[cig-commits] r8349 - cs/portal/trunk

leif at geodynamics.org leif at geodynamics.org
Wed Nov 28 16:15:05 PST 2007

Author: leif
Date: 2007-11-28 16:15:05 -0800 (Wed, 28 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 8349

Wrote a Python script to run the various Mineos programs (minos_bran,
eigcon, green, and syndat) in the proper order for the requested

Added: cs/portal/trunk/mineos.cfg
--- cs/portal/trunk/mineos.cfg	2007-11-28 23:51:08 UTC (rev 8348)
+++ cs/portal/trunk/mineos.cfg	2007-11-29 00:15:05 UTC (rev 8349)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+bin-directory = /home/leif/tmp/mineos/bin
+event = china_cmt_event
+model = prem_noocean.txt
+radial = True
+toroidal = True
+spheroidal = True
+inner-core-toroidal = True
+# minos_bran
+eps = 1.0e-10
+wgrav = 1*milli*hertz
+lmin  = 2
+lmax = 8000
+wmin = 0.0*milli*hertz
+wmax = 200.0*milli*hertz
+nmin = 0
+nmax = 0
+# eigcon
+max-depth = 1000*km
+# green
+fmin = 10*milli*hertz
+fmax = 260*milli*hertz
+nsamples = 8000
+stations = short

