf(ireceiverlines))
-  enddo
-! read display parameters
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,output_postscript_snapshot)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,output_color_image)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,imagetype)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,cutsnaps)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,meshvect)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,modelvect)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,boundvect)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,interpol)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,pointsdisp)
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,subsamp)
-  call read_value_double_precision(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,sizemax_arrows)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,gnuplot)
-  call read_value_logical(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,outputgrid)
-! can use only one point to display lower-left corner only for interpolated snapshot
-  if(pointsdisp < 3) then
-    pointsdisp = 3
-    plot_lowerleft_corner_only = .true.
-  else
-    plot_lowerleft_corner_only = .false.
-  endif
-! read the different material materials
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nb_materials)
-  if(nb_materials <= 0) stop 'Negative number of materials not allowed!'
-  allocate(icodemat(nb_materials))
-  allocate(rho(nb_materials))
-  allocate(cp(nb_materials))
-  allocate(cs(nb_materials))
-  allocate(aniso3(nb_materials))
-  allocate(aniso4(nb_materials))
-  allocate(num_material(nx,nz))
-  icodemat(:) = 0
-  rho(:) = 0.d0
-  cp(:) = 0.d0
-  cs(:) = 0.d0
-  aniso3(:) = 0.d0
-  aniso4(:) = 0.d0
-  num_material(:,:) = 0
-  do imaterial=1,nb_materials
-    call read_material_parameters(IIN,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,i,icodematread,rhoread,cpread,csread,aniso3read,aniso4read)
-    if(i < 1 .or. i > nb_materials) stop 'Wrong material number!'
-    icodemat(i) = icodematread
-    rho(i) = rhoread
-    cp(i) = cpread
-    cs(i) = csread
-    if(rho(i) <= 0.d0 .or. cp(i) <= 0.d0 .or. cs(i) < 0.d0) stop 'negative value of velocity or density'
-    aniso3(i) = aniso3read
-    aniso4(i) = aniso4read
-  enddo
-  print *
-  print *, 'Nb of solid or fluid materials = ',nb_materials
-  print *
-  do i=1,nb_materials
-    if(icodemat(i) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL) then
-      print *,'Material #',i,' isotropic'
-      print *,'rho,cp,cs = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i)
-      if(cs(i) < TINYVAL) then
-        print *,'Material is fluid'
-      else
-        print *,'Material is solid'
-      endif
-    else
-      print *,'Material #',i,' anisotropic'
-      print *,'rho,c11,c13,c33,c44 = ',rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
-    endif
-  print *
-  enddo
-! read the material numbers for each region
-  call read_value_integer(IIN,IGNORE_JUNK,nbregion)
-  if(nbregion <= 0) stop 'Negative number of regions not allowed!'
-  print *
-  print *, 'Nb of regions in the mesh = ',nbregion
-  print *
-  do iregion = 1,nbregion
-    call read_region_coordinates(IIN,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,ixdebregion,ixfinregion,izdebregion,izfinregion,imaterial_number)
-    if(imaterial_number < 1) stop 'Negative material number not allowed!'
-    if(ixdebregion < 1) stop 'Left coordinate of region negative!'
-    if(ixfinregion > nxread) stop 'Right coordinate of region too high!'
-    if(izdebregion < 1) stop 'Bottom coordinate of region negative!'
-    if(izfinregion > nzread) stop 'Top coordinate of region too high!'
-    print *,'Region ',iregion
-    print *,'IX from ',ixdebregion,' to ',ixfinregion
-    print *,'IZ from ',izdebregion,' to ',izfinregion
-  if(icodemat(imaterial_number) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL) then
-    vpregion = cp(imaterial_number)
-    vsregion = cs(imaterial_number)
-    print *,'Material # ',imaterial_number,' isotropic'
-    if(vsregion < TINYVAL) then
-      print *,'Material is fluid'
-    else
-      print *,'Material is solid'
-    endif
-    print *,'vp = ',vpregion
-    print *,'vs = ',vsregion
-    print *,'rho = ',rho(imaterial_number)
-    poisson_ratio = 0.5d0*(vpregion*vpregion-2.d0*vsregion*vsregion) / (vpregion*vpregion-vsregion*vsregion)
-    print *,'Poisson''s ratio = ',poisson_ratio
-    if(poisson_ratio <= -1.00001d0 .or. poisson_ratio >= 0.50001d0) stop 'incorrect value of Poisson''s ratio'
-  else
-    print *,'Material # ',imaterial_number,' anisotropic'
-    print *,'c11 = ',cp(imaterial_number)
-    print *,'c13 = ',cs(imaterial_number)
-    print *,'c33 = ',aniso3(imaterial_number)
-    print *,'c44 = ',aniso4(imaterial_number)
-    print *,'rho = ',rho(imaterial_number)
-  endif
-  print *,' -----'
-! store density and velocity model
-   do i = ixdebregion,ixfinregion
-     do j = izdebregion,izfinregion
-       if(ngnod == 4) then
-         num_material(i,j) = imaterial_number
-       else
-         num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1) = imaterial_number
-         num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+2) = imaterial_number
-         num_material(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+1) = imaterial_number
-         num_material(2*(i-1)+2,2*(j-1)+2) = imaterial_number
-       endif
-     enddo
-   enddo
-  enddo
-  if(minval(num_material) <= 0) stop 'Velocity model not entirely set...'
-  close(IIN)
-  print *
-  print *,'Parameter file successfully read... '
-  if(ngnod /= 4 .and. ngnod /= 9) stop 'ngnod different from 4 or 9!'
-  print *
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    print *,'The mesh contains ',nx,' x ',nz,' elements'
-  else
-    print *,'The mesh contains ',nx/2,' x ',nz/2,' elements'
-  endif
-  print *
-  print *,'Control elements have ',ngnod,' nodes'
-  print *
-! allocate arrays for the grid
-  allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
-  allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
-  x(:,:) = 0.d0
-  z(:,:) = 0.d0
-! get interface data from external file
-  print *,'Reading interface data from file DATA/',interfacesfile(1:len_trim(interfacesfile))
-  open(unit=IIN_INTERFACES,file='DATA/'//interfacesfile,status='old')
-  allocate(xinterface_bottom(max_npoints_interface))
-  allocate(zinterface_bottom(max_npoints_interface))
-  allocate(coefs_interface_bottom(max_npoints_interface))
-  allocate(xinterface_top(max_npoints_interface))
-  allocate(zinterface_top(max_npoints_interface))
-  allocate(coefs_interface_top(max_npoints_interface))
-! read number of interfaces
-  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,number_of_interfaces)
-! read bottom interface
-  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,npoints_interface_bottom)
-! loop on all the points describing this interface
-  do ipoint_current = 1,npoints_interface_bottom
-    call read_two_interface_points(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK, &
-             xinterface_bottom(ipoint_current),zinterface_bottom(ipoint_current))
-  enddo
-! loop on all the layers
-  do ilayer = 1,number_of_layers
-! read top interface
-  call read_value_integer(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK,npoints_interface_top)
-! loop on all the points describing this interface
-  do ipoint_current = 1,npoints_interface_top
-    call read_two_interface_points(IIN_INTERFACES,DONT_IGNORE_JUNK, &
-             xinterface_top(ipoint_current),zinterface_top(ipoint_current))
-  enddo
-! compute the spline for the bottom interface, impose the tangent on both edges
-  tang1 = (zinterface_bottom(2)-zinterface_bottom(1)) / (xinterface_bottom(2)-xinterface_bottom(1))
-  tangN = (zinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom)-zinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom-1)) / &
-          (xinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom)-xinterface_bottom(npoints_interface_bottom-1))
-  call spline(xinterface_bottom,zinterface_bottom,npoints_interface_bottom,tang1,tangN,coefs_interface_bottom)
-! compute the spline for the top interface, impose the tangent on both edges
-  tang1 = (zinterface_top(2)-zinterface_top(1)) / (xinterface_top(2)-xinterface_top(1))
-  tangN = (zinterface_top(npoints_interface_top)-zinterface_top(npoints_interface_top-1)) / &
-          (xinterface_top(npoints_interface_top)-xinterface_top(npoints_interface_top-1))
-  call spline(xinterface_top,zinterface_top,npoints_interface_top,tang1,tangN,coefs_interface_top)
-! check if we are in the last layer, which contains topography,
-! and modify the position of the source accordingly if it is located exactly at the surface
-  if(source_surf .and. ilayer == number_of_layers) &
-      zs = value_spline(xs,xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top,npoints_interface_top)
-! compute the offset of this layer in terms of number of spectral elements below along Z
-  if(ilayer > 1) then
-    ioffset = sum(nz_layer(1:ilayer-1))
-  else
-    ioffset = 0
-  endif
-!--- definition of the mesh
-    do ix = 0,nx
-! evenly spaced points along X
-      absx = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * dble(ix) / dble(nx)
-! value of the bottom and top splines
-      bot0 = value_spline(absx,xinterface_bottom,zinterface_bottom,coefs_interface_bottom,npoints_interface_bottom)
-      top0 = value_spline(absx,xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top,npoints_interface_top)
-      do iz = 0,nz_layer(ilayer)
-! linear interpolation between bottom and top
-        gamma = dble(iz) / dble(nz_layer(ilayer))
-        a00 = 1.d0 - gamma
-        a01 = gamma
-! coordinates of the grid points
-        x(ix,iz + ioffset) = absx
-        z(ix,iz + ioffset) = a00*bot0 + a01*top0
-      enddo
-    enddo
-! the top interface becomes the bottom interface before switching to the next layer
-    npoints_interface_bottom = npoints_interface_top
-    xinterface_bottom(:) = xinterface_top(:)
-    zinterface_bottom(:) = zinterface_top(:)
-  enddo
-! compute min and max of X and Z in the grid
-  print *
-  print *,'Min and max value of X in the grid = ',minval(x),maxval(x)
-  print *,'Min and max value of Z in the grid = ',minval(z),maxval(z)
-  print *
-! ***
-! *** create a Gnuplot file that displays the grid
-! ***
-  print *
-  print *,'Saving the grid in Gnuplot format...'
-  open(unit=20,file='OUTPUT_FILES/gridfile.gnu',status='unknown')
-! draw horizontal lines of the grid
-  print *,'drawing horizontal lines of the grid'
-  istepx = 1
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    istepz = 1
-  else
-    istepz = 2
-  endif
-  do ili=0,nz,istepz
-    do icol=0,nx-istepx,istepx
-      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
-      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol+istepx,ili)),sngl(z(icol+istepx,ili))
-      write(20,10)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! draw vertical lines of the grid
-  print *,'drawing vertical lines of the grid'
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    istepx = 1
-  else
-    istepx = 2
-  endif
-  istepz = 1
-  do icol=0,nx,istepx
-    do ili=0,nz-istepz,istepz
-      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
-      write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili+istepz)),sngl(z(icol,ili+istepz))
-      write(20,10)
-    enddo
-  enddo
- 10 format('')
-  close(20)
-! create a Gnuplot script to display the grid
-  open(unit=20,file='OUTPUT_FILES/plotgnu',status='unknown')
-  write(20,*) '#set term X11'
-  write(20,*) 'set term postscript landscape monochrome solid "Helvetica" 22'
-  write(20,*) 'set output "grid.ps"'
-  write(20,*) '#set xrange [',sngl(minval(x)),':',sngl(maxval(x)),']'
-  write(20,*) '#set yrange [',sngl(minval(z)),':',sngl(maxval(z)),']'
-! use same unit length on both X and Y axes
-  write(20,*) 'set size ratio -1'
-  write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "Macrobloc mesh" w l'
-  write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key..."'
-  close(20)
-  print *,'Grid saved in Gnuplot format...'
-  print *
-! *** generate the database for the solver
-  open(unit=15,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Database',status='unknown')
-  write(15,*) '#'
-  write(15,*) '# Database for SPECFEM2D'
-  write(15,*) '# Dimitri Komatitsch, (c) University of Pau, France'
-  write(15,*) '#'
-  write(15,*) 'Title of the simulation'
-  write(15,"(a50)") title
-  npgeo = (nx+1)*(nz+1)
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    nspec = nx*nz
-  else
-    nspec = nx*nz/4
-  endif
-  write(15,*) 'npgeo'
-  write(15,*) npgeo
-  write(15,*) 'gnuplot interpol'
-  write(15,*) gnuplot,interpol
-  write(15,*) 'output_postscript_snapshot output_color_image colors numbers'
-  write(15,*) output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,' 1 0'
-  write(15,*) 'meshvect modelvect boundvect cutsnaps subsamp sizemax_arrows'
-  write(15,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp,sizemax_arrows
-  write(15,*) 'anglerec'
-  write(15,*) anglerec
-  write(15,*) 'initialfield'
-  write(15,*) initialfield
-  write(15,*) 'seismotype imagetype'
-  write(15,*) seismotype,imagetype
-  write(15,*) 'assign_external_model outputgrid TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON TURN_ATTENUATION_ON'
-  write(15,*) assign_external_model,outputgrid,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
-  write(15,*) 'nt deltat'
-  write(15,*) nt,deltat
-  write(15,*) 'source'
-  write(15,*) source_type,time_function_type,xs,zs,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
-  write(15,*) 'Coordinates of macrobloc mesh (coorg):'
-  do j=0,nz
-    do i=0,nx
-      write(15,*) num(i,j,nx),x(i,j),z(i,j)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!--- definition of absorbing boundaries
-  nelemabs = 0
-  if(absbottom) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
-  if(abstop) nelemabs = nelemabs + nx
-  if(absleft) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
-  if(absright) nelemabs = nelemabs + nz
-! we have counted the elements twice if they have nine nodes
-  if(ngnod == 9) nelemabs = nelemabs / 2
-! also remove the corner elements, which have been counted twice
-  if(absbottom .and. absleft) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-  if(absbottom .and. absright) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-  if(abstop .and. absleft) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-  if(abstop .and. absright) nelemabs = nelemabs - 1
-! count the number of acoustic free-surface elements
-  nelem_acoustic_surface = 0
-  do j = 1,nzread
-    do i = 1,nxread
-       if(ngnod == 4) then
-         imaterial_number = num_material(i,j)
-       else
-         imaterial_number = num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1)
-       endif
-      if(icodemat(imaterial_number) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL .and. cs(imaterial_number) < TINYVAL &
-           .and. j == nzread) nelem_acoustic_surface = nelem_acoustic_surface + 1
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  write(15,*) 'numat ngnod nspec pointsdisp plot_lowerleft_corner_only'
-  write(15,*) nb_materials,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
-  write(15,*) 'nelemabs nelem_acoustic_surface'
-  write(15,*) nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface
-  write(15,*) 'Material sets (num 1 rho vp vs 0 0) or (num 2 rho c11 c13 c33 c44)'
-  do i=1,nb_materials
-    write(15,*) i,icodemat(i),rho(i),cp(i),cs(i),aniso3(i),aniso4(i)
-  enddo
-  write(15,*) 'Arrays kmato and knods for each bloc:'
-  k = 0
-  if(ngnod == 4) then
-    do j=0,nz-1
-      do i=0,nx-1
-        k = k + 1
-        imaterial_number = num_material(i+1,j+1)
-        write(15,*) k,imaterial_number,num(i,j,nx),num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx),num(i,j+1,nx)
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  else
-    do j=0,nz-2,2
-      do i=0,nx-2,2
-        k = k + 1
-        imaterial_number = num_material(i+1,j+1)
-        write(15,*) k,imaterial_number,num(i,j,nx),num(i+2,j,nx),num(i+2,j+2,nx),num(i,j+2,nx), &
-                      num(i+1,j,nx),num(i+2,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+2,nx),num(i,j+1,nx),num(i+1,j+1,nx)
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-!--- save absorbing boundaries
-  print *
-  print *,'There is a total of ',nelemabs,' absorbing elements'
-  print *
-  print *,'Active absorbing boundaries:'
-  print *
-  print *,'Bottom = ',absbottom
-  print *,'Right  = ',absright
-  print *,'Top    = ',abstop
-  print *,'Left   = ',absleft
-  print *
-! generate the list of absorbing elements
-  if(nelemabs > 0) then
-  write(15,*) 'List of absorbing elements (bottom right top left):'
-  do iz = 1,nzread
-  do ix = 1,nxread
-    codebottom = .false.
-    coderight = .false.
-    codetop = .false.
-    codeleft = .false.
-    inumelem = (iz-1)*nxread + ix
-    if(absbottom    .and. iz == 1) codebottom = .true.
-    if(absright .and. ix == nxread) coderight = .true.
-    if(abstop   .and. iz == nzread) codetop = .true.
-    if(absleft .and. ix == 1) codeleft = .true.
