[cig-commits] r8898 - cs/portal/trunk/magportal

wei at geodynamics.org wei at geodynamics.org
Mon Dec 17 21:05:06 PST 2007

Author: wei
Date: 2007-12-17 21:05:05 -0800 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 8898

This is the wrong one.

Deleted: cs/portal/trunk/magportal/daemon.py
--- cs/portal/trunk/magportal/daemon.py	2007-12-18 02:14:43 UTC (rev 8897)
+++ cs/portal/trunk/magportal/daemon.py	2007-12-18 05:05:05 UTC (rev 8898)
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-import stackless
-import os, sys, signal
-from popen2 import Popen4
-from pyre.applications import Script
-from pyre.components import Component
-from pyre.units.time import second
-class RSLUnquoted(object):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        self.value = value
-TG_CLUSTER_SCRATCH = "/work/teragrid/tg459131"
-TG_COMMUNITY = "/projects/tg"
-#EXECUTABLE = TG_COMMUNITY + "/CIG/hello/hello"
-EXECUTABLE = "/home/teragrid/tg459131/bin/hello"
-# I'm not sure what to do about this yet.
-TACC_ENVIRONMENT = """(environment=(TG_CLUSTER_SCRATCH "%s") (TG_COMMUNITY "%s") (PATH "/opt/lsf/bin:/opt/lsf/etc:/opt/MPI/intel9/mvapich-gen2/0.9.8/bin:/opt/apps/binutils/binutils-2.17/bin:/opt/intel/compiler9.1//idb/bin:/opt/intel/compiler9.1//cc/bin:/opt/intel/compiler9.1//fc/bin:/usr/local/first:/usr/local/bin:~/bin:.:/opt/apps/pki_apps:/opt/apps/gsi-openssh-3.9/bin:/opt/lsf/bin:/opt/lsf/etc:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/teragrid/tg459131/bin:/data/TG/srb-client-3.4.1-r1/bin:/data/TG/softenv-1.6.2-r3/bin:/data/TG/tg-policy/bin:/data/TG/gx-map-") (MPICH_HOME "/opt/MPI/intel9/mvapich-gen2/0.9.8"))""" % (TG_CLUSTER_SCRATCH, TG_COMMUNITY)
-class GassServer(object):
-    # @classmethod
-    def startUp(cls, directory):
-        argv = ["globus-gass-server", "-r", "-w", "-c"]
-        savedWd = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(directory)
-        child = Popen4(argv)
-        os.chdir(savedWd)
-        child.tochild.close()
-        url = child.fromchild.readline().strip()
-        return GassServer(child, url, directory)
-    startUp = classmethod(startUp)
-    def __init__(self, child, url, directory):
-        self.child = child
-        self.url = url
-        self.directory = directory
-    def shutDown(self):
-        argv = ["globus-gass-server-shutdown", self.url]
-        os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        status = self.child.wait()
-        return
-class GlobusJobManager(object):
-    def __init__(self, clock, root, info):
-        self.clock = clock
-        self.root = root
-        self.info = info
-    def runJob(self, job):
-        self.createSubdirectoryForJob(job)
-        stackless.tasklet(self.jobRunner)(job)
-    def spawn(self, *argv):
-        command = ' '.join(argv)
-        self.info.log("spawning: %s" % command)
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        statusMsg = "%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status)
-        self.info.log(statusMsg)
-        if status != 0:
-            raise Exception(statusMsg)
-        return
-    def ospawn(self, *argv):
-        command = ' '.join(argv)
-        self.info.log("spawning: %s" % command)
-        child = Popen4(argv)
-        child.tochild.close()
-        output = child.fromchild.readlines()
-        status = child.wait()
-        exitStatus = None
-        if (os.WIFSIGNALED(status)):
-            statusStr = "signal %d" % os.WTERMSIG(status)
-        elif (os.WIFEXITED(status)):
-            exitStatus = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
-            statusStr = "exit %d" % exitStatus
-        else:
-            statusStr = "status %d" % status
-        statusMsg = "%s: %s" % (argv[0], statusStr)
-        for line in output:
-            self.info.line("    " + line.rstrip())
-        self.info.log(statusMsg)
-        if exitStatus != 0:
-            raise Exception(statusMsg)
-        return output
-    def download(self, url, pathname):
-        import shutil
-        import urllib2
-        self.info.log("downloading %s" % url)
-        infile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-        outfile = open(pathname, 'wb')
-        shutil.copyfileobj(infile,  outfile)
-        outfile.close()
-        infile.close()
-        return
-    def downloadInputFilesForJob(self, job):
-        for inputFile in job.inputFiles:
-            url = job.urlForInputFile(inputFile)
-            filename = inputFile.split('/')[-1] # strips 'mineos/'
-            pathname = os.path.join(job.directory, filename)
