[cig-commits] r8614 - seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk

walter at geodynamics.org walter at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 7 16:24:13 PST 2007

Author: walter
Date: 2007-12-07 16:24:12 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8614

Initial revision

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/Makefile
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/Makefile	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/Makefile	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+O = obj
+# Portland compiler
+#F90 = pgf90
+#FLAGS = -fast -Mbounds -Mneginfo -Mdclchk -Mstandard -Knoieee
+#FLAGS = -fast -Mnobounds -Mneginfo -Mdclchk -Munroll=c:6 -Mstandard -Knoieee
+# Absoft compiler
+#F90 = f90
+#FLAGS = -O2 -W132 -YEXT_NAMES=LCS  -s -B108 -YCFRL=1
+# Intel Linux compiler
+F90 = ifort
+FLAGS = -O3 -e95 -implicitnone
+wave: constants.h \
+       $O/wave.o \
+       $O/gll_library.o \
+       $O/lagrange_poly.o \
+       $O/source_time_function.o \
+       $O/define_derivative_matrix.o
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -o xwave \
+       $O/wave.o \
+       $O/gll_library.o \
+       $O/lagrange_poly.o \
+       $O/source_time_function.o \
+       $O/define_derivative_matrix.o
+diffusion: constants.h \
+       $O/diffusion.o \
+       $O/gll_library.o \
+       $O/lagrange_poly.o \
+       $O/define_derivative_matrix.o
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -o xdiffusion \
+       $O/diffusion.o \
+       $O/gll_library.o \
+       $O/lagrange_poly.o \
+       $O/define_derivative_matrix.o
+	cp *f90 *h Makefile bak
+	rm -f $O/*.o *.o snapshot* seismogram xwave xdiffusion
+$O/wave.o: constants.h wave.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/wave.o wave.f90
+$O/diffusion.o: constants.h diffusion.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/diffusion.o diffusion.f90
+$O/define_derivative_matrix.o: constants.h define_derivative_matrix.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/define_derivative_matrix.o define_derivative_matrix.f90
+$O/gll_library.o: gll_library.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/gll_library.o gll_library.f90
+$O/lagrange_poly.o: lagrange_poly.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/lagrange_poly.o lagrange_poly.f90
+$O/source_time_function.o: source_time_function.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS) -c -o $O/source_time_function.o source_time_function.f90

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/constants.h
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/constants.h	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/constants.h	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+! number of spectral elements
+          integer, parameter :: NSPEC = 11
+! number of GLL points (polynomial degree plus one)
+          integer, parameter :: NGLL = 7
+! number of global points
+          integer, parameter :: NGLOB = (NGLL-1)*NSPEC + 1
+! for the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+          double precision, parameter :: GAUSSALPHA = 0.d0,GAUSSBETA = 0.d0

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/define_derivative_matrix.f90
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/define_derivative_matrix.f90	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/define_derivative_matrix.f90	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  subroutine define_derivative_matrix(xigll,wgll,hprime)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL) :: xigll
+! weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL) :: wgll
+! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NGLL) :: hprime
+! function for calculating derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  double precision, external :: lagrange_deriv_GLL
+  integer i1,i2
+! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+! set up coordinates of the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points
+  call zwgljd(xigll,wgll,NGLL,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+! if number of points is odd, the middle abscissa is exactly zero
+  if(mod(NGLL,2) /= 0) xigll((NGLL-1)/2+1) = 0.d0
+! calculate derivatives of the Lagrange polynomials
+! and precalculate some products in double precision
+! hprime(i,j) = h'_i(xigll_j) by definition of the derivative matrix
+  do i1=1,NGLL
+    do i2=1,NGLL
+      hprime(i1,i2) = lagrange_deriv_GLL(i1-1,i2-1,xigll,NGLL)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  end subroutine define_derivative_matrix