-    if(codebottom .or. coderight .or. codetop .or. codeleft) write(15,*) inumelem,codebottom,coderight,codetop,codeleft
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  endif
-!--- save acoustic free-surface elements
-  print *
-  print *,'There is a total of ',nelem_acoustic_surface,' acoustic free-surface elements'
-  print *
-! generate the list of acoustic free-surface elements
-  if(nelem_acoustic_surface > 0) then
-    write(15,*) 'List of acoustic free-surface elements:'
-    do j = 1,nzread
-      do i = 1,nxread
-        inumelem = (j-1)*nxread + i
-        if(ngnod == 4) then
-          imaterial_number = num_material(i,j)
-        else
-          imaterial_number = num_material(2*(i-1)+1,2*(j-1)+1)
-        endif
-! in this simple mesher, it is always the top edge that is at the free surface
-        if(icodemat(imaterial_number) /= ANISOTROPIC_MATERIAL .and. cs(imaterial_number) < TINYVAL .and. j == nzread) &
-          write(15,*) inumelem,ITOP
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-  close(15)
-! print position of the source
-  print *
-  print *,'Position (x,z) of the source = ',xs,zs
-  print *
-!--- compute position of the receivers and write the STATIONS file
-  print *
-  print *,'writing the DATA/STATIONS file'
-  print *
-! total number of receivers in all the receiver lines
-  nrec_total = sum(nrec)
-  print *
-  print *,'There are ',nrec_total,' receivers'
-  print *
-  print *,'Position (x,z) of the ',nrec_total,' receivers'
-  print *
-  open(unit=15,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='unknown')
-  write(15,*) nrec_total
-  irec_global_number = 0
-! loop on all the receiver lines
-  do ireceiverlines = 1,nreceiverlines
-! loop on all the receivers of this receiver line
-    do irec = 1,nrec(ireceiverlines)
-! compute global receiver number
-      irec_global_number = irec_global_number + 1
-! compute coordinates of the receiver
-      if(nrec(ireceiverlines) > 1) then
-        xrec = xdeb(ireceiverlines) + dble(irec-1)*(xfin(ireceiverlines)-xdeb(ireceiverlines))/dble(nrec(ireceiverlines)-1)
-        zrec = zdeb(ireceiverlines) + dble(irec-1)*(zfin(ireceiverlines)-zdeb(ireceiverlines))/dble(nrec(ireceiverlines)-1)
-      else
-        xrec = xdeb(ireceiverlines)
-        zrec = zdeb(ireceiverlines)
-      endif
-! modify position of receiver if we must record exactly at the surface
-      if(enreg_surf(ireceiverlines)) &
-        zrec = value_spline(xrec,xinterface_top,zinterface_top,coefs_interface_top,npoints_interface_top)
-! display position of the receiver
-      print *,'Receiver ',irec_global_number,' = ',xrec,zrec
-      write(15,"('S',i4.4,'    AA ',f20.7,1x,f20.7,'       0.0         0.0')") irec_global_number,xrec,zrec
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(15)
-  print *
-  end program meshfem2D
-! *******************
-! meshing subroutines
-! *******************
-!--- global node number
-  integer function num(i,j,nx)
-  implicit none
-  integer i,j,nx
-    num = j*(nx+1) + i + 1
-  end function num
-!--- spline to describe the interfaces
-  double precision function value_spline(x,xinterface,zinterface,coefs_interface,npoints_interface)
-  implicit none
-  integer npoints_interface
-  double precision x,xp
-  double precision, dimension(npoints_interface) :: xinterface,zinterface,coefs_interface
-  value_spline = 0.d0
-  xp = x
-! assign the value on the edge if point is outside the model
-  if(xp < xinterface(1)) xp = xinterface(1)
-  if(xp > xinterface(npoints_interface)) xp = xinterface(npoints_interface)
-  call splint(xinterface,zinterface,coefs_interface,npoints_interface,xp,value_spline)
-  end function value_spline
-! --------------------------------------
-! compute spline coefficients (Numerical Recipes)
-! modified to use dynamic allocation
-  subroutine spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision, dimension(n) :: x,y,y2
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: u
-  double precision yp1,ypn
-  integer i,k
-  double precision sig,p,qn,un
-  allocate(u(n))
-  y2(1)=-0.5d0
-  u(1)=(3.d0/(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
-  do i=2,n-1
-    sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
-    p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.d0
-    y2(i)=(sig-1.d0)/p
-    u(i)=(6.d0*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1))/(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
-  enddo
-  qn=0.5d0
-  un=(3.d0/(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
-  y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.d0)
-  do k=n-1,1,-1
-    y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
-  enddo
-  deallocate(u)
-  end subroutine spline
-! --------------
-! evaluate spline (adapted from Numerical Recipes)
-  subroutine splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision, dimension(n) :: XA,YA,Y2A
-  double precision x,y
-  integer k,klo,khi
-  double precision h,a,b
-  KLO = 1
-  KHI = N
-  do while (KHI-KLO > 1)
-    K=(KHI+KLO)/2
-    if(XA(K) > X) then
-      KHI=K
-    else
-      KLO=K
-    endif
-  enddo
-  H = XA(KHI) - XA(KLO)
-  IF (H == 0.d0) stop 'bad input in spline evaluation'
-  A = (XA(KHI)-X) / H
-  B = (X-XA(KLO)) / H
-  Y = A*YA(KLO) + B*YA(KHI) + ((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO) + (B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6.d0
-  end subroutine splint

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,1944 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+! An explicit 2D spectral element solver for the anelastic anisotropic wave equation
+! If you use this code for your own research, please cite:
+! @ARTICLE{KoTr99,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
+! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
+! year=1999,
+! volume=139,
+! number=3,
+! pages={806-822},
+! doi={10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}}
+! @ARTICLE{KoVi98,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
+! title={The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
+! journal={Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
+! year=1998,
+! volume=88,
+! number=2,
+! pages={368-392}}
+! version 5.2, Dimitri Komatitsch, April 2007:
+!               - general fluid/solid implementation with any number, shape and orientation of
+!                 matching edges
+!               - absorbing edges with any normal vector
+!               - general numbering of absorbing and acoustic free surface edges
+!               - cleaned implementation of attenuation as in Carcione (1993)
+!               - merged loops in the solver for efficiency
+!               - simplified input of external model
+!               - added CPU time information
+!               - translated many comments from French to English
+! version 5.1, Dimitri Komatitsch, January 2005:
+!               - more general mesher with any number of curved layers
+!               - Dirac and Gaussian time sources and corresponding convolution routine
+!               - option for acoustic medium instead of elastic
+!               - receivers at any location, not only grid points
+!               - moment-tensor source at any location, not only a grid point
+!               - color snapshots
+!               - more flexible DATA/Par_file with any number of comment lines
+!               - Xsu scripts for seismograms
+!               - subtract t0 from seismograms
+!               - seismograms and snapshots in pressure in addition to vector field
+! version 5.0, Dimitri Komatitsch, May 2004:
+!               - got rid of useless routines, suppressed commons etc.
+!               - weak formulation based explicitly on stress tensor
+!               - implementation of full anisotropy
+!               - implementation of attenuation based on memory variables
+! based on SPECFEM2D version 4.2, June 1998
+! (c) by Dimitri Komatitsch, Harvard University, USA
+! and Jean-Pierre Vilotte, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
+! itself based on SPECFEM2D version 1.0, 1995
+! (c) by Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte,
+! Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
+! in case of an acoustic medium, a displacement potential Chi is used as in Chaljub and Valette,
+! Geophysical Journal International, vol. 158, p. 131-141 (2004) and *NOT* a velocity potential
+! as in Komatitsch and Tromp, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 150, p. 303-318 (2002).
+! This permits acoustic-elastic coupling based on a non-iterative time scheme.
+! Displacement is then: u = grad(Chi)
+! Velocity is then: v = grad(Chi_dot)       (Chi_dot being the time derivative of Chi)
+! and pressure is: p = - rho * Chi_dot_dot  (Chi_dot_dot being the time second derivative of Chi).
+! The source in an acoustic element is a pressure source.
+  program specfem2D
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  character(len=80) datlin
+  integer :: source_type,time_function_type
+  double precision :: x_source,z_source,xi_source,gamma_source,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,hdur,hdur_gauss
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: sourcearray
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: coorg
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coorgread
+! receiver information
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ispec_selected_rec
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xi_receiver,gamma_receiver,st_xval,st_zval
+! for seismograms
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sisux,sisuz
+! vector field in an element
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLX) :: vector_field_element
+! pressure in an element
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: pressure_element
+! to write seismograms in single precision SEP and double precision binary format
+  real(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: buffer_binary_single
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: buffer_binary_double
+  integer :: i,j,k,it,irec,ipoin,ip,id,nbpoin,inump,n,ispec,iedge,npoin,npgeo,iglob
+  logical :: anyabs
+  double precision :: dxd,dzd,valux,valuz,hlagrange,rhol,cosrot,sinrot,xi,gamma,x,z
+! coefficients of the explicit Newmark time scheme
+  integer NSTEP
+  double precision deltatover2,deltatsquareover2,time,deltat
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll,wxgll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: zigll,wzgll
+! derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
+! Jacobian matrix and determinant
+  double precision :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
+! material properties of the elastic medium
+  double precision :: mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed,cpsquare
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: coord,accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic, &
+    flagrange,xinterp,zinterp,Uxinterp,Uzinterp,elastcoef,vector_field_display
+! for acoustic medium
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic,potential_acoustic
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass_inverse_elastic,rmass_inverse_acoustic,density,displread,velocread,accelread
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
+  double precision :: previous_vsext
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: shape2D,shape2D_display,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dershape2D,dershape2D_display
+  integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ibool
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: knods
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kmato,numabs,ispecnum_acoustic_surface,iedgenum_acoustic_surface, &
+     ibegin_bottom,iend_bottom,ibegin_top,iend_top,jbegin_left,jend_left,jbegin_right,jend_right
+  integer ispec_selected_source,iglob_source,ix_source,iz_source
+  double precision a,displnorm_all
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: source_time_function
+  double precision, external :: erf
+  double precision :: vpmin,vpmax
+  integer :: colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,nrec,seismotype
+  integer :: numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface,ispecabs
+  logical interpol,meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,assign_external_model,initialfield, &
+    outputgrid,gnuplot,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image, &
+    plot_lowerleft_corner_only
+  double precision :: cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,anglerec,xirec,gammarec
+! for absorbing and acoustic free surface conditions
+  integer :: ispec_acoustic_surface,inum,numabsread,numacoustread,iedgeacoustread
+  logical :: codeabsread(4)
+  double precision :: nx,nz,weight,xxi,zgamma
+  logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: codeabs
+! for attenuation
+  integer nspec_allocate
+  double precision :: deltatsquare,deltatcube,deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+    e1_mech1,e11_mech1,e13_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2,e13_mech2, &
+    dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1
+! for fluid/solid coupling and edge detection
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: elastic
+  integer, dimension(NEDGES) :: i_begin,j_begin,i_end,j_end
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NEDGES) :: ivalue,jvalue,ivalue_inverse,jvalue_inverse
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge, &
+                                        fluid_solid_elastic_ispec,fluid_solid_elastic_iedge
+  integer :: num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc,ispec_acoustic,ispec_elastic, &
+             iedge_acoustic,iedge_elastic,ipoin1D,iglob2
+  logical :: any_acoustic,any_elastic,coupled_acoustic_elastic
+  double precision :: displ_x,displ_z,displ_n,zxi,xgamma,jacobian1D,pressure
+! for color images
+  integer :: NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color,iplus1,jplus1,iminus1,jminus1,count_passes
+  double precision :: xmin_color_image,xmax_color_image, &
+    zmin_color_image,zmax_color_image,size_pixel_horizontal,size_pixel_vertical
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: iglob_image_color,copy_iglob_image_color
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: image_color_data
+! timing information for the stations
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), allocatable, dimension(:) :: station_name
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), allocatable, dimension(:) :: network_name
+! title of the plot
+  character(len=60) simulation_title
+! Lagrange interpolators at receivers
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: hxir,hgammar,hpxir,hpgammar
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hxir_store,hgammar_store
+! for Lagrange interpolants
+  double precision, external :: hgll
+! timer to count elapsed time
+  character(len=8) datein
+  character(len=10) timein
+  character(len=5)  :: zone
+  integer, dimension(8) :: time_values
+  integer ihours,iminutes,iseconds,int_tCPU
+  double precision :: time_start,time_end,tCPU
+!             i n i t i a l i z a t i o n    p h a s e
+  open(IIN,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Database',status='old',action='read')
+! determine if we write to file instead of standard output
+  if(IOUT /= ISTANDARD_OUTPUT) open(IOUT,file='simulation_results.txt',status='unknown')
+!---  read job title and skip remaining titles of the input file
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a50)") simulation_title
+!---- print the date, time and start-up banner
+  call datim(simulation_title)
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
+  write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
+  write(IOUT,*) '****  SPECFEM2D  ****'
+  write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
+  write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
+!---- read parameters from input file
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) npgeo
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) gnuplot,interpol
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,colors,numbers
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp,sizemax_arrows
+  cutsnaps = cutsnaps / 100.d0
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) anglerec
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) initialfield
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) seismotype,imagetype
+  if(seismotype < 1 .or. seismotype > 4) stop 'Wrong type for seismogram output'
+  if(imagetype < 1 .or. imagetype > 4) stop 'Wrong type for snapshots'
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) assign_external_model,outputgrid,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
+!---- check parameters read
+  write(IOUT,200) npgeo,NDIM
+  write(IOUT,600) NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,colors,numbers
+  write(IOUT,700) seismotype,anglerec
+  write(IOUT,750) initialfield,assign_external_model,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,outputgrid
+  write(IOUT,800) imagetype,100.d0*cutsnaps,subsamp
+!---- read time step
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) NSTEP,deltat
+  write(IOUT,703) NSTEP,deltat,NSTEP*deltat
+!----  read source information
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) source_type,time_function_type,x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
+!-----  check the input
+ if(.not. initialfield) then
+   if (source_type == 1) then
+     write(IOUT,212) x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,angleforce
+   else if(source_type == 2) then
+     write(IOUT,222) x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
+   else
+     stop 'Unknown source type number !'
+   endif
+ endif
+! for the source time function
+  a = pi*pi*f0*f0
+!-----  convert angle from degrees to radians
+  angleforce = angleforce * pi / 180.d0
+!---- read the spectral macrobloc nodal coordinates
+  allocate(coorg(NDIM,npgeo))
+  ipoin = 0
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  allocate(coorgread(NDIM))
+  do ip = 1,npgeo
+   read(IIN,*) ipoin,(coorgread(id),id =1,NDIM)
+   if(ipoin<1 .or. ipoin>npgeo) stop 'Wrong control point number'
+   coorg(:,ipoin) = coorgread
+  enddo
+  deallocate(coorgread)
+!---- read the basic properties of the spectral elements
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface
+!---- allocate arrays
+  allocate(shape2D(ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ))
+  allocate(dershape2D(NDIM,ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ))
+  allocate(shape2D_display(ngnod,pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(dershape2D_display(NDIM,ngnod,pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(xix(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  allocate(xiz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  allocate(gammax(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  allocate(gammaz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  allocate(jacobian(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  allocate(flagrange(NGLLX,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(xinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(zinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(Uxinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(Uzinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
+  allocate(density(numat))
+  allocate(elastcoef(4,numat))
+  allocate(kmato(nspec))
+  allocate(knods(ngnod,nspec))
+  allocate(ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  allocate(elastic(nspec))
+! --- allocate arrays for absorbing boundary conditions
+  if(nelemabs <= 0) then
+    nelemabs = 1
+    anyabs = .false.
+  else
+    anyabs = .true.
+  endif
+  allocate(numabs(nelemabs))
+  allocate(codeabs(4,nelemabs))
+  allocate(ibegin_bottom(nelemabs))
+  allocate(iend_bottom(nelemabs))
+  allocate(ibegin_top(nelemabs))
+  allocate(iend_top(nelemabs))
+  allocate(jbegin_left(nelemabs))
+  allocate(jend_left(nelemabs))
+  allocate(jbegin_right(nelemabs))
+  allocate(jend_right(nelemabs))
+! --- allocate array for free surface condition in acoustic medium
+  if(nelem_acoustic_surface <= 0) then
+    nelem_acoustic_surface = 0
+    allocate(ispecnum_acoustic_surface(1))
+    allocate(iedgenum_acoustic_surface(1))
+  else
+    allocate(ispecnum_acoustic_surface(nelem_acoustic_surface))
+    allocate(iedgenum_acoustic_surface(nelem_acoustic_surface))
+  endif
+!---- print element group main parameters
+  write(IOUT,107)
+  write(IOUT,207) nspec,ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLX*NGLLZ,pointsdisp,numat,nelemabs
+! set up Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre derivation matrices
+  call define_derivation_matrices(xigll,zigll,wxgll,wzgll,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_zz)
+!---- read the material properties
+  call gmat01(density,elastcoef,numat)
+!----  read spectral macrobloc data
+  n = 0
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    read(IIN,*) n,kmato(n),(knods(k,n), k=1,ngnod)
+  enddo
+!----  determine if each spectral element is elastic or acoustic
+  any_acoustic = .false.
+  any_elastic = .false.
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
+    if(mul_relaxed < TINYVAL) then
+      elastic(ispec) = .false.
+      any_acoustic = .true.
+    else
+      elastic(ispec) = .true.
+      any_elastic = .true.
+    endif
+  enddo
+    nspec_allocate = nspec
+  else
+    nspec_allocate = 1
+  endif
+! allocate memory variables for attenuation
+  allocate(e1_mech1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(e11_mech1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(e13_mech1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(e1_mech2(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(e11_mech2(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(e13_mech2(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(dux_dxl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(duz_dzl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(duz_dxl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(dux_dzl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(dux_dxl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(duz_dzl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(duz_dxl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+  allocate(dux_dzl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
+!----  read absorbing boundary data
+  if(anyabs) then
+    read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+    do inum = 1,nelemabs
+      read(IIN,*) numabsread,codeabsread(1),codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),codeabsread(4)
+      if(numabsread < 1 .or. numabsread > nspec) stop 'Wrong absorbing element number'
+      numabs(inum) = numabsread
+      codeabs(IBOTTOM,inum) = codeabsread(1)
+      codeabs(IRIGHT,inum) = codeabsread(2)
+      codeabs(ITOP,inum) = codeabsread(3)
+      codeabs(ILEFT,inum) = codeabsread(4)
+    enddo
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Number of absorbing elements: ',nelemabs
+  endif
+!----  read acoustic free surface data
+  if(nelem_acoustic_surface > 0) then
+    read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+    do inum = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
+      read(IIN,*) numacoustread,iedgeacoustread
+      if(numacoustread < 1 .or. numacoustread > nspec) stop 'Wrong acoustic free surface element number'
+      if(iedgeacoustread < 1 .or. iedgeacoustread > NEDGES) stop 'Wrong acoustic free surface edge number'
+      ispecnum_acoustic_surface(inum) = numacoustread
+      iedgenum_acoustic_surface(inum) = iedgeacoustread
+    enddo
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Number of free surface elements: ',nelem_acoustic_surface
+  endif
+!---- close input file
+  close(IIN)
+!---- compute shape functions and their derivatives for SEM grid
+  do j = 1,NGLLZ
+    do i = 1,NGLLX
+      call define_shape_functions(shape2D(:,i,j),dershape2D(:,:,i,j),xigll(i),zigll(j),ngnod)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!---- generate the global numbering
+! "slow and clean" or "quick and dirty" version
+  if(FAST_NUMBERING) then
+    call createnum_fast(knods,ibool,shape2D,coorg,npoin,npgeo,nspec,ngnod)
+  else
+    call createnum_slow(knods,ibool,npoin,nspec,ngnod)
+  endif
+!---- compute shape functions and their derivatives for regular !interpolated display grid
+  do j = 1,pointsdisp
+    do i = 1,pointsdisp
+      xirec  = 2.d0*dble(i-1)/dble(pointsdisp-1) - 1.d0
+      gammarec  = 2.d0*dble(j-1)/dble(pointsdisp-1) - 1.d0
+      call define_shape_functions(shape2D_display(:,i,j),dershape2D_display(:,:,i,j),xirec,gammarec,ngnod)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!---- compute Lagrange interpolants on a regular interpolated grid in (xi,gamma)
+!---- for display (assumes NGLLX = NGLLZ)
+  do j=1,NGLLX
+    do i=1,pointsdisp
+      xirec  = 2.d0*dble(i-1)/dble(pointsdisp-1) - 1.d0
+      flagrange(j,i) = hgll(j-1,xirec,xigll,NGLLX)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! read total number of receivers
+  open(unit=IIN,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='old')
+  read(IIN,*) nrec
+  close(IIN)
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Total number of receivers = ',nrec
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  if(nrec < 1) stop 'need at least one receiver'
+! allocate seismogram arrays
+  allocate(sisux(NSTEP,nrec))
+  allocate(sisuz(NSTEP,nrec))
+! to write seismograms in single precision SEP and double precision binary format
+  allocate(buffer_binary_single(NSTEP*nrec))
+  allocate(buffer_binary_double(NSTEP*nrec))
+! receiver information
+  allocate(ispec_selected_rec(nrec))
+  allocate(st_xval(nrec))
+  allocate(st_zval(nrec))
+  allocate(xi_receiver(nrec))
+  allocate(gamma_receiver(nrec))
+  allocate(station_name(nrec))
+  allocate(network_name(nrec))
+! allocate 1-D Lagrange interpolators and derivatives
+  allocate(hxir(NGLLX))
+  allocate(hpxir(NGLLX))
+  allocate(hgammar(NGLLZ))
+  allocate(hpgammar(NGLLZ))
+! allocate Lagrange interpolators for receivers
+  allocate(hxir_store(nrec,NGLLX))
+  allocate(hgammar_store(nrec,NGLLZ))
+! allocate other global arrays
+  allocate(coord(NDIM,npoin))
+! to display acoustic elements
+  allocate(vector_field_display(NDIM,npoin))
+  if(assign_external_model) then
+    allocate(vpext(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+    allocate(vsext(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+    allocate(rhoext(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
+  else
+    allocate(vpext(1,1,1))
+    allocate(vsext(1,1,1))
+    allocate(rhoext(1,1,1))
+  endif
+!----  set the coordinates of the points of the global grid
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    do j = 1,NGLLZ
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        xi = xigll(i)
+        gamma = zigll(j)
+        call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl,coorg,knods,ispec,ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
+        coord(1,ibool(i,j,ispec)) = x
+        coord(2,ibool(i,j,ispec)) = z
+        xix(i,j,ispec) = xixl
+        xiz(i,j,ispec) = xizl
+        gammax(i,j,ispec) = gammaxl
+        gammaz(i,j,ispec) = gammazl
+        jacobian(i,j,ispec) = jacobianl
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!--- save the grid of points in a file
+  if(outputgrid) then
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the grid in a text file...'
