[cig-commits] r7746 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc: . data

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Wed Jul 25 14:27:06 PDT 2007

Author: willic3
Date: 2007-07-25 14:27:06 -0700 (Wed, 25 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 7746

More work on unit tests for Neumann BC.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc	2007-07-25 21:26:35 UTC (rev 7745)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc	2007-07-25 21:27:06 UTC (rev 7746)
@@ -82,22 +82,28 @@
   } // for
   // Check traction values
-  const ALE::Obj<ALE::Mesh::label_sequence>& vertices =
-    _boundaryMesh->heightStratum(0);
-  const int numVertices = vertices->size();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data.numVertices, numVertices);
-  int i = 0;
-  const int spaceDim = _data.spaceDim;
-  for(Mesh::label_sequance::iterator v_iter =
-	vertices->begin();
-      v_iter != vertices->end();
-      ++v_iter) {
-    const Mesh::real_section_type::value_type *tractionVals =
-      _tractionGlobal->restrictPoint(*v_iter);
-    const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-    for(int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(_data->tractionVals[i], tractionVals[iDim],
-				   tolerance);
+  numQuadPts = _data->numQuadPts;
+  spaceDim = _data->spaceDim;
+  fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
+  double_array tractionCell(fiberDim);
+  int index = 0;
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  for(Mesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    _boundaryMesh->restrict(_tractionGlobal, *c_iter,
+			    &tractionCell[0], tractionCell.size());
+    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad) {
+      for (int iDim =0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(_data->tractionCell[index],
+				     tractionCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim],
+				     tolerance);
+	++index;
+      } // for
+    } // for
   } // for
 } // testInitialize
@@ -107,44 +113,45 @@
 { // testIntegrateResidual
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
   ALE::Obj<Mesh> mesh;
   Neumann bc;
+  Neumann integrator;
+  topology::FieldsManager fields(mesh);
+  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
-  _initialize(&mesh, &bc);
   const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& residual = fields->getReal("residual");
-  const ALE::Obj<Mesh::label_sequence>& vertices = mesh->depthStratum(0);
-  fields->addReal("dispTBctpdt");
-  fields->copyLayout("residual");
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!residual.isNull());
   const double t = 0.0;
+  integrator.integrateResidual(residual, t, &fields, mesh);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  const double* valsE = _data->valsResidual;
+  const int sizeE = _data->spaceDim * _data->numVertices;
-  const int numCells = mesh->heightStratum(0)->size();
-  const int offset = numCells;
-  int iConstraint = 0;
-  for (Mesh::label_sequence::iterator v_iter = vertices->begin();
-       v_iter != vertices->end();
-       ++v_iter) {
-    if (*v_iter != _data->constrainedPoints[iConstraint] + offset) {
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numDOF, field->getFiberDimension(*v_iter));
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, field->getConstraintDimension(*v_iter));
-    } else {
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numDOF, field->getFiberDimension(*v_iter));
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numFixedDOF, 
-			   field->getConstraintDimension(*v_iter));
-      ++iConstraint;
-    } // if/else
-  } // for
+  const double* vals = residual->restrict();
+  const int size = residual->sizeWithBC();
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
+    if (fabs(valsE[i]) > 1.0)
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[i]/valsE[i], tolerance);
+    else
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[i], vals[i], tolerance);
 } // testIntegrateResidual
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 pylith::bc::TestNeumann::_initialize(ALE::Obj<Mesh>* mesh,
-				       Neumann* const bc) const
+				     Neumann* const bc,
+				     topology::FieldsManager* fields) const
 { // _initialize
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
   // Set up mesh
@@ -159,6 +166,18 @@
+  // Set up fields
+  fields->addReal("residual");
+  fields->addReal("solution");
+  const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& residual = fields->getReal("residual");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!residual.isNull());
+ residual->setFiberDimension((*mesh)->depthStratum(0), _data->spaceDim);
+  (*mesh)->allocate(residual);
+  residual->zero();
+  fields->copyLayout("residual");
+  const ALE::Obj<real_section_type>& solution = fields.getReal("solution");
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!solution.isNull());
   // Set up quadrature
   _quadrature->initialize(_data->basis, _data->basisDeriv, _data->quadPts,
 			  _data->quadWts, _data->cellDim, _data->numBasis,

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/NeumannData.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/NeumannData.cc	2007-07-25 21:26:35 UTC (rev 7745)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/NeumannData.cc	2007-07-25 21:27:06 UTC (rev 7746)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#include "DirichletData.hh"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+pylith::bc::DirichletData::DirichletData(void) :
+  numDOF(0),
+  numFixedDOF(0),
+  numConstrainedPts(0),
+  id(0),
+  label(0),
+  fixedDOF(0),
+  constrainedPoints(0),
+  values(0),
+  meshFilename(0),
+  dbFilename(0)
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// End of file

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/NeumannData.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/NeumannData.hh	2007-07-25 21:26:35 UTC (rev 7745)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/NeumannData.hh	2007-07-25 21:27:06 UTC (rev 7746)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumanndata_hh)
+#define pylith_bc_neumanndata_hh
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace bc {
+     class NeumannData;
+  } // pylith
+} // bc
+class pylith::bc::NeumannData
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Constructor
+  NeumannData(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~NeumannData(void);
+// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  int numDOF; ///< Number of degrees of freedom at each point.
+  int boundaryCellDim; ///< Dimension of surface cells.
+  int numBoundaryCells; ///< Number of cells on Neumann boundary.
+  int numBoundaryVertices; ///< Number of vertices on Neumann boundary.
+  int numVertices; ///< Number of vertices in the mesh.
+  int spaceDim; ///< Spatial dimension for the problem.
+  int id; ///< Boundary condition identifier
+  char* label; ///< Label for boundary condition group
+  int* numCorners; ///< Array defining the number of vertices for each
+                   /// boundary cell.
+  int* cells; ///< Array of vertices defining each boundary cell.
+  double* tractionVals; ///< Traction values at specified points.
+  char* meshFilename; ///< Filename for input mesh.
+  char* dbFilename; ///< Filename of simple spatial database.
+#endif // pylith_bc_neumanndata_hh
+// End of file

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/hex8b.mesh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/hex8b.mesh	2007-07-25 21:26:35 UTC (rev 7745)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/hex8b.mesh	2007-07-25 21:27:06 UTC (rev 7746)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+mesh = {
+  dimension = 3
+  use-index-zero = true
+  vertices = {
+    dimension = 3
+    count = 12
+    coordinates = {
+             0     -2.0 -1.0 -1.0
+             1     -2.0  1.0 -1.0
+             2     -2.0 -1.0  1.0
+             3     -2.0  1.0  1.0
+             4      0.0 -1.0 -1.0
+             5      0.0  1.0 -1.0
+             6      0.0 -1.0  1.0
+             7      0.0  1.0  1.0
+             8      2.0 -1.0 -1.0
+             9      2.0  1.0 -1.0
+            10      2.0 -1.0  1.0
+            11      2.0  1.0  1.0
+    }
+  }
+  cells = {
+    count = 2
+    num-corners = 8
+    simplices = {
+             0       0  1  3  2  4  5  7  6
+             1       4  5  7  6  8  9 11 10
+    }
+    material-ids = {
+             0   0
+             1   0
+    }
+  }
+  group = {
+    name = tractionVerts
+    type = vertices
+    count = 6
+    indices = {
+      0
+      2
+      4
+      6
+      8
+     10
+    }
+  }

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