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/diffusion.f90
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/diffusion.f90	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/diffusion.f90	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+  program diffusion
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! number of timesteps
+  integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 30000
+! time step in seconds
+  double precision, parameter :: DT = 100000000. ! s
+! fixed boundary conditions
+  logical, parameter :: FIXED_BC = .true.
+! model parameters  (SI)
+  double precision, parameter :: LENGTH = 3.0d+03 ! m
+  double precision, parameter :: DENSITY = 2.5d+03 ! kg/m^3
+  double precision, parameter :: THERMALCONDUCTIVITY = 10.0d-01 ! cal/m/s/K
+  double precision, parameter :: HEATCAPACITY = 0.3d+03 ! cal/kg/K
+  integer ispec,i,j,iglob,itime
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL) :: xigll
+! weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL) :: wgll
+! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NGLL) :: hprime
+! anchors
+  double precision, dimension(NSPEC) :: x1,x2
+! global grid points
+  double precision, dimension(NGLOB) :: x
+! material properties
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NSPEC) :: rho,heat_capacity,thermal_conductivity
+! Jacobian `matrix' and Jacobian
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NSPEC) :: dxidx,jacobian
+! local mass matrix
+  double precision mass_local
+! global mass matrix
+  double precision, dimension(NGLOB) :: mass_global
+! temperature and temperature gradient
+  double precision, dimension(NGLOB) :: temperature,grad_temperature
+! local to global numbering
+  integer, dimension(NGLL,NSPEC) :: ibool
+! time marching
+  double precision deltat,deltatover2,deltatsqover2
+  double precision dh,diffusivity,time_step
+! end fluxes
+  double precision flux_1,flux_NGLOB
+! end temperatures
+  double precision temperature_1,temperature_NGLOB
+! derivatives
+  double precision dtdx,flux,templ,temp(NGLL)
+! movie
+  character(len=50) moviefile
+  call define_derivative_matrix(xigll,wgll,hprime)
+! evenly spaced achors between 0 and 1
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    x1(ispec) = LENGTH*dble(ispec-1)/dble(NSPEC)
+    x2(ispec) = LENGTH*dble(ispec)/dble(NSPEC)
+  enddo
+! set up the mesh properties
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      rho(i,ispec) = DENSITY
+      thermal_conductivity(i,ispec) = THERMALCONDUCTIVITY
+      heat_capacity(i,ispec) = HEATCAPACITY
+      dxidx(i,ispec) = 2. / (x2(ispec)-x1(ispec))
+      jacobian(i,ispec) = (x2(ispec)-x1(ispec)) / 2.
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! set up local to global numbering
+  iglob = 1
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      if(i > 1) iglob = iglob+1
+      ibool(i,ispec) = iglob
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! get the global grid points
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      iglob = ibool(i,ispec)
+      x(iglob) = 0.5*(1.-xigll(i))*x1(ispec)+0.5*(1.+xigll(i))*x2(ispec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! calculate the global mass matrix
+  mass_global(:) = 0.
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      mass_local = wgll(i)*rho(i,ispec)*heat_capacity(i,ispec)*jacobian(i,ispec)
+      iglob = ibool(i,ispec)
+      mass_global(iglob) = mass_global(iglob) + mass_local
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! estimate the time step
+  dh = LENGTH/dble(NGLOB-1)
+  time_step = 0.5*dh*dh/diffusivity
+!  print *,'time step estimate: ',time_step,' seconds'
+  if(FIXED_BC) then
+! set up the temperatures at the ends
+    temperature_1 = 10.
+    temperature_NGLOB = 0.
+  else
+! set up the fluxes at the ends
+    flux_1 = 0.
+    flux_NGLOB = 0.
+  endif
+! time marching parameters
+  deltat = DT
+  deltatover2 = deltat/2.
+  deltatsqover2 = deltat*deltat/2.
+! initialize
+  temperature(:) = 0.
+  grad_temperature(:) = 0.
+  do itime = 1,NSTEP
+! update temperature
+    temperature(:) = temperature(:) + deltatover2*grad_temperature(:)
+    grad_temperature(:) = 0.
+    do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+      do i = 1,NGLL
+! get dtdx
+        templ = 0.
+        do j = 1,NGLL
+          iglob = ibool(j,ispec)
+          templ = templ + temperature(iglob)*hprime(j,i)
+        enddo
+        dtdx = templ*dxidx(i,ispec)
+! heat flux
+        flux = -thermal_conductivity(i,ispec)*dtdx
+        temp(i) = jacobian(i,ispec)*flux*dxidx(i,ispec)
+      enddo ! first loop over the GLL points
+      do i = 1,NGLL
+        templ = 0.
+        do j = 1,NGLL
+          templ = templ + temp(j)*hprime(i,j)*wgll(j)
+        enddo
+! update the gradient of temperature
+        iglob = ibool(i,ispec)
+        grad_temperature(iglob) = grad_temperature(iglob) + templ
+      enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
+    enddo ! end loop over all spectral elements
+! fixed boundary conditions at global level
+    if(FIXED_BC) then
+! left side
+      temperature(1) = temperature_1
+      templ = 0.
+      do i = 1,NGLL
+        iglob = ibool(i,1)
+        templ = templ + temperature(iglob)*hprime(i,1)
+      enddo
+      dtdx = templ*dxidx(1,1)
+      flux_1 = -thermal_conductivity(1,1)*dtdx
+! right side
+      temperature(NGLOB) = temperature_NGLOB
+      templ = 0.
+      do i = 1,NGLL
+        iglob = ibool(i,NSPEC)
+        templ = templ + temperature(iglob)*hprime(i,NGLL)
+      enddo
+      dtdx = templ*dxidx(NGLL,NSPEC)
+      flux_NGLOB = -thermal_conductivity(NGLL,NSPEC)*dtdx
+    endif
+! add in the end fluxes
+    grad_temperature(1) = grad_temperature(1) + flux_1
+    grad_temperature(NGLOB) = grad_temperature(NGLOB) - flux_NGLOB
+! divide by the mass matrix
+    grad_temperature(:) = grad_temperature(:)/mass_global(:)
+! update temperature
+    temperature(:) = temperature(:) + deltatover2*grad_temperature(:)
+! write out snapshots
+    if(mod(itime-1,1000) == 0) then
+      write(moviefile,10) itime
+10    format('snapshot',i5.5)
+      open(unit=10,file=moviefile,status='unknown')
+      do iglob = 1,NGLOB
+        write(10,*) sngl(x(iglob)),sngl(temperature(iglob))
+      enddo
+      close(10)
+    endif
+  enddo ! end time loop
+  end program diffusion