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/grid_points_and_model.txt',status='unknown')
+    write(55,*) npoin
+    do n = 1,npoin
+      write(55,*) (coord(i,n), i=1,NDIM)
+    enddo
+    close(55)
+  endif
+!-----   plot the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
+  if(gnuplot) call plotgll(knods,ibool,coorg,coord,npoin,npgeo,ngnod,nspec)
+!----  assign external velocity and density model if needed
+  if(assign_external_model) then
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Assigning external velocity and density model...'
+    write(IOUT,*)
+         stop 'cannot have anisotropy nor attenuation if external model in current version'
+    any_acoustic = .false.
+    any_elastic = .false.
+    do ispec = 1,nspec
+      previous_vsext = -1.d0
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          call define_external_model(coord(1,iglob),coord(2,iglob),kmato(ispec), &
+                                         rhoext(i,j,ispec),vpext(i,j,ispec),vsext(i,j,ispec))
+! stop if the same element is assigned both acoustic and elastic points in external model
+          if(.not. (i == 1 .and. j == 1) .and. &
+            ((vsext(i,j,ispec) >= TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext < TINYVAL) .or. &
+             (vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext >= TINYVAL)))  &
+                stop 'external velocity model cannot be both fluid and solid inside the same spectral element'
+          if(vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL) then
+            elastic(ispec) = .false.
+            any_acoustic = .true.
+          else
+            elastic(ispec) = .true.
+            any_elastic = .true.
+          endif
+          previous_vsext = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+!----  perform basic checks on parameters read
+! for acoustic
+  if(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON .and. .not. any_elastic) stop 'cannot have anisotropy if acoustic simulation only'
+  if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON .and. .not. any_elastic) stop 'currently cannot have attenuation if acoustic simulation only'
+! for attenuation
+  if(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON .and. TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) stop 'cannot have anisotropy and attenuation both turned on in current version'
+!----   define coefficients of the Newmark time scheme
+  deltatover2 = HALF*deltat
+  deltatsquareover2 = HALF*deltat*deltat
+!---- define actual location of source and receivers
+  if(source_type == 1) then
+! collocated force source
+    call locate_source_force(coord,ibool,npoin,nspec,x_source,z_source,source_type, &
+      ix_source,iz_source,ispec_selected_source,iglob_source)
+! check that acoustic source is not exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there
+    do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
+      ispec = ispecnum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
+      iedge = iedgenum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
+      if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. ispec == ispec_selected_source) then
+        if((iedge == IBOTTOM .and. iz_source == 1) .or. &
+           (iedge == ITOP .and. iz_source == NGLLZ) .or. &
+           (iedge == ILEFT .and. ix_source == 1) .or. &
+           (iedge == IRIGHT .and. ix_source == NGLLX)) &
+          stop 'an acoustic source cannot be located exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there'
+      endif
+    enddo
+  else if(source_type == 2) then
+! moment-tensor source
+    call locate_source_moment_tensor(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,x_source,z_source, &
+               ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
+! compute source array for moment-tensor source
+    call compute_arrays_source(ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,sourcearray, &
+               Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,xigll,zigll,nspec)
+  else
+    stop 'incorrect source type'
+  endif
+! locate receivers in the mesh
+  call locate_receivers(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,nrec,st_xval,st_zval,ispec_selected_rec, &
+                 xi_receiver,gamma_receiver,station_name,network_name,x_source,z_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
+! check if acoustic receiver is exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there
+  do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
+    ispec = ispecnum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
+    iedge = iedgenum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
+    do irec = 1,nrec
+      if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. ispec == ispec_selected_rec(irec)) then
+         if((iedge == IBOTTOM .and. gamma_receiver(irec) < -0.99d0) .or. &
+            (iedge == ITOP .and. gamma_receiver(irec) > 0.99d0) .or. &
+            (iedge == ILEFT .and. xi_receiver(irec) < -0.99d0) .or. &
+            (iedge == IRIGHT .and. xi_receiver(irec) > 0.99d0)) then
+          if(seismotype == 4) then
+            stop 'an acoustic pressure receiver cannot be located exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there'
+          else
+            print *, '**********************************************************************'
+            print *, '*** Warning: acoustic receiver located exactly on the free surface ***'
+            print *, '*** Warning: tangential component will be zero there               ***'
+            print *, '**********************************************************************'
+            print *
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! define and store Lagrange interpolators at all the receivers
+  do irec = 1,nrec
+    call lagrange_any(xi_receiver(irec),NGLLX,xigll,hxir,hpxir)
+    call lagrange_any(gamma_receiver(irec),NGLLZ,zigll,hgammar,hpgammar)
+    hxir_store(irec,:) = hxir(:)
+    hgammar_store(irec,:) = hgammar(:)
+  enddo
+! displacement, velocity, acceleration and inverse of the mass matrix for elastic elements
+  if(any_elastic) then
+    allocate(displ_elastic(NDIM,npoin))
+    allocate(veloc_elastic(NDIM,npoin))
+    allocate(accel_elastic(NDIM,npoin))
+    allocate(rmass_inverse_elastic(npoin))
+  else
+! allocate unused arrays with fictitious size
+    allocate(displ_elastic(1,1))
+    allocate(veloc_elastic(1,1))
+    allocate(accel_elastic(1,1))
+    allocate(rmass_inverse_elastic(1))
+  endif
+! potential, its first and second derivative, and inverse of the mass matrix for acoustic elements
+  if(any_acoustic) then
+    allocate(potential_acoustic(npoin))
+    allocate(potential_dot_acoustic(npoin))
+    allocate(potential_dot_dot_acoustic(npoin))
+    allocate(rmass_inverse_acoustic(npoin))
+  else
+! allocate unused arrays with fictitious size
+    allocate(potential_acoustic(1))
+    allocate(potential_dot_acoustic(1))
+    allocate(potential_dot_dot_acoustic(1))
+    allocate(rmass_inverse_acoustic(1))
+  endif
+!---- build the global mass matrix and invert it once and for all
+  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic(:) = ZERO
+  if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = ZERO
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    do j = 1,NGLLZ
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+! if external density model
+        if(assign_external_model) then
+          rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+          cpsquare = vpext(i,j,ispec)**2
+        else
+          rhol = density(kmato(ispec))
+          lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,kmato(ispec))
+          mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
+          cpsquare = (lambdal_relaxed + 2.d0*mul_relaxed) / rhol
+        endif
+! for acoustic medium
+        if(elastic(ispec)) then
+          rmass_inverse_elastic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic(iglob) + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*rhol*jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+        else
+          rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) / cpsquare
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! fill mass matrix with fictitious non-zero values to make sure it can be inverted globally
+  if(any_elastic) where(rmass_inverse_elastic <= 0.d0) rmass_inverse_elastic = 1.d0
+  if(any_acoustic) where(rmass_inverse_acoustic <= 0.d0) rmass_inverse_acoustic = 1.d0
+! compute the inverse of the mass matrix
+  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic(:) = 1 / rmass_inverse_elastic(:)
+  if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 1 / rmass_inverse_acoustic(:)
+! check the mesh, stability and number of points per wavelength
+  call checkgrid(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef,ibool,kmato,coord,npoin,vpmin,vpmax, &
+                 assign_external_model,nspec,numat,deltat,f0,t0,initialfield,time_function_type, &
+                 coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display,knods,simulation_title,npgeo,pointsdisp,ngnod,any_elastic)
+! convert receiver angle to radians
+  anglerec = anglerec * pi / 180.d0
+!---- for color images
+  if(output_color_image) then
+! horizontal size of the image
+  xmin_color_image = minval(coord(1,:))
+  xmax_color_image = maxval(coord(1,:))
+! vertical size of the image, slightly increase it to go beyond maximum topography
+  zmin_color_image = minval(coord(2,:))
+  zmax_color_image = maxval(coord(2,:))
+  zmax_color_image = zmin_color_image + 1.05d0 * (zmax_color_image - zmin_color_image)
+! compute number of pixels in the horizontal direction based on typical number
+! of spectral elements in a given direction (may give bad results for very elongated models)
+  NX_IMAGE_color = nint(sqrt(dble(npgeo))) * (NGLLX-1) + 1
+! compute number of pixels in the vertical direction based on ratio of sizes
+  NZ_IMAGE_color = nint(NX_IMAGE_color * (zmax_color_image - zmin_color_image) / (xmax_color_image - xmin_color_image))
+! convert pixel sizes to even numbers because easier to reduce size, create MPEG movies in postprocessing
+  NX_IMAGE_color = 2 * (NX_IMAGE_color / 2)
+  NZ_IMAGE_color = 2 * (NZ_IMAGE_color / 2)
+! allocate an array for image data
+  allocate(image_color_data(NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color))
+! allocate an array for the grid point that corresponds to a given image data point
+  allocate(iglob_image_color(NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color))
+  allocate(copy_iglob_image_color(NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color))
+! create all the pixels
+  write(IOUT,*)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'locating all the pixels of color images'
+  size_pixel_horizontal = (xmax_color_image - xmin_color_image) / dble(NX_IMAGE_color-1)
+  size_pixel_vertical = (zmax_color_image - zmin_color_image) / dble(NZ_IMAGE_color-1)
+  iglob_image_color(:,:) = -1
+! loop on all the grid points to map them to a pixel in the image
+      do n=1,npoin
+! compute the coordinates of this pixel
+      i = nint((coord(1,n) - xmin_color_image) / size_pixel_horizontal + 1)
+      j = nint((coord(2,n) - zmin_color_image) / size_pixel_vertical + 1)
+! avoid edge effects
+      if(i < 1) i = 1
+      if(i > NX_IMAGE_color) i = NX_IMAGE_color
+      if(j < 1) j = 1
+      if(j > NZ_IMAGE_color) j = NZ_IMAGE_color
+! assign this point to this pixel
+      iglob_image_color(i,j) = n
+      enddo
+! locate missing pixels based on a minimum distance criterion
+! cannot do more than two iterations typically because some pixels must never be found
+! because they do not exist (for instance if they are located above topography)
+  do count_passes = 1,2
+  print *,'pass ',count_passes,' to locate the missing pixels of color images'
+  copy_iglob_image_color(:,:) = iglob_image_color(:,:)
+  do j = 1,NZ_IMAGE_color
+    do i = 1,NX_IMAGE_color
+      if(copy_iglob_image_color(i,j) == -1) then
+        iplus1 = i + 1
+        iminus1 = i - 1
+        jplus1 = j + 1
+        jminus1 = j - 1
+! avoid edge effects
+        if(iminus1 < 1) iminus1 = 1
+        if(iplus1 > NX_IMAGE_color) iplus1 = NX_IMAGE_color
+        if(jminus1 < 1) jminus1 = 1
+        if(jplus1 > NZ_IMAGE_color) jplus1 = NZ_IMAGE_color
+! use neighbors of this pixel to fill the holes
+! horizontal
+        if(copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,j) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,j)
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,j) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,j)
+! vertical
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(i,jplus1) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(i,jplus1)
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(i,jminus1) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(i,jminus1)
+! diagonal
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jminus1) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jminus1)
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jminus1) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jminus1)
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jplus1) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jplus1)
+        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jplus1) /= -1) then
+          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jplus1)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  deallocate(copy_iglob_image_color)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'done locating all the pixels of color images'
+  endif
+!---- initialize seismograms
+  sisux = ZERO
+  sisuz = ZERO
+  cosrot = cos(anglerec)
+  sinrot = sin(anglerec)
+! initialize arrays to zero
+  displ_elastic = ZERO
+  veloc_elastic = ZERO
+  accel_elastic = ZERO
+  potential_acoustic = ZERO
+  potential_dot_acoustic = ZERO
+  potential_dot_dot_acoustic = ZERO
+!----  read initial fields from external file if needed
+  if(initialfield) then
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Reading initial fields from external file...'
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    if(any_acoustic) stop 'initial field currently implemented for purely elastic simulation only'
+    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/wavefields.txt',status='unknown')
+    read(55,*) nbpoin
+    if(nbpoin /= npoin) stop 'Wrong number of points in input file'
+    allocate(displread(NDIM))
+    allocate(velocread(NDIM))
+    allocate(accelread(NDIM))
+    do n = 1,npoin
+      read(55,*) inump, (displread(i), i=1,NDIM), &
+          (velocread(i), i=1,NDIM), (accelread(i), i=1,NDIM)
+      if(inump<1 .or. inump>npoin) stop 'Wrong point number'
+      displ_elastic(:,inump) = displread
+      veloc_elastic(:,inump) = velocread
+      accel_elastic(:,inump) = accelread
+    enddo
+    deallocate(displread)
+    deallocate(velocread)
+    deallocate(accelread)
+    close(55)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm of initial elastic displacement = ',maxval(sqrt(displ_elastic(1,:)**2 + displ_elastic(2,:)**2))
+  endif
+  deltatsquare = deltat * deltat
+  deltatcube = deltatsquare * deltat
+  deltatfourth = deltatsquare * deltatsquare
+  twelvedeltat = 12.d0 * deltat
+  fourdeltatsquare = 4.d0 * deltatsquare
+! compute the source time function and store it in a text file
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+    allocate(source_time_function(NSTEP))
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the source time function in a text file...'
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/source.txt',status='unknown')
+! loop on all the time steps
+    do it = 1,NSTEP
+! compute current time
+      time = (it-1)*deltat
+! Ricker (second derivative of a Gaussian) source time function
+      if(time_function_type == 1) then
+        source_time_function(it) = - factor * (ONE-TWO*a*(time-t0)**2) * exp(-a*(time-t0)**2)
+! first derivative of a Gaussian source time function
+      else if(time_function_type == 2) then
+        source_time_function(it) = - factor * TWO*a*(time-t0) * exp(-a*(time-t0)**2)
+! Gaussian or Dirac (we use a very thin Gaussian instead) source time function
+      else if(time_function_type == 3 .or. time_function_type == 4) then
+        source_time_function(it) = factor * exp(-a*(time-t0)**2)
+! Heaviside source time function (we use a very thin error function instead)
+      else if(time_function_type == 5) then
+        hdur = 1.d0 / f0
+        hdur_gauss = hdur * 5.d0 / 3.d0
+        source_time_function(it) = factor * 0.5d0*(1.0d0+erf(SOURCE_DECAY_RATE*(time-t0)/hdur_gauss))
+      else
+        stop 'unknown source time function'
+      endif
+! output absolute time in third column, in case user wants to check it as well
+      write(55,*) sngl(time),sngl(source_time_function(it)),sngl(time-t0)
+    enddo
+    close(55)
+  else
+    allocate(source_time_function(1))
+  endif
+!----  check that no element has both acoustic free surface and top absorbing surface
+  do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
+    ispec = ispecnum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
+    iedge = iedgenum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
+    if(elastic(ispec)) then
+      stop 'elastic element detected in acoustic free surface'
+    else
+      do inum = 1,nelemabs
+        if(numabs(inum) == ispec .and. codeabs(iedge,inum)) &
+          stop 'acoustic free surface cannot be both absorbing and free'
+      enddo
+    endif
+  enddo
+! determine if coupled fluid-solid simulation
+  coupled_acoustic_elastic = any_acoustic .and. any_elastic
+! fluid/solid edge detection
+! very basic algorithm in O(nspec^2), simple double loop on the elements
+! and then loop on the four corners of each of the two elements, could be signficantly improved
+  num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc = 0
+  if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
+    print *
+    print *,'Mixed acoustic/elastic simulation'
+    print *
+    print *,'Beginning of fluid/solid edge detection (slow algorithm for now, will be improved later)'
+! define the edges of a given element
+    i_begin(IBOTTOM) = 1
+    j_begin(IBOTTOM) = 1
+    i_end(IBOTTOM) = NGLLX
+    j_end(IBOTTOM) = 1
+    i_begin(IRIGHT) = NGLLX
+    j_begin(IRIGHT) = 1
+    i_end(IRIGHT) = NGLLX
+    j_end(IRIGHT) = NGLLZ
+    i_begin(ITOP) = NGLLX
+    j_begin(ITOP) = NGLLZ
+    i_end(ITOP) = 1
+    j_end(ITOP) = NGLLZ
+    i_begin(ILEFT) = 1
+    j_begin(ILEFT) = NGLLZ
+    i_end(ILEFT) = 1
+    j_end(ILEFT) = 1
+! define i and j points for each edge
+    do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
+      ivalue(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = ipoin1D
+      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = NGLLX - ipoin1D + 1
+      jvalue(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = 1
+      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = 1
+      ivalue(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = NGLLX
+      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = NGLLX
+      jvalue(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = ipoin1D
+      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = NGLLZ - ipoin1D + 1
+      ivalue(ipoin1D,ITOP) = NGLLX - ipoin1D + 1
+      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ITOP) = ipoin1D
+      jvalue(ipoin1D,ITOP) = NGLLZ
+      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ITOP) = NGLLZ
+      ivalue(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = 1
+      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = 1
+      jvalue(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = NGLLZ - ipoin1D + 1
+      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = ipoin1D
+    enddo
+! double loop on all the elements
+    do ispec_acoustic = 1, nspec
+      do ispec_elastic = 1, nspec
+! one element must be acoustic and the other must be elastic
+! use acoustic element as master to avoid double detection of the same pair (one on each side)
+        if(ispec_acoustic /= ispec_elastic .and. .not. elastic(ispec_acoustic) .and. elastic(ispec_elastic)) then
+! loop on the four edges of the two elements
+          do iedge_acoustic = 1,NEDGES
+            do iedge_elastic = 1,NEDGES
+! error if the two edges match in direct order
+              if(ibool(i_begin(iedge_acoustic),j_begin(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
+                 ibool(i_begin(iedge_elastic),j_begin(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic) .and. &
+                 ibool(i_end(iedge_acoustic),j_end(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
+                 ibool(i_end(iedge_elastic),j_end(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic)) &
+                   stop 'topology error (non-inverted coupled elements) found in fluid/solid edge detection'
+! the two edges can match in inverse order
+              if(ibool(i_begin(iedge_acoustic),j_begin(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
+                 ibool(i_end(iedge_elastic),j_end(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic) .and. &
+                 ibool(i_end(iedge_acoustic),j_end(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
+                 ibool(i_begin(iedge_elastic),j_begin(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic)) &
+                   num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc = num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc + 1
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    print *,'Number of fluid/solid edges detected in mesh = ',num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc
+! allocate arrays for fluid/solid matching
+    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
+    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
+    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
+    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
+! double loop on all the elements
+    print *,'Creating fluid/solid edge topology...'
