[cig-commits] r7702 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Wed Jul 18 15:00:58 PDT 2007

Author: willic3
Date: 2007-07-18 15:00:58 -0700 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 7702

Incomplete (and non-functional) initial versions of Neumann BC.
They shouldn't break anything because they aren't in the Makefile yet.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc	2007-07-18 21:13:20 UTC (rev 7701)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc	2007-07-18 22:00:58 UTC (rev 7702)
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "Neumann.hh" // implementation of object methods
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDB.hh" // USES SpatialDB
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
+#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute stress
+// vector at integration points.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::initialize(const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh>& mesh,
+				const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs,
+				const double_array& upDir,
+				const double_array& normalDir);
+{ // initialize
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  assert(0 != _db);
+  assert(!mesh.isNull());
+  assert(0 != cs);
+  if (3 != upDir.size())
+    throw std::runtime_error("Up direction for surface orientation must be "
+			     "a vector with 3 components.");
+  if (3 != normalDir.size())
+    throw std::runtime_error("Normal direction for surface orientation must be "
+			     "a vector with 3 components.");
+  // Extract submesh associated with surface
+  const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh> submesh =
+    ALE::Selection<ALE::Mesh>::submesh(mesh, mesh->getIntSection(_label));
+  if (submesh.isNull()) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Could not find group of points '" << _label << "' in mesh.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert(!submesh.isNull());
+  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
+  const ALE::Obj<sieve_type>& sieve = submesh->getSieve();
+  const ALE::Obj<Mesh::label_sequence>& cells = submesh->heightStratum(1);
+  const int numCells = cells->size();
+  // Create section for stress vector in global coordinates
+  const int spaceDim = cs->spaceDim();
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const int stressVecSize = spaceDim * numQuadPts;
+  // Not sure this part is correct
+  _stressVecGlobal = new real_section_type(mesh->comm(), mesh->debug());
+  assert(!_stressVecGlobal.isNull());
+  const Mesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
+  const Mesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  const int numCorners = sieve->nCone(*c_iter, mesh->depth())->size();
+  for(Mesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
+      c_iter != cellsEnd;
+      ++c_iter) {
+    _stressVecGlobal->setFiberDimension(*c_iter, stressVecSize);
+  }
+  mesh->allocate(_stressVecGlobal);
+  // Set up orientation information
+  const int orientationSize = spaceDim * spaceDim;
+  double orientation[orientationSize];
+  const int surfaceDim = mesh->getDimension()-1;
+  orient_fn_type orientFn;
+  const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& coordinates =
+    mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  switch (surfaceDim)
+    { // switch
+    case 0 :
+      orientFn = _orient1D;
+      break;
+    case 1 :
+      orientFn = _orient2D;
+      break;
+    case 2 :
+      orientFn = _orient3D;
+      break;
+    default :
+      assert(0);
+    } // switch
+  // Loop over cell faces, compute orientations, and then compute
+  // corresponding stress vector in global coordinates.
+  // Store values in _stressVecGlobal.
+  for(Mesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    _quadrature->computeGeometry(mesh, coordinates, *c_iter);
+    for(int iQuad = 0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad) {
+  const int_section_type::chart_type& chart = groupField->getChart();
+  const int numPoints = chart.size();
+  _points.resize(numPoints);
+  int i = 0;
+  for(int_section_type::chart_type::iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
+      c_iter != chart.end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    _points[i++] = *c_iter;
+  }
+  // Get values for degrees of freedom
+  char** valueNames = (numFixedDOF > 0) ? new char*[numFixedDOF] : 0;
+  for (int i=0; i < numFixedDOF; ++i) {
+    std::ostringstream name;
+    name << "dof-" << _fixedDOF[i];
+    const int size = 1 + name.str().length();
+    valueNames[i] = new char[size];
+    strcpy(valueNames[i], name.str().c_str());
+  } // for
+  _db->open();
+  _db->queryVals((const char**) valueNames, numFixedDOF);
+  for (int i=0; i < numFixedDOF; ++i) {
+    delete[] valueNames[i]; valueNames[i] = 0;
+  } // for
+  delete[] valueNames; valueNames = 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& coordinates = 
+    mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
+  const int spaceDim = cs->spaceDim();
+  _values.resize(numPoints*numFixedDOF);
+  double_array queryValues(numFixedDOF);
+  for (int iPoint=0, i=0; iPoint < numPoints; ++iPoint) {
+    // Get coordinates of vertex
+    const real_section_type::value_type* vCoords = 
+      coordinates->restrictPoint(_points[iPoint]);
+    int err = _db->query(&queryValues[0], numFixedDOF, vCoords, spaceDim, cs);
+    if (err) {
+      std::ostringstream msg;
+      msg << "Could not find values at (";
+      for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
+	msg << "  " << vCoords[i];
+      msg << ") using spatial database " << _db->label() << ".";
+      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+    } // if
+    for (int iDOF=0; iDOF < numFixedDOF; ++iDOF)
+      _values[i++] = queryValues[iDOF];
+  } // for
+  _db->close();
+} // initialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set number of degrees of freedom that are constrained at points in field.
+pylith::bc::Dirichlet::setConstraintSizes(const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& field,
+					  const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh>& mesh)
+{ // setConstraintSizes
+  assert(!field.isNull());
+  assert(!mesh.isNull());