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/gll_library.f90
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/gll_library.f90	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/gll_library.f90	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+!  Library to compute the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+!  Based on Gauss-Lobatto routines from M.I.T.
+!  Department of Mechanical Engineering
+  double precision function endw1(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  f3 = zero
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw1 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw1 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (-two*(beta+two)*fint1 + (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw1 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   = -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw1  = f3
+  end function endw1
+  double precision function endw2(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  f3 = zero
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw2 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw2 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (two*(alpha+two)*fint1 - (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw2 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   =  -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw2  = f3
+  end function endw2
+  double precision function gammaf (x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision x
+  double precision, parameter :: half=0.5d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  gammaf = one
+  if (x == -half) gammaf = -two*dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  half) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  one ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  two ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  1.5d0) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  2.5d0) gammaf =  1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.5d0) gammaf =  2.5d0*1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.d0 ) gammaf =  2.d0
+  if (x ==  4.d0 ) gammaf = 6.d0
+  if (x ==  5.d0 ) gammaf = 24.d0
+  if (x ==  6.d0 ) gammaf = 120.d0
+  end function gammaf
+  subroutine jacg (xjac,np,alpha,beta)
+! computes np Gauss points, which are the zeros of the
+! Jacobi polynomial with parameters alpha and beta
+!                  .alpha = beta =  0.0  ->  Legendre points
+!                  .alpha = beta = -0.5  ->  Chebyshev points
+  implicit none
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision xjac(np)
+  integer k,j,i,jmin,jm,n
+  double precision xlast,dth,x,x1,x2,recsum,delx,xmin,swap
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  integer, parameter :: K_MAX_ITER = 10
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  xlast = 0.d0
+  n   = np-1
+  dth = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)/(2.d0*dble(n)+2.d0)
+  p = 0.d0
+  pd = 0.d0
+  jmin = 0
+  do j=1,np
+   if(j == 1) then
+      x = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+   else
+      x1 = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+      x2 = xlast
+      x  = (x1+x2)/2.d0
+   endif
+   do k=1,K_MAX_ITER
+      call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np,alpha,beta,x)
+      recsum = 0.d0
+      jm = j-1
+      do i=1,jm
+         recsum = recsum+1.d0/(x-xjac(np-i+1))
+      enddo
+      delx = -p/(pd-recsum*p)
+      x    = x+delx
+      if(abs(delx) < eps) goto 31
+   enddo
+ 31      continue
+   xjac(np-j+1) = x
+   xlast        = x
+  enddo
+  do i=1,np
+   xmin = 2.d0
+   do j=i,np
+      if(xjac(j) < xmin) then
+         xmin = xjac(j)
+         jmin = j
+      endif
+   enddo
+   if(jmin /= i) then
+      swap = xjac(i)
+      xjac(i) = xjac(jmin)
+      xjac(jmin) = swap
+   endif
+  enddo
+  end subroutine jacg
+  subroutine jacobf (poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,n,alp,bet,x)
+! Computes the Jacobi polynomial of degree n and its derivative at x
+  implicit none
+  double precision poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,alp,bet,x
+  integer n
+  double precision apb,polyl,pderl,dk,a1,a2,b3,a3,a4,polyn,pdern,psave,pdsave
+  integer k
+  apb  = alp+bet
+  poly = 1.d0
+  pder = 0.d0
+  psave = 0.d0
+  pdsave = 0.d0
+  if (n == 0) return
+  polyl = poly
+  pderl = pder
+  poly  = (alp-bet+(apb+2.d0)*x)/2.d0
+  pder  = (apb+2.d0)/2.d0
+  if (n == 1) return
+  do k=2,n
+    dk = dble(k)
+    a1 = 2.d0*dk*(dk+apb)*(2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a2 = (2.d0*dk+apb-1.d0)*(alp**2-bet**2)
+    b3 = (2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a3 = b3*(b3+1.d0)*(b3+2.d0)
+    a4 = 2.d0*(dk+alp-1.d0)*(dk+bet-1.d0)*(2.d0*dk+apb)
+    polyn  = ((a2+a3*x)*poly-a4*polyl)/a1
+    pdern  = ((a2+a3*x)*pder-a4*pderl+a3*poly)/a1
+    psave  = polyl
