[cig-commits] r8555 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 7 15:56:06 PST 2007

Author: walter
Date: 2007-12-07 15:56:05 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8555

added calculation of kinetic and potential energy in the fluid (we had it in the solid only before)

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile	2007-07-04 20:20:00 UTC (rev 8554)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile	2007-12-07 23:56:05 UTC (rev 8555)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
         $O/specfem2D.o $O/write_seismograms.o $O/define_external_model.o $O/createnum_fast.o $O/createnum_slow.o\
         $O/define_shape_functions.o $O/create_color_image.o $O/compute_vector_field.o $O/compute_pressure.o\
         $O/recompute_jacobian.o $O/compute_arrays_source.o $O/locate_source_moment_tensor.o $O/numerical_recipes.o\
-        $O/construct_acoustic_surface.o $O/assemble_MPI.o $O/compute_elastic_energy.o
+        $O/construct_acoustic_surface.o $O/assemble_MPI.o $O/compute_energy.o
 default: clean meshfem2D specfem2D convolve_source_timefunction
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@
 $O/compute_gradient_attenuation.o: compute_gradient_attenuation.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_NOCHECK) -c -o $O/compute_gradient_attenuation.o compute_gradient_attenuation.f90
-$O/compute_elastic_energy.o: compute_elastic_energy.f90 constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_NOCHECK) -c -o $O/compute_elastic_energy.o compute_elastic_energy.f90
+$O/compute_energy.o: compute_energy.f90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_NOCHECK) -c -o $O/compute_energy.o compute_energy.f90
 $O/compute_vector_field.o: compute_vector_field.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_vector_field.o compute_vector_field.f90

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_elastic_energy.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_elastic_energy.f90	2007-07-04 20:20:00 UTC (rev 8554)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_elastic_energy.f90	2007-12-07 23:56:05 UTC (rev 8555)
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
-!                   ------------------------------
-!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
-!                     University of Pau, France
-!                          (c) April 2007
-  subroutine compute_elastic_energy(displ_elastic,veloc_elastic, &
-         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
-         nspec,npoin,assign_external_model,it,deltat,t0,kmato,elastcoef,density, &
-         vpext,vsext,rhoext,wxgll,wzgll,numat)
-! compute kinetic and potential energy in the solid (acoustic elements are excluded)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: nspec,npoin,numat
-  integer :: it
-  double precision :: t0,deltat
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-  logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
-  logical :: assign_external_model
-  double precision, dimension(numat) :: density
-  double precision, dimension(4,numat) :: elastcoef
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: displ_elastic,veloc_elastic
-! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
-! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz
-! local variables
-  integer :: i,j,k,ispec
-! spatial derivatives
-  double precision :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
-  double precision :: dux_dxl,duz_dxl,dux_dzl,duz_dzl
-! jacobian
-  double precision :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
-  double precision :: kinetic_energy,potential_energy
-  double precision :: cpl,csl,rhol,mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed,lambdalplus2mul_relaxed
-  kinetic_energy = ZERO
-  potential_energy = ZERO
-! loop over spectral elements
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-!--- elastic spectral element
-    if(elastic(ispec)) then
-! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
-      lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,kmato(ispec))
-      mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
-      lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = elastcoef(3,kmato(ispec))
-      rhol  = density(kmato(ispec))
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-      do j = 1,NGLLZ
-        do i = 1,NGLLX
-!--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
-          if(assign_external_model) then
-            cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-            csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-            rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-            mul_relaxed = rhol*csl*csl
-            lambdal_relaxed = rhol*cpl*cpl - TWO*mul_relaxed
-            lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = lambdal_relaxed + TWO*mul_relaxed
-          endif
-! derivative along x and along z
-          dux_dxi = ZERO
-          duz_dxi = ZERO
-          dux_dgamma = ZERO
-          duz_dgamma = ZERO
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
-          do k = 1,NGLLX
-            dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-            duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-            dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-            duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-          enddo
-          xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
-          xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
-          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
-          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
-          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-! derivatives of displacement
-          dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
-          dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
-          duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
-          duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
-! compute potential energy
-          potential_energy = potential_energy + (lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*dux_dxl**2 &
-              + lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*duz_dzl**2 &
-              + two*lambdal_relaxed*dux_dxl*duz_dzl + mul_relaxed*(dux_dzl + duz_dxl)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl
-! compute kinetic energy
-          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy + &
-              rhol*(veloc_elastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 + veloc_elastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    endif
-  enddo
-! do not forget to divide by two at the end
-  kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy / TWO
-  potential_energy = potential_energy / TWO
-! save kinetic, potential and total energy for this time step in external file
-  write(IENERGY,*) sngl(dble(it-1)*deltat - t0),sngl(kinetic_energy), &
-                     sngl(potential_energy),sngl(kinetic_energy + potential_energy)
-  end subroutine compute_elastic_energy

