[cig-commits] r11742 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Thu Apr 3 04:52:06 PDT 2008

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2008-04-03 04:52:06 -0700 (Thu, 03 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 11742

- added Ronan Madec's code to use an incident plane wave (analytical expression in the time domain if below the critical angle, Paco Sanchez-Sesma's analytical expression in the frequency domain and then an inverse FFT to convert to the time domain if above the critical angle)

- added Ronan Madec's code to save curl seismograms to compute rotations

- added Paco Sanchez-Sesma's routines for a plane wave

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile	2008-04-03 11:35:00 UTC (rev 11741)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -88,8 +88,9 @@
         $O/specfem2D.o $O/write_seismograms.o $O/define_external_model.o $O/createnum_fast.o $O/createnum_slow.o\
         $O/define_shape_functions.o $O/attenuation_model.o $O/create_color_image.o $O/compute_vector_field.o $O/compute_pressure.o\
         $O/recompute_jacobian.o $O/compute_arrays_source.o $O/locate_source_moment_tensor.o $O/netlib_specfun_erf.o\
-        $O/construct_acoustic_surface.o $O/assemble_MPI.o $O/compute_energy.o\
-        $O/attenuation_compute_param.o $O/compute_Bielak_conditions.o
+        $O/construct_acoustic_surface.o $O/assemble_MPI.o $O/compute_energy.o $O/compute_curl_one_element.o\
+        $O/attenuation_compute_param.o $O/compute_Bielak_conditions.o $O/paco_beyond_critical.o\
+	$O/paco_convolve_fft.o
 default: clean meshfem2D specfem2D convolve_source_timefunction
@@ -194,6 +195,9 @@
 $O/compute_pressure.o: compute_pressure.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_pressure.o compute_pressure.f90
+$O/compute_curl_one_element.o: compute_curl_one_element.f90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_curl_one_element.o compute_curl_one_element.f90
 $O/compute_Bielak_conditions.o: compute_Bielak_conditions.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_Bielak_conditions.o compute_Bielak_conditions.f90
@@ -226,3 +230,10 @@
 $O/attenuation_compute_param.o: attenuation_compute_param.c
 	${CC} -c -o $O/attenuation_compute_param.o attenuation_compute_param.c
+$O/paco_beyond_critical.o: paco_beyond_critical.f90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/paco_beyond_critical.o paco_beyond_critical.f90
+$O/paco_convolve_fft.o: paco_convolve_fft.f90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/paco_convolve_fft.o paco_convolve_fft.f90

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.F90	2008-04-03 11:35:00 UTC (rev 11741)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/checkgrid.F90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@
   double precision coorg(NDIM,npgeo)
 ! title of the plot
   character(len=60) simulation_title

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_curl_one_element.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_curl_one_element.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_curl_one_element.f90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 5.2
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and CNRS, France.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+subroutine compute_curl_one_element(curl_element,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+     xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin, ispec)
+  ! compute curl in elastic elements (for rotational study)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nspec,npoin,ispec
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: ibool
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz
+  ! curl in this element
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: curl_element
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: displ_elastic
+  ! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz
+  ! local variables
+  integer :: i,j,k,iglob
+  ! jacobian
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl
+  ! spatial derivatives
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: duz_dxl,dux_dzl
+  if(elastic(ispec)) then
+     do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+           ! derivative along x and along z
+           dux_dxi = ZERO
+           duz_dxi = ZERO
+           dux_dgamma = ZERO
+           duz_dgamma = ZERO
+           ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+           ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+           do k = 1,NGLLX
+              dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+              duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+              dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+              duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+           enddo
+           xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
+           xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
+           gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
+           gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
+           ! derivatives of displacement
+           dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+           duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+           ! store pressure
+           curl_element(i,j) = - 0.5d0 * (dux_dzl - duz_dxl)
+        enddo
+     enddo
+  else
+     call exit_MPI('no curl in acoustic')
+  endif ! end of test if acoustic or elastic element
+end subroutine compute_curl_one_element

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_curl_one_element.f90
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_elastic.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_elastic.f90	2008-04-03 11:35:00 UTC (rev 11741)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_elastic.f90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
        dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
        hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
        nspec_inner_outer,ispec_inner_outer_to_glob,num_phase_inner_outer,deltat,coord,add_Bielak_conditions, &
-       x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+       x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0, &
+       v0x_left,v0z_left,v0x_right,v0z_right,v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_left,t0z_left,t0x_right,t0z_right,t0x_bot,t0z_bot,&
+       nleft,nright,nbot,over_critical_angle)
 ! compute forces for the elastic elements
@@ -131,6 +133,13 @@
   double precision, dimension(NDIM,npoin), intent(in) :: coord
   double precision x0_source, z0_source, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0
   double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: A_plane, B_plane, C_plane
+!over critical angle
+  logical :: over_critical_angle
+  integer :: nleft, nright, nbot
+  double precision, dimension(nleft) :: v0x_left,v0z_left,t0x_left,t0z_left
+  double precision, dimension(nright) :: v0x_right,v0z_right,t0x_right,t0z_right
+  double precision, dimension(nbot) :: v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_bot,t0z_bot
+  integer count_left,count_right,count_bot
 ! only for the first call to compute_forces_elastic (during computation on outer elements)
   if ( num_phase_inner_outer ) then
@@ -296,6 +305,10 @@
   if(anyabs) then
+    count_left=1
+    count_right=1
+    count_bot=1
     do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
       ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
@@ -310,6 +323,7 @@
 !--- left absorbing boundary
       if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+!!$      if(.false.) then
         i = 1
@@ -320,11 +334,19 @@
 ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
 ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
           if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-            call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,npoin,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                 x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce, angleforce_refl, &
-                 c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-            traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_relaxed+2*mul_relaxed)*dxUx + lambdal_relaxed*dzUz
-            traction_z_t0 = mul_relaxed*(dxUz + dzUx)
+             if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
+               call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,npoin,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                    x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce, angleforce_refl, &
+                    c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+               traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_relaxed+2*mul_relaxed)*dxUx + lambdal_relaxed*dzUz
+               traction_z_t0 = mul_relaxed*(dxUz + dzUx)
+            else
+               veloc_horiz=v0x_left(count_left)
+               veloc_vert=v0z_left(count_left)
+               traction_x_t0=t0x_left(count_left)
+               traction_z_t0=t0z_left(count_left)
+               count_left=count_left+1
+            end if
             veloc_horiz = 0
             veloc_vert = 0
@@ -370,6 +392,7 @@
 !--- right absorbing boundary
       if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
+!!$      if(.false.) then
         i = NGLLX
@@ -380,11 +403,19 @@
 ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
 ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