+    num_fluid_solid_edges = 0
+    do ispec_acoustic = 1, nspec
+      do ispec_elastic = 1, nspec
+! one element must be acoustic and the other must be elastic
+! use acoustic element as master to avoid double detection of the same pair (one on each side)
+        if(ispec_acoustic /= ispec_elastic .and. .not. elastic(ispec_acoustic) .and. elastic(ispec_elastic)) then
+! loop on the four edges of the two elements
+          do iedge_acoustic = 1,NEDGES
+            do iedge_elastic = 1,NEDGES
+! store the matching topology if the two edges match in inverse order
+              if(ibool(i_begin(iedge_acoustic),j_begin(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
+                 ibool(i_end(iedge_elastic),j_end(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic) .and. &
+                 ibool(i_end(iedge_acoustic),j_end(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
+                 ibool(i_begin(iedge_elastic),j_begin(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic)) then
+                   num_fluid_solid_edges = num_fluid_solid_edges + 1
+                   fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges) = ispec_acoustic
+                   fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges) = iedge_acoustic
+                   fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges) = ispec_elastic
+                   fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges) = iedge_elastic
+!                  print *,'edge ',iedge_acoustic,' of acoustic element ',ispec_acoustic, &
+!                          ' is in contact with edge ',iedge_elastic,' of elastic element ',ispec_elastic
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    if(num_fluid_solid_edges /= num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc) stop 'error in creation of arrays for fluid/solid matching'
+! make sure fluid/solid matching has been perfectly detected: check that the grid points
+! have the same physical coordinates
+! loop on all the coupling edges
+    print *,'Checking fluid/solid edge topology...'
+    do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
+! get the edge of the acoustic element
+      ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
+      iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
+! get the corresponding edge of the elastic element
+      ispec_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum)
+      iedge_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(inum)
+! implement 1D coupling along the edge
+      do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
+! get point values for the elastic side, which matches our side in the inverse direction
+        i = ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
+        j = jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
+        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_elastic)
+! get point values for the acoustic side
+        i = ivalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
+        j = jvalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
+        iglob2 = ibool(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+! if distance between the two points is not negligible, there is an error, since it should be zero
+        if(sqrt((coord(1,iglob) - coord(1,iglob2))**2 + (coord(2,iglob) - coord(2,iglob2))**2) > TINYVAL) &
+            stop 'error in fluid/solid coupling buffer'
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    print *,'End of fluid/solid edge detection'
+    print *
+  else
+! allocate dummy arrays for fluid/solid matching if purely acoustic or purely elastic
+    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(1))
+    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(1))
+    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(1))
+    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(1))
+  endif
+! default values for acoustic absorbing edges
+  ibegin_bottom(:) = 1
+  ibegin_top(:) = 1
+  iend_bottom(:) = NGLLX
+  iend_top(:) = NGLLX
+  jbegin_left(:) = 1
+  jbegin_right(:) = 1
+  jend_left(:) = NGLLZ
+  jend_right(:) = NGLLZ
+! exclude common points between acoustic absorbing edges and acoustic/elastic matching interfaces
+  if(coupled_acoustic_elastic .and. anyabs) then
+    print *,'excluding common points between acoustic absorbing edges and acoustic/elastic matching interfaces, if any'
+! loop on all the absorbing elements
+    do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
+      ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
+! loop on all the coupling edges
+      do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
+! get the edge of the acoustic element
+        ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
+        iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
+! if acoustic absorbing element and acoustic/elastic coupled element is the same
+        if(ispec_acoustic == ispec) then
+          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM) then
+            jbegin_left(ispecabs) = 2
+            jbegin_right(ispecabs) = 2
+          endif
+          if(iedge_acoustic == ITOP) then
+            jend_left(ispecabs) = NGLLZ - 1
+            jend_right(ispecabs) = NGLLZ - 1
+          endif
+          if(iedge_acoustic == ILEFT) then
+            ibegin_bottom(ispecabs) = 2
+            ibegin_top(ispecabs) = 2
+          endif
+          if(iedge_acoustic == IRIGHT) then
+            iend_bottom(ispecabs) = NGLLX - 1
+            iend_top(ispecabs) = NGLLX - 1
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+!----          s t a r t   t i m e   i t e r a t i o n s
+  write(IOUT,400)
+! count elapsed wall-clock time
+  datein = ''
+  timein = ''
+  zone = ''
+  call date_and_time(datein,timein,zone,time_values)
+! time_values(3): day of the month
+! time_values(5): hour of the day
+! time_values(6): minutes of the hour
+! time_values(7): seconds of the minute
+! time_values(8): milliseconds of the second
+! this fails if we cross the end of the month
+  time_start = 86400.d0*time_values(3) + 3600.d0*time_values(5) + &
+               60.d0*time_values(6) + time_values(7) + time_values(8) / 1000.d0
+! *********************************************************
+! ************* MAIN LOOP OVER THE TIME STEPS *************
+! *********************************************************
+  do it = 1,NSTEP
+! compute current time
+    time = (it-1)*deltat
+! update displacement using finite-difference time scheme (Newmark)
+    if(any_elastic) then
+      displ_elastic = displ_elastic + deltat*veloc_elastic + deltatsquareover2*accel_elastic
+      veloc_elastic = veloc_elastic + deltatover2*accel_elastic
+      accel_elastic = ZERO
+    endif
+    if(any_acoustic) then
+      potential_acoustic = potential_acoustic + deltat*potential_dot_acoustic + deltatsquareover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+      potential_dot_acoustic = potential_dot_acoustic + deltatover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+      potential_dot_dot_acoustic = ZERO
+! free surface for an acoustic medium
+    call enforce_acoustic_free_surface(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
+                potential_acoustic,ispecnum_acoustic_surface,iedgenum_acoustic_surface, &
+                ibool,nelem_acoustic_surface,npoin,nspec)
+! *********************************************************
+! ************* compute forces for the acoustic elements
+! *********************************************************
+    call compute_forces_acoustic(npoin,nspec,nelemabs,numat, &
+               iglob_source,ispec_selected_source,source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs, &
+               assign_external_model,initialfield,ibool,kmato,numabs, &
+               elastic,codeabs,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
+               potential_acoustic,density,elastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian, &
+               vpext,vsext,rhoext,source_time_function,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
+               hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll, &
+               ibegin_bottom,iend_bottom,ibegin_top,iend_top, &
+               jbegin_left,jend_left,jbegin_right,jend_right)
+    endif ! end of test if any acoustic element
+! *********************************************************
+! ************* add coupling with the elastic side
+! *********************************************************
+    if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
+! loop on all the coupling edges
+      do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
+! get the edge of the acoustic element
+        ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
+        iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
+! get the corresponding edge of the elastic element
+        ispec_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum)
+        iedge_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(inum)
+! implement 1D coupling along the edge
+        do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
+! get point values for the elastic side, which matches our side in the inverse direction
+          i = ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
+          j = jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_elastic)
+          displ_x = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+          displ_z = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+! get point values for the acoustic side
+          i = ivalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
+          j = jvalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+! compute the 1D Jacobian and the normal to the edge: for their expression see for instance
+! O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,
+! Sixth Edition, electronic version, www.amazon.com, p. 204 and Figure 7.7(a),
+! or Y. K. Cheung, S. H. Lo and A. Y. T. Leung, Finite Element Implementation,
+! Blackwell Science, page 110, equation (4.60).
+          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM .or. iedge_acoustic == ITOP) then
+            xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+            nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+            nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+          else
+            xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+            nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+            nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+          endif
+! compute dot product
+          displ_n = displ_x*nx + displ_z*nz
+! formulation with generalized potential
+          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) + weight*displ_n
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+! ************************************************************************************
+! ************* multiply by the inverse of the mass matrix and update velocity
+! ************************************************************************************
+  if(any_acoustic) then
+    potential_dot_dot_acoustic = potential_dot_dot_acoustic * rmass_inverse_acoustic
+    potential_dot_acoustic = potential_dot_acoustic + deltatover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+! free surface for an acoustic medium
+    call enforce_acoustic_free_surface(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
+                potential_acoustic,ispecnum_acoustic_surface,iedgenum_acoustic_surface, &
+                ibool,nelem_acoustic_surface,npoin,nspec)
+  endif
+! *********************************************************
+! ************* main solver for the elastic elements
+! *********************************************************
+  if(any_elastic) &
+    call compute_forces_elastic(npoin,nspec,nelemabs,numat,iglob_source, &
+               ispec_selected_source,source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs,assign_external_model, &
+               initialfield,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,angleforce,deltatcube, &
+               deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare,ibool,kmato,numabs,elastic,codeabs, &
+               accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic,density,elastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz, &
+               jacobian,vpext,vsext,rhoext,source_time_function,sourcearray,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
+               e13_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2,e13_mech2,dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n, &
+               dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
+               hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll)
+! *********************************************************
+! ************* add coupling with the acoustic side
+! *********************************************************
+    if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
+! loop on all the coupling edges
+      do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
+! get the edge of the acoustic element
+        ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
+        iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
+! get the corresponding edge of the elastic element
+        ispec_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum)
+        iedge_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(inum)
+! implement 1D coupling along the edge
+        do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
+! get point values for the acoustic side, which matches our side in the inverse direction
+          i = ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
+          j = jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+! get density of the fluid, depending if external density model
+          if(assign_external_model) then
+            rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+          else
+            rhol = density(kmato(ispec_acoustic))
+          endif
+! compute pressure on the fluid/solid edge
+          pressure = - rhol * potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)
+! get point values for the elastic side
+          i = ivalue(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
+          j = jvalue(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_elastic)
+! compute the 1D Jacobian and the normal to the edge: for their expression see for instance
+! O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,
+! Sixth Edition, electronic version, www.amazon.com, p. 204 and Figure 7.7(a),
+! or Y. K. Cheung, S. H. Lo and A. Y. T. Leung, Finite Element Implementation,
+! Blackwell Science, page 110, equation (4.60).
+          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM .or. iedge_acoustic == ITOP) then
+            xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+            nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+            nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+          else
+            xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
+            jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+            nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+            nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+          endif
+! formulation with generalized potential
+          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+          accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) + weight*nx*pressure
+          accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) + weight*nz*pressure
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+! ************************************************************************************
+! ************* multiply by the inverse of the mass matrix and update velocity
+! ************************************************************************************
+  if(any_elastic) then
+    accel_elastic(1,:) = accel_elastic(1,:) * rmass_inverse_elastic
+    accel_elastic(2,:) = accel_elastic(2,:) * rmass_inverse_elastic
+    veloc_elastic = veloc_elastic + deltatover2*accel_elastic
+  endif
+!----  display time step and max of norm of displacement
+  if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) == 0 .or. it == 5) then
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    if(time >= 1.d-3 .and. time < 1000.d0) then
+      write(IOUT,"('Time step number ',i6,'   t = ',f9.4,' s')") it,time
+    else
+      write(IOUT,"('Time step number ',i6,'   t = ',1pe12.6,' s')") it,time
+    endif
+    if(any_elastic) then
+      displnorm_all = maxval(sqrt(displ_elastic(1,:)**2 + displ_elastic(2,:)**2))
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm of vector field in solid = ',displnorm_all
+! check stability of the code in solid, exit if unstable
+      if(displnorm_all > STABILITY_THRESHOLD) stop 'code became unstable and blew up in solid'
+    endif
+    if(any_acoustic) then
+      displnorm_all = maxval(abs(potential_acoustic(:)))
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Max absolute value of scalar field in fluid = ',displnorm_all
+! check stability of the code in fluid, exit if unstable
+      if(displnorm_all > STABILITY_THRESHOLD) stop 'code became unstable and blew up in fluid'
+    endif
+    write(IOUT,*)
+  endif
+! loop on all the receivers to compute and store the seismograms
+  do irec = 1,nrec
+    ispec = ispec_selected_rec(irec)
+! compute pressure in this element if needed
+    if(seismotype == 4) then
+      call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+            xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
+            numat,kmato,density,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,ispec,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
+            e1_mech2,e11_mech2,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
+    else if(.not. elastic(ispec)) then
+! for acoustic medium, compute vector field from gradient of potential for seismograms
+      if(seismotype == 1) then
+        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+               xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
+      else if(seismotype == 2) then
+        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
+               xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
+      else if(seismotype == 3) then
+        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic, &
+               xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
+      endif
+    endif
+! perform the general interpolation using Lagrange polynomials
+    valux = ZERO
+    valuz = ZERO
+    do j = 1,NGLLZ
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+        hlagrange = hxir_store(irec,i)*hgammar_store(irec,j)
+        if(seismotype == 4) then
+          dxd = pressure_element(i,j)
+          dzd = ZERO
+        else if(.not. elastic(ispec)) then
+          dxd = vector_field_element(1,i,j)
+          dzd = vector_field_element(2,i,j)
+        else if(seismotype == 1) then
+          dxd = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+          dzd = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+        else if(seismotype == 2) then
+          dxd = veloc_elastic(1,iglob)
+          dzd = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
+        else if(seismotype == 3) then
+          dxd = accel_elastic(1,iglob)
+          dzd = accel_elastic(2,iglob)
+        endif
+! compute interpolated field
+        valux = valux + dxd*hlagrange
+        valuz = valuz + dzd*hlagrange
+      enddo
+    enddo
+! rotate seismogram components if needed, except if recording pressure, which is a scalar
+    if(seismotype /= 4) then
+      sisux(it,irec) =   cosrot*valux + sinrot*valuz
+      sisuz(it,irec) = - sinrot*valux + cosrot*valuz
+    else
+      sisux(it,irec) = valux
+      sisuz(it,irec) = ZERO
+    endif
+  enddo
+!----  display results at given time steps
+  if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) == 0 .or. it == 5 .or. it == NSTEP) then
+!----  PostScript display
+  if(output_postscript_snapshot) then
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Writing PostScript file'
+  if(imagetype == 1) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing displacement vector as small arrows...'
+    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+    call plotpost(vector_field_display,coord,vpext,x_source,z_source,st_xval,st_zval, &
+          it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,anyabs,simulation_title,npoin,npgeo,vpmin,vpmax,nrec, &
+          colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,interpol,meshvect,modelvect, &
+          boundvect,assign_external_model,cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,nelemabs,numat,pointsdisp, &
+          nspec,ngnod,coupled_acoustic_elastic,any_acoustic,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
+          fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge,num_fluid_solid_edges)
+  else if(imagetype == 2) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing velocity vector as small arrows...'
+    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+    call plotpost(vector_field_display,coord,vpext,x_source,z_source,st_xval,st_zval, &
+          it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,anyabs,simulation_title,npoin,npgeo,vpmin,vpmax,nrec, &
+          colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,interpol,meshvect,modelvect, &
+          boundvect,assign_external_model,cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,nelemabs,numat,pointsdisp, &
+          nspec,ngnod,coupled_acoustic_elastic,any_acoustic,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
+          fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge,num_fluid_solid_edges)
+  else if(imagetype == 3) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing acceleration vector as small arrows...'
+    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+    call plotpost(vector_field_display,coord,vpext,x_source,z_source,st_xval,st_zval, &
+          it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display, &
+          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
+          numabs,codeabs,anyabs,simulation_title,npoin,npgeo,vpmin,vpmax,nrec, &
+          colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,interpol,meshvect,modelvect, &
+          boundvect,assign_external_model,cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,nelemabs,numat,pointsdisp, &
+          nspec,ngnod,coupled_acoustic_elastic,any_acoustic,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
+          fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge,num_fluid_solid_edges)
+  else if(imagetype == 4) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'cannot draw scalar pressure field as a vector plot, skipping...'
+  else
+    stop 'wrong type for snapshots'
+  endif
+  if(imagetype /= 4) write(IOUT,*) 'PostScript file written'
+  endif
+!----  display color image
+  if(output_color_image) then
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Creating color image of size ',NX_IMAGE_color,' x ',NZ_IMAGE_color
+  if(imagetype == 1) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of vertical component of displacement vector...'
+    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+  else if(imagetype == 2) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of vertical component of velocity vector...'
+    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+  else if(imagetype == 3) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of vertical component of acceleration vector...'
+    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+  else if(imagetype == 4) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of pressure field...'