Copied: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_energy.f90 (from rev 8554, seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_elastic_energy.f90)
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_elastic_energy.f90	2007-07-04 20:20:00 UTC (rev 8554)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_energy.f90	2007-12-07 23:56:05 UTC (rev 8555)
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+!                         Dimitri Komatitsch
+!                     University of Pau, France
+!                          (c) April 2007
+  subroutine compute_energy(displ_elastic,veloc_elastic, &
+         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
+         nspec,npoin,assign_external_model,it,deltat,t0,kmato,elastcoef,density, &
+         vpext,vsext,rhoext,wxgll,wzgll,numat, &
+         pressure_element,vector_field_element,e1_mech1,e11_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2, &
+         potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
+! compute kinetic and potential energy in the solid (acoustic elements are excluded)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! vector field in an element
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLX) :: vector_field_element
+! pressure in an element
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: pressure_element
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: e1_mech1,e11_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2
+  double precision, dimension(npoin) :: potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+  integer :: nspec,npoin,numat
+  integer :: it
+  double precision :: t0,deltat
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  logical :: assign_external_model
+  double precision, dimension(numat) :: density
+  double precision, dimension(4,numat) :: elastcoef
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: displ_elastic,veloc_elastic
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
+! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz
+! local variables
+  integer :: i,j,k,ispec
+! spatial derivatives
+  double precision :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
+  double precision :: dux_dxl,duz_dxl,dux_dzl,duz_dzl
+! jacobian
+  double precision :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
+  double precision :: kinetic_energy,potential_energy
+  double precision :: cpl,csl,rhol,mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed,lambdalplus2mul_relaxed,kappal
+  kinetic_energy = ZERO
+  potential_energy = ZERO
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+!--- elastic spectral element
+    if(elastic(ispec)) then
+! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
+      lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,kmato(ispec))
+      mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
+      lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = elastcoef(3,kmato(ispec))
+      rhol  = density(kmato(ispec))
+! double loop over GLL points
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+!--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
+          if(assign_external_model) then
+            cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+            csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+            rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+            mul_relaxed = rhol*csl*csl
+            lambdal_relaxed = rhol*cpl*cpl - TWO*mul_relaxed
+            lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = lambdal_relaxed + TWO*mul_relaxed
+          endif
+! derivative along x and along z
+          dux_dxi = ZERO
+          duz_dxi = ZERO
+          dux_dgamma = ZERO
+          duz_dgamma = ZERO
+! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          do k = 1,NGLLX
+            dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+          enddo
+          xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+! derivatives of displacement
+          dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
+! compute kinetic energy
+          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy + &
+              rhol*(veloc_elastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 + &
+                    veloc_elastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+! compute potential energy
+          potential_energy = potential_energy + (lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*dux_dxl**2 &
+              + lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*duz_dzl**2 &
+              + two*lambdal_relaxed*dux_dxl*duz_dzl + mul_relaxed*(dux_dzl + duz_dxl)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+        enddo
+      enddo
+!--- acoustic spectral element
+    else
+! for the definition of potential energy in an acoustic fluid, see for instance
+! equation (23) of M. Maess et al., Journal of Sound and Vibration 296 (2006) 264-276
+! in case of an acoustic medium, a displacement potential Chi is used as in Chaljub and Valette,
+! Geophysical Journal International, vol. 158, p. 131-141 (2004) and *NOT* a velocity potential
+! as in Komatitsch and Tromp, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 150, p. 303-318 (2002).
+! This permits acoustic-elastic coupling based on a non-iterative time scheme.
+! Displacement is then: u = grad(Chi)
+! Velocity is then: v = grad(Chi_dot)       (Chi_dot being the time derivative of Chi)
+! and pressure is: p = - rho * Chi_dot_dot  (Chi_dot_dot being the time second derivative of Chi).
+! compute pressure in this element
+    call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
+         numat,kmato,density,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,ispec,e1_mech1,e11_mech1, &
+         e1_mech2,e11_mech2,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
+! compute velocity vector field in this element
+    call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
+         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec)
+! get density of current spectral element
+      lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,kmato(ispec))
+      mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,kmato(ispec))
+      rhol  = density(kmato(ispec))
+      kappal  = lambdal_relaxed + TWO*mul_relaxed/3.d0
+      cpl = sqrt((kappal + 4.d0*mul_relaxed/3.d0)/rhol)
+! double loop over GLL points
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+!--- if external medium, get density of current grid point
+          if(assign_external_model) then
+            cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+            rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+          endif
+! compute kinetic energy
+          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy + &
+              rhol*(vector_field_element(1,i,j)**2 + &
+                    vector_field_element(2,i,j)**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+! compute potential energy
+          potential_energy = potential_energy + (pressure_element(i,j)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / (TWO * rhol * cpl**2)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+  enddo
+! save kinetic, potential and total energy for this time step in external file
+  write(IENERGY,*) sngl(dble(it-1)*deltat - t0),sngl(kinetic_energy), &
+                     sngl(potential_energy),sngl(kinetic_energy + potential_energy)
+  end subroutine compute_energy