           if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-            call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,npoin,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                 x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce, angleforce_refl, &
-                 c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-            traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_relaxed+2*mul_relaxed)*dxUx + lambdal_relaxed*dzUz
-            traction_z_t0 = mul_relaxed*(dxUz + dzUx)
+            if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
+               call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,npoin,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                    x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce, angleforce_refl, &
+                    c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+               traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_relaxed+2*mul_relaxed)*dxUx + lambdal_relaxed*dzUz
+               traction_z_t0 = mul_relaxed*(dxUz + dzUx)
+            else
+               veloc_horiz=v0x_right(count_right)
+               veloc_vert=v0z_right(count_right)
+               traction_x_t0=t0x_right(count_right)
+               traction_z_t0=t0z_right(count_right)
+               count_right=count_right+1
+            end if
             veloc_horiz = 0
             veloc_vert = 0
@@ -446,11 +477,19 @@
 ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
 ! top or bottom edge, vertical normal vector
           if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-            call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,npoin,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                 x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce, angleforce_refl, &
-                 c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-            traction_x_t0 = mul_relaxed*(dxUz + dzUx)
-            traction_z_t0 = lambdal_relaxed*dxUx + (lambdal_relaxed+2*mul_relaxed)*dzUz
+            if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
+               call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,npoin,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                    x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce, angleforce_refl, &
+                    c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+               traction_x_t0 = mul_relaxed*(dxUz + dzUx)
+               traction_z_t0 = lambdal_relaxed*dxUx + (lambdal_relaxed+2*mul_relaxed)*dzUz
+            else
+               veloc_horiz=v0x_bot(count_bot)
+               veloc_vert=v0z_bot(count_bot)
+               traction_x_t0=t0x_bot(count_bot)
+               traction_z_t0=t0z_bot(count_bot)
+               count_bot=count_bot+1
+            end if
             veloc_horiz = 0
             veloc_vert = 0

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_beyond_critical.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_beyond_critical.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_beyond_critical.f90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+! This subroutine was written by Paco Sanchez-Sesma and his colleagues
+! from the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico
+! original name : DISTRAFF.f
+!     7 de febrero de 2007
+! modified by Dimitri Komatitsch and Ronan Madec in March 2008
+! in particular, converted to Fortran90 and to double precision
+subroutine paco_beyond_critical(coord,npoin,deltat,NSTEP_global,angleforce,&
+     f0,cp_local,cs_local,INCLUDE_ATTENUATION,QD,source_type,v0x_left,v0z_left,v0x_right,v0z_right,&
+     v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_left,t0z_left,t0x_right,t0z_right,t0x_bot,t0z_bot,left_bound,right_bound,&
+     bot_bound,nleft,nright,nbot,displ_elastic,veloc_elastic,accel_elastic)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision :: f0,cp_local,cs_local,deltat,dt,TP,angleforce,QD,delta_in_period
+  integer :: npt,NSTEP_global,source_type,nleft,nright,nbot,npoin
+  integer, dimension(nleft) :: left_bound
+  integer, dimension(nright) :: right_bound
+  integer, dimension(nbot) :: bot_bound
+  double precision, dimension(nleft,NSTEP_global) :: v0x_left,v0z_left, t0x_left,t0z_left
+  double precision, dimension(nright,NSTEP_global) :: v0x_right,v0z_right, t0x_right,t0z_right
+  double precision, dimension(nbot,NSTEP_global) :: v0x_bot,v0z_bot, t0x_bot,t0z_bot
+  double precision, dimension(2,npoin) :: coord
+  double precision, dimension(2,npoin) :: displ_elastic
+  double precision, dimension(2,npoin) :: veloc_elastic
+  double precision, dimension(2,npoin) :: accel_elastic
+  integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: local_pt
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: temp_field
+  integer :: J, indice, NSTEP_local, FLAG, N, NFREC, NFREC1
+!location point
+  double precision :: X, Z, xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax
+  integer :: inode
+  double complex CAKA,CAQA,UI,UR
+  double complex UX,UZ,SX,SZ,SXZ,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM
+  double complex :: TX,TZ
+  double complex, dimension(:),allocatable::Field_Ux,Field_Uz,Field_Tx,Field_Tz
+  double precision :: TS
+!! move it to move the place where the wave reflects on free surface (offset too)
+  double precision :: offset
+!properties of the model
+  xmin=minval(coord(1,:))
+  xmax=maxval(coord(1,:))
+  zmin=minval(coord(2,:))
+  zmax=maxval(coord(2,:))
+!! DK DK offset of the origin of time of the Ricker (equivalent to t0 in SPECFEM2D)
+  offset=4.d0*(xmax-xmin)/5.d0
+  TS=2.d0/f0
+!! DK DK dominant period of the Ricker ((equivalent to 1/f0 in SPECFEM2D)
+  TP=1.d0/f0
+!!!find optimal period
+!!!if period is too small, you should see several initial plane wave on your initial field
+  delta_in_period=2.d0
+  do while(delta_in_period<1.5*abs(xmax-xmin)/cs_local)
+     delta_in_period=2.d0*delta_in_period
+  end do
+!!!testing of Deltat compatibility
+  DT=256.d0
+  do while(DT>deltat)
+     DT=DT/2.d0
+  end do
+  if (abs(DT-deltat)>1.0d-13) then
+     print *, "you must take a deltat as a power of two (power can be negative)"
+     print *, "for example you can take", DT
+     stop "can't go further, restart with new deltat"
+  end if
+  DT=deltat/2.d0
+  N=2
+  do while(N<2*NSTEP_global+1)
+     N=2.d0*N
+  end do
+  do while(DT<(delta_in_period/N))
+     N=2.d0*N
+  end do
+  print *, 'N found to do frequency calcul :', N
+  print *,'number of discrete frequencies = ',N/2
+  print *,'delta in period (seconds) = ',delta_in_period
+  print *,'delta in frequency (Hz) = ',1.d0/delta_in_period
+  print *,'dt (here we need deltat/2) = ', DT
+  NFREC=N/2
+     !
+     !
+!! calcul of Poisson's ratio
+  ANU = (cp_local*cp_local-2.d0*cs_local*cs_local)/(2.d0*(cp_local*cp_local-cs_local*cs_local))
+  print *,"Poisson's ratio = ",ANU
+  UI=(0.0d0, 1.0d0)
+  UR=(1.0d0, 0.0d0)
+!! DK DK convert angle to radians
+  GAMR = angleforce
+  BEALF=SQRT((1.0d0-2.0d0*ANU)/(2.0d0*(1.0d0-ANU)))
+  ALFBE=1.0d0/BEALF
+  RLM=ALFBE**2-2.0d0
+  !! RM flags: interior=0, left=1, right=2, bottom=3
+  do FLAG=0,3
+     if (FLAG==0) then
+        print *, "calcul of the initial field for every point of the mesh"
+        npt=npoin
+        allocate(local_pt(npt))
+        do inode=1,npt
+           local_pt(inode)=inode
+        end do
+        NSTEP_local=1
+     else if(FLAG==1) then
+        print *, "calcul of every time step on the left absorbing boundary"
+        npt=nleft
+        allocate(local_pt(npt))
+        local_pt=left_bound
+        NSTEP_local=NSTEP_global
+     else if(FLAG==2) then
+        print *, "calcul of every time step on the right absorbing boundary"
+        npt=nright
+        allocate(local_pt(npt))
+        local_pt=right_bound
+        NSTEP_local=NSTEP_global
+     else if(FLAG==3) then
+        print *, "calcul of every time step on the bottom absorbing boundary"
+        npt=nbot
+        allocate(local_pt(npt))
+        local_pt=bot_bound
+        NSTEP_local=NSTEP_global
+     end if
+     !to distinguish all model case and boundary case
+     allocate(temp_field(NSTEP_local))
+     allocate(Field_Ux(NFREC1))
+     allocate(Field_Uz(NFREC1))
+     allocate(Field_Tx(NFREC1))
+     allocate(Field_Tz(NFREC1))
+     if(mod(N,2) /= 0) stop 'N must be a multiple of 2'
+!! DK DK normal vector to the edge at this grid point
+!! DK DK therefore corners between two grid edges must be computed twice
+!! DK DK because the normal will change
+     if (FLAG==1) then
+        VNZ = 0.d0
+        VNX = 1.d0
+     else if (FLAG==2) then
+        VNZ = 0.d0
+        VNX = 1.d0
+     else if (FLAG==3) then
+        VNZ = 1.d0
+        VNX = 0.d0
+     else
+        VNZ = 0.d0
+        VNX = 0.d0
+     end if
+     do indice=1,npt
+        if (FLAG==0) then
+           inode=indice
+           X=coord(1,indice)-offset
+           !!!specfem is implemented from bottom to top whereas for this code
+           !!!we need from top to bottom
+           Z=zmax-coord(2,indice)
+        else
+           inode=local_pt(indice)
+           X=coord(1,inode)-offset
+           !!!specfem is implemented from bottom to top whereas for this code
+           !!!we need from top to bottom
+           Z=zmax-coord(2,inode)
+        end if
+        if (mod(indice,500)==0) then
+           print *, indice, "points have been treated on ",npt," total points"
+        end if
+        !