+  const int numFixedDOF = _fixedDOF.size();
+  if (0 == numFixedDOF)
+    return;
+  const int numPoints = _points.size();
+  _offsetLocal.resize(numPoints);
+  for (int iPoint=0; iPoint < numPoints; ++iPoint) {
+    const int fiberDim = field->getFiberDimension(_points[iPoint]);
+    const int curNumConstraints = field->getConstraintDimension(_points[iPoint]);
+    if (curNumConstraints + numFixedDOF > fiberDim) {
+      std::ostringstream msg;
+      msg << "Found overly constrained point while setting up constraints for Dirichlet "
+	  << "boundary condition '" << _label << "'.\n" << "Number of DOF at point "
+	  << _points[iPoint] << " is " << fiberDim << " and number of attempted constraints is "
+	  << curNumConstraints+numFixedDOF << ".";
+      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+    } // if
+    _offsetLocal[iPoint] = curNumConstraints;
+    field->addConstraintDimension(_points[iPoint], numFixedDOF);
+  } // for
+} // setConstraintSizes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set which degrees of freedom are constrained at points in field.
+pylith::bc::Dirichlet::setConstraints(const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& field,
+				      const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh>& mesh)
+{ // setConstraints
+  assert(!field.isNull());
+  assert(!mesh.isNull());
+  const int numFixedDOF = _fixedDOF.size();
+  if (0 == numFixedDOF)
+    return;
+  const int numPoints = _points.size();
+  for (int iPoint=0; iPoint < numPoints; ++iPoint) {
+    const Mesh::point_type point = _points[iPoint];
+    // Get list of currently constrained DOF
+    const int* curFixedDOF = field->getConstraintDof(point);
+    const int numTotalConstrained = field->getConstraintDimension(point);
+    // Create array holding all constrained DOF
+    int_array allFixedDOF(curFixedDOF, numTotalConstrained);
+    // Add in the ones for this Dirichlet BC
+    for (int iDOF=0; iDOF < numFixedDOF; ++iDOF)
+      allFixedDOF[_offsetLocal[iPoint]+iDOF] = _fixedDOF[iDOF];
+    // Fill in rest of values not yet set (will be set by another Dirichlet BC)
+    for (int iDOF=_offsetLocal[iPoint]+numFixedDOF; 
+	 iDOF < numTotalConstrained; 
+	 ++iDOF)
+      allFixedDOF[_offsetLocal[iPoint]+iDOF] = 999;
+    // Sort list of constrained DOF
+    //   I need these sorted for my update algorithms to work properly
+    std::sort(&allFixedDOF[0], &allFixedDOF[numTotalConstrained]);
+    // Update list of constrained DOF
+    field->setConstraintDof(point, &allFixedDOF[0]);
+  } // for
+} // setConstraints
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set values in field.
+pylith::bc::Dirichlet::setField(const double t,
+				const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& field,
+				const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh>& mesh)
+{ // setField
+  assert(!field.isNull());
+  assert(!mesh.isNull());
+  const int numFixedDOF = _fixedDOF.size();
+  if (0 == numFixedDOF)
+    return;
+  const int numPoints = _points.size();
+  for (int iPoint=0, i=0; iPoint < numPoints; ++iPoint) {
+    const Mesh::point_type point = _points[iPoint];
+    const int fiberDimension = field->getFiberDimension(point);
+    double_array allValues(fiberDimension);
+    mesh->restrict(field, point, &allValues[0], fiberDimension);
+    for (int iDOF=0; iDOF < numFixedDOF; ++iDOF)
+      allValues[_fixedDOF[iDOF]] = _values[i++];
+    field->updatePointAll(_points[iPoint], &allValues[0]);
+  } // for
+} // setField
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh	2007-07-18 21:13:20 UTC (rev 7701)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh	2007-07-18 22:00:58 UTC (rev 7702)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ implementation of Neumann (prescribed tractions
+ * on a surface) boundary conditions.
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
+#define pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+#include "BoundaryCondition.hh" // ISA BoundaryCondition
+#include "pylith/feassemble/Integrator.hh" // ISA Integrator
+#include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES std::vector, double_array, int_array
+/// Namespace for pylith package
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace bc {
+    class Neumann;
+    class TestNeumann; // unit testing
+  } // bc
+} // pylith
+/// C++ implementation of Neumann boundary conditions.
+class pylith::bc::Neumann : public BoundaryCondition, 
+			    public feassemble::Integrator
+{ // class Neumann
+  friend class TestNeumann; // unit testing
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Default constructor.
+  Neumann(void);
+  /// Destructor.
+  ~Neumann(void);
+  /** Initialize boundary condition.
+   *
+   * @param mesh PETSc mesh
+   * @param cs Coordinate system for mesh
+   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to surface tangent direction that
+   *   is not collinear with surface normal. Surface tangent direction is
+   *   generally meant to be the horizontal direction, but this will not be
+   *   true for a horizontal surface. In that case it lies along the x-axis.
+   * @param normalDir Outward-directed surface normal.
+   */
+  void initialize(const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh>& mesh,
+		  const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs,
+		  const double_array& upDir,
+		  const double_array& normalDir);
+  /** Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
+   *
+   * @param residual Field containing values for residual
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh
+   */
+  void integrateResidual(const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& residual,
+			 const ALE::Obj<Mesh>& mesh);
+  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Not implemented
+  Neumann(const Neumann& m);
+  /// Not implemented
+  const Neumann& operator=(const Neumann& m);
+  // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Stress vector in global coordinates at integration points
+  ALE::Obj<real_section_type> _stressVecGlobal;
+}; // class Neumann
+#include "Neumann.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// End of file 

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