-            self.download(url, pathname)
-        return
-    def createSubdirectoryForJob(self, job):
-        dirName = "job%05d" % job.id
-        dirPath = os.path.join(self.root, dirName)
-        if not os.path.exists(dirPath):
-            os.mkdir(dirPath)
-        job.subdir = dirName
-        job.directory = dirPath
-        return
-    def jobRunner(self, job):
-        self.downloadInputFilesForJob(job)
-        gassServer = GassServer.startUp(job.directory)
-        try:
-            resSpec = self.resSpec(job, gassServer)
-            id = self.globusrun(resSpec)
-            oldStatus = job.status
-            ticks = 2
-            while job.isAlive():
-                for t in xrange(ticks):
-                    self.clock.tick.wait()
-                ticks *= 2
-                status = self.getJobStatus(id)
-                if status != oldStatus:
-                    job.setStatus(status)
-                    oldStatus = status
-                    ticks = 2
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.info.log("error: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))
-            job.setStatus(job.STATUS_FAILED)
-        finally:
-            gassServer.shutDown()
-        return
-    def globusrun(self, resSpec):
-        import tempfile
-        fd, rslName = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".rsl")
-        stream = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
-        try:
-            self.writeRsl(resSpec, stream)
-            stream.close()
-            if resSpec['jobType'] == "mpi":
-                resourceManager = "tg-login.tacc.teragrid.org/jobmanager-lsf"
-            else:
-                resourceManager = "tg-login.tacc.teragrid.org/jobmanager-fork"
-            output = self.ospawn("globusrun", "-F", "-f", rslName, "-r", resourceManager)
-            id = None
-            for line in output:
-                if line.startswith("https://"):
-                    id = line.strip()
-            assert id
-        finally:
-            stream.close()
-            os.unlink(rslName)
-        return id
-    def writeRsl(self, resSpec, stream):
-        print >>stream, '&'
-        for relation in resSpec.iteritems():
-            attribute, valueSequence = relation
-            valueSequence = self.rslValueSequenceToString(valueSequence)
-            print >>stream, '(', attribute, '=', valueSequence, ')'
-        print >>stream, TACC_ENVIRONMENT
-        return
-    def rslValueSequenceToString(self, valueSequence):
-        if not isinstance(valueSequence, (tuple, list)):
-            valueSequence = [valueSequence]
-        s = []
-        for value in valueSequence:
-            if isinstance(value, RSLUnquoted):
-                s.append(value.value)
-            elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
-                s.append('(' + self.rslValueSequenceToString(value) + ')')
-            else:
-                s.append('"%s"' % value)
-        return ' '.join(s)
-    def getJobStatus(self, id):
-        output = self.ospawn("globus-job-status", id)
-        status = output[0].strip()
-        return status
-    def resSpec(self, job, gassServer):
-        resSpec = {}
-        resSpec.update(job.resSpec)
-        resSpec["scratch_dir"] = TG_CLUSTER_SCRATCH
-        resSpec["directory"] = RSLUnquoted("$(SCRATCH_DIRECTORY)")
-        file_stage_in = []
-        for inputFile in job.inputFiles:
-            url = gassServer.url + "/./" + inputFile
-            file_stage_in.append([url, RSLUnquoted("$(SCRATCH_DIRECTORY) # " + '"/' + inputFile + '"')])
-        if file_stage_in:
-            resSpec["file_stage_in"] = file_stage_in
-        file_stage_out = []
-        for outputFile in job.outputFiles:
-            url = gassServer.url + "/./" + outputFile
-            file_stage_out.append([outputFile, url])
-        if file_stage_out:
-            resSpec["file_stage_out"] = file_stage_out
-        resSpec["stdout"] = gassServer.url + "/./stdout.txt"
-        resSpec["stderr"] = gassServer.url + "/./stderr.txt"
-        job.outputFiles.extend(["stdout.txt", "stderr.txt"])
-        return resSpec
-class Event(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.channel = stackless.channel()
-    def wait(self):
-        self.channel.receive()
-        return
-    def signal(self):
-        # Swap-in a new channel, so that a waiting tasklet that
-        # repeatedly calls wait() will block waiting for the *next*
-        # signal on its subsequent call to wait().