+        !! DK DK first handle the particular case of zero frequency
+        !
+        TOTO=0.01d0
+        IF (source_type==1) CALL ONDASP(GAMR,0.01d0*BEALF,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,ANU,BEALF)
+        IF (source_type==2) CALL ONDASS(GAMR,TOTO,0.01d0*BEALF,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,ANU,BEALF)
+        IF (source_type==3) CALL ONDASR(0.01d0*BEALF,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,ANU,BEALF)
+        TOTO=0.0d0
+        !! DK DK write the frequency seismograms
+        TX = SX *VNX+SXZ*VNZ
+        TZ = SXZ*VNX+SZ *VNZ
+        Field_Ux(1)=UX
+        Field_Uz(1)=UZ
+        if (FLAG/=0) then
+           Field_Tx(1)=TX
+           Field_Tz(1)=TZ
+        end if
+        !
+        ! then loop on all the other discrete frequencies
+        !
+        do J=1,N/2
+           !! DK DK compute the value of the frequency (= index * delta in frequency = index * 1/delta in period)
+           FJ = dble(J) * 1.d0 / delta_in_period
+           !! DK DK pulsation (= 2 * PI * frequency)
+           AKA=2.0d0*PI*FJ
+           AQA=AKA*BEALF
+           !! DK DK exclude attenuation completely if needed
+           if(INCLUDE_ATTENUATION) then
+              CAKA=CMPLX(AKA,-AKA/(2.0d0*QD))
+              CAQA=CMPLX(AQA,-AQA/(2.0d0*QD))
+           else
+              CAKA=CMPLX(AKA,0)
+              CAQA=CMPLX(AQA,0)
+           endif
+           IF (source_type==1) CALL ONDASP(GAMR,AQA,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,ANU,BEALF)
+           IF (source_type==2) CALL ONDASS(GAMR,AKA,AQA,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,ANU,BEALF)
+           IF (source_type==3) CALL ONDASR(AQA,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,ANU,BEALF)
+           CALL DESFXY(X,Z,source_type,UX,UZ,SX,SZ,SXZ,A1,B1,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM,RLM,ANU)
+           !! DK DK write the frequency seismograms
+           TX = SX *VNX+SXZ*VNZ
+           TZ = SXZ*VNX+SZ *VNZ
+           Field_Ux(J+1)=UX
+           Field_Uz(J+1)=UZ
+           if (FLAG/=0) then
+              Field_Tx(J+1)=TX
+              Field_Tz(J+1)=TZ
+           end if
+        enddo
+        !to convert frequency field in time field
+        !(number at the end are unit numbers for writing in the good file,
+        !in the case of the traction we fill only one file per call)
+        !global model case for initial field
+        if (FLAG==0) then
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Ux,1,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           displ_elastic(1,indice)=temp_field(1)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Uz,1,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           displ_elastic(2,indice)=temp_field(1)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Ux,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           veloc_elastic(1,indice)=temp_field(1)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Uz,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           veloc_elastic(2,indice)=temp_field(1)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Ux,3,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           accel_elastic(1,indice)=temp_field(1)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Uz,3,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           accel_elastic(2,indice)=temp_field(1)
+        !absorbing boundaries...
+        !left case
+        else if (FLAG==1) then
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Ux,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           v0x_left(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Uz,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           v0z_left(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Tx,4,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           t0x_left(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Tz,4,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           t0z_left(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+        !right case
+        else if (FLAG==2) then
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Ux,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           v0x_right(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Uz,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           v0z_right(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Tx,4,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           t0x_right(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Tz,4,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           t0z_right(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+        !bottom case
+        else if (FLAG==3) then
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Ux,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           v0x_bot(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Uz,2,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           v0z_bot(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Tx,4,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           t0x_bot(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+           call paco_convolve_fft(Field_Tz,4,NSTEP_local,dt,NFREC,temp_field,TP,TS)
+           t0z_bot(indice,:)=temp_field(:)
+        end if
+     enddo
+     deallocate(temp_field)
+     deallocate(local_pt)
+     deallocate(Field_Ux)
+     deallocate(Field_Uz)
+     deallocate(Field_Tx)
+     deallocate(Field_Tz)
+  end do