+    call compute_pressure_whole_medium(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
+         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
+         numat,kmato,density,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
+         e1_mech2,e11_mech2,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
+  else
+    stop 'wrong type for snapshots'
+  endif
+  image_color_data(:,:) = 0.d0
+  do j = 1,NZ_IMAGE_color
+    do i = 1,NX_IMAGE_color
+      iglob = iglob_image_color(i,j)
+! draw vertical component of field
+! or pressure which is stored in the same array used as temporary storage
+      if(iglob /= -1) image_color_data(i,j) = vector_field_display(2,iglob)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  call create_color_image(image_color_data,iglob_image_color,NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color,it,cutsnaps)
+  write(IOUT,*) 'Color image created'
+  endif
+!----  save temporary or final seismograms
+  call write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,station_name,network_name,NSTEP, &
+         nrec,deltat,seismotype,st_xval,it,t0,buffer_binary_single,buffer_binary_double)
+! count elapsed wall-clock time
+  call date_and_time(datein,timein,zone,time_values)
+! time_values(3): day of the month
+! time_values(5): hour of the day
+! time_values(6): minutes of the hour
+! time_values(7): seconds of the minute
+! time_values(8): milliseconds of the second
+! this fails if we cross the end of the month
+  time_end = 86400.d0*time_values(3) + 3600.d0*time_values(5) + &
+             60.d0*time_values(6) + time_values(7) + time_values(8) / 1000.d0
+! elapsed time since beginning of the simulation
+  tCPU = time_end - time_start
+  int_tCPU = int(tCPU)
+  ihours = int_tCPU / 3600
+  iminutes = (int_tCPU - 3600*ihours) / 60
+  iseconds = int_tCPU - 3600*ihours - 60*iminutes
+  write(*,*) 'Elapsed time in seconds = ',tCPU
+  write(*,"(' Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = ',i4,' h ',i2.2,' m ',i2.2,' s')") ihours,iminutes,iseconds
+  write(*,*) 'Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = ',tCPU/dble(it)
+  write(*,*)
+  endif
+  enddo ! end of the main time loop
+! print exit banner
+  call datim(simulation_title)
+!----  close output file
+!----  formats
+ 400 format(/1x,41('=')/,' =  T i m e  e v o l u t i o n  l o o p  ='/1x,41('=')/)
+ 200 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x,&
+  'Number of spectral element control nodes. . .(npgeo) =',i8/5x, &
+  'Number of space dimensions. . . . . . . . . . (NDIM) =',i8)
+ 600 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Display frequency . . . (NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) = ',i6/ 5x, &
+  'Color display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (colors) = ',i6/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     black and white display              ',  / 5x, &
+  '        ==  1     color display                        ',  /5x, &
+  'Numbered mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(numbers) = ',i6/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     do not number the mesh               ',  /5x, &
+  '        ==  1     number the mesh                      ')
+ 700 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Seismograms recording type . . . . . . .(seismotype) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Angle for first line of receivers. . . . .(anglerec) = ',f6.2)
+ 750 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Read external initial field. . . . . .(initialfield) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Assign external model . . . .(assign_external_model) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Turn anisotropy on or off. . . .(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Turn attenuation on or off. . .(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Save grid in external file or not. . . .(outputgrid) = ',l6)
+ 800 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Vector display type . . . . . . . . . . .(imagetype) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Percentage of cut for vector plots . . . .(cutsnaps) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Subsampling for velocity model display. . .(subsamp) = ',i6)
+ 703 format(//' I t e r a t i o n s '/1x,19('='),//5x, &
+      'Number of time iterations . . . . .(NSTEP) =',i8,/5x, &
+      'Time step increment. . . . . . . .(deltat) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
+      'Total simulation duration . . . . . (ttot) =',1pe15.6)
+ 107 format(/5x,'--> Isoparametric Spectral Elements <--',//)
+ 207 format(5x,'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (NGLLX) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points per element. . .(NGLLX*NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points for display . . .(pointsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7)
+ 212 format(//,5x,'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Collocated Force',/5x, &
+                  'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Angle from vertical direction (deg). . =',1pe20.10,/5x)
+ 222 format(//,5x,'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Moment-tensor',/5x, &
+                  'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Mxx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Mzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
+                  'Mxz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10)
+  end program specfem2D

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,1944 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-! An explicit 2D spectral element solver for the anelastic anisotropic wave equation
-! If you use this code for your own research, please cite:
-! @ARTICLE{KoTr99,
-! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
-! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
-! year=1999,
-! volume=139,
-! number=3,
-! pages={806-822},
-! doi={10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}}
-! @ARTICLE{KoVi98,
-! author={D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
-! title={The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
-! journal={Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
-! year=1998,
-! volume=88,
-! number=2,
-! pages={368-392}}
-! version 5.2, Dimitri Komatitsch, April 2007:
-!               - general fluid/solid implementation with any number, shape and orientation of
-!                 matching edges
-!               - absorbing edges with any normal vector
-!               - general numbering of absorbing and acoustic free surface edges
-!               - cleaned implementation of attenuation as in Carcione (1993)
-!               - merged loops in the solver for efficiency
-!               - simplified input of external model
-!               - added CPU time information
-!               - translated many comments from French to English
-! version 5.1, Dimitri Komatitsch, January 2005:
-!               - more general mesher with any number of curved layers
-!               - Dirac and Gaussian time sources and corresponding convolution routine
-!               - option for acoustic medium instead of elastic
-!               - receivers at any location, not only grid points
-!               - moment-tensor source at any location, not only a grid point
-!               - color snapshots
-!               - more flexible DATA/Par_file with any number of comment lines
-!               - Xsu scripts for seismograms
-!               - subtract t0 from seismograms
-!               - seismograms and snapshots in pressure in addition to vector field
-! version 5.0, Dimitri Komatitsch, May 2004:
-!               - got rid of useless routines, suppressed commons etc.
-!               - weak formulation based explicitly on stress tensor
-!               - implementation of full anisotropy
-!               - implementation of attenuation based on memory variables
-! based on SPECFEM2D version 4.2, June 1998
-! (c) by Dimitri Komatitsch, Harvard University, USA
-! and Jean-Pierre Vilotte, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
-! itself based on SPECFEM2D version 1.0, 1995
-! (c) by Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean-Pierre Vilotte,
-! Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
-! in case of an acoustic medium, a displacement potential Chi is used as in Chaljub and Valette,
-! Geophysical Journal International, vol. 158, p. 131-141 (2004) and *NOT* a velocity potential
-! as in Komatitsch and Tromp, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 150, p. 303-318 (2002).
-! This permits acoustic-elastic coupling based on a non-iterative time scheme.
-! Displacement is then: u = grad(Chi)
-! Velocity is then: v = grad(Chi_dot)       (Chi_dot being the time derivative of Chi)
-! and pressure is: p = - rho * Chi_dot_dot  (Chi_dot_dot being the time second derivative of Chi).
-! The source in an acoustic element is a pressure source.
-  program specfem2D
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  character(len=80) datlin
-  integer :: source_type,time_function_type
-  double precision :: x_source,z_source,xi_source,gamma_source,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,hdur,hdur_gauss
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: sourcearray
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: coorg
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coorgread
-! receiver information
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ispec_selected_rec
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xi_receiver,gamma_receiver,st_xval,st_zval
-! for seismograms
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sisux,sisuz
-! vector field in an element
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLX) :: vector_field_element
-! pressure in an element
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: pressure_element
-! to write seismograms in single precision SEP and double precision binary format
-  real(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: buffer_binary_single
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: buffer_binary_double
-  integer :: i,j,k,it,irec,ipoin,ip,id,nbpoin,inump,n,ispec,iedge,npoin,npgeo,iglob
-  logical :: anyabs
-  double precision :: dxd,dzd,valux,valuz,hlagrange,rhol,cosrot,sinrot,xi,gamma,x,z
-! coefficients of the explicit Newmark time scheme
-  integer NSTEP
-  double precision deltatover2,deltatsquareover2,time,deltat
-! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll,wxgll
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: zigll,wzgll
-! derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
-! Jacobian matrix and determinant
-  double precision :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
-! material properties of the elastic medium
-  double precision :: mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed,cpsquare
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: coord,accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic, &
-    flagrange,xinterp,zinterp,Uxinterp,Uzinterp,elastcoef,vector_field_display
-! for acoustic medium
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic,potential_acoustic
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass_inverse_elastic,rmass_inverse_acoustic,density,displread,velocread,accelread
-  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
-  double precision :: previous_vsext
-  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: shape2D,shape2D_display,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
-  double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dershape2D,dershape2D_display
-  integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ibool
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: knods
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kmato,numabs,ispecnum_acoustic_surface,iedgenum_acoustic_surface, &
-     ibegin_bottom,iend_bottom,ibegin_top,iend_top,jbegin_left,jend_left,jbegin_right,jend_right
-  integer ispec_selected_source,iglob_source,ix_source,iz_source
-  double precision a,displnorm_all
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: source_time_function
-  double precision, external :: erf
-  double precision :: vpmin,vpmax
-  integer :: colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,nrec,seismotype
-  integer :: numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface,ispecabs
-  logical interpol,meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,assign_external_model,initialfield, &
-    outputgrid,gnuplot,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image, &
-    plot_lowerleft_corner_only
-  double precision :: cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,anglerec,xirec,gammarec
-! for absorbing and acoustic free surface conditions
-  integer :: ispec_acoustic_surface,inum,numabsread,numacoustread,iedgeacoustread
-  logical :: codeabsread(4)
-  double precision :: nx,nz,weight,xxi,zgamma
-  logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: codeabs
-! for attenuation
-  integer nspec_allocate
-  double precision :: deltatsquare,deltatcube,deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare
-  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
-    e1_mech1,e11_mech1,e13_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2,e13_mech2, &
-    dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1
-! for fluid/solid coupling and edge detection
-  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: elastic
-  integer, dimension(NEDGES) :: i_begin,j_begin,i_end,j_end
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NEDGES) :: ivalue,jvalue,ivalue_inverse,jvalue_inverse
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge, &
-                                        fluid_solid_elastic_ispec,fluid_solid_elastic_iedge
-  integer :: num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc,ispec_acoustic,ispec_elastic, &
-             iedge_acoustic,iedge_elastic,ipoin1D,iglob2
-  logical :: any_acoustic,any_elastic,coupled_acoustic_elastic
-  double precision :: displ_x,displ_z,displ_n,zxi,xgamma,jacobian1D,pressure
-! for color images
-  integer :: NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color,iplus1,jplus1,iminus1,jminus1,count_passes
-  double precision :: xmin_color_image,xmax_color_image, &
-    zmin_color_image,zmax_color_image,size_pixel_horizontal,size_pixel_vertical
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: iglob_image_color,copy_iglob_image_color
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: image_color_data
-! timing information for the stations
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), allocatable, dimension(:) :: station_name
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), allocatable, dimension(:) :: network_name
-! title of the plot
-  character(len=60) simulation_title
-! Lagrange interpolators at receivers
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: hxir,hgammar,hpxir,hpgammar
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hxir_store,hgammar_store
-! for Lagrange interpolants
-  double precision, external :: hgll
-! timer to count elapsed time
-  character(len=8) datein
-  character(len=10) timein
-  character(len=5)  :: zone
-  integer, dimension(8) :: time_values
-  integer ihours,iminutes,iseconds,int_tCPU
-  double precision :: time_start,time_end,tCPU
-!             i n i t i a l i z a t i o n    p h a s e
-  open(IIN,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Database',status='old',action='read')
-! determine if we write to file instead of standard output
-  if(IOUT /= ISTANDARD_OUTPUT) open(IOUT,file='simulation_results.txt',status='unknown')
-!---  read job title and skip remaining titles of the input file
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a50)") simulation_title
-!---- print the date, time and start-up banner
-  call datim(simulation_title)
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
-  write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
-  write(IOUT,*) '****  SPECFEM2D  ****'
-  write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
-  write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
-!---- read parameters from input file
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) npgeo
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) gnuplot,interpol
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,colors,numbers
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp,sizemax_arrows
-  cutsnaps = cutsnaps / 100.d0
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) anglerec
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) initialfield
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) seismotype,imagetype
-  if(seismotype < 1 .or. seismotype > 4) stop 'Wrong type for seismogram output'
-  if(imagetype < 1 .or. imagetype > 4) stop 'Wrong type for snapshots'
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) assign_external_model,outputgrid,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
-!---- check parameters read
-  write(IOUT,200) npgeo,NDIM
-  write(IOUT,600) NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,colors,numbers
-  write(IOUT,700) seismotype,anglerec
-  write(IOUT,750) initialfield,assign_external_model,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,outputgrid
-  write(IOUT,800) imagetype,100.d0*cutsnaps,subsamp
-!---- read time step
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) NSTEP,deltat
-  write(IOUT,703) NSTEP,deltat,NSTEP*deltat
-!----  read source information
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) source_type,time_function_type,x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,angleforce,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
-!-----  check the input
- if(.not. initialfield) then
-   if (source_type == 1) then
-     write(IOUT,212) x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,angleforce
-   else if(source_type == 2) then
-     write(IOUT,222) x_source,z_source,f0,t0,factor,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz
-   else
-     stop 'Unknown source type number !'
-   endif
- endif
-! for the source time function
-  a = pi*pi*f0*f0
-!-----  convert angle from degrees to radians
-  angleforce = angleforce * pi / 180.d0
-!---- read the spectral macrobloc nodal coordinates
-  allocate(coorg(NDIM,npgeo))
-  ipoin = 0
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  allocate(coorgread(NDIM))
-  do ip = 1,npgeo
-   read(IIN,*) ipoin,(coorgread(id),id =1,NDIM)
-   if(ipoin<1 .or. ipoin>npgeo) stop 'Wrong control point number'
-   coorg(:,ipoin) = coorgread
-  enddo
-  deallocate(coorgread)
-!---- read the basic properties of the spectral elements
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface
-!---- allocate arrays
-  allocate(shape2D(ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ))
-  allocate(dershape2D(NDIM,ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ))
-  allocate(shape2D_display(ngnod,pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(dershape2D_display(NDIM,ngnod,pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(xix(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  allocate(xiz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  allocate(gammax(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  allocate(gammaz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  allocate(jacobian(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  allocate(flagrange(NGLLX,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(xinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(zinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(Uxinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(Uzinterp(pointsdisp,pointsdisp))
-  allocate(density(numat))
-  allocate(elastcoef(4,numat))
-  allocate(kmato(nspec))
-  allocate(knods(ngnod,nspec))
-  allocate(ibool(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  allocate(elastic(nspec))
-! --- allocate arrays for absorbing boundary conditions
-  if(nelemabs <= 0) then
-    nelemabs = 1
-    anyabs = .false.
-  else
-    anyabs = .true.
-  endif
-  allocate(numabs(nelemabs))
-  allocate(codeabs(4,nelemabs))
-  allocate(ibegin_bottom(nelemabs))
-  allocate(iend_bottom(nelemabs))
-  allocate(ibegin_top(nelemabs))
-  allocate(iend_top(nelemabs))
-  allocate(jbegin_left(nelemabs))
-  allocate(jend_left(nelemabs))
-  allocate(jbegin_right(nelemabs))
-  allocate(jend_right(nelemabs))
-! --- allocate array for free surface condition in acoustic medium
-  if(nelem_acoustic_surface <= 0) then
-    nelem_acoustic_surface = 0
-    allocate(ispecnum_acoustic_surface(1))
-    allocate(iedgenum_acoustic_surface(1))
-  else
-    allocate(ispecnum_acoustic_surface(nelem_acoustic_surface))
-    allocate(iedgenum_acoustic_surface(nelem_acoustic_surface))
-  endif
-!---- print element group main parameters
-  write(IOUT,107)
-  write(IOUT,207) nspec,ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLX*NGLLZ,pointsdisp,numat,nelemabs
-! set up Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre derivation matrices
-  call define_derivation_matrices(xigll,zigll,wxgll,wzgll,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_zz)
-!---- read the material properties
-  call gmat01(density,elastcoef,numat)
-!----  read spectral macrobloc data
-  n = 0
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-    read(IIN,*) n,kmato(n),(knods(k,n), k=1,ngnod)
-  enddo
-!----  determine if each spectral element is elastic or acoustic
-  any_acoustic = .false.
-  any_elastic = .false.
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-    mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
-    if(mul_relaxed < TINYVAL) then
-      elastic(ispec) = .false.
-      any_acoustic = .true.
-    else
-      elastic(ispec) = .true.
-      any_elastic = .true.
-    endif
-  enddo
-    nspec_allocate = nspec
-  else
-    nspec_allocate = 1
-  endif
-! allocate memory variables for attenuation
-  allocate(e1_mech1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(e11_mech1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(e13_mech1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(e1_mech2(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(e11_mech2(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(e13_mech2(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(dux_dxl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(duz_dzl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(duz_dxl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(dux_dzl_n(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(dux_dxl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(duz_dzl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(duz_dxl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-  allocate(dux_dzl_np1(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_allocate))
-!----  read absorbing boundary data
-  if(anyabs) then
-    read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-    do inum = 1,nelemabs
-      read(IIN,*) numabsread,codeabsread(1),codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),codeabsread(4)
-      if(numabsread < 1 .or. numabsread > nspec) stop 'Wrong absorbing element number'
-      numabs(inum) = numabsread
-      codeabs(IBOTTOM,inum) = codeabsread(1)
-      codeabs(IRIGHT,inum) = codeabsread(2)
-      codeabs(ITOP,inum) = codeabsread(3)
-      codeabs(ILEFT,inum) = codeabsread(4)
-    enddo
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Number of absorbing elements: ',nelemabs
-  endif
-!----  read acoustic free surface data
-  if(nelem_acoustic_surface > 0) then
-    read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-    do inum = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
-      read(IIN,*) numacoustread,iedgeacoustread
-      if(numacoustread < 1 .or. numacoustread > nspec) stop 'Wrong acoustic free surface element number'
-      if(iedgeacoustread < 1 .or. iedgeacoustread > NEDGES) stop 'Wrong acoustic free surface edge number'
-      ispecnum_acoustic_surface(inum) = numacoustread
-      iedgenum_acoustic_surface(inum) = iedgeacoustread
-    enddo
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Number of free surface elements: ',nelem_acoustic_surface
-  endif
-!---- close input file
-  close(IIN)
-!---- compute shape functions and their derivatives for SEM grid
-  do j = 1,NGLLZ
-    do i = 1,NGLLX
-      call define_shape_functions(shape2D(:,i,j),dershape2D(:,:,i,j),xigll(i),zigll(j),ngnod)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!---- generate the global numbering
-! "slow and clean" or "quick and dirty" version
-  if(FAST_NUMBERING) then
-    call createnum_fast(knods,ibool,shape2D,coorg,npoin,npgeo,nspec,ngnod)
-  else
-    call createnum_slow(knods,ibool,npoin,nspec,ngnod)
-  endif
-!---- compute shape functions and their derivatives for regular !interpolated display grid
-  do j = 1,pointsdisp
-    do i = 1,pointsdisp
-      xirec  = 2.d0*dble(i-1)/dble(pointsdisp-1) - 1.d0
-      gammarec  = 2.d0*dble(j-1)/dble(pointsdisp-1) - 1.d0
-      call define_shape_functions(shape2D_display(:,i,j),dershape2D_display(:,:,i,j),xirec,gammarec,ngnod)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!---- compute Lagrange interpolants on a regular interpolated grid in (xi,gamma)
-!---- for display (assumes NGLLX = NGLLZ)
-  do j=1,NGLLX
-    do i=1,pointsdisp
-      xirec  = 2.d0*dble(i-1)/dble(pointsdisp-1) - 1.d0
-      flagrange(j,i) = hgll(j-1,xirec,xigll,NGLLX)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! read total number of receivers
-  open(unit=IIN,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='old')
-  read(IIN,*) nrec
-  close(IIN)
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Total number of receivers = ',nrec
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  if(nrec < 1) stop 'need at least one receiver'
-! allocate seismogram arrays
-  allocate(sisux(NSTEP,nrec))
-  allocate(sisuz(NSTEP,nrec))
-! to write seismograms in single precision SEP and double precision binary format
-  allocate(buffer_binary_single(NSTEP*nrec))
-  allocate(buffer_binary_double(NSTEP*nrec))
-! receiver information
-  allocate(ispec_selected_rec(nrec))
-  allocate(st_xval(nrec))
-  allocate(st_zval(nrec))
-  allocate(xi_receiver(nrec))
-  allocate(gamma_receiver(nrec))
-  allocate(station_name(nrec))
-  allocate(network_name(nrec))
-! allocate 1-D Lagrange interpolators and derivatives
-  allocate(hxir(NGLLX))
-  allocate(hpxir(NGLLX))
-  allocate(hgammar(NGLLZ))
-  allocate(hpgammar(NGLLZ))
-! allocate Lagrange interpolators for receivers
-  allocate(hxir_store(nrec,NGLLX))
-  allocate(hgammar_store(nrec,NGLLZ))
-! allocate other global arrays
-  allocate(coord(NDIM,npoin))
-! to display acoustic elements
-  allocate(vector_field_display(NDIM,npoin))
-  if(assign_external_model) then
-    allocate(vpext(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-    allocate(vsext(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-    allocate(rhoext(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec))
-  else
-    allocate(vpext(1,1,1))
-    allocate(vsext(1,1,1))
-    allocate(rhoext(1,1,1))
-  endif
-!----  set the coordinates of the points of the global grid
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-    do j = 1,NGLLZ
-      do i = 1,NGLLX
-        xi = xigll(i)
-        gamma = zigll(j)
-        call recompute_jacobian(xi,gamma,x,z,xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl,coorg,knods,ispec,ngnod,nspec,npgeo)
-        coord(1,ibool(i,j,ispec)) = x
-        coord(2,ibool(i,j,ispec)) = z
-        xix(i,j,ispec) = xixl
-        xiz(i,j,ispec) = xizl
-        gammax(i,j,ispec) = gammaxl
-        gammaz(i,j,ispec) = gammazl
-        jacobian(i,j,ispec) = jacobianl
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!--- save the grid of points in a file
-  if(outputgrid) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the grid in a text file...'