-        channel = self.channel
-        self.channel = stackless.channel()
-        # Unblock all waiters.
-        while channel.balance < 0:
-            channel.send(None)
-        return
-class Job(object):
-    # status codes
-    STATUS_NEW      = "NEW" # pseudo
-    STATUS_DONE     = "DONE"
-    def __init__(self, id, task, **resSpec):
-        self.id = id
-        self.task = task
-        self.resSpec = resSpec
-        self.status = self.STATUS_NEW
-        self.statusChanged = Event()
-        self.inputFiles = []
-        self.urlForInputFile = None
-        self.outputFiles = []
-        self.subdir = None
-        self.directory = None
-    def setStatus(self, status):
-        if False: # Violated by, e.g., "UNKNOWN JOB STATE 64"
-            assert status in self.statusCodes, "unknown status: %s" % status
-        self.status = status
-        self.statusChanged.signal()
-    def isAlive(self):
-        return not self.status in self.deadCodes
-class Simulation(object):
-    # status codes
-    STATUS_NEW        = "new"
-    STATUS_CONNECTING = "connecting"
-    STATUS_PENDING    = "pending"
-    STATUS_RUNNING    = "running"
-    STATUS_DONE       = "done"
-    STATUS_ERROR      = "error"
-    deadCodes = [STATUS_DONE, STATUS_ERROR]
-    def __init__(self, id, nodes, urlForInputFile, info):
-        self.id = id
-        self.nodes = nodes
-        self.urlForInputFile = urlForInputFile
-        self.info = info
-        self.status = self.STATUS_NEW
-        self.statusChanged = Event()
-    def go(self, jm):
-        stackless.tasklet(self)(jm)
-    def __call__(self, jm):
-        try:
-            self.setStatus(self.STATUS_CONNECTING)
-            # run
-            job = self.newJob()
-            jm.runJob(job)
-            while job.isAlive():
-                if job.status == job.STATUS_PENDING:
-                    self.setStatus(self.STATUS_PENDING)
-                elif job.status == job.STATUS_ACTIVE:
-                    self.setStatus(self.STATUS_RUNNING)
-                job.statusChanged.wait()
-            # while
-            self.checkOutputFiles(job)
-            if job.status == job.STATUS_DONE:
-                self.setStatus(self.STATUS_DONE)
-            else:
-                raise RuntimeError("run failed")
-                self.setStatus(self.STATUS_ERROR)
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.info.log("error: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))
-            self.setStatus(self.STATUS_ERROR)
-        return
-    def setStatus(self, status):
-        self.status = status
-        self.statusChanged.signal()
-    def isAlive(self):
-        return not self.status in self.deadCodes
-    def newJob(self):
-        job = Job(
-            self.id,
-            "run",
-            jobType = "single",
-            count = 1,
-            executable = EXECUTABLE,
-            arguments = ["world"]
-            )
-        job.urlForInputFile = self.urlForInputFile
-        return job
-    def checkOutputFiles(self, job):
-        for outputFile in job.outputFiles:
-            pathname = os.path.join(job.directory, outputFile)
-            if not os.path.exists(pathname):
-                continue
-            # in case the daemon and the web server are run as
-            # different users
-            import stat
-            os.chmod(pathname, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
-        return
-class PortalConnection(object):
-    MULTIPART_BOUNDARY = '----------eArThQuAkE$'
-    def __init__(self, portal, clock, info):
-        self.portal = portal
-        self.clock = clock
-        self.info = info
-    def runSimulations(self, jm):
-        stackless.tasklet(self.simulationFactory)(jm)
-    def simulationFactory(self, jm):
-        import urllib2
-        simulations = {}
-        while True:
-            self.clock.tick.wait()
-            #self.info.log("GET %s" % self.portal.simulationsUrl)
-            try:
-                infile = urllib2.urlopen(self.portal.simulationsUrl)
-            except Exception, e:
-                # Could be transient failure -- e.g., "connection reset by peer".