+end subroutine paco_beyond_critical
+  implicit none
+  double precision A1,B1,RLM,ANU,X,Z
+  integer ICAS
+  double complex UX,UZ,SX,SZ,SXZ,A2,B2,AL,AK,AM
+  double complex UI,FAC
+  double complex AUX1,AUX2,FI1,FI2,PS1,PS2
+  UI=(0.0d0,1.0d0)
+  if (A1/=0.0d0) then
+     AUX1=A1*CDEXP(UI*(AM*Z-AL*X))         !campo P incidente
+  else
+     AUX1=CMPLX(0.0d0)
+  end if
+  if (A2/=0.0d0) then
+     AUX2=A2*CDEXP(-UI*(AM*Z+AL*X)) *1.0d0      !campo P reflejado
+  else
+     AUX2=CMPLX(0.0d0)
+  end if
+  FI1=AUX1+AUX2
+  FI2=AUX1-AUX2
+  if (B1/=0.0d0) then
+     AUX1=B1*CDEXP(UI*(AK*Z-AL*X))            !campo S incidente
+  else
+     AUX1=CMPLX(0.0d0)
+  end if
+  if (B2/=0.0d0) then
+     AUX2=B2*CDEXP(-UI*(AK*Z+AL*X)) *1.0d0      !campo S reflejado
+  else
+     AUX2=CMPLX(0.0d0)
+  end if
+  PS1=AUX1+AUX2
+  PS2=AUX1-AUX2
+  IF (ICAS==2)FAC=-UI
+!!!! DK DK Paco's convention is inverted
+  UZ = - UZ
+  SX=(-RLM*AUX1*FI1-2.0d0*AL*(AL*FI1-AK*PS2))*FAC
+  SZ=(-RLM*AUX1*FI1-2.0d0*(AM*AM*FI1+AK*AL*PS2))*FAC
+  SXZ=(2.0d0*AM*AL*FI2+(AL*AL-AK*AK)*PS1)*FAC
+!!!! DK DK Paco's convention is inverted
+  SXZ = - SXZ
+  implicit none
+  double precision CA,CB,A,B
+  double complex FA,FB,ZER,UI
+  ZER=(0.0d0,0.0d0)
+  UI=(0.0d0,1.0d0)
+  A=CA*CA-1.0d0
+  B=CB*CB-1.0d0
+  IF (CA<1.0d0) then
+     FA=-UI*SQRT(-A)
+  else
+     FA=SQRT(A)+ZER
+  end IF
+  IF (CB<1.0d0) then
+     FB=-UI*SQRT(-B)
+  else
+     FB=CMPLX(SQRT(B),0.0d0)
+  end IF
+  implicit none
+  double complex FA,FB,A2,B2,DEN,AUX
+  AUX=FB*FB-1.0d0
+  DEN=4.0d0*FA*FB+AUX*AUX
+  A2=(4.0d0*FA*FB-AUX*AUX)/DEN
+  B2=4.0d0*FA*AUX/DEN
+!! DK DK calculation of P waves
+  implicit none
+  double precision A1,B1,ANU,CA,CB,GP,AQB,BEALF
+  double complex A2,B2,FA,FB,ZER,AL,AK,AM
+  ZER=(0.0d0,0.0d0)
+  BEALF=SQRT((1.0d0-2.0d0*ANU)/2.0d0/(1.0d0-ANU))
+  A1=1.0d0/AQB
+  B1=0.0d0
+  IF (GP==0.0d0) then
+     AL=ZER
+     AK=ZER
+     AM=AQB+ZER
+     A2=(-1.0d0+ZER)/AQB
+     B2=ZER
+     RETURN
+  end IF
+  CA=1.0d0/SIN(GP)
+  CALL A2B2(FA,FB,A2,B2)
+  A2=A2/AQB
+  B2=B2/AQB
+!! DK DK calculation of S waves
+  implicit none
+  double precision A1,B1,ANU,CA,CB,GS,AQB,BEALF,AKB
+  double complex A2,B2,FA,FB,ZER,AL,AK,AM
+  ZER=(0.0d0,0.0d0)
+  BEALF=SQRT((1.0d0-2.0d0*ANU)/2.0d0/(1.0d0-ANU))
+  A1=0.0d0
+  B1=1.0d0/AKB
+  IF (GS==0.0d0) then
+     AL=ZER
+     AK=AKB+ZER
+     AM=ZER
+     A2=ZER
+     B2=(-1.0d0+ZER)/AKB
+     return
+  end IF
+  CB=1.0d0/SIN(GS)
+!! DK DK case of the critical angle
+!! DK DK changed that to be safe    IF (CA==1.0d0)THEN
+  IF (CA==1.d0) then!>= 0.9999d0)THEN
+    AM=ZER
+    AK=AL*FB
+    B2=-B1
+    A2=-4.0d0*COS(GS)*B1/(1./BEALF-2.*BEALF)
+!! DK DK case of an angle that is not critical
+    AK=AL*FB
+    AM=AL*FA
+    CALL A2B2(FA,FB,B2,A2)
+    A2=-A2*FB/FA
+    A2=A2/AKB
+    B2=B2/AKB
+  endif
+!! DK DK calculation of Rayleigh waves
+  implicit none
+  double precision A1,B1,ANU,CA,CB,AQB,BEALF,ba2
+  double complex A2,B2,FA,FB,ZER,AL,AK,AM
+  double precision, external :: crb
+  ZER=(0.0d0,0.0d0)
+  A1=0.0d0
+  B1=0.0d0
+  B2=1.0d0+ZER
+  BEALF=SQRT((1.0d0-2.0d0*ANU)/2.0d0/(1.0d0-ANU))
+  A2=2.0d0*FB/(FB*FB-1.0d0)*B2
+  B2=B2/(AL*A2+AK)
+  A2=A2*B2
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision U3,BA2,P,Q,FIND,F1,F2,F12,FACT,CRB,BEALF
+  U3=1.0d0/3.0d0
+  P=8.0d0/3.0d0-16.0d0*BA2
+  Q=272.0d0/27.0d0-80.0d0/3.0d0*BA2
+  FIND=Q*Q/4.0d0+P*P*P/27.0d0
+  IF (FIND>=0.0d0) then
+     F1=SQRT(FIND)-Q/2.0d0
+     IF (F1>0.0d0) then
+        F1=F1**U3
+     else
+        F1=-(-F1)**U3
+     end IF
+     F2=-SQRT(FIND)-Q/2.0d0
+     IF (F2>0.0d0) then
+        F2=F2**U3
+     else
+        F2=-(-F2)**U3
+     end IF
+     FACT=F1+F2+8.0d0/3.0d0
+     return
+  else
+     F1=-27.0d0*Q*Q/(4.0d0*P*P*P)
+     F1=SQRT(F1)
+     IF (Q<0.0d0) then
+        F1=COS((PI-ACOS(F1))/3.0d0)
+     else
+        F1=COS(ACOS(F1)/3.0d0)
+     end IF
+     F2=-P/3.0d0
+     F2=SQRT(F2)
+     F12=-2.0d0*F1*F2+8.0d0/3.0d0
+     CRB=SQRT(F12)
+     RETURN
+  end IF

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_beyond_critical.f90
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_convolve_fft.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_convolve_fft.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_convolve_fft.f90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+! This subroutine was written by Paco Sanchez-Sesma and his colleagues
+! from the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico
+! modified by Dimitri Komatitsch and Ronan Madec in March 2008
+! in particular, converted to Fortran90 and to double precision
+subroutine paco_convolve_fft(Field,label,NSTEP,dt,NFREC,output_field,tp,ts)
+  implicit none
+  integer :: NFREC,N,NSTEP
+  double complex, dimension(NFREC+1) :: Field
+  double complex CR(2*NFREC)
+  double precision, dimension(NSTEP) :: output_field
+  integer :: J,i,label
+  integer :: beg_UV, end_UV
+  double precision :: AN,FUN,RAIZ,X,Z,dt,tp,ts
+  double precision, external :: RIC, deRIC, de2RIC
+  integer inode
+  N=2*NFREC
+  AN  = N
+  !!!
+  !!!label=1 <=> champ U en entree =>convolution par un ricker pour U
+  !!!label=2 <=> champ U en entree =>convolution par la derivee de ricker pour V
+  !!!label=3 <=> champ U en entree =>convolution par la derivee seconde de ricker pour A
+  !!!label=4 <=> champ T en entree =>convolution par un ricker
+  !!!
+  !!!flag=0 on a besoin de U, V et A (pas T)
+  !!!flag/=0 on a besoin de T et V (pas U ni A)
+  !!!
+  !!!NSTEP==1 <=> FLAG==0 (flags: interior=0, left=1, right=2, bottom=3)
+  !!!