+    pdsave = pderl
+    polyl  = poly
+    poly   = polyn
+    pderl  = pder
+    pder   = pdern
+  enddo
+  polym1 = polyl
+  pderm1 = pderl
+  polym2 = psave
+  pderm2 = pdsave
+  end subroutine jacobf
+  double precision FUNCTION PNDLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the derivative of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P1D,P2D,P3D,FK,P3
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P1D  = 0.d0
+  P2D  = 1.d0
+  P3D  = 1.d0
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P3D = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*P2 + (2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2D - FK*P1D) / (FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+    P1D = P2D
+    P2D = P3D
+  enddo
+  end function pndleg
+  double precision FUNCTION PNLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the value of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P3,FK
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P3   = P2
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+  enddo
+  PNLEG = P3
+  end function pnleg
+  double precision function pnormj (n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n
+  double precision one,two,dn,const,prod,dindx,frac
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  one   = 1.d0
+  two   = 2.d0
+  dn    = dble(n)
+  const = alpha+beta+one
+  if (n <= 1) then
+    prod   = gammaf(dn+alpha)*gammaf(dn+beta)
+    prod   = prod/(gammaf(dn)*gammaf(dn+alpha+beta))
+    pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+    return
+  endif
+  prod  = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)
+  prod  = prod/(two*(one+const)*gammaf(const+one))
+  prod  = prod*(one+alpha)*(two+alpha)
+  prod  = prod*(one+beta)*(two+beta)
+  do i=3,n
+    dindx = dble(i)
+    frac  = (dindx+alpha)*(dindx+beta)/(dindx*(dindx+alpha+beta))
+    prod  = prod*frac
+  enddo
+  pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+  end function pnormj
+  subroutine zwgjd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g j d : Generate np Gauss-Jacobi points and weights
+!                 associated with Jacobi polynomial of degree n = np-1
+!     Note : Coefficients alpha and beta must be greater than -1.
+!     ----
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision z(np),w(np)
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n,np1,np2,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision apb,dnp1,dnp2,fac1,fac2,fac3,fnorm,rcoef
+  double precision, external :: gammaf,pnormj
+  pd = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n    = np-1
+  apb  = alpha+beta
+  p    = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  if (np <= 0) stop 'minimum number of Gauss points is 1'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (np == 1) then
+   z(1) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+two)
+   w(1) = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+two) * two**(apb+one)
+   return
+  endif
+  call jacg(z,np,alpha,beta)
+  np1   = n+1
+  np2   = n+2
+  dnp1  = dble(np1)
+  dnp2  = dble(np2)
+  fac1  = dnp1+alpha+beta+one
+  fac2  = fac1+dnp1
+  fac3  = fac2+one
+  fnorm = pnormj(np1,alpha,beta)
+  rcoef = (fnorm*fac2*fac3)/(two*fac1*dnp2)
+  do i=1,np
+    call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np2,alpha,beta,z(i))
+    w(i) = -rcoef/(p*pdm1)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine zwgjd
+  subroutine zwgljd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g l j d : Generate np Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi points and the
+!     -----------   weights associated with Jacobi polynomials of degree
+!                   n = np-1.
+!     Note : alpha and beta coefficients must be greater than -1.
+!            Legendre polynomials are special case of Jacobi polynomials
+!            just by setting alpha and beta to 0.
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision z(np), w(np)
+  integer n,nm1,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision alpg,betg
+  double precision, external :: endw1,endw2
+  p = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n   = np-1
+  nm1 = n-1
+  pd  = zero
+  if (np <= 1) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points is 2'
+! with spectral elements, use at least 3 points
+  if (np <= 2) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points for the SEM is 3'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (nm1 > 0) then
+    alpg  = alpha+one
+    betg  = beta+one
+    call zwgjd(z(2),w(2),nm1,alpg,betg)
+  endif
+  z(1)  = - one
+  z(np) =  one
+  do i=2,np-1
+   w(i) = w(i)/(one-z(i)**2)
+  enddo
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(1))
+  w(1)  = endw1(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(np))
+  w(np) = endw2(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  end subroutine zwgljd