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/grid_points_and_model.txt',status='unknown')
-    write(55,*) npoin
-    do n = 1,npoin
-      write(55,*) (coord(i,n), i=1,NDIM)
-    enddo
-    close(55)
-  endif
-!-----   plot the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
-  if(gnuplot) call plotgll(knods,ibool,coorg,coord,npoin,npgeo,ngnod,nspec)
-!----  assign external velocity and density model if needed
-  if(assign_external_model) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Assigning external velocity and density model...'
-    write(IOUT,*)
-         stop 'cannot have anisotropy nor attenuation if external model in current version'
-    any_acoustic = .false.
-    any_elastic = .false.
-    do ispec = 1,nspec
-      previous_vsext = -1.d0
-      do j = 1,NGLLZ
-        do i = 1,NGLLX
-          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-          call define_external_model(coord(1,iglob),coord(2,iglob),kmato(ispec), &
-                                         rhoext(i,j,ispec),vpext(i,j,ispec),vsext(i,j,ispec))
-! stop if the same element is assigned both acoustic and elastic points in external model
-          if(.not. (i == 1 .and. j == 1) .and. &
-            ((vsext(i,j,ispec) >= TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext < TINYVAL) .or. &
-             (vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext >= TINYVAL)))  &
-                stop 'external velocity model cannot be both fluid and solid inside the same spectral element'
-          if(vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL) then
-            elastic(ispec) = .false.
-            any_acoustic = .true.
-          else
-            elastic(ispec) = .true.
-            any_elastic = .true.
-          endif
-          previous_vsext = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-!----  perform basic checks on parameters read
-! for acoustic
-  if(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON .and. .not. any_elastic) stop 'cannot have anisotropy if acoustic simulation only'
-  if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON .and. .not. any_elastic) stop 'currently cannot have attenuation if acoustic simulation only'
-! for attenuation
-  if(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON .and. TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) stop 'cannot have anisotropy and attenuation both turned on in current version'
-!----   define coefficients of the Newmark time scheme
-  deltatover2 = HALF*deltat
-  deltatsquareover2 = HALF*deltat*deltat
-!---- define actual location of source and receivers
-  if(source_type == 1) then
-! collocated force source
-    call locate_source_force(coord,ibool,npoin,nspec,x_source,z_source,source_type, &
-      ix_source,iz_source,ispec_selected_source,iglob_source)
-! check that acoustic source is not exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there
-    do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
-      ispec = ispecnum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
-      iedge = iedgenum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
-      if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. ispec == ispec_selected_source) then
-        if((iedge == IBOTTOM .and. iz_source == 1) .or. &
-           (iedge == ITOP .and. iz_source == NGLLZ) .or. &
-           (iedge == ILEFT .and. ix_source == 1) .or. &
-           (iedge == IRIGHT .and. ix_source == NGLLX)) &
-          stop 'an acoustic source cannot be located exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there'
-      endif
-    enddo
-  else if(source_type == 2) then
-! moment-tensor source
-    call locate_source_moment_tensor(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,x_source,z_source, &
-               ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
-! compute source array for moment-tensor source
-    call compute_arrays_source(ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,sourcearray, &
-               Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,xigll,zigll,nspec)
-  else
-    stop 'incorrect source type'
-  endif
-! locate receivers in the mesh
-  call locate_receivers(ibool,coord,nspec,npoin,xigll,zigll,nrec,st_xval,st_zval,ispec_selected_rec, &
-                 xi_receiver,gamma_receiver,station_name,network_name,x_source,z_source,coorg,knods,ngnod,npgeo)
-! check if acoustic receiver is exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there
-  do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
-    ispec = ispecnum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
-    iedge = iedgenum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
-    do irec = 1,nrec
-      if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. ispec == ispec_selected_rec(irec)) then
-         if((iedge == IBOTTOM .and. gamma_receiver(irec) < -0.99d0) .or. &
-            (iedge == ITOP .and. gamma_receiver(irec) > 0.99d0) .or. &
-            (iedge == ILEFT .and. xi_receiver(irec) < -0.99d0) .or. &
-            (iedge == IRIGHT .and. xi_receiver(irec) > 0.99d0)) then
-          if(seismotype == 4) then
-            stop 'an acoustic pressure receiver cannot be located exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there'
-          else
-            print *, '**********************************************************************'
-            print *, '*** Warning: acoustic receiver located exactly on the free surface ***'
-            print *, '*** Warning: tangential component will be zero there               ***'
-            print *, '**********************************************************************'
-            print *
-          endif
-        endif
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! define and store Lagrange interpolators at all the receivers
-  do irec = 1,nrec
-    call lagrange_any(xi_receiver(irec),NGLLX,xigll,hxir,hpxir)
-    call lagrange_any(gamma_receiver(irec),NGLLZ,zigll,hgammar,hpgammar)
-    hxir_store(irec,:) = hxir(:)
-    hgammar_store(irec,:) = hgammar(:)
-  enddo
-! displacement, velocity, acceleration and inverse of the mass matrix for elastic elements
-  if(any_elastic) then
-    allocate(displ_elastic(NDIM,npoin))
-    allocate(veloc_elastic(NDIM,npoin))
-    allocate(accel_elastic(NDIM,npoin))
-    allocate(rmass_inverse_elastic(npoin))
-  else
-! allocate unused arrays with fictitious size
-    allocate(displ_elastic(1,1))
-    allocate(veloc_elastic(1,1))
-    allocate(accel_elastic(1,1))
-    allocate(rmass_inverse_elastic(1))
-  endif
-! potential, its first and second derivative, and inverse of the mass matrix for acoustic elements
-  if(any_acoustic) then
-    allocate(potential_acoustic(npoin))
-    allocate(potential_dot_acoustic(npoin))
-    allocate(potential_dot_dot_acoustic(npoin))
-    allocate(rmass_inverse_acoustic(npoin))
-  else
-! allocate unused arrays with fictitious size
-    allocate(potential_acoustic(1))
-    allocate(potential_dot_acoustic(1))
-    allocate(potential_dot_dot_acoustic(1))
-    allocate(rmass_inverse_acoustic(1))
-  endif
-!---- build the global mass matrix and invert it once and for all
-  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic(:) = ZERO
-  if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = ZERO
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-    do j = 1,NGLLZ
-      do i = 1,NGLLX
-        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-! if external density model
-        if(assign_external_model) then
-          rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-          cpsquare = vpext(i,j,ispec)**2
-        else
-          rhol = density(kmato(ispec))
-          lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,kmato(ispec))
-          mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
-          cpsquare = (lambdal_relaxed + 2.d0*mul_relaxed) / rhol
-        endif
-! for acoustic medium
-        if(elastic(ispec)) then
-          rmass_inverse_elastic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic(iglob) + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*rhol*jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-        else
-          rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) / cpsquare
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! fill mass matrix with fictitious non-zero values to make sure it can be inverted globally
-  if(any_elastic) where(rmass_inverse_elastic <= 0.d0) rmass_inverse_elastic = 1.d0
-  if(any_acoustic) where(rmass_inverse_acoustic <= 0.d0) rmass_inverse_acoustic = 1.d0
-! compute the inverse of the mass matrix
-  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic(:) = 1 / rmass_inverse_elastic(:)
-  if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 1 / rmass_inverse_acoustic(:)
-! check the mesh, stability and number of points per wavelength
-  call checkgrid(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef,ibool,kmato,coord,npoin,vpmin,vpmax, &
-                 assign_external_model,nspec,numat,deltat,f0,t0,initialfield,time_function_type, &
-                 coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display,knods,simulation_title,npgeo,pointsdisp,ngnod,any_elastic)
-! convert receiver angle to radians
-  anglerec = anglerec * pi / 180.d0
-!---- for color images
-  if(output_color_image) then
-! horizontal size of the image
-  xmin_color_image = minval(coord(1,:))
-  xmax_color_image = maxval(coord(1,:))
-! vertical size of the image, slightly increase it to go beyond maximum topography
-  zmin_color_image = minval(coord(2,:))
-  zmax_color_image = maxval(coord(2,:))
-  zmax_color_image = zmin_color_image + 1.05d0 * (zmax_color_image - zmin_color_image)
-! compute number of pixels in the horizontal direction based on typical number
-! of spectral elements in a given direction (may give bad results for very elongated models)
-  NX_IMAGE_color = nint(sqrt(dble(npgeo))) * (NGLLX-1) + 1
-! compute number of pixels in the vertical direction based on ratio of sizes
-  NZ_IMAGE_color = nint(NX_IMAGE_color * (zmax_color_image - zmin_color_image) / (xmax_color_image - xmin_color_image))
-! convert pixel sizes to even numbers because easier to reduce size, create MPEG movies in postprocessing
-  NX_IMAGE_color = 2 * (NX_IMAGE_color / 2)
-  NZ_IMAGE_color = 2 * (NZ_IMAGE_color / 2)
-! allocate an array for image data
-  allocate(image_color_data(NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color))
-! allocate an array for the grid point that corresponds to a given image data point
-  allocate(iglob_image_color(NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color))
-  allocate(copy_iglob_image_color(NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color))
-! create all the pixels
-  write(IOUT,*)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'locating all the pixels of color images'
-  size_pixel_horizontal = (xmax_color_image - xmin_color_image) / dble(NX_IMAGE_color-1)
-  size_pixel_vertical = (zmax_color_image - zmin_color_image) / dble(NZ_IMAGE_color-1)
-  iglob_image_color(:,:) = -1
-! loop on all the grid points to map them to a pixel in the image
-      do n=1,npoin
-! compute the coordinates of this pixel
-      i = nint((coord(1,n) - xmin_color_image) / size_pixel_horizontal + 1)
-      j = nint((coord(2,n) - zmin_color_image) / size_pixel_vertical + 1)
-! avoid edge effects
-      if(i < 1) i = 1
-      if(i > NX_IMAGE_color) i = NX_IMAGE_color
-      if(j < 1) j = 1
-      if(j > NZ_IMAGE_color) j = NZ_IMAGE_color
-! assign this point to this pixel
-      iglob_image_color(i,j) = n
-      enddo
-! locate missing pixels based on a minimum distance criterion
-! cannot do more than two iterations typically because some pixels must never be found
-! because they do not exist (for instance if they are located above topography)
-  do count_passes = 1,2
-  print *,'pass ',count_passes,' to locate the missing pixels of color images'
-  copy_iglob_image_color(:,:) = iglob_image_color(:,:)
-  do j = 1,NZ_IMAGE_color
-    do i = 1,NX_IMAGE_color
-      if(copy_iglob_image_color(i,j) == -1) then
-        iplus1 = i + 1
-        iminus1 = i - 1
-        jplus1 = j + 1
-        jminus1 = j - 1
-! avoid edge effects
-        if(iminus1 < 1) iminus1 = 1
-        if(iplus1 > NX_IMAGE_color) iplus1 = NX_IMAGE_color
-        if(jminus1 < 1) jminus1 = 1
-        if(jplus1 > NZ_IMAGE_color) jplus1 = NZ_IMAGE_color
-! use neighbors of this pixel to fill the holes
-! horizontal
-        if(copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,j) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,j)
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,j) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,j)
-! vertical
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(i,jplus1) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(i,jplus1)
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(i,jminus1) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(i,jminus1)
-! diagonal
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jminus1) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jminus1)
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jminus1) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jminus1)
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jplus1) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iminus1,jplus1)
-        else if(copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jplus1) /= -1) then
-          iglob_image_color(i,j) = copy_iglob_image_color(iplus1,jplus1)
-        endif
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  deallocate(copy_iglob_image_color)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'done locating all the pixels of color images'
-  endif
-!---- initialize seismograms
-  sisux = ZERO
-  sisuz = ZERO
-  cosrot = cos(anglerec)
-  sinrot = sin(anglerec)
-! initialize arrays to zero
-  displ_elastic = ZERO
-  veloc_elastic = ZERO
-  accel_elastic = ZERO
-  potential_acoustic = ZERO
-  potential_dot_acoustic = ZERO
-  potential_dot_dot_acoustic = ZERO
-!----  read initial fields from external file if needed
-  if(initialfield) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Reading initial fields from external file...'
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    if(any_acoustic) stop 'initial field currently implemented for purely elastic simulation only'
-    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/wavefields.txt',status='unknown')
-    read(55,*) nbpoin
-    if(nbpoin /= npoin) stop 'Wrong number of points in input file'
-    allocate(displread(NDIM))
-    allocate(velocread(NDIM))
-    allocate(accelread(NDIM))
-    do n = 1,npoin
-      read(55,*) inump, (displread(i), i=1,NDIM), &
-          (velocread(i), i=1,NDIM), (accelread(i), i=1,NDIM)
-      if(inump<1 .or. inump>npoin) stop 'Wrong point number'
-      displ_elastic(:,inump) = displread
-      veloc_elastic(:,inump) = velocread
-      accel_elastic(:,inump) = accelread
-    enddo
-    deallocate(displread)
-    deallocate(velocread)
-    deallocate(accelread)
-    close(55)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm of initial elastic displacement = ',maxval(sqrt(displ_elastic(1,:)**2 + displ_elastic(2,:)**2))
-  endif
-  deltatsquare = deltat * deltat
-  deltatcube = deltatsquare * deltat
-  deltatfourth = deltatsquare * deltatsquare
-  twelvedeltat = 12.d0 * deltat
-  fourdeltatsquare = 4.d0 * deltatsquare
-! compute the source time function and store it in a text file
-  if(.not. initialfield) then
-    allocate(source_time_function(NSTEP))
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the source time function in a text file...'
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/source.txt',status='unknown')
-! loop on all the time steps
-    do it = 1,NSTEP
-! compute current time
-      time = (it-1)*deltat
-! Ricker (second derivative of a Gaussian) source time function
-      if(time_function_type == 1) then
-        source_time_function(it) = - factor * (ONE-TWO*a*(time-t0)**2) * exp(-a*(time-t0)**2)
-! first derivative of a Gaussian source time function
-      else if(time_function_type == 2) then
-        source_time_function(it) = - factor * TWO*a*(time-t0) * exp(-a*(time-t0)**2)
-! Gaussian or Dirac (we use a very thin Gaussian instead) source time function
-      else if(time_function_type == 3 .or. time_function_type == 4) then
-        source_time_function(it) = factor * exp(-a*(time-t0)**2)
-! Heaviside source time function (we use a very thin error function instead)
-      else if(time_function_type == 5) then
-        hdur = 1.d0 / f0
-        hdur_gauss = hdur * 5.d0 / 3.d0
-        source_time_function(it) = factor * 0.5d0*(1.0d0+erf(SOURCE_DECAY_RATE*(time-t0)/hdur_gauss))
-      else
-        stop 'unknown source time function'
-      endif
-! output absolute time in third column, in case user wants to check it as well
-      write(55,*) sngl(time),sngl(source_time_function(it)),sngl(time-t0)
-    enddo
-    close(55)
-  else
-    allocate(source_time_function(1))
-  endif
-!----  check that no element has both acoustic free surface and top absorbing surface
-  do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
-    ispec = ispecnum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
-    iedge = iedgenum_acoustic_surface(ispec_acoustic_surface)
-    if(elastic(ispec)) then
-      stop 'elastic element detected in acoustic free surface'
-    else
-      do inum = 1,nelemabs
-        if(numabs(inum) == ispec .and. codeabs(iedge,inum)) &
-          stop 'acoustic free surface cannot be both absorbing and free'
-      enddo
-    endif
-  enddo
-! determine if coupled fluid-solid simulation
-  coupled_acoustic_elastic = any_acoustic .and. any_elastic
-! fluid/solid edge detection
-! very basic algorithm in O(nspec^2), simple double loop on the elements
-! and then loop on the four corners of each of the two elements, could be signficantly improved
-  num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc = 0
-  if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
-    print *
-    print *,'Mixed acoustic/elastic simulation'
-    print *
-    print *,'Beginning of fluid/solid edge detection (slow algorithm for now, will be improved later)'
-! define the edges of a given element
-    i_begin(IBOTTOM) = 1
-    j_begin(IBOTTOM) = 1
-    i_end(IBOTTOM) = NGLLX
-    j_end(IBOTTOM) = 1
-    i_begin(IRIGHT) = NGLLX
-    j_begin(IRIGHT) = 1
-    i_end(IRIGHT) = NGLLX
-    j_end(IRIGHT) = NGLLZ
-    i_begin(ITOP) = NGLLX
-    j_begin(ITOP) = NGLLZ
-    i_end(ITOP) = 1
-    j_end(ITOP) = NGLLZ
-    i_begin(ILEFT) = 1
-    j_begin(ILEFT) = NGLLZ
-    i_end(ILEFT) = 1
-    j_end(ILEFT) = 1
-! define i and j points for each edge
-    do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
-      ivalue(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = ipoin1D
-      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = NGLLX - ipoin1D + 1
-      jvalue(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = 1
-      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IBOTTOM) = 1
-      ivalue(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = NGLLX
-      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = NGLLX
-      jvalue(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = ipoin1D
-      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,IRIGHT) = NGLLZ - ipoin1D + 1
-      ivalue(ipoin1D,ITOP) = NGLLX - ipoin1D + 1
-      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ITOP) = ipoin1D
-      jvalue(ipoin1D,ITOP) = NGLLZ
-      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ITOP) = NGLLZ
-      ivalue(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = 1
-      ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = 1
-      jvalue(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = NGLLZ - ipoin1D + 1
-      jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,ILEFT) = ipoin1D
-    enddo
-! double loop on all the elements
-    do ispec_acoustic = 1, nspec
-      do ispec_elastic = 1, nspec
-! one element must be acoustic and the other must be elastic
-! use acoustic element as master to avoid double detection of the same pair (one on each side)
-        if(ispec_acoustic /= ispec_elastic .and. .not. elastic(ispec_acoustic) .and. elastic(ispec_elastic)) then
-! loop on the four edges of the two elements
-          do iedge_acoustic = 1,NEDGES
-            do iedge_elastic = 1,NEDGES
-! error if the two edges match in direct order
-              if(ibool(i_begin(iedge_acoustic),j_begin(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
-                 ibool(i_begin(iedge_elastic),j_begin(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic) .and. &
-                 ibool(i_end(iedge_acoustic),j_end(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
-                 ibool(i_end(iedge_elastic),j_end(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic)) &
-                   stop 'topology error (non-inverted coupled elements) found in fluid/solid edge detection'
-! the two edges can match in inverse order
-              if(ibool(i_begin(iedge_acoustic),j_begin(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
-                 ibool(i_end(iedge_elastic),j_end(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic) .and. &
-                 ibool(i_end(iedge_acoustic),j_end(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
-                 ibool(i_begin(iedge_elastic),j_begin(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic)) &
-                   num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc = num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc + 1
-            enddo
-          enddo
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    print *,'Number of fluid/solid edges detected in mesh = ',num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc
-! allocate arrays for fluid/solid matching
-    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
-    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
-    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
-    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc))
-! double loop on all the elements
-    print *,'Creating fluid/solid edge topology...'