+  do j=1,N
+     if (label==1 .or. label==4) FUN=ric(j,tp,ts,dt)
+     if (label==2) FUN=deric(j,tp,ts,dt)
+     if (label==3) FUN=de2ric(j,tp,ts,dt)
+     CR(j)=CMPLX(FUN,0.0d0)
+  enddo
+  CALL Transform(N,CR,-1.0d0)
+  CALL SINTER(Field,output_field,NSTEP,CR,RAIZ,NFREC,label,dt)
+END subroutine paco_convolve_fft
+  implicit none
+  integer NSTEP, j,jn,nar,N,jstep,jbegin,jend,label,nfrec,mult,delay
+  double precision :: RAIZ
+  double complex VC
+  double precision VT(2*NFREC)
+  double precision :: filt,eta,dt
+  double precision, dimension(NSTEP) :: output_field
+  double complex, dimension(NFREC+1) :: V
+  double complex CY(2*NFREC),CR(2*NFREC)
+  N=2*NFREC
+  CY(1) = CR(1) * V(1) * RAIZ * dt
+  DO J=2,N/2+1
+     FILT = 1.0d0
+     VC   = V(J)
+     CY(J)= CR(J)*VC * RAIZ * dt/ FILT
+     JN = N-J+2
+     CY(JN)=CONJG(CY(J))
+  enddo
+  CALL Transform(N,CY,1.0d0)
+  if (label==1.or.label==3.or.(label==2.and.NSTEP==1)) then
+     !coefs to take wanted time steps (t=0 : first time step)
+     mult=1
+     delay=0
+  else if(label==2.and.NSTEP>1) then
+     !coefs to take wanted time steps (t=i*deltat+1/2 : one step on two starting at 1/2)
+     mult=2
+     delay=0
+  else if(label==4) then
+     !coefs to take wanted time steps (t=i*deltat+1 : one step on two starting at 1)
+     mult=2
+     delay=1
+  end if
+  do J=1,NSTEP
+     CY(mult*J+delay)=CY(mult*J+delay)/RAIZ/dt
+     VT(mult*J+delay)=REAL(CY(mult*J+delay))
+     output_field(J)=VT(mult*J+delay)
+  enddo
+!! DK DK Ricker time function
+FUNCTION RIC(J,tp,ts,dt)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision :: A,RIC,tp,ts,dt
+  integer j
+  A=PI*(dt*(J-1)-ts)/tp
+  A=A*A
+  RIC=0.0d0
+  IF(A>30.0d0) RETURN
+  RIC=(A-0.5)*EXP(-A)
+!! RM time derivative Ricker time function
+FUNCTION deRIC(J,tp,ts,dt)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision :: A,A_dot,deRIC,tp,ts,dt
+  integer :: label,j
+  A=PI*(dt*(J-1)-ts)/tp
+  A=A*A
+  A_dot=2*(PI/tp)**2*(dt*(J-1)-ts)
+  deRIC=0.0d0
+  IF(A>30.0d0) RETURN
+  deRIC=A_dot*(1.5-A)*EXP(-A)
+!! RM second time derivative Ricker time function
+FUNCTION de2RIC(J,tp,ts,dt)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision :: A,A_dot,A_dot_dot,de2RIC,tp,ts,dt
+  integer j
+  A=PI*(dt*(J-1)-ts)/tp
+  A=A*A
+  A_dot=2*(PI/tp)**2*(dt*(J-1)-ts)
+  A_dot_dot=2*(PI/tp)**2
+  de2RIC=0.0d0
+  IF(A>30.0d0) RETURN
+  de2RIC=(A_dot_dot*(1.5-A)-A_dot*A_dot-A_dot*(1.5-A)*A_dot)*EXP(-A)
+!! DK DK Fourier transform
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer LX,i,j,l,istep,m
+  double precision SC
+  double complex CX(LX),CARG,CW,CTEMP
+  double precision SIGNI
+  J=1
+  SC=SQRT(1.0d0/LX)
+  DO I=1,LX
+     IF (I<=J) then
+        CTEMP=CX(J)*SC
+        CX(J)=CX(I)*SC
+        CX(I)=CTEMP
+     end IF
+     M=LX/2
+     do while (M>=1 .and. M<J)
+        J=J-M
+        M=M/2
+     end do
+     J=J+M
+  end DO
+  L=1
+  do while(L<LX)
+     ISTEP=2*L
+     DO  M=1,L
+        CARG=(0.0d0,1.0d0)*(PI*SIGNI*(M-1))/L
+        CW=CDEXP(CARG)
+        DO  I=M,LX,ISTEP
+           CTEMP=CW*CX(I+L)
+           CX(I+L)=CX(I)-CTEMP
+           CX(I)=CX(I)+CTEMP
+        end DO
+     end DO
+     L=ISTEP
+  end do

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/paco_convolve_fft.f90
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2008-04-03 11:35:00 UTC (rev 11741)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
   character(len=150) dummystring
 ! for seismograms
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sisux,sisuz
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sisux,sisuz,siscurl
   integer :: seismo_offset, seismo_current
 ! vector field in an element
@@ -160,9 +160,12 @@
 ! pressure in an element
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: pressure_element
+! curl in an element
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: curl_element
   integer :: i,j,k,l,it,irec,ipoin,ip,id,nbpoin,inump,n,ispec,npoin,npgeo,iglob
   logical :: anyabs
-  double precision :: dxd,dzd,valux,valuz,hlagrange,rhol,cosrot,sinrot,xi,gamma,x,z
+  double precision :: dxd,dzd,dcurld,valux,valuz,valcurl,hlagrange,rhol,cosrot,sinrot,xi,gamma,x,z
 ! coefficients of the explicit Newmark time scheme
   integer NSTEP
@@ -359,6 +362,15 @@
   double precision, dimension(2) :: A_plane, B_plane, C_plane
   double precision :: PP, PS, SP, SS, z0_source, x0_source, xmax, xmin, zmax, zmin, time_offset
+!over critical angle
+  integer , dimension(:), allocatable :: left_bound,right_bound,bot_bound
+  double precision , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: v0x_left,v0z_left,v0x_right,v0z_right,v0x_bot,v0z_bot
+  double precision , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: t0x_left,t0z_left,t0x_right,t0z_right,t0x_bot,t0z_bot
+  integer count_left,count_right,count_bot,itime,ibegin,iend
+!!$  double precision :: a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,sin0,cos0,Zr,Zr_dot,Zr_dot_dot,Zi,Zi_dot,Zi_dot_dot,Cte
+  double precision :: X_temp,Z_temp,ignore
+  logical :: over_critical_angle
 !             i n i t i a l i z a t i o n    p h a s e
@@ -445,7 +457,7 @@
   read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   read(IIN,*) seismotype,imagetype
-  if(seismotype < 1 .or. seismotype > 4) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for seismogram output')
+  if(seismotype < 1 .or. seismotype > 5) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for seismogram output')
   if(imagetype < 1 .or. imagetype > 4) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for snapshots')
   read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
@@ -680,6 +692,7 @@
 !----  read absorbing boundary data
   read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   if(anyabs) then
      do inum = 1,nelemabs
@@ -888,17 +901,19 @@
 !--- save the grid of points in a file
   if(outputgrid) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the grid in a text file...'
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/grid_points_and_model.txt',status='unknown')
-    write(55,*) npoin
-    do n = 1,npoin
-      write(55,*) (coord(i,n), i=1,NDIM)
-    enddo
-    close(55)
+     write(IOUT,*)
+     write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the grid in a text file...'