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/jeroen_teaching_software.txt
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/jeroen_teaching_software.txt	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/jeroen_teaching_software.txt	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From: "Jeroen Tromp"
+To: komatitsch
+Subject:  course software 
+Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 14:04:45 -0800 
+Hi Dimitri:
+I am teaching part of a course in computational geophysics this 
+quarter. For 
+this reason I put together the basic software for students to do 1D 
+simulations of the wave equation and the diffusion equation based upon 
+spectral-element method. Attached the package. What I have in mind is to 
+them the basic subroutines lagrange_poly.f90, gll_library.f90, and 
+define_derivative_matrix.f90, and to ask them to write the small 
+wave.f90 and diffusion.f90 based upon class notes. This way they can 
+get a 
+pretty good feel for how the method works.

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/lagrange_poly.f90
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/lagrange_poly.f90	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/lagrange_poly.f90	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+  subroutine lagrange_any(xi,NGLL,xigll,h,hprime)
+! subroutine to compute the Lagrange interpolants based upon the GLL points
+! and their first derivatives at any point xi in [-1,1]
+  implicit none
+  integer NGLL
+  double precision xi,xigll(NGLL),h(NGLL),hprime(NGLL)
+  integer dgr,i,j
+  double precision prod1,prod2
+  do dgr=1,NGLL
+  prod1 = 1.0d0
+  prod2 = 1.0d0
+  do i=1,NGLL
+    if(i /= dgr) then
+      prod1 = prod1*(xi-xigll(i))
+      prod2 = prod2*(xigll(dgr)-xigll(i))
+    endif
+  enddo
+  h(dgr)=prod1/prod2
+  hprime(dgr)=0.0d0
+  do i=1,NGLL
+    if(i /= dgr) then
+      prod1=1.0d0
+      do j=1,NGLL
+        if(j /= dgr .and. j /= i) prod1 = prod1*(xi-xigll(j))
+      enddo
+      hprime(dgr) = hprime(dgr)+prod1
+    endif
+  enddo
+  hprime(dgr) = hprime(dgr)/prod2
+  enddo
+  end subroutine lagrange_any
+! subroutine to compute the derivative of the Lagrange interpolants
+! at the GLL points at any given GLL point
+  double precision function lagrange_deriv_GLL(I,j,ZGLL,NZ)
+!     Compute the value of the derivative of the I-th
+!     Lagrange interpolant through the
+!     NZ Gauss-Lobatto Legendre points ZGLL at point ZGLL(j)
+  implicit none
+  integer i,j,nz
+  double precision zgll(0:nz-1)
+  integer degpoly
+  double precision, external :: pnleg,pndleg
+  degpoly = nz - 1
+  if (i == 0 .and. j == 0) then
+    lagrange_deriv_GLL = - dble(degpoly)*(dble(degpoly)+1.d0) / 4.d0
+  else if (i == degpoly .and. j == degpoly) then
+    lagrange_deriv_GLL = dble(degpoly)*(dble(degpoly)+1.d0) / 4.d0
+  else if (i == j) then
+    lagrange_deriv_GLL = 0.d0
+  else
+    lagrange_deriv_GLL = pnleg(zgll(j),degpoly) / &
+      (pnleg(zgll(i),degpoly)*(zgll(j)-zgll(i))) &
+      + (1.d0-zgll(j)*zgll(j))*pndleg(zgll(j),degpoly) / (dble(degpoly)* &
+      (dble(degpoly)+1.d0)*pnleg(zgll(i),degpoly)*(zgll(j)-zgll(i))*(zgll(j)-zgll(i)))
+  endif
+  end function lagrange_deriv_GLL