-                self.info.log("error: %s" % e)
-                continue
-            #self.info.log("OK")
-            simulationList = infile.read()
-            infile.close()
-            simulationList = eval(simulationList)
-            for simulation in simulationList:
-                id = int(simulation['id'])
-                status = simulation['status']
-                nodes = int(simulation['nodes'])
-                if (status in [Simulation.STATUS_NEW, ""] and
-                    not simulations.has_key(id)):
-                    self.info.log("new simulation %d" % id)
-                    def urlForInputFile(inputFile):
-                        # Map input filenames to URLs in the context
-                        # of this simulation.
-                        return self.inputFileURL(simulation, inputFile)
-                    newSimulation = Simulation(id, nodes, urlForInputFile, self.info)
-                    self.watchSimulation(newSimulation)
-                    simulations[id] = newSimulation
-                    newSimulation.go(jm)
-        return
-    def watchSimulation(self, simulation):
-        stackless.tasklet(self.simulationWatcher)(simulation)
-    def simulationWatcher(self, simulation):
-        url = self.portal.simulationStatusUrl % simulation.id
-        while simulation.isAlive():
-            simulation.statusChanged.wait()
-            fields = {'status': simulation.status}
-            self.postStatusChange(url, fields)
-        return
-    def inputFileURL(self, simulation, inputFile):
-        return self.portal.inputFileUrl % (simulation.id, inputFile)
-    def postStatusChange(self, url, fields):
-        import urllib
-        body = urllib.urlencode(fields)
-        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
-                   "Accept": "text/plain"}
-        return self.post(body, headers, url)
-    def post(self, body, headers, url):
-        self.info.log("POST %s" % url)
-        import httplib
-        if self.portal.scheme == "http":
-            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.portal.host)
-        elif self.portal.scheme == "https":
-            conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.portal.host)
-        else:
-            assert False # not scheme in ["http", "https"]
-        conn.request("POST", url, body, headers)
-        response = conn.getresponse()
-        data = response.read()
-        conn.close()
-        self.info.log("response %s" % data)
-        return data
-class Clock(object):
-    def __init__(self, interval):
-        self.interval = interval
-        self.tick = Event()
-        stackless.tasklet(self)()
-    def __call__(self):
-        from time import sleep
-        while True:
-            sleep(self.interval)
-            self.tick.signal()
-            stackless.schedule()
-        return
-class WebPortal(Component):
-    name = "web-portal"
-    import pyre.inventory as pyre
-    scheme   = pyre.str("scheme", validator=pyre.choice(["http", "https"]), default="http")
-    host     = pyre.str("host", default="localhost:8000")
-    urlRoot  = pyre.str("url-root", default="/hello/")
-    def _configure(self):
-        self.urlPrefix           = '%s://%s%s' % (self.scheme, self.host, self.urlRoot)
-        self.inputFileUrl        = self.urlPrefix + 'simulations/%d/%s'
-        # runs
-        self.simulationsUrl             = self.urlPrefix + 'simulations/list.py'
-        self.simulationStatusUrl        = self.urlRoot + 'simulations/%d/status/'
-class Daemon(Script):
-    name = "web-portal-daemon"
-    import pyre.inventory as pyre
-    portal = pyre.facility("portal", factory=WebPortal)
-    sleepInterval = pyre.dimensional("sleep-interval", default=60*second)
-    outputRootPathname = pyre.str("output-root-pathname")
-    def main(self, *args, **kwds):
-        self._info.activate()
-        self._info.log("~~~~~~~~~~ daemon started ~~~~~~~~~~")
-        clock = Clock(self.sleepInterval / second)
-        jm = GlobusJobManager(clock, self.outputRootPathname, self._info)
-        connection = PortalConnection(self.portal, clock, self._info)
-        connection.runSimulations(jm)
-        try:
-            stackless.run()
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            self._info.log("~~~~~~~~~~ daemon stopped ~~~~~~~~~~")
-        return
-def main(*args, **kwds):
-    daemon = Daemon()
-    daemon.run(*args, **kwds)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

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