+     write(IOUT,*)
+     open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/grid_points_and_model.txt',status='unknown')
+     zmax=maxval(coord(2,:))
+     write(55,*) npoin
+     do n = 1,npoin
+        write(55,*) (coord(i,n), i=1,NDIM)
+     enddo
+     close(55)
 !-----   plot the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
@@ -1010,7 +1025,7 @@
     call compute_arrays_source(ispec_selected_source,xi_source,gamma_source,sourcearray, &
-  else
+  else if(.not.initialfield) then
     call exit_MPI('incorrect source type')
@@ -1022,6 +1037,7 @@
 ! allocate seismogram arrays
+  allocate(siscurl(NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,nrecloc))
 ! check if acoustic receiver is exactly on the free surface because pressure is zero there
   do ispec_acoustic_surface = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
@@ -1248,6 +1264,7 @@
   if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_elastic(:)
   if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_acoustic(:)
 ! check the mesh, stability and number of points per wavelength
   call checkgrid(vpext,vsext,rhoext,density,elastcoef,ibool,kmato,coord,npoin,vpmin,vpmax, &
                  assign_external_model,nspec,numat,deltat,f0,t0,initialfield,time_function_type, &
@@ -1466,34 +1483,17 @@
 !----  read initial fields from external file if needed
+! if we are looking a plane wave over critical angle we use other method
+  over_critical_angle=.false.
   if(initialfield) then
      write(IOUT,*) 'Reading initial fields from external file...'
      if(any_acoustic) call exit_MPI('initial field currently implemented for purely elastic simulation only')
-     if(.not. add_Bielak_conditions) then
-        open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/wavefields.txt',status='unknown')
-        read(55,*) nbpoin
-        if(nbpoin /= npoin) call exit_MPI('Wrong number of points in input file')
-        allocate(displread(NDIM))
-        allocate(velocread(NDIM))
-        allocate(accelread(NDIM))
-        do n = 1,npoin
-           read(55,*) inump, (displread(i), i=1,NDIM), (velocread(i), i=1,NDIM), (accelread(i), i=1,NDIM)
-           if(inump<1 .or. inump>npoin) call exit_MPI('Wrong point number')
-           displ_elastic(:,inump) = displread
-           veloc_elastic(:,inump) = velocread
-           accel_elastic(:,inump) = accelread
-        enddo
-        deallocate(displread)
-        deallocate(velocread)
-        deallocate(accelread)
-        close(55)
-     else
 !!$! compute analytical initial plane wave field
 !!$! the analytical expression below is specific to an SV wave at 30 degrees and Poisson = 0.3333
 !!$      print *,'computing analytical initial plane wave field for SV wave at 30 degrees and Poisson = 0.3333'
@@ -1535,16 +1535,23 @@
-      print *,'Number of grid points: ',npoin
+      print *,'Number of grid points: ',npoin,'\n'
       print *,'*** calculation of initial plane wave ***'
       if (source_type == 1) then
          print *,'initial P wave of', angleforce*180.d0/pi, 'degrees introduced...'
       else if (source_type == 2) then
          print *,'initial SV wave of', angleforce*180.d0/pi, ' degrees introduced...'
+      else if (source_type == 3) then
+         print *,'Rayleigh wave introduced...'
          call exit_MPI('Unrecognized source_type: should be 1 for plane P waves, 2 for plane SV waves!')
+      if ((angleforce<0.0d0.or.angleforce>=pi/2.d0).and.source_type/=3) then
+         call exit_MPI("bad angleforce: 0<=angleforce<90")
+      end if
       ! only implemented for homogeneous media therefore only 1 material supported
       if (numat==1) then
@@ -1562,7 +1569,7 @@
             c_inc  = cploc
             c_refl = csloc
-            angleforce_refl = asin(p*csloc)
+            angleforce_refl = asin(p*c_refl)
             ! from formulas (5.26) and (5.27) p 140 in Aki & Richards (1980)
             PP = (- cos(2.d0*angleforce_refl)**2/csloc**3 + 4.d0*p**2*cos(angleforce)*cos(angleforce_refl)/cploc) / &
@@ -1581,15 +1588,15 @@
             C_plane(1) = PS * cos(angleforce_refl); C_plane(2) = PS * sin(angleforce_refl)
          ! SV wave case
-         else
+         else if (source_type == 2) then
             c_inc  = csloc
             c_refl = cploc
             ! if this coefficient is greater than 1, we are beyond the critical SV wave angle and there cannot be a converted P wave
-            if (p*cploc<=1.d0) then
-               angleforce_refl = asin(p*cploc)
+            if (p*c_refl<=1.d0) then
+               angleforce_refl = asin(p*c_refl)
                ! from formulas (5.30) and (5.31) p 140 in Aki & Richards (1980)
                SS = (cos(2.d0*angleforce_refl)**2/csloc**3 - 4.d0*p**2*cos(angleforce)*cos(angleforce_refl)/cploc) / &
@@ -1600,8 +1607,16 @@
                print *,'reflected convert plane wave angle: ', angleforce_refl*180.d0/pi, '\n'
+            !SV45 degree incident plane wave is a particular case
+            else if (angleforce>pi/4.d0-1.0d-11 .and. angleforce<pi/4.d0+1.0d-11) then
+               angleforce_refl = 0.d0
+               SS = -1.0d0
+               SP = 0.d0
-               call exit_MPI('cannot be included for now: SV angle too high, beyond critical angle')
+               over_critical_angle=.true.
+               angleforce_refl = 0.d0
+               SS = 0.0d0
+               SP = 0.d0
             ! from Table 5.1 p141 in Aki & Richards (1980)
@@ -1610,10 +1625,15 @@
             B_plane(1) = SS * cos(angleforce);      B_plane(2) = SS * sin(angleforce)
             C_plane(1) = SP * sin(angleforce_refl); C_plane(2) = - SP * cos(angleforce_refl)
+         !Rayleigh case
+         else if (source_type == 3) then
+            over_critical_angle=.true.