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/source_time_function.f90
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/source_time_function.f90	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/source_time_function.f90	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  double precision function source_time_function(t,hdur)
+  implicit none
+! source decay rate (also change in source spectrum if needed)
+  double precision, parameter :: decay_rate = 2.628d0
+  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision t,hdur
+  double precision alpha
+  alpha = decay_rate/hdur
+! Gaussian
+  source_time_function = alpha*dexp(-alpha*alpha*t*t)/dsqrt(PI)
+! Ricker wavelet
+!  source_time_function = -2.*(alpha**3)*t*dexp(-alpha*alpha*t*t)/dsqrt(PI)
+  end function source_time_function

Added: seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/wave.f90
--- seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/wave.f90	2007-12-08 00:21:23 UTC (rev 8613)
+++ seismo/1D/SPECFEM1D/trunk/wave.f90	2007-12-08 00:24:12 UTC (rev 8614)
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+  program wave
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! number of timesteps
+  integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 10000
+! time step in seconds
+  double precision, parameter :: DT = 0.0002 ! s
+! fixed boundary conditions
+  logical, parameter :: FIXED_BC = .true.
+! model parameters  (SI)
+  double precision, parameter :: LENGTH = 3.0d+03 ! m
+  double precision, parameter :: DENSITY = 2.5d+03 ! kg/m^3
+  double precision, parameter :: RIGIDITY = 3.0d+10 ! Pa
+! pi
+  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+  integer ispec,i,j,iglob,itime
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL) :: xigll
+! weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL) :: wgll
+! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NGLL) :: hprime
+! anchors
+  double precision, dimension(NSPEC) :: x1,x2
+! global grid points
+  double precision, dimension(NGLOB) :: x
+! material properties
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NSPEC) :: rho,mu
+! Jacobian `matrix' and Jacobian
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL,NSPEC) :: dxidx,jacobian
+! local mass matrix
+  double precision mass_local
+! global mass matrix
+  double precision, dimension(NGLOB) :: mass_global
+! displacement, velocity and acceleration
+  double precision, dimension(NGLOB) :: displ,veloc,accel
+! local to global numbering
+  integer, dimension(NGLL,NSPEC) :: ibool
+! time marching
+  double precision dh,v,courant,time_step
+  double precision deltat,deltatover2,deltatsqover2
+! source
+  integer ispec_source,i_source,iglob_source
+  double precision stf,hdur,source_amp
+  double precision, external :: source_time_function
+! receiver
+  integer ireceiver
+  double precision seismogram(NSTEP)
+! derivatives
+  double precision dudx,sigma,templ,temp(NGLL)
+! movie
+  character(len=50) moviefile
+  call define_derivative_matrix(xigll,wgll,hprime)
+! evenly spaced achors between 0 and 1
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    x1(ispec) = LENGTH*dble(ispec-1)/dble(NSPEC)
+    x2(ispec) = LENGTH*dble(ispec)/dble(NSPEC)
+  enddo
+! set up the mesh properties
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      rho(i,ispec) = DENSITY
+      mu(i,ispec) = RIGIDITY
+      dxidx(i,ispec) = 2. / (x2(ispec)-x1(ispec))
+      jacobian(i,ispec) = (x2(ispec)-x1(ispec)) / 2.