-    num_fluid_solid_edges = 0
-    do ispec_acoustic = 1, nspec
-      do ispec_elastic = 1, nspec
-! one element must be acoustic and the other must be elastic
-! use acoustic element as master to avoid double detection of the same pair (one on each side)
-        if(ispec_acoustic /= ispec_elastic .and. .not. elastic(ispec_acoustic) .and. elastic(ispec_elastic)) then
-! loop on the four edges of the two elements
-          do iedge_acoustic = 1,NEDGES
-            do iedge_elastic = 1,NEDGES
-! store the matching topology if the two edges match in inverse order
-              if(ibool(i_begin(iedge_acoustic),j_begin(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
-                 ibool(i_end(iedge_elastic),j_end(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic) .and. &
-                 ibool(i_end(iedge_acoustic),j_end(iedge_acoustic),ispec_acoustic) == &
-                 ibool(i_begin(iedge_elastic),j_begin(iedge_elastic),ispec_elastic)) then
-                   num_fluid_solid_edges = num_fluid_solid_edges + 1
-                   fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges) = ispec_acoustic
-                   fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges) = iedge_acoustic
-                   fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(num_fluid_solid_edges) = ispec_elastic
-                   fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(num_fluid_solid_edges) = iedge_elastic
-!                  print *,'edge ',iedge_acoustic,' of acoustic element ',ispec_acoustic, &
-!                          ' is in contact with edge ',iedge_elastic,' of elastic element ',ispec_elastic
-              endif
-            enddo
-          enddo
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    if(num_fluid_solid_edges /= num_fluid_solid_edges_alloc) stop 'error in creation of arrays for fluid/solid matching'
-! make sure fluid/solid matching has been perfectly detected: check that the grid points
-! have the same physical coordinates
-! loop on all the coupling edges
-    print *,'Checking fluid/solid edge topology...'
-    do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
-! get the edge of the acoustic element
-      ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
-      iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
-! get the corresponding edge of the elastic element
-      ispec_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum)
-      iedge_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(inum)
-! implement 1D coupling along the edge
-      do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
-! get point values for the elastic side, which matches our side in the inverse direction
-        i = ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
-        j = jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
-        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_elastic)
-! get point values for the acoustic side
-        i = ivalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
-        j = jvalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
-        iglob2 = ibool(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-! if distance between the two points is not negligible, there is an error, since it should be zero
-        if(sqrt((coord(1,iglob) - coord(1,iglob2))**2 + (coord(2,iglob) - coord(2,iglob2))**2) > TINYVAL) &
-            stop 'error in fluid/solid coupling buffer'
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    print *,'End of fluid/solid edge detection'
-    print *
-  else
-! allocate dummy arrays for fluid/solid matching if purely acoustic or purely elastic
-    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(1))
-    allocate(fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(1))
-    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(1))
-    allocate(fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(1))
-  endif
-! default values for acoustic absorbing edges
-  ibegin_bottom(:) = 1
-  ibegin_top(:) = 1
-  iend_bottom(:) = NGLLX
-  iend_top(:) = NGLLX
-  jbegin_left(:) = 1
-  jbegin_right(:) = 1
-  jend_left(:) = NGLLZ
-  jend_right(:) = NGLLZ
-! exclude common points between acoustic absorbing edges and acoustic/elastic matching interfaces
-  if(coupled_acoustic_elastic .and. anyabs) then
-    print *,'excluding common points between acoustic absorbing edges and acoustic/elastic matching interfaces, if any'
-! loop on all the absorbing elements
-    do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
-      ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
-! loop on all the coupling edges
-      do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
-! get the edge of the acoustic element
-        ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
-        iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
-! if acoustic absorbing element and acoustic/elastic coupled element is the same
-        if(ispec_acoustic == ispec) then
-          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM) then
-            jbegin_left(ispecabs) = 2
-            jbegin_right(ispecabs) = 2
-          endif
-          if(iedge_acoustic == ITOP) then
-            jend_left(ispecabs) = NGLLZ - 1
-            jend_right(ispecabs) = NGLLZ - 1
-          endif
-          if(iedge_acoustic == ILEFT) then
-            ibegin_bottom(ispecabs) = 2
-            ibegin_top(ispecabs) = 2
-          endif
-          if(iedge_acoustic == IRIGHT) then
-            iend_bottom(ispecabs) = NGLLX - 1
-            iend_top(ispecabs) = NGLLX - 1
-          endif
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-!----          s t a r t   t i m e   i t e r a t i o n s
-  write(IOUT,400)
-! count elapsed wall-clock time
-  datein = ''
-  timein = ''
-  zone = ''
-  call date_and_time(datein,timein,zone,time_values)
-! time_values(3): day of the month
-! time_values(5): hour of the day
-! time_values(6): minutes of the hour
-! time_values(7): seconds of the minute
-! time_values(8): milliseconds of the second
-! this fails if we cross the end of the month
-  time_start = 86400.d0*time_values(3) + 3600.d0*time_values(5) + &
-               60.d0*time_values(6) + time_values(7) + time_values(8) / 1000.d0
-! *********************************************************
-! ************* MAIN LOOP OVER THE TIME STEPS *************
-! *********************************************************
-  do it = 1,NSTEP
-! compute current time
-    time = (it-1)*deltat
-! update displacement using finite-difference time scheme (Newmark)
-    if(any_elastic) then
-      displ_elastic = displ_elastic + deltat*veloc_elastic + deltatsquareover2*accel_elastic
-      veloc_elastic = veloc_elastic + deltatover2*accel_elastic
-      accel_elastic = ZERO
-    endif
-    if(any_acoustic) then
-      potential_acoustic = potential_acoustic + deltat*potential_dot_acoustic + deltatsquareover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
-      potential_dot_acoustic = potential_dot_acoustic + deltatover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
-      potential_dot_dot_acoustic = ZERO
-! free surface for an acoustic medium
-    call enforce_acoustic_free_surface(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
-                potential_acoustic,ispecnum_acoustic_surface,iedgenum_acoustic_surface, &
-                ibool,nelem_acoustic_surface,npoin,nspec)
-! *********************************************************
-! ************* compute forces for the acoustic elements
-! *********************************************************
-    call compute_forces_acoustic(npoin,nspec,nelemabs,numat, &
-               iglob_source,ispec_selected_source,source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs, &
-               assign_external_model,initialfield,ibool,kmato,numabs, &
-               elastic,codeabs,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
-               potential_acoustic,density,elastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian, &
-               vpext,vsext,rhoext,source_time_function,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
-               hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll, &
-               ibegin_bottom,iend_bottom,ibegin_top,iend_top, &
-               jbegin_left,jend_left,jbegin_right,jend_right)
-    endif ! end of test if any acoustic element
-! *********************************************************
-! ************* add coupling with the elastic side
-! *********************************************************
-    if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
-! loop on all the coupling edges
-      do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
-! get the edge of the acoustic element
-        ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
-        iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
-! get the corresponding edge of the elastic element
-        ispec_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum)
-        iedge_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(inum)
-! implement 1D coupling along the edge
-        do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
-! get point values for the elastic side, which matches our side in the inverse direction
-          i = ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
-          j = jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
-          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_elastic)
-          displ_x = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-          displ_z = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
-! get point values for the acoustic side
-          i = ivalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
-          j = jvalue(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
-          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-! compute the 1D Jacobian and the normal to the edge: for their expression see for instance
-! O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,
-! Sixth Edition, electronic version, www.amazon.com, p. 204 and Figure 7.7(a),
-! or Y. K. Cheung, S. H. Lo and A. Y. T. Leung, Finite Element Implementation,
-! Blackwell Science, page 110, equation (4.60).
-          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM .or. iedge_acoustic == ITOP) then
-            xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
-            nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
-            nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
-          else
-            xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
-            nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
-            nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
-          endif
-! compute dot product
-          displ_n = displ_x*nx + displ_z*nz
-! formulation with generalized potential
-          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
-          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) + weight*displ_n
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    endif
-! ************************************************************************************
-! ************* multiply by the inverse of the mass matrix and update velocity
-! ************************************************************************************
-  if(any_acoustic) then
-    potential_dot_dot_acoustic = potential_dot_dot_acoustic * rmass_inverse_acoustic
-    potential_dot_acoustic = potential_dot_acoustic + deltatover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
-! free surface for an acoustic medium
-    call enforce_acoustic_free_surface(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
-                potential_acoustic,ispecnum_acoustic_surface,iedgenum_acoustic_surface, &
-                ibool,nelem_acoustic_surface,npoin,nspec)
-  endif
-! *********************************************************
-! ************* main solver for the elastic elements
-! *********************************************************
-  if(any_elastic) &
-    call compute_forces_elastic(npoin,nspec,nelemabs,numat,iglob_source, &
-               ispec_selected_source,source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs,assign_external_model, &
-               initialfield,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON,angleforce,deltatcube, &
-               deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare,ibool,kmato,numabs,elastic,codeabs, &
-               accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic,density,elastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz, &
-               jacobian,vpext,vsext,rhoext,source_time_function,sourcearray,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
-               e13_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2,e13_mech2,dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n, &
-               dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
-               hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll)
-! *********************************************************
-! ************* add coupling with the acoustic side
-! *********************************************************
-    if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
-! loop on all the coupling edges
-      do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
-! get the edge of the acoustic element
-        ispec_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum)
-        iedge_acoustic = fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge(inum)
-! get the corresponding edge of the elastic element
-        ispec_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum)
-        iedge_elastic = fluid_solid_elastic_iedge(inum)
-! implement 1D coupling along the edge
-        do ipoin1D = 1,NGLLX
-! get point values for the acoustic side, which matches our side in the inverse direction
-          i = ivalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
-          j = jvalue_inverse(ipoin1D,iedge_acoustic)
-          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-! get density of the fluid, depending if external density model
-          if(assign_external_model) then
-            rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-          else
-            rhol = density(kmato(ispec_acoustic))
-          endif
-! compute pressure on the fluid/solid edge
-          pressure = - rhol * potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)
-! get point values for the elastic side
-          i = ivalue(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
-          j = jvalue(ipoin1D,iedge_elastic)
-          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_elastic)
-! compute the 1D Jacobian and the normal to the edge: for their expression see for instance
-! O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,
-! Sixth Edition, electronic version, www.amazon.com, p. 204 and Figure 7.7(a),
-! or Y. K. Cheung, S. H. Lo and A. Y. T. Leung, Finite Element Implementation,
-! Blackwell Science, page 110, equation (4.60).
-          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM .or. iedge_acoustic == ITOP) then
-            xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
-            nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
-            nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
-          else
-            xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
-            jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
-            nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
-            nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
-          endif
-! formulation with generalized potential
-          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
-          accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) + weight*nx*pressure
-          accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) + weight*nz*pressure
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    endif
-! ************************************************************************************
-! ************* multiply by the inverse of the mass matrix and update velocity
-! ************************************************************************************
-  if(any_elastic) then
-    accel_elastic(1,:) = accel_elastic(1,:) * rmass_inverse_elastic
-    accel_elastic(2,:) = accel_elastic(2,:) * rmass_inverse_elastic
-    veloc_elastic = veloc_elastic + deltatover2*accel_elastic
-  endif
-!----  display time step and max of norm of displacement
-  if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) == 0 .or. it == 5) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    if(time >= 1.d-3 .and. time < 1000.d0) then
-      write(IOUT,"('Time step number ',i6,'   t = ',f9.4,' s')") it,time
-    else
-      write(IOUT,"('Time step number ',i6,'   t = ',1pe12.6,' s')") it,time
-    endif
-    if(any_elastic) then
-      displnorm_all = maxval(sqrt(displ_elastic(1,:)**2 + displ_elastic(2,:)**2))
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm of vector field in solid = ',displnorm_all
-! check stability of the code in solid, exit if unstable
-      if(displnorm_all > STABILITY_THRESHOLD) stop 'code became unstable and blew up in solid'
-    endif
-    if(any_acoustic) then
-      displnorm_all = maxval(abs(potential_acoustic(:)))
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Max absolute value of scalar field in fluid = ',displnorm_all
-! check stability of the code in fluid, exit if unstable
-      if(displnorm_all > STABILITY_THRESHOLD) stop 'code became unstable and blew up in fluid'
-    endif
-    write(IOUT,*)
-  endif
-! loop on all the receivers to compute and store the seismograms
-  do irec = 1,nrec
-    ispec = ispec_selected_rec(irec)
-! compute pressure in this element if needed
-    if(seismotype == 4) then
-      call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
-            xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
-            numat,kmato,density,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,ispec,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
-            e1_mech2,e11_mech2,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
-    else if(.not. elastic(ispec)) then
-! for acoustic medium, compute vector field from gradient of potential for seismograms
-      if(seismotype == 1) then
-        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
-               xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
-      else if(seismotype == 2) then
-        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
-               xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
-      else if(seismotype == 3) then
-        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic, &
-               xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
-      endif
-    endif
-! perform the general interpolation using Lagrange polynomials
-    valux = ZERO
-    valuz = ZERO
-    do j = 1,NGLLZ
-      do i = 1,NGLLX
-        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-        hlagrange = hxir_store(irec,i)*hgammar_store(irec,j)
-        if(seismotype == 4) then
-          dxd = pressure_element(i,j)
-          dzd = ZERO
-        else if(.not. elastic(ispec)) then
-          dxd = vector_field_element(1,i,j)
-          dzd = vector_field_element(2,i,j)
-        else if(seismotype == 1) then
-          dxd = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-          dzd = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
-        else if(seismotype == 2) then
-          dxd = veloc_elastic(1,iglob)
-          dzd = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
-        else if(seismotype == 3) then
-          dxd = accel_elastic(1,iglob)
-          dzd = accel_elastic(2,iglob)
-        endif
-! compute interpolated field
-        valux = valux + dxd*hlagrange
-        valuz = valuz + dzd*hlagrange
-      enddo
-    enddo
-! rotate seismogram components if needed, except if recording pressure, which is a scalar
-    if(seismotype /= 4) then
-      sisux(it,irec) =   cosrot*valux + sinrot*valuz
-      sisuz(it,irec) = - sinrot*valux + cosrot*valuz
-    else
-      sisux(it,irec) = valux
-      sisuz(it,irec) = ZERO
-    endif
-  enddo
-!----  display results at given time steps
-  if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) == 0 .or. it == 5 .or. it == NSTEP) then
-!----  PostScript display
-  if(output_postscript_snapshot) then
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Writing PostScript file'
-  if(imagetype == 1) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing displacement vector as small arrows...'
-    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
-    call plotpost(vector_field_display,coord,vpext,x_source,z_source,st_xval,st_zval, &
-          it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display, &
-          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
-          numabs,codeabs,anyabs,simulation_title,npoin,npgeo,vpmin,vpmax,nrec, &
-          colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,interpol,meshvect,modelvect, &
-          boundvect,assign_external_model,cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,nelemabs,numat,pointsdisp, &
-          nspec,ngnod,coupled_acoustic_elastic,any_acoustic,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
-          fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge,num_fluid_solid_edges)
-  else if(imagetype == 2) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing velocity vector as small arrows...'
-    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
-    call plotpost(vector_field_display,coord,vpext,x_source,z_source,st_xval,st_zval, &
-          it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display, &
-          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
-          numabs,codeabs,anyabs,simulation_title,npoin,npgeo,vpmin,vpmax,nrec, &
-          colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,interpol,meshvect,modelvect, &
-          boundvect,assign_external_model,cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,nelemabs,numat,pointsdisp, &
-          nspec,ngnod,coupled_acoustic_elastic,any_acoustic,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
-          fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge,num_fluid_solid_edges)
-  else if(imagetype == 3) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing acceleration vector as small arrows...'
-    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
-    call plotpost(vector_field_display,coord,vpext,x_source,z_source,st_xval,st_zval, &
-          it,deltat,coorg,xinterp,zinterp,shape2D_display, &
-          Uxinterp,Uzinterp,flagrange,density,elastcoef,knods,kmato,ibool, &
-          numabs,codeabs,anyabs,simulation_title,npoin,npgeo,vpmin,vpmax,nrec, &
-          colors,numbers,subsamp,imagetype,interpol,meshvect,modelvect, &
-          boundvect,assign_external_model,cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,nelemabs,numat,pointsdisp, &
-          nspec,ngnod,coupled_acoustic_elastic,any_acoustic,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
-          fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_acoustic_iedge,num_fluid_solid_edges)
-  else if(imagetype == 4) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'cannot draw scalar pressure field as a vector plot, skipping...'
-  else
-    stop 'wrong type for snapshots'
-  endif
-  if(imagetype /= 4) write(IOUT,*) 'PostScript file written'
-  endif
-!----  display color image
-  if(output_color_image) then
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Creating color image of size ',NX_IMAGE_color,' x ',NZ_IMAGE_color
-  if(imagetype == 1) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of vertical component of displacement vector...'
-    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
-  else if(imagetype == 2) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of vertical component of velocity vector...'
-    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
-  else if(imagetype == 3) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of vertical component of acceleration vector...'
-    call compute_vector_whole_medium(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
-  else if(imagetype == 4) then
-    write(IOUT,*) 'drawing image of pressure field...'