+            A_plane(1)=0.d0;A_plane(2)=0.d0
+            B_plane(1)=0.d0;B_plane(2)=0.d0
+            C_plane(1)=0.d0;C_plane(2)=0.d0;
-         call exit_MPI('not possible for now to have several materials with a plane wave (but could be done one day)')
+         call exit_MPI('not possible to have several materials with a plane wave')
       ! get minimum and maximum values of mesh coordinates
@@ -1622,55 +1642,155 @@
       xmax = maxval(coord(1,:))
       zmax = maxval(coord(2,:))
-      ! initialize the time offset to put the plane wave not too close to the free surface topography
-      if (abs(angleforce)<20.d0*pi/180.d0) then
-         time_offset=-1.d0*zmax/3.d0/c_inc
+      !initializing of the time offset to put the planewave not to close of the irregularity on the free surface
+      if (abs(angleforce)<10.d0*pi/180.d0 .and. source_type/=3) then
+         time_offset=-1.d0*zmax/2.d0/c_inc
+!!$      elseif (abs(angleforce)<31.d0*pi/180.d0 .and. source_type==1) then
+!!$         time_offset=-1.d0*zmax/3.d0/c_inc
+!!$      elseif (abs(angleforce)<29.d0*pi/180.d0 .and. source_type==2) then
+!!$         time_offset=-1.d0*zmax/3.d0/c_inc
       ! to correctly center the initial plane wave in the mesh
-      x0_source=xmin + 1.d0*(xmax-xmin)/3.d0
+!!$      if (abs(angleforce)<1.d0*pi/180.d0) then
+!!$         x0_source=xmin + 1.d0*(xmax-xmin)/2.d0
+!!$      else
+!!$         x0_source=xmin + 1.d0*(xmax-xmin)/3.d0
+!!$      endif
-      do i = 1,npoin
+!!$      x0_source=x_source
+      x0_source=xmin + 1.d0*(xmax-xmin)/4.d0
-         x = coord(1,i)
-         z = coord(2,i)
+      if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
-         ! z is from bottom to top therefore we take -z to make parallel with Aki & Richards
-         z = z0_source - z
-         x = x - x0_source
+         do i = 1,npoin
-         t = 0.d0 + time_offset
+            x = coord(1,i)
+            z = coord(2,i)
-         ! formulas for the initial displacement for a plane wave from Aki & Richards (1980)
-         displ_elastic(1,i) = A_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + B_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + C_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
-         displ_elastic(2,i) = A_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + B_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + C_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            ! z is from bottom to top therefore we take -z to make parallel with Aki & Richards
+            z = z0_source - z
+            x = x - x0_source
-         ! formulas for the initial velocity for a plane wave (first derivative in time of the displacement)
-         veloc_elastic(1,i) = A_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + B_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + C_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
-         veloc_elastic(2,i) = A_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + B_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + C_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            t = 0.d0 + time_offset
-         ! formulas for the initial acceleration for a plane wave (second derivative in time of the displacement)
-         accel_elastic(1,i) = A_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + B_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + C_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
-         accel_elastic(2,i) = A_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + B_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
-              + C_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
-      enddo
-    endif ! add_Bielak
+            ! formulas for the initial displacement for a plane wave from Aki & Richards (1980)
+            displ_elastic(1,i) = A_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + B_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + C_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            displ_elastic(2,i) = A_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + B_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + C_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_displ(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            ! formulas for the initial velocity for a plane wave (first derivative in time of the displacement)
+            veloc_elastic(1,i) = A_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + B_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + C_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            veloc_elastic(2,i) = A_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + B_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + C_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_veloc(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            ! formulas for the initial acceleration for a plane wave (second derivative in time of the displacement)
+            accel_elastic(1,i) = A_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + B_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + C_plane(1) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+            accel_elastic(2,i) = A_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc + cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + B_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce)*x/c_inc - cos(angleforce)*z/c_inc,f0) &
+                 + C_plane(2) * ricker_Bielak_accel(t - sin(angleforce_refl)*x/c_refl - cos(angleforce_refl)*z/c_refl,f0)
+         end do
+      else !over critical angle
+         if (source_type/=3) then
+            print *, '\n You are over critical angle ( > ',asin(c_inc/c_refl)*180d0/pi,')'
+         end if
+         print *, '\n *************'
+         print *, 'We have to calcul initial field in the frequency domain'
+         print *, 'and then pass it in the time domain(can be long... be patient...)'
+         print *, '*************\n'
+!!$         print *, "if first reflection is not at a good place, change TS and offset in paco_beyond_critical.f90 and recompute\n"
+         allocate(left_bound(nelemabs*NGLLX))
+         allocate(right_bound(nelemabs*NGLLX))
+         allocate(bot_bound(nelemabs*NGLLZ))
+         count_bot=0
+         count_left=0
+         count_right=0
+         do ispecabs=1,nelemabs
+            ispec=numabs(ispecabs)
+            if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+               i = 1
+               do j = 1,NGLLZ
+                  count_left=count_left+1
+                  iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                  left_bound(count_left)=iglob
+               end do
+            end if
+            if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
+               i = NGLLX
+               do j = 1,NGLLZ
+                  count_right=count_right+1
+                  iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                  right_bound(count_right)=iglob
+               end do
+            end if
+            if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
+               j = 1
+               ! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+               ibegin = 1
+               iend = NGLLX
+               if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+               if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+               do i = ibegin,iend
+                  count_bot=count_bot+1
+                  iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                  bot_bound(count_bot)=iglob
+               end do
+            end if
+         end do
+         allocate(v0x_left(count_left,NSTEP))
+         allocate(v0z_left(count_left,NSTEP))
+         allocate(t0x_left(count_left,NSTEP))
+         allocate(t0z_left(count_left,NSTEP))
+         allocate(v0x_right(count_right,NSTEP))
+         allocate(v0z_right(count_right,NSTEP))
+         allocate(t0x_right(count_right,NSTEP))
+         allocate(t0z_right(count_right,NSTEP))
+         allocate(v0x_bot(count_bot,NSTEP))
+         allocate(v0z_bot(count_bot,NSTEP))
+         allocate(t0x_bot(count_bot,NSTEP))
+         allocate(t0z_bot(count_bot,NSTEP))
+         !call paco routine to do calcul in frequency and pass in time by fourier transform
+         call paco_beyond_critical(coord,npoin,deltat,NSTEP,angleforce,&
+              f0,cploc,csloc,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,Qp_attenuation,source_type,v0x_left,v0z_left,&
+              v0x_right,v0z_right,v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_left,t0z_left,t0x_right,t0z_right,&
+              t0x_bot,t0z_bot,left_bound(:count_left),right_bound(:count_right),bot_bound(:count_bot)&
+              ,count_left,count_right,count_bot,displ_elastic,veloc_elastic,accel_elastic)
+         print *, '\n ***********'
+         print *, 'initial field calculated, starting propagation'
+         print *, '***********\n\n'
+      endif !over critical angle
     write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm of initial elastic displacement = ',maxval(sqrt(displ_elastic(1,:)**2 + displ_elastic(2,:)**2))
   endif ! initialfield
@@ -1903,7 +2023,7 @@
 ! if acoustic absorbing element and acoustic/elastic coupled element is the same
         if(ispec_acoustic == ispec) then
-           if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM) then
+          if(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM) then
             jbegin_left(ispecabs) = 2
             jbegin_right(ispecabs) = 2
@@ -2212,7 +2332,10 @@
                dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
                hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
                nspec_outer, ispec_outer_to_glob,.true.,deltat,coord,add_Bielak_conditions, x0_source, z0_source, &