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! set up local to global numbering
+  iglob = 1
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      if(i > 1) iglob = iglob+1
+      ibool(i,ispec) = iglob
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! get the global grid points
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      iglob = ibool(i,ispec)
+      x(iglob) = 0.5*(1.-xigll(i))*x1(ispec)+0.5*(1.+xigll(i))*x2(ispec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! calculate the global mass matrix
+  mass_global(:) = 0.
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+    do i = 1,NGLL
+      mass_local = wgll(i)*rho(i,ispec)*jacobian(i,ispec)
+      iglob = ibool(i,ispec)
+      mass_global(iglob) = mass_global(iglob) + mass_local
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! estimate the time step
+  dh = LENGTH/dble(NGLOB-1)
+  v = dsqrt(RIGIDITY/DENSITY)
+  courant = 0.2
+  time_step = courant*dh/v
+!  print *,'time step estimate: ',time_step,' seconds'
+! set the source
+  ispec_source = (NSPEC+1)/2
+  i_source = (NGLL+1)/2
+  hdur = 50.*DT
+  source_amp = 0.001
+! set the receiver
+  ireceiver = 2*NGLL-2
+! time marching parameters
+  deltat = DT
+  deltatover2 = deltat/2.
+  deltatsqover2 = deltat*deltat/2.
+! initialize
+  displ(:) = 0.
+  veloc(:) = 0.
+  accel(:) = 0.
+  do iglob = 1,NGLOB
+    displ(iglob) = dsin(PI*x(iglob)/LENGTH)
+  enddo
+  do itime = 1,NSTEP
+! `predictor' update displacement using finite-difference time scheme (Newmark)
+    displ(:) = displ(:) + deltat*veloc(:) + deltatsqover2*accel(:)
+    veloc(:) = veloc(:) + deltatover2*accel(:)
+    accel(:) = 0.
+    do ispec = 1,NSPEC
+      do i = 1,NGLL
+! get dudx
+        templ = 0.
+        do j = 1,NGLL
+          iglob = ibool(j,ispec)
+          templ = templ + displ(iglob)*hprime(j,i)
+        enddo
+        dudx = templ*dxidx(i,ispec)
+! stress
+        sigma = mu(i,ispec)*dudx
+        temp(i) = jacobian(i,ispec)*sigma*dxidx(i,ispec)
+      enddo ! first loop over the GLL points
+      do i = 1,NGLL
+        templ = 0.
+        do j = 1,NGLL
+          templ = templ + temp(j)*hprime(i,j)*wgll(j)
+        enddo
+! `corrector' update acceleration
+        iglob = ibool(i,ispec)
+        accel(iglob) = accel(iglob) - templ
+      enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
+    enddo ! end loop over all spectral elements
+! add source at global level
+!    iglob_source = ibool(ispec_source,i_source)
+!    stf = source_time_function(dble(itime-1)*DT-hdur,hdur)
+!    accel(iglob_source) = accel(iglob_source) + stf*source_amp
+! fixed boundary conditions at global level
+    if(FIXED_BC) then
+      accel(1) = 0.
+      accel(NGLOB) = 0.
+    endif
+! divide by the mass matrix
+    accel(:) = accel(:)/mass_global(:)
+! `corrector' update velocity
+    veloc(:) = veloc(:) + deltatover2*accel(:)
+! write out snapshots
+    if(mod(itime-1,1000) == 0) then
+      write(moviefile,10) itime
+10    format('snapshot',i5.5)
+      open(unit=10,file=moviefile,status='unknown')
+      do iglob = 1,NGLOB
+        write(10,*) sngl(x(iglob)),sngl(displ(iglob))
+      enddo
+      close(10)
+    endif
+    seismogram(itime) = displ(ireceiver)
+  enddo ! end time loop
+  open(unit=12,file='seismogram',status='unknown')
+  do itime = 1,NSTEP
+    write(12,*) sngl(dble(itime-1)*DT-hdur),sngl(seismogram(itime))
+  enddo
+  close(12)
+  end program wave

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