-    call compute_pressure_whole_medium(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic,vector_field_display, &
-         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
-         numat,kmato,density,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
-         e1_mech2,e11_mech2,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
-  else
-    stop 'wrong type for snapshots'
-  endif
-  image_color_data(:,:) = 0.d0
-  do j = 1,NZ_IMAGE_color
-    do i = 1,NX_IMAGE_color
-      iglob = iglob_image_color(i,j)
-! draw vertical component of field
-! or pressure which is stored in the same array used as temporary storage
-      if(iglob /= -1) image_color_data(i,j) = vector_field_display(2,iglob)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  call create_color_image(image_color_data,iglob_image_color,NX_IMAGE_color,NZ_IMAGE_color,it,cutsnaps)
-  write(IOUT,*) 'Color image created'
-  endif
-!----  save temporary or final seismograms
-  call write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,station_name,network_name,NSTEP, &
-         nrec,deltat,seismotype,st_xval,it,t0,buffer_binary_single,buffer_binary_double)
-! count elapsed wall-clock time
-  call date_and_time(datein,timein,zone,time_values)
-! time_values(3): day of the month
-! time_values(5): hour of the day
-! time_values(6): minutes of the hour
-! time_values(7): seconds of the minute
-! time_values(8): milliseconds of the second
-! this fails if we cross the end of the month
-  time_end = 86400.d0*time_values(3) + 3600.d0*time_values(5) + &
-             60.d0*time_values(6) + time_values(7) + time_values(8) / 1000.d0
-! elapsed time since beginning of the simulation
-  tCPU = time_end - time_start
-  int_tCPU = int(tCPU)
-  ihours = int_tCPU / 3600
-  iminutes = (int_tCPU - 3600*ihours) / 60
-  iseconds = int_tCPU - 3600*ihours - 60*iminutes
-  write(*,*) 'Elapsed time in seconds = ',tCPU
-  write(*,"(' Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = ',i4,' h ',i2.2,' m ',i2.2,' s')") ihours,iminutes,iseconds
-  write(*,*) 'Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = ',tCPU/dble(it)
-  write(*,*)
-  endif
-  enddo ! end of the main time loop
-! print exit banner
-  call datim(simulation_title)
-!----  close output file
-!----  formats
- 400 format(/1x,41('=')/,' =  T i m e  e v o l u t i o n  l o o p  ='/1x,41('=')/)
- 200 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x,&
-  'Number of spectral element control nodes. . .(npgeo) =',i8/5x, &
-  'Number of space dimensions. . . . . . . . . . (NDIM) =',i8)
- 600 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Display frequency . . . (NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) = ',i6/ 5x, &
-  'Color display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (colors) = ',i6/ 5x, &
-  '        ==  0     black and white display              ',  / 5x, &
-  '        ==  1     color display                        ',  /5x, &
-  'Numbered mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(numbers) = ',i6/ 5x, &
-  '        ==  0     do not number the mesh               ',  /5x, &
-  '        ==  1     number the mesh                      ')
- 700 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Seismograms recording type . . . . . . .(seismotype) = ',i6/5x, &
-  'Angle for first line of receivers. . . . .(anglerec) = ',f6.2)
- 750 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Read external initial field. . . . . .(initialfield) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Assign external model . . . .(assign_external_model) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Turn anisotropy on or off. . . .(TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Turn attenuation on or off. . .(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Save grid in external file or not. . . .(outputgrid) = ',l6)
- 800 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Vector display type . . . . . . . . . . .(imagetype) = ',i6/5x, &
-  'Percentage of cut for vector plots . . . .(cutsnaps) = ',f6.2/5x, &
-  'Subsampling for velocity model display. . .(subsamp) = ',i6)
- 703 format(//' I t e r a t i o n s '/1x,19('='),//5x, &
-      'Number of time iterations . . . . .(NSTEP) =',i8,/5x, &
-      'Time step increment. . . . . . . .(deltat) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
-      'Total simulation duration . . . . . (ttot) =',1pe15.6)
- 107 format(/5x,'--> Isoparametric Spectral Elements <--',//)
- 207 format(5x,'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (NGLLX) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points per element. . .(NGLLX*NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points for display . . .(pointsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7)
- 212 format(//,5x,'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Collocated Force',/5x, &
-                  'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Angle from vertical direction (deg). . =',1pe20.10,/5x)
- 222 format(//,5x,'Source Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Moment-tensor',/5x, &
-                  'X-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Y-position (meters). . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Fundamental frequency (Hz) . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Time delay (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Multiplying factor . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Mxx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Mzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10,/5x, &
-                  'Mxz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =',1pe20.10)
-  end program specfem2D

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.F90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.F90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+! write seismograms to text files
+  subroutine write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,station_name,network_name, &
+      NSTEP,nrec,deltat,seismotype,st_xval,it,t0,buffer_binary_single,buffer_binary_double)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nrec,NSTEP,it,seismotype
+  double precision t0,deltat
+  double precision, dimension(NSTEP,nrec) :: sisux,sisuz
+  double precision st_xval(nrec)
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: network_name
+  integer irec,irecord,length_station_name,length_network_name,iorientation,isample,number_of_components
+  character(len=4) chn
+  character(len=1) component
+  character(len=150) sisname
+! to write seismograms in single precision SEP and double precision binary format
+  real(kind=4), dimension(NSTEP*nrec) :: buffer_binary_single
+  double precision, dimension(NSTEP*nrec) :: buffer_binary_double
+! scaling factor for Seismic Unix xsu dislay
+  double precision, parameter :: FACTORXSU = 1.d0
+! write seismograms in ASCII format
+! save displacement, velocity, acceleration or pressure
+  if(seismotype == 1) then
+    component = 'd'
+  else if(seismotype == 2) then
+    component = 'v'
+  else if(seismotype == 3) then
+    component = 'a'
+  else if(seismotype == 4) then
+    component = 'p'
+  else
+    stop 'wrong component to save for seismograms'
+  endif
+  do irec = 1,nrec
+! only one seismogram if pressurs
+    if(seismotype == 4) then
+      number_of_components = 1
+    else
+      number_of_components = NDIM
+    endif
+    do iorientation = 1,number_of_components
+      if(iorientation == 1) then
+        chn = 'BHX'
+      else if(iorientation == 2) then
+        chn = 'BHZ'
+      else
+        stop 'incorrect channel value'
+      endif
+! in case of pressure, use different abbreviation
+      if(seismotype == 4) chn = 'PRE'
+! create the name of the seismogram file for each slice
+! file name includes the name of the station, the network and the component
+      length_station_name = len_trim(station_name(irec))
+      length_network_name = len_trim(network_name(irec))
+! check that length conforms to standard
+      if(length_station_name < 1 .or. length_station_name > MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME) stop 'wrong length of station name'
+      if(length_network_name < 1 .or. length_network_name > MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME) stop 'wrong length of network name'
+      write(sisname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/',a,'.',a,'.',a3,'.sem',a1)") station_name(irec)(1:length_station_name),&
+           network_name(irec)(1:length_network_name),chn,component
+! save seismograms in text format with no subsampling.
+! Because we do not subsample the output, this can result in large files
+! if the simulation uses many time steps. However, subsampling the output
+! here would result in a loss of accuracy when one later convolves
+! the results with the source time function
+      open(unit=11,file=sisname(1:len_trim(sisname)),status='unknown')
+! make sure we never write more than the maximum number of time steps
+! subtract offset of the source to make sure travel time is correct
+      do isample = 1,min(it,NSTEP)
+        if(iorientation == 1) then
+          write(11,*) sngl(dble(isample-1)*deltat - t0),' ',sngl(sisux(isample,irec))
+        else
+          write(11,*) sngl(dble(isample-1)*deltat - t0),' ',sngl(sisuz(isample,irec))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      close(11)
+      enddo
+  enddo
+! write seismograms in single precision SEP binary format
+! X component
+! delete the old files
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
+  close(11,status='delete')
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
+  close(11,status='delete')
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
+  close(11,status='delete')
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
+  close(11,status='delete')
+  irecord = 0
+  do irec=1,nrec
+    do isample=1,NSTEP
+      irecord = irecord + 1
+      buffer_binary_single(irecord) = sngl(sisux(isample,irec))
+      buffer_binary_double(irecord) = sisux(isample,irec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! write the new files
+  if(seismotype == 4) then
+    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4*NSTEP*nrec)
+  else
+    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4*NSTEP*nrec)
+  endif
+  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_single
+  close(11)
+  if(seismotype == 4) then
+    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8*NSTEP*nrec)
+  else
+    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8*NSTEP*nrec)
+  endif
+  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_double
+  close(11)
+! Z component
+! delete the old files
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
+  close(11,status='delete')
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
+  close(11,status='delete')
+! no Z component seismogram if pressurs
+  if(seismotype /= 4) then
+  irecord = 0
+  do irec=1,nrec
+    do isample=1,NSTEP
+      irecord = irecord + 1
+      buffer_binary_single(irecord) = sngl(sisuz(isample,irec))
+      buffer_binary_double(irecord) = sisuz(isample,irec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! write the new files
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4*NSTEP*nrec)
+  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_single
+  close(11)
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8*NSTEP*nrec)
+  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_double
+  close(11)
+  endif
+! ligne de recepteurs pour Xsu
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow',status='unknown')
+! subtract t0 from seismograms to get correct zero time
+  write(11,110) FACTORXSU,NSTEP,deltat,-t0,nrec
+  do irec=1,nrec
+    write(11,"(f12.5)") st_xval(irec)
+    if(irec < nrec) write(11,*) ','
+  enddo
+  if(seismotype == 1) then
+    write(11,*) '@title="Ux at displacement@component"@<@Ux_file_single.bin'
+  else if(seismotype == 2) then
+    write(11,*) '@title="Ux at velocity@component"@<@Ux_file_single.bin'
+  else
+    write(11,*) '@title="Ux at acceleration@component"@<@Ux_file_single.bin'
+  endif
+  close(11)
+! script de visualisation
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/show_receiver_line_Xsu',status='unknown')
+  write(11,"('#!/bin/csh')")
+  write(11,*)
+  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile receiver_line_Xsu_postscript'
+  write(11,*) '# concatener toutes les lignes'
+  write(11,*) 'tr -d ''\012'' <receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow >tempfile'
+  write(11,*) '# remettre fin de ligne'
+  write(11,*) 'echo " " >> tempfile'
+  write(11,*) '# supprimer espaces, changer arobas, dupliquer'
+  write(11,120)
+  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
+  write(11,*) '# copier fichier pour sortie postscript'
+  write(11,130)
+  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
+  write(11,*) 'echo ''rm -f uxpoly.ps uzpoly.ps'' > tempfile'
+  write(11,*) 'cat tempfile receiver_line_Xsu_postscript > tempfile2'
+  write(11,*) '/bin/mv -f tempfile2 receiver_line_Xsu_postscript'
+  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
+  write(11,*) '# executer commande xsu'
+  write(11,*) 'sh receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow'
+  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile tempfile2'
+  close(11)
+! formats
+  110 format('xwigb at xcur=',f8.2,'@n1=',i6,'@d1=',f15.8,'@f1=',f15.8,'@label1="Time@(s)"@label2="x@(m)"@n2=',i6,'@x2=')
+  120 format('sed -e ''1,$s/ //g'' -e ''1,$s/@/ /g'' -e ''1,1p'' -e ''$,$s/Ux/Uz/g'' <tempfile > receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow')
+  130 format('sed -e ''1,$s/xwigb/pswigp/g'' ', &
+        '-e ''1,$s/Ux_file_single.bin/Ux_file_single.bin > uxpoly.ps/g'' ', &
+        '-e ''1,$s/Uz_file_single.bin/Uz_file_single.bin > uzpoly.ps/g'' receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow > receiver_line_Xsu_postscript')
+  end subroutine write_seismograms

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.f90	2007-06-26 00:32:15 UTC (rev 8521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.f90	2007-12-07 23:53:16 UTC (rev 8522)
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-! write seismograms to text files
-  subroutine write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,station_name,network_name, &
-      NSTEP,nrec,deltat,seismotype,st_xval,it,t0,buffer_binary_single,buffer_binary_double)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer nrec,NSTEP,it,seismotype
-  double precision t0,deltat
-  double precision, dimension(NSTEP,nrec) :: sisux,sisuz
-  double precision st_xval(nrec)
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), dimension(nrec) :: network_name
-  integer irec,irecord,length_station_name,length_network_name,iorientation,isample,number_of_components
-  character(len=4) chn
-  character(len=1) component
-  character(len=150) sisname
-! to write seismograms in single precision SEP and double precision binary format
-  real(kind=4), dimension(NSTEP*nrec) :: buffer_binary_single
-  double precision, dimension(NSTEP*nrec) :: buffer_binary_double
-! scaling factor for Seismic Unix xsu dislay
-  double precision, parameter :: FACTORXSU = 1.d0
-! write seismograms in ASCII format
-! save displacement, velocity, acceleration or pressure
-  if(seismotype == 1) then
-    component = 'd'
-  else if(seismotype == 2) then
-    component = 'v'
-  else if(seismotype == 3) then
-    component = 'a'
-  else if(seismotype == 4) then
-    component = 'p'
-  else
-    stop 'wrong component to save for seismograms'
-  endif
-  do irec = 1,nrec
-! only one seismogram if pressurs
-    if(seismotype == 4) then
-      number_of_components = 1
-    else
-      number_of_components = NDIM
-    endif
-    do iorientation = 1,number_of_components
-      if(iorientation == 1) then
-        chn = 'BHX'
-      else if(iorientation == 2) then
-        chn = 'BHZ'
-      else
-        stop 'incorrect channel value'
-      endif
-! in case of pressure, use different abbreviation
-      if(seismotype == 4) chn = 'PRE'
-! create the name of the seismogram file for each slice
-! file name includes the name of the station, the network and the component
-      length_station_name = len_trim(station_name(irec))
-      length_network_name = len_trim(network_name(irec))
-! check that length conforms to standard
-      if(length_station_name < 1 .or. length_station_name > MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME) stop 'wrong length of station name'
-      if(length_network_name < 1 .or. length_network_name > MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME) stop 'wrong length of network name'
-      write(sisname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/',a,'.',a,'.',a3,'.sem',a1)") station_name(irec)(1:length_station_name),&
-           network_name(irec)(1:length_network_name),chn,component
-! save seismograms in text format with no subsampling.
-! Because we do not subsample the output, this can result in large files
-! if the simulation uses many time steps. However, subsampling the output
-! here would result in a loss of accuracy when one later convolves
-! the results with the source time function
-      open(unit=11,file=sisname(1:len_trim(sisname)),status='unknown')
-! make sure we never write more than the maximum number of time steps
-! subtract offset of the source to make sure travel time is correct
-      do isample = 1,min(it,NSTEP)
-        if(iorientation == 1) then
-          write(11,*) sngl(dble(isample-1)*deltat - t0),' ',sngl(sisux(isample,irec))
-        else
-          write(11,*) sngl(dble(isample-1)*deltat - t0),' ',sngl(sisuz(isample,irec))
-        endif
-      enddo
-      close(11)
-      enddo
-  enddo
-! write seismograms in single precision SEP binary format
-! X component
-! delete the old files
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
-  close(11,status='delete')
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
-  close(11,status='delete')
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
-  close(11,status='delete')
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
-  close(11,status='delete')
-  irecord = 0
-  do irec=1,nrec
-    do isample=1,NSTEP
-      irecord = irecord + 1
-      buffer_binary_single(irecord) = sngl(sisux(isample,irec))
-      buffer_binary_double(irecord) = sisux(isample,irec)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! write the new files
-  if(seismotype == 4) then
-    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4*NSTEP*nrec)
-  else
-    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4*NSTEP*nrec)
-  endif
-  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_single
-  close(11)
-  if(seismotype == 4) then
-    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/pressure_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8*NSTEP*nrec)
-  else
-    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Ux_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8*NSTEP*nrec)
-  endif
-  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_double
-  close(11)
-! Z component
-! delete the old files
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
-  close(11,status='delete')
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
-  close(11,status='delete')
-! no Z component seismogram if pressurs
-  if(seismotype /= 4) then
-  irecord = 0
-  do irec=1,nrec
-    do isample=1,NSTEP
-      irecord = irecord + 1
-      buffer_binary_single(irecord) = sngl(sisuz(isample,irec))
-      buffer_binary_double(irecord) = sisuz(isample,irec)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! write the new files
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4*NSTEP*nrec)
-  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_single
-  close(11)
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Uz_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8*NSTEP*nrec)
-  write(11,rec=1) buffer_binary_double
-  close(11)
-  endif
-! ligne de recepteurs pour Xsu
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow',status='unknown')
-! subtract t0 from seismograms to get correct zero time
-  write(11,110) FACTORXSU,NSTEP,deltat,-t0,nrec
-  do irec=1,nrec
-    write(11,"(f12.5)") st_xval(irec)
-    if(irec < nrec) write(11,*) ','
-  enddo
-  if(seismotype == 1) then
-    write(11,*) '@title="Ux at displacement@component"@<@Ux_file_single.bin'
-  else if(seismotype == 2) then
-    write(11,*) '@title="Ux at velocity@component"@<@Ux_file_single.bin'
-  else
-    write(11,*) '@title="Ux at acceleration@component"@<@Ux_file_single.bin'
-  endif
-  close(11)
-! script de visualisation
-  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/show_receiver_line_Xsu',status='unknown')
-  write(11,"('#!/bin/csh')")
-  write(11,*)
-  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile receiver_line_Xsu_postscript'
-  write(11,*) '# concatener toutes les lignes'
-  write(11,*) 'tr -d ''\012'' <receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow >tempfile'
-  write(11,*) '# remettre fin de ligne'
-  write(11,*) 'echo " " >> tempfile'
-  write(11,*) '# supprimer espaces, changer arobas, dupliquer'
-  write(11,120)
-  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
-  write(11,*) '# copier fichier pour sortie postscript'
-  write(11,130)
-  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
-  write(11,*) 'echo ''rm -f uxpoly.ps uzpoly.ps'' > tempfile'
-  write(11,*) 'cat tempfile receiver_line_Xsu_postscript > tempfile2'
-  write(11,*) '/bin/mv -f tempfile2 receiver_line_Xsu_postscript'
-  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile'
-  write(11,*) '# executer commande xsu'
-  write(11,*) 'sh receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow'
-  write(11,*) '/bin/rm -f tempfile tempfile2'
-  close(11)
-! formats
-  110 format('xwigb at xcur=',f8.2,'@n1=',i6,'@d1=',f15.8,'@f1=',f15.8,'@label1="Time@(s)"@label2="x@(m)"@n2=',i6,'@x2=')
-  120 format('sed -e ''1,$s/ //g'' -e ''1,$s/@/ /g'' -e ''1,1p'' -e ''$,$s/Ux/Uz/g'' <tempfile > receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow')
-  130 format('sed -e ''1,$s/xwigb/pswigp/g'' ', &
-        '-e ''1,$s/Ux_file_single.bin/Ux_file_single.bin > uxpoly.ps/g'' ', &
-        '-e ''1,$s/Uz_file_single.bin/Uz_file_single.bin > uzpoly.ps/g'' receiver_line_Xsu_XWindow > receiver_line_Xsu_postscript')
-  end subroutine write_seismograms

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