Modified: cs/portal/trunk/mineos.py
--- cs/portal/trunk/mineos.py	2007-11-28 23:51:08 UTC (rev 8348)
+++ cs/portal/trunk/mineos.py	2007-11-29 00:15:05 UTC (rev 8349)
@@ -1,5 +1,268 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-f = open("output_mineos.txt", "w")
-print >>f, "Hello from Mineos!"
+from pyre.applications import Script
+from pyre.units.SI import milli, hertz
+from pyre.units.length import km
+import os, sys
+mHz = milli*hertz
+class Mode(object):
+    def __init__(self, jcom, id, desc):
+        self.jcom = jcom
+        self.id = id
+        self.desc = desc
+modes = [Mode(jcom, id, desc) for jcom, id, desc in [
+    (1, 'radial', 'radial'),
+    (2, 'toroidal', 'toroidal'),
+    (3, 'spheroidal', 'spheroidal'),
+    (4, 'ictoroidal', 'inner core toroidal'),
+    ]]
+del jcom, id, desc
+class Mineos(object):
+    def __init__(self, bin, model, event, stations):
+        self.bin = bin
+        self.model = model
+        self.event = event
+        self.stations = stations
+        self.eigcon_out = []
+        self.green_out = "green"
+        return
+    def minos_bran(self,
+                   mode,
+                   eps, wgrav,
+                   lmin, lmax,
+                   wmin, wmax,
+                   nmin, nmax):
+        minos_bran_in = mode.id + "_mineos_bran.in"
+        s = open(minos_bran_in, "w")
+        print >>s, self.model
+        print >>s, self.listing(mode)
+        print >>s, self.eigenfunctions(mode)
+        print >>s, eps, wgrav
+        print >>s, mode.jcom
+        print >>s, lmin, lmax, wmin, wmax, nmin, nmax
+        s.close()
+        self.run("minos_bran", stdin=minos_bran_in)
+        return
+    def eigcon(self, mode, max_depth):
+        eigcon_in = mode.id + "_eigcon.in"
+        s = open(eigcon_in, "w")
+        print >>s, mode.jcom
+        print >>s, self.model
+        print >>s, max_depth
+        print >>s, self.listing(mode)
+        print >>s, self.eigenfunctions(mode)
+        dbname = mode.id #+ "_eigcon_out"
+        print >>s, dbname
+        s.close()
+        self.run("eigcon", stdin=eigcon_in)
+        self.eigcon_out.append(dbname)
+        return
+    def green(self, fmin, fmax, nsamples):
+        s = open("db_list", "w")
+        for dbname in self.eigcon_out:
+            print >>s, dbname
+        green_in = "green.in"
+        s = open(green_in, "w")
+        print >>s, self.stations
+        print >>s, "db_list"
+        print >>s, self.event
+        print >>s, fmin, fmax
+        print >>s, nsamples
+        print >>s, self.green_out
+        s.close()
+        self.run("green", stdin=green_in)
+        return
+    def syndat(self, plane, datatype):
+        syndat_in = "syndat.in"
+        s = open(syndat_in, "w")
+        print >>s, self.event
+        print >>s, plane # error in documentation!
+        print >>s, self.green_out
+        print >>s, "seismograms" #"syndat_out"
+        print >>s, datatype
+        s.close()
+        self.run("syndat", stdin=syndat_in)
+        return
+    def listing(self, mode):
+        return mode.id + "_listing"
+    def eigenfunctions(self, mode):
+        return mode.id + "_eigenfunctions"
+    def run(self, program, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
+        argv = [program]
+        pid = os.fork()
+        if pid:
+            # parent
+            _, status = os.wait()
+            exitStatus = None
+            if (os.WIFSIGNALED(status)):
+                statusStr = "signal %d" % os.WTERMSIG(status)
+            elif (os.WIFEXITED(status)):
+                exitStatus = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
+                statusStr = "exit %d" % exitStatus
+            else:
+                statusStr = "status %d" % status
+            statusMsg = "%s: %s" % (argv[0], statusStr)
+            if exitStatus != 0:
+                sys.exit(statusMsg)
+        else:
+            # child
+            if stdin is not None:
+                fd = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY)
+                os.dup2(fd, 0)
+            if stdout is not None:
+                fd = os.open(stdout, os.O_WRONLY)
+                os.dup2(fd, 1)
+            if stderr is not None:
+                fd = os.open(stderr, os.O_WRONLY)
+                os.dup2(fd, 2)
+            executable = os.path.join(self.bin, argv[0])
+            try:
+                os.execvp(executable, argv)
+            except Exception, e:
+                sys.exit("%s: %s" % (executable, e))
+        return
+class MineosScript(Script):
+    name = "mineos"
+    import pyre.inventory as pyre
+    bin = pyre.str("bin-directory")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # common
+    model = pyre.str("model")
+    # jcom
+    radial = pyre.bool("radial")
+    toroidal = pyre.bool("toroidal")
+    spheroidal = pyre.bool("spheroidal")
+    ictoroidal = pyre.bool("inner-core-toroidal")
+    event = pyre.str("event")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # minos_bran
+    eps = pyre.float("eps")
+    wgrav = pyre.dimensional("wgrav", default=1*hertz)
+    lmin = pyre.int("lmin")
+    lmax = pyre.int("lmax")
+    wmin = pyre.dimensional("wmin", default=1*hertz)
+    wmax = pyre.dimensional("wmax", default=1*hertz)
+    nmin = pyre.int("nmin")
+    nmax = pyre.int("nmax")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # eigcon
+    max_depth = pyre.dimensional("max-depth", default=1*km)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # green
+    fmin = pyre.dimensional("fmin", default=1*hertz)
+    fmax = pyre.dimensional("fmax", default=1*hertz)
+    nsamples = pyre.int("nsamples")
+    stations = pyre.str("stations")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # syndat
+    plane = pyre.int("plane", default=0) # use CMT tensor components as-is
+    datatype = pyre.int("datatype", default=3) # displacement in nm
+    def main(self, *args, **kwds):
+        self._info.activate()
+        enabledModes = []
+        for mode in modes:
+            if getattr(self, mode.id):
+                enabledModes.append(mode)
+        self._info.log("modes: " + ' '.join(["'%s'" % mode.desc for mode in enabledModes]))
+        if not enabledModes:
+            self._info.log("nothing to do")
+            return
+        mineos = Mineos(self.bin, self.model, self.event, self.stations)
+        # minos_bran
+        for mode in enabledModes:
+            self._info.log("running program 'minos_bran' for '%s' mode" % mode.desc)
+            # convert to millihertz
+            wgrav = self.wgrav / mHz
+            wmin = self.wmin / mHz
+            wmax = self.wmax / mHz
+            mineos.minos_bran(mode, self.eps, wgrav,
+                              self.lmin, self.lmax,
+                              wmin, wmax,
+                              self.nmin, self.nmax)
+        # eigcon
+        for mode in enabledModes:
+            self._info.log("running program 'eigcon' for '%s' mode" % mode.desc)
+            # convert to kilometers
+            max_depth = self.max_depth / km
+            mineos.eigcon(mode, max_depth)
+        # green
+        self._info.log("running program 'green'")
+        fmin = self.fmin / mHz
+        fmax = self.fmax / mHz
+        mineos.green(fmin, fmax, self.nsamples)
+        # syndat
+        self._info.log("running program 'syndat'")
+        mineos.syndat(self.plane, self.datatype)
+        return
+def main(*args, **kwds):
+    mineos = MineosScript()
+    mineos.run(*args, **kwds)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
+# end of file

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