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/constants.h
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/constants.h	2007-07-04 20:20:00 UTC (rev 8554)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/constants.h	2007-12-07 23:56:05 UTC (rev 8555)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 ! the code does NOT work if NGLLZ /= NGLLX because it then cannot handle a non-structured mesh
   integer, parameter :: NGLLZ = NGLLX
-! compute and output elastic energy (slows down the code significantly)
-  logical, parameter :: OUTPUT_ELASTIC_ENERGY = .false.
+! compute and output acoustic and elastic energy (slows down the code significantly)
+  logical, parameter :: OUTPUT_ENERGY = .false.
 ! output file for energy
   integer, parameter :: IENERGY = 77

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2007-07-04 20:20:00 UTC (rev 8554)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2007-12-07 23:56:05 UTC (rev 8555)
@@ -110,8 +110,10 @@
 ! for seismograms
   double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sisux,sisuz
 ! vector field in an element
   double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLX) :: vector_field_element
 ! pressure in an element
   double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: pressure_element
@@ -1197,7 +1199,7 @@
      end do
   end do
-! creating and filling array num_pixel_loc with the positions of each colored 
+! creating and filling array num_pixel_loc with the positions of each colored
 ! pixel owned by the local process (useful for parallel jobs)
@@ -1560,10 +1562,10 @@
 #ifdef USE_MPI
-  if(OUTPUT_ELASTIC_ENERGY) stop 'energy calculation only serial right now, should add an MPI_REDUCE in parallel'
+  if(OUTPUT_ENERGY) stop 'energy calculation only serial right now, should add an MPI_REDUCE in parallel'
 ! open the file in which we will store the energy curve
-  if(OUTPUT_ELASTIC_ENERGY) open(unit=IENERGY,file='energy.gnu',status='unknown')
+  if(OUTPUT_ENERGY) open(unit=IENERGY,file='energy.gnu',status='unknown')
 !----          s t a r t   t i m e   i t e r a t i o n s
@@ -1874,11 +1876,13 @@
 !----  compute kinetic and potential energy
-     call compute_elastic_energy(displ_elastic,veloc_elastic, &
+     call compute_energy(displ_elastic,veloc_elastic, &
          xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
          nspec,npoin,assign_external_model,it,deltat,t0,kmato,elastcoef,density, &
-         vpext,vsext,rhoext,wxgll,wzgll,numat)
+         vpext,vsext,rhoext,wxgll,wzgll,numat, &
+         pressure_element,vector_field_element,e1_mech1,e11_mech1,e1_mech2,e11_mech2, &
+         potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON)
 !----  display time step and max of norm of displacement
   if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) == 0 .or. it == 5) then
@@ -2197,7 +2201,7 @@
   enddo ! end of the main time loop
 !----  close energy file and create a gnuplot script to display it
+  if(OUTPUT_ENERGY) then
     write(IENERGY,*) 'set term postscript landscape color solid "Helvetica" 22'

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