-               A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0)
+               A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0,&
+               v0x_left(:,it),v0z_left(:,it),v0x_right(:,it),v0z_right(:,it),v0x_bot(:,it),v0z_bot(:,it), &
+               t0x_left(:,it),t0z_left(:,it),t0x_right(:,it),t0z_right(:,it),t0x_bot(:,it),t0z_bot(:,it), &
+               count_left,count_right,count_bot,over_critical_angle)
 ! *********************************************************
 ! ************* add coupling with the acoustic side
@@ -2304,8 +2427,12 @@
                dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
                hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
                nspec_inner, ispec_inner_to_glob,.false.,deltat,coord,add_Bielak_conditions, x0_source, z0_source, &
-               A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0)
+               A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0,&
+               v0x_left(:,it),v0z_left(:,it),v0x_right(:,it),v0z_right(:,it),v0x_bot(:,it),v0z_bot(:,it), &
+               t0x_left(:,it),t0z_left(:,it),t0x_right(:,it),t0z_right(:,it),t0x_bot(:,it),t0z_bot(:,it), &
+               count_left,count_right,count_bot,over_critical_angle)
 ! assembling accel_elastic for elastic elements (receive)
 #ifdef USE_MPI
  if ( nproc > 1 .and. any_elastic .and. ninterface_elastic > 0) then
@@ -2420,14 +2547,14 @@
 ! loop on all the receivers to compute and store the seismograms
   do irecloc = 1,nrecloc
-     irec = recloc(irecloc)
+    irec = recloc(irecloc)
     ispec = ispec_selected_rec(irec)
 ! compute pressure in this element if needed
     if(seismotype == 4) then
-      call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+       call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
             xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
             numat,kmato,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,ispec,e1,e11, &
@@ -2435,22 +2562,26 @@
     else if(.not. elastic(ispec)) then
 ! for acoustic medium, compute vector field from gradient of potential for seismograms
-      if(seismotype == 1) then
-        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+       if(seismotype == 1) then
+          call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
-      else if(seismotype == 2) then
-        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
+       else if(seismotype == 2) then
+          call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
-      else if(seismotype == 3) then
-        call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic, &
+       else if(seismotype == 3) then
+          call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,accel_elastic,elastic, &
-      endif
+       endif
+    else if(seismotype == 5) then
+       call compute_curl_one_element(curl_element,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+            xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin, ispec)
 ! perform the general interpolation using Lagrange polynomials
     valux = ZERO
     valuz = ZERO
+    valcurl = ZERO
     do j = 1,NGLLZ
       do i = 1,NGLLX
@@ -2459,6 +2590,8 @@
         hlagrange = hxir_store(irec,i)*hgammar_store(irec,j)
+        dcurld=ZERO
         if(seismotype == 4) then
           dxd = pressure_element(i,j)
@@ -2484,11 +2617,18 @@
           dxd = accel_elastic(1,iglob)
           dzd = accel_elastic(2,iglob)
+        else if(seismotype == 5) then
+          dxd = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+          dzd = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+          dcurld = curl_element(i,j)
 ! compute interpolated field
         valux = valux + dxd*hlagrange
         valuz = valuz + dzd*hlagrange
+        valcurl = valcurl + dcurld*hlagrange
@@ -2501,8 +2641,9 @@
       sisux(seismo_current,irecloc) = valux
       sisuz(seismo_current,irecloc) = ZERO
+    siscurl(seismo_current,irecloc) = valcurl
-  enddo
+ enddo
 !----  display results at given time steps
@@ -2699,7 +2840,7 @@
 !----  save temporary or final seismograms
-  call write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,station_name,network_name,NSTEP, &
+  call write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,siscurl,station_name,network_name,NSTEP, &
         nrecloc,which_proc_receiver,nrec,myrank,deltat,seismotype,st_xval,t0, &
         NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,seismo_offset,seismo_current &
@@ -2734,6 +2875,27 @@
   enddo ! end of the main time loop
+  if (over_critical_angle) then
+     deallocate(v0x_left)
+     deallocate(v0z_left)
+     deallocate(t0x_left)
+     deallocate(t0z_left)
+     deallocate(left_bound)
+     deallocate(v0x_right)
+     deallocate(v0z_right)
+     deallocate(t0x_right)
+     deallocate(t0z_right)
+     deallocate(right_bound)
+     deallocate(v0x_bot)
+     deallocate(v0z_bot)
+     deallocate(t0x_bot)
+     deallocate(t0z_bot)
+     deallocate(bot_bound)
+  end if
 !----  close energy file and create a gnuplot script to display it
   if(OUTPUT_ENERGY) then

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.F90	2008-04-03 11:35:00 UTC (rev 11741)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/write_seismograms.F90	2008-04-03 11:52:06 UTC (rev 11742)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ! write seismograms to text files
-  subroutine write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,station_name,network_name, &
+  subroutine write_seismograms(sisux,sisuz,siscurl,station_name,network_name, &
       NSTEP,nrecloc,which_proc_receiver,nrec,myrank,deltat,seismotype,st_xval,t0, &
       NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,seismo_offset,seismo_current &
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   integer, intent(in) :: nrecloc,myrank
   integer, dimension(nrec),intent(in) :: which_proc_receiver
-  double precision, dimension(NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,nrecloc), intent(in) :: sisux,sisuz
+  double precision, dimension(NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,nrecloc), intent(in) :: sisux,sisuz,siscurl
   double precision st_xval(nrec)
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
     component = 'a'
   else if(seismotype == 4) then
     component = 'p'
+  else if(seismotype == 5) then
+    component = 'c'
     call exit_MPI('wrong component to save for seismograms')
@@ -109,6 +111,8 @@
 ! only one seismogram if pressurs
   if(seismotype == 4) then
      number_of_components = 1
+  else if(seismotype == 5) then
+     number_of_components = NDIM+1
      number_of_components = NDIM
@@ -137,6 +141,12 @@
+     open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Curl_file_single.bin',status='unknown')
+     close(11,status='delete')
+     open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Curl_file_double.bin',status='unknown')
+     close(11,status='delete')
    if ( myrank == 0 ) then
@@ -154,13 +164,20 @@
-! no Z component seismogram if pressurs
+! no Z component seismogram if pressure
      if(seismotype /= 4) then
      end if
+! curl output
+     if(seismotype == 5) then
+        open(unit=16,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Curl_file_single.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=4)
+        open(unit=17,file='OUTPUT_FILES/Curl_file_double.bin',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=8)
+     end if
   end if
@@ -174,6 +191,9 @@
            buffer_binary(:,1) = sisux(:,irecloc)
            if ( number_of_components == 2 ) then
               buffer_binary(:,2) = sisuz(:,irecloc)
+           else if ( number_of_components == 3 ) then
+              buffer_binary(:,2) = sisuz(:,irecloc)
+              buffer_binary(:,3) = siscurl(:,irecloc)
            end if
 #ifdef USE_MPI
@@ -184,6 +204,12 @@
            end if
+           if ( number_of_components == 3 ) then
+                   which_proc_receiver(irec),irec,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
+                   which_proc_receiver(irec),irec,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierror)
+           end if
@@ -196,6 +222,8 @@
               chn = 'BHX'
            else if(iorientation == 2) then
               chn = 'BHZ'
+           else if(iorientation == 3) then
+              chn = 'cur'
               call exit_MPI('incorrect channel value')
@@ -251,6 +279,10 @@
            write(14,rec=(irec-1)*NSTEP+seismo_offset+isample) sngl(buffer_binary(isample,2))
            write(15,rec=(irec-1)*NSTEP+seismo_offset+isample) buffer_binary(isample,2)
         end if
+        if ( seismotype == 5 ) then
+           write(16,rec=(irec-1)*NSTEP+seismo_offset+isample) sngl(buffer_binary(isample,3))
+           write(17,rec=(irec-1)*NSTEP+seismo_offset+isample) buffer_binary(isample,3)
+        end if
 #ifdef USE_MPI
@@ -258,9 +290,12 @@
         if ( which_proc_receiver(irec) == myrank ) then
            irecloc = irecloc + 1
-           if ( number_of_components == 2 ) then
+           if ( number_of_components >= 2 ) then
               call MPI_SEND(sisuz(1,irecloc),NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,irec,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
            end if
+           if ( number_of_components == 3 ) then
+              call MPI_SEND(siscurl(1,irecloc),NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMO,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,irec,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+           end if
         end if
@@ -275,6 +310,10 @@
   end if
+  if ( seismotype == 5 ) then
+     close(16)
+     close(17)